Re: [gdal-dev] Re: How detect the BlockSize to make tiles of my dataset to open it?

2011-04-20 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-20 02:43 PM, gistdt08 wrote:

Many thanks Frank,

Could be useful it for avoid OutMemoryException?


Reading the image one scanline at a time can be accomplished in a modest
amount of memory.  Attempting to read the whole image at once would take
... lots of memory.  So, yes I imagine so.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal_translate segfault with large netCDF

2011-04-19 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-19 05:01 AM, wrote:


I’m new to GDAL so please forgive any glaring ignorance J

Currently I have an 8GB ER Mapper (ERS) dataset that I want to convert to a
NetCDF file with gdal_translate which always results in a segfault when using
the following command.

gdal_translate -of netCDF input.ers

Whereas translating only a small 4B subset of the dataset works fine.

Now I’ve been doing a bit of reading and I know that netcdf 3.6.2 and below
doesn’t support variables greater than 4GB however I’ve been doing the
translations with the Debian libnetcdf6 package (which I believe includes
netCDF 4.1.1 and running ‘ncgen –version’ confirms this). I am operating under
the impression that netCDF 4.1.1 should be able to handle netCDF files of this
size without trouble.

Now I’ve tested gdal_translate from a variety of builds and they all produce
the same problem


I don't see any immediately obvious problems in the way we call the netcdf
API in netcdfdataset.cpp's CreateCopy method.  I would suggest you file a
ticket on the issue, and a developer can try to reproduce the problem.

I would like to suggest that you do a gdal_translate from a subset of the
ERS file at the bottom right corner of the source just to ensure that it
isn't a problem with reading past the 4GB mark in the ERS file.

I seem to have 3.6.3 of the netcdf library so I can't trivially check
this on my system.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Shapefile (DBF) Code Page Handling

2011-04-16 Thread Frank Warmerdam


I have implemented some preliminary support for encoding/decoding of string
attributes to/from DBF files in trunk.  Changes are:

Some notes at:

Testing and example files are welcome, especially those with associated .cpg

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] ogr2ogr clipping issue

2011-04-15 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-15 03:09 PM, edwarddes wrote:

I am trying to clip a dxf to a region, using the following command:
ogr2ogr -f DXF -clipdst $w $e $s $n ./tmp/${BASE}_avg_05_unbuffered.dxf
where w,e,s,n are defined as follows:
echo $w $e $s $n
225000 229000 902000 906000

The data is properly clipped on the north and west side, but on the south
and east side, no clipping takes place.  The source file has extents that
are 100units larger in each direction


From the usage message I see:

  [-clipdst [xmin ymin xmax ymax]|WKT|datasource]

I think you need

  -clipdst $w $s $e $n

That is, you have the arguments in the wrong order.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Gamma parameter not set in proj4 string for RSO projections

2011-04-14 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-14 04:15 AM, Hilmy Hashim wrote:

I'm using OSGeo4W on Windows 7. I just checked using the OSGeo4W shell and
setting gdaldev environment epsg_tr does give me +gamma. On my Ubuntu 10.04 box
with GDAL 1.7.3, the gamma is not there.

I've just updated QGis 1.7.0-114 and I don't get the gamma in the CRS listing.


For reference, in my OSGeo4W install I see:

C:\warmerdaepsg_tr -proj4 3168
# Kertau (RSO) / RSO Malaya (m)
3168 +proj=omerc +lat_0=4 +lonc=102.25 +alpha=323.0257905 +k=0.99984 +x_0=8046
70.24 +y_0=0 +gamma=323.130102361 +a=6377295.664 +b=6356094.667915204 +units
=m +no_defs  

C:\warmerdaepsg_tr --version
GDAL 1.8.0, released 2011/01/12

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Abstracts for FOSS4G 2011 are due tomorrow

2011-04-14 Thread Frank Warmerdam


FOSS4G 2011 presentation abstracts are due by tomorrow, April 15th.
If you are thinking of attending FOSS4G 2011 in Denver and have
something related to free geospatial software that you would like
to present (30 minute slots including questions) then write up an
abstract and submit it promptly.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal datum shift

2011-04-13 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-12 06:07 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:

Trying to get a raster to go from NAD83 to NAD27 with gdalwarp. Can't see any
way to tell how it is choosing to do it. Is this documented anywhere?  Is there
any way to make it verbose so I can tell if it's trying?

I ran it through strace and watched it open a file called gdal_datum.csv but of
course can't tell what it's trying to do.

I found this post from Frank which implies it tries to be smart and figure out
the transforms without my help:

But it's not working and since I don't know how to tell what it's doing I can't
intelligently ask for help. :-)

Thanks for your patience with a n00by


Command I am using:

gdalwarp -of HFA -co COMPRESSED=YES -t_srs
ESRI::NAD_1927_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601.prj 11s5w34f_color_ne.sid

Output is in the right coordinate space (it's moved from meters to feet) but
has that familiar 10 or so meter shift we get around like the NAD83-NAD27
transform failed.

The input file SRS looks like this

Coordinate System is:


I believe the problem is the source datum name
NAD83_High_Accuracy_Regional_Network.  I believe
this is *not* recognised as essentially NAD83 and so
the source datum is treated as unknown and no datum
shifts are done.

It can be helpful to run gdalwarp with the commandline
option --debug on in which case the debug output should
include the PROJ.4 rendering of the source and destination
coordinate system.

At a very low level you can also define the PROJ_DEBUG environment
variable to the value ON and PROJ.4 will report some details on what
datum files are opened.

I think you are going to have to provide a source coordinate
system with the -s_srs commandline switch to gdalwarp that
defines a more conventional NAD83 based coordinate system.  You
might also want to file a ticket on this issue.  Ideally we
would be smarter about treating NAD83 HARN as equivelent to NAD83
for most purposes.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] About the legality of import - export

2011-04-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-12 03:26 AM, Antonio P. wrote:

What are your experience about this topic?
For example, we have dwg, shp, pdf files : Can I distribute a program that
import an export data in these formats ?
And what about writing data into an existing files ?

What legal implications we have to be in mind?


There are no legal issues with reading and writing shapefiles.  The format
is public and GDAL/OGR does not use any code with unusual licensing for this

For PDF I am guessing you are using the Poppler based PDF driver in GDAL.
If you build with Poppler you should review it's licensing information which
is, I believe, GPL.  So if you distribute a program using GDAL/OGR and Poppler
there are legal ramifications for your program.  Essentially you would need to
provide source code for the program linked with GDAL.

For DWG, I'm not sure what you are planning on.  GDAL/OGR does not currently
read DWG.  There is some discussion of a DWG reader based on the Open Design
Alliance libraries.  If that comes to fruition there will be special legal
issues due to their proprietary licensing.

Note that the above addresses responsibility for software distribution.
For any given file there may be other restrictions on it from the creator
or distributor of the data.  I can't address that here.  But generally
ensuring those requirements are followed will be the responsibility of
whoever accepts the data - not the software distributor.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Removing GCPs from tiff

2011-04-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-12 03:17 AM, Goo Creations wrote:

Hi all

I've got a tiff file with a number of stored GCPs. How can I remove these GCPs
from the file?

I've tried:

const GDAL_GCP *pasGCPList, const
char *pszGCPProjection)

with the first parameter of 0, but without luck. Seems like SetGCPs only adds
the GCPs, rather than re-assigns the entire stored set.


Jukka's suggestion is good.  I would also encourage you to file a ticket on
this.  Calling SetGCPs() with zero GCPs *ought* to clear them.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo doesn't show GEOS projection info

2011-04-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-12 10:24 AM, kingkastle wrote:


I'm working with hdf5 file  with the following attributes:

(obtained with hdfview)

However, when I gdalinfo the file, I get the following information:
Driver: HDF5Image/HDF5 Dataset
Files: none associated
Size is 1701, 651
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.257223563,
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (0.0,0.0)
Lower Left  (0.0,  651.0)
Upper Right ( 1701.0,0.0)
Lower Right ( 1701.0,  651.0)
Center  (  850.5,  325.5)


So, basically I can't see in the gdalinfo the following information:

+) Proyection used
+) Origin
+) Pixel size

In fact, when I do gdal-translate the file created is not georeferenced

In my opinion, the problem is that the hdf5 attributes are imcomplete or not
rightly defined,

Please let me know your opinion

Many thanks in advance and best regards,


One challenge with HDF5 (and HDF4) products is that coordinate system
and other georeferencing metadata may be included in a wide variety of
forms.  This aspect is not well standardized - or at least the standards
that exist are often not followed.  So, in this case, GDAL is not able
to deduce the coordinate system or geotransform.  It seems like there
*might* be enough metadata available to construct coordinate system
information for this dataset but it would likely require a fair amount
of fooling around to implement and verify.

If the data is public you might want to file a GDAL ticket with a pointer
to the dataset and the metadata report along with a request to support
this georeferencing format.  But I must confess I am unlikely to work
on it unless I have client interest.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] ArcSDE: connection times too long

2011-04-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-12 10:33 AM, Duarte Carreira wrote:

Hi listers.

I’m seing a very long delay while connecting to ArcSDE. Even if I just do
ogrinfo on a single layer I still have to wait a few minutes before I get
anything back.

Any parameter I can use?


The SDE driver docs at says:

If the layer parameter is specified then the SDE driver is able to skip 
reading the summary metadata for each layer; skipping this step can be a 
significant time savings.

So try listing the layer of interest in the connection string.


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] ArcSDE: connection times too long

2011-04-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-04-12 12:12 PM, Duarte Carreira wrote:

Hi Frank.

I do that already: ogrinfo -so -ro SDE:server,5151,,user,pdw

Notice that I separate the layer name with a blank space. Using a comma does
not work for me (wonder if the docs are right on that??).

I still wait quite a bit. This is a mid-sized db, with some 1200 feature


In your case you are passing user.featureclass as the layer name to
ogrinfo telling it that you only want to report on that layer.  But
to avoid opening all layers, you should also include it in the connection


ogrinfo -so -ro SDE:server,5151,,user,pdw,user.featureclass user.featureclass

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: Warping ECMWF's grib file

2011-03-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-29 06:44 AM, António Rocha wrote:

Driver: GRIB/GRIdded Binary (.grb)
Files: c:\Test_areas\area8.grib
Size is 15, 5
Coordinate System is:
GEOGCS[Coordinate System imported from GRIB file,
Origin = (169.500,6.000)
Pixel Size = (1.500,-1.500)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 169.500, 6.000) (169d30' 0.00E, 6d 0' 0.00N)
Lower Left ( 169.500, -1.500) (169d30' 0.00E, 1d30' 0.00S)
Upper Right ( 192.000, 6.000) (192d 0' 0.00E, 6d 0' 0.00N)
Lower Right ( 192.000, -1.500) (192d 0' 0.00E, 1d30' 0.00S)
Center ( 180.750, 2.250) (180d45' 0.00E, 2d15' 0.00N)

So it seems some kind of a conflict with the coordinates. Right? Any tip on how
to solve it?

António Rocha wrote:


I have a GRIB file with longitude between 170 and 190 (attached to this
email) and, when I try to warp it to Geotiff the outcome cannot be displayed.
Can anyone give me a tip on how to warp this file? (the problem is not the
grib but the longitude coordinates)


The first email did not come through, likely due to a large attachment.
Can you make the file you tried available by http, and post the exact
command you used to transform it?  There are various complexities with
files crossing the dateline but I'd like to have the real file and command
to test before trying to respond.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal_translate gif-gtiff warning

2011-03-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-29 12:22 PM, Dori wrote:

I am trying to convert this GIF to gtiff.
I used this command after assuming projection was lcc:
*gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs '+proj=lcc +lon_0=-95 +lat_0=25 lat_1=25'
-a_ullr $ulx $uly $lrx $lry ../maps/my_image.gif ../maps/my_image.tif *

If I try to view the image using ImageMagick I can see it but I get a warning
about TiffReadDirectory field tag 42112 encountered.  If I try to view the same
image with a proprietary software then, I get the same warning but I am not
able to see the image.


Q1: is there any easy way to find out if this warning is caused because I am
using the wrong projection?


Tag 42112 is a custom GDAL tag for storing metadata and is unrelated
to the projection.

Q2: Does the command I am using look OK?

The command looks plausible but from the output file it is clear
you are assigning corner coordinates that are lat/long, not LCC
projected meter coordinates.  You will likely need to first reproject
the lat/long corners into projected coordinates before you can assign
them with -a_ullr.  You could use the PROJ.4 cs2cs command or the
gdaltransform command to accomplish the reprojection from lat/long to
projected coordiantes.

Q3: How do I get rid of the warning to try viewing the image with the
proprietary software?

You can avoid the warning by using the commandline option:


This instructs GDAL to avoid adding any tags not in the GeoTIFF
standard.  However, I suspect the warning isn't actually what is
interfering with use of the image.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] OGR S57 write support

2011-03-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-29 03:38 PM, slava_l wrote:

Good day everyone!

I am a new OGR user, using S57 driver to write some data (like soundings and
Could somebody help me to find any docs or provide some example how to write
isobath into the file?
I can't find any docs neither over the Internet nor at the

Actually, I made S57 file but it's definitely does not match S57 IHO
standard. I don't understand how could I make correct Eage record and fill
FOID and some other fields.


Producing S-57 files is quite involved.  The default support in ogr2ogr really
depends on you having the data already in exactly the S-57 data model.  This
can work when transforming from S-57 to S-57 but otherwise is very
very difficult.

Are you hoping to write S-57 files with ogr2ogr?  A script?  A C++ program?

I did once write a small c++ program to write files with just soundings but
I can't seem to find the source code now.  Normally a task like this would
either require a serious S-57 expert or you would need to contract someone
like me to assist and it would be somewhat expensive.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Reproject Landsat USGS image

2011-03-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-28 05:10 AM, Luisa Peña wrote:


I got a reply  to my message stating that  GDAL ignores a flag in the GEOTIF
specification that says whether the coordinates are for the center or the
lower-left of each pixel. 
Is this true? It's exacly what I am obtaining and what Markus Neteler explained
me (about the useage of NN method)

Can anyone confirm me?


Prior to GDAL 1.8 the PixelIsPoint information was not considered to
affect the Geotransform.  This was corrected in 1.8 and is described in
this RFC:

Note that this does not have a different result depending on the warper
resampling kernel used.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Getting unique values from a raster band

2011-03-21 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-21 08:28 AM, Tom Jeffery wrote:

What is the proper way to extract all the unique values contained in a raster
Band object?  I had initially assumed that if a RasterAttributeTable object
existed, it would contain a Value column, but I have come across instances
where the only column in the table is a Histogram field containing the counts
of each pixel value, but not the value itself.

Currently, I check for the existence of the table, check to see if it has a
Value column, and if not, inspect each pixel value to get the unique set.  The
pixel scanning fallback method is quite slow, however, and when I view the same
rasters in ArcCatalog and bring up the Table view, it is able to instantly
display the typical Value / Count table.  Is there some trick I'm missing here
on how to get these values?


I believe that ArcGIS is using the GetHistogram() method on the band which
can also find the histogram stored in other ways than a RasterAttributeTable.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] down?

2011-03-21 Thread Frank Warmerdam


Still unavailable from my network, in Spain. Same problem with since today. And

Says trac is down...

Should we report this to ?


The Trac/SVN VM was down for circa 30 minutes this morning, but should be
working fine again now. This problem was unrelated to the

For GDAL or other OSGeo systems problems I would encourage the following

1) Mention it in the #osgeo channel on IRC if you notice a problem.
2) wait 10-15 minutes for a response or for a transient problem to go away.
3) Submit a trac ticket at (with component
set to Systems Admin) and details on the issue.  Email about the ticket
will be sent to the sac mailing list.

Obviously problems with trac can't be reported via trac in which case
email to the mailing list would be good.  Note that
you need to be subscribed to the list to post to it.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] down?

2011-03-18 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-18 07:50 AM, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:

Can someone on the network check the reverse
route? A ping should suffice, an example hosts to check against: (my gateway on INTERB-MNT)


I can confirm the above IP cannot be pinged from,
but can be from Montreal.  I will note there is a download mirror at

I would suggest we leave other dicussion of to the
OSGEO System Administration Committee mailing list.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Rotate unreferenced tiff file by -90 degrees

2011-03-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-17 05:09 AM, Wesley Roberts wrote:

Dear gdal'ers

I am working with TRMM rainfall data from an HDF5 file (converted from hdf4
to hdf5). I am able to use gdal_translate to extract the gridded data from
the HDF file using the following command.

gdal_translate -of GTiff

Gdal_translate works a treat and writes out the test.tif file perfectly,
however, the file is unreferenced and needs to be rotated by -90 degrees. Is
it possible to do this using gdal_translate or do I need to make use of
gdalwarp as well? My tiff world file needs to look something like this

0.50 0.000 0.000 -0.50 -179.75 36.75

Am I correct in assuming that a suitable proj4 statement might do the trick,
wrt assigning projection info and defining rotation? If so can someone point
me towards a document explaining the various proj4 declaration parameters,
or give me some advice on how to go about getting the data properly


I think the easiest approach is to prepare a worldfile representing the
current georeferencing in east-up or west-up orientation.  Then use
gdalwarp to transform it to north up.

  gdalwarp input.tif output.tif

For east up I think the world file might look something like:


You might need to fiddle around with the orientation a bit to get it

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Rotate unreferenced tiff file by -90 degrees

2011-03-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-17 10:49 AM, Zoltan Szecsei wrote:

For east up I think the world file might look something like:


You might need to fiddle around with the orientation a bit to get it

Best regards,

But presumable the pixel sizes (1st  4th) would not be zero?


For east-up or west-up I believe that the 1st and 4th elements in the
world file *should* be zero and the 2nd and 3rd will be the pixel size
though I may be mixed up about the signs.  More detail on the meaning
of the world file is available at:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Need help generating output with alpha channels using Python API

2011-03-16 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-14 12:50 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:


I'm having some difficulties understanding how to get GDAL to generate
images with usable alpha channels. I have 3-channel RGB input JPEG image,
delivered to GDAL as a VRT with a projection and ground control points,
which I'm warping to an output that's no longer rectangular, leaving
background areas exposed. Here is an example output:

The black parts are intended to be transparent, but I haven't been able to
understand how to make that work. Here's the relevant part of my Python

I've tried to switch to a four channel output which gets me what I think are
CMYK channels. I've tried to use SetNoDataValue on the destination bands to
make the background purple so it can be easily knocked out. I've tried to
create the GTiff output dataset using the ALPHA=YES creation option, but it
seemingly doesn't make a difference. None of these ideas has worked - does
anyone have any ideas on how the Python API can be used to create
transparent output?


I would have thought preinitializing the destination dataset to a marker
value should have done the trick.  I'm not sure what you mean by using
SetNoDatavalue().  Are you aware that this just records metadata with the
band indicating what the nodata value should be?

Normally I would suggest adding an alpha band on the output and ensuring it
is used.  But I see GDALReprojectImage() does not make it easy to do this
particularly the way it is bound in Python which does not allow one to
pass in the warp options structure.

So one approach is for you to precreate the output image, initializing
with some particular nodata pixel value and then using that in post

Another approach might be for the me to modify GDALReprojectImage to
utilize an alpha band properly if it exists on the destination image.
I can do this in trunk if that would be helpful to you.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Chinese Filenames

2011-03-10 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-10 10:42 AM, kui yang wrote:

gdal 1.8.0 has problem. when the filename is in Chinese

Kui Yang,

That is not a very detailed bug report.  GDAL 1.8 includes some changes
in the underlying handling of filenames such that filenames passed in to
GDALOpen() should be passed in UTF-8 rather than the local encoding.  This
was generally the situation already on Linux and I suppose most other unix
type operating systems.  But it was a change on windows.

Are you working on windows?

How are you encoding the filenames being passed to GDALOpen()?

As a workaround, you can restore essentially the old filename handling
behavior on windows by setting the GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8 configuration
variable to NO.  Some info on setting config options is available at:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] crop a non-square subwindow?

2011-03-10 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-10 05:07 PM, Wendell Turner wrote:

Is there a way to force pixels outside of the cropping
polygon to be 'not there', or transparent?  Is there a burn
value that indicates that?


The -dstnodata parameter can be used to set the output nodata value.  I'm
not sure if it will properly mark that value as no data or not and whether
the end application honours nodata values in geotiff is ... variable.

Another approach is to use -dstalpha to add an alpha channel to the output.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GDALWarpOperation.ChunkAndWarpImage slow on large tiffs

2011-03-09 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-09 01:46 PM, Radim Blazek wrote:


GDALWarpOperation.ChunkAndWarpImage was reported to be extremly slow
on larger geotiff (over 1GB). Is it possible that it is much slower
with respect to GDALRasterIO()  even without reprojection? Should I
return to 'manualy' reading data via GDALRasterIO() + fidling with
data extents and cells alignement? I thought that GDAL
ChunkAndWarpImage will do it even faster, possibly knowing better (?)
various formats nature.

Is there way to tune somehow performance? Currently no reprojection
and GRA_NearestNeighbour.


GDALWarpOperation is intended to be a high precision image resampler.
Within the constraints of doing this correctly it attempts to be fast,
but it will generally be quite a bit slower than direct RasterIO calls
and in some situations dramatically slower.  Particularly it is completely
inappropriate to use for radical downsampling.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Polygon

2011-03-04 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-04 05:02 AM, Alexandre Leclerc wrote:

Anybody can help me please ?

I feel that the SHPWriteObject() write a bad way in the file.

Do you think it could come from compiler ? I use Borland C++ 6

When I edit the file in text editor it seems good, the length of the file is 

But when I read file with SHPOpen() the psSHP-nFileSize attribute is 100…
oddly this corresponds to the size of the header (shx).

So I wonder if It comes from compiler or not…

What do you think ?


It sounds like you neglected to close the file so the header remains as
it was on creation.  Shapelib related questions are better sent to the
Shapelib mailing list.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] How files are handled in OGR / GDAL

2011-03-01 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-03-01 12:29 PM, Mikhail Tchernychev wrote:

Hello List,

I could probably figure it out from the source, but I would apprecaite
if someone could point me in the right direction.

The question is: does GDAL / OGR loads the file in the memory when it
opens in or it just keeps reference to the actual file

Say if I open it, process it etc

hDS =OGROpen,

and then do (without closing)


and process again

would it actually trigger re-reading file from the disk or not?

In other words does OGR creates complete memory image for the file or
just reads actual file when it needs something?


These is driver dependent.  But we try to avoid holding too much of the
underlying file in memory.  In the case of the shapefile driver the .shx
index contents are loaded into RAM and kept there but the .shp and .dbf
records are read as-needed.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] What is status of RFC23?

2011-02-24 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-24 09:05 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:


I'm trying to find what's the actual status of the RFC 23 [1]
The only reference I got so far is from its header:

Status: Adopted (partially implemented)

and 1.6.0 release notes [2]:

RFC 23: Preliminary support for character set transcoding
(in OGR for now).

but what does it mean?
What means preliminary and partially here?

Are the functions like OGRFeature::SetField and GetFieldAsString()
fully UTF-8 aware/enabled?



The RFC is now mostly implemented.  Only recently the iconv() implemented
was integrated into CPLRecode().

Of course the RFC sets up the superstructure but does not guarantee that
all drivers return UTF8.  Skiming the code, it appears the dxf, GeoRSS,
GML, GPX, NAS, Postgres, SOSI, VRT (depending on underlying layer) and
WFS layers declare themselves with OLCStringsAsUTF8.

Of course other drivers may also be UTF8 but not fully declared.

What was listed in the RFC, but was not done, was UTF8 translation of
wide string fields in the ODBC driver, and support for recoding
from/to UTF8 in the Shapefile driver.

So in that sense it is still incomplete.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Bug in SetField

2011-02-24 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-24 11:56 AM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

my code
field - fieldname is of string type and 0th field


returns  v instead of value;

I dont know is it bug or my problem

but I opened the shapefile in OpenJUMP and QGIS both shows field names as only
v instead of value

I am working with shapefiles


What does the ogrinfo report on the field definitions look?


ogrinfo -so -al abc.shp

I suspect the field fieldname was defined with a width of one.  SetField()
will automatically truncate the value in such a case.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: What is status of RFC23?

2011-02-24 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-24 12:10 PM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:


It answers my question. Thanks.

The RFC 30 states GDAL uses UTF-8 encoding internally when working with
strings. Does it mean functions like GDALGetDataTypeName are considered to
return UTF-8? I understand that in this particular case, there is no
difference between ANSI and UTF8 regarding content of the string, but I'm
trying to learn if and how far the uniform pattern applies.


I don't think you should take that statement to mean very much.  I think it
was just intended to convey that the string and stringlist attributes of
features would be treated as UTF-8 during internal processing.  That statement
might also have been left over from an earlier, broader version of the RFC.
In practice the RFC should only be taken to address string and stringlist
attributes of features.

Certainly it is my *intent* that essentially all strings in GDAL/OGR should
be handled as UTF-8.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Windows builds and wildcard usage for gdaltindex gdalbuildvrt

2011-02-24 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-24 03:22 PM, Armin Burger wrote:

Hi all

I wanted to use a more recent Windows build than the latest FW Tools which are
a bit old now. I used the binaries from

All works fine, just the usage of wildcards in tools like gdaltindex or
gdalbuildvrt does not work any more. If I run eg

gdaltindex tileindex.shp *.tif

I just get the error that the file *.tif could not be found. Same happens for
gdalbuildvrt.exe. So the wildcard resolution seems not to work any more (it
still did work in the last FWTools 2.4.7). For gdaltindex I can use a for
loop command because it adds every tif to the same shape, but I don't think
this workaround works for the gdalbuildvrt.

On Linux builds the wildcards usage still works fine with GDAL 1.8. Any ideas
if this will be fixed for Windows?

Armin / Tamas,

For this the SETARGV macro in nmake.opt needs to reference an appropriate
setargv.obj object file from the visual studio tree.  The default is
commented out:

#SETARGV =  $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj

On Unix and unix like shells such as cygwin on windows the shell performs
expansion of wildcards in filenames.  On the Windows CMD.EXE command processor
this is not the case, and the setargv.obj provides a default implementation
of wildcard expansion.

Perhaps Tamas could enable this for his builds.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] image header UL,LL,UR,LR

2011-02-24 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-24 04:16 PM, Shawn Gong wrote:

Hi list,

I have a flat binary image HH.img and a HH.aux header

The header file looks like:
AuxiliaryTarget: HH.img
RawDefinition: 1492 1680 1
ChanDefinition-1: 32R 0 4 5968 Unswapped
ChanDesc-1: HH intensity
SegDesc-1-0: Contents Not Specified
MapUnits: LONG/LATD-04
UpLeftX: -5.601451
UpLeftY: 36.098471
UpRightX: -5.305277
UpRightY: 36.148817
LoLeftX: -5.522707
LoLeftY: 35.800948
LoRightX: -5.227759
LoRightY: 35.851245
ProjParms: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

gdalinfo does not give the right corner coordinates.
what changes do I have to make for gdal to ingest?
(I can use gdal_translate, but try to avoid that route)


The PCI .aux file is only intended to be used with north up
images.  I see your corner coordinates are not regular.  For instance
the longitude of the upper left and lower left corner are not the same.

You could wrap the same dataset in a raw VRT and associate GCPs
with it to identify the corner coordinates instead of trying to set
a geotransform.  Scan down to the raw file part of:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] transform input image to UTM

2011-02-23 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-23 11:27 AM, Jorge Martin wrote:


I want to project an input Lat/Long image into UTM. I need to do this
automatic, so I have to do it in C++. I have found a source code to implement
this issue. I have paste below the source code that I have used.
  I When this code is running, appears some times the followin error 

ERROR 1: no system list, errno: 42 and


This is normally an error message from PROJ.4.  I see errno.h has error
42 as ENOMSG or No message of desired type which is unlikely.  Error
-42 (a PROJ.4 specific error) is |lat_1| == |lat_2|.

I'd suggest careful examination of the input and output coordinate systems
to see if there is anything odd about them.

ERROR 6: SetColorTable() not supported for multi-sample TIFF files.
  What is it means?

This is because you try to copy color tables from all three source bands
to all three destination bands but it is highly unlikely there even is a
color table on the source bands.  The error message is reporting that TIFF
has no way of storing color tables on multi-sample (ie. RGB) files.

When I open the output image there are some strange black lines crossing the
output image that not appear in the input image. Is there any reason for this

That is harder to analyse.  You would pretty much need to provide a full
bug report (ideally via Trac) in order to get a good answer.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] How to use GDAL C++ dynamically?

2011-02-23 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-22 05:52 PM, Mikhail Tchernychev wrote:

This is what I normally do, however it's not much less pain, even it's simple.
I typically write a wrapper to execute all GetProcAdress() functions at once
and store
pointers in the class.

Taking into number of GDAL functions, its' would be very challenging.


On 2/22/2011 2:43 PM, Even Rouault wrote:

Le mardi 22 février 2011 23:14:50, Mikhail Tchernychev a écrit :

Hello List,

I wonder if someone could point me into the right direction. I would
like to use
GDAL as loaded DLL at run time, with LoadLibray() call under windows
and corresponding
calls under Linux. I see that most of the functions are virtual, so it
seems it is made
with this in mind. I am trying to compile simple program:

I think you are going to inflict you a lot of pain with LoadLibrary() and C++
API at the same time !

If you really need to dynamicly load gdal, use the GDAL C API instead...


I will note that at one time I maintained a bridge mechanism which
basically did this.  It dynamically loaded the C API at runtime.  I
stopped maintaining it several years ago but you can still find it in
old code branches.


If someone felt it was really useful, that might be a good place to

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GDAL JP2KAK plugin for lossless 16 bit

2011-02-22 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-22 11:31 AM, Frederic CLAUDEL wrote:

I've been trying to create a lossless JPEG2000 image from a signed 16-bit DEM
(stored in a TIFF file),
but have had no success so far with JP2KAK.
My DEM has large NoData regions (value is DTED NoData : -32767)
I tried different GDAL versions (1.7 1.8), and different versions of KAKADU
(6.3, 6.2)
I'm using gdal_translate -of JP2KAK -co QUALITY=100 input.tif output.tif
The image is created with no errors, but shows strong artefacts around Nodata
parts, while the large NoData areas are transformed to random 16bit garbage.


I would encourage you to file a ticket and I'll investigate.  I believe
there is a bug in the JP2KAK driver.  I started some related improvements
a couple months ago but let them fall by the wayside since no one seemed
to be running into the problems.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] 2011 FOSS4G Call for Papers

2011-02-22 Thread Frank Warmerdam


The call for presentations for FOSS4G 2011 in Denver is now open.  The
full announcement follows:

Open Source Geospatial Conference Calls for Speakers
Education for All Levels of Ability and Experience

DENVER, Feb. 22, 2011 -- The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 
(FOSS4G) conference is reaching out to speakers interested in presenting at the 
2011 conference that will be held Sept. 12 - 16 in Denver, CO, USA. FOSS4G is 
the premier international conference focused on open source geospatial 
software. The open source geospatial toolset is mature with enterprise-class 
deployments across the globe at all levels of enterprise for a wide variety of 

Users and developers are encouraged to present their latest projects and 
software development work to demonstrate the power of open source geospatial 
solutions. The organizers are looking for a good mix of content for all levels 
of ability and experience with open source. In addition to high-caliber 
sessions for developers, there are plans for several workshops and sessions 
that will welcome non-technical decision makers to the power, capability and 
compelling business case for open source geospatial software.

Presentation topics will include case studies of open source applications, 
benchmarks of performance between different components, visualization tips and 
tricks, and new tool developments, hacks and mashups. In addition to the core 
focus on free and open source software, this year’s conference will also 
feature a major focus on free and open data. Content may cover systems that are 
solely open source or a combination of open and closed source solutions.

Sessions will run in seven concurrent tracks with space for around 135 
presentations in both a regular program and an academic program. Presentations 
will either fill 30-minute slots with time for questions or 5-minute lightning 
talks. Proposals can be submitted online at

There is pent up demand in the North American market for this content given the 
growth in open source geospatial solutions and the fact that this is the first 
time this international event will return to a North American venue in four 
years. “With the current strong interest in open source geospatial solutions, 
we anticipate an attendance of around a thousand people” said Peter Batty, 
conference committee chair and vice president of geospatial technology at 
Ubisense, Inc. “We have a great venue and an experienced organizing team, and 
believe this will be one of the premier geospatial events of 2011.”

This year’s FOSS4G event is also adjacent to State of the Map, the annual 
international conference focused on OpenStreetMap, the wiki-style creator and 
provider of free geographic data that has recently garnered corporate support 
from both MapQuest and Microsoft. The ability to attend both events with one 
trip to Denver in September makes for a great opportunity to learn about the 
latest developments in the geospatial industry.

The event already has strong support, with major sponsors that include Esri, 
Google, OpenGeo, MapQuest, Newmont and Safe Software. Bronze sponsors include 
CamptoCamp, EOX, GeoCat, GeoIQ, GeoSolutions, Korem, MapGears, Metaspatial, 
Oracle Spatial, Spatial Networks and Terrestris. You can view an updated list 
of sponsors at

About FOSS4G
FOSS4G is the global conference focused on Free and Open Source Software for 
Geospatial that is organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) 
with support from an all-volunteer organizing committee and professional 
conference management from the Geospatial Information Technology Association 
(GITA). The 2011 FOSS4G event in Denver marks the first North American event in 
four years, with the prior three events taking place in Barcelona, Sydney and 
Cape Town.

SOURCE FOSS4G Organizing Committee

RELATED LINKS: FOSS4G Denver 2011 Open Source Geospatial Foundation State of the Map Conference Geospatial Information Technology Association
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: GCP list projection

2011-02-18 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-18 03:39 AM, Vadim Shlyakhov wrote:

So, if you have GCP SRS, you don't need SRS set at the dataset level, do you?



BTW I've noticed if a dataset doesn't have a geotransform, then
ds.GetGeoTransform() returns (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0). Is that a feature
or a bug?

As mentioned, this the fallback value when there isn't one.  But the method
should return CE_Failure on failure so you can distinguish whether the
unity transform is real or just a filler value.

So I consider it a feature.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal install error version 1.5.0

2011-02-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-17 08:41 AM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

Install error; console log

bin/sh /home/rashadkm/gdal-1.5.0/libtool


Thanks  Regards


GDAL 1.5.0 is quite old, and not even the newest of that stable branch.
Try GDAL 1.8.0.  If the problem persists I'm sure we would be glad to look
into it. If you really need a GDAL 1.5.x version then at least use the newest
1.5.x release (1.5.4?).

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: gdal android

2011-02-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-17 06:00 AM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

here is my new error log
cpl_strtod.cpp: In function 'void CPLReplacePointByLocalePoint(char*, char)':
cpl_strtod.cpp:200: error: 'struct lconv' has no member named 'decimal_point'
cpl_strtod.cpp:201: error: 'struct lconv' has no member named 'decimal_point'
cpl_strtod.cpp:204: error: 'struct lconv' has no member named 'decimal_point'
make[1]: *** [cpl_strtod.lo] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rashadkm/gdal-1.8.0/port'
make: *** [port-target] Error 2

Which gdal version to use for Android


My copy of cpl_strtod.cpp (trunk) has an ifdef in that function for the
__ANDROID__ case.  Do you?  If yes, I wonder why it isn't getting activated.

Perhaps you should review the fairly new android notes at:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GCP list projection

2011-02-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-17 10:08 AM, Vadim Shlyakhov wrote:


I wonder if it makes any sense if GCP list at a dataset is different from the
dataset's SRS.

I've played a little with these in Python, but neither gdal.Transformer, nor
warping via VRT doesn't produce the results expected. I mean, presumably if
GCP's SRS is different from the dataset's SRS, then they are to be transformed
internally into the dataset SRS, but this doesn't seem to happen


Normally I would expected a dataset with GCPs to have a GCP SRS, and no
dataset level projection or geotransform.

When given such a datsaet, gdalwarp will attempt to produce an output
dataset in the *GCP SRS*.

If the source dataset has both a GCP SRS and a dataset level SRS I am not
absolutely positive what gdalwarp does, but I feel it *ought* to be producing
an output file in the GCP SRS if it is using the GCPs.  I am not sure why you
expect the GCPs to be reprojected.

Note, if the output file is in a different SRS than the GCPs, I think the GCPs
would still be used to compute a polynomial in the SRS of the GCPs for
getting from source file pixel/line to source georeferenced coordinates.  Then
reprojection would be applied as an extra step.

In theory it could make sense to have a dataset with a dataset level SRS
and geotransform, and also GCPs with a different SRS.  In some cases the GCPs
are in a particular SRS (say lat/long) just because it is a convenient
coordinate system to collect the GCPs, not because it is representative of
the geometry of the image.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Zero Pixel Values in the output! Solution Please

2011-02-16 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-16 03:28 AM, user gdal wrote:

Dear all,
I am new to GDAL and I was at fault in being too hasty in asking for
an advanced topic in my previous post.


templateclass T void CIOImg_TemplT::Read(const unsigned int b,
GDALDataset* const *inds)
  ((*inds)-GetRasterBand(b+1))-RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, Col, 1,
buf[b], Col, 1, datatype, 0, 0);   // able to read the pixel values
correctly into buffer (buf)


One thing I notice about your code is that you only appear to read
and write the first scanline of the image.  Is this intentional?

For the purposes of asking a question of the list it would be helpful if
you could boil your program down to a minimum example including all the
essentials.  It will require extra work on your part, but will make it
much easier for the many members of the list who might want to skim
through the code to see if they have suggestions.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] lat lon matrix tables to geotif

2011-02-16 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-16 01:48 AM, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos wrote:

So you are talking for something like this:

Example VRT file for data (just to show the geolocation metadata reference):

VRTDataset rasterXSize=2048  rasterYSize=964

   Metadata domain=GEOLOCATION
 MDI key=X_DATASETdata.lon.vrt/MDI


   SRS  stuff goes here/SRS

   VRTRasterBand dataType=UInt16  band=1  subClass=VRTRawRasterBand




Yes, metdata formatted as above though the VRTRasterBand is incomplete.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo: Corner Coordinates

2011-02-15 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-15 07:50 AM, Emilio de Torres Fernández wrote:

If I use the equations of the azimuthal equidistant projection http:// to
transform long=6d32'32.13W and lat=36d42'16.93N) I get x = -0.65688 and y =
0.78961, not (-4195457.112, 5006607.739). Why??? I guess I misunderstood some
concept of the Corner Coordinates of gdalinfo.


Well, I don't know what equations you are using, but I can't imagine getting
x and y values in meters that small unless you were *right at* the origin
which is not the case.  Perhaps you don't understand the units required by,
and/or produced by the equations you are applying?  When I use PROJ.4 to
do the reprojection (as GDAL does underneath) I get:

cs2cs -I +proj=aeqd +lat_0=-6.25005 +lon_0=36.51677
  +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
  +to +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84
6d32'32.13W 36d42'16.93N
-4196092.49 5007369.96 0.00

Make sure you aren't mixing up longitude and latitude.  GDAL and PROJ.4
default to long/lat order while the location seems coincidentally near
the origin of the projection *if* you reversed the ordinates.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] lat lon matrix tables to geotif

2011-02-15 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-15 01:20 PM, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos wrote:

So we have three tables:
one matrix for latitude values
one matrix for longitude values
one matrix for our data values

all the matrix have the same dimensions

how we can convert these three tables to geotif using gdal??


This is a georeferencing method I refer to as geolocation grids.  It is
not a supported organization in GeoTIFF so there is no way to produce
a GeoTIFF with the above data where the meaning of the latitude and longitude
values will be well understood.

If you want to use the resulting geotiffs in non-GDAL applications I
think you are best just turning each matrix into a separate TIFF file
with appropriate file names to suggest the meaning to and end user.

Another option is to just rectify the image data into a normal north
up rectified grid and write that to GeoTIFF.  Such an output would be
easily exploited in any GeoTIFF reading application.

It also is possible to use metadata to associate the latitude and longitude
as geolocation grids within a GeoTIFF file in a way that some GDAL
applications (like gdalwarp) could take advtange of.  This requires setting
up very specific metadata items to relate the data.  The metadata required
(for geotiff or other formats) is listed in RFC 4:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] nmake.local on windows builds

2011-02-15 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-14 08:54 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

I personally have always just modified the nmake.opt. I am not sure what is
recommended now. Can someone verify that the new recommended way is to create a
'nmake.local' file and then execute 'nmake /f' ?


Well, either way will work.  But *my* recommendation is creating an
nmake.local with GDAL trunk and beyond.  This is better than editing
nmake.opt directly particularly in the case where you later want to
do svn update's and rebuilds.  If you hand edit the nmake.opt there is
a significant risk of needless merge conflicts.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] MrSID mask band support

2011-02-15 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-14 03:52 PM, Brian Claywell wrote:

I'm attempting to use CreateMaskBand() on a MrSID dataset with GDAL
1.8.0 and receiving the error that CreateMaskBand() is not supported
on this dataset. I presume this is because mask band support was
implemented using the GDALDefaultOverviews manager, and since MrSID is
a multi-resolution format, the overview manager is never initialized.


This is a lucid deduction.  I believe you are right.

Is there a way to make mask bands work with MrSID datasets out of the
box? Barring that, since the MrSID driver reimplements the
overview-related virtual functions to bypass the default overview
manager, would there be any harm in initializing the overview manager
when a MrSIDDataset object is created?

The one caveat I might offer is that it would be prudent to have
MrSIDDataset override IBuildOverviews() or else people will find they
can build external overviews for MrSID but they will never be used.
The IBuildOverviews() override would presumably just report that
overviews are built in for mrsid and building them is unnecessary.

If you try this out, I'd be interested in a patch submitted via Trac.

A similar approach would likely apply to formats like ECW and JPEG2000
with built in overviews, but where masks would still be useful.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] MSVC warnings changes

2011-02-11 Thread Frank Warmerdam


I have spent several hours today cleaning up warnings when building with
Microsoft Visual C++.

The first step was to move warning suppression out of gdal/port/cpl_port.h
and instead passing warning suppression via the compiler commandline line.
This is accomplished by setting of the WARNFLAGS macro in nmake.opt with
a warning level (/W4 now) and a set of specific warnings to be disabled
(using /wd4127, etc).  Moving the disabling out of cpl_port.h is important
because it means GDAL policy of disabling some warnings will not impact
applications including gdal.h.

The warning I have disabled are things I feel are reasonable practice and
not worth seeing as warnings.  Mostly this is the same as the warnings
disabled in cpl_port.h, but I have add a few including warnings related
to signed/unsigned comparison mismatches.  These drive me nuts and have not
(for me) yet lead to identifying a real error.

I have also introduced the SOFTWARNFLAGS macro.  This disables a bunch more
warnings, and is used in some of the submakefiles building code from external
sources that we can't practically alter.  This includes stuff like zlib,
and libjpeg.

I have made a variety substantial pass over the GDAL source tree building
with MS Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition and trying to adjust the code to
clean away warnings and in a few cases adding extra local warning disablers
either in makefiles or using the pragma in the code.   These changes can
mostly be seen in these commits:

The main warnings I'm still aware of are related to the MITAB and AVCE00
libraries.  These changes need to be upstreamed and were sufficiently involved
that I put them off.   Beyond that I was able to get a pretty much warning
free build on /W4.

Going forward I am hoping we can balance appropriate choice of warnings
to suppress globally and adjustments to the code to keep our windows
build warning-clean.  Hopefully this will help us be more vigilant  in
addressing new warnings that do pop up.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] nmake.local on windows builds

2011-02-11 Thread Frank Warmerdam


Some time ago Tamas added a mechanism to nmake.opt (the central include
file for windows MSVC nmake based makefiles) so that you could provide
an extra definition file on the commandline.

 nmake -f EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt

While this is useful, expecially in cases where it is desirable to
have several build configurations out of one tree, I never used it.  I
always just adding !INCLUDE nmake.osgeo4w or !INCLUDE nmake.frank
at the beginning of nmake.opt and put my definitions in that new file.

With Kirk's recent introduction of a complicated nmake.opt file for the
MrSID driver, I've learned that you can check for the existance of a
file in an nmake !IF EXISTS directive, and I have incorporated use of this
in nmake.opt to pull in nmake.local if it exists.

So going forward, I'm hoping the default way of tailoring windows builds
will be to create an nmake.local file overriding definitions from nmake.opt.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] nmake.local on windows builds

2011-02-11 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-11 06:56 PM, Tamas Szekeres wrote:


While I'm not sure about what changes you intend to do here, I would
emphatically disagree removing the current approach with the ability of setting
the full path to the external configuration file from the nmake command line.
My build system is higly depend on this setting and if we don't have any
compelling reason I would like to avoid relocating this custom file (which is
anyway generated dynamically) into the gdal source tree.


I did not remove the support for EXT_NMAKE_OPT - the first stuff in
nmake.opt now looks like:

# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file
# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option.

!IF EXIST($(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local)
!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local

# nmake -f EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt

I believe this will serve both needs smoothly, albeit with a little
extra complication in the nmake.opt.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] ERROR 1: Too many points (440 out of 441) failed to transform, unable to compute output bounds.

2011-02-10 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-10 01:43 PM, Hailey Eckstrand wrote:

But the stays the same:
ERROR 1: Too many points (440 out of 441) failed to transform,
unable to compute output bounds.


I tried with your file and with debugging on and saw the following message:

  WARP: Recompute out extent with CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=TRUE

I read through the code in gdalwarp.cpp and it seems this is something
added, perhaps by Even, to check that the output area selected is appropriate
and can be effectively reprojected.  I tested a few points between the somerc
projection and WGS84 with the PROJ.4 cs2cs command and found there was often
poor fidelity - likely indicating that points were being transformed that
are far outside the well defined area for the projection.

I did successfully run your gdalwarp command by adding:


on the commandline, but I'm not convinced that the results are actually
very accurate or meaningful.  I'd suggest you reconsider whether you really
want to try and warp nearly the whole world to a swiss oblique mercator

Possibly Even could consider improving the error reporting in this case
if the issue is really that the transformation is not round tripping well.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] libKML driver missing

2011-02-09 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-09 10:27 AM, wrote:


I have installed ms4w package which involves GDAL/OGR 1.8.
Unfortunately, libKML announced as a new driver is missing.
Do you have any explanation ?
Thank you.


There is information on how to build GDAL with libkml support at:

Not surprisingly the libkml driver support requires special build time
steps to utilize the library.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Help with import gdal import in python

2011-02-09 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-09 11:23 AM, Giacomo Piva wrote:

Hi all,

I'm getting this error when calling command.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File /home/meeo/bin/, line 31, in ?
import gdal
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 7, in ?
import _gdal
ImportError: No module named _gdal

I don't know python 'cause I don't know how to solve this problem.
Any suggestion?


With all due respect you haven't given much context.   Did you build
and install GDAL and the python bindings yourself?

I imagine the problem is related either to the file not being
found, or it not loading because the underlying* file not
being found.  Does exist in:


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Large ERDAS Imagine .img Files (HFA) Workaround

2011-02-09 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-09 04:10 PM, Roland Duhaime wrote:

I am using gdal2tiles under OSGEO4W.  I use both gdal16 and gdal17.

When I have a large HFA file I am not able to use gdal2tiles to process this
file.  These large .img (HFA) files have a spill file with a .ige extension.  I
receive an error similar to:

0ERROR 4: Unable to open external data file:z38null_rgb.ige (Note that this is
not a name I specified)


I imagine your .img and .ige file were renamed at some point and the
.img file still has a reference to the original .ige file inside.
One option might be to rename the .img to z38null_rgb.img and
the .ige file to z38null_rgb.ige.

Alternatively, you could use the default gdal package which is
now GDAL 1.8 and has improved logic for handling referenced
filename problems.  It should fallback to assuming the same
basename if the internal filename is wrong.

My source .img file has a name simlar to: cape_impervious_mosaic_setnull_rgb.img

As a workaround I rename just the Erdas Spill file to z38null_rgb.ige and the
gdal2tiles command runs without error.

Ah, I see you already have a work around.  Excellent.

Note that now that the default gdal package is 1.8, there should be
few reasons to use the non-default version packages gdal16 and gdal17
in OSGeo4W.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Best practices for concurrent writes with GDAL (was RasterIO in paralel)

2011-02-08 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-08 05:58 PM, Francis Markham wrote:

Ouch, I guess I'll be slicing and mosaicing, sending all my data across the
network, or looking for another IO library.  Which approach would you
recommend?  Are you aware if any of the major non-GDAL libraries for popular
formats (e.g. libgeotiff) support concurrent writes?



Note that the core problem with writing relates to the shared block
cache amoung datasets, and problems with ensuring that flushes occur
in the appropriate thread.

So, with some care you could in theory write from multiple threads,
but you would need to ensure that you never fill the block cache
triggering block writes due to cache fullness.

Using Libtiff/libgeotiff directly will also avoid this problem.

Best regards,

On 9 February 2011 09:44, Even Rouault wrote:

* you cannot write concurrently into the same file (and using several
GDALDataset won't help)

gdal-dev mailing list

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Best practices for concurrent writes with GDAL (was RasterIO in paralel)

2011-02-08 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-08 08:04 PM, Francis Markham wrote:

Is there any way to disable the block cache altogether?


No, there is no way to disable the block cache altogether.  For
specific drivers you could skip past the block cache by calling
GDALRasterBand::WriteBlock() but this may not work well for all

Does setting the cache size to zero work?

In theory that might trigger an immediate flush as soon
as the block is pushed into the cache, but I wouldn't trust

 And is there a way to do this from a python script?

You can set the block cache max with gdal.SetCacheMax().  I
think the argument is a size in bytes.

GDALRasterBand::WriteBlock() is likely not accessable from

My suggestion is just to set the block cache very large, try
to only keep a few datasets open at a time, and make sure
they get closed before the block cache comes near to being

But the real solution is to fix the issue in the core.
Providing some logic to ensure that blocks are only flushed
in the thread to which they belong or something like that.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] GDALDestroyDriverManager() - dataset cleanup

2011-02-08 Thread Frank Warmerdam


I have modified GDALDriverManager::~GDALDriverManager() so that when
it is destroyed it will first close all still-open GDAL datasets.  A debug
message will be issued for each dataset force-closed.

This is part of an effort to ensure a clean shutdown and to make it easier
to detect memory leaks in some situations.

This is not a completely safe operation.  In particular, if there are VRT
files referencing other GDALDataset's the referenced dataset may be cleaned
up before the referencing dataset which would be bad.

I need this primarily for cleanup in MapServer where GDAL datasets are now
normally left open (CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER).

If this automatic dataset description causes problems we can disable or
remove it before the GDAL 1.9 release.  But it seems relatively harmless
to incorporate in trunk for the time being.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: gdal_rasterize 1.8.0 options

2011-02-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-07 06:25 AM, Jan Hartmann wrote:

Is there a place to put al the links on the stere-sterea subject together? In
my experience, discussions about projection parameters  tend to get fragmented,
and even if a solution has been found, old errors tend to show up time and
again. Sometimes, I can only find the solution in my private email archive.


I had been hoping to convert the topics at:

into Trac wiki topics so that anyone could easily update them.  Perhaps
the MetaCRS wiki would be more appropriate than the GeoTIFF one.  If anyone
was interested in taking that on as a task, I'd be happy to update the links

We could start by moving over the oblique stereographic discussion and
updating it with the missing information.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Unable to compile OCI driver

2011-02-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-07 04:08 AM, Alexandre Gacon wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to build GDAL/OGR with the OCI driver with Visual Studio 2005 and
with the OCI coming from the version 11g version of ORACLE. I am stuck with
errors during linking : the linker cannot find the symbols defined in the OCI

I have put all the libraries I have in the lib path but it has no effect.

Any idea ?


My first idea is that it would be helpful if you could provide the exact
link command that ends up being used, and capture the exact error messages
from that link.  Otherwise we are largely flying blind.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Read and Write ArcGIS Bynary GRID

2011-02-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-07 09:51 AM, Jorge Martin wrote:


 Using GDAL library is posible to read and write ArcGIS binary GRID 


The support for this format is briefly described at:

It is read-only.  At one time there was a grid writer in GDAL but it
depending on a fragile approach to using ArcView DLLs and it was removed
due to a variety of problems.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] error adding ecw on Ubuntu 10.4 (lucid)

2011-02-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-07 11:18 AM, Matt Wilkie wrote:

Perhaps try setting the environment variable GDAL_DRIVER_PATH to

Ok, that finally did the trick. Thanks for your help.

$ export GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=/usr/lib/gdal17plugins

Is this normally set as part of the install? (e.g. should I report a
packaging bug?)


No, this is not normally set for prepackaged GDAL's on linux.  On linux
GDAL defaults to looking in /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins.  It is possible
to set the GDAL_PREFIX to change the default from /usr/local to /usr for
instance, but this is not apparently something the makefiles help with
as far as I can see.

Note that in 1.9 (aka trunk) GDAL now looks in /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins/1.9
before looking in /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins so embedding the version in
the directory name is no longer needed.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Compiling only OGR

2011-02-04 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-04 02:54 AM, Helm, P.W. (Pim) van den wrote:

Hi all,
I am using only vertex calculation (OGR part) of GDAL. Using the GDAL library
does the work perfectly, but I think this 6mb+ dll is rather large for my usage


If you really want to trim down GDAL/OGR you will likely have to do some
fiddling.  I'd start by going through gdal/frmts/ and removing
most formats from the EXTRAFLAGS list (each -DFRMT_xxx relates to one of the

Because of relations to stuff on the OGR side you may find you need
to keep the FRMT_pcidsk and FRMT_sdts items.  You may also find that
you need to keep FRMT_gtiff because the geotiff machinery is used
to lookup EPSG coordinate systems, and FRMT_zlib (added below) for
other things using compression.

You might be able to skip building in all the stuff in
gdal/alg by removing it from gdal/ but you will also
likely need to remove some entry points from BASE_INCLUDE in

Further more, do I really need the link to proj4 if I only refer to EPSG
systems, since this also enlarges my project?

PROJ.4 is usually loaded at runtime so if you don't need it just
don't distribute PROJ.DLL. Note that if you use
OGRCoordinateTransformation then you will need PROJ.4 even if you
just use EPSG coordinate systems.

It would be nice if your and others findings with doing slimmed down
builds could find its way into the trac wiki - perhaps in the

page or elsewhere as appopriate off:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalbuildvrt

2011-02-03 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-03 01:30 PM, Aníbal Pacheco wrote:

Hi, I'm using gdalbuildvrt to produce a virtual raster layer which can then
used in Mapnik and its ogcserver(WMS), everything works except that the result
image is black  white and with a very poor resolution. The 2 source tif files
used in this test were both colored with a good resolution. Any ideas?


I would suggest examining the resulting vrt to see if there is anything
odd about it.  Start with gdalinfo to see if it's resolution seems reasonable
and if in fact it is 3 bands.  You might want to run gdalinfo -stats xx.vrt
to get band statistics just to verify that the bands are radiometrically
distinct.  Also, check that the band pixel type is reasonable - the same
as the source files.

If that all looks ok, then perhaps visually examine the VRT with something
like QGIS.

After that it comes down to talking to Mapnik people about why there are

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal_translate making NITF-JPEG2000 : memory exhausted?

2011-02-03 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-03 03:19 PM, Jay Jennings wrote:

In fact, we do have a Kakadu license here... but I see in NITFCreateCopy()
that JP2ECW and JasPer are the only two JPEG-2000 options currently supported.
Any idea how difficult it would be if I tried to implement JP2KAK
as an additional option for NITF creation ?


I recently did some work on this, likely only in trunk not GDAL 1.8, in this
regard so I think you can use Kakadu now.  What I haven't done is figure out
what, if any, Kakadu creation options I should be using to make the result
proper per the specification for NITF.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal_translate making NITF-JPEG2000 : memory exhausted?

2011-02-02 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-02 05:20 PM, Jennings Jay wrote:

I have recently built GDAL including the optional JasPer library for JPEG-2000
support. Using gdal_translate, I am able to convert smaller GeoTIFFs into NITFs
with JPEG-2000 this way. The first two attempts (both color uncompressed
GeoTiff less than 200 MB) worked fine, with lossless compression and reduced in
size by 67% and 59% respectively.

The problem came when I tried the same command on a bigger (950 MB) GeoTIFF:
gdal_translate apparently sucked up all available memory (as indicated by
Physical Memory Free = 0 in Task Manager) then the app crashed.

Are there any workarounds in such a case ? It looks like the “-multi” and “-wm”
parameters aren’t available in gdal_translate.

PS This is a Windows 7 64-bit machine with 8 GB RAM.


This is a limitation of the JasPer based driver which is whole image in
RAM at once oriented due to the way the JasPer library is structured.
You could use the Kakadu or ECW based encoder though these have somewhat
involved licensing issues.  In theory we should be able to use the
OpenJPEG jpeg2000 implementation for this but I'm not aware of it having
been tested in the JPEG2000 in NITF case yet, and it may also not support
setting the jpeg2000 creation options to be truely NITF compliant.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Licensing Policy for drivers and applications

2011-02-01 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-02-01 11:04 AM, Ray Gardener wrote:

Oh man. So over time, as more GPL'd drivers are written, the very purpose of
GDAL gets watered down. It's not like people are going to develop MIT-licenced
drivers if they see an existing GPL driver that does the job. At the very
least, the motivation will be blunted.

The whole reason I went with GDAL was that it was reasonable in regards to
commercial devs. Now there's going to be a situation where they get
increasingly treated as second-class citizens.

It's unreasonable to disclose a large application just because drivers are
GPL'd. It should be submission policy to GDAL that they're LGPL'd. Frank's gone
to the trouble of creating an environment that is commercial agnostic, and now
it's being undone.


I would prefer that this RFC discussion not turn into a broad license
argument.  I accept the rights of software developers to offer their
product under proprietary, recriprocal or non-reciprocal licenses and we
as consumer need to take or leave the offered components on their own

GDAL is released under an MIT/X nonrecriprocal open source license
because I and others believe this allows us to serve and involve the
largest possible community.  When we have an option between a proprietary
driver or a nonreciprocal driver then we will choose the nonreciprocal
driver.  When we have a chose between a reciprocally licensed driver
and a non-reciprocally licensed driver we will choose the
nonreciprocally licensed driver.   But I do not accept a that GDAL
is made poorer by also having options for proprietary and reciprocal
drivers for purposes that we could not otherwise serve.

I don't see any evidence that GDAL is becoming more dependent on GPL
or proprietary drivers as time goes on.  Care has always been called
for by distributors of software based on GDAL.

Ray, Patrick and Howard have argued against taking on runtime responsibility
for license checking in GDAL.  I only very weakly grasp the argument so
it might be worth expanding on it.

But this RFC is not about whether there will be proprietary GDAL drivers,
or reciprocally licensed drivers.  There have been, are and will be.
The question is in what ways does it make sense for the project to help
support application developers and distributors in being license

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Interrupt long operation

2011-01-31 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-31 04:26 AM, Stefano Moratto wrote:

   I need to interrupt a RasterIO  and warp calls before they have been
The call is invoked in a background thread and  It may happen that the user
changes the requested area in the main thread (GUI) (eg. a pan/scroll 


Algorithms which take a GDALProgressFunc are likely to be interruptable.
Each time the progress function is invoked it has the opportunity to
return an indicate that the operation has been cancelled by the user.

So the warper can be canceled if you provide a customized progress
function.  But RasterIO cannot since it has no progress function.

If you want IO to be interruptible you would normally do it in modest
sized chunks, though this can interfere with optimization of the IO in
some cases.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Licensing Policy for drivers and applications

2011-01-31 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-31 11:30 AM, Tamas Szekeres wrote:


I've reviewed the document and it looks good to me, though it seems better to
enforce these constraints rather at deployment time and not at run-time.
However I would have some further questions:

1. With regards to GDAL_APPLICATION_LICENSE_POLICY=DEFAULT does this mean that
GDAL will provide an error if a licensing violation is happening at run-time?
For example when MapServer attempts to display an ECW and a MySQL layer at the
same time?


Note that the intent of the RFC is that in a case of incompatible
drivers and the default policy one or more drivers would be de-registered
to bring things into compliance.  So, for instance the MySQL driver might
be de-registered and that means any effort to use MySQL would result in
an error message about it being an unsupported format since no driver
would recognise it.

It would *not* be a license error.

 If this is not the case, I would prefer changing 'DEFAULT' to

'NONRECIPROCAL' and it would prevent from loading the GPL drivers during the
provide better match with the licensing policy of GDAL itself which intends to
be MIT/X.

I can see that NONRECIPROCAL might be a better term than DEFAULT
but I don't want to avoid loading reciprocal (ie. GPL) drivers in a
default situation.

2. In my opinion the user shouldn't override any specific settings (like
RECIPROCAL or PROPRIETARY) being enforced by the application. In this regard
the user is allowed to violate the GPL like loading proprietary drivers in
QGIS. I don't think if USE_ALL should be a valid environment setting either.
This should only be allowed by a compilation flag which is not intended to be
used for distribution purposes.

I disagree strongly!  The end user always has the legal and moral
right to mix proprietary and free software.  The purpose of the
override operation is for them to knowingly make the decision that
they want to do this.

3. I think the user should only be allowed to override
GDAL_APPLICATION_LICENSE_POLICY=DEFAULT either by the environment settings or
in the SWIG interface.

4. I don't really understand the rationale behind the PREFER_PROPRIETARY and
PREFER_RECIPROCAL settings. Shouldn't we raise an error if a licence violation
is detected? I think we might have to decide which kind of the licensing
enforcement should be applied in GDAL, like:

Version 1, The actual licensing mode is predefined within the scope of the
execution (either by the applevel or environment setting) and GDAL should avoid
to load any incompatible drivers.

This was my intent, though because of the way we get metadata from drivers
to examine their license constraints it is necessary for us to load them
and then deregister them if they are in violation.

Version 2, The actual licensing mode may be controlled by the drivers loaded
and provide an error if an incompatible driver is about to be used.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Licensing Policy for drivers and applications

2011-01-31 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-31 10:45 AM, Howard Butler wrote:

I'm asymptotically approaching -1 on this RFC.  My concern is that it
misplaces the apparent responsibility for managing licensing constraints on
*us*.  It should always be the responsibility of users of the software to
know, care, and mange the licensing of the software they're using.  What
happens if we mislabel a driver?  Or not realize that a driver links to A,
which links to B, which is GPL?  It's still the user's responsibility, but
we've just done them a disservice.


I do not believe we are taking on any legal or moral responsibility
if a driver is mislabelled.  I think a best effort on our part is

In the case of OSGeo4W the main restrictions is that we should not be
distributing GRASS in such a way that proprietary drivers like the MrSID
driver can be used without the user having knowingly combined them by

Another reason I don't like this is that it puts us square in the middle of
the GPL vs commercial software war which I don't think we have been so
interested in fighting.

I'll just note I do not see this as a war to fight.  I am just
trying to make it easier for software distributors to act
responsibly with regard to licensing requirements of various

  IMO, we shouldn't try to protect users from having

to care about this stuff, because they clearly need to understand the ground
rules if they're going to choose to make a porridge of GPL and proprietary

There's nothing preventing a user from manually registering only the drivers
they need at runtime now.  If they need to register only non-GPL drivers, or
non-proprietary ones, they can do so.  I completely agree this doesn't solve
OSGeo4W's problem.

You refer to user above, but I assume you are referring to
application developers and software distributors.  I agree that
this RFC is not intended to absolve them of all awareness of the
licensing of components they are distributing.

I do not formally object to this RFC with a veto, and I expect that it will
be implemented, but I wanted to voice my opinion that I think this is a
slippery, slippery slope.

You concerns have moderately sapped my interest in the RFC.  As discussed
in IRC it seems that the fact that the user must separately select
packages like gdal-mrsid may be sufficient to protect OSGeo from
license violation claims.  I am going to try seeking input from the
QGIS, and perhaps GRASS communities about their intent when applying
the GPL license to their software.  Beyond the strict legalities, I
am interested in accounting for the intent of developers of GPL

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Licensing Policy for drivers and applications

2011-01-31 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-31 12:28 PM, Ray Gardener wrote:

I think Mr. Butler makes a good point.

Maybe just have folders in the source tree called frmts/reciprocal and
frmts/proprietary and the same for any libs. That way it's in people's face
all the time and impossible not to be conscious of what is licenced how. And
easy to exclude such drivers, just skip building that folder's makefile. If I
want total certainty, I can even delete those folders. And if someone makes a
classification mistake, it'll be more obvious too (hey, driver XXX shouldn't
be in that folder).


That would be adequate for those who are building things from source and
wanting to distribute the resulting binaries under a single consistent
licensing policy.  However it does not help me for the OSGeo4W need.

OSGeo4W is a unified installer that can install a wide variety of OSGeo
project binaries for windows into one unified tree.  So, for instance if
you install QGIS, MapServer and GRASS which all use GDAL they will end up
using a common copy of GDAL.  Users also often want proprietary format
drivers for formats like MrSID and there is an optional package offered
for this.

In this situation MapServer and GDAL are under a non-reciprocal open
source licenses and there is no problem using them with proprietary drivers.
However, QGIS and GRASS are GPL and it is improper to distribute them with
proprietary drivers.  I am *hoping* to be able to deliver a solution that
lets users have proprietary drivers easily with MapServer or GDAL
commandline, while not letting them use these drivers with QGIS or GRASS
unless they make a deliberate decision to do so even though it abridges
the freedoms they would normally have with GPLed software.

In the RFC I have also tried to offer a way for proprietary software
to avoid loading GPLed drivers accidentally.  But as you note most
proprietary software distributors will just take care to avoid building
in any GPLed dependencies at compile time.  However, I do like to imagine
a time in which even proprietary software distributors might be able to
take advantage of common system level installations of GDAL in which
case greater care about licenses might be appropriate.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Licensing Policy for drivers and applications

2011-01-30 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-29 06:16 PM, Even Rouault wrote:

1) I had a strange feeling when I read that In the absence of a user or
application level policy, default to a policy of PREFER_PROPRIETARY. It
sounds a bit paradoxical for an open source library... I guess that on Linux,
it should be PREFER_RECIPROCAL and PREFER_PROPRIETARY on Windows. Just


Indeed, I felt the same way.  But I mostly think about formats like
ecw and mrsid being of high interest and I hadn't realized there were
as many reciprocally licensed drivers.

2) We don't control the licence of third party libraries and their licencing
terms can thus change over the time or have multiple licencing terms.

a) For example, currently the GDAL EPSILON driver relies on the epsilon
library which is currently GPL. But Alessandro Furieri (Spatialite/Rasterlite
author ) asked to the author of libepsilon if he would agree to relicence it

I believe we would just make a reasonable effort.  In some cases
we might be able to detect from the version of the library what
policy applies.

b) For MySQL, it depends on whether you use the open source version (GPL) or
the commercial version.

Really?  I had assumed that the client libraries would have been
under a non-reciprocal license even if the database server itself
was GPLed.  I wonder if there is a way of determining the license
configuration at runtime or from the include files.

3) Licences of the drivers :

* In the list of reciprocal drivers, you can add PDF (because of poppler being
* I'm not sure for the GPSBabel driver. The driver doesn't technically link to
GPSBabel (GPL) but communicate it with it through fork / exec / pipe. Does it
make the driver to be bound to the GPL ?

As long as the GPLed code is in a different process it seems clear
that the GPL license requirements do not apply.  So this one should
be fine as nonreciprocal.

* As far as ODBC, PGEO, MSSQLSPATIAL (and GEOMEDIA in trunk), it depends on
the actual ODBC library... On unix, unixODBC is LGPL.

That could be hard to establish.  I'm still unclear on what we will
do here.

* The OGR SOSI driver should probably be marked as proprietary currently as it
relies on linking with binary objects with unknown licencing terms, even if
apparently the ultimate goal seems to open source them.

Noted in the RFC.

* I'm not sure for the ArcSDE Raster. I imagine this should be commercial ?


* I'm a bit confused by Seems that it relies on
third party stuff with both proprietary and GPL code.

I have listed this in the rfc.

4) A technical detail, but Python bindings automatically register the drivers
when importing gdal or ogr modules, so it would not be possible to do a
gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_LICENSE_POLICY', 'USE_ALL'), but
os.environ['GDAL_LICENSE_POLICY'] = 'USE_ALL' should work

Agreed, I have added a note about exposing AutoSkipDrivers() via SWIG
so an application that wants to apply a particular policy can update
the loaded drivers.

5) I was wondering if it wouldn't be nice to have a *build* option that could
be equivalent to setting GDAL_LICENSE_POLICY = USE_ALL. That would only be
usefull for power users that build their own GDAL for their own purposes and
don't intend distributing it. Obviously neither Linux distributions nor
OSGeo4W should use it, so that makes its use case scarce.

Yes, this seems like it could be useful.  Presumably we would implement
this in a way that lets the software be built with any particular default
GDAL_LICENSE_POLICY if not provided by other means.I have incorporated
it in the RFC.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR 1.8 Java Bindings for Windows Updated

2011-01-30 Thread Frank Warmerdam


I have updated the gdal-java package for OSGeo4W to be 1.8.  I have also
rewritten the building Java bindings on windows topic in the GDAL Trac
to reflect how things work.  I have only minimally tested the new package
so feel free to let me know if there are problems.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GDAL 1.8 - Switch Thrown

2011-01-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-29 09:52 AM, Ari Jolma wrote:

Did anybody else try to use the now standard Visual Studio built GDAL DLL
(which was much discussed some time ago here and is now available from Tamas'
site) in a MinGW environment?

I spent some time a week or two ago on the issue, but I had a hard time, which
AFAIK is because the DLL mixes two function export methods and thus using the
standard tools seems difficult if not impossible (I already downloaded the
sources for latest GNU dlltool and considered hacking it...)

The best page about the issue I found so far is this:

Anybody have any ideas? Is my observation about the two export methods correct
and why is that?


It is true that some GDAL/OGR entry points are using cdecl, and some
are using stdcall.  Some were converted to stdcall several years ago
to facilitate calls into the DLL from VB6 and Delphi Pascal which
apparently could not easily call cdecl functions.

I believe these entry points can be used from gcc but you need to be sure
the stdcall decorations are properly applied when the include files are
processed.  There is some stuff about this in cpl_port.h, and I think you
can predefine CPL_STDCALL for alternate environments.

I think I did note this as one item we would likely want to discard
from the ABI in GDAL 2.0.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] reproject

2011-01-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-29 04:55 AM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

is there any function in ogr to export the projection string to proj4.

there is a function called importFromProj4 but nothing like export from proj4.
i have the wkt of projection read from .prj file
I need to convert it to proj4 string.


The method is OGRSpatialReference::exportToProj4().  There are corresponding
C, C#, python, java, etc entry points.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Licensing Policy for drivers and applications

2011-01-29 Thread Frank Warmerdam


I have been thinking about how to adjust OSGeo4W in particular, and GDAL
in general to make it easier to distribute software in a way that complies
with the conflict between GPLed software and proprietary software.

In the case of OSGeo4W the main restrictions is that we should not be
distributing GRASS in such a way that proprietary drivers like the MrSID
driver can be used without the user having knowingly combined them by

To that end, I have prepared an RFC which attempts to address this at
the GDAL driver registration level.  I'd appreciate feedback:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] strange output in reading points of linear ring

2011-01-28 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-28 10:57 AM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

OGRPolygon *polygon = (OGRPolygon *) poGeometry;

 OGRLinearRing  *extring = polygon-getExteriorRing();
 for(int i=0;iextring-getNumPoints();i++)
  cout  extring-getX(i)  : 
extring-getY(i)  endl;



-240802:2.80936e+06 how to get rid of e+06 and convert it to double


That is a c++ stream's formatting question, not a gdal-dev question.  I
would suggest you review the formatting options for the stream class:

In particular pay attention to the field width and display precision
values.  Also I see something about scientific vs. fixed format in the setf()

Personally I hate the way formatting works with the C++ stream classes
but I'm very old fashioned.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] ABI Version Specific Plugin Loading

2011-01-28 Thread Frank Warmerdam


In gdal trunk I have made changes to the way plugins are loaded for GDAL
and OGR.  Now each directory in the search path will first be checked for
a subdirectory with the ABI version as the name
(ie. /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins/1.8).  If found that directory will be
used instead of the original directory (ie. /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins).

I see the MacOS X code already has a concept of different framework
directories for different versions.  I did not interfere with that though
it kind of annoys me how different all this stuff works on MacOS X -
even the name of the plugins directory is different  - needlessly IMHO.

For now I am leaving this only in trunk in subversion, though I will
backport it to the OSGeo4W GDAL/OGR 1.8 package which is where I
particularly want it.

Let me know if there are any concerns or if it causes problems.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] to make black areas transparent

2011-01-27 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-27 04:06 AM, ahmet temiz wrote:

I want to make black areas transparent, and used:

gdalwarp -overwrite  -dstnodata 0 -dstalpha geobk_jeo.tif geobk_jeo2.png

it didn't make them transparent.


Try -srcnodata 0 instead of -dstnodata 0.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] projection in external file

2011-01-26 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-26 08:33 AM, morabit wrote:

Hi All,
  In our project we have to support the loading of tiff images
that will be geo-referenced by means of external companion
files containing the affine geo transformation and projection
information (WKT).
We have tested that GDAL supports external geo-transform
using .tfw files, but we are not able to load WKT info included
in companion .proj or .wkt files.
Does GDAL support this kind of feature?
Perhaps it supports this feature using some other format (aux.xml)?
In case of positive answer, what is the right way to accomplish this?


Yes, it should be possible to embed a coordinate system in an .aux.xml file
and have GDAL utilize it transparently for GeoTIFF files.  I have attached
an example .aux.xml file with a coordinate system and geotransform in it.
Note that the coordinate system is in WKT, but with XML encoding of special
characters like quotes.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

  SRSPROJCS[quot;NAD27 / UTM zone 11Nquot;,GEOGCS[quot;NAD27quot;,DATUM[quot;North_American_Datum_1927quot;,SPHEROID[quot;Clarke 1866quot;,6378206.4,294.9786982139006,AUTHORITY[quot;EPSGquot;,quot;7008quot;]],AUTHORITY[quot;EPSGquot;,quot;6267quot;]],PRIMEM[quot;Greenwichquot;,0],UNIT[quot;degreequot;,0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY[quot;EPSGquot;,quot;4267quot;]],PROJECTION[quot;Transverse_Mercatorquot;],PARAMETER[quot;latitude_of_originquot;,0],PARAMETER[quot;central_meridianquot;,-117],PARAMETER[quot;scale_factorquot;,0.9996],PARAMETER[quot;false_eastingquot;,50],PARAMETER[quot;false_northingquot;,0],UNIT[quot;metrequot;,1,AUTHORITY[quot;EPSGquot;,quot;9001quot;]],AUTHORITY[quot;EPSGquot;,quot;26711quot;]]/SRS
  GeoTransform  4.4072e+05,  6.e+01,  0.e+00,  3.75132000e+06,  0.e+00, -6.e+01/GeoTransform
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Problem with GEOTIFF

2011-01-26 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-25 03:09 PM, Fernando Cacciola wrote:


I have a geotiff image which, according to its accompaning htm, uses the
WGS_1984 Datum.

However, when I call GDALGetProjectionRef() it fails, returning
GCS tag not found, plus

ENR_L01.tif (from
Failed to setup Geographic Coordinate System
FAILED with error: 2


What can I do?


It might be helpful to see a listgeo report on the tiff file.  Listgeo
is a utility associated with libgeotiff and might already be available on
your system or easily installed.

I haven't been able to identify where the GCS tag not found error message
is coming from.  It does not seem to be part of the OGRSpatialReference,
GeoTIFF driver, or libgeotiff code.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: Problem with GEOTIFF

2011-01-26 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-26 10:26 PM, Fernando Cacciola wrote:

OK, I have it already so here is the information:

Corner Coordinates:
... unable to transform points between pixel/line and PCS space
Version: 1
Key_Revision: 1.0


The above tells us there is no coordinate system in the .tif itself.

I noticed that this dataset is made of 4 files:


Oddly, the xml file contains this tag:


so it seems like the data is there after all.

Ah.  I suspect this is a problem with having both an .aux and .aux.xml file.
I suppose the .aux file is being used and the .aux.xml file is ignored.
Try moving the .aux file somewhere out of the way and see if things
behave more properly.

If you can make the dataset available I  might be able to improve the
robustness of the logic for the case with a .aux and .aux.xml file.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR 1.8.0 Released

2011-01-23 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On behalf of the GDAL/OGR development team and community, I am pleased to
announce the release of GDAL/OGR 1.8.0.  GDAL/OGR is a C++ geospatial
data access library for raster and vector file formats, databases and
web services.  It includes bindings for several languages, and a variety
of command line tools.

The 1.8.0 release is a major new feature release with the following

 * New GDAL drivers : GTX, HF2, JPEGLS, JP2OpenJPEG, JPIPKAK,
 * New OGR drivers : AeronavFAA, ArcObjects, GPSBabel, HTF, LIBKML,
 MSSQLSpatial, NAS, OpenAir, PDS, PGDump, SOSI, SUA, WFS
 * Significantly improved OGR drivers : DXF, GML
 * New implemented RFCs:
   - RFC 7: Use VSILFILE for VSI*L Functions
   - RFC 24: Progressive data support in GDAL
   - RFC 28: OGR SQL Generalized Expressions
   - RFC 29: OGR Set Ignored Fields
   - RFC 30: Unicode Filenames
   - RFC 33: GTIFF - Corrected PixelIsPoint Interpretation
 * New utility : gdallocationinfo

More complete information on the new features and fixes in the 1.8.0
release can be found at:

Source code, documentation and the test suite can be downloaded from: - source as a zip - source as .tar.gz - test suite - docs / web site

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] create attribute table

2011-01-21 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-21 09:49 AM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

how to create attribute table for vector using ogr?


New attribute fields are created on a vector layer in OGR using the
CreateField() method on the layer.  This is covered in the read/write
tutorial (search for CreateField about 2/3 of the way down):

See also:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] segfault on importFromWkt

2011-01-21 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-21 12:47 PM, Mohammed Rashad wrote:

 OGRGeometry *OLGeometry;
  char *geom = POINT(6 10);



The problem is that OLGeometry is an unitialized pointer as opposed to
being a valid geometry object on which a method could be invoked.

I would suggest changing this to:

  OGRGeometry *OLGeometry = NULL;
  char *geom = POINT(6 10);

  OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkt( geom, NULL, OLGeometry );

Note that the documentation on OGRGeometry::importFromWkt() says:

 * The object must have already been instantiated as the correct derived
 * type of geometry object to match the text type.  This method is used
 * by the OGRGeometryFactory class, but not normally called by application
 * code.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Create a shape file with polygons

2011-01-18 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-18 11:28 AM, Jorge Martin wrote:

OGRPolygon myPoligon;

tmp = strtok (Line, :);

szName = string (tmp);

while (tmp != NULL)

OGRLinearRing MyRing;// = (OGRLinearRing*)

 tmp = strtok (NULL, ,);


string Coords = string(tmp);

   size_t pos = Coords.find( );

   string CoordX = Coords.substr(0,pos);
   string CoordY = Coords.substr(pos);

   x = atof(CoordX.c_str());
y = atof(CoordY.c_str());






The essence of your problem is that you are creating a new
ring for each point instead of creating one ring for the
polygon and adding all the points to that ring before adding
the ring to the polygon.  A slightly altered form of the core
that works looks like:

OGRPolygon myPoligon;
OGRLinearRing MyRing;// = (OGRLinearRing*)

tmp = strtok (Line, :);
szName = string (tmp);
while (tmp != NULL)

tmp = strtok (NULL, ,);

string Coords = string(tmp);

size_t pos = Coords.find( );

string CoordX = Coords.substr(0,pos);
string CoordY = Coords.substr(pos);

x = atof(CoordX.c_str());
y = atof(CoordY.c_str());



Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalwarp EPSG not being applied

2011-01-18 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-18 01:45 PM, Gavin wrote:

On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 10:06 -0700, Kyle Shannon wrote:


System 2 (Fedora 10):

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: test3857.tif
Size is 10749, 11713
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID[unretrievable - using WGS84,6378137,298.257223563]],
Origin = (367.042467534542084,-2998912.428198689594865)


This problem really does sound like some supporting data files not being
found.  For GeoTIFF it can also be important that the GeoTIFF csv files
be findable.  They are usually in /usr/local/share/epsg_csv and can be
placed elsewhere as long as the GEOTIFF_CSV environment points to them.

Also, in some cases GDAL will fallback to using the PROJ.4 init files
for definitions, found via the PROJ_LIB environment variable if they are
not in /usr/local/share/proj.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Importing and exporting shapefiles in mySQL with OGR

2011-01-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-17 02:25 AM, Dr. Markus Müller wrote:

Dear listers,

I am trying to get shapefiles in and out of a mySQL database using OGR. I found
some example commands for importing and succeeded in doing this. But getting
the syntax together to get a spatial dataset out of mySQL db seems to be over
my head.

Can anybody supply an example command to convert from mySQL to shape? Or is it
just not possible to export geodata from mySQL into shapefiles using OGR?


It could be as simple as:

  ogr2ogr out_dir MYSQL:mydbname

This would dump all spatial tables to shapefiles in a newly created
directory out_dir from a MySQL database named mydbname.

If you want to only extract particular tables, then just list them at the

  ogr2ogr out_dir MYSQL:mydbname roads intersections

For more options, such as custom queries, spatial restrictions and so forth
see the ogr2ogr docs:

Or perhaps I'm missing the gist of your problem?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdaltransform and cs2cs don't agree ...

2011-01-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-17 10:55 AM, Even Rouault wrote:

I get the same results as in the cs2cs command line.

I have no idea why we add +R_A when writting the PROJ.4 string of a Miller
projection. SVN history points to a commit that dates back to 10 years ago :

Perhaps Frank will remember... ?

In any case, you can open a Trac ticket to record the issue.


A bit of digging shows that +R_A tells PROJ.4 to use a spherical radius that
gives a sphere with the same surface area as the original ellipsoid.  I
imagine I added this while trying to get the results to match PCI's GCTP
based implementation though the history isn't clear on the details.

Likely I should not be inserting that though I'm not clear what radius
is chosen by default for spherical projections like this.  Certainly there
is no ambiguity if the coordinate system is actually using a sphere.

I'm not going to take any action without a ticket and I'm not absolutely
positive what I would do with one.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Motion: Adopt GDAL/OGR RC2 as 1.8.0 Release

2011-01-17 Thread Frank Warmerdam

Motion: Adopt GDAL/OGR 1.8.0 RC2 as GDAL/OGR 1.8.0 Final Release


There don't seem to be any serious issues with the RC2, so I'd like to
adopt it as our 1.8.0 release.   I'll start the voting with:

+1 Frank

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR 1.8.0RC1 Release Candidate Prepared

2011-01-13 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-12 11:18 PM, Greg Coats wrote:

ls shows that every file and directory has the same (false) modification
date and time. This makes it impossible to see when a particular source code
file was actually last updated. Can the final GDAL source code be released
with accurate modification dates and times? Greg


We use svn checkout to get the source trip that will be packed up.  It
appears that svn checkout set the date on everything based on the checkout
time.  I have a vague recollection of trying to meet your need in the past
in some fashion but that the result was fragile in some way - perhaps it
depend on a particular version of svn or something.

In any event, I do not consider accurate last update date dates as a
valuable feature in a release source package and I am not inclined to
try and produce it.

I would strongly suggest you utilize svn (or svn via trac) to identify
changes between different releases or recent changes.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR 1.8.0RC2 Release Candidate Prepared

2011-01-13 Thread Frank Warmerdam


Some problems were discovered with the Python bindings in the RC
being out of date, and the generated perl bindings being complete
missing.  I have prepared a new release candidate for GDAL/OGR 1.8.0.
The source, testsuite and documentation can be found at:

I would appreciate broad testing of the release candidate and reporting
problems via Trac tickets:

If things seem respectable I will introduce a motion to promote this
release candidate as a final 1.8.0 release in the next day or two.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalwarp with gauss resampling

2011-01-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-12 08:53 AM, Jan Hartmann wrote:

Is it possible to use gauss resampling with gdalwarp? The current resampling
options (cubic, bilinear etc) work very well as long as the pixels in input and
output rasters are about the same size, but not very well when downsampling to
a much coarser scale. Gdaladdo has gauss resampling, but only for overviews of
an existing file. I want to combine many mapsheets into one large map at a much
lower resolution using gauss resampling. Would it make sense/be possible to add
gauss resampling to gdalwarp itself/ Alternatively, is it possible to extract
the overviews from a gdaladdo-ed file als regular rasters?


No, gdalwarp does not support gaussian resampling.

Yes, it might be desirable to add it though by it's nature gdalwarp isn't
a great engine to severely downsample images as part of a warp.

Yes, you can dump overviews to a standalone file using the dumpoverviews
commandline application.  I don't think it is built by default so you might
need to go into gdal/apps and make it explicitly.

You could also do a gdal_translate at the resolution of an overview and
it should essentially just extract the overview though that might not be
a completely sure thing.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Test and a question about gdal_warp and gdal_translate

2011-01-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-12 04:30 PM, Antonio P wrote:

Hello again : ( I dont know if my question was sent to the list )


I believe it already went through and there were some responses.
You can check the list archives after a bit to see if a message has
gone through.

I cannot use gdal_translate with % outsize parameters :
gdal_translate -of JPEG -outsize 25% 25% DSC02699.jpg 02699.jpg
  does nothing (I view the use options of gdal_translate, it seems as I wrote
a wrong parameter )
gdal_translate -of JPEG -outsize 25 25 DSC02699.jpg 02699.jpg works ok (I get a
25 x25 pixels image)
I use gdal 7.7.0b2 provided by FWTools 2.4.7

You still haven't answered the easier question about what does nothing
means in the regard.  But I'm guessing you will have problems using
percentage characters on the commandline on windows without some sort
of escaping or quoting.  % normally instructs Window's CMD.EXE to
substitute in an environment variable.

Any idea ?
Also , I 'd like to use gdal_warp simply to rescale an image to 50% 50% ? Can
anyone tell me the command line syntax ?

I do not believe there is an equivelent to the percentage thing. But
you can request a particular output size in pixels and lines using
-ts.  Just use gdalinfo to find the size of the input image in pixels
and lines, and divide by two and use them with -ts.

gdalwarp -ts 1000 1000 in.tif out.tif

(i'd like to use resampling options ...)
And  I miss more information, more examples or more tutorials on how to use
the command line utilities. Any good link ?
Thanks , Antonio

There is some useful information at:

Good luck,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] GDAL/OGR 1.8.0RC1 Release Candidate Prepared

2011-01-12 Thread Frank Warmerdam


I have prepared a release candidate for GDAL/OGR 1.8.0.  The source,
testsuite and documentation can be found at:

I would appreciate broad testing of the release candidate and reporting
problems via Trac tickets:

If things seem respectible I will introduce a motion to promote this
release candidate as a final 1.8.0 release in the next day or two.

Note that as part of the 1.8.0 release candidate process I have established
a GDAL/OGR 1.8 stable branch, and tagged the source used for the release
candidate as 1.8.0:

Any bug fixes intended for 1.8.x releases, including a possible 1.8.0RC2
need to be ported into the 1.8 stable branch starting now.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Hierarchical Data Format-EOS 2 conversion in Gdal

2011-01-11 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-10 01:19 PM, Adam Bausch wrote:

Hi All,
I am attempting to process a large volume of MERIS mosaic data obtained from
ENVISAT in HDF-EOS2 format, however, I continue to get a not a supported
format error when I try to run it. I have installed the HDF-4 (libdf), HDF-5
(libhdf5) and NetCDF libraries and checked with our Linux/Unix administrator to
try and identify the problem with no resolution. I was wondering if anyone else
has had this problem or if there is a fix.


Please ensure that GDAL has the hdf4 driver configured.  You can do:

  gdalinfo --format hdf4

I was able to install the hdf4 development libraries and include files on
my system, rebuild GDAL --with-hdf4 and then I could open the file and
extract a data subproduct.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: [gdal-dev] FWTools and GDAL 1.7.0

2011-01-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-07 10:07 AM, Jason Roberts wrote:

put GDAL in Program Files\GDAL, and
OSGeo4W in Program Files\OSGeo4W.


I would note that OSGeo4W installs in C:\OSGeo4W by default, and there are
no plans currently to change this.  OSGeo4W will continue to use it's
internal copy of GDAL.

 It could get messy if both installers have to

be able to create the Program Files\OSGeo directory but not necessarily delete
it when they are uninstalled, because there could be another OSGeo project in

I would prefer to stick to C:\Program Files\GDAL.

Along those lines, I would suggest that if GDAL plans to support side-by-side
installations of GDAL itself, then we need to contemplate carefully whether to
use Program Files\GDAL\GDAL-X.Y or Program Files\GDAL-X.Y. I think either one
would be ok, so long as whoever writes the installer thinks out all the
side-by-side installation/uninstallation scenarios.

I prefer to just use the major.minor version as the subdirectory name.

C:\Program Files\GDAL\1.7\

Another question, also already raised, is whether to have just two or all three
version numbers in the installation directory. I think that question depends on
whether you ever need to support bugfix releases installed side-by-side (e.g.
1.8.0 and 1.8.1), and also whether the bindings and other integrators will need
to bind to specific bugfix releases or not. For example, if you guarantee that
all 1.8.x releases will have compatible ABIs—that you will never introduce a
change that will break the binary interface without increasing the minor build
number—then it would be ok to just use X.Y in the directory name. But if that
cannot be guaranteed, then you need to support X.Y.Z so that bindings and other
integrators can locate the specific bugfix release that they are compatible 

It is an explicit guarantee that point releases do not change the C *or* C++
public ABI.  It is an explicit intention that a point release can be installed
over a previous release without impacting any applications using GDAL.  This
extends to the point that plugins should be compatible across point releases.

Following up on that point: I think we’ve agreed that we do not want the user
to have to set the PATH in order to have the GDAL bindings work.

I do *not* agree that installing GDAL would necessarily insert it into the
global PATH.  It might, or might not, but I'm still very concerned about
possible interference with other applications using GDAL.  I'm not saying
I will never agree to it, but I remain very cautious about interference
in the global space.  Particularly since we are likely to carry along lots
of other DLLs (zlib, xerces, etc).

If this installer is to be a product of the project, I would suggest you
write up a proposal as an RFC and we work from that.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Improved support of OziExplorer datums

2011-01-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-07 04:35 PM, Jean-Claude REPETTO wrote:


Now that GDAL supports the OZF2 and OZFx3 formats, I think it is time to
improve the processing of the .map files.
The current implementation supports only 3 datums, while OziExplorer supports
123 datums.

I have added the support for all OziExplorer datums, but before sending the
patch, Even Rouault suggested me to post this message, so that anybody can send

I have created two files in the GDAL data directory :
- gdal_ellips.csv contains the ellipsoid definitions
- gdal_datum.csv contains the datum definitions


I have two comments:

1) Please call the files ozi_ellips.csv and ozi_datum.csv

2) What is the origin of these files?  What is their licensing?  We
can't just take files from other software packages and release them as
part of GDAL unless they are under a compatible license, or the copyright
holder gives us explicit permission to release them under the GDAL license.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Problem using gdalwarp to reproject Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) to longlat

2011-01-07 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-07 04:18 PM, James Hiebert wrote:


Below is a question/probelm from one of my co-workers (who doesn't (yet)
want to subscribe to the list).

~James Hiebert

From: Hailey
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 13:05:10 -0800

Hello all,
I am trying to reproject a geotif using gdalwarp:
gdalwarp -t_srs +proj=longlat -s_srs +proj=lcc +lat_0=47.5 +lat_1=30.0 +y_0=320.0 +lat_2=60.0 
+x_0=3825000.0 +lon_0=-97.0 +a=637 -r bilinear -srcnodata 1e20 -dstnodata 1e20 -tr 
0.5 0.5 -te -137.812943839532 33.8985446218588 -102.312943839532 63.3985446218588 mm5i-lcc.tif  mm5i-latlong.tif

ERROR 1: Translating source or target SRS failed:
+proj=lcc +lat_0=47.5 +lat_1=30.0 +y_0=320.0 +lat_2=60.0 +x_0=3825000.0 
+lon_0=-97.0 +a=637

When I use the proj/invproj unix command, it works fine:

invproj +proj=lcc +lat_0=47.5 +lat_1=30.0 +y_0=320.0 +lat_2=60.0 +x_0=3825000.0 
+lon_0=-97.0 +a=637  EOF


I would suggest you collegue be more explicit about the earth models.
PROJ.4 definitions passed to GDAL utility are parsed by GDAL, converted
to WKT, and then later converted back to PROJ.4 format and so not all
definitions supported by PROJ.4 are necessarily supported by GDAL.

In this case I suspect GDAL is confused by the lack of a +b value for
the lcc projection.  It may also not handle a missing earth model on the
geographic coordinate system well.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: [gdal-dev] FWTools and GDAL 1.7.0

2011-01-06 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-06 04:42 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:

On 1/6/11 12:31 PM, Jason Roberts wrote:

Here are some comments on specific parts of your mail:

Program Files\GDAL\1.6\gdal.dll
Program Files\GDAL\1.6\gdal.dll

Those would be reasonable locations for GDAL to live if the GDAL team
decided to distribute the GDAL binaries using an installer that adhered to
the best practices on Windows.

I *think* we're heading for a consensus to do that, but not many people have
been on this thread.

Jason / Christopher,

I have no objection to using \Program Files\GDAL\major.minor\ as a
standard location for GDAL stuff on windows.  If this is done, the GDAL
data search location should be compiled in for this location on windows,
much as it defaults to /usr/share/gdal (or /usr/local/share/gdal) on

Note that this means point releases cannot coexist on a system.  I think
that is mostly a good thing, in that upgrading to a new point release
should not change the ABI and should be a transparent change for any
applications.  That is also why we do not encode the point release values
in the DLL name.  That is the GDAL17.DLL from GDAL 1.7.3 should be a drop
in replacement for the GDAL17.DLL from GDAL 1.7.2.   If the DLL name was
more specific then applications would be forced to relink to use the new

On the other hand, we do want major relases (1.7.x vs. 1.8.x) to coexist
and it is decision that applications need to make which they want to use.
So the proposed structure handles that well.

I'm going to stay out of the Python specific aspects.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: [gdal-dev] FWTools and GDAL 1.7.0

2011-01-06 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-06 05:10 PM, Jason Roberts wrote:


Thanks for sharing your opinion. I do have one question that I hope you will
weigh in on. Which of the following two options seems better to you:

1. The GDAL libraries (possibly accompanied with executable programs) are
installed as a separately from the GDAL Python bindings. The libraries are
installed to \Program Files as you describe and the Python bindings are
installed in the standard Python location. A Windows Python programmer
wanting to use GDAL would perform two installs: one for the GDAL libraries,
the other for the bindings.

2. The GDAL Python bindings include a private copy of the GDAL libraries
(with no executable programs). These are installed to a private subdirectory
with the bindings. A Windows Python programmer wanting to use GDAL only
needs to perform one install: the bindings.

#1 is essentially how things are done now, just not following Windows best
practices (not using \Program files) and without any automation to ease the
process (no regularly maintained installer for the Python bindings).

I was proposing #2, basically under the argument that a Windows Python
programmer who needs to use GDAL will rarely ever need to use GDAL for some
other purpose, and therefore not want to install and think about a separate
installation of the GDAL libraries themselves. But if you don't believe
that, or think it is important that the libraries remain distinct from the
bindings in this scenario for some other reason, then we would appreciate
your opinion.


I don't have a strong position on this, but I would note that beyond
real Python programmers wanting to use the bindings, they are also needed
just to run the python commandline utilities (such as  So
there is definately a large body of folks who would benefit from having
working python for the python utilities, and the regular commandline

Another benefit of even Python using GDAL from a standard location is
things like format plugins could be easily handled in one place.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I prefer even the Python
bindings to use the GDAL under \Program Files\GDAL.

If the Pythonistas really want to have their own copy of GDAL then
we really don't need to have this conversation.  They can do their
own thing, in their own place and there is no need for meaningful
cooperation with the core project.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: [gdal-dev] FWTools and GDAL 1.7.0

2011-01-06 Thread Frank Warmerdam

On 11-01-06 06:43 PM, Jason Roberts wrote:


Thanks for your thoughts. Based on them, I'd recommend the following two
things be created.

1. GDAL windows installation program, or at minimum, a wiki page that says
how to install the GDAL libraries and utilities (executables and Python
scripts) to \Program Files\GDAL\... Perhaps a quick compromise would be for
Tamas's build system to produce a .zip that would have everything in a
suitable directory structure and for wiki page to instruct the user just
unzip this to \Program Files\GDAL\


What do you think?


I'm supportive, but not necessarily willing to take it as action item
for myself.

I would suggest building it as an installer .exe, perhaps using NSIS as
I did for FWTools, or perhaps the method mentioned by Jurgen produces
a nice installer.

One question not discussed is whether GDAL should be minimalist or
maximalist.  That is, do we want to include as many formats as possible
despite the fact that it drags in lots of supporting libraries?  If we
just use whatever decision OSGeo4W uses then we will have a fairly
maximalist solution which is ok I suppose but might make integration of
the resulting GDAL in other complex applications messy.

I would like to suggest production of such an installer be done in such
a way that the generating scripts live in SVN somewhere, and with
instructions for the process in the wiki so it isn't all tied to one
person (as FWTools was).

Man, I'm really tempted to leap into this myself but I have so many
other outstanding items right now.  I am willing to assist in an
effort by a small (2-3 people?) team.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

gdal-dev mailing list

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