Sorry about the replies but thought this insight might be useful,


If as I speculate POWER is completely or essentially illusionary then some
interesting other social phenomena start making considerable sense.


Most power structures are lately trapped into massive media campaigns. The
amount of personnel involved with Spinning the News is absolutely enormous
and widespread. In some sense battles between competing ideologies are
played out in the media with extreme ferocity. Oddly I suspect the resources
expended on managing perceptions is coming close to eating up a huge portion
of the resource base of many corporations. Some sources suggest that these
efforts to manipulate perception are called Dramaturgy. Under such a
perspective Brand Names Logos advertising is all part of the effort to
manage perception and hence power. 


If these entities actually possessed power it could stand alone and
continuing resource depletion would not be required. In some sense the very
fact that the powerful expend resources is quite telling. Take for instance
Papal indulgences. The funds went into architecture and dramatic frescoes
for example. It some way the Pope imagined that such permanent structures
could solidify the power perception perhaps and reduce the constant daily
expenditures. But inadvertently this strategy spurred the Lutherian revolt
and proved essentially counterproductive. 


BP is spending great wads of money at the moment or will shortly to manage
the perception of the populace in order to forestall unpleasant litigation.
I wonder where the money is really going at this moment. Since I heard 40
Billion $ of BP assets vanished on the stock market essentially righting
down 10 years worth of expected litigation costs. 


In an odd manner the power that BP had before the disaster as represented in
stock evaluation simply vanished. BP declined in stature, but in this
example money is apparently moving around and may be tracked. But the money
is simply a physical manifestation of psychological confidence. There is
unfortunately not a fixed quantity of confidence as there are Gold reserves.
It is possible for confidence to go to zero even though the gold reserves
are fixed. In some ways the economy is less dependent on real assets as it
is on confidence which has been understood for a very long time . 


So to the power of a tyrant is entirely dependent on the amount of fear or
respect it can engender in the population. Unfortunately that power requires
huge investment on a daily level. Perhaps North Korea is an example of an
entire nation being systematically ruined in order to maintain a goofy


It seems reasonable to conjecture that power being illusionary essentially
requires huge investments to maintain that illusion. Furthermore no existing
investment appears to maintain its value over time as the audience
habituates quickly and at some point becomes immune or inured to the

So the daily investment costs escalate exponentially and eventually the
resource base is drained. It does account for old time colonial expansion
philosophies akin to a global Ponzi schemes. The faster you gain power the
more you have to spend. If you run out of Gold then you need to move from
Gold expenditures to another commodity more readily available namely Human


Seeing the role of peasants in supporting tyrannical regimes is a problem,
this was discussed at the Nuremberg Trials and eventually led to the
cessation of legal effort as there seemed to be too many guilty parties and
the effort was terminated with the few spectacular sentences. Perhaps this
is the most disturbing aspect of the thread, that ordinary peasants are
ultimately the real power and guilty parties but they remain beyond the
reach of authority. In some sense society seems to be generated expressly
for the purpose of allowing certain types of unethical behavior to become
institutionalized and exempt from scrutiny.  The need to argue the meaning
of murder versus abortion seems to me to represent the sophisticated process
where by a homicide is legitimized through illusion of word plays. Mercy
Killings and child abandonment have equally perverse language issues.  These
word plays are all about managing power structures or deflecting attention
away from real events. I do feel greatly uneasy in participating in
society's delusions as a scientist.  Focusing on exotica is a good way to
divert attention from the daily crimes of society. 


I am beginning to feel quite ill at the thought of how easily I was mislead
by the examples of singular heroic ideals and thereby legitimized so much
self serving ideology. The heroic posters of Allies, Nazi and Red Army
soldiers and muscled workers captivated imaginations and seduced us all to
participate in the great crimes. We empowered disasters with our idealism
and fears. Perhaps some day government will be seperated from emotion as
once we separated the Church.  Our emotions seem to fuel these horrific
events. Our sympathies allow the scoundrels to flourish.



Dr.Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky

Ph.D.(Civil Eng.), M.Sc.(Mech.Eng.), M.Sc.(Biology)


120-1053 Beaverhill Blvd.

Winnipeg, Manitoba


(204) 2548321  Phone/Fax




-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Steve Smith
Sent: May 18, 2010 12:19 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] WARNING: Political Argument in Progress, Beep Beep Beep


Victoria / Tory -


 Steve, Vlad and the rest of ya, 

that barring an INPERSON Whiskey+Stout+Bourbon-based discussion of this, 

 there are assumptions running rife and leaving little hoofprints all over
this conversation that need addressing. Start with- 

We did try pretty hard to get our assumptions above the table.  I realize we
might have come up short.

 How are you defining power? 

I am defining power as the capacity to have an effect on something outside
of yourself.  For the most part, in this discussion, it has been used to
talk about power over other people.   I would invoke, in (mostly) descending
order of crudeness, Physical Control (pick someone up, throw them over your
shoulder and carry them somewhere), Physical Intimidation (strike them and
threaten to continue to strike them if they do not do what you insist upon),
Emotional Intimidation (similar to the above without necessarily and
striking, but possibly the literal or implied threat of it it), Persuasion
(Begging, Charming, etc.), Promises, Seduction (a bit of the combination of
Promises and Charm perhaps)...

 You speak of it in terms of control and fear, but not all power is used to
control and force nature/others/etc. 

I'm open to other definitions of power that *cannot* be used for such, but I
think that might not be possible.  On the other hand, I complete agree that
we use our power with the *intention* of doing great and wonderful things,
and when asked will insist that we have no intention to force or harm or ...
but I also contend that this might be a self-deluding trick.   You and I
have had conversations many years ago about "Will" that touched on this and
I think we did not converge then... I think you believed that willfulness
could be positive while I feel that it cannot (except insomuch as it is part
of a larger equation which balances out to positive, but the willful actions
themselves, I submit are corruption).

 You are using a very broad brush here. You are not balancing your
particular use of the word/ concept with the others. Tautology. 

  That what you smart people mean to do?

I'm not sure what you mean here.   I agree that the brush is broad and that
there may be some loose ends that we are not attending to... can you help us
pin them down (or pull them up) a little more?   I also believe that some of
my definitions do come dangerously close to tautological, but I'm not sure
that is what you are pointing to.

  There are 6 billion people on the planet, and even consigning those 6B to
a few big generalized tendencies, you are extrapolating behaviours from one
group onto another without much justification. 

I (think) I am talking more about definitions of terms and the logical
consequences of the application of those definitions than I am about the
intentions of people (any/all of the 6B).   I know it sounds like I'm

 Yup, power is very often used in all the horrendous ways you both describe
and we have experienced, but that is not the only way power has been used.

I question this.  I agree that Power has been claimed to be used otherwise,
promised to be used otherwise, and especially *intended* to be used
otherwise.   I'm just not sure it ever turns out that way (or that it can).
I often find myself aspiring to various forms of power and I almost always
imagine that I am aspiring to it, so that I can wield goodness with it...
but I deeply, fundamentally question that this is even possible.   

We may not have our definitions of Power aligned well enough... you may very
well have a contrasting definition of Power that I'm not clear on that makes
sense in this context.

I agree with Steve that a craving is indicative: that in many cases

the quest for power is the problem, not the power itself. 

Then the issue reverts to the personality constellation seeking the power. 

I still hold that the power itself is where it starts, where the "potential
evil" resides and that it is the channeling of it via a willful action that
channels it into "kinetic evil".

But not all of those seeking power want to use it for harm. "Power over" vs
"power with".  

The definition of power is changing as we speak: we can help or hinder. 

I do not disagree that often (most often?) our quest for power is motivated
by some higher desire (at least consciously) to "do good".  What I question
is if this is actually possible.   My personal experience, if viewed with
enough wishful thinking, suggests that I in fact do good with some of the
power I have managed to obtain over the world and over others.   I don't
know if it it ever actually works out that way in fact... I have plenty of
wishful thinking to maintain me in my pursuit of rightous application of
power.   I know this sounds rather negative, but that alone is not enough
reason for me to discount it.


I will leave the whole gender discussion aside for the moment, but don't
think I am not watching that one. 

>   You might actually ask the women on this list about power, rather than
announcing what we think. Extrapolation from teenage behaviour is not
applicable to the sophisticated feminine intellects, interests and abilities
on this list. 

I assume that the women on this list will weigh in (as you are doing here)
with their own ideas and opinions.   I acknowledge that my statements in
this regard are sweeping generalizations and even if they have some merit
(though they may not) do not likely apply well to any given individual.   

Let me then convolve my generalization into a specific question (actually a
whole stream of them).   Do you, as a woman, believe that you (and perhaps
by extrapolation, many women) generally consider, experience and exercise
power (which we do not have a shared definition of yet) differently than
men?   Are you as likely to use direct physical control as a mode of power
as men are?  Are you as likely to have that form of power exercised over
you?  Are you as likely to use various forms of persuasion as men are?  Do
you feel that you have any power over men or women based on the (presumed by
my statement here) differences in men's and women's sexual natures?  Do you
ever use that knowingly (or unknowingly upon careful reflection) to assert
power over men (or women)?  Do you feel that you have a "right" to use any
powers that are unique to yourself individually, as a member of a gender, of
a class over others who are of a (presumed) class, gender or personal
circumstance that gives *them* potential or exercised power over you?


I vote we get Vlad down here so we can really have this conversation. Anyone
who writes

'The displacement of a rock seems clearly outside of any ethical discussion
but the displacement of Peasants is a different matter' should be thoroughly
assimilated at the Cowgirl. 

Or at least doused liberally with various libations assigned to be Irish in


 Just read Glen R's comment about rock-moving as irresponsible, and agree
with the basic point: that actions are better done with awareness and

He asserts (in my paraphrasing) that the key is careful deliberation over
consequences.   I think it is important, but I suggest that it may not be

 NO, I am not saying an abusive act done with deliberation is better than a
non-abusive act done without thought. Can we not agree that there are people
who aim to benefit others, and do so with power and deliberation?

Absolutely.  And I hope we can even agree that there are people with amazing
capacity for framing their selfish and abusive acts as acts of generosity
and kindness.   The question (for myself) is where the threshold of
awareness goes from willful ignorance to rightous, aware, intention.

 Just reading about the Turkish/Greek population exchange of 1923, as one in
a line of horrific thoughtless acts by people with power over others....

  I am not at all saying it doesn't happen.

I never doubted that.  I don't think anyone here would say that (but I could
ask them).  

  I am saying that a fear of power prevents it from ever being used for
good, which it is occasionally. But the desire for it persists, and if we
try to prevent it, the desire is amplified. Humans. Lizards and lemurs. 

I think that a healthy respect for power and it's consequences (intended or
otherwise) is paramount.   I don't know that it has to be fear.  If we are
to act willfully at all, then we must either believe the exercise of power
*can* yield goodness, or that we are willing to accept the risk of bad
consequences.    My willful actions are moving from the former catagory to
the latter.

 The Dalai Lama 'controls' between ten and twenty million people, (Wiki.)
but he is not using an army of ten+ million to infiltrate and force out the
Chinese from the land they invaded. 

I think this is a very good extreme example.  My appraisal of the Dalai Lama
and his "power" is that there is little if any power that he wields beyond
persuasion, and I think he uses that with the utmost care.   I have found
that very little of his talk is of the persuasive kind, meaning that his
intention is not (directly) to persuade.  I believe his intention is to
bring clarity to the ideas and experiences he is talking about and trusts
that the individuals receiving them will assimilate them the best they can
and take action in their own lives accordingly.  I would claim that he is
walking a very fine line where he might not wield any of what I am calling

When he came to Santa Fe around 1990, he impressed me in many ways.  During
the Q&A after his talk, someone asked him if he came to the US to ask the US
Gov't to place economic or political sanctions against the Chinese who were
occupying his country and oppressing his people.  He said roughly, "economic
and political sanctions are forms of violence and I do not promote any form
of violence for any reason".   I would say that he was declining to use his
"power" in a situation where most, if not all of us would feel almost
completely righteous in using our power to right a wrong.   He was also
asked if he was going up to LANL to urge the leaders of the lab to disarm.
He (roughly) said "The Laboratory's mission is to create weapons of
unthinkable destruction, I have nothing to talk with them about".   And when
asked "But what about the peace of 40+ years that has been kept by Mutual
Assured Destruction", he said (roughly) "if you come across two men grasping
eachothers' collars with their fists drawn back to strike but have not yet
struck the other, would you call that peace?".    

My point of relevance to this discussion is that while his words were very
illuminating, I did not find them to be "persuasive" in the most literal
sense of the term.   In all both cases, he was declining to use the "power"
the questioners presumed him to have (and encouraging him to use).

Don't say 'well his religion prevents him' because that is pointless
reasoning: by your standards the choice he has is to use power for good or

Or to decline to use his power.

If one includes in their definition of Power, his spiritual and intellectual
acuity that allows him to split the finest of hairs in ways that allow him
(and us, if we use his example) to avoid any willful acts of power, then we
have another kind of power...   

Is this the difference between my use of "power" and yours?

The source of the power was his choice to embrace (and by the way did you
know that he was always predicted to be the last Dalai Lama? The traditions
all said that the 14th would be the end of the lineage. He knew that from
the beginning.

I did not know that he was predicted to be the last of the Dalai Lamas.  I'm
not sure how this is a source of power for him?

 And whatever you may think of Bill Gates, his money gives him enormous
power, but he has not taken over the military of small countries and waged
war on anyone, much to the contrary.

Not to my knowledge.  But we do not know what (all) he does with his money
or other forms of his influence.  The "evil" often ascribed to him fits
mostly in the catagory of unintended consequences fading into willful
ignorance.   He might not understand the implications of the dominance of
his products in the world, or he might feel that the negative side effects
of this are balanced by the presumed "good" that his products bring the
world (better documents, better spreadsheets, better e-mail (no, scratch
that one), better web browsing (scratch that one too)... better STUFF!), or
he might not care, and might believe that the success in the "free" market
proves the goodness of his products.

 There are lots of ways to be human. 

Absolutely... wonderfully true... a cause for great celebration.

 There are lots of ways to wield power.

Also absolutely true and a glorious and horrible thing it is.  Perhaps we
cannot separate the glory from the horror.  Perhaps that is the crux of my
arguement... no amount of glory in our wielding of power will be free of the
taint of the horror, and perhaps by symmetry, even the most horrific acts of
power might have some smidgen of glory in them.

It is a good question to ponder.

Thanks for weighing in.   I hope my response helps us to converge or at
least understand where we are not.  We may have moved from Irish Whiskey to
Kentucky Bourbon territory...

- Steve

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