Dynamic Routing

2006-02-14 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi All,

I am running my perl file on AccessResponse for our
VoIP Gatekeeper. I wanted to send carrier IP Address
from database to the GK to route the call using
h323-remote-address attribute.

But i don't know what will be the fromat to set
h323-remote-address value.

Please advice me to add this attribute in my perl

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Doha Qatar

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RE: Dynamic Routing

2006-02-14 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

I contact to my vendor they asked me to send some data
in  Cisco VSA(252) attribute. 

Here is full working example they provide me to send
in AccessResponse packet:

Cisco VSA(252):

I wanted to know how i can add these data in
AccessResponse packet.

I will appricate if anyone can point me

Hi All,

I am running my perl file on AccessResponse for our
VoIP Gatekeeper. I wanted to send carrier IP Address
from database to the GK to route the call using
h323-remote-address attribute.

But i don't know what will be the fromat to set
h323-remote-address value.

Please advice me to add this attribute in my perl

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Doha Qatar

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Adding Extra Attribute

2006-02-16 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

Is possible to send some extra cisco VSA attribute in
AccessResponse Packet?

This is what i want to include in the packet:

Cisco VSA(252):

I tried in user file with the following configuration
but it doesnot seems to work

12122   Auth-Type := Login-User
h323-credit-time = 500
Cisco VSA(252):

Please advice me to add this thing in response packet.

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Doha Qatar

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Re: Adding Extra Attribute

2006-02-17 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi Alan,

Thank you for your kind of information. i look to
dictionary.cisco and i found Cisco-Command-Code, and
it is really working well for me.

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Doha Qatar

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rad_recv: Access-Reject packet

2005-02-20 Thread Abdul Lateef

I installed the freeRADIUS on my RedHat7.3 it was
successfully installed and when i am trying using
radtes in root mode. it is working very well.

My problem is, i add new user in users file like :
bob  Auth-Type:=EAP,User-Password == "test"
but when i am trying to radtes it is not working and i
am getting the message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# radtest boo test localhost 0
Sending Access-Request of id 125 to
User-Name = "boo"
User-Password = "test"
NAS-IP-Address = localhost.localadmin
NAS-Port = 0
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=125, length=20

If anyone can help me or redirect me any usefull URL i
willbe really thank full.

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Billing Server Specification

2005-02-21 Thread Abdul Lateef
HI All,

I am going to make my VoIP Billing Server using
freeRADIUS. I decided to buy tow servers.

1- freeRADIUS
2- Database Web Interface

The call trafices is more than 80,000 perday. already
we are using MERA VoIP softswitch.

I will be really glad. if anyone can suggest me what
should i buy the hardware and software for the tow

Thank You

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radclient: no response from server

2005-02-22 Thread Abdul Lateef

I installed freeradius-1.0.2 on my Redhat7.3 Server.
when i am trying to test using my linux root and
password. the server is giving no response.

radtest root 123456 3030 testing123

Re-sending Access-Request of id 174 to
User-Name = "root"
User-Password =
NAS-IP-Address = localhost.localdomain
NAS-Port = 3030
radclient: no response from server for ID 174

if anyone can redirect me it will be very high help.

Here is debbug message:

 gtc: challenge = "Password: "
 gtc: auth_type = "PAP"
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type gtc
 mschapv2: with_ntdomain_hack = no
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type mschapv2
Module: Instantiated eap (eap)
Module: Loaded preprocess
 preprocess: huntgroups =
 preprocess: hints = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/hints"
 preprocess: with_ascend_hack = no
 preprocess: ascend_channels_per_line = 23
 preprocess: with_ntdomain_hack = no
 preprocess: with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
 preprocess: with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
Module: Instantiated preprocess (preprocess)
Module: Loaded realm
 realm: format = "suffix"
 realm: delimiter = "@"
 realm: ignore_default = no
 realm: ignore_null = no
Module: Instantiated realm (suffix)
Module: Loaded files
 files: usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/users"
 files: acctusersfile =
 files: preproxy_usersfile =
 files: compat = "no"
Module: Instantiated files (files)
Module: Loaded Acct-Unique-Session-Id
 acct_unique: key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id,
NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, NAS-Port"
Module: Instantiated acct_unique (acct_unique)
Module: Loaded detail
 detail: detailfile =
 detail: detailperm = 384
 detail: dirperm = 493
 detail: locking = no
Module: Instantiated detail (detail)
Module: Loaded radutmp
 radutmp: filename =
 radutmp: username = "%{User-Name}"
 radutmp: case_sensitive = yes
 radutmp: check_with_nas = yes
 radutmp: perm = 384
 radutmp: callerid = yes
Module: Instantiated radutmp (radutmp)
Listening on authentication *:3030
Listening on accounting *:3031
Listening on proxy *:3032
Ready to process requests.



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Restart Radius

2005-02-22 Thread Abdul Lateef

Hi Guys,

I am in little trouble. when i modified users file. i
have to restart the machine to read the files.

Is there any way to restarting radius without machine

i tried using radiusd but it is not reading modified

Thank You

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Cisco VSA Accounting & Authontication

2005-02-23 Thread Abdul Lateef
I am new in RADIUS and VoIP. but i want to use
freeRADIUS with cisco VSA. i have the full working
example for my cisco. 
I wanted to ask how i can configure the users and
client files to use our cisco for accounting
Here is the example:
DEMO 28.05.04 08:47:16, (2+) ,Sent 
AccessRequest {
 session id =   1
 NasPortType: 0
 ServiceType: 1
 CalledStationId: 44333
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA( 24): h323-conf-id=6BDBA801
09424844 986A247A F4C9BED6
 Cisco VSA(  1): h323-call-id=77CB97A2
DED35E45 9E256587 74602E5A
 Cisco VSA( 33):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA( 23):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1): xpgk-h323-id=Leonid
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
DEMO 28.05.04 08:50:20, (2+) ,Sent 
AccountingRequest {   
 session id =   1 
 AcctStatusType - Start   
 NasPortType: 0   
 ServiceType: 1   
 AcctDelayTime: 0 
 CalledStationId: 44333   
 AcctSessionId: 6313c40d-0-161af373T1 
 Cisco VSA(  2):  
 Cisco VSA( 26):
 Cisco VSA( 27):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
h323-incoming-conf-id=18E7821F 84BA0C48 AB90653E
 Cisco VSA(  1):
h323-incoming-call-id=6DEE4E62 CC4EED4E B9605762
 Cisco VSA( 25):
h323-setup-time=08:50:20.000 GMT Fri May 28 2004  
 Cisco VSA( 33):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA( 24): h323-conf-id=18E7821F
84BA0C48 AB90653E 03C0C84C 
 Cisco VSA( 23):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1): xpgk-h323-id=Leonid
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1): h323-call-id=6DEE4E62
CC4EED4E B9605762 A6F1571C 
Thank You and Best Regards

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Error: rlm_sql: unknown attribute Cisco-VSA

2005-03-01 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi Guys,

Here is one small problem.

I am using mySQL for the cisco NAS authontication i
add the fowllowing in radreply table:

id UserName Attributeop   Value
11 12345Cisco-VSA=   

But It is working and the log is :

Tue Mar  1 08:49:13 2005 : Error: rlm_sql: unknown
attribute Cisco-VSA
Tue Mar  1 08:49:13 2005 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Error
getting data from database

It will be very thankful if anyone can treat it.

Thank YOu

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Re: Error: rlm_sql: unknown attribute Cisco-VSA

2005-03-02 Thread Abdul Lateef

I tried as you told now there is nor error.
But the call is not going to terminate after certain

Here is attachtment of cisco AccessReqest

DEMO 02.03.05 15:03:56, (2+) ,Recv
AccessAccept {
 session id =   3
 Cisco VSA(  1): h323-credit-time =

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Cisco VoIP Billing System

2005-03-03 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi All,

I want to take some suggestion to create VoIP Billing
System. I configured freeRADIUS with cisco VSA and all
are working successfully.

I have a little confustion about h323-credit-time,
I have tow tables in mySQL 
One is (radcheck) table for user registration with
their balance
Second table ( calling_rate ) for Country Code And
their rate per minute.

The main interesting part is how I can calculate for
h323-credit-time from calling_rate under the balance
of particular user’s balance from the radcheck table?

I will be really appreciated if anyone can redirect me
in right and easy way.

Thank you,

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Include perl file in redreply

2005-03-04 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi guys,
I wanted to include my own perl file for the attribute of h323-credit-time.
So my script will be able to check the balance from the user balance and return it the maximum h323-credit-time for the dame user.
I tried like
h323-credit-time = "h323-credit-time=10"
it is working successfull but instead of "h323-credit-time=10" i want to call my own perl function so the function will be able to find the remaining balance for the same user and return the maximum time.
If any one can share his idea i will be really approciate.
Thank YOu
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Called-Station-Id value??

2005-03-05 Thread Abdul Lateef

I want to retrive Called-Station-Id value before the
access accept.

I am using :
Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/etc/ctime.pl" in
radreply table to return the value for
h323-credit-time all thing is going very well. i have
a function inside ctime.pl to retrive the rate for the
paritucalar called noumber.

I am little confuise how i can get the value of
Called-Station-Id in my script.

You reply will be very high approciated.

Thank You

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Re: Called-Station-Id value??

2005-03-05 Thread Abdul Lateef


Thank you for your time.

Already i read the both files
(variables.txt,Exec-Program-Wait) but i did not found
any information about how to retrive the value of
Called-Station-Id in perl file.

If possible can you give me a little hint so i can fix
my problem.

Abdul Lateef

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Re: Called-Station-Id value??

2005-03-06 Thread Abdul Lateef


I used the following format now it is working.

Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/etc/ctime.pl 
%{User-Name} %{Called-Station-Id}"

Thank you all for times

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From Called-Station-ID Get Country Code??

2005-03-06 Thread Abdul Lateef

I have one mySQL table contains 

Code,  Country Name

I want to get the code using Called-Station-ID
matching with mySQL country list table using the perl

If anyone can give me a little example really it will
be great for me.

Thank You

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Re: From Called-Station-ID Get Country Code??

2005-03-06 Thread Abdul Lateef

Its great reply.

I want to use it for our VoIP Billing System. And my
NAS is cisco and i am sure the cisco is sending full
dialed telephone noumber with Called-Station-ID.
Because we are using MERA VoIP Softswitch and i asked
theirs eng. they told us Called-Station-ID is the full
dialed noumber.

So i think it looks like some sql query. i am able to
retrive the phone noumber in a perl variable.

I was trying in mySQL squery like:

$cod = $calledStationID
$sqld = "SELECT Rate FROM prefix_rate WHERE code LIKE
CONCAT(SUBSTRING($cod,3), '%')";

But it is not good for me. because some time our
customer puting in prefix_rate table country plus area
code so the substring should cut according to their
define length of code.

I hope this little example will be more clear in
understanding which i mean.

Thank You
Abdul Lateef

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Acct-Status-Type and Exec-Program-Wait

2005-03-08 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am using mySQL db to accounting and authuntication. 

I want to run one perl script when the Accounting will
be STOP. to calculate time and rate.

But i don't where i should put Exec-Program-Wait to
run my  script.

Already i had run one script to return
h323-credit-time value from the  the radreply table
and it is working very well.

I will be really thankfull if anyone tell me where i
should put it. i treid to use acct_users files but the
file is not going to execute, because i am using the

here is the acct_users file format which i tested

DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == Stop
Exec-Program-Wait = "../etc/update.pl %{User-Name}

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update h323-credit-time

2005-03-09 Thread Abdul Lateef

Is there anyway to update h323-credit-time after
certian seconds during the call ?

Currently, i am doing VoIP Billing System with sisco
NAS. the problem is if my IP Phone is having more than
one ports how i can send the h323-credit-time time to
each port under same user balance.

Thank You

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Duplicate Record in radacct

2005-03-11 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am using mysql to store all calling history form the
cisco nas. 

I have some problem with duplicate records in my
radacct table. but always the AcctSessionId are
diffrent to each duplication record here is what i am
getting in my radacct:

386 8e30580b-7-dff63424V1
385 8e30580b-7-dff63424T1

here is sqltrace log:

INSERT into radacct (AcctSessionId, AcctUniqueId,
UserName, Realm, NASIPAddress, NASPortId, NASPortType,
AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, AcctSessionTime,
AcctAuthentic, ConnectInfo_start, ConnectInfo_stop,
AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId,
CallingStationId, AcctTerminateCause, ServiceType,
FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartDelay,
AcctStopDelay) values('bda61098-8-aee1424T1',
'cd546ec681ab2320', '123456', '', '',
'', 'Async', '2005-03-11 21:58:58', '0', '0', '', '',
'', '0', '0', '0097776560455', '123456', '',
'Login-User', '', '', '0', '0');
INSERT into radacct (AcctSessionId, AcctUniqueId,
UserName, Realm, NASIPAddress, NASPortId, NASPortType,
AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, AcctSessionTime,
AcctAuthentic, ConnectInfo_start, ConnectInfo_stop,
AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId,
CallingStationId, AcctTerminateCause, ServiceType,
FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartDelay,
AcctStopDelay) values('bda61098-8-aee1424V1',
'ab1b56ec4d2aaa26', '123456', '', '',
'', 'Async', '2005-03-11 21:58:58', '0', '0', '', '',
'', '0', '0', '0097776560455', '123456', '',
'Login-User', '', '', '0', '0');
UPDATE radacct SET AcctStopTime = '2005-03-11
21:59:03', AcctSessionTime = '0', AcctInputOctets =
'152', AcctOutputOctets = '300', AcctTerminateCause =
'', AcctStopDelay = '0', ConnectInfo_stop = '' WHERE
AcctSessionId = 'bda61098-8-aee1424V1' AND UserName =
'123456' AND NASIPAddress = '';
UPDATE radacct SET AcctStopTime = '2005-03-11
21:59:03', AcctSessionTime = '0', AcctInputOctets =
'152', AcctOutputOctets = '300', AcctTerminateCause =
'', AcctStopDelay = '0', ConnectInfo_stop = '' WHERE
AcctSessionId = 'bda61098-8-aee1424T1' AND UserName =
'123456' AND NASIPAddress = '';

Please help me how i can stop one record.

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VoIP Call Disconnection

2005-04-03 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

I am seeking some idea how I can disconnect the call
during the calling?

I had send h323-credit-time to the IP Phone using my
Perl script. I want to make a button in my user
interface browser if admin press this button the call
should be disconnects whatever h323-credit-time.

Is anyone having some idea about it?

Thank you,

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Re: VoIP Call Disconnection

2005-04-04 Thread Abdul Lateef
Which commond i should send to the cisco NAS?

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RE: How to restrict total usage time

2005-04-06 Thread Abdul Lateef
If you are using Cisco NAS for VoIP You can use

h323-credit-time = 60 #60 seconds

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2005-04-09 Thread Abdul Lateef
Can anyone tell me why Acct-Interim-Interval is not
updating after certain time. i am calling the perl
file from the acct_users file like:

DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == Interim-Update
Acct-Interim-Interval = 5,
Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/etc/test.pl"

The Script of test.pl is allright. because i tested it
from the commond. 

Anyone can tell me is there any mistake or how i can
call this file to  update the live account?

Thank you

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RE: Acct-Interim-Interval

2005-04-09 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am using mySQL DB so how i should use this attribute
format in radreply table?

Is the following right?

ID  UserNameAttribute   op  Value

1   123456  Acct-Interim-Interval   =   300

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Radius DisconnectRequest

2005-04-11 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am using Cisco NAS for my VoIP Billing. I want to
send DisconnectRequest to the cisco NAS but i don't
know from where i should send it.

Currently i am able to send AccessRequest and
Accounting from the mySQL db. But i am little confiuse
how i should send the Radius DisconnectRequest to the
cisco nas.

Here is full cisco nas example for Radius
Fri Apr 08 01:27:27 2005, (204+53e6fe2a-1000) ,Recv Radius DisconnectRequest {
 session id =  95
 Cisco VSA( 24): h323-conf-id=F72744AA
A89611D9 91300800 20F0213B

Actually i wanted to make a buttone in Billing Manager
if admin press this button radius should send the
DisconnectRequest to cisco for the call termination.

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Stop Date and Time field

2005-04-19 Thread Abdul Lateef

I wated to put stop date and time in diffrent field of
mySQL databse. 
For the example. the date should be StoDate_field and
the time  should be in StopTime_field.

How i can add this quey in sql.cfg file?

thank You

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rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry in the database ....

2005-04-26 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi guys,

I am facing some problem with load balancing servers.
I have tow servers for the freeRADIUS under the load
balancing system. And both servers are accessible via
Virtual IP (212.X.X.12) .

The radius is configured with mysql server also I have
tow mysql server with clustering which one of them is
active and second is passive accessible via Virtual
Virtual IP ( .

My Cisco NAS and all server are connected with one
network. But when I am trying to use the Radius
virtual ip in our gatekeeper I am getting some log in
radius log directory. Like:

Tue Apr 26 11:47:25 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No
matching entry in the database for request from user
Tue Apr 26 11:47:38 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No
matching entry in the database for request from user
Tue Apr 26 11:47:51 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No
matching entry in the database for request from user
Tue Apr 26 11:48:05 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No
matching entry in the database for request from user
Tue Apr 26 11:48:18 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No
matching entry in the database for request from user
Tue Apr 26 11:48:31 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No
matching entry in the database for request from user

And radius refused to accept the registration from the
device. Meanwhile the user name 123456 is correctly
entered in radcheck and radreply table.

I will be really appreciate if any one can redirect me
at such way.

Thank You
Abdul Lateef

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Error: Dropping conflicting packet from client ...

2005-05-02 Thread Abdul Lateef

I'm running freeradius-1.0.2, for authentication and
accounting under 
Linux Box.

This radius receives about 6 or 10 new calls per
minute using a simple 
authentiaction method, using MySQL as backend for
registering the calls.

Every day I'm seeing this error logs on my radius.log

Mon May  2 12:34:44 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:34:47 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:34:50 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:34:53 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:34:56 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:34:58 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due
to unfinished request 2065
Mon May  2 12:35:01 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due
to unfinished request 2065
Mon May  2 12:35:04 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due
to unfinished request 2065
Mon May  2 12:35:07 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due
to unfinished request 2065
Mon May  2 12:35:10 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due
to unfinished request 2065
Mon May  2 12:35:14 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:35:17 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:35:19 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 15 due
to unfinished request 2068
Mon May  2 12:35:21 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064
Mon May  2 12:35:23 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 15 due
to unfinished request 2068
Mon May  2 12:35:24 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 11 due
to unfinished request 2064

I couldn't find many info on this error on the net...
I've seen a couple 
of threads that mention it can be due to the radius
taking too much time 
to authenticate while using scripts, but I'm using any
perl script, just 
simple authentication accepting everything...

I tried increasing max_request_time to 60 (it was on
30) and 
max_requests to 6400 (I've got 25 clients) on
radiusd.conf, but that 
didn't solve it...

What factors can be causing this error??

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Error: Dropping conflicting packet from client ...

2005-05-02 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi Joun,

You are right, i read your thread because i was
searching the solutions for the same. and i found just
copy & paste in my new thread. ):

BTW, What is CVS? really i am new in linux box. if you
can tell me how i can upgrade the Exec-Program-Wait, i
really i will be approciated.

And i wanted to ask you, is this danger error. because
already i released for the production.

Thank You
Abdul Lateef

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Upgrading freeradius 1.0.2 with freeradius-snapshot-20050502

2005-05-02 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi guys,

I installed freeradius 1.0.2 on my redhat box. all
thing is working well. 
But there is some  error like:

Mon May  2 14:43:09 2005 : Error: Exec-Program:
Abnormal child exit: No child processes
Mon May  2 15:06:36 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due to
unfinished request 2065

In radius log file. 

I read more threads about this error, and at last i
found, that i have to upgrade with snapshot. 
I don't have any idea how to upgrade but for the test
I downloaded it from the web site and i tried to
install using following commond:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

But when i am running make. I found 2 error which i am
going to post following

macsha1.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/hmacsha1.o
In file included from hmacsha1.c:15:
../include/sha1.h:15: syntax error before "uint32_t"
../include/sha1.h:15: warning: no semicolon at end of
struct or union
../include/sha1.h:16: warning: data definition has no
type or storage class
../include/sha1.h:17: syntax error before "buffer"
../include/sha1.h:17: warning: data definition has no
type or storage class
../include/sha1.h:18: syntax error before '}' token
../include/sha1.h:18: warning: data definition has no
type or storage class
../include/sha1.h:20: syntax error before "state"
../include/sha1.h:21: syntax error before '*' token
../include/sha1.h:22: syntax error before '*' token
../include/sha1.h:23: syntax error before "digest"
../include/sha1.h:29: syntax error before "digest"
../include/sha1.h:34: syntax error before "mk"
hmacsha1.c: In function `lrad_hmac_sha1':
hmacsha1.c:37: syntax error before "context"
hmacsha1.c:49: syntax error before "tctx"
hmacsha1.c:51: `tctx' undeclared (first use in this
hmacsha1.c:51: (Each undeclared identifier is reported
only once
hmacsha1.c:51: for each function it appears in.)
hmacsha1.c:124: `context' undeclared (first use in
this function)
gmake[4]: *** [hmacsha1.lo] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory
gmake[3]: *** [common] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory
gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
gmake[1]: *** [common] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] freeradius-snapshot-20050502]#

Can any one help me how i can do it?

Abdul Lateef

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Upgrade snapshot

2005-05-03 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi guys,

I installed freeradius 1.0.2 on my redhat box. all
thing is working well. 
But there is some  error like:

Mon May  2 14:43:09 2005 : Error: Exec-Program:
Abnormal child exit: No child processes
Mon May  2 15:06:36 2005 : Error: Dropping conflicting
packet from client - ID: 12 due to
unfinished request 2065

In radius log file. 

I read more threads about this error, and at last i
found, that i have to upgrade with snapshot. 
I don't have any idea how to upgrade but for the test
I downloaded it from the web site and i tried to
install using following commond:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

But when i am running make. I found 2 error which i am
going to post following

macsha1.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/hmacsha1.o
In file included from hmacsha1.c:15:
../include/sha1.h:15: syntax error before "uint32_t"
../include/sha1.h:15: warning: no semicolon at end of
struct or union
../include/sha1.h:16: warning: data definition has no
type or storage class
../include/sha1.h:17: syntax error before "buffer"
../include/sha1.h:17: warning: data definition has no
type or storage class
../include/sha1.h:18: syntax error before '}' token
../include/sha1.h:18: warning: data definition has no
type or storage class
../include/sha1.h:20: syntax error before "state"
../include/sha1.h:21: syntax error before '*' token
../include/sha1.h:22: syntax error before '*' token
../include/sha1.h:23: syntax error before "digest"
../include/sha1.h:29: syntax error before "digest"
../include/sha1.h:34: syntax error before "mk"
hmacsha1.c: In function `lrad_hmac_sha1':
hmacsha1.c:37: syntax error before "context"
hmacsha1.c:49: syntax error before "tctx"
hmacsha1.c:51: `tctx' undeclared (first use in this
hmacsha1.c:51: (Each undeclared identifier is reported
only once
hmacsha1.c:51: for each function it appears in.)
hmacsha1.c:124: `context' undeclared (first use in
this function)
gmake[4]: *** [hmacsha1.lo] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory
gmake[3]: *** [common] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory
gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
gmake[1]: *** [common] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] freeradius-snapshot-20050502]#

Can any one help me how i can do it?

Abdul Lateef

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Cisco VSA

2005-05-05 Thread Abdul Lateef

I have a problem with cisco NAS.
My Cisco Nas is sending the password using following
Cisco VSA(  1):

But the radius is unable to read this password. and i
am getting in cisco log that SecurityDenial.

Please share me if any having some idea about it.

Thank You
Abdul lateef

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Cisco SIP auth problem

2005-05-08 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am trying to register Cisco SIP nas using MySql db.
But i could not. the cisco log is syaing :


Here is the format our cisco AccessRequest format:

Cisco VSA(  1):

But the Radius is not responding for this request and
the log apearing 
SecurityDenial <>


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Cisco SIP Authuntication

2005-05-09 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am trying to register Cisco SIP nas using MySql db.
But i could not. The cisco log is syaing:


Here is the format our cisco AccessRequest :

Mon May 09 12:01:21 2005, (204+538ae76f-150) ,Sent
AccessRequest {
 session id =  99
 UserName: 1212
 NasIpAddress: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
 NasPortType: 0
 ServiceType: 1
 Cisco VSA(  1): xpgk-request-type=user
 Cisco VSA(  1): xpgk-sip-auth1= xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 Cisco VSA(  1):
 SipDigestResponce: 200814479400a46bb3029d803e01e112
 SipAuth VSA(  1): xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
 SipAuth VSA(  2): a6c5250051437f10801143ec6559@
 SipAuth VSA(  3): REGISTER
 SipAuth VSA(  4): sip:

Mon May 09 12:01:24 2005, (204+538ae76f-150) ,Recv
AccessReject {
 session id =  99
Mon May 09 12:01:24 2005, (204+538ae76f-150) ,Sent
registrationReject {
requestSeqNum = 14120
protocolIdentifier =
rejectReason = securityDenial <>
gatekeeperIdentifier =  4 characters {
  006d 0065 0072 0061  

I searched in mailing list, but no luck. If will be
really appreciate if any one has this solutions.


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Re: problems with digest and ser

2005-05-09 Thread Abdul Lateef

I am facing the same problem. My case is all H.323 IP
Phones are able to registered successfully. But I have
problem only with SIP IP Phones, which cannot be

I searched in the mailing list and i found that Digest
type of authuntication can solve the problem. i did
the configuration according to

But no luck :)

If you find your solutions please let us know to solve
others problem.

Thank You

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RE: problems with digest and ser

2005-05-13 Thread Abdul Lateef

I use Auth-Type :=3D, but still my problem not solved.
I am using the SIP-HIT software from MERA softswitch

The Mera sending Password in MD5 format. and also
tried to use Auth-Type := MD5 but no luck.

Please let me know if there is any other solutions?

Thank You
Abdul Lateef

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RE: problems with digest and ser

2005-05-15 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hello Lucas,

I tried to use Auth-Type := Accept , it is going to
successfull authunticate. 

But it is not good idea without password
authuntication. My user is already having the MD5

Is there any way to only read the user password, if am
able to find the password value i can make one
external perl script to authunticate using the

Cisco VSA(  1):
 SipDigestResponce: 29fba21dc546ed81bc46d3e1b14f52af

If am able to read the SipDigestResponce value i can
authunticate through external script.

any idea please?

Thank You

Yahoo! Mail
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Auth-Type perl script

2005-05-17 Thread Abdul Lateef

I want put the Auth-Type in my perl script in the
mySQL radgroupcheck table. I tried with the following
data configuration, but it is not working

id GroupName   Attribute  op   Value
4   sipExec-Program-Wait  =/usr/au.pl

Here is my auth.pl script

print "Auth-Type:=  Accept";

But if i am trying direct without any script it is
working like the following information:

id GroupName Attribute  op Value
4   sip  Auth-Type  := Accept

Any idea please?

Thank You
Abdul Lateef

Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 

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RE: Freeradius+mysql+error

2005-06-01 Thread Abdul Lateef

Check your sql configuration in sql.conf

in the following area

# Connect info
server = "yousqlip"
login = "user"
    password = "pws"

Abdul Lateef
Kapilvastu Lumbini

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RE: FreeRADIUS 1.0.3 has been released

2005-06-04 Thread Abdul Lateef

Thanx for new version of freeradius.

It will be more easy if you can tell what are new
features added in the new ver.?

Thank You
Abdul Lateef
Kaplivastu Lumbini

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Version 1.0.4 Upgrading

2005-06-22 Thread Abdul Lateef

Currently i am using i have 1.0.2 version running on
my linux box.

I made plan to upgrade it with the letest  Version

I have a small question about the 1.0.2 configuration
files. How i should upgrade it. Is configuration files
will be also upgraded or it will be not effected?

Thnak You

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Re: Version 1.0.4 Upgrading

2005-06-22 Thread Abdul Lateef

Thanx guys for good advise, Now i will start to
upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4.

Thank You
Abdul Lateef
Tel : 974-5405022
YM! abdul_zu

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Life Connect time

2005-07-21 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi guys.

I have a small question about Life Connect time in
START packets. Is there any possibility to get the
connect time when the second party pickup the phone.

I am doing my VoIP Call Shop application using
freeradius i made one counter in my CallShop
application when we got the connect time from
terminator i means when the second party pikuped the
phone the counter should be started.

But in START packets i cannot see any life connect
time. is it posible with some advance configuration in

Thank You

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

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RE: Life Connect time

2005-07-22 Thread Abdul Lateef
Thank you for ur all replies.
I contacted my nas producer and found that they have some account intrem update, which solved our problem.
Thank YouYours,Abdul LateefComputer ProgrammerHATIF COMMob: +974 - 5405022Tel: +974 - 4883068ICQ: 276994704YM!: abdul_zuFax: +974 - 4883063Doha Qatarhttp://www.hatif.com__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com - 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Error: Discarding duplicate request

2005-09-24 Thread Abdul Lateef
HI all,

any one can explain me about this error. I am getting
too much error in radius log. and some time the radius
is going to hang, and that time the log is apearing
"No DB handele". but when i restart the radius
manually it start to working with the same error.

i am using two perl file via exe-wait in accounting
stop event and in radreply table.

Error: Discarding duplicate request from
client XXX:1812 - ID: 139 due to unfinished request

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html


2005-09-25 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

I linked rml_perl module successfully to call only in
authenticate event to return h323-credit-amount based
on example.pl. and others event i want to do them from

Here is the configuration what i did.
==users file=

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Perl

===radiusd file
In module section

perl {

  module = /usr/local/etc/example.pl
  func_accounting = accounting
  func_authenticate = authenticate
  func_authorize = authorize
  func_preacct = preacct
  func_checksimul = checksimul
  func_xlat = xlat

authenticate {

Auth-Type Perl {

But it is not working, and i cannot see any log in
radius.log file while the logs writing is enabled.

Anyone can help me is these configurations are

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

RE: rlm_perl

2005-09-28 Thread Abdul Lateef

Thanks for your reply. i am going here to post the
debug logs. from the log it seems rlm_per is loaded
successfully but when i am trying to call authorize
and authenticate function from example.pl, the
functions are not calling well.

Here is full configuration what i did to work with
perl module.

radreply table:
123456  Auth-Type   :=  perl

modules area:

perl {

module = /usr/local/etc/example.pl
func_accounting = accounting
func_authenticate = authenticate
func_authorize = authorize
func_preacct = preacct
func_checksimul = checksimul
func_xlat = xlat

authorize {


authenticate {

Auth-Type Perl {


sub authorize {
   return RLM_MODULE_OK;

sub authenticate {
 if ($RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'} =~ /^baduser/i) {
  $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = "Denied access";
} else {
  $RAD_REPLY{'h323-credit-time'} =
  return RLM_MODULE_OK;


Here is the Log:
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x93af7a0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x93af7a0
returned status 0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x94b0ec8
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x94b0ec8
returned status 0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x950b550
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x950b550
returned status 0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x9565480
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9565480
returned status 0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x95bf180
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x95bf180
returned status 0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): Driver
rlm_sql_mysql (module rlm_sql_mysql) loaded and linked
Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql):
Attempting to connect to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/radius
Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql_mysql:
Starting connect to MySQL server for #0
Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql_mysql:
Starting connect to MySQL server for #1


Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

RE: rlm_perl

2005-09-29 Thread Abdul Lateef
hi friends,

I am really sorry to post it again. Because still i
did not find any reply to solve my problems.

--- Abdul Lateef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply. i am going here to post the
> debug logs. from the log it seems rlm_per is loaded
> successfully but when i am trying to call authorize
> and authenticate function from example.pl, the
> functions are not calling well.
> Here is full configuration what i did to work with
> perl module.
> radreply table:
> ---
> 123456Auth-Type   :=  perl
> ---
> radiusd.conf
> -
> modules area:
>   perl {
> module = /usr/local/etc/example.pl
> func_accounting = accounting
> func_authenticate = authenticate
>   func_authorize = authorize
> func_preacct = preacct
> func_checksimul = checksimul
> func_xlat = xlat
>   }
> authorize {
>   preprocess
>   chap
>   suffix
>   perl
> }
> authenticate {
>   Auth-Type Perl {
>   perl
>   }
> }
> -
> example.pl
> sub authorize {
>return RLM_MODULE_OK;
> }
> sub authenticate {
>  if ($RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'} =~ /^baduser/i) {
>   $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = "Denied access";
> } else {
>   $RAD_REPLY{'h323-credit-time'} =
> \"h323-credit-time=200\";
>   return RLM_MODULE_OK;
>   }
> }
> Here is the Log:
> ===
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl
> 0x93af7a0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
> rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x93af7a0
> returned status 0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl
> 0x94b0ec8
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
> rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x94b0ec8
> returned status 0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl
> 0x950b550
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
> rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x950b550
> returned status 0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl
> 0x9565480
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
> rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9565480
> returned status 0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: Detach perl
> 0x95bf180
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
> rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : Info: detach at 0x95bf180
> returned status 0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:45 2005 : rlm_perl:
> rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql):
> Driver
> rlm_sql_mysql (module rlm_sql_mysql) loaded and
> linked
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql (sql):
> Attempting to connect to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/radius
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql_mysql:
> Starting connect to MySQL server for #0
> Wed Sep 28 07:50:48 2005 : Info: rlm_sql_mysql:
> Starting connect to MySQL server for #1
> =
> Yours,
> Abdul Lateef
> Computer Programmer
> Mob: +974 - 5405022
> Tel: +974 - 4883068
> ICQ: 276994704
> YM!: abdul_zu
> Fax: +974 - 4883063
> Doha Qatar
> http://www.hatif.com
> __ 
> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
> http://mail.yahoo.com

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Re: working rlm_perl example

2005-10-02 Thread Abdul Lateef
I did the following configuration and it is working
well with me.

Try it, and let me it is working or not.

user file:
> ---
> DEFAULT Auth-Type := perl
> ---
> radiusd.conf
> -
> modules area:
>   perl {
> module = /usr/local/etc/example.pl
> func_accounting = accounting
> func_authenticate = authenticate
>   func_authorize = authorize
> func_preacct = preacct
> func_checksimul = checksimul
> func_xlat = xlat
>   }
> authorize {
>   preprocess
>   chap
>   suffix
>   perl
> }
> authenticate {
>   Auth-Type Perl {
>   perl
>   }
> }

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

PID variable

2005-10-05 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

How i can retrive the current pid value of freeradius
in Shell script.

I wanted to create one shell script to run in linux
corn commond. because our database is very slow and
always radius is going to crashed when it receives
more than 1000 request. so my script will check if the
radius is crashed it will start automatically using

Is anyone have good logic to auto restart radius when
it will be crashed?

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Accounting query is sleeping

2005-10-06 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

Can you tell me why all query of accounting start and
stop (INSERT and UPTADE) are sleeping in mysql
For authentication and authorization I am using
rlm_perl in side the example.pl file I am doing more
queries but it is working well. It means the problem
is not in my DB, I think I am doing some wrong
configuration in sql.conf. Please let me know how I
can make fast speed?

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

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DATE_SUB (rlm_perl)

2005-10-08 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,
I was inserting start and stop time using rlm_perl
example.pl file. But i am doing some mistake. i
modified the following code for start date, but not

($RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Session-Time:-0'} +
$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Delay-Time:-0'}) SECOND)

Can anyone suggest me what is the right code to insert
start date and time?

this is the error what i am getting.

/raddb/MaxTime.pl , func = accounting exit status=
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in
your SQL syntax near '+ ) SECOND),......

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

rlm_perl hang server

2005-10-09 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

Can anyone explain me why radius is going hang when
its receive more 2000 request in one time. I
configured rlm_perl and it is working if there is
small traffic. But when the traffics reached more than
2000 the radius is stopped. 

I used example.pl for authentication, authorization
and accounting with mysql DB.
Can any lead me where is exactly fault.

Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x9a26c38
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9a26c38
returned status 0
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x9b8c090
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9b8c090
returned status 0
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x9c9ba08
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9c9ba08
returned status 0
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x9da9e70
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9da9e70
returned status 0
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: Detach perl 0x9eb7f80
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : Info: detach at 0x9eb7f80
returned status 0
Sun Oct  9 10:27:33 2005 : rlm_perl:
rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:36 2005 : Info: Using deprecated
naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
Sun Oct  9 10:27:36 2005 : Info: rlm_exec: Wait=yes
but no output defined. Did you mean output=none?
Sun Oct  9 10:27:37 2005 : Info: Ready to process

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

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Re: DATE_SUB (rlm_perl)

2005-10-09 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi Alan,

Thanx for your reply, i made a function to generate
stop and start datetime and it is working well for me.

Thank You

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page! 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Re: rlm_perl hang server

2005-10-10 Thread Abdul Lateef
} #End If for port 

$total_minute_duration =
= $calling_rate;
my $return_h323_time =

$RAD_REPLY{'h323-credit-time'} =


} #end max_time

sub r_code  #from reseller table
$wh = $_[0];
$wh =~ s/^00//;
$sql_code = "SELECT Max(Co_Name) As Code FROM
`Tariff` WHERE '$wh' Like Concat(`Co_Name`,'%')";
return dbh()->selectrow_array($sql_code);

} #End r_code

# Function to handle preacct
sub preacct {
# For debugging purposes only
#   &log_request_attributes;


# Function to handle accounting
sub accounting {
# For debugging purposes only

= localtime time;
my $years = $year+1900;
my $mons =  $mon+1;
my $fdatetime = "$years-$mons-$mday $hour:$min:$sec";

my $accounting_start;
my $accounting_stop_query;
$accounting_start = "INSERT IGNORE into radacct
(AcctSessionId, AcctUniqueId, UserName, Realm,
NASIPAddress, NASPortId, NASPortType, AcctStartTime, 
AcctStopTime, AcctSessionTime, AcctAuthentic,
ConnectInfo_start, ConnectInfo_stop, AcctInputOctets,
AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId, 
CallingStationId, AcctTerminateCause, ServiceType,
FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartDelay,
AcctStopDelay, status,Termination)
'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}', '$RAD_REQUEST{'Realm'}', 
'$RAD_REQUEST{'NAS-Port-Type'}', '$fdatetime', '0',
'$RAD_REQUEST{'Connect-Info'}', '', '0', '0',
'$RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'}', '',
'$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Delay-Time'}', '0',

$accounting_stop_query = "UPDATE radacct 
SET AcctStopTime = '$fdatetime', AcctSessionTime =
AcctInputOctets =
'$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Input-Octets'}', AcctOutputOctets
= '$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Output-Octets'}', 
AcctTerminateCause =
'$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Terminate-Cause'}', AcctStopDelay
= '$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Delay-Time'}', status = '1', 
ConnectInfo_stop = '$RAD_REQUEST{'Connect-Info'}' 
WHERE AcctSessionId =
'$RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Session-Id'}' AND UserName =
'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}' AND NASIPAddress =

   my $dbg = dbh()->prepare($accounting_start);

my $dbup = dbh()->prepare($accounting_stop_query);


# Function to handle checksimul
sub checksimul {
# For debugging purposes only
#   &log_request_attributes;


# Function to handle xlat
sub xlat {
# For debugging purposes only
#   &log_request_attributes;

# Loads some external perl and evaluate it
my ($filename,$a,$b,$c,$d) = @_;
&radiusd::radlog(1, "From xlat $filename ");
&radiusd::radlog(1,"From xlat $a $b $c $d ");
local *FH;
open FH, $filename or die "open '$filename' $!";
local($/) = undef;
my $sub = ;
close FH;
my $eval = qq{ sub handler{ $sub;} };
eval $eval;
eval {main->handler;};

# Function to handle detach
sub detach {
# For debugging purposes only
#   &log_request_attributes;

# Do some logging.
&radiusd::radlog(0,"rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading.

# Some functions that can be called from other

sub test_call {
# Some code goes here 

sub log_request_attributes {
# This shouldn't be done in production environments!
# This is only meant for debugging!
for (keys %RAD_REQUEST) {
&radiusd::radlog(1, "RAD_REQUEST: $_ =

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

DB Server Advice

2005-10-20 Thread Abdul Lateef
Hi all,

We have very big voip traffic, and currently we were
using mysql DB with the following server
configurations, But we are getting lot of problems
some time the devise are failed, some time the
database is slow…. Etc.

The current configuration is:
OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3
PROCESSOR: Dual 3.2 GHz Intel Xeon
Hard Drive: 2 x 36.4GB SCA Ultra 160 SCSI Hard Drive
(RAID 1)
BACKUP AGENT:   Legato Managed Backup Agent
NETWRK: Aggregate Bandwidth – 100GB per Month

Now we want to re-configure our servers, some one
suggest me about SUN. But
i need your suggestions, which will driver our
database server without any problem.

Abdul Lateef
Computer Programmer
Mob: +974 - 5405022
Tel: +974 - 4883068
ICQ: 276994704
YM!: abdul_zu
Fax: +974 - 4883063
Doha Qatar

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