Re: memcpy(p,p,len)

2010-04-30 Thread Mark Mielke
Just a quick comment than Jan-Benedict's opinion is widely shared by the 
specification and by the Linux glibc manpage:

   The  memcpy()  function  copies  n bytes from memory area src to 
   area dest.  The memory areas should not overlap.  Use memmove(3) 
if the

   memory areas do overlap.

It doesn't matter if it sometimes works. Sometimes works programs are 
sometimes doesn't work programs. :-)


On 04/30/2010 10:25 AM, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:

On Fri, 2010-04-30 16:14:36 +0200, Joakim  wrote:

Jan-Benedict  wrote on 2010/04/30 16:10:42:

On Fri, 2010-04-30 16:08:15 +0200, Joakim Tjernlund  wrote:

Is memcpy supposed to work when the src and dest are the same:
memcpy(p, p, 100);

It may work, but you cannot rely on it. Use memmove() alternatively.

My view too, but gcc 3.4.6 on gcc does this:


Surely, it may/will work here and there. But it's not portable :)  And
I won't rely on a it worked once fact.



Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/25/2010 11:27 PM, Dave Korn wrote:

On 26/04/2010 01:12, Mark Mielke wrote:

The real reason for FSF copyright assignment is control. The FSF wants to
control GCC.

   Yes.  Specifically, they want to be able to enforce the GPL.  Since only the
copyright holder can license code to anyone, whether under GPL or whatever
terms, FSF has to hold the copyright, or it can't sue anyone who breaches the
GPL, and therefore cannot enforce it.

If the software was truly free - and not limited use - there would be no 
need to enforce it. It would be free.

mode. I don't see how this benefits me in any way. If I'm giving software
that I write to the community for free, why do I care what they will do
with it? If I control how they can use it - it's not free. It's limited

   You're only looking at it from one side, that of an author.  The benefits of
the GPL are primarily to users.  Since all us authors are also users of
software, we should weigh up the inconveniences against the benefits.

This presumes that the benefits of truly free software are not 
sufficient on their own to result in benefits for the users. There are 
many non-GPL free software projects, that continue to be distributed 
for free, without the heavy handed enforcement defined by the GPL. The 
GPL is just one model for free software. It is not the only model, nor 
it is the most free model.

   There is value for me, as a user, in the existence of free software that
can't be restricted by proprietary acts of enclosure.  The GPL is
unashamedly a political strategy with a goal that can be seen to benefit all,
even without your needing to agree with the political stance: that goal is to
create a commons, and to make it impossible for there ever to be a tragedy of
that commons.  Whether you agree about the value (social or financial) or
likelihood of success of the exercise or not, you still benefit from that
commons, under pretty much any philosophical or political stance except for
the most extreme everything is a zero-sum game and therefore anything that
benefits anyone except me is a harm to me viewpoints.  Or so I think, anyway.

I think that other licenses exist which are both more free (less limited 
use), and would provide the same sorts of value in creating a commons. I 
think the creation of a commons should be about practical merit, and not 
some weird copyright protection that acts like a virus in that it 
infiltrates every derived software of the original software. I think 
people should do the right thing because it makes sense, not because the 
FSF crafted a clever way to lock people in to a certain model and never 
escape from it.

   So, why should you care what others will do with it?  Enlightened
self-interest.   You and others both benefit from the common wealth of free
software, therefore both you and others should, in theory, not want anyone to
try and hoard those benefits to themselves, because that's how tragedies of
commons arise.  This is what can happen with the proprietarisation of open
source software, the GPL is a way to avoid that from happening by caring about
what others do with it, hence you should care what others do with it.  You
release your software to the world because you hope people will benefit from
it, for the same reason you should continue to care what happens to it 

I have no fear of hoarding, because I believe that the merits of free 
software extend beyond a legal requirement to honour a copyright 
license. I believe companies generally discover that it is cheaper to 
contribute back to the project than to maintain patches off stream for 
extended periods of time. I believe that the users have power in 
requesting that the companies provide the software under an open source 
or free software license. I believe that free software has a significant 
place in this world which is compelling and self evident even to greedy 
self-interests. And if somebody doesn't get it, and hoards their own 
copy? I don't care. I as a user, can choose to not buy their solution. I 
as a user, can choose to contribute to an alternative to their solution. 
So what if somebody profits from my work? Companies such as RedHat 
profit from GPL work today. The copyright assignment part only goes so 
far in terms of protection. Personally, I have no problem with companies 
profiting from work which I have chosen to give away for free.

Referring to the people and employees who have gone through the copyright
assigment and employer disclaimers in the past and saying (they didn't
have a problem signing) isn't evidence that the process is practical,
efficient, or acceptable. These people probably just felt they had no other
choice. If given the option of NOT doing this process, I'm sure most of
them would happily have chosen option B.

   (Heh.  Making arbitrary claims about how many people you suppose or not
would make a certain choice or not and what their motives

Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/25/2010 11:44 PM, Dave Korn wrote:

On 26/04/2010 04:30, Richard Kenner wrote:

Yes.  Specifically, they want to be able to enforce the GPL.  Since only the
copyright holder can license code to anyone, whether under GPL or whatever
terms, FSF has to hold the copyright, or it can't sue anyone who breaches the
GPL, and therefore cannot enforce it.

Unless I'm missing something, that argues that the FSF must have
copyright to SOME of the code.  I don't see how having copyright for
all of the code would be needed to do that.

   Well, if the FSF don't own all the code, they can only license the bits they
do own.  That would leave the rest of it vulnerable to predation, at least.

... they can only license the bits they do own isn't quite right. The 
can only license the bits they have permission to license. Under the 
GPL, anybody with a legally obtained copy can re-license the software 
the same version of the GPL or a later version of the GPL.

Perhaps you mean they can only sue the bits they do own - but even that 
sounds suspect. If I have the rights to re-license software, and I 
re-license the software, why do I not have permission to enforce these 
rights? It doesn't make sense to me. But, I'm willing to assume the FSF 
lawyers know something I don't about copyright law, probably something 
about how only the actual owner (either due to being the original author 
or due to implicit copyright assignment to an employer or due to 
explicit copyright assignment to a third party such as the FSF?) can 
raise the law suit. If so, then yes, it would seem to, unfortunately, 
mean that you would need to get the author of the code that you want to 
sue about involved in the process.

Personally, this whole issue is problematic to me. I really can't see 
why I would ever sue somebody for using software that I had declared 
free. It wouldn't be worth my time and I have trouble understanding how 
I could demonstrate personal loss making the law suit worth persuing in 
the first place. Perhaps I do not run an organization such as the FSF or 
own a company that makes money off dual-licensing GPL/Commercial, so I 
don't have the same perspective as they do...


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/26/2010 12:31 AM, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

Mark  writes:

Wouldn't contributing a patch to be read by the person who will be
solving the problem, but without transferring of rights, introduce
risk or liability for the FSF and GCC?

I thought clean room implementation implies not seeing how somebody
else did it first, as the clean part is tainted after somebody
examines the patch?

Clean room implementation techniques are not required to avoid
copyright violations.  Copyright only covers the expression of an
idea; it does not cover the idea itself.  Expressing the same idea in
different code is not a copyright violation.  Even independent
identical expressions are not copyright violations if they are truly
independent.  And if there is only one possible way to express an
idea, then copyright does not apply at all, as there is no creative
aspect to the work.

They aren't truly independent if you use the patch as a model to work 
from. Demonstrating to a judge that your work is unique might be a lot 
more difficult if you confess to reading the original before writing the 

What are clean room implementations for if not for avoiding copyright 
violation? At my company, we took things seriously to the point of 
dividing the GPL designers from the non-GPL designers to prevent code 
fragments from being leaked to one side or the other, even if just a 
faint memory that ends up resulting in code that looks just about 
exactly like the original, even if the author cannot identify what the 
original was.


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/26/2010 03:23 PM, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

Chris  writes

w.r.t. hoarding, I'll point out that (in the context of GCC) being
able to enforce copyright is pretty useless IMO.  While you can
force someone to release their code, the GPL doesn't force them to
assign the copyright to the FSF.  In practice this means that you
can force someone to release their GCC changes, but you can't merge
them back to mainline GCC.  In a warped way you could argue that the
FSF using the GPL encourages their software to fork :-)

Again, just for the record.  History shows that this is not entirely
useless.  People at NeXT wrote the Objective C frontend to GCC.  They
did not intend to release the source code.  The FSF objected.  In the
end, NeXT wound up contributing the code, and that is why GCC has an
Objective C frontend.  In other words, the whole process worked as the
GPL intended.

This presumes that NeXT would not have discovered the value of free 
software and done the right thing eventually anyways. I think anybody 
who truly believes in free software should believe in it for practical 
reasons. It's not just a religion - it's the right way to do business. 
Business can understand dollars, and free software can be demonstrated 
to provide value in terms of $$$.

I think anybody who truly believes in the *merit* of free software, 
should be approaching companies who do not understand the merit with a 
business plan, not a class action law suit.

Of course, if you don't believe in the *merit* of free software, and 
just think it's something cool to screw around with and force ideas down 
other people's throats -- Feel free to pursue the class action law suit 
approach, or consolidate ownership with the FSF and make it a straight 
forward law suit instead.


P.S. Objective C in particular has a sour taste in my mouth, as it seems 
to be a key component to Apple's vendor lock in strategy. If you can't 
lock people in through closed source - just choose a barely used open 
source project extension to base the entire front end of your software 
on and cross your fingers the rest of the world won't bother to catch up 
any time soon because it is simply too much effort.

Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/26/2010 11:11 AM, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:

  If I have the rights to re-license software, and I re-license the
  software, why do I not have permission to enforce these rights?

Because you have the permission to re-DISTRIBUTE (not re-LICENSE)
the software and nothing else.

In case of GCC, you have the explicit permission to relicense the work
under a later version of the GPL.  In the case of the GNU Lesser GPL,
you have explicit permission to relicense the work under the GPL.  So
depending on the license, you might have permission to relicense the


I think the ability to re-license in the sense of changing the license 
to a different license (as allowed) is a significant freedom offered by 
the GPL. It's a significant enough freedom that Linus chose to deny it 
for Linux as he apparently felt it provided the wrong sort of freedom, 
at least at the time he made that call.

However, that isn't only/quite what I meant. My understanding of 
copyright law is that it *only* protects distribution rights of the 
works. For example, as long as I use the software internally within a 
single legal entity (company, house hold, or whatever is acceptable to 
the courts), I do not need to abide by *any* of the rules listed in the 
license, as I am not re-distributing the works. Most licenses, 
specifically including the GPL, specify rules that define what 
requirements I must meet before I am allowed to re-distribute the works. 
If re-distribute these works according to requirements, and then 
somebody down stream from me obtains a copy through me and then violates 
their licensing agreement in such a that I can demonstrate loss to a 
judge. I think I can sue. Or, rather, I don't see why I wouldn't be able 
to sue. I am required to include the license in the copy I distribute. 
They accepted the license as I provided. They violated the license. I 
can demonstrate losses as a result. How is this not a valid law suit? 
Why do I have to own the software to have a case? I think I just have 
to prove that a violation exists that I was the victim which resulted in 
a direct loss to me. I don't know where this own requirement comes 
from. But then, as I said in the thread two back that both of you are 
responding to - I am not a lawyer, and maybe the FSF knows something I 
do not. I think I've seen cases where users of software have leaned on 
companies to produce software under threat of a law suit, without 
necessarily involving each and every owner of the software. The WRT54G 
situation leaps right up to the top for me. I think the must legally 
own the works to be listed as a victim with losses in a law suit is not 
a true requirement. I think it might be convenient and might improve the 
chance of success - but I don't think that one requires access and 
commitment from the owners in order to create a law suit.

As somebody else pointed out, the freedoms of the GPL are designed for 
the users. The people who are the most likely to be the victims are the 
users. The authors gave the software away for free, so attempting to 
demonstrate losses on something you give away for free is almost 
laughable (I'm sure many here would not laugh). It is the *users* who 
should be able to create the law suit, because it is the *users* who are 
impacted, and it is the *users* who can put a $$$ figure on their 
losses. In the Objective C case, users can claim that without the 
Objective C code being contributed back, it would take X million man 
hours @ $N/hour to re-create the code for use in future projects. This 
is a loss which can be accurately demonstrated. Sue NeXT for 
X*N+penalties. They have the option of paying out the full amount, 
funding the free software community to create their own (hopefully 
better) Objective C implementation, settling for a smaller amount (if 
agreeable to the users), or releasing their software.

So again, I think copyright assignment is a matter of convenience and 
optimization - and not a legal requirement. But then, what do I really 


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/26/2010 07:41 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:

On 04/26/2010 11:23 AM, Mark Mielke wrote:

Personally, this whole issue is problematic to me. I really can't see
why I would ever sue somebody for using software that I had declared

Because (a derivative of) it is being made nonfree?

How does this hurt me? Instead of being concerned how people might try 
to exploit my code, why shouldn't I be spending effort making sure that 
the best solution for all parties, including greedy corporations, is to 
work with me, to make sure the code is kept in a small number of 
branches all available in the free and open source community? Why can't 
I demonstrate the merits of free software in such a way that even the 
most stubborn of CEOs will understand what I am offering to them?

It wouldn't be worth my time and I have trouble understanding how
I could demonstrate personal loss making the law suit worth persuing in
the first place.

Perhaps because you know the code better than anyone else, so you 
could provide paid support on that derivative as well.

This is true whether the code is GPL or truly free.

Or maybe because you have to.  There was a case of a free software 
project (JMRI) being sued for patent infringement by a proprietary 
software company.  It turned out that the proprietary software 
included source code from the free software project without 
attribution (copyleft was not even necessary, as the project was under 
the Artistic License!).  In this case, the possibility to counter-sue 
saved the free software programmer from having to pay millions of 

I think this might be an over simplification. There were many statements 
in this history (new to me - just read it all - good read) that 
demonstrate that the patents were incorrectly granted. The copyright 
issue was involved, and the defense of free / open source copyrights was 
involved, but it looks pretty clear to me that JMRI wanted to shut down 
*all* violations. They wanted the incorrectly granted patents dropped, 
and they wanted their copyrights held intact. Was the latter required 
for the former victory, or was that just how things played out?

I'll also note that even if it was required, it was the Artistic 
License, and it was demonstrated as being valid in a court of law. So, 
the GPL was not really part of this equation, and therefore not really 
part of this discussion, as off topic as it has gone. From my 
perspective, licenses like the Artistic License, the Apache license, or 
the BSD license, are great choices for free software projects.

I see your point that the possibility to counter-sue is valid, but I 
think the scope is the scenario provided is limited to the scope of 
ensuring that the copyright is valid at all, rather than any additional 
restrictions that the GPL defines. I think, though, that this is 
somewhat self-evident, and that the case really shows how a clever 
lawyer can confuse judges into providing poor judgements. This will 
always be a risk, and copyright is not the ultimate defense against this 
risk. It was an option in the case you listed, but I think there were 
other options. It's unfortunate that persuing options in court can cost 
large amount of money, but that's the society we live in. The best 
direction to take from the above case is to attack the problem at the 
source. 1) Patents, at least under the current system, are evil, and 
provide a lot of risk for what is becoming a questionable amount of 
value. 2) The courts need a better way to figure out when somebody is 
lying in their court room.

As demonstrated, there exists adequate laws to protect copyrights. No 
changes required on this front, at least for this scenario.


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

Copying David Daney's response to contrast against it:

GCC is a mature piece of software that works really well and it is in a 
programming domain which is not as well understood and for people such 
as myself, I would be intimidated from the start, to delve in and expect 
any contributions I make to be valuable enough to bother the existing 
machine with. :-)

But yes, if I overcame that intimidation, I'm sure David Daney's 
comments would describe the *next* barrier to overcome...


On 04/23/2010 03:33 PM, David Daney wrote:

On 04/23/2010 11:39 AM, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:

This seems to be the question running around the blogosphere for
several projects. And I would like to ask all people that read this
list but hardly say or do anything.

What reasons keep you from contributing to GCC?

I am going to answer why I think it is, even though I like to think 
that I do do something.

GCC has high standards, so anybody attempting to make a contribution 
for the first time will likely be requested to go through several 
revisions of a patch before it can be accepted.

After having spent considerable effort developing a patch, there can 
be a sense that the merit of a patch is somehow related to the amount 
of effort expended creating it.  Some people don't have a personality 
well suited to accepting criticism of something into which they have 
put a lot of effort.  The result is that in a small number of cases, 
people Bad Mouth GCC saying things like:  The GCC maintainers are a 
clique of elitist idiots that refuse to accept good work from outsiders.

Personally I don't agree with such a view, and I don't think there is 
much that can be done about it.  There will always be Vocal 
Discontents, and trying to accommodate all of them would surly be 
determental to GCC.

I think that some potential contributors are discouraged from 
contributing because they have been frightened away (by the Vocal 
Discontents mentioned above) before they can get started.

David Daney

Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/23/2010 06:18 PM, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:

My personal opinion is that this legal reason is a *huge*
bottleneck against external contributions. In particular, because
you need to deal with it *before* submitting any patch, which,
given the complexity (4MLOC) and growth rate (+30% in two years) of
GCC, means in practice that people won't even start looking
seriously inside GCC before getting that legal paper.

Simply not true, you can submit patches without the legal leg work
done.  The patch cannot be commited to the tree though.  And the time
it takes to do this is less than it took me to read your message...

I don't follow this comment...

Wouldn't contributing a patch to be read by the person who will be 
solving the problem, but without transferring of rights, introduce risk 
or liability for the FSF and GCC?

I thought clean room implementation implies not seeing how somebody 
else did it first, as the clean part is tainted after somebody 
examines the patch?


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/23/2010 08:37 PM, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
However, I would believe that most GCC contributors do not actively 
check their patch against the US patent system (because I perceive the 
US patent system to be very ill w.r.t. software). I confess I don't do 
that - it would be a full time  boring job.

At some companies, the lawyers specifically request that employees do 
NOT check for violation of patents or research any patents before 
writing code, as this process actually increases liability. It's similar 
to the clean room implementation model. If I look, then my ability to 
say I wrote this myself without any input is tainted. If I just write 
it myself without researching what others have done, then I can at least 
claim I never copied any ideas, and although I might still be found in 
violation of a patent, this can be addressed if and when it is found 
(either pay license/royalty fees or re-write the code to NOT use the 
now-known-to-be-patented ideas).

Just thought that this opposite approach might be interesting to 
readers... :-)


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/23/2010 08:47 PM, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

Basile  writes:

I also never understood what would happen if I had a brain illness to
the point of submitting illegal patches (I have no idea if such things
could exist; I am supposing today that if I wrote every character of
every patch I am submitting to GCC they cannot be illegal.),

The liability for the action would land on you rather than on the
FSF.  That is what matters for the future of the gcc project.


There is no unlimited liability in the copyright assignment, either in
words or in action.

In the first quote The liability... you agree that there is liability. 
In the second you say no unlimited liability.

So how much liability is required for somebody to accept in order to be 
allowed to contribute to GCC?


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/25/2010 11:20 AM, H.J. Lu wrote:

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Chris  wrote:

On Apr 25, 2010, at 7:59 AM, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:

So, is the copyright disclaimer implicit in the patch submission? Who
defines the conditions?

That web page is everything that there is.  I am aware that this is not as 
legally air-tight as the FSF disclaimer, but empirically many companies seem to 
have no problem with it.

Can't resist. So in theory, someone can sue LLVM and win. If it is the
case, I may
not want to use LLVM as my system compiler.

Considering that Linux, as the system kernel for many of us, is in a 
similar position, I don't see why the compiler, which isn't even a 
necessary part of a running system, would need to be more strict...

In any case, the FSF disclaimer is paper work. It may help in some 
theoretical situation - or maybe it will be called invalid at the time 
it is presented. The question is whether the added paper work is really 
providing protection, or is it just slowing contributions? I don't have 
the answer to that - I only see that LLVM and many other projects under 
various free / open source licenses are proceeding just fine without 
such paper work, so on the surface, it does seem like an overall loss 
for GCC. One day might it prove its value? Who knows...


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/25/2010 05:49 PM, Richard Kenner wrote:

So how much liability is required for somebody to accept in order to be
allowed to contribute to GCC?

This was answered already.  It's the same for EVERY software project
(not unique to GCC): if I steal somebody's copyrighted material and
contribute it to a software project, I am liable for the FULL EXTENT
of damages that my action caused.  This is true whether I sign an
assignment document or not.

Yep - but that's my point. Full extent without any number listed is 
effectively unlimited liability.

I saw people trying to suggest unlimited = infinity and that it will not 
be infinity, therefore it is not unlimited - but this just sounds like a 
wording game. One poster tried to argue that it was limited by 
describing that it was only 3 times some unspecified amount. But they 
missed that unspecified is unlimited. 3 times unspecified = 3 times 
unlimited = unlimited.

The fact is, it is unlimited liability because no limit has been set.

Whether this is unique to copyright assignment vs the more common shared 
ownership model? It's a good point that in either case, the liability 
may exist. This is where it becomes a bit complicated to me. As a for 
example, I could see somebody suing the FSF because it is a funded 
organization that can be easily listed as the defendant, whereas an 
open source project with hundreds of committers each with individual 
assignments for the parts they contributed, would be very difficult to 
list as the defendant, so they would have to target the people 
involved with the specific patch - or me. I couldn't see somebody 
suing me (my bank account hovers pretty low most of the time). Companies 
are not going to sue nobodies such as myself because there is no money 
in it. So, in practice, is there a difference or not? I think there is. 
With the assignment comes responsibility - except the FSF is explicitly 
requiring unlimited liability indemnity from the author, so they are 
accepting responsibility for the value, but not accepting responsibility 
for the risk. I can see why the FSF would want this - but I cannot see 
why I would want this. What's in it for me?

Honestly, this discussion has resurrected my concerns about the FSF in 
general. And since I don't really want to argue about this here, I think 
I'll cut it off by just repeating that there are a lot of GPL / BSD / 
etc. projects out there that don't seem to have the problems that are 
being predicted. The only one I see of any value is the ability to 
change the license in the future, without my explicit consent. Honestly, 
I'm a bit concerned about having my code be distributed under a 
different license without my explicit consent, especially as my 
definition of free does not match the definition of free provided by the 


Re: Why not contribute? (to GCC)

2010-04-25 Thread Mark Mielke

On 04/25/2010 06:27 PM, Richard Kenner wrote:

I couldn't see somebody suing me (my bank account hovers pretty low
most of the time). Companies are not going to sue nobodies such as
myself because there is no money in it. So, in practice, is there a
difference or not?

No, because then the FSF wouldn't sue you EITHER!  There's NO
DIFFERENCE in theory or in practice as to your liability whether there's
an assignment or not and whether it's GCC or some other project.

Obviously there is a difference, otherwise FSF wouldn't be requesting 
copyright assignment. The difference is that the FSF owns the entire 
project. Does this affect liability in theory or in practice? You say 
no. I say it might. Consolidated ownership means an easy target for a 
greedy company and a lazy judge (neither of which are in poor 
abundance). Under such a model, this easy target, if successfully sued 
and if damages are awarded, would pull up the copyright assignment 
agreement and hold me liable for the amount. Distributed ownership 
provides a difficult target and a less likely candidate for either a law 
suit in the first place, or a high $$$ amount once they figure out that 
they can only really sue me (and not a well funded organization). The 
ultimate in free, for me, is if every single person in the world 
contributed at least one line of code to the project, and retains 
ownership to their piece. Each person is then liable to each other 
person, and a true community owned project exists. Consolidated 
ownership can't do this.

The real reason for FSF copyright assignment is control. The FSF wants 
to control GCC. This presents a chore for potential contributors with 
very little value (if any) in return for their efforts. The published 
explanation (why-assign.html) states clearly that the FSF believes it is 
easier to defend the software and all derived software as being free 
(as defined by the FSF) using a consolidated ownership mode. I don't see 
how this benefits me in any way. If I'm giving software that I write to 
the community for free, why do I care what they will do with it? If I 
control how they can use it - it's not free. It's limited use.

In some ways, I wish a group did fork GCC under GPL and drop the 
copyright assignment requirement. In other ways, this entire issue is 
just so minor to me that it isn't worth going beyond this thread. GCC 
works, but so do other compilers (Intel CC, LLVM, ...). GCC is 
distributed under the GPL, so if the FSF ever becomes a real problem (as 
opposed to merely having a political agenda), it can be forked at this 
later time.

All in all, pretty minor. GCC wants FSF copyright assignment and 
employer disclaimers? GCC will not have as many contributors. Your choice.

There are plenty of projects that we (lurkers / non contributors) can 
contribute to other projects that are not as mature and require more 
attention, or even other compilers (LLVM?).

Referring to the people and employees who have gone through the 
copyright assigment and employer disclaimers in the past and saying 
(they didn't have a problem signing) isn't evidence that the process 
is practical, efficient, or acceptable. These people probably just felt 
they had no other choice. If given the option of NOT doing this process, 
I'm sure most of them would happily have chosen option B.


Re: trivial trailing whitespace issue

2009-11-26 Thread Mark Mielke

On 11/26/2009 08:18 AM, Michael Matz wrote:

How, for goodness sake, can pure trailing whitespace changes, which by
necessity you can't even _see_ in an editor (except if you activate modes
that explicitely show them e.g. in different color) clean up code?  Have
you looked at the patch or fallout from it?  If not, why do you speak in
favor of it?

I'm an outside observer with professional ties to SCM.

This issue is similar in scope to TAB vs SPACE for indenting. Whether 
you can see it or not is not indicative of whether it has downstream 
effects or not.

Generally, whitespace on the end of lines is bad, and cleanup eventually 
becomes necessary. It is bad because people will accidentally change 
lines without realizing them, and these changed lines show up in patches 
and annotations. This goes both ways - a lot of people browse code in vi,
and accidentally add space to the end of lines they don't even intend to 
change. Or, maybe their editor automatically strips whitespace at end of 
line when they re-indent. Who knows? Same happens with TAB changed to 
SPACE or back and forth. Once these start to accumulate - they create 
downstream consequences that multiply. You can't see it, but every 
program that the file passes through *does* see them.

Is cleanup in bulk the right approach? You either clean up over time or 
you do it in bulk. In my own projects, some of the designers I worked 
with had horrible habits in this regard. Every second line would have 
whitespace on the end. The longer it is left, the worse the effect.

As software architect for our project, I notified the team I was doing a 
cleanup, and did it in bulk. Due to the notification, everything went 

It sounds like the idea should have been proposed and accepted. 
Everybody would have been ready for it, and nobody would be upset. Oh well.

It's been entertaining. is normally pretty dull to 
read... :-)



Re: GPL (probably a FAQ)

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Mielke

On 07/23/2009 11:28 PM, graham_k wrote:

Can someone tell me definitively - if I use a ten line GPLed function, say
quicksort, in 500,000 lines of code which I write myself, do I need to GPL
all of my source code and make the ode free for all?

If you want a definitive answer you should contact a lawyer.

What makes you think 10 lines would be exempt? Is there some part of the 
GPL that makes you think this?

Realistically - the GPL would have some sort of limits that the 
copyright owner would have difficulty enforcing. For example, a 
copyright license is not the same as a patent or trademark and the 
chances that I write 10 lines the exact same as 10 of your lines, for a 
well known algorithm, are actually pretty high. If you GPL'ed your 
lines, and I never looked at your lines - the GPL cannot stop me from 
using my 10 lines even if they exactly match yours. However, it would 
raise questions, and if you sued me, I would probably have to show 
evidence that I had never seen your lines before.

This is why it's bad to even LOOK at GPL code. Above, it hints that you 
have looked. If you have looked - how can you truly say that the lines 
you reproduce from your head are not a derivation? Sure you could change 
the variables around and move some of the blocks around to achieve the 
same effect while making it look different - but in truth, you have 
derived their source, and if you do not put the GPL on your software, 
you are violating their rights. You would be stealing their 
implementation without a valid license (in effect even if not in intent).

That all said - I see the GPL as being similarly evil to patents. The 
concept is that the idea can be owned by a person or entity, and this 
ownership grants the person the right to limit access to the idea. The 
GPL is not a free license. It is a restrictive license that plays with 
the concept of *enforcing* freedom. I want to see the patent office 
closed, and I'd like to see the GPL invalidated in a court of law. 10 
lines of code that provide nothing exceptionally unique that could be 
easily re-written by somebody else who has knowledge of the algorithm 
should not be possible to protect in ANY way. It is not providing unique 
value that requires protection in order to encourage people to 
contribute. The proof of this for me is that other licenses that are far 
more free have communities that thrive just as well as the GPL 
communities. People like the GPL, or they like the BSD license. But, 
when it really comes down to it, a person looking to contribute to a 
project does not usually say I refuse to participate in your project 
because it has a BSD license. The GPL is evil and deserves to be struck 

Oops - I think this will get me kicked out of the list. :-)



Re: machine figure

2008-07-23 Thread Mark Mielke

Jason mclaughlin wrote:

Say pieces on a board, make each a pair with another piece.



so figure out how a piece can move.

This is the second post I've seen like this - and no responses.

What is the proposed value of this line of thinking? Is there some 
particular optimization that can be designed as a result? Do you have 
verifiable evidence that it will provide value? Perhaps sample C code 
and the theoretical assembler code you think should be generated 
alongside the current assembler code generated by GCC? Or is this 
rambling thoughts on a subject? I'm interested in reading about the 
former. I have no interest at all in reading about the latter. :-)



Re: Optimization of conditional access to globals: thread-unsafe?

2007-10-29 Thread Mark Mielke

Michael Matz wrote:
Yes, and of course GCC doesn't move stores or loads over functions calls.  
That's not the issue at all.  The issue is, that people want to write 

  if (condition)
*p = value;
(i.e. without any synchronization primitive or in fact anything else after 
the store in the control region) and expect that the store indeed only 
happens in that control region.  And this expectation is misguided.
If this is correct (condition makes no function calls and no volatiles 
are used, then I understand and agree.



Re: Optimization of conditional access to globals: thread-unsafe?

2007-10-28 Thread Mark Mielke

David Miller wrote:

From: Michael Matz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 18:08:23 +0100 (CET)
I mean who am I to demand that people write correct code, 
I must be insane.

Correctness is defined by pervasive common usage as much as it
is by paper standards.
Reading this thread, I find myself confused. GCC is used regularly for 
both multi-threaded and single-threaded code. It is impractical to 
require all variables that may be shared between threads to be declared 
volatile. Worse, I find myself suspecting it may be impossible. Any 
particular library may be used from a multi-threaded context or a 
single-threaded context, with a very common belief that the access can 
be protected by wrapping all accesses to the thread-unsafe resource with 
a mutex. Are some people here really suggesting that all variables 
everywhere be declared volatile?

I remain unconvinced that declaring these shared variables volatile is 
correct. Certainly, if the ordering of reads and writes must be 
carefully controlled completely by the programmer, volatile should be 
used. Most uses are not like this. Most uses require only lose ordering. 
The lose ordering is providing by a mutex or other synchronization 
primitive. As any function call might call a synchronization primitive, 
this would mean that any function call should ensure that all scheduled 
reads or writes to shared data before the function is called, be 
performed before the function is called. Similarly, all such data may 
have changed by the time the function returns. Unless the function can 
be proven to have no effect (global optimization analysis? function 
inlining?), this is expected behavior.

Am I stating the obvious? Is this an unreasonable expectation for some 
reason? Do I not understand the issue?



Re: Optimization of conditional access to globals: thread-unsafe?

2007-10-28 Thread Mark Mielke

Dave Korn wrote:

On 29 October 2007 01:38, David Miller wrote:

  You'll be back.  Next week, you'll discover a corner case where caching a

shared variable in a register can be a bad thing when one thread uses locks
and the other doesn't, and you'll be back to demand that optimisation is
removed as well.

Why would David ask for something so unreasonable?

Why do you believe that the use of mutex to synchronize access to a 
shared resource, without the use of volatile on the shared resource 
being accessed, as documented in countless real life examples, is 
unreasonable or incorrect?

I do not understand your position.

