Re: Netbooks & BSD

2010-10-06 Thread bdsfbsd
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:50:12 -0400, Matthias Apitz   

El día Monday, October 04, 2010 a las 11:33:02PM +, Mikle Krutov  

Hello, list!
I'm going to buy a netbook soon, so a question is which one.
The choice is between
1) Samsung N127
2) ASUS Eee PC 900AX
3) MSI U120-094
Which one is the best for running FreeBSD?
"The best" mainly is for opensource (e.g. not ndis) & stable wireless
So, any good experience and suggestions?
Thank you for your time!

I have no idea about which would be the best one,
but I'm using right now (in the moment of typing) an EeePC 900,
details here:
and this is just fine;



+1 on EeePC, mine being the 1000. This uses a not-yet-supported wireless  
card (rt2860), but a driver is available and seems to work fine:
(Contrary to the troll-bait happening in a similar thread right now..)

Matthias took the plunge for KDE, which I do like, but for my Eee I went  
with Xfce. Matthias' work and documentation is more thorough than mine, so  
I'm looking thorough it for ideas.

BTW, the specs on the 900AX make me think that Asus is using the model to  
offload old hardware. But if the price is very low, it still may be worth  
it. Personally I prefer to have an SSD instead of HDD, and I wouldn't want  
a screen any smaller than the 10".

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Re: Like it or not, Theo is having a good laugh ..

2010-10-10 Thread bdsfbsd
On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 12:47:04 -0400, Rob Farmer   

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 05:30, Henry Olyer  wrote:

I'm not sure which writer said it, but whoever it is who started that
paragraph with "Kinda wish you..." you sir are the problem.  Not just a
problem for us FreeBSDer's, but also for American's.

While we are analyzing people's behavior, please don't top-post.

You probably don't see yourself that way.  I understand that.  But what  
are doing is surrilous.  That's when instead of making the points  

"Surrilous" isn't an English word, nor an obvious typo of one, so I
have no idea what you mean here.

your position you resort to name calling and bad mouthing.

Any "name calling" I may have done was only after many other people
did it first - the only difference is every message I've sent has the
list CC'd.

Disagree?  Well, re-read what you wrote.  See what I mean?

I *still* see no explaination of why the EAR doesn't apply or why I am
wrong - just tangents about my world view, etc. The only other person
who actually addressed the issue of US export laws, Robert Bonomi,
largely agreed with me. Is this an overly restrictive and outdated
law? Probably, but it still exists.

Rob, you are not the person that wrote "Kinda wish you...", right? So  
Henry's comments weren't directed at you? I'm just sayin'..

As for this thread, I am so like OMG, whatever, dude. Seriously.

Do we need a separate list for licensing issues and amateur lawyer-ball?  
Because when it comes to legal opinions and forming license policy, I am  
not believing a word I read on this list. Some people may be right, some  
most certainly are not, but this is definitely not the forum for the  
discussion. Perhaps people interpret the word "questions" differently.  
Basically Theo did some bald-faced trolling -- in jest, mind you -- on a  
separate list, and that got imported to this list for more trollish fun.  

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Re: Clean up / filesystem

2010-10-10 Thread bdsfbsd
On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 07:34:40 -0400, Eitan Adler   

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Mike Clarke

On Saturday 09 October 2010, Arthur Chance wrote:

Not if running an X desktop, as all sorts of things get stuck in /tmp
that are needed. In single user mode it should be safe, and it
probably is when simply running on the console.

As a long term solution, if you wish to clear /tmp every reboot add
clear_tmp_enable="YES"  # Clear /tmp at startup.
to your /etc/rc.conf

You may also want to consider changing /tmp to be a TMPFS file system

add the line
tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   rw,mode=01777   0   0

to /etc/fstab (and remove any other /tmp lines).

A warning will come saying that it is highly experimental - but I've
been running with it for a while now without any issues.

I have been using tmpfs (mount /tmp in memory instead of on the hard  
drive) on my netbook to save writes to the SSD, and have had no problems.

While there may be important stuff in /tmp at the moment you are running  
the system for some reason (like X, apparently), there shouldn't be  
anything in there that needs to survive a reboot, if that gives you an  
indication of the safeness of deleting things. That's my understanding, if  
I'm wrong I'd be interested to hear it.

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Re: Jail question

2010-10-18 Thread bdsfbsd
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 09:32:44 -0400, Jerry   

On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 08:35:39 -0400
Fbsd8  articulated:

Check out qjail. It has been submitted for addition to the ports
collection, but the ports dept is very slow in performing their task
of adding new ports to the system. So in the mean time you can get
qjail from here.

I have submitted new ports in the past and they were usually accepted
and posted within a short period of time; usually 2 weeks or so. Perhaps
there is a specific reason why this port has not been accepted/released
into the ports system. Have you, or whom ever submitted the port,
requested clarification as to why it has not been accepted/released?
Before issuing a blank condemnation of the port's department it would
seem like the logical course of action. If you don't receive a
satisfactory reply with two weeks, then it might be worth escalating
the matter.

Just my 2¢.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this conversation between the same people before.

Ah, yes:

Noting that Aiza = FBSD8...
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Re: help

2010-10-19 Thread bdsfbsd

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 07:08:29 -0400, Boris Samorodov  wrote:

yanxinyou  writes:

how i install the firefox flash plugins

PS. You definitely should get acquainted with the FreeBSD Handbook.

Perhaps these are helpful? Just guessing from the name..
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Re: Netbooks & BSD

2010-10-19 Thread bdsfbsd
On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 22:50:05 -0400, Mike Jeays   

On October 19, 2010 10:29:46 pm Gary Kline wrote:

$150 is seriously in my price range [!]  But what about the
optical drive?  If I can buy one on sale and install FBSD from a
CD or DVD, do all optivcal drive fit all notebooks?

(( I remember seeing ads on saying that "people who
purchased this notebook have also bought:)

With a few things that I probably will buy.  An optical, a 16 or
32G SSD ... &c.)  So if there is a fire-sale at Costco or
<> for an HP 9" or 10  Atom notebook, will I be able
to use another vendor's optical drive?


PS:  I really _was_ current on hardware stuff.  Back in the VAX
780 days :-)

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I would expect a USB optical drive to work. I plugged an old DVD drive  
one of those boxes that hold an IDE hard disk and plug into a USB port,  
and it
worked fine on my (Linux) ASUS EeePC 1000. It looked pretty amateurish,  
but it

did work.

BTW, if you're thinking of getting the optical drive just for the install,  
it isn't necessary. Memstick install is really the way to go with these  

To be honest, though, getting FreeBSD running properly on one of these is  
really more of a hobbyist project at the moment, and requires some  
research, time, and experimentation. Yes, I have mine mostly running like  
I want, but I'd be a bit pressed to describe in detail all the steps I  
took, but it was more than a few, and my requirements were minimal. I  
could not give a solid reason for using FreeBSD on my netbook other than I  
felt like it, and because all things being equal I prefer *BSD. Maybe with  
lots of community participation enough documentation could be generated to  
make it more straightforward, but that is not the current state of affairs.


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Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-13 Thread bdsfbsd
On Sat, 13 Nov 2010 12:37:48 -0500, Jerry McAllister   

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 04:08:00PM +0100, Svein Skogen (Listmail  
account) wrote:

Can we add this once-a-month question about Beastie to either the FAQ or
the "resources for newbies" on the website?

Now that is a good idea.


And when someone asks this question, somebody refer them to said FAQ and  
THAT'S IT, instead of this huge list of people saying "oh no, not this  
again", debates on religion, on whether or not the OP is a troll, and some  
outright insulting and rude responses. Please, everyone, the next time  
somebody asks this question, refer to the FAQ (which needs amended,)  
respond off-list, or not at all.

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Re: just found this...

2010-11-26 Thread bdsfbsd
Is "just found this..." a subject? Seriously, how many times do we have to  
ask you to use descriptive subject lines?

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Re: Java plugin with Firefox 3.6

2010-06-07 Thread bdsfbsd

On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 06:46:16 -0400, Harry Matthiesen Jensen

The short answer would be "not yet possible" or "just wait, will come
later"... which in my "world" not is an answer anyone can use..

I've been looking for some indication as to how much later "later" is..  
one week, one month, one year..?

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Re: Java plugin with Firefox 3.6

2010-06-08 Thread bdsfbsd

On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 17:24:47 -0400, Chuck Swiger  wrote:

On Jun 7, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Jerry wrote:
[ ... ]
I honestly enjoy satire. That said, it does not change the fact that a  
serviceable version of Java, suitable for Firefox-3.6, does not exist  
within the FreeBSD framework.

That's pretty much accurate, if you don't want to consider running  
FF+Java under Linux emulation.

[ ... ]

High-level religious arguments aside, could we get a little advice the for  
newbie who wants to try using FreeBSD, but needs Java to work with  
Firefox? (As this is the 'questions' list, and not the 'debate what fBSD  
devs ought to be working on' list.)

Here's what I know, for posterity sake..

Firefox 3.6 needs Java 6 Update 10. [1]

For now, as a newbie, I generally try not to install anything not in the  
ports collection. From there you can find some JREs, but none are at  
Update 10, including Linux emulation. [2] At this time, the highest I see  
there is diablo-jre-

That's okay, I really wanted the full JDK anyway, so I look for that. [3]  
There appears to be four flavors available; diablo-jdk, openjdk, jdk and  

openjdk-7.0.86 (requires diablo-jdk-
jdk- (requires diablo-jdk-, and is "based on  
1.6.0_03 (aka 6u3)")


It looks like the Linux version is the only one up-to-date enough for  
Firefox 3.6. Would that only work with the Linux version of Firefox 3.6?  
If so, then one must go outside of the ports collection to get it. [4] At  
this time, the highest version I see in ports is linux-firefox-devel-3.5.9.

I suspect the best thing to do would be to go with a current JDK and an  
older version of (native) Firefox, and not upgrade Firefox until the JDK  
version gets to Java 6 Update 10, allowing the JDK to upgrade naturally  
along with the rest of keeping my system up to date. If folks in-the-know  
around here agree with that, I'll probably start a new thread 'Which  
JDK?', as I find that confusing.


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Re: Installing 8.1-RELEASE from the memstick

2010-08-01 Thread bdsfbsd

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 05:03:07 -0400,  wrote:

When installing from the 8.1-RELEASE memstick, what is the correct
selection for Installation Media?  I'm not finding any mention of
memstick in the Handbook.

You want USB (assuming you did put the image on an actual memstick and not  
a CD or some other such oddity), but you may have tried that and had the  
some problem I was.

I just did a memstick install yesterday and it wouldn't let me select USB  
as the install media, it said not found or something, but stumbled on the  
simple fix:

When it comes time to select the media, go to the 'View/Set various  
installation options' screen instead. Press up-arrow a couple times to get  
to 'Re-scan devices' and press the space bar. In my case, it happens so  
quick that it doesn't look like anything actually happens, but it did  
really do something. Press Q to go back to the install menu, and go ahead  
to 'Media' and pick USB. It should then say 'Using USB device: da0a'.


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Re: Browser choices & flash

2010-09-08 Thread bdsfbsd

On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 07:46:53 -0400, Robert Huff  wrote:

David Southwell writes:


 Most reliable browser combination and recomendations of specific
 port combinations which can deliver reliable browsing including
 flash capability.

What "works" for me - doesn't crash, but sometimes can't handle
the content - is:

firefox-3.6.8 (or)

installed per the Handbook.  A minor annoyance is the wrapper
doesn't exit cleanly and tends to leave hung jobs; not noticeable
resource sink, until you have 20+ of them 

Robert Huff

Here is a possible fix available to the hung jobs problem:
(Not my work, I'm just pointing to it.)

Although instead of a cron job I actually just use a launcher on a desktop  
panel that does killall -9 npviewer.bin (and IIRC rm npviewer.bin.core* or  
something like that, sorry it isn't in front of me right now.) This works  
for me because I only really need it after the wife has been playing games  
on Facebook using Firefox. I use Opera with www/opera-linuxplugins and  
don't have any problems.

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Re: this is probably a little touchy to ask...

2010-09-15 Thread bdsfbsd
On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 12:46:35 -0400, Michel Talon   

Jerry said:

"Starting in Firefox 3.6, you also need the new Java plugin included in
Java 6 Update 15 and above."

OK, this explains why my plugin doesn't work. So the only solution is to
use the port firefox35 hoping that other components (flash plugin
support) also work in this case.

This, by the way, is probably the correct and only answer the OP was  
looking for. I had Java working just fine in a previous install, but  
hadn't bothered with it lately so I didn't want to answer the OP and  
possibly misinform. The OP didn't mean to troll (thus the non-descriptive  
yet truthful subject line), but we got treated to a big pointless  
discussion of whether or not Java is useful/evil anyway, with the added  
joy for some of us of receiving many copies of the responses thanks to the  
cross-posting. Sometimes people just want the _technical_ answer, not the  
_political_ one, regardless of the strength of your convictions.

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Re: Widescreen Monitor and X Help please

2010-09-22 Thread bdsfbsd

On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 04:11:17 -0400, Scott Ballantyne  wrote:


Unfortunately I've hit a snag with X. I have an LG "Flatron" W2253, a
5750 graphics card and I have not been able to get them to work with X
at all.

Following the handbook's instructions:

Xorg -config

with and without the -retro option just give me a black screen from
which there is no escape. I have to log into the machine from
somewhere else on the network to reboot it. Killing the Xorg process
doesn't help.

So if you return to the tty that you started X from (maybe by Alt-F1) and  
hit Ctrl-C, that doesn't kill your X session? Reboot seems a bit drastic.

Following the instructions on widescreen monitors, I have extracted a
modeline from the log files:


None of this has helped. If anyone can assist me, I would be very

Thanks a lot,

I struggled with widescreen config for a while until I realized the Tao  
solution was best - have you tried starting X without any  
/etc/X11/xorg.conf at all?

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