Re: Seeking recommendations for Radius implementation

2002-02-07 Thread Frank Cusack

On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 11:23:49PM -0800, CLEOPHAS TOE wrote:
 Hi all,
 Sorry, I am very new to this. I am looking to implement a FREE radius server in our 
production environment for about 70 users only.
 I have a few requirements
 1- caching should be supported
 2- I would like to mirror them (Actually by installing two that will sync there DB)
 3- Should run on linux (Redhad 7.2)
 4- Should support MySQL as DB
 5- should be stable enough
 6- support keystroke logging
 Can anyone point me to the right product?  

You're here.  Freeradius does all that.  Except #6.  How would any radius
server possibly do that?  And #2 you'll have to implement yourself; if
you're using MySQL the easiest thing might be to use its replication
features.  I dunno if it does multiple master though, so if one server
fails you might have an issue propagating the info back when it is

 What processing power do I need? (RAM, CPU)

70 users?  Minimal.  Your standard bargain PC can handle it.

 Does the log file on radius grow very quickly?

Is the earth big?  That is to say, it depends.  If 1 user logs in per day,
it will grow quite slowly.


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Re: Identical attributes on auth

2002-02-07 Thread Thomas Jalsovsky

 Thomas Jalsovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  my nas sends: 
  I want to check by the h323-ivr-out line, so I would like to make 
  decision (about accept/reject) by the attribute h323-ivr-out which has 
  value 'type:something'.
  When I test the attribute, the first line is tested and I don't 
  know how should I write a rule for this.
   Yes.  The current code checks for the FIRST appearance of an
 attribute, and stops if it doesn't match.
   It *could* be changed to look for any other copy of an attribute, if
 the first one didn't match.  That may be preferable, in fact.
   The code in src/main/valuepair.c, function paircmp() should be
 changed so that IF there isn't a match, it loops back to check for
 another copy of the same attribute.  This will slow the server down a
 little, but not significantly.
   The patch would be fairly small, too.  If people think it's terribly
 useful, I'll take a look at doing it in the next few days.
   Alan DeKok.

OK, I see that in the last CVS is the paircmp fix. I compiled the latest 
CVS, and made som debugs. Unfortunately I can't make it working.

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=181, 
NAS-IP-Address =
Cisco-NAS-Port = ISDN 3:D:31
NAS-Port-Type = Async
User-Name = 160045
h323-conf-id = h323-conf-id=A0F37603 1AE911D6 B7E0FCCE C908BF0C
Calling-Station-Id = 169
Password = 
Cisco-AVPair = in-portgrp-id=(Local PBX)
Cisco-AVPair = h323-ivr-out=transactionID:16112
Cisco-AVPair = h323-ivr-out=type:pp
modcall: entering group authorize
  modcall[authorize]: module preprocess returns ok
modcall: entering group redundant
rlm_sql: Reserving sql socket id: 19
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radcheck WHERE 
Username = '160045' ORDER BY id'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT,radgroupcheck.GroupName,radgroupcheck.Attribute,radgroupcheck.Value,radgroupcheck.op
FROM radgroupcheck,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = '160045' AND 
usergroup.GroupName = radgroupcheck.GroupName ORDER BY'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radreply WHERE 
Username = '160045' ORDER BY id'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT,radgroupreply.GroupName,radgroupreply.Attribute,radgroupreply.Value,radgroupreply.op
FROM radgroupreply,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = '160045' AND 
usergroup.GroupName = radgroupreply.GroupName ORDER BY'
rlm_sql: Released sql socket id: 19
rlm_sql: Pairs do not match []
  modcall[authorize]: module sql_primary returns notfound
modcall: group redundant returns notfound
modcall: group authorize returns notfound
auth: No Auth-Type configuration for the request, rejecting the user
auth: Failed to validate the user.

I looked for the SQL queryes:

mysql SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radcheck WHERE
- Username = '160045' ORDER BY id;
| id   | UserName | Attribute  | Value   | op   |
| 1856 | 160045   | Crypt-Password | *** | NULL |

mysql SELECT
- FROM radgroupcheck,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = '160045' 
- usergroup.GroupName = radgroupcheck.GroupName ORDER BY;
| id | GroupName | Attribute| Value | op   |
| 16 | prepaid   | h323-ivr-out | type:pp   | NULL |

mysql SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radreply WHERE
- Username = '160045' ORDER BY id;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT
- FROM radgroupreply,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = '160045' 
- usergroup.GroupName = radgroupreply.GroupName ORDER BY;
| id | GroupName | Attribute | Value   | op   |
| 1  | prepaid   | Exec-Program-Wait | /scripts/ | NULL | 
| 3  | prepaid   | Cisco-AVPair  | h323-ivr-in=type:pp | NULL |

My tables:

mysql select * from usergroup;
| id | UserName   | GroupName |
|  2 | 

Startup script for Solaris 2.8

2002-02-07 Thread Shawn Behrens


on Solaris, freeradius 0.4 installs rc.radiusd in /usr/local/sbin. However,
rc.radiusd uses start-stop-daemon, which is Linux-specific.

I took the shhd start/stop script that comes with OpenSSH, and changed it to
suit radiusd. I've pasted the contents of below.

Using the suggested symlinks, radiusd would be started last in run-level 2.
Does this sound worthy of inclusion to the next release?


# Start/Stop the FreeRadius radiusd daemon.
# Adapted from sshd start/stop script which was written by Michael Haardt,
# Shawn for solaris 2.8:
# cp startup-script /etc/init.d/radiusd
# ln -s /etc/init.d/radiusd /etc/rc2.d/S99radiusd
# ln -s /etc/init.d/radiusd /etc/rc2.d/K99radiusd


case $1 in
  #{{{script}}}#{{{ start
if [ ! -s $PID ]
  kill -0 `cat $PID` /dev/null 21 || start=true
if [ $start = true -a -x $RADIUSD ]
  echo 'FreeRadius daemon started.'
  echo 'FreeRadius daemon not started.'
  #{{{ stop
if [ -s $PID ]
  if kill `cat $PID` /dev/null 21
echo 'FreeRadius daemon terminated.'
  #{{{ *
echo 'Usage: /etc/init.d/radiusd start|stop'

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Re: sample ldif file

2002-02-07 Thread Kostas Kalevras

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Matthew Schumacher wrote:

 Hello all,

 I am having trouble getting radius to work with ldap.  I think I have
 the config file setup corretly because I see ldap requests in the debug.

 I want to use pap and {crypt} for password encryption and accourding to
 the docs that should work.  But I can't seem to get it working in my
 lab.  Can anyone provide a sample ldif file that I could look at?

 I would prefer for radius to bind as the user to get the attributes and
 authenticate.  It seems that this should work if I disable the identity
 option in the ldap module.

Well, actually if the identity/password options are set to NULL the module will
connect to the server anonymously. What you are asking for cannot happen because
that is not the way the module works. The module maintains persistent
connections to the ldap server which it uses to query the server for user
attributes. It will make a new connection *only* to authenticate the user
through an ldap operation. Binding as the user will mean that the module will do
the authentication before the authorization which is not the way things work in
freeradius. It will also mean rewriting a big part of the module and destroying
performance so i don't think it can happen.

Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone: +30 10 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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FreeRadius with 802.1x

2002-02-07 Thread Nick

I am trying to configure FreeRaduis to work with 802.1x LEAP/CISCO 350
Access Point and CISCO 350 card. Has anyone been able to get this working?

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Re: Identical attributes on auth

2002-02-07 Thread Alan DeKok

Thomas Jalsovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, I see that in the last CVS is the paircmp fix. I compiled the latest 
 CVS, and made som debugs. Unfortunately I can't make it working.

  It would be easier to debug the problem if you used a simple test
entry in the 'users' file, and poked at the server with radclient.
That will get you the MINIMUM of confusing log messages, which may not
have anything to do with the problem.

 Something I do wrong or the paircmp fix doesn't solve this problem?

  What I can see is that the 'op' field is NULL.  You probably want to
put the operator their.

  If you had tested this with the 'users' file first, you would have
been able to verify if the feature worked.  It would probably have
then been obvious that the issue was NOT the new feature, but some
misconfiguration or bug in the SQL module.

  Alan DeKok.

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Re: Access Reject

2002-02-07 Thread Thomas Jalsovsky

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Alan DeKok wrote:

 Thomas Jalsovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to send an Access reject packet to NAS when the 
  User-Name and User-Password fields match (successfull auth.)
   Hmm... the server isn't really set up to do that now.
  But it still returns Access accept and the sw in the NAS requires Access 
   Why does the NAS require and access reject when the username and
 password are OK?
   Alan DeKok.

The sw in the NAS does:
does ISDN preauthentication - AAA with phone number,reject
if the auth. failed, it means, the use can continue, the ISDN line should 
be picked up. If not, the ISDN disconnect will applied (it is important 
for toll free - 800 - numbers).
If the poneno,reject isn't in the database, the user can continue, the 
script tries authentication by the phone number in way:
AAA phone number,accept if auth is successful, auth is done; if not 
account and pin are asked from the user


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Re: Identical attributes on auth

2002-02-07 Thread Alan DeKok

Thomas Jalsovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I searched in the docs and in the mailing list archives but I didn't find 
 the clear definition of op values. Can somebody decribe me? For ex. what 
 does the += op do in a radreply table?

  'man users'

 If I make sure with the users file, what can I do with the problem in SQL?

  You can verify that the *server* can do what you want, independently
of whether the *SQL* module can do it.  If the server can do it and
SQL can't, then at least you know where to look to solve the problem.

  Alan DeKok.

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Re: Windows XP PPPoE == DoS in disguise

2002-02-07 Thread Alan DeKok

Neal Rauhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We've been fighting a weird problem today - our FreeRadius would run
 for anywhere from two minutes to two hours, then CPU utilization would
 shoot to 100% and no one could log in anywhere on the network.

  Yeah, other people have been having similar problems.  Some may be
due to bugs in the server, but bugs in the PPPoE client are annoying.

   I'm always on users about picking decent passwords - you can imagine
 my surprise at discovering one of our windows XP customers presenting a
 sixty four *thousand* character password.

  How the heck does that fit into a RADIUS packet?  Do they send
multiple User-Password attributes in teh same packet?

 He has an impressive typing speed, too, about 124,387 wpm to judge
 by the number of login requests coming through. Even more
 impressive, he appears to be telekinetic, since he was doing this
 while out of town :-)

  So there are a large number of requests, too.

  So, if you've got XP customers running the M$ PPPoE that comes with the
 OS, and you're having weird authentication problems, you might want to
 get out your favorite sniffer and start digging.

  Can you please tell us some way of recognizing these packets?  That
will allos us to hack the server to throw these garbage requests away,
without using all of the CPU.

  Putting an ascii copy of tcpdump's output for this problem on the
web somewhere would help enormously.

  Alan DeKok.

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SQL group auth problem

2002-02-07 Thread Thomas Jalsovsky

| id | UserName   | GroupName |
|  5 | 0905835218 | test  |

| id | GroupName| Attribute | Value | op   |
| 18 | test | User-Password | accept| ==   |
| 19 | test | Auth-Type | Local | :=   |

I filled out these tables, and tryed to auth. 0905835218,accept
The user was rejected. Why? How can I allow access for that user (with 


ps.: radcheck, radreply, radgroupreply are empty

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accounting stop query

2002-02-07 Thread J.E. Wu

I have accounting_stop_query set up to capture the on-line duration for each
user, thus deduct dollar amount according to the corresponding rates, the
problem is, when the user uses up the time and was disconnected forcefully,
the accounting_stop_query is not doing anything, even it receives the
accounting stop packets. Any thought?



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Error: CHILD: exit on signal (11)

2002-02-07 Thread Eric Dean

Anyboday know of a good way I can debug this so that I can let everyone
know the source of this problem?

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FREERadius installation guide

2002-02-07 Thread

Could somebody please point me to a step-by-step installation and configuration guide for Freeradius 0.4

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Re: more inof on accounting stop query

2002-02-07 Thread Randy Moore


Look for the following line in src/modules/rlm_sql/conf.h and comment it 
out, then recomplie freeradius.


It sounds like you would prefer to keep data in STOP packets with zero 
session length.

At 05:23 PM 2/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Can someone help?
This is what I got from the debug mode:

modcall: entering group accounting
rlm_sql: Reserving sql socket id: 4
radius_xlat:  'rlm_sql:  Stop packet with zero session length.  (user
'8111233409', nas '')'
rlm_sql:  Stop packet with zero session length.  (user '8111233409', nas
rlm_sql: Released sql socket id: 4
   modcall[accounting]: module sql returns fail
modcall: group accounting returns fail

-Original Message-
From: J.E. Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:38 PM
Subject: accounting stop query

I have accounting_stop_query set up to capture the on-line duration for each
user, thus deduct dollar amount according to the corresponding rates, the
problem is, when the user uses up the time and was disconnected forcefully,
the accounting_stop_query is not doing anything, even it receives the
accounting stop packets. Any thought?



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Randy Moore
Axion Information Technologies, Inc.

phone   301-408-1200

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Java frontend

2002-02-07 Thread Cleo

Is there any java front end to FreeRadius on Linux
(redhat 7.2). Sorry I am completely new to it.

Cleophas Toe, CISSP | Phone:650-980-3686 
Sr. Info. Security Officer  | Cell: 510-858-9700 
Yodlee, Inc | 

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