Updating the ports index is slow, but system load is nil

2005-03-01 Thread Richard Bradley

Sometimes (not always) when I do a 'portupgrade', it takes _ages_ to update 
the ports index, without actually placing any noticeable load on the system.

In ports/UPDATING, it says (of make index) This may take an undesirably long 
time.. That would be fine, *if it were doing any work*.

I try to speed it up by reniceing all the processes I can pin down as 
belonging to the portupgrade (is there a recursive renice for child 
processes?), but it makes no difference.

Here's a grab of top, after I've been staring at 
Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..
for about 10 minutes

65942 rich 1010 37396K 27732K select   0:01  4.18%  2.39% kdeinit
62156 rich  960 52072K 40144K select   0:04  1.69%  1.56% kontact
  557 root  960   102M 48316K select  15:39  0.88%  0.88% Xorg
67154 root   8   -5  7304K  7180K wait 0:00  2.96%  0.54% make
67520 root   8   -5   928K   800K wait 0:00  3.00%  0.15% make

notice that
a) there's almost no load on the system
b) I managed to catch some of the make's and renice them
c) It didn't help
These two makes soon disappeared from the top of the list, leaving only 
background processes.

It doesn't have any open network connections, so I'm not waiting for a remote 
machine; it doesn't have any system load so I'm not waiting for processing; 
the hard disk is (largely) idle, so I'm not waiting for i/o, but I am still 

How can I make it stop messing around and get on with it?



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Re: reconfigure php4-extensions

2005-02-03 Thread Richard Bradley
On Thursday 03 February 2005 01:45, albi wrote:
 Richard Bradley wrote:
  Now I want to install some extensions that I didn't choose the first time
  round, but I can't get the menu to reappear.
  I have tried:
  make clean  make
  make deinstall  make reinstall
  make configure

 you might want to try : make distclean
 that did the trick for me afair

Thanks very much.

I'm not sure what did the trick in the end, but some combined effect of the 
following commands sorted it out:

make config  (brought up the menu!)
make   (returned as if everything was already compiled)
make distclean  (did some work)
make(returned as if everything was already compiled)
make install   (compiled the new extension, then asked for a deinstall)
make deinstall
make reinstall

Where is this documented (i.e. is there any way I could have found this out 
for myself)?


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reconfigure php4-extensions

2005-02-02 Thread Richard Bradley

When I installed php4 from a port, I also installed php4-extensions. It gave 
me an ncurses menu to choose from possible extensions.

Now I want to install some extensions that I didn't choose the first time 
round, but I can't get the menu to reappear.

I have tried:

make clean  make
make deinstall  make reinstall
make configure

All of which complete normally, but don't present the menu for me to change 
the options.

What should I do to add a new extension?

Many thanks,

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Re: Designed for FreeBSD stickers

2004-12-08 Thread Richard Bradley
On Wednesday 08 December 2004 3:41 am, Matthias Buelow wrote:
 Richard Bradley wrote:
  ScotGold seems reasonably priced, but once you've bought their minimum
  order of 10, you're again paying almost £5.
  Is there a gap in the market?

 the question is if that would be economical.  do you also buy paper
 clips one at a time? :)

For the vendors, perhaps not, but I've only got one pc :-(, whereas I've got 
lots of paper.

1 Case badge: 35p + 5p VAT
1st class postage (up to 60g): 28p
Total: 68p

I'd pay a pound or two to compensate for the low volume, but I don't really 
want to spend £5 on 68 pence of goods :-(


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Re: Designed for FreeBSD stickers

2004-12-07 Thread Richard Bradley
 Chris Hill wrote:

 On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Matthias Buelow wrote:
  Rod Person wrote:
  Powered By FreeBSD badge...
  I got a batch years ago from ScotGold, which might be nearer for European 
  buyers than freebsdmall:
 I think I got mine from Scot as well, but they don't seem to read 
 Powered by FreeBSD anymore. What's on Scot's page now seems to be also 
 available at

Does anyone know of somewhere (cheap) in the UK that I can get just one badge
from? The best I could find with google was this German place:

With a bit of help from Babelfish (!) I reckon they're selling stickers for 1 
each, which is cheap enough for me, but I think pp was 5 euros, bringing the
whole package to nearly £5!

ScotGold seems reasonably priced, but once you've bought their minimum 
order of 10, you're again paying almost £5.

Is there a gap in the market?


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How to run a stream based command in place on a file

2004-10-18 Thread Richard Bradley

I want to run stream based commands like `sed` and `tr` on the contents of a 
file, and save the results to the same file.

Obviously I can do this with a temporary file:

$sed s/dog/cat/ myanimals.txt  tmp.txt
$mv tmp.txt myanimals.txt

But is there any way I can do this with a single command?

My first guess would be a buffer command that reads a file into memory (or 
into a temp file) then pipes it to stdout, e.g.

$cat myanimals.txt | buffer | sed s/dog/cat/  myanimals.txt

But there isn't one which, in my experience of BSD, means it either wouldn't 
work or there is a better way to do it :-)

Having read through the Bash manual and run some experiments, it seems that 
the  operator truncates an output file to zero length before any commands 
are run.

So my missing command becomes:

$cat myanimals.txt | sed s/dog/cat | bufferedwrite myanimals.txt

I can't find anything like this anywhere -- any ideas what the proper way to 
do this is?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: how to make an executable run as another user

2004-09-18 Thread Richard Bradley
I understand now. Thanks very much for all your help. 


On Saturday 18 September 2004 11:31 am, Matthew Seaman wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 04:53:31PM -0400, mailing lists at MacTutor wrote:
  QUOTE: In most UNIX kernels there exists what is called a 'race
  condition' when executing scripts. Scripts are pieces of code which are
  interpreted by, strangely enough, interpreters. Common examples of
  interpreters are perl, sed, and awk. So when you have in your perl code
  #!/usr/local/bin/perl it tells the operating system to start executing
  the perl interpreter with the current script as input. Between the time
  that the perl interpreter starts executing and the time that it reads
  in your script the 'race condition' exists. At this time, a mischievous
  person could 'win the race' and be able to replace your script with
  another. And if your script is running as setuid, that person's script
  would run as your user! So their script could do anything that you
  could do from the command line. As a result, most UNIX kernels will
  disable users from running scripts as setuid. The most common way
  around this is to create a wrapper program around your script. A
  wrapper, in this context, is a small program, possibly written in C,
  that when executed will simply run your script. The 'race condition'
  does not exist for real executables and so you won't be thwarted by the
  kernel itself.

 Actually, this should no longer be a problem in any up to date version
 of Unix.  The race condition between the kernel reading the script to
 find what interpreter to invoke, and the interpreter then to read and
 interpret the script was solved by having the kernel pass an open
 filedescriptor on the script file to the interpreter.  One way of
 testing if your OS supports this is the presence of 'file descriptor'
 devices under /dev -- eg. under FreeBSD you get:

 happy-idiot-talk:/usr/local/etc:% ls -la /dev/fd/*
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   0 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/0
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   1 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/1
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   2 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/2
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   3 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/3
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   4 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/4
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   5 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/5
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   6 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/6
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   7 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/7
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   8 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/8
 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   22,   9 Jul  5 17:08 /dev/fd/9

 However, the horror has been so beaten into the collective unconscious
 inherited from earlier days of Unix that shell scripts are still
 automatically stripped of any setuid or setgid bits by default on most
 Unix variants.  I did see a setuid 'lp' script as a standard part of
 the lp system on a Solaris 8 box once -- took me a long time to
 convince myself it was actually safe.



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how to make an executable run as another user

2004-09-17 Thread Richard Bradley
Um. I feel silly asking this. But I can't work it out.

I want a shell script to run as another user. I always thought this was easy 
to do with the setuid bit, but never tried it before. I read man chmod and 
found this:

4000(the setuid bit).  Executable files with this bit set will
 run with effective uid set to the uid of the file owner.
s   The set-user-ID-on-execution and set-group-ID-on-execution

And off I went. I wrote a shell script to output the current uid. I chown'ed 
it to another user. I chmod +sed it. I ran it.

It didn't work.


rtb27# cat test
#! /bin/sh
rtb27# ll test
-rwsr-sr-x  1 rich wheel  20 Sep 17 19:34 test
rtb27# ./test

Um. Help?


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/rescue is huge!!

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Bradley
Hi everyone,

I recently tried to add a user to my FreeBSD box, but was amazed to find that 
the / partition was full! I had a look, and the culprit is the /rescue 
folder, holding 135 statically linked binaries of nearly 4Mb each, giving a 
folder size of 491Mb! 

The Handbook says that 100 MB is a reasonable size for this filesystem. You 
will not be storing too much data on it, as a regular FreeBSD install will 
put about 40 MB of data here. (§ 2.5.5). I gave my root partition what I 
thought was a generous 512Mb.

What is going on here? I read the rescue manpage, and while it might be a 
nice thing to fall back on, I can't justify it over being able to add user 

Should I just delete this lot? Should I have a bigger / partition?

Is the handbook out of date in this respect? (/rescue was added in 5.2)

All comments welcome...


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user account woes

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Bradley

I have a phantom user stuck in my system that I can neither use nor delete. I 
have been playing with Virtual Users in pure-ftpd and it seems to have 
messed things around.

Substituting `bob` for the user name, here is some of my command line:

# grep bob /etc/passwd /etc/pwd.db
# pw add user lindalepark
pw: user 'bob' already exists
# grep lindale /etc/passwd /etc/pwd.db
/etc/passwd:lindalepark:*:1003:1003:User :/home/lindalepark:/bin/sh
# pw del user bob
pw: no such user `bob'

If I delete the entry from /etc/passwd, the cycle starts again.

Any hints?


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Re: /rescue is huge!!

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Bradley
On Tuesday 06 July 2004 2:36 am, you wrote:
 In the last episode (Jul 06), Richard Bradley said:
  I recently tried to add a user to my FreeBSD box, but was amazed to
  find that the / partition was full! I had a look, and the culprit is
  the /rescue folder, holding 135 statically linked binaries of
  nearly 4Mb each, giving a folder size of 491Mb!

 Check the inode number of each file in /rescue (ls -li /rescue).
 You'll notice they're all the same, which means they're all hardlinks
 to the same file.  du /rescue should report under 4MB.

 Your space is probably being taken up somewhere else.

That's very strange if true, because since deleting the /rescue folder, the 
used space on / has gone from 550Mb+ to 129Mb. I can't check the inodes now, 
as I have `rm`ed them all!


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Re: /rescue [may or may not have actually been] huge!!

2004-07-05 Thread Richard Bradley
On Tuesday 06 July 2004 3:11 am, you wrote:
 On Tuesday,  6 July 2004 at  2:59:08 +0100, Richard Bradley wrote:
  On Tuesday 06 July 2004 2:36 am, Dan Nelson wrote:
  Check the inode number of each file in /rescue (ls -li /rescue).
  You'll notice they're all the same, which means they're all hardlinks
  to the same file.  du /rescue should report under 4MB.
  Your space is probably being taken up somewhere else.
  That's very strange if true, because since deleting the /rescue

 I'm a little irritated by the use of the term folder.  Do you mean
 mail?  /rescue is a directory.

Yes, I mean directory. I switch between unix and the other OS family and 
sometimes get sloppy with my terminology. Apologies.

  the used space on / has gone from 550Mb+ to 129Mb.

 How do you measure this?  If you created a 100 MB partition or
 thereabouts, you can't store 550 MB in it.

I measured this using kdf. The partition size is 512Mb. I was unable to write 
to the partition, and df was reporting 120% disk usage. Since I rm'ed the /
rescue directory, kdf reports 23% disk usage and I can write to the 

I thought that all the space was being used by /rescue, because kdirstat 
reported the size of the directory at ~400Mb, but after some experimentation, 
it appears kdirstat counts multi-linked files once for each link, so the 
directory may not have been taking up all that space.

Regardless of the accuracy of kdf and kdirstat, I did receive a disk full 
message from pw on a partition which now has 380Mb free, so something funny 
is going on...

 100 MB should be plenty of space for the root file system assuming
 that you have separate /usr and /var file systems (not something that
 I recommend, but that's what the handbook recommends).  I'd guess that
 you've made some mistake somewhere and have been confused by the
 concept of links.

I have almost certainly made a mistake somewhere, but my goal is to find out 
what and not to repeat it. Things seem to be ok now (apart from I have no 
rescue dir).

As far as I can tell, I understand links, but one can rarely know what one 
doesn't know ;-)



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IMPS/2 for mouse-wheel not supported

2004-05-18 Thread Richard Bradley

I have a brand new Microsoft optical wheel mouse with a 'tilt wheel'.

It works as a 3-button mouse under X with:

Option  Protocol  PS/2
Option  Device/dev/psm0

but the wheel doesn't work (i.e. doesn't even show up in `xev`)

The X documentation:
[ http://www.xfree86.org/current/mouse6.html ]
seems to suggest that I use either IMPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2, but both of these 
fail with Protocol not supported.

Does FreeBSD support PS/2 mouse initialization (which the above link says is 
required for these protocols)? Is there a kernel module I need to enable 

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: IMPS/2 for mouse-wheel not supported

2004-05-18 Thread Richard Bradley
 On Tue 2004-05-18 (16:23), Richard Bradley wrote:
  I have a brand new Microsoft optical wheel mouse with a 'tilt wheel'.
  It works as a 3-button mouse under X
  but the wheel doesn't work (i.e. doesn't even show up in `xev`)
  The X documentation:
  [ http://www.xfree86.org/current/mouse6.html ]
  seems to suggest that I use either IMPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2, but both of
  these fail with Protocol not supported.
On Tuesday 18 May 2004 5:42 pm, John Oxley wrote:
 Here is an excerpt from my XF86Config

   Option ProtocolAuto
   Option Device  /dev/sysmouse
   Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 You may also want to include
   Option Buttons 5

I have tried Protocol as Auto, but it had the same effect. I have also 
tried using `moused` and /dev/sysmouse, in each case, everything works 
fine, except the mouse only has 3 buttons and no scroll. (I've tried the -z 
flag to moused as well)

This mouse is a replacement for another wheel mouse (different brand) which 
worked fine. Even when I didn't have ZAxisMapping set up, the wheel showed 
up as a button in `xev`.



 On Tue 2004-05-18 (16:23), Richard Bradley wrote:
  I have a brand new Microsoft optical wheel mouse with a 'tilt wheel'.
  It works as a 3-button mouse under X with:
  Option  Protocol  PS/2
  Option  Device/dev/psm0
  but the wheel doesn't work (i.e. doesn't even show up in `xev`)
  The X documentation:
  [ http://www.xfree86.org/current/mouse6.html ]
  seems to suggest that I use either IMPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2, but both of
  these fail with Protocol not supported.
  Does FreeBSD support PS/2 mouse initialization (which the above link
  says is required for these protocols)? Is there a kernel module I need to
  enable this?
  Any help would be much appreciated.
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Keeping Ports synchronised with Packages

2004-04-22 Thread Richard Bradley
Hi all,

I am getting the impression that I am using the ports and packages system the 
wrong way, but can't find a good tutorial on how to use them to their best. I 
would be quite happy to write one up, but I need to understand it first!

My problem is that my ports tree is always a couple of minor versions ahead of 
the available packages.
(I use `cvsup /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile` as suggested in the 
If I add a program with e.g.

#portinstall gaim

it compiles it from source, and updates a load of libraries and dependent 
ports to the current versions.

This means I have a load of libraries that are different versions to those the 
precompiled packages expect, and some packages even refuse to install.

I end up having to install more and more things from the ports, which is 
slooow (do you have any idea how long it takes to compile kde?) and creates 
even more problems if I try to use a package.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to hold back cvsup to the same version 
as the packages on FreeBSD.org?

On a related note, where do the errors from sysinstall go? It refers to the 
debug screen but I can't find it on any terminal. What about if you run it 
in a konsole or xterm?

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

All the best,


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Re: Keeping Ports synchronised with Packages

2004-04-22 Thread Richard Bradley
On Thursday 22 April 2004 2:29 pm, Andrew L. Gould wrote:
 On Thursday 22 April 2004 07:41 am, Richard Bradley wrote:
  My problem is that my ports tree is always a couple of minor versions
  ahead of the available packages.
  This means I have a load of libraries that are different versions to
  those the precompiled packages expect, and some packages even refuse to

 The way to update your system source and hold back package/port versions is
 to refuse ports.  See:


 Alternatively, you can continue to cvsup ports and then upgrade your
 packages to newer versions using the port portupgrade, which can be found
 at /usr/ports/sysutils/portsupgrade.

 Best of luck,

 Andrew Gould

Perhaps I am confused about the terminology here - by packages I mean 
precompiled programs, and by ports I mean source code  make files for the 
same programs.

I want to keep my programs up to date, and I want to use precompiled versions 
as much as possible because it can take hours to compile a large program. 
However some programs don't have packages, or the packages won't install 
because I have used the ports system and other, required, programs are out of 

If I use `portupgrade -PP` (i.e. forcing it to use packages) it (almost) 
always fails because there are never precompiled packages of the same version 
as my (cvsup'ed) ports tree. 

In the same way, `portupgrade -P` (i.e. try to use packages) is equivalent to 
`portupgrade` (i.e. compile from source) because of the version lag in the 
packages as compared to the ports.

One solution might be to get cvsup to check out slightly older versions of the 
port tree that matches up with the available packages. However this doesn't 
seem possible.


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Re: Keeping Ports synchronised with Packages

2004-04-22 Thread Richard Bradley
On Thursday 22 April 2004 3:25 pm, Andrew L. Gould wrote:
 On Thursday 22 April 2004 08:57 am, Richard Bradley wrote:
  I want to keep my programs up to date, and I want to use precompiled
  versions as much as possible because it can take hours to compile a large
  If I use `portupgrade -PP` (i.e. forcing it to use packages) it (almost)
  always fails because there are never precompiled packages of the same
  version as my (cvsup'ed) ports tree.
  In the same way, `portupgrade -P` (i.e. try to use packages) is
  equivalent to `portupgrade` (i.e. compile from source) because of the
  version lag in the packages as compared to the ports.

 Portupgrade uses the package database of installed applications, which (to
 my knowledge) doesn't care/know whether the package was installed from a
 binary or from the port system.  This assumes that the binary package
 registered the application with the package database.  If you're using
 third-party, binary packages that do not register themselves with the
 package database, keeping applications in sync will probably become a
 manual process.


 'portupgrade -arRP' will upgrade all of the installed packages where it can
 find a binary package or the related port, with a preference for binary
 packages.  If it completes successfully, your packages (binary and port)
 should be in sync.  As long as you don't update your ports tree, it should
 be easy to keep them in sync.  Yes, this can take a long time.  To shorten
 the process, I pkg_delete Open Office and few other huge packages prior to
 portupgrade.  I then manually install the newer binaries after everything
 else has been upgraded.

If I don't update the ports tree, won't portupgrade look for the old versions 
of programs? Without updating the ports, portupgrade won't have anything to 
do, as all my programs would appear to be the current version. Wouldn't they?

 Also, if you recompile the system and kernel, your entire system will be in

That would take _days_! Perhaps this is ok for a server, but I am trying to 
use FreeBSD as a desktop system here. It's taking me all afternoon to 
re-install eclipse (you have to compile java) as things stand.


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