2006-04-19 Thread Joe Marcus Clarke
Hash: SHA1

Duane Whitty wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm contemplating installing GNOME .  I am currently
> using KDE.  Does anyone know of any issues I should
> be aware of before I proceed.  I'm mostly concerned
> about dependency issues, especially wtih respect to the
> xorg clients and firefox.
> Essentially I would like to be able to choose which
> environment I am going to run on a per-session basis.
> Any hints, pointer, RTFMs, would be greatly appreciated. should get you started.  Check out the
FAQ.  You can get more help from freebsd-gnome@ or on IRC.


> Sincerely,
> Duane Whitty

- --
Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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2006-04-19 Thread Harley D. Eades
> I'm contemplating installing GNOME .  I am currently
> using KDE.  Does anyone know of any issues I should
> be aware of before I proceed.  I'm mostly concerned
> about dependency issues, especially wtih respect to the
> xorg clients and firefox.
> Essentially I would like to be able to choose which
> environment I am going to run on a per-session basis.
> Any hints, pointer, RTFMs, would be greatly appreciated.
I am running the current GNOME release and I have experienced
zero problems.  The only thing I don't like about my current
installation is that the GNOME systrey does not work.  Besides
that it runs very nicely.

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2006-04-19 Thread Paul Schmehl

Duane Whitty wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm contemplating installing GNOME .  I am currently
using KDE.  Does anyone know of any issues I should
be aware of before I proceed.  I'm mostly concerned
about dependency issues, especially wtih respect to the
xorg clients and firefox.

Essentially I would like to be able to choose which
environment I am going to run on a per-session basis.
Any hints, pointer, RTFMs, would be greatly appreciated.

I just switched from Gnome to KDE because I had to many problems with 
Gnome.  KDE is a much more finished product (IMNSHO) and it's much 
easier to work with regarding adding new menus, printer configuration 
and other things that are the real reason you have a desktop.

Gnome requires dbus and seems to have problems connecting to it at 
times.  Gnome updates are also a royal PITA (keep in mind, I haven't 
done a KDE update yet), and I got tired of having to run and rerun the 
updates to try and get everything working right again.  It also 
generates a bunch of errors that I was never able to successfully 
eradicate, some of which make no sense.

Gnome is "prettier" (IMNSHO), but pretty is secondary to functionality, 
and KDE has Gnome beat hands down in that category.

Don't shoot - just one man's opinion.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature


2006-04-19 Thread Duane Whitty

Duane Whitty wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm contemplating installing GNOME .  I am currently
using KDE.  Does anyone know of any issues I should
be aware of before I proceed.  I'm mostly concerned
about dependency issues, especially wtih respect to the
xorg clients and firefox.

Essentially I would like to be able to choose which
environment I am going to run on a per-session basis.
Any hints, pointer, RTFMs, would be greatly appreciated.


Duane Whitty

Perhaps I should be more clear.  Is there anyone reading
who currently has KDE 3.5.x and GNOME 2.12.x installed
concurrently on their systems?  Did you experience installation
problems with respect to dependencies?   Are you able to choose
between running KDE and GNOME as simply as by running
startkde or startgnome (or whatever the start gnome command is)?

I like KDE and some of its applications and I don't necessarily wish
to switch to using something else exclusively.  I have many good
things about GNOME and would like to try it out.  I want to be able
to switch back-and-forth whenever I want.  Has anyone else tried this?

Thanks for your responses.


Duane Whitty


I looked at the FAQ and DOCs but
didn't see this mentioned. Did I miss
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2006-04-19 Thread Greg Groth

Perhaps I should be more clear.  Is there anyone reading
who currently has KDE 3.5.x and GNOME 2.12.x installed
concurrently on their systems?  Did you experience installation
problems with respect to dependencies?   Are you able to choose
between running KDE and GNOME as simply as by running
startkde or startgnome (or whatever the start gnome command is)?

I like KDE and some of its applications and I don't necessarily wish
to switch to using something else exclusively.  I have many good
things about GNOME and would like to try it out.  I want to be able
to switch back-and-forth whenever I want.  Has anyone else tried this?

Thanks for your responses.


Duane Whitty

I have both installed on a 6.0 box, had no real problems with 
dependencies that I can recall.  I use KDM to switch between the two.

Greg Groth
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2006-04-19 Thread David J Brooks
On Wednesday 19 April 2006 13:34, Duane Whitty wrote:

> Perhaps I should be more clear.  Is there anyone reading
> who currently has KDE 3.5.x and GNOME 2.12.x installed
> concurrently on their systems?  Did you experience installation
> problems with respect to dependencies?   Are you able to choose
> between running KDE and GNOME as simply as by running
> startkde or startgnome (or whatever the start gnome command is)?
> I like KDE and some of its applications and I don't necessarily wish
> to switch to using something else exclusively.  I have many good
> things about GNOME and would like to try it out.  I want to be able
> to switch back-and-forth whenever I want.  Has anyone else tried this?
> Thanks for your responses.

I have both Kde 3.5.2 and Gnome 2.12 installed. I don't actually use gnome, 
but I need several parts of it as dependencies for other packages that I do 
run, and having enough drive space to do so, I just keep the whole thing up 
to date. Both run without any problems.

FWIW, I have the opposite opinion from Paul on which is prettier. I think Kde 
is much more attractive than the rather spartan Gnome environment.

Sure God created the world in only six days,
but He didn't have an established user-base.
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2006-04-19 Thread MBGaskins
David J Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/19/2006 04:30:16 PM:
> I have both Kde 3.5.2 and Gnome 2.12 installed. I don't actually use 
> but I need several parts of it as dependencies for other packages that I 
> run, and having enough drive space to do so, I just keep the whole thing 
> to date. Both run without any problems.
> FWIW, I have the opposite opinion from Paul on which is prettier. I 
think Kde 
> is much more attractive than the rather spartan Gnome environment.
> David

I've got both KDE and Gnome working fine on my Gentoo system at home (I 
use FreeBSD for server use more than desktop), and they play together just 

As yet another oddball opinion on the subject, I find KDE to be 
graphically prettier, but Gnome has a better "flow" to it.  It's a bit 
more subdued (KDE seems to be very "in your face").  Also, the rendered of 
KDE just seems to mess stuff up more often.  Desktop icon labels are cut 
off in the middle of a word  for example, or toolbar icon labels have an 
"off center" appearance to them.  I used KDE almost exclusively since 
Mandrake 5.1, but I've switched to Gnome as my primary interface as of 
Gnome 2.10.

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2006-04-19 Thread pete wright
On 4/19/06, Duane Whitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Duane Whitty wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm contemplating installing GNOME .  I am currently
> > using KDE.  Does anyone know of any issues I should
> > be aware of before I proceed.  I'm mostly concerned
> > about dependency issues, especially wtih respect to the
> > xorg clients and firefox.
> >
> > Essentially I would like to be able to choose which
> > environment I am going to run on a per-session basis.
> > Any hints, pointer, RTFMs, would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Duane Whitty
> Perhaps I should be more clear.  Is there anyone reading
> who currently has KDE 3.5.x and GNOME 2.12.x installed
> concurrently on their systems?  Did you experience installation
> problems with respect to dependencies?   Are you able to choose
> between running KDE and GNOME as simply as by running
> startkde or startgnome (or whatever the start gnome command is)?

I have this same setup (plus xfce4/fvwm2) and have no problems.  Been
doing it for a while via both ports and packages and they work like a
charm.  i'd suggest using packages, unless you have time to build
everything from scratch.  so yea, i can happily report no issues going
this route.


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group
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2006-04-19 Thread Duane Whitty

Duane Whitty wrote:


... I want to be able to switch back-and-forth whenever I want.  Has 
anyone else tried this?

Thanks for your responses.


Duane Whitty

Thanks again for the responses.

I am now busily building GNOME 2.12
from ports.


Duane Whitty
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2006-04-20 Thread fbsd

Duane Whitty wrote:

Duane Whitty wrote:


... I want to be able to switch back-and-forth whenever I want.  Has 
anyone else tried this?

Thanks for your responses.


Duane Whitty

Thanks again for the responses.

I am now busily building GNOME 2.12
from ports.


Duane Whitty


I tried this and found that Gnome stuffed up my KDE menus. Menus items 
were rearranged, a new category called "KDE" appeared and most items 
were now under this. Some items were missing. In short, it had become 
Gnomified! Googling and posting this this mailing list confirmed that 
Gnome was interfering with KDE but nobody was able to tell me how to get 
my menus back.

I eventually removed Gnome altogether which presented another problem. 
You can't  remove Gnome without removing KDE and pretty all programs 
that depend on X as well. (at least I couldn't using the removal 
instructions provided on the Gnome on FreeBSD web site).

But since you are already installing, this email may be too late.


Ron Joordens

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2006-04-20 Thread Odhiambo Washington
* On 20/04/06 13:19 +0200, Andreas Davour wrote:
| On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Paul Schmehl wrote:
| >I just switched from Gnome to KDE because I had to many problems with 
| >Gnome. KDE is a much more finished product (IMNSHO) and it's much 
| >easier to work with regarding adding new menus, printer configuration 
| >and other things that are the real reason you have a desktop.
| >
| >Gnome requires dbus and seems to have problems connecting to it at 
| >times. Gnome updates are also a royal PITA (keep in mind, I haven't 
| >done a KDE update yet), and I got tired of having to run and rerun the 
| >updates to try and get everything working right again.  It also 
| >generates a bunch of errors that I was never able to successfully 
| >eradicate, some of which make no sense.
| >
| >Gnome is "prettier" (IMNSHO), but pretty is secondary to functionality, 
| >and KDE has Gnome beat hands down in that category.
| Agree.
| >Don't shoot - just one man's opinion.
| Seconded. KDE updates works much better, and the developers don't call 
| you an idiot if you ask them why they took a specific design decision.

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Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.
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2006-04-20 Thread Stijn Hoop
[lots of religous Gnome vs KDE stuff snipped] 

Guys, can we lay off the FUD?

It's just a matter of taste. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
Both have great support in FreeBSD, and both ports teams work together
to produce two great desktops. The existance of one does not belittle
the other. Choose the one that you like, and refrain from spouting
random nonsense about the other. Or just use both when appropriate.

Come back here when you've got specific problems with either one and
there will be people happy to help you solve them.

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2006-04-20 Thread Conrad J. Sabatier
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 14:58:42 -0300
Duane Whitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm contemplating installing GNOME .  I am currently
> using KDE.  Does anyone know of any issues I should
> be aware of before I proceed.  I'm mostly concerned
> about dependency issues, especially wtih respect to the
> xorg clients and firefox.
> Essentially I would like to be able to choose which
> environment I am going to run on a per-session basis.
> Any hints, pointer, RTFMs, would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, KDE and GNOME can both co-exist peacefully on the same system.

As for an easy way to select which desktop/window manager you want to
use, check out x11-wm/selectwm.

Conrad J. Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- "In Unix veritas"
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Re: KDE, Gnome not coming down via cvsup

2003-12-16 Thread Kent Stewart
On Tuesday 16 December 2003 08:00 pm, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I run cvsup to get the ports collection updates about once or twice a week.
> I noticed that the list of ports on the FreeBSD website has separate
> categories for KDE and Gnome.  However, when I cvsup with 'ports-all' in my
> cvsup file, I don't get these directories in /usr/ports/.
> Is this an issue for some reason, or just a silly oversight of mine?
> NOTE: Please CC me, as I am not currently subscribed.  Thanks.

They go in the distfiles directory when you download the source tarballs. To 
populate them

cd /usr/ports/x11/kde3
make fetch-recursive



will be populated :). The tarballs for all of the dependancies that you don't 
have the source for will aslo be fetched.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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Re: KDE, Gnome not coming down via cvsup

2003-12-17 Thread Nelis Lamprecht
On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 08:37, Kent Stewart wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 December 2003 08:00 pm, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I run cvsup to get the ports collection updates about once or twice a week.
> > I noticed that the list of ports on the FreeBSD website has separate
> > categories for KDE and Gnome.  However, when I cvsup with 'ports-all' in my
> > cvsup file, I don't get these directories in /usr/ports/.
> >
> > Is this an issue for some reason, or just a silly oversight of mine?
> >
> > NOTE: Please CC me, as I am not currently subscribed.  Thanks.
> >
> They go in the distfiles directory when you download the source tarballs. To 
> populate them
> cd /usr/ports/x11/kde3
> make fetch-recursive
> and
> /usr/ports/distfiles/KDE
> will be populated :). The tarballs for all of the dependancies that you don't 
> have the source for will aslo be fetched.
> Kent

I think he is referring to:


..which are generated specifically for the www documentation and contain
all ports that apply to each window manager. These ports are also in
/usr/ports but are placed in their relative categories. They are not all
installed as part of the gnome or kde base systems.

You can run something like "make search key=gnome" or "make search
key=kde" in /usr/ports to get a list of ports used by gnome/kde.
You can replace gnome/kde with any keyword you like to be more specific
on your search.

Nelis Lamprecht
"Unix IS user friendly.. It's just selective about who its friends are."

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Re: KDE, Gnome not coming down via cvsup

2003-12-17 Thread Matthew Seaman
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 04:00:14AM +, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:

> I run cvsup to get the ports collection updates about once or twice a week.
> I noticed that the list of ports on the FreeBSD website has separate
> categories for KDE and Gnome.  However, when I cvsup with 'ports-all' in my
> cvsup file, I don't get these directories in /usr/ports/.
> Is this an issue for some reason, or just a silly oversight of mine?

These are so called 'virtual' categories, which means essentially what
you've observed: the port has the entry in it's CATEGORIES variable,
but there isn't a corresponding directory in the ports tree.  A
virtual category cannot be the first category in the list.

Virtual categories exist to provide alternate routes to locating a
port or package via the web site.  If they are sufficiently popular,
eventually they may transform into a real category, as happened to the
'dns' category fairly recently.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
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