Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007 (3 of 4)

2009-03-29 Thread Shane Baggs




Conventional Memory Detail:

Segment   TotalName  Type
---      -
    1,024(1K)interrupt vector table
  0040768(1K)BIOS data area
  0070  7,920(8K)  IOsystem data
 NUL system device driver
 CON system device driver
 PRN system device driver
 AUX system device driver
 LPT1system device driver
 LPT2system device driver
 LPT3system device driver
 COM1system device driver
 COM2system device driver
 COM3system device driver
 COM4system device driver
 CLOCK$  system device driver
 A: - C: system device driver
  025f 20,896   (20K)  DOS   system data
  0261192(0K)FILES   FILES=40 (3 in this block)
  026e 80(0K)JEMFBHLPdevice driver
  0274  2,688(3K)HIMEM   device driver
   XMS0  installed DEVICE=HIMEM
  031d128(0K)JEMM386 device driver
   EMM0  installed DEVICE=JEMM386
  0326  2,304(2K)XCDROM  device driver
   FDCD0001  installed DEVICE=XCDROM
  03b7  8,576(8K)CDRCACHEdevice driver
  05d0528(1K)MORESYS device driver
  05f2  1,904(2K)FILES   FILES=40 (32 in this block)
  066a  2,288(2K)LASTDRV LASTDRIVE=Z
  06fa  2,048(2K)STACKS  data area
  0783  3,008(3K)  COMMAND   program
  0854912(1K)  FDAPM program
  088e  9,232(9K)  SHARE program
  0ad0  6,032(6K)  SHSUCDX   program
  0c61  3,312(3K)  MOUSE program
  0d49 13,504   (13K)  DOSLFNprogram
  1096  4,096(4K)  PERUSEprogram
  1197624(1K)  MEM   environment
  11bf 55,008   (54K)  MEM   program
  1f2e525,568  (513K)free
  9f7f  1,024(1K)  COMMAND   environment

Upper Memory is not accessible

Memory TypeTotal   Used   Free
Conventional  639K71K   568K
Upper   0K 0K 0K
Reserved  385K   385K 0K
Extended (XMS)129,984K12,480K   117,504K
Total memory  131,008K12,936K   118,072K

Total under 1 MB  639K71K   568K

Total Expanded (EMS)   32M (33,947,648 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS)32M (33,554,432 bytes)

Memory accessible using Int 15h 0K (0 bytes)
Largest executable program size   567K (580,592 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.

EMS driver version  4.0
  EMS page frame   d000
  Total EMS memory 33947648 bytes
  Free EMS memory  33554432 bytes
  Total handles255
  Free handles 254

  Handle   PagesSize   Name
  --     --
0 24393216 SYSTEM

Memory TypeTotal   Used   Free
Conventional  639K71K   568K
Upper   0K 0K 0K
Reserved  385K   385K 0K
Extended (XMS)129,984K12,480K   117,504K
Total memory  131,008K12,936K   118,072K

Total under 1 MB  639K71K   568K

Total Expanded (EMS)   32M (33,947,648 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS)32M (33,554,432 bytes)

Largest executable program size   567K (580,592 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.

Windows Live™ SkyDrive: Get 25 GB of free online storage.

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007 (4 of 4)

2009-03-29 Thread Shane Baggs




Several lines of
   Bad or missing Command Interpreter: ÉÉÉ Enter the full shell command line: 
with no carriage returns or line feeds, ending with
   Bad or missing Command Interpreter
followed by

Jemm386: exception 0D occured at CS:EIP=C800:11E5, ERRC=
SS:ESP=D0DE:0004 EBP=00A0 EFL=00033293 CR0=8011 CR2=
EAX=0E0D EBX=07FF0007 ECX= EDX=00D1 ESI=00040FA0 EDI=00090FA0
DS=0070 ES=B800 FS=00D1 GS=F000 [CS:IP]=9C 2E FF 1E D7 11 CF 66
Press ESc to abort program

 Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 01:57:59 +0100
 Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007
 Hi Robert, Shane,
  Ben Armstrong (a Program manager on the core virtualization team
  at Microsoft) recommends the following for MS-DOS on
 Note that this is from 2004 so it cannot be about Virtual PC 2007 ;-)
  device=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM I=B100-B7FF I=C600-C7FF
 Re-using part of mono text buffer (B100-B7FF) and part
 of a typical VGA BIOS area (C600-C7FF) sounds a bit
 desperate if you ask me... Modern EMM386 such as the
 JEMM386 from that you recommended also
 auto-detect the size of the VGA BIOS anyway :-).
  I=CC00-CFFF I=E600-EFFF FRAME=d000
 This is odd - Shane Baggs suggested quite different options on 11 March:
  I'm running it on Virtual PC 2007 under Windows XP on a laptop with a 
  Pentium M.
  It crashed at first, but it's now solid as a rock with this line in 
  ... NOEMS is optional.
 With NOEMS, no page frame is allocated (it could start at D000 or
 later, up to E000). This gives you 64 kB more UMB but old EMS 3.2
 software will be unhappy. EMS 4.0 compatible software stays happy.
  NOINVLPG was written by Japheth specifically for [Virtual PC]
 Note that classic FreeDOS EMM386 is outdated but probably
 did not use INVLPG anyway so you need no specifically-made-
 for-Virtual-PC option to fix VPC compatibility either ;-).
  The X=CC00-CFFF was arrived at through testing by trial and error.
 So Shane suggests to EXCLUDE CC00-CFFF while Ben suggested
 to INCLUDE CC00-CFFF (and D000-DFFF and E600-EFFF...) That
 gives me the idea that Ben wants to say that you should
 exclude E000-E5FF instead of CC00-CFFF for Virtual PC of
 the year 2004. Can somebody who has Virtual PC 2007 have
 a look at memory contents and about the effects of...
 ...on the stability of FreeDOS with EMM386 / JEMM386? Thanks!
 I have the following IDEA: Maybe the X=cc00-cfff, while NOT
 using the NOEMS option, had an influence on where the EMS
 page frame was, pushing it at the bad area - and pushing
 UMB area away from it. Because EMS is less often used than
 UMB, you still get fewer crashes if the bad area is only in
 use while EMS is accessed... You can use MEM or Quarterdeck
 MFT / Manifest to see where EMS page frame and UMBs are :-).
 Shane, could you post some relevant parts of MEM /D and MEM /E
 output with and without X=cc00-cfff combined with with/without
 NOEMS option along with information which of those 2 * 2 config
 possibilities are stable and which are not? Thank you... :-).
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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007 (4 of 4)

2009-03-29 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Shane,

summary of your mails...

C000: Video ROM.  At C900 are strings S3 Corp. and Trio64.
CC00:  PXE ROM by Argon Technologies
CD00 to EFFF apparently FF

DOS uses d008 to db99, xcdrom doslfn etc high
nothing in MEM /E, largest exe 623k, low 639k

Note that if accessing dc00 to efff would
trigger problems, you would not notice as
this area is not filled by you here...

NOEMS but no X option:
DOS uses cd08 to d899, similar comment to
previous, you do not fill d900 to efff so
that area might or might not be problematic.

JEMM386 seems to assume that the PXE ROM
ends at ccff, matching your ff from cd00.

X option but no NOEMS:
largest exe 567k, EMS with page frame at d000
DOS does not seem to use any UMB at all, did
you forget DOS=HIGH,UMB here?

No X option and no NOEMS:
DOS just crashes, exception 0D at c800:11e5 etc

ss:esp at d0de:4, ebp=a0 ebx=7ff0007 edx=d1
esi=40fa0, edi=90fa0, ds=70, es=b800, fs=d1,
gs=f000, code: 9c 2e ff 1f... which is pushf or
pushfd followed by call far [cs:bx] or [cs:edi]

It is interesting that c800 is mentioned here,
leads to the question whether VGA ROM is only
c000-c7ff and some extra ROM is at c800-cbff?

The crash is a stack overflow with stack at
a location in d000 area but then your other
examples do use the d000 area for UMBs, odd.

The f000 ROM and b800 screen segments might
mean that something in ROM tried to display
a message when the stack overflow happened.
Then the original crash would have been at
some other place, not logged by jemm386...?

You could try to loadhigh / devicehigh some
more things to fill more of the UMB area to
get more insights about which areas are bad.


Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-22 Thread Robert Riebisch
Michael Horvath wrote:

 ways as a form of copy-protection. I still have my Windows 3.11 disks, 
 and remember that they were formatted to store more than 1.44MB. IIRC, 
 simply copying from one disk to another didn't work last time I tried.

You're wrong. ;-) Windows 3.x is OK, but Windows 95 used DMF
( According to (in German) DMF is
based on FDFORMAT by Christoph H. Hochstätter, who worked for Microsoft
from 1993-2006.

 One last question: how do I test whether the Sound Blaster settings are 
 configured properly? I'm using the default settings created by the 
 FreeDOS installation program, and I have the sound card enabled in 

FreeDOS' BLASTER settings are misleading, because many cards also need
some kind of driver, setup tool, or enabler.

So you need

 Virtual PC, but I am not hearing any sounds in the game I just 
 installed. Does FreeDOS come with a sound test utility? There is no 
 documentation on the game's installation disks.

Many games are nice sound test utilities, e. g., Doom Legacy or Kraptor.
 Both can be found in fdfullcd.iso or via Google.

Robert Riebisch
BTTR Software

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-22 Thread Japheth

 Are the BLASTER settings described anywhere in detail? VPC says it 
 emulates the Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 ISA Plug and Play. Maybe my 
 settings are wrong.

You can use the GETSB.EXE tool which is contained in HXGUI 
( It reads the SB16 mixer status directly, thus 
it's able to tell the true values for IRQ and DMA.

A PnP card usually has to be enabled - for SB16, there was a tool 
DIAGNOSE.EXE, which did this. But IIRC this isn't needed for VPC, the SB16 
card is enabled automatically.

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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-21 Thread Eric Auer

 Line #1 in batchfile 'A:\INSTALL.BAT' too long
 Please post the first line of A:\INSTALL.BAT.

 Good catch! When I read the batch file in FreeDOS the file is full of 
 gibberish. In Notepad on my WinXP machine, however, it is a properly 
 formatted text file.

Very strange. Maybe you saved it in Unicode / UTF-8?
Or in Word or something ;-) You could try other free
or shareware editors like TextPad to make sure that
your file is really text. Of course it could also be
the case that something on your filesystem confuses
DOS and the gibberish is not even part of what your
Notepad put in the file. Try using chkdsk / scandisk.

 anyone recommend software to create floppy images
 without needing an actual floppy drive?

In Linux: just mount the image or use mtools. In Windows:
I think there is a software called WinImage... :-).


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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-21 Thread Michael Horvath
Eric Auer wrote:
 Very strange. Maybe you saved it in Unicode / UTF-8?
 Or in Word or something ;-) You could try other free
 or shareware editors like TextPad to make sure that
 your file is really text. Of course it could also be
 the case that something on your filesystem confuses
 DOS and the gibberish is not even part of what your
 Notepad put in the file. Try using chkdsk / scandisk.

No, the batch file is on the original installation disk. I didn't create 
or modify it. If I run chkdsk in FreeDOS it says there are errors. When 
I run it on Windows it says there are no errors. Maybe FreeDOS doesn't 
have correct drivers for SuperDisk drives?

 In Linux: just mount the image or use mtools. In Windows:
 I think there is a software called WinImage... :-).

I'll try this, thanks.


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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-21 Thread David C. Kerber
I'd give pretty long odds that it's unicode.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Auer [] 
 Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 8:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007
  Line #1 in batchfile 'A:\INSTALL.BAT' too long
  Please post the first line of A:\INSTALL.BAT.
  Good catch! When I read the batch file in FreeDOS the file 
 is full of 
  gibberish. In Notepad on my WinXP machine, however, it is a 
  formatted text file.
 Very strange. Maybe you saved it in Unicode / UTF-8?
 Or in Word or something ;-) You could try other free or 
 shareware editors like TextPad to make sure that your file is 
 really text. Of course it could also be the case that 
 something on your filesystem confuses DOS and the gibberish 
 is not even part of what your Notepad put in the file. Try 
 using chkdsk / scandisk.
  anyone recommend software to create floppy images without 
 needing an 
  actual floppy drive?
 In Linux: just mount the image or use mtools. In Windows:
 I think there is a software called WinImage... :-).
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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-21 Thread Michael Horvath wrote:
 Hi Mike:
 I use VFD to do this under Windows.  (It's easy under Linux).  See  You can mount the
 image as a floppy drive and copy files to/from it, format it, etc..
 The other programs I know about cost money...
 Good luck.
 Mark Bailey

Awesome! This worked perfectly!

I am now able to read/execute all my floppy-based programs. The only 
issue that I can foresee is that certain rare floppies (old Microsoft OS 
installation disks for instance) are formatted/compressed in atypical 
ways as a form of copy-protection. I still have my Windows 3.11 disks, 
and remember that they were formatted to store more than 1.44MB. IIRC, 
simply copying from one disk to another didn't work last time I tried.

One last question: how do I test whether the Sound Blaster settings are 
configured properly? I'm using the default settings created by the 
FreeDOS installation program, and I have the sound card enabled in 
Virtual PC, but I am not hearing any sounds in the game I just 
installed. Does FreeDOS come with a sound test utility? There is no 
documentation on the game's installation disks.

Thanks again!


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powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-20 Thread Michael Horvath
I am able to boot after selecting option #3 (Load FreeDOS with HIMEM 
XMS-memory driver), but installing the game still fails. Option #4 
(Load FreeDOS without drivers) is unselectable.


Michael Reichenbach wrote:
 Booting without emm386 will work, to make emm386 to work you need the
 correct excludes X= or I= but don't ask me further.
 After you got it running tell us how well Virtual PC works for your DOS
 apps / DOS games, how good is the soundblaster / vga / vesa
 implementation? Perhaps I've tested it in past but I do not remember.

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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-20 Thread Michael Robinson

On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 02:12 -0400, Michael Horvath wrote:
 I am able to boot after selecting option #3 (Load FreeDOS with HIMEM 
 XMS-memory driver), but installing the game still fails. Option #4 
 (Load FreeDOS without drivers) is unselectable.

That's a bug, the 4th option not working.  
To fix it, add:
4?echo No drivers ;-)

to fdconfig.sys

 Michael Reichenbach wrote:
  Booting without emm386 will work, to make emm386 to work you need the
  correct excludes X= or I= but don't ask me further.
  After you got it running tell us how well Virtual PC works for your DOS
  apps / DOS games, how good is the soundblaster / vga / vesa
  implementation? Perhaps I've tested it in past but I do not remember.
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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-20 Thread Robert Riebisch
Michael Horvath wrote:

 Option #2 (the default, and the one that doesn't work) results in the 
 following error:
 Illegal instruction occured.
 CS= IP=EEC3 SS=D0B4 SP=0004 ES=0070
 Aborting program
 EMM386 - unable to continue - Please reboot=

Ben Armstrong (a Program manager on the core virtualization team at
Microsoft) recommends the following for MS-DOS on

I also recommend you to replace EMM386 with, which is more advanced and more stable.

 I am able to boot to the command prompt using options #1 and #3, but am 
 having trouble running software. For instance, I am trying to install 
 the video game Out of this World, but receive the following errors 
 when running the installation program:
 Line #1 in batchfile 'A:\INSTALL.BAT' too long

Please post the first line of A:\INSTALL.BAT.

Robert Riebisch
BTTR Software

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
Download the free 60 day trial.
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-20 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Robert, Shane,

 Ben Armstrong (a Program manager on the core virtualization team
 at Microsoft) recommends the following for MS-DOS on

Note that this is from 2004 so it cannot be about Virtual PC 2007 ;-)

 device=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM I=B100-B7FF I=C600-C7FF

Re-using part of mono text buffer (B100-B7FF) and part
of a typical VGA BIOS area (C600-C7FF) sounds a bit
desperate if you ask me... Modern EMM386 such as the
JEMM386 from that you recommended also
auto-detect the size of the VGA BIOS anyway :-).


This is odd - Shane Baggs suggested quite different options on 11 March:

 I'm running it on Virtual PC 2007 under Windows XP on a laptop with a Pentium 
 It crashed at first, but it's now solid as a rock with this line in 
 ... NOEMS is optional.

With NOEMS, no page frame is allocated (it could start at D000 or
later, up to E000). This gives you 64 kB more UMB but old EMS 3.2
software will be unhappy. EMS 4.0 compatible software stays happy.

 NOINVLPG was written by Japheth specifically for [Virtual PC]

Note that classic FreeDOS EMM386 is outdated but probably
did not use INVLPG anyway so you need no specifically-made-
for-Virtual-PC option to fix VPC compatibility either ;-).

 The X=CC00-CFFF was arrived at through testing by trial and error.

So Shane suggests to EXCLUDE CC00-CFFF while Ben suggested
to INCLUDE CC00-CFFF (and D000-DFFF and E600-EFFF...) That
gives  me the idea that Ben wants to say that you should
exclude E000-E5FF instead of CC00-CFFF for Virtual PC of
the year 2004. Can somebody who has Virtual PC 2007 have
a look at memory contents and about the effects of...


...on the stability of FreeDOS with EMM386 / JEMM386? Thanks!

I have the following IDEA: Maybe the X=cc00-cfff, while NOT
using the NOEMS option, had an influence on where the EMS
page frame was, pushing it at the bad area - and pushing
UMB area away from it. Because EMS is less often used than
UMB, you still get fewer crashes if the bad area is only in
use while EMS is accessed... You can use MEM or Quarterdeck
MFT / Manifest to see where EMS page frame and UMBs are :-).

Shane, could you post some relevant parts of MEM /D and MEM /E
output with and without X=cc00-cfff combined with with/without
NOEMS option along with information which of those 2 * 2 config
possibilities are stable and which are not? Thank you... :-).


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-20 Thread Michael Horvath
Robert Riebisch wrote:
 Line #1 in batchfile 'A:\INSTALL.BAT' too long
 Please post the first line of A:\INSTALL.BAT.
 Robert Riebisch

Good catch! When I read the batch file in FreeDOS the file is full of 
gibberish. In Notepad on my WinXP machine, however, it is a properly 
formatted text file.

Another detail that might have a bearing: the physical floppy disk is 
being read by a SuperDisk drive instead of a standard floppy drive. I 
know that floppies formatted using this drive aren't readable by normal 
floppy drives (SuperDisk drives however can read normal formatted 
floppies just fine). Maybe this is the source of the problem? If so, can 
anyone recommend software to create floppy images without needing an 
actual floppy drive?



Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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[Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007

2009-03-19 Thread Michael Horvath

I am having trouble with FreeDOS on Virtual PC 2007. I am able to 
install it OK, and two of the three (four?) boot options work.

Option #2 (the default, and the one that doesn't work) results in the 
following error:

Illegal instruction occured.
CS= IP=EEC3 SS=D0B4 SP=0004 ES=0070
Aborting program
EMM386 - unable to continue - Please reboot=

The last four characters  are a set of hexadecimal numbers that 
are change several times each second.

I am able to boot to the command prompt using options #1 and #3, but am 
having trouble running software. For instance, I am trying to install 
the video game Out of this World, but receive the following errors 
when running the installation program:

Line #1 in batchfile 'A:\INSTALL.BAT' too long

If I try to run the setup file directly I get this error:

Interrupt divide by zero, stack:
091B 04e3 ... ...

I also am unable to read the SimCity installation disk in FreeDOS. I am 
able to mount the drive and change drive letters, but when I try to 
retrieve the directory contents using the DIR command I get this error:

Volume in drive A Error reading from drive A: DOS error: sector not found

Here are some details regarding my host system:
AMD Sempron 3000+
Windows XP Home
GeForce 4 TI
Plenty of free hard disk space
Onboard sound/networking
Samsung DVD writer
SuperDisk IDE drive for reading floppies

Details regarding my virtual system:
Virtual PC 2007
8MB video RAM
1MB code cache
1GB hard disk space
Video mode: Text mode, 640 x 400 x 0

I'd appreciate any help you could provide.


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