Re: [rad] Re: etc_passwd

2009-07-28 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Kaz Zurad wrote:

Than you, John, for the clue.
But I have another question.
For RHEL4 is only available version 1.0.1. Can I use version dedicated
for Fedora from this site

You should find your version sufficient for simple needs.
Otherwise, I highly recommend installing the latest version directly
form source so that any advice you get here is going to 'apply' to you. :)

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: etc_passwd

2009-07-28 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Kaz Zurad wrote:

Thank you. I meant RHEL 4. I will try to install and implement it.

I am using CentOS 4 which is the 'free' version of RHEL 4,

You should be able to install the freeradius rpm package via yum (or 
perhaps already installed with initial install). You don't need to
install a more recent version unless you are doing something complicated 
that needs newer features. Though please undertand that most people on 
this list know solutions for the newer versions and if you want serious 
help with things like 'EAP' and 'LDAP' you may need to upgrade.

But to just do 'simple' authentication from etc_passwd.

/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf needs to be reviewed for things like 
server IP address and port, etc, but should pretty much work 'out of the box'.

/etc/raddb/clients.conf needs an entry listing your NAS (eg. Cisco AS5300)
with the 'secret' (password) it will use to talk to radius,

To use etc_passwd for authentication, in the /etc/raddb/users file,
uncomment and edit the entries (well commented!) that show how to
configure a 'default' user with 'Auth-Type = System'.

Yes, that easy!

- Charles
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Re: attrs filtering - regex pattern matching

2009-06-26 Thread Charles Gregory

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Francisco wrote:

I'd like our radius proxy server to allow an A/V pair, but, cannot find any
examples where I can apply any regex type rules to allow a range of values.
For example, I received the following from a remote radius server :
Cisco-AVPair = vpdn:ip-addresses=
and would want to (using attrs) allow anything that matches:
Cisco-AVPair = vpdn:ip-addresses=.*
Where ".*" would be anything following the "="
How might I allow this using attrs?
I'm running freeradius 1.0.5
I can't upgrade to 2.x yet, so I'm looking for suggestions/feedback for 1.x

LOL! Hi Francisco! Fancy meeting you here! ;)

Did you try:

Cisco-AVPair =~ "vpdn:ip-addresses=.*"

?? I found this in 'man 5 users'.
So you're on 1.x too, huh? Funny how many of us are. :)

- Charles

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Re: [rad] Cannot Authenticate - Help!

2009-06-17 Thread Charles Gregory

I notice it matching multiple 'DEFAULT' entries in your 'users' file.
Make sure that one of them doesn't enforce an 'auth-type' other than 
the one you want to use here.

- Charles

On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, Filipe Scalioni wrote:

I'm new to FreeRadius, and I'm having some hard time to put it to
work. Simply talking: I can authenticate from my linux (Suse 11.1)
using radtest, directly linked to the server (LAN). Here is the

protagoras:~ # radtest teste teste 1812 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 240 to port 1812
    User-Name = "teste"
    User-Password = "teste"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 1812
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812,
id=240, length=20

So, it works... But then I put the AP to work (Linksys wrt54g),
configured like this:

Security mode: WPA Enterprise
WPA Algorithms: TKIP
RADIUS Server Address: - this is my RADIUS server IP
RADIUS Port: 1812
Shared Key: testing123
Key Renewal Timeout: 3600 seconds

All good, but when I try to connect from Windows XP, Vista or 7,
configured like this

Network Authentication: WPA
Data Encryption: TKIP
Authentication Method: MsCHAPv2
Not sending my windows login parameters

It nevers authenticates... No matter what I do. I tried everything I
could find on the list or FAQ before registering. Here goes the log

[r...@testecent raddb]# radiusd -X
Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/eap.conf
 main: prefix = "/usr"
 main: localstatedir = "/var"
 main: logdir = "/var/log/radius"
 main: libdir = "/usr/lib"
 main: radacctdir = "/var/log/radius/radacct"
 main: hostname_lookups = no
 main: snmp = no
 main: max_request_time = 30
 main: cleanup_delay = 5
 main: max_requests = 1024
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 1812
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_file = "/var/log/radius/radius.log"
 main: log_auth = yes
 main: log_auth_badpass = yes
 main: log_auth_goodpass = yes
 main: pidfile = "/var/run/"
 main: bind_address = IP address []
 main: user = "radiusd"
 main: group = "radiusd"
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = "no"
 main: lower_pass = "no"
 main: nospace_user = "no"
 main: nospace_pass = "no"
 main: checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
 main: proxy_requests = yes
 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = yes
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 proxy: post_proxy_authorize = no
 proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 security: max_attributes = 200
 security: reject_delay = 1
 security: status_server = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
Using deprecated naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading clients
read_config_files:  reading realms
radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/lib
Module: Loaded exec
 exec: wait = yes
 exec: program = "(null)"
 exec: input_pairs = "request"
 exec: output_pairs = "(null)"
 exec: packet_type = "(null)"
rlm_exec: Wait=yes but no output defined. Did you mean output=none?
Module: Instantiated exec (exec)
Module: Loaded expr
Module: Instantiated expr (expr)
Module: Loaded PAP
 pap: encryption_scheme = "clear"
Module: Instantiated pap (pap)
Module: Loaded CHAP
Module: Instantiated chap (chap)
Module: Loaded MS-CHAP
 mschap: use_mppe = yes
 mschap: require_encryption = no
 mschap: require_strong = no
 mschap: with_ntdomain_hack = yes
 mschap: passwd = "(null)"
 mschap: ntlm_auth = "/path/to/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key
--nt-response=%{mschap:NT-Response:-00} --domain=%{mschap:NT-Domain}"
Module: Instantiated mschap (mschap)
Module: Loaded System
 unix: cache = no
 unix: passwd = "(null)"
 unix: shadow = "(null)"
 unix: group = "(null)"
 unix: radwtmp = "/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
 unix: usegroup = no
 unix: cache_reload = 600
Module: Instantiated unix (unix)
Module: Loaded LDAP
 ldap: server = "ldap.your.domain"
 ldap: port = 389
 ldap: net_timeout = 1
 ldap: timeout = 4
 ldap: timelimit = 3
 ldap: identity = ""
 ldap: tls_mode = no
 ldap: start_tls = no
 ldap: tls_cacertfile = "(null)"
 ldap: tls_cacertdir = "(null)"
 ldap: tls_certfile = "(null)"
 ldap: tls_keyfile = "(null)"
 ldap: tls_randfile = "(null)"
 ldap: tls_require_cert = "allow"
 ldap: password = ""
 ldap: basedn = "o=My Org,c=UA"
 ldap: filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
 ldap: base_filter = "(objectclass=radiusprofile)"
 ldap: default_profile = "(null)"
 ldap: profile_attribute = "(null)"
 ldap: password_header = "(null)"
 ldap: password_attribute = 

Re: [rad] Re: Problem with external authentication script

2009-06-17 Thread Charles Gregory

On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, Stefan Kuegler wrote:

DEFAULT   Auth-Type = MOTP
  Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/bin/ '%{User-Name}'
'%{User-Password}' '%{Secret}' '%{PIN}' '%{Offset}'",
  Fall-Through = yes

user1 Secret:=143a5c6fa125ac1f, PIN:=1234, Offset:=0

If this is correctly represents the order of your entries, then your 
program execution command is getting 'constructed' on the DEFAULT entry 
*before* you assign those values on the 'user1' entry.

Try moving the user1 line before the DEFAULT (and reverse the 'fall 
through' specifications)

- Charles
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Re: [rad] RE: Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdgerouter subcriberauthentication.

2009-06-17 Thread Charles Gregory

On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, Elias Abou Zeid wrote:

Just out for sake of completeness. On FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.7
I tried both User-Password == "test" and Cleartext-Password := "test".
They both work fine when the user entry is before default setting in
users file.
Just to let you know.

Thank you, Elias.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] RE: Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdge router subcriberauthentication.

2009-06-17 Thread Charles Gregory

On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, wrote:

abcUser-Password == "test"

that is wrong. wrong and wrong

Okay, this isn't just my favorite quibbler jumping on me. So I have to 
ask, even if there is a 'better' syntax, or a 'preferred' way of doing 
things, why is this 'standard' old radius check item so 'wrong'?

I checked the docs, and it *appears* that checking an input attribute 
value against a hard-coded constant is still valid syntax. Though I notice 
that the example that both Elias and I quote is *gone* from the 1.1.7 docs 
(Elias, please check, I think you have man pages and/or documentation from 
a version of FR earlier than your 1.1.7! This really confuses things!).

So why is Input-Attribute == "value" now wrong?
Is it just wrong for the Passwords? Groups?
Or is '==' deprecated for all check items past a certain release?
If so, why is it still in the 'users' man page for 2.x?
I finally noticed that "Cleartext-Password" is not an input attribute, 
which suggests that there is something 'different' about the way we're 
now specifying input attribute checking in the users file. I don't doubt 
that it 'makes sense' according to some new way of doing things, but it 
looks like an amazing departure from 'classic' Livingston syntax

If so, I'm *really* glad I didn't upgrade my live version. :-O

- Charles
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Re: [rad] RE: Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdge router subcriberauthentication.

2009-06-16 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Elias Abou Zeid wrote:

Sorry for the :=, == confusion. I was doing it right using ==.

Neither is 'right' or 'wrong'. You just need to be sure what you want to 
achieve with them. I'm not a complete expert on this, so if in doubt,

try it *both* ways. (smile) One of them will work.

I still suggest:

abcUser-Password == "test"
   Service-Type = Framed-User,
   Framed-Protocol = PPP

...and make sure there are no  default entries to interfere. :)

- C
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Re: [rad] RE: Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdgerouter subcriberauthentication.

2009-06-16 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Elias Abou Zeid wrote:

a...@radius  Cleartext-Password := "test"
   Service-Type = Framed-User,
   Framed-Protocol = PPP

Why do you specify a realm (@RADIUS)? Try removing it, or, as suggested 
by others, specift a default realm.

   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 152
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 171
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 183

These lines tell us that you have more rules in your users file
than the one you list above. Taken at face value, looks like two rules 
with 'fall through' followed by one without. And it never gets to the rule 
for 'abc'.

Remember that radius looks for the first matching rule in your users file. 
DEFAULT rules should go at the bottom.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] RE: Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdge router subcriberauthentication.

2009-06-16 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, wrote:

abc  User-Password == "passwd"

abc Cleartext-Password := "passwd"
thats true for 1.1.6 (iirc) upwards

My turn to 'huh?'.

According to the 'users' man page (man 5 users):
   Attribute := Value
Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the
configuration items any attribute of the same name.

My impression from the OP's first use of "==" was that he was 
hard-coding the password into the users file. So wouldn't the
above code 'replace' the password, producing an 'always authenticates' 
kind of condition? The example in the users man itself is:

  bob  User-Password == "hello"

  Requests  containing  the User-Name attribute, with value
  "bob", will be authenticated using the password "bob".

Which is, I think, a typo. It should say "authenticated with the password 
"hello", shouldn't it?

- Charles

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Re: [rad] RE: Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdge router subcriberauthentication.

2009-06-16 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Elias Abou Zeid wrote:

I tried the different suggestions but I still get authentication login
incorrect eventhough the username and password passed by the Redback
router are correct and as filled in subscribers record
On Radius server.

a...@radius  User-Password := "passwd"

This syntax SETS the User-Password attribute. It's almost like
saying "accept any password and replace it with this value".
Please review "man 5 users" for the use of "=", ":=", et al.

Have you tried:

abc  User-Password == "passwd"
  Service-Type = Framed-User,
  Framed-Protocol = PPP

I don't know what this next line does, so unless *you* do, may
I suggest leaving it out while testing?

  Bind_Auth_Context = RADIUS

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Free Radius users record samples for SmartEdge router subcriber authentication.

2009-06-16 Thread Charles Gregory

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Elias Abou Zeid wrote:
I am trying a simple authenticate pppoe subscriber in radius server (v for subscribers coming through Redback SmartEdge 800 
router. As I am new to this I am looked for some examples for users 
configuration on RADIUS but could not find. I have tried something out 
but seems missing certain stuff:

abc Auth-Type := Local, Password == "passwd"

I notice the example in the comments of the 'users' file references
the check item "User-Password" not just "Password". That might
make a difference.

Another option: Are these users going to be in your local *nix
password file (for mail or login)? If so, then don't specify passwords in 
the users file at all. Just use an Auth-Type += System, and let FR pluck 
it from the system files.

- Charles-
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Re: [rad] Re: rlm_exec wiki

2009-06-16 Thread Charles Gregory

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, wrote:

it would be much beter if there was a full delineation between
1.x and 2.x docs - the web is full of older resources that dont
say what version their tweaks and info is good for.

(nod) I don't know enough about the differences between 1.x and 2.x
to say whether it would be better to have two complete document trees, 
like the apache server, or annotated with "applies to versions x-y" the 
way the postfix docs do it. I get the feeling that for the most part 
features have been *added* to FreeRADIUS, and very little removed. But is 
that actually the case?

if i see one more config with Auth-Type = EAP  I'll scream ;-)

Had to look that one up. First hit on google explained it all LOL

- Charles

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Re: [rad] Re: Problem with external authentication script

2009-06-15 Thread Charles Gregory

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, Stefan Kuegler wrote:

>  exec motp {
>wait = yes
>program = "/usr/local/bin/ %{User-Name}
>  %{User-Password} %{reply:Secret} %{reply:PIN} %{reply:Offset}"
>input_pairs = request
>output_pairs = config
>  }

Silly thought:
The exec is named 'mopt' with an 'm'.
But your script is 'optverify' with no 'm'.
Just want to be sure that's not a silly typo :)

It seems, that freeradius never uses the "MOTP"-Auth-type:
auth: type "PAP"
+- entering group PAP

Not an expert on motp. But should it be mistaken for 'PAP'? Perhaps
you need to put your check for 'motp' in the auth section *before* PAP?
Or remove the reference to PAP altogether if you never use it?

Do I need to configure something in the authorize-section or somewhere 
else ??

A line with the single word 'motp', probably just above the 'pap' line,
if tht is causing trouble

- Charles
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Re: rlm_exec wiki

2009-06-15 Thread Charles Gregory

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, wrote:

I think the initial idea would be to document what/how you've used
exec module to define an attribute - rlm_exec is quite bare on the wiki 

Uh, yeah, almost forgot, that was actually one of the places I looked 
before I posted on the list. :)

I think before I write anything I will test my script a bit further 
and make sure that it has the complete functionality I expect. I'll be 
doing that this week. I'm gonna get a few shots for this next statement 
(grin), but of course, if I want to write for the wiki, I'm going to have 
to install the latest release, to be sure what I write is valid for the 
most current context. Fortunately I have a test box for stuff like this. :)


- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-15 Thread Charles Gregory

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
See the thing is a lot of the documentation pitfalls aren't there in 2.*, a 
lot of the inconsistencys aren't there in 2.*. I know, because I regularly 
play the dumb user and pester Alan about niggly bits of syntax and 

I try to be a fair person. And I knew that one argument used against me 
would be that the docs had improved since version 1.x, but when I had a 
look I found that this 'basic' element remained essentially unchanged.

Indeed the one change I spotted was that the references to 'exec-program'
had disappeared! But there was nothing more about 'exec' modules. And when 
I checked the documentation for the latest release, neither the users file 
itself nor the documentation for it mentions 'exec'. So I would still
have found no help there And the docs for freeradisud.conf remained 
the same.

Think of it this way. In the French language, when someone turns a light 
on they say "make the light OPEN". They *mean* the same thing, but they 
use a different word. But if you don't *know* that, you can spend a lot of 
time trying to figure out why someone wants to 'open' something that you 
just want to turn 'on'.

Thus it was with my understanding of config files in FreeRADIUS. I came 
from a background where config files only contained constants. Nothing 
dynamic. I had come so far as to realize that we could 'specify' modules 
in the main config file, but presumed that sub files remained lists of 
constant specifications. There was no mention of executable code in the 
users file comments, so I presumed that was just the 'wrong place'.

My bad? Well, yes, BUT I would expect that any expert on RADIUS would have 
long ago encountered this kind of thinking and recognize it for what it 
is. And if they really wanted to help, they'd be sure to say a few 'basic' 
things like "what you are looking for is in the README, not the 
individual files". That was all I was asking for, but instead I get this 
attitude like I failed to take advice (sigh)

I've been following this thread (mostly for its Jerry Springer'esq 
qualities) and I saw where you stumbled. The documentation in v1 is far 
from perfect, but if you'd actually read around a bit more then you'd 
have figured out exactly what was going on.

Actually, I *did* exactly that. My only complaint was that I had to hunt 
at random through files I never imagined containing what I wanted. If 
someone had grasped that I was 'not getting it' they could have just 
pointed me where I needed to go. Not saying they were obliged to do so, 
but I am saying they shouldn't treat their failure to do so with the 
attitude that they did 'enough' to help.

The *only* place in 1.* where the syntax used in the rlm_exec example 
exists is in the users file.

Actually, to the uninitated, that is NOT true. Within the module 
definitions in the radiusd.conf there are numerous 'assignements' of 
values to 'variables' that look remarkably similar to attribute 
assignments. Only once it has been *explained* would I realize that there 
is something special about the users file 'assignments'. And again, I 
point out that the syntax of assigning an executable to an attribute is 
*not* given as an example in the users file. If only it had been, then I 
would have figured it all out without this mess.

But then again, I would also have been using an older technique.

But you're not a user, you're a sysadmin/developer. It's assumed that 
you'll have a modicum of initiative.

Certainly. I *did* find my answer on my own. (smile)

This is the stumbling point. I thought I had looked in all the obvious and 
relevant documents. And enough of them were lacking in detail that I don't 
think anyone can fairly say I didn't bother to look for my answer before I 
posted my question. And that's why I get angry when people just say I was 
offered lots of options. No, not really. They were only options for 
someone who (and I know this happens) posts a question without having read 
*any* of the documentation. I had hoped my included syntax sample would 
have desmontrated that I had made progress. :) But really, if no one 
grasped that I was lacking that key concept, then how would they know to 
tell me where to look for what I wanted? So who is to blame there?

I don't always agree with Alans way of dealing with users on the list, 
but I understand why he's the way he is.

I understand it too. I just figur if he wants to be helpful, then he could 
try to understand how he wasn't. Yes, it is mostly *my* shortcoming, but 
when someone like me doesn't *know* he has a shortcoming, just saying 
'read the docs' or 'upgrade to 2.x' does not fix this error. I hope my 
comments lend themselves to increased awareness of ignorance and better 
handling of it.

 In all honesty, I don't even know what 'EAP' is.
Extensible Authentication Protocol, it's the Authentication protocol used in 
802.1X (WPA-Enterprise etc...).


Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-15 Thread Charles Gregory

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, wrote:

Charles, this is an unpaid community support list. you are coming
across as a very angry person with no regard that the people
on this list arent paid to give you informaation which is probably
essential for you to actually do your work, get paid etc.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. The thing which makes me angry is 
not that people choose to be unhelpful. If Mr. DeKok really thinks I'm not 
worth his time and just doesn't answer my posts, then I have no problem 
with that. I end up doing exactly what I *did* do: I worked it out on my 

What angers me is when I get accused of doing things I didn't do, or of 
rejecting help I didn't receive. This can be subtle. If someone says 'go 
read the docs' am I 'rejecting' that suggestion when I believe I've 
alredy read all the relevant documentation I could find? It is even more 
angering when you consider that the original question was to ask where 
there might be more docs/examples At any point someone could have 
said, "did you look in /usr/shar/docs/README. I'd feel like a dummy, but I 
would have gotten an important clue about one way to do this. Instead, I 
read the man pages, and read the comments in the config files, and I'm 
sorry, but they were confusing to the point of being misleading.

I'm not asking that people correct docs for an old version, but please 
stop accusing me of failing to do my legwork or heed suggestions to read 
those docs when I've SAID I've done it already.

Yes, makes me quite angry. :)

if you'd actually like any help/advice in the future from the community 
its probably best that you realise we are all humans, we too suffer from 
undocumented bits (and then use the WIKI or the mailing list to 
disemminate such information) rather than make a big hoo haa out of such 
a piffling little issue and personally attack people.

Actually I'm making a big 'hoo haa' out of being personally attacked with 
these blatantly false claims. Someone with Mr. Dekok's (now) obvious 
knowledge and expertise should never say "I have no idea", like I had 
failed to even lay out the basic intent and method I was trying to use.
He made it sound like I had posted little or nothing about what I was 
trying to do. As near as you can get to lying about me as I think you can 
with a clever indirect statement. And yes, lying about me really angers 

one day you may need to real help regarding a feature or option

With respect, why would that be any different than now? That's my point 
about making the big fuss. If the people who *could* help don't reflect 
and refine their understanding of *how* they help, then even if I shut my 
mouth and was very polite, I would have no expectation of ever getting any 
help on anything that I could not look up myself in a man page or file.
Yes, I'm well aware that I could be shooting myself in the foot by 
angering the people who might help me, but they *weren't* helping, so 
really, I lose nothing. While I might stand to gain proper understanding 
of how I was not helped and by extension, help not only myself but anyone 
else in a similar 'newbie' position in future.

I can't predict the future but i can say the future is always more 
promising if you can look back and say you've never burnt your bridges.

To be honest, if I wanted to burn bridges I would just unsubscribe from 
the group. Burn and forget. No, I'm still hanging onto the assumption that 
the people who argue so passionately actually *do* care, and if I can 
convince them that they fell short in this case, and that not all the 
blame is mine, then maybe that will be of lasting benefit, rather than 
leaving things at the status quo, where a certain percentage of people 
just don't get help (even though others think they are).

Thanks for your thoughts Alan. I know I'm an angry argumentative person, 
but I always do so with the intent to make things BETTER.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-15 Thread Charles Gregory

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, wrote:

one of the main issues is using a distro version of the code.

(nod) Once John mentioned a folder I just didn't have, the light came on 
(so to speak) :)

...they might have been dumped into somewhere like /usr/share/doc/radiusd
or somesuch.

(smile) Nope. But good thought.
Strictly speaking, all the information I needed was in the various
documentation files. I just made an error of presumption from the 'look'
of the code and examples and comments in the 'radiusd.conf' file

you can get v2.x for CentOS - read the WIKI - theres a repository for
it too so it will get updated with new versions.

Well, if I had been unable to make the existing package work, it was 
certainly an option. But it's better the way I have it now. :)

as for 'marking you down as yet another stubborn user' - well I thought
by singularly attacking the project leaader/manager you were wanting to
be thought of like that ;-)

I hope I don't set off another round of garbage with this comment, but 
quite honestly, he has an attitude I've never seen in a project leader. 
Usually they are the ones who have had years of experience dealing with 
newbies and *know* the stupid 2+2=3 mistakes that people like me can make, 
and would be the first one to say, "hey, dummy, that goes in the users 
file". But instead, I got. what I got.

I work in a similar capacity being both the developer/admin for our
internet service *and* the helpdesk. And the one thing I've learned in 
dealing with people on the phone is how differently all sorts of people 
will think, and how difficult some concepts are to get across even when 
they seem 'simple' and 'obvious' to me. It takes some time and patience, 
but I've learned to recognize the signs of the user who 'thinks 
differently' and know those special things I need to mention to get them 
back 'on track', and get them thinking the right way.

seriously though, most (if not all) support will be for 2.x now - as 
thats what most of us run - due to wanting the features, stability and 
speed (yes, lots of speed!) of the new version. we all used to run 1.x 
and deal with common/similar issueswe now run 2.x and do the same.

If I had 'issues' (aka problems) I would quite simply upgrade. It would 
not be worth my time or effort to try and fight with problematic old code. 
But FR is *not* problematic. It was just my understanding. I needed to 
know *how* to do what I wanted to do. It's always been my ignorance.
And I've not asked anyone to 'hand hold'. I just figured there had to be 
some working examples out there from the 1.x days.

 with EAP, 2.x is almost a must (unless you want your DB etc hit far 
too many times).

In all honesty, I don't even know what 'EAP' is. Maybe it could handle
some of what I want to do. I don't know. I have an existing perl script 
which until now has been functioning strictly as a stand-alone daemon 
handling radius log output, and sending disconnect commands directly to 
the NAS. Now we want to set Session-Timeout and eliminate that 'timing' 
aspect of the script. But all the database handling, time quota management 
and so on are already coded. I'm just adapting an existing script to work 
as a module.

And I've figured out how radius handles that, so I think I'm okay.
The rest of this discussion generally boils down to the helpdesk geek in 
me analyzing why the people with the knowledge couldn't seem to 
communicate that knowledge clearly to the newbie ignoramus (me).

If I were genuinely lazy and hadn't read a single doc file, then maybe
there would be a legitimate complaint that I should 'go read docs', but I 
indicated right up front that I had read docs, searched archives and so 
on. I was hoping someone would say "did you look in the doc/README" or 
something similar that would point me to the doc with the information that 
I needed. But it didn't happen. (sigh)

But if people (particularly Mr. DeKok) are going to have this attitude 
that amounts to "we tried to help but you ignored us" then I think that 
serves no one. The next person along with the same lack of comprehension 
will be no better helped than I was. But if the people with the knowledge 
admit that their 'help' did not suit the target audience, and that it 
needs to be clearer and more specific, then future inquiries like mine 
will be met with a clearer and helpful response.

That's what I hope for. That people who mean to help really do help.
I have my answer. My problem is solved. I can jsut walk away. But that 
doesn't help the next person who falls over the same shortfall in the old 
docs. If nothing else, I will be here to help them if I see their post. :)

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-14 Thread Charles Gregory

On Sun, 14 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

Charles Gregory wrote:

Five or six huh? Quote them.

 1) Read my messages.

That's rich coming from you.

  The text you *deleted* pointed you to documentation for the 
"users" file, and the SQL module.

Speaking of 'not reading' didn't you catch my comment that the users file 
and its documentation contains NOTHING about exec? So the 'option' may 
have been offered, but of course, I was talking about options that had the 
faintest chance of pointing me in the right direction.

As for SQL, it's utterly irrelvant. Writing the script is not my issue.
I just needed to find the right syntax to call it.

 2) See the examples in the "users" file.  It contains MANY examples
of setting values for attributes.

Well, let's pretend for a moment that the information is actually in the 
users file or its docs, care to quote where someone said "the instructions 
for 'exec' are in the users file"? Oh, and this makes #1 and #2 the same 
advice. Repeating bad advice is not five or six OPTIONS.

 The *hope* is that readers can put 2+2 together.  i.e. the "exec"
 modules does NOT contain documentation about how to configure all of
 the other modules

Actually, the flaw I've noticed is that it *partially* contains just 
that. If it had no example of usage at all, but just how to 'code' it, I 
would have then started looking for another file where it was 'used'.

 3) buy support.

Oh ho! So sarcastic screw-me-if-I-don't-want-to-pay is an option?
Nice one. I think I'll be charitable and give you this one. But it's 
really not something I could type into a config file, is it

 4) upgrade to 2.x.

I said you could skip that one. But I can tell you're struggling to back 
up these ludicrous statements you keep making, so I'll forgive you.

 5) install 1.0.x from *source* and look at the examples you were told
to look at.

Uh, actually, I thought of *that* one on my own after people kept 
insisting that #2 should have helped. And really, it's not another 
'option' for me to try, it was just helping me find #2. And it wasn't 
suggested I try the source until AFTER I had figured it out on my own.

OH, and as a side note, I just double-checked the 'users' file and the
users man page, and NEITHER of them contain the word 'exec' ANYWHERE in
any context or usage. So WHERE exactly was I supposed to find the
instructions to do what I wanted to do?

 The "exec" module.

Well, let's look for the documentation for the exec module.
r...@york/data/temp/freeradius-1.0.1/doc> ls -a
.  MACOSX rlm_digest
.. Makefile   rlm_eap
00-OLD misc-nas   rlm_fastusers
aaa.txtmodule_interface   rlm_krb5
Acct-Type  OS2rlm_ldap
ascend performance-testingrlm_pam
Autz-Type  Post-Auth-Type rlm_passwd
bayprocessing_users_file  rlm_python
bugs   proxy  rlm_sim_triplets
ChangeLog  RADIUS-LDAP.schema rlm_sql
cisco  RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema   rlm_sqlcounter
coding-methods.txt RADIUS-SQL.schema  rlm_x99_token
configurable_failover  radrelay   Session-Type
CVSREADME Simultaneous-Use
CYGWIN release-method.txt supervise-radiusd.txt
DIFFS  rfctuning_guide
ldap_howto.txt rlm_dbm

OH well I guess when I was asking someone to help point me in the 
right direction maybe I was just asking if someone could tell me WHICH of 
these files contains that exec module description. The README file 
contains descriptions for 'exec-program'. I suppose *that* would have 
sufficed. Though again, with the warnings about it being deprecated, I 
preferred to use the exec module.

Did you *really* think that there was an attributed called 
"Attribute-Name", as suggested in the comments for the exec module?

Oh yes, absolutely! I take everything I read absolutely literally 100%.
How could you think anything else? Uh, unless of course you read my 
attempted syntax in my first posting. Oh wait you did, you're just

trying to be funny... or something

  But you *didn't* put 2+2 together, and edit the *users* file 
examples containing Session-Timeout to use the same `%{exec:..` text.

The users file does not contain any examples of *executable* code.
Not objecting to this clever use of the file, but for an old progreammer 
conditioned to keep his data and his code separate, and an obvious 
'section' in the radiusd.conf to defin

Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-14 Thread Charles Gregory

On Sun, 14 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

Charles Gregory wrote:

No, I'm offended that you can say things like you have "NO IDEA" when
clearly anyone who read my first post would know what I was asking.

 Yes, but you were given 5-6 options for solving the problem.

Five or six huh? Quote them. Paraphrase them. And don't just lamely say 
"check the archives" because I did that when I double-checked that you 
'had no idea'. I've been up and down this thread a few times now. And 
there is NO posting with clear code like the one I posted in my 'solved' 
post Just pedantic demands I upgrade, and vague "look at the docs".

OH, and as a side note, I just double-checked the 'users' file and the 
users man page, and NEITHER of them contain the word 'exec' ANYWHERE in 
any context or usage. So WHERE exactly was I supposed to find the 
instructions to do what I wanted to do? Yes, yes, version 2.x But 
given my constraints, 'read the docs' was utterly useless.

I await your QUOTE of '5 or 6' options. I'll presume one of them was to 
upgrade to 2.x so you can skip that one

 Is a result, I have *no* idea what you were trying to do.

Oh, so now it's a word game. You knew what I was trying to do but confused 
by the manner in which I was trying to do it? Didn't that clue in the big 
expert that someone had badly misinterpreted the documentation and was 
trying to do something WRONG and should have been told how to do it 
right? Did it occur to you that at the start of this thread I had never 
heard of 'wait program exec'? It's not mentioned in my users file docs.

Was that ever in version 1.x? I wouldn't know.

If you were trying to solve the problem you *claimed*, the existing 
documentation and examples should have been sufficient.

THEY WEREN'T. That's the whole point. I was asking for MORE. Examples.
A working script and config that did what I wanted. If someone asked this 
question now, I would post my half dozen lines from my config, saying, 
this is one way to do it and be DONE.

Instead, it was clear that you were trying to do nearly everything 
*except* follow the suggestions on this list, or the examples and 
documentation shipped with the server.

WHICH examples? NAME THEM. I only found ONE after John (?) pointed out I 
was missing a file. And even that one uses a method that is described as 
deprecated in the code.

Look, you want to dance this dance, I'm game. But you are going to have to 
face the fact that (1) I'M NEW AT THIS, so don't presume I have that 
benefit of context. (2) The documentation in 1.x was obviously 
inadequate, so saying 'look in the docs' is utterly useless unless somehow 
you expected me to read every single doc file in HOPES of finding the one 
file that describes exec.

Really, why weren't the docs in the radiusd.conf or users documentation?
You say you wrote this stuff. How could you leave something out (and then 
act like it was always there and I failed to read it)?

- C
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-13 Thread Charles Gregory

On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

and yet you're frustrated that I'm explaining the *reasons* behind my

No, I'm offended that you can say things like you have "NO IDEA" when 
clearly anyone who read my first post would know what I was asking.

It's one step short of outright *lying* to win your arguments.

Oh, I did spot your name all over the docs. Not withstanding this 
quirk for bad argument, there's no denying the software itself does

an excellent job. Now that I know how to do what I want to do, it
is working wonderfully. Thanks for that, at least.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-13 Thread Charles Gregory

On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Ivan Kalik wrote:

. I'm really thinking that CentOS screwed up some documentation

Could be. They might have packaged server core without examples. ..
If you want you can download and unpack your version tarball from the
freeradius site

Just because I am tenacious, I did this, and lo and behold, there is that 
'scripts' directory you mentioned (sigh)

If you are planning on working with certificates you can download the
current version and use routines in raddb/certs to create certificates.

Thanks but my needs are really, really basic. Just a custom timer program 
that I needed to integrate with radius to send that Session-Timeout. 
So all's well that ends well. :)

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-13 Thread Charles Gregory

On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

 No... I had NO IDEA what you were trying to do.

I had gotten the impression that you don't read posts thoroughly,
and this only reinforces that perception. My very first post said:

   I've been cruising the archives and pages and don't quite see
   what I am looking for. I am hoping someone can point me to a nice
   simple HOWTO or MAN page for specifying an 'exec' script
   in radiusd.conf that will set the Session-Timeout and return
   it to the NAS.

   I'm thinking:
   Session-Timeout := %{exec:timecalc}

It clearly conveys my intention and my first attempt at code.
So with (dwindling) respect, if you can't get the IDEA from that
then you really are a serious waste of time.

Tell you what. You write me off as another stubborn stupid individual who 
cannot see the 'common sense' in using the latest version of software, and 
I will write you off as someone who cannot appreciate that people who 
installed a piece of software when it was NEW would like to keep using 
that software as long as it fulfills the needs of the system in a stable 
secure fashion. I apologize for my ignorance, but not for sticking with

something that works.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Ivan Kalik wrote:

Nothing to give. You already have it in scripts/exec-program-wait.

I do not have a directory named 'scripts'. And the only reference to
'exec-program-wait' is in the comments of 'experimental.conf' as something 
that a 'perl' rlm can 'replace'. I'm really thinking that CentOS screwed 
up some documentation

 #  Attribute-Name = `%{exec:/path/to/program args}`
Notice the complete lack of instruction as to WHERE I would use that

Well, you don't have to be a genius to figure out where does something
like Attribute = value goes.

Well, whatever I needed to be, I'm not. (weak grin)
Does executable syntax belong in the users file?
Or is there some other place in the radiusd.conf that is obvious
to you but not to me?

... simply listing module name in the configuration (like you have
"discovered") also works - just like with any other module.

(nod) As I said, something *else* was preventing it from functioning
the first time I tried it... (sigh)

Go and read the example script included with the server and then come 
back and eat your words.

WHAT # "EXAMPLE SCRIPT"? And if someone finally tells me where it 
is (in vers. 1.x) then why should I eat my words for getting the thing I 
kept ASKING for?

You know, I won't call this whole thing *your* fault if it turns out that 
CentOS put in a crippled installation missing examples

But it ain't mine either

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

Well, keeping in mind that this is now a philosphical discussion...

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

Charles Gregory wrote:

I did try to follow the oft-quoted (almost shoved down my throat)
example, right from the comments within the config file
postauth {
   Session-Timeout := `%{exec:/usr/local/etc/timecalc %{User-Name}}`

 No... that won't work.  The examples given to you weren't like that.

Well, firstly, no one *gave* me 'examples', they said just to look in my 
radiusd.conf, and secondly, yes, it's exactly 'like that':

#  put 'exec' into the 'instantiate' section.  You can then
#  do dynamic translation of attributes like:
#  Attribute-Name = `%{exec:/path/to/program args}`
#  The value of the attribute will be replaced with the output

Notice the complete lack of instruction as to WHERE I would use that
syntax Both in the comments AND from you, I might add

 No.  The 2.x documentation describes how it's used, and where it's

What part of "I'm using 1.x" did you not get? If nothing else, this 
statement proves that you were wrong to tell me to look in my 1.x config 
files for the documentation which you now say is only in the 2.x files.

 Even in 1.x, the radiusd.conf file contained an example module "echo"
that did this.

And it's 'example' of usage was:

#  This is a more general example of the execute module.
#  This one is called "echo".
#  Attribute-Name = `%{echo:/path/to/program args}`
#  If you wish to execute an external program in more than

So there again is this "usage" that gives no hint of WHERE it is used.
Certainly not in the sections of radiusd.conf where the newbie (me)
would expect commands to go. You know, a post-auth command in the 
post-auth section. I get the feeling that this comment is a holdover 
from some earlier version of FR where the *only* place one could assign 
attributes was in the user file, or something like that, so there was no 
'need' to define where syntax like that was used (shrug)

 While the documentation isn't perfect, a lot of this *is* documented.
And a lot of the unhelpful answers on this list are instructing people
to read the documentation.

And so, hopefully after posting all this garbage yet again, and quoting, I 
hope sufficiently, you can see that I *did* read all the comments in the 
config file, and what you THINK is there really is not there.

- Charles
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Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

 Sure.  We'll wait.
 Alan DeKok.


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SOLVED Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Ivan Kalik wrote:

Work what out?

Finally got my 1.x Session-Time script working (as an exec module). The 
really strange thing is that it is working *exactly* as I first thought
I should be doing it!!! (see below) I can only guess that somewhere along 
the way I had a linux permissions issue with scripts or files, and 
thosee got fixed while I was changing things and testing

Here's how it works for me:

I define the exec instance named 'timecalc'
(I've line-wrapped the program line that belongs all on one line)

  exec timecalc {
 wait = yes
 program = "/usr/local/etc/radius_timecalc
 input_pairs = request
 output_pairs = reply

Note that the 'packet_type:' has NOT been specified. That
may have been one of the things blocking execution

I then coded the command to execute it in post-auth

  post-auth {

The 'timecalc' perl script prints "Session-Time := 200\n" to standard output. 
And I made sure the script was group-executable by the radius user.

Yes, that simple. Could have sworn I tried that combo already.


I did try to follow the oft-quoted (almost shoved down my throat) example, 
right from the comments within the config file

postauth {
   Session-Timeout := `%{exec:/usr/local/etc/timecalc %{User-Name}}`

 but I kept getting this:
ERROR: Cannot find a configuration entry for module "Session-Timeout".

So I'm not sure why this syntax is offered up as "what to use". At the 
very least, perhaps the instruction is missing on WHERE to put that code.

I would think a module should somehow be called in the appropriate section
of the config file, as I've finally done it, but maybe the above syntax 
belongs somewhere else, like in the users file?

And sorry, but that thread about 'refresh variable after exec module'
did not actually contain any clear syntax examples. It appears *his* 
solution was to use 'wait-program-exec', which, according to what I

read, is a really old/deprecated way of doing things. And I *knew* that
I could do what I wanted to do. It was just figuring the syntax and
getting it right :)

So there you have it. And I thank the people who were doing there best to 
help me out, but really, if someone had just posted "try this" and the two 
sections of code at the top of this post, I would have *known* that was 
what was *supposed* to work, and would have looked for whatever permission 
bug was obviously the true culprit. As John rightly points out, the exec 
engine hasn't changed in a long time, so version level made no difference. 
It was just a matter of getting things right.

I hope this summary benefits others with CentOS or FreeRADIUS 1.0.x...

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

 The CentOS people answer questions about CentOS on the CentOS mailing
list.  That is the limit of their support.
 Similarly, the FreeRADIUS people answer questions about FreeRADIUS on
the freeradius-users list.

What do you mean by "people"? What *I* mean is not just the developers and 
volunteers, whose time is often quite precious, but the many USERS who 
have the package installed on many different systems. THAT is the strength 
of open source. All of *us* banding together. I don't just come to these 
groups asking questions. I answer them. You better believe that if I 'work 
it out for myself' I will be coming back to this list with a howto and 
examples for any other 1.x user who runs into the same situation that I 

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, John Dennis wrote:
BTW, the philosophy of RHEL (why it's "older"), the philosophy of Fedora (why 
it's bleeding edge) and CentOS is explained on the FreeRadius FAQ under Red 
Hat ( It's incumbent upon you when 
selecting an OS to install to comprehend the associated issues of that 

Firstly, thank you for the very thoughtful and well-worded reply.
Sadly, the problem I am complaining about here is that so many people
spend so much time providing answers like this one you gave, when I
ALREADY HAVE THAT ANSWER. I'd already read all the FAQ's, and so on.

I quoted your above paragraph because it is central to my thinking.
I made a CHOICE. I was constrained by budget to 'free' software.
But I could have still chosen Debian or another 'newer' OS.
I CHOSE CentOS for it's *simplicity* and stability. I KNEW I was also 
choosing to have fewer/older features. I had (and have) the option to 
upgrade if it is necessary. But where possible, I try to work within the 
'basic' framework of this easily understood 'basic' OS and environment, 
so that for potential future volunteers life will be simpler. I really 
believe that the problem here is my understanding of FreeRADIUS. It is 
NOT a 'shortcoming' of version 1.x (at least I can't imagine why it would 
be). All I need is a bit of advice or a pointer to a 1.x-specific 

So if I have any legitimate complaint against the "FreeRADIUS team" it is 
only that with versions so 'close together' in time, there really should 
either be a repository of documents applying to 1.x (similar to how Apache 
mainatains its separate document trees for 1.x and 2x), or in the 'main' 
documentation, there 'should' be those little footnotes that say "applies 
to 2.1 and later" in the descriptions of commands. I put 'should' in 
quotes, because I recognize that sometimes volunteers don't have time to 
do these things, and I always try not to sound like I'm 'demanding' on

the time of other volunteers.

But yes, John, I *knew* what I was choosing. This is one reason I get so 
incensed by people who clutter a group with replies that tell me I made a 
bad choice. Not that their opinions 'hurt' me directly, but I am concerned 
that people are hanging on the fringes, and perhaps have an answer to my 
questions, but they see an 'official-sounding' response, and maybe they 
think they're not "supposed" or "allowed" to answer questions about 
earlier versions.. Sounds silly, I know, but people are like that. :)

Thank you John!

- Charles

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Re: [rad] Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-12 Thread Charles Gregory

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:

Charles Gregory wrote:
But CentOS is supposedly still a 'supported' OS, so I think it's fair 
to ask simple 'how to' questions for that environment.

 Centos supports their OS.  This list answers questions about FreeRADIUS.

Quite right. CentOS supports their OS, not the component packages. So I 
cannto ask *them* a FreeRADIUS question. They tell me to come HERE.

Now, in the spirit of the sarcasm with which your comment was offered,
I reply, gee, I think I *am* on the wrong list.

I am looking for a FreeRADIUS *USERS* forum. Obivously, with FreeRADIUS 
1.x in wide deployment in RHEL and CentOS there HAS to be a 'community' 
of 1.x users, or at the least a community of FreeRADIUS users who, even 
if they have migrated to later versions themselves, still *remember* the 
basic syntax of a version of FreeRADIUS that they must have been using 
*very* recently (for anyone getting a decent life-expectancy out of 
servers and OS's, three years is 'recent'). I had thought that *this* 
forum would have many people like this. But maybe people only come here 
for 'bleeding edge' stuff. If so, could someone be kind enough to direct 
me to the FreeRADIUS community/forum where 1.x is still discussed and


Everything is easier and better in 2.1.

So, at the risk of sounding like a whiner, why the *HECK* am I stuck with 
something "not easier and better" in a CURRENT release? Why do you LET 
RedHat use the old version if it is so unsupported?

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-11 Thread Charles Gregory

On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, John Dennis wrote:

No you're not stuck with an old 1.x.

Go read the thread "Version... Version..."...

I posted that thread partly in anticipation that when I started to ask 
for help with my 'standard' CentOS FreeRadius, people with the luxury of 
installing from source or other 'bleeding edge' would immediately start 
nagging me about how and where to install new versions.

Begging pardon, but we installed CentOS with a *principle* in mind, to 
have a simple common *base* installation. I see no reason to use a new 
version unless the version I have does not have the features I need. I've 
already got my radius executing one script, so its not like it doesn't run 
scripts at all. I just need to get the right syntax. So thank you, if you 
don't know the answer to the question. But CentOS is supposedly still a 
'supported' OS, so I think it's fair to ask simple 'how to' questions for 
that environment.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-11 Thread Charles Gregory

Okay, I'm banging my head up against the expected proverbial wall.
Please remember I'm stuck with old 1.x version. on Centos

I'm trying to get a script to execute and set the 'Session-Timeout'
value. I've defined the script thusly:

exec timecalc {
wait = yes
program = "/usr/local/etc/radius_timecalc %{User-Name}..."
input_pairs = request
output_pairs = reply
# packet_type = Access-Accept

(I've tried it with and without the packet_type)

I've tried placing just "timecalc" into the post-auth and 
alternately the auth sections. I don't get any errors,

but the script does not run... (I have the script touch a file
to prove it runs, and it doesn't happen).

I tried using the sytax:
 update reply {
And also tried:
 update reply {
  Session-Time := "200"

and got 'rcode' errors under post-auth and 'syntax' errors in auth.
I might have mised a magic combination.

Anyone care to tell me the exact syntax for making this script run
on an access-accept?

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: Change of Authorization (RFC 3576 / 5176)

2009-06-11 Thread Charles Gregory

On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Ivan Kalik wrote:

Interesting, but I agree I don't like the bandwidth implications.
I would only have used them if they were already occuring by default.

You would normaly use radius *client* to send CoA for administrative 
event (like this one).

I read about that, but it requires that I have radius 'track' accounting
sessions. A layer of complexity that doesn't justify the occasional use.

Thanks for the help!

- C
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Re: [rad] Re: Change of Authorization (RFC 3576 / 5176)

2009-06-11 Thread Charles Gregory

On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

If I'm reading Alan's post correctly, freeradius supports CoA packets,
but you need to write your own rule/policy to send it. For
over-bandwidth scenario, the rule should be while examining
interim-update acct packets...

I've never heard of these... How often are they sent to a radius server 
during a dialup call (AS5400)? Into what section could I put a script so 
that it triggers only on interim updates? I wouldn't mind being able to 
dynamically extend a caller's session if they buy more time online

- Charles
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Version... version...

2009-06-06 Thread Charles Gregory

Hello all!

On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, Tim Sylvester wrote:

You should use the latest version of FreeRADIUS...

Not picking on Tim or freeradius in particular, but when I post to various 
lists looking for advice on various pieces of software, I often run into 
the advice to upgrade to the latest version, instead of sticking with the 
default version that comes with CentOS. It makes sense. Sometimes the 
desired feature or solution to a bug is in the newer version.

BUT I have a question then: As per the FAQ's, if there is a critical bug 
in my CentOS version of software, it will still be patched ('back 
ported'), and it will get automatically updated by running the 'yum 
update' function. So, if I manually upgrade to the latest (just for 
example) freeradius, then will yum continue to update this new software 
with patches and bug fixes? My first feeling is that the answer is 'no' - 
once I install the new version I will thereafter be responsible for 
manually keeping 'watch' for bug fixes and updates.

So unless I'm wrong, and yum can/will track updates on a new version of 
software, then it makes more sense to stay with the 'supported' version, 
even if it is a bit (or very) old. Yes? No?

Thanks as always.

- Charles
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Re: [rad] Re: pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-05 Thread Charles Gregory

Hello again!

Sorry, maybe I should take 'pseudo' out of the subject line...
Firstly, MY BAD. I forgot to post that I'm on CentOS 4, and therefore
limited to whatever syntax applies to "freeradius-1.0.1-3.RHEL4.5"
Hopefully what I want to do is so 'basic' it doesn't change :)

Secondly, anyone noticed that the basic MAN pages are hard to find on the 
website? I happened to click the link to 'modular' on the home page and 
found a link to man pages at the bottom of that page. So at least now I 
can see the full list of manuals and start to RTFM. :)

On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, wrote:

I'm thinking:
Session-Timeout := %{exec:timecalc}

pretty much

Actually, I can't find a good working example from which to lift
the exact syntax. Is the above correct? Should I use back ticks?
I really don't want hand-holding, but sometimes a good working sample
is worth a thousand posts. :)

 you need to set this via the update reply style as
recently posted several times this past month to the list

(nod) Found the posts... thanks...

post-auth section - thats where you should set any return details

(nod) Good point. Thanks. Said I was newb. :)

Hmmm. While I'm here, if I set Session-Timeout to ZERO, what will happen?

;-)  it should mean there is no session timeout (ie infinite session)

(smack forehead) Didn't think of that. But I can set a timeout of one 
second and that will do the job of dropping someone who is out of time. 
Probably better that way so that they don't get a message that their 
userid and password are invalid.

Or is there a reply item that a Cisco AS5400 would pass on to the
dialing (probably) Windows PPP and have it display a meaningful
"you are out of time" message to the user during auth?
(Dare I dream? LOL)


- Charles
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pseudo-newbie exec scripts and session-time

2009-06-04 Thread Charles Gregory


I've been cruising the archives and pages and don't quite see
what I am looking for. I am hoping someone can point me to a nice
simple HOWTO or MAN page for specifying an 'exec' script
in radiusd.conf that will set the Session-Timeout and return
it to the NAS.

I'm thinking:
Session-Timeout := %{exec:timecalc}

Or something like that. Also, where exactly should this go in the
'authorize' section? I'm presuming at the end, but have found no

Our dialups have a couple of diffrent time parameters, including
a user-option file, so while I appreciate any info on the radius
'counter' function, I don't think it will meet all my needs.

Hmmm. While I'm here, if I set Session-Timeout to ZERO, what will happen?

Thanks in advance!

- Charles
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