Re: Oh, that nasty cigarette goo!

2009-03-15 Thread Wallace Adrian D'Alessio
On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 2:37 AM, jonas ulrich wrote:

> I haven't really had to deal with computers that have been used in a
> smokers home. You say that goo builds up??? HOW??? just from the smoke or
> what? I might suggest maybe using rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush... i
> would just replace fans and stuff though... -Jonas

Alcohol will work but the contact cleaner works easier and faster.  As
described in the method I posted.

Cooling fans bring in the smoky air. Thermal cycling  from hot to cold and
dead air on shutdown seem to work together to let the residue be drawn into
the finest spaces. Even slots with cards in them. Further thermal cycling
can make it so the the goo interferes with contact in card slots and
connectors both. i have witnessed this many times. Bad enough the dust and
other particles in non smokers homes.  Smoking around computers guarantees
dirty contacts at some point.
It may even contribute to early CPU failure due to excess heat. Fans and
power supplies are also vulnerable. Fans constantly breath dust and lint
anyway, the guk acts as a glue that added to the hair and lint can stop a
fan dead. Cat hair is also many times a factor also. I have seen a few from
smokers homes like this.

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Re: Trouble with Bondi again.

2009-03-15 Thread Kris Tilford

On Mar 15, 2009, at 1:04 AM, Cyrus Griffin wrote:

> Hmm. I did notice that the problem started after I upgraded from
> 10.2.4 to 10.2.8. I know the beige G3's had this problem also, on mine
> that fix has worked very well (No black screens in about a year or so)
> I'm going to try that right now.


> PS. I also checked MacTracker, and it says the Rev. A G3 iMacs only
> accept 256Mb of ram... I was about to buy two 256 ones from someone on
> the LEM swap, but should I just get two 128's? I am pretty sure I have
> a Rev. A iMac, since on the motherboard it doesn't say the revision.

This isn't correct, they can accept 512MB also, in PC66, PC100 or  
PC133 SoDimm.

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Re: Thermal grease?

2009-03-15 Thread Amanda Ward

Hi Peter...

On Mar 14, 2009, at 2:42 PM, PeterH wrote:

> With over-application of Arctic Silver, for example, to a G4, there
> are power decoupling lines on the surface of the chip which can be
> shorted-out by such oozing.
> The "washer" which Apple generally applies to its processors can
> limit the intrusion of the conductive paste to those lines.
> However, over-application will usually get underneath the "washer"
> and be resistant to attempts to remove it.
> If you over-apply Arctic Silver, you are asking for trouble.
> If you over-apply silicone thermal "grease", there is no issue except
> for the mess.
> Pine-Sol®, applied full-strength, can dissolve most such "greases".
> And, as Pine-Sol is water-soluble, the excess "grease", then in
> suspension, will simply, and completely wash-off.

I have a CPU (Intel type) with a large heat sink that is firmly stuck  
to the processor.
Any thought on getting the two separated. They should come apart  
somehow... the CPU is a ZIF and you can't get it back into the socket  
because of the overhang of the heat sink.

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Re: Thermal grease?

2009-03-15 Thread pdimage

On 15/3/09 09:21, "Amanda Ward"  wrote:

> I have a CPU (Intel type) with a large heat sink that is firmly stuck
> to the processor.
> Any thought on getting the two separated. They should come apart
> somehow... the CPU is a ZIF and you can't get it back into the socket
> because of the overhang of the heat sink.
> Amanda

I've removed quite a few glued heatsinks. Firstly I put it in the
freezer for an hour or so then I work carefully around the edges of the seal
with a thin blade or scalpel (oops another finger gone) until it pops off.
If it refuses to budge I put it back in the freezer for another hour and try
again - and so onalways works for me...


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Re: B&W with new Tiger won't recognize keyboards

2009-03-15 Thread Lawrence David Eden

I know this tune all too well, having just played it recently...

I finally disabled the "Keyboard Assistant" that came with Tiger.  I 
got tired of being nagged by the Assistant and I noticed that my 
keyboard was functioning properly.  This is one of those cases where 
I don't understand what the problem is on Apple's side, but choose to 
ignore it and go about my business as usual.
I might add that this same issue came up on my wife's iMac G5 after 
doing a low level reset.  The G5 did not recognize its own 
keyboardbut it worked just fine.

>tonycd wrote:
>>  Just installed Tiger on a new blank hard drive in a B&W, then
>>  transplanted the drive into another B&W. (Long story. You don't wanna
>>  know.)
>>  The computer booted up perfectly. When the "Initialize Your
>>  Keyboard" (or whatever the window's called) popped up, though, it
>>  "doinked" that it didn't acknowledge the key I struck when instructed
>>  to hit the key to the right of the left-hand Shift key.
>Did you try hitting any other keys.
>Is this USB keyboard a non-Apple keyboard?
>>  I connected the ADB Mac Extended Keyboard II and its ADB mouse that
>>  this machine will ultimately be using (without disconnecting the other
>>  -- duh!). Same thing. Recognized the error, disconnected the USB
>>  devices, restarted. Same result.
>>  The dialog box always gives the same error message: "You're hitting
>>  the build-in (sic) keyboard. Use your external keyboard."
>>  This edition of Tiger came on CD's. I ordered it from the Internets.
>>  The disks say "CPU Drop-In." I'm not aware of ANY recent-vintage Apple
>>  with a built-in keyboard. What gives?
>Uhm, every laptop has a built-in keyboard...
>For whatever reason it sounds like it thinks you have a laptop, or at
>least a laptop keyboard.
>Are you plugging in the USB keyboard to the built in USB ports?
>Clark Martin
>Redwood City, CA, USA
>Macintosh / Internet Consulting
>"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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2009-03-15 Thread Lawrence David Eden

I have a new hard drive on order.  I plan to install it into my B&W 
and after carbon copy, switch it to  the master position.  I am 
presently using a Quantum Fireball as my main drive.  Interestingly, 
the B&W prefers me to set the jumper on CS instead of Master.  The 
new drive is a Seagate Barricuda (3160815A) and should be faster than 
the Quantum.


I want to install the Seagate as a slave until I can do a carbon copy clone.
Then I want to use the Seagate as my new Master and the Quantum as a slave.
If the Seagate must be set to CS in order to work in my B&W, what 
should the jumper settings be for the Quantum?

When I get the new drive, how do I set it to be the slave to the 
Quantum?  The CS setting is somewhat confusing to me as it is neither 
Master of Slave.

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Re: Oh, that nasty cigarette goo!

2009-03-15 Thread Charles Davis

On Mar 15, 2009, at 2:37 AM, jonas ulrich wrote:

> I haven't really had to deal with computers that have been used in  
> a smokers home. You say that goo builds up??? HOW??? just from the  
> smoke or what? I might suggest maybe using rubbing alcohol and a  
> tooth brush...

"rubbing alcohol" === BAD  'Rubbing Alcohol' often has 'Emollients  
and perfumes', plus who knows what else, added to keep the users skin  
from being 'dried out'. Now the "91% Isopropyl" is much better, and  
just a few cents more per bottle at the Drug Store. [WalleyMart,  

Chuck D.

> i would just replace fans and stuff though...
> -Jonas
> On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Kyle Hansen   
> wrote:
> On 3/14/09 6:09 PM, "Wallace Adrian D'Alessio"  
>  Broadcast into the ether:
> I have had this with three old Macs.
> My drill is to get
> My drill is not to buy machines from smokers because the stench  
> will never be completely removed from said computer.
> Kyle Hansen
> -- 
> This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: Keyboard shortcut for ScreenSaver in Leopard?

2009-03-15 Thread Dan

At 6:11 PM -0700 3/14/2009, Dana Collins wrote:
>Just wondering: is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut for your
>screen saver to engage (rather than reaching w-a-a-y d-o-w-n and grab
>the mouse and move it w-a-a-a-y u-u-p the screen to hit a hot corner)?
>I do not see one listed, and to add one for a specific app only brings
>up the whole System Preferences panel
>(not just "Desktop/Screensaver" - even then I think one would still
>have to turn the ss on).

hum.  I don't see a direct method.

FWIW, I have a "Sleep Display" app in my dock and I've assigned a 
hotkey to run it.  I prefer that over the screensaver - it uses 0 cpu 
whereas the screen savers all use some, which slows down whatever 
else is running.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: jumpers

2009-03-15 Thread pdimage

On 15/3/09 13:56, "Lawrence David Eden"  wrote:

> I have a new hard drive on order.  I plan to install it into my B&W
> and after carbon copy, switch it to  the master position.  I am
> presently using a Quantum Fireball as my main drive.  Interestingly,
> the B&W prefers me to set the jumper on CS instead of Master.  The
> new drive is a Seagate Barricuda (3160815A) and should be faster than
> the Quantum.
> Question:
> I want to install the Seagate as a slave until I can do a carbon copy clone.
> Then I want to use the Seagate as my new Master and the Quantum as a slave.
> If the Seagate must be set to CS in order to work in my B&W, what
> should the jumper settings be for the Quantum?
> When I get the new drive, how do I set it to be the slave to the
> Quantum?  The CS setting is somewhat confusing to me as it is neither
> Master of Slave.

As I understand it - cs stands for cable select which - in the case of
two devices on one ide cable both of which are set to cs - gives 'master' to
the device nearest the mobo and slave to the second device. Could be I'm
wrong - I haven't googled for it but that's what I always thought.


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Re: jumpers

2009-03-15 Thread Dennis Myhand

Lawrence David Eden wrote:
> I have a new hard drive on order.  I plan to install it into my B&W 
> and after carbon copy, switch it to  the master position.  I am 
> presently using a Quantum Fireball as my main drive.  Interestingly, 
> the B&W prefers me to set the jumper on CS instead of Master.  The 
> new drive is a Seagate Barricuda (3160815A) and should be faster than 
> the Quantum.
> Question:
> I want to install the Seagate as a slave until I can do a carbon copy clone.
> Then I want to use the Seagate as my new Master and the Quantum as a slave.
> If the Seagate must be set to CS in order to work in my B&W, what 
> should the jumper settings be for the Quantum?
> When I get the new drive, how do I set it to be the slave to the 
> Quantum?  The CS setting is somewhat confusing to me as it is neither 
> Master of Slave.

CS stand for (among other thing), cable select.  set the new drive to 
the cable select setting.  Install it on the cable on the other 
connector besides the fireball.  The drive controller will see the new 
drive as the slave drive.  Once you carbon copy it.  move it to the 
cable connector formerly used by the fireball.  In cable select, it is 
the position of the drive on the cable which determines master or slave. 
  Peace, Dennis

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Re: jumpers

2009-03-15 Thread PeterH

On Mar 15, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

> I want to install the Seagate as a slave until I can do a carbon  
> copy clone.
> Then I want to use the Seagate as my new Master and the Quantum as  
> a slave.
> If the Seagate must be set to CS in order to work in my B&W, what
> should the jumper settings be for the Quantum?

The B&W and all later HD (and optical/Zip) cables are set up for CS,  
but these do not use it explicitly except during the initial "roll  
call" function of POST.

This is related to a Compaq/HP patent for CS whereby the device  
characteristics of the attached drives may be more easily determined,  
and the motherboard chip thereby may be more easily set as to speed,  

This procedure requires a cable which is set up for CS so that the  
host adapter may determine if a 40-wire/40-pin cable is attached, or  
if an 80-wire/40-pin cable is attached, and if the latter, then the  
speed of each drive may be interrogated by sending a special reset  
sequence to each of the attached drives.

> When I get the new drive, how do I set it to be the slave to the
> Quantum?  The CS setting is somewhat confusing to me as it is neither
> Master of Slave.

Thereafter (after "roll call" is complete) the Mac uses master and  

By convention, the optical drive is always master and the Zip, or a  
hard drive which is installed in place of the Zip, is always slave.

Also by convention, the lower drive of the two-drive carrier is  
always master (although it need not be, if a second drive is also  
present) while the upper drive of the carrier is slave.

On the two-drive carrier and the HD bus, you may freely interchange  
master and slave as long as two drives are always present.

Typically, I initialize new HDs in the Zip bay of the optical bus (I  
have NO Zips on any of my machines).

Therefore, this HD is always slave.

After testing is complete, I may then move it to the two-drive  
carrier, also as slave, but I could just as easily move it to the two- 
high carrier as master, retaining the slave which may already be there.

(This allows for a lot of flexibility when CCC-ing backup or  
duplicate drives.)

Most of my remaining G4s ... and I have about a half-dozen of  
them ... use a 160 GB master and a 500 GB slave, on the two-high  

The 160 GB drive has 10.3.9, 10.3.9 Server. 10.4.11 and 10.5.6 in the  
under 131,072 MB area, with about 25 GB left over as  
"scratch" (usually used for temporary storage for Toast).

The 500 GB drive is a pure data drive and is generally partitioned as  
131,072 MB and about 338 GB.

With the availability of the LBA48 Property script for all G4s (and  
possibly for the B&W and Yikes! as well) I could operate the drives  
without the hard 131,072 partitioning, but old habits die hard.

Incidentally, I just yesterday acquired a QS 2001 to which had been  
applied a firmware update which gave that machine permanent large  
drive capability without using the LBA48 Property scripts.

I tested this fact by executing a reset-nvram in O.F., and after the  
reboot the 200 GB drive was still seen as 200 GB and not as 128 GB.

For non-QS machines, the LBA48 Property scripts remain an option. <+> A home for the Hackintosh  

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Re: Best G4 powermac??

2009-03-15 Thread PeterH

On Mar 14, 2009, at 9:17 PM, Paul wrote:

>> 1) Dual 1.0 GHz G4 -- 60 minutes [ 10.4.11, 1.5 GB 133 MHz RAM ]
>> 2) Core 2 Duo E8400 running at 3.6 GHz -- 12.5 minutes (4.8 times as
>> fast) [ 10.5.5, 2 GB 800 MHz RAM ]
>> 3) Core 2 Quad Q9400 running at 3.2 GHz -- 10 minutes ( 6 times as
>> fast) [ 10.5.6, 2 GB 800 MHz RAM ]
> How would a low-to-medium grade G5 compare?

I have no G5s, so no data to compare.

Given that those Intels were completed for a few hundred $$$ each,  
the price/performance of those Intels would far exceed the price/ 
performance of a G5, even on the off-hand chance that the G5 could  
turn in "wall-clock" numbers which exceeded those Intels (unlikely,  
but possible, I guess).

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Re: Trouble with Bondi again.

2009-03-15 Thread Cyrus Griffin

Ok, then I think I'll go for it. The Mactracker info is somewhat  
confusing. Thanks! PS. The black screen fix worked great, I don't know  
why I didn't connect that! I guess since it looks so much different  
then the Biege G3s... but hardware-wise it's very similar. Thanks for  
pointing me in the right direction!


On Mar 15, 2009, at 12:18 AM, Kris Tilford wrote:

> On Mar 15, 2009, at 1:04 AM, Cyrus Griffin wrote:
>> Hmm. I did notice that the problem started after I upgraded from
>> 10.2.4 to 10.2.8. I know the beige G3's had this problem also, on  
>> mine
>> that fix has worked very well (No black screens in about a year or  
>> so)
>> I'm going to try that right now.
> Good.
>> PS. I also checked MacTracker, and it says the Rev. A G3 iMacs only
>> accept 256Mb of ram... I was about to buy two 256 ones from someone  
>> on
>> the LEM swap, but should I just get two 128's? I am pretty sure I  
>> have
>> a Rev. A iMac, since on the motherboard it doesn't say the revision.
> This isn't correct, they can accept 512MB also, in PC66, PC100 or
> PC133 SoDimm.
> >

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Re: Oh, that nasty cigarette goo!

2009-03-15 Thread James E. Therrault

I would reinforce this statement that in the arena of semi-conductor 
equipment manufacturing, IPA is the ONLY liquid allowed in a clean room 
environment. Not only is it used for cleaning components but also as a 
lubricant for assembly of difficult metals such as stainless to 
stainless fasteners.


Charles Davis wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2009, at 2:37 AM, jonas ulrich wrote:
>>I haven't really had to deal with computers that have been used in  
>>a smokers home. You say that goo builds up??? HOW??? just from the  
>>smoke or what? I might suggest maybe using rubbing alcohol and a  
>>tooth brush...
> "rubbing alcohol" === BAD  'Rubbing Alcohol' often has 'Emollients  
> and perfumes', plus who knows what else, added to keep the users skin  
> from being 'dried out'. Now the "91% Isopropyl" is much better, and  
> just a few cents more per bottle at the Drug Store. [WalleyMart,  
> wherever!]
> Chuck D.
>>i would just replace fans and stuff though...
>>On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Kyle Hansen   
>>On 3/14/09 6:09 PM, "Wallace Adrian D'Alessio"  
>> Broadcast into the ether:
>>I have had this with three old Macs.
>>My drill is to get
>>My drill is not to buy machines from smokers because the stench  
>>will never be completely removed from said computer.
>>Kyle Hansen
>>This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.
> > 

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Re: Oh, that nasty cigarette goo!

2009-03-15 Thread MacGuy

ISA = Isopropyl Alcohol?
On Mar 15, 2009, at 9:04 AM, James E. Therrault wrote:

> Isopropyl

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Re: Oh, that nasty cigarette goo!

2009-03-15 Thread MacGuy

I would like to say thanks for all the input here, It's really helped  
me make an informed decision on how or "if" I am going to tackle these  
jobs when I come to them. Again, thanks! Jeff
On Mar 15, 2009, at 9:04 AM, James E. Therrault wrote:

> I would reinforce this statement that in the arena of semi-conductor
> equipment manufacturing, IPA is the ONLY liquid allowed in a clean  
> room
> environment. Not only is it used for cleaning components but also as a
> lubricant for assembly of difficult metals such as stainless to
> stainless fasteners.
> JT
> Charles Davis wrote:
>> On Mar 15, 2009, at 2:37 AM, jonas ulrich wrote:
>>> I haven't really had to deal with computers that have been used in
>>> a smokers home. You say that goo builds up??? HOW??? just from the
>>> smoke or what? I might suggest maybe using rubbing alcohol and a
>>> tooth brush...
>> "rubbing alcohol" === BAD  'Rubbing Alcohol' often has 'Emollients
>> and perfumes', plus who knows what else, added to keep the users skin
>> from being 'dried out'. Now the "91% Isopropyl" is much better, and
>> just a few cents more per bottle at the Drug Store. [WalleyMart,
>> wherever!]
>> Chuck D.
>>> i would just replace fans and stuff though...
>>> -Jonas
>>> On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Kyle Hansen 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 3/14/09 6:09 PM, "Wallace Adrian D'Alessio"
>>>  Broadcast into the ether:
>>> I have had this with three old Macs.
>>> My drill is to get
>>> My drill is not to buy machines from smokers because the stench
>>> will never be completely removed from said computer.
>>> Kyle Hansen
>>> -- 
>>> This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.
> >

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: G3 stalls on boot-up

2009-03-15 Thread Cyrus Griffin

Your iMac should run Panther just fine (if it has the firmware update)  
If not, make sure it has a VGA port on the back. (I have more info if  
you're confused about that, we installed 10.4 onto a 400Mhz "Blueberry  
iMac, and killed the video; since it didn't have an external VGA port,  
we had to get a new motherboard) I would just try reinstalling 10.3  
(Panther). What OS do you currently have on it? It might not be able  
to run OS 8.6 if it's a Graphite/Snow/Sage/Ruby model.
You can initialize and format a HD from the OSX installer, or run Disk  
Utility. Same with OS 8.6, if I'm not mistaken. You also might try  
reseting the Pram, by holding Option + Apple + R + P while you start  
it up, and wait for about 4 or 5 chimes, then let go.
Hope that helps,


On Mar 14, 2009, at 7:27 PM, old newbie wrote:

> My 400Mhz G3 won't complete its boot.  It seems to be going through
> the process, albeit slowly, but then stops, with a message at the top
> of the screen, which still has only the Apple logo, which says
> something like, "half duplex disabled", and the system stops.
> I acquired a couple of G3 boxes, neither of which has a hard drive,
> but with assurances that the mainboards were functional.  After
> installing one of these in my original box, the bootup proceeded
> exactly the same, including the message when it stopped.
> My thought now is that the hard drive is corrupted or has gone south
> completely.  Is there a way to determine which has occurred, or would
> it be better to just replace the drive and start over?  If that is the
> case, how do I go about that?  I have OS 8.6 and Panther available,
> but do I need more, like something to format or otherwise enable the
> hard disk?
> As you can tell, I am not at all familiar with the Mac system
> requirements.
> Any advice is welcome.  I really don't want to give up on this, as it
> has become a challenge of wits, in which I am obviously at a severe
> disadvantage, but I'd like to pull a Forrest on this and make it go
> somehow.
> Barrie
> >

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Re: Thermal grease?

2009-03-15 Thread John Callahan

On Mar 14, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> CPUs and heat sinks never move, they simply need a thermally
> conductive join.
> And yeah, that '34 would be worth a whole boatload of money  
> today...:-)
> --
> Bruce Johnson
> U of Az  College of Pharmacy
> Information Technology Group
> Institutions don't have opinions, merely customs

At last, a voice of reason and acuity in this exercise in tedium.  
Also I take issue with this statement "the exhaust manifold comes off  
the sides of the engine, not down the middle..." Never saw an engine  
(V8) with the exhaust down the middle.
John Callahan
If there are no dogs in Heaven, when I die I want to go where they  
--Will Rogers
extreme positive = (ybya2)

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Re: Thermal grease?

2009-03-15 Thread Amanda Ward

Hey John...

On Mar 15, 2009, at 9:17 AM, John Callahan wrote:

> At last, a voice of reason and acuity in this exercise in tedium.
> Also I take issue with this statement "the exhaust manifold comes off
> the sides of the engine, not down the middle..." Never saw an engine
> (V8) with the exhaust down the middle.
> John Callahan

Never saw a Chevrolet engine like that. Ford had an aluminum block,  
255 four cam racing engine with the exhaust ports facing the middle of  
the engine. 'Tis a rare bird and not very many ever saw street use. I  
saw one at a car show in Chicago many years ago.

Darned if I figure a way to work G-Processors or thermal grease into  
this observation... sorry nannys! ;-)


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Re: B&W with new Tiger won't recognize keyboards

2009-03-15 Thread tonycd

How did you disable it, Lawrence?

On Mar 15, 8:44 am, Lawrence David Eden  wrote:
> I know this tune all too well, having just played it recently...
> I finally disabled the "Keyboard Assistant" that came with Tiger.  I
> got tired of being nagged by the Assistant and I noticed that my
> keyboard was functioning properly.  This is one of those cases where
> I don't understand what the problem is on Apple's side, but choose to
> ignore it and go about my business as usual.
> I might add that this same issue came up on my wife's iMac G5 after
> doing a low level reset.  The G5 did not recognize its own
> keyboardbut it worked just fine.
> >tonycd wrote:
> >>  Just installed Tiger on a new blank hard drive in a B&W, then
> >>  transplanted the drive into another B&W. (Long story. You don't wanna
> >>  know.)
> >>  The computer booted up perfectly. When the "Initialize Your
> >>  Keyboard" (or whatever the window's called) popped up, though, it
> >>  "doinked" that it didn't acknowledge the key I struck when instructed
> >>  to hit the key to the right of the left-hand Shift key.
> >Did you try hitting any other keys.
> >Is this USB keyboard a non-Apple keyboard?
> >>  I connected the ADB Mac Extended Keyboard II and its ADB mouse that
> >>  this machine will ultimately be using (without disconnecting the other
> >>  -- duh!). Same thing. Recognized the error, disconnected the USB
> >>  devices, restarted. Same result.
> >>  The dialog box always gives the same error message: "You're hitting
> >>  the build-in (sic) keyboard. Use your external keyboard."
> >>  This edition of Tiger came on CD's. I ordered it from the Internets.
> >>  The disks say "CPU Drop-In." I'm not aware of ANY recent-vintage Apple
> >>  with a built-in keyboard. What gives?
> >Uhm, every laptop has a built-in keyboard...
> >For whatever reason it sounds like it thinks you have a laptop, or at
> >least a laptop keyboard.
> >Are you plugging in the USB keyboard to the built in USB ports?
> >--
> >Clark Martin
> >Redwood City, CA, USA
> >Macintosh / Internet Consulting
> >"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"
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Re: Thermal grease?

2009-03-15 Thread Amanda Ward


On Mar 15, 2009, at 3:08 AM, pdimage wrote:

> On 15/3/09 09:21, "Amanda Ward"  wrote:
>> I have a CPU (Intel type) with a large heat sink that is firmly stuck
>> to the processor.
>> Any thought on getting the two separated. They should come apart
>> somehow... the CPU is a ZIF and you can't get it back into the socket
>> because of the overhang of the heat sink.
>> Amanda
>I've removed quite a few glued heatsinks. Firstly I put it in the
> freezer for an hour or so then I work carefully around the edges of  
> the seal
> with a thin blade or scalpel (oops another finger gone) until it  
> pops off.
> If it refuses to budge I put it back in the freezer for another hour  
> and try
> again - and so onalways works for me...
> Pete

Yer awesome! A few hours in the fridge (got busy with housework  
don'tcha know) and they popped apart with a few pokes of the razor  
I wouldn't make such a fuss... it's a wintel box, but it is a P4-2.4  
GHz and not too much of a slouch. ;-)

Many thanks,


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Re: Oh, that nasty cigarette goo!

2009-03-15 Thread Kyle Hansen
On 3/14/09 11:37 PM, "jonas ulrich"  Broadcast
into the ether:

> I haven't really had to deal with computers that have been used in a smokers
> home. You say that goo builds up??? HOW??? just from the smoke or what? I
> might suggest maybe using rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush... i would just
> replace fans and stuff though...

Cigarettes have all kinds of chemicals that, when a user smokes near a
computer, gets insides and coats all the innards with goo.  This has 2
effects.  The first being the horrible sticky stinky goo that can be smelled
from 10 feet away.  The 2nd is that it coats all the internal components and
gums up fans etc.  I have some horror story pics of cat owners that smoked
but don¹t get me started.  The end result is that a coating of goo on all
the components is bad.   It acts as an insulator and causes capacitors (and
other components) to heat up faster (and remain hotter) and causes the
machines to have a shorter life span.  Imagine wearing a parka in summer.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: jumpers

2009-03-15 Thread Mel
1- Assuming that what you say is correct - I. E. you must install the jumper to 
a CS setting  then why not try removing your master HD, change the jumper to a 
CS setting, jumper your new HD to master and reinstall both in the proper 
position on the flat cable.


2- Assume that you can use the master/slave setup with your jumpers, then 
remove the master, set the jumper (or remove the jumper) to convert the HD to 
slave, set the jumper on the new HD to master, and reinstall both in the proper 
position on the flat cable.

For either setting, when you boot up, hold down the option key and when the 
arrow comes up select the HD that has OS X installed and click on the arrow to 
boot from that drive.  

Then use disk utility to check both HDs and correct permissions on the HD that 
was your master. After that process, employ CCC to do a back up on the new 

Upon completion, do a restart boot, hold down ht eoption key and dselect the 
new drive whch should be your master.  If you you boot up successfuly then go 
to Systems Preferences and select that HD as your boot drive.

I hope that works for you.


--- On Sun, 3/15/09, Lawrence David Eden  wrote:
From: Lawrence David Eden 
Subject: jumpers
Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 6:56 AM

I have a new hard drive on order.  I plan to install it into my B&W 
and after carbon copy, switch it to  the master position.  I am 
presently using a Quantum Fireball as my main drive.  Interestingly, 
the B&W prefers me to set the jumper on CS instead of Master.  The 
new drive is a Seagate Barricuda (3160815A) and should be faster than 
the Quantum.


I want to install the Seagate as a slave until I can do a carbon copy clone.
Then I want to use the Seagate as my new Master and the Quantum as a slave.
If the Seagate must be set to CS in order to work in my B&W, what 
should the jumper settings be for the Quantum?

When I get the new drive, how do I set it to be the slave to the 
Quantum?  The CS setting is somewhat confusing to me as it is neither 
Master of Slave.

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iCal 3.0.6 - 2 Home calendars

2009-03-15 Thread Steve R

Somehow iCal 3.0.6/10.5.6 has created a second Home calendar which 
may be causing my current problem of January 2009 in month view being 
filled with items from multiple months' events. Clicking each Home 
calendar on/off (in an attempt to find which one I could try to 
delete) is causing the other calendars to react, either disappearing 
events from those calendars or reordering the order of multiple 
events on the same day.

Since I'm not wanting to lose my calendars, I'm looking for 
suggestions on how to fix the 2-Home calendars that are affecting the 
entire calendar.

Steve R

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Re: Thermal grease?

2009-03-15 Thread Amanda Ward

Back on topic... I promise!!!

On Mar 15, 2009, at 3:08 AM, pdimage wrote:

> On 15/3/09 09:21, "Amanda Ward"  wrote:
>> I have a CPU (Intel type) with a large heat sink that is firmly stuck
>> to the processor.
>> Any thought on getting the two separated. They should come apart
>> somehow... the CPU is a ZIF and you can't get it back into the socket
>> because of the overhang of the heat sink.
>> Amanda
>I've removed quite a few glued heatsinks. Firstly I put it in the
> freezer for an hour or so then I work carefully around the edges of  
> the seal
> with a thin blade or scalpel (oops another finger gone) until it  
> pops off.
> If it refuses to budge I put it back in the freezer for another hour  
> and try
> again - and so onalways works for me...

I have the aforementioned heat sink and CPU apart. What would be a  
good thermal compound to reassemble the beast?
I do have a dab of Arctic Silver from a former project. Think this  
would be okee dokee?
The chip doesn't seem to have any exposed circuitry... 'cept for the  
Bazillion pins on the underside. :-)


Remembering my first computer had a 40 pin CPU! Yikes!

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fans on G5 - off to the races!

2009-03-15 Thread Stephen E. Bodnar

I have a dual 2.0 GHz G5. On occasion, all the fans start running full 
speed. I know that this is a common problem with this particular model, 
but I've searched all the forums for a fix to no avail.

My guess is that the CPU heat sinks are not seated right, maybe the 
"goo" is dried out, the "thermal grease" thread brought the possibility 
back to mind. At work, I had a server that was doing the same dance, and 
reseating the heatsinks on the CPU's fixed it.

Does anyone know how the get into the processors on a dual 2.0 GHz G5? 
For some reason, Apple has apparently removed all the Tech Docs for this 
particular model from their website.


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Re: fans on G5 - off to the races!

2009-03-15 Thread Cyrus Griffin

I do; however it does require some special tools. First, you have to  
take the cover off, that says G5. There's a little grey post that you  
have to take out on the top side, next to the video card. After thats  
out (it does take some doing...) pull the grey plastic piece down  
that's on the front of the processors. This releases 3 or 4 latches on  
the top cover, which slides over to the left, and up. You can then  
take the plastic part from the front off. Next, you need a very, very  
long allen; I believe it's either a 2 or a 5/64. I have a security  
set, and an extender that I got at a hardware store. There are two in  
the front, (one on each) four in the middle (these are hard to get to)  
and two on the back, one on each. You don't have to take these all the  
way out, in fact I wouldn't recommend trying. They are wedge shaped  
and hold the processors in with pressure on the sides, as opposed to  
conventional methods of applying downwards pressure. Anyways, then you  
just wiggle them out, and there are some phillips screws to take the  
actual processors off the heat sync. Also there is probably a second,  
smaller heat sync attached to the back side, with some metal or  
plastic clips. It should be obvious how to take it off, as it's  
attached to the processor itself. I would strongly suggest being  
grounded while you do this; new processors are VERY, VERY hard to find  
for dual 2GHz G5's, and may cost you upwards of $800. Hope that helps.


On Mar 15, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Stephen E. Bodnar wrote:

> I have a dual 2.0 GHz G5. On occasion, all the fans start running full
> speed. I know that this is a common problem with this particular  
> model,
> but I've searched all the forums for a fix to no avail.
> My guess is that the CPU heat sinks are not seated right, maybe the
> "goo" is dried out, the "thermal grease" thread brought the  
> possibility
> back to mind. At work, I had a server that was doing the same dance,  
> and
> reseating the heatsinks on the CPU's fixed it.
> Does anyone know how the get into the processors on a dual 2.0 GHz G5?
> For some reason, Apple has apparently removed all the Tech Docs for  
> this
> particular model from their website.
> Thanks,
>  Stephen
> >

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Why are aliases failing?

2009-03-15 Thread Jonas Lopez

Why are aliases failing?

I have all aliases in the dock. About a month ago, I noticed the windos player 
with a big question mark on it and it would not load windos player. Again about 
2 weeks ago the TextEdit did the same thing. Today the DVD player has done it. 
What is going on?

Sys G4, 10.4.11 nothing added or removed and nothing moved or changed. What a 


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Re: fans on G5 - off to the races!

2009-03-15 Thread Kris Tilford

I've got a dual 2.3 that occasionally goes full fan on. I use  
MenuMeters and such a full fan on condition is almost always  
accompanied by full 100% CPU usage on both CPUs. I click on the CPU  
monitor in the menu bar and select "Open Activity Monitor" which I  
sort by the CPU usage column descending. The offending process is  
always at the top in some sort of runaway mode. I highlight the  
process and "quit" it, and if that doesn't work, "force quit" it, and  
the fans always stop within just a few seconds. I haven't had this  
happen much recently, but I've drastically scaled back on using  
Firefox because it was most often the offending process.

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Re: Trouble with Bondi again.

2009-03-15 Thread Vic

> > PS. I also checked MacTracker, and it says the Rev. A G3 iMacs only
> > accept 256Mb of ram... I was about to buy two 256 ones from someone on
> > the LEM swap, but should I just get two 128's? I am pretty sure I have
> > a Rev. A iMac, since on the motherboard it doesn't say the revision.
> This isn't correct, they can accept 512MB also, in PC66, PC100 or  
> PC133 SoDimm.

Per LEM (
RAM: 32 MB, possibly expandable to 768 MB using two DIMM sockets, uses
same SDRAM SO-DIMM as PowerBook G3, top DIMM socket accepts 2" DIMM,
bottom socket takes 1.5" DIMM. All tray-loading iMacs work with
modules up to 128 MB. Field reports indicate that they will work with
256 MB and 512 MB modules as long as they are "CL2" modules. With a
512 MB module and a low-profile 256 MB module, it's theoretically
possible that these iMacs could support 768 MB of RAM.
Be careful--not all RAM is the same.
V Mabus

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Re: Why are aliases failing?

2009-03-15 Thread Dan

At 5:04 PM -0700 3/15/2009, Jonas Lopez wrote:
>Why are aliases failing?
>I have all aliases in the dock. About a month ago, I noticed the 
>windos player with a big question mark on it and it would not load 
>windos player. Again about 2 weeks ago the TextEdit did the same 
>thing. Today the DVD player has done it. What is going on?
>Sys G4, 10.4.11 nothing added or removed and nothing moved or 
>changed. What a mystery?

Aliases break when the underlying file is removed or damaged.

You might want to run a verify disk pass on your HDs with Disk Utility...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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