Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Avraham Schneider
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM, - o z - wrote:

 On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:

  When there is no choice, there is no choice - Israel has to defend it's
 civilian population as a first priority.

 Let me tell you a little of the latest events -

 1) IDF calls a family in Gaza, to let them know they are about to bomb the
 house from the air - demanding that the family members leave immediately.
 (the IDF had inteligence that weapons were stored in that family's house)
 2) Family members climb to the roof of the house as they know the IDF
 would not want to harm civilians
 3) The IDF pilot fires a rocket to the corner of the roof, making it clear
 that if they don't leave, they will die,
 4) The family get the point and run away
 5) House is fired at
 6) Explosions ocur due to ammunition and rockets stored there.

 Correction #3:  The MC actually dispatched MIGCAP to fire 20mm cannon,
 not 'rocket' -- at the next building over.   The kill ratio from a rocket's
 would have killed anyone on the roof, hence, 20mm fire to ward off the
 and scare the dickens out of them so they would bail from the structure.
 The IDF Spokesman said that Ghayan's house had served as a weapons silo and
a war room for Hamas. Under the house, according to the IDF, was a tunnel
which was meant to serve as an escape route in case of an Israeli attack.
The IDF has code named such operations roof knocking, in which the army
informs the residents of s suspected building that they have 10 minutes to
leave the premises. In some cases, residents of suspected houses have been
able to prevent bombing by climbing up to the roof to show that they will
not leave, prompting IDF commanders to call off the strike. In these cases,
Channel 10 reported Thursday, the IAF sometimes launches a relatively
harmless missile at the corner of the roof, avoiding casualties but
successfully dispersing the crowd.
It appears that the roof knocking technique was used in the assassination,
but Ghayan decided to stay indoors with his family, and the army opted to
bomb the house anyway.
A lecturer at Gaza's Islamic University, Ghayan, 49, had mentored suicide
bombers and would sometimes go on patrol with Hamas fighters. He was known
for his close ties to the group's military wing and was respected in Gaza
for donning combat fatigues and personally participating in clashes against
Israeli forces. He sent one of his sons on an October 2001 suicide mission
that killed two Israeli settlers in Gaza.

 #4:  Family found Jesus right away, no, Common Sense...and bailed from the

 #5:  Cool fireworks display courtesy of your local IDF

 #6:  Kudos to family for making a media moment of defiance, but it was
 really time
 to leave before someone was killed.


 You people can't even agree to stop a flame war.

  It's not a flame war - it's an off-topic propaganda started by a Muslim
 defended by a Jew.
 Just add the subject to a filter rule in Outlook/gmail/whatever client you
 use, and forget about it.

 Defended by two Jews now, Mazel tov

Thanks for the help.


 Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's
 attention. She needs to be taken to a company of man-soldiers and it would
 be just fine. Releasing such stupid remarks gives her the feeling of being
 fulfilled. This is the only way for her to attract men's attention.  Show me
 that Rice is a woman? The only thing she attracts is reindeer. The States
 needs to practice the old Soviet tradition when both single women and single
 men were not allowed to take responsible state positions...

 --Vladimir Zhirinovsky,  Russian politician, rabid leader of the Liberal
 and Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR)

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] CVE-2008-2303 proof of concept and more

2009-01-05 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
CVE-2008-2303 covers an integer overflow in the handling of indices in
the arguments array in Apple Safari that affects iPhone, iPod and PC
(Mac and Windows). It was fixed in Safari 3.2 for iPhone and iPod in
July and for PC in November. More details here:

Simple repro:
http:// goog_1231173753359skypher
goog_1231173753359SkyLined goog_1231173753359/
goog_1231173753359repro goog_1231173753359.html

I have also created proof of concept code that shows potential
exploitability and demonstrates how to use heap-spraying in Safari.
AFAIK this is the first use of heap spraying in Safari, but I may be
wrong. Heap spraying in Safari is not that different from other
browsers, just backwards ;)

No, script-kiddies, it is not a working insert download and execute
code here exploit - view source for the win!!

I have created a list of software vulnerabilities, including
previously unreleased material, on my website:



Berend-Jan Wever
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure Digest, Vol 47, Issue 9

2009-01-05 Thread Mike Diack
 killing any
civilians?  Put another way, if one side of a conflict intentionally
surrounds it's weapons with civilians, should the other side just give up?



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 12:28:44 +
From: Some Guy Posting To Full Disclosure
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] CCIE makes u go nuts?? or is that only
nutsget CCIE
To: Joel Jose
Cc: full-disclosure
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I don't get why this is news. Murder happens all the time.

Has he even been found guilty yet? True it looks like it is, but just
look at that news article! You can perve on some poor guys destruction
because it makes great news. I remember this happened a few years back
to someone else and the guy was found innocent, despite the way the
news channels made it look.

On 1/3/09, Joel Jose wrote:

 It scares the hell out of me. when i read the topics...and try to
 learn i cant help my mind and heart doubting...when will my name
 come in a news like that.. maaa... 8 years in cisco... a voice
 architect. hm... i was wanting to become like that without
 the twists that is... ;(... its scary

 lemme see ur responses

 it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your
 years. Abraham Lincoln

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

I'm your best best friend.


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 00:27:35 -0500
From: j-f sentier
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Well Israel is a very young nation,  in 61 years of existence, they have
been in war with all of them neighborhood, Egypt, Syria, Liban,Jordan,

If someone can find an explication that makes sens, i'll take it.

Also Mr pro-sionist (Avraham Schneider) i dont believe in god nowaday but
i've readed the bible twice and the torah once, so i'm able to segfault your
pro-sionist brain:

At least 178 Jews and persons of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry
have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 23% of all individual
recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2008, and constituting 37% of all US
recipients2 during the same period. In the scientific research fields of
Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and US
percentages are 27% and 40%, respectively. (Jews currently make up
approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.)

Considering Jews are testifying to the existence of G-d - I would say it is
hard to make your claim under these results...

Speaking of which god and religion: jewish says: God have elected,chosen the
jewish people (it's written in the Torah.)
Dont forget one thing, the jewish people were also banned and condemned by
this very same god to have pain and
no home for 2000 years.

Because of what ? same thing here, you want always more than we give you.
And even if some son of god would come on this earth one day, you (sionnist
guys) wont be able to reconnize him or you would kill him again, because you
always thought you we're more intelligent than anyone around (which is a
fundamental mistake).

Also once you're not happy on something you play the card of the second
world war deportation at any times,
but hey, you're not the belly-button of the world, dont forget that Gipsys,
black people, gay, arab, and everything that didn't have blond hair and blue
eyes were also killed, this is real history no propaganda.

All this sionist story is pathetic,  they make more than one land hold-up
in the front of the world and no one say nothing, because they're jew.
Wassup if Iran (for example) was the investigator of this, and would have
provided this very same excuse than tsahal did ?
No of course  the occident wouldn't have let this happen or not on this
it's pretty funny to see in many places in U-K some huge flag :
We support Israel.
that remind me why they support so proudly israel :

Btw i'm not antisemite i like jews, i'm just anti-sionist :)

-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 15:59:33 -0600
From: Paul Schmehl

Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Prototype This
Nobody force you to answer or even read this topic. You can still
answer and read other topic.

And what a liar you are.Yesterday a 20 year old boy got shoot dead by
israel in Westbank in a demonstration. So dont speak like the soldiers
are little angels. In fact Satan himself , take special course from
sionist ppl.

2009/1/5 Yudi Rosen
 It's interesting to note how the PA Palestinians in the West Bank are living
 peacefully - they're not launching attacks on Israeli citizens, and therefor
 aren't being attacked back by Israel. In fact, many of them have jobs within
 Israeli areas and receive benefits from the Israeli government (my source?
 I'm there right now, I've asked to both Jews and Arabs about this).

 Yet in Gaza, the ruling party (Hamas) has vowed not just to establish a
 Palestinian country, but also to destroy Israel and kill every last Jew. And
 they attempt to make good on their words by deliberately and specificly
 targeting civillians, even killing other Palestinians in the proccess. In
 order to defend it's own people (both Jews and Arabs), Israel launches this
 latest battle.

 THEN, (hoping to garner some sympathy for the Hamas cause, it seems?),
 several people start a flamefight on a IT-security mailing list.

 ...anyone see what doesn't make sense here?

 There are places to flame about this, FD doesn't seem like one of them.
 Please let's get back on topic?

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Avraham Schneider wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM, - o z - wrote:

 On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:

 When there is no choice, there is no choice - Israel has to defend it's
 civilian population as a first priority.

 Let me tell you a little of the latest events -

 1) IDF calls a family in Gaza, to let them know they are about to bomb
 house from the air - demanding that the family members leave
 (the IDF had inteligence that weapons were stored in that family's
 2) Family members climb to the roof of the house as they know the IDF
 would not want to harm civilians
 3) The IDF pilot fires a rocket to the corner of the roof, making it
 that if they don't leave, they will die,
 4) The family get the point and run away
 5) House is fired at
 6) Explosions ocur due to ammunition and rockets stored there.

 Correction #3:  The MC actually dispatched MIGCAP to fire 20mm cannon,
 not 'rocket' -- at the next building over.   The kill ratio from a
 rocket's shrapnel
 would have killed anyone on the roof, hence, 20mm fire to ward off the
 and scare the dickens out of them so they would bail from the structure.
  The IDF Spokesman said that Ghayan's house had served as a weapons silo
 and a war room for Hamas. Under the house, according to the IDF, was a
 tunnel which was meant to serve as an escape route in case of an Israeli
 The IDF has code named such operations roof knocking, in which the army
 informs the residents of s suspected building that they have 10 minutes to
 leave the premises. In some cases, residents of suspected houses have been
 able to prevent bombing by climbing up to the roof to show that they will
 not leave, prompting IDF commanders to call off the strike. In these cases,
 Channel 10 reported Thursday, the IAF sometimes launches a relatively
 harmless missile at the corner of the roof, avoiding casualties but
 successfully dispersing the crowd.
 It appears that the roof knocking technique was used in the
 assassination, but Ghayan decided to stay indoors with his family, and the
 army opted to bomb the house anyway.
 A lecturer at Gaza's Islamic University, Ghayan, 49, had mentored suicide
 bombers and would sometimes go on patrol with Hamas fighters. He was known
 for his close ties to the group's military wing and was respected in Gaza
 for donning combat fatigues and personally participating in clashes against
 Israeli forces. He sent one of his sons on an October 2001 suicide mission
 that killed two Israeli settlers in Gaza.

 #4:  Family found Jesus right away, no, Common Sense...and bailed from
 the roof.

 #5:  Cool fireworks display courtesy of your local IDF

 #6:  Kudos to family for making a media moment of defiance, but it was
 really time
 to leave before someone was killed.


 You people can't even agree to stop a flame war.

 It's not a flame war - it's an off-topic propaganda started by a Muslim
 defended by a Jew.
 Just add the subject to a filter rule in Outlook/gmail/whatever client
 use, and forget about it.

 Defended by two Jews now, Mazel tov

 Thanks for the help.


 Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's
 attention. She needs to be taken to a company of man-soldiers and it would
 be just fine. Releasing such stupid remarks gives her the feeling 

Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Avraham Schneider
just add an exception...

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Gary Wilson wrote:

 Having had enough of the non-topic junk this list has become recently, I
 went to unsub, but it seems the SSL cert is not valid/trusted.

 For the mods, I guess:

 Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

 The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

 (Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

* This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could
 be someone trying to impersonate the server.

* If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the
 error may be temporary, and you can try again later.


 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Gary Wilson

Having had enough of the non-topic junk this list has become recently, I
went to unsub, but it seems the SSL cert is not valid/trusted.

For the mods, I guess:

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

(Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

* This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could
be someone trying to impersonate the server.

* If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the
error may be temporary, and you can try again later.


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Yudi Rosen
True, I could...yet this one is just a nonsensical flame-fight and really
out of place.

There's a difference between police shooting at demonstrations, and soldiers
rolling in with tanks. Police shootings are not military operations, they
happen just about everywhere on earth and are no indication of what's going

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Prototype This wrote:

 Nobody force you to answer or even read this topic. You can still
 answer and read other topic.

 And what a liar you are.Yesterday a 20 year old boy got shoot dead by
 israel in Westbank in a demonstration. So dont speak like the soldiers
 are little angels. In fact Satan himself , take special course from
 sionist ppl.

 2009/1/5 Yudi Rosen
  It's interesting to note how the PA Palestinians in the West Bank are
  peacefully - they're not launching attacks on Israeli citizens, and
  aren't being attacked back by Israel. In fact, many of them have jobs
  Israeli areas and receive benefits from the Israeli government (my
  I'm there right now, I've asked to both Jews and Arabs about this).
  Yet in Gaza, the ruling party (Hamas) has vowed not just to establish a
  Palestinian country, but also to destroy Israel and kill every last Jew.
  they attempt to make good on their words by deliberately and specificly
  targeting civillians, even killing other Palestinians in the proccess. In
  order to defend it's own people (both Jews and Arabs), Israel launches
  latest battle.
  THEN, (hoping to garner some sympathy for the Hamas cause, it seems?),
  several people start a flamefight on a IT-security mailing list.
  ...anyone see what doesn't make sense here?
  There are places to flame about this, FD doesn't seem like one of them.
  Please let's get back on topic?
  On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM, - o z - wrote:
  On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
  When there is no choice, there is no choice - Israel has to defend
  civilian population as a first priority.
  Let me tell you a little of the latest events -
  1) IDF calls a family in Gaza, to let them know they are about to bomb
  house from the air - demanding that the family members leave
  (the IDF had inteligence that weapons were stored in that family's
  2) Family members climb to the roof of the house as they know the IDF
  would not want to harm civilians
  3) The IDF pilot fires a rocket to the corner of the roof, making it
  that if they don't leave, they will die,
  4) The family get the point and run away
  5) House is fired at
  6) Explosions ocur due to ammunition and rockets stored there.
  Correction #3:  The MC actually dispatched MIGCAP to fire 20mm cannon,
  not 'rocket' -- at the next building over.   The kill ratio from a
  rocket's shrapnel
  would have killed anyone on the roof, hence, 20mm fire to ward off the
  and scare the dickens out of them so they would bail from the
   The IDF Spokesman said that Ghayan's house had served as a weapons silo
  and a war room for Hamas. Under the house, according to the IDF, was a
  tunnel which was meant to serve as an escape route in case of an Israeli
  The IDF has code named such operations roof knocking, in which the
  informs the residents of s suspected building that they have 10 minutes
  leave the premises. In some cases, residents of suspected houses have
  able to prevent bombing by climbing up to the roof to show that they
  not leave, prompting IDF commanders to call off the strike. In these
  Channel 10 reported Thursday, the IAF sometimes launches a relatively
  harmless missile at the corner of the roof, avoiding casualties but
  successfully dispersing the crowd.
  It appears that the roof knocking technique was used in the
  assassination, but Ghayan decided to stay indoors with his family, and
  army opted to bomb the house anyway.
  A lecturer at Gaza's Islamic University, Ghayan, 49, had mentored
  bombers and would sometimes go on patrol with Hamas fighters. He was
  for his close ties to the group's military wing and was respected in
  for donning combat fatigues and personally participating in clashes
  Israeli forces. He sent one of his sons on an October 2001 suicide
  that killed two Israeli settlers in Gaza.
  #4:  Family found Jesus right away, no, Common Sense...and bailed from
  the roof.
  #5:  Cool fireworks display courtesy of your local IDF
  #6:  Kudos to family for making a media moment of defiance, but it was
  really time
  to leave before someone was killed.

Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Rob Thompson
Anders B Jansson wrote:
 And just what kind of crappy mail client do you have to can't filter messages
 on subject and/or sender?

Why should we have to filter messages that are propaganda?  This list is
ridiculous, a flat out joke.  Filters are for n3td3v and ureleet.  Not
this bullshit.

That lame thread about palestine/Israel is just BS.  Flat out.  It has
_NO_ place here!

It's funny to me that the palestinians are getting what they asked for.
 Then someone comes HERE to ask for it to stop?  It all kind of makes

 Isn't the point of an un-moderated list that you'll have to moderate it 


| _   |
|  ASCII ribbon campaign ( )  |
|   - against HTML email  X   |
|/ \  |
| |

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread James Matthews
SSL certs cost money. This one works the same. etc..

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Gary Wilson wrote:

 Having had enough of the non-topic junk this list has become recently, I
 went to unsub, but it seems the SSL cert is not valid/trusted.

 For the mods, I guess:

 Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

 The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not

 (Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

* This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could
 be someone trying to impersonate the server.

* If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the
 error may be temporary, and you can try again later.


 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Yudi Rosen
It's interesting to note how the PA Palestinians in the West Bank are living
peacefully - they're not launching attacks on Israeli citizens, and therefor
aren't being attacked back by Israel. In fact, many of them have jobs within
Israeli areas and receive benefits from the Israeli government (my source?
I'm there right now, I've asked to both Jews and Arabs about this).

Yet in Gaza, the ruling party (Hamas) has vowed not just to establish a
Palestinian country, but also to destroy Israel and kill every last Jew. And
they attempt to make good on their words by deliberately and specificly
targeting civillians, even killing other Palestinians in the proccess. In
order to defend it's own people (both Jews and Arabs), Israel launches this
latest battle.

THEN, (hoping to garner some sympathy for the Hamas cause, it seems?),
several people start a flamefight on a IT-security mailing list.

...anyone see what doesn't make sense here?

There are places to flame about this, FD doesn't seem like one of them.
Please let's get back on topic?

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Avraham Schneider

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM, - o z - wrote:

 On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:

  When there is no choice, there is no choice - Israel has to defend it's
 civilian population as a first priority.

 Let me tell you a little of the latest events -

 1) IDF calls a family in Gaza, to let them know they are about to bomb
 house from the air - demanding that the family members leave immediately.
 (the IDF had inteligence that weapons were stored in that family's house)
 2) Family members climb to the roof of the house as they know the IDF
 would not want to harm civilians
 3) The IDF pilot fires a rocket to the corner of the roof, making it
 that if they don't leave, they will die,
 4) The family get the point and run away
 5) House is fired at
 6) Explosions ocur due to ammunition and rockets stored there.

 Correction #3:  The MC actually dispatched MIGCAP to fire 20mm cannon,
 not 'rocket' -- at the next building over.   The kill ratio from a
 rocket's shrapnel
 would have killed anyone on the roof, hence, 20mm fire to ward off the
 and scare the dickens out of them so they would bail from the structure.
  The IDF Spokesman said that Ghayan's house had served as a weapons silo
 and a war room for Hamas. Under the house, according to the IDF, was a
 tunnel which was meant to serve as an escape route in case of an Israeli
 The IDF has code named such operations roof knocking, in which the army
 informs the residents of s suspected building that they have 10 minutes to
 leave the premises. In some cases, residents of suspected houses have been
 able to prevent bombing by climbing up to the roof to show that they will
 not leave, prompting IDF commanders to call off the strike. In these cases,
 Channel 10 reported Thursday, the IAF sometimes launches a relatively
 harmless missile at the corner of the roof, avoiding casualties but
 successfully dispersing the crowd.
 It appears that the roof knocking technique was used in the
 assassination, but Ghayan decided to stay indoors with his family, and the
 army opted to bomb the house anyway.
 A lecturer at Gaza's Islamic University, Ghayan, 49, had mentored suicide
 bombers and would sometimes go on patrol with Hamas fighters. He was known
 for his close ties to the group's military wing and was respected in Gaza
 for donning combat fatigues and personally participating in clashes against
 Israeli forces. He sent one of his sons on an October 2001 suicide mission
 that killed two Israeli settlers in Gaza.

 #4:  Family found Jesus right away, no, Common Sense...and bailed from the

 #5:  Cool fireworks display courtesy of your local IDF

 #6:  Kudos to family for making a media moment of defiance, but it was
 really time
 to leave before someone was killed.


 You people can't even agree to stop a flame war.

  It's not a flame war - it's an off-topic propaganda started by a Muslim
 defended by a Jew.
 Just add the subject to a filter rule in Outlook/gmail/whatever client
 use, and forget about it.

 Defended by two Jews now, Mazel tov

 Thanks for the help.


 Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's
 attention. She needs to be taken to a company of man-soldiers and it would
 be just fine. Releasing such stupid remarks gives her the feeling of being
 fulfilled. This is the only way for her to attract men's attention.  Show me
 that Rice is a woman? The only thing she attracts is reindeer. The States
 needs to practice the old Soviet tradition when both single women and single
 men were not allowed to take responsible state positions...

 --Vladimir Zhirinovsky,  Russian politician, rabid leader of the 

Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Avraham Schneider
Me and others disproved every single one of the claims you and the other
Muslim (assuming you are not the same) person posted here.

The fact that nobody forced him to answer or even read the topic might be
true but his frustration is understandable for this mailing list is aimed
for IT-Security related discussions and you started a completely off-topic
thread full of propaganda lies.

It is therefore understandable why subscribers to this list who know the
facts and know that you are spreading propaganda full of lies respond in
order to clear their (and their country's, etc...) name - but it does not
explain why you started this thread on an IT-Security mailing list.

As for the 21 (not 20) year old 'boy' - 'demonstrating'

Moral of the story- if you don't throw flaming tires at armed soldiers
during a riot, you won't get shot.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Prototype This wrote:

 Nobody force you to answer or even read this topic. You can still
 answer and read other topic.

 And what a liar you are.Yesterday a 20 year old boy got shoot dead by
 israel in Westbank in a demonstration. So dont speak like the soldiers
 are little angels. In fact Satan himself , take special course from
 sionist ppl.

 2009/1/5 Yudi Rosen
  It's interesting to note how the PA Palestinians in the West Bank are
  peacefully - they're not launching attacks on Israeli citizens, and
  aren't being attacked back by Israel. In fact, many of them have jobs
  Israeli areas and receive benefits from the Israeli government (my
  I'm there right now, I've asked to both Jews and Arabs about this).
  Yet in Gaza, the ruling party (Hamas) has vowed not just to establish a
  Palestinian country, but also to destroy Israel and kill every last Jew.
  they attempt to make good on their words by deliberately and specificly
  targeting civillians, even killing other Palestinians in the proccess. In
  order to defend it's own people (both Jews and Arabs), Israel launches
  latest battle.
  THEN, (hoping to garner some sympathy for the Hamas cause, it seems?),
  several people start a flamefight on a IT-security mailing list.
  ...anyone see what doesn't make sense here?
  There are places to flame about this, FD doesn't seem like one of them.
  Please let's get back on topic?
  On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:25 AM, - o z - wrote:
  On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
  When there is no choice, there is no choice - Israel has to defend
  civilian population as a first priority.
  Let me tell you a little of the latest events -
  1) IDF calls a family in Gaza, to let them know they are about to bomb
  house from the air - demanding that the family members leave
  (the IDF had inteligence that weapons were stored in that family's
  2) Family members climb to the roof of the house as they know the IDF
  would not want to harm civilians
  3) The IDF pilot fires a rocket to the corner of the roof, making it
  that if they don't leave, they will die,
  4) The family get the point and run away
  5) House is fired at
  6) Explosions ocur due to ammunition and rockets stored there.
  Correction #3:  The MC actually dispatched MIGCAP to fire 20mm cannon,
  not 'rocket' -- at the next building over.   The kill ratio from a
  rocket's shrapnel
  would have killed anyone on the roof, hence, 20mm fire to ward off the
  and scare the dickens out of them so they would bail from the
   The IDF Spokesman said that Ghayan's house had served as a weapons silo
  and a war room for Hamas. Under the house, according to the IDF, was a
  tunnel which was meant to serve as an escape route in case of an Israeli
  The IDF has code named such operations roof knocking, in which the
  informs the residents of s suspected building that they have 10 minutes
  leave the premises. In some cases, residents of suspected houses have
  able to prevent bombing by climbing up to the roof to show that they
  not leave, prompting IDF commanders to call off the strike. In these
  Channel 10 reported Thursday, the IAF sometimes launches a relatively
  harmless missile at the corner of the roof, avoiding casualties but
  successfully dispersing the crowd.
  It appears that the roof knocking technique was used in the
  assassination, but Ghayan decided to stay indoors with his family, and
  army opted to bomb the house anyway.
  A lecturer at Gaza's Islamic University, Ghayan, 49, had mentored
  bombers and would sometimes go on patrol with Hamas fighters. He was
  for his close ties to the group's military wing and was respected in

Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Rob Thompson
What does this have to do with computers/computer security?


Take your propoganda and go home!

Handrix wrote:
 Hi all,
 The terrorist Israeli forces bombed Gaza city and destroyed many
 buildings and killed several hundred people.
 Israel likes to invoke as a justification for its attacks on its
 neighbors the war against Terror - the current slogan adopted by the
 United States.
 I hope that can help many people to understand why killing children,
 women, and all innocents person.
 Network Engineering/Security
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[Full-disclosure] to those who want moderation...

2009-01-05 Thread Michael Krymson
For those that want moderation on this mailing list, please let us all know
how you would like to achieve said moderation on a mailing list populated by
security-conscious persons who may also share a tendency to aschew rules
and/or authority.

Before vomiting out an answer, think a little bit more about it and continue
down that road.

Finally, when you come upon enlightenment, shut up and stop crying about
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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Tim

 SSL certs cost money. This one works the same. etc..

Uh, no, actually CAs provide some weak assurance that the certificate is
the real one and associated with that server.  A self-signed one
provides none.  If you can't, in some way, authenticate the certificate
then SSL is not any better than sending data plain text.  It's not that
I approve of the current SSL PKI regime, but it's still better than


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Simon Smith
Frankly I think that the entire thing is silly. We're human beings  
made up of the same flesh, blood and bone. We all come from the exact  
same source regardless of what name we give it.  The same bullet that  
can kill me can kill you and the resulting family pains would also be  
similar.  Its a war not worth fighting for either side, just be  
present and enjoy the life that you can have instead of making it  
miserable by focusing on the past which can not be changed and the  
future which will never exist.  The future is just a projection from  
your imagination but the present is where you're living.  If you're  
unhappy with where you are in the present then you haven't been living  
in the present properly.

God I sound like a monk or something...

On Jan 4, 2009, at 6:10 AM, Alaa Abdelwahab wrote:

 Dear All

 While I believe this is not the best place to discuss this subject,  
 and it will be my first post ever, but you really gave me a very  
 good reason to send this mail.

 I do recommend every one to read the history to know why rockets are  
 lunched from Gaza toward the “Israeli” lands, and what the Israeli  
 troops are really doing.

 You do not have time ? yes even sometime I don’t have enough time to  
 read my own mails.

 I will try to help, have a look on this map


 Do you understand why the small green areas are attacking the white  
 ones ??

 If you don’t like to think about it and maybe we are all technical  
 ppl who really only understand numbers? I will help as well

 In the last 8 years there were 5000 rockets (if we can really call  
 it rockets) launched from the green areas killed “5” and wounded  
 “15”  and captured “1” ppl who lives in the white lands.

 So the ppl from the white areas answer by killing “5000” and wounded  
 “15” and capture more than “2” ppl from the green areas (7%  
 of these number are only in the last 7 days).

 Maybe I will try to help more after 10 years from now by sending  
 another Map, and lets discuss then why the Palestinians didn’t  
 resist to exist, if we will remember if there was a country called  
 Palestine, which used to own the whole green and white lands only 70  
 years ago

 I hope that I didn’t take much time from you all.


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Simon Smith

Subscribe to our blog

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 11:25:58 PST, Tim said:
 Uh, no, actually CAs provide some weak assurance that the certificate is
 the real one and associated with that server.  A self-signed one
 provides none.  If you can't, in some way, authenticate the certificate
 then SSL is not any better than sending data plain text.

It's *slightly* better, in that it guards against passive sniffing attacks
on the data in transit. You're right that it doesn't guard against an
active MITM attack.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] to those who want moderation...

2009-01-05 Thread Warren Myers
eschew moderation!

just delete crap you don't want :)


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Michael Krymson wrote:

 For those that want moderation on this mailing list, please let us all know 
 how you would like to achieve said moderation on a mailing list populated by 
 security-conscious persons who may also share a tendency to aschew rules 
 and/or authority.

 Before vomiting out an answer, think a little bit more about it and continue 
 down that road.

 Finally, when you come upon enlightenment, shut up and stop crying about 
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Warren Myers

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Paul Schmehl
--On January 2, 2009 4:27:10 PM -0600 Handrix wrote:

 Hi all,

 The terrorist Israeli forces bombed Gaza city and destroyed many
 buildings and killed several hundred people.
 Israel likes to invoke as a justification for its attacks on its
 neighbors the war against Terror - the current slogan adopted by the
 United States.
 I hope that can help many people to understand why killing children,
 women, and all innocents person.


Hamas has sent over 6000 rockets into Israel over the past three years. In 
2008 alone they launched 1,750 rockets and 1,528 mortar shells into 
Israeli territory.  They're about as innocent as a thief caught with his 
hand in the cookie jar.  Not only that but they deliberately place their 
rocket and mortar launchers in the middle of civilian targets in an effort 
to produce as many Palestinian casualties as possible purely for 
propaganda purposes.  They alone are responsible for the deaths of 
innocent Palestinians.

The Palestinians overwhelmingly voted Hamas into power and fully support 
their repeated murder of Israelis.  They support the complete annihilation 
of Israel and all its people.  What do you expect Israel to do?  Negotiate 
with bloodthirsty murderers?

Paul Schmehl (
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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[Full-disclosure] ANNOUNCE: RFIDIOt ver 01.v released - Jan 2009

2009-01-05 Thread Adam Laurie
Happy New Year!

Since I haven't done so *all year*, I thought it's about time I release 
something! :P

Actually, for my sins, since my idiocy seems to have now encompassed 
JAVA, I wanted to get this out there... Most of the effort has been in 
figuring out how to get a build environment working without having to do 
a full eclipse and JCOP Tools install (the latter being very hard to 
come by these days), so if you're interested in JCOP JavaCard 
development, take a peek in the Makefile located in the 'java' 
subdirectory of this distro, which aims to make command line development 
easier... I hope it makes sense, but since I'm new to Java development, 
please feel free to point me in the right direction if I'm completely 
off base...


v0.v - January 2009
fix ATS position  length in
add - sets ATR History Bytes (ATS) on JCOP cards
add jcop_set_atr_hist.cap - java applet for setting ATR/ATS
add JAVA source for jcop_set_atr_hist.cap
move iso_7816 routines into RFIDIOt (from
fix exit status of all test programs and RFIDIOt (should be True on error)

Full details and download here:

Adam Laurie Tel: +44 (0) 20 7993 2690
Suite 117   Fax: +44 (0) 1308 867 949
61 Victoria Road

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[Full-disclosure] [USN-702-1] Samba vulnerability

2009-01-05 Thread Marc Deslauriers
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-702-1   January 05, 2009
samba vulnerability

A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases:

Ubuntu 8.10

This advisory also applies to the corresponding versions of
Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu.

The problem can be corrected by upgrading your system to the
following package versions:

Ubuntu 8.10:
  samba   2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4

In general, a standard system upgrade is sufficient to effect the
necessary changes.

Details follow:

Gunter Höckel discovered that Samba with registry shares enabled did not
properly validate share names. An authenticated user could gain access to the
root filesystem by using an older version of smbclient and specifying an
empty string as a share name. This is only an issue if registry shares are
enabled on the server by setting registry shares = yes, include = registry,
or config backend = registry, which is not the default.

Updated packages for Ubuntu 8.10:

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5:   228722 0f792a410505a9918479562ef16ccef4
  Size/MD5: 1902 0bda9c946d4f940383ca31bb7ad3e3e8
  Size/MD5: 23704996 c1630a57ac0ec24bc364c6d11c93ec35

  Architecture independent packages:
  Size/MD5:  6261402 cdfa982dd0b9c04511734aba9cb98f43
  Size/MD5:  7954776 d12c0694fa65e5f7162d5322f6765822

  amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon):
  Size/MD5:   638726 cc8150b5214fb77d9dfc019b2526cb7c
  Size/MD5:  1968610 adbbd514e01210d81004f1b9e674701e
  Size/MD5:  1370212 3192295c2170f5342235edcfd5a2044a
  Size/MD5:89088 fd98b8c2d156a43597d81cb3c05ab3de
  Size/MD5:  3815552 f36fd7dc29e504467a9e0c08f675dc48
  Size/MD5:  1993446 547e40f9cbc9e94908b9c21b54cf7c1f
  Size/MD5:  5802386 e3e7c712a2784007497213bb0cf2d3d1
  Size/MD5:  4908532 9188ed5c2e93fcfcc93ffb57aa33a4eb
  Size/MD5:  7173498 6098ce448371e6cb7ba8a7d1acc82f39
  Size/MD5:  1529412 99c94bc3bc8b4ca40b70844062cb0158
  Size/MD5:  1112728 6e7be6d81d4bb9645fe7049ad1098e24
  Size/MD5:  3349950 4865e691932849cb5d554b27dc8203c6

  i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD):
  Size/MD5:   574078 2547fa4ec3a2704e7600cfc1682e2678
  Size/MD5:  1844540 d766893ef3b88eefe3a5ff236d37a083
  Size/MD5:  1217736 fb4a6dcac85271bb5abd3102e246e908
  Size/MD5:87620 145a90245f66ae82c94611c9a5ef90c6
  Size/MD5:  3459480 f83b000101753604b107b969cbafaf38
  Size/MD5:  2077500 e4d3bba7c3992d54a002a3de960da088
  Size/MD5:  5161386 2f816bd0759b5395312b0260b2b1a830

Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Tim
 It's *slightly* better, in that it guards against passive sniffing attacks
 on the data in transit. You're right that it doesn't guard against an
 active MITM attack.

How is that better, really?  Run tcpdump or ettercap...  Either of the
tools are off the shelf.  It doesn't take a great deal of skill for
either.  Just because a piece of software is doing an extra step or
three doesn't mean an attacker has to do significantly more work.  
O(1) + O(1) = O(1)

What modern networks don't permit active modification of packets in
realtime if you have the right access to the data?  I can conceive of
some hypothetical radio broadcast or other physical media which, if
carefully designed, could make MitM attacks difficult by virtue of the
media itself (along the lines of a poor man's quantum crypto line), but
I don't know of any in use.  Do enlighten me if you do.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Tim
Another thought... If the FD maintainers wanted to include the
fingerprint of their self-signed cert or CA in the monthly list charter
email, it might be archived in dozens of places around the internet and
allow those who actually care about SSL security to validate the
certificate without having to rely on the CA gods in the sky to do it
for them.  Still not perfect, but better than the current state of


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread j-f sentier
Dont really know who's making propaganda around here
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[Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread n3td3v
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 6:59 PM
Subject: Your message to Full-Disclosure awaits moderator approval

Your mail to 'Full-Disclosure' with the subject

   Israel-Gaza conflict: Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

   Message has a suspicious header

-- Forwarded message --
From: n3td3v
Date: Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 6:59 PM
Subject: Israel-Gaza conflict: Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?

If cyber war is just web site defacement then I don't think we ever
need to take cyber war too seriously.

It seems to me that cyber war just means protesters protesting and
no actual cyber war is there, as a cyber war would mean two sides
fighting, although two sides aren't fighting in cyber its all
one-way script kid web defacement, not real war in any sense.

Two sides fighting, a government and some other entity and the
internet stuck in the middle, now that would mean cyber war, there
has been no cyber war and is unlikely to be one.

If people are marching in London today in the streets against the
Israel-Gaza conflict is that called war? Of course not, so why are
the media so quick to call protesting on-line, a war? [1]

What it really is, is folks protesting... a cyber protest, not a war.

Why are we using the wrong words to describe stuff? It's not even the
media, it was Gary Warner on a web log. [2]



We as a community should be cautious about using the wrong words to
describe stuff, because the media take influence from us guys on
mailing lists and blogs and at security conferences, so its important
we use cyber protest when script kids deface some web sites.

To put the right angle on this, it's unlikely to be new people doing
the defacements, its likely to be script kids who were defacers
anyway, and just change their political message to go with *whatever
the current climate is*.

Tomorrow the same folks will be defacing with a new message, they
don't care *really* about the message, defacers will find any reason
to deface.

It's unlikely the Israel-Gaza conflict defacers were only sprung into
action because of what is going on in the world, they would be
defacing anyway and looking for any excuse to do so.

Let's be careful from now on I don't like to see the wrong buzzwords
used and i'm sure Gadi doesn't either.

If Hamas cyber attacked Israel and Israel had a cyber response, then
that would be cyber war. This is not cyber war folks, this is a cyber
protest those kids are doing, they are unlikely to be connected with
anything thats going on and were web defacers anyway with a different
defacement message the day before.

Please I hope we as security experts know the difference.

I wrote this Email just incase because i'm sick of certain buzzwords
like cyber war when there isn't a cyber war.

When the day comes that a government and another entity is two-way
cyber fighting and say for instance critical national infrastructure
is affected then you can talk about cyber war, until then please
describe web site defacers as cyber protest.

A cyber war is two-way fighting, one-way fighting is not a war!

And to clarify, a bunch of kids defacing a web site and you applying a
patch afterwards is not classed as two-way fighting and cannot be
considered cyber war either.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread chort
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 11:46 AM, wrote:
 On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 11:25:58 PST, Tim said:
 Uh, no, actually CAs provide some weak assurance that the certificate is
 the real one and associated with that server.  A self-signed one
 provides none.  If you can't, in some way, authenticate the certificate
 then SSL is not any better than sending data plain text.

 It's *slightly* better, in that it guards against passive sniffing attacks
 on the data in transit. You're right that it doesn't guard against an
 active MITM attack.

The prevailing use of self-signed certs on the Internet basically
destroys the usefulness of HTTPS, since it trains users to simply
click add exception and ignore the scary warnings because then I
get the lock icon, which means I'm safe!

The browser security model should be changed to visually differentiate
between encrypted and authenticated, but that would require
massive re-engineering of browser software, and lengthy re-education
of lusers.

Given the option between no HTTPS and HTTPS via self-signed cert, you
should choose the former if you're running a public website.  If the
connections really do need to be protected, stop being so effing
stingy and cough up the $70 for a certificate signed by a CA that is
in the default trusted bundle of major browsers.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 12:47:20 PST, Tim said:

 How is that better, really?  Run tcpdump or ettercap...  Either of the
 tools are off the shelf.

And if the site is using a self-signed cert, how does a 3rd party tcpdump
manage to get a *decrypted* datastream?  Yes, you can still do traffic analysis
on the X talked to Y with packet sizes A, B, and C level, but you can't
look at the data.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread j-f sentier
They shouldn't let you post at all.

2009/1/5 n3td3v

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 6:59 PM
 Subject: Your message to Full-Disclosure awaits moderator approval

 Your mail to 'Full-Disclosure' with the subject

   Israel-Gaza conflict: Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?

 Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

 The reason it is being held:

   Message has a suspicious header

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: n3td3v
 Date: Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 6:59 PM
 Subject: Israel-Gaza conflict: Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?

 If cyber war is just web site defacement then I don't think we ever
 need to take cyber war too seriously.

 It seems to me that cyber war just means protesters protesting and
 no actual cyber war is there, as a cyber war would mean two sides
 fighting, although two sides aren't fighting in cyber its all
 one-way script kid web defacement, not real war in any sense.

 Two sides fighting, a government and some other entity and the
 internet stuck in the middle, now that would mean cyber war, there
 has been no cyber war and is unlikely to be one.

 If people are marching in London today in the streets against the
 Israel-Gaza conflict is that called war? Of course not, so why are
 the media so quick to call protesting on-line, a war? [1]

 What it really is, is folks protesting... a cyber protest, not a war.

 Why are we using the wrong words to describe stuff? It's not even the
 media, it was Gary Warner on a web log. [2]



 We as a community should be cautious about using the wrong words to
 describe stuff, because the media take influence from us guys on
 mailing lists and blogs and at security conferences, so its important
 we use cyber protest when script kids deface some web sites.

 To put the right angle on this, it's unlikely to be new people doing
 the defacements, its likely to be script kids who were defacers
 anyway, and just change their political message to go with *whatever
 the current climate is*.

 Tomorrow the same folks will be defacing with a new message, they
 don't care *really* about the message, defacers will find any reason
 to deface.

 It's unlikely the Israel-Gaza conflict defacers were only sprung into
 action because of what is going on in the world, they would be
 defacing anyway and looking for any excuse to do so.

 Let's be careful from now on I don't like to see the wrong buzzwords
 used and i'm sure Gadi doesn't either.

 If Hamas cyber attacked Israel and Israel had a cyber response, then
 that would be cyber war. This is not cyber war folks, this is a cyber
 protest those kids are doing, they are unlikely to be connected with
 anything thats going on and were web defacers anyway with a different
 defacement message the day before.

 Please I hope we as security experts know the difference.

 I wrote this Email just incase because i'm sick of certain buzzwords
 like cyber war when there isn't a cyber war.

 When the day comes that a government and another entity is two-way
 cyber fighting and say for instance critical national infrastructure
 is affected then you can talk about cyber war, until then please
 describe web site defacers as cyber protest.

 A cyber war is two-way fighting, one-way fighting is not a war!

 And to clarify, a bunch of kids defacing a web site and you applying a
 patch afterwards is not classed as two-way fighting and cannot be
 considered cyber war either.

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Ed Carp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:33 PM, j-f sentier wrote:

 They shouldn't let you post at all.

LOL!  Thanks for the chuckle!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:29:52 PST, Tim said:
   How is that better, really?  Run tcpdump or ettercap...  Either of the
   tools are off the shelf.
  And if the site is using a self-signed cert, how does a 3rd party tcpdump
  manage to get a *decrypted* datastream?  Yes, you can still do traffic 
  on the X talked to Y with packet sizes A, B, and C level, but you can't
  look at the data.
 You're missing the point of my comment:
   Plaintext communication = use tcpdump
   Encrypted without a cert = use ettercap (or something similar)

I believe I stated *up front* that it doesn't secure against an active MITM
attack.  Once ettercap presents a *different* certificate than the one you
were expecting, the victim can at least potentially notice (the same way
that OpenSSH complains if it discovers that a host key is different).

There's also issues with getting things like ettercap working if you don't
have access to the last-hop subnet (good luck sniffing all the traffic
between two routers looking for one netflow ;)

No, I don't claim that Joe Sixpack will notice if they're ettercap'ed. However,
fine distinctions like the difference between just throw ettercap at it and
this protects against passive sniffing but not active MITM are
often important in this business.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread n3td3v
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Ed Carp wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:33 PM, j-f sentier wrote:

 They shouldn't let you post at all.

 LOL!  Thanks for the chuckle!

Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
instead of 'cyber war'?

I think the community has been getting confused on such matters.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 21:57:33 GMT, n3td3v said:
 Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
 instead of 'cyber war'?


 I think the community has been getting confused on such matters.

The community isn't confused. Only the posers who are pretending to
be part of the community are confused.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Coolz
Congratulation's handrix, and few other people here.
for proving you amazing history and middle east knowledge.
few facts (I'm from Israel, and also in the idf, for everyone who want 
few more reasons to hate me):
In the beginning of the 20th century there were almost no Arabs in the 
land of Israel. However, the Jews, in spite of
two thousand years of persecution, have been the majority of the 
population there during most of the history. In Jerusalem- they have 
always been the majority. When general Alenby , the commander of the 
British army, conquered Israel in 1917-1918, he found only a few 
thousands Arabs. Other Muslims in the region came from Turkey, or were 
the descendants of Jews and Christians who were forced to change their 
religion by the Muslims conquerers- but none of them was originally Arab.

That about the so called Palestine country and all of that crap. (btw, 
if you care about it you may want to search for Philip Hitti
AN ARAB PHD for middle east history who said: it is well known that 
there is no such thing as Palestine in the history
there are few other arabs how said pretty much the same... just search it.)

for the hamas part, please search for the Fatah, after that, you might 
ask so why did the Gaza strip people voted for hamas in democratically 
election? simple, hamas give them food, money and other things if they 
join them in the fight against israel, hamas control the fuel, hospital 
and most of the guns in the Gaza strip, they  threat  people and made 
them vote hamas, i won't go on with that line, so handrix and few other 
people here won't say I'm telling lies.

from the year 2000 hamas is firing rockets (grad, improved grad qaasam 
and  other rockets) the numbers that people wrote here are not even 
close to the real numbers. so what would you do?  if your country was 
bombed each day, day after day even when you are not doing anything (and 
for a long time the idf didn't do anything in gaza) during the cease 
fire hamas still fire rockets to israeli civilian and military targets!
so don't say its israeli propaganda or lies, hamas is a terrorist 
organization and nothing else matter, we gave them option to stop this 
stupid fight, they didn't took it. (for example, on the other of israel 
judea and samaria, israel is letting all the arab enter israel and work, 
not shooting down anybody and they are not under any israeli control, 
read about the fatah if you care about what is going on with the israeli 

Israel is doing everything it can in order to hurt only hamas people and 
is doing everything in our power not to hit civilians
no one, including the UN,USA or anyone else  has the civilians hit rate 
that the IDF is achieving in the small, crowded Gaza strip (usa bombed 
weddings and pure civilians targets in Afghanistan, UN is not enforcing 
there own rules about fire arms in Lebanon, Iraq war do i really need to 
say anything else?)

so please think again before you spread your ignorance to the world.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not 
sure about the universe.

beside that,
I'm sorry for for the English mistakes i probably have, as you can 
understand, i speak Hebrew as prime language, not English
Hopefully that i managed to show you the bigger picture (more then a 
half a million Israelis that are suffering daily from hamas rockets for 
something that only the hamas can be blamed on) 

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread n3td3v
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:03 PM, wrote:
 On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 21:57:33 GMT, n3td3v said:
 Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
 instead of 'cyber war'?


 I think the community has been getting confused on such matters.

 The community isn't confused. Only the posers who are pretending to
 be part of the community are confused.

The media?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread n3td3v
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:03 PM, n3td3v wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:03 PM, wrote:
 On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 21:57:33 GMT, n3td3v said:
 Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
 instead of 'cyber war'?


 I think the community has been getting confused on such matters.

 The community isn't confused. Only the posers who are pretending to
 be part of the community are confused.

 The media?

I think SANS is confused too;

Published: 2009-01-03,
Last Updated: 2009-01-04 00:08:06 UTC
by Rick Wanner (Version: 1)

Emails have been trickling into the ISC with information about the
ongoing Cyberwar accompanying the Israel and Gaza conflict.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 22:08:10 GMT, you said:

 I think SANS is confused too;

But you've complained in the past that SANS is a bunch of posers, thus
proving my point. ;)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Ed Carp
On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, n3td3v wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Ed Carp wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:33 PM, j-f sentier wrote:

 They shouldn't let you post at all.

 LOL!  Thanks for the chuckle!

 Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
 instead of 'cyber war'?

Well, we could, but I'm not sure what it has to do with the charter of 
this list.  Besides, I get the idea from reading this list that people 
have more fun bashing you than they do talking about subjects this list 
was created to address.  I get the idea that the list has no COPPA 
filtering (no one 13 or younger allowed), nor does it have any sort of 
maturity level filtering.  Unfortunately.
Ed Carp, N7EKG - - ** PGP or GPG encrypted email preferred **
(303) 731-5625  -or-  (850) 291-1563 (cell)

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
take everything you have.  -- Barry Goldwater

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Volker Tanger

 The prevailing use of self-signed certs on the Internet basically
 destroys the usefulness of HTTPS, since it trains users to simply
 click add exception and ignore the scary warnings because then I
 get the lock icon, which means I'm safe!
 stop being so effing
 stingy and cough up the $70 for a certificate signed by a CA that is
 in the default trusted bundle of major browsers.

Well, last month we saw reports that one of those trusted CAs (one of
those preinstalled-in-all-browsers one) signed certificates without
*any* check. The example chosen was MOZILLA.ORG  (.com? not sure). Few
years ago there was the case of cert being signed to a
non-MS person.

So training the users lock = safe or even green lock = safe is as
misleading as using self-signed certs.

And as browsers usually do not check CRLs, there is no way preventing
the use of wrongfully signed certificates short of distributing a
software update (as was with the MS case). If browsers had a cert
cache and checked it similar to SSH, MitM-attacks would be much harder. 




Volker Tanger
vtli...@wyae.dePGP Fingerprint
378A 7DA7 4F20 C2F3 5BCC  8340 7424 6122 BB83 B8CB

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Noel Butler
On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 00:25, Rob Thompson wrote:

 That lame thread about palestine/Israel is just BS.  Flat out.  It has
 _NO_ place here!

spamassassin's great - 
header   FD_BS Subject =~ /The war/i
describe FD_BS BS
scoreFD_BS 100.0

we delete at score 7 :)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Juha-Matti Laurio
It was


Volker Tanger [] wrote: 
  The prevailing use of self-signed certs on the Internet basically
  destroys the usefulness of HTTPS, since it trains users to simply
  click add exception and ignore the scary warnings because then I
  get the lock icon, which means I'm safe!
  stop being so effing
  stingy and cough up the $70 for a certificate signed by a CA that is
  in the default trusted bundle of major browsers.
 Well, last month we saw reports that one of those trusted CAs (one of
 those preinstalled-in-all-browsers one) signed certificates without
 *any* check. The example chosen was MOZILLA.ORG  (.com? not sure). Few
 years ago there was the case of cert being signed to a
 non-MS person.
 So training the users lock = safe or even green lock = safe is as
 misleading as using self-signed certs.
 And as browsers usually do not check CRLs, there is no way preventing
 the use of wrongfully signed certificates short of distributing a
 software update (as was with the MS case). If browsers had a cert
 cache and checked it similar to SSH, MitM-attacks would be much harder. 
 Volker Tanger
 vtli...@wyae.dePGP Fingerprint
 378A 7DA7 4F20 C2F3 5BCC  8340 7424 6122 BB83 B8CB

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Tim
 No, I don't claim that Joe Sixpack will notice if they're ettercap'ed. 
 fine distinctions like the difference between just throw ettercap at it and
 this protects against passive sniffing but not active MITM are
 often important in this business.

That's the thing.  I don't think that distinction is relevant in modern
networks.  Maybe ettercap isn't the optimal tool, but you *should not
differentiate between MitM and passive sniffing attacks* if there is no
authentication being performed.  Unless someone provides me with a
counter example, I'm saying that those with access to sniff a network
have the access to perform MitM attacks.  That's all that's applicable,
because the only thing making MitM harder is the right piece of
software.  I think our DRM friends in the content industry have come to
realize that this does not make things harder.  All it takes is one guy
to write and release it.

By implying to non-security types that there is some kind of tangible
difference in the security between plain text and non-authenticated SSL
is a great disservice.  Yeah, to the layman it sounds like there ought
to be a difference, but there isn't.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Tim
 And as browsers usually do not check CRLs, there is no way preventing
 the use of wrongfully signed certificates short of distributing a
 software update (as was with the MS case). If browsers had a cert
 cache and checked it similar to SSH, MitM-attacks would be much harder. 

Well, now you're just pushing the problem off on users.  How many of
them would check the certificate the first time?  Does it matter to an
end-user if their credit card info is stolen *only the first time* and
not after that?

Certainly SSL's PKI has major problems.  Many of these problems can be
remedied through simple client software changes.  Why is every CA
treated the same?  Why don't we start assigning levels of trust to
different CAs?  A web-of-trust would be a great way to go, so long as
there's a way to hide it from end users.  Who would be allowed to
participate in the web of trust?  Tough questions.

As a basic first step, perhaps what browsers need to start doing is to
take all of those CAs out of the default install and replace it with
just one.  Their own.  Sign all current CAs as sub-CAs.  Turn on CRL
checks by default to their servers and start tracking all revocations in
one place.  Then, when a CA starts misbehaving, deal with it through the
central CRL or through a trust rating system which is separate from the
standard certificate formats.  Yeah, sure, it centralizes things in a
bad way, but centralized CRLs are still better than none.  Once the
system is solidified, standardize and redistribute.

Some crazy ideas, I know.  Feel free to shred them.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread anonymous pimp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Gary Wilson wrote:

 Having had enough of the non-topic junk this list has become recently, I
 went to unsub, but it seems the SSL cert is not valid/trusted.

 For the mods, I guess:

 Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

 The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

 (Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

* This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could
 be someone trying to impersonate the server.

* If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the
 error may be temporary, and you can try again later.


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Alright, enough of the off-topic crap. Back to the topic, being that should get a non-self-signed cert. The cancer
infesting fd and the merits of CAs are irrelevant to the thread.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Tim
 Alright, enough of the off-topic crap. Back to the topic, being that should get a non-self-signed cert. The cancer
 infesting fd and the merits of CAs are irrelevant to the thread.

Oh, ok, so maybe you'd prefer we talk about Palestine, moderation, or
netdev's latest drivel?

I think it's on topic for the list.  I'll change the subject next time I
post on the matter if it makes you feel better (or even if it doesn't).


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread n3td3v
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Ed Carp wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, n3td3v wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Ed Carp wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:33 PM, j-f sentier wrote:

 They shouldn't let you post at all.

 LOL!  Thanks for the chuckle!

 Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
 instead of 'cyber war'?

 Well, we could, but I'm not sure what it has to do with the charter of this
 list.  Besides, I get the idea from reading this list that people have more
 fun bashing you than they do talking about subjects this list was created to
 address.  I get the idea that the list has no COPPA filtering (no one 13 or
 younger allowed), nor does it have any sort of maturity level filtering.
 Ed Carp, N7EKG - - ** PGP or GPG encrypted email preferred **
 (303) 731-5625  -or-  (850) 291-1563 (cell)

 A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
 take everything you have.  -- Barry Goldwater

The profit making sector of the security community are determined to
use 'cyber war', and i'm determined to downplay it as a 'cyber
protest' since I have no profiteering motivation. Although using
'cyber war' could actually cause damage and confusion to society if
not used correctly. And when the real cyber war comes, what are they
gonna call cyber war? Because society will already have been
normalized into thinking its something non-important that isn't going
to impact the public-at-large.

Why do you think news outlet's like BBC News aren't quick to use the
'cyber war' label when its just a bunch of kids doing a 'cyber
protest'? It's because the BBC is one of the most respected public
news services in the world and they don't want to mislead and cause
panic, in the same way they don't want to mislead the population into
think 'cyber war' is just something that happens, and not something
they should ever be alarmed about.

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[Full-disclosure] The merits and uses of CAs

2009-01-05 Thread Christopher Pritchard

I believe I stated *up front* that it doesn't secure against an active MITM
attack.  Once ettercap presents a *different* certificate than the one you
were expecting, the victim can at least potentially notice (the same way
that OpenSSH complains if it discovers that a host key is different).

I think that using a self signed certificate should be OK and not throw up
any warnings, however it should not change the colour of the address bar (as
using valid certificates does in many modern browsers). I also feel that if
the certificate changes (a la SSH), it should throw up a warning, unless the
previous certificate became invalid (for example due to a date issue). It
should also be possible to have semi-centralised CRLs that browsers would
check for occasions when the server admin wants to change certificates, they
could post the old one up on the list and the browser wouldn't warn when a
new certificate is presented. HTTPS is more secure than HTTP in all
instances, we should not discourage the use of self signed certificates,
however we also should not portray them as more secure than they actually
are (which is protection against PASSIVE snooping), and things that require
proper security should use either properly signed (by a CA) certs or EV


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Biz Marqee
Good. I think almost everyone would agree that YOU need to be moderated.

Stop being a cry baby and go choke yourself to death on your fathers cock
you drug fucked faggot.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread anonymous pimp
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 2:45 AM, Tim wrote:
 Alright, enough of the off-topic crap. Back to the topic, being that should get a non-self-signed cert. The cancer
 infesting fd and the merits of CAs are irrelevant to the thread.

 Oh, ok, so maybe you'd prefer we talk about Palestine, moderation, or
 netdev's latest drivel?

 I think it's on topic for the list.  I'll change the subject next time I
 post on the matter if it makes you feel better (or even if it doesn't).


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It's off topic for this thread. FD, by it's very nature, is designed
for in-depth discussion of things that are not usually disclosed.
Moderation, is, of course, relevant. Palestine is also somewhat
relevant, in that there is a large amount of misinformation and lack
of disclosure involved; disclosing information leads to discussion.
Yes, it has little place here, but it's presence is somewhat
understandable. Netdev should be banned. However, this thread is
discussing none of those, and as such those topics do not belong here.

Also, don't just change ths subject, please. Make a new thread. Simply
changing the topic does not make it a new thread, many mail clients
show it as part of the same thread.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Mainbox Notif

I think you misunderstood everything:
First : you are from Israel, so probably you read only Israeli newspapers.
In modern world we see news from reliable (independent) sources.
That makes your story not very believable.
But it can be worse: some people here do never read newspapers or see the
news. But still have an opinion or think that they have the knowledge.

Hamas is elected, IMO because they can do something against Israel.
You told it: hamas give them food, money and other things if they
join them in the fight against israel.

The other things you mentioned are (hopefully)  weapons.

Of course, they do not have to negotiate with the thief that stool their

Lets help the Palestinian victims: give them food, medicines and weapons.
Lets help them fight the occupiers.
They deserve their country back.
(Yes, you do want to hear it: it is THEIR country)

2009/1/5 Coolz

 Congratulation's handrix, and few other people here.
 for proving you amazing history and middle east knowledge.
 few facts (I'm from Israel, and also in the idf, for everyone who want
 few more reasons to hate me):
 In the beginning of the 20th century there were almost no Arabs in the
 land of Israel. However, the Jews, in spite of
 two thousand years of persecution, have been the majority of the
 population there during most of the history. In Jerusalem- they have
 always been the majority. When general Alenby , the commander of the
 British army, conquered Israel in 1917-1918, he found only a few
 thousands Arabs. Other Muslims in the region came from Turkey, or were
 the descendants of Jews and Christians who were forced to change their
 religion by the Muslims conquerers- but none of them was originally Arab.

 That about the so called Palestine country and all of that crap. (btw,
 if you care about it you may want to search for Philip Hitti
 AN ARAB PHD for middle east history who said: it is well known that
 there is no such thing as Palestine in the history
 there are few other arabs how said pretty much the same... just search it.)

 for the hamas part, please search for the Fatah, after that, you might
 ask so why did the Gaza strip people voted for hamas in democratically
 election? simple, hamas give them food, money and other things if they
 join them in the fight against israel, hamas control the fuel, hospital
 and most of the guns in the Gaza strip, they  threat  people and made
 them vote hamas, i won't go on with that line, so handrix and few other
 people here won't say I'm telling lies.

 from the year 2000 hamas is firing rockets (grad, improved grad qaasam
 and  other rockets) the numbers that people wrote here are not even
 close to the real numbers. so what would you do?  if your country was
 bombed each day, day after day even when you are not doing anything (and
 for a long time the idf didn't do anything in gaza) during the cease
 fire hamas still fire rockets to israeli civilian and military targets!
 so don't say its israeli propaganda or lies, hamas is a terrorist
 organization and nothing else matter, we gave them option to stop this
 stupid fight, they didn't took it. (for example, on the other of israel
 judea and samaria, israel is letting all the arab enter israel and work,
 not shooting down anybody and they are not under any israeli control,
 read about the fatah if you care about what is going on with the israeli

 Israel is doing everything it can in order to hurt only hamas people and
 is doing everything in our power not to hit civilians
 no one, including the UN,USA or anyone else  has the civilians hit rate
 that the IDF is achieving in the small, crowded Gaza strip (usa bombed
 weddings and pure civilians targets in Afghanistan, UN is not enforcing
 there own rules about fire arms in Lebanon, Iraq war do i really need to
 say anything else?)

 so please think again before you spread your ignorance to the world.
 Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not
 sure about the universe.

 beside that,
 I'm sorry for for the English mistakes i probably have, as you can
 understand, i speak Hebrew as prime language, not English
 Hopefully that i managed to show you the bigger picture (more then a
 half a million Israelis that are suffering daily from hamas rockets for
 something that only the hamas can be blamed on)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread quispiam lepidus
I think you're the one who misunderstands. Nobody gives a shit what
you have to say, as it's completely OT.

Take your rant elsewhere.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Mainbox Notif wrote:

 I think you misunderstood everything:
 First : you are from Israel, so probably you read only Israeli newspapers.
 In modern world we see news from reliable (independent) sources.
 That makes your story not very believable.
 But it can be worse: some people here do never read newspapers or see the
 news. But still have an opinion or think that they have the knowledge.

 Hamas is elected, IMO because they can do something against Israel.
 You told it: hamas give them food, money and other things if they
 join them in the fight against israel.

 The other things you mentioned are (hopefully)  weapons.

 Of course, they do not have to negotiate with the thief that stool their

 Lets help the Palestinian victims: give them food, medicines and weapons.
 Lets help them fight the occupiers.
 They deserve their country back.
 (Yes, you do want to hear it: it is THEIR country)

 2009/1/5 Coolz

 Congratulation's handrix, and few other people here.
 for proving you amazing history and middle east knowledge.
 few facts (I'm from Israel, and also in the idf, for everyone who want
 few more reasons to hate me):
 In the beginning of the 20th century there were almost no Arabs in the
 land of Israel. However, the Jews, in spite of
 two thousand years of persecution, have been the majority of the
 population there during most of the history. In Jerusalem- they have
 always been the majority. When general Alenby , the commander of the
 British army, conquered Israel in 1917-1918, he found only a few
 thousands Arabs. Other Muslims in the region came from Turkey, or were
 the descendants of Jews and Christians who were forced to change their
 religion by the Muslims conquerers- but none of them was originally Arab.

 That about the so called Palestine country and all of that crap. (btw,
 if you care about it you may want to search for Philip Hitti
 AN ARAB PHD for middle east history who said: it is well known that
 there is no such thing as Palestine in the history
 there are few other arabs how said pretty much the same... just search

 for the hamas part, please search for the Fatah, after that, you might
 ask so why did the Gaza strip people voted for hamas in democratically
 election? simple, hamas give them food, money and other things if they
 join them in the fight against israel, hamas control the fuel, hospital
 and most of the guns in the Gaza strip, they  threat  people and made
 them vote hamas, i won't go on with that line, so handrix and few other
 people here won't say I'm telling lies.

 from the year 2000 hamas is firing rockets (grad, improved grad qaasam
 and  other rockets) the numbers that people wrote here are not even
 close to the real numbers. so what would you do?  if your country was
 bombed each day, day after day even when you are not doing anything (and
 for a long time the idf didn't do anything in gaza) during the cease
 fire hamas still fire rockets to israeli civilian and military targets!
 so don't say its israeli propaganda or lies, hamas is a terrorist
 organization and nothing else matter, we gave them option to stop this
 stupid fight, they didn't took it. (for example, on the other of israel
 judea and samaria, israel is letting all the arab enter israel and work,
 not shooting down anybody and they are not under any israeli control,
 read about the fatah if you care about what is going on with the israeli

 Israel is doing everything it can in order to hurt only hamas people and
 is doing everything in our power not to hit civilians
 no one, including the UN,USA or anyone else  has the civilians hit rate
 that the IDF is achieving in the small, crowded Gaza strip (usa bombed
 weddings and pure civilians targets in Afghanistan, UN is not enforcing
 there own rules about fire arms in Lebanon, Iraq war do i really need to
 say anything else?)

 so please think again before you spread your ignorance to the world.
 Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not
 sure about the universe.

 beside that,
 I'm sorry for for the English mistakes i probably have, as you can
 understand, i speak Hebrew as prime language, not English
 Hopefully that i managed to show you the bigger picture (more then a
 half a million Israelis that are suffering daily from hamas rockets for
 something that only the hamas can be blamed on)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread anonymous pimp
When will this thread die?

Bitching at each other will prove nothing: beliefs in topics such as
national identity cannot be swayed by mere words, especially in the
form of argument.

Now, everyone stfu.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread Adrenalin
Hello everyone,
A bit off topic..

Can somebody explain why signing a cert for a domain is still so expensive ?
Or do CA pays a lot of money to browsers so they do not a allow CA with a
better price.. ? Why can't a CA sign a certificate free of charge so
everyone who own a domain can have a https for it's site ?

In my opinion CA (these that are recognized by browsers) charge too much, or
I'm missing something ?
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Re: [Full-disclosure] anonymous pimp's ideas of list etiquette (was: FD / - bad SSL cert)

2009-01-05 Thread Tim

 It's off topic for this thread.

I think discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using a self
signed cert is pretty darned close to the OP's topic, but whatever.

 Moderation, is, of course, relevant.

It comes up about every month.  Get over it.  Look through the list
archives for every angle on it, including third parties which provide a
moderated version of the list.

 Palestine is also somewhat
 relevant, in that there is a large amount of misinformation and lack
 of disclosure involved; disclosing information leads to discussion.

From the charter:  Politics should be avoided at all costs.

 Netdev should be banned.

Good luck.

 Also, don't just change ths subject, please. Make a new thread. Simply
 changing the topic does not make it a new thread, many mail clients
 show it as part of the same thread.

You already did.  I'm already a sucker for responding to your trolling.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD / - bad SSL cert

2009-01-05 Thread chort
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Adrenalin wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 A bit off topic..

 Can somebody explain why signing a cert for a domain is still so expensive ?
 Or do CA pays a lot of money to browsers so they do not a allow CA with a
 better price.. ? Why can't a CA sign a certificate free of charge so
 everyone who own a domain can have a https for it's site ?

Because the effort, even a small amount, to do any verification that
the requester is who they say the are is non-trivial.  It takes actual
humans to do this, which means you have to pay salaries.  It also
costs money to handle the keys for the CA securely, hardware signing
modules, etc.

There are some CAs that charge a lot less than others, and there are
also resellers who often sell certificates to their customers at less
than what someone could buy the cert from the actual CA itself.

Is paying 2 months worth of residential DSL for a certificate that can
be used to secure an e-commerce storefront really that outrageous?


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[Full-disclosure] [USN-703-1] xterm vulnerability

2009-01-05 Thread Kees Cook
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-703-1   January 06, 2009
xterm vulnerability
CVE-2006-7236, CVE-2008-2383

A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases:

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Ubuntu 7.10
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
Ubuntu 8.10

This advisory also applies to the corresponding versions of
Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu.

The problem can be corrected by upgrading your system to the
following package versions:

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS:
  xterm   208-3.1ubuntu3.1

Ubuntu 7.10:
  xterm   229-1ubuntu0.1

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS:
  xterm   229-1ubuntu1.1

Ubuntu 8.10:
  xterm   235-1ubuntu1.1

After a standard system upgrade you need to restart any running xterms to
effect the necessary changes.

Details follow:

Paul Szabo discovered that the DECRQSS escape sequences were not handled
correctly by xterm.  Additionally, window title operations were also not
safely handled.  If a user were tricked into viewing a specially crafted
series of characters while in xterm, a remote attacker could execute
arbitrary commands with user privileges. (CVE-2006-7236, CVE-2008-2382)

Updated packages for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS:

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5:62958 2178b13411ef6c0c84c455e7848c3b5a
  Size/MD5:  800 6ff1855e882930be579eceb46223db59
  Size/MD5:   749755 a062d0b398918015d07c31ecdcc5111a

  amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon):
  Size/MD5:   416612 21f755ffe914eb143fb35f6be7d02ff7

  i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD):
  Size/MD5:   396128 55b3a16962774230c48fb98ab90b6977

  powerpc architecture (Apple Macintosh G3/G4/G5):
  Size/MD5:   408068 f7dab234c7df117de7e401cd966017a0

  sparc architecture (Sun SPARC/UltraSPARC):
  Size/MD5:   403704 33cf8ee56acd8dd86540e72c26a5d54a

Updated packages for Ubuntu 7.10:

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5:64026 93836a39864144c4f590202c85fb57c7
  Size/MD5:  953 9b24ce999d1ca82a60f437f4c00ec847
  Size/MD5:   841542 f7b04a66dc401dc22f5ddb7f345be229

  amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon):
  Size/MD5:   471288 599f1bfda25b6f178a37f94f775f155c

  i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD):
  Size/MD5:   454306 6898963b2f11ecd8e950b68afe1d3c20

  lpia architecture (Low Power Intel Architecture):
  Size/MD5:   454086 5bddec1c5e539884545e735fee6543f1

  powerpc architecture (Apple Macintosh G3/G4/G5):
  Size/MD5:   470124 9c002fb71ddfd4d603b3789d234a1ae3

  sparc architecture (Sun SPARC/UltraSPARC):
  Size/MD5:   465888 2df2203939f22f1ea2cfe8aef5f17f3c

Updated packages for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS:

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5:64381 4b78020812d35038e91ab80718d76be4
  Size/MD5:  953 46cf3fcc74956b9fe99ba89faab5ec7c
  Size/MD5:   841542 f7b04a66dc401dc22f5ddb7f345be229

  amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon):
  Size/MD5:   469724 70acad02e39d60d79eb8fd80a55da27a

  i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD):
  Size/MD5:   453344 2a5d12cc01fa456f4bd205da497a1589

  lpia architecture (Low Power Intel Architecture):

Re: [Full-disclosure] The merits and uses of CAs

2009-01-05 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 23:55:59 GMT, Christopher Pritchard said:
 previous certificate became invalid (for example due to a date issue). It
 should also be possible to have semi-centralised CRLs that browsers would
 check for occasions when the server admin wants to change certificates, they
 could post the old one up on the list and the browser wouldn't warn when a
 new certificate is presented.

Something to consider:  In most cases, the CRL that you are supposed to check
to see if a cert has been revoked is listed *in the cert you're checking*.
That's all fine and dandy if you're dealing with a legitimate CA that's
revoking a cert for good reason.  However, it is interesting to consider
what happens when a dodgy CA issues a cert - they have some good reasons
to point the CRL at never-never land.

So - if you were a miscreant running a dodgy CA, where would *you* point
the CRL?

If you were a browser designer, what would you do if you found a CRL that
pointed nowhere?  One option is to not allow the use of a cert that you can't
contact the CRL - except that becomes a massive single point of failure. If
users can't do their home banking because their bank's CA is unreachable due
to severe backhoe fade, they won't be very happy with their browser.

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[Full-disclosure] Security Assessment of the Internet Protocol the IETF

2009-01-05 Thread Fernando Gont
Hash: SHA256


In August 2008 the UK CPNI (United Kingdom's Centre for the Protection of
National Infrastructure) published the document Security Assessment of the
Internet Protocol. The motivation of the aforementioned document is
explained in the Preface of the document itself. (The paper is available
at: )

Once the paper was published by CPNI, I produced an IETF Internet-Draft
version of the same paper, with the intent of having the IETF publish
recommendations and/or update the specifications where necessary. This IETF
Internet-Draft is available at: (and of course it's
also available at the IETF I-D repository).

The Internet-Draft I published was aimed at the OPSEC WG. And the Working
Group is right now deciding whether to accept this document as a WG item.
This is certainly a critical step. Having the OPSEC WG accept this document
as a WG item would guarantee to some extent that the IETF will do something
about all this, and would also somehow set a precedent in updating the
specifications of core protocols and/or providing advice on security
aspects of them.

The call for consensus is available at: . You can
voice your opinion on the relevant mailing-list sending an e-mail to . You don't need to subscribe to the mailing list to post a
message (although your message will be held for moderator approval before
it is distributed to the list members).

The deadline for posting your opinion is January 9th (next Friday).

Thanks so much!

Kind regards,
Fernando Gont

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Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: im so done.

2009-01-05 Thread Ureleet
really is that ur boilerplate response of the week?  gadi gadi gadi?
u fukin idiot.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 5:07 PM, n3td3v wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 9:28 PM, KT wrote:
 On 1/2/09, n3td3v wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 7:51 PM, j-f sentier wrote:
 Shut the fuckup dumass and quit for ever this list, as you was telling us
 days ago.
 You should read what you write.

 good on you! You provide more entertainment more than a wagon full of
 clowns. Keep posting you delusional crap to make us all laugh at you;

 Everyone is staying for the comedy value, even Gadi.

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Ureleet
is this really what ur wasting ur life, and ours with?  1 fucking
word?  get a fucking job.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:57 PM, n3td3v wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Ed Carp wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:33 PM, j-f sentier wrote:

 They shouldn't let you post at all.

 LOL!  Thanks for the chuckle!

 Can we have conversation about my opinion on using 'cyber protest'
 instead of 'cyber war'?

 I think the community has been getting confused on such matters.


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

2009-01-05 Thread Ed Carp
I wrote:

 address.  I get the idea that the list has no COPPA filtering (no one 13 or
 younger allowed), nor does it have any sort of maturity level filtering.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Biz Marqee wrote:

 Stop being a cry baby and go choke yourself to death on your fathers cock
 you drug fucked faggot.

Make that definitely has no sort of maturity level filtering.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Larry Seltzer
Also stolen from the Palestinian people: their domain name.

The web site of the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the
United Nations:

Click some of the links on the left and check the whois.

Larry Seltzer Security Center Editor
Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

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[Full-disclosure] [SVRT-01-09] Redirection Vulnerability in Yahoo! Advertising Service

2009-01-05 Thread SVRT-Bkis
[SVRT-01-09] Redirection Vulnerability in Yahoo! Advertising Service

1. General Information
On December 22, 2008, SVRT-BKIS found a vulnerability in Yahoo! Wap Service. 
This is the second vulnerability discovered by BKIS in cell phone Web 
platform, the first one was found in Google Wap Proxy.

Taking advantage of this flaw, hackers can perform redirection attack, which 
means they are able to send users to their malicious websites. We have 
notified Yahoo! of this vulnerability.

Details :
SVRT Advisory : SVRT-01-09
Initial vendor notification : 12-23-2008
Release Date : 01-06-2009
Update Date : 01-06-2009
Discovered by : Dau Huy Ngoc - SVRT-Bkis
Attack Type : Redirection
Security Rating : High
Impact : Phishing
Affected Software : Ads image at

2. Technical Description
The flaw lies in the advertising section of Yahoo! Wap Service, which allows 
displaying advertisements when users visit Yahoo! Wap address

More specifically, this advertising section includes a link with the 
following format and it is this link that contains the flaw.*[http://ads_image]

Note: this link may be expired after several days; you can recreate a new 
link following these steps:
o Open
o At the top of the page, get link of advertising image (here is 
precisely vulnerable link).
o Edit this link by replacing URL after /* to an arbitrary 
o Open the edited link with your browser to see the redirection of 
this vulnerability.

If users clink directly on this link, their browsers will automatically 
redirect them to the address [http://anh_quang_cao] and everything on that 
site can be accessed, which makes it a Redirection vulnerability.

In order to exploit, hackers only need to change the address 
[http://ads_image] in the previous link to their website address and send 
the link to users. As this link uses Yahoo! domain name, users easily think 
it is safe and if the destination website contains malicious code or 
cheating content, hacker can steal users' sensitive information or even take 
control of their computers remotely.

3. Solution
Rating this vulnerability high severity, Bkis recommends that users:
-   Be cautious with strange links, even links starting with domain 
names of well-known companies like Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft.
-   Do not access links starting with

Thanks to Dau Huy Ngoc for working together with us in the detection and 
alert process of this vulnerability.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-05 Thread Ed Carp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 8:49 PM, Larry Seltzer wrote:

 Also stolen from the Palestinian people: their domain name.

 Larry Seltzer Security Center Editor

When someone in the press starts regurgitating lies, I've got to step
in and say something.

Lie #1: There was such a country named Palestine, for the Palestinian people.
Fact #1: There never was such a country until 1920 - what is today
referred to as the Palestinian people were nomadic tribes that made
their homes in encampments in the deserts of Jordan and Egypt.
Palestine was only enacted as a separate protectorate in 1920 by the
British Mandate in 1920.  The region referred to as Palestine in
historical terms encompassed a much wider area, comprising Jrodan,
Egypt, and many other Middle Eastern countries.  Until 1920, there
never were any formal boundaries or a formal country.
Lie #2: Israel stole Palestine from the Palestinians.
Fact #2: In 1920, the British Mandate formed Palestine for the intent
of creating a national home for the Jewish prople (note this doesn't
say anything about Arabs or Palestinians).  In 1947, the UN approved
splitting Palestine into two parts - one Jewish, one Arab.  In 1948,
the Jewish part of Palestine declared its independence, calling itself
Israel.  From

After 1945 the United Kingdom became embroiled in an increasingly
violent conflict with the Jews.[50] In 1947, the British government
withdrew from commitment to the Mandate of Palestine, stating it was
unable to arrive at a solution acceptable to both Arabs and Jews.[51]
The newly created United Nations approved the UN Partition Plan
(United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181) on November 29, 1947,
dividing the country into two states, one Arab and one Jewish.
Jerusalem was to be designated an international city – a corpus
separatum – administered by the UN to avoid conflict over its
status.[52] The Jewish community accepted the plan,[53] but the Arab
League and Arab Higher Committee rejected it.[54] On December 1, 1947
the Arab Higher Committee proclaimed a 3-day strike, and Arab
guerrilla attacks began against Jewish targets. Convinced that these
attacks were merely a prelude to full-scale military confrontations
with the regular armies of the Arab states, Ben-Gurion elected to
escalate the military conflict. As such, Haganah embarked on a policy
of aggressive defense. This strategy was accompanied by economic
subversion and psychological warfare.[55]

On May 14, 1948, the day before the end of the British Mandate, the
Jewish Agency proclaimed independence, naming the country Israel. The
following day five Arab countries – Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and
Iraq –invaded Israel, launching the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.[56]
Morocco, Sudan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia also sent troops to assist the
invaders. After a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared and
temporary borders, known as the Green Line, were established. Jordan
annexed what became known as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and
Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip. Israel was admitted as a member
of the United Nations on May 11, 1949.[57] During the war 711,000
Arabs, according to UN estimates, or about 80% of the previous Arab
population, fled the country.[58] The fate of the Palestinian refugees
today is a major point of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian

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