Re: Freeradius and MySQL

2004-11-28 Thread Keith Yoder
Stefan escreveu:
I've successfully set up my freeradius to lookup the users in MySql.
I've two questions:
1. Is it possible to configure the RADIUS Clients in MySql too?

There is a nas table in the db schema now but I don't know how it works.
2. would it be possible to write specific RADIUS Attributes into the
accounting db? In some cases, I will get VSAs, which I have to keep for some
days. In the text file accounting, I can find them.

You can modify the standard accounting table and queries (in the 
sql.conf file) to include any attribute you nas returns in the 
accounting requests.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: MYSQL Accounting Table Size?

2004-10-04 Thread Keith Yoder
cris boisvert escreveu:
My Mysql database is about 50 megs right now.. because of the accounting
How large  does most people let it get before rolling it?

My radacct table is over 500 MB / 1.3 million records right now.  For 
now I'm just letting it grow.  Make sure you have plenty of RAM though.  
If not, the database will become slow to query / insert and radius will 
stop dropping packets.

Keith Yoder
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Re: MYSQL Accounting Table Size?

2004-10-04 Thread Keith Yoder
cris boisvert escreveu:
I got 4 gigs of ram.. I hope its enough..

I've only got 1 so you should be fine.
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Re: Expiration module

2004-09-22 Thread Keith Yoder
Van Deuren Joris escreveu:
Who can tell me in a few lines what the function of the expiration 
module is?
How does it work?

I'm not sure if there is a module or not but I use the Expiration 
attribute to automatically expire logins at a certain time (or date).

For example, you can use Expiration := 23 Sep 2004 and the user will 
no longer be able to connect at 00:00 (midnight) on September 23rd, 
2004.  If you want a certain time (other than midnight) you can do 
this:  Expiration := 23 Sep 2004 12:00.  Someone might want to correct 
my syntax here??  The nas will receive a Session-Timeout attribute 
calculated to kick the user off when the Expiration time occurs.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: Not authenticating only bad guys

2004-09-13 Thread Keith Yoder
Mike Markowski escreveu:
For a very open wireless network, we'd like to allow everyone
to connect unless we know the MAC is a bad guy.  That is, if
the MAC address is *in* the postgres db, don't authenticate.  If
it's not in the db, authenticate.
Can anyone think of a way to do this, or will I need to
tweak the code?

It depends on how your AP sends the MAC address to the radius server.  
In our case it's in the CallingStationId attribute.  In the users file 
you can do this:

DEFAULT Calling-Station-Id == 00:00:00:00:00:00, Auth-Type := Reject
DEFAULT Auth-Type := Accept
You can also do this with SQL tables but you have to modify the default 

Hope that helps.
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Re: please assist in time limit

2004-09-03 Thread Keith Yoder
Edgars escreveu:
ok, will it work also in sucha case - at 16.59 user is still logged in 
and browsing the internet with full power. Will this you described 
stop his nicely browsing at 17?

this is the second type of  time counter i want to made:)
There is a much easier solution:  The Login-Time attribute.  You can set 
a record in your db like this:  Login-Time := Al0900-1700 and your 
user will be authenticated from 9:00 - 17:00 and as long as your nas 
supports the Session-Timeout attribute (almost all should) he will be 
disconnected at 17:00.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: Rejecting CallingStationId

2004-09-01 Thread Keith Yoder
I could ban or reject a specific CallingStationID? , the only examples I seen is on a 
specific user or group of users, on file /etc/users


and I think it worked just fine, the question now is, I could have this Called, and 
Calling stations id in a sql table, so my script for blocking/baning Called or Calling 
would be in a sql table and not restart radius each time I add a new rule on users file


I changed the default SQL queries to do this.  I'll try to explain how 
(using MySQL).

First I created a table to store the bad CallingStationIDs.
CREATE TABLE `bad_callingstationids` (
 `CALLINGSTATIONID` varchar(18) NOT NULL default '',
 `OBSERVATION` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
Then I changed the authorize_check_query in the sql.conf file to this:
SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op
FROM ${authcheck_table} LEFT JOIN bad_callingstationids ON 
'%{Calling-Station-Id}' = bad_callingstationids.CALLINGSTATIONID
WHERE Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND 
bad_callingstationids.CALLINGSTATIONID IS NULL ORDER BY id

Hope that's understandable,
Keith Yoder
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Re: raddb/users, having OR conditions

2004-08-25 Thread Keith Yoder

I'm sorry if this is a basic question here.  I just set up freeradius,
using it to authenticate to network devices (instead local auth).  I got
it up almost fine.  In my raddb/users file, i have the following:
test Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == test, Simultaneous-Use :=
10, Calling-Station-Id ==
   Service-Type = Login,
I understand that in the first line i can set up conditions, separated
by commas which all have to be true to permit login.  How can i set up
an OR condition?  I'm thinking about letting more IP-s in via radius,
not only allowing login from ip

You can use regular expressions.  The =~ operator indicates this.  For 

test Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == test, Simultaneous-Use :=
10, Calling-Station-Id =~ (|
   Service-Type = Login,
Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: Time-session limits and Time-of-day restrictions.

2004-06-23 Thread Keith Yoder

 I was reading on Mailing List about a new (at least for me) attribute
 'login-time' is this an standard? It is not shown in RFC2865 as a
 standard radius attribute, Is it supported by a new RFC?

 Moreover, I am implementing a web-based admin tool for freeradius, an
 specific solution for an Ecuadorian ISP, and I need Supporting for:

 1. Time-session limits.
 2. Time-of-day login restrictions depending of customer.

 What solutions can you recommend?

Login-Time is an attribute that the server uses to decide if the user gets
rejected or not.  It will work with any nas.

By time-session limits, do you mean that a user will be disconnected after x
time?  If so, you can use the Session-Timeout attribute.  In this case the
nas has to support it but I would imagine that almost all do.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder

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Re: Is it possible to use the MAC as the key

2004-06-22 Thread Keith Yoder

I was wondering if it is possible to tell the Freeradius to use the MAC
addr. as a validating key?
I would like to store all my clients MAC addr. in a db, and use it as a
backend for Freeradius, then when the clients starts, the AP sends the
clients MAC addr. to Freeradius and the MAC addr. is used as a token for

Yes this is possible.  You just need to find out where (what attribute) the
AP puts the MAC in the request.  It might be in Calling-Station-Id.  Then
you can treat it just like a password.

Keith Yoder

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Re: post-auth

2004-06-14 Thread Keith Yoder
Andrea Gabellini escreveu:
I'm using the post-auth section to log user's attempt. Is it possible, 
in case of REJECT, to log the full description of the rejection 
instead of the useless 'Access-Reject' string?

I added a message field to the table and use the following query:
INSERT into ${postauth_table} (id, user, pass, reply, message, date, 
callingstationid) values ('', '%{User-Name}', '%{User-Password}', 
'%{reply:Packet-Type}', REPLACE(REPLACE('%{reply:Reply-Message}', 
'=5Cr', ''), '=5Cn', ''), NOW(), '%{Calling-Station-Id}')

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: User ID Password

2004-06-05 Thread Keith Yoder

vpopmail is used to add UID  PW and the data is stored in vpopmail DB in
MySQL. Now freeRADIUS also uses UID  PW to authenticate and has its own
data structure. I like to know if there is a way so that user data is stored
in one table in MySQL so vpopmail and freeRADIUS can access the same

With vpopmail you can't change the db schema or queries but you CAN with 
Freeradius.  I would suggest altering the Freeradius queries in sql.conf 
to pull data from the vpopmail table.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: Calculating Remaining Time for Session-Timeout

2004-06-01 Thread Keith Yoder
You'll want to use the rlm_sqlcounter module.  You can set a 
Max-All-Session = 36000 to limit a user to 10 hours of total access for 
example.  FreeRadius will calculate how much time was used and set the 
Session-Timeout attribute automatically.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
Rick Smith escreveu:
OK, I have several Mikrotik based hotspots out there.  They auth users
via RADIUS.  I'm now running FreeRadius 1.0.0.
I right now can auth users on them via FreeRadius - works great - and
I'm using MySQL which is even better.
Only problem is, right now they all get non-expiring sessions when they
paid for half-hour increments :)
Mikrotik expects Session-Timeout back as a clue on when to kick the
user to pay for more time.
How do I tell FreeRadius that User x bought 15 minutes on a hotspot,
and tell Mikrotik to kick him when his time's up ?
I understand about putting the Session-Timeout value in the radcheck
table - that works.   Just need to figure out how to update that
Session-Timeout value every time the user logs in and out 

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Re: Calculating Remaining Time for Session-Timeout

2004-06-01 Thread Keith Yoder
Rick Smith escreveu:
I know the rlm_sqlcounter module is there.
I just need to find an example on how to set up FreeRadius to use it.

/doc/rlm_sqlcounter tells you everything you need to know.
Keith Yoder
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Re: Ldap-Group, Login-Time not working?

2004-05-31 Thread Keith Yoder

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == sundayonly, Login-Time = 2000-0500, 
Auth-Type := LDAP
Fall-Through = Yes

I believe you want a Login-Time attribute like this: Al2000-0500 for 
all days of the week between 20:00 and 5:00.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: Ldap-Group, Login-Time not working?

2004-05-31 Thread Keith Yoder
Gavin White escreveu:
DEFAULT Ldap-Group == sundayonly, Login-Time = 2000-0500, 
Auth-Type := LDAP
Fall-Through = Yes

Okay, looking at this more closely I think you need to use the := 
operator because this is a check item.

Try Login-Time := Al2000-0500
Keith Yoder
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Re: Login-Time attribute

2004-05-22 Thread Keith Yoder
Alan DeKok escreveu:
Keith Yoder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems as if Freeradius only recognizes the first Wk setting.  The 
user can login from 7:30 - 8:30 but not from 15:30 - 18:30.  Is this 
expected behaviour (only one time setting per day)?  If not, how can I 
set up this limit?

 It should work.  If it doesn't, I would suggest going through the
code with a debugger, to see what's going on.
 Alan DeKok.

Okay, I went digging through the code and found the solution.  There are 
two operators, , and |, that can separate Day definitions.  If I use 
a comma, Freeradius ignores the second day definition.  Using a | 
everything works as expected.  As a reminder:

Wk0730-0830,Wk1530-1830 -- only authenticates between 0730 and 0830 any 
day of the week.
Wk0730-0830|Wk1530-1830 -- authenticates between 0730 and 0830 and from 
1530-1830 which is what I wanted :)

Maybe the /doc/README file should be updated to describe this behavior?
Keith Yoder
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Login-Time attribute

2004-05-18 Thread Keith Yoder
Hello all,
I have a user that is allowed access from 7:30 - 8:30 and from 15:30 - 
18:30 on weekdays.  I have configured the Login-Time attribute like this:

It seems as if Freeradius only recognizes the first Wk setting.  The 
user can login from 7:30 - 8:30 but not from 15:30 - 18:30.  Is this 
expected behaviour (only one time setting per day)?  If not, how can I 
set up this limit?

Keith Yoder
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Re: accept Simultaneous-use from specific router

2004-04-27 Thread Keith Yoder

Dear all:

I had free radius server 0.9.3 running and every thing is going will, and
the Simultaneous-use is working fine, I defined the Simultaneous-use to be
1, but I want to be allowed to skip simultaneous-use check when the radius
request come from a specific router.
Can I do that?
Is it doable or not? If yes how can I do it?

Really if there I can do it will help me very much.

Thank for the help.

Yes, that is possible.  How you do it depends on what you're using to store
check and reply attributes.  If you're using the users file it could be done
like this:

DEFAULT Nas-Ip-Address != aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, Simultaneous-Use := 1
   Fall-Through = 1

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder

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Re: How to specify more than one SQL query in SQL.CONF

2004-04-16 Thread Keith Yoder

Hi All,

I can see accounting_update_query in SQl.conf which updates RADACCT
My question is can I specify more than one query here.
I want to decrement SESSION_TIMEOUT in RERPLY by min each time I receive
Accounting update packets.
So is it possible to Write .
accounting_update_query = 
(UPDATE ${acct_table1} SET FramedIPAddress = '%{Framed-IP-Address}',
AcctSessionTime = '%{Acct-Session-Time}', AcctInputOctets =
'%{Acct-Input-Octets}', AcctOutputOctets = '%{Acct-Output-Octets}'
WHERE AcctSessionId = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND UserName =
'%{SQL-User-Name}' AND NASIPAddress= '%{NAS-IP-Address}';	

I've tried to write multiple MySQL queries in one Freeradius statement 
and it didn't work for me.  In your case it seems you want to limit 
users time online (prepaid or something like that).  If that is the case 
it would be much easier for you to use the sqlcounter module to do this 
for you.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: rlm_sqlcounter is not working

2004-04-10 Thread Keith Yoder

sqlcounter monthlycounter {
   counter-name = Monthly-Session-Time
   check-name = Max-Monthly-Session
   sqlmod-inst = sqlcca3

Change that last line to:
sqlmod-inst = sql
There was a problem in the example file.  I think it's been fixed in the 
CVS head.  I once did the same thing :)

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Re: MySql and freeRadius

2004-03-24 Thread Keith Yoder
John Que escreveu:

As I understand , I must install the sources of MySql if I want to use 
rlm_sql in freeRadius
(and not install the rpm for mySql Server and client).
Actually, you can install the -devel rpms and that will allow you to 
compile the rlm_sql_mysql module.  This will make sure all the libraries 
and header files get to the right places.

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Re: Duplicate login

2004-03-10 Thread Keith Yoder
Bernie Liwanag escreveu:

Thanks for the reply I found that there are certain users that has
-00-00 00:00:00 value in their AcctstopTime in my SQL database.Unless I
change the the Simultaneous-Use = 2 they will not be able to login again. So
temporarily I changed the affected dialup users Simultaneous-Use = 2 until I
solved the issue.
What will I do to the radacct tables?Shall I delete the record of
AcctStopTime and AcctStartTime of all affected users?How will I do it?Please
Thanks again!


If you know the RadAcctId you can do this to each record that needs a 
stop time:

update radacct set AcctStopTime = NOW() where RadAcctId = yourRadAcctId

That will make it appear as if the user has logged out but you will 
still have record of at least the connection start time.

Keith Yoder

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Re: UPCASE all incoming passwords

2004-03-06 Thread Keith Yoder
David Lomax escreveu:

Has anyone ever configured the server to UPCASE all incoming 
access-request etc.
The database I am using was all in UPCASE so I want to UPCASE all 
incoming to match the DB

There is an option in the radius.conf file - lower_pass that converts 
the password the user types to lower case.  But you want upper case.  If 
you're using sql the sql.conf has examples of case insensitive queries 
to check passwords.

Hope that helps.
Keith Yoder
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Re: Special users only allowed to login to certain ras ports

2004-03-02 Thread Keith Yoder

Is there a way to limit the users to login to certain ports on the ras
server. For example, I need to allow the president of the company to
dialin to the 1800number configured which would be port 3 on the ras
sever. I need to make sure that he can get in at any time and no one
else can take that port. The other ports are all local dialin numbers.
Just to clarify. I have a patton 2960/16 connected to a bit-robbed T1.
This allows us to have 16 concurrent dialup connections. But I only want
15 for general use, and the 16th for only the president.

There is a NAS-Port-Id attribute.  You'd have to check the authenticate 
packets that are arriving from your RAS to see if that contains 3 for 
port 3.  If it does you can add a line to your users file:

DEFAULT  Nas-Port-Id == 3, User-Name != presidentlogin, Auth-Type := Reject

That should reject anyone else but the president who tries to login on 
port 3.

Hope that helps,
Keith Yoder
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Re: Session-Timeout

2004-02-18 Thread Keith Yoder
Hi all,

Please help me how to write a perl script to control user account: When
prepaid user log on(authenticate), the script will check in database and
send session-timeout to radiusd.

If you're trying to do what I think you are, you don't need to use perl.
Take a look at the rlm_counter (or rlm_sqlcounter) modules.  You can use the
Max-All-Session attribute to define the total number of seconds a user can
be logged into your network.


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Re: How to limit Upload/Download Rate

2004-02-18 Thread Keith Yoder

Hi All,


I am working on a Wireless ISP project.

I have installed Freeradius 0.9.3 with mysql under Mandrake LINUX 9.1 
and everything is working fine.

Freeradius can authenticate users against Mysql DB and I could use 
DIALUP_ADMIN for Radius user management.


Couple of questions here:

1.   How can I set a bandwidth limit for 
upload/download against each user

Depends how your NAS limits bandwidth.  Your NAS documentation show tell 
you which attributes you need to send.

2.   How to receive user statistics in MySQL DB table 

Add sql to the accounting {} section of the radiusd.conf file.

I would like to have statistics on data 
uploaded/downloaded by each individual user. 


Look at the AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets fields in the radacct table.

Keith Yoder

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Re: radcheck entries

2004-01-09 Thread Keith Yoder
Klaus Heck wrote:

the radcheck table in my implementation specifies the MAC addresses of the
users trying to access the net, e.g.
idUserNameAttribute   Valueop
1Charlie Brown   Calling-Station-Id00025b3c48c3==
Now I want allow more than one computer per user name, meaning I want to add
another entry with the same name Charlie Brown, but with a different MAC
address value. In the standard implementation of freeradius, this does not
work. It seems as if it just checks the first value it read, or it checks
more than one, but all need to match simultaneously. The first time the
condition does not hold, the reject is sent.
Is there a way to change the behavior of freeradius in order to have more
than one entry for the same UserName? It should send an access-accept
whenever at least one entry is true.

As far as I know you can't do this with database tables.  The user file 
will do this just fine.  List each user with the Calling-Station-Ids.

Keith Yoder

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Re: Quick question about accounting.

2003-12-23 Thread Keith Yoder
If you were using mysql for accounting you could use the following query 
to find the accounting record:

SELECT * FROM radius.radacct
WHERE FramedIPAddress =
AND 2003-12-12 06:00:00 BETWEEN AcctStartTime AND AcctStartTime
Keith Yoder

Drew Weaver wrote:

Right but I need to be able to do this when an abuse report crosses my desk
from a week ago that says Johnny-jackhole decided to spam 900 people on
one of my dial-ups and I need to figure out who it was so I can throttle

-Original Message-
From: Alan DeKok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Quick question about accounting. 

Drew Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, I'm authenticating from System and accounting to text


Is there a way (a php script?) for me to find out what user was using an


address at a specific time?

 radwho, to see who's logged on, and then grep for the IP.

 Alan DeKok.

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Dictionary file for Star-OS

2003-12-23 Thread Keith Yoder
I am attaching the dictionary file for Valemount Network's Star-OS - a 
wireless acess point.  If someone is interested it could be included 
with the server distribution.

Keith Yoder
#   Valemount Networks Corporation specific radius attributes
#   Version 1.0 - March 26, 2003

VENDOR  ValemountNetworks   16313


# Rates to give PPPoE customers, can be used in Authentication replies. (in bits/s)

# Fallback support for each direction. (1 / 0)
ATTRIBUTE   VNC-PPPoE-CBQ-RX-Fallback   3   integer
ATTRIBUTE   VNC-PPPoE-CBQ-TX-Fallback   4   integer

END-VENDOR  ValemountNetworks