Re: [Audyssey] How Do You Move To the Next Level? Was Re: AudioDefence

2014-11-16 Thread dark
Youch, that is a pest, though at least you can still get to the next 
challenges. note however that though the Maia ruins arena says coming soon 
it actually is implemented and you can play through the challenges there.

I've now myself finished all the challenges, though I've still got some 
timing and accuracy stars to earn, especially in the Maia Arena.

All the best,

Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
- Original Message - 
From: Teresa Cochran

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] How Do You Move To the Next Level? Was Re: 

Thanks guys. I fear I may have run into another version of the same bug. 
The statistics and kills are at the extreme bottom of my screen, and if I 
do a three-finger-page-down, it just says rows 4 to 8 of 8 and goes no 
further. So I have to go to the next challenge the long way, which I 
described in my first message. Time to report this one, too.


Winging its way from my iPod

On Nov 15, 2014, at 11:11 PM, dark wrote:

Hi Teresa.

The way challenges work, is they're devided into arenas. For example the 
first arena is the training arena and it has 5 challenges, so to get to 
the challenges you need to tap the challenge button (not the endless 
button or the challenge info button), flick to the arena you want and tap 
it, then flick through the challenges within that arena.

Also if you have hints turned on you'll be told how many stars you've 
earned in each challenge.

When you finish a challenge, there are buttons at the bottom of the 
screen after the information on how well you've done to retry or play the 


All the best,

Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
- Original Message - From: Teresa Cochran

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:58 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] How Do You Move To the Next Level? Was Re: Audio 

Hi, guys,

I think I'm missing something here. To move to the next level of a 
challenge, I do this: double-tap the back button, double-tap the play 
button, double-tap the challenge button, double-tap the chapter button, 
double-tap the level button, double-tap the play button. I very much 
hope I'm missing something obvious. :) Anyone have ideas?

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[Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Paul Lemm


Chatting to one of my friends  who programs for a living, I mentioned that I
had started to learn BGT and was very slowly building a game. We got
chatting about coding and he asked which platform  the game would be for.
Somehow we got chatting about cross platform and he explained he had just
started looking into a platform called Xamarin, which allows  you to write
apps in C# for IOS, android , windows and MAC and use the same C# code  for
each platform.  I know that talk of cross platform programming has come up
here before  and I'm pretty sure I've remember people saying its quite
difficult to do, so I thought I'd just share this, it might be old hat to
programmers  on this list or just not be something for audio game
development   since the friend I was chatting with is a sighted programmer.
Also to be fair since I'm only starting out in coding (topped with the fact
we were also out drinking at the time and I'd had quite a few beers by this
point) quite a lot of what we talked about went over my head but I think the
thing he said that was so good was that even though its written in C# it is
totally native to which  ever platform you produce  the app for.



Paul Lemm


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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Davy Kager
Yeah, Xamarin has become very popular over the years.  But as you suspected, 
you'll most likely still be spending time doing platform-specific coding.  The 
same goes for pretty much any set of development tools.  You can get a decent 
cross-platform application written in Java (including on iOS through RoboVM), 
but for that truly native look-and-feel you'll still need to have a different 
menu bar for Mac OS X than for Windows.  Not to mention that Mac uses standard 
controls, Windows can also use touch, and mobile platforms use only touch.  And 
each platform require its own type of packaging, albeit that this can be 
automated or outsourced.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Paul Lemm
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 13:50
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: [Audyssey] cross platform programming



Chatting to one of my friends  who programs for a living, I mentioned that I 
had started to learn BGT and was very slowly building a game. We got chatting 
about coding and he asked which platform  the game would be for.
Somehow we got chatting about cross platform and he explained he had just 
started looking into a platform called Xamarin, which allows  you to write apps 
in C# for IOS, android , windows and MAC and use the same C# code  for each 
platform.  I know that talk of cross platform programming has come up here 
before  and I'm pretty sure I've remember people saying its quite difficult to 
do, so I thought I'd just share this, it might be old hat to programmers  on 
this list or just not be something for audio game
development   since the friend I was chatting with is a sighted programmer.
Also to be fair since I'm only starting out in coding (topped with the fact we 
were also out drinking at the time and I'd had quite a few beers by this
point) quite a lot of what we talked about went over my head but I think the 
thing he said that was so good was that even though its written in C# it is 
totally native to which  ever platform you produce  the app for.



Paul Lemm


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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Ian Reed

Hey Paul,

Just a bit more on Xamarin and mono.
Mono is free and lets you run .NET framework apps, such as C# and 
VB.NET, on Mac and Linux.
Xamarin has a product called MonoTouch which compiles your C# code down 
to native code that runs on IOS devices.
They also have a product called MonoDroid that compiles your code for 

I think the 2 products cost $400 each, but then you have a permanent 
license for yourself or your company to use them.

As others have said you can still run into places where you need 
platform specific code, but this also depends on what you are doing.
For instance, a couple years ago my brother wrote a game for Windows 
phone using the XNA framework, which Microsoft now seems to be dropping.

There is a framework called MonoGame that is a drop in replacement for XNA.
So he used this framework along with MonoTouch and MonoDroid to be able 
to run his game on IOS and Android devices.
Then there's another framework that lets you run XNA games in 
Silverlight, so he was also able to post the game online and let people 
play in their web browser.

So he did successfully get it working on Windows, Mac, Windows phone, 
IOS, and Android.
Since it's a game he didn't have to worry about IOS or android themed 
buttons and textboxes as games usually use their own theme for those things.
Though with that said, I understand that MonoTouch actually comes with 
themes to make your silverlight buttons and other controls look like the 
IOS ones, not sure if those are kept up to date as I expect the IOS 
themes change with each major version of IOS, though I can't see well 
enough to tell myself.

I'll agree with everyone that cross platform is not easy and you do 
usually run into issues, but I think frameworks and products like these 
go a long way to lessening the effort required.

I'll also mention that Xamarin provides something called Xamarin Studio 
for compiling your code, this tool is completely inaccessible on windows.

Perhaps it's better on Mac, but I doubt it.
So a blind person will have to figure out how to use their command line 
tools to compile things for mobile devices.
You can actually just use the .NET dlls you compiled on windows if you 
are running it in mono on Mac or linux, but you have to re-compile for 
mobile devices.

As a few other notes, I considered making my C# games cross platform and 
here are some of the things I have to contend with before I even attempt 
it, which will probably present me with new issues.
I use a javascript library called that was written 
in C++ CLI, which is not supported by Mono.

So I had to find a new javascript library that could be cross platform.
I found one called V8.NET, but I still had to write a lot of extra code 
to wrap its API as it had a lower level API than the API I was already using.
So that's good, but V8.NET still relies on some native C++ which means 
I'll have to get setup on a mac and compile those libraries for Mac.
That should be ok since they are supposed to be cross platform, but 
there's still a learning curve there.

Then I used to use DirectSound and DirectShow to play sounds in 3D and 
2D respectively.
Neither of those are cross platform, so I made the switch to libsndfile, 
OpenAL and more specifically OpenALSoft.
Again I'll have to compile those for Mac, but hopefully that won't be 
much trouble as they are also supposed to be cross platform libraries.
That switch was also a ton of work as DirectShow gave me sound file 
streaming for free, but I had to implement it myself in libsndfile and 
OpenAL, not to mention that swapping one library for another is a ton of 
work anyway.
A side effect of all this is that I could play mp3s on windows but would 
have to use platform specific APIs to play them on other platforms.
So instead I switched to ogg vorbis as I can use libsndfile to parse 
that on any platform.
Oh, and I'll also have to use platform specific APIs to support self 
voicing as it's SAPI for windows, voice over for Mac, and 
speech-dispatcher for linux.

All this took me multiple months to figure out and switch, and this is 
just preparatory work.
I haven't even attempted to compile and run my games on Mac yet, which I 
expect will present some new issues.

And on a non game, but cross platform related thought:
I recently moved my websites running C# ASP.NET MVC 3 and MSSQL from an 
expensive windows server to a much less expensive linux server.
Now they run in mono against MySQL, the biggest headache there was 
switching from MSSQL queries to MySQL queries and finding the 
MysqlClient replacement for SqlClient.
But I'm very happy with the results, and that was actually a much much 
easier switch than the effort required to make my games cross platform.

Phew, sorry for the long winded response, just wanted to share a lot of 
details and personal experience about these things.

~ Ian Reed

Gamers mailing list __

Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Dennis Towne
Because all of my baseline code is in C++, I ended up writing a bunch
of shims for different operating systems.  I'm pretty familiar with
cross platform porting, so when I need something that ends up being
different on different platforms, I just write a shim for it.
Examples of shim layers would be general purpose thread handling,
tests for file existence, and basic network sockets.

Above the basic shim layer are some more modular pieces.  A really
good example is audio handling:  cross platform audio is a nightmare,
so I wrote my own audio stack containing the pieces I need and plug
that into a driver layer.  I'm currently using portaudio, but if I
needed to swap it out for something else, I could.

Another utter disaster for cross platform porting has been the
wxWidgets toolkit.  It's about as cross platform as something that's
completely not cross platform at all.  As a result of this, I use as
little of wx as possible, and use my own libraries instead.  Instead
of using wx threads, I use my threads; instead of using the buggy and
constantly crashing wx HTTP downloader, I use my own downloader.

I've really only been big on the cross platform thing for a couple
years now, but even so I have a pretty solid library of parts to work
with, and it's getting a lot easier to get things done on my supported

The moral of my story is twofold:  First, be very wary of anything
which claims to be 'cross platform'.  In some cases, like wxWidgets,
'cross platform' means 'not at all cross platform in any way which is
actually useful for real projects'.  Be prepared to replace piece of
cross platform libraries which do not work correctly.

Second, be prepared to write your own shim code.  Isolate it as best
you can, design common interfaces for it, and put it somewhere
centralized.  Write quick and dirty test cases for it that run on all
your supported operating systems.  Avoid putting platform specific
code in your applications unless there's a logic organization reason
for it:  having different versions of fopen in your code is bad, but
having a chunk of code for windows apps which checks for administrator
permissions is probably necessary.

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Jacob Kruger
Yup, Marco Polo was an explorer, but, according to certain hoax/myth sites, 
he made up most of his exploratory transcriptions/writings,

The game version of the term marco polo is a form of tag/hide and seek, 
generally played in a swimming pool, and with the person designated as it 
keeping their eyes closed, or doing something like pulling a swimming cap 
down over their eyes, but, there are also other versions played out of the 
swimming pool:

Effectively, the 'it' person calls out marco, and the other, target 
individuals have to answer polo each time, to let the active person track 
them down.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
...Roger Wilco wants to welcome you, to the space janitor's closet...

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[Audyssey] Alter Aeon Mush-Z

2014-11-16 Thread Dennis Towne
If you've been recently had trouble with Mush-Z not starting or your
screen reader not reading properly, please run the updater and grab
our most recent updates.  We fixed a pretty major startup bug, and now
have JAWS 16 reading out properly.


Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Paul Lemm
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the replies, definitely sounds like cross platform is a
serious headache , which is a shame as it would be good to see more titles
cross platform.  Spoke to my friend again today (and without the beer
addling  my brain quite as much  this time lol) and he said what all of you
have said in that although Xamarin  can do a lot cross platforming  there
can still be a need for some specific platform coding.

Again thanks for all the replies 

Paul Lemm

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Dennis Towne
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

Because all of my baseline code is in C++, I ended up writing a bunch of
shims for different operating systems.  I'm pretty familiar with cross
platform porting, so when I need something that ends up being different on
different platforms, I just write a shim for it.
Examples of shim layers would be general purpose thread handling, tests for
file existence, and basic network sockets.

Above the basic shim layer are some more modular pieces.  A really good
example is audio handling:  cross platform audio is a nightmare, so I wrote
my own audio stack containing the pieces I need and plug that into a driver
layer.  I'm currently using portaudio, but if I needed to swap it out for
something else, I could.

Another utter disaster for cross platform porting has been the wxWidgets
toolkit.  It's about as cross platform as something that's completely not
cross platform at all.  As a result of this, I use as little of wx as
possible, and use my own libraries instead.  Instead of using wx threads, I
use my threads; instead of using the buggy and constantly crashing wx HTTP
downloader, I use my own downloader.

I've really only been big on the cross platform thing for a couple years
now, but even so I have a pretty solid library of parts to work with, and
it's getting a lot easier to get things done on my supported platforms.

The moral of my story is twofold:  First, be very wary of anything which
claims to be 'cross platform'.  In some cases, like wxWidgets, 'cross
platform' means 'not at all cross platform in any way which is actually
useful for real projects'.  Be prepared to replace piece of cross platform
libraries which do not work correctly.

Second, be prepared to write your own shim code.  Isolate it as best you
can, design common interfaces for it, and put it somewhere centralized.
Write quick and dirty test cases for it that run on all your supported
operating systems.  Avoid putting platform specific code in your
applications unless there's a logic organization reason for it:  having
different versions of fopen in your code is bad, but having a chunk of code
for windows apps which checks for administrator permissions is probably

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Marco Polo is a children's game similar to tag. Basically, in Marco
Polo the child playing Marco is blind folded and he or she yells
Marco and all the other kids respond with Polo. The idea being that
Marco is to try and tag the other kids by sound alone rather than
using sight. When Marco tags someone he/she getst to be Marco for a
while trying to tag someone else.


On 11/16/14, dark wrote:
 Hi jacob.

 Lets not get back into the spelling discussion otherwise we'll have certain

 list members riding their high horses.

 Regarding libraries and atmosphere,  I do take the point on browsing and on

 the environment though this is probably one area where we'll see a fall back

 in net use, or perhaps see libraries which remain electronic but still exist

 for the reading promotion or community aspects in the future, indeed a
 friend of mine who works as a librarian at the moment says a large part of
 her job is social, which likely will remain even if the sources for
 information are electronic. this is one area where  think obsessions with
 everything online might fall off in the next while as people realize the
 need for the space even if the information differs.

 Regarding the meaning and derivation of words at least, I see text speak as

 far more problematic in this area more than simply having the information,
 which is one reason i prefer e-mail to text myself. My concern actually with

 a lot of text speak isn't so much whether people use words without thinking

 of them as whether people know as many words to use if all conversations are

 of the level ur mi bff coswe duz gud stuff

 Regarding satnavs and electronic sports, satnavs are a major improvement in

 access technology generally and I can well imagine people hiking with them.

 What I am wondering in game terms though is if electronic devices will make

 their way into more games than currently exist, particularly ones requiring

 exercise and as you said, analogue movement.

 Btw, what is marco polo? that's one term I don't know, it always is a bit
 confusing why people splashing in pools or whatever on the Simpsons and
 other american programs start shouting Marco Polo. (I know your not American

 but obviously you know the term in this case). To me Marco Polo was an
 explorer who traveled across China (possibly accompanied by Doctor who):D.

 All the best,

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!

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[Audyssey] Marco Polo - Re: a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Charles Rivard

That was a game we played only in a swimming pool.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

Hi Dark,

Marco Polo is a children's game similar to tag. Basically, in Marco
Polo the child playing Marco is blind folded and he or she yells
Marco and all the other kids respond with Polo. The idea being that
Marco is to try and tag the other kids by sound alone rather than
using sight. When Marco tags someone he/she getst to be Marco for a
while trying to tag someone else.


On 11/16/14, dark wrote:

Hi jacob.

Lets not get back into the spelling discussion otherwise we'll have 

list members riding their high horses.

Regarding libraries and atmosphere,  I do take the point on browsing and 

the environment though this is probably one area where we'll see a fall 

in net use, or perhaps see libraries which remain electronic but still 

for the reading promotion or community aspects in the future, indeed a
friend of mine who works as a librarian at the moment says a large part 

her job is social, which likely will remain even if the sources for
information are electronic. this is one area where  think obsessions with
everything online might fall off in the next while as people realize 

need for the space even if the information differs.

Regarding the meaning and derivation of words at least, I see text speak 

far more problematic in this area more than simply having the 
which is one reason i prefer e-mail to text myself. My concern actually 

a lot of text speak isn't so much whether people use words without 

of them as whether people know as many words to use if all conversations 

of the level ur mi bff coswe duz gud stuff

Regarding satnavs and electronic sports, satnavs are a major improvement 

access technology generally and I can well imagine people hiking with 

What I am wondering in game terms though is if electronic devices will 

their way into more games than currently exist, particularly ones 

exercise and as you said, analogue movement.

Btw, what is marco polo? that's one term I don't know, it always is a bit
confusing why people splashing in pools or whatever on the Simpsons and
other american programs start shouting Marco Polo. (I know your not 

but obviously you know the term in this case). To me Marco Polo was an
explorer who traveled across China (possibly accompanied by Doctor 

All the best,

Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Paul,

That's true. From what I understand of Xamarin while it does provide a
nice place to start with for cross-platform programming it doesn't
support everything out of the box. There are still cases where one
will find himself or herself in a position of doing a bit of specific
platform coding to support something outside of the Xamarin API. One
thing you need to understand about cross-platform programming is there
is no such thing as a one size fits all solution.


On 11/16/14, Paul Lemm wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Thanks for all the replies, definitely sounds like cross platform is a
 serious headache , which is a shame as it would be good to see more titles
 cross platform.  Spoke to my friend again today (and without the beer
 addling  my brain quite as much  this time lol) and he said what all of you
 have said in that although Xamarin  can do a lot cross platforming  there
 can still be a need for some specific platform coding.

 Again thanks for all the replies

 Paul Lemm

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Paul,

Traditionally speaking, cross-platform development is fairly difficult
with standard languages such as C++. However, Xamarin is a relatively
new technology which aims to make cross-platform development between
Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS as easy as possible. As I understand it
Xamarin was written in C# .NET, and uses Mono for non-Windows
platforms and devices which is a workable solution to cross-platform
development, but my concern with using Mono is that Microsoft has
systematically been trying to go after the Mono Project for copyright
infringement etc which makes using Mono a bit of a sticky situation
for developers. Still, from what I know of Xamarin it does seem like a
fairly workable solution to cross-platform development.

As for using it for audio games I wouldn't know since Xamarin is
primarily designed for standard app development. That said, I do know
of .NET libraries out there for say SDL, OpenAL, etc so writing audio
games with Xamarin should be possible. I just haven't tried it, but
when I have a minute to look at it maybe I'll look into it further.


On 11/16/14, Paul Lemm wrote:

 Chatting to one of my friends  who programs for a living, I mentioned that
 had started to learn BGT and was very slowly building a game. We got
 chatting about coding and he asked which platform  the game would be for.
 Somehow we got chatting about cross platform and he explained he had just
 started looking into a platform called Xamarin, which allows  you to write
 apps in C# for IOS, android , windows and MAC and use the same C# code  for
 each platform.  I know that talk of cross platform programming has come up
 here before  and I'm pretty sure I've remember people saying its quite
 difficult to do, so I thought I'd just share this, it might be old hat to
 programmers  on this list or just not be something for audio game
 development   since the friend I was chatting with is a sighted programmer.
 Also to be fair since I'm only starting out in coding (topped with the fact
 we were also out drinking at the time and I'd had quite a few beers by this
 point) quite a lot of what we talked about went over my head but I think
 thing he said that was so good was that even though its written in C# it is
 totally native to which  ever platform you produce  the app for.

 Paul Lemm

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Re: [Audyssey] Marco Polo - Re: a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

While Marco Polo is traditionally played in a swimming pool it is not
always played in a pool. I remember playing it in gym class at school,
and can remember cases of playing it at summer camp outside on the
grass. So even though many may think of it as a game for swimming
pools it isn't the only way to play the game.


On 11/16/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 That was a game we played only in a swimming pool.

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

2014-11-16 Thread David Bartling
Ok, figured out how to get past the qp issue, but now I'm having a
problem with research. The tutorial says to research ftl to 2. There
is a text box that says use rp points and a confirm research link. Are
the individual things like ftl a mouse clicking thing?

On 11/15/14, David Bartling wrote:
 Oo, figured it out. It was hard, but what I had to do was click each
 link to see where it would go, save that page in my favorites go back,
 then click again another link until I found the moon. So, I finished
 that step, but now I'm having another problem. The task is to use my
 one qp to jump to venus from the moon. When I hit set course and
 engage, it starts thealc process and then I hit use ql. I then look
 for the interplanetary thing but when I click up, it gives me a
 dialogue saying that the max qp has been reached. I also tried hitting
 the button but that didn't seem to work either.

 On 11/15/14, dark wrote:
 Those links are the inaccessible image ones, you need to look for the
 hotspots, they're on the right of the system page, there is a list of all
 the planets and objects, eg, earth, moon, mars, asteroid belt etc, with

 distance away they are under each. For example you should see Earth and
 under that 0 Au sinse that is where you are now.

 I'm afraid if your not getting those then you probably do need a better
 browser that will give you access to all the information on the game's
 pages. Indeed, given that the hotspots are just a pretty standard textual
 list I'm rather worried by the fact that they're not displaying at all on
 the braillenote, I wonder how much else you've missed on the internet if
 that is the case.

 Beware the grue!

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 Ok, well, I did notice there were clickable links that would take me
 to other places. The began with index?actiod=
 Then it gave like an ID. Basically, it was the end of the url after
 the com/ but in visible form. I couldn't find the moon one but I found
 like nepn8ne and a bunch of uranus stuff.

 On 11/14/14, dark wrote:
 The moon is on the system map on the right, it's not a link it's a

 hotspot on the page in that textual list of system objects. If the
 braillenote can emulate mouse clicks, do a double click on the text
 says the moon

 If you can't emulate mouse clicks streight off and the braillenote is
 just to standard sorts of web controls like links there might be a
 here. Unfortunately those sorts of hotspots are fairly common in web

 I can think of several in core exiles, and puppet nightmares is full of

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 2:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 Its the one where you convert the hydrogen to fuel (done) then try to
 go to the moon. If I click system (with javascript enabled on the
 braillenote), it says the information but doesn't have links that I
 can click and tell it where to go. I'm suposed to go the moon. I
 realize the the bn is not the best browser, but so far, its worked.

 On 11/14/14, dark wrote:
 Hi David.

 I'm afraid I don't recall which step was step five, if you let me

 you need to do I can possibly help.

 All the best,

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 How do I do step 5 in the tutorial?

 On 11/13/14, dark wrote:
 Hi David.

 If you can't find the empty slot with the braillenote, then just
 modules from cargo bayCargo and hitting the install link above


 want should do it. I don't think it matters what slot on your ship
 install what into so long as it is there.

 All the best,

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 1:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 I am not using nvda, I am using a braillenote.

 On 11/12/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Chris.

 You don't have to exactly! obey everything, for example you can
 the modules so long as you have the right ones on your ship at
 and the steps are in order, though this will take installing and
 uninstalling and also 

[Audyssey] wanderer

2014-11-16 Thread ishan dhami
Hi are you successful with the wanderer's job? how can I be?

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Re: [Audyssey] 64 Ounce Games open for business

2014-11-16 Thread ishan dhami
OK I will visit.

On 11/8/14, Christina wrote:
 I can't wait to see what else they produce!

 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Zachary Kline
 Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 2:37 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] 64 Ounce Games open for business

 Yay! :) I wasn't sure if I should say jinks. ;)

 There are a few oddities in the 7 Wonders kit I have, but none make it
 unplayable. It took a long time for my sighted minions to put the thing
 together. Looking forward to actually getting a game in.
 I'm glad to see a variety on offer too. For those who aren't aware, these
 board games are very popular among a certain geeky segment of the sighted
 community. :)
 On Nov 8, 2014, at 11:31 AM, Christina

 LOL  Zack, I just sent this e-mail to you off-list.

 We got Guillotine, Dominion, and Seven Wonders accessibility kits.  We
 haven't set them up but I did open the packaging and they look decent so
 They also sell some independent games which is nice since the smaller
 companies are getting love too.

 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Zachary
 Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 2:19 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] 64 Ounce Games open for business

 Hi All,

 I wanted to pass along the word that 64 Ounce Games, a small company which
 sells kits to make many popular board games accessible to the blind, is
 now open for business. You can find them at

 I need to warn potential buyers that these kits are still in the beta
 stages, and are still being refined. It's possible there may be small
 typos or other errors with some of them. You also need both retail copies
 of the games to make accessible, and some sighted help with assembly.
 However, the selection is only going to get better, and these people
 deserve all the support they can get. Buy a d20, if nothing else, they're
 pretty cool feeling.

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Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Jacob Kruger
Yup, Marco Polo was an explorer, but, according to certain hoax/myth sites, 
he made up most of his exploratory transcriptions/writings,

The game version of the term marco polo is a form of tag/hide and seek, 
generally played in a swimming pool, and with the person designated as it 
keeping their eyes closed, or doing something like pulling a swimming cap 
down over their eyes, but, there are also other versions played out of the 
swimming pool:

Effectively, the 'it' person calls out marco, and the other, target 
individuals have to answer polo each time, to let the active person track 
them down.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
...Roger Wilco wants to welcome you, to the space janitor's closet...

- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

Hi jacob.

Lets not get back into the spelling discussion otherwise we'll have 
certain list members riding their high horses.

Regarding libraries and atmosphere,  I do take the point on browsing and 
on the environment though this is probably one area where we'll see a fall 
back in net use, or perhaps see libraries which remain electronic but 
still exist for the reading promotion or community aspects in the future, 
indeed a friend of mine who works as a librarian at the moment says a 
large part of her job is social, which likely will remain even if the 
sources for information are electronic. this is one area where  think 
obsessions with everything online might fall off in the next while as 
people realize the need for the space even if the information differs.

Regarding the meaning and derivation of words at least, I see text speak 
as far more problematic in this area more than simply having the 
information, which is one reason i prefer e-mail to text myself. My 
concern actually with a lot of text speak isn't so much whether people use 
words without thinking of them as whether people know as many words to use 
if all conversations are of the level ur mi bff coswe duz gud stuff

Regarding satnavs and electronic sports, satnavs are a major improvement 
in access technology generally and I can well imagine people hiking with 
them. What I am wondering in game terms though is if electronic devices 
will make their way into more games than currently exist, particularly 
ones requiring exercise and as you said, analogue movement.

Btw, what is marco polo? that's one term I don't know, it always is a bit 
confusing why people splashing in pools or whatever on the Simpsons and 
other american programs start shouting Marco Polo. (I know your not 
American but obviously you know the term in this case). To me Marco Polo 
was an explorer who traveled across China (possibly accompanied by Doctor 

All the best,

Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
- Original Message - 
From: Jacob Kruger

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

With regards to people primarily using electronic information/reading 
sources, while I especially appreciate it nowadays, in the old days - a 
long time ago, one of my favourite activities was to go to an old, large 
library, and browse around the shelves - maybe it was something to do 
with the atmosphere of a library, literally browsing shelves of books, 
and coming across something where the title would catch your eye, and 
you'd read the blurb, and end up discovering a new author, all by 
yourself, or something, but, suppose book discussion clubs are somewhat 
similar, even if reading books in electronic formats nowadays, but, the 
one other thing have noticed with regards to some sighted children 
nowadays is they'd rather listen to the audio version of a book than try 
actually reading the story themselves - and that, I don't necessarily 
think is a good thing in the long run - I was one of those guys who 
before getting involved in most new activities, would pop round library, 
and do my own forms of research, and, much as I find it extremely 
useful/helpful, etc., maybe making it too easy to do quick bits of 
research isn't the best thing overall since it means people get too used 
to just accepting the first form of an answer they come

I also, still, sort of refuse to use a word, in any context, spoken or 
not, that I can't spell, and that don't at least have a basic concept of 
it's meaning, in the relevant context, but anyway...whereas nowadays, 
lots of people are unable to, off-hand, spell the longer words they use 
on a regular basis when speaking, and if you ask them if they know the 
origin, or original meaning of a term that might nowadays get used often 
enough in media, or as a form of slang 

Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Paul Lemm
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the reply and info.   That's pretty much what my friend said when
I had a chance to catch up with him again today, that' it's fairly new  and
although it can do most  things  across platforms  and that there moving
more and more things to cross platform,  but that there will always  need to
be an element of specific platform coding when working across so many
different platforms

When I next speak to him I'll tell  him about the Microsoft  and Mono
copyright infringement  that you mentioned just in case it's not something
he was aware of  as I know he was quite keen to get involved with Xamarin.

Paul Lemm

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:52 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

Hi Paul,

Traditionally speaking, cross-platform development is fairly difficult with
standard languages such as C++. However, Xamarin is a relatively new
technology which aims to make cross-platform development between Windows,
Mac, Android, and iOS as easy as possible. As I understand it Xamarin was
written in C# .NET, and uses Mono for non-Windows platforms and devices
which is a workable solution to cross-platform development, but my concern
with using Mono is that Microsoft has systematically been trying to go after
the Mono Project for copyright infringement etc which makes using Mono a bit
of a sticky situation for developers. Still, from what I know of Xamarin it
does seem like a fairly workable solution to cross-platform development.

As for using it for audio games I wouldn't know since Xamarin is primarily
designed for standard app development. That said, I do know of .NET
libraries out there for say SDL, OpenAL, etc so writing audio games with
Xamarin should be possible. I just haven't tried it, but when I have a
minute to look at it maybe I'll look into it further.


On 11/16/14, Paul Lemm wrote:

 Chatting to one of my friends  who programs for a living, I mentioned 
 that I had started to learn BGT and was very slowly building a game. 
 We got chatting about coding and he asked which platform  the game 
 would be for.
 Somehow we got chatting about cross platform and he explained he had 
 just started looking into a platform called Xamarin, which allows  you 
 to write apps in C# for IOS, android , windows and MAC and use the 
 same C# code  for each platform.  I know that talk of cross platform 
 programming has come up here before  and I'm pretty sure I've remember 
 people saying its quite difficult to do, so I thought I'd just share 
 this, it might be old hat to programmers  on this list or just not be
something for audio game
 development   since the friend I was chatting with is a sighted
 Also to be fair since I'm only starting out in coding (topped with the 
 fact we were also out drinking at the time and I'd had quite a few 
 beers by this
 point) quite a lot of what we talked about went over my head but I 
 think the thing he said that was so good was that even though its 
 written in C# it is totally native to which  ever platform you produce  
 the app for.

 Paul Lemm

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[Audyssey] advantage of unholy light scroll.

2014-11-16 Thread ishan dhami
Hi I defeated a drake but only once.
I use an unholy light scroll on the drake.
His paw wings mangle and I use ice blast from reincarnate imp
neckromancer thief.
Yes he is difficult and I unlock a new job.
is there any other character wich I have to rescue if I buy the full version.

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[Audyssey] MidKemia Online

2014-11-16 Thread Tobias Vinteus

How screen reader friendly is the MidKemia Online MUD from Iron Realms? 
Being a Raymond E Feist fan I thought I'd give this a go. Any tips or 
suggestions welcome.


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Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

2014-11-16 Thread David Bartling
Oo, figured it out. It was hard, but what I had to do was click each
link to see where it would go, save that page in my favorites go back,
then click again another link until I found the moon. So, I finished
that step, but now I'm having another problem. The task is to use my
one qp to jump to venus from the moon. When I hit set course and
engage, it starts thealc process and then I hit use ql. I then look
for the interplanetary thing but when I click up, it gives me a
dialogue saying that the max qp has been reached. I also tried hitting
the button but that didn't seem to work either.

On 11/15/14, dark wrote:
 Those links are the inaccessible image ones, you need to look for the text
 hotspots, they're on the right of the system page, there is a list of all
 the planets and objects, eg, earth, moon, mars, asteroid belt etc, with the

 distance away they are under each. For example you should see Earth and
 under that 0 Au sinse that is where you are now.

 I'm afraid if your not getting those then you probably do need a better
 browser that will give you access to all the information on the game's
 pages. Indeed, given that the hotspots are just a pretty standard textual
 list I'm rather worried by the fact that they're not displaying at all on
 the braillenote, I wonder how much else you've missed on the internet if
 that is the case.

 Beware the grue!

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 Ok, well, I did notice there were clickable links that would take me
 to other places. The began with index?actiod=
 Then it gave like an ID. Basically, it was the end of the url after
 the com/ but in visible form. I couldn't find the moon one but I found
 like nepn8ne and a bunch of uranus stuff.

 On 11/14/14, dark wrote:
 The moon is on the system map on the right, it's not a link it's a

 hotspot on the page in that textual list of system objects. If the
 braillenote can emulate mouse clicks, do a double click on the text that
 says the moon

 If you can't emulate mouse clicks streight off and the braillenote is
 just to standard sorts of web controls like links there might be a
 here. Unfortunately those sorts of hotspots are fairly common in web

 I can think of several in core exiles, and puppet nightmares is full of

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 2:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 Its the one where you convert the hydrogen to fuel (done) then try to
 go to the moon. If I click system (with javascript enabled on the
 braillenote), it says the information but doesn't have links that I
 can click and tell it where to go. I'm suposed to go the moon. I
 realize the the bn is not the best browser, but so far, its worked.

 On 11/14/14, dark wrote:
 Hi David.

 I'm afraid I don't recall which step was step five, if you let me know

 you need to do I can possibly help.

 All the best,

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 How do I do step 5 in the tutorial?

 On 11/13/14, dark wrote:
 Hi David.

 If you can't find the empty slot with the braillenote, then just
 modules from cargo bayCargo and hitting the install link above the


 want should do it. I don't think it matters what slot on your ship
 install what into so long as it is there.

 All the best,

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!
 - Original Message -
 From: David Bartling
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 1:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] problem with astrogalaxy

 I am not using nvda, I am using a braillenote.

 On 11/12/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Chris.

 You don't have to exactly! obey everything, for example you can
 the modules so long as you have the right ones on your ship at
 and the steps are in order, though this will take installing and
 uninstalling and also seling stuff.

 For example if one step is to deinstall one module and another is

 another, you can't install one without doing the check that you've
 uninstalled the first one.

 This does mean your pretty much swapping out modules and obeying
 tutorial rather than playing sensibly, but hay it's an educationn

Re: [Audyssey] New Interactive Fiction, Hadean Lands

2014-11-16 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
This is excellent and I'm really enjoying it.

When you buy the iOS version you are getting the Glulx gamecode plus a custom 
interpreter program with accessible notes, map, and journal.

This is truly a finished, commercial product in the fashion of the new school 
of puzzle-solving IF.  Great fun if you enjoy that kind of exacting 
gratification, and a refreshing change from Zarf's usual output.
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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Willem Venter
Thomas, for reference Microsoft is making most of the .Net code open
source, so I doubt they will be taking on anyone using it to develop
cross platform programs.

On 11/17/14, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Paul,

 Traditionally speaking, cross-platform development is fairly difficult
 with standard languages such as C++. However, Xamarin is a relatively
 new technology which aims to make cross-platform development between
 Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS as easy as possible. As I understand it
 Xamarin was written in C# .NET, and uses Mono for non-Windows
 platforms and devices which is a workable solution to cross-platform
 development, but my concern with using Mono is that Microsoft has
 systematically been trying to go after the Mono Project for copyright
 infringement etc which makes using Mono a bit of a sticky situation
 for developers. Still, from what I know of Xamarin it does seem like a
 fairly workable solution to cross-platform development.

 As for using it for audio games I wouldn't know since Xamarin is
 primarily designed for standard app development. That said, I do know
 of .NET libraries out there for say SDL, OpenAL, etc so writing audio
 games with Xamarin should be possible. I just haven't tried it, but
 when I have a minute to look at it maybe I'll look into it further.


 On 11/16/14, Paul Lemm wrote:

 Chatting to one of my friends  who programs for a living, I mentioned
 had started to learn BGT and was very slowly building a game. We got
 chatting about coding and he asked which platform  the game would be for.
 Somehow we got chatting about cross platform and he explained he had just
 started looking into a platform called Xamarin, which allows  you to
 apps in C# for IOS, android , windows and MAC and use the same C# code
 each platform.  I know that talk of cross platform programming has come
 here before  and I'm pretty sure I've remember people saying its quite
 difficult to do, so I thought I'd just share this, it might be old hat to
 programmers  on this list or just not be something for audio game
 development   since the friend I was chatting with is a sighted
 Also to be fair since I'm only starting out in coding (topped with the
 we were also out drinking at the time and I'd had quite a few beers by
 point) quite a lot of what we talked about went over my head but I think
 thing he said that was so good was that even though its written in C# it
 totally native to which  ever platform you produce  the app for.

 Paul Lemm

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Willem,

Well, I'll freely admit my information is years out of date. Primarily
from 2008 or so. When I was looking into using Mono in 2008 I was
warned away from it by many developers due in large part to some
litigation that was going on during that time over Mono infringing
upon Microsoft's .NET code base. Since then I switched to C++ rather
than C# for the majority of software development so hadn't kept up to
date with developments in Mono legal or otherwise since then. So my
information is definitely out of date. That's also why I said it was a
concern of mine rather than outright declaring there were any
copyright issues right now. However, I deeply appreciate the
information, because that might convince me to go back to C# .NET.


On 11/16/14, Willem Venter wrote:
 Thomas, for reference Microsoft is making most of the .Net code open
 source, so I doubt they will be taking on anyone using it to develop
 cross platform programs.

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Re: [Audyssey] MidKemia Online

2014-11-16 Thread Michael Maslo
Great I love the game 

Sent from Blue Mail

On Nov 16, 2014, 19:02, at 19:02, Tobias Vinteus wrote:
How screen reader friendly is the MidKemia Online MUD from Iron Realms?

Being a Raymond E Feist fan I thought I'd give this a go. Any tips or 
suggestions welcome.


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[Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-16 Thread Austin Pinto
hi all.
we have lots of windows games but not much for our phones.
so does any1 play any free or paid games on android? which is
accessable i know godville but its kind of boring now

search for me on facebook, google+, orkut..
follow me on twitter.
contact me on skype.

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Re: [Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Austin,

As a matter of fact there are a good dozen accessible games for
Android. Not as many as for the iPhone, but there are quite a few
games out there. I don't have a complete list memorized but here is a
few to help you get started.

Off the top of my head there is a version of Stem Stumper for Android,
Colossal Cave Adventure, Audio Ping Pong, TapBeats, Mem, NinjSmash,
Racing Live(tm),  and if you want something with an adult theme there is
Smack That Ass which is a bit like Jim Kitchen's Spanker for Android.


On 11/16/14, Austin Pinto wrote:
 hi all.
 we have lots of windows games but not much for our phones.
 so does any1 play any free or paid games on android? which is
 accessable i know godville but its kind of boring now

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Re: [Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-16 Thread Austin Pinto
hi i installed all the games and will try out 1 by 1 when i get free
time but i didnt get NinjSmash and mem for android also are there any
podcasts on this games even podcasts for the iphone version will be
good it will give me a basic idia on what the game is about

On 11/17/14, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hello Austin,

 As a matter of fact there are a good dozen accessible games for
 Android. Not as many as for the iPhone, but there are quite a few
 games out there. I don't have a complete list memorized but here is a
 few to help you get started.

 Off the top of my head there is a version of Stem Stumper for Android,
 Colossal Cave Adventure, Audio Ping Pong, TapBeats, Mem, NinjSmash,
 Racing Live(tm),  and if you want something with an adult theme there is
 Smack That Ass which is a bit like Jim Kitchen's Spanker for Android.


 On 11/16/14, Austin Pinto wrote:
 hi all.
 we have lots of windows games but not much for our phones.
 so does any1 play any free or paid games on android? which is
 accessable i know godville but its kind of boring now

 search for me on facebook, google+, orkut..
 follow me on twitter.
 contact me on skype.

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search for me on facebook, google+, orkut..
follow me on twitter.
contact me on skype.

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