Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA: how to implement DTI repeat sequence?

2011-09-22 Thread Ansgar Furst
Hi Priti,
Thanks so much for your prompt reply!
I have specified all our specs like you suggested below. However, I'm a bit
confused as I thought this shouldn't be necessary as we feed TRACULA with
original GE DICOM files. Doesn't TRACULA read this info from the DICOM
Also, it looks like TRACULA assumes that there is only one folder (sequence)
per subject. However, as we repeat ours we have 2 per subject meaning I'd
like to point to 2 different folders with the 1st image of each defining the
sequence like
set dcmlist = 014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm 
set dcmlist = 014/MRI/AxDTI2/IM-0014-0001.dcm

Additionally, I got some errors running trac-preproc with just one series (I
include my dmrirc at the end of this message). Any clue where I screw up

Thanks so much!


New invocation of trac-preproc

Linux VALinux1 #1 SMP Tue Aug 16 21:01:58 UTC 2011
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
cputime  unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  1024
memorylocked 64 kbytes
maxproc  1024

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   806273235650844497648  0 1978642413064
-/+ buffers/cache: 9541567108576
Swap: 10158076   2288   10155788

#@# Image corrections Tue Sep 20 17:10:45 PDT 2011
mri_convert /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
mri_convert /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $
reading from /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm...
Starting DICOMRead2()
dcmfile = /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
dcmdir = /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1
Ref Series No = 13
Found 2032 files, checking for dicoms
Found 2030 dicom files in series.
First Sorting
Computing Slice Direction
Vs: 0.051 -0.354 2.4743
Vs: 0.0203999 -0.141599 0.989714
Second Sorting
Counting frames
nframes = 35
nslices = 58
ndcmfiles = 2030
PE Dir = COL (dicom read)
TransferSyntaxUID: --1.2.840.10008.1.2--
jpegUID:   --1.2.840.10008.1.2.4--
Loading pixel data
TR=6600.00, TE=84.20, TI=0.00, flip angle=90.00
i_ras = (-0.999791, -0.00289925, -0.0202339)
j_ras = (0, -0.989897, 0.141789)
k_ras = (-0.0203999, 0.141599, 0.989714)
writing to /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz...
mri_probedicom --i /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
cp /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/scripts/30+5gradtable.txt
cp /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/scripts/bvalfile_1sess.txt
flip4fsl /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz
INFO: input image orientation is LPS
INFO: input image determinant is 2.19727
fslswapdim /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz x -y z
INFO: left-right orientation was flipped by fslswapdim
fslorient -forceradiological
INFO: found
/home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.mghdti.bvals, converting
to FSL format
INFO: found
/home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.mghdti.bvecs, converting
to FSL format
mv -f /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvecs
mv -f /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvals
eddy_correct /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.nii.gz
/home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi.nii.gz 0
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0001
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0002
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0003
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0004
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0005
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0006
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0007
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0008
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0009
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0010
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0011

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem writing talairach.m3z in mri_ca_register

2011-09-22 Thread Lauge Emil Borch Laurs S0rensen
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 15:00, Bruce Fischl 

 what other information would you like? Can you remind me: are you running
 on a cluster? Does this happen if you run on your local workstation? Do you
 have limits on # of open files?

Yes, I am running on a cluster with Gentoo (Linux imageserver1 
2.6.20-gentoo-r8 #2 SMP Fri May 25 10:23:59 CEST 2007 x86_64 Intel(R) 
Xeon(R) CPU X5355 @ 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux)

I runs without problems on the same data on a MAC

The limits in the cluster are:

ulimit -a
core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size   (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size   (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 155648
max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) 32
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files  (-n) 1024
pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority  (-r) 0
stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time   (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes  (-u) 155648
virtual memory  (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks  (-x) unlimited

Still haven't resolved the problem. I was wondering, is there some way of 
forcing mri_ca_register to finish fast (to make error tracing easier)? I 
have tried using -tol [some large numer], but still it takes many hours 
before reaching the part where talairach.m3z is written (the part that fails).


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA: how to implement DTI repeat sequence?

2011-09-22 Thread Anastasia Yendiki

Hi Ansgar - Currently there's no way to specify multiple scans for the 
same subject as dicom files, sorry. You can concatenate the DWIs from the 
2 scans in one nifti file, and also concatenate the bvecs/bvals from the 
two scans, and pass the concatenation to dmrirc.

As for your error, it looks like maybe the freesurfer recon wasn't found, 
so it skipped some steps (diffusion-to-anatomical registration and mask 
creation). Does the freesurfer recon dir /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/ 


On Thu, 22 Sep 2011, Ansgar Furst wrote:

Hi Priti,
Thanks so much for your prompt reply!
I have specified all our specs like you suggested below. However, I'm a bit
confused as I thought this shouldn't be necessary as we feed TRACULA with
original GE DICOM files. Doesn't TRACULA read this info from the DICOM
Also, it looks like TRACULA assumes that there is only one folder (sequence)
per subject. However, as we repeat ours we have 2 per subject meaning I'd
like to point to 2 different folders with the 1st image of each defining the
sequence like
set dcmlist = 014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm 
set dcmlist = 014/MRI/AxDTI2/IM-0014-0001.dcm

Additionally, I got some errors running trac-preproc with just one series (I
include my dmrirc at the end of this message). Any clue where I screw up

Thanks so much!


New invocation of trac-preproc

Linux VALinux1 #1 SMP Tue Aug 16 21:01:58 UTC 2011
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
cputime  unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize    8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse    unlimited
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  1024
memorylocked 64 kbytes
maxproc  1024

 total   used   free shared    buffers cached
Mem:   8062732    3565084    4497648  0 197864    2413064
-/+ buffers/cache: 954156    7108576
Swap: 10158076   2288   10155788

#@# Image corrections Tue Sep 20 17:10:45 PDT 2011
mri_convert /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
mri_convert /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $
reading from /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm...
Starting DICOMRead2()
dcmfile = /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
dcmdir = /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1
Ref Series No = 13
Found 2032 files, checking for dicoms
Found 2030 dicom files in series.
First Sorting
Computing Slice Direction
Vs: 0.051 -0.354 2.4743
Vs: 0.0203999 -0.141599 0.989714
Second Sorting
Counting frames
nframes = 35
nslices = 58
ndcmfiles = 2030
PE Dir = COL (dicom read)
TransferSyntaxUID: --1.2.840.10008.1.2--
jpegUID:   --1.2.840.10008.1.2.4--
Loading pixel data
TR=6600.00, TE=84.20, TI=0.00, flip angle=90.00
i_ras = (-0.999791, -0.00289925, -0.0202339)
j_ras = (0, -0.989897, 0.141789)
k_ras = (-0.0203999, 0.141599, 0.989714)
writing to /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz...
mri_probedicom --i /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/014/MRI/AxDTI1/IM-0013-0001.dcm
cp /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/scripts/30+5gradtable.txt
cp /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/scripts/bvalfile_1sess.txt
flip4fsl /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz
INFO: input image orientation is LPS
INFO: input image determinant is 2.19727
fslswapdim /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz x -y z
INFO: left-right orientation was flipped by fslswapdim
fslorient -forceradiological
INFO: found
/home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.mghdti.bvals, converting
to FSL format
INFO: found
/home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig.mghdti.bvecs, converting
to FSL format
mv -f /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvecs
mv -f /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvals
eddy_correct /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.nii.gz
/home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi.nii.gz 0
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0001
processing /home/ajfurst/Data/WRIISC/TRACULA/014/dmri/dwi_tmp0002

[Freesurfer] distortion metric question

2011-09-22 Thread Ritobrato Datta
Hi All,

Is there a way to examine the distortion metric of the freesurfer surface 
normalization ? 
Please let me know.

Freesurfer mailing list

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addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

[Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Peter Glynn

I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual boot
windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to check
if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except for
tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does
launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this
a common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions
would be great. Thanks!

Peter Glynn
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Can you describe the hardware / video card you are using?
Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Netfilter  SpeedComm Telecom
-- For mobile:

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 12:12, Peter Glynn wrote:


 I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual boot
 windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to check
 if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except for
 tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does
 launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this
 a common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions
 would be great. Thanks!

 Peter Glynn

 Freesurfer mailing list

 The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it
 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
 contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
 HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in
 but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
 dispose of the e-mail.

Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Stupid FsFastTutorialV5.1/TutorialData question

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
Yes, you can do that (that is what I was trying to communicate in the 
tutorial:). You can also just set your SUBJECTS_DIR to point to the 
FSFAST tutorial subjects.

Carl Anderson wrote:
 Dear Free Surfer,

 At the bottom 
 it is stated:

 You will also need to link the FreeSurfer anatomical 
 subjeccts (data in fsfast-tutorial.subjects) into your $SUBJECTS_DIR

 My stupid question: 

 Could this be accomplished by creating subdirectories or links 

 Carl M. Anderson, Ph.D. (mail stop 204)
 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry,
 Harvard Medical School 
 The Neuroimaging Center,
 McLean Hospital 115 Mill St.  Belmont, MA 02478
 Ph: 617-855-2972;  Fax: 617-855-2770


 Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Manual editing after recon-all

2011-09-22 Thread Sindhuja Tirumalai Govindarajan
Hi Bruce,

Yes, this is patient population. I ran the following command after adding
control points along the white surface:

recon-all -autorecon2 -autorecon3 -subjid subj

Thanks for the offer to try out reconstruction in the data. I have
uploaded the dataset and allowed access by you and Khoa. Kindly let me
know if I should include others.

Thanks and regards,

 Hi Sindhuja

 is this a patient population? It looks to me like there are lesions in the
 gray matter which will definitely mess up the pial surface deformation. We
 can try some things if you want to upload the data


 On Sat, 17 Sep 2011, Sindhuja Tirumalai Govindarajan wrote:

 Hi Bruce and Khoa,

 I've attached the snapshots after adding control points and using
 autorecon2. So it looks like the control points extended the pial
 by a bit, but there is still some gray matter is left out.

 The same was observed in some other dataset as well.

 What command did you run? Do you want to upload the dataset?

 On Sep 16, 2011, at 10:52 PM, Sindhuja Tirumalai Govindarajan wrote:

 Hi Khoa and Bruce,

 I added control points along the white surface - it did not help much
 extending the pial surface.

 Looks like there might be some kind of gray matter pathology there as

 On Sep 16, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Khoa Nguyen


 How is the intensity of the wm between the putamen and the
 white surface? If it's lower than 110, you can place a string of
 points along the inside border of the white surface. That might help
 extend the pial surf to include all the gm.


 On Fri, 16 Sep 2011, Sindhuja Tirumalai Govindarajan wrote:

 Hi all,

 I ran into an issue similar to the manual editing problem discussed
 yesterday and earlier today. The pial surface seems to cut into the
 matter regions. However, there seems to be no wm problem in the
 neighborhood. Are there any tools to fix this?

 I have attached snapshots for your reference. Any advice on how to
 the gray matter would be helpful!

 Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

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addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: FW: flipped orientation in tksurfer and tkmedit

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve

Ilana Hairston wrote:
 Hi Doug,
 The the subject data is uploaded, however it seems that we have 
 figured out the issue - so you may not need to look at it.  Below is 
 what we think the problem and its solution are.  Let me know if it 
 makes sense. 

 the reconstruction scripts at our campus imaging facility have two 
 flaws: [1] there's is no orientation information in header of either 
 Analyze or NIFTII outputs; [2] the Analyze format is non-standard (RAS 
 instead of LAS).
 As a result the first mri_convert step which converts our file to .mgz 
 format assumes that the orientation is neurological resulting in a 
 flip of left to right (albeit with an error message saying that it did 
 not have that info).
 this flipping can only be seen when comparing images in tkmedit and 
 SPM, which should have been inveresed, but were not.

 We think that in order to avoid this in future we should add a 
 --in-orientation ras flag to mri_convert.  Is that correct?
That might work. The orientation string is actually more specific than 
just RAS. You data might in an RAS cooridnate system, but this means 
that the orientation string could be RAS, or it could be SAR, or ARS, or 
ARS, etc. See what I mean? If it shows up correctly in tkmedit, then 
you're got it right (assuming that you are sure that it is really in an 
RAS coordinate system).

 The other question is - now that we have processed some 50 subjects, 
 is there a way of flipping the results so that we wont have to start 
 from scratch (this is a longitudinal study and participants will be 
 scanned again).?
You can try using
xhemireg --s reversedsubject --o newsubjectname --all-vol --noreg

This script was never intended for this purpose, so I don't know whether 
it will work fully or not. It should at least reverse all the volumes 
after which you can run recon-all on it. It should keep any edits you 
have made, but the control points won't be copied (and would be wrong in 
the reversed subject).




 Ilana Hairston ,PhD
 Research Assistant Professor
 4250 Plymouth Rd. (rm 2439)
 Psychiatry Department, Addiction Research Center
 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2700
 Tel: 734-232-0232; Mobile: 650-906-8449

 Reminder: Women do 66% of the work worldwide, earn 10% of the income, 
 and own 1% of the world's property

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Cortical Thickness in significant clusters

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Antonella, I'm not sure what the problem is. You found clusters that 
are significant but the raw values are not different?

Antonella Kis wrote:

 Dear Doug,

 I know as you told me in past that the average value for the cortical 
 thickness in significant clusters is given in the 
 cache.th20.neg.y.ocn.dat file under lh-Avg-thickness-age-Cor file.
 1).Is there another way to get the cortical thickness for the 
 significant clusters, other than read them from the 
 cache.th20.neg.y.ocn.dat file?
  Analyzing my results for patients in lh with abnormal  left side (due 
 epilepsy) I realize that my  cortical thickness values in this 
 patients are not different (small difference) from the controls values.

 2)Maybe I did  a mistake while setting the FSGD (Y.fsgd) or what other 
 mistake I could do because the cortical thickness should be different 
 in this patients versus controls?

  I attached my FSGD matrix as well as my cortical thickness values in 
 the significant clusters.

 Thank you very much for your time and help.

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Contrast Vector while eliminating age and gender

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
Have you looked at the FSGD examples on the wiki? Do a search for FSGD.

Antonella Kis wrote:

 Dear All,

 What should be my contrast vector if I want to do a direct comparison 
 between groups (patients vs. controls) after eliminating gender and 
 age? Should this be [1 -1]?

 Should I change my FSGD in order to be able to compare between 
 patients and controls accounting for age (I want to make sure that the 
 age does not confound my results). Please see attached my FSGD file.

 Also, my question is how the clusters are created: the clusters 
 formation is due to a  similar value within cortical 
 thickness(cortical thickness with similar values from patients and 
 controls are grouped together in a cluster (e.g. cluster no.1) while 
 other cortical thickness values are forming different clusters) or the 
 clusters are formed based on age -age grouping (each subject belong to 
 an age cluster)?

 Thank you,

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] distortion metric question

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
There's not a way to get the distortion component of the cost function, 
but the jacobian will tell you how much the area had to expand/contract 
to fit the target surface.

Ritobrato Datta wrote:
 Hi All,

 Is there a way to examine the distortion metric of the freesurfer surface 
 normalization ? 
 Please let me know.

 Freesurfer mailing list


Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Peter Glynn
I am using an nVidia Quadro NVS 295 video card with an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
E5530 @2.4 GHz

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:

   Interesting. I've had this problem trying to view the data on my dual
 boot Windows PC by remotely login with SSH to the linux server while
 running Xming or Hummingbird Exceed on the PC side.
 (Output image attached). Could it be some 3D rendering issue?

  I have no problem viewing the surfaces from my local ubuntu linux running
 tkmedit displays volumes properly.

 *From:* on behalf of Peter Glynn
 *Sent:* Thu 9/22/2011 10:12 AM
 *Subject:* [Freesurfer] tksurfer display


 I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual boot
 windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to check
 if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except for
 tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does
 launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this
 a common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions
 would be great. Thanks!

 Peter Glynn

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 Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any
 unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any
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Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Peter Glynn
attached find the output image. It looks very similar to Jim's, just rotated
180 degrees.

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:

   Interesting. I've had this problem trying to view the data on my dual
 boot Windows PC by remotely login with SSH to the linux server while
 running Xming or Hummingbird Exceed on the PC side.
 (Output image attached). Could it be some 3D rendering issue?

  I have no problem viewing the surfaces from my local ubuntu linux running
 tkmedit displays volumes properly.

 *From:* on behalf of Peter Glynn
 *Sent:* Thu 9/22/2011 10:12 AM
 *Subject:* [Freesurfer] tksurfer display


 I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual boot
 windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to check
 if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except for
 tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does
 launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this
 a common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions
 would be great. Thanks!

 Peter Glynn

 The materials in this email are private and may contain Protected Health
 Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any
 unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any
 action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
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attachment: Screenshot-bert.png___
Freesurfer mailing list

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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] trac-all results

2011-09-22 Thread Priti Srinivasan
Hi Ping,

Did you try adjusting the threshold for left cst tract? In freeview you
can find the tract labels in the left corner, if you click on the left cst
tract and use the threshold button below to decrease the threshold. Please
let us know if that improves the visualization.



 The segmented left CST tracts of one of our 3T data was not
 satisfactory, which has only few voxels with 1000 gray values (see
 attached snapshot pictures for trac-all and cst_prob). The
 manually tracking using deterministic tractography seems OK (see
 cst_stremline). Any suggestions on which step may go wrong in

 Thank you,

 Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
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Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
We worked on this months ago and decided to locally install linux on our dual 
boot PCs rather than remotely accessing data generated on our linux server via 
Windows (via SHH with Exceed or Xming).
Perhaps there is an OpenGL issue?

From: Peter Glynn []
Sent: Thu 9/22/2011 11:21 AM
To: Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

attached find the output image. It looks very similar to Jim's, just rotated 
180 degrees. 

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:

Interesting. I've had this problem trying to view the data on my dual 
boot Windows PC by remotely login with SSH to the linux server while running 
Xming or Hummingbird Exceed on the PC side.
(Output image attached). Could it be some 3D rendering issue?

I have no problem viewing the surfaces from my local ubuntu linux 
running freesurfer.
tkmedit displays volumes properly.


From: on behalf of Peter Glynn
Sent: Thu 9/22/2011 10:12 AM
Subject: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display


I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual 
boot windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to 
check if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except 
for tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does 
launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this a 
common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions would 
be great. Thanks!

Peter Glynn


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Health Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any 
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Freesurfer mailing list

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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] trac-all results

2011-09-22 Thread Anastasia Yendiki

Hi Ping - It looks like the path initialization may have failed. The 
algorithm needs an initial guess for the path and iterates from there. 
This initial guess is chosen based on the tracts in the atlas and if your 
subject is not perfectly aligned with the atlas this initial guess might 
end up going off the white matter for example. Does the blue line in your 
snapshot look like it may not coincide well with you subject's CST, going 
off the white matter close to the end, etc?


On Thu, 22 Sep 2011, Ping-Hong Yeh wrote:


 The segmented left CST tracts of one of our 3T data was not
 satisfactory, which has only few voxels with 1000 gray values (see
 attached snapshot pictures for trac-all and cst_prob). The
 manually tracking using deterministic tractography seems OK (see
 cst_stremline). Any suggestions on which step may go wrong in

 Thank you,


Freesurfer mailing list

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contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] trac-all results

2011-09-22 Thread Ping-Hong Yeh
Hi Priti,

 Adjusting the threshold does not help. Indeed, the voxel number, only
about 50 or so, is much less compared to right cst, which has couple
thousands. In addition, the segmented image is a binary image, i.e.
only intensity 0 and 1000, while other tracts have gray scale ranging
from 0 to 100 or so.


On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Priti Srinivasan wrote:
 Hi Ping,

 Did you try adjusting the threshold for left cst tract? In freeview you
 can find the tract labels in the left corner, if you click on the left cst
 tract and use the threshold button below to decrease the threshold. Please
 let us know if that improves the visualization.



 The segmented left CST tracts of one of our 3T data was not
 satisfactory, which has only few voxels with 1000 gray values (see
 attached snapshot pictures for trac-all and cst_prob). The
 manually tracking using deterministic tractography seems OK (see
 cst_stremline). Any suggestions on which step may go wrong in

 Thank you,

 Freesurfer mailing list

 The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
 contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine 
 at . If the e-mail was sent to you in 
 but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and 
 dispose of the e-mail.

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
I found this site for the type of problem we are having with tksurfer

From: Peter Glynn []
Sent: Thu 9/22/2011 11:21 AM
To: Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

attached find the output image. It looks very similar to Jim's, just rotated 
180 degrees. 

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:

Interesting. I've had this problem trying to view the data on my dual 
boot Windows PC by remotely login with SSH to the linux server while running 
Xming or Hummingbird Exceed on the PC side.
(Output image attached). Could it be some 3D rendering issue?

I have no problem viewing the surfaces from my local ubuntu linux 
running freesurfer.
tkmedit displays volumes properly.


From: on behalf of Peter Glynn
Sent: Thu 9/22/2011 10:12 AM
Subject: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display


I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual 
boot windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to 
check if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except 
for tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does 
launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this a 
common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions would 
be great. Thanks!

Peter Glynn


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Health Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any 
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telephone or return email.

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in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.  If you 
have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via 
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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
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[Freesurfer] Discrete and Continuous factors in QDEC

2011-09-22 Thread Antonella Kis
Hi Doug,

One more question please: if I want to do a cortical thickness study between 
two groups (patients and controls) and I want to eliminate the age and gender 
what should be my Discrete and Continuous factors in QDEC? 

Thank you.
Freesurfer mailing list

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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Discrete and Continuous factors in QDEC

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
Age as a continuous factor
Gender as a discrete factor

Antonella Kis wrote:
 Hi Doug,

 One more question please: if I want to do a cortical thickness study 
 between two groups (patients and controls) and I want to eliminate the 
 age and gender what should be my Discrete and Continuous factors in QDEC?

 Thank you.

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

2011-09-22 Thread Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
I have added this answer to the FAQ:

Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Netfilter  SpeedComm Telecom
-- For mobile:

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 14:33, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:

  I found this site for the type of problem we are having with tksurfer


 *From:* Peter Glynn []
 *Sent:* Thu 9/22/2011 11:21 AM
 *To:* Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
 *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display

 attached find the output image. It looks very similar to Jim's, just
 rotated 180 degrees.

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:

   Interesting. I've had this problem trying to view the data on my dual
 boot Windows PC by remotely login with SSH to the linux server while
 running Xming or Hummingbird Exceed on the PC side.
 (Output image attached). Could it be some 3D rendering issue?

  I have no problem viewing the surfaces from my local ubuntu linux
 running freesurfer.
 tkmedit displays volumes properly.

 *From:* on behalf of Peter Glynn
 *Sent:* Thu 9/22/2011 10:12 AM
 *Subject:* [Freesurfer] tksurfer display


 I'm new to freesurfer and just downloaded and installed it on my dual boot
 windows/linux (centos release 5.5). I went through the instructions to check
 if everything is properly installed. Everything seemed to be fine except for
 tksurfer. When I enter the tksurfer bert rh pial command, tksurfer does
 launch but it only displays a very small sliver of a brain surface. Is this
 a common problem? Is something wrong with my installation? Any suggestions
 would be great. Thanks!

 Peter Glynn

 The materials in this email are private and may contain Protected Health
 Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any
 unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any
 action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
 prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately
 notify the sender via telephone or return email.

 The materials in this email are private and may contain Protected Health
 Information. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any
 unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any
 action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
 prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately
 notify the sender via telephone or return email.

 Freesurfer mailing list

 The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it
 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
 contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
 HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in
 but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
 dispose of the e-mail.

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Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed for inner_skull_surface question

2011-09-22 Thread Roderick McColl
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for responding.
We do have T2, but not PD. 
Of course the resolution of the T2 is much lower (5mm slices). 

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Fischl [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 7:54 AM
To: Roderick McColl; Matti Hamalainen
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed for inner_skull_surface question

Matti Hamalainen (ccd) might have some thoughts. Do you have T2 or PD images?


On Tue, 20 Sep 2011, Roderick McColl wrote:

 Hi all,
 Trying to get mri_watershed to give me a good inner_skull_surface, 
 which I want to combine with the pial surface to estimate sulcal CSF, 
 as I don't see any other way. Unfortunately the data I have tested on 
 all generate unreliable inner_skull surfaces. Can anyone provide a tip for 
 optimizing the result?
 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.

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Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Contrast Vector while eliminating age and gender

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
If you want to eliminate age and gender, you have to include them in 
the model. In this case, they are called nuisance regressors. But this 
is just an arbitrary name. The model is constructed of regressors, some 
of which you care about and some you don't, but the GLM is run in the 
same way regardless. Where the difference comes is when you go to 
construct contrast vectors. If you want to treat some regressors as 
nuisance, then put a 0 in their column in the contrast vector.

Antonella Kis wrote:
 Hi Doug,

 Yes, I looked online but in all the examples I found age was included 
 in the study. The same thing for qdec all the examples I saw online 
 are related to a study (a comparison between two groups) but 
 considering age.

 I couldn't find any documentation for a study between two groups while 
 eliminating age and gender.

 Please advise and sorry for all this questions.
 *From:* Douglas N Greve
 *To:* Antonella Kis
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:03 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] Contrast Vector while eliminating age and 

 Have you looked at the FSGD examples on the wiki? Do a search for FSGD.

 Antonella Kis wrote:
  Dear All,
  What should be my contrast vector if I want to do a direct comparison
  between groups (patients vs. controls) after eliminating gender and
  age? Should this be [1 -1]?
  Should I change my FSGD in order to be able to compare between
  patients and controls accounting for age (I want to make sure that the
  age does not confound my results). Please see attached my FSGD file.
  Also, my question is how the clusters are created: the clusters
  formation is due to a  similar value within cortical
  thickness(cortical thickness with similar values from patients and
  controls are grouped together in a cluster (e.g. cluster no.1) while
  other cortical thickness values are forming different clusters) or the
  clusters are formed based on age -age grouping (each subject belong to
  an age cluster)?
  Thank you,

 Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
 MGH-NMR Center
 Phone Number: 617-724-2358
 Fax: 617-726-7422


 Freesurfer mailing list

 The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom 
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 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the 
 contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance 
 HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you 
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 but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender 
 and properly
 dispose of the e-mail.

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Fwd: Fwd: FW: flipped orientation in tksurfer and tkmedit

2011-09-22 Thread Ilana Hairston
Hi Doug,
Sorry, that this is turning into a saga.
The xhemireg command ran, but then recon-all failed (we used recon-all
Also it seems there are missing surfaces, we can't load wm and pial, the
surf directory is empty.  Although that maybe because the recon didn't run.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Chelsea Cummiford
Date: Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: FW: flipped orientation in tksurfer and
To: Ilana Hairston

[chelsea@hypnos ilanagroup]$ recon-all -all -subjid FlippedFS091205dc/

Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /usr/local/FS51/subjects/ilanagroup
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/FS51
-rw-rw-r-- 1 chelsea ZL 16132 Sep 22 15:37
Linux hypnos 2.6.18-238.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jan 13 15:51:15 EST 2011 x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
#@# MotionCor Thu Sep 22 16:35:06 EDT 2011
ERROR: no run data found in
/usr/local/FS51/subjects/ilanagroup/FlippedFS091205dc/mri. Make sure to
have a volume called 001.mgz in
If you have a second run of data call it 002.mgz, etc.
See also:
Linux hypnos 2.6.18-238.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jan 13 15:51:15 EST 2011 x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

recon-all -s FlippedFS091205dc exited with ERRORS at Thu Sep 22 16:35:06 EDT

For more details, see the log file
To report a problem, see

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Ilana Hairston hairstons...@gmail.comwrote:

 can you paste in the errors? i'll forward them to the freesurfer list

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Chelsea Cummiford wrote:

 ok, so the xhemireg command ran fine, but I can't run recon-all -all - it
 exits with errors.  says that there is no 001.mgz file.

 I can pull it up in tkmedit (albeit, none of the control points or
 grey/white matter lines show up).  the brain is flipped compared to the
 original though.

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Chelsea Cummiford wrote:

 oh, got it.  i thought you meant check both commands... will do.

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Ilana Hairston 

 no this one, to invert the brains that are already processed

 xhemireg --s reversedsubject --o newsubjectname --all-vol --noreg

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Chelsea Cummiford wrote:

 do you mean running the --in-orientation ras command and then running
 recon-all??  because we did that and it looks fine in tkmedit and 
 tksurfer -
 right heng?  this is what FS00wh is...

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Ilana Hairston wrote:

 Seems like we need to be 100% sure that our analyze/nifti is RAS.
 Chelsea, could you check the second command, followed by recon-all (i
 assume recon-all all) ?

 We think that in order to avoid this in future we should add a
 --in-orientation ras flag to mri_convert.  Is that correct?

 That might work. The orientation string is actually more specific than
 just RAS. You data might in an RAS cooridnate system, but this means 
 the orientation string could be RAS, or it could be SAR, or ARS, or ARS,
 etc. See what I mean? If it shows up correctly in tkmedit, then you're 
 it right (assuming that you are sure that it is really in an RAS 

 The other question is - now that we have processed some 50 subjects,
 is there a way of flipping the results so that we wont have to start 
 scratch (this is a longitudinal study and participants will be scanned

 You can try using
 xhemireg --s reversedsubject --o newsubjectname --all-vol --noreg

 This script was never intended for this purpose, so I don't know
 whether it will work fully or not. It should at least reverse all the
 volumes after which you can run recon-all on it. It should keep any edits
 you have made, but the control points won't be copied (and would be 
 wrong in
 the reversed subject).




 Ilana Hairston ,PhD
 Research Assistant Professor
 4250 Plymouth Rd. (rm 2439)
 Psychiatry Department, Addiction Research Center
 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2700
 Tel: 734-232-0232; Mobile: 650-906-8449

 Reminder: Women do 66% of the work worldwide, earn 10% of the
 income, and own 1% of the world's property

 Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
 MGH-NMR Center
 Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422


Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Fwd: FW: flipped orientation in tksurfer and tkmedit

2011-09-22 Thread Douglas N Greve
I don't know what that is about. Can you try using this version:

Ilana Hairston wrote:
 Hi Doug,
 Sorry, that this is turning into a saga.
 The xhemireg command ran, but then recon-all failed (we used recon-all 
 Also it seems there are missing surfaces, we can't load wm and pial, 
 the surf directory is empty.  Although that maybe because the recon 
 didn't run.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: *Chelsea Cummiford*
 Date: Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: FW: flipped orientation in tksurfer and 
 To: Ilana Hairston

 [chelsea@hypnos ilanagroup]$ recon-all -all -subjid FlippedFS091205dc/

 Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
 Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
 INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /usr/local/FS51/subjects/ilanagroup
 Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/FS51
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 chelsea ZL 16132 Sep 22 15:37 
 Linux hypnos 2.6.18-238.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jan 13 15:51:15 EST 2011 x86_64 
 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 #@# MotionCor Thu Sep 22 16:35:06 EDT 2011
 ERROR: no run data found in 
 /usr/local/FS51/subjects/ilanagroup/FlippedFS091205dc/mri. Make sure to
 have a volume called 001.mgz in  
 If you have a second run of data call it 002.mgz, etc.
 See also:
 Linux hypnos 2.6.18-238.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jan 13 15:51:15 EST 2011 x86_64 
 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 recon-all -s FlippedFS091205dc exited with ERRORS at Thu Sep 22 
 16:35:06 EDT 2011

 For more details, see the log file 
 To report a problem, see

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Ilana Hairston wrote:

 can you paste in the errors? i'll forward them to the freesurfer list

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Chelsea Cummiford

 ok, so the xhemireg command ran fine, but I can't run
 recon-all -all - it exits with errors.  says that there is no
 001.mgz file.

 I can pull it up in tkmedit (albeit, none of the control
 points or grey/white matter lines show up).  the brain is
 flipped compared to the original though.

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Chelsea Cummiford wrote:

 oh, got it.  i thought you meant check both commands...
 will do.

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Ilana Hairston

 no this one, to invert the brains that are already

 xhemireg --s reversedsubject --o newsubjectname
 --all-vol --noreg

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Chelsea Cummiford wrote:

 do you mean running the --in-orientation ras
 command and then running recon-all??  because we
 did that and it looks fine in tkmedit and tksurfer
 - right heng?  this is what FS00wh is...

 On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Ilana Hairston wrote:

 Seems like we need to be 100% sure that our
 analyze/nifti is RAS.
 Chelsea, could you check the second command,
 followed by recon-all (i assume recon-all all) ?


 We think that in order to avoid this in
 future we should add a --in-orientation
 ras flag to mri_convert.  Is that correct?

 That might work. The orientation string is
 actually more specific than just RAS. You
 data might in an RAS cooridnate system, but
 this means that the orientation string could
 be RAS, or it could be SAR, or ARS, or ARS,
 etc. See what I mean? If it shows up correctly

[Freesurfer] structure volume dti_recon vs recon_all

2011-09-22 Thread Adil Javed
After running dti_recon and recon_all, I noticed that they produce different 
volumes of various structures for the same brain.  Just trying to understand 
why that is? 

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