Re: gEDA-user: 200 bugs, warts and feature requests

2010-12-19 Thread Peter Clifton
On Sat, 2010-12-18 at 09:31 +0100, Martin Kupec wrote:

   I would dump it to a wiki page and point to that page from here.
   And probably file a bug pointing to that wiki. This way someone
   can slowly go through it.


One issue per bug please, or I will close it as invalid. (Otherwise it
becomes very difficult to track progress in fixing issues).

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
If the symbol for the subcircuit has refdes X15, and it contains a 
component with refdes C42, the refdes in the flattened netlist created

by gnetlist is X15/C42. Local nets within the subcircuits similarly get
pathnames for their netnames.

I don't like the slash, because it makes the component names extra long. 
So I put these lines in a local gnetlistrc:

 (hierarchy-uref-separator )
 (hierarchy-netname-separator )

In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a single digit. 
That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be readable in in silk with 
a three layered hierarchy.
How about emitting only the basename of a refdes on silk - if you got 
several instances
of a circuit on a board, the component values should be identical 
anyway. With sloting
of subcircuits this may be wrong, but then it would make sense to 
collaps the pathname
of a subcircuit into one instance, that you can place to a group of 
components. In order
to get this right, rat lines from the path to the base-refdeses could be 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 200 bugs, warts and feature requests

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

PS: This is what the last couple of lines look like:
• pcb wart: rats don't print in the eps HID


• gschem room for improvement: If an autosave backup is found, the dialog
 should offer to show the diff of the two files.

sounds quite difficult to implement - diff as ghost symbols ?

• gschem usability improvement: If a symbol contains slots, insert should
 optionally add all slots at once with slot numbers automatically


• gschem usability: The add text dialog should automatically apply the
 current text when the mouse leaves the dialog.
:-(   if you don't need to click for placement, 99% of times the text 
will be elsewhere
it's a funny idea, that you have to move the dialog for placement of the 

• gschem usability: The add text dialog should contain widgets to set
 text attributes like size, color, orientation, 


• gschem usability: Accel to increment/decrement  text size on [s]/[shift-s]
 similar to pcb


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 200 bugs, warts and feature requests

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

• gschem usability: The add text dialog should automatically
apply the current text when the mouse leaves the dialog.
:-(   if you don't need to click for placement, 99% of times the text 
will be elsewhere

I didn't mean to get rid of the apply-click. Just the click on the ok 
button. If the mouse leaves the dialog area, this should be treated as 
ok, I am done. Let me apply the current text
Sure, the OK button is superfluous. The close button isn't - this raises 
the idea, that
this dialog could have a semi-modal behaviour: if keyboard focus is 
left in (or rerouted

to) the dialog, you can edit the text while placing with the mouse.
Rerouting input from the main drawing window to a dialog requires
context based swappable handlers, which is a good idea anyways (imo).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread kai-martin knaak
Armin Faltl wrote:

 In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a 
 single digit. That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be
 readable in in silk with a three layered hierarchy.
 How about emitting only the basename of a refdes on silk

Then, I'd have no way to locate which schematic subsheet a 
particular R1 on the layout would correspond to. Of course,
all refdeses might be guaranteed to be different like starting
at R100 for one sub sheet and at R200 for the second. In that 
case, refdes mangling can be switched off whole sale in a local
  (hierarchy-uref-mangle disabled)

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

Armin Faltl wrote:

In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a 
single digit. That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be

readable in in silk with a three layered hierarchy.

How about emitting only the basename of a refdes on silk

Then, I'd have no way to locate which schematic subsheet a 
particular R1 on the layout would correspond to.

forgot to post another idea: in the course of general GUI rework, rightclick
on a component could bring up info on it, including the complete refdes,
the footprint source, XYRS values, attached nets, some of that even
editable, e.g. for precision placement of parts.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-19 Thread kai-martin knaak
John Doty wrote:

 Repeat after me: the library symbols are only starting points.

Which is a pity and a major weakness of geda/pcb.

 Everybody has their own working style: the library cannot
 possibly cover everybody's.

True. However it does not preclude the existence of a library
that reasonably matches the needs of a large group of users.
The other EDA packages I had the chance to work with, did a 
much better job at the library front. You could get quite far
with their default library. My eagle oriented colleagues hardly 
dive into the symbol and/or footprint creation business.

 Hierarchy-Down Symbol
 Delete the offending attribute.
 File-Save As
 Delete old symbol, add new in its place.
 Is that really so hard?

A GUI oriented work-flow recommended by John D. (!)

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread kai-martin knaak
Armin Faltl wrote:

 on a component could bring up info on it, including the
 complete refdes, the footprint source, XYRS values, 
 attached nets, some of that even editable, e.g. for 
 precision placement of parts.

yay, yay!
In particular the last part of it. Position and rotation
angle definitely should be editable via the keyboard. 
Right-click to get properties is a very common meme. 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-19 Thread John Doty

On Dec 19, 2010, at 6:38 AM, kai-martin knaak wrote:

 John Doty wrote:
 Repeat after me: the library symbols are only starting points.
 Which is a pity and a major weakness of geda/pcb.

Have you used other tools? It's unavoidable for anything that can tackle a 
broad range of projects. gEDA isn't just for hobbyists, you know.

 Everybody has their own working style: the library cannot
 possibly cover everybody's.
 True. However it does not preclude the existence of a library
 that reasonably matches the needs of a large group of users.
 The other EDA packages I had the chance to work with, did a 
 much better job at the library front. You could get quite far
 with their default library. My eagle oriented colleagues hardly 
 dive into the symbol and/or footprint creation business.

And they can't go all the places gEDA can go.

There is nothing whatever preventing somebody from constructing a symbol 
library that matches *their* notion of a reasonable gEDA flow. Publish on 
gedasymbols. But I predict that such a person would get numerous complaints 
from users. All of the symbol complaints seem to come from people who want gEDA 
to follow a narrow path that is *obviously* to them the path that suits most 
users, but in fact would only suit a modest subset.

I personally use gEDA for about six kinds of incompatible flow (overlapping 
categories, take with much salt).

1. Breadboard

Stock symbols, nothing fancy.

2. Small scale printed circuit.

Stock symbols, attach footprint names the layout person will recognize.

3. Large scale printed circuit.

Largely project-specific heavy symbols. Footprints in symbols, not usually 
promoted or attached. Try to get layout contractor to tell me what footprint 
names they want.

4. SPICE simulation of circuits for printed circuit realization

Stock symbols, attach the extra attributes. It is presently impractical to 
simulate schematics as drawn for printed circuit layout. If we could move the 
semantic processing out of the gnetlist front end, it would be possible to 
write a SPICE netlister that would work without requiring you to redraw such 

5. Capture of circuit topology for symbolic analysis (-g mathematica).

These are necessarily small circuits, so I mostly use stock symbols.

6. VLSI design

Only a few of the stock symbols are useful here. I've published (on 
gedasymbols) a collection of symbols matching the OpenIP VLSI library. One nice 
thing though, is that at least for the layout flow my customer uses there is no 
conflict between the semantics of layout and the semantics of simulation, so 
the netlists I send for layout are verifiable in simulation.

 Hierarchy-Down Symbol
 Delete the offending attribute.
 File-Save As
 Delete old symbol, add new in its place.
 Is that really so hard?
 A GUI oriented work-flow recommended by John D. (!)

Well, in truth, I'm more likely to:

locate whatever.sym
cp the-selected-version-of-whathever.sym ProjectSymbols/whatnow.sym
gschem ProjectSymbols/whatnow.sym
Fix the symbol

Before ever placing it. Often there's already a suitable version in some other 
project, no fix needed.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread kai-martin knaak
Rick Collins wrote:

  In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a
  single digit. That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be
  readable in in silk with a three layered hierarchy.
  How about emitting only the basename of a refdes on silk

Then, I'd have no way to locate which schematic subsheet a
particular R1 on the layout would correspond to. Of course,
all refdeses might be guaranteed to be different like starting
at R100 for one sub sheet and at R200 for the second. In that
case, refdes mangling can be switched off whole sale in a local
   (hierarchy-uref-mangle disabled)
 Can you be sure this will work with all designs?

Of course not. That's why I said, In that case 

 Your approach would 
 limit each subsheet to 100 of each type of component before name 
 collisions happen.  I can picture two ways of working around this.
 One is to instead append a numeral or other indicator to the 
 beginning of a refdes, i.e. when on subsheet 3 a part might be 

This is exactly, what I like to do in my hierarchical designs.
(See the top of this post.) 

 Of course this could be confused with a part value, i.e. 

Not with pcb :-)
Pcb prints either refdeses, or values but not both.

 The other is to have a feature in the schematic package to provide a 
 unique number to each component.  The subsheet instances would be 
 processed in turn resulting in a unique number being assigned to
 each component in the design. 

We sort of have this in gschem already: The autonumber dialog 
contains the option to skip numbers found in whole hierarchy.
This is not perfect, since it only looks at sub sheets but not 
at parent sheets.

 If I understand correctly how subsheets 
 work, I can see where you might want to display to the user a given 
 subsheet only once rather than separately each time the sheet is 

Not sure, if I understand what you are aiming at.
One of my current projects involves a subcircuit that needs
to be repeated 69 times. With subsheets I don't need to have 
69 times the same schematic in the documentation. If I have
to change some aspect of the subcircuit, I don't have to
apply the change 69 times. So for this particular project
the way geda treats subsheets is a real work saver. :-)

 Does it make sense to let the schematic package reassign
 ref des in multiple instances of a subsheet?

IMHO, this is the job of gnetlist. On schematic level multiple
instances should be exactly the same. That's why they are
instances rather than copies.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Rick Collins

At 11:20 AM 12/19/2010, you wrote:

Rick Collins wrote:
 If I understand correctly how subsheets
 work, I can see where you might want to display to the user a given
 subsheet only once rather than separately each time the sheet is

Not sure, if I understand what you are aiming at.
One of my current projects involves a subcircuit that needs
to be repeated 69 times. With subsheets I don't need to have
69 times the same schematic in the documentation. If I have
to change some aspect of the subcircuit, I don't have to
apply the change 69 times. So for this particular project
the way geda treats subsheets is a real work saver. :-)

But it is a problem with documentation.  You have one page in your 
schematic and each part has a ref des.  In your example, on the board 
each part in the subsheet has 69 instances, all with unique ref 
des.  If your ref des is hierarchical (subsheet/refdes), then the ref 
des tells you what instance of the sheet to consider.  But if the 
tools generate new ref des that are not hierarchical, then you need 
to at least be able to view each subsheet separately, with each 
instance having its own ref des.  This does not mean you have to edit 
69 pages when you make a change.  If the tool actually understands 
subsheets as hierarchy to be instanced, then it should allow you to 
edit the original subsheet once, but allow you to view it N times, 
each with the component ref des that will be used in layout.  It may 
make it hard to figure out which subsheet instance to view in the 
schematic.  With the hierarchical ref des it tells you which 
instance.  With component renumbering you have to search to find the 
right sheet... the same as non-hierarchical schematics.

 Does it make sense to let the schematic package reassign
 ref des in multiple instances of a subsheet?

IMHO, this is the job of gnetlist. On schematic level multiple
instances should be exactly the same. That's why they are
instances rather than copies.

There is more than one way to view instantiation.  You don't have to 
see it as the exact same, single sheet.  If you do, there is no way 
to have your documentation in step with the actual board 
produced...  The way you are viewing subsheets, they are macros and 
the schematic is a programming language.  A schematic is intended to 
be documentation and each page has to show the ref des that appears 
on the final product.  If you push this off to gnetlist, you no 
longer have a one to one correspondence between the schematic and the 
board.  It just requires a smart schematic package that  knows 
how to assign ref des.

The only fly in the ointment is back annotation.  It is common for 
layouts to dictate ref des based on location to allow finding parts 
easily.  I guess there is no reason that back annotation should be 
hard, but in a hierarchical schematic it may require special attention.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-19 Thread Martin Kupec
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 01:02:25AM +, Peter Clifton wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 22:57 +0100, Martin Kupec wrote:
  Sometimes, when you place to lines too close, but not that close
  in polygon. It will make thin line in the polygon connecting two
  part of the polygon. DRC will mark this line as too thin.
 Actually, I'm pretty sure the DRC will miss this error (unless the thin
 line was _required_ for some connectivity), - And even then I'm not 100%
It misses the error. I have found old bug describing this
  should automaticly erase such lines. Any proposal, how to fix
 It is quite a hard problem to solve actually.. I'll have a think about
 it... it really needs solving, and I've been looking at / thinking about
 polygons recently.
You are probably the most qualified one :-).
  When you make a via in polygon. Change the clerance to too
  small value and add thermal(even full thermal). DRC will mark
  this via as having too smal clearance. This seems like bug to
 Sounds like ;) (I'll point you at a bug tracker to file it at some
 point, but we're probably going to move trackers pretty soon anyway, so
 you might have the honour of filing the first (new) bug in the new bug
 tracker if you wait a while!).
I am trying to file a bug at
  Bigger issues is that when I drag component, lines are dragged
  with it. This is fine, but the lines do not respect any
  orthogonal/45 deg rules.
 You can switch off rubber-band mode in the settings menu. More
 intelligent rubber-banding could be done in the future, but is not
 trivial to implement.
I know that this is problematic. I can work with current state.
I just pointed to all problems I had :-).
  I cannot simply unmask part of the board. I know how to do it,
  but that is not optimal. Having some Solder mask layer with
  polygons clearing solder mask would be neat.
 Future TODO item for when we re-work layer support in (some) future PCB
 version. I'd expect it will not happen any time soon.
There is a patch on tracker(ID 2986641). It add few new layers
and one of them is component_mask(and solder_mask).
What do you think about that patch? It doesn't apply currently,
but it can be a starting point.

Martin Kupec

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 19.12.2010 17:59, schrieb Rick Collins:
 At 11:20 AM 12/19/2010, you wrote:
 Rick Collins wrote:
  If I understand correctly how subsheets
  work, I can see where you might want to display to the user a given
  subsheet only once rather than separately each time the sheet is

 Not sure, if I understand what you are aiming at.
 One of my current projects involves a subcircuit that needs
 to be repeated 69 times. With subsheets I don't need to have
 69 times the same schematic in the documentation. If I have
 to change some aspect of the subcircuit, I don't have to
 apply the change 69 times. So for this particular project
 the way geda treats subsheets is a real work saver. :-)
 But it is a problem with documentation.  You have one page in your
 schematic and each part has a ref des.  In your example, on the board
 each part in the subsheet has 69 instances, all with unique ref des.  If
 your ref des is hierarchical (subsheet/refdes), then the ref des tells
 you what instance of the sheet to consider.  But if the tools generate
 new ref des that are not hierarchical, then you need to at least be able
 to view each subsheet separately, with each instance having its own ref
 des.  This does not mean you have to edit 69 pages when you make a
 change.  If the tool actually understands subsheets as hierarchy to be
 instanced, then it should allow you to edit the original subsheet once,
 but allow you to view it N times, each with the component ref des that
 will be used in layout.  It may make it hard to figure out which
 subsheet instance to view in the schematic.  With the hierarchical ref
 des it tells you which instance.  With component renumbering you have to
 search to find the right sheet... the same as non-hierarchical schematics.
  Does it make sense to let the schematic package reassign
  ref des in multiple instances of a subsheet?

 IMHO, this is the job of gnetlist. On schematic level multiple
 instances should be exactly the same. That's why they are
 instances rather than copies.
 There is more than one way to view instantiation.  You don't have to
 see it as the exact same, single sheet.  If you do, there is no way to
 have your documentation in step with the actual board produced...  The
 way you are viewing subsheets, they are macros and the schematic is a
 programming language.  A schematic is intended to be documentation and
 each page has to show the ref des that appears on the final product.  If
 you push this off to gnetlist, you no longer have a one to one
 correspondence between the schematic and the board.  It just requires a
 smart schematic package that  knows how to assign ref des.
 The only fly in the ointment is back annotation.  It is common for
 layouts to dictate ref des based on location to allow finding parts
 easily.  I guess there is no reason that back annotation should be hard,
 but in a hierarchical schematic it may require special attention.
 geda-user mailing list

let me add an order of complexity here:

Assume you have a bandpass consitsting of 2 OPAMPS, 4 resistors and 2
caps that you want to use (instantiate) multiple times on your board.
There are multiple instances of that bandpass having different values
for the R's and the C's. In addition to this, you want to use quad
opamps and share these between 2 instantiations of your bandpass. To me
it looks that you need to pass parameters to any instantiation of that
bandpass (=subcircuit, hierarchical circuit) including a slotting
parameter (share circuit with instantion n-1)).

So from my point of view if you create a hierarchy symbol you need to be
able to 'attach' component values and slotting to it for each instance.
(There may be hierarchy symbols not requiring that at all and symbols
that have 'fixe value' components and variable components in a mix).

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread al davis
On Friday 17 December 2010, Thomas D. Dean wrote:
 I have a schematic with seven instances of a schematic, a
 I want to give different values to the resistors in each of
 the sub-circuits.
 For example, I have S1 thru S7.  In S1, I want R1=100, in S2,
 I want R1=1k, etc.
 Is this possible with hierarchy?

With Gnucap, just give the resistor value a name, and pass it in 
when you instantiate the subckt.

.subckt thing (a b)
R1 (a b) dv

X1 (1 2) thing dv=100
X2 (3 4) thing dv=1k

It is better to let the simulator handle hierarchy.  The 
netlister should NOT expand subckts.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: overlapping via changes

2010-12-19 Thread DJ Delorie

I changed the overlapping vias test in two ways...

1. Via copper is now allowed to overlap when vias are created.  Via
   *drills* are not.

2. Vias which violate this rule in a *.pcb file are preserved at load

Thus, PCB will make a modest attempt at preventing users from making
vias that might be difficult to manufacture, but if the user finds a
way around the restriction, PCB will let them get away with it.
Simply moving an existing via is an adequate way around it.

geda-user mailing list