Re: [fw-general] Zend_Amf_Server authentication

2010-02-25 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Zend_Amf_Server performs authentication only if it receives AMF
So if my Flash app doesn't send the CREDENTIALS_HEADER it gets access to all
server methods.

Authentication that can be turned off by the cliet, makes no sense to me.
Please explain why is it implemented this way.

I think there's a confusion between authentication and authorization.
Authentication checks that you are who you say you are.
Authorization checks that you (with you provided by authentication) 
are allowed to do certain things. So, if you have some methods that are 
not allowed for unauthenticated user, he will be denied permission to 
run them.
Zend_AMf does authorization through ACLs, see Authentication part in where it 
describes setAcl() method.

So, there's two things to clarify:
1. If you didn't provide any credentials, there's nothing to authorize
2. That doesn't automatically makes you ineligible to access methods - 
ACL defines that.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN:

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Amf on IIS

2009-12-31 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


When I do the same thing with it being hosted on IIS the browser tries to
download the file. If I download the file the Zend AMF Server is in it,

This doesn't look like something to do with AMF... Do other PHP scripts 
work? It looks like your IIS is not configured correctly to handle PHP 

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN:

Re: [fw-general] Amazon S3 stream wrapper

2009-08-24 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


I am using AWS S3 via stream wrapper (which is great piece of code), and 
it works nicely with fopen/fwrite functions.
However, objects added are all private, is there any way I can update 
ACL for object and still use streams?

I guess stream API needs to support additional headers on object 
creation. Could you add a feature request to issue tracker for it?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN:

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Captcha

2009-01-13 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Out of curiosity i just need to know if the PNGs created by Zend_Captcha gets
deleted after expiration or later on. I just noticed this files can grow in
immensely in number on the server and hence populate unnecessary space.
Is there a way of configuring the component such that it deletes expired or
used captcha images?

Yes, image captcha has option expiration (default 600, in seconds) 
which controls how long the captcha files live, and option gcFreq 
which controls how often cleanup is run (default is 10 which means 1 of 
10 captchas created will run cleanup cycle).

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN:

Re: [fw-general] ZF application optimizations (and speedup)

2008-11-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Actually... loadClass() already does that. The issue is in the userland
code -- if they do a require_once or include_once in userland *after*
we've already loaded the class in the autoloader using simply include,
that will trigger the error. That's what I was getting at. That said,

AFAIK include_once does not include file previously included by 

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] zf-contributor list has been created!

2008-07-18 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Howdy all, the zf-contributor list has been created. Please send a mail
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe.

The correct address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] I 
verified that it works.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_Hash, Salt and AJAX

2008-07-15 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


How is the salt ment to be used?

The salt is used in generating session namespace name for the element. 
So the name used is composed of (class name, salt, element name). That 
means if you have two hash elements on the same page with the same name 
(e.g. in different forms), they should have different salts otherwise 
they'll end up using same session storage.
It may be useful to have different salts for elements with the same name 
 even when they are not on the same page, but this is less important 
since hash stored in session is transient - i.e. it will be removed as 
soon as used up. Still, if there's a possibility of two hashes existing 
at the same time with same names, it may make sense for them to have 
different salts.

What is the best practice when using the salt so that:
 - The salt of 2 forms on different pages do not collide

If it's different page it shouldn't matter too much even if they 
collide, since the hash is transient - once form is submitted, the hash 
expires, so different page would not infringe on it, unless you have 
situation like pages loaded in frames, etc. Then maybe using 
module+controller or URI as salt would be fine, if you don't want to 
worry too much about inventing unique names. Don't choose it too long 
since it's used as key in session, so it's stored there too :)

 - The same form can be rendered 2 times (and usable on more that one
browser window at a time)?

Well, here it might be a problem, since right now hash element is built 
so that it stores only one token. You can give different salts, but 
you'd have to know which window has which salt. It can be done, e.g. by 
having another element storing the right salt, even though it doesn't 
seem the nicest way to build it...

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Moved: Framework Security ( Was Re: [fw-general] Zend_Validate_Ip )

2008-06-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


How is the project going to respond to a validator that is letting 
tainted information into applications. Maybe Matthew, as architect, can 
respond on what Zend is doing to address this and other security 
disclosures with the framework?

It looks like a bug. Do you have some patch and maybe test example for 
it? If not, could you submit  a bug to issue tracker?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[fw-general] mailing list problems

2008-06-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Since our mailing lists are hosted at ThePlanet, which recently 
experienced major downtime event (, 
we had some problems with Framework mailing lists. While the list server 
itself was not affected, the DNS servers it is using were, so it could 
not process mails normally. Because of that, some emails from the lists 
located at and sent on June 1th and 2th could be delayed 
and some even gone missing.

So if you have sent mail to the list on June 1th or 2th and didn't see 
it on the list after reasonable time, it might be good idea to resend it.

Right now the lists should work normally.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Zend Loader performance - benchmark

2008-05-16 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


I was thinking about this after the earlier discussions and was
wondering what people thought about phar? Would this improve
performance if you really needed it?

phar is a bit more complicated story... We'll be doing some work on 
performance-testing phar too, but that'll take some time. From what I 
understand, phar just stabilized and acquired the features it needed to 
be able to run with frameworks like ZF, and I'm not sure yet how 
bytecode caching solutions work with it. But we definitely intend to 
address this topic, now that phar looks like it's ready for the prime time.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Zend Loader performance - benchmark

2008-05-15 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


I've run a benchmark loading 725 framework class files on 5.2 and 5.3 
with and without bytecode caching.

The benchmark uses list of 725 Framework classes and loads them one by
one, via require_once and via Zend_Loader::loadClass. You can see the
files here:

OK, so here's the results:

Without bytecode cache:
 require_once Zend_Loader
php5.24.42  4.42
php5.34.96  4.97

With bytecode cache:
 require_once Zend_Loader
php5.263.04 56.62
php5.361.28 55.52

Numbers are requests per second (more is better). Bytecode cache used in
the benchmark is Zend's one, not APC.

Conclusions from this would be:
0. It is *very* important to understand that it is a narrow-point
benchmark that tests only one function in one specific way. Please do
not draw conclusions on behavior of whole applications based only on
this benchmark.

1. You *do* want to use bytecode caching. You won't get 15x performance
on any real application, but it does speed up loading very significantly.

2. Without bytecode caching, it doesn't matter if you use require_once
or Loader - both are equally slow :)

3. With bytecode caching, Loader has some overhead - explanation for
this is that with file accesses eliminated, require_once of course has
little left, while Loader still does a couple of function
calls. But on real-life apps it'd probably be very small, provided that
it's about 10% even on loading-only huge-class-list benchmark, and your
application probably does something useful instead of loading 700+
framework classes :)

4. 5.3 is still a moving target, to don't put too much stake in current
benchmark results for 5.3, they probably will be different by the time
5.3 is in release cycle (hopefully, better :)

If you have more questions on this, please ask.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Re: 1.5.0 Zend_Loader, auto load and non-existent classes

2008-03-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
I tend to agree that the autoloader function should not produce errors, 

Does it produce error or warning?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Re: 1.5.0 Zend_Loader, auto load and non-existent classes

2008-03-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Depends on the situation. For example, if you autoload with Zend_Loader 
a class for which the file does not exist, include_once emits a warning. 
If the file exists, and it contains a parse error, it is not suppressed 
and the fatal error is handled in the normal PHP way. It's also possible 

I think we can omit (maybe based on configuration) the warning when file 
not found, but the error is OK.

that user code contains something that generates other warnings or 
errors, and these are neither suppressed nor caught using a custom error 

This is OK too.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Caching of MVC and other ZF components

2008-02-20 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Yes and no.  Rasmus Lerdorf has explained (
that opcode caching is a compile-time optimization.  Runtime inclusion of
code happens after compile-time is past, and therefore cannot use the opcode

This is not correct. Each file is compiled by the engine separately, so 
include can and are benefiting from opcode caching.

Now, there are certain uses of certain things like inheritance that make 
certain opcode caches not cache these files. For APC story read here:
though it definitely does not apply to other solutions, e.g. Zend 

However, any runtime require_once is resolved too late to benefit from the
opcode cache.  For example, loading classes in a function, loading classes
depending on a PHP variable, and use of autoload.  The code has to be
fetched from the filesystem at runtime and compiled on the fly.  It's as if
you aren't using an opcode cache solution.

Autoload does benefit from opcode caching, as would most instances of 
loading classes from functions, etc. However, some things - like 
conditional definition of classes depending on variables etc. may not 
work correctly with opcode caches, and lead some of them - e.g. APC - to 
avoid caching those files.
BTW, we plan to solve these problems in 5.3 - so that all opcode caches 
(that would bother to use the new stuff of course ;) will be able to 
cache all files in 5.3+, regardless of how and when and in which way 
they were included.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Caching of MVC and other ZF components

2008-02-20 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Thanks for the correction, Stas.  Is the explanation attributed to Rasmus in
that blog out of date, talking about an older version of PHP  APC?  Or is

I think he was talking about autofilter, though I can't be sure. And by 
not caching I think he meant that defining classes/functions is not 
cached but left as opcodes (if you don't know the difference then 
probably you shouldn't care too much about it :)

Will that be for Zend Platform's opcode cache only, or will it also help APC
and Xcache?

That would be for any opcode cache that will be willing to use it. We do 
not aim it specifically for Platform, but intend to make it as generic 
as we can. Of course, provided we indeed succeed in making it - we are 
in progress right now.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Form now in core!

2008-02-18 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I'm happy to report that Zend_Form is now in core! This means you will

Great work!
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] ZF-2019 - Http_Client-setHeaders() in non-strict mode

2007-10-14 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Currently we throw exceptions when non-RFC-compliant HTTP headers are
passed to the setHeaders() method. Following ZF-2019 I did some
thinking, and it seems there is a good reason to allow a non-strict mode
in which users could add their own headers. 

What I propose doing is one of the following:

1. Add a configuration option (strict) to the HTTP Client object
(passed in the constructor or using setConfig()). This option will be
set to true by default - but if set to false, will allow setting
non-strict headers and possibly override some other RFC-compliance

I think this is the best option.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] How ZF works with PHP6 and are there any news on the subject?

2007-08-14 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Do you have any recent news about new PHP version? I searched a
little, but everything I find is Minutes PHP Developers Meeting,
dated November 11th and 12th, 2005.

If you mean PHP 6, it's being developed, new things getting added - 
namespaces, ICU module, etc. but release date is probably not this 
year :) As for PHP 5, 5.2.4 is on the way and next one would probably 
be 5.3 with a bunch of interesting additions.

You may want to look here: for some 
progress reports.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] no php closing tag?

2007-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

After going through the docs I realized that the examples with no end ?
was not a typo. Is that for every php script that uses in the framework or
just the framework classes? Will something bad happen if you do use '?'
? How did that design decision come about?

Nothing bad happens if you use ?. However, if you use ? and after 
it put some whitespace, something bad does happen - this whitespace gets 
output, and it might be output in wrong place at the wrong time. Since 
closing ? is not required and anyway nothing is going to happen after 
?, many people omit it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] ZF website updates

2007-07-01 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Thanks again to everyone who worked so hard on the ZF 1.0 release.  We
did it!  Thanks for all the congratulations and well wishes.

Congratulations! And good work everybody who made it happen! It's a big 

And the new site is even better :)
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [fw-general] Is there a way to disable echo, print inside a method

2007-06-12 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
the problem is while working in a team... the programmers instead of 
displaying the data through template they have a habit of echoing from 
the method itself...

have to trace where are all those crazy echosss .
so it has been a lil pain in ass ...

You can't really disable echo/print but you could set output buffering 
so you capture everything echo'ed/print'ed and then you can decide what 
to do with it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] New Proposal: Zend_S3

2007-04-29 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
How does the development process work for a proposal to become part of 
the library?

Usually it gets evaluated (as for how useful it would be for Framework 
users, should we do it, etc.), discussed (as for is this the right 
way to do it) and then confirmed or not confirmed, if confirmed, then 
it can be put into the incubator and then eventually become part of the 
core Framework. Here is it described in detail (with a nice picture too 

Since right now 1.0 release is very close, I guess it might take a bit 
more time until new proposals are reviewed, since people are 
concentrating on getting 1.0 out.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [fw-general] Re: [PHP-DEV] ZF 0.8.0 Unit Tests behaving different on PHP 5.2.1 and PHP 5.2.2-dev

2007-04-17 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

$a = 69;
$b = $a.;
printf(%d, $a); echo \n;
printf(%d, $b); echo \n;

PHP 5.2.1:


PHP 5.2.2:


Huh, that's a strange thing. Why it happens?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I think static ::get('foo') and ::set('foo', 'bar') methods are acceptable
compromises, but get() really shouldn't replace getInstance().  It

I'm OK with this.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

We really need to finish this discussion in order to have enough time to
implement the changes before the code-freeze.  I think we're virtually

To summarize:

Looks OK to me.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I've updated the proposal page started by Gavin and Andries with yet
another proposed solution, Solution E.  I populated the class
skeletons to illustrate this solution.  I would prefer Solution E (of
course :-).

I'm not sure I understand - what I'm supposed to do now instead of 
Zend::dump? Also, I think that:

$registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
$registry['key'] = 'value';

is better than:

Zend::regiser(key, value)

There should be some shortcuts. E.g. something like 
Zend_Registry::put($key, $value) and Zend_Registry::get($key) so you 
don't have to do getInstance each time.

Also, what would become to Zend::initRegistry?

Also, if we do loader class, I think it would be a good idea to 
interface with spl_autoload etc.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Regarding static accessors for the special instance stored in a static 
variable, they can easily be added using a subclass of Zend_Registry.

I'm in favor of keeping Zend_Registry as light as possible.

Everything can be added. But we want our classes to be simple to use 
as they are, not some assembly required, do we? So why not make extra 
step towards the user and give people tools for working conveniently 
with their classes and not have everybody to rewrite these additions by 
themselves each time? That's would be the scenario 90% of the users 
would be doing anyway, so why not make it easy?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I'm not sure I understand - what I'm supposed to do now instead of

I had in mind using the new Zend_Log class.  First set up a logger:

  $log = new Zend_Log(new Zend_Log_Writer_Debug('php://stdout'));

You only have to set that up once, if you store the $log object
somewhere that is accessible throughout your app.

Then you can dump a variable anytime like this:

  $log-debug( $myObject );

I really don't think that's a good replacement for Zend::dump. I used it 
for print-debugging a lot since it's better that var_dump and as easy as 
var_dump. Now you propose to kill it and replace with two-stage 
constructor and carrying over the object which I really don't need. It's 
not simple. It's not easy. Zend::dump is *easy*, having two-level ctor 
and additional object is *complex*. I don't like the direction we are 
moving in - it's definitely looks like what I don't like in Java - you 
have to do a lot of actions before you get result and care for a lot of 
classes which you really don't want to know to do a simplest thing like 
output debug value. I don't want to learn about log writers and 
interfaces and loggin infrastructure and php://stdout and stuff just to 
do a simple debug-print.

Yes, I agree.  I always have to think for a split-second about which one
sets and which one gets.  :-)  I will be happy to see register() and
registry() become deprecated.

OK, make it get() and put() - but it should be *easy*. It should not 
require knowing about singletons and instances. The concept of putting 
and getting variable in registry is simple, so should be acting on this 
concept in framework. If you want to do complex stuff (like having 
multiple registries) then it can be complex, but easy actions should be 
done by easy code. That's why we have SimpleXML - that's why we should 
have SimpleRegistry and SimpleDump :)

You don't have to use getInstance() each time.  If you have an object of
type Zend_Registry, just use the array notation.  You are not required

I don't want to have object of type Zend_Registry - I want just global 
access to registry, like I had with Zend::register(). How I do it with 

to use the default static instance of the registry.  You can create an

I *want* to use it. Actually, in 90% of use cases I don't care it all 
how many objects there are and what they are - I just want to put stuff 
there and get stuff from there. I don't want to know how it is implemented.

instance of a Zend_Registry object and put it anywhere you want -- even
a global variable:

  // in bootstrap:
  $globalReg = new Zend_Registry();

  // anywhere in application:
  $globalReg['key'] = 'value';

Errr? So we went all this long way with registry - only to get back to 
global variables? If I wanted global variables, why would I need 
Framework anyway? What's the added value there?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

What if we included the subclass in the box?

Both the old and the new are designed to work smoothly with subclasses.

I'm not sure I understand why we would need two classes - why is it 
better than having once class?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Anyway, you only need to instantiate the object once in each controller's
init() method.

public function init()
$this-_registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
// Or $this-_registry = $this-getInvokeArg('registry');

Here you make assumption that I use MVC and implement init() methods for 
controllers. But many of the uesers would do neither, and using MVC 
should not be related to using registry. Registry should be easy to use 
with or without MVC. Using getInstance() requires you to know that 
Registry is a singleton which is working in certain way. It is the 
knowledge that in most cases you do not need.

No one's suggesting using a global variable, only that it is possible to

Well, I distinctly remember an email where somebody *was* suggesting 
using global variable ;)

use Zend_Registry in many different ways.  I prefer to pass it as an
invocation argument to the front controller, which makes it available to
all actions.  Most others probably prefer the Singleton interface.

Again, you assume everybody uses MVC with front controller and everybody 
knows what Singleton is and prefers to use it. I don't see how any of 
these things should be prerequisite for using the registry.

You mentioned that new users will find the Singleton pattern confusing. 

No, I don't think they should get even to finding Singleton pattern 
*anything*. They don't need to know about it's existence. They shouldn't 
be bothered by it.

If someone isn't familiar with basic design patterns, they'll probably
find the internals of most of the components in the framework confusing or
mysterious.  For example, the front controller (it uses a Singleton as

The we already lost the game and should return to the design stage, 
because deep knowledge of design patterns as the prerequisite for using 
any framework is totally unacceptable if we talking about PHP target 
audience. It can help you do advanced stuff, but it should not be 
required. Basic usage should be - *extremely simple*.

Fortunately, I disagree with that assumption - most interfaces in 
framework do not require knowledge of design patterns, unless these very 
interfaces are done with purpose of implementing those patterns (like 
MVC) and unless you want to do advanced stuff that requires in-depth 
understanding of how Framework components are implemented. You don't 
need any patterns to use Zend_Feed or Zend_Db - you just instantiate the 
class and use it. We should keep it that way.

well).  But just because users might not understand the internals doesn't
mean they can't use it.  That's what the manual is for.

In the case of over-designed interfaces - they have to. Framework should 
be so easy to use that you don't really need to read the manual for at 
least basic usage - just to look at a couple of the examples and be 
intuitively ready to use it without even diving into the details. Of 
course, it is not always possible - if you talk about complex stuff. But 
trivial stuff should stay trivial.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Current way in Zend.php / Zend_Registry.php:

$registry = Zend::registry();
$registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();

I like first one more, since it doesn't bother me with unneeded 
knowledge about instances.

Alternative new way:

Zend_Registry::set($key, $value);

Same here. Of course, if we had class getters/setters it would be even 
cooler, but unfortunately you can't do Zend_Registry::$key = $value yet 
:) AFAIK. I'd still prefer put() to set(), but this is not that important.

With the above get(), the current instance method version of get() in 
the proposal is replaced with a method that only works on the global 
registry stored in the static class variable.  Instance methods for 
accessors remain the same as for ArrayObject (i.e. inherited as they are 
now in Registry.php).

We can keep the getInstance() if you wish for those who love patterns 
and singletons, but this should not be the only way. What I mean is:

static public function put($key, $value) {
$me = self::getInstance();
$me[$key] = $value;
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
So it is the name getInstance() that is so off-putting?  

Well, that and having to use it each time I need the registry. Actually, 
the latter - if I have get/put, I could live with getInstance for 
advanced stuff.

That sounds fine to me.  As long as it's not called register() and

OK with me. I think get/put is better than register/registry anyway :)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Which would be great, but it doesn't work.

Actually I don't see why you need non-static get if you already have 
array and object syntax working.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
OK with me. Only point is we need to ensure we don't get strange result 
with call to get($foo) when $foo is not defined or defined to some 
strange value. But actually if you give me get/set I can tolerate 
getInstance too. :)

I'm not in favor of this; aliases that offer no difference in
functionality or usability are not consistent with the goal of
protecting users from excessive choices.

But now that we think of the get() method as static-only, as Stas points
out there is no need to call it on an object, then get() with no
arguments is actually equivalent to getInstance().  The getInstance()
method doesn't need to be public at all.

So the usage to get the default static registry is:
  $r = Zend_Registry::get();

These three are equivalent:

These three are equivalent:
  Zend_Registry::set('foo', 'bar')
  $r-offsetSet('foo', 'bar)
  $r['foo'] = 'bar';

The old Zend::initRegistry('classname') method is a bit more clearly

This is needed only by people who want to use a subclass as the static
registry instance.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Zend.php proposal

2007-03-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I don't mind it being Zend_Debug::dump(), but I don't want people to
believe that the Debug class will contain methods to set breakpoints,
monitor variables, perform traces, generate code profiling reports, or

No, I in no way want this stuff. It doesn't belong to framework realm. I 
just want to have the ad-hoc methods intact :) Like dump, maybe some 
better backtrace later, but nothing more.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Request for feedback: moving Zend.php to Zend/Zend.php

2007-02-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Now every package has its own directory and one file in parent 
directory, so i offer to move all files to package directory:

Zend/Zend_Filter.php = Zend/Filter/Zend_Filter.php
Zend/Filter/Zend_Filter_Alnum.php [no change, couse it is same package]
Zend/Filter/Zend_Filter_Alpha.php [no change, couse it is same package]
Zend/Filter/Zend_Filter_Digits.php [no change, couse it is same package]

why we need to repeat Zend_Filter twice? What good would it make? And 
how we know Zend and Filter get its own directory but Alpha does not?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Request for feedback: moving Zend.php to Zend/Zend.php

2007-02-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

why we need to repeat Zend_Filter twice?
Zend_Filter would not be repeated twice. Zend/Zend_Filter.php would be 
moved to Zend/Filter/Zend_Filter.php

I clearly see Zend and Filter repeated twice right in front of me. Do you?

Every package would be strictly separated. Now all packages are mixed up 
in Zend directory. And this solution is time tested in Java, where each 

I don't really udnerstand what do you mean by mixed up. They reside in 
Zend directory, because that's where framework is. It's intended to be 
so, what's the problem in it?

If Alpha would be in differenet package it would be moved to that 
package directory

How I know by its name if it's a package or not?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Request for feedback: moving Zend.php to Zend/Zend.php

2007-02-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

The problem is that in Zend/ directory there are a lot of php files:

Ok, there is. Why it is a problem though?

It would be much better to move them to:

Ok, and Zend_Acl_Adapter would be in Acl/Adapter/Adapter.php or in 
Acl/Adapter.php? If the former - how it's not directory per file? If the 
latter, why Zend_Acl gets subdirectory and Zend_Acl_Adapter not and how 
one is to know that by the name?

So this means that all package files would be in package directory. If u 
need only one package u take the package directory.

How do I know Zend_Foo_Bar_Baz is a package or part of Zend_Foo_Bar 
package or part of Zend_Foo package?

If file is in a directory - it is in package, and u know package 
name[directory name]

How do I know the directory name? You seem to have different rules for 
packages and not packages but I fail to see how do you know the name 
is package or not.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Request for feedback: moving Zend.php to Zend/Zend.php

2007-02-27 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Really no need to tell if a given name represents a package or not.  

Filter.php contains Zend_Filter_Filter
Alpha.php contains Zend_Filter_Alpha

Zend_Filter_Filter? So instead of Zend_Json we'd have Zend_Json_Json? I 
don't like it at all.

It really does make sense and except for doubling up some of the top level
class names has no impact on the current design.

I'm afraid Zend_Filter_Filter doesn't make any sense to me.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Request for feedback: moving Zend.php to Zend/Zend.php

2007-02-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Massive -1 on this unless we decided to tackle some issues that have 
been raised in the past:

I don't see much of a problem with Zend class doing a number of 
functions. It's an utility class so it does a number of things, but 
having class for each of these functions would not really do much use - 
these functions are too small for a class, they are utilities - so 
nothing wrong with having utility class. Actually, a lot of OO libraries 
have a number of utility classes where they aggregate small functions. 
If Zend_Debug is going to have one dump function or even two - there's 
no much use of having such a class at all, Zend::dump is not worse and 
we already have it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Request for feedback: moving Zend.php to Zend/Zend.php

2007-02-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Zend/Db.php = Zend/Db/Db.php,
Zend/Db/Table.php = Zend/Db/Table/Table.php

So each class gets its own directory or what? Doesn't make much sense to 
me. Do I miss something?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Using Zend_DB to connect to MSSQL Server using ODBC

2007-02-13 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
For example, should this be based on PDO_ODBC?  Or the native ODBC 
extension in PHP?

Well, if we could have both it'd be nice ;) I'm not sure actually which 
one is more important - that depends on what is more widely used and 
what different features each of them has, etc.

But I'm convinced we should have at least one of them for 1.0.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] PHP5 Security

2007-02-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
First of all, I think it is important to note that this has nothing to 
do with security. Anyone who relies on OOP visibility features for any 
security is making a serious mistake, these are not security features 
and should not be used as such.

 From my understanding of OOP and class handling a private property must 
not be changed or visible from outside the class.
And protected properties should only be visible and changeable from the 
own or an extended class.

Yes, and it is - unless you employ some trickery outside of the context 
of OO. You shouldn't do that unless you know what you are doing.

Changing and accessing private properties from everywhere outside the 
class object ??

Is this normal behaviour ??

No, it's not normal - this is why you have to employ non-normal code to 
achieve it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] PHP5 Security

2007-02-08 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
You are right but the content of a private property will be manipulated 
and I think it is the same if you change a private property directly or 
the content of it. You are changing its state.

It's definitely not like you change the property directly. It's more 
like you would store value in the database and then came with database 
editing tool and changed it, and then when loading it back you would be 
surprised that it had changed. If you break the abstraction, the 
assumptions coming with it won't work - so one more reason not to break it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] require_once include_once ?

2007-01-12 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Andrey Korolyov wrote:

Why inf ZF you are using *_once in Zend::LoadClass and in ZF class files ?

What about this link [sorry it written on 
russian with english quotes].

The difference between include and include_once is in only one point - 
that once should determine the full filename in order to check against 
the included files (to do the once part in case it was previously 
included :). Prior to the existence of the realpath cache, that cost 
system calls on each invocation - to find out the file real path, 
regardless of file being previously included and cached, but with 
realpath cache the picture should change - basically, after the file is 
cached and is in realpath cache, no extra system calls should be 
produced. The blog author (sorry, I didn't understand if it's your blog 
or not :) checked PHP 4.4.5 - you are welcome to check 5.2.0 or even 
better 5.2.1 RCs and see what happens.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
In my opinion, discussing adding autoloading at this stage rates as 
premature optimisation. As someone else noted, we're making educated 

autoloading is not an optimization. It's not a performance feature (it 
can be more or less performing depending on how many classes you have, 
how they are used and what do you compare to) but it is great 
convenience feature that allows you to get rid of the ugly code like 
if(!class_exists('Foo')) { require 'Foo.php'} once and for good.

The way I see it, autoloading is an optimisation. I know it can make 
requiring/including easier, but how much easier? The ZF has most things 

A lot easier. :) In any case, you don't pay for it if you don't use it.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Unless the opcache is smart enough to optimize the if block you are
never going to get the full benefit of the opcode cache as you are
conditionally including files.

Actually I don't see any reason why conditional include would hurt 
performance in any way - it shouldn't hurt compile-time binding and it 
shouldn't hurt any opcode cache that does per-file caching (and all 
those I know do that).

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Because the require_once() is conditional, it's not actually seen as a 
straight forward include (you can't predict whether to require the file 
until that code block is executed). As a result, although the file is 
cached, the class/etc. in it are done so separate to the main code. Net 
result is that the cache is not as effective. In essence, autoloading 

Can you explain on that - do you mean that the cache you are talking 
about caches the whole sequence of the included files as a single block 
and needs to predict which files are included and which are not? Could 
you point to the opcode caches that act this way? IMO it's very wrong 
way for the opcode cache to act, but I'd like to know which ones do that.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Is compile-time binding for class B done in script:

require('a.php');// defines class A
class B extends A { /*code*/ }

No, won't bind (unless some tool loads a.php in compile-time once it 
parses 'require' - I don't know about any tools that do that, it's very 
hard to do it IMHO) since require is run-time directive, so when parser 
is considering class B extends A it doesn't yet know what A is.

require_once('a.php');// defines class A
class B extends A { /*code*/ }

Same as above. once here doesn't change anything.

Or only in:

class A { /*code*/ }
class B extends A { /*code*/ }

Here it would bind in compile-time, since A is known.
Also, this code would bind in compile-time in plain PHP:

require('a.php'); /* has class A {} */
require('b.php'); /* has class B extends A {} */

since the B require executes after the A require so that class A is 
already known. However, with opcode cache it's more complicated since it 
depends on how the particular cache works - with opcode cache there's 
actually two compile times - one when script is compiled before caching 
and one when engine wants to compile file but it's taken from the cache 
- and when exactly B is bound is that case can depend on the particular 
cache. I don't know what APC does in this case (probably Rasmus does ;)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-09 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Using __autoload and require_once basically destroys any advantage apc
is likely to bring you. Mainly because you move the compilation sequence
into mid-runtime land, where the engine stops execution and proceeds to
compile stuff. 

I can't make any sense out of it, frankly. Unless APC is totally broken 
(which I believe it's not, otherwise we would know it before) it doesn't 
make any difference how you call require_once - from autoload or 
otherwise. Also, the phrase you move the compilation sequence into 
mid-runtime land doesn't make absolutely any sense, since any 
compilation in PHP is in mid-runtime land - all compilations besides 
top script are done by runtime engine executing include or require 
opcode, and the top script does virtually the same only without the 
actual opcode.

I think what Rasmus is talking about is compile-time binding versus 
runtime binding, but it's not that big a difference (definitely not even 
close to destroying any advantage, since the advantage is because of 
the absence of the disk operations and not because of compile-time 
binding) and anyway it only comes into play if you, for example, inherit 
from autoloaded class (then compiler can't runtime-bind the inherited 
class) but if you use autoloading on new(), etc. it doesn't matter at all.
Also, that has nothing to do with require_once - basically, for 
require_once the slowdown comes from having to resolve the full path of 
the file (since we should actually know the full true path to know to 
load it only opce) - realpath cache present in 5.2 should make it much 
cheaper. Anyway, even with require_once the benefits far outweigh the 
small speedup you are getting by using require and potentially saving 
realpath() call - unless you are running super-performance-critical site 
that you should positively squeeze out each and every single function 
call and system call even if it may make your code less stable and more 
ugly. Even then with realpath() cache you probably don't have any more 
to squeeze...

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-09 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
from autoloaded class (then compiler can't runtime-bind the inherited 

Read: can't compile-time bind the inherited class

class) but if you use autoloading on new(), etc. it doesn't matter at all.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-09 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
binding) and anyway it only comes into play if you, for example, inherit 
from autoloaded class (then compiler can't runtime-bind the inherited 
class) but if you use autoloading on new(), etc. it doesn't matter at all.

Additionally, the non-autoloading example works better only in case like:


class Foo {}

class Bar extends Foo{}

since by the time we get to b.php the engine already knows class Foo so 
it can immediately derive class Bar. However, if you have this code:

class Bar extends Foo {}

then it doesn't make any difference since class Bar can not be bould 
statically, autoload or not, since it needs include to run before it can 
do the binding.

Summing up, unless you are *very* careful with *all* parts of your 
application (and it is not simple to do it) and always keep track in 
your mind of what engine knows in each and every include scenario, you 
would have very hard time optimizing for always binding statically. I'd 
propose to forget about it and just use the interfaces PHP provides 
without trying to outsmart the engine.
I would propose to still explicitly include the classes we know we would 
need (e.g. if you inherit from class or always use it, then do include 
it) using require_once in system components, and provide strong autoload 
mechanism so that the user could not bother with figuring out component 
dependencies and could use things like new $class() without worrying too 
much if that class is loaded.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-09 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Arnaud Limbourg wrote:
You can also have a build mechanism that removes all the require 
statement and move them to one file. That way you can load all the files 
you need up front, at least those you use the most.

That definitely can be done, and for some sites it might be a good 
solution. Though it assumes you site requirements actually warrant the 
trouble and that most of applications on your site share the same set of 
used files. And of course you would have to rebuild the main file if you 
change some names or requirements or refactor, etc. - which is too easy 
to forget :)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] ZF and Autoloading

2007-01-02 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
I've seen lots of statements about using an autoloader interfering with 
byte code caches.  Unfortunately, my understanding of byte code caching 
is limited.  It would seem to me that it would cache the byte code from 
each file as a separate cache entry and the world would be right.  But 
that's me with my rose colored glasses i suppose.

As far as I know, autoloading works OK with bytecode caching.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Build Zend Framework, parse errors.

2006-12-12 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Based on these, in each case, the issue is with perfectly valid PHP
using the 'array' type hint. As an example:

protected function _setInvokeArgs(array $args = array())

It looks like Zend Guard is not currently compatible with valid PHP 5.1
syntax, or you're not using PHP = 5.1.0. If you *are*, please file a
support ticket against Zend Guard so it can be corrected.

Unfortunately, this is true - support for 5.1 features is lagging in 
Zend Guard. If you submit support request with the code sample it would 
help ensure that once 5.1 support is there, the code will be working.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Opcode cache [was: Shared server load times]

2006-11-30 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Arnaud Limbourg wrote:

You might want to read this, that shoould give enough info :)

Frankly, I don't understand from this message what is the problem. I 
understand APC has some problem caching something (what?) and for some 
(not explained) reason it's slow but I couldn't understand why. So far 
it looks like some internal APC issue, unless I am missing something. 
Does anybody have more detailed explanation of why autoload would be bad?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Note: problem with fw-general list

2006-11-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Abu Hurayrah wrote:
Thanks Bill.  Did the entropy issue also affect new user 
registrations?  See my message sent just a few minutes ago.  Someone 
else mentioned their registration was delayed as well.

All messages to the list - including new subscriptions - should be OK 
now. The server is a bit loaded now due to the backlog of the messages 
that weren't delivered, but once these are processed it should be fast 
again. If you didn't receive reply to the subscription message in a 
couple of hours, try subscribing again, if it still didn't work - then 
probably something else is wrong, drop me a note then with the email you 
tried to subscribe, I will check what's up.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

Re: [fw-general] Configuring Zend Framework with IIS

2006-10-31 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
I was recently facing an issue while configuring Zend Framework with 
IIS. I was searching for an apache style mod-rewrite property in IIS 
but was unable to find any such thing. So, my question is, how can we 

There's no standard rewrite engine for IIS but there are third-party 
modules, e.g. ISAPI_Rewrite which IIRC also has free version.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

[fw-general] new backend for Zend_Cache

2006-10-12 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
I've added a backend for Zend_Cache into Laboratory SVN under 
Zend/Cache/Backend and the proposal is here:

If you have any comments or suggestions please tell.

Re: [fw-general] Please Welcome Bill Karwin to our team

2006-10-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Personally, I think the wiki is already better than
I also think we can do a wiki to HTML that will look better than the 
existing pages.
However, not everyone agrees with me, so we need to keep the 
wiki-to-docbook conversion working.

I think wiki format has one serious downside - it's not meant for 
distribution. Also, I am not sure how easy it would be to automatically 
process it - e.g., taking PHP manual as example, there are tools that 
use PHP manual to automatically extract functions, classes, 
descriptions, etc. for various purposes. Docbook XML structure allows 
for that. Wiki most probably won't. So unless there are solutions for 
these two problems - distirubution and automatic processing - for wiki 
format, I would say it is worse than docbook format.

Re: [fw-general] Decision: loadData('xml:/something/bar.xml'); vs. new Foo('/something/bar.xml');

2006-10-03 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Personally, I completely agree with you Chris, and even suggested 
removing Zend_Db.  For me, whatever effort is required to map input 
choice selections onto selected plugin strings (first parameter of the 
factory method) is not better than the effort to require_once the 
adapter and then instantiate it.

I'm not sure I completely understand the problem and proposed solutions, 
but isn't it an option to support as much of the ways to instantiate it 
as possible (within the borders of sanity, of course)? E.g. do it both 
with factory and with direct instantiation (and with forks and hope ;) - 
and let the people use the method which they like better?