Re: [Freeipa-users] fine-grained permissions for DNS tasks

2013-12-12 Thread Adam Young

On 12/12/2013 04:26 PM, Stephen Ingram wrote:
Is it possible to restrict user to say a DNS Administrator role for 
only one domain in the system?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Yes.  Read up here.
Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Roles and permissions

2012-02-10 Thread Adam Young

On 02/07/2012 03:54 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


Users in group A can manage the membership of group B
Users in group A can manage this small set of attributes of members of
group B

Yes, I can see that delegating is going to be very hard to do securely / least with [my] limited knowledgeMy problem is that I have 
a central IT department but many schools who want to be as autonomous as 
possible (totally if they can achieve it). I also have managers who only 
understand AD somewhatand they think this can all be done without 
themselves understanding what is to be done, so they make/have requirements 
that might seem reasonable but really are not but I dont know enough to say so. 
So it could well be on a case by case basis I have to design such a 
delegation.looks like I will need a good level of understanding which I 
obviously lack.I mean I cant even get across to you what I mean!!!   

Having briefly chatted to an AD guy this problem isnt just faced by IPA...



Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

From: Rob Crittenden []
Sent: Tuesday, 7 February 2012 4:32 p.m.
To: Steven Jones
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Roles and permissions

Steven Jones wrote:


Trying to get my head around theseis it possible to create a group administrator say 
engineering team administrator  and have that role only able to add specific 
users (how to specify?) to specific user groups (say) ie I want to be able to delegate 
responsibility for limited groups and users to others and limit their functioanilty...?

Need a little more to go on. It is that how to specify question that
really matters. How DO you distinguish between users? You can add extra
attributes to break them into groups, or you can literally put them into
extra groups and manage them that way (easiest). But you definitely need
a way to distinguish them.

Creating this type of permission would require a bit of LDAP knowledge,
mostly just knowing which attributes to use. It all depends on what
responsibility you are delegating.

I'm not entirely sure what you're after so I don't want to guess and end
up down a deep rabbit hole, but it is probably going to be easiest to
break the permissions into smaller components like:

Users in group A can manage the membership of group B
Users in group A can manage this small set of attributes of members of
group B

Both of these are relatively straightforward. I can provide examples if
you can give me some more guidance on what you're looking for.

I dont find that section of the manual very easy to understandI'd like 
examples or more explanation

Also if such a say (bad) engineering team administrator could add anyone say 
THE admin to a group that the (bad) admin had password changes in/on then this allows the 
bad admin to change that admin user passwordthe user then effectively owns 
the IPA system...?

Yes, it would be a problem if you granted password change permission to
a bad admin. That is true in any system.

Given that we've got a ticket open to limit those who can change the
password of those in the admins group to those in the admins group, so
helpdesk can change user's passwords but not admins. That is currently



Freeipa-users mailing list

Does this answer your question:

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] WebUI With Windows, Firefox, and MIT Kerberos

2012-01-30 Thread Adam Young

On 01/28/2012 01:53 PM, Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:

On 1/27/2012 4:53 PM, JR Aquino wrote:

On Jan 27, 2012, at 5:31 PM, Jr Aquino wrote:

Has anyone successfully gotten firefox in windows with firefox and mit kerberos?

I've followed several how to's, but i cant get firefox to take/pass my tgt.

The Key to success:

network.negotiate-auth.gsslib: C:\Program Files\MIT\Kerberos\bin\gssapi32.dll

I had been previously using lib\i386/gssapi32.lib and thats what was breaking 

The rest of the documentation on the FreeIPA site is sound.

We could probably stand to add that 1 line to the doc at

Freeipa-users mailing list

The only other thing I would add here, at least for me, was on an x86_64
install of windows I needed to use: C:\Program Files


Freeipa-users mailing list

Done.  Thanks to both of you  for contributing.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Multi-tennancy and Freeipa

2011-12-19 Thread Adam Young

On 12/16/2011 03:41 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 12/16/2011 02:37 PM, Alan Evans wrote:


This is great news.  The feedback I have after a quick read through (I
will try to put a bit more time on it later) would be to make the
'tennant' separation more flexible and why not use existing ldap

Instead of forcing the user into cn={TENANT},cn=tenants,$suffix why
not create a 'tennant' aux class that would allow the end user to
design a DIT however they would like.

We for example use o=company|organization,$suffix.  Then any schema
maintenance instead of being:
For each tennant in (cn=tenants,$suffix)
It would be:
For each tennant in (ldapsearch (objectclass=tennant))

Then the end provider could design a DIT that fit their needs with
replication in mind.  Consider the flexibility of:

o=Tennant3,OU=North America,$suffix

That's my 2ยข at the moment.  I'd be glad to banter back and forth
about this with you. :)


This is very flexible but I am not sure IPA would be able to be that
One of the design goals from the beginning was: static schema and flat
DIT. The whole project is built around it. Such approach would really
come as a system shock. I am not against it, just saying it would be
harder as it goes even further than Adam's proposal in changing the
fundamental principals.

Also,  it is not just the user table that we need to segregate but the 
entire DIT.  Roles,  Groups,  SUDO,  HBAC,  and so forth all need to be 
segregated into a separate subtree, not just the user lists.  So putting 
users in a aux class doesn't really support sufficient segregation.  The 
assumption for us is that the IPA base scheme would be for 
administrative machines,  and then each of the tenant subtrees would be 
for a subset of the machines in the system.

But that is really only one view of it,  and I think I can see where you 
are coming from:  you want to be able to manage,say customers, but use 
the same rules for them as you do for employees?

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 5:35 AM, Adam  wrote:

I opened a ticket for multitenancy

Here is a detailed write up of the issues.

Please provide any feedback that you have and I will update.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] User Administrator role member doesn't see User Groups under identity tab

2011-12-15 Thread Adam Young

On 12/13/2011 02:09 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Ian Levesque wrote:


I'm running version 2.0.0-23 under Scientific 6.1. I've noticed that 
users in the User Administrator role,  don't have access via the 
web UI to actually manage groups. The only link under Identity is 
Users. CLI management works as expected. Is this a known bug with 
the relatively old version of FreeIPA I'm running?

$ ipa role-show User Administrator
   Role name: User Administrator
   Description: Responsible for creating Users and Groups
   Member users: levesque
   Privileges: user administrators, group administrators

$ ipa privilege-show group administrators
   Privilege name: Group Administrators
   Description: Group Administrators
   Permissions: add groups, remove groups, modify groups, modify 
group membership

   Granting privilege to roles: User Administrator


A similar issue was fixed in 2.1.3 but it affected all UI screens IIRC 
(e.g. non-admins never saw anything extra).


Freeipa-users mailing list

Yes,  that is the same issue.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Some feature requests

2011-11-28 Thread Adam Young

On 11/28/2011 04:16 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


a) Auto setup in RH satellite to allow auto joining to freeIPA from a baremetal 

That is a Satellite,  not FreeIPA,  request.

b) Setup/config (info etc) to allow a gluster system to join to IPA.

What  would a gluster system require that we do not already provide?

Since these are all RH...shouldn't be too hard.



Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Delete host: Unable to communicate with CMS (Not Found)

2011-11-17 Thread Adam Young

On 11/17/2011 10:58 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 14:01, Rob  wrote:

Dan Scott wrote:

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 10:39, Rob Crittendenrcrit...@redhat.comwrote:

Dan Scott wrote:

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 09:23, Rob

Dan Scott wrote:


I receive the following error when I try to remove a host from IPA:

djscott@pc35:~$ ipa host-del pc60
ipa: ERROR: Certificate operation cannot be completed: Unable to
communicate with CMS (Not Found)

I'm running a Fedora 16 (freeipa-server-2.1.3-5.fc16.x86_64) server
replicated with a Fedora 15 (freeipa-server-2.1.3-2.fc15.i686) server.

I've looked at this:

But it looks like it was fixed in 2.1.2 or 2.1.3. Any ideas for what I
need to do?



This would suggest that dogtag isn't running. Is dogtag and its LDAP
instance up?

It seems to be, there are 2 entries 'loaded active running' for the
dirsrv@ instances. I don't see any errors in the
/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA/errors file.

Tomcat is running too.


Hmm, ok, lets see if we can talk to the cert system at all.

$ ipa cert-show 1

fileserver1 is the IPA server with PKI-IPA running:

[root@fileserver1 ~]# ipa cert-show 1
ipa: ERROR: Certificate operation cannot be completed: Unable to
communicate with CMS (Not Found)

SELinux is my normal culprit when things don't work. It may be so in
this case. My /var/log/audit/audit.log hasn't changed since 11th

Unfortunately, temporarily disabling it doesn't seem to help:

[root@fileserver1 ~]# setenforce Permissive
[root@fileserver1 ~]# ipa cert-show 1
ipa: ERROR: Certificate operation cannot be completed: Unable to
communicate with CMS (Not Found)

What processes should be running for the certificate server? I have
the ns-slapd process and tomcat6 running. The tomcat logs are empty.


It sounds like you have the right processes running.

The dogtag logs are in /var/log/pki-ca. debug is rather verbose and where I
usually start looking for issues.

The /var/log/pki-ca/debug file hasn't been updated since the 11th
November. I've attached an extract from catalina.out which contains
some pretty severe errors.

To summarise, the errors are:
SEVERE: Error initializing socket factory
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLSocket
SEVERE: Failed to initialize connector [Connector[HTTP/1.1-9443]] Failed to access resource /WEB-INF/lib/osutil.jar

I'd guess that this means I'm missing a package? I'm having trouble
figuring out which one contains the code I'm missing. Maybe I need to
reinstall one?



Freeipa-users mailing list
Is this on F16?  It might be that the package is there but not being 
picked up.

JSS  and osutils are a JNI packages,  and you should find them in 
/usr/lib64/java/jss4.jar  and osutil.jar, but they might end up in 
/usr/lib/java/jss4.jar and osutil,jar

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Kerberos authentication setup

2011-11-11 Thread Adam Young

On 11/11/2011 03:52 PM, Boris Epstein wrote:

Hello all,

I've got my FreeIPA seemingly running on a Fedora 16 machine but I can 
not log into it from a browser as I get the Your kerberos ticket is 
no longer valid. message. So the question is: is there a good guide 
on how to set up the Kerberos components involved?

You will get this error for numerous reasons.  If any of the security 
mechanisms are not in place,  tht is the only error message that will 
get through.

1.  You need to accept the CA cert
2.  You need to accept the server cert...this will be automatic if you 
have the CA cert.
3.  You need to configure your browser and accept the config potions 
that allow ticket forwarding

All this is done by clicking through the options from the link in the 
same window as the Kerberos error message you mention.

I'f you've been through all this, then the problem is likely that you do 
not have Kerberos set up on the machine running the browser, or you do 
not have a ticket.  Assuming the browser is running on the IPA server, 
running kinit will be sufficient.

If you installed IPA on a machine that has no X server, and you need to 
run the browser on a remote machine to talk to it,  please follow the 
steps to set up the remote machine as an ipa-client.  That will get the 
Kerberos ticket set up for you.



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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA on CentOS 5.6

2011-11-09 Thread Adam Young

On 11/09/2011 02:27 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 14:23 -0500, Boris Epstein wrote:

So what OS would not be too old to run FreeIPA on? Would we be talking CentOS 6?


Well, RHEL 6.2 (due out before the end of the year) will include a
fully-supported version of FreeIPA as Red Hat Identity Management.
Presumably, whenever CentOS 6.2 is released, it will also carry this

It's likely to be possible to get it to run on CentOS 6.0, but it will
require some elbow grease. I also agree with the earlier comments that
512MB is not enough to run the OS + FreeIPA.

Freeipa-users mailing list

If you are looking for a means to evaluate it,  look at a really 
stripped down Fedora 15 Install.

People have also had better success with Scientific Linux  for RHEL6 
parity than they have had with Centos6,  but no guarantees there:  both 
have been significantly  behind the RHEL 6 efforts.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-client-install error

2011-11-04 Thread Adam Young
CentOS is far behind RHEL.  Many of the issues you will find have been 
fixed in released versions of IPA.  This one is due, I think to an 
earlier issue with directory server that has since been upgraded.

You might want to see if the versions shipped with Scientifix Linux work 
better for you, but it is going to be quite a few packages.  Aside from 
freeipa*  it will be xmlrpc,  38-ds-base  and DNS dyndb and possibly others.

On 11/04/2011 03:04 PM, Jimmy wrote:
I'm running the ipa-client-install on a CentOS 6 client and get this 

[root@kudzu ~]# ipa-client-install
Discovery was successful!
Realm: PDH.CSP
DNS Domain: pdh.csp
IPA Server: csp-idm.pdh.csp
BaseDN: dc=pdh,dc=csp

Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
Principal: admin
Password for ad...@pdh.csp:
Joining realm failed: Operation failed! unsupported extended operation
child exited with 9
Certificate subject base is: O=PDH.CSP

The only logs I see on the server are here:

Nov 04 18:52:55 csp-idm.pdh.csp krb5kdc[5354](info): AS_REQ (4 etypes 
{18 17 16 23}) 
NEEDED_PREAUTH: ad...@pdh.csp for krbtgt/pdh@pdh.csp, Additional 
pre-authentication required
Nov 04 18:53:20 csp-idm.pdh.csp krb5kdc[5354](info): AS_REQ (4 etypes 
{18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: 
authtime 1320432800, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, ad...@pdh.csp for 
Nov 04 18:53:21 csp-idm.pdh.csp krb5kdc[5354](info): TGS_REQ (4 etypes 
{18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: 
authtime 1320432800, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, ad...@pdh.csp for 
Nov 04 18:53:21 csp-idm.pdh.csp krb5kdc[5354](info): TGS_REQ (1 etypes 
{18}) ISSUE: authtime 
1320432800, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, ad...@pdh.csp for 
Nov 04 18:53:21 csp-idm.pdh.csp krb5kdc[5354](info): TGS_REQ (4 etypes 
{18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: 
authtime 1320432800, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, ad...@pdh.csp for 
Nov 04 18:53:21 csp-idm.pdh.csp krb5kdc[5354](info): TGS_REQ (4 etypes 
{18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: 
authtime 1320432800, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, ad...@pdh.csp for 

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Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-client-install error

2011-11-04 Thread Adam Young

On 11/04/2011 07:07 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 11/04/2011 04:23 PM, Jimmy wrote:

I see. I have ipa-client-2.0-9.el6.x86_64 on the CentOS 6 client. I 
guess the proper fix is to use the SL packages Adam referenced?


It looks like Scientific Linux is behind as well:  The packages on  are all 2.0.0


Not sure how they are doing their naming scheme,  as they have 6/  6.1/  
6x/  and 6rolling  but they all look pretty much the same.


You need a newer ipa-client package. The extended operation we
used for enrollment changed. This was fixed in ipa-client-2.0-9.1
in RHEL 6.0.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

Looking to carve out IT costs?

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Freeipa-users] Overall Design of Policy Related Components

2011-11-01 Thread Adam Young

On 11/01/2011 01:04 PM, Rodney Mercer wrote:

On Tue, 2011-11-01 at 12:00 -0400,

On 10/31/2011 05:20 PM, Rodney Mercer wrote:

We have previously developed Solaris RBAC authorization within our
application to validate users and roles to our application's


commanding capability using the definitions that populate the name
service switch maps.

I have been searching for a method for implementing similar


using RHEL and had found promise with the following proposed
documentation for IPAv2:

We decided to back away from trying to provide central RBAC. Our
experience with multiple projects revealed that there is no one size
fits all solution regarding RBAC. But we were talking about geral Role
base access control model not specific RBAC as Solaris implemented it.
The Solaris RBAC is similar to sudo and HBAC combined together. Both
features are managed by IPA.
We also have SELinux policies on Linux that can constrain the root
access. The user SELinux roles management is on the roadmap but HBAC +
SUDO should give you the equivalent if not more functionality than
Solaris RBAC.

Or you can use RHEL6.2 beta and see the docs about SUDO and HBAC

The RBAC structure that I speak of is contained within our application.
Being able to have IPA clients request the XML blob of role mappings to
internal application commanding authorizations is what I was looking

Is it possible to create IPA Roles that mean nothing to IPA yet our
independent application could query and use them with it's internal
security mechanisms?

Yes it is possible.  The role mechanism does not have to have any 
permissions or privileges assigned to it, and they will show up as 
member of  relations  in an LDAP query.

Could extending the dirsrv schema to include attributes to be accessed
for the security of the independent application be created to work in
conjunction with these custom defined roles?

Having the IPA Server available to all hosts that run the application is
what we desire. We use *_attr Name Service Switch maps to access these
roles and attributes from our Solaris implementation.

Unless I am mistaken, HBAC might give us options as to whom may run our
applications on particular hosts, but it would not help in defining who
could run the internal application directives that we seek to map to
users roles.
Sudo doesn't help for the internal commanding our application desires to

Thanks for any ideas you can lend.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Unique world wide UIDS

2011-10-26 Thread Adam Young

On 10/26/2011 08:49 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


Readng the docs on the 32bit UIDs it says it makes an attempt to give out a 
unique rangewould it be possible / practical if RH (would want to) ran some 
sort of database or registration function to try and insure that?


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

Freeipa-users mailing list
No.  It would not be.  Fragmentation of the 32 Bit space means that you 
are going to have clashes.  Just look at IPv4 addresses and you can see 
an analogue.  32bits  really means 32 bits, as you have to deal with 
sometimes things being stored in signed values (Java for instance)  so 
you have 2^31  or 2,147,483,648.  Which is not quite a quarter of the 
worlds population.  Now, assuming that any organization is going to be 
smaller than that,  you have to figure out how much to give them...they 
are going to make it a financial decision,  so the US governement buys 
up  enough to be future proof, lets say 1 Billion,  leaveing a little 
over 1 Billion for the Rest of the world...then China comes in.  Then 
India.  You get the idea.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] No hosts showing as enrolled

2011-10-24 Thread Adam Young

On 10/21/2011 07:05 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 10/21/2011 10:02 PM, Adam Young wrote:

On 10/21/2011 02:29 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 10/21/2011 08:15 PM, Adam Young wrote:

On 10/21/2011 02:04 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:


I've updated to freeipa-server-2.1.3-2.fc15.x86_64.

There is no hosts showing as enrolled in the webui. In the CLI 
hosts are reported to have a keytab. Is this a known issue?


PS. KUDOS on the speed of lookups! MASSIVE improvement both in the 
CLI and in the WEBUI!!!

Freeipa-users mailing list
They use exactly the same API.  The only difference between the 
webUI and the CLI is that the WebUI is marshalled via JSON, and the 
CLI uses XML RPC.  So you should see exactly the same results in 
both.  Have you typed something into your filter field that is 
hiding the hosts?

No search filter, that I know of. I assume you're referring to the 
top right hand corner field?

That field is empty, I'm displaying all hosts. Still noting in the 
Enrolled? field.
Just realized that you are referring to the enrolle?  column.  I 
think  that is a bug.  I just opened this ticket:

The field that populates that column is actually krblastpwdchange,  
which should show when the password for the host principal was last 
changed. The intention is that this column should show when the host 
was enrolled,  But is defaulting to blank.


I got several hosts joined to IPA, and they have a krbLastPwdChange 
value if I look for them using ldapsarch and ipa host-show fqdn 

Please let me know if I can assist in further troubleshooting of the 

There is not problem with your hosts, just a UI disconnect.
The column is bogus and we are going to remove it. Please ignore it for now.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] No hosts showing as enrolled

2011-10-21 Thread Adam Young

On 10/21/2011 02:04 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:


I've updated to freeipa-server-2.1.3-2.fc15.x86_64.

There is no hosts showing as enrolled in the webui. In the CLI hosts 
are reported to have a keytab. Is this a known issue?


PS. KUDOS on the speed of lookups! MASSIVE improvement both in the CLI 
and in the WEBUI!!!

Freeipa-users mailing list
They use exactly the same API.  The only difference between the webUI 
and the CLI is that the WebUI is marshalled via JSON, and the CLI uses 
XML RPC.  So you should see exactly the same results in both.  Have you 
typed something into your filter field that is hiding the hosts?

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] No hosts showing as enrolled

2011-10-21 Thread Adam Young

On 10/21/2011 02:29 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 10/21/2011 08:15 PM, Adam Young wrote:

On 10/21/2011 02:04 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:


I've updated to freeipa-server-2.1.3-2.fc15.x86_64.

There is no hosts showing as enrolled in the webui. In the CLI hosts 
are reported to have a keytab. Is this a known issue?


PS. KUDOS on the speed of lookups! MASSIVE improvement both in the 
CLI and in the WEBUI!!!

Freeipa-users mailing list
They use exactly the same API.  The only difference between the webUI 
and the CLI is that the WebUI is marshalled via JSON, and the CLI 
uses XML RPC.  So you should see exactly the same results in both.  
Have you typed something into your filter field that is hiding the 

No search filter, that I know of. I assume you're referring to the top 
right hand corner field?

That field is empty, I'm displaying all hosts. Still noting in the 
Enrolled? field.
Just realized that you are referring to the enrolle?  column.  I 
think  that is a bug.  I just opened this ticket:

The field that populates that column is actually krblastpwdchange,  
which should show when the password for the host principal was last 
changed. The intention is that this column should show when the host was 
enrolled,  But is defaulting to blank.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Complaint web browsers

2011-10-18 Thread Adam Young

On 10/17/2011 10:36 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


I have only used Firefox 3.x as shipped with RHEL to admin IPA, what are others 
using? ie what are compliant/suitable?

We are only claiming to support Firefox, 3 on forward should all work, 
but we only test the versions with Fedora and RHEL.

Chrome will work, but you need to set up Kerberos Ticket Forwarding, 
which means setting an ENV VAR prior to running.

Have not tested on IE recently.  Have reason to think it might be broke, 
but the Kerberos requirement makes it a non-starter for real deployments.

Safari has been fairly well tested.  Again, Kerberos setup is a little 
bit of effort.


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Complaint web browsers

2011-10-18 Thread Adam Young
Lets distinguish between Supported browsers for the kerberos case and 
the Supported browser for the Basic auth enabled case:

For Kerberos, it is as I said previously:  it will work on the others, 
but you have to know how to configure.  You are not going to get IE 
Kerberos support without a significant headache, but even that is 
theoretically possible.  Kerberos is going to be an issue from Windows 
no matter what.

For Basic Auth, things are much easier, but that is the setup is just 
not that secure.  So that would be fine for a proof of concept, we just 
don't recommend it in the wild.

As far as the Javascript web app goes, we try to stick to features that 
work in all browsers.  For example, you'll notice that we don't do any 
file uploads, as that is something that, in a AJAX application, is done 
with browser specific code.  I can't promise that we will avoid browser 
specific solutions in the future, but if we do, it will be that you can 
do everything with either browser, but the user experience will be 
smoother on Firefox.

If something is broken on a browser other than Firefox, please file a 
ticket, and be prepared to test it for us. . Make sure the component is 
Web UI.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Install problem with --setup-dns

2011-09-30 Thread Adam Young

On 09/30/2011 01:10 PM, Mark A Cinense wrote:
Hi, new to the list.  I have been pounding away at this for the past 
month or so, and I am stumped as to why when installing IPA, it keeps 
wanting to setup DNS with a domain name of  During the interaction part 
of the install, I defined the domain as

The message I get is:

Do you want to configure the reverse zone? [yes]:
Configuring named:
  [1/9]: adding DNS container
  [2/9]: setting up our zone
Unexpected error - see ipaserver-install.log for details: DNS zone not found

Here is how I answer the interactive questions:

Server host name []:

I think the problem is the you are adding to an invalid zone here.  I am 
guessing siomething is silently failing.

You are stating that your domain is

but I think you want it do be

And then your server   makes sense.

The zone is the zone you are going to control by default, not the zone 
you are joiningif that makes sense

Warning: skipping DNS resolution of host

The domain name has been calculated based on the host name.

Please confirm the domain name []:

The IPA Master Server will be configured with

IP address:
Domain name:

When I do a hostname I get:

[root@ipaserver log]# hostname

Any ideas?  Is there something I am missing?

Mark Cinense CNA A+ MCP CVE RHCSA 6
MACDAV Productions a Cinense Consulting Service Company

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Certificate error when modifying/deleting a host

2011-09-28 Thread Adam Young

On 09/28/2011 05:03 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 09/28/2011 03:33 AM, Adam Young wrote:
After talking with the PKI developer that is fixing this, I found out 
that one other file needs to be modified:



On 09/27/2011 07:55 PM, Adam Young wrote:


This is my comment in the ticket:

We are working on a tool in the PKI project that will perform these 
steps in an automated fashion.

There are three files that need to be addressed.

On the tomcat side, the files are in the Tomcat instance managed by 
IPA in /var/lib/pki-ca. The first is


It needs the addition:

+ Connector port=9447 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=9444 /

You can place it around line 281, above the comment for the line 
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

Second is: /var/lib/pki-ca/webapps/ca/WEB-INF/web.xml

For each of the filter entries it needs the code addition below:




+ init-param + param-nameproxy_port/param-name + 
param-value443/param-value + /init-param


param-nameactive/param-name param-valuetrue/param-value



The third change is creating a symlink to /etc/pki-ca/proxy.conf in 
the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d

Sorry for the late reply.

I have performed the modifications you've suggested to 
/var/lib/pki-ca/conf/server.xml, and  

In the file /var/lib/pki-ca/conf/CS.cfg, the settings we're already 
http.port=8080 and https.port=8443.

I could not find the file /etc/pki-ca/proxy.conf. I did find 
/usr/share/pki/ca/conf/proxy.conf, I copied this into 
/etc/httpd/conf.d and replaced [PKI_MACHINE_NAME]:[PKI_AJP_PORT] with 

Then I restarted ipa: $ ipactl restart

I get a different error now, same error msg both in webui and cli:
ipa: ERROR: Certificate format error: [Errno -8192] (SEC_ERROR_IO) An 
I/O error occurred during security authorization.

What do you suggest doing next? :)


oot@vm-077 conf.d]# diff nss.conf.orig nss.conf
 NSSRenegotiation off
 NSSRenegotiation on
 NSSRequireSafeNegotiation off
 NSSRequireSafeNegotiation on

As I said, we are scripting this.  I should have had you hold out for 
the script.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Certificate error when modifying/deleting a host

2011-09-28 Thread Adam Young

On 09/28/2011 05:59 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 09/28/2011 11:35 PM, Adam Young wrote:

On 09/28/2011 05:03 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 09/28/2011 03:33 AM, Adam Young wrote:
After talking with the PKI developer that is fixing this, I found 
out that one other file needs to be modified:



On 09/27/2011 07:55 PM, Adam Young wrote:


This is my comment in the ticket:

We are working on a tool in the PKI project that will perform 
these steps in an automated fashion.

There are three files that need to be addressed.

On the tomcat side, the files are in the Tomcat instance managed 
by IPA in /var/lib/pki-ca. The first is


It needs the addition:

+ Connector port=9447 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=9444 /

You can place it around line 281, above the comment for the line 
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

Second is: /var/lib/pki-ca/webapps/ca/WEB-INF/web.xml

For each of the filter entries it needs the code addition below:




+ init-param + param-nameproxy_port/param-name + 
param-value443/param-value + /init-param





The third change is creating a symlink to /etc/pki-ca/proxy.conf 
in the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d

Sorry for the late reply.

I have performed the modifications you've suggested to 
/var/lib/pki-ca/conf/server.xml, and  

In the file /var/lib/pki-ca/conf/CS.cfg, the settings we're already 
http.port=8080 and https.port=8443.

I could not find the file /etc/pki-ca/proxy.conf. I did find 
/usr/share/pki/ca/conf/proxy.conf, I copied this into 
/etc/httpd/conf.d and replaced [PKI_MACHINE_NAME]:[PKI_AJP_PORT] 
with localhost:9447.

Then I restarted ipa: $ ipactl restart

I get a different error now, same error msg both in webui and cli:
ipa: ERROR: Certificate format error: [Errno -8192] (SEC_ERROR_IO) 
An I/O error occurred during security authorization.

What do you suggest doing next? :)


oot@vm-077 conf.d]# diff nss.conf.orig nss.conf
 NSSRenegotiation off
 NSSRenegotiation on
 NSSRequireSafeNegotiation off
 NSSRequireSafeNegotiation on

As I said, we are scripting this.  I should have had you hold out for 
the script.


I see Ade Lee has posted the script now. I'll have a go at the script 


Freeipa-users mailing list
Well, that script assumes the machine is in a certain state.  I am not 
sure if you machine now qualifies.  You shold only need the nss.conf  
change, as that seems to match the error you are seeing.

Before you make any changes, try pointing  a browser at


And you should get a valid response:  XML with a tag ChainBase64

This shows that Dogtag is being proxied correctly.  The error you are 
seeing is due to the need to renegotiate the SSL handshake for the  
authed sections of the PKI-CA.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] user login exposes all users in UI

2011-09-28 Thread Adam Young

On 09/28/2011 01:13 PM, Stephen Ingram wrote:

When logging into the FreeIPA UI as a user, most everything is removed
with the exception of the Identity tab and the Users list. Although
I'm guessing that LDAP needs to expose the users list to all users
just as anyone can view the passwd file on any one system, is there a
technical need to expose all of the users to any user logging into the


Freeipa-users mailing list

The UI does not remove any privs. That same user can run the command 
line  ipa user-find and get the same results.  Additionally, the user 
has the ability to query the LDAP server directly.   Thus, we decided to 
leave the ability to enumerate all users, but not to advertise it.  We 
did remove tabs for other things that the user can do, mainly because 
some of them  pointed at operations that the user was not allowed to see 
(Roles, for example, and Sudo commands for another).  We had to draw the 
line somewhere, and that is where we decided.  It has the added benefit 
of letting IPA work as a company directory.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Certificate error when modifying/deleting a host

2011-09-27 Thread Adam Young

On 09/27/2011 04:22 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 09/27/2011 09:54 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On 09/27/2011 12:34 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 09/25/2011 05:49 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:


I have a host that refuses to be modified or deleted. I get the 
same error from the webui and the cli. I am using F15, FreeIPA 
2.1.1 + all updates from the updates repository. I cannot find any 
error in any log. I have tried to reboot my ipa servers. All 
services seem to be running and have no issues.

The error message I receive is:

  * Certificate operation cannot be completed: Unable to
communicate with CMS (Not Found)

I have looked in the Dogtag Certificate Manager, and I can see the 
certificate. It's still valid, and holds the same serial number as 
what is displayed using ipa host-show hostname.

Any suggestions?

Can you please send the sanitized apache logs?

These are the apache log lines that correspond to # ipa host-disable 
hostname, and # ipa cert-show serialno. I have no config files in 
my /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory that contains any reference to the 
/ca directory. Also /var/www/html/ca does not exist.

I notice that the freeipa-server-2.1.1-1.fc15.x86_64 rpm lists a file 
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-pki-proxy.conf. However this file does not 
exist on any of my 3 IPA servers.

Should that file contain an alias and proxy rules for /ca/ ?

[Tue Sep 27 21:44:01 2011] [error] ipa: INFO: 
ping(): SUCCESS
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:02 2011] [error] ipa: INFO: sslget 
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:02 2011] [error] [client] File does 
not exist: /var/www/html/ca
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:02 2011] [error] ipa: INFO: 
host_disable(u''): CertificateOperationError
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:08 2011] [error] ipa: INFO: 
ping(): SUCCESS
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:09 2011] [error] ipa: INFO: sslget 
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:09 2011] [error] [client] File does 
not exist: /var/www/html/ca
[Tue Sep 27 21:44:09 2011] [error] ipa: INFO: 
cert_show(u'268369923'): CertificateOperationError

access_log: - [27/Sep/2011:21:44:00 +0200] POST 
/ipa/xml HTTP/1.1 200 259 - - [27/Sep/2011:21:44:02 +0200] POST 
/ca/agent/ca/displayBySerial HTTP/1.1 404 314 - [27/Sep/2011:21:44:01 +0200] POST 
/ipa/xml HTTP/1.1 200 360 - [27/Sep/2011:21:44:07 +0200] POST 
/ipa/xml HTTP/1.1 200 259 - - [27/Sep/2011:21:44:09 +0200] POST 
/ca/agent/ca/displayBySerial HTTP/1.1 404 314 - [27/Sep/2011:21:44:08 +0200] POST 
/ipa/xml HTTP/1.1 200 360

I found the missing file in /usr/share/ipa/ipa-pki-proxy.conf. I 
copied this file into /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-pki-proxy.conf. The port 
numbers seemed incorrect. They we're pointing at 
ajp://localhost:9447/, which is a port that's not reponding to 
anything. netstat -nat agrees...nothing there.

/etc/init.d/pki-cad status seem to indicate that the correct port is 
9443? I changed to port number 9443 in the ipa-pki-proxy.conf file, 
and restarted httpd. And attempted to disable the host:

# ipa host-disable
ipa: ERROR: Certificate format error: [Errno -8192] (SEC_ERROR_IO) An 
I/O error occurred during security authorization.

Using Firefox to access 

Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to
SSL peer cannot verify your certificate.
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_alert)

Am I heading in the incorrect direction here? Or does the pki-cad 
service have some cert issues?

9447 was likely the right value.

I think the problem is with the Proxy configuration.  We are working on 
a script to upgrade  a non-proxied PKI (Dogtag) to a proxied version,  
but the ports set in the config file need to match the ports that the 
pki-ca web app is using.

I'm assuming from what you said above that you can talk to Dogtag 
directly of port 9443,  but that the proxy is not set correctly for the 
HTTPD to AJP  communication.

Have your server.xml and web.xml files in the PKI  configuration been 
modified to listen to AJP?  It should be something like:

Connector port=[PKI_AJP_PORT] protocol=AJP/1.3 
redirectPort=[PKI_AJP_REDIRECT_PORT] /

In the server.xml file.THE AJP port has to match what the file in 
/etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy.conf   file says.  9443 is, I think the HTTPS 
port in your case, not the AJP port.  AJP should be  9447.

Freeipa-users mailing list
We (Ade Lee) is working in a script to upgrade an existing Dogtag 
instance to use

Re: [Freeipa-users] Certificate error when modifying/deleting a host

2011-09-27 Thread Adam Young


This is my comment in the ticket:

We are working on a tool in the PKI project that will perform these 
steps in an automated fashion.

There are three files that need to be addressed.

On the tomcat side, the files are in the Tomcat instance managed by IPA 
in /var/lib/pki-ca. The first is


It needs the addition:

+ Connector port=9447 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=9444 /

You can place it around line 281, above the comment for the line Engine 
name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

Second is: /var/lib/pki-ca/webapps/ca/WEB-INF/web.xml

For each of the filter entries it needs the code addition below:


   param-nameproxy_port/param-name param-value443/param-value


+ init-param + param-nameproxy_port/param-name + 
param-value443/param-value + /init-param


   param-nameactive/param-name param-valuetrue/param-value



The third change is creating a symlink to /etc/pki-ca/proxy.conf in the 
directory /etc/httpd/conf.d

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Certificate error when modifying/deleting a host

2011-09-27 Thread Adam Young
After talking with the PKI developer that is fixing this, I found out 
that one other file needs to be modified:



On 09/27/2011 07:55 PM, Adam Young wrote:


This is my comment in the ticket:

We are working on a tool in the PKI project that will perform these 
steps in an automated fashion.

There are three files that need to be addressed.

On the tomcat side, the files are in the Tomcat instance managed by 
IPA in /var/lib/pki-ca. The first is


It needs the addition:

+ Connector port=9447 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=9444 /

You can place it around line 281, above the comment for the line 
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

Second is: /var/lib/pki-ca/webapps/ca/WEB-INF/web.xml

For each of the filter entries it needs the code addition below:




+ init-param + param-nameproxy_port/param-name + 
param-value443/param-value + /init-param


param-nameactive/param-name param-valuetrue/param-value



The third change is creating a symlink to /etc/pki-ca/proxy.conf in 
the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Using FreeIPA web interface from a windows client(IE)

2011-09-23 Thread Adam Young

On 09/23/2011 03:31 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Jimmy wrote:

I have been using the interface from a Linux client on Firefox just
fine, but now I need to configure a windows client to access the web
interface. I have the win7 client logged in using a FreeIPA user,
authenticated against the realm, and when I browse to the web page I
still get another log in box but no matter what I do not get access, or
the browser cannot access the ticket the system has. I enabled the
Enable Integrated Windows Authentication option in IE. After that
wasn't working I even installed the MIT KFW to make sure I was really
getting a ticket(not really expecting that it would fix the problem.)

I am searching for this fix actively, but figured I'd ask here in case
someone had the answer at hand.

Firefox in Windows will work with the MIT client but not IE. For IE to 
work you need to enable fake basic auth fallback, . This isn't really ideal but 
the only workaround we know of.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Chrome will work as well, just not IE.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] extending FreeIPA

2011-08-07 Thread Adam Young

On 08/06/2011 03:18 PM, Stephen Ingram wrote:

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Adam  wrote:

On 05/06/2011 08:49 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:

On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 17:41 -0700, Stephen Ingram wrote:

I currently maintain a directory with MTA configuration data in it
(among other items). I'm wondering what is the best way to add to the
FreeIPA schema without stepping on current and future schema additions
that might conflict with what I add. I know at one time you were
expecting to add information for Postfix and other common server
programs. Was this schema ever prepared and agreed upon, or is it best
to use some special branch to put this all under?

Ok it seem we are confusing 2 things here, on one side schema extensions
(new attributes and objectclasses) and on the other side DIT structure
(subtrees within the tree where to put your information).

If you use standard schema or schema you made yourself after you got
assigned a base OID there should be no issue at all. if you do your own
schema please be careful in trying to use a prefix for attribute and
objectclass names so that you do not risk future name conflicts).

For the DIT part it really depends on what you need to do.
If you just need to add attributes to users then you have no other
option but to attach them to the users and that's fine it shouldn't
cause any issue.

If you need to add entirely new objects I can suggest to create a
cn=custom container as a top level subtree (ie at the same level of
cn=accounts and cn=etc, ...

And within it do what you need to do. This way it will not conflict with
anything we may add in future.

Also, although I read Adam Young's blog article about how to extend
the WebUI, I'm having difficulty adding attributes within the existing
structure. For example, on the user page, is there a prescribed way of
adding say, the mailAlternateAddress attribute such that it shows as a
field in the WebUI?

The rule is that  you need to be able to do it in the CLI first, and then
attempt it in the WebUI.  The attribute you are attmpeting to access needs
to be added to the user object in freeipa/ipalib/plugins/  first.
  Once you have that, you can add it to the ui  just like email address:

  {factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget, name:'mail'},

However,  mail is already a multivalued attribute.  You can store multiple
email addresses there if you want, and that is the intention.  If you want
to make these both single value fields, change it to:
[  mail,mailalternateaddress,
   {factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,

Off on another project for awhile, but I finally had a chance to
attack this. Yes, I did have to make mailalternateaddress a separate
attribute as I need to be able to search the directory for this and
treat it differently than an email address (or multiple email
addresses). After a nasty browser caching problem, I got everything to
work. This is great! I'm a little weak in the javascript department,
but with your instructions above and here
I was able to edit everything and make it work! The CLI worked great
too. I could not believe it when I saw the command line options change
(even in help) to reflect the added attribute. This is so unbelievably

The only problem I'm having is that if there is no attribute entry to
begin with (I added the first mailalternateaddress with the command
line after the changes), there is no Add link in the UI next to the
attribute like on the Email address. Is there something that has to be
done to get this to appear? Note that the Delete link and Add link
does appear if there is already a value for the attribute.

Sounds like a bug, but to be honest, it is a cod path I haven't gone 
down.  Please file it in trac and we'll investigate.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] extending FreeIPA

2011-08-07 Thread Adam Young

On 08/06/2011 04:29 PM, Stephen Ingram wrote:

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Stephen  wrote:

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Adam  wrote:

On 05/06/2011 08:49 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:

On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 17:41 -0700, Stephen Ingram wrote:

I currently maintain a directory with MTA configuration data in it
(among other items). I'm wondering what is the best way to add to the
FreeIPA schema without stepping on current and future schema additions
that might conflict with what I add. I know at one time you were
expecting to add information for Postfix and other common server
programs. Was this schema ever prepared and agreed upon, or is it best
to use some special branch to put this all under?

Ok it seem we are confusing 2 things here, on one side schema extensions
(new attributes and objectclasses) and on the other side DIT structure
(subtrees within the tree where to put your information).

If you use standard schema or schema you made yourself after you got
assigned a base OID there should be no issue at all. if you do your own
schema please be careful in trying to use a prefix for attribute and
objectclass names so that you do not risk future name conflicts).

For the DIT part it really depends on what you need to do.
If you just need to add attributes to users then you have no other
option but to attach them to the users and that's fine it shouldn't
cause any issue.

If you need to add entirely new objects I can suggest to create a
cn=custom container as a top level subtree (ie at the same level of
cn=accounts and cn=etc, ...

And within it do what you need to do. This way it will not conflict with
anything we may add in future.

Also, although I read Adam Young's blog article about how to extend
the WebUI, I'm having difficulty adding attributes within the existing
structure. For example, on the user page, is there a prescribed way of
adding say, the mailAlternateAddress attribute such that it shows as a
field in the WebUI?

The rule is that  you need to be able to do it in the CLI first, and then
attempt it in the WebUI.  The attribute you are attmpeting to access needs
to be added to the user object in freeipa/ipalib/plugins/  first.
  Once you have that, you can add it to the ui  just like email address:

  {factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget, name:'mail'},

However,  mail is already a multivalued attribute.  You can store multiple
email addresses there if you want, and that is the intention.  If you want
to make these both single value fields, change it to:
[  mail,mailalternateaddress,
   {factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,

Off on another project for awhile, but I finally had a chance to
attack this. Yes, I did have to make mailalternateaddress a separate
attribute as I need to be able to search the directory for this and
treat it differently than an email address (or multiple email
addresses). After a nasty browser caching problem, I got everything to
work. This is great! I'm a little weak in the javascript department,
but with your instructions above and here
I was able to edit everything and make it work! The CLI worked great
too. I could not believe it when I saw the command line options change
(even in help) to reflect the added attribute. This is so unbelievably

The only problem I'm having is that if there is no attribute entry to
begin with (I added the first mailalternateaddress with the command
line after the changes), there is no Add link in the UI next to the
attribute like on the Email address. Is there something that has to be
done to get this to appear? Note that the Delete link and Add link
does appear if there is already a value for the attribute.

Please just disregard this last problem. The correct objectclass was
missing from the directory entry. It works perfectly now.


Glad to hear it. Interesting failure case.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Use of FreeIPA or FreeIPA LDAP server to hold private keys

2011-08-04 Thread Adam Young

DRM is the way to go. However it does not support symmetric keys now. 
This is the pert that we need for volume keys. May be it is the vault 
to store all sorts of keys. This is something that needs to be 
designed and looked at as a broader perspective.
Adam likes to repeat a phase about dreaming big so I do. I want IPA to 
be a vault for all sorts of keys and passwords and what else. If DRM 
is the answer - great.
I can start listing the use cases that such a key store should satisfy 
and we can design something that would altimately fit the build but 
build gradually knocking use cases one by one.
I will take an action idem to come with the use cases. Give me couple 
weeks as I am under water now...

Specifically:  the phrase is Dream big, implement small.

There are four things here, I'd guess, that should play into the design.

1.  User certificates in IPA.  Discussed  already, and probably the 
first thing to implement on the IPA side.
2.  DRM/KRA  talking to an external CA.  Not sure if this makes sense, 
has been discussed etc.
3.  DRM/KRA  Integration into IPA.  Regardless of 2, we should talk 
through the use cases for integration

4.  DRM/KRA  Support for symmetric keys etc.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Use of FreeIPA or FreeIPA LDAP server to hold private keys

2011-08-03 Thread Adam Young

On 08/03/2011 12:21 PM, Ian Stokes-Rees wrote:

On Wed Aug  3 10:37:45 2011, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

As a general rule, I would think that having your private key stored
somewhere that an admin other than yourself can reset the password and
have access to would be really dangerous. Most especially if this
private key was being used to access sites in other administrative

That really sounds like an accident waiting to happen...

If you are concerned about that, then don't make use of a centralized

You may be a security expert and have a deeper understanding of this
than I do, but from my limited experience and knowledge of security
audits and risk assessment, if you don't trust your system
administrators then you have a whole heap of other issues you need to
contend with.

Consider that the FreeIPA server is probably *more* secure than the
user-accessible systems and file servers.  If someone with
administrative (root) privs for the part of the system where I store my
passphrase encrypted private key would be the kind of person who would
take the private key from a central keystore, if it existed, then do
you not think they could get my passphrase and/or cleartext private key
from the system *without* a central keystore?

I think that it is a case of Just becasue I am paranoid doesn't mean 
they are not out to get me.  Its not that we don't trust sys admins, it 
is that we don't trust anyone.

Typically, instead of trusting anyone, sysadmin or no, with long term 
access to keys, you might provide a window in which they know the shared 
secret in order to reset the key, but not to make that a permanent 

I think what you are interested in is the Data Recovery Manager 
(DRM...hey, we had the acronym first, but we also call it Key Recovery  
)  aspect of Certificate Server.

Here's the redhat docs on it

And from the RPM

That is not integrated into FreeIPA, but the packages are in Fedora as 

The Data Recovery Manager (DRM) is an optional PKI subsystem that can act
as a Key Recovery Authority (KRA).  When configured in conjunction with the
Certificate Authority (CA), the DRM stores private encryption keys as 
part of

the certificate enrollment process.  The key archival mechanism is triggered
when a user enrolls in the PKI and creates the certificate request.  
Using the

Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF) request format, a request is
generated for the user's private encryption key.  This key is then stored in
the DRM which is configured to store keys in an encrypted format that 
can only

be decrypted by several agents requesting the key at one time, providing for
protection of the public encryption keys for the users in the PKI 

This is not to say there aren't arguments against it: a policy mix up
or a bug in the central keystore could lead to *all* users having their
private keys compromised, and an admin who can dip in and grab private
keys without any evidence would also be bad, but hopefully the Audit
part of IPA means that any access to private keys will be securely
logged, and flagged if they are by users other than the owner of the
private key.

This is a topic that is very important to me, so I'm quite interested
to hear how my reasoning may be flawed, or to hear opinions from others.



Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Use of FreeIPA or FreeIPA LDAP server to hold private keys

2011-08-03 Thread Adam Young

On 08/03/2011 01:16 PM, Ian Stokes-Rees wrote:

On 8/3/11 12:38 PM, Adam Young wrote:
I think what you are interested in is the Data Recovery Manager 
(DRM...hey, we had the acronym first, but we also call it Key 
Recovery  )  aspect of Certificate Server.

That is awesome.  That is exactly what I want.

Do you have experience with this?  If so, does it work if the 
certificate requests are being handled by an external entity?  We use 
a Department of Energy CA located in California, but the users in our 
community are from across the US (and international), and we're 
looking to improve the process of them acquiring a usable identity 
in a federated environment.  We're using FreeIPA internally, but if we 
can link it in to the cert request process and cert mgmt process (from 
the user end, not the CA end) that would be great.

Experience?  I've been on the Dogtag  project for over a week now.  I'm 
learning about it as we speak.

The place to ask about Dogtag and the pki products is   and the IRC Channel 
on freednode is *#dogtag-pki.

*Integrating KRA into IPA is on the map, although I am not sure the 
timeframe.  However, I suspect that our approach would be assuming you 
wanted your own CA.  Not sure if you can do KRA with**an external CA.*

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Unable to start IPA server after server reboot

2011-08-02 Thread Adam Young

On 08/02/2011 09:42 AM, Ondrej Valousek wrote:

Hi Rob,
It was just polaris - so I tried:
[root@polaris etc]# hostname

and it started working - Magic!
That means that we rely on the fact that hostname is set to FQDN, 
right? Isn't it too strong requirement?
Maybe we should guess FQDN using reverse lookups I do not know. The 
bottom line is that at least the IPA installation script should warn 
about the incorrect hostname.

This actually brought a chucklewe've been through a few iterations 
of how to deal with this.  The approach did do Reverse at one point, but 
that brought in a few other issues.  Needless to say, we've felt your 
pain on numerous occasions.

Kerberos depends on the hostname being right, and none of the auth works 
without Kerberos.  This is an issue that seems to mess people up in 
testing and evaluation mode, but people want and need it to resolve 
correctly in live environments.

And the error message was bit confusing as well, because from that one 
none can even guess what went wrong, I even tried to add 'ipactl -d 
start' to print more debugging, but it did not help either.

Just trying to bring some ideas, otherwise I am happy that it is 
working again for me :-)



On 02.08.2011 15:18, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Is your hostname set to or polaris (check 

What we search for is cn=$FQDN,cn=masters,cn=etc

That explains the matched part. It matched everything except the 


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Is it possible FreeIPA for Web Apps SingleSignOn like CAS?

2011-07-29 Thread Adam Young
In order to authenticate through the firewall you  have to allow kinit 
and kerberos web traffic through, which means opening port 88.  If you 
are unwilling to do that, you need to come up with an authentication 
solution that will pass through firewalls, which means either basic 
auth, digest, or certificates.  IPA has an embeded CA in it (Dogtag) but 
does not yet manage user certificates.

The approaches for web only single sign on (OpenID, OAuth, SAML and so 
forth)  still require the initial authentication.  Since IPA doesn't 
currently have a solution for that piece, we do not yet support one of 
hte HTTP SSO mechanisms, but it is under discussion.

On 07/29/2011 02:30 AM, Rapid Noreapeat wrote:

Thank you for your quick reply Rob,

I'll try it.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Rapid Noreapeat wrote:

Is it possible to integrate my web applications like portal
helpdesk website, and other web apps login using FreeIPA's login
accounts (SSO) like CAS?

It depends. The FreeIPA SSO is Kerberos-based so you'd need to
provide access to your KDC for this to work. If we're talking
external portal then you may not want to expose your KDC.

It also requires some configuration. Your browser has to be
configured to do Negotiate auth against a given domain.  It will
also need to trust the IPA CA (and since CAS seems at least
partially SSL-based you already handle this).

I don't know much about CAS other than what I just read on their
web site but it looks like they handle redirecting when you aren't
authenticated, seemingly allowing a nice way to mix protected and
unprotected data. I think you'd have to do much of this
configuration yourself in Apache. Probably not a huge amount of
work though.

So it is basically whatever mod_auth_kerb provides.


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Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Automounter maps

2011-07-01 Thread Adam Young

On 07/01/2011 03:48 AM, Ondrej Valousek wrote:


On 30.06.2011 17:29, Dmitri Pal wrote:
Can you please rephrase? Do you mean that instead of documenting what 
we already have or in addition to it, we should also document how to 
configure automount with DNS?

Does DNS allow specifying the search base?
Can you please point on any doc/man page that describes how to 
configure DNS for automount. We might add it as a reference into the 
doc. Is this what you are looking for?

First of all, I believe you guys in Redhat did a great job with the IPA.
Why? Because with all the install scripts and the framework around it, 
you managed to integrate all services (DNS, Kerberos, LDAP) into 
simply manageable Identity management for Linux.

Normal IT admin no longer has to dig various howtos in the Internet. 
Just run the install script and you get something very similar to 
Active Directory - robust and standard-based system.

The key thing is for me the simplicity and the scripts around it. One 
should no longer be afraid of setting up all the services separately.
From the client's prospective, You already covered Kerberos 
configuration and NSS, that's fine.

Because of the reasons I outlined above I also believe that the 
*ipa-client-install* script should take care of the automounter, too 
(or at least offer the autofs configuration) - and this includes 

As a helping hand I offer my adds to your existing howtos (I have 
already checked its functionality).

[root@draco etc]# cat /etc/sysconfig/autofs:
LDAP_URI=ldap:///dc=example,dc=com; # let the automounter 
discover LDAP server on its own

[root@draco etc]# cat /etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf
 clientprinc=host/  # taken 
from klist -k


This is I believe the best configuration you can get for autofs. It is 
not difficult (as you can see) so the ipa-client-install script should 
be able to take care of it automatically.

And finally, regarding your question - see man auto.master. The DNS 
SRV lookup ability was added there because I asked autofs maintainer 
Ian Kent from Redhat to do it and he was kind enough to implement it 
for us (he actually grabbed a piece of Samba code to make it working). 
If you feel there should be something more (like you mentioned getting 
the search base from DNS as well), talk to him, I am sure he will help 

Very nice.

I'm with you in the philosophy of Make it easy, make it work together, 
and provide a good basic approach that makes sense for most people.  
With IPA, the user and group stuff is pretty close to how you'd expect 
everyone to do things, but we have had to make minor divergences:  
notice the ipausers group for example.

With automount, what we found is that there is a wide array of 
implementation approaches.  Based on talking with people that are 
interested in IPA, we found that people can't even agree on whether the 
users home directories should be automatically created when the user is 
added to the system.  Often, people have multiple locations, and the 
user does not get a home directory for a location until they need it.  
Thus, we've taken the blank slate approach to automount policy.

What I suspect we'll find moving forward is that automount strategies 
will fall into one of two-three buckets, and we can  work with the 
automount team and so on to make a clean unified strategy.  Partially, I 
think we will need to assign a host to a Location and then it will be 
able to work with the maps and keys nested under there.  We also will 
want to be able to trap a new user event and create the home directory 
on the file server, but we don't yet have an abstraction for a file 
server in IPA.

There is the opportunity to write helper tools for configuration that 
exist outside of the ipa-client and ipa-server execution paths.  I 
scripted up the Sudo test cases earlier in the year.

The ldap server SRV lookup has been there for quite some time so it is 
in RHEL5/6 already.



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Re: [Freeipa-users] Automounter maps

2011-06-30 Thread Adam Young

Good point.

 Take a look at the test day instructions, I found them very useful for 
setting up both SUDO and automount.

On 06/30/2011 11:08 AM, Ondrej Valousek wrote:

On 30.06.2011 16:55, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Look at the output of this for details: ipa help automount

I see, thanks!
It would be nice to update man pages like:
to say something like:
So people know more automounter's ability to locate ldap server via 


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Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-client-install errors via kickstart

2011-06-27 Thread Adam Young

On 06/26/2011 08:35 AM, Charlie Derwent wrote:

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Charlie Derwent wrote:

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

   Charlie Derwent wrote:


   I'm running FreeIPA server on F14 and connecting to a F14
   client. When I
   run ipa-client-install (via kickstart or after the
client has
   I'm getting the following error message.

   root: DEBUG
   root: ERRORLDAP Error: Connect error: Start
TLS request
   accepted. Server willing to negotiate SSL
   Failed to verify that is an IPA server

   This may mean that the remote server is not up or is not
   reachable due
   to network or firewall settings

   What version of IPA are you running on the client and server?

Server is running 2.0.0.rc3-0
F14 Client is running  2.0.0.rc3-0
RHEL 5.6 Clients are running 2.0-10.el5_6.1
All the boxes are 64-bit

How are you invoking ipa-client-install? The error message looks a
bit odd and I'm not sure if it is a mail client mucking it up or
something else (the addition of


   Can you check the 389-ds access log to see if you can see the
   connection and any errors reported with it?

 Nothing in the access.log on the server.

   The ipa server is definately up and running, it's still
   other servers in the network and when I rebuild the
client with
   rhel or
   centos it can enroll (almost) without issue (see below).

   The second issue was this certmonger related bug where
   certmonger fails
   to start on new install
   ( was it
   resolved in
   Red Hat 5 as I think i'm expering the issue with my
RH5u6 clients?

   Looks like it wasn't fixed in RHEL 5.x. IIRC the simple fix
is to
   restart messagebus after installing certmonger. Should be
easy to do
   in a kickstart.

yeah got the killall -HUP dbus-daemon in there now.



Figured it out! Well partly... it's a dependency issue. I installed 
pretty much everything onto the box and it started to work but on my 
cut down server no joy. Finding the missing RPM might be a little bit 
more trickier unless someone could deduce what RPM's absence could 
cause that error?

It's hard cause it may be a dependency for the ipa-client or a 
dependency of a dependency and so forth!

If you are doing a DNS install for the server, you need  
bind-dyndb-ldap, which is the LDAP backend for the DNS server.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-client-install errors via kickstart

2011-06-27 Thread Adam Young

On 06/27/2011 11:01 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Charlie Derwent wrote:

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Adam Young wrote:

On 06/26/2011 08:35 AM, Charlie Derwent wrote:

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Charlie Derwent wrote:

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Rob Crittenden

   Charlie Derwent wrote:


   I'm running FreeIPA server on F14 and connecting to
a F14
   client. When I
   run ipa-client-install (via kickstart or after the
client has
   I'm getting the following error message.

   root: DEBUG
   root: ERRORLDAP Error: Connect error:
Start TLS request
   accepted. Server willing to negotiate SSL
   Failed to verify that is an IPA server

   This may mean that the remote server is not up or
is not
   reachable due
   to network or firewall settings

   What version of IPA are you running on the client and

Server is running 2.0.0.rc3-0
F14 Client is running  2.0.0.rc3-0
RHEL 5.6 Clients are running 2.0-10.el5_6.1
All the boxes are 64-bit

How are you invoking ipa-client-install? The error message
looks a bit odd and I'm not sure if it is a mail client
mucking it up or something else (the addition of


   Can you check the 389-ds access log to see if you can
see the
   connection and any errors reported with it?

 Nothing in the access.log on the server.

   The ipa server is definately up and running, it's 

   other servers in the network and when I rebuild the
client with
   rhel or
   centos it can enroll (almost) without issue (see

   The second issue was this certmonger related bug 

   certmonger fails
   to start on new install
( was it
   resolved in
   Red Hat 5 as I think i'm expering the issue with my
RH5u6 clients?

   Looks like it wasn't fixed in RHEL 5.x. IIRC the simple
fix is to
   restart messagebus after installing certmonger. Should
be easy to do
   in a kickstart.

yeah got the killall -HUP dbus-daemon in there now.



Figured it out! Well partly... it's a dependency issue. I
installed pretty much everything onto the box and it started to
work but on my cut down server no joy. Finding the missing RPM
might be a little bit more trickier unless someone could deduce
what RPM's absence could cause that error?

It's hard cause it may be a dependency for the ipa-client or a
dependency of a dependency and so forth!

If you are doing a DNS install for the server, you need
bind-dyndb-ldap, which is the LDAP backend for the DNS server.

This was a client side issue (apologies for saying cut down server I
meant server in a hardware sense rather that server/client model). But
yeah bind-dyndb-ldap is installed on my server.

A brute force way would be to do rpm -qa  list on both installs so we 
can compare the two and try to find some important difference.


Would the client install log report an error if something was missing?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Custom Fields on UI

2011-06-23 Thread Adam Young

On 06/23/2011 08:35 AM, Attila Bogรกr wrote:


When I apply the following ldif, the custom fields are not appearing 
on the web interface (ipa restart doesn't help).

-- 8 --
dn: cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,dc=linguamatics,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: ipaCustomFields
ipaCustomFields: Employee Type,employeeType,false$Employee 

-- 8 --

I'm wondering if this is the correct behaviour and I have to modify 
some web ui related distro files a'la

There are a lot of things in the Directory Server schema that we don't 
show in the UI.  This is a deliberate decision, and comparable to what 
we've done with explicit attributes in the CLI.

If you want customer fields in the UI, there are three steps.

1.  Add it to the schema.  You've done that.
2.  Add it to the CLI.  For this one, you want to modify 
3. Add an entry into the Javascript for the webui.  

For employee number, you probably want to make it an integer  data type 
For employee type, you probably want to use IPA.select_widget to 
constrain the potential values.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] extracting info and injecting info

2011-06-17 Thread Adam Young

On 06/14/2011 04:33 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


That's excellentit wont be me but our IdM developers...who will want to 
look, since its Oracle IdM I suspect Java type stuff but im clueless on 
programming..I can hand this to them when they ask.

JSON is much friendlier, and it is what the webUI uses:

I do it all the time.  Here's my write up.



From: [] on 
behalf of Stephen Gallagher []
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 11:48 p.m.
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] extracting info and injecting info

On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 04:18 +, Steven Jones wrote:

At a high level, I just need an idea how this will/could work

We have a centralised provisioning system that (eventually) we need to
talk to IPA.   So the sort of things I need to extract are the
available user groups and hosts and that then would be displayed in the
IdM system. At that point  the user admin would create the user and
select the groups and hosts the user can interact does the
external program query IPA? langauge? etc ? and then inject user info?

An external program can use the XLM-RPC interface to perform IPA queries
and updates. This is what the 'ipa' command-line tool does behind the

It's not very readable, but you can take a look at;a=blob_plain;f=API.txt;hb=HEAD 
to see the API specification.

There's a python API included with FreeIPA as well. See;a=blob;f=doc/examples/;h=60578e805fb5f2b440ba204c5adbac62e8415c2b;hb=HEAD
for an example of how to start using this API.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple host records in the GUI

2011-06-13 Thread Adam Young

On 06/13/2011 12:20 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:


How come I cannot see multiple records for the same host in the WEB 
GUI? I can see the records when I'm using the CLI.

This goes for multiple A records for the same hostname, but also if a 
hostname has an A record and a  record. Only the A record will 
show up in the WEB GUI. All records are found using a ipa 
dnsrecord-find hostname on the CLI.


Freeipa-users mailing list

This is an issue that comes about based on the way that ipa 
dnsrecord-find returns data.  We are currently only reading the first 
value for each record, but this command packs the data in such a way 
that is different from other find comands.  Thus, the subsequent A and 
 records are ignored.

I've opened up a ticket for this issue:

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA 2, adding Samba attributes

2011-06-09 Thread Adam Young

On 06/09/2011 03:37 PM, John S. Skogtvedt wrote:

Den 09. juni 2011 14:31, skrev Simo Sorce:

You probably want to use the DNA plugin to generate the sambaSid for you
once you have a domain SID, it's not too difficult and will be much less
error prone.


Thanks. The solution outlined at works
for me, at least for user objects (didn't try the group part yet).

It should be relatively trivial to add support in the WebUI for Samba, 
but nothing would be broken without it. All that would happen is that 
the WebUI would lack fields for the Samba specific attributes.  Assuming 
that ipa user-add works, you would want to add the field as an attribute 
in  To add it after groupID:

doc=_('Group ID Number'),
default_from=lambda uid: uid,
label=_('SAMBA SID'),
doc=_('Samba SID Number')

I have to admit I'm not sure what the rules would be for default values 
for sambaSID.

  Once you have ipa user-add working, if you want to extend the web UI, 
the file to modify is /usr/share/ipa/ui/user.js.  What you would want to 
do is to add in a filed sambaSID.  I'd be prone to put it under the  
section  with the name: 'account'.  It should  be a text field, so you 
just need to add an entry for sambasid.  I'd put it under 'gidnumber'.  
That looks like this:

name: 'account',
fields: [
{ factory: IPA.user_status_widget, name: 
'nsaccountlock' },

{ factory: IPA.user_password_widget, name: 
'userpassword' },


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Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-17 Thread Adam Young

On 05/17/2011 02:03 AM, nasir nasir wrote:
Further to my previous mail, let us try to isolate it even more by 
comparing the login attempts to the NFS server( and 
another IPA client(

This is the relevant /var/log/message in the two cases

*1. ssh -l nasir*

May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
found search base under cn=automount,dc=cohort,dc=org
 12 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: get_query_dn: 
lookup(ldap): found query dn 
 13 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: connected to uri 
 14 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: lookup_one: 
lookup(ldap): searching for 
under automountmapname=auto.ho   
 15 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: lookup_one: 
lookup(ldap): getting first entry for automountKey=nasir
 16 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: lookup_one: 
lookup(ldap): examining first entry
 17 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: lookup_mount: 
lookup(ldap): nasir - 
 18 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
expanded entry: -fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
 19 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
gathered options: fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
 20 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
dequote( -
 21 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
core of entry: 
 22 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: sun_mount: parse(sun): 
mounting root /home, mountpoint nasir, what, fstype nfs4, options 
 23 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): 
root=/home name=nasir, 
fstype=nfs4, options=rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
 24 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): 
nfs options=rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192, nosymlink=0, ro=0
 25 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): 
calling mkdir_path /home/nasir
 26 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): 
*nasir is local, attempt bind mount*

I'm guessing that there is some policy enforced by the NFS server here 
that lets you do something like this.

...and here's the source code
Here's the comment right above the line that generates that message.

 * If the port option is specified, then we don't want
 * a bind mount. Use the port option if you want to
 * avoid attempting a local bind mount, such as when
 * tunneling NFS via localhost.

So no surprise that the behavior is different on the NFS server than the 
rest of the cluster.

 27 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: 
mount(bind): calling mkdir_path /home/nasir
 28 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: 
mount(bind): calling mount --bind -s  -o defaults /xtra/home/nasir 
 29 May 17 07:45:14 hugayat automount[15767]: mount_mount: 
mount(bind): mounted /xtra/home/nasir type bind on /home/nasir

*2. ssh -l*

 7 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: find_server: trying server 
uri ldap://
  8 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: do_bind: lookup(ldap): 
auth_required: 1, sasl_mech (null)
  9 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: do_bind: lookup(ldap): ldap 
simple bind returned 0
 10 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
check search base list
 11 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
found search base under cn=automount,dc=cohort,dc=org
 12 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
found query dn 
 13 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: connected to uri 
 14 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: lookup_one: lookup(ldap): 
searching for 
under automountmapname=auto.home,   
 15 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: lookup_one: lookup(ldap): 
getting first entry for automountKey=nasir
 16 May 17 07:46:06 rhel automount[15387]: lookup_one: lookup(ldap): 
examining first entry
 17 May 17 

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-16 Thread Adam Young

I'm guessing that the user you are trying to create is test1?  And the 

/xtra/home/test1  does not yet exist?

Does a precreated directory automount?

On 05/16/2011 08:08 AM, nasir nasir wrote:

Thanks indeed for the reply!

I updated the autofs package with version *5.0.5-30.el6.i686* and that 
error is gone now. But still automounting is not happening. Following 
is the relevant portion of /var/log/messages in one of the IPA client 
machine(RHEL 6.1 beta) configured with --mkhomedir switch .

May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: lookup_mount: lookup(ldap): 
looking up test1
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: find_server: trying server uri 
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: do_bind: lookup(ldap): 
auth_required: 1, sasl_mech (null)
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: do_bind: lookup(ldap): ldap 
simple bind returned 0
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
check search base list
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
found search base under cn=automount,dc=cohort,dc=org
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: get_query_dn: lookup(ldap): 
found query dn 
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: connected to uri 
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: lookup_one: lookup(ldap): 
searching for 
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: lookup_one: lookup(ldap): 
getting first entry for automountKey=test1
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: lookup_one: lookup(ldap): 
examining first entry
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: lookup_mount: lookup(ldap): 
test1 - -fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
expanded entry: -fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
gathered options: fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: parse_mount: parse(sun): 
dequote( -
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: parse_mount: parse(sun): core of 
entry: options=fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: sun_mount: parse(sun): mounting 
root /home, mountpoint test1, what, fstype nfs4, options 
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): 
root=/home name=test1, 
fstype=nfs4, options=rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): nfs 
options=rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192, nosymlink=0, ro=0
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): calling 
mkdir_path /home/test1
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: mount_mount: mount(nfs): calling 
mount -t nfs4 -s -o rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /home/test1
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]:  mount.nfs4: mounting failed, reason given by server:

May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]:No such file or directory
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: mount(nfs): nfs: mount failure on /home/test1

May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: dev_ioctl_send_fail: token = 47
May 16 14:14:13 rhel automount[1787]: failed to mount /home/test1

Please note the following points,

   -- All the configuration you had suggested for autofs  nsswitch 
had already been done
   -- My NFS server is another IPA client machine with RHEL 
   -- This NFS server has */xtra/home/* as the NFS partition and 
/etc/exports file as follows

*/xtra/home  *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check)*
*/xtra/home  gss/krb5(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check)*
*/xtra/home  gss/krb5i(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check)*
*/xtra/home  gss/krb5p(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check)*

   -- Output of the command *ipa automountlocation-tofiles default*

*/-  /etc/*
*/home   /etc/auto.home*
*/share  /etc/auto.share*
**   -fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192*


I have played various entries corresponding to /etc/auto.home (like 
/home instead of * ) but with no success.

Any idea ?


--- On *Mon, 5/16/11, Jakub Hrozek /* wrote:

From: Jakub Hrozek 

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-13 Thread Adam Young

On 05/12/2011 03:30 PM, nasir nasir wrote:


I tried to follow your recommendations with RHEL 6.1 beta on server 
and client machine. Centralized login and such things work. I have NFS 
service too working. But automount is not working.  For the time being 
I configured my server as NFS server and created a folder /export as a 
share for creating home folder. I have * 
*enabled in pam files for autocreation of home folders. Now I can 
manually mount the /export nfs share on the server and the client 
successfully. But when I do that on server for testing and try to 
login as a new user(e.g abc), it is not creating home folder. It gives 
the following error,

*oddjob-mkhomedir[16401]: error setting permissions on /home/abc: 
Operation not permitted*

It might be a root squash issue.  My guess is that the order of 
operations for creating a root directory, which is done by root, is:

1.  mkdir /home/userid
2.  chown uid:gid  /home/userid

It sounds from the error message that the first stage happened, but NFS 
is not allowing the second stage.  To confirm,  as a root (and kinit 
admin) user on the client machine, just try these two steps in order and 
see if they still fail.

chown is a different system call from mkdir, and might have different 
nfs enforced permissions.  You probably need rwx permissions in /etc/export.

I have given 777 for my /export and rw permission in /etc/export. 
Output of the command *ipa automountlocation-tofiles default*.

*/-  /etc/*
*/share  /etc/auto.share*
*/home   /etc/auto.home*
**   -rw,nfs4,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192*

I tried reading many docs(RHEL deployment guide, google, FreeIPA doc 
etc). The problem is that they are confusing and conflicting in many 

There is a lot of old information on the site that needs to be updated 
to 2.0, and we are working on that.  the more input (tickets logged into 
Trac) we can get for that the better.

Please advice me how to proceed.

Thanks and Regards,


OK, I'd probably do something like this:  After
install IPA, add one host as an IPA client with the
following switch:  --mkhomedir,, something like 
ipa-client-install --mkhomedir -p admin.   Then,

mount the directory that you are going to use a
/home on that machine.  Once you create users in
IPA, the first time you log in as that user, do so
from that client, and it will attempt to create the
home directory for you.This should be the only
machine that has permissions to create directories
under /home.  Now, create an automount location and
map, and create a key for /home

The instructions from our test day should get you

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-13 Thread Adam Young

On 05/13/2011 12:13 PM, nasir nasir wrote:


Thanks indeed!

I tried your suggestions.

  -- I can mkdir
  -- When I try to chown, I get the following error

*chown: changing ownership of `nasir': Operation not permitted*

Could you please explain me what do you mean by 'You probably need rwx 
permissions in /etc/export' ? This is my /etc/export file,

see the  '(rw'  in those lines?  That indicates read and write privs, 
but not execute.

I'm not an nfs guru, so I might be wrong.  this post suggests that I am 

SInce IPA is managing the IDs, they should be in sync across the NFS and 
autmounted client machines, but there might be something not right in 
the setup.  if the IPA server isn't managing the machine that serves as 
your NFS server, then the IDs are certainly going to be out of sync.

*/xtra  *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)*
*/xtra  gss/krb5(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)*
*/xtra  gss/krb5i(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)*
*/xtra  gss/krb5p(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)*

Also, I have configured a separate client machine (RHEL 6.1) and 
configured it as NFS server (previously my NFS server was IPA server 
itself) and the result is same. All the above commands are from this 
client machine only.

Thanks indeed again!


*oddjob-mkhomedir[16401]: error setting permissions on /home/abc:
Operation not permitted*

It might be a root squash issue.  My guess is that the order of
operations for creating a root directory, which is done by root, is:

1.  mkdir /home/userid
2.  chown uid:gid  /home/userid

It sounds from the error message that the first stage happened,
but NFS is not allowing the second stage.  To confirm,  as a root
(and kinit admin) user on the client machine, just try these two
steps in order and see if they still fail.

chown is a different system call from mkdir, and might have
different nfs enforced permissions.  You probably need rwx
permissions in /etc/export.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

2011-05-11 Thread Adam Young

On 05/11/2011 11:00 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Steven Jones wrote:


Nope looks like DNS is barfed big time...


[root@vuwunicoipamt01 ~]# host has address
[root@vuwunicoipamt01 ~]# ipa dns-resolve
ipa: ERROR: Kerberos error: No credentials cache found/
[root@vuwunicoipamt01 ~]# ipa host-show
ipa: ERROR: Kerberos error: No credentials cache found/
[root@vuwunicoipamt01 ~]#

You have to kinit to get a TGT in order to run the ipa command.

Yeah, we went on IRC shortly after this.  He did kinit as one user, but 
ran the command as another, and realized it later.

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] failure to un-install FreeIPA

2011-05-10 Thread Adam Young

On 05/10/2011 04:32 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:

On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 03:58 +, Steven Jones wrote:

I am trying to un-install freeipa with

ipa-server-install --uninstall and its saying not installed, but when I try to 
install its saying already installed!


Is there a way to force the script to check and remove everything?

Or somewhere there is a lock file or something that needs removing?



can you please send a full output of `ipa-server-install --uninstall`
and then the `ipa-server-install` command? (and freeipa-server package
version) There was a that could case this behavior.

Anyway, the installer files you are looking for are there:
/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore/  # server backup files
/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/   # client backup files

If you remove then, the installation will continue. However, I wouldn't
recommend removing them manually as ipa-[server|client]-install
--uninstall won't be able to return the machine to it's original
configuration then. I would rather suggest using the server/client
uninstaller again.

A couple hacks:
1.  run the uninstaller multiple times
2.  I have a sterilize script:


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] failure to un-install FreeIPA

2011-05-10 Thread Adam Young

On 05/10/2011 05:02 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

VMware local consoleI cant cut and paste outputs or scroll back when its a KDE rdp to 
a windows 7 vmware guest and then into the vmware thick client and then to a 
local console simply doesnt work...

Bit messy but I get a Linux desktop

Yeah, I had to deal with that in my lst job.  I had a hack where I 
converted the MAC address to the IPv6 Link local in order to be able to 
get an SSH session without firing up the  vSphere Gui.



From: Rob Crittenden []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 8:52 a.m.
To: Steven Jones
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] failure to un-install  FreeIPA

Steven Jones wrote:

I logged in via ssh instead so I could get an output and the install worked 
without a hitch...

ssh instead of what?






From: Martin Kosek []
Sent: Tuesday, 10 May 2011 8:32 p.m.
To: Steven Jones
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] failure to un-install  FreeIPA

On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 03:58 +, Steven Jones wrote:

I am trying to un-install freeipa with

ipa-server-install --uninstall and its saying not installed, but when I try to 
install its saying already installed!


Is there a way to force the script to check and remove everything?

Or somewhere there is a lock file or something that needs removing?



can you please send a full output of `ipa-server-install --uninstall`
and then the `ipa-server-install` command? (and freeipa-server package
version) There was a that could case this behavior.

Anyway, the installer files you are looking for are there:
/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore/  # server backup files
/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore/   # client backup files

If you remove then, the installation will continue. However, I wouldn't
recommend removing them manually as ipa-[server|client]-install
--uninstall won't be able to return the machine to it's original
configuration then. I would rather suggest using the server/client
uninstaller again.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

2011-05-10 Thread Adam Young

Can you attach the file /var/log/ipa-server-install.log?

On 05/10/2011 10:14 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

I have installed ipa but Im getting this error, named wont run as wont kinit 

May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: starting BIND 
9.7.3-RedHat-9.7.3-1.el6 -u named
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: built with 
'--build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 
'--target=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' 
'--libdir=/usr/lib64' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--sharedstatedir=/var/lib' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--with-libtool' 
'--localstatedir=/var' '--enable-threads' '--enable-ipv6' '--with-pic' 
'--disable-static' '--disable-openssl-version-check' '--with-dlz-ldap=yes' 
'--with-dlz-postgres=yes' '--with-dlz-mysql=yes' '--with-dlz-filesystem=yes' 
'--with-gssapi=yes' '--disable-isc-spnego' 
'build_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'host_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 
'target_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS= -O2 -g -pipe -Wall 
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fst!


  k-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic' 'CPPFLAGS= 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: adjusted limit on open files from 
1024 to 1048576
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using up to 4096 sockets
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: loading configuration from 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using default UDP/IPv4 port range: 
[1024, 65535]
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using default UDP/IPv6 port range: 
[1024, 65535]
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: generating session key for dynamic 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: Failed to init credentials (Cannot 
contact any KDC for realm 'UNIX.VUW.AC.NZ')
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: loading configuration: failure
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: exiting (due to fatal error)
May 11 14:12:36 vuwunicoipamt01 ntpd[1771]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10

there appears to be no named.log?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

2011-05-10 Thread Adam Young
Very cool.  I've had a slew on DNS related issues when trying to set 
things up in a small virtual environment using DNSMasq, so I feel your 
pain.  Please send a quick write up of your set up if you get everything 

On 05/10/2011 11:02 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


Fixed I think, forgot to disable did that uninstalled and 
re-installed and its far...


From: [] on 
behalf of Steven Jones []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 2:14 p.m.
Subject: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

I have installed ipa but Im getting this error, named wont run as wont kinit 

May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: starting BIND 
9.7.3-RedHat-9.7.3-1.el6 -u named
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: built with 
'--build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 
'--target=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' 
'--libdir=/usr/lib64' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--sharedstatedir=/var/lib' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--with-libtool' 
'--localstatedir=/var' '--enable-threads' '--enable-ipv6' '--with-pic' 
'--disable-static' '--disable-openssl-version-check' '--with-dlz-ldap=yes' 
'--with-dlz-postgres=yes' '--with-dlz-mysql=yes' '--with-dlz-filesystem=yes' 
'--with-gssapi=yes' '--disable-isc-spnego' 
'build_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'host_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 
'target_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS= -O2 -g -pipe -Wall 
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fst!


  k-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic' 'CPPFLAGS= 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: adjusted limit on open files from 
1024 to 1048576
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using up to 4096 sockets
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: loading configuration from 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using default UDP/IPv4 port range: 
[1024, 65535]
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using default UDP/IPv6 port range: 
[1024, 65535]
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: generating session key for dynamic 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: Failed to init credentials (Cannot 
contact any KDC for realm 'UNIX.VUW.AC.NZ')
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: loading configuration: failure
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: exiting (due to fatal error)
May 11 14:12:36 vuwunicoipamt01 ntpd[1771]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10

there appears to be no named.log?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

2011-05-10 Thread Adam Young
OK, I'll take a look.  BTW, what is your DNS set up outside of the IPA 
Server:  does your IPA server have A FQDN in a different server?

On 05/10/2011 11:28 PM, Steven Jones wrote:

all the logs


From: [] on 
behalf of Adam Young []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 3:16 p.m.
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

Very cool.  I've had a slew on DNS related issues when trying to set
things up in a small virtual environment using DNSMasq, so I feel your
pain.  Please send a quick write up of your set up if you get everything

On 05/10/2011 11:02 PM, Steven Jones wrote:


Fixed I think, forgot to disable did that uninstalled and 
re-installed and its far...


From: [] on 
behalf of Steven Jones []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 2:14 p.m.
Subject: [Freeipa-users] fatal error for ipa with dns.

I have installed ipa but Im getting this error, named wont run as wont kinit 

May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: starting BIND 
9.7.3-RedHat-9.7.3-1.el6 -u named
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: built with 
'--build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 
'--target=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' 
'--libdir=/usr/lib64' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--sharedstatedir=/var/lib' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--with-libtool' 
'--localstatedir=/var' '--enable-threads' '--enable-ipv6' '--with-pic' 
'--disable-static' '--disable-openssl-version-check' '--with-dlz-ldap=yes' 
'--with-dlz-postgres=yes' '--with-dlz-mysql=yes' '--with-dlz-filesystem=yes' 
'--with-gssapi=yes' '--disable-isc-spnego' 
'build_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'host_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 
'target_alias=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS= -O2 -g -pipe -Wall 
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fs!



   k-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic' 'CPPFLAGS= 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: adjusted limit on open files from 
1024 to 1048576
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using up to 4096 sockets
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: loading configuration from 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using default UDP/IPv4 port range: 
[1024, 65535]
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: using default UDP/IPv6 port range: 
[1024, 65535]
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: generating session key for dynamic 
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: Failed to init credentials (Cannot 
contact any KDC for realm 'UNIX.VUW.AC.NZ')
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: loading configuration: failure
May 11 14:11:40 vuwunicoipamt01 named[3132]: exiting (due to fatal error)
May 11 14:12:36 vuwunicoipamt01 ntpd[1771]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10

there appears to be no named.log?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-09 Thread Adam Young

On 05/09/2011 10:43 AM, nasir nasir wrote:


Thnks a lot for all the replies!

This is a 64 bit machine. So I will try to install 32 bit and let you 
know the result.

Also, I was trying to configure NFS service on the FreeIPA machine. I 
followed exactly as given in the deployment guide and tested with 
another *RHEL 6.1 client machine *with ipa-client installed on it. 
When I try to mount the nfs export I am getting the following error,

*[root@abc Packages]# mount -v -t nfs4 -o sec=krb5 /mnt*

*mount.nfs4: timeout set for Mon May  9 17:36:14 2011*
*mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 

*mount.nfs4: mount(2): Permission denied*
*mount.nfs4: access denied by server while mounting*
*[root@abc Packages]#*

But when I try to remove the kerberos authentication (i.e without -o 
sec=krb5) it gets mounted without any problem. I googled a lot for 
this error and tried all the suggestions like adding allow_weak_crypto 
parameter in the krb5.conf file, checking host/DNS/Keytab entries etc. 
Still it does not work. When I give weak crypto entry and add some 
weak crypto like des-cbc-md5, server rejects and says that it is not 
supported. My /etc/export file and all the necessary commands are copy 
pasted from the deployment guide with only the necessary modifications 
to suite my values.

Please suggest me what to do.

Start off by checking the kerberos logs on both the server and client 

in /var/log/  krb5kdc.log   kadmind.log  secure

I'm not a a Kerberos Guru...bear that in mind

Make sure the clocks are in sync.  Always worth doing .  Kind of the 
Kerberos equivalent of Make sure the network cable is actually plugged in

The KDC needs to know about the NFS service in order to grant a ticket.  
Confirm that you can request an nfs ticket for your user and client for 
the given server.

On the IPA server side, you have to create a service entry for your NFS 
server.  Your NFS server needs to know to talk to the IPA Kerberos 
instance.  This is a likely suspect, based on the error message.

Make sure you can kinit and do simple IPA type things on the machine you 
are doing a NFS mount on.  Being able to use the IPA Kerberos ticket to 
ssh from the nfs client machine to the NFS server machine would be a 
good validation that the entire problem is just in the NFS configuration.

Thanks indeed in advance and regards,

--- On *Mon, 5/9/11, Adam Young /* wrote:

From: Adam Young
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment
To: nasir nasir
Date: Monday, May 9, 2011, 6:17 AM

On 05/08/2011 11:57 PM, nasir nasir wrote:


I truly appreciate your persistence !

I tried using alien and it generated the .deb file successfully
and even installed the ipa client package without any error on
the client machine(Kubuntu 11.04). But when I run the
*ipa-client-install* command, it gave the following error,

*openway@dl-360:~/rpm$ sudo ipa-client-install *
*There was a problem importing one of the required Python
modules. The*
*error was:*
*No module named ipaclient.ipadiscovery*

I'm guessing that this is a 64 bit system?  It might be an arch
issue.  IU know that Debian and RH mde different choices for 32 on
64.  RH/Fedora puts the Python code into


Debian might be looking under /usr/lib/  for Python.

Try a 32bit RPM.


I even created the deb file out of ipa-python package and
installed it on the kubuntu machine(without any error). Still,
its the same. Any idea ?

Thanks and regards,

--- On *Sun, 5/8/11, Adam Young /

From: Adam Young
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment
To: nasir nasir
Date: Sunday, May 8, 2011, 4:39 PM

On 05/08/2011 06:20 AM, nasir nasir wrote:

Thanks indeed again for the reply. I went through the
deployment guide and installed and configured FreeIPA 2.0 on
a RHEL 6.1 beta machine for testing. I also configured the
browsers on this server and a client Kubuntu machine as per
the guide. But I can't find any doc which explain how to
configure a client (kubuntu in my case) for single sign on
or even accessing a service like nfs using the browser when
native ipa-client package is not available. All the docs are

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-08 Thread Adam Young

On 05/08/2011 06:20 AM, nasir nasir wrote:

Thanks indeed again for the reply. I went through the deployment guide 
and installed and configured FreeIPA 2.0 on a RHEL 6.1 beta machine 
for testing. I also configured the browsers on this server and a 
client Kubuntu machine as per the guide. But I can't find any doc 
which explain how to configure a client (kubuntu in my case) for 
single sign on or even accessing a service like nfs using the browser 
when native ipa-client package is not available. All the docs are 
focused on configuring client machines using ipa-client package. Is 
this possible? if so could anyone suggest me some guide lines or docs 
for the same ?

Did you try installing the ipa-client rpms with Alien?

Thanks and Regards,

--- On *Mon, 5/2/11, Adam Young /* wrote:

From: Adam Young
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment
To: nasir nasir
Date: Monday, May 2, 2011, 8:03 AM

On 05/01/2011 08:49 AM, nasir nasir wrote:

Thanks for all the replies and great suggestions! I do appreciate
it a lot.

Apologies for being a bit confusing about the cetralized /home
foder in my previous mail. What I want is that all the users
should have their /home folder stored in the storage. This entire
partition (or LUN) can be attached to my Authentication
server(i.e FreeIPA) by using iSCSI. From the Authentication
server, I am NOT looking for iSCSI to get it mounted to the
individual users' machine. I think NFS/automount would do
that(appreciate any suggestion on this !) And whenever a new user
is created, /home should be allocated out of this partition so
that whichever machine the user is using to login later, she
should be able to access the same /home specific to her
regardless of the machine. I hope it is clear to all :-)

Thanks and regards,

 -- Centralized storage with iSCSI for /home folder for
each user by means of a dedicated storage
IPA manages Automount, which is possibly what you want.  Are
you going to give each user their own partition that follows
them around, or are you going to give the a home directory on
a a NAS server?  I Have to admit, the iSCSI home mount sounds
interesting.  You could probably get automount to help you
out there, but at this point I think that you would need a
separate key line for each user.

Note that iSCSI won't help you if you want to mount the same
partition on multiple clients.  For this, you either need a
distributed File System, or stick to NFS.


OK, I'd probably do something like this:  After install IPA, add
one host as an IPA client with the following switch: 
--mkhomedir,, something like  ipa-client-install --mkhomedir -p

admin.   Then, mount the directory that you are going to use a
/home on that machine.  Once you create users in IPA, the first
time you log in as that user, do so from that client, and it will
attempt to create the home directory for you.This should be
the only machine that has permissions to create directories under
/home.  Now, create an automount location and map, and create a
key for /home

The instructions from our test day should get you started:

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] extending FreeIPA

2011-05-06 Thread Adam Young

On 05/06/2011 08:49 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:

On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 17:41 -0700, Stephen Ingram wrote:

I currently maintain a directory with MTA configuration data in it
(among other items). I'm wondering what is the best way to add to the
FreeIPA schema without stepping on current and future schema additions
that might conflict with what I add. I know at one time you were
expecting to add information for Postfix and other common server
programs. Was this schema ever prepared and agreed upon, or is it best
to use some special branch to put this all under?

Ok it seem we are confusing 2 things here, on one side schema extensions
(new attributes and objectclasses) and on the other side DIT structure
(subtrees within the tree where to put your information).

If you use standard schema or schema you made yourself after you got
assigned a base OID there should be no issue at all. if you do your own
schema please be careful in trying to use a prefix for attribute and
objectclass names so that you do not risk future name conflicts).

For the DIT part it really depends on what you need to do.
If you just need to add attributes to users then you have no other
option but to attach them to the users and that's fine it shouldn't
cause any issue.

If you need to add entirely new objects I can suggest to create a
cn=custom container as a top level subtree (ie at the same level of
cn=accounts and cn=etc, ...

And within it do what you need to do. This way it will not conflict with
anything we may add in future.

Also, although I read Adam Young's blog article about how to extend
the WebUI, I'm having difficulty adding attributes within the existing
structure. For example, on the user page, is there a prescribed way of
adding say, the mailAlternateAddress attribute such that it shows as a
field in the WebUI?

The rule is that  you need to be able to do it in the CLI first, and 
then attempt it in the WebUI.  The attribute you are attmpeting to 
access needs to be added to the user object in 
freeipa/ipalib/plugins/  first.  Once you have that, you can add 
it to the ui  just like email address:

 {factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget, name:'mail'},

However,  mail is already a multivalued attribute.  You can store 
multiple email addresses there if you want, and that is the intention.  
If you want to make these both single value fields, change it to:

[  mail,mailalternateaddress,
   {factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget, 

I will let Adma reply to this one.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-05-02 Thread Adam Young

On 05/01/2011 08:49 AM, nasir nasir wrote:
Thanks for all the replies and great suggestions! I do appreciate it a 

Apologies for being a bit confusing about the cetralized /home foder 
in my previous mail. What I want is that all the users should have 
their /home folder stored in the storage. This entire partition (or 
LUN) can be attached to my Authentication server(i.e FreeIPA) by using 
iSCSI. From the Authentication server, I am NOT looking for iSCSI to 
get it mounted to the individual users' machine. I think NFS/automount 
would do that(appreciate any suggestion on this !) And whenever a new 
user is created, /home should be allocated out of this partition so 
that whichever machine the user is using to login later, she should be 
able to access the same /home specific to her regardless of the 
machine. I hope it is clear to all :-)

Thanks and regards,

 -- Centralized storage with iSCSI for /home folder for each
user by means of a dedicated storage
IPA manages Automount, which is possibly what you want.  Are you
going to give each user their own partition that follows them
around, or are you going to give the a home directory on a a NAS
server?  I Have to admit, the iSCSI home mount sounds
interesting.  You could probably get automount to help you out
there, but at this point I think that you would need a separate
key line for each user.

Note that iSCSI won't help you if you want to mount the same
partition on multiple clients.  For this, you either need a
distributed File System, or stick to NFS.


OK, I'd probably do something like this:  After install IPA, add one 
host as an IPA client with the following switch:  --mkhomedir,, 
something like  ipa-client-install --mkhomedir -p admin.   Then, mount 
the directory that you are going to use a /home on that machine.  Once 
you create users in IPA, the first time you log in as that user, do so 
from that client, and it will attempt to create the home directory for 
you.This should be the only machine that has permissions to create 
directories under /home.  Now, create an automount location and map, and 
create a key for /home

The instructions from our test day should get you started:

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA for Linux desktop deployment

2011-04-30 Thread Adam Young

On 04/30/2011 12:10 PM, JR Aquino wrote:

On Apr 29, 2011, at 11:45 PM, nasir  wrote:

Hi All,

First of all, many thanks indeed to the developers and community for making 
some great strides in the open source IPA world !

I am planning for a Linux deployment with the following requirements.

-- About 50 Linux clients running Kubuntu (can change this to ubuntu if 

No need.  The client side of IPA is completly agnostic of the XWindows 
system or anything running in it.  THe GUI is completely Web 
technologies, and so you can hit from the Mozilla Browser just fine from 

-- Centralized authentication


-- Centralized storage with iSCSI for /home folder for each user by means 
of a dedicated storage
IPA manages Automount, which is possibly what you want.  Are you going 
to give each user their own partition that follows them around, or are 
you going to give the a home directory on a a NAS server?  I Have to 
admit, the iSCSI home mount sounds interesting.  You could probably get 
automount to help you out there, but at this point I think that you 
would need a separate key line for each user.

Note that iSCSI won't help you if you want to mount the same partition 
on multiple clients.  For this, you either need a distributed File 
System, or stick to NFS.

-- NO Windows or other users

Dare I say Hooray?

-- Admin should be able to create and modify the accounts of all the users


-- Admin should be able to set password policies
-- Allocate /home folder for each user from the storage through iSCSI
Outside the realm of IPA, but possible to do from a central server...see 
above comments.  But if you mount the home directory on the FreeIPA 
server via NFS, you should be able to create directories upon adding a user.

-- Server can be CentOS/RHEL (or even Fedora if absolutely required)

Agree with  JR:  go with Fedora 15 as that is where the most focused 
development is happening.  F15 will ship with the 2.0 version of IPA.  
It is in Beta now, and should be stable enough for you to start setting 
up your environment.  CentOS hasn't release a version compatable with 
RHEL6, and the supported version of IPA is going to ship in the RHEL 6 

-- Any other administration of users if possible !
Centralized SUDO, and Host Based Access controls are two features you 
probably want to at least look over.  Plus, IPA comes with good DNS 
integration, and you'll want to make each managed host reachable on your 
network, DNS support is pretty important.  The ability to delegate 
authority for tasks, nesteg groups, and  netgroup/hostgroup support all 
help in centralizing administration.

I was wondering whether FreeIPA makes sense to me in this scenario ? can it 
satisfy all these or at least some of these ? if not, can anyone suggest me 
some alternative solutions which are open source ? I am flexible on the 
requirements and can make modifications if that is required.

I think FreeIPA  is the perfect starting point for you.

I would really appreciate any feedback on this.

Thanks in advance and regards,


Yes Nidal, you will find that FreeIPA satisfies almost all of these 
requirements.  iSCSI managment is not a feature of FreeIPA.

If you are looking to begin now, I would recommend that you start with Fedora 
as your base server distro.

IPA will be available for RHEL as a Feature preview in 6.1 with plans to be 
fully supported and integrated by 6.2.


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