Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread Anthony Shanks
Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

Here is whats new:

* Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
* Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
* NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
* It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
the component is ignored.
* All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
naming for unnamed nets.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony wrote:
 Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
 brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
 I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
 attributes have brackets?

 I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
 file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
 schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
 standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
 choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
 what the properties of subckts look like.

 Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
 netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
 autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

 Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM, wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 The reason for the message

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

 Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
 test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

 Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
 should support custom symbols.
 v 20090328 2
 B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
 T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

 And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

 After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
 (42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


 On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Hmm, a few things.

 Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
 netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

 I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
 supported (right now):

 C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
 C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

 What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
 don't know what the other is.

 A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
 attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM,  wrote:

 Hi Anthony,

 Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
 Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have 
 note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in the

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym.

 $ more ~/.spnetlibs
 library: /home/username/tsmc sym
 library: /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym power

 On 06/23/2009 09:39 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

     Comments are not supported yet, it's on the todo list.

     Is the new code working yet? the invalid compoent error will come up
     with there is a symbol in your schematic without a valid device
     attribute. Here is a list of devices that are current supported











     As stated I will add suport for [N|P]MOS_TRANSISTOR in the next
     release as a 4 terminal mosfet device. Besides this, do you have any
     components in your 

Re: gEDA-user: Multivibrator Simulation

2009-06-24 Thread Andy Fierman
Hi Micheal,

Sorry about that, Al Davis is right, OFF doesn't seem to help.

Here are two ways to fix the problem.

1) As has already been described, if you start the simulation with the
supply voltage at 9V but apply an initial condition of 0V to one of
the transistor bases - using the .IC spice directive - then
oscillation should start. The initial condition forces one transistor
off while the other is on and then lets it go. This then starts the
first cycle at time zero.

Here's a netlist that does that:
V1 V1_P 0 9
R1 V1_P R1_N 15k
R2 V1_P R2_N 15k
R3 V1_P R3_N 1K
R4 V1_P R4_N 1K
.IC V(R2_N)=0 ; this is the initial condition
Q1 R3_N R2_N 0 0 Q2N3904
Q2 R4_N R1_N 0 0 Q2N3904
C1 R1_N R3_N 10u
C2 R4_N R2_N 10u

2) Alternatively, if you do two things, it will start oscillating.

i) make the 9V supply ramp up from zero at the start of the
simulation. A short rise time of about 100n should be OK.

ii) make one of the base resistors slightly different from the other.
A difference of even 1 Ohm will do it. This adds a slight imbalance to
an otherwise perfectly balanced circuit. The supply ramp up than acts
to turn one transistor on slightly before the other setting up the
initial conditions for the first cycle just after time zero.

And here's a netlist that does that:
V1 V1_P 0  Pulse(0 9 0 100n 100n) ; this is the supply ramp
R1 V1_P R1_N 15k
R2 V1_P R2_N 15.001k ; this is the base resistor imbalance.
R3 V1_P R3_N 1K
R4 V1_P R4_N 1K
Q1 R3_N R2_N 0 0 Q2N3904
Q2 R4_N R1_N 0 0 Q2N3904
C1 R1_N R3_N 10u
C2 R4_N R2_N 10u

Try running them for about 500ms to see how the oscillations start up.

I've not used gnucap or ngspice yet so I'm not familiar with how you
drive them. You may need to add the transistor models to my netlists.

.model Q2N3904 npn ( IS=2.48E-13 VAF=101.7 BF=400 IKF=0.0334 NE=1.5243
+ISE=2.113E-12 IKR=0.02 ISC=5.00E-12 NC=1.1 NR=1 BR=10 RC=0.5 CJC=3.50E-12
+FC=0.5 MJC=0.25 VJC=0.7 CJE=4.50E-12 MJE=0.33 VJE=0.75 TF=2.80E-10
+ITF=0.4 VTF=2 XTF=10 RE=1 TR=8.00E-07)
*From NS Discrete 1978, Motorola DL126/D rev 4 - Process 66
* Base resistance not modelled - no info.



2009/6/23 al davis
 On Tuesday 23 June 2009, Michael B Allen wrote:

 *==  Begin SPICE netlist of main design
 Q2 output 2 0 2N3904
 .MODEL 2N3904 NPN (Is=6.734f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=74.03 Bf=416.4
 Ne=1.259 Ise=6.734 Ikf=66.78m Xtb=1.5 Br=.7371 Nc=2 Isc=0
 Ikr=0 Rc=1 Cjc=3.638p Mjc=.3085 Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=4.493p
 Mje=.2593 Vje=.75 Tr=239.5n Tf=301.2p Itf=.4 Vtf=4 Xtf=2 Rb)

 This syntax is incorrect .. Rb) ???

 V1 4 0 DC 9V
 R4 output 4 0.999K
 Q1 1 3 0 2N3904
 .MODEL 2N3904 NPN (Is=6.734f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=74.03 Bf=416.4
 Ne=1.259 Ise=6.734 Ikf=66.78m Xtb=1.5 Br=.7371 Nc=2 Isc=0
 Ikr=0 Rc=1 Cjc=3.638p Mjc=.3085 Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=4.493p
 Mje=.2593 Vje=.75 Tr=239.5n Tf=301.2p Itf=.4 Vtf=4 Xtf=2

 syntax correct this time, but there should be only one .model statement.

 R3 1 4 1.001K
 R2 3 4 15K
 R1 2 4 15K
 C2 output 3 10uF
 C1 1 2 10uF

  You need to explicitly start the oscillator.

 I'm not having any luck with this. It seems the syntax of
 netlist vs. interpreter mode commands vs. gspiceui fields is
 different enough that it's totally unclear as to how to
 achieve non-trival things.

 Why I don't like the GUI ..  There are hundreds of things you can do.
 The GUI gives you about three of them.

 First, do I want to use GNU-Cap or NG-Spice?

 Gnucap, if you want my help.  If you are really into it, try both
 and you will see that some things work better in one, some
 in the other.

 Also, what timing do I want? I was thinking something like
 50ms - 100ms in 1ms increments reasoning that it will take
 time for the oscillation to start.

 It depends on your circuit.  What frequency did you design it for.

 You need to run it a while to start up.  See the example I referenced
 in the other mail.

 Regarding simulating power on, I don't recognize the format
 on the page cited:

   Vcc (vcc 0) pulse(iv=0 pv=12 rise=.01)

 My netlist above does not have parenthesis.

 Parenthesis are optional, but make it easier to read.

 And it seems
 gspiceui overrules the voltage source properties anyway?

 I think you put the whole string pulse ( ...) as the value in the schematic.

 With Spice, you list a bunch of numbers in a particular order.
 Gnucap accepts that too, but I can never remember what
 order they go in, so the labels are a better way to do it.

 That statement says the initial value (iv) is 0, pulsed (final)
 value (pv) is 12, and the rise time is .01 seconds.  Look
 up the pulse

 Similarly I'm not sure where the OFF 

Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread A.Burinskiy
Hi Anthony,

I try your latch comparator and got next results (when I run my 
schematic I have the same output - unable to open low level sch).

$ spnet comparator.sch

spNet v0.9.1.2
gEDA/gschem Netlister
Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

-I- Starting Build of Cell: comparator
-I- Adding Library: buck1
-I- Adding Library: sym
-I- Adding Library: power
-I- Building Cell: preamp
-E- Unable to open schematic for cell: preamp


On 06/24/2009 12:19 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
 how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

 Here is whats new:

 * Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
 * Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
 * NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
 * It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
 original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
 the component is ignored.
 * All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

 Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
 the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
 librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
 naming for unnamed nets.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony  wrote:

 Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
 brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
 I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
 attributes have brackets?

 I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
 file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
 schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
 standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
 choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
 what the properties of subckts look like.

 Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
 netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
 autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

 Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 The reason for the message

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

 Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
 test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

 Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
 should support custom symbols.
 v 20090328 2
 B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
 T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

 And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

 After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
 (42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


 On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Hmm, a few things.

 Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
 netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

 I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
 supported (right now):

 C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
 C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

 What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
 don't know what the other is.

 A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
 attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, A.Burinskiyalexb...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Anthony,

 Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
 Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have 
 note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in the

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym.

 $ more ~/.spnetlibs
 library: /home/username/tsmc sym
 library: /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym power

 On 06/23/2009 09:39 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

  Comments are not supported yet, it's on the todo list.

  Is the new code working yet? the invalid compoent 

Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread A.Burinskiy

Hi Anthony,

I fixed that by adding library: ./ local into .spnetlibs. Now I have 

$ spnet test_v2i.sch

spNet v0.9.1.2
gEDA/gschem Netlister
Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

-I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
-I- Adding Library: local
-I- Building Cell: v2i_2v
-I- Try: .//v2i_2v.sch
-E- Net stitch failure in cell v2i_2v near point 43200,49100.

Image of offending net attached.


On 06/24/2009 12:19 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

Here is whats new:

* Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
* Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
* NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
* It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
the component is ignored.
* All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
naming for unnamed nets.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony  wrote:

Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
attributes have brackets?

I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
what the properties of subckts look like.

Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  wrote:

Hi Anthony,

The reason for the message

-E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
should support custom symbols.
v 20090328 2
B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
(42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

$ spnet test_v2i.sch

spNet v0.9.1.2
gEDA/gschem Netlister
Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

-I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
-I- Adding Library: sym
-I- Adding Library: power
-I- Combining Cells
-W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
-W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
-E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

Hmm, a few things.

Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
supported (right now):

C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
don't know what the other is.

A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, A.Burinskiyalexb...@gmail.comwrote:


Hi Anthony,

Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have (Please
note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in the

$ spnet test_v2i.sch

spNet v0.9.1.2
gEDA/gschem Netlister
Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

-I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
-I- Adding Library: sym
-I- Adding Library: power
-I- Combining Cells

-E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym.

$ more ~/.spnetlibs
library: /home/username/tsmc sym
library: /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym power

On 06/23/2009 09:39 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:


 Comments are not supported yet, it's on the todo list.

 Is the new code working yet? the invalid compoent error will come up
 with there is a symbol in your schematic without a valid device
 attribute. Here is a list of devices 

Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread A.Burinskiy
Hi Anthony,

You could be surprised with -I- Try... statement. I modify your code a 
little by adding printf statement in file misc.c near line 383.
 // Test to see if the schematic exists
 libs_save = libs;
 while(libs != NULL)
 filename_path = malloc_str(strlen(libs-path) + 
strlen(basename) + 5);
   +  sprintf(filename_path,%s/%s.sch,libs-path,basename);
 printf(-I- Try: %s\n,filename_path);
 fp_subckt_sch = fopen(filename_path,r);
 if(fp_subckt_sch != NULL)


On 06/24/2009 12:19 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
 how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

 Here is whats new:

 * Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
 * Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
 * NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
 * It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
 original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
 the component is ignored.
 * All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

 Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
 the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
 librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
 naming for unnamed nets.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony  wrote:

 Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
 brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
 I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
 attributes have brackets?

 I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
 file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
 schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
 standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
 choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
 what the properties of subckts look like.

 Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
 netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
 autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

 Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 The reason for the message

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

 Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
 test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

 Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
 should support custom symbols.
 v 20090328 2
 B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
 T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

 And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

 After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
 (42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


 On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Hmm, a few things.

 Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
 netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

 I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
 supported (right now):

 C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
 C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

 What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
 don't know what the other is.

 A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
 attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, A.Burinskiyalexb...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Anthony,

 Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
 Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have 
 note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in the

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym.

 $ more ~/.spnetlibs
 library: /home/username/tsmc sym
 library: /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym power

 On 06/23/2009 09:39 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

  Comments are not 

Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread A.Burinskiy
Hi Anthony,

If I add netname to the offended net, the spnet goes to the next net and 
report next error. Does it mean that all nets should be named?


On 06/24/2009 12:19 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
 how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

 Here is whats new:

 * Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
 * Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
 * NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
 * It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
 original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
 the component is ignored.
 * All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

 Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
 the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
 librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
 naming for unnamed nets.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony  wrote:

 Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
 brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
 I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
 attributes have brackets?

 I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
 file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
 schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
 standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
 choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
 what the properties of subckts look like.

 Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
 netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
 autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

 Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 The reason for the message

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

 Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
 test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

 Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
 should support custom symbols.
 v 20090328 2
 B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
 T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

 And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

 After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
 (42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


 On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Hmm, a few things.

 Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
 netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

 I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
 supported (right now):

 C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
 C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

 What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
 don't know what the other is.

 A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
 attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, A.Burinskiyalexb...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Anthony,

 Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
 Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have 
 note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in the

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym.

 $ more ~/.spnetlibs
 library: /home/username/tsmc sym
 library: /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym power

 On 06/23/2009 09:39 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

  Comments are not supported yet, it's on the todo list.

  Is the new code working yet? the invalid compoent error will come up
  with there is a symbol in your schematic without a valid device
  attribute. Here is a list of devices that are current supported






Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread Anthony Shanks
Hi Alex,

All cells that have a lower level schematic (subckt) should be in the
.spnetlibs file so it know where to look when opening up the schematic
and symbol. And yes, for now there no auto-netnaming feature so if
spnet comes across a net that isn't named any any connection point or
there is no pin attached on the net (from the pin symbol in my sym
gzip file) it will produce a netstitch error (which just means it
couldn't find a name for the net anywhere).

Did you try attaching a name to the net and netlist it yet?


On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 9:50 AM, wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 If I add netname to the offended net, the spnet goes to the next net and
 report next error. Does it mean that all nets should be named?


 On 06/24/2009 12:19 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
 how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

 Here is whats new:

 * Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
 * Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
 * NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
 * It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
 original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
 the component is ignored.
 * All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

 Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
 the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
 librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
 naming for unnamed nets.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony  wrote:

 Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
 brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
 I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
 attributes have brackets?

 I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
 file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
 schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
 standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
 choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
 what the properties of subckts look like.

 Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
 netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
 autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

 Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  wrote:

 Hi Anthony,

 The reason for the message

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

 Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
 test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

 Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
 should support custom symbols.
 v 20090328 2
 B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
 T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

 And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

 After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
 (42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


 On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Hmm, a few things.

 Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
 netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

 I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
 supported (right now):

 C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
 C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

 What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
 don't know what the other is.

 A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
 attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM,    

 Hi Anthony,

 Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
 Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have 
 note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in 

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr 

Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread Anthony Shanks
Btw, I don't know if it was clear but you should only have to name one
part of the net. Everything else attached to that net should pick up
the same name.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Anthony wrote:
 Hi Alex,

 All cells that have a lower level schematic (subckt) should be in the
 .spnetlibs file so it know where to look when opening up the schematic
 and symbol. And yes, for now there no auto-netnaming feature so if
 spnet comes across a net that isn't named any any connection point or
 there is no pin attached on the net (from the pin symbol in my sym
 gzip file) it will produce a netstitch error (which just means it
 couldn't find a name for the net anywhere).

 Did you try attaching a name to the net and netlist it yet?


 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 9:50 AM, wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 If I add netname to the offended net, the spnet goes to the next net and
 report next error. Does it mean that all nets should be named?


 On 06/24/2009 12:19 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Hi Alex, please download the newest spnet on my site and let me know
 how it goes, it should be a bit more compatible.

 Here is whats new:

 * Comments in both .spnetlibs and .spentrc (# is the comment character)
 * Won't bail out on empty lines in either file above
 * NMOS_TRANSISTOR and PMOS_TRANSISTOR as 4 terminal mosfets
 * It doesnt matter if a component has brackets or not like in your
 original example. If there is no brackets (therefore no attributes)
 the component is ignored.
 * All power symbols that come with gschem now work properly

 Eager to here how this new version works and how compatible it is. In
 the next release (perhaps tomorrow) I will add the support to pull
 librarys already defined in gedarc files. Will also try to add autonet
 naming for unnamed nets.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Anthony  

 Are titleblocks legal (without lack of a better term) without
 brackets or were they just that way in your schematic for some reason?
 I thought all components had brackets but maybe only components with
 attributes have brackets?

 I took a look at v2i_2v.sym, it doesn't look like it has any schematic
 file attached to it. Also spnet requires subckts with lower level
 schematics to have the attribute to device=SUBCKT. There is no
 standard attribute in the gEDA flow to define a subckt so thats what I
 choose for spnet. Take a look at my latch example on my website for
 what the properties of subckts look like.

 Net stitch failure happens usually when there is a net without a
 netname attached to one of the nets its connected too. There is no
 autonet name feature yet but I plan to add it.

 Also which devices in your schematic don't have refdes?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  wrote:

 Hi Anthony,

 The reason for the message

 -E- Fatal Error: Invalid Component attr C 42200 44200 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym

 Was that first component, that is title-B block listed in the
 test_v2i_2.sch without pair of { } !

 Symbol spice-lib.sym is a special symbol. I did it. I think netlister
 should support custom symbols.
 v 20090328 2
 B 0 400 1900 300 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T 100 300 9 10 0 1 0 0 1
 T 100 500 9 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 600 500 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 500 200 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
 T 100 200 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
 T 0 -5 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

 And  v2i_2v.sym is real subcircuit.

 After artificially adding this braces I've got (please note, that
 (42300;44500) corresponds to connection point of gnd symbol pin)

 $ spnet test_v2i.sch

 spNet v0.9.1.2
 gEDA/gschem Netlister
 Copyright 2009 Anthony Shanks

 -I- Starting Build of Cell: test_v2i
 -I- Adding Library: sym
 -I- Adding Library: power
 -I- Combining Cells
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -W- Device in cell test_v2i does not have a refdes, ignoring.
 -E- Net stitch failure in cell test_v2i near point 42300,44500.


 On 06/23/2009 10:54 AM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Hmm, a few things.

 Is that ground symbol the default that comes with gschem (device=none,
 netname=0)? Can't look right now, at work.

 I also noticed a few things in your schematic that is definitely not
 supported (right now):

 C 47000 49500 1 0 0 spice-lib.sym
 C 5 44900 1 0 0 v2i_2v.sym

 What are these? I assume the spice-lib.sym is a subckt netlist but I
 don't know what the other is.

 A quick fix in your case with the ground symbol is just to add the
 attribute device=globalnode and net=0.


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM,    

 Hi Anthony,

 Yes, there is device that is not in the list and this is ground symbol.
 Please find diff file and test_v2i.sch attached. That is what I have 
 note, that your search for '=' sign, while there is no any '=' sign in 


Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread Christoph Lechner
Hash: SHA1

Anthony Shanks wrote:
 What is your end goal here? Just to have hierarchical schematics or do
 be able to produce a hierarchical netlist? IMHO hierarchical
 schematics in gschem work perfectly fine, it's netlisting them that as
 of right now is very hackery/broken which is why I started a new
 netlister spNet. You can download the latest version here but be warned the documentation is very
 shotty/inaccurate since I haven't officially released it yet. Refer to
 my last post on this list for more details.
I'm planning a stepper motor card for 4 motors, so I wanted to put the
motor drivers and all the stuff around in one subcircuit.
The problem is that for example the out-1.sym instrace called HOME (=the
HOME pin of the symbol) is renamed into HOME1 by gnetlist. I run
gnetlist only on the subcircuit. Don't know if it's OK to do so ...

But I will check out spnet tomorrow!

- - cl
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and refdes_renum

2009-06-24 Thread John Doty

On Jun 24, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Christoph Lechner wrote:

 I'm planning a stepper motor card for 4 motors, so I wanted to put the
 motor drivers and all the stuff around in one subcircuit.
 The problem is that for example the out-1.sym instrace called HOME  
 HOME pin of the symbol) is renamed into HOME1 by gnetlist. I run
 gnetlist only on the subcircuit. Don't know if it's OK to do so ...

In that approach, you run gnetlist on the top level schematic to  
produce a flat netlist, as required by may (most?) printed circuit  
layout programs. Running gnetlist on the subcircuit will treat the IO  
connectors as physical components.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Freedog-like groups in Southern California?

2009-06-24 Thread Michael Sokolov
Hello gEDA/PCB users,

I wonder, is there perchance a local user group in Southern California
similar to the Freeedaug on the East Coast?  Or if there is no
established group, are there any individual gEDA/PCB users in Southern
California who might be interested in starting such a group?

I would really like to find someone local from whom I could learn how to
use PCB for simple tasks.  Because of the way my brain is wired, tasks
that are inherently graphical by their nature (such as PCB layout) are
very unnatural and difficult for me, so I know I will probably never do
my own complex PCB layouts of professional quality, instead I'll have to
outsource them like I did with the OSDCU (Ineiev did an outstanding job
in my opinion!), however, I would like to at least be able to do simple
things with PCB.  I would like to be able to view existing layouts and
examine areas of interest to me, make minor edits and do my own layouts
of very simple boards that have maybe 2 or 3 components and fewer than
10 or so traces.

My difficulty is that my disability when it comes to graphical tasks
makes it harder for me than it would be for an average person, so whereas
a normal person would have no difficulty learning how to use PCB from
the various resources on the web, I think I would need to learn from
someone I can interact with in person.  Hence I wonder if there is
anyone local in Southern California who would be willing to teach me
some basic use of the PCB GUI.

I do have pcb-20081128 installed and working with the lesstif HID on my
Slackware Linux laptop.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Freedog-like groups in Southern California?

2009-06-24 Thread Anthony Shanks
Sorry man if you were in Northern California I'd have no problem
helping you. Good luck with your search.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Michael wrote:
 Hello gEDA/PCB users,

 I wonder, is there perchance a local user group in Southern California
 similar to the Freeedaug on the East Coast?  Or if there is no
 established group, are there any individual gEDA/PCB users in Southern
 California who might be interested in starting such a group?

 I would really like to find someone local from whom I could learn how to
 use PCB for simple tasks.  Because of the way my brain is wired, tasks
 that are inherently graphical by their nature (such as PCB layout) are
 very unnatural and difficult for me, so I know I will probably never do
 my own complex PCB layouts of professional quality, instead I'll have to
 outsource them like I did with the OSDCU (Ineiev did an outstanding job
 in my opinion!), however, I would like to at least be able to do simple
 things with PCB.  I would like to be able to view existing layouts and
 examine areas of interest to me, make minor edits and do my own layouts
 of very simple boards that have maybe 2 or 3 components and fewer than
 10 or so traces.

 My difficulty is that my disability when it comes to graphical tasks
 makes it harder for me than it would be for an average person, so whereas
 a normal person would have no difficulty learning how to use PCB from
 the various resources on the web, I think I would need to learn from
 someone I can interact with in person.  Hence I wonder if there is
 anyone local in Southern California who would be willing to teach me
 some basic use of the PCB GUI.

 I do have pcb-20081128 installed and working with the lesstif HID on my
 Slackware Linux laptop.


 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Freedog-like groups in Southern California?

2009-06-24 Thread Bob Paddock
 My difficulty is that my disability when it comes to graphical tasks
 makes it harder for me than it would be for an average person, so whereas
 a normal person would have no difficulty learning how to use PCB from
 the various resources on the web,

I don't know how relevant this is to PCB, but some people can copy
artwork in extraordinary detail by turning it upside down.  The brain
stops trying to process the picture that way, that gets in the way
in tasks like this.

How do you get your monitor to display something upside down,
with out turning the monitor over?  Seems like there would be
some simple way to do that.  Preferably on a per-window basis.

 I think I would need to learn from someone I can interact with in person.

There are always things like VNC and RFB that let people interact
with you on your own screen.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Freedog-like groups in Southern California?

2009-06-24 Thread Steven Michalske
On the Northern California front.

I'm in sunnyvale, CA.

Any other users in the area

On Jun 24, 2009, at 5:08 PM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Sorry man if you were in Northern California I'd have no problem
 helping you. Good luck with your search.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Freedog-like groups in Southern California?

2009-06-24 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Steven Michalske wrote:
 On the Northern California front.

 I'm in sunnyvale, CA.

 Any other users in the area

There's a oseda group that meets third wednesday every month.

The location varies, but Bangkok Spoon Thai
restaurant, 702 Villa St.  (corner of Villa St. and Hope St.) 
Mountain View, seems to be one of their top places.

I usually make it about once a year, maybe twice,  I don't live 
in California but travel there often enough to hook up once in a 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Freedog-like groups in Southern California?

2009-06-24 Thread Windell H. Oskay
I'm also in Sunnyvale. :)

On Jun 24, 2009, at 6:22 PM, Steven Michalske wrote:

 On the Northern California front.

 I'm in sunnyvale, CA.

 Any other users in the area

 On Jun 24, 2009, at 5:08 PM, Anthony Shanks wrote:

 Sorry man if you were in Northern California I'd have no problem
 helping you. Good luck with your search.

 geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: test suite versus fab drawing

2009-06-24 Thread Dan McMahill
I've added the start of a test suite for pcb.  It checks the export 
HID's.  I haven't come up with good ideas for checking other aspects yet.

One trick is how to compare a generated output file to a stored 
reference one.  For example, the bill of materials and x-y (centroid) 
files contain the name of the person who generated the file as well as a 
date/time stamp.  So I use awk to clear out those bits followed by diff.

For RS274-X files, I run the reference and the generated one through 
gerbv to export both to png files and then do a pixel by pixel compare. 
  That way if we change comments or some other thing in our output that 
produces an identical mask, we're still ok.  But... the fab drawing 
includes the name of the person who generated it along with a date/time 
stamp.  I don't see a good way to clear that out and so of course I 
can't check fab drawings because I get a failure every time.

Would it make sense to teach pcb to accept a pair of new command line 
options that set the author name (--originator name) and a time stamp 
string (--time time string) to use in place of whats detected from the 
user info and the system time?  I could even see the --originator option 
being useful if you wanted to put a different name in the drawings.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: test suite versus fab drawing

2009-06-24 Thread DJ Delorie

There's already an option for the originator:

 --fab-author string 

I would prefer an option to not include the time, over one that lies
about the time, unless you want to include the timestamp in the

geda-user mailing list