Re: minor vi/vim qstn

2013-09-26 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:47:08 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
>   dunno how you know im using the zsh, but yup.

This is because of my magical allknowinglyness. :-)

You wrote:

> > > pts/14 17:11  [5011] vi!
> > > zsh: command not found: vi!
This gave me the impression you're using the Z shell.

The C shell says:

% vi!
vi!: Command not found.

And bash says:

$ vi!
bash: vi!: command not found

So the shell that says "zsh" should be the Z shell, or a different
shell that's just lying. :-)

>  with the bang stuff
>   if you do a 
>   % !-3
>   you go back three vi cmds.  !-N, N cmds. 

Yes, this also works in C shell. You can use the "h" (or "history")
builtin command to get an impression of content of the last commands
submitted to the shell.

At least in csh,

% !-1


% !!

and repeats the last command.

You could use the following command to print the last 20 commands
with the relative number (-1, -2, -3 and so on) printed infront of

% history 20 | awk 'BEGIN {cmds=20} { printf("\t%2d\t%s\n", -(cmds-i), 
$0); i++ }'

It's probably a good idea to define an alias for that, like "h20"
(history of last 20 commands).

You could also use the zsh's equivalent of the "precmd" alias: It
is a command that will be executed prior to displaying the shell
prompt, so after you're done with a command, the last commands
(maybe shortened to 10, just substitute the two appearances of
the "20" to "10") will be displayed before the prompt appears;
this will make it easier (and save keystrokes) to check the last
commands and maybe repeat one.

Downside: The command "pollutes" the list of commands with itself,
so it should probably be grepped away.

% history 20 | awk 'BEGIN {cmds=20} { printf("\t%2d\t%s\n", -(cmds-i), 
$0); i++ }' | grep -v "history"

It might be good to define a better exclusion pattern than just
"history" because that might lead to false-positives. I'd suggest
to rename the variables in the awk script to something unique and
then grep for those instead...

>   thankfully there are shortcuts!

And shell aliases. :-)

>   ps: zsh is sort of a ksh clone; I remember porting the zsh onto
>   my 286 in 1989.  got a lot of csh-isms :)

The Z shell combines nice interactive features of the C shell
(to be correct: the tcsh) and the scripting features of sh and
bash. It's considered one of the most powerful shells. So it's
a wise move to use it, because it combines "the _good_ things of
both worlds" (and not the bad things, as the csh is a terrible
scripting shell, just as plain sh is an awful dialog shell).

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-26 Thread Adrian Chadd
The cache alignment happens because it hits a specific size threshold, and
jemalloc/phkmalloc(I think!) just round everything up to be page size

The underlying problem may actually be a code change to how the math is
done. It just runs slower on page-aligned alignments..


On 22 September 2013 05:10, Eduardo Morras  wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:53:36 -0700
> Adrian Chadd  wrote:
> > .. just as a data point - there was a thread a while ago about numeric
> > processing performance on linux vs bsd.
> >
> > It all boiled down to how jemalloc versus the linux allocator(s) allocate
> > blocks. jemalloc will page align things after a certain size. Linux
> didn't.
> > So when doing numeric processing, there was a lot of cache aliasing going
> > on leading to inefficient cache usage and redundant memory operations.
> >
> > When the same workload on Linux was run on FreeBSD but with the Linux
> > library/allocators, the performance was identical.
> >
> > No-one followed through. I think I may have to write a blog post about
> it.
> There's no MALLOC_OPTIONS flag to set/unset this, but adding a new flag to
> disable a feature is easier (or should be) than implementing new one. The
> only problem I see to this is if the cache align happens at sbrk/mmap level.
> >
> > -adrian
> > ___
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> ---   ---
> Eduardo Morras 
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Re: FreeBSD 8.4 Boot failure

2013-09-26 Thread Tyler Sweet
Well, I wasn't able to continue troubleshooting. I took the
opportunity that the server was already down to upgrade the BIOS. HP
kindly does not provide any checks or warnings letting you know that
you need to do a stepped upgrade, so the server is bricked. *sigh*. So
this likely won't get investigated more. I'll be setting up a new
server and attempting to import the zpools there.

Thank for your advice anyhow! If this happens again on another server,
I'll see about trying more things.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:46 AM, Tyler Sweet  wrote:
> Luckily, in this case, I had set a cron job long, long ago to do daily
> snapshots. So I have a snapshot from before the upgrade - There are
> indeed two different loaders. The newer one matches "zfs" when
> grepped, the older one does not... But, since it was working before, I
> restored the older loader and tried to boot again. No dice - it still
> sticks at that screen where all I see is "/" in the upper left.
> I also tried putting the older zfsboot and zfsloader back in place
> (with the old loader) to try and get a different error - still no
> dice. I'm still stuck wondering if that screen is from FreeBSD
> attempting to boot, or from the BIOS - but nothing changed for
> booting, as far as I know. I'll poke through the BIOS more tomorrow as
> well to see if some option got reset during a power-off.
> I'll get a more thorough look at what all changed in /boot tomorrow
> too, and get a list of all the files. It's almost 4am here and I have
> to work tomorrow :) (well, today I suppose). I'll also check to see if
> I can find anything about if zfs boot works differently in 8.4 vs 8.3
> and older, as I may not have rebooted after the final "freebsd-update
> install" command (I *think* I did, but my memory gets fuzzy).
> Thanks for the input! I hope you have a good morning, and I'll let you
> know tomorrow/later today with anything new and interesting I find :)
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Terje Elde  wrote:
>> On 25. sep. 2013, at 06:59, Tyler Sweet  wrote:
>>> I tried reinstalling the boot blocks from both
>>> the fixit live filesystem and also mounting zroot and using the files
>>> there in case they were different.
>> Disclaimer: I haven't gotten (enough) morning-coffee yet, but...
>> Disclaimer 2: at times tracking how zfs-booting is done in the different 
>> versions can be a bit tricky. This is a moving target, and I've lost track 
>> of the 8-branch.
>> That said, assuming you have the correct bootcode (gptzfsboot), here's what 
>> might have happened:
>> You installed 8.2, with a loader supporting zfs. Then you upgraded your 
>> /boot-stuffs, and bootcode on disk (correctly), but got left with a loader 
>> without zfs support. Then tried to upgrade the bootcode, but you're still 
>> left with a loader not supporting zfs.
>> If I recall correctly, then the zfs-bootcode for 9+ will use "zfsloader" 
>> (supporting zfs and built by default), while earlier versions depend on 
>> "loader" with zfs support (built without by default).
>> If that's the case, you could dump LOADER_ZFS_SUPPORT into /etc/make.conf 
>> and rebuild/reinstall it, or install /boot/loader from the fixit (if it has 
>> zfs support in 8.4).
>> That's my first thought at least... If that  doesn't fix it (remember 
>> backups of any files you replace or upgrade), it'd be interesting to see the 
>> output of:
>> ls -l /boot/*loader /boot/*boot
>> On the /boot you're using. Anything that didn't get built or installed?
>> Also, did you snapshot your zfs before upgrading? Could be a working 
>> /boot/loader there, which might be the easiest way to get the system up, 
>> before rebuilding with ZFS-capable loader... if I'm right, which isn't a 
>> given (ref disclaimers).
>> Terje
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Re: Problems with 9.2-RC3

2013-09-25 Thread Walter Hurry
On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:46:39 -0300, Joseph Mingrone wrote:

> Walter Hurry  writes:
>> Running 9.2-RC4 in a VirtualBox VM, I am having a few problems.
>> FreeBSD freebsd.vm 9.2-RC3 FreeBSD 9.2-RC3 #1 r254965: Wed Aug 28
>> 04:17:40 BST 2013 r...@freebsd.vm:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VM4  amd64
>> At this stage I am reluctant to file PRs, as doubtless some of these
>> are of my own making.
>> The first is that I cannot get port devel/xdg-utils to install. The
>> error is:
>> ===>  Installing for xdg-utils- ===>   Registering
>> installation for xdg-utils- pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
>> desktop-icon.1): No such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
>> desktop-menu.1): No such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg- email.1): No
>> such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
>> icon-resource.1): No such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg- mime.1): No
>> such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg- open.1): No
>> such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
>> screensaver.1): No such file or directory pkg-static:
>> lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg- settings.1):
>> No such file or directory *** [fake-pkg] Error code 74
>> What have I done wrong? It seems fine on 9.1 and 10.0.
> There were some staging problems with ports.  Update your ports tree
> then upgrade ports-mgmt/pkg and the problem should resolve itself.


I cleared down the ports tree, did a fresh 'portsnap fetch extract', and 
all is now well in this regard.

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Re: minor vi/vim qstn

2013-09-25 Thread Gary Kline
Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
Of_Interest: With 27 years  of service  to the  Unix  community.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 03:06:00AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:21:04 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
> > Of_Interest: With 27 years  of service  to the  Unix  community.
> > 
> > On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 12:23:27AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > > On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:27:41 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > > > am I misremembering this feature, or didnt vi have a syntax 
> > > > where
> > > > you typed something like:
> > > > 
> > > > % vi[#] or % vi [-2]  [or vi [-N]
> > > > 
> > > > to repeat the last or the second from last  command?  with my
> > > > shoulder sore bloody sore I need to save every key stroke.  
> > > 
> > > To repeat the last command, "." can be used.
> > > 
> > > The vi editor (and probably vim and gvim) supports
> > > according to "man vi":
> > > 
> > >[Vi]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]
> > >   Vi mode only.  Edit a new file.
> > > 
> > > Is this what you're searching for?
> > 
> > 
> > I THOGoHT it was "!", but lookit:
> > 
> > 
> > pts/14 17:11  [5010] vi sent
> > pts/14 17:11  [5011] vi!
> > zsh: command not found: vi!
> > pts/14 17:12  [5012]
> > 
> > ...  this is vi == vim.  
> > 
> > AHA:: found it.  it's [bang]
> > 
> > 
> > pts/14 17:17  [5016] vi sent
> > pts/14 17:17  [5017] !v
> > 
> > 
> > I'll tell ya, if vi disappeared , I'd end it all!
> Ah, I see - you've been refering to repeating a _shell_
> command (so the question was regarding the shell, which
> in your case is Z shell).
> You can probably use (like in the C shell) the arrow keys
> to browse the command history. Similarly, you can use the
> "!" command refering to the command number obtained
> by the "history" command. There's a handy alias defined
> globally for the C shell: "h" which means "history 25"
> (lists the last 25 commands), handy in regards of saving
> keystrokes. :-)
> I assume the zsh is also capable of "filtered history":
> For example, you enter "vi s" and use the up and down
> arrow keys to browse all commands that have been entered
> starting with "vi s" (for example "vi sent", "vi stuff"
> and so on). If the system's csh can do this, zsh should
> also provide this useful feature.
> And as your prompt "pts/14 17:12  [5012]" suggests,
> the command number is being shown. If this information
> is the same as the command number in the history, entering
> "!5010" would execute the 2nd from last command.
> To repeat the last command, whatever it has been, "!!"
> can be used. Again, this works in csh, so I can't predict
> if it will work in zsh too, but I _assume_ it does.
dunno how you know im using the zsh, but yup.  with the bang stuff
if you do a 

% !-3

you go back three vi cmds.  !-N, N cmds. 

thankfully there are shortcuts!


ps: zsh is sort of a ksh clone; I remember porting the zsh onto
my 286 in 1989.  got a lot of csh-isms :)

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
 Twenty-seven years of service to the Unix community.

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Re: minor vi/vim qstn

2013-09-25 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:21:04 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
> Of_Interest: With 27 years  of service  to the  Unix  community.
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 12:23:27AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:27:41 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > >   am I misremembering this feature, or didnt vi have a syntax where
> > >   you typed something like:
> > > 
> > >   % vi[#] or % vi [-2]  [or vi [-N]
> > >   
> > >   to repeat the last or the second from last  command?  with my
> > >   shoulder sore bloody sore I need to save every key stroke.  
> > 
> > To repeat the last command, "." can be used.
> > 
> > The vi editor (and probably vim and gvim) supports
> > according to "man vi":
> > 
> >[Vi]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]
> >   Vi mode only.  Edit a new file.
> > 
> > Is this what you're searching for?
>   I THOGoHT it was "!", but lookit:
> pts/14 17:11  [5010] vi sent
> pts/14 17:11  [5011] vi!
> zsh: command not found: vi!
> pts/14 17:12  [5012]
> ...  this is vi == vim.  
>   AHA:: found it.  it's [bang]
> pts/14 17:17  [5016] vi sent
> pts/14 17:17  [5017] !v
>   I'll tell ya, if vi disappeared , I'd end it all!

Ah, I see - you've been refering to repeating a _shell_
command (so the question was regarding the shell, which
in your case is Z shell).

You can probably use (like in the C shell) the arrow keys
to browse the command history. Similarly, you can use the
"!" command refering to the command number obtained
by the "history" command. There's a handy alias defined
globally for the C shell: "h" which means "history 25"
(lists the last 25 commands), handy in regards of saving
keystrokes. :-)

I assume the zsh is also capable of "filtered history":
For example, you enter "vi s" and use the up and down
arrow keys to browse all commands that have been entered
starting with "vi s" (for example "vi sent", "vi stuff"
and so on). If the system's csh can do this, zsh should
also provide this useful feature.

And as your prompt "pts/14 17:12  [5012]" suggests,
the command number is being shown. If this information
is the same as the command number in the history, entering
"!5010" would execute the 2nd from last command.

To repeat the last command, whatever it has been, "!!"
can be used. Again, this works in csh, so I can't predict
if it will work in zsh too, but I _assume_ it does.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: minor vi/vim qstn

2013-09-25 Thread Gary Kline
Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
Of_Interest: With 27 years  of service  to the  Unix  community.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 12:23:27AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:27:41 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > am I misremembering this feature, or didnt vi have a syntax where
> > you typed something like:
> > 
> > % vi[#] or % vi [-2]  [or vi [-N]
> > 
> > to repeat the last or the second from last  command?  with my
> > shoulder sore bloody sore I need to save every key stroke.  
> To repeat the last command, "." can be used.
> The vi editor (and probably vim and gvim) supports
> according to "man vi":
>[Vi]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]
>   Vi mode only.  Edit a new file.
> Is this what you're searching for?

I THOGoHT it was "!", but lookit:

pts/14 17:11  [5010] vi sent
pts/14 17:11  [5011] vi!
zsh: command not found: vi!
pts/14 17:12  [5012]

...  this is vi == vim.  

AHA:: found it.  it's [bang]

pts/14 17:17  [5016] vi sent
pts/14 17:17  [5017] !v

I'll tell ya, if vi disappeared , I'd end it all!



> Or do you refer to command lines where "@:" would repeat the

-N T- 34/41: P> last command (started with ":")?
> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
 Twenty-seven years of service to the Unix community.

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Re: Problems with 9.2-RC3

2013-09-25 Thread Joseph Mingrone
Walter Hurry  writes:

> Running 9.2-RC4 in a VirtualBox VM, I am having a few problems.
> FreeBSD freebsd.vm 9.2-RC3 FreeBSD 9.2-RC3 #1 r254965: Wed Aug 28 
> 04:17:40 BST 2013 r...@freebsd.vm:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VM4  amd64
> At this stage I am reluctant to file PRs, as doubtless some of these are 
> of my own making.
> The first is that I cannot get port devel/xdg-utils to install. The error 
> is:
> ===>  Installing for xdg-utils-
> ===>   Registering installation for xdg-utils-
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> desktop-icon.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> desktop-menu.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> email.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> icon-resource.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> mime.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> open.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> screensaver.1): No such file or directory
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/xdg-utils/work/stage/usr/local/xdg-
> settings.1): No such file or directory
> *** [fake-pkg] Error code 74
> What have I done wrong? It seems fine on 9.1 and 10.0.

There were some staging problems with ports.  Update your ports tree
then upgrade ports-mgmt/pkg and the problem should resolve itself.


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Re: minor vi/vim qstn

2013-09-25 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:27:41 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
>   am I misremembering this feature, or didnt vi have a syntax where
>   you typed something like:
>   % vi[#] or % vi [-2]  [or vi [-N]
>   to repeat the last or the second from last  command?  with my
>   shoulder sore bloody sore I need to save every key stroke.  

To repeat the last command, "." can be used.

The vi editor (and probably vim and gvim) supports
according to "man vi":

   [Vi]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]
  Vi mode only.  Edit a new file.

Is this what you're searching for?

Or do you refer to command lines where "@:" would repeat the
last command (started with ":")?

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: New system - go for 9.1+upgrade - or go for 9.2-RC4?

2013-09-25 Thread Ewald Jenisch
On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 09:16:01AM +0200, Terje Elde wrote:
> Two options:
> ...

Thanks - helps alot.

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Re: Files in /tmp directory - Is there any timelimit ?

2013-09-25 Thread Frank Leonhardt

On 25/09/2013 10:05, Sreeram BS wrote:

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Volodymyr Kostyrko wrote:

25.09.2013 11:34, Sreeram BS wrote:

 I am using FreeBSD 9. I would like to know as to what is the lifetime
the files in /tmp directory. The general description says that these files
*may* not be preserved across a reboot. By this I interpret that if the
system is not rebooted, then these files will be there forever. But, just
wanted a confirmation to see if there is any lifespan (expiry-time)
attached with these files (ie the system would flush these files after
days/months etc automatically).

Not by default. There's a clean-tmps periodic task which can be enabled
@/etc/periodic.conf. It defaults to three days.

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

Does this auto-cleanup apply to files in /var/tmp directory also.
The generic description says that the files in this directory can stay
across reboots. So, does this survive auto-cleanup too?

The default is to clean up /tmp only, but this can be changed in 

If you're struggling with this, note that a default periodic.conf is in 
/etc/defaults and it's individual values can be over-ridden by 
/etc/periodic.conf IF IT EXISTS.

Regards, Frank.

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Re: Files in /tmp directory - Is there any timelimit ?

2013-09-25 Thread Sreeram BS
Does this auto-cleanup apply to files in /var/tmp directory also.
The generic description says that the files in this directory can stay
across reboots. So, does this survive auto-cleanup too?


On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Volodymyr Kostyrko wrote:

> 25.09.2013 11:34, Sreeram BS wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using FreeBSD 9. I would like to know as to what is the lifetime
>> of
>> the files in /tmp directory. The general description says that these files
>> *may* not be preserved across a reboot. By this I interpret that if the
>> system is not rebooted, then these files will be there forever. But, just
>> wanted a confirmation to see if there is any lifespan (expiry-time)
>> attached with these files (ie the system would flush these files after
>> some
>> days/months etc automatically).
> Not by default. There's a clean-tmps periodic task which can be enabled
> @/etc/periodic.conf. It defaults to three days.
> --
> Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
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Re: Files in /tmp directory - Is there any timelimit ?

2013-09-25 Thread Volodymyr Kostyrko

25.09.2013 11:34, Sreeram BS wrote:

I am using FreeBSD 9. I would like to know as to what is the lifetime of
the files in /tmp directory. The general description says that these files
*may* not be preserved across a reboot. By this I interpret that if the
system is not rebooted, then these files will be there forever. But, just
wanted a confirmation to see if there is any lifespan (expiry-time)
attached with these files (ie the system would flush these files after some
days/months etc automatically).

Not by default. There's a clean-tmps periodic task which can be enabled 
@/etc/periodic.conf. It defaults to three days.

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
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Re: FreeBSD 8.4 Boot failure

2013-09-25 Thread Tyler Sweet
Luckily, in this case, I had set a cron job long, long ago to do daily
snapshots. So I have a snapshot from before the upgrade - There are
indeed two different loaders. The newer one matches "zfs" when
grepped, the older one does not... But, since it was working before, I
restored the older loader and tried to boot again. No dice - it still
sticks at that screen where all I see is "/" in the upper left.

I also tried putting the older zfsboot and zfsloader back in place
(with the old loader) to try and get a different error - still no
dice. I'm still stuck wondering if that screen is from FreeBSD
attempting to boot, or from the BIOS - but nothing changed for
booting, as far as I know. I'll poke through the BIOS more tomorrow as
well to see if some option got reset during a power-off.

I'll get a more thorough look at what all changed in /boot tomorrow
too, and get a list of all the files. It's almost 4am here and I have
to work tomorrow :) (well, today I suppose). I'll also check to see if
I can find anything about if zfs boot works differently in 8.4 vs 8.3
and older, as I may not have rebooted after the final "freebsd-update
install" command (I *think* I did, but my memory gets fuzzy).

Thanks for the input! I hope you have a good morning, and I'll let you
know tomorrow/later today with anything new and interesting I find :)

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Terje Elde  wrote:
> On 25. sep. 2013, at 06:59, Tyler Sweet  wrote:
>> I tried reinstalling the boot blocks from both
>> the fixit live filesystem and also mounting zroot and using the files
>> there in case they were different.
> Disclaimer: I haven't gotten (enough) morning-coffee yet, but...
> Disclaimer 2: at times tracking how zfs-booting is done in the different 
> versions can be a bit tricky. This is a moving target, and I've lost track of 
> the 8-branch.
> That said, assuming you have the correct bootcode (gptzfsboot), here's what 
> might have happened:
> You installed 8.2, with a loader supporting zfs. Then you upgraded your 
> /boot-stuffs, and bootcode on disk (correctly), but got left with a loader 
> without zfs support. Then tried to upgrade the bootcode, but you're still 
> left with a loader not supporting zfs.
> If I recall correctly, then the zfs-bootcode for 9+ will use "zfsloader" 
> (supporting zfs and built by default), while earlier versions depend on 
> "loader" with zfs support (built without by default).
> If that's the case, you could dump LOADER_ZFS_SUPPORT into /etc/make.conf and 
> rebuild/reinstall it, or install /boot/loader from the fixit (if it has zfs 
> support in 8.4).
> That's my first thought at least... If that  doesn't fix it (remember backups 
> of any files you replace or upgrade), it'd be interesting to see the output 
> of:
> ls -l /boot/*loader /boot/*boot
> On the /boot you're using. Anything that didn't get built or installed?
> Also, did you snapshot your zfs before upgrading? Could be a working 
> /boot/loader there, which might be the easiest way to get the system up, 
> before rebuilding with ZFS-capable loader... if I'm right, which isn't a 
> given (ref disclaimers).
> Terje
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Re: Files in /tmp directory - Is there any timelimit ?

2013-09-25 Thread Olivier Nicole
Hi Sreeram,

>I am using FreeBSD 9. I would like to know as to what is the lifetime of
> the files in /tmp directory. The general description says that these files
> *may* not be preserved across a reboot. By this I interpret that if the
> system is not rebooted, then these files will be there forever. But, just
> wanted a confirmation to see if there is any lifespan (expiry-time)
> attached with these files (ie the system would flush these files after some
> days/months etc automatically).

No. Applications should be responsible for cleaning their temporary files.



> Please inform.
> Regards,
> Sreeram
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Re: New system - go for 9.1+upgrade - or go for 9.2-RC4?

2013-09-25 Thread Terje Elde
On 25. sep. 2013, at 09.00, Ewald Jenisch wrote:
o) Will upgrading kernel/system using
> svn co svn:// /usr/src
> bring a 9.2-RC4 installed system up to date once 9.2 final is released?

Two options:

base/stable/9 - track 9-STABLE
base/releng/9.2 - track 9.2-security branch

The former is more of a moving target, while the latter is 9.2-RELEASE, but 
gets security updates.

Also, rather than using svn://, I'd use https://, and pick a server from this 


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Re: FreeBSD 8.4 Boot failure

2013-09-24 Thread Terje Elde
On 25. sep. 2013, at 06:59, Tyler Sweet  wrote:
> I tried reinstalling the boot blocks from both
> the fixit live filesystem and also mounting zroot and using the files
> there in case they were different.

Disclaimer: I haven't gotten (enough) morning-coffee yet, but...

Disclaimer 2: at times tracking how zfs-booting is done in the different 
versions can be a bit tricky. This is a moving target, and I've lost track of 
the 8-branch. 

That said, assuming you have the correct bootcode (gptzfsboot), here's what 
might have happened:

You installed 8.2, with a loader supporting zfs. Then you upgraded your 
/boot-stuffs, and bootcode on disk (correctly), but got left with a loader 
without zfs support. Then tried to upgrade the bootcode, but you're still left 
with a loader not supporting zfs. 

If I recall correctly, then the zfs-bootcode for 9+ will use "zfsloader" 
(supporting zfs and built by default), while earlier versions depend on 
"loader" with zfs support (built without by default). 

If that's the case, you could dump LOADER_ZFS_SUPPORT into /etc/make.conf and 
rebuild/reinstall it, or install /boot/loader from the fixit (if it has zfs 
support in 8.4). 

That's my first thought at least... If that  doesn't fix it (remember backups 
of any files you replace or upgrade), it'd be interesting to see the output of:
ls -l /boot/*loader /boot/*boot
On the /boot you're using. Anything that didn't get built or installed?

Also, did you snapshot your zfs before upgrading? Could be a working 
/boot/loader there, which might be the easiest way to get the system up, before 
rebuilding with ZFS-capable loader... if I'm right, which isn't a given (ref 


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Re: Shared object "" not found, required by ""

2013-09-24 Thread Nicolas Hainaux
Antonio Olivares> writes:

> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Matthew Seaman
>> wrote:
> > On 11/09/2013 21:03, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> >> [Info  19:57:22] Updating 'freebsd_texlive' source ports tree with
method 'svn'.
> >> Shared object "" not found, required by ""
> >> [Error 19:57:22] Subversion update failed.
> >> [Error 19:57:22] Failed to update the 'freebsd_texlive' ports tree.
> >
> > Yeah -- you need to update or install the package that provides
> >  If you're using pkg(8) against a package repository
> > rather than compiling your own, you could use:
> >
> > pkg check -d subversion-1.8.3
> >
> > For portmaster dependencies should be auto-updated when you run
> >
> > portmaster devel/subversion
> >
> > It might be useful to run
> >
> > portmaster --force-config -f devel/subversion
> >
> > so you can recheck all the options settings of dependencies, but this
> > will rebuild portmaster and everything it depends on.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> > --
> > Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
> >
> > PGP:
> > JID: matthew
> >
> Dear Dr. Matthew,
> Thank you very much for your excellent advice.  Worked like a champ!
> Now if I can get iced-teaweb/openjdk to open *.jnlp files to use java,
> it appears that itweb-javaws is not working correctly.  Firefox
> reports that the file *.jnlp downloaded, but it is not opened by java.
>  Thank you very much sir for your help.
> Best Regards,
> Antonio
> ___
> freebsd-questions mailing list
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I've had the same problem, also using portshaker and freebsd-texlive ports.

I think the solution was in /usr/ports/UPDATING :

  AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1

  APR was updated to 1.4.8 and APR-util was updated to 1.5.2.

  Please rebuild all ports which are using functions from
  APR/APR-util such as apache, subversion ...

  # portmaster -r apr
  # portupgrade -r devel/apr1
  # pkg install -fR devel/apr1

Best regards

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Re: HP Workstation & install

2013-09-24 Thread Pascal Schmid
Hash: SHA1

On 09/24/2013 05:14 PM, Bernt Hansson wrote:
> Hello list!
> I've bought an HP Workstation xw8200 and trying to install fsb 8.3, 8.4 and 
> 9.1. The machine
> boots with all of the 8.x but never install, trying to install from usb stick.
> Installing 9.1 works, sort of, installation works fine but it never boot.
> Gives;
> Non-system disk or disk error replace and strike any key when ready.
> It is a dual xeon system with 6 Gb ram and 4 HDDs 2 73Gb scsi one 120Gb PATA 
> and one 160Gb
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according to my search results this error is related to a broken hard drive 
cable or due to a
wrong boot sequence (BIOS can't find your boot disk). Have you tried to set the 
boot disk on first
position for booting? If that doesn't help, please check the cables.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.21 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

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Re: Fwd: e2fsprogs fails to build/compile in FreeBSD 9.1

2013-09-24 Thread Antonio Olivares
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Matthias Andree
> Antonio Olivares  schrieb:
>> Dear Sir,
>> I forwarded the message to list about failing to build e2fsprogs.
>> Hope you can advice!
>> Best Regards,
>> Antonio
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: Antonio Olivares 
>> Date: Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 12:25 PM
>> Subject: e2fsprogs fails to build/compile in FreeBSD 9.1
>> To: FreeBSD Questions 
>> gmake[2]: Entering directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/resize'
>> CC extent.c
>> CC resize2fs.c
>> CC main.c
>> CC online.c
>> CC resource_track.c
>> CC sim_progress.c
>> CC test_extent.c
>> SUBST resize2fs.8
>> LD test_extent
>> LD resize2fs
>> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/resize'
>> making all in tests/progs
>> gmake[2]: Entering directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/tests/progs'
>> CC test_icount.c
>> MK_CMDS test_icount_cmds.c
>> CC crcsum.c
>> CC test_icount_cmds.c
>> LD crcsum
>> LD test_icount
>> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/tests/progs'
>> making all in po
>> gmake[2]: Entering directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/po'
>> gmake[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
>> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/po'
>> gmake[1]: Leaving directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8'
>> gmake docs
>> gmake[1]: Entering directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8'
>> gmake[2]: Entering directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/doc'
>> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/doc'
>> gmake[1]: Leaving directory
>> `/usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8'
>> cd /usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs/work/e2fsprogs-1.42.8/e2fsck &&
>> /bin/rm -f e2fsck  && gmake e2fsck  STATIC_LIBS="../lib/libext2fs.a
>> ../lib/libcom_err.a  ../lib/libblkid.a  ../lib/libuuid.a"
>> LIBINTL="/usr/local/lib/libintl.a"
>> LD e2fsck
>> /usr/local/lib/libintl.a(dcigettext.o): In function `_nl_find_msg':
>> dcigettext.c:(.text+0x94b): undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
>> dcigettext.c:(.text+0x9fa): undefined reference to `libiconv'
>> dcigettext.c:(.text+0xbaf): undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
>> /usr/local/lib/libintl.a(relocatable.o): In function
>> `libintl_set_relocation_prefix':
>> relocatable.c:(.text+0x14b): undefined reference to
>> `libiconv_set_relocation_prefix'
>> gmake: *** [e2fsck] Error 1
>> *** [post-build] Error code 2
>> Stop in
>> /usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs.
>> *** [build] Error code 1
>> Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs.
>> ===>>> make failed for sysutils/e2fsprogs
>> ===>>> Aborting update
>> ===>>> Update for sysutils/e2fsprogs failed
>> ===>>> Aborting update
>> ===>>> Killing background jobs
>> Terminated
>> Ideas, advice, suggestions, will be greatly appreciated.
>> Best Regards,
>> Antonio
> Antonio,
> sorry it is giving you troubles. Try make config and deselect NLS, I will
> investigate the trouble 8 days from today.
> Best regards,
> Matthias

Dear Matthias & Eduardo & all,

I unchecked NLS from config. and it worked.  Thanks very much for your help!

Note: this is a modified version of the e2fsprogs package, not the official
package. Report all building and run-time trouble that originates in the
package to the port maintainer,

===>   Compressing manual pages for e2fsprogs-1.42.8
===>   Running ldconfig
/sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
===>   Registering installation for e2fsprogs-1.42.8

===>>> Upgrade of e2fsprogs-1.42.7 to e2fsprogs-1.42.8 succeeded

===>>> Deleting stale distfile: e2fsprogs-1.42.7.tar.gz
===>>> Returning to update check of installed ports

===>>> Update check of installed ports complete

===>>> pkg-message for fusefs-libs-2.9.3_1
Install the fuse kernel module to use this port.

===>>> pkg-message for e2fsprogs-1.42.8
Note: this is a modified version of the e2fsprogs package, not the official
package. Report all building and run-time trouble that originates in the
package to the port maintainer,

Best Regards,

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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-24 Thread Graham Todd
>Thank you very much about your efforts to explain me in detailed the  
>'dangerous dedicated' term.

And as a complete newb trying to wrestle with some of the concepts
here, may I add my thanks here for clarifying yet another
well-understood matter which leaves us floundering.

Thanks again to all who have diffused some of the mystique which
surrounds BSD from time to time.

++ Graham Todd

Description: PGP signature

Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-23 Thread Warren Block

On Mon, 23 Sep 2013, Robert Simmons wrote:

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Polytropon  wrote:

With GPT, there is no reason to use BSD disklabels at all.

And most modern computers do not have any problem booting it.
The old MBR approach (as well as dedicated) will probably only
be needed in niche applications and exceptions. You can have
all the advantages of "being easy stuff" known from dedicated
layout by using the GPT tools, plus you gain "more compatibility"
if this matters.

Not entirely. Due to GEOM specs, if you create a GELI encrypted
container, you cannot use GPT partitioning inside that container. You
must use BSD. This is an edge case, and I've submitted a bug about it
a while ago, but like I just said, this is apparently a feature not a

It's not GEOM, it's just GPT.  By specification, the backup partition 
table has to be at the end of the disk.  That interferes with anything 
else that wants to put metadata there, like GELI or gmirror.

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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] vBSDcon Registrations Only Open For 30 More Days!

2013-09-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Mon, 2013-09-23 at 20:00 -0400, Robert Simmons wrote:
> Any contribution from a company like Verisign needs to be carefully
> scrutinized.

No it has to be turned down flat.

Huge companies from the USA at all events are untrustworthy. The only
trustworthy companies are such companies: "I have been forced to make a
difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American
people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down
Lavabit." -

"Levison said that he could be arrested for closing the site instead of
releasing the information, and it was reported that the federal
prosecutor's office had sent Levinson's lawyer an e-mail to that
effect." -

There can't be any doubts about it, Verisign will do what they can do to
make FreeBSD insecure. Nothing good will contributed by them. Not a
single big company from the USA does not cooperate with the NSA, they
all cooperate with the NSA.


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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] vBSDcon Registrations Only Open For 30 More Days!

2013-09-23 Thread Julian H. Stacey
Good points in Brett & Michael's posts, but for brevity not copied.

Best avoid having code written & reviewed just in USA as it would get less
trust globaly, NSA is a known alien mega spy, & USA even coerces non USA 
citizens outside USA, eg

Best encourage FreeBSD sources to be used & suspiciously reviewed by a
variety of programmers & mathematicians/ cryptologists from different
backgrounds & countries;  
  Max chance of loophole reporting with more people from a spectrum
  of countries with rival mutualy distrusting governments from such
  as eg { Britain, China, France, Germany, Israel, North Korea,
  Russia, Syria, USA } etc.

Presumably nearly all of us are cluless on crypto. math. so meantime
encourage involvement of citizens of at least a few different
dis-trusting countries.

Kernels perhaps have less reviewers than cross-OS S/W eg GPG &
Open-SSH etc, so kernels might be target of choice of suborners ?

Maybe FreeBSD Foundation could set up a cheap bonus scheme for security
bugs exposed/ fixed - Special edition coffee mugs, non purchasable,
sent only as a reward, posted globaly free.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
 Reply below not above, like a play script.  Indent old text with "> ".
 Send plain text.  No quoted-printable, HTML, base64, multipart/alternative.
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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] vBSDcon Registrations Only Open For 30 More Days!

2013-09-23 Thread Robert Simmons
Any contribution from a company like Verisign needs to be carefully
scrutinized. I also don't think it wise to allow them to take a
leadership role of any type.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Michael Powell  wrote:
> Brett Glass wrote:
>> All:
>> It's good to see corporate support of BSD, but at the same time I
>> have mixed feelings about certain corporations -- Verisign among
>> them -- hosting BSD-related conferences or becoming involved in the
>> development of BSD-based operating systems. Why? Because Verisign,
>> based in Reston, Virginia (the city next door to Vienna, VA, home
>> of the NSA), has strong ties to this shadowy agency.
> No. I used to work right down the street from Network Solutions (now known
> as Verisign) in Herndon. Indeed, I had job offerings from them but felt I was
> better off to stay where I was. The NSA is headquartered at Ft Meade, near
> Columbia in Maryland. I worked there for 8 years? The CIA headquarters is in
> Mclean, Virgina, which is right next door to Vienna. Reston/Herndon is a few
> miles down the Dulles Toll Rd to the west. I've been to all these places, so
> this is not some MapQuest google for me.
>> The NSA, in
>> turn -- as reported in documents recently leaked by Edward Snowden
>> -- has a very strong interest in weakening the security of
>> cryptographic algorithms, cryptographic software, and operating
>> systems. We may want to look this gift horse very carefully in the
>> mouth, or at least monitor very closely "contributions" of code
>> that might introduce backdoors or weaknesses.
> On some level I agree with this - to a point. Examine how the NSA maneuvered
> the NIST to approve and mandate the FIPS-140 protocols, where deeply
> concealed was a known weak prng. To some of us this is not news - we've
> known it for a long time. Arguments of pro vs con, good vs evil, ad
> infinitum ad nauseum, etc, are better served in a different venue.
> It is so much easier to get away with concealing such things inside the
> closed-source paradigm. What I like and admire with open source is the code
> is out there in public for all to examine. These truly arcane crypto stuffs
> operate at such a high level of mathematical complexity that even very
> highly skilled cryptographer/mathematicians argue amongst themselves.
> I am just not that smart, or that highly educated. There are some in the
> open source community who do have very large propellers on their beanie
> caps. I defer to them simply because they are smarter then me. I would trust
> them long before I would trust closed source.
> I agree about the 'looking the gift horse in the mouth' concept. Bear in
> mind, however, some of the guys at NIST are pretty smart too. And yet this
> FIPS-140/prng stuff went right by them. My suggestion is for FreeBSD (indeed
> open source in general) to try and engage, include, and attract to the
> community the kinds of elite mathematician who may have the facilities to
> examine the code at a higher level than can dummies like me.
> Whenever The Citadel wants the public to fixate on any one particular
> brouhaha I know they are trying to get everyone looking in a particular
> direction whilst they are pulling something else. Verisign may very well
> have some other obfuscated agenda. Take a step backwards and try to obtain
> some view of the bigger picture (hint). Will not elaborate here, even though
> I do have some crackpot ideas.
> I find it highly ironic:
> I got no end of amusement from this.  Just my $ 0.02.
> -Mike
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] vBSDcon Registrations Only Open For 30 More Days!

2013-09-23 Thread Michael Powell
Brett Glass wrote:

> All:
> It's good to see corporate support of BSD, but at the same time I
> have mixed feelings about certain corporations -- Verisign among
> them -- hosting BSD-related conferences or becoming involved in the
> development of BSD-based operating systems. Why? Because Verisign,
> based in Reston, Virginia (the city next door to Vienna, VA, home
> of the NSA), has strong ties to this shadowy agency.

No. I used to work right down the street from Network Solutions (now known 
as Verisign) in Herndon. Indeed, I had job offerings from them but felt I was 
better off to stay where I was. The NSA is headquartered at Ft Meade, near 
Columbia in Maryland. I worked there for 8 years? The CIA headquarters is in 
Mclean, Virgina, which is right next door to Vienna. Reston/Herndon is a few 
miles down the Dulles Toll Rd to the west. I've been to all these places, so 
this is not some MapQuest google for me.

> The NSA, in
> turn -- as reported in documents recently leaked by Edward Snowden
> -- has a very strong interest in weakening the security of
> cryptographic algorithms, cryptographic software, and operating
> systems. We may want to look this gift horse very carefully in the
> mouth, or at least monitor very closely "contributions" of code
> that might introduce backdoors or weaknesses.

On some level I agree with this - to a point. Examine how the NSA maneuvered 
the NIST to approve and mandate the FIPS-140 protocols, where deeply 
concealed was a known weak prng. To some of us this is not news - we've 
known it for a long time. Arguments of pro vs con, good vs evil, ad 
infinitum ad nauseum, etc, are better served in a different venue.

It is so much easier to get away with concealing such things inside the 
closed-source paradigm. What I like and admire with open source is the code 
is out there in public for all to examine. These truly arcane crypto stuffs 
operate at such a high level of mathematical complexity that even very 
highly skilled cryptographer/mathematicians argue amongst themselves.

I am just not that smart, or that highly educated. There are some in the 
open source community who do have very large propellers on their beanie 
caps. I defer to them simply because they are smarter then me. I would trust 
them long before I would trust closed source. 

I agree about the 'looking the gift horse in the mouth' concept. Bear in 
mind, however, some of the guys at NIST are pretty smart too. And yet this 
FIPS-140/prng stuff went right by them. My suggestion is for FreeBSD (indeed 
open source in general) to try and engage, include, and attract to the 
community the kinds of elite mathematician who may have the facilities to 
examine the code at a higher level than can dummies like me.  

Whenever The Citadel wants the public to fixate on any one particular 
brouhaha I know they are trying to get everyone looking in a particular 
direction whilst they are pulling something else. Verisign may very well 
have some other obfuscated agenda. Take a step backwards and try to obtain 
some view of the bigger picture (hint). Will not elaborate here, even though 
I do have some crackpot ideas. 

I find it highly ironic:

I got no end of amusement from this.  Just my $ 0.02. 


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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] vBSDcon Registrations Only Open For 30 More Days!

2013-09-23 Thread Brett Glass


It's good to see corporate support of BSD, but at the same time I 
have mixed feelings about certain corporations -- Verisign among 
them -- hosting BSD-related conferences or becoming involved in the 
development of BSD-based operating systems. Why? Because Verisign, 
based in Reston, Virginia (the city next door to Vienna, VA, home 
of the NSA), has strong ties to this shadowy agency. The NSA, in 
turn -- as reported in documents recently leaked by Edward Snowden 
-- has a very strong interest in weakening the security of 
cryptographic algorithms, cryptographic software, and operating 
systems. We may want to look this gift horse very carefully in the 
mouth, or at least monitor very closely "contributions" of code 
that might introduce backdoors or weaknesses.

--Brett Glass

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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-23 Thread Robert Simmons
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Polytropon  wrote:
>> With GPT, there is no reason to use BSD disklabels at all.
> And most modern computers do not have any problem booting it.
> The old MBR approach (as well as dedicated) will probably only
> be needed in niche applications and exceptions. You can have
> all the advantages of "being easy stuff" known from dedicated
> layout by using the GPT tools, plus you gain "more compatibility"
> if this matters.

Not entirely. Due to GEOM specs, if you create a GELI encrypted
container, you cannot use GPT partitioning inside that container. You
must use BSD. This is an edge case, and I've submitted a bug about it
a while ago, but like I just said, this is apparently a feature not a
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Re: What is Negative permissions

2013-09-23 Thread Frank Leonhardt

On 23/09/2013 11:54, Leslie Jensen wrote:

In the daily security run I see the following:

Checking setuid files and devices:

Checking negative group permissions:
3791965 -rwxr--r-x  1 admin  wheel  172 Mar  9 10:59:55 2011

Is it just a reminder that the group has no x permissions or should I 
give those permissions?

Yes, basically. It's obviously very odd to give everyone OTHER than 
:wheel members permission to run it. What about user root in group wheel 
- is root allowed to run it? Actually, yes, even though you might think 
you've forbidden members of "wheel".

Regards, Frank.

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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-23 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 22 Sep 2013 08:25:24 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block wrote:
> It's "dangerous" because that partitioning format is rare outside of 
> BSD-based systems.  Disk utilities may not recognize it, and could
> damage it.

I think this is a good characterization of the term currently
used. In historical context this layout would deserve the name
"traditional", as non-PC BSD installations did not _require_ a
MBR "enclosing" to be present - this is a concept introduced by
the PC world. Most PCs still work with "dedicated" perfectly
well if desired (even though there is no real reason to use
that layout approach).

I try to avoid the part "dangerously" because the danger is
only significant in non-BSD land, like some obscure systems
that could try to "repair" something and cause data loss,
which is well known and feared... :-)

> Most of the rest of the world used MBR partitioning, which allowed up to 
> four MBR partitions (called "slices" by FreeBSD) per disk.

Those are, precisely called "DOS primary partitions" (in difference
to "DOS extended partitions" which somehow behave like slices in
BSD terminology). :-)

> Yes, one partition format inside another.  It only seems complicated 
> because it is.

Which makes it useful and flexible. :-)

> With GPT, there is no reason to use BSD disklabels at all.

And most modern computers do not have any problem booting it.
The old MBR approach (as well as dedicated) will probably only
be needed in niche applications and exceptions. You can have
all the advantages of "being easy stuff" known from dedicated
layout by using the GPT tools, plus you gain "more compatibility"
if this matters.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Unban my second address from the mailing list

2013-09-22 Thread David Demelier
On 22.09.2013 22:02, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> David Demelier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A long time ago, my domain has been banned because of lot
>> bounces, now the server is working and running.
>> I sometime send some PR directly from my server using this domain, thus
>> I would like to be unbanned (the mail wasn't sent and postfix was saying
>> that my domain is forbidden...).
>> Can you unban my domain please? If I don't post to the good
>> mailing-list, just le me know.
> No, it's not correct to mail the list for this.
> For list specific issues:
>   Most lists on Internet use conventions of
>   owner-LISTNAME@
>   or  LISTNAME-owner@
>   (often admins alias one to the other so both work), 
>   so if you get a bounce, mail the other)
>   also lists:
>   moderators at
> But in this case as it's a domain issue, mail
> Cheers,
> Julian

Okay thanks, I'll forward the original message !

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Re: Unban my second address from the mailing list

2013-09-22 Thread Julian H. Stacey
David Demelier wrote:
> Hi,
> A long time ago, my domain has been banned because of lot
> bounces, now the server is working and running.
> I sometime send some PR directly from my server using this domain, thus
> I would like to be unbanned (the mail wasn't sent and postfix was saying
> that my domain is forbidden...).
> Can you unban my domain please? If I don't post to the good
> mailing-list, just le me know.

No, it's not correct to mail the list for this.
For list specific issues:
Most lists on Internet use conventions of
or  LISTNAME-owner@
(often admins alias one to the other so both work), 
so if you get a bounce, mail the other)
also lists:
moderators at

But in this case as it's a domain issue, mail

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
 Reply below not above, like a play script.  Indent old text with "> ".
 Send plain text.  No quoted-printable, HTML, base64, multipart/alternative.
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Re: rctl within jail

2013-09-22 Thread Fbsd8

David Demelier wrote:

Hello there,

I wanted to use rctl within a jail to add more fine grained setting for
some users, and default ones to. But it does not seem to work. Is it
supported? Do we need to add a special flag to the jail creation?

# rctl -a loginclass:default:maxproc:deny=30
rctl: rctl_add_rule: Operation not permitted



The rctl command is brand new. It does not have a group of users yet, so 
that is why you have not received any replies to your post.

As far as I know you can not issue the "rctl" command from within the 
running jail.

The "rctl" command is issued on the HOST only.

You can apply rules to an entire jail if you want to, for example; to 
limit the amount of memory a jail can use:

# rctl -a jail::memoryuse:deny=1G

(where  is the name of your jail). This would make sure the 
jail can't use more than (approximately) 1 gigabyte of memory.

To enable rctl on the host, you need to compile a custom kernel that 
contains the following 2 parameters;

options RACCT
options RCTL

I think your rctl command would look like this when issued from the host
rctl -a jail::loginclass:default:maxproc:deny=30

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Re: rctl within jail

2013-09-22 Thread David Demelier
On 22.09.2013 15:45, Fbsd8 wrote:
> David Demelier wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I wanted to use rctl within a jail to add more fine grained setting for
>> some users, and default ones to. But it does not seem to work. Is it
>> supported? Do we need to add a special flag to the jail creation?
>> # rctl -a loginclass:default:maxproc:deny=30
>> rctl: rctl_add_rule: Operation not permitted
>> Regards,
>> David
> The rctl command is brand new. It does not have a group of users yet, so
> that is why you have not received any replies to your post.
> As far as I know you can not issue the "rctl" command from within the
> running jail.
> The "rctl" command is issued on the HOST only.
> You can apply rules to an entire jail if you want to, for example; to
> limit the amount of memory a jail can use:
> # rctl -a jail::memoryuse:deny=1G
> (where  is the name of your jail). This would make sure the
> jail can't use more than (approximately) 1 gigabyte of memory.
> To enable rctl on the host, you need to compile a custom kernel that
> contains the following 2 parameters;
> options RACCT
> options RCTL

Yes, I will also post a PR for this because no manpage is saying that
you requires this on your kernel.

I will provide a new manpage and a bit more documentation.

> I think your rctl command would look like this when issued from the host
> rctl -a jail::loginclass:default:maxproc:deny=30

What I really want, is to avoid users to spawn too much processes (aka
fork bombs). But if I apply to the jail directly, it also apply to the
services jails, which is a bit not wanted.

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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-22 Thread atar
Thank you very much about your efforts to explain me in detailed the  
'dangerous dedicated' term.



Warren Block  wrote:

On Sun, 22 Sep 2013, atar wrote:

During the reading of the FreeBSD handbook, I've encountered at the  
term 'dangerously dedicated' regarding physical disks and the author of  
this chapter in the FreeBSD handbook didn't think this term need more  
clarity. so for newbies like me in the FreeBSD world I want to ask:  
what's the 'dangerously dedicated' term meaning by?

The term refers to a disk partitioned with only the BSD disklabel  
partition table:

   disk ada0
 partition "a" (ada0a, /)
 partition "b" (ada0b, swap)
 partition "d" (ada0d, /var)
 partition "e" (ada0e, /tmp)
 partition "f" (ada0f, /usr)

It's "dangerous" because that partitioning format is rare outside of  
BSD-based systems.  Disk utilities may not recognize it, and could

damage it.

Most of the rest of the world used MBR partitioning, which allowed up to  
four MBR partitions (called "slices" by FreeBSD) per disk.

Since four slices is not enough for the standard FreeBSD disk layout,  
with /, swap, /var, /tmp, and /usr, the standard procedure is to use MBR  
partitioning, with the MBR partitions ("slices") being sub-partitioned  
by a BSD disklabel.

   disk ada0
 MBR slice 1 (ada0s1)
   partition "a" (ada0s1a, /)
   partition "b" (ada0s1b, swap)
   partition "d" (ada0s1d, /var)
   partition "e" (ada0s1e, /tmp)
   partition "f" (ada0s1f, /usr)
MBR slice 2 (ada0s2)

Yes, one partition format inside another.  It only seems complicated  
because it is.

GPT is the new partitioning format, which makes things much simpler by  
being capable of up to 128 partitions in the standard configuration.  
With GPT, there is no reason to use BSD disklabels at all.

   disk ada0
 GPT partition 1 (ada0p1, bootcode)
 GPT partition 2 (ada0p2, /)
 GPT partition 3 (ada0p3, swap)
 GPT partition 4 (ada0p4, /var)
 GPT partition 5 (ada0p5, /tmp)
 GPT partition 6 (ada0p6, /usr)

Summary: "Dangerously dedicated" partitioning has no unique advantages.  
Use GPT when possible, use MBR/disklabel when necessary.

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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-22 Thread Warren Block

On Sun, 22 Sep 2013, atar wrote:

During the reading of the FreeBSD handbook, I've encountered at the term 
'dangerously dedicated' regarding physical disks and the author of this 
chapter in the FreeBSD handbook didn't think this term need more clarity. so 
for newbies like me in the FreeBSD world I want to ask: what's the 
'dangerously dedicated' term meaning by?

The term refers to a disk partitioned with only the BSD disklabel 
partition table:

  disk ada0
partition "a" (ada0a, /)
partition "b" (ada0b, swap)
partition "d" (ada0d, /var)
partition "e" (ada0e, /tmp)
partition "f" (ada0f, /usr)

It's "dangerous" because that partitioning format is rare outside of 
BSD-based systems.  Disk utilities may not recognize it, and could

damage it.

Most of the rest of the world used MBR partitioning, which allowed up to 
four MBR partitions (called "slices" by FreeBSD) per disk.

Since four slices is not enough for the standard FreeBSD disk layout, 
with /, swap, /var, /tmp, and /usr, the standard procedure is to use MBR 
partitioning, with the MBR partitions ("slices") being sub-partitioned 
by a BSD disklabel.

  disk ada0
MBR slice 1 (ada0s1)
  partition "a" (ada0s1a, /)
  partition "b" (ada0s1b, swap)
  partition "d" (ada0s1d, /var)
  partition "e" (ada0s1e, /tmp)
  partition "f" (ada0s1f, /usr)
   MBR slice 2 (ada0s2)

Yes, one partition format inside another.  It only seems complicated 
because it is.

GPT is the new partitioning format, which makes things much simpler by 
being capable of up to 128 partitions in the standard configuration. 
With GPT, there is no reason to use BSD disklabels at all.

  disk ada0
GPT partition 1 (ada0p1, bootcode)
GPT partition 2 (ada0p2, /)
GPT partition 3 (ada0p3, swap)
GPT partition 4 (ada0p4, /var)
GPT partition 5 (ada0p5, /tmp)
GPT partition 6 (ada0p6, /usr)

Summary: "Dangerously dedicated" partitioning has no unique advantages. 
Use GPT when possible, use MBR/disklabel when necessary.

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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-22 Thread atar

Thanks. it helps a little to clarify this term.
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Re: Freebsd support in Adelaide wanted

2013-09-22 Thread Julian H. Stacey
Hi Greg & questions@ etc

> That's massively out of date.  Mike left Adelaide in 1998, and has
> been working for Apple in Cupertino for about 10 years.

OK deleted.

> > Greg Lehey in Echunga +61 8 83888286
> That's out of date too.  I left Adelaide over 6 years ago.  Up-to-date
> information at .

OK Updated.

> > Both are well know in FreeBSD community :-)
> > I've cc'd them both
> Thanks.  Danny did in fact contact me directly, and I think we've
> found somebody for him.

Good :-)

> > PS for other consultants:
> > If you want to be added to geographic indexed table
> > just email me a pre-prepared HTML table enty
> > See:
> It would certainly be a good idea for more eyes to go through this
> list and help you get it up to date.

Updates welcome, preferably in format  diff -c

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
 Reply below not above, like a play script.  Indent old text with "> ".
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Re: dangerously dedicated physical disks.

2013-09-22 Thread Mike Jeays
On Sun, 22 Sep 2013 16:16:17 -
atar  wrote:

> Hi there!!
> During the reading of the FreeBSD handbook, I've encountered at the term  
> 'dangerously dedicated' regarding physical disks and the author of this  
> chapter in the FreeBSD handbook didn't think this term need more clarity.  
> so for newbies like me in the FreeBSD world I want to ask: what's the  
> 'dangerously dedicated' term meaning by?
> Thanks in advance!
> atar.
> ___
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Information is at this (very old) link. Not as scary as it sounds.
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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-22 Thread Eduardo Morras
On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:53:36 -0700
Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> .. just as a data point - there was a thread a while ago about numeric
> processing performance on linux vs bsd.
> It all boiled down to how jemalloc versus the linux allocator(s) allocate
> blocks. jemalloc will page align things after a certain size. Linux didn't.
> So when doing numeric processing, there was a lot of cache aliasing going
> on leading to inefficient cache usage and redundant memory operations.
> When the same workload on Linux was run on FreeBSD but with the Linux
> library/allocators, the performance was identical.
> No-one followed through. I think I may have to write a blog post about it.

There's no MALLOC_OPTIONS flag to set/unset this, but adding a new flag to 
disable a feature is easier (or should be) than implementing new one. The only 
problem I see to this is if the cache align happens at sbrk/mmap level.

> -adrian
> ___
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---   ---
Eduardo Morras 
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Re: Freebsd support in Adelaide wanted

2013-09-21 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
I considered dropping FreeBSD-questions from this reply, but since it
contains out-of-date contact details, I'm leaving them in.

On Saturday, 21 September 2013 at 17:17:07 +0200, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Hi, Reference:
>> From:Danny Beger 
>> Date:Sat, 21 Sep 2013 16:30:57 +0930
> Danny Beger wrote:
>> I have a small law firm in Adelaide and I am looking to engage
>> someone to build / purchase a new server to replace my current
>> server which runs v6 freebsd.
>> Can you recommend anyone?
> Happily,
> shows
> Mike Smith in Adelaide +61 8 8267 3493

That's massively out of date.  Mike left Adelaide in 1998, and has
been working for Apple in Cupertino for about 10 years.

> Greg Lehey in Echunga +61 8 83888286

That's out of date too.  I left Adelaide over 6 years ago.  Up-to-date
information at .

> Both are well know in FreeBSD community :-)
> I've cc'd them both

Thanks.  Danny did in fact contact me directly, and I think we've
found somebody for him.

> PS for other consultants:
> If you want to be added to geographic indexed table
> just email me a pre-prepared HTML table enty
> See:

It would certainly be a good idea for more eyes to go through this
list and help you get it up to date.

Sent from my desktop computer.
Finger for PGP public key.
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.
This message is digitally signed.  If your Microsoft MUA reports
problems, please read

Description: PGP signature

Re: Wildly different numbers of portsnap updates between i386 and amd64?

2013-09-21 Thread Robert Simmons
The update is a delta from what is already on your system. When you
updated the older box, you pulled in lots of changes to get it
current. The newer box needed fewer updates to get current.

Or something is wrong. You can always delete the contents of /ports
and the database in /var/db/portsnap. Then just portsnap fetch &&
portsnap extract. You will get a fresh ports tree.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Christian Campbell
> Hi. I run 9.1-RELEASE on two boxes: one i386 and the other amd64. I've run
> the latter for a bit over a week. When I portsnap update, the 32-bit
> machine typically gets several to dozens or hundreds of updates, while the
> 64-bit machine typically gets none, or maybe a couple. What might be the
> explanation for this behaviour?
> Thank you,
> Christian
> _
> 3425 SW 2nd Ave, #239  cell (352) 514-7411
> Gainesville, FL  32607-2813
> On this perfect day / Nothing's standing in my way...-Hoku
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Re: Freebsd support in Adelaide wanted

2013-09-21 Thread Al Plant

Danny Beger wrote:

I have a small law firm in Adelaide and I am looking to engage someone to build 
/ purchase a new server to replace my current server which runs v6 freebsd.

Can you recommend anyone?


_ _
Danny Beger  |  Beger & Co Lawyers
p: 8362 6400  |  f: 8362 3555

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 

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I believe Greg Lehey is in Australia.

I have seen several others on the list at different times too.


~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
  + + +
  +   - Supporting - FreeBSD  7.2 - 8.0 - 9* +
  < email: >
"All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-21 Thread Adrian Chadd
.. just as a data point - there was a thread a while ago about numeric
processing performance on linux vs bsd.

It all boiled down to how jemalloc versus the linux allocator(s) allocate
blocks. jemalloc will page align things after a certain size. Linux didn't.
So when doing numeric processing, there was a lot of cache aliasing going
on leading to inefficient cache usage and redundant memory operations.

When the same workload on Linux was run on FreeBSD but with the Linux
library/allocators, the performance was identical.

No-one followed through. I think I may have to write a blog post about it.

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Re: e2fsprogs fails to build/compile in FreeBSD 9.1

2013-09-21 Thread Eduardo Morras
On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 12:25:12 -0500
Antonio Olivares  wrote:

> /usr/local/lib/libintl.a(dcigettext.o): In function `_nl_find_msg':
> dcigettext.c:(.text+0x94b): undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
> dcigettext.c:(.text+0x9fa): undefined reference to `libiconv'
> dcigettext.c:(.text+0xbaf): undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
> /usr/local/lib/libintl.a(relocatable.o): In function
> `libintl_set_relocation_prefix':
> relocatable.c:(.text+0x14b): undefined reference to
> `libiconv_set_relocation_prefix'

> Ideas, advice, suggestions, will be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps you have installed is newer or older than e2fsprogs need.

I remember some moths ago that libiconv was updated and had a similar issuse 
with fuse msdosfs. Don't know how I fixed it sorry.

You can try a portmaster -w libiconv

> Best Regards,
> Antonio

---   ---
Eduardo Morras 
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Re: Freebsd support in Adelaide wanted

2013-09-21 Thread Julian H. Stacey
Hi, Reference:
> From: Danny Beger  
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 16:30:57 +0930 

Danny Beger wrote:
> I have a small law firm in Adelaide and I am looking to engage someone to 
> build / purchase a new server to replace my current server which runs v6 
> freebsd.
> Can you recommend anyone?

Mike Smith in Adelaide +61 8 8267 3493
Greg Lehey in Echunga +61 8 83888286
Both are well know in FreeBSD community :-)
I've cc'd them both

PS for other consultants: 
If you want to be added to geographic indexed table
just email me a pre-prepared HTML table enty

> Regards
> _ _
> Danny Beger  |  Beger & Co Lawyers
> p: 8362 6400  |  f: 8362 3555
> Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards 
> Legislation 
> ___
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
 Reply below not above, like a play script.  Indent old text with "> ".
 Send plain text.  No quoted-printable, HTML, base64, multipart/alternative.
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Re: sound settings

2013-09-21 Thread Ajtim
On Friday 20 September 2013 20:54:08 Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez wrote:
> On Friday 20 September 2013 14:26:08 Ajtim wrote:
> > Hi!
> > My system is FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1 #0 r255501: Fri Sep 13 01:57:31 UTC 2013
> >  amd64 installed on
> > iMac
> > 11,1.
> > It works very good but I don't know how to setup sound system.
> > After start system:
> > cat /dev/sndstat
> > Installed devices:
> > pcm0:  (play)
> > pcm1:  (play/rec) default
> > pcm2:  (play/rec)
> > pcm3:  (play/rec)
> You have 4 devices where the sound can go
> which one has the speakers pluged in, you especify with (as root)
> # sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=n
> test sending a file to the sound system
> % cat filename > /dev/dsp
> ___
> mailing list
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I did but it doesn't work. Computer is iMac. And I found somewhere that hints 
should be in device.hints but I fon't know how to setup them.
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Re: sound settings

2013-09-20 Thread Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez
On Friday 20 September 2013 14:26:08 Ajtim wrote:
> Hi!
> My system is FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1 #0 r255501: Fri Sep 13 01:57:31 UTC 2013
>  amd64 installed on iMac
> 11,1.
> It works very good but I don't know how to setup sound system.
> After start system:
> cat /dev/sndstat
> Installed devices:
> pcm0:  (play)
> pcm1:  (play/rec) default
> pcm2:  (play/rec)
> pcm3:  (play/rec)

You have 4 devices where the sound can go

which one has the speakers pluged in, you especify with (as root)

# sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=n

test sending a file to the sound system

% cat filename > /dev/dsp
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Re: SES tools and RRD perhaps?

2013-09-20 Thread Juan Bernhard

El 20/09/2013 03:48 p.m., aurfalien escribió:

Hi all,

1) Any one have a way to monitor fan speeds/temp of a JBOD connected via a SAS 
You can get disk temperature by sysutils/smartmontools, and motherboard 
fans sysutils/mbmon (assuming that your fans are connected to the 

2) Any one integrate SES into something like Cacti or Zabbix?

I don't know what SES means

I know the later is sort of not FreeBSD specific but this list has many a guru 

Thanks in advance,

- aurf
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2013-09-20 Thread Ethan W. House
Thanks, that was exactly the information I was looking for.

Ethan House

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 2:16 AM, Matthew Seaman <> wrote:

> On 09/20/13 05:05, Ethan W. House wrote:
> > What is the status of pkgng. The handbook says to use it but else were it
> > says that the repos are empty due to a security incident last November.
> >
> > Are there beta repos hidden somewhere that can be used? The reason I ask
> is
> > I want to install packages like Gimp and LibreOffice which will take a
> > fortnight on my laptop to compile. I tried pkg_add but that broke
> > everything when I updated to 9.2.
> pkgng is in rude health.  It's certainly usable -- you can enable it on
> your systems and use it with the ports (portmaster, portupgrade style)
> or you can try various repos which are available online.
> The systems that will be the official FreeBSD pkg repo are on-line and
> available for testing with:
> % cat /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pkg-test.conf
> ---
> pkg-test:
>   URL:${ABI}/latest
> This doesn't have package signatures yet, but otherwise it's pretty much
> what will be the official pkg repository for 10.0-RELEASE.
> There are other publicly available pkg repos, such as the one provided
> by Exonetric which is at
> Cheers,
> Matthew
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: SES tools and RRD perhaps?

2013-09-20 Thread aurfalien

On Sep 20, 2013, at 12:05 PM, Juan Bernhard wrote:

> El 20/09/2013 03:48 p.m., aurfalien escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> 1) Any one have a way to monitor fan speeds/temp of a JBOD connected via a 
>> SAS cable?
> You can get disk temperature by sysutils/smartmontools, and motherboard fans 
> sysutils/mbmon (assuming that your fans are connected to the motherboard)
>> 2) Any one integrate SES into something like Cacti or Zabbix?
> I don't know what SES means

Its SCSI Enclosure Services and commands like getencstat can see my JBODs, just 
unsure how I can get more granular info.

I'll try to see if the tools you listed detect the JBODs.

Thanks for that.

- aurf
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2013-09-20 Thread Matthew Seaman
On 09/20/13 10:59, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> The following links are not accessible ( at least from Turkey ) :
> is a SRV record, not an A record[*].  pkg(8) will
be able to find the repo given the information I showed.

Also ${ABI} in pkg.conf expands to a string like freebsd:9:x86:64 which
includes more than just the CPU architecture.



[*] This usage is not in compliance with RFC 2616 so the URL will need
to be changed at some point.  See

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2013-09-20 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Matthew Seaman <> wrote:

> On 09/20/13 05:05, Ethan W. House wrote:
> > What is the status of pkgng. The handbook says to use it but else were it
> > says that the repos are empty due to a security incident last November.
> >
> > Are there beta repos hidden somewhere that can be used? The reason I ask
> is
> > I want to install packages like Gimp and LibreOffice which will take a
> > fortnight on my laptop to compile. I tried pkg_add but that broke
> > everything when I updated to 9.2.
> pkgng is in rude health.  It's certainly usable -- you can enable it on
> your systems and use it with the ports (portmaster, portupgrade style)
> or you can try various repos which are available online.
> The systems that will be the official FreeBSD pkg repo are on-line and
> available for testing with:
> % cat /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pkg-test.conf
> ---
> pkg-test:
>   URL:${ABI}/latest
> This doesn't have package signatures yet, but otherwise it's pretty much
> what will be the official pkg repository for 10.0-RELEASE.
> There are other publicly available pkg repos, such as the one provided
> by Exonetric which is at
> Cheers,
> Matthew

The following links are not accessible ( at least from Turkey ) :

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Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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2013-09-20 Thread Matthew Seaman
On 09/20/13 05:05, Ethan W. House wrote:
> What is the status of pkgng. The handbook says to use it but else were it
> says that the repos are empty due to a security incident last November.
> Are there beta repos hidden somewhere that can be used? The reason I ask is
> I want to install packages like Gimp and LibreOffice which will take a
> fortnight on my laptop to compile. I tried pkg_add but that broke
> everything when I updated to 9.2.

pkgng is in rude health.  It's certainly usable -- you can enable it on
your systems and use it with the ports (portmaster, portupgrade style)
or you can try various repos which are available online.

The systems that will be the official FreeBSD pkg repo are on-line and
available for testing with:

% cat /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pkg-test.conf

This doesn't have package signatures yet, but otherwise it's pretty much
what will be the official pkg repository for 10.0-RELEASE.

There are other publicly available pkg repos, such as the one provided
by Exonetric which is at${ABI}/latest


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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-20 Thread Vincent Schut
On Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:05:14 -0700 (PDT)
Dennis Glatting  wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Sep 2013, Vincent Schut wrote:
> > On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:08:43 -0500
> > Michael Chen  wrote:
> >
> >> I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> ___
> >> mailing list
> >>
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> >> ""
> >>
> >
> > I recently bought one like that (48 cores but 'only' 96 Gb ram). It
> > was meant to play a double role as both zfs file server and data
> > processing server (we do lots of satellite image processing),
> > running FreeBSD 9.1. It connects with a SAN and we'll use it to
> > process about 36TB of satellite data in the next months. (In a
> > couple of weeks we will probably have budget to split those roles,
> > and buy a dedicated file server.) After several weeks of tweaking
> > and testing, I can say that:
> > - the zfs/file server part runs without problems
> > - the satellite data processing had problems scaling to all 48
> > cores, I got max performance when running about 18 processes in
> > parallel, scaling up more would lower the overall performance.
> > However, this (sorry guys) appeared to be a FreeBSD problem, and
> > not a hardware problem. As a test I switched to linux with ZoL (ZFS
> > on Linux), and, though zfs performance is less compared to freebsd,
> > data processing is much much better, like a factor 12 or so.
> >
> I've noticed this same scaling problem on 32+ core servers but
> haven't had a chance to look into the detail. From the performance
> graphs I am confused whether my problems are processing problems or a
> data I/O problem.

I have done some (light) investigation as I did need the processing
power. In my case the bottleneck was definitely not data I/O. Bonnie+
rates from and to the dataset were as expected, top and atop and other
utils did not show any stress on the I/O system, and the algorithm which
did not scale should not be IO bound, rather cpu or memory (or
both). I've heard/read rumors (when I was investigating the extreme
long compile time of openblas on freebsd compared to linux) about bsd
being less well optimized in e.g. using the processor's L2 cache.
Things like this can play an important role in the processing we do
(many numerical calculations on lots of data in memory). Most of the
calculations were done by quite optimized software for numerical
processing (numpy/scipy using openblas (yes I did make sure openblas
used only 1 thread when scaling up)). The fact that the problems
disappeared when running the same under linux also point in the
cpu/memory direction rather that I/O, as the ZFS on Linux performance
is still behind that of ZFS on BSD.

> > Conclusion: the hardware is alright, however when needed to do lots
> > of heavy calculations on terabytes of data, the combination with
> > FreeBSD appears not ideal.
> >
> > Of course it is you get what you pay for. Decent, OK working
> > hardware, but none of the special handy-dandy features expensive
> > brands will give you. If you don't need them, in my experience it
> > is decent hardware for a good price.
> >
> > regards,
> > Vincent.
> >
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> >
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Re: history

2013-09-19 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:36:43 +, william benton wrote:
> when I log into free bsd I am in the sh shell. i type history
> at the command line and the machine says history not found.
> If I type h at the command line it works like i expect the
> history command to work.

That is strange. The sh shell (system scripting shell and
emergency dialog shell in SUM) does not have a history function.

% sh
$ h
h: not found
$ history
history: not found
$ _

> In the csh or tcsh shells history works as well as h.

This is correct. A system-wide alias is defined for those shells:

alias   h   'history 25'

It can be found in /etc/csh.cshrc.

> why does entering history at the command line work in the csh and
> tcsh  shells  but not in the sh shell.

The sh shell (Bourne-like shell, actually a derivate of ash) does
not have this functionality. Bash, the Bourne-again shell, supports
the "history" function internally, and a "h" alias can be defined
for this shell.

% bash
$ history
  501  history
$ _

> Considering that all three shells seem to have the same .cshrc file?

They don't. The csh and tcsh (system default dialog shell) use the
cshrc mechanism (/etc/csh.cshrc for global settings, .cshrc for user
settings, and .login and .logout for interactive shells), while sh
uses /etc/profile and .profile and .shrc similarly. Bash uses .profile
as well as .bash_profile and .bash_login in a comparable manner.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: how to tell which process call sendmail

2013-09-19 Thread Frank Leonhardt

On 19/09/2013 19:30, Glenn McCalley wrote:
So, some idiot is using a cgi or php or something to send mail out of 
his website that he shouldn't be sending.  With a bunch of sites on 
the server, can't tell who.

I had a similar problem, but some time back and I can't remember 
*exactly* what I did. It was something like pointing mailer.conf to my 
own program which did some logging and then called the real sendmail. 
Actually, I might just have hacked mailwrapper directly. I think there 
was some way I managed to cross-reference to the httpd logs, or that 
might be what I tried to do and failed. Sorry - this may not be helping 

Another approach might be to find some likely text in the outgoing 
message and do a recursive grep on /home.

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Re: history

2013-09-19 Thread Glenn Sieb
On 9/19/13 3:36 PM, william benton wrote:
> when I log into free bsd I am in the sh shell. i type history at the
> command line and the machine says history not found. If I type h at
> the command line it works like i expect the history command to work.
> In the csh or tcsh shells history works as well as h. why does
> entering history at the command line work in the csh and tcsh  shells
> but not in the sh shell. Considering that all three shells seem to
> have the same .cshrc file?

Bourne shell (sh) has no history component.

Bourne Again shell (bash) does, as well as C-shell and Turbo C-shell


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Re: how to tell which process call sendmail

2013-09-19 Thread Eugene

Hi Glenn,

I once wrote some (quick-and-dirty) perl script that monitors network 
traffic and logs (for matching outgoing connections) the process command 
line and (if apache) the respective vhost and request.

But this would not help if they are calling the sendmail program directly to 
inject the message into mail queue.
(Unverified guess: if you temporarily remove execute permissions on it, the 
execution error should probably be logged somewhere?).

BTW most probably that is not your user as such, but rather some abused 
comment form or forum script or something like that.

Best wishes

-Original Message- 
From: Glenn McCalley

Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:30 PM
Subject: how to tell which process call sendmail

So, some idiot is using a cgi or php or something to send mail out of his
website that he shouldn't be sending.  With a bunch of sites on the server,
can't tell who.

System accounting can tell me that sendmail was executed 32,976 times, but
is there a way to tell what process /file name called it each time?  Since
it's always called by the www user that doesn't help -- I need to
distinguish between legit processes that call 5 or 10 in a day and the idiot
who calls the other 31,000 times.


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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-19 Thread Dennis Glatting

On Thu, 19 Sep 2013, Vincent Schut wrote:

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:08:43 -0500
Michael Chen  wrote:

I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:

Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?

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I recently bought one like that (48 cores but 'only' 96 Gb ram). It was
meant to play a double role as both zfs file server and data processing
server (we do lots of satellite image processing), running FreeBSD 9.1.
It connects with a SAN and we'll use it to process about 36TB of
satellite data in the next months. (In a couple of weeks we will
probably have budget to split those roles, and buy a dedicated file
server.) After several weeks of tweaking and testing, I can say that:
- the zfs/file server part runs without problems
- the satellite data processing had problems scaling to all 48 cores, I
 got max performance when running about 18 processes in parallel,
 scaling up more would lower the overall performance. However, this
 (sorry guys) appeared to be a FreeBSD problem, and not a hardware
 problem. As a test I switched to linux with ZoL (ZFS on Linux), and,
 though zfs performance is less compared to freebsd, data processing
 is much much better, like a factor 12 or so.

I've noticed this same scaling problem on 32+ core servers but haven't had 
a chance to look into the detail. From the performance graphs I am 
confused whether my problems are processing problems or a data I/O 

Conclusion: the hardware is alright, however when needed to do lots of
heavy calculations on terabytes of data, the combination with FreeBSD
appears not ideal.

Of course it is you get what you pay for. Decent, OK working hardware,
but none of the special handy-dandy features expensive brands will give
you. If you don't need them, in my experience it is decent hardware for
a good price.


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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-19 Thread Vincent Schut
On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:08:43 -0500
Michael Chen  wrote:

> I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:
> Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?
> Thanks!
> ___
> mailing list
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> ""

I recently bought one like that (48 cores but 'only' 96 Gb ram). It was
meant to play a double role as both zfs file server and data processing
server (we do lots of satellite image processing), running FreeBSD 9.1.
It connects with a SAN and we'll use it to process about 36TB of
satellite data in the next months. (In a couple of weeks we will
probably have budget to split those roles, and buy a dedicated file
server.) After several weeks of tweaking and testing, I can say that:
- the zfs/file server part runs without problems
- the satellite data processing had problems scaling to all 48 cores, I
  got max performance when running about 18 processes in parallel,
  scaling up more would lower the overall performance. However, this
  (sorry guys) appeared to be a FreeBSD problem, and not a hardware
  problem. As a test I switched to linux with ZoL (ZFS on Linux), and,
  though zfs performance is less compared to freebsd, data processing
  is much much better, like a factor 12 or so.

Conclusion: the hardware is alright, however when needed to do lots of
heavy calculations on terabytes of data, the combination with FreeBSD
appears not ideal.

Of course it is you get what you pay for. Decent, OK working hardware,
but none of the special handy-dandy features expensive brands will give
you. If you don't need them, in my experience it is decent hardware for
a good price.


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Re: Old GPT/GELI disk issue

2013-09-18 Thread Andre Goree

On 09/18/2013 7:44 am, RW wrote:

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:22:30 -0400
Andre Goree wrote:

Hey list,

I have a disk that was at one time part of a GPT/GELI configuration
and thus, had a passphrase attached to it.

I've since reformatted that disk and am using it for another purpose,
but the system still appears to think the disk should be unlocked via
passphrase.  I always have to enter some arbitrary passphrase to get
past the prompt, after which the system continues to boot as normal.
I thought all I would need to do is comment the corresponding parts
in /boot/loader.conf, but that doesn't appear to be the case.  Anyone
have any insight?

geli metadata is stored in the last sector of the provider which wont
get overwritten by newfs or similar.

I guess you need to run geli clear on it.
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Thanks, I knew this was probably some simple command I was missing to 
erase the metadata...Googling didn't turn up much but I probably wasn't 
searching for the write thing.

I'll give this a shot, I'm sure this will resolve it.  Thanks again.

Andre Goree
Email - andre at
Website   -
PGP key   -
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Re: Old GPT/GELI disk issue

2013-09-18 Thread RW
On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:22:30 -0400
Andre Goree wrote:

> Hey list,
> I have a disk that was at one time part of a GPT/GELI configuration
> and thus, had a passphrase attached to it.
> I've since reformatted that disk and am using it for another purpose, 
> but the system still appears to think the disk should be unlocked via 
> passphrase.  I always have to enter some arbitrary passphrase to get 
> past the prompt, after which the system continues to boot as normal.
> I thought all I would need to do is comment the corresponding parts
> in /boot/loader.conf, but that doesn't appear to be the case.  Anyone
> have any insight?

geli metadata is stored in the last sector of the provider which wont
get overwritten by newfs or similar.

I guess you need to run geli clear on it.
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Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-17 Thread Trond Endrestøl
On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 06:30-, Thomas Mueller wrote:

> > On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 10:29:26 -0400
> > "Sam Fourman Jr."  wrote:
> > > mount -o rw /
> > That would need to be
> > mount -u -o rw /
> > Steve O'Hara-Smith 
> I think you could shorten that to
> mount -uw /
> Is that correct?
> Tom

I tend to short it to: mount -u /

| Vennlig hilsen,   | Best regards,  |
| Trond Endrestøl,  | Trond Endrestøl,   |
| IT-ansvarlig, | System administrator,  |
| Fagskolen Innlandet,  | Gjøvik Technical College, Norway,  |
| tlf. mob.   952 62 567,   | Cellular...: +47 952 62 567,   |
| sentralbord 61 14 54 00.  | Switchboard: +47 61 14 54 00.  |
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Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-17 Thread Thomas Mueller
> On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 10:29:26 -0400
> "Sam Fourman Jr."  wrote:

> > mount -o rw /

> That would need to be

> mount -u -o rw /

> Steve O'Hara-Smith 

I think you could shorten that to

mount -uw /

Is that correct?


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Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-17 Thread Steve O'Hara-Smith
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 10:29:26 -0400
"Sam Fourman Jr."  wrote:

> mount -o rw /

That would need to be

mount -u -o rw /

Steve O'Hara-Smith 
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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-17 Thread iamatt
We discovered some performance issues with the the SM boards and how they
are layed out.  Granted these were being used  with  HPC clusters in a
fortran development environment used in O&G industry.  You probably would
not even notice these running your typical web servers on them.  The ipmi
is pretty annoying and even worse if you get their 10 blade chassis
systems.  Another thing they lack is the error logging abilities and tools
that you get with a fully integrated  system from  say,  ibm, sgi.  Or
other utilities to change bios settings on the fly ..  like IBM Advanced
Settings Utility.  All of these may not matter as much I suppose  with a
small server environment.  You pay what you get for.

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, iamatt wrote:

 Hi.   Not sure if you can use all cores.   It has been and still is my
> experience that SM is crap.   We have several SM gpu and SM/Calxeda  Arm
> clusters and they really lack in may ways from ipmi to chassis management
> to the corners they cut with the processor to memory mappings.
Just to clarify:

My use is simply as servers and workstations. Generally I don't use IPMI on
these systems. I have had trouble with the PCIe slots. Specifically, on the
dual core boards some slots are serviced by one set of hardware and other
slots by other sets of hardware. Consequently, if you don't have all cores
populated then corresponding PCIe slots will not work.

Can't say about the four core system, though.

 I would consider looking at SGI UV,  ultraviolet system for a fat node type
> system but they are not cheap.   We have plenty of those and they can build
> it the way you want.   Lead time is a couple of months due to build  to
> order.   Support from SM sucks too. :)
> On Sep 17, 2013 12:17 PM, "Michael Chen" 
> wrote:
>  I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:
>> 1U-H8QG6-4-CPUS-48-cores-2-2Ghz-128GB-RAM-/151119828428?
>> pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=item232f7195cc>**Server-1042G-TF-1U-H8QG6-4-**
>> CPUS-48-cores-2-2Ghz-128GB-**RAM-/151119828428?pt=COMP_EN_**
>> Servers&hash=item232f7195cc
>> >
>> Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?
>> Thanks!
>> ___
>> mailing list
>> >
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>> >"
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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-17 Thread Dennis Glatting

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, iamatt wrote:

Hi.   Not sure if you can use all cores.   It has been and still is my
experience that SM is crap.   We have several SM gpu and SM/Calxeda  Arm
clusters and they really lack in may ways from ipmi to chassis management
to the corners they cut with the processor to memory mappings.

Just to clarify:

My use is simply as servers and workstations. Generally I don't use IPMI 
on these systems. I have had trouble with the PCIe slots. Specifically, on 
the dual core boards some slots are serviced by one set of hardware and 
other slots by other sets of hardware. Consequently, if you don't have all 
cores populated then corresponding PCIe slots will not work.

Can't say about the four core system, though.

I would consider looking at SGI UV,  ultraviolet system for a fat node type
system but they are not cheap.   We have plenty of those and they can build
it the way you want.   Lead time is a couple of months due to build  to
order.   Support from SM sucks too. :)
On Sep 17, 2013 12:17 PM, "Michael Chen"  wrote:

I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:**Supermicro-A-Server-1042G-TF-**

Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?

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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-17 Thread Dennis Glatting

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, iamatt wrote:

Hi.   Not sure if you can use all cores.   It has been and still is my
experience that SM is crap.   We have several SM gpu and SM/Calxeda  Arm
clusters and they really lack in may ways from ipmi to chassis management
to the corners they cut with the processor to memory mappings.

I would consider looking at SGI UV,  ultraviolet system for a fat node type
system but they are not cheap.   We have plenty of those and they can build
it the way you want.   Lead time is a couple of months due to build  to
order.   Support from SM sucks too. :)
On Sep 17, 2013 12:17 PM, "Michael Chen"  wrote:

I have three personal systems and two work systems running using the H8DG6 
MBs and they work fine.

I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:**Supermicro-A-Server-1042G-TF-**

Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?

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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-17 Thread Dennis Glatting

Forgot to mention:

1) My board is mounted in a SC848 Chassis and I use active cooling.

2) DO NOT run a chassis like the SC848 with the top off or the disks will 
overheat. :)

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, Michael Chen wrote:

I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:

Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?

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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-17 Thread Dennis Glatting

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, Michael Chen wrote:

I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:

Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?

I have one of those boards running 32 cores. You MUST run FreeBSD 9+ if 
you want access to more than 32 cores.

Currently there is a bug in the stable/9 mfs drivers that do not allow you 
to boot from a RAID array. I believe a patch has been submitted. I have a 
copy of the patch and it works fine.

I have had significant problems with ZFS under stable/9 however I haven't 
tried recent updates, rather I had to punt back to stable/8 (production 

I have 22 3TB disks, 4 256GB SSDs, 256GB RAM, and 4x16 cores on my 
machine. I also have a 10GbE cardin my machine that runs fine.

I DO NOT use the CD.

Other than the issues I mentioned, runs fine.

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Re: this 48-core box...

2013-09-17 Thread iamatt
Hi.   Not sure if you can use all cores.   It has been and still is my
experience that SM is crap.   We have several SM gpu and SM/Calxeda  Arm
clusters and they really lack in may ways from ipmi to chassis management
to the corners they cut with the processor to memory mappings.

I would consider looking at SGI UV,  ultraviolet system for a fat node type
system but they are not cheap.   We have plenty of those and they can build
it the way you want.   Lead time is a couple of months due to build  to
order.   Support from SM sucks too. :)
On Sep 17, 2013 12:17 PM, "Michael Chen"  wrote:

> I'm considering bidding on this 48-core box:
> 1U-H8QG6-4-CPUS-48-cores-2-**2Ghz-128GB-RAM-/151119828428?**
> pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=**item232f7195cc
> Does anyone have experience with it and can I use all the cores?
> Thanks!
> __**_
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-17 Thread aurfalien

On Sep 16, 2013, at 11:27 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:28 AM, aurfalien  wrote:
> >
> > When a file is modified by a user ,
> Whats that users umask?
> - aurf
> 755

Ok, well thats your answer.

Only that user can mod the file, every one else has rx privs.

I'd highly recommend this book;

And book mark this;

- aurf
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Re: FreeBSD stuck during the boot process.

2013-09-17 Thread atar

Polytropon  wrote:

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:15:58 +0300, Atar wrote:

When I try to boot FreeBSD from a USB stick, it stuck during the
boot process. But if I boot it in safe mode, it succeeds to boot.
How can I figure out what's wrong with the standard boot process?
I can't even log the boot messages since the computer stuck and
not respond.

You could try a verbose boot (equivalent: boot -v) and see _when_
the system stops resonding. It would help to post the error message
(last lines of console output) to the list to get a better impression
about what's happening.

If I remember correctly, "safe mode" refers to the mode with ACPI
disabled, right? In this case, it _could_ be an ACPI problem (a really
wild guess, as you have provided no information about the system you
are trying to boot FreeBSD on).

Thanks for replying!!

Yes, you remember correctly, safe mode disable the ACPI support  

I think it's a problem in the ACPI system because when I disable ACPI, it  
boot successfully even without choosing safe mode.

But what that is strange here, is that Microsoft Windows and Linux  
(Debian) are able to boot with ACPI enabled. furthermore, some days ago  
FreeBSD itself succeeded to boot also with ACPI support enabled.

As for the error messages, there's not a particular error message. it  
simply stuck during the initialization of the PCI bus.

Here are the last eight lines:

pcib2:  at device 30.0 on pci0
pcib2: domain   0
pcib2: secondary bus2
pcib2: subordinate bus  2
pcib2: no prefetched decode
pcib2 Subtractively decoded bridge.
pcib2:  on pcib2
pcib2: domain=0, physical bus=2


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Re: FreeBSD stuck during the boot process.

2013-09-17 Thread Michael Sierchio
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 9:47 AM, atar  wrote:
> Polytropon  wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:15:58 +0300, Atar wrote:
>>> When I try to boot FreeBSD from a USB stick, it stuck during the
>>> boot process. But if I boot it in safe mode, it succeeds to boot.

> Yes, you remember correctly, safe mode disable the ACPI support
> automatically.

The problem may also be that USB devices take a long time to settle.
I suggest these in your /boot/loader.conf


The CAM boot delay is needed for USB booting on some of my machines,
esp. Soekris boxes.  10 seconds is safe.

- M
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Re: FreeBSD stuck during the boot process.

2013-09-17 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:15:58 +0300, Atar wrote:
> When I try to boot FreeBSD from a USB stick, it stuck during the
> boot process. But if I boot it in safe mode, it succeeds to boot.
> How can I figure out what's wrong with the standard boot process?
> I can't even log the boot messages since the computer stuck and
> not respond.

You could try a verbose boot (equivalent: boot -v) and see _when_
the system stops resonding. It would help to post the error message
(last lines of console output) to the list to get a better impression
about what's happening.

If I remember correctly, "safe mode" refers to the mode with ACPI
disabled, right? In this case, it _could_ be an ACPI problem (a really
wild guess, as you have provided no information about the system you
are trying to boot FreeBSD on).

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: syslog-ng33 fails to build

2013-09-17 Thread C. L. Martinez
On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 11:40 PM, CyberLeo Kitsana
> On 09/13/2013 01:53 AM, C. L. Martinez wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  I am trying to build syslog-ng33 (release 3.3.9) using a poudriere
>> server, but build process fails:
>> configure: error: in
>> `/wrkdirs/usr/ports/sysutils/syslog-ng33/work/syslog-ng-3.3.9':
>> configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too
>> old.  Make sure it
>> is in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full
>> path to pkg-config.
>> Alternatively, you may set the environment variables EVTLOG_CFLAGS
>> and EVTLOG_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
>> See the pkg-config man page for more details.
>> It is strange, because previous build (on August 27) works without problems 
>> ...
>> Any idea??
> Probably because syslog-ng relies upon pkgconfig, but assumes it will be
> installed by one of the dependent ports so doesn't explicitly declare
> the dependency. Poudriere has a habit of only installing the immediate
> dependencies of the package it is currently compiling, so exposes such
> issues when a port is updated, but none of its dependencies are. Bug
> ports/181098 is another I found like this.
> Add this to the port's Makefile after the include of
> USES+= pkgconfig
> If that corrects the issue you're seeing, submit a pr.
> --
> Fuzzy love,
> -CyberLeo
> Technical Administrator
> CyberLeo.Net Webhosting
> http://www.CyberLeo.Net

Many thanks CyberLeo ... It works. I have opened pr last week about
this (but instead against syslog-ng33, it is about syslog-ng 3.4.3,
but the problem is the same)
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-17 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:32 AM, aurfalien  wrote:

> > When a file is modified by a user
> Also curious whats that users group?
> - aurf

   user a: 1000 in group :1000
  group n  id : 1001 ( member : a )

FreeBSD :
   user b : 1001 in group 1001

NFS Server : group id : 1000

User a is not able to use files created or  modified by user b , and vice
versa .
Users a and b are not able to use or modify files created or modified by
Windows XP user . There is no any restriction for the Windows XP user .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-16 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:28 AM, aurfalien  wrote:

> >
> > When a file is modified by a user ,
> Whats that users umask?
> - aurf


Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-16 Thread aurfalien
> When a file is modified by a user

Also curious whats that users group?

- aurf
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-16 Thread aurfalien
> When a file is modified by a user ,

Whats that users umask?

- aurf
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-16 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:53 PM, aurfalien  wrote:

> From your non MS$ clients, open a shell and type umask, what returns?
> Sounds like your default umask needs changing is all.
> I would suggest going with a umask of 775 and ensuring all ppl requiring
> mod access be group members of what you have settled on.
> - aurf
> On Sep 16, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> > Dear All ,
> >
> >
> > I have NFS 3 in FreeBSD 9.1 amd64 .
> >
> > The clients are FreeBSD , Linux , Windows XP through Samba on the same
> > files .
> >
> > The Windows XP is able to access , use and modify files created or
> modified
> > by any other operating system user .
> >
> > In contrary , FreeBSD and Linux users are NOT able to such sharing
> because
> > files are created by another user and access mode settings are not
> > changeable due to owner of files .
> >
> > It is very likely that some settings are missing but I do not know which
> > ones .
> >
> > One remedy is to use NFS server in root logged state and change file
> modes
> > frequently  ( An ordinary user in server is NOT permitted to change modes
> > of files created by other users although exported directories owned by
> such
> > a user ) .
> >
> > How can I solve the following problem :
> >
> > No any client should be able to change file modes set in server
> > All files created by client should inherit modes set in server directory
> .
> >
> >

Linux umask : 0002
FreeBSD umask : 0022

Changing client umask to 775 is not solving the problem , because in NFS
server , they are setting their own modes without considering existing
umask .

When a file is modified by a user , the other users in FreeBSD and Linux
are not able to access to these files even their umask values are 775 .

The Linux user is defined in groups 1000 and 1001 but this is also not
permitting access to files modified by other users whether their group is
1000 or 1001 .

> > Thank you very much .
> >
> > Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
> >
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Re: test if script called by cron

2013-09-16 Thread aurfalien
An easy way to do this is check /var/log/cron

There are many other ways. 

- aurf

On Sep 16, 2013, at 4:26 AM, Paul Macdonald wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a simple way of testing whether a given script was called via cron,
> I'd rather find a solution that would work from within the script rather than 
> setting an environment variable in the crontab.
> thanks
> Paul.
> (anyone here going to EuroBSD con?)
> -- 
> -
> Paul Macdonald
> Web and video hosting
> -
> t: 0131 5548070
> m: 07970339546
> e:
> w:
> -
> 40 Maritime Street
> Edinburgh
> EH6 6SA
> High Specification Dedicated Servers from £100.00pm
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Re: NFS file modes consistency among different operating systems

2013-09-16 Thread aurfalien
>From your non MS$ clients, open a shell and type umask, what returns?

Sounds like your default umask needs changing is all.

I would suggest going with a umask of 775 and ensuring all ppl requiring mod 
access be group members of what you have settled on.

- aurf

On Sep 16, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:

> Dear All ,
> I have NFS 3 in FreeBSD 9.1 amd64 .
> The clients are FreeBSD , Linux , Windows XP through Samba on the same
> files .
> The Windows XP is able to access , use and modify files created or modified
> by any other operating system user .
> In contrary , FreeBSD and Linux users are NOT able to such sharing because
> files are created by another user and access mode settings are not
> changeable due to owner of files .
> It is very likely that some settings are missing but I do not know which
> ones .
> One remedy is to use NFS server in root logged state and change file modes
> frequently  ( An ordinary user in server is NOT permitted to change modes
> of files created by other users although exported directories owned by such
> a user ) .
> How can I solve the following problem :
> No any client should be able to change file modes set in server
> All files created by client should inherit modes set in server directory .
> Thank you very much .
> Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
> ___
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Re: test if script called by cron

2013-09-16 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:28:17 -0400, wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 02:05:04PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:26:59 +0100, Paul Macdonald wrote:
> > > Is there a simple way of testing whether a given script was called via 
> > > cron,
> > > 
> > > I'd rather find a solution that would work from within the script rather 
> > > than setting an environment variable in the crontab.
> > 
> > I'd suggest the script creates a file (lock file or,
> > much easier, just a simple normal file) at its beginning:
> > 
> > #!/bin/sh
> > /usr/bin/touch /tmp/scriptrun
> > # ... your script content here ...
> Wouldn't the lockf command be better than touch? That way you get the
> condition code telling you whether or not the script is already running.

Yes, it would probably be better in this case. This, in
combination with the suggestion of "test-t 0" to check
if the script has been interactively called or not, looks
like a better solution.

However, the intial question does not make fully sure (at
least to me as a non-native speaker) if the intention is
(a) to check _if_ the script has been run via cron, or
(b) to check if the script has been run via _cron_. :-)

> > Of course you would have to manually remove that file
> > after you have verified its existence and content.
> If you use lockf as a drop-in replacement for touch then, yes, you'll
> need to keep the lock file until removing it at the end of the script.

Depends. Let's say the script is scheduled at 3:00 and will
finish in about half an hour. The "evidence file" will only
be visible from 3:00 to ca. 3:30, so removing the "evidence
file" after the script has finished could lead to a false-negative
result ("has not been run"). This is also true for the more
simple solution using the touch command (no rm call at the
end of the script).

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Updating texlive-base with portupgrade fails (sort of)

2013-09-16 Thread Bryan Drewery
On 8/25/2013 2:39 PM, Carmel wrote:
> Using "portupgrade-devel-20130718,3" installed from the ports system,
> attempting to update "texlive-base" always ends like this:
> --->  Build of print/texlive-base ended at: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 15:25:25 -0400 
> (consumed 00:11:57)
> --->  Updating dependency info
> --->  Modifying /var/db/pkg/texlive-full-20120701/+CONTENTS
> --->  Upgrade of print/texlive-base ended at: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 15:25:28 -0400 
> (consumed 00:12:00)
> --->  Session ended at: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 15:25:28 -0400 (consumed 00:12:19)
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/pkgtools/pkgtools.rb:828: stack level too 
> deep (SystemStackError)
> I have attempted to reboot the system and then start the update
> process; however it doesn't make any difference. Even though it appears
> as if the port has been updated, when I run "pkgdb -aFv", I am greeted
> with this:
> [...]
> Checking texlive-base-20120701_7
> Checking texlive-full-20120701
> Stale dependency: texlive-full-20120701 -> texlive-base-20120701_8 
> (print/texlive-base):
> Disclose depends for texlive-full-20120701
> --->  Modifying /var/db/pkg/texlive-full-20120701/+CONTENTS
> Fixed. (-> texlive-base-20120701_7)
> [...]
> This is the only package that "portupgrade" seems to be chocking on. I
> used "portupgrade" to initially install the complete "texlive" package,
> so I am not sure why it is suddenly have problems.

I've just updated ports-mgmt/portupgrade-devel with a fix. Please give
it a try and let me know. Version 20130916,3.

Bryan Drewery

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Migration TeX/LaTeX: from teTeX --> TeXlive

2013-09-16 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 20:33:15 +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 01:57:51AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 21:00:22 +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> > > Personally I don't think TeX is a good fit for the ports tree (because of
> > > duplication of effort).
> I have to add that I think that the chosen strategy (provide a full port and a
> minimal port) is a good balance between functionality and maintenance 
> workload.

This is a good approach for all cases where no custom
configuration (being done by tlmgr) has been done, and
it should work for most scenarios, I assume.

> > In conclusion, that could be said about many other software
> > that brings its own package management.
> More or less. Not all of those work equally well as tlmgr or the ports tree.

Of course; think about pip, npm, and the like.

The preferred goal of using tlmgr from the TeXLive distribution
instead of installing it with the ports tree (or pkg) would be
that it somehow at least records the existence of the TeXLive
installation on the system. This causes ports depending on it
_not_ to attempt any futile additional installation.

> > Of course, LaTeX is
> > a big and complex beast that TeXLive manages well (instead
> > of the system-provided tools for managing the ports tree).
> > In my opinion, a good _integration with_ the ports tree is
> > important, so dependencies will be resolved properly (and
> > you won't end up havong both TeXLive _and_ teTeX on your
> > system for no particular need).
> The problem is that if you hand over the management of the TeXLive install to
> tlmgr, the ports tree doesn't know and cannot know what is provided and what
> is depended on...

Correct. As I said, I'd suggest tlmgr could honor that case if
it is run on FreeBSD and update the system records accordingly,
so port management and pkg can work with that "foreign" installation
as if it would have been a valid installation done with the
system's default means.

> > On the other hand, this
> > might introduce demands of other "software compilations"
> > to move their management out of the system's range, so we
> > end up micro-managing many different sets of software in
> > their own specific way, abandoning the centralized means
> > of maintaining our software...
> There is indeed no silver bullet.

True. However, a good integration with keeping an eye on the most
obvious and important side effects could help.

For example, the TEX_DEFAULT setting in /etc/make.conf is already
a good beginning to select between teTeX and TeXLive. Maybe something
similar could be added by tlmgr to satisfy port and package management
tools with the illusion that everything went fine? :-)

> > > Since TeXLive is very complete and
> > > self-contained, I don't have other ports that depend on TeX.
> > 
> > It's the port maintainers' task to take care of the proper
> > declaration of dependencies, and for system tools to handle
> > them. I don't think it is a big problem to make this consistent
> > with how TeXLive handles things.
> It is not that simple. After every tlmgr run, you'd have to generate a new
> plist for the port. Since TeXLive is contained in one directory tree
> (/usr/local/texlive/) that part is relatively simple. But tlmgr can also
> install scripts or binaries. So after every tlmgr run, the list of binaries
> that the port provides and the list of libraries or interpreters (ports) that
> it requires would have to be updated. This is not trivial.

I recognize that complicated task, but I would like to say that
solving that problem (or at least "possible annoyance") would
really benefit "both worlds" - TeXLive can be managed with tlmgr
_and_ the system software records will keep working properly.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-16 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 20:32:43 -, atar wrote:
> What does the '-u' option do? I've not find in the 'mount' man page any  
> explanation on this option.

That's strange. I'm currently looking at "man mount" on a
FreeBSD 8.2 system and the following paragraph is readable:

 -u  The -u flag indicates that the status of an already mounted file
 system should be changed.  Any of the options discussed above
 (the -o option) may be changed; also a file system can be changed
 from read-only to read-write or vice versa.  An attempt to change
 from read-write to read-only will fail if any files on the file
 system are currently open for writing unless the -f flag is also
 specified.  The set of options is determined by applying the
 options specified in the argument to -o and finally applying the
 -r or -w option.

The -u flag is referenced in other sections of the manpage.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Getting tlmgr working

2013-09-16 Thread Antonio Olivares
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Jerry  wrote:

> Seriously though, tlmgr is the name of the package and configuration
> manager included in TeX Live. It operates completely separately from
> any package manager the operating system may provide. I fail to see why
> it was disabled. I think I will take the advice I was given and clear
> TeXLive from my system and then download and install it from it from
> "". I have been told it works perfectly and without any of the
> BS that FreeBSD apparently decided to attach to it. Again, if it wasn't
> broke, why did they feel the need to fix it? Are we sure that FreeBSD
> doesn't work for the government?
> --

Have you used the freebsd-texlive ports?

For a good while, Romain Tartiere has provided these ports which took
care of many complicated things that had not been done natively in

> Again, if it wasn't
> broke, why did they feel the need to fix it?

They* never fixed it, up till recently, texlive has officially been
added to the FreeBSD ports:

root@grullahighschool:~ # cat /usr/ports/UPDATING | grep 'texlive'
  Specifying TEX_DEFAULT=texlive, almost all of ports which use TeX
  The directory layout of them is as follows.  Please use print/texlive-full
   - print/texlive-full: meta port to install all of the TeXLive components
   - print/texlive-base: binary programs in TeXLive
   - print/texlive-texmf: macro and font data in TeXLive
   - print/texlive-infra: tlmgr dependency (Perl modules)

  AFFECTS: users of TeX

  One can now choose TeXLive or teTeX by using TEX_DEFAULT.
  Specifying TEX_DEFAULT=texlive, almost all of ports which use TeX
  will install and depend on TeXLive-based ones.  Note that the
  default value is still "tetex" and the two cannot coexist.  You need
  to remove all of the TeX-related packages based on teTeX to try

  AFFECTS: users of TeX

  TeXLive ports have been imported.  Although most of ports still depend
  on teTeX at this moment, they will be converted to use TeXLive.

  The directory layout of them is as follows.  Please use print/texlive-full
  if you are not familiar with how each component works.  Finer-grained
  ports will be added (specifically, meta ports for smaller installation
  and so on).  Note that the full installation needs around 3GB of disk space.

  teTeX-based ports and TeXLive are mutually exclusive.  This means TeXLive
  ports cannot be installed when teTeX is already installed.  You need
  to remove all of the TeX-related packages based on teTeX to try TeXLive.
  Migration procedure will be announced when conversion of the port
  dependency is completed.

  * Meta port
   - print/texlive-full: meta port to install all of the TeXLive components

  * Libraries
   - devel/tex-kpathsea: kpathsea library
   - devel/tex-web2c: WEB2C toolchain and TeX engines
   - print/tex-ptexenc: character code conversion library for pTeX

  * Base part of the TeXLive
   - print/texlive-base: binary programs in TeXLive
   - print/texlive-texmf: macro and font data in TeXLive
   - print/texlive-infra: tlmgr dependency (Perl modules)
   - print/tex-formats:

  * TeX Formats
   - print/tex-formats: TeX, LaTeX, PDFTeX, AMSTeX, ConTeXT, CSLaTeX,
   EplainTeX, METAFONT, MLTeX, PDFTeX, TeXsis
   - print/tex-aleph: Aleph/Lambda
   - print/tex-xetex: XeTeX
   - print/tex-luatex: LuaTeX
   - print/tex-jadetex: JadeTeX
   - print/tex-xmltex: XMLTeX
   - japanese/tex-ptex: pTeX

  * DVI ware
   - print/tex-xdvik: XDvi

It took a BIG WHILE to get texlive onboard natively on official
FreeBSD ports.  TeTeX has been depracated since 2006 and now it is
there, but people are never happy.

> Are we sure that FreeBSD
> doesn't work for the government?

Which government?  I hope not the U.S. government which is doing
things backwards and thinking on their feet instead of their brains
and not respecting *

Best Regards,

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Re: how to log sshd access in a single file

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Miller
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 2:44 PM, aurikus grande  wrote:

> >Most web servers handle their own logging.
> I do _not_ want the web server acces to be logged (at least as of now).

Which is fine, but still configured via your web server.

>Have you looked at /var/log/auth.log?
> yes, and as you mentioned in your previous update, it logs the success
> login (only). Unsuccessfull attempts are being sent to  /var/log/messages .
> So there are 2 separate files. I would like to have all sshd access
> attempts in one single file - regardless if they are successfull or
> unsuccessfull.

> Quotation: "I believe FreeBSD defaults to failed ssh authentication is
> logged to /var/log/messages while successful authentication is written to
> /var/log/auth.log."

I was incorrect.  Fail and success are both recorded here.  Even if this
were the case, the best way to accomplish what you're looking for is still

> >Can you elaborate on your reasons for running sshd via inetd? I'm curious
> as I've never even heard of anyone attempting this.
> When i searched how to setup / configure sshd on internet, i found many
> hints to start it using inetd. Since it worked for me there was no reason
> to change it.

In general, most administrators will not run ssh via inetd.  A more common
configuration is detailed in the FreeBSD handbook at

Take care
Rick Miller
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Re: how to log sshd access in a single file

2013-09-16 Thread aurikus grande
>Most web servers handle their own logging.
I do _not_ want the web server acces to be logged (at least as of now).

>Have you looked at /var/log/auth.log?
yes, and as you mentioned in your previous update, it logs the success
login (only). Unsuccessfull attempts are being sent to  /var/log/messages .
So there are 2 separate files. I would like to have all sshd access
attempts in one single file - regardless if they are successfull or

Quotation: "I believe FreeBSD defaults to failed ssh authentication is
logged to /var/log/messages while successful authentication is written to

>Can you elaborate on your reasons for running sshd via inetd? I'm curious
as I've never even heard of anyone attempting this.
When i searched how to setup / configure sshd on internet, i found many
hints to start it using inetd. Since it worked for me there was no reason
to change it.

Best regards,

2013/9/16 Rick Miller 

> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 1:57 PM, aurikus grande  wrote:
>> Hello Rick,
>> sorry that i did not reply to all, from now on i will use "reply to all".
>> Thanks for pointing it out.
>> I will also open port 80 for web access, but i do not want to log those.
>> Because i expect a huge amount of traffic on my server.
> Most web servers handle their own logging.
> So i only want to log successfull and unsuccessfull sshd access.
> Have you looked at /var/log/auth.log?
> twist is part of the FreeBSD 9.1 base installation, i did not yet install
>> any other package.
> That was my mistake, I sent the email before editing that out as I had
> intended.
> The idea behind using hosts.allow was because i could specify the rule by
>> the service (and not by the level of the message).
>> And yes, in my case sshd is configured to run via inetd.
>> You are correct, my main goal is to log all failed sshd attempts. If it
>> is easier to log successfull and failed attempts (to the same file), this
>> would also be fine for me.
> Can you elaborate on your reasons for running sshd via inetd?  I'm curious
> as I've never even heard of anyone attempting this.
> --
> Take care
> Rick Miller
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Re: Migration TeX/LaTeX: from teTeX --> TeXlive

2013-09-16 Thread Roland Smith
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 01:57:51AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 21:00:22 +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> > Personally I don't think TeX is a good fit for the ports tree (because of
> > duplication of effort).

I have to add that I think that the chosen strategy (provide a full port and a
minimal port) is a good balance between functionality and maintenance workload.

> In conclusion, that could be said about many other software
> that brings its own package management.

More or less. Not all of those work equally well as tlmgr or the ports tree.

> Of course, LaTeX is
> a big and complex beast that TeXLive manages well (instead
> of the system-provided tools for managing the ports tree).
> In my opinion, a good _integration with_ the ports tree is
> important, so dependencies will be resolved properly (and
> you won't end up havong both TeXLive _and_ teTeX on your
> system for no particular need).

The problem is that if you hand over the management of the TeXLive install to
tlmgr, the ports tree doesn't know and cannot know what is provided and what
is depended on...

> On the other hand, this
> might introduce demands of other "software compilations"
> to move their management out of the system's range, so we
> end up micro-managing many different sets of software in
> their own specific way, abandoning the centralized means
> of maintaining our software...

There is indeed no silver bullet.

> > Since TeXLive is very complete and
> > self-contained, I don't have other ports that depend on TeX.
> It's the port maintainers' task to take care of the proper
> declaration of dependencies, and for system tools to handle
> them. I don't think it is a big problem to make this consistent
> with how TeXLive handles things.

It is not that simple. After every tlmgr run, you'd have to generate a new
plist for the port. Since TeXLive is contained in one directory tree
(/usr/local/texlive/) that part is relatively simple. But tlmgr can also
install scripts or binaries. So after every tlmgr run, the list of binaries
that the port provides and the list of libraries or interpreters (ports) that
it requires would have to be updated. This is not trivial.

And if you ever run tlmgr outside of the port Makefile, the installed port's
information must be assumed to be out of date.

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Re: Getting tlmgr working

2013-09-16 Thread Jerry
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:39:17 +0200
Roland Smith articulated:

> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 07:59:32AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> > On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:26:09 +0200
> > Roland Smith articulated:
> > 
> > > On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 06:04:03PM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> > > > Has there been any movement on getting "tlmgr" working on
> > > > FreeBSD? The inability to get and install updates is annoying.
> > > 
> > > Basically there are two ways of dealing with TeXLive;
> > > 
> > > 1) Install it from ports. This also means using ports to update
> > > it. 2) Use the TeXLive installer to install it. In this case you
> > > can use tlmgr to update it.
> > > 
> > > I've used method 2 since 2007, and that has worked fine for me.
> > 
> > The problem is that the ports system is not keeping individual
> > TeXLive packages. 
> My guess would be that this was a consideration between convenience
> and workload, given that TeXLive contains a gazillion packages. Check
> the archives of the freebsd-ports list for more info.
> In _principle_ it would have been possible to make a port out of all
> CTAN/TeXLive packages. But the maintenance overhead would be _huge_.
> Plus, it takes a TeXpert to determine which specific packages you
> need to do something, and even most TeX users don't fall into that
> category. So that approach is unrealistic.
> Given the amount of disk space on a modern PC, doing a full install
> would not be a problem for most people. (Unless you're trying to run
> TeXLive on a raspberry pi or a beaglebone, in which case I would
> respectfully question your sanity. :-) )
> > There is an old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
> > Unfortunately, in the case of "tlmgr", they failed to pay heed to
> > that advice. 
> There were other considerations. Suppose a single "TeXLive" port was
> made, that would just let tlmgr do its thing. What would that port
> provide, and what would its dependencies be? That is _impossible_ for
> the ports system to tell, because it would be determined _outside_
> the ports system.
> In this case you could get a situation that a program that depends on
> a part of TeXLive could be installed (because the TeXLive port is
> installed) but it wouldn't work because the right option wasn't
> selected in tlmgr. Not a good situation.
> Another problem scenario is that you use tlmgr to install something
> that doesn't work because it needs a library that isn't installed yet.
> > The ports system is not keeping individual TeXLive packages updated.
> Indeed, but is that such a big deal?
> TeX is a relatively mature piece of software. That's one of the
> reasons why there is only one release every year. I tend to update my
> TeXLive install once every year after the new release comes out, and
> that strategy has served me well over the years.
> > Besides, using a big, complex system like the FreeBSD ports system
> > to keep the individual packages of a single program, in this case
> > TeXLive, updated when the program supplies its own mechanism for
> > doing so, is just another failed attempt at reinventing the wheel.
> Damned if they do, damned if they don't? The thing is, TeXLive
> _isn't_ a single program, that is the basis of the problem.
> > There area also a slew of other ports that fail to install if the
> > system is configured to run TeXLive. When they will get that
> > problem solved is anyone's guess.
> Submitting PRs would help.

I was told by the maintain of the "*-freebsd-doc-*" ports that they
know there is a problem and that it will be looked into. Interestingly
enough, that is the exact same answer I use when I have no clue what is
wrong and no intention of doing anything about it in the immediate
future. Clearly, this should not have happened.

Seriously though, tlmgr is the name of the package and configuration
manager included in TeX Live. It operates completely separately from
any package manager the operating system may provide. I fail to see why
it was disabled. I think I will take the advice I was given and clear
TeXLive from my system and then download and install it from it from
"". I have been told it works perfectly and without any of the
BS that FreeBSD apparently decided to attach to it. Again, if it wasn't
broke, why did they feel the need to fix it? Are we sure that FreeBSD
doesn't work for the government?

Jerry ♔

Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored.
Please do not ignore the Reply-To header.

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to log sshd access in a single file

2013-09-16 Thread Matthew Seaman
On 16/09/2013 14:36, aurikus grande wrote:
> I try to add a line in /etc/hosts.allow which would allow and log all
> attempts using SSH (sshd).

Actually, by default all logins via ssh are already logged to

Verb. Sap.  tcpwrappers are mostly a lot less useful than they appear to
be.  Generally there's a much better way to do whatever you want already
in the FreeBSD base system, or failing that in a readily available port,
which will be more effective, less load on the system and that doesn't
require you to run everything out of inetd or recompile it specially
with tcpwrappers support.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-16 Thread atar

the text in your citation doesn't appear in the following URL:

However, Thanks for the citation.



Lowell Gilbert  write:

atar  writes:

What does the '-u' option do? I've not find in the 'mount' man page
any explanation on this option.

The man page includes:

 -u  The -u flag indicates that the status of an already mounted  
 system should be changed.  Any of the options discussed  
 (the -o option) may be changed; also a file system can be  
 from read-only to read-write or vice versa.  An attempt to  
 from read-write to read-only will fail if any files on the  
 system are currently open for writing unless the -f flag is  

 specified.  The set of options is determined by applying the
 options specified in the argument to -o and finally  
applying the

 -r or -w option.

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Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-16 Thread Lowell Gilbert
atar  writes:
> What does the '-u' option do? I've not find in the 'mount' man page
> any explanation on this option.

The man page includes:

 -u  The -u flag indicates that the status of an already mounted file
 system should be changed.  Any of the options discussed above
 (the -o option) may be changed; also a file system can be changed
 from read-only to read-write or vice versa.  An attempt to change
 from read-write to read-only will fail if any files on the file
 system are currently open for writing unless the -f flag is also
 specified.  The set of options is determined by applying the
 options specified in the argument to -o and finally applying the
 -r or -w option.

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Re: how to log sshd access in a single file

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Miller
Hi Aurikus,

Selecting "Reply all" when replying to messages on the list allows the
entire list to benefit from the discussion.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:05 AM, aurikus grande  wrote:

> Hello Rick.
> thanks a lot for your quick reply.
> Does your recommendation - to use syslog.conf mean instead - that i cant
> accomplish what i want with hosts.allow and twist ?

I am unfamiliar with twist and cannot authoritatively answer this question.
 Not to mention, it does not appear to be in base

I´m still reading through the man pages and try to understand how to
> configure syslog.conf.

I recommended syslog, because it is the stock logging mechanism for FreeBSD.

On my 9.1 system, /etc/syslog.conf contains:; /var/log/auth.log

These facilities are both logging to /var/log/auth.log.

Your stated goal was logging of failed ssh attempts to your host.  The
above line in syslog.conf accomplishes this by sending the message to

TCPWrappers will have no effect on logging of failed ssh attempts unless
sshd is configured to run via inetd.

I recommend pf or ipfw for filtering access to ssh.

Take care
Rick Miller
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Re: persistence in freeBSD

2013-09-16 Thread atar
What does the '-u' option do? I've not find in the 'mount' man page any  
explanation on this option.

Lowell Gilbert  wrote:

atar  writes:

Will the 'mount -o rw /' command work although the filesystem has
already been mounted as readonly?

You'll need the "-u" option as well.

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Re: Getting tlmgr working

2013-09-16 Thread Roland Smith
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 07:59:32AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:26:09 +0200
> Roland Smith articulated:
> > On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 06:04:03PM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> > > Has there been any movement on getting "tlmgr" working on FreeBSD?
> > > The inability to get and install updates is annoying.
> > 
> > Basically there are two ways of dealing with TeXLive;
> > 
> > 1) Install it from ports. This also means using ports to update it.
> > 2) Use the TeXLive installer to install it. In this case you can use
> > tlmgr to update it.
> > 
> > I've used method 2 since 2007, and that has worked fine for me.
> The problem is that the ports system is not keeping individual TeXLive
> packages. 

My guess would be that this was a consideration between convenience and
workload, given that TeXLive contains a gazillion packages. Check the archives
of the freebsd-ports list for more info.

In _principle_ it would have been possible to make a port out of all
CTAN/TeXLive packages. But the maintenance overhead would be _huge_. Plus, it
takes a TeXpert to determine which specific packages you need to do
something, and even most TeX users don't fall into that category. So that
approach is unrealistic.

Given the amount of disk space on a modern PC, doing a full install would not
be a problem for most people. (Unless you're trying to run TeXLive on a
raspberry pi or a beaglebone, in which case I would respectfully question your
sanity. :-) )

> There is an old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Unfortunately, in
> the case of "tlmgr", they failed to pay heed to that advice. 

There were other considerations. Suppose a single "TeXLive" port was made,
that would just let tlmgr do its thing. What would that port provide, and what
would its dependencies be? That is _impossible_ for the ports system to tell,
because it would be determined _outside_ the ports system.

In this case you could get a situation that a program that depends on a part
of TeXLive could be installed (because the TeXLive port is installed) but it
wouldn't work because the right option wasn't selected in tlmgr. Not a good

Another problem scenario is that you use tlmgr to install something that
doesn't work because it needs a library that isn't installed yet.

> The ports system is not keeping individual TeXLive packages updated.

Indeed, but is that such a big deal?

TeX is a relatively mature piece of software. That's one of the reasons why
there is only one release every year. I tend to update my TeXLive install once
every year after the new release comes out, and that strategy has served me
well over the years.

> Besides, using a big, complex system like the FreeBSD ports system to keep
> the individual packages of a single program, in this case TeXLive, updated
> when the program supplies its own mechanism for doing so, is just another
> failed attempt at reinventing the wheel.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't? The thing is, TeXLive _isn't_ a
single program, that is the basis of the problem.

> There area also a slew of other ports that fail to install if the system is
> configured to run TeXLive. When they will get that problem solved is
> anyone's guess.

Submitting PRs would help.

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pgp: 1A2B 477F 9970 BA3C 2914  B7CE 1277 EFB0 C321 A725 (KeyID: C321A725)

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to log sshd access in a single file

2013-09-16 Thread aurikus grande
Hello Rick,

sorry that i did not reply to all, from now on i will use "reply to all".
Thanks for pointing it out.

I will also open port 80 for web access, but i do not want to log those.
Because i expect a huge amount of traffic on my server.

So i only want to log successfull and unsuccessfull sshd access.

twist is part of the FreeBSD 9.1 base installation, i did not yet install
any other package.

The idea behind using hosts.allow was because i could specify the rule by
the service (and not by the level of the message).

And yes, in my case sshd is configured to run via inetd.

You are correct, my main goal is to log all failed sshd attempts. If it is
easier to log successfull and failed attempts (to the same file), this
would also be fine for me.

Thanks in advance for your continued effort.

Best regards,

2013/9/16 Rick Miller 

> Hi Aurikus,
> Selecting "Reply all" when replying to messages on the list allows the
> entire list to benefit from the discussion.
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:05 AM, aurikus grande wrote:
>> Hello Rick.
>> thanks a lot for your quick reply.
>> Does your recommendation - to use syslog.conf mean instead - that i cant
>> accomplish what i want with hosts.allow and twist ?
> I am unfamiliar with twist and cannot authoritatively answer this
> question.  Not to mention, it does not appear to be in base
> I´m still reading through the man pages and try to understand how to
>> configure syslog.conf.
> I recommended syslog, because it is the stock logging mechanism for
> FreeBSD.
> On my 9.1 system, /etc/syslog.conf contains:
>; /var/log/auth.log
> These facilities are both logging to /var/log/auth.log.
> Your stated goal was logging of failed ssh attempts to your host.  The
> above line in syslog.conf accomplishes this by sending the message to
> /var/log/auth.log.
> TCPWrappers will have no effect on logging of failed ssh attempts unless
> sshd is configured to run via inetd.
> I recommend pf or ipfw for filtering access to ssh.
> --
> Take care
> Rick Miller
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