Re: [Freedos-user] USB mobile,Broad Band device

2012-09-27 Thread Garry Ricketson

Hello, everyone,
 Dose anyone know if a USB mobile broad band device can be used with FreeDos,?
Also if any other "browsers" are available? I have been trying with ARACHNE, 
but no luck, If anyone can help on this, it would be greatly appreciated. I am 
using a older computer, also with a alternate version, of xubuntu,(linux), and 
the broad band device dose work, however it would be nice to get it working 
with FreeDos,on my dos partition if that is possible,..

Thank you and have a Good Day!From Garry

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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Top Posting

2012-08-15 Thread Garry Ricketson

 David Griffith>> > A: Because it fouls the order in 
which people normally read text.> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?> A: 
Top-posting.> Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?-FROM Garry: 
Ooops! Sorry, on my previous post I did "top post", but that is the way it 
appears in my editor, the area to write the reply is at the top, and the 
message I am replying too is at the bottom,.Anyway I will try to do better in 
the future.from Garry Ricketson
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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Vol 672, Issue 1, Autoexec.bat

2012-08-15 Thread Garry Ricketson

This is the autoexec bat, that came with FreeDos 1.1 when I installed it, the 
only change I made is adding they KEYB SP ,and MOUSE.COM down at the 
bottomautoexec bat file--
@echo off SET dosdir=C:\FDOSset PATH=%dosdir%\binset NLSPATH=%dosdir%\NLS set 
HELPPATH=%dosdir%\HELPset temp=%dosdir%\tempset tmp=%dosdir%\tempSET 
BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330REM ShsuCDhd /QQ /F:C:\FDBOOTCD.ISOif not 
"%config%"=="4" REM LH VIAUDIOif not "%config%"=="4" REM LH VIAFMTSRif not 
"%config%"=="4" LH FDAPM APMDOSif not "%config%"=="4" LH DISPLAY CON=(EGA,,1)if 
not "%config%"=="4" MODE CON CP PREP=((858) C:\FDOS\cpi\EGA.CPX)if not 
"%config%"=="4" LH MODE CON CP SEL=858if "%config%"=="2" LH SHAREif not 
"%config%"=="4" ShsuCDX /QQ /~ /D:?FDCD0002 /D:?FDCD0003 /D:?CDRCACH0SET 
autofile=C:\autoexec.bat alias reboot=fdapm warmboot alias halt=fdapm poweroff 
SET CFGFILE=C:\fdconfig.sysC:\USBDRVS\USBUHCI.COM REM -these 2 lines I 
addedLH KEYB SP,,keyboard.sys MOUSE.COM  REM End of comment, so these 4 
lines can be removedecho type HELP to get support on commands and 
navigationecho.echo Welcome to FreeDOSecho.ÿREM -- ARACHNE PACKET 
OF ARACHNE CHANGES -ÿC:\FDOS\drivers\net\crynwr\dk86965 0x60  
C:\FDOS\drivers\net\crynwr\epropkkt 0x60---End of autoexec 
code sampleHope this helps, the rest of it was unchanged.  Thank 
you and have a Good 
>From Garry

>4. Example (Kenny Emond)

> Subject: [Freedos-user] Example
> To: FreeDOS User 
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello,
>Could somebody provide me with an example of an unedited "autoexec.bat"
> file that FreeDOS uses? I installed win98 on another (slave) hard-drive,
> but it added all these files to "C" drive and edited my "autoexec.bat"
> file. It really made me mad because I just wanted to have the win98 as an
> extra (to boot from in the boot menu on start-up) OS to deal with some
> printers and stuff the DOS couldn't. Anyone know how to instal it so it
> doesn't do that too (along with the "autoexec.bat" file)?
> End of Freedos-user Digest, Vol 672, Issue 1
Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] GRUB 2.00 Freedos support (Rugxulo)

2012-07-01 Thread Garry Ricketson

I am not positive,but I believe that is the version I have,on which version of 
GRUB I have, but it works great, with linux mint 10,..when I installed freedos 
1.1, on it's own dedicated partition, all I had to do , is type, sudo 
update-grub at the terminal, and it put my freedos partition in the menu, and 
it boots fine, ---I will try to get some more details later, on which version 

Thank you and have a Good 
>From Garry

> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 11:45:03 -0500
> From: Rugxulo 
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] GRUB 2.00 Freedos support
> To:,
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 5:38 AM, escape  wrote:
> >
> > With release of the GNU GRUB version 2.00, Freedos is now supported
> > among other boot protocols.
> Good to know this has been released.
> > Besides technical improvements it is
> > important to know that Freedos is considered worth the efforts put in
> > development, not only by subscribers of freedos-* lists, but also by
> > developers from other projects.
> I would doubt that, we don't get a lot of sympathy. If there is any
> support, it's more like an afterthought.
> > Full announce here:
> >
> This sounds scary powerful and complicated, BTW, way moreso than I
> ever imagined. (8 MB .tar.gz uncompressed to 40 MB of srcs!!!)
> If anyone here ever actually tests this thing out, esp. re: FreeDOS,
> please mail us your experiences! (Probably best to play with under
> VirtualBox first to avoid messing up real installs.)
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] New topic: makeing a ISO

2012-04-02 Thread Garry Ricketson

Hello everyone,  I am having a hard time, figureing out how to make a ISO 
image, of the FreeDos partition on my computer.The intention is to make a image 
(ISO) I can install to Virtual Box,  I did install Freedos, to Virtual Box, 
using the tutorial posted here some time ago, But I could not figure out how to 
add files, or programs, after Freedos was installed (to Virtual Box).  So I 
resized my Linux partition,  on the HD, created a dedicated Dos partition, 
installed Freedos 1.1, (runs fine), and it was east enough to copy the 
programs/files, to the dos partition, from Linux, (linux Mint10) since it 
"reads" and mounts the partition just fine.  Ok so now I have Freedos, and the 
programs , 1 game I use, all working well , on a separate partition. So what I 
want to do is make a copy, bootable ISO, of the partition (HD),  that I could 
install in Virtual Box.   So I can run the game, or other dos programs, with 
out "closing" or shutting down, and re-booting, with dos. With VB,...It seems 
easy enough to install a ISO image to virtual box, but where I am "hung up" is 
How to make the ISO image ?---Ok, 1 
more question,  I also installed Freedos to a laptop, (Acer aspire series 150), 
runs fine, but I can not get the "touch pad ,(mouse)", or a USB mouse, to work. 
 I tried CTMOUSE, but it says it is not installed ? Do I need to download 
CTMOUSE , and add it ?  I also tried installing the USBUHCI driver, so I could 
use USBMOUSE, but it is causeing a "lockup",... (keyboard,etc) just as the 
warning says it might. So any suggestions as to what usb /mouse driver would be 
best ?  On this computer (the one I use most,and am using at this time), my 
"table" top, a old IBM, I did not have any problem with the mouse working when 
I installed Freedos, everything works fine, right from  the start. Thanks from 

Thank you and have a Good 
>From Garry   --
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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] VirtualBox FreeDOS HowTo

2012-01-12 Thread Garry Ricketson

Hello all,  I decided to try this, and it is pretty neat,  I installed the 
virtualbox package to Linux Mint 10, and then successfully installed the new 
FreeDos 1.1 seems pretty good, thanks for makeing this available,.. I hadn't 
yet installed freedos 1.1 to my real hard drive, because I need to copy or back 
up some of the stuff I have on the FreeDos1.0 partition,or make a new 
partition, cause I guess the installation would overwrite everything ?,..but 
anyway it seems to be working on this VirtualBox just fine, thanks from Garry

Thank you and have a Good 

>8. VirtualBox FreeDOS HowTo (Ulrich Hansen)

> Message: 8
> Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 00:58:42 +0100
> From: Ulrich Hansen 
> Subject: [Freedos-user] VirtualBox FreeDOS HowTo
> To:
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I have started a VirtualBox HowTo in our FreeDOS wiki.
> It is a sort of installation walkthrough with many pictures.
> It can be found here:
> Feel free to take a look. 
> Please write if you find something that should be corrected or added. Or add 
> it yourself if you like (it is a wiki after all).
> regards
> Ulrich

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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] DownLoading FreeDos 1.1

2012-01-04 Thread Garry Ricketson

Hello every one, and also hope everyone had a merry x-mas,Happy New Year,etc. 
Well, I am happy to see the new version, finally got released,..I have been 
watching/waiting for over a year now,  I noticed, in the freedos-user lists, I 
have been recieveing, that quite a few were haveing problems downloading, ? or 
at least it appeared that way, I just now downloaded it,  I am in 
Cuencame,Dgo.Mex.this is the link I 
 And had no problem, took about 3 minuetes,maybe 5, useng linux, 
"chromeium" (a google chrome clone),... I suppose, I will make a new partition, 
to install it too, as I also am happy with what I have with the older version,  
I also read, at, about work being done on adding more utilitys, 
etc,..Something about USB "flash sticks" or drives, would this include, 
portable USB HDs, ?,..this would be something I am more interested in , and 
plan to be trying to do, with the new version, (install to a portable USB HD, 
(samsung, aprox 280gb), however the dos partition, would only be 1 or 2 GB,..? 
so anyway I will be watching for what more comes up along that line,... I very 
rarely post, to the lists, however do read all of the "news letters" as they 
come in, and apreciate the efforts,and work of those more actively involved, in 
makeing free dos available,..etc,..Thanks, from Garry
I decided not

Thank you and have a Good 
 Garry   --
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costs. Try it free!
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDos not booting from Grubfordos2

2011-12-19 Thread Garry Ricketson

Dennis, When I installed FreeDos, to a new partition, for it, all I did was 
after it was installed,at the Linux command line I typed:sudo update-grub  And 
FreeDos was added to the boot list, fine I see you have also tried 
KERNEL.SYS. with a new kernal,...don't know much about that,,.. I am useing 
LinuxMint 10 (juliet), don't know if that matters much, but it is worth a 
try,,useing the  sudo update-grub on the command line , no need to fiddle with 
anything, it all was done automaticly,...maybe I just got lucky!,... You might 
also want to try, first back up anyfiles in your dos partition that are 
important, and re-install, then try the sudo update-grub  ,first before you 
start "fiddleing", with the config, or the sys kernel,... Any way good 
luck,,...I don't have the link handy, but useing google, and Grub for Dos as 
the keywords, I stumbled onto the most recent instructions,..for,  grubfordos2, 
which is where I read aout the sudo update-grub , option,..
Thank you and have a Good 

> I know the topic has been discussed here before, but I'm still
> struggling with this problem.
> I multi-boot Win2K Pro, Ubuntu Linux, Puppy Linux, and FreeDOS on an
> old Fujitsu Lifebook.  It has a 40GB IDE HD, with a 20GB primary
> partition for 2K, and an extended partition with a 512MB swap areas
> used by Ubuntu and Puppy, a bit over 8GB each for Ubuntu and Puppy,
> and a 2GB slice for FreeDOS, formatted as FAT32.
> This used to work.
> I had to do a clean reinstall of Win2K to resolve problems.  This
> replaced the MBR and broke Grub2.  I was able to put Grub2 back and
> recover the earlier multi-boot setup, but booting FreeDOS was broken.
> Attempts to do so from the Grub menu return NOT FOUND KERNEL.SYS.
> KERNEL.SYS does exist in the root directory of the FAT32 slice, and
> can be seen as C:\ if I boot from a FreeDOS boot floppy.
> Following other suggestions here, I've upgraded to kernel 2040 for
> FAT32, and SYSed it to the HD using the latest SYS.  I still get the
> not found error.
> As far as I can tell, the Grub menu entry is correct, and fiddling
> with various parameters has brought no success.
> My next step might be to copy the stuff I want to preserve over to the
> Win2K slice form Win2K, then delete and recreate the FreeDOS partition
> and do a clean install, but it's not clear that will solve the
> problem.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> __
> Dennis

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] New FreeDos_install-with linux

2011-12-07 Thread Garry Ricketson

Hello all, Adding the FreeDos partition, to Linux,"grub for dos" turned out to 
be easier then I imagined,..When started looking for the files,and config 
menu,"""Find GRUB4DOS configuration file For example 
C:\menu.lst",..all I found was a grub.cfg, anyway I looked for more info, 
what I have is grub2, a newer version,They did not reccomend, editing the 
grub.cfg file, make a long story shorter,..there a command, that can be 
run, from the terminal,.. < sudo update-grub > Thats all I had to do is type 
that in, it updated, and found the new partition, with freedos, it is 
listed when I select Linux, in a sub-menu,..Thanks also, for the other 
replys,..from Garry

Thank you and have a Good 

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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] New FreeDos_install-with linux

2011-12-06 Thread Garry Ricketson

Hello all, I just resized my partition, and created a partition for FreeDos, 
and installed it new, it installed fine,However, here is my question, the 
partition with windowsXP and linux, ( when I installed linux, I just installed 
it under windows,..), of it is useing grub for dos, so it boots with those 2 
options, windows or Linux,  When I installed Linux Mint 10,(juliet), it set 
that up automaticly,...Now, dose anyone one know how I can add the FreeDos 
partition, to this,so it is also a option, I know nothing about Grub for 
Dos,..practicaly, is there a way to "edit" that,..or what do you all think my 
best option is ? Before, I had been useing XOSL, I am thinking about installing 
it again, but it seems like, some time ago, I tried useing it with some other 
partitions, that were useing grub for dos, and it didn't work out to good. 
Thanks, from garry

Thank you and have a Good 

Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
Freedos-user mailing list