Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-07 Thread Willem Venter
Hi Thomas.

The panning thing is a secondary issue for me. The game is no less
playable for me and simply adding a distance to nearest monster key
would work fine. If you then fix it later on by using openAL, it would
be nice. Though if you leave it as is, no big deal.

On 10/7/10, shaun everiss wrote:
 this all depends if you are gona develop more side scrolers.
 if so then I guess open al will have to do.
 if not then I'd have no issue with you going back to direct sound
 then just not making any more side scrolers.
 scrolers are cool but 3dfps is what I really like along with sim games.
 At 04:30 p.m. 7/10/2010, you wrote:
Hi everyone,
Ok, I've basically just spent the better part of today as well as last
night looking into a solution for the panning issues for Mysteries of
the Ancients, and I'm sorry to say so far I'm not coming up with any
viable options or solutions to the problem. As it happpens it is not
just OpenAL that doesn't handle stereo panning well, but most of the
other audio mixing libraries I have tried don't do it either. At least
not the same way it worked in DirectSound. Let me explain the problem
further so we are all on the same page.
As I mentioned earlier on list OpenAL was mainly designed for games
using a 3d audio environment. Therefore sounds are to be renderd using
its 3d renderer. This, however, doesn't translate well into a 2d game
like MOTA because there is no 2d stereo pan control as such for me to
use. Despite a lot of good end user suggestions, e-mailing people, I
haven't found any realistic way to make OpenAL pan sounds the way
DirectSound does. Everyone I've asked pretty much told me to do it the
way I'm already doing it, but the pan effect, as you all know, sounds
nothing like the way it did in DirectSound.
With that in mind I decided to give SDL, the Simple Direct Media
Layer, another try. As it happens SDL Mixer has a stereo pan control,
but it doesn't render sounds the same way as DirectSound does. In
DirectSound you can set the position of the sound to the far left or
the far right and anywhere inbetween by giving it a value between
-1 and 1. With SDL Mixer a sound is either left, right, or
center with nothing in between. SDL Mixer allows you to control the
volume for each speaker individually, but you can't really position
the sound in that speaker. So obviously SDL Mixer really isn't a
solution here either.
In terms of cross-platform audio libraries that leaves us with FMOD by
Firelight Technologies. As some of you might remenber we tried this
already in a previous beta, perhaps beta 11 or beta 12, and while FMOD
does support panning it doesn't exactly sound like DirectSound either.
However, based on my personal experience FMOD is probably the closest
we can get to DirectSounds pan control.
However, FMOD is a commercial library and costs a fortune to license.
A single license for one platform is bad enough, but trying to license
it for Windows, Linux, and maybe eventually Mac is completely out of
my price range. We are talking thousands of dollars for a single game.
So that pretty much makes FMOD beyond a realistic solution here.
Some might say that going back to DirectSound is probably the best
solution, but that too is problematic. First of all by developing
games using DirectSound that would rule out any possability of
creating games for Mac and Linux. For some of us, who aren't Windows
users, this option is unacceptable. Second, even for Windows users
using DirectSound is less than a perfect solution in the long run.
As I mentioned before DirectSound hasn't been updated for ages, is now
deprecated by Microsoft, and is scheduled for removal from the
DirectSound API. It only comes with Windows 7 for backwards
compatibility with older games, but who knows how long that backwards
compatibility will last.  Using DirectSound is probably fine for now,
but what about down the road when XAudio2 eventually replaces
DirectSound on future Windows operating systems?
Actually, as of Windows 7 XAudio2 is now the recommended and prefered
audio mixer for game developers. The only problem is it doesn't have a
stereo pan option either. Like everything else you have to position
sounds through its 3d renderer. There may be a way to create a custom
pan option, but the way to do it is mostly hypathetical at this point.
I'd hate to spend days and even weeks working on trying to research
and create my own stereo pan control for XAudio2 when I'm not even
sure it will work, or that I can even get the desired results by
spending the time and effort.
So bottom line we have a fairly big choice to make. We can either
return to DirectSound for the short term, worry about finding a new
replacement for DirectSound later, or we can just go ahead and cut our
losses and go with OpenAL or something else to begin with. I agree
that panning sounds with OpenAL isn't quite the same, but I think it
is acceptable considering the fact that there really aren't any clear

Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,
Which was my entire point. OpenAL is for me, a way forward, because it
will help me make 3D FPS games because it already has the ability to
render sounds in a full 3d environment and OpenAL Soft supports modern
5.1 and 7.1 sound cards used by hard core gamers.
In fact, although Sony has a proprietary SDK for the Play Station III
it is largely based on Linux open source APIs such as OpenGL for 3d
graphics and OpenAL for 3d audio. OpenGL has long been considered a
serious rival for Microsoft's Direct3D technology for Windows, and
OpenAL is seriously becoming the open source alternative for
DirectSound or XAudio for the Mac and Linux platforms. The fact that
Sony has chosen to use the Linux platform for their Play Station III
console and have incorperated OpenGL and OpenAL into their development
kit speaks for itself what a powerful gaming platform Linux can be
when well known gaming companies like Sony properly use Linux as an
alternative to more expensive gaming platforms such as Windows.  So
Linux is a very viable alternative for blind gamers too, and the
DirectX-like APIs are already there for Linux.
As I see it going back to DirectSound is a step backwards in the wrong
direction for multiple reasons. For one thing DirectSound was
originally developed and released for Windows 95 when something like
the Soundblaster 16 was considered to be the top of the line sound
cards of the day. Although, DirectSound was updated to meet new
changes such as when the Creative Labs Soundblaster Live came out in
98 it quickly became apparent that DirectSound was hopelessly falling
behind the hardware technology it was suppose to support. according to
Microsoft's article on DirectSound vs XAudio2 in order to support the
5.1 and 7.1 sound cards of today like the Soundblaster X-Fi  they
would have had to do a major rewrite of DirectSound  to meet the
demands of the emerging hardware technology. Instead of rewriting
DirectSound the decided to create a new library, XAudio2, that met all
the demands of the emerging hardware and would provide game developers
the means to take advantage of the new audio hardware out there for
the PC and XBox 360. I certainly can't fault them for their decision
as it makes perfect sense to me. Even the cheapo sound card that came
with my desktop computer is 5.1 compatible.
Bottom line, if we went back to DirectSound just to create
side-scrollers we are ignoring the new emerging software and hardware
trends of tomorrow. Side-Scrollers, as some might say, are so
twentieth century. The demand for games with killer 3d graphics and
stunning 3d audio are all the rave today.  That's driving the computer
hardware and software ever upwards and by clinging to simple 2d games
we are going to get left in the dust weather we like it or not. I'm
one of the game developers willing to meet those changes head on and
design a game engine that makes full use of a 3d audio environment in
my future titles. If people don't have the kind of hardware it takes
that's not my problem. It is time we roll with the change so to speak.
I understand some might view this as very negative etc, but the fact
remains the same. We have limited ourselves to 2d shoot-m-ups like
Troopenum, Aliens in the Outback, and Dark Destroyer for far too long.
 We are only just beginning to look into side-scrollers like Q9, Super
Liam, and MOTA.  However, compared to the mainstream 2d games of that
sort have long passed from the mainstream view, or so it seams. We are
in a word behind the times.


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[Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi everyone,
Ok, I've basically just spent the better part of today as well as last
night looking into a solution for the panning issues for Mysteries of
the Ancients, and I'm sorry to say so far I'm not coming up with any
viable options or solutions to the problem. As it happpens it is not
just OpenAL that doesn't handle stereo panning well, but most of the
other audio mixing libraries I have tried don't do it either. At least
not the same way it worked in DirectSound. Let me explain the problem
further so we are all on the same page.
As I mentioned earlier on list OpenAL was mainly designed for games
using a 3d audio environment. Therefore sounds are to be renderd using
its 3d renderer. This, however, doesn't translate well into a 2d game
like MOTA because there is no 2d stereo pan control as such for me to
use. Despite a lot of good end user suggestions, e-mailing people, I
haven't found any realistic way to make OpenAL pan sounds the way
DirectSound does. Everyone I've asked pretty much told me to do it the
way I'm already doing it, but the pan effect, as you all know, sounds
nothing like the way it did in DirectSound.
With that in mind I decided to give SDL, the Simple Direct Media
Layer, another try. As it happens SDL Mixer has a stereo pan control,
but it doesn't render sounds the same way as DirectSound does. In
DirectSound you can set the position of the sound to the far left or
the far right and anywhere inbetween by giving it a value between
-1 and 1. With SDL Mixer a sound is either left, right, or
center with nothing in between. SDL Mixer allows you to control the
volume for each speaker individually, but you can't really position
the sound in that speaker. So obviously SDL Mixer really isn't a
solution here either.
In terms of cross-platform audio libraries that leaves us with FMOD by
Firelight Technologies. As some of you might remenber we tried this
already in a previous beta, perhaps beta 11 or beta 12, and while FMOD
does support panning it doesn't exactly sound like DirectSound either.
However, based on my personal experience FMOD is probably the closest
we can get to DirectSounds pan control.
However, FMOD is a commercial library and costs a fortune to license.
A single license for one platform is bad enough, but trying to license
it for Windows, Linux, and maybe eventually Mac is completely out of
my price range. We are talking thousands of dollars for a single game.
So that pretty much makes FMOD beyond a realistic solution here.
Some might say that going back to DirectSound is probably the best
solution, but that too is problematic. First of all by developing
games using DirectSound that would rule out any possability of
creating games for Mac and Linux. For some of us, who aren't Windows
users, this option is unacceptable. Second, even for Windows users
using DirectSound is less than a perfect solution in the long run.
As I mentioned before DirectSound hasn't been updated for ages, is now
deprecated by Microsoft, and is scheduled for removal from the
DirectSound API. It only comes with Windows 7 for backwards
compatibility with older games, but who knows how long that backwards
compatibility will last.  Using DirectSound is probably fine for now,
but what about down the road when XAudio2 eventually replaces
DirectSound on future Windows operating systems?
Actually, as of Windows 7 XAudio2 is now the recommended and prefered
audio mixer for game developers. The only problem is it doesn't have a
stereo pan option either. Like everything else you have to position
sounds through its 3d renderer. There may be a way to create a custom
pan option, but the way to do it is mostly hypathetical at this point.
I'd hate to spend days and even weeks working on trying to research
and create my own stereo pan control for XAudio2 when I'm not even
sure it will work, or that I can even get the desired results by
spending the time and effort.
So bottom line we have a fairly big choice to make. We can either
return to DirectSound for the short term, worry about finding a new
replacement for DirectSound later, or we can just go ahead and cut our
losses and go with OpenAL or something else to begin with. I agree
that panning sounds with OpenAL isn't quite the same, but I think it
is acceptable considering the fact that there really aren't any clear
cut alternatives. Plus since I'm mainly thinking about creating 3d
first-person games anyway, rather than lots of side-scrollers, the
problem we are talking about mainly applies to this single game. Other
games like Raceway and STFC won't have this issue. So I'm personally
in favor of just accepting OpenAL, such as it is, and moving on to
other issues.
However, as some of you have paid for this game I'd like to hear your
thoughts. I'm not really certain what I should do, and I'm frankly
tired of hearing about complaints over the audio panning issue. I
can't fix it without going back to DirectX, and that is only ashort
term solution anyway. So I really 

Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread clement chou

Hi Tom.
Personally I'm
willing just to stick with what we have and move ahead. Afterall, isn't the 
eventual goal to catch up to mainstream gaming? If we use old hardware that 
is no longer officially recognize, seems that can't happen, and of course, 
there are the cross-platform issues as well. But I was wondering if you 
could have a quick view comand to let you know how far something was? The v 
key is helpful, but a command like what Shades of Dom or say treasure Hunt 
has where you can hit a key and gage the distance in a certain direction 
between yu and an object would be helpful in resolving the problem. Just my 
two-sense. I like the v key except for the fact that it has to list 
everythingg that's currently visible.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 7:30 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

Hi everyone,
Ok, I've basically just spent the better part of today as well as last
night looking into a solution for the panning issues for Mysteries of
the Ancients, and I'm sorry to say so far I'm not coming up with any
viable options or solutions to the problem. As it happpens it is not
just OpenAL that doesn't handle stereo panning well, but most of the
other audio mixing libraries I have tried don't do it either. At least
not the same way it worked in DirectSound. Let me explain the problem
further so we are all on the same page.
As I mentioned earlier on list OpenAL was mainly designed for games
using a 3d audio environment. Therefore sounds are to be renderd using
its 3d renderer. This, however, doesn't translate well into a 2d game
like MOTA because there is no 2d stereo pan control as such for me to
use. Despite a lot of good end user suggestions, e-mailing people, I
haven't found any realistic way to make OpenAL pan sounds the way
DirectSound does. Everyone I've asked pretty much told me to do it the
way I'm already doing it, but the pan effect, as you all know, sounds
nothing like the way it did in DirectSound.
With that in mind I decided to give SDL, the Simple Direct Media
Layer, another try. As it happens SDL Mixer has a stereo pan control,
but it doesn't render sounds the same way as DirectSound does. In
DirectSound you can set the position of the sound to the far left or
the far right and anywhere inbetween by giving it a value between
-1 and 1. With SDL Mixer a sound is either left, right, or
center with nothing in between. SDL Mixer allows you to control the
volume for each speaker individually, but you can't really position
the sound in that speaker. So obviously SDL Mixer really isn't a
solution here either.
In terms of cross-platform audio libraries that leaves us with FMOD by
Firelight Technologies. As some of you might remenber we tried this
already in a previous beta, perhaps beta 11 or beta 12, and while FMOD
does support panning it doesn't exactly sound like DirectSound either.
However, based on my personal experience FMOD is probably the closest
we can get to DirectSounds pan control.
However, FMOD is a commercial library and costs a fortune to license.
A single license for one platform is bad enough, but trying to license
it for Windows, Linux, and maybe eventually Mac is completely out of
my price range. We are talking thousands of dollars for a single game.
So that pretty much makes FMOD beyond a realistic solution here.
Some might say that going back to DirectSound is probably the best
solution, but that too is problematic. First of all by developing
games using DirectSound that would rule out any possability of
creating games for Mac and Linux. For some of us, who aren't Windows
users, this option is unacceptable. Second, even for Windows users
using DirectSound is less than a perfect solution in the long run.
As I mentioned before DirectSound hasn't been updated for ages, is now
deprecated by Microsoft, and is scheduled for removal from the
DirectSound API. It only comes with Windows 7 for backwards
compatibility with older games, but who knows how long that backwards
compatibility will last.  Using DirectSound is probably fine for now,
but what about down the road when XAudio2 eventually replaces
DirectSound on future Windows operating systems?
Actually, as of Windows 7 XAudio2 is now the recommended and prefered
audio mixer for game developers. The only problem is it doesn't have a
stereo pan option either. Like everything else you have to position
sounds through its 3d renderer. There may be a way to create a custom
pan option, but the way to do it is mostly hypathetical at this point.
I'd hate to spend days and even weeks working on trying to research
and create my own stereo pan control for XAudio2 when I'm not even
sure it will work, or that I can even get the desired results by
spending the time and effort.
So bottom line we have a fairly big choice to make. We can either
return to DirectSound for the short term, worry about

Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Mike Reiser
Let's move forward and stick with what we have.  I'm sure you want to get 
this finished and I personally want the full game so I can play all the 
levels smiles.  I'm not having too much trouble right now with this version. 
There's no point delaying it even further over this issue.


-Original Message- 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:30 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

Hi everyone,
Ok, I've basically just spent the better part of today as well as last
night looking into a solution for the panning issues for Mysteries of
the Ancients, and I'm sorry to say so far I'm not coming up with any
viable options or solutions to the problem. As it happpens it is not
just OpenAL that doesn't handle stereo panning well, but most of the
other audio mixing libraries I have tried don't do it either. At least
not the same way it worked in DirectSound. Let me explain the problem
further so we are all on the same page.
As I mentioned earlier on list OpenAL was mainly designed for games
using a 3d audio environment. Therefore sounds are to be renderd using
its 3d renderer. This, however, doesn't translate well into a 2d game
like MOTA because there is no 2d stereo pan control as such for me to
use. Despite a lot of good end user suggestions, e-mailing people, I
haven't found any realistic way to make OpenAL pan sounds the way
DirectSound does. Everyone I've asked pretty much told me to do it the
way I'm already doing it, but the pan effect, as you all know, sounds
nothing like the way it did in DirectSound.
With that in mind I decided to give SDL, the Simple Direct Media
Layer, another try. As it happens SDL Mixer has a stereo pan control,
but it doesn't render sounds the same way as DirectSound does. In
DirectSound you can set the position of the sound to the far left or
the far right and anywhere inbetween by giving it a value between
-1 and 1. With SDL Mixer a sound is either left, right, or
center with nothing in between. SDL Mixer allows you to control the
volume for each speaker individually, but you can't really position
the sound in that speaker. So obviously SDL Mixer really isn't a
solution here either.
In terms of cross-platform audio libraries that leaves us with FMOD by
Firelight Technologies. As some of you might remenber we tried this
already in a previous beta, perhaps beta 11 or beta 12, and while FMOD
does support panning it doesn't exactly sound like DirectSound either.
However, based on my personal experience FMOD is probably the closest
we can get to DirectSounds pan control.
However, FMOD is a commercial library and costs a fortune to license.
A single license for one platform is bad enough, but trying to license
it for Windows, Linux, and maybe eventually Mac is completely out of
my price range. We are talking thousands of dollars for a single game.
So that pretty much makes FMOD beyond a realistic solution here.
Some might say that going back to DirectSound is probably the best
solution, but that too is problematic. First of all by developing
games using DirectSound that would rule out any possability of
creating games for Mac and Linux. For some of us, who aren't Windows
users, this option is unacceptable. Second, even for Windows users
using DirectSound is less than a perfect solution in the long run.
As I mentioned before DirectSound hasn't been updated for ages, is now
deprecated by Microsoft, and is scheduled for removal from the
DirectSound API. It only comes with Windows 7 for backwards
compatibility with older games, but who knows how long that backwards
compatibility will last.  Using DirectSound is probably fine for now,
but what about down the road when XAudio2 eventually replaces
DirectSound on future Windows operating systems?
Actually, as of Windows 7 XAudio2 is now the recommended and prefered
audio mixer for game developers. The only problem is it doesn't have a
stereo pan option either. Like everything else you have to position
sounds through its 3d renderer. There may be a way to create a custom
pan option, but the way to do it is mostly hypathetical at this point.
I'd hate to spend days and even weeks working on trying to research
and create my own stereo pan control for XAudio2 when I'm not even
sure it will work, or that I can even get the desired results by
spending the time and effort.
So bottom line we have a fairly big choice to make. We can either
return to DirectSound for the short term, worry about finding a new
replacement for DirectSound later, or we can just go ahead and cut our
losses and go with OpenAL or something else to begin with. I agree
that panning sounds with OpenAL isn't quite the same, but I think it
is acceptable considering the fact that there really aren't any clear
cut alternatives. Plus since I'm mainly thinking about creating 3d
first-person games anyway, rather than lots of side-scrollers, the
problem we are talking about mainly applies to this single game. Other

Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Mike,
That's exactly my opinion as well. As my step mother always says, its
time to roll with the change.
Besides there are plenty of things I can be working on updating,
fixing, and this panning situation is just one of several. It just
happens it seams like this single issue has gotten more attention than
all the other bugs combind. I'd like to fix the ones I can, and just
get on with adding the rest of the levels.

On 10/6/10, Mike Reiser wrote:
 Let's move forward and stick with what we have.  I'm sure you want to get
 this finished and I personally want the full game so I can play all the
 levels smiles.  I'm not having too much trouble right now with this version.
 There's no point delaying it even further over this issue.


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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
I think that is a very reasonable solution to the problem. Having a
key like m to speak the nearest monster or o to announce the nearest
object would be very easy to add and very reasonable. Consider it


On 10/6/10, clement chou wrote:
 Hi Tom.
 Personally I'm
 willing just to stick with what we have and move ahead. Afterall, isn't the
 eventual goal to catch up to mainstream gaming? If we use old hardware that
 is no longer officially recognize, seems that can't happen, and of course,
 there are the cross-platform issues as well. But I was wondering if you
 could have a quick view comand to let you know how far something was? The v
 key is helpful, but a command like what Shades of Dom or say treasure Hunt
 has where you can hit a key and gage the distance in a certain direction
 between yu and an object would be helpful in resolving the problem. Just my
 two-sense. I like the v key except for the fact that it has to list
 everythingg that's currently visible.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Sky Taylor
and could you also increase the number of amo in you're weapons? There are 
times where I am using up a lot of them do to the fact that I have to shoot 
the monsters and it is very difficult to get amo on the level I am on.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

I think that is a very reasonable solution to the problem. Having a
key like m to speak the nearest monster or o to announce the nearest
object would be very easy to add and very reasonable. Consider it


On 10/6/10, clement chou wrote:

Hi Tom.
Personally I'm
willing just to stick with what we have and move ahead. Afterall, isn't 
eventual goal to catch up to mainstream gaming? If we use old hardware 
is no longer officially recognize, seems that can't happen, and of 

there are the cross-platform issues as well. But I was wondering if you
could have a quick view comand to let you know how far something was? The 
key is helpful, but a command like what Shades of Dom or say treasure 

has where you can hit a key and gage the distance in a certain direction
between yu and an object would be helpful in resolving the problem. Just 

two-sense. I like the v key except for the fact that it has to list
everythingg that's currently visible.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread clement chou
Glad I was able to have some input. But I'm wondering... would it be 
possible to have the keeys gage at different distances instead of hitting o 
and say waiting for it to list every object in the vascinaty of the camera, 
so to speak... since there is no camera in this game. Like, say if you had a 
door to your left in 5 meters, a statue in front of you, and a door off to 
the right, I don't know, say another five meters, with a lever three meters 
to your right between you and the door. Could you have key combinations like 
hold it down with a modifier to have it describe the object from a certain 
distance away or in a certain direction? I just find having to wait for it 
to fnish listing things kind of interrupts the pace for me. This isn't 
something I'm going to go on and on about. lol. Justa suggestion.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

I think that is a very reasonable solution to the problem. Having a
key like m to speak the nearest monster or o to announce the nearest
object would be very easy to add and very reasonable. Consider it


On 10/6/10, clement chou wrote:

Hi Tom.
Personally I'm
willing just to stick with what we have and move ahead. Afterall, isn't 
eventual goal to catch up to mainstream gaming? If we use old hardware 
is no longer officially recognize, seems that can't happen, and of 

there are the cross-platform issues as well. But I was wondering if you
could have a quick view comand to let you know how far something was? The 
key is helpful, but a command like what Shades of Dom or say treasure 

has where you can hit a key and gage the distance in a certain direction
between yu and an object would be helpful in resolving the problem. Just 

two-sense. I like the v key except for the fact that it has to list
everythingg that's currently visible.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
I suppose that would be possible. I'd have to give it some thought. my
plate is already pretty full for beta 15 and that would definitely
require quite a bit of extra work. However, I'll drop it in the
suggestions list to get too when and if I can get to it.


On 10/7/10, clement chou wrote:
 Glad I was able to have some input. But I'm wondering... would it be
 possible to have the keeys gage at different distances instead of hitting o
 and say waiting for it to list every object in the vascinaty of the camera,
 so to speak... since there is no camera in this game. Like, say if you had a
 door to your left in 5 meters, a statue in front of you, and a door off to
 the right, I don't know, say another five meters, with a lever three meters
 to your right between you and the door. Could you have key combinations like
 hold it down with a modifier to have it describe the object from a certain
 distance away or in a certain direction? I just find having to wait for it
 to fnish listing things kind of interrupts the pace for me. This isn't
 something I'm going to go on and on about. lol. Justa suggestion.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread clement chou
Well, the sugestion box is a good place for this one. I knew it would be 
more work. But I hope it can be done... because I like Mota when the pace is 
moving smothly at a fast pace. 

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Sky,
Not really if we want to keep the game remotely realistic. For
example, a Glock 19, which Angela's pistol was based off of, has a 15
round clip. That's why it only starts with 15 rounds in her gun when
you start the game.
Other weapons like the Uzi are realistic as well. Depending on the
particular model some Uzis cary 20, 30, or 40 rounds. In this case I
decided to pick a military grade model which caries 40 rounds. It so
happens I am using the same exact model of Uzi that Lara Croft uses in
the early Tomb Raider games.
So I don't really know of a realistic way to give you more rounds. I
could give you multiple ammo packs which would give you more ammo, but
then again that might make it too easy. Part of the way the game is
has a lot to do with my own enjoyment of challenging games. I don't
like games that are too easy or you can beat in 20 minutes and it is
over justlike that. I like building in some extra challenges.


On 10/7/10, Sky Taylor wrote:
 and could you also increase the number of amo in you're weapons? There are
 times where I am using up a lot of them do to the fact that I have to shoot
 the monsters and it is very difficult to get amo on the level I am on.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread shaun everiss

this all depends if you are gona develop more side scrolers.
if so then I guess open al will have to do.
if not then I'd have no issue with you going back to direct sound 
then just not making any more side scrolers.

scrolers are cool but 3dfps is what I really like along with sim games.
At 04:30 p.m. 7/10/2010, you wrote:

Hi everyone,
Ok, I've basically just spent the better part of today as well as last
night looking into a solution for the panning issues for Mysteries of
the Ancients, and I'm sorry to say so far I'm not coming up with any
viable options or solutions to the problem. As it happpens it is not
just OpenAL that doesn't handle stereo panning well, but most of the
other audio mixing libraries I have tried don't do it either. At least
not the same way it worked in DirectSound. Let me explain the problem
further so we are all on the same page.
As I mentioned earlier on list OpenAL was mainly designed for games
using a 3d audio environment. Therefore sounds are to be renderd using
its 3d renderer. This, however, doesn't translate well into a 2d game
like MOTA because there is no 2d stereo pan control as such for me to
use. Despite a lot of good end user suggestions, e-mailing people, I
haven't found any realistic way to make OpenAL pan sounds the way
DirectSound does. Everyone I've asked pretty much told me to do it the
way I'm already doing it, but the pan effect, as you all know, sounds
nothing like the way it did in DirectSound.
With that in mind I decided to give SDL, the Simple Direct Media
Layer, another try. As it happens SDL Mixer has a stereo pan control,
but it doesn't render sounds the same way as DirectSound does. In
DirectSound you can set the position of the sound to the far left or
the far right and anywhere inbetween by giving it a value between
-1 and 1. With SDL Mixer a sound is either left, right, or
center with nothing in between. SDL Mixer allows you to control the
volume for each speaker individually, but you can't really position
the sound in that speaker. So obviously SDL Mixer really isn't a
solution here either.
In terms of cross-platform audio libraries that leaves us with FMOD by
Firelight Technologies. As some of you might remenber we tried this
already in a previous beta, perhaps beta 11 or beta 12, and while FMOD
does support panning it doesn't exactly sound like DirectSound either.
However, based on my personal experience FMOD is probably the closest
we can get to DirectSounds pan control.
However, FMOD is a commercial library and costs a fortune to license.
A single license for one platform is bad enough, but trying to license
it for Windows, Linux, and maybe eventually Mac is completely out of
my price range. We are talking thousands of dollars for a single game.
So that pretty much makes FMOD beyond a realistic solution here.
Some might say that going back to DirectSound is probably the best
solution, but that too is problematic. First of all by developing
games using DirectSound that would rule out any possability of
creating games for Mac and Linux. For some of us, who aren't Windows
users, this option is unacceptable. Second, even for Windows users
using DirectSound is less than a perfect solution in the long run.
As I mentioned before DirectSound hasn't been updated for ages, is now
deprecated by Microsoft, and is scheduled for removal from the
DirectSound API. It only comes with Windows 7 for backwards
compatibility with older games, but who knows how long that backwards
compatibility will last.  Using DirectSound is probably fine for now,
but what about down the road when XAudio2 eventually replaces
DirectSound on future Windows operating systems?
Actually, as of Windows 7 XAudio2 is now the recommended and prefered
audio mixer for game developers. The only problem is it doesn't have a
stereo pan option either. Like everything else you have to position
sounds through its 3d renderer. There may be a way to create a custom
pan option, but the way to do it is mostly hypathetical at this point.
I'd hate to spend days and even weeks working on trying to research
and create my own stereo pan control for XAudio2 when I'm not even
sure it will work, or that I can even get the desired results by
spending the time and effort.
So bottom line we have a fairly big choice to make. We can either
return to DirectSound for the short term, worry about finding a new
replacement for DirectSound later, or we can just go ahead and cut our
losses and go with OpenAL or something else to begin with. I agree
that panning sounds with OpenAL isn't quite the same, but I think it
is acceptable considering the fact that there really aren't any clear
cut alternatives. Plus since I'm mainly thinking about creating 3d
first-person games anyway, rather than lots of side-scrollers, the
problem we are talking about mainly applies to this single game. Other
games like Raceway and STFC won't have this issue. So I'm personally
in favor of just accepting OpenAL, such as it is, and 

[Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Thomas,
My opinions on this issue should be obvious, given my Linux usage.
Nevertheless, I want to go on record as saying that OpenAL will work just
fine for me.  Sound playing issues aside, I have no quibble with the panning,
or lack thereof.
Let's go forward instead of stagnating here.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Shaun,
I believe that you're a bit confused here.
OpenAL will make 3D FPS-style games easier to write.  DirectSound might make
side scrollers easier to write, but it also is being phased out by Microsoft, so
in the long term using it is mpractical.
I just wanted to clear that up, in case there was confusion.  My opinions
on this are already posted.  OpenAL is a way forward.
shaun everiss writes:
  this all depends if you are gona develop more side scrolers.
  if so then I guess open al will have to do.
  if not then I'd have no issue with you going back to direct sound 
  then just not making any more side scrolers.
  scrolers are cool but 3dfps is what I really like along with sim games.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Jacob Kruger
I haven't had much to do with it at all, but would in any case agree that 
you would do better to stick to the OpenAL one, or, a rather unviable 
alternative might be to literally make use of multiple versions of stereo 
sound clips with their own sound panning included, but this would also not 
be too viable for moving objects/characters, download file sizes etc.

Another option that might just sort of spoil game play would be to just add 
other small trigger sound effect clips sort of like proximity sensor sounds 
or something, as in when a certain character/enemy/object got closer, while 
the full left/right panning stayed the same, you might hear an extra type of 
sound indicating a certain amount of proximity or something, but this would 
also most likely add a whole bunch of additional time/effort to the whole 

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 5:30 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] MOTA Panning Issues

Hi everyone,
Ok, I've basically just spent the better part of today as well as last
night looking into a solution for the panning issues for Mysteries of
the Ancients, and I'm sorry to say so far I'm not coming up with any
viable options or solutions to the problem. As it happpens it is not
just OpenAL that doesn't handle stereo panning well, but most of the
other audio mixing libraries I have tried don't do it either. At least
not the same way it worked in DirectSound. Let me explain the problem
further so we are all on the same page.
As I mentioned earlier on list OpenAL was mainly designed for games
using a 3d audio environment. Therefore sounds are to be renderd using
its 3d renderer. This, however, doesn't translate well into a 2d game
like MOTA because there is no 2d stereo pan control as such for me to
use. Despite a lot of good end user suggestions, e-mailing people, I
haven't found any realistic way to make OpenAL pan sounds the way
DirectSound does. Everyone I've asked pretty much told me to do it the
way I'm already doing it, but the pan effect, as you all know, sounds
nothing like the way it did in DirectSound.
With that in mind I decided to give SDL, the Simple Direct Media
Layer, another try. As it happens SDL Mixer has a stereo pan control,
but it doesn't render sounds the same way as DirectSound does. In
DirectSound you can set the position of the sound to the far left or
the far right and anywhere inbetween by giving it a value between
-1 and 1. With SDL Mixer a sound is either left, right, or
center with nothing in between. SDL Mixer allows you to control the
volume for each speaker individually, but you can't really position
the sound in that speaker. So obviously SDL Mixer really isn't a
solution here either.
In terms of cross-platform audio libraries that leaves us with FMOD by
Firelight Technologies. As some of you might remenber we tried this
already in a previous beta, perhaps beta 11 or beta 12, and while FMOD
does support panning it doesn't exactly sound like DirectSound either.
However, based on my personal experience FMOD is probably the closest
we can get to DirectSounds pan control.
However, FMOD is a commercial library and costs a fortune to license.
A single license for one platform is bad enough, but trying to license
it for Windows, Linux, and maybe eventually Mac is completely out of
my price range. We are talking thousands of dollars for a single game.
So that pretty much makes FMOD beyond a realistic solution here.
Some might say that going back to DirectSound is probably the best
solution, but that too is problematic. First of all by developing
games using DirectSound that would rule out any possability of
creating games for Mac and Linux. For some of us, who aren't Windows
users, this option is unacceptable. Second, even for Windows users
using DirectSound is less than a perfect solution in the long run.
As I mentioned before DirectSound hasn't been updated for ages, is now
deprecated by Microsoft, and is scheduled for removal from the
DirectSound API. It only comes with Windows 7 for backwards
compatibility with older games, but who knows how long that backwards
compatibility will last.  Using DirectSound is probably fine for now,
but what about down the road when XAudio2 eventually replaces
DirectSound on future Windows operating systems?
Actually, as of Windows 7 XAudio2 is now the recommended and prefered
audio mixer for game developers. The only problem is it doesn't have a
stereo pan option either. Like everything else you have to position
sounds through its 3d renderer. There may be a way to create a custom
pan option, but the way to do it is mostly hypathetical at this point.
I'd hate to spend days and even weeks working on trying to research
and create my own stereo pan control for XAudio2 when I'm not even