Re: [fw-general] Zend_Rest_Controller - n00b question

2009-09-07 Thread Edward Haber

Ask the PHP gods and they shall provide...

A wealth of great information much appreciated. I look forward to the  
blog entries.


On Sep 7, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- DorkFest wrote
(on Monday, 07 September 2009, 07:28 AM -0700):

Is there any documentation on this component?

Can this controller be used to build an XML/JSON based API service?  
If so,
is there a built in method for retrieving an XML request fragment  
to the
controller (ie: not key/val pairs)? I think this is normally access  

something like: file_get_contents() from stdin. Wondering if ZF has a
built-in way.

You can pull in the raw request body from the request object:

   $body = $this-getRequest()-getRawBody();

With JSON data, it's trivial then to get your data:

   $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

With XML, simply pass it to SimpleXML:

   $data = new SimpleXMLElement($body);

What I've done is to create an action helper that checks the Accept
request header ($request-getHeader('Accept')), and then sets the
format request parameter accordingly:

   // Accept headers often are of format: application/json;  

   $accept = $request-getHeader('Accept');
   $accept = explode(';', $accept);
   $accept = trim(array_shift($accept));

   switch ($accept) {
   case application/json:
   $request-setParam('format', 'json');
   case application/xml:
   $request-setParam('format', 'xml');

Put the above code in the preDispatch() method of your action helper,
and then register that helper with the helper broker in your bootstrap
to ensure it's run for each controller requested.

Then, in your controller, you can initialize the ContextSwitch helper:

   $context = $this-_helper-contextSwitch;
   $context-setAutoJsonSerialization(false); // do this so you can  

  // JSON-specific views
   $context-addActionContext('index', 'xml')
   -addActionContext('index', 'json')
   // ...


If the context (xml or json, in the example above) is found (which  
be based on the format set previously), then it will attempt to  

a different view script: index.xml.phtml or index.json.phtml,
respectively. This allows you to keep your controller lean, and have
view-specific logic for each format. (For instance, I like to set my
response headers, such as Content-Type, Content-Range, etc., within my

I'm surprised there are very few posts and almost no documentation.  

anyone have info on this component?

Well, the documentation is primarily centered around the basic usage  
the component, which is for creating RESTful resources in the MVC  
via a
combination of routing and specific actions in your controller. How  

handle different content types is something else entirely. I'll be
blogging on some of this information in the coming months, and also
covering it during my Architecting Ajax Applications in Zend  

tutorial at ZendCon.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead|
Zend Framework  |

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Rest_Controller - n00b question

2009-09-07 Thread Edward Haber
Doesn't this component render Zend_Rest_Server moot? I'm sure I'm  
missing something, but Zend_Rest_Controller seems to provide a much  
better interface to managing REST contexts than Zend_Rest_Server as  
ZRC makes the route-to-context translation invisible. What did I miss?


On Sep 7, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- DorkFest wrote
(on Monday, 07 September 2009, 07:28 AM -0700):

Is there any documentation on this component?

Can this controller be used to build an XML/JSON based API service?  
If so,
is there a built in method for retrieving an XML request fragment  
to the
controller (ie: not key/val pairs)? I think this is normally access  

something like: file_get_contents() from stdin. Wondering if ZF has a
built-in way.

You can pull in the raw request body from the request object:

  $body = $this-getRequest()-getRawBody();

With JSON data, it's trivial then to get your data:

  $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

With XML, simply pass it to SimpleXML:

  $data = new SimpleXMLElement($body);

What I've done is to create an action helper that checks the Accept
request header ($request-getHeader('Accept')), and then sets the
format request parameter accordingly:

  // Accept headers often are of format: application/json;  

  $accept = $request-getHeader('Accept');
  $accept = explode(';', $accept);
  $accept = trim(array_shift($accept));

  switch ($accept) {
  case application/json:
  $request-setParam('format', 'json');
  case application/xml:
  $request-setParam('format', 'xml');

Put the above code in the preDispatch() method of your action helper,
and then register that helper with the helper broker in your bootstrap
to ensure it's run for each controller requested.

Then, in your controller, you can initialize the ContextSwitch helper:

  $context = $this-_helper-contextSwitch;
  $context-setAutoJsonSerialization(false); // do this so you can  

 // JSON-specific views
  $context-addActionContext('index', 'xml')
  -addActionContext('index', 'json')
  // ...


If the context (xml or json, in the example above) is found (which  
be based on the format set previously), then it will attempt to  

a different view script: index.xml.phtml or index.json.phtml,
respectively. This allows you to keep your controller lean, and have
view-specific logic for each format. (For instance, I like to set my
response headers, such as Content-Type, Content-Range, etc., within my

I'm surprised there are very few posts and almost no documentation.  

anyone have info on this component?

Well, the documentation is primarily centered around the basic usage  
the component, which is for creating RESTful resources in the MVC  
via a
combination of routing and specific actions in your controller. How  

handle different content types is something else entirely. I'll be
blogging on some of this information in the coming months, and also
covering it during my Architecting Ajax Applications in Zend  

tutorial at ZendCon.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead|
Zend Framework  |

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form / Identical Validator and comparing form fields

2009-01-05 Thread Edward Haber
I use a custom validator for this functionality. Add it to the  
validation chain in the form model:

$confirmPassword = new Zend_Form_Element_Password(password_confirm);
$confirmPassword-setLabel('Confirm Password')
-setDescription('Please re-enter your password.')
-addValidator('StringLength', false, array(5, 14))

The custom validator goes in your apps lib. /library/MF/Validate/ 

This is some code i got off this list or on the Zend website that I  
use. It assumes the password confirm field is called password. I'm  
sure a generic one could be made for all confirms.


require_once 'Zend/Validate/Abstract.php';

class MF_Validate_PasswordConfirm extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
const NOT_MATCH = 'notMatch';

	protected $_messageTemplates = array(self::NOT_MATCH = 'Passwords do  
not match.');

public function isValid($value, $context = null)
$value = (string) $value;

if (is_array($context)) {
			if (isset($context['password'])  ($value ==  
$context['password'])) {

return true;
} elseif (is_string($context)  ($value == $context)) {
return true;

return false;

Haven't tried the Dojo password box yet but looks cool.


On Jan 5, 2009, at 12:14 PM, webPragmatist wrote:

Is it possible to pass the POST variable(s) once instead of twice  
when using the identical validator?

What I have is a method in a model that checks a param which is  
passed when the form is generated in the controller. Then the  
controller (if the request is post) runs isValid($_POST).

This works fine I just wish there was a way to access the post  
variable from the same $_POST array that is sent using isValid  
instead of passing variables twice to the form object (model).

public function getAccountCreateForm($postPass = null)
// Add a password form element
$password = new  

 -setInvalidMessage('Please provide a valid  


// Add a confirm password form element
$confirmPassword = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_PasswordTextBox(

$confirmPassword-setLabel('Confirm Password:')
 -setInvalidMessage('Please provide a valid  


View this message in context: Zend_Form / Identical Validator and  
comparing form fields

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Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form / Identical Validator and comparing form fields

2009-01-05 Thread Edward Haber
I set it in my form class. I don't know if there's a global way to set  
it, but i wouldn't doubt it. You could also use a base form class like  

class MF_Form
public function __construct($options = null)
-addElementPrefixPath('MF_Filter', 'MF/Filter/', 
-addElementPrefixPath('MF_Validate', 'MF/Validate/', 



class Form_Application extends MF_Form
public function __construct($options = null)
-setDescription('This is my form')
-setAttrib('id', 'application-form');

...define elements... etc

Good luck!

On Jan 5, 2009, at 1:12 PM, webPragmatist wrote:


This works great... Quick question, I couldn't find it in the  

a) is it required to set addPrefixPath()
b) if so how can I set it globally?

Edward Haber wrote:

I use a custom validator for this functionality. Add it to the
validation chain in the form model:

	$confirmPassword = new  

$confirmPassword-setLabel('Confirm Password')
-setDescription('Please re-enter your password.')
-addValidator('StringLength', false, array(5, 14))

The custom validator goes in your apps lib. /library/MF/Validate/

This is some code i got off this list or on the Zend website that I
use. It assumes the password confirm field is called password. I'm
sure a generic one could be made for all confirms.


require_once 'Zend/Validate/Abstract.php';

class MF_Validate_PasswordConfirm extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
const NOT_MATCH = 'notMatch';

	protected $_messageTemplates = array(self::NOT_MATCH = 'Passwords  

not match.');

public function isValid($value, $context = null)
$value = (string) $value;

if (is_array($context)) {
if (isset($context['password'])  ($value ==
$context['password'])) {
return true;
} elseif (is_string($context)  ($value == $context)) {
return true;

return false;

Haven't tried the Dojo password box yet but looks cool.


On Jan 5, 2009, at 12:14 PM, webPragmatist wrote:

Is it possible to pass the POST variable(s) once instead of twice
when using the identical validator?

What I have is a method in a model that checks a param which is
passed when the form is generated in the controller. Then the
controller (if the request is post) runs isValid($_POST).

This works fine I just wish there was a way to access the post
variable from the same $_POST array that is sent using isValid
instead of passing variables twice to the form object (model).

   public function getAccountCreateForm($postPass = null)
   // Add a password form element
   $password = new
-setInvalidMessage('Please provide a valid

   // Add a confirm password form element
   $confirmPassword = new  

   $confirmPassword-setLabel('Confirm Password:')
-setInvalidMessage('Please provide a valid

View this message in context: Zend_Form / Identical Validator and
comparing form fields
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Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form / Identical Validator and comparing form fields

2009-01-05 Thread Edward Haber

Sorry should have been :

class MF_Form extends Zend_Form


Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG or expected?

2008-11-12 Thread Edward Haber

Thanks for your help on this. It is much appreciated.

I think it's pretty reasonable to think the construct if ($this- 
my_file-receive()) should return true only if the file is actually  
*received.* What else would a person conceivably be receiving? Whether  
or not the upload is required or optional this shouldn't effect it.  
Further, getFileName() shouldn't return the destination file-path when  
there is no upload *because there is no file*. Makes no sense.

I had renamed manually because I need the product_id which I only have  
after gotten the last-insert-id from the save operation (my filenames  
are product_id.jpg). Is there a clever way to manage this from in the  
form that you know of? I would rather utilize the rename filter but I  
do not know the product-id until after validation.

I tried (as you kindly/smugly suggested) the isUploaded hint but it  
lead to an error:

if ($form-my_file-receive()) {
if ($form-my_file-isUploaded()) {
... stuff ...
Error: Method isUploaded does not exist.

The way that worked for me was to check if getFileName() is a  
directory with is_dir(), a rather odd thing to have to do. However  
this worked.

Thanks again!

On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:30 AM, Thomas Weidner wrote:

To clearify this:
You are using trunk, but your code would not work.

As you wrote, you upload no file, and call receive().
Receive can sometimes return true, for example when you set the file  
element it to be optional in the form, or when you set the  
ignoreNoFile option in the adapter.

There are other ways to check this than relying on receive itself.

Also to note:
You rename manually and do not use the rename filter from Zend_File  
which means that YOU rename the file and not the component.

Simply calling receive is not enough as you have noted.
When you are doing implementations yourself you are also responsible  
of doing checks yourself.

In your case a simple check if the file has been uploaded or not. :-))

Hint: isUploaded

And as Matthew already noted:
When someone uses trunk he should also read the manual of trunk.
Online docs always refer to the latest stable release and not  
trunk. ;-)

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message - From: Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG or  

I'm working off svn of the current trunk.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:21 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Tuesday, 11 November 2008, 08:24 PM -0500):
If no file is uploaded, receive() still returns true? Here's an  

Please test against trunk. The component has undergone a lot of  
work  in

the past two weeks, with basically daily check-ins.

Additionally, read the current docbook documentation from trunk  
as  well.

if ($form-isValid($formData)) {
... do some stuff ...
... set $product_id to INT ...

// process form image
if ($form-product_image-receive()) {
rename($form-product_image-getFileName(), AP . /media/products/

With the above code, if no file is uploaded my destination  
gets renamed. So, if there is no file, receive() is still  
returning true
and getFileName() is equal to the destination directory and  

the whole directory gets renamed as 5.jpg (for example).

Is this expected or am I implementing incorrectly?! I've asked  
some dumb

questions on this list before. Hopefully this is another one.

BTW, as someone else just noted the docs must be updated! Let me   
know if

i can help. I know some HTML.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 4:55 PM, Simon Corless wrote:

A quick question to Thomas I suppose, how do I get the file name /
from a file uploaded using Zend_Form.

The docs contradict themselves...

In the code it uses:
$location = $form-foo-getFileName();

Then goes on to state in a note below:
File values
Within HTTP a file element has no value. Therefor you will get no
when calling getValue().

So I suppose it's a small bug in the docs, but ultimately I need  

name so how do I get it?!


View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   |

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG or expected?

2008-11-12 Thread Edward Haber
It seems crystal clear to me that a method called getFileName should  
either return a filename or a null/false if there is no file.  
Otherwise the name of the method is a misnomer. When no file is  
present, getFileName returns the destination path (which is already  
accessible with getDestination). Why not have it return a current news  
headline or the random name of a Smurf instead? :-) In other words,  
why would people want the destination (which they could get from  
another method of the same class) to a file that was never uploaded?


For the file transfer adapter this is logical.
The adapter itself is built to support not only HTTP upload but also  
other protocols and directions. It could receive a complete  
directory and store it on another location.

When you are using the file element as you wrote, you should stick  
with getValue(), as it returns null when there is no file or no  
upload and the filename when there was a upload, but without path.

Regarding your filter problem:
The normal usage in such a case would be...
* validate form
* add personal filter
* receive the file

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message - From: Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Thomas Weidner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG or  

Thanks for your help on this. It is much appreciated.

I think it's pretty reasonable to think the construct if ($this-
my_file-receive()) should return true only if the file is actually
*received.* What else would a person conceivably be receiving?  
Whether  or not the upload is required or optional this shouldn't  
effect it.  Further, getFileName() shouldn't return the destination  
file-path when  there is no upload *because there is no file*.  
Makes no sense.

I had renamed manually because I need the product_id which I only  
have after gotten the last-insert-id from the save operation (my  
filenames  are product_id.jpg). Is there a clever way to manage  
this from in the  form that you know of? I would rather utilize the  
rename filter but I  do not know the product-id until after  

I tried (as you kindly/smugly suggested) the isUploaded hint but  
it lead to an error:

if ($form-my_file-receive()) {
if ($form-my_file-isUploaded()) {
... stuff ...
Error: Method isUploaded does not exist.

The way that worked for me was to check if getFileName() is a   
directory with is_dir(), a rather odd thing to have to do. However   
this worked.

Thanks again!

On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:30 AM, Thomas Weidner wrote:

To clearify this:
You are using trunk, but your code would not work.

As you wrote, you upload no file, and call receive().
Receive can sometimes return true, for example when you set the  
file element it to be optional in the form, or when you set the   
ignoreNoFile option in the adapter.

There are other ways to check this than relying on receive itself.

Also to note:
You rename manually and do not use the rename filter from  
Zend_File which means that YOU rename the file and not the  

Simply calling receive is not enough as you have noted.
When you are doing implementations yourself you are also  
responsible  of doing checks yourself.
In your case a simple check if the file has been uploaded or  
not. :-))

Hint: isUploaded

And as Matthew already noted:
When someone uses trunk he should also read the manual of trunk.
Online docs always refer to the latest stable release and not   
trunk. ;-)

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message - From: Edward Haber  

Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG  
or expected?

I'm working off svn of the current trunk.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:21 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Tuesday, 11 November 2008, 08:24 PM -0500):
If no file is uploaded, receive() still returns true? Here's an  

Please test against trunk. The component has undergone a lot of   
work in

the past two weeks, with basically daily check-ins.

Additionally, read the current docbook documentation from trunk   
as well.

if ($form-isValid($formData)) {
... do some stuff ...
... set $product_id to INT ...

// process form image
if ($form-product_image-receive()) {
rename($form-product_image-getFileName(), AP . /media/ 


With the above code, if no file is uploaded my destination   
gets renamed. So, if there is no file, receive() is still   
returning true
and getFileName() is equal to the destination directory and  

the whole directory gets renamed as 5.jpg (for example).

Is this expected or am I

[fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG or expected?

2008-11-11 Thread Edward Haber

If no file is uploaded, receive() still returns true? Here's an example:

if ($form-isValid($formData)) {
... do some stuff ...
... set $product_id to INT ...

// process form image
if ($form-product_image-receive()) {
		rename($form-product_image-getFileName(), AP . /media/products/ 


With the above code, if no file is uploaded my destination directory  
gets renamed. So, if there is no file, receive() is still returning  
true and getFileName() is equal to the destination directory and  
consequently the whole directory gets renamed as 5.jpg (for example).

Is this expected or am I implementing incorrectly?! I've asked some  
dumb questions on this list before. Hopefully this is another one.

BTW, as someone else just noted the docs must be updated! Let me know  
if i can help. I know some HTML.


On Nov 11, 2008, at 4:55 PM, Simon Corless wrote:

A quick question to Thomas I suppose, how do I get the file name /  

from a file uploaded using Zend_Form.

The docs contradict themselves...

In the code it uses:
$location = $form-foo-getFileName();

Then goes on to state in a note below:
File values
Within HTTP a file element has no value. Therefor you will get no  

when calling getValue().

So I suppose it's a small bug in the docs, but ultimately I need the  

name so how do I get it?!


View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_File - is this a BUG or expected?

2008-11-11 Thread Edward Haber

I'm working off svn of the current trunk.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:21 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Tuesday, 11 November 2008, 08:24 PM -0500):
If no file is uploaded, receive() still returns true? Here's an  

Please test against trunk. The component has undergone a lot of work  

the past two weeks, with basically daily check-ins.

Additionally, read the current docbook documentation from trunk as  

if ($form-isValid($formData)) {
... do some stuff ...
... set $product_id to INT ...

// process form image
if ($form-product_image-receive()) {
rename($form-product_image-getFileName(), AP . 

With the above code, if no file is uploaded my destination directory
gets renamed. So, if there is no file, receive() is still returning  
and getFileName() is equal to the destination directory and  

the whole directory gets renamed as 5.jpg (for example).

Is this expected or am I implementing incorrectly?! I've asked some  

questions on this list before. Hopefully this is another one.

BTW, as someone else just noted the docs must be updated! Let me  
know if

i can help. I know some HTML.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 4:55 PM, Simon Corless wrote:

A quick question to Thomas I suppose, how do I get the file name /
from a file uploaded using Zend_Form.

The docs contradict themselves...

In the code it uses:
$location = $form-foo-getFileName();

Then goes on to state in a note below:
File values
Within HTTP a file element has no value. Therefor you will get no
when calling getValue().

So I suppose it's a small bug in the docs, but ultimately I need the
name so how do I get it?!


View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   |

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db

2008-11-07 Thread Edward Haber

Thanks so much!!

On Nov 7, 2008, at 8:21 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

I sent my original reply to you, but I'm posting here for the  

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Friday, 07 November 2008, 07:09 AM -0500):
Thanks for the help! It is much appreciated. I had a feeling I was  

something a bit fishy.

I tried the code below and the method is returning an associative  
instead of an array of Article objects. If I do change the  

globally in the bootstrap, it changes to stdClass.

Is there a way I can get this method to return an array of Article

Aha -- that was the missing bit.

By default, if you call fetchAll() on the _table_ object, it returns a
Zend_Db_Table_Rowset object, which is simply an iterable object of Row
objects. In the class definition you presented, this would mean that  

would return a rowset populated by Article objects. The following
achieves that:

   return $this-fetchAll($select);

Alternately, if you really, really want to have it return an array
instead of a rowset, do the following:

   $rowset = $this-fetchAll($select);
   $return = array();
   foreach ($rowset as $row) {
   $return[] = $row;
   return $return;

Personally, I'd just use the Rowset -- it acts just like an array for
all practical intents and purposes.

On Nov 6, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- DorkFest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Thursday, 06 November 2008, 05:58 PM -0800):

This was posted in Dec 2007. I have the same question. Is there
anyway using
fetchAll and setFetchMode to set the explicit class name that's
returned in
the array?

Or is this a design conflict? Here's basically the situation:

class Articles extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = articles;
protected $_rowClass = Article;

public function fetchActive()
$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
$select = $db-select()
-where('active = 1')
-order('creation_date DESC');
// want to return array of articles objects here instead of
return $db-fetchAll($select);

class Article extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract

Is this the wrong way to approach models? Or is there a better way
to obtain
the fetchAll array of Articles as a return value from the

Umm... wow... that code is.. wow.

First, when you have a Zend_Db_Table object, you already *have* the
database adapter -- there's no need to grab it from the registry.
Zend_Db_Table also has its own select object now (since 1.5) that
obviates the need to (a) pull it from the database adapter, and (b)
specify the table name (it's automatically populated). Next,
on the adapter already returns an array by default -- it has from  

very beginning. You actually have to override this behavior to get a
different return type by passing the fetchmode as the second  

the call. The reason you're getting anything different is because  

code is calling:


which tells the adapter to return fetch results as objects. You're
basically shooting yourself in the foot here.

So, the following will do what you're trying to accomplish:

public function fetchActive()
$select = $this-select()
   -where('active = 1')
   -order('creation_date DESC');
return $this-getAdapter()-fetchAll($select);

Renan Gonçalves wrote:


How I can use fetchAll with fethMode = Object and using the class
(for example) ?
I can use fetchObject('Article') and will fetch on my class, but  

the default class is stdClass.

The PDOStatement has the function: (
bool *setFetchMode* ( int $PDO::FETCH_CLASS , string $classname ,
$ctorargs )

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   |

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db

2008-11-07 Thread Edward Haber
Thanks for the help! It is much appreciated. I had a feeling I was  
doing something a bit fishy.

I tried the code below and the method is returning an associative  
array instead of an array of Article objects. If I do change the  
setFetchMode globally in the bootstrap, it changes to stdClass.

Is there a way I can get this method to return an array of Article  


On Nov 6, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- DorkFest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Thursday, 06 November 2008, 05:58 PM -0800):
This was posted in Dec 2007. I have the same question. Is there  
anyway using
fetchAll and setFetchMode to set the explicit class name that's  
returned in

the array?

Or is this a design conflict? Here's basically the situation:

class Articles extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = articles;
protected $_rowClass = Article;

public function fetchActive()
$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
$select = $db-select()
-where('active = 1')
-order('creation_date DESC');
		// want to return array of articles objects here instead of  

return $db-fetchAll($select);

class Article extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract

Is this the wrong way to approach models? Or is there a better way  
to obtain
the fetchAll array of Articles as a return value from the  


Umm... wow... that code is.. wow.

First, when you have a Zend_Db_Table object, you already *have* the
database adapter -- there's no need to grab it from the registry.  

Zend_Db_Table also has its own select object now (since 1.5) that
obviates the need to (a) pull it from the database adapter, and (b)
specify the table name (it's automatically populated). Next,  

on the adapter already returns an array by default -- it has from the
very beginning. You actually have to override this behavior to get a
different return type by passing the fetchmode as the second  
parameter to

the call. The reason you're getting anything different is because your
code is calling:


which tells the adapter to return fetch results as objects. You're
basically shooting yourself in the foot here.

So, the following will do what you're trying to accomplish:

public function fetchActive()
$select = $this-select()
   -where('active = 1')
   -order('creation_date DESC');
return $this-getAdapter()-fetchAll($select);

Renan Gonçalves wrote:


How I can use fetchAll with fethMode = Object and using the class  

(for example) ?
I can use fetchObject('Article') and will fetch on my class, but in
the default class is stdClass.

The PDOStatement has the function: (
bool *setFetchMode* ( int $PDO::FETCH_CLASS , string $classname ,  

$ctorargs )

Best Regards,
Renan Gonçalves - Web Developer
Cell Phone: +55 (11) 8633-6018
Web Site:
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   |

Re: [fw-general] Truncate String

2008-10-29 Thread Edward Haber
I wrote a simple Truncate View Helper if you need truncations in the  
view script:

It doesn't do words but it will add an HTML ellipsis character and  
truncate output to the desired length.

On Oct 28, 2008, at 4:39 PM, Bradley Holt wrote:


On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

-- Bradley Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Tuesday, 28 October 2008, 02:28 PM -0400):
 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 -- Bradley Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 (on Tuesday, 28 October 2008, 12:29 PM -0400):
  Is there a simple way in ZF to truncate a string? I searched  
and didn't

  any talk of a ZF specific component for this. I also looked  
at the list

  standard filter classes and didn't see anything there  
either. I know

 there are
  tons of possible ways to do this - I'm just surprised there  

 anything in
  ZF yet so perhaps I'm just not looking in the right place.

 You're looking for Zend_Filter_StringTrim -- which can be used  
in the

 form classes as well.

 Maybe I'm just slow today, but I'm not sure how  
Zend_Filter_StringTrim would be
 used to truncate a string to a given character or word length. I  
thought it
 simply removed given characters from the beginning and end of a  

 For example, I want to truncate the following:

 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog.

 to 30 characters:

 The quick brown fox jumped ove

 or to 30 characters, but the closest whole word:

 The quick brown fox jumped

 or to 6 words (instead of characters):

 The quick brown fox jumped over

 Of course, there are probably other features that may be useful  
too. Is this
 something that can be done in Zend_Filter_StringTrim or using  
another ZF
 component? There are numerous ways to do this in PHP directly (so  
no need for
 anyone to post those here) but I was just curious if ZF had a  
clean and simple

 way to do this.

Oh, never mind -- I was thinking truncate trailing whitespace, not
truncate to a given preset length.

Nope, nothing like that currently. Sounds like a good feature request.

OK - that's what I thought. As you suggested, I've filed a feature  
request as ZF-4734:

Anyone else who would like to see this please go vote for it :-)


Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   |

Bradley Holt

Re: [fw-general] Problems with Zend_Form_Element_File since ZF1.6.2

2008-10-22 Thread Edward Haber

I don't think it's documented yet but you can use:

// full path + name


// just the path

to get info about the uploaded file.

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:27 AM, andersl wrote:

to me this

And file elements do not have a value until now due to security  

means that getValue returns something now.

so my question is now, when will getValue return something or is there
another way to get the path of the uploaded file?

andersl wrote:

So that means if I get the trunk right now and remove the rename  

everything should be just fine?

thomasW wrote:

In trunk you don't have to add a empty rename filter.
And file elements do not have a value until now due to security  

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message -
From: andersl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Problems with Zend_Form_Element_File since


I got the trunk from yesterday and even though I add the rename  
filter I
still dont get any value from the getValue. The file gets  
uploaded but

getValue just dont return anything. I use addElements to get the  

the screen. Could this be the issue? My code looks something like  

$this-setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
  $picture = new Zend_Form_Element_File('picture');
  -addValidator('Count', false, 1) // ensure only 1 file
  -addValidator('Size', false, 1MB)
  -addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,png,gif,jpeg')
  -addFilter('Rename', array('/var/www/images', true))
  ; // only JPEG, PNG, and GIFs
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$submit-setAttrib('id', 'submitbutton');
$this-addElements(array($id, $name, $picture, $submit))

and in my controller I have:

if (!$form-picture-receive())
print Error receiving the file;

//$row-picture = $form-picture-getValue();
//$row-picture = $form-getValue('picture');

both getValue gives me nothing :(

Im looking forward to your reply :)


thomasW wrote:

As reply to an mail this has been sent on 15.Oct:
Yes, this issue was added 7 hours ago and have already been  
fixed in

and branch.
To solve this shortly you can:

* Do not use addElement on the file element... the reason is that
will be called on the file elements but they have no value and  

in such a condition
* Add a empty rename filter by setting source and target the  
same value


Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message -
From: drj201 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 1:21 PM
Subject: [fw-general] Problems with Zend_Form_Element_File since

I am trying to add a Zend_Form_Element File to a form... I am
Zend_Form with my own class for reuse purposes. The problem is  

upgrading to ZF 1.6.2 my code no longer works.

Build element:

$this-addElement('file', 'logo', array(
  'label' = 'Logo',

Add to form using group decorator:

  array('logo'), 'logodata',
  'legend' = 'Dealer Logo'

This results in the following error:

Warning: Exception caught by form: Unknown file Stack Trace: #0
Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Abstract-getFilters('logo') #1
#2 demoapp/lib/Zend/Form/Element.php(541):
Zend_Form_Element-_filterValue(NULL, NULL) #3
Zend_Form_Element-getValue() #4

Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper-render('') #6
Zend_Form_Element-render() #7 demoapp/lib/Zend/Form.php(2596):
Zend_Form_Decorator_FormElements-render('') #8 /Applicat in
demoapp/lib/Zend/Form.php on line 2616

Using the following manual approach works fine:

$element = new Zend_Form_Element_File('foo');
$element-setLabel('Upload an image:')

Any reason this has happened since upgrading to 1.6.2?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

View this message in context:

Re: [fw-general] Problems with Zend_Form_Element_File since ZF1.6.2

2008-10-22 Thread Edward Haber

I don't think it's documented yet but you can use:

// full path + name


// just the path

to get info about the uploaded file.

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:27 AM, andersl wrote:

to me this

And file elements do not have a value until now due to security  

means that getValue returns something now.

so my question is now, when will getValue return something or is there
another way to get the path of the uploaded file?

andersl wrote:

So that means if I get the trunk right now and remove the rename  

everything should be just fine?

thomasW wrote:

In trunk you don't have to add a empty rename filter.
And file elements do not have a value until now due to security  

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message -
From: andersl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Problems with Zend_Form_Element_File since


I got the trunk from yesterday and even though I add the rename  
filter I
still dont get any value from the getValue. The file gets  
uploaded but

getValue just dont return anything. I use addElements to get the  

the screen. Could this be the issue? My code looks something like  

$this-setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
 $picture = new Zend_Form_Element_File('picture');
 -addValidator('Count', false, 1) // ensure only 1 file
 -addValidator('Size', false, 1MB)
 -addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,png,gif,jpeg')
 -addFilter('Rename', array('/var/www/images', true))
 ; // only JPEG, PNG, and GIFs
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$submit-setAttrib('id', 'submitbutton');
$this-addElements(array($id, $name, $picture, $submit))

and in my controller I have:

if (!$form-picture-receive())
print Error receiving the file;

//$row-picture = $form-picture-getValue();
//$row-picture = $form-getValue('picture');

both getValue gives me nothing :(

Im looking forward to your reply :)


thomasW wrote:

As reply to an mail this has been sent on 15.Oct:
Yes, this issue was added 7 hours ago and have already been  
fixed in

and branch.
To solve this shortly you can:

* Do not use addElement on the file element... the reason is that
will be called on the file elements but they have no value and  

in such a condition
* Add a empty rename filter by setting source and target the  
same value


Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

- Original Message -
From: drj201 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 1:21 PM
Subject: [fw-general] Problems with Zend_Form_Element_File since

I am trying to add a Zend_Form_Element File to a form... I am
Zend_Form with my own class for reuse purposes. The problem is  

upgrading to ZF 1.6.2 my code no longer works.

Build element:

$this-addElement('file', 'logo', array(
 'label' = 'Logo',

Add to form using group decorator:

 array('logo'), 'logodata',
 'legend' = 'Dealer Logo'

This results in the following error:

Warning: Exception caught by form: Unknown file Stack Trace: #0
Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Abstract-getFilters('logo') #1
#2 demoapp/lib/Zend/Form/Element.php(541):
Zend_Form_Element-_filterValue(NULL, NULL) #3
Zend_Form_Element-getValue() #4

Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper-render('') #6
Zend_Form_Element-render() #7 demoapp/lib/Zend/Form.php(2596):
Zend_Form_Decorator_FormElements-render('') #8 /Applicat in
demoapp/lib/Zend/Form.php on line 2616

Using the following manual approach works fine:

$element = new Zend_Form_Element_File('foo');
$element-setLabel('Upload an image:')

Any reason this has happened since upgrading to 1.6.2?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend 

[fw-general] EAV

2008-10-17 Thread Edward Haber
A couple months ago, php|architect ran a great cover story on EAV  
architectures. The article included a complete EAV implementation.  
Though, like all code from a magazine, it's likely to have a couple  
bugs and not be production-tested or fully secure.

Magento has a great EAV system but I expect it's not loosely coupled  
(correct me if I'm wrong if the code can be used in other apps without  
the whole Magento base).

Does anyone know of any production-ready EAV libraries in Zend  
Framework? I didn't see one in PEAR.


Re: [fw-general] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 4 passed to Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array, null given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

2008-10-13 Thread Edward Haber

Here are two possible solutions that occurred to me (both untested):

class My_Dojo_Form extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function setDescriptionDecorators()
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt'))
), $this-getDojoElements(), false);

array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt'))
), $this-getDojoElements(), true);

public function getDojoElements()
$elements = array();
foreach ($this-getElements() as $name = $element) {
if (isset($element-dijitParams)) {
$elements[] = $name;
return $elements;

Another more succinct approach:

class My_Dojo_Form extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function setDescriptionDecorators()
$elements = array();
foreach ($this-getElements() as $name = $element) {
isset($element-dijitParams) ? 'DijitElement' : 
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt'))
return $elements;

Is one of these approaches better? Or is there a better approach?


On Oct 12, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Sunday, 12 October 2008, 08:48 AM -0400):
I noticed this problem when using the normal Zend Form Element  
stack of
decorators on a form a that a dijit element in it (specifically it  

the DateTextBox). For example, I was trying to add Description
decorators to my Zend_Dojo_Form. The form is a mix of regular  

elements and Dojo elements.

If you put a global elements decorator declaration at the end of the
element declarations like so:

class forms_AdminArticleForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

... declare some elements here ...


Here's the problem right here. The Dijit form elements all use the
DijitElement decorator as their base decorator. This is because the
dijit view helpers have a different signature than other form view
helpers (in order to accomodate a separation between dijit parameters
and HTML attributes). Using setElementDecorators() on a mixture of
Zend_Form and Zend_Dojo_Form elements is going to be problematic as a

array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

It will trigger the exact error you mention. What I did was remove
global decorators for the form and set decorators on a per element  

(only on the form elements that needed a description field). For Dojo
elements, the decorator stack is slightly different:

 * creationdate
$this-addElement('DateTextBox', 'creationdate', array(
'label' = 'Creation Date',
'description' = 'Leave blank for current date',
'decorators' = array(
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

This fixed the problem but I had that nagging feeling something  
must not be right either with the way I was approach my form,  
something I
hadn't included, or some problem with ZF. For one thing, it would  
be nice

to be able to describe one set of element decorators for all the form
elements at once

Fwd: [fw-general] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 4 passed to Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array, null given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

2008-10-13 Thread Edward Haber

Oops, meant the description decorator (not directions).

Just to be clear, could there be two new methods:


Begin forwarded message:

From: Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 12, 2008 11:34:21 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [fw-general] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 4  
passed to Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be  
an array, null given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on  
line 64

There should be a way to globally change the Zend_Form decorators  
and as well globally set/change the Dojo decorators (either with one  
method or two methods this could be done). Otherwise, if you have a  
form with 25 elements and all of them have, say something simple  
like directions added (the directions decorator) then you have to  
declare 5 or 6 lines of default decorators for each element. That's  
5 x 25 = 125 extra lines of default looking code added to your  
poor extended Zend_Form class.

My $.02,

On Oct 12, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Sunday, 12 October 2008, 08:48 AM -0400):
I noticed this problem when using the normal Zend Form Element  
stack of
decorators on a form a that a dijit element in it (specifically it  

the DateTextBox). For example, I was trying to add Description
decorators to my Zend_Dojo_Form. The form is a mix of regular  

elements and Dojo elements.

If you put a global elements decorator declaration at the end of the
element declarations like so:

class forms_AdminArticleForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

... declare some elements here ...


Here's the problem right here. The Dijit form elements all use the
DijitElement decorator as their base decorator. This is because the
dijit view helpers have a different signature than other form view
helpers (in order to accomodate a separation between dijit parameters
and HTML attributes). Using setElementDecorators() on a mixture of
Zend_Form and Zend_Dojo_Form elements is going to be problematic as a

array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

It will trigger the exact error you mention. What I did was remove
global decorators for the form and set decorators on a per element  
(only on the form elements that needed a description field). For  

elements, the decorator stack is slightly different:

 * creationdate
$this-addElement('DateTextBox', 'creationdate', array(
'label' = 'Creation Date',
'description' = 'Leave blank for current date',
'decorators' = array(
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

This fixed the problem but I had that nagging feeling something  
must not be right either with the way I was approach my form,  
something I
hadn't included, or some problem with ZF. For one thing, it would  
be nice
to be able to describe one set of element decorators for all the  
elements at once (since Zend_Form and Zend_Dojo_Form are supposed  
to be

someone interchangeable).


On Oct 12, 2008, at 4:32 AM, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2008 01:36:27 rswarthout wrote:

When I try to use any Dojo enabled field I receive an error that
just does
not make any sense.

PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 4 passed to
Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array,
given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


are you ultimately using the view helper or the form element?

1.) if using the view helper, you have to specify $this-

$value, array(), array()); if you want to pass no information to  

or dijit fields.

$this-dateTextBox($id, $value, null, null); is not allowed

2.) if you are using Form: are you setting 'attribs' or  

Re: [fw-general] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 4 passed to Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array, null given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

2008-10-12 Thread Edward Haber
I noticed this problem when using the normal Zend Form Element stack  
of decorators on a form a that a dijit element in it (specifically it  
was the DateTextBox). For example, I was trying to add Description  
decorators to my Zend_Dojo_Form. The form is a mix of regular  
Zend_Form elements and Dojo elements.

If you put a global elements decorator declaration at the end of the  
element declarations like so:

class forms_AdminArticleForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

... declare some elements here ...

array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

It will trigger the exact error you mention. What I did was remove  
global decorators for the form and set decorators on a per element  
basis (only on the form elements that needed a description field). For  
Dojo elements, the decorator stack is slightly different:

 * creationdate
$this-addElement('DateTextBox', 'creationdate', array(
'label' = 'Creation Date',
'description' = 'Leave blank for current date',
'decorators' = array(
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

This fixed the problem but I had that nagging feeling something deeper  
must not be right either with the way I was approach my form,  
something I hadn't included, or some problem with ZF. For one thing,  
it would be nice to be able to describe one set of element decorators  
for all the form elements at once (since Zend_Form and Zend_Dojo_Form  
are supposed to be someone interchangeable).


On Oct 12, 2008, at 4:32 AM, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2008 01:36:27 rswarthout wrote:
When I try to use any Dojo enabled field I receive an error that  
just does

not make any sense.

PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 4 passed to
Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array,  

given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


are you ultimately using the view helper or the form element?

1.) if using the view helper, you have to specify $this- 
$value, array(), array()); if you want to pass no information to the  

or dijit fields.

$this-dateTextBox($id, $value, null, null); is not allowed

2.) if you are using Form: are you setting 'attribs' or  
'dijitParams' = null
in the configuration of the form element? this leads to the problem  
above. you ahve to set it to = array() to explicity stating its  


Benjamin Eberlei

Re: [fw-general] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 4 passed to Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array, null given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

2008-10-12 Thread Edward Haber
There should be a way to globally change the Zend_Form decorators and  
as well globally set/change the Dojo decorators (either with one  
method or two methods this could be done). Otherwise, if you have a  
form with 25 elements and all of them have, say something simple like  
directions added (the directions decorator) then you have to declare 5  
or 6 lines of default decorators for each element. That's 5 x 25 = 125  
extra lines of default looking code added to your poor extended  
Zend_Form class.

My $.02,

On Oct 12, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Sunday, 12 October 2008, 08:48 AM -0400):
I noticed this problem when using the normal Zend Form Element  
stack of
decorators on a form a that a dijit element in it (specifically it  

the DateTextBox). For example, I was trying to add Description
decorators to my Zend_Dojo_Form. The form is a mix of regular  

elements and Dojo elements.

If you put a global elements decorator declaration at the end of the
element declarations like so:

class forms_AdminArticleForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

... declare some elements here ...


Here's the problem right here. The Dijit form elements all use the
DijitElement decorator as their base decorator. This is because the
dijit view helpers have a different signature than other form view
helpers (in order to accomodate a separation between dijit parameters
and HTML attributes). Using setElementDecorators() on a mixture of
Zend_Form and Zend_Dojo_Form elements is going to be problematic as a

array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

It will trigger the exact error you mention. What I did was remove
global decorators for the form and set decorators on a per element  

(only on the form elements that needed a description field). For Dojo
elements, the decorator stack is slightly different:

 * creationdate
$this-addElement('DateTextBox', 'creationdate', array(
'label' = 'Creation Date',
'description' = 'Leave blank for current date',
'decorators' = array(
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 'dd')),
array('Label', array('tag' = 'dt')),

This fixed the problem but I had that nagging feeling something  
must not be right either with the way I was approach my form,  
something I
hadn't included, or some problem with ZF. For one thing, it would  
be nice

to be able to describe one set of element decorators for all the form
elements at once (since Zend_Form and Zend_Dojo_Form are supposed  
to be

someone interchangeable).


On Oct 12, 2008, at 4:32 AM, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2008 01:36:27 rswarthout wrote:

When I try to use any Dojo enabled field I receive an error that
just does
not make any sense.

PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 4 passed to
Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_DateTextBox::dateTextBox() must be an array,
given in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/DateTextBox.php on line 64

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


are you ultimately using the view helper or the form element?

1.) if using the view helper, you have to specify $this-


$value, array(), array()); if you want to pass no information to the
or dijit fields.

$this-dateTextBox($id, $value, null, null); is not allowed

2.) if you are using Form: are you setting 'attribs' or  

= null
in the configuration of the form element? this leads to the problem
above. you ahve to set it to = array() to explicity stating its


Benjamin Eberlei

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework   |

Re: [fw-general] Toggle file-upload element with uploaded image

2008-10-03 Thread Edward Haber
Here's the solution I came up with. Thanks for all the input and help  
on this problem. This solution involves using a conditional statement  
in Zend_Form to create one of two element types. When the image is  
present the view helper decorator replaces the form element with the  
image and a link to a remove action. The view helper is below and will  
still be tweaked a bit but it should give the overall idea. This form  
class snippet has all the other elements removed from it for clarity

class MyForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');

-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 
-setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

 * image_name
if ($options['image_id']) {

$this-addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
'label' = 'Image',
'description' = 'To upload another photo 
delete this one first.',
'attribs' = array(
		'imgSrc' = URL . '/media/articles/' . $options['image_id'] .  
		'action' = URL . '/admin/article/drop-image/' .  

'decorators' = array(
array('ViewHelper', array('helper' 
= 'mediaImage')),
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 
array('Label', array('tag' = 

} else {

$this-addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
'label' = 'Upload an image',
'destination' = AP . 
'required' = true,
'validators' = array(
array('Size', '500Kb'),
array('ImageSize', array(10, 
10, 1024, 768)),
array('Extension', array('jpg', 


(other form elements removed)

Then I use this helper:

class MF_View_Helper_MediaImage
public function mediaImage($fieldname, $value = , $attribs = null)
$imgSrc = $attribs['imgSrc'];
$action = $attribs['action'];
		$class = isset($attribs['class']) ? $attribs['class'] : 'image- 

return OUTPUT
			img src=$imgSrc border=0 / | a href=$action  


This will pretty much be a reusable solution for the four CMS media  
subdirectories of image content and seems to work just fine. Happy for  
any comments.


On Oct 3, 2008, at 8:12 AM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

I would keep the image separate from the form unless you have a good  
not to. Then the logic is simple. Display the image if it exists, if  
then display the form. Of course you would need an action to delete  

image so that the form could be redisplayed.

Edward Haber wrote:

Definitely view logic. Good call. Still I'm uncertain though because
I'm working with an extended Zend_Form class. Perhaps I should make a
custom Form Element? Or a custom Form Decorator? Or use the view
helper decorator for just that element? I'd love to hear the Zend  

practice take on this solution.


On Oct 2, 2008, at 10:50 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

Sounds like view logic to me and so I would add a conditional in the

Edward Haber wrote:

I have a form that I want offer an image upload form element on.  
has worked great using Zend_Form_Element_File. The upload works  

What is the recommended way to have the uploaded image replace the
upload form if an image exists? I don't need the solution coded,  

the direction I should go.

For example, I have the form as a class. SHould I pass the image  
(if one exists) in the config array to the form? In the form i  

then check for $config['imageName'] and if it exists display the
in place of the form

Re: [fw-general] Toggle file-upload element with uploaded image

2008-10-03 Thread Edward Haber
That does sound like a better solution to me. Also, the link in the  
form could frustrate some users if they've partially completed the  
form then delete the image. Thanks for your comments.

So then the best solution appears to be a decorator.

On Oct 3, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

In that case why not forego the remove action and the additional  
form logic
and just display the form regardless of whether the image exists.  
When the
user uploads a new image it would replace the existing one. Just  
since it seems like the user would have to jump through an extra  
hoop to
remove the image in order to upload a new one. The less a user does  
or has

to do the better.

Edward Haber wrote:

Here's the solution I came up with. Thanks for all the input and help
on this problem. This solution involves using a conditional statement
in Zend_Form to create one of two element types. When the image is
present the view helper decorator replaces the form element with the
image and a link to a remove action. The view helper is below and  

still be tweaked a bit but it should give the overall idea. This form
class snippet has all the other elements removed from it for clarity

class MyForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');

-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/', 
-setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

 * image_name
if ($options['image_id']) {

$this-addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
'label' = 'Image',
'description' = 'To upload another photo delete this one  

'attribs' = array(
'imgSrc' = URL . 
'/media/articles/' . $options['image_id'] .
'action' = URL . 
'/admin/article/drop-image/' .
'decorators' = array(
array('ViewHelper', array('helper' 
= 'mediaImage')),
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 
array('Label', array('tag' = 

} else {

$this-addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
'label' = 'Upload an image',
'destination' = AP . 
'required' = true,
'validators' = array(
array('Size', '500Kb'),
array('ImageSize', array(10, 
10, 1024, 768)),
array('Extension', array('jpg', 


(other form elements removed)

Then I use this helper:

class MF_View_Helper_MediaImage
public function mediaImage($fieldname, $value = , $attribs = null)
$imgSrc = $attribs['imgSrc'];
$action = $attribs['action'];
$class = isset($attribs['class']) ? $attribs['class'] : 'image-

return OUTPUT
 $imgSrc  |  $action Delete

This will pretty much be a reusable solution for the four CMS media
subdirectories of image content and seems to work just fine. Happy  

any comments.


On Oct 3, 2008, at 8:12 AM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

I would keep the image separate from the form unless you have a good
not to. Then the logic is simple. Display the image if it exists, if
then display the form. Of course you would need an action to delete
image so that the form could be redisplayed.

Edward Haber wrote:

Definitely view logic. Good call. Still I'm uncertain though  
I'm working with an extended Zend_Form class. Perhaps I should  
make a

custom Form Element? Or a custom Form Decorator? Or use the view
helper decorator for just that element? I'd love to hear

Re: [fw-general] Toggle file-upload element with uploaded image

2008-10-03 Thread Edward Haber
There are a lot of other elements in the form though so it's not  
either the image or the whole form. The file upload is just one of 10  
elements. It seems like an element decorator should work. But make a  
custom one or utilize a built-in one? I don't want to take over the  
directions decorator for example because that can't be best form.

On Oct 3, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

Sorry, that didn't come through quite right. See instead.

Matthew Lurz wrote:

I wouldn't include the image in the form at all actually. Instead I  
just wrap a conditional around a div in the view script. Something  

? if (this-image): ?

div ?= $this- image-src ?/div

? endif ?

?= $this-form ?

Edward Haber wrote:

That does sound like a better solution to me. Also, the link in the
form could frustrate some users if they've partially completed the
form then delete the image. Thanks for your comments.

So then the best solution appears to be a decorator.

On Oct 3, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

In that case why not forego the remove action and the additional
form logic
and just display the form regardless of whether the image exists.
When the
user uploads a new image it would replace the existing one. Just
since it seems like the user would have to jump through an extra
hoop to
remove the image in order to upload a new one. The less a user does
or has
to do the better.

Edward Haber wrote:

Here's the solution I came up with. Thanks for all the input and  
on this problem. This solution involves using a conditional  

in Zend_Form to create one of two element types. When the image is
present the view helper decorator replaces the form element with  

image and a link to a remove action. The view helper is below and
still be tweaked a bit but it should give the overall idea. This  
class snippet has all the other elements removed from it for  

class MyForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)

$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');

			-addPrefixPath('MF_Form_Element', 'MF/Form/Element/',  

-setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

 * image_name
if ($options['image_id']) {

$this-addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
'label' = 'Image',
'description' = 'To upload another photo 
delete this one
'attribs' = array(
		'imgSrc' = URL . '/media/articles/' .  
$options['image_id'] .

'action' = URL . 
'/admin/article/drop-image/' .
'decorators' = array(
array('ViewHelper', array('helper' 
= 'mediaImage')),
array('HtmlTag', array('tag' = 
array('Label', array('tag' = 

} else {

$this-addElement('file', 'image_name', array(
'label' = 'Upload an image',
'destination' = AP . 
'required' = true,
'validators' = array(
array('Size', '500Kb'),
array('ImageSize', array(10, 
10, 1024, 768)),
array('Extension', array('jpg', 


(other form elements removed)

Then I use this helper:

class MF_View_Helper_MediaImage
	public function mediaImage($fieldname, $value = , $attribs =  

$imgSrc = $attribs['imgSrc'];
$action = $attribs['action'];
$class = isset($attribs['class']) ? $attribs['class'] : 'image-

return OUTPUT
 $imgSrc  |  $action Delete

This will pretty much be a reusable solution

[fw-general] Toggle file-upload element with uploaded image

2008-10-02 Thread Edward Haber
I have a form that I want offer an image upload form element on. This  
has worked great using Zend_Form_Element_File. The upload works fine.  
What is the recommended way to have the uploaded image replace the  
upload form if an image exists? I don't need the solution coded, just  
the direction I should go.

For example, I have the form as a class. SHould I pass the image name  
(if one exists) in the config array to the form? In the form i would  
then check for $config['imageName'] and if it exists display the image  
in place of the form element. This is another trick - how do display  
an image in a form?

Is the answer toggling in the form class between the form element and  
an image? Or using CSS to display the image if it's there and hide  
the form (display:none for example).

I'm just looking for best practice. I'm sure lots of people have  
already confronted this situation. Any input much appreciated! Thanks!


Re: [fw-general] Toggle file-upload element with uploaded image

2008-10-02 Thread Edward Haber
Definitely view logic. Good call. Still I'm uncertain though because  
I'm working with an extended Zend_Form class. Perhaps I should make a  
custom Form Element? Or a custom Form Decorator? Or use the view  
helper decorator for just that element? I'd love to hear the Zend best  
practice take on this solution.


On Oct 2, 2008, at 10:50 PM, Matthew Lurz wrote:

Sounds like view logic to me and so I would add a conditional in the  


Edward Haber wrote:

I have a form that I want offer an image upload form element on. This
has worked great using Zend_Form_Element_File. The upload works fine.
What is the recommended way to have the uploaded image replace the
upload form if an image exists? I don't need the solution coded, just
the direction I should go.

For example, I have the form as a class. SHould I pass the image name
(if one exists) in the config array to the form? In the form i would
then check for $config['imageName'] and if it exists display the  

in place of the form element. This is another trick - how do display
an image in a form?

Is the answer toggling in the form class between the form element and
an image? Or using CSS to display the image if it's there and hide
the form (display:none for example).

I'm just looking for best practice. I'm sure lots of people have
already confronted this situation. Any input much appreciated!  


View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

[fw-general] Zend_Form File element toggle between image

2008-09-27 Thread Edward Haber

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the following:

1) Can anyone suggest the best way to implement the following in a  
form: a Zend_Form_Element_File if no image has been uploaded. But if  
an image has been uploaded, the image appears with a delete button.  
Would a custom form element be best or would you just hide/show the  
various elements with Javascript? Or is it already built-in!?

2) And as a second question: I can't find any way to do this. Is there  
any way to just insert a random blob or row of HTML in your form like:

dtLabel/dtddinput type.../dd
dtLabel/dtddinput type.../dd
dtLabel/dtddinput type.../dd

pHi look at me!/p

dtLabel/dtddinput type.../dd
dtLabel/dtddinput type.../dd
Is there any way to insert the line Hi look at me! without  
decorating the element above it or below it and without creating a  
custom class?

3) Is there a problem with the current version of the  
Zend_Form_Element_File? The element doesn't appear to print with the  
row decorator.


class forms_AdminArticleForm extends Zend_Dojo_Form
public function __construct($options = null)
-setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
-setAttrib('id', 'article-form');

$title = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title');
-addValidator('StringLength', false, array(1, 128));

$author = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('author');
-addValidator('StringLength', false, array(1, 64));

$image = new Zend_Form_Element_File('image_name');
$image-setLabel('Upload an image:')
-setDestination(AP . '/application/tmp/upload-staging')
-addValidator('Size', '500kb');

$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('action');

$title, $author, $image, $submit

This class generates the following HTML code:

form id=article-form action=/admin/article/edit method=post  

dl class=zend_form

dtlabel for=title class=requiredTitle/label/dt
ddinput type=text name=title id=title value=Here ya go  

dtlabel for=author class=requiredAuthor/label/dt
ddinput type=text name=author id=author value=dudeness  

input type=file name=image_name id=image_name helper=formFile

ddinput type=submit name=action id=action value=Save/dd

ddinput type=hidden name=article_id value=4 id=article_id/ 


Re: [fw-general] View Helpers Repository

2008-09-26 Thread Edward Haber
This is why I called the helper s instead of pluralize. If you'd  
like to contribute a better pluralization helper, email it to me or  
leave comments on the website.

Maybe I wasn't clear. The point is not that I'm bringing to the Zend  
community my awesome personal view helpers, but rather I am trying to  
create a repository so that all ZF developers can share View Helpers  
as a resource.

I'm just about to take the site down though seeing as this idea isn't  
of interest to anyone.


On Sep 25, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Matthew Ratzloff wrote:

Regarding your plural (s) helper...

person = people


On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Edward Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
I'm just in the first steps of putting together a ViewHelpers  
repository because there is such a serious need for a resources  
repository for ZF. I would welcome any thoughts on this  
implementation -- any intelligence on the idea itself (does it  
already exist in a better form somewhere else?) -- if this is  
planned by Zend in the future I would be happy not to waste my time.

This is basically a code-repository Wiki: If  
you want to email me your view helpers I'll add them to the site.  
LMK if you have any thoughts on better/easier administration.

SO far I put up my view helpers I've used. Is this idea worthwhile?  
i'm curious if people want to trade view helpers and other resources.


On Sep 25, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Jason Austin wrote:

Count me in as a vote for doing this.  It would be great to provide  
that type of resource to users.

- Jason

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
-- mezoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Thursday, 25 September 2008, 09:13 AM -0700):

Is ZF Teem planned official user plugin repository?

Not currently; we've been kicking the idea around for a while, though.

Jason Austin
Senior Solutions Implementation Engineer
NC State University - Office of Information Technology

[fw-general] View Helpers Repository

2008-09-25 Thread Edward Haber
I'm just in the first steps of putting together a ViewHelpers  
repository because there is such a serious need for a resources  
repository for ZF. I would welcome any thoughts on this implementation  
-- any intelligence on the idea itself (does it already exist in a  
better form somewhere else?) -- if this is planned by Zend in the  
future I would be happy not to waste my time.

This is basically a code-repository Wiki: If you  
want to email me your view helpers I'll add them to the site. LMK if  
you have any thoughts on better/easier administration.

SO far I put up my view helpers I've used. Is this idea worthwhile?  
i'm curious if people want to trade view helpers and other resources.


On Sep 25, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Jason Austin wrote:

Count me in as a vote for doing this.  It would be great to provide  
that type of resource to users.

- Jason

Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- mezoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Thursday, 25 September 2008, 09:13 AM -0700):

Is ZF Teem planned official user plugin repository?

Not currently; we've been kicking the idea around for a while,  

Jason Austin
Senior Solutions Implementation Engineer
NC State University - Office of Information Technology

Re: [fw-general] multiple models with same name (m1/models/pages.php and m2/models/pages.php)

2008-09-23 Thread Edward Haber
First of all, had I known you were a Zend engineer I probably wouldn't  
have opened my big mouth. I'm new to the list. :-) But since it's  
already open, i'll just offer a few points of view from my perspective.

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:55 PM, Bill Karwin wrote:

Edward Haber wrote:

Another problem with the proposed solution is that it only makes one
module's models path active at a time. I think the ideal when working
with multiple modules is to have the option of using model code from
more than one module models directory at a time, especially in cases
of interdependency.

No, that's not ideal, that's actually what I was recommending to  

I see your point that having all the models directories of all modules  
in the include path leads to namespace collision in a modular  
framework like Joomla. I was under the impression you were making a  
modular application where the code is grouped by functionality rather  
than a third-party-capable modular framework.

A module has its own controllers and views, and should have its own  
set of

models as well.  One module should not be allowed to reference another
module's controllers, views, or models.  If you follow this rule,  
then it

solves all the problems of ambiguity and collision.

In my opinion, if you have three modules implementing a Pages model  
that has a duplicate fetchMyPages() method (say with differing  
parameters per module) then it seems anti-DRY to repeat the same file/ 
class/method three times (then keep them sync'd when making bug fixes,  
then write three sets of test classes, etc.). It comes down to (for  
me) if the class in question is used in the exact same context in  
multiple modules. If it's three unrelated types of pages that has one  
solution. If it's three versions of basically the same class and  
methods then it seems anti-DRY to me.

Don't separate your application into modules if the modules aren't  
If you want to share model classes among all your controllers, then  

create modules.

In my case, It was a lot easier to manage the front-end (controllers  
and views) within modules but just use a single model directory. This  
particular organizational method helped the front-end developers find  
code more easily and allowed for teams to work more independently.  
These solutions are unique to the needs of each application. If it  
best suited your application, there's no reason you couldn't have  
fifty front-ends (of controllers/views) connected to one set of models.

It also suited the application well, which has three front-end areas  
(which I made modules) where users of one area never are users in  
another area. I agree I would approach a Drupal/Joomla-like  
architecture differently, but this architecture is clear, obvious, and  
breaks no MVC conventions.

If however it is a must that you remain encapsulation and that these
modules are dropped into other apps and need to work this way, then I
would change the names of your models entirely.

This doesn't work in general, if you drop third-party modules into  
your app,
or drop your module into someone else's app.  Only if you have  
control over
the class naming of all modules in an app does your recommendation  
work.  If
you're the author of all the modules in the app, then why are you  

modules at all?

The purpose of modules is to provide isolation between sets of  

Many people seem to use modules to create friendly URL's like
/myapp/admin/controller/action but you can do this by creating  

router rules.  You don't have to use modules simply to define URL's.

This seems unnecessarily strict. In my opinion, modules can be *more*  
than this or *less* than this depending on the requirements of the  
application. Part of the beauty of the Zend Framework (and PHP) is  
that it is so flexible to different architecture requirements. I agree  
it's really not that hard to write a route. I'm using plenty of them  
in the app. But why not, if it suits the grouping of your code, and  
makes the urls work, take advantage of built-in features of the  

Thanks for your notes. I hope to learn a lot from the members of the  


Bill Karwin
View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] multiple models with same name (m1/models/pages.php and m2/models/pages.php)

2008-09-22 Thread Edward Haber
I've read about this issue before. I'm no ZF author, but my $.02 is,  
even though this helps encapsulate your code into modules more  
precisely, is that it's not good in practice. For one thing it creates  
files with the same name that might be confusing. It also has multiple  
versions of the same model, only one of which may be instantiated at a  
time. My thought is if you run into this problem (as I just did on my  
current project), then the application architecture requires a  
different approach. On my current project I decided it made more sense  
to move all my models out of app/modules/module-name/models  
directories and into app/models than to strictly enforce module  

If however it is a must that you remain encapsulation and that these  
modules are dropped into other apps and need to work this way, then I  
would change the names of your models entirely. The Pages models could  
then be named AdminPages and UserPages (avoiding the same model name).  
This would imply the different model classes behave and act  
differently (and may not require one another).

Good luck,

Eddie Haber
Engineer + Architect
MetaFoundry, LLC

Direct: (917) 865-0494
IM: eddiehaber

On Sep 22, 2008, at 9:08 AM, chrisweb wrote:


I have a noob questions for you ;-) ... i did not know if its better  
to put
this question in the core or perhaps zend_db folder its why i  
it here ... i also searched a lot in the mailinglist archive but did  

find a similar question, sry if its an duplicate :blush:

my website structure is this one:

- application
-- default
--- controllers
--- layout
--- models
--- views
- index
-- index.phtml
-- admin
--- controllers
--- layout
--- models
--- views
- index
-- index.phtml
- library
- public

As you can see it, i have two similar models, the first model is  

Pages.php, the second one has the same name Pages.php

In the beginning i had the following code in Default  controllers 

Zend_Loader::loadClass('Pages', '../application/default/models/');

... and the following code in Admin  controllers   

Zend_Loader::loadClass('Pages', '../application/admin/models/');

... everything worked fine, but then i wanted to try to use the  

for classes and files

its why i changed my bootstrap file, now its like this (with  


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// setup directories paths
get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
'../library' . PATH_SEPARATOR .
'../application/default/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR .

require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

// Create registry object and setting it as the static instance in the
Zend_Registry class
$registry = new Zend_Registry();

$dbconfig = new Zend_Config_Ini('../application/config.ini',  

$registry-set('dbconfig', $dbconfig);

// setup database
$db = Zend_Db::factory($dbconfig-db);
$db-query('SET NAMES utf8');

// setup controller
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$registry-set('front', $frontController);

'default' = '../application/default/controllers',
'admin'   = '../application/admin/controllers'

$frontController-setParam('useDefaultControllerAlways', true);

$frontController-setRequest(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http());

// setup views
$view = new Zend_View();

// setup Zend Layout

// run!
$frontController-dispatch(); // dispatche!

In default  models  Pages.php i have the following code:

class Pages extends Zend_Db_Table {

  protected $_name = 'pages';  // table name
  protected $_primary = 'id'; // table primary key
  protected $_sequence = true; // if auto increment is on

  public function outputpageslist() {

$pagesTable = new Pages();
		$query = SELECT id, title FROM pages WHERE actif='1' AND  
parent='0' ORDER

BY position;
$db = $pagesTable-getAdapter();
$result = $db-query($query);
  return $result-fetchAll();


In admin  models  Pages.php i have the following code:

class Pages extends Zend_Db_Table {

  protected $_name = 'pages';  // table name
  protected $_primary = 'id'; // table primary key
  protected $_sequence = true; // if auto increment is on

  public function getpageslist() {

$pagesTable = new Pages();
		$query = SELECT id, 

Re: [fw-general] multiple models with same name (m1/models/pages.php and m2/models/pages.php)

2008-09-22 Thread Edward Haber
I think Bill Karwin makes a fine point and I don't know if my thoughts  
here are correct form academically speaking (and I'm curious to get  
a definitive word on this). I've read about this issue before. I'm no  
ZF author, but my $.02 is, even though this helps encapsulate your  
code into modules more precisely, is that it's not good in practice.

For one thing it creates files with the same name that might be  
confusing. It also has multiple versions of the same model, only one  
of which may be instantiated at a time. My thought is if you run into  
this problem (as I just did on my current project), then the  
application architecture requires a different approach since an app  
with four Pages models seems problematic to me from an architecture  
viewpoint. On my current project I decided it made more sense to move  
all my models out of app/modules/module-name/models directories and  
into app/models than to strictly enforce module encapsulation.  
Another problem with the proposed solution is that it only makes one  
module's models path active at a time. I think the ideal when working  
with multiple modules is to have the option of using model code from  
more than one module models directory at a time, especially in cases  
of interdependency.

If however it is a must that you remain encapsulation and that these  
modules are dropped into other apps and need to work this way, then I  
would change the names of your models entirely. The Pages models could  
then be named AdminPages and UserPages (avoiding the same model name).  
This would imply the different model classes behave and act  
differently (and may not require one another).

Good luck,

Eddie Haber
Engineer + Architect
MetaFoundry, LLC

Direct: (917) 865-0494
IM: eddiehaber

On Sep 22, 2008, at 9:08 AM, chrisweb wrote:


I have a noob questions for you ;-) ... i did not know if its better  
to put
this question in the core or perhaps zend_db folder its why i  
it here ... i also searched a lot in the mailinglist archive but did  

find a similar question, sry if its an duplicate :blush:

my website structure is this one:

- application
-- default
--- controllers
--- layout
--- models
--- views
- index
-- index.phtml
-- admin
--- controllers
--- layout
--- models
--- views
- index
-- index.phtml
- library
- public

As you can see it, i have two similar models, the first model is  

Pages.php, the second one has the same name Pages.php

In the beginning i had the following code in Default  controllers 

Zend_Loader::loadClass('Pages', '../application/default/models/');

... and the following code in Admin  controllers   

Zend_Loader::loadClass('Pages', '../application/admin/models/');

... everything worked fine, but then i wanted to try to use the  

for classes and files

its why i changed my bootstrap file, now its like this (with  


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// setup directories paths
get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
'../library' . PATH_SEPARATOR .
'../application/default/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR .

require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

// Create registry object and setting it as the static instance in the
Zend_Registry class
$registry = new Zend_Registry();

$dbconfig = new Zend_Config_Ini('../application/config.ini',  

$registry-set('dbconfig', $dbconfig);

// setup database
$db = Zend_Db::factory($dbconfig-db);
$db-query('SET NAMES utf8');

// setup controller
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$registry-set('front', $frontController);

'default' = '../application/default/controllers',
'admin'   = '../application/admin/controllers'

$frontController-setParam('useDefaultControllerAlways', true);

$frontController-setRequest(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http());

// setup views
$view = new Zend_View();

// setup Zend Layout

// run!
$frontController-dispatch(); // dispatche!

In default  models  Pages.php i have the following code:

class Pages extends Zend_Db_Table {

  protected $_name = 'pages';  // table name
  protected $_primary = 'id'; // table primary key
  protected $_sequence = true; // if auto increment is on

  public function outputpageslist() {

$pagesTable = new Pages();
		$query = SELECT id, title 

[fw-general] Sender CC'd post?

2008-09-22 Thread Edward Haber
As someone who fell for this myself (sending duplicate emails to the  
list), I think the sender of a post should receive a copy.
