Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep

2010-05-18 Thread Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky
Steve , Vicki, and Honorable Lurkers,


I have tried to respond and seem to have entered an existential fog. Steve's
reply is almost identical to one I was preparing but trashed.

I pulled out a copy of Bertrand Russell's POWER and started poking around
again. We apparently have repeated much of his work with slight exceptions. 


He looks at Power (over others) as if it is real and I still feel that it is
imaginary having looked at a long list of once powerful historical
personalities that just vanished from popular imagination. There was no
evidence that power was transferred any where to anyone. It just vanished
even before the being expired. He does use the term Power over Matter but
glances over it for the most part. I think that form of Power was easier to
understand and required less work. Power over others is very complex, but
neverthe less I still stand by my position that such power is illusionary .


I think much of the Power we attribute to individuals and organizations is
exactly the same as the adoration of movie stars. It comes and it goes. The
leaders are simply a reflection of the peasant mind state. Certainly the new
peasant enjoys designer fashions and Cancun Holidays but they are with us at
all times. They are superstitious and cruel and concerned with their own
appetites and not much else except on Sundays when they dress up and try and
impress one another. 



I suspect that my interest is more to do with the way power is created, and
there I still maintain it is in the minds of the audience and is some
mixture of fear jealosy envy lust etc. What happens after the population
attaches it to an individual or organization is probably just as Russell
describes accommodating for time. Siszek talks about the hidden psychology
of followers and how they each have slightly different imaginings of the
power structure and its personal benefits to the follower.


That horrible kind of power we so fear is probably the offspring of fear. It
has many ways of manifesting itself but generally we as a society give so
much credence to fear that we literally allow people to escape justice
because they claimed to fear for their lives. Fear is a most powerful legal
defense. Even better than I was following orders. I feared I would lose my
job, I feared that I would be late for the baby sitter, I feared I would
lose my place in line. I feared I was going to be raped, I feared I was
going to be accused of rape. I feared someone would find out I was pregnant.
I fear that there was something wrong with my child. I feared that they
would find out I was gay. I feared they would find out that I had a Jewish
/Black/ Hispanic / Native mother. I feared he would hurt me. I feared he
would talk about me. I feared the moon would stop spinning and fall into my
kitchen. I feared that the world was coming to an end. I feared God would
find out I ate meat on a Friday. I feared so much I just could not remember
what happened.

I was so fearful of terrorists I voted for Rush Limbaugh.


 I feared ..and I expect sympathy and to be exonerated from the charges.



Too bad about the Dalai Lama he seemed like a decent guy but I doubt he ever
had enough power to fix even a flat bicycle tire. He is quite a character
but while the leaders of the world are generally very polite to him they
would not stick their necks out for his cause.


Dr.Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky

Ph.D.(Civil Eng.), M.Sc.(Mech.Eng.), M.Sc.(Biology)


120-1053 Beaverhill Blvd.

Winnipeg, Manitoba


(204) 2548321  Phone/Fax 



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Steve Smith
Sent: May 18, 2010 12:19 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep


Victoria / Tory -


 Steve, Vlad and the rest of ya, 

that barring an INPERSON Whiskey+Stout+Bourbon-based discussion of this, 

 there are assumptions running rife and leaving little hoofprints all over
this conversation that need addressing. Start with- 

We did try pretty hard to get our assumptions above the table.  I realize we
might have come up short.

 How are you defining power? 

I am defining power as the capacity to have an effect on something outside
of yourself.  For the most part, in this discussion, it has been used to
talk about power over other people.   I would invoke, in (mostly) descending
order of crudeness, Physical Control (pick someone up, throw them over your
shoulder and carry them somewhere), Physical Intimidation (strike them and
threaten to continue to strike them if they do not do what you insist upon),
Emotional Intimidation (similar to the above without necessarily and
striking, but possibly the literal or implied threat of it it), Persuasion
(Begging, Charming, etc.), Promises, Seduction (a bit of the combination of

Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep

2010-05-18 Thread Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky
 emotions seem to fuel these horrific
events. Our sympathies allow the scoundrels to flourish.



Dr.Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky

Ph.D.(Civil Eng.), M.Sc.(Mech.Eng.), M.Sc.(Biology)


120-1053 Beaverhill Blvd.

Winnipeg, Manitoba


(204) 2548321  Phone/Fax 



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Steve Smith
Sent: May 18, 2010 12:19 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep


Victoria / Tory -


 Steve, Vlad and the rest of ya, 

that barring an INPERSON Whiskey+Stout+Bourbon-based discussion of this, 

 there are assumptions running rife and leaving little hoofprints all over
this conversation that need addressing. Start with- 

We did try pretty hard to get our assumptions above the table.  I realize we
might have come up short.

 How are you defining power? 

I am defining power as the capacity to have an effect on something outside
of yourself.  For the most part, in this discussion, it has been used to
talk about power over other people.   I would invoke, in (mostly) descending
order of crudeness, Physical Control (pick someone up, throw them over your
shoulder and carry them somewhere), Physical Intimidation (strike them and
threaten to continue to strike them if they do not do what you insist upon),
Emotional Intimidation (similar to the above without necessarily and
striking, but possibly the literal or implied threat of it it), Persuasion
(Begging, Charming, etc.), Promises, Seduction (a bit of the combination of
Promises and Charm perhaps)...

 You speak of it in terms of control and fear, but not all power is used to
control and force nature/others/etc. 

I'm open to other definitions of power that *cannot* be used for such, but I
think that might not be possible.  On the other hand, I complete agree that
we use our power with the *intention* of doing great and wonderful things,
and when asked will insist that we have no intention to force or harm or ...
but I also contend that this might be a self-deluding trick.   You and I
have had conversations many years ago about Will that touched on this and
I think we did not converge then... I think you believed that willfulness
could be positive while I feel that it cannot (except insomuch as it is part
of a larger equation which balances out to positive, but the willful actions
themselves, I submit are corruption).

 You are using a very broad brush here. You are not balancing your
particular use of the word/ concept with the others. Tautology. 

  That what you smart people mean to do?

I'm not sure what you mean here.   I agree that the brush is broad and that
there may be some loose ends that we are not attending to... can you help us
pin them down (or pull them up) a little more?   I also believe that some of
my definitions do come dangerously close to tautological, but I'm not sure
that is what you are pointing to.

  There are 6 billion people on the planet, and even consigning those 6B to
a few big generalized tendencies, you are extrapolating behaviours from one
group onto another without much justification. 

I (think) I am talking more about definitions of terms and the logical
consequences of the application of those definitions than I am about the
intentions of people (any/all of the 6B).   I know it sounds like I'm

 Yup, power is very often used in all the horrendous ways you both describe
and we have experienced, but that is not the only way power has been used.

I question this.  I agree that Power has been claimed to be used otherwise,
promised to be used otherwise, and especially *intended* to be used
otherwise.   I'm just not sure it ever turns out that way (or that it can).
I often find myself aspiring to various forms of power and I almost always
imagine that I am aspiring to it, so that I can wield goodness with it...
but I deeply, fundamentally question that this is even possible.   

We may not have our definitions of Power aligned well enough... you may very
well have a contrasting definition of Power that I'm not clear on that makes
sense in this context.

I agree with Steve that a craving is indicative: that in many cases

the quest for power is the problem, not the power itself. 

Then the issue reverts to the personality constellation seeking the power. 

I still hold that the power itself is where it starts, where the potential
evil resides and that it is the channeling of it via a willful action that
channels it into kinetic evil.

But not all of those seeking power want to use it for harm. Power over vs
power with.  

The definition of power is changing as we speak: we can help or hinder. 

I do not disagree that often (most often?) our quest for power is motivated
by some higher desire (at least consciously) to do good.  What I question
is if this is actually

Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep

2010-05-17 Thread Victoria Hughes

Steve, Vlad and the rest of ya,
that barring an INPERSON Whiskey+Stout+Bourbon-based discussion of this,
	there are assumptions running rife and leaving little hoofprints all  
over this conversation that need addressing. Start with-	

How are you defining power?
	You speak of it in terms of control and fear, but not all power is  
used to control and force nature/others/etc.
	You are using a very broad brush here. You are not balancing your  
particular use of the word/ concept with the others. Tautology.

 That what you smart people mean to do?
	 There are 6 billion people on the planet, and even consigning those  
6B to a few big generalized tendencies, you are extrapolating  
behaviours from one group onto another without much justification.
	Yup, power is very often used in all the horrendous ways you both  
describe and we have experienced, but that is not the only way power  
has been used.
	(This is also a variation of the architecture, barbarism and  
monolithic culture discussion, to which I did not chime in on though  
sorely tempted. It really isn't useful to use only examples that  
support your conclusions. The Hopis built sprawling large buildings  
that are still inhabited after 800 years and nary a cut-off foot in  
sight. Took the Spanish Catholics to do that, and they didn't even  
have a building nearby.)

I agree with Steve that a craving is indicative: that in many cases

the quest for power is the problem, not the power itself.
Then the issue reverts to the personality constellation seeking the  
But not all of those seeking power want to use it for harm. Power  
over vs power with.

The definition of power is changing as we speak: we can help or hinder.

I will leave the whole gender discussion aside for the moment, but  
don't think I am not watching that one.
   You might actually ask the women on this list about power, rather  
than announcing what we think. Extrapolation from teenage behaviour is  
not applicable to the sophisticated feminine intellects, interests and  
abilities on this list.

I vote we get Vlad down here so we can really have this conversation.  
Anyone who writes
'The displacement of a rock seems clearly outside of any ethical  
discussion but the displacement of Peasants is a different matter'  
should be thoroughly assimilated at the Cowgirl.

	Just read Glen R's comment about rock-moving as irresponsible, and  
agree with the basic point: that actions are better done with  
awareness and deliberation.
	NO, I am not saying an abusive act done with deliberation is better  
than a non-abusive act done without thought. Can we not agree that  
there are people who aim to benefit others, and do so with power and  
	Just reading about the Turkish/Greek population exchange of 1923, as  
one in a line of horrific thoughtless acts by people with power over  

I am not at all saying it doesn't happen.
	 I am saying that a fear of power prevents it from ever being used  
for good, which it is occasionally. But the desire for it persists,  
and if we try to prevent it, the desire is amplified. Humans. Lizards  
and lemurs.
	The Dalai Lama 'controls' between ten and twenty million people,  
(Wiki.) but he is not using an army of ten+ million to infiltrate and  
force out the Chinese from the land they invaded. Don't say 'well his  
religion prevents him' because that is pointless reasoning: by your  
standards the choice he has is to use power for good or ill. The  
source of the power was his choice to embrace (and by the way did you  
know that he was always predicted to be the last Dalai Lama? The  
traditions all said that the 14th would be the end of the lineage. He  
knew that from the beginning.
	And whatever you may think of Bill Gates, his money gives him  
enormous power, but he has not taken over the military of small  
countries and waged war on anyone, much to the contrary.

There are lots of ways to be human.
There are lots of ways to wield power.


On May 17, 2010, at 5:20 PM, Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky wrote:

Thanks for the response,
I note two things have shifted in the discussion,

First that now you have placed greater weight on the fact that Power  

others is corruption and
Second that one of my previous arguments has returned to bite me in  
the ass.
Namely I advocated that corruption is any process that subverts the  
intention of a system. So having previously made that argument I  
have to
admit that power over others is fundamentally Corruption (but I  

argued that corruption is neither bad or good).

Looking closer at our arguments there may exist a dividing line.
Power over others is power over another complex system which is by  
both our

arguments a corruption.

Power over nature is arguably not a coherent interactive system at  
the rock and lever are not complex systems. So does that imply 

Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep

2010-05-17 Thread Steve Smith

Victoria / Tory -
Vlad and the rest of ya,
  that barring an INPERSON Whiskey+Stout+Bourbon-based
discussion of this,
are assumptions running rife and leaving little hoofprints all over
this conversation that need addressing. Start with- 

We did try pretty hard to get our assumptions above the table. I
realize we might have come up short.

   How are you
defining power? 

I am defining power as the capacity to have an effect on something
outside of yourself. For the most part, in this discussion, it has
been used to talk about power over other people. I would invoke, in
(mostly) descending order of crudeness, Physical Control (pick someone
up, throw them over your shoulder and carry them somewhere), Physical
Intimidation (strike them and threaten to continue to strike them if
they do not do what you insist upon), Emotional Intimidation (similar
to the above without necessarily and striking, but possibly the literal
or implied threat of it it), Persuasion (Begging, Charming, etc.),
Promises, Seduction (a bit of the combination of Promises and Charm

speak of it in terms of control and fear, but not all power is used to
control and force nature/others/etc. 

I'm open to other definitions of power that *cannot* be used for such,
but I think that might not be possible. On the other hand, I complete
agree that we use our power with the *intention* of doing great and
wonderful things, and when asked will insist that we have no intention
to force or harm or ... but I also contend that this might be a
self-deluding trick. You and I have had conversations many years ago
about "Will" that touched on this and I think we did not converge
then... I think you believed that willfulness could be positive while I
feel that it cannot (except insomuch as it is part of a larger equation
which balances out to positive, but the willful actions themselves, I
submit are corruption).

are using a very broad brush here. You are not balancing your
particular use of the word/ concept with the others. Tautology.
what you smart people mean to do?

I'm not sure what you mean here. I agree that the brush is broad and
that there may be some loose ends that we are not attending to... can
you help us pin them down (or pull them up) a little more? I also
believe that some of my definitions do come dangerously close to
tautological, but I'm not sure that is what you are pointing to.

are 6 billion people on the planet, and even consigning those 6B to a
few big generalized tendencies, you are extrapolating behaviours from
one group onto another without much justification. 

I (think) I am talking more about definitions of terms and the logical
consequences of the application of those definitions than I am about
the intentions of people (any/all of the 6B). I know it sounds like
I'm (maybe)

power is very often used in all the horrendous ways you both describe
and we have experienced, but that is not the only way power has been

I question this. I agree that Power has been claimed to be used
otherwise, promised to be used otherwise, and especially *intended* to
be used otherwise. I'm just not sure it ever turns out that way (or
that it can). I often find myself aspiring to various forms of power
and I almost always imagine that I am aspiring to it, so that I can
wield goodness with it... but I deeply, fundamentally question that
this is even possible. 

We may not have our definitions of Power aligned well enough... you may
very well have a contrasting definition of Power that I'm not clear on
that makes sense in this context.

  I agree with Stevethat a craving is indicative: that in many
the quest for power is the problem, not the power itself.
Then the issue reverts to the personality constellation seeking the

I still hold that the power itself is where it starts, where the
"potential evil" resides and that it is the channeling of it via a
willful action that channels it into "kinetic evil".

  But not all of those seeking power want to use it for harm.
"Power over" vs "power with".
  The definition of power is changing as we speak: we can help or

I do not disagree that often (most often?) our quest for power is
motivated by some higher desire (at least consciously) to "do good".
What I question is if this is actually possible. My personal
experience, if viewed with enough wishful thinking, suggests that I in
fact do good with some of the power I have managed to obtain over the
world and over others. I don't know if it it ever actually works out
that way in fact... I have plenty of wishful thinking to maintain me in
my pursuit of rightous application of power. I know this sounds
rather negative, but that alone is not enough reason for me to discount

  I will leave the whole gender discussion aside for the moment,
but don't think I am not watching that one.
   You might actually