Re: Fragmented EAP frames was My problem with PEAP

2003-11-24 Thread Alan DeKok
Bill Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I grabbed the latest snapshot on friday.  Recompiled.  Reconfigured the 
 default radiusd.conf file to use eap/peap.
 I am still seeing fragmented Access Challenge packets.  However the 
 first access challenge was not fragmented.  The ones after that were.

  Please don't call the packets fragmented.  They're not.  As seen
in the debug log you posted, the server is calling the EAP module
twice for authentication, and there are TWO eap packets in the RADIUS
response, not one fragmented packet.

  I haven't seen that behaviour when I use PEAP, and so far there
haven't been reports from anyone else, either.

 Content-Disposition: attachment;

  That's nice, but if the RADIUS server is still calling authenticate
twice for the EAP module, then the packet trace is irrelevant.  We
already know that the problem is in the RADIUS server, as it's debug
logs are telling you there's a problem.

  Find out WHY the EAP module is being called twice.  Nothing else is

  Alan DeKok.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Fragmented EAP frames was My problem with PEAP

2003-11-24 Thread Bill Reid
Thanks Alan,

Alan DeKok wrote:

Bill Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I grabbed the latest snapshot on friday.  Recompiled.  Reconfigured the 
default radiusd.conf file to use eap/peap.

I am still seeing fragmented Access Challenge packets.  However the 
first access challenge was not fragmented.  The ones after that were.

 Please don't call the packets fragmented.  They're not.  As seen
in the debug log you posted, the server is calling the EAP module
twice for authentication, and there are TWO eap packets in the RADIUS
response, not one fragmented packet.

I will try to watch my terminology cuase you are right.

 I haven't seen that behaviour when I use PEAP, and so far there
haven't been reports from anyone else, either.

I will install the same snapshot on a FreeBSD box (currently it is on 
debian) and see if the behavior is the same.

then the packet trace is irrelevant.  We
already know that the problem is in the RADIUS server, as it's debug
logs are telling you there's a problem.
 Find out WHY the EAP module is being called twice.  Nothing else is

I understand.  I will do my best. 

 Alan DeKok.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Fragmented EAP frames was My problem with PEAP

2003-11-23 Thread Bill Reid

My other message did not make it through.  Perhaps people are sick 
of hearing about this  :)

I grabbed the latest snapshot on friday.  Recompiled.  Reconfigured the 
default radiusd.conf file to use eap/peap.

I am still seeing fragmented Access Challenge packets.  However the 
first access challenge was not fragmented.  The ones after that were.

My config, dumps and debug are included.

radtest works with the unchanged default radiusd.conf returning stuff from the
users file.
Sending Access-Request of id 123 to
   User-Name = wer
   User-Password = testtest
   NAS-IP-Address = hotspot
   NAS-Port = 1
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=123, length=37
   User-Name = wer
   Framed-IP-Address =
   Framed-IP-Netmask =

Edit 1 to radiusd.conf:  PEAP

Upon enabling peap (and thusly tls), radtest still works, but I get an access
reject when attempting to use peap.
I had to  configure tls right?  I used my certs.  I changed the default type for
eap to peap and the default type for peap to mschapv2
At one point I added copy_request_to_tunnel to peap {} because I think I
misinterpreted the debug below.  I think that change was moot though.
I am back to a similar fragmented frame problem as well though I think the
conversation made it further.
The first access challenge is not fragmented.  However the second challenge is
severely fragmented
The supplicant says attempting to authenticate the user instead of just
validating user.  So I think the the supplicant is responding to the challenge
now with another request.
However the next challenge is severely fragmented.
I am suspect of these lines, which is why at one point I tried the
copy_request_to_tunnel (radiusd.conf Edit 2) but realized it probably didn't
matter at this point (radiusd.conf Edit 3).
 rlm_eap_tls:  TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], fatal access_denied
TLS Alert read:fatal:access denied


Description: Binary data
Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/sql.conf
 main: prefix = /usr/local
 main: localstatedir = /usr/local/var
 main: logdir = /usr/local/var/log/radius
 main: libdir = /usr/local/lib
 main: radacctdir = /usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct
 main: hostname_lookups = no
 main: max_request_time = 30
 main: cleanup_delay = 5
 main: max_requests = 1024
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 0
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_file = /usr/local/var/log/radius/radius.log
 main: log_auth = no
 main: log_auth_badpass = no
 main: log_auth_goodpass = no
 main: pidfile = /usr/local/var/run/radiusd/
 main: user = (null)
 main: group = (null)
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = no
 main: lower_pass = no
 main: nospace_user = no
 main: nospace_pass = no
 main: checkrad = /usr/local/sbin/checkrad
 main: proxy_requests = yes
 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = yes
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 proxy: post_proxy_authorize = yes
 proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 security: max_attributes = 200
 security: reject_delay = 1
 security: status_server = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
Using deprecated naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading clients
Using deprecated clients file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading realms
Using deprecated realms file.  Support for this will go away soon.
radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/local/lib
Module: Loaded expr 
Module: Instantiated expr (expr) 
Module: Loaded PAP 
 pap: encryption_scheme = crypt
Module: Instantiated pap (pap) 
Module: Loaded CHAP 
Module: Instantiated chap (chap) 
Module: Loaded MS-CHAP 
 mschap: use_mppe = yes
 mschap: require_encryption = no
 mschap: require_strong = no
 mschap: passwd = (null)
 mschap: authtype = MS-CHAP
Module: Instantiated mschap (mschap) 
Module: Loaded System 
 unix: cache = no
 unix: passwd = (null)
 unix: shadow = (null)
 unix: group = (null)
 unix: radwtmp = /usr/local/var/log/radius/radwtmp
 unix: usegroup = no
 unix: cache_reload = 600
Module: Instantiated unix (unix) 
Module: Loaded eap 
 eap: default_eap_type = peap
 eap: timer_expire = 60
 eap: ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type md5
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type leap
 tls: rsa_key_exchange = no
 tls: dh_key_exchange = yes
 tls: rsa_key_length = 512
 tls: dh_key_length = 512
 tls: verify_depth = 0
 tls: CA_path = (null)
 tls: pem_file_type = yes

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-20 Thread William E Reid
Hey guys,

I reconfigured from the default  radiusd.conf file and did this test again
with the same strange results from peap.  I could certainly be doing something
stupid and would appreciate any further feedback.   I have included my
radiusd.conf file and a new tcpdump from the server.

Sorry for the attachments.

Best wishes,


Michael Griego wrote:

 On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 13:09, Alan DeKok wrote:
From the debug output, it looks like you've managed to make the
  server call the EAP module *twice* for the request, during the
  authenticate stage.  I have no clue how you managed to do this, but
  it's definitely wrong.

 That's exactly what I'm seeing.

 Bill, You didn't by chance put authorize or an Autz-Type in the
 authenticate section did you?  Based on the trace, it really looks
 like this is what happened.  The server jumps into the authorize section
 upon receiving the request (as normal), then begins the authenticate
 phase, but it then jumps BACK into an authorize block again before
 coming back out of all the mess.

I double checked the syntax and don't think I was doing anything like above.



 Michael Griego
 Wireless LAN Project Manager
 The University of Texas at Dallas

 List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
Ôò¡ê½?íYÈÈøf0¶À~ Eºú?tÑ?BØ   
â ÏV}TlÐÚá?j×ß)?Í»ÞÏ;O Cùj?ñ|~Üûñ Üóprefix = /usr/local
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
sysconfdir = ${prefix}/etc
localstatedir = ${prefix}/var
sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
logdir = ${localstatedir}/log/radius
raddbdir = ${sysconfdir}/raddb
radacctdir = ${logdir}/radacct
confdir = ${raddbdir}
run_dir = ${localstatedir}/run/radiusd
log_file = ${logdir}/radius.log
libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
pidfile = ${run_dir}/
max_request_time = 30
delete_blocked_requests = no
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 1024
bind_address = *
port = 0
hostname_lookups = no
allow_core_dumps = no
regular_expressions = yes
extended_expressions= yes
log_stripped_names = no
log_auth = yes
log_auth_badpass = yes
log_auth_goodpass = no
usercollide = yes
lower_user = before
lower_pass = no
nospace_user = no
nospace_pass = no
checkrad = ${sbindir}/checkrad
security {
max_attributes = 200
reject_delay = 1
status_server = no
proxy_requests  = no
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/proxy.conf
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/clients.conf
snmp= no
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/snmp.conf
thread pool {
start_servers = 5
max_servers = 32
min_spare_servers = 3
max_spare_servers = 10
max_requests_per_server = 0
modules {
pap {
encryption_scheme = crypt
chap {
authtype = CHAP
eap {
default_eap_type = peap
timer_expire = 60
ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
md5 {
leap {
tls {
private_key_password = thinngything
private_key_file = /usr/local/etc/raddb/blah.key
certificate_file = /usr/local/etc/raddb/blah.crt
CA_file = /usr/local/etc/raddb/blah.cacrt
dh_file = /usr/local/etc/raddb/my_imap.dh
random_file = /usr/local/etc/raddb/random
fragment_size = 1024
include_length = yes
check_crl = yes
peap {
default_eap_type = mschapv2
mschapv2 {
mschap {
authtype = MS-CHAP

realm suffix {
format = suffix
delimiter = @

preprocess {
huntgroups = ${confdir}/huntgroups
hints = ${confdir}/hints
with_ascend_hack = no
ascend_channels_per_line = 23
with_ntdomain_hack = yes
with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
with_cisco_vsa_hack = yes
files {
usersfile = ${confdir}/users
acctusersfile = ${confdir}/acct_users
compat = no
detail {
detailfile = ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d
detailperm = 0600
detail auth_log {
detailfile = ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d
detailperm = 0600

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-20 Thread Alan DeKok
William E Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I reconfigured from the default radiusd.conf file and did this
 test again with the same strange results from peap.

  I really don't know what to tell you.  Are you *sure* it's using the
'radiusd.conf' file you think it's using?

  Try using a fresh install of the server...

  No one else see what you're seeing, so I can only assume it's a site
local problem.

  Alan DeKok.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-20 Thread Bill Reid

Alan DeKok wrote:

William E Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I reconfigured from the default radiusd.conf file and did this
test again with the same strange results from peap.

 I really don't know what to tell you.  Are you *sure* it's using the
'radiusd.conf' file you think it's using?

I promiss I am using  that radiusd.conf.  I started from scratch this time.

 Try using a fresh install of the server...

 No one else see what you're seeing, so I can only assume it's a site
local problem.

I will grab the latest snapshot and recompile and retest.

Thanks Alan.


 Alan DeKok.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-20 Thread Alan DeKok
Bill Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I promiss I am using  that radiusd.conf.  I started from scratch this time.

  Did you start from the DEFAULT radiusd.conf?

  If it doesn't work in the default configuration, then something else
is wrong, and no amount of editing the default configuration will

  If it does work in the default configuration, then keep back-up
copies of it, and slowly edit it bit by bit, until you see the
problem.  The last edit will then be the cause of the problem, and you
can post the changes to the list.

  Alan DeKok.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

My problem with PEAP

2003-11-19 Thread Bill Reid
Hey everyone,

I continue to have a problem using peap with 
freeradius-snapshot-20031110.  From what I have read about EAP,  and 
from my discussions with others on this list, I believe I am seeing a 
problem from freeradius.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

According to the documentation in ./doc/rlm_eap.  The client is not 
responding to step 6 Access Challenge from the radius server.  I can 
see the Radius packet making it  to the client.  The only thing I can 
find that is odd about the challenge is that there are two eap portions 
of the frame.  My hope is that the client is ignoring the frame because 
of this.

Since there is no response from the client(supplicant) I do not get an 
EAP-Success/EAP-failure and begin to negotiate any ssl/wep stuff.  So I 
don't even think I am verifying the server using the installed CERT at 
this point.  In other words, I don't suspect I have a key/cert problem 
yet :).

I have included the frames in this email.  They were captured on the 
radius server side.  Note there are two separate attempts from the 
client to authenticate itself.  I am questioning either of the Access 
Challenge frames.  I would love it if someone could look at these frames 
and tell me if they are correct (that freeradius is creating them properly).

Below the message Authenticator is similar to 0x00.  In 
the frame sent to the supplicant, the second portion EAP type 79  does 
not have the authenticator, the first portion EAP type 79 does have the 
Message Authenticator and is filled with a value other then 
0x0.  I am guessing that is where the hash for the password 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the output of radiusd -Xxx

Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: Config:   including file: 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: Config:   including file: 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: prefix = /usr/local
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: localstatedir = /usr/local/var
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: logdir = /var/log/radius
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: libdir = /usr/local/lib
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: radacctdir = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: hostname_lookups = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: max_request_time = 30
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: cleanup_delay = 5
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: max_requests = 1024
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: port = 0
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: allow_core_dumps = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_stripped_names = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_file = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth = yes
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth_badpass = yes
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth_goodpass = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: pidfile = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: user = (null)
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: group = (null)
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: usercollide = yes
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: lower_user = before
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: lower_pass = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: nospace_user = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: nospace_pass = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: checkrad = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: proxy_requests = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: max_attributes = 200
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: reject_delay = 1
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: status_server = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: debug_level = 0
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading dictionary
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading naslist
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Info: Using deprecated naslist file.  Support 
for this will go away soon.
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading clients
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading realms
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Info: Using deprecated realms file.  Support 
for this will go away soon.
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: radiusd:  entering modules setup
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Library search path is 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Loaded expr
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Instantiated expr (expr)
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Loaded eap
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug:  eap: default_eap_type = peap
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug:  eap: timer_expire = 60
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : 

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-19 Thread Michael Griego
Umm... dumb question, but you don't have eap listed in the
authenticate section of your radiusd.conf file twice do you?


On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 12:31, Bill Reid wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 I continue to have a problem using peap with 
 freeradius-snapshot-20031110.  From what I have read about EAP,  and 
 from my discussions with others on this list, I believe I am seeing a 
 problem from freeradius.
 Please correct me if I am wrong.
 According to the documentation in ./doc/rlm_eap.  The client is not 
 responding to step 6 Access Challenge from the radius server.  I can 
 see the Radius packet making it  to the client.  The only thing I can 
 find that is odd about the challenge is that there are two eap portions 
 of the frame.  My hope is that the client is ignoring the frame because 
 of this.
 Since there is no response from the client(supplicant) I do not get an 
 EAP-Success/EAP-failure and begin to negotiate any ssl/wep stuff.  So I 
 don't even think I am verifying the server using the installed CERT at 
 this point.  In other words, I don't suspect I have a key/cert problem 
 yet :).
 I have included the frames in this email.  They were captured on the 
 radius server side.  Note there are two separate attempts from the 
 client to authenticate itself.  I am questioning either of the Access 
 Challenge frames.  I would love it if someone could look at these frames 
 and tell me if they are correct (that freeradius is creating them properly).
 Below the message Authenticator is similar to 0x00.  In 
 the frame sent to the supplicant, the second portion EAP type 79  does 
 not have the authenticator, the first portion EAP type 79 does have the 
 Message Authenticator and is filled with a value other then 
 0x0.  I am guessing that is where the hash for the password 
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Here is the output of radiusd -Xxx
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: Config:   including file: 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: Config:   including file: 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: prefix = /usr/local
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: localstatedir = /usr/local/var
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: logdir = /var/log/radius
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: libdir = /usr/local/lib
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: radacctdir = 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: hostname_lookups = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: max_request_time = 30
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: cleanup_delay = 5
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: max_requests = 1024
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: port = 0
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: allow_core_dumps = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_stripped_names = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_file = 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth = yes
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth_badpass = yes
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth_goodpass = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: pidfile = 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: user = (null)
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: group = (null)
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: usercollide = yes
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: lower_user = before
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: lower_pass = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: nospace_user = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: nospace_pass = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: checkrad = 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: proxy_requests = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: max_attributes = 200
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: reject_delay = 1
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: status_server = no
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: debug_level = 0
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading dictionary
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading naslist
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Info: Using deprecated naslist file.  Support 
 for this will go away soon.
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading clients
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading realms
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Info: Using deprecated realms file.  Support 
 for this will go away soon.
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: radiusd:  entering modules setup
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Library search path is 
 Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Loaded expr

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-19 Thread Bill Reid
I am asking the dumb questions here!

No I don't.

thanks Mike.


Michael Griego wrote:

Umm... dumb question, but you don't have eap listed in the
authenticate section of your radiusd.conf file twice do you?

On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 12:31, Bill Reid wrote:

Hey everyone,

I continue to have a problem using peap with 
freeradius-snapshot-20031110.  From what I have read about EAP,  and 
from my discussions with others on this list, I believe I am seeing a 
problem from freeradius.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

According to the documentation in ./doc/rlm_eap.  The client is not 
responding to step 6 Access Challenge from the radius server.  I can 
see the Radius packet making it  to the client.  The only thing I can 
find that is odd about the challenge is that there are two eap portions 
of the frame.  My hope is that the client is ignoring the frame because 
of this.

Since there is no response from the client(supplicant) I do not get an 
EAP-Success/EAP-failure and begin to negotiate any ssl/wep stuff.  So I 
don't even think I am verifying the server using the installed CERT at 
this point.  In other words, I don't suspect I have a key/cert problem 
yet :).

I have included the frames in this email.  They were captured on the 
radius server side.  Note there are two separate attempts from the 
client to authenticate itself.  I am questioning either of the Access 
Challenge frames.  I would love it if someone could look at these frames 
and tell me if they are correct (that freeradius is creating them properly).

Below the message Authenticator is similar to 0x00.  In 
the frame sent to the supplicant, the second portion EAP type 79  does 
not have the authenticator, the first portion EAP type 79 does have the 
Message Authenticator and is filled with a value other then 
0x0.  I am guessing that is where the hash for the password 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the output of radiusd -Xxx

Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: Config:   including file: 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: Config:   including file: 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: prefix = /usr/local
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: localstatedir = /usr/local/var
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: logdir = /var/log/radius
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: libdir = /usr/local/lib
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: radacctdir = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: hostname_lookups = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: max_request_time = 30
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: cleanup_delay = 5
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: max_requests = 1024
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: port = 0
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: allow_core_dumps = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_stripped_names = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_file = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth = yes
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth_badpass = yes
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: log_auth_goodpass = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: pidfile = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: user = (null)
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: group = (null)
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: usercollide = yes
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: lower_user = before
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: lower_pass = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: nospace_user = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: nospace_pass = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: checkrad = 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: proxy_requests = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: max_attributes = 200
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: reject_delay = 1
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  security: status_server = no
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug:  main: debug_level = 0
Tue Nov 18 14:52:33 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading dictionary
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading naslist
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Info: Using deprecated naslist file.  Support 
for this will go away soon.
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading clients
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: read_config_files:  reading realms
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Info: Using deprecated realms file.  Support 
for this will go away soon.
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: radiusd:  entering modules setup
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Library search path is 
Tue Nov 18 14:52:34 2003 : Debug: Module: Loaded 

Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-19 Thread Alan DeKok
Bill Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I continue to have a problem using peap with 
 freeradius-snapshot-20031110.  From what I have read about EAP,  and 
 from my discussions with others on this list, I believe I am seeing a 
 problem from freeradius.

  I've looked at your packet trace, and there are two EAP packets (and
therefore PEAP packets) in the Access-Challenge.

  I've never seen this before, so I suspect it's a local configuration
issue.  Still, the server should be fixed to NOT do this.

  From the debug output, it looks like you've managed to make the
server call the EAP module *twice* for the request, during the
authenticate stage.  I have no clue how you managed to do this, but
it's definitely wrong.

  What did you edit in the server configuration to make it do this?
Under normal circumstances, PEAP should work out of the box, by
simple configuring the peap{} module section, and starting the server.

  Alan DeKok.

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Re: My problem with PEAP

2003-11-19 Thread Michael Griego
On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 13:09, Alan DeKok wrote:
   From the debug output, it looks like you've managed to make the
 server call the EAP module *twice* for the request, during the
 authenticate stage.  I have no clue how you managed to do this, but
 it's definitely wrong.

That's exactly what I'm seeing.

Bill, You didn't by chance put authorize or an Autz-Type in the
authenticate section did you?  Based on the trace, it really looks
like this is what happened.  The server jumps into the authorize section
upon receiving the request (as normal), then begins the authenticate
phase, but it then jumps BACK into an authorize block again before
coming back out of all the mess.



Michael Griego
Wireless LAN Project Manager
The University of Texas at Dallas

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See