Re: gEDA-user: PCB gcode generation

2011-04-30 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 Probably we won't agree on that ever. The patchset is there, do with it what
 you think is the best thing to do.

At the time I posted very specific objections to some of the patches;
if you didn't bother to answer is your problem.
Of course none of the developers will ever commit a patch that breaks
functionality for any of the users.

2011/4/29 Markus Hitter

 Am 29.04.2011 um 08:47 schrieb Alberto Maccioni:

 ... but it broke the minimum distance path optimization,

 This was fixed the day you mentioned it. Perhaps a day later :-)

 Probably you didn't notice that it is still boken, as I wrote again.

 Probably we won't agree on that ever. The patchset is there, do with it what
 you think is the best thing to do.


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB gcode generation

2011-04-30 Thread Alberto Maccioni
my intention was not to start any war and I provided my review of the
patches to improve them; you can check the archives and judge for
yourself; in fact I agree 100% with what you said.
Now I'll just list my objections trying to be more descriptive than before.
An introduction to what the gcode exporter does: it prints a pcb like
the png exporter, bloating the elements by some amount, then extracts
the edges and prints them in a format that is understandable to CNC
milling machines; also prints another file containing all drills.
Now the patches that in my opinion cause problems:

1-HID-gcode: let the system library allocate the temporary file.
Milling pcbs has one fundamental limit, which is the diameter of the
milling tool; since you cannot cut anything smaller than that, all
tracks and elements must have a minimum separation. But how would you
check if this is the case? You can just look at the intermediate png
file, the one that has the bloated elements; if you see that two
distinct elements touch, it means that the chosen tool is too large so
you can either use a smaller tool or move the elements further away.
This is the reason why the intermediate file is needed and cannot be
temporarily allocated.
So I would advise to insert a configuration switch to remove or not the file.

5-HID-gcode: add a flag wether to produce advanced G-code.
Gcode is a language, and as such there are many ways to do one thing;
for example a drilling cycle can be done as the sum of single
operations (go to the surface, drill, retract at various speeds) or as
a single drilling cycle which has a code by itself. As you can imagine
a file that uses the latter is more readable.
The original exporter uses such enhancements, which by the way have
been in the language from the beginning and are supported by the major
interpreters (Mach and EMC2).
The patch adds the possibility to produce a more basic gcode, which is
longer and less readable but apparently can be digested by a larger
amount of interpreters.
My concern is that using the basic version by default makes the output
files less readable and more bulky when in fact in 99% of the cases
the advanced would be fine.
I would do the opposite, produce basic code only when commanded to do so.

16-HID-gcode: sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
Currently all the drills are written in the same file, and the only
ordering that is done is based on the minimum distance from the
previous drill, starting from the one closest to the origin; this
prevents the milling machine from jumping all around the board.
This is a very crude way of operating, in fact some people requested
to distinguish drills of different size.
The patch does the following;
 drill = sort_drill_distance (drill, n_drill);
 qsort (drill, n_drill, sizeof (struct drill_struct),
The result is that drills are sorted by size and is possible to insert
a stop code to change the drill bit when needed; unfortunately the
path minimization is not good any more, because it acted before.
However the fix is fairly easy, just perform the path optimization for
every set of drills that have the same size.
One more important thing is that not everyone may like to sort by
size, so I would add a configuration switch for that.

I hope these comments won't be interpreted again as don't change my code.
By the way, it seems that my original gcode patch is formally still
uncommitted; since it has already made it to a release (ok, a real
developer cleaned everything up) why not change its status? Or is it
dependent on the documentation?

Best regards,

2011/4/30 Peter Clifton
 On Sat, 2011-04-30 at 12:24 +0200, Markus Hitter wrote:
 Am 30.04.2011 um 09:14 schrieb Alberto Maccioni:

  At the time I posted very specific objections to some of the patches;
  if you didn't bother to answer is your problem.

 I've not been following the technical details of this discussion, but I
 find the tone it is taking quite concerning.

 The gEDA and PCB projects very strongly aim to foster a friendly working
 environment and encourage contribution to the project.

 There is obviously a feature here that people have requested or
 required, and more importantly - that someone has taken the effort to
 implement. That merits effort in trying to constructively review and
 improve the patches if necessary.

 Without referring to each others answers (and starting a flame war!), I
 think it would be useful if Markus and Alberto both sent a brief summary
 email detailing the issue under debate, trying to objectively present
 BOTH points of view.

 I don't want to see any personal attacks, please remain diplomatic!

 I don't know enough of the gcode HID to know how to review or test
 effectiveness of patches, so someone needs to explain the issues for me.


 It whouldn't bother me to leave the patchset where it is if I hadn't
 difficulties to convince people to use gEDA

Re: gEDA-user: PCB gcode generation

2011-04-29 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 ... but it broke the minimum distance path optimization,

 This was fixed the day you mentioned it. Perhaps a day later :-)

Probably you didn't notice that it is still boken, as I wrote again.
The point is that the above optimization has to be applied as the last
operation on every set of drills (meaning a set of same size); and
above all, if someone doesn't need the splitting by size there should
be a switch to enable/disable it.

2011/4/29 Markus Hitter

 Am 28.04.2011 um 11:14 schrieb Alberto Maccioni:

 There was a patch that did something like that, ...

 You probably mean this set of patches:

 ... but it broke the minimum distance path optimization,

 This was fixed the day you mentioned it. Perhaps a day later :-)

 Am 26.04.2011 um 21:26 schrieb Mikey Sklar:

 - Is there a way to break up the drill file so that I can switch bits? I'm
 getting by with using one bit for all vias, but it is not ideal.

 With the above patchset, drills are sorted by diameter and marked with
 comments, so it isn't too difficult to hand-edit the G-Code file. You can
 get G81 drill cycles with advanced g-code or a replacement using G0/G1 by

 - I'm struggling with cut lines. Specifically, cutting out the mounting
 holes and the circuit board edges.

 The patchset also introduces milling the outline layer, if only a rectangle
 one for now. Holes can be drill-milled, so the most common cases go

 For more complex cases, make one layer for each type of milling, then export
 with only that layer visible. Layers in the solder/bottom group are mirrord,
 others not. Repeat for each milling case. Not exactly ideal, but a more
 general approach quickly becomes pretty complex.

 Oh, and I hope the patchset still applies, it was last adjusted on march


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB gcode generation

2011-04-28 Thread Alberto Maccioni
There was a patch that did something like that, but it broke the
minimum distance path optimization, so your machine will do a great
deal of jumps while drilling.
I can write a new patch, hoping that someone will ever review and
merge it; what G codes do you use for changing bits?
Regarding the milling cuts I really don't know how it could be done;
in principle it's possible to use different depths for different
layers, but how would you choose which paths to mill?
Some help will be needed from the ones that know how the png exporter works.


2011/4/28 John Griessen
 On 04/26/2011 02:26 PM, Mikey Sklar wrote:

 Is there a way to break up the drill file so that I can switch bits?

 I'm getting by with using one bit for all vias, but it is not


 I've not used the Gcode export yet, but this sounds like something you can
 grep or sed on the drill file should get you the separation you want...

 Nope.  I ran export and it gives 387 G81 lines where I get a fab drawing
 with three different sizes totalling 387 holes on one of mine...

 - I'm struggling with cut lines. Specifically, cutting out the mounting
 holes and the circuit board edges. It would great if there
 was a way to select specific traces or vias for different mill-depths.
 Even better if I could control the order in which the cuts
 are made so I don't have a circuit board that has been cut free from it's
 clamping before the mount holes were cut.

 When I export Gcodes, I get a file, tek_7k_flex.gcode.outline.cnc that seems
 to be
 only about the outline, I get a sequence of 389 polygons that start and stop
 near eachother.
 Nothing is mentioned about the cutter size, but I guess they overlap so as
 to cut out the outline
 along the centerline of the outline trace.  (My outline was defined by a
 layer called outline
 holding just a 10 mil wide trace, the center of which was the desired board

 tek_7k_flex.gcode.front.cnc contained 465 polygons, so it was different...

 John Griessen
 Ecosensory   Austin TX

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-10 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 However, if the goal is to attract users, there is a more powerful
 means: An installer of native windows versions that works with no

Also a PCB frontpage with some screenshots.
Appearence matters!

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: comments on gcode generation (was: Re: exporting single pcb layers)

2010-12-01 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 * no voronoi mode: all the other tools (see below) support a mode
  where they fill the unused area of the board with the closest net.
  this cuts the machining time down to less than 50%.
Can you explain more?

 * strange outline behavior: i'm not sure what the outline file is
  supposed to do, but for my testing example it cuts on the inside and
  the outside of the outline line, and additionally cuts in the drill
  holes. this might be a bug, depending on what it is supposed to do
What do you mean with outline file? Can you provide an example?

 * no mill drilling: if a milling head is used to cut out the board along
  its outline, the same tool can be used to drill arbitrarily large
  holes by moving in circles. that might be what is intended with the
  holes in the outline layer, but they don't really fit size- and
There is a patch on sourceforge that adds pre drilling, but a
drillfile is needed anyways for those who wish to drill separately.

 * parameters: there are five tunable parameters in the gcode export,
  while there are roughly three times as many in pcb2gcode, most
  prominently the feed rates and speed settings. while of course the
  number of parameters is not an indicator of completeness or quality, i
  think it is roughly representative of the state of pcb's gcode
Nobody has ever asked more (almost nobody uses this exporter); there
is a patch to specify some more parameters, but you should request in
detail what you need.

 please don't take that personally, i just think it's not quite there --
 at least yet.
No problem, at least you tried it; one thing I would ask you is to
detail exactly what you need, so that I or somebody else can improve
the code.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: exporting single pcb layers

2010-11-21 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 in the process of cnc-milling a pcb with a custom shape using pcb2gcode
 [1], i created a polygon on a separate layer...
Have you ever tried the g-code exporter included in PCB?
I've never been able to make pcb2gcode work with minimally complex boards.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Comments on pcb's g-code exporter HeeksCAD/HeeksCNC FOSS program for pcb milling

2010-11-11 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 All this algorithm was done by Alberto Maccioni and some research brought up
 the statement, this is the only reliable way for offseting all the traces.
Actually the algorithm is not mine, it comes from potrace, a tracing
program by Peter Selinger (as you can see in the source code copyright
Tracing involves a fair amount of mathematical analyses and his code
gives excellent results with equally great efficiency.
I just took the algorithm, stopped the tracing process before bezier
curves extraction, and adapted it to the png exporter.
HeeksCNC algorithm in comparison is extremely primitive and naive, and
it doesn't even work in many conditions, for example very sharp edges
cause it to crash completely.

With a dxf file, in a CAM program, you can program your fine line cutting with 
a tiny v bit, then program a pocket operation with a larger bit to remove the 
remaining copper.
Are you sure you want to do this? Is it for aesthetic reasons or
because of better isolation?
Besides thrashing large amounts of bits and requiring hours of work it
won't make your pcb's work better; if you need good isolation it's
better to insert several traces between the ones you want to isolate.

Have you thought about programming g-code arcs (G02, G03) for them? 
HeeksCAD/CNC does this
Once your resolution is high enough there's no difference between a
line path and an arc.
Detecting arcs would be extremely complicated; you can't describe a
generic curve with arcs, so the original tracing algorithm uses bezier
curves; you would need to check when a series of beziers are close
enough to an arc. Does this make your end product better? Not at all,
so it's not even worth to try, in my opinion.
A dxf export could however be useful.

The drill xxx.gcode.drill.cnc file goes through the board drilling all of the 
holes without differentiating the different drill sizes (found in the 
xxx.fab.gbr file). And, there are no tool change g-codes for changing between 
drill sizes.
The drill file generation is being improved with separation between
different sizes and better comments; if you have in mind a good
sequence of commands for switching between drill bits please  let us

Best regards,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export

2010-11-08 Thread Alberto Maccioni
here my comments about the patches:

1-HID-gcode: let the system library allocate the temporary file.
The intermediate png file is necessary to check if the enlarged tracks
touch and cannot be milled.

5-HID-gcode: add a flag wether to produce advanced G-code.
please enable advanced gcode by default

16-HID-gcode: sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
  drill = sort_drill_distance (drill, n_drill);
  qsort (drill, n_drill, sizeof (struct drill_struct),
this breaks the path minimization algorithm: as already said
sort_drill_distance HAS to be the last sort otherwise it doesn't have any
effect; if you want to sort by diameter (which by the way is of no use without
a tool changer command or a pause between different diameters) create a list
for each diameter and use sort_drill_distance on all of them. Sort by diameter
should be enabled by a flag.
This is the third time I explain this so I'm starting have a doubt:
am I not explaining well enough or are you not reading my comments?

19-HID-gcode: fetch the board's extents from the outline layer, if possible.
what is this for? How is this better than the following?
PCB-MaxWidth / pcb_unit;
PCB-MaxHeight / pcb_unit;

21-HID-gcode: simplify and increase accuracy of a conversion a bit.
How is this working?
(pcb * gcode_dpi) / pcb_unit;
((double)(pcb * gcode_dpi) + 0.5) / pcb_unit;

2010/11/1 Markus Hitter

 A new set of patches is out, addressing all the suggestions here:

 New patches make G-code output respecting the outline layer if available.

 Enhancements planned include milling this outline with an end mill and using
 that end mill to drill bigger holes by milling a small circle.

 While I tried, I couldn't find any code in pcb's sources which would produce
 an offset of the path in the outline layer with proper relimiting of the
 lines in respect to each other. I'd be glad if somebody can point me to such
 a function without introducing new dependencies. Else I'd have to restrict
 this outline milling to rectangles, as the route used for isolation milling
 is difficult to handle either.


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export

2010-10-27 Thread Alberto Maccioni
here some comments about your patches; I think most of them are good,
but the gcode simplifications should not be enabled by default;
in fact the most commonly used CNC controllers (EMC and MACH3) support
all of the gcode features, it's RepRap that is behind an not standard.
In detail:

Avoid more than one G or M code per line.
Please use a flag to enable this, as it tends to generate less
readable files (esp. drilling with standard codes).

Introduce a flag on whether to use a drill cycle for drilling.
I would instead have a flag to disable M81 drill cycles, disabled by default.

Add a flag whether to use variables in G-code.
I would instead have a flag to disable variables, something like:
avoid using G-code variables. Some non-standard machine controllers
don't understand them

switch from tool-radius to tool-diameter in the user interface.
What is the reason for switching from tool radius to tool diameter? I
think tool radius gives a better understanding
of the effective distance between track and cut; in fact don't you
find the following a little hard to read?
Milling tool diameter, or twice the offset of the G-code track from
the resulting copper track

Simplify code a bit
I don't understand what simplification is done here; the new code is
longer and has more variables; is it easier to read? I find it less

Sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
I probably didn't explain correctly the original feature: it doesn't
really sort by distance from origin, it puts drills in the lowest
distance sequence, starting from zero. This way the tool starts from
zero and makes the least amount of movement to reach the new hole;
I know that there is probably an entire class of very smart path
minimization algorithms but this one proved to decrease the overall
quite a bit, so don't remove it.
Regarding the hole diameter not everybody uses different bits for
different hole sizes, so this feature should be enabled via a flag;
and for every
diameter I would run the path minimization as well. By the way, even
without tool changer there's no need to split drills in different
files, just
insert M60 (pause) after every set of holes.

Anyways it's good that somebody else is finally using the g-code exporter.
Too bad the PCB documentation doesn't mention it; some time ago I did
write a patch to update docs but it never went to the repository.

Best regards,

2010/10/23 Markus Hitter
 Am Freitag, den 22.10.2010, 23:54 +0200 schrieb Markus Hitter:

 Traumflug's wishlist in the Patches section, in case this long link
 doesn't work.

 New patches today:

 HID-gcode: remove a leftover debug-printf.

 HID-gcode: provide info about drill diameters in G-code as well.
 While this is currently unsorted, it's helpful for hand-editing

 HID-gcode: sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
 This should help greatly when using a tool changer. Next step
 would be to actual insert tool change commands and/or split
 G-code output files by drill diameter. The later is for
 manual tool changing, then.

 HID-gcode: report one drill diameter only once in the output file.


 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export

2010-10-27 Thread Alberto Maccioni
 Introduce a flag on whether to use a drill cycle for drilling.
 I would instead have a flag to disable M81 drill cycles, disabled by

 Well, the flag is supposed to do exactly this. Do you think there should be
 a better wording?
All I was saying is that advanced features should be enabled by
default, and I think it's better to have something like:
Disable feature XX (unchecked by default)
Enable feature XX (checked by default)

 Add a flag whether to use variables in G-code.
 I would instead have a flag to disable variables, something like:
 avoid using G-code variables. Some non-standard machine controllers
 don't understand them


 Sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
 I probably didn't explain correctly the original feature: it doesn't
 really sort by distance from origin, it puts drills in the lowest
 relative distance sequence, starting from zero. This way the tool starts
 from zero and makes the least amount of movement to reach the new hole;
 now, I know that there is probably an entire class of very smart path
 minimization algorithms but this one proved to decrease the overall
 quite a bit, so don't remove it.

 The sorting by distance is still there, just sorting by diameter takes

Now, this is plain wrong: your replacement algorithm orders holes by
distance from origin; the original algorithm does something very
different: starting from the origin it builds a sequence of holes so
that the path from one to the next is lowest. This has to be the last
operation, because if you swap again the order you have the same
problem you started with, i.e. the drill jumping all over the board
wasting time.
So I repeat that if you want to order also by size you should create a
separate list of holes for every size you have, and for each list run
my original algorithm.
Try yourself the difference by visualizing the tool path in both cases.

 Regarding the hole diameter not everybody uses different bits for
 different hole sizes, so this feature should be enabled via a flag;

 Uh, yet another flag. And I consider at least three additional flags, e.g.
 feed rates for vertical vs. horizontal movement, as unavoidable. How many
 flags can be put into this dialog before it no longer fits onto the screen?
 Hmm. Looks a bit difficult to find an agreement. If there's hand-editing of
 the G-code needed, I'd consider this as a failure of the exporter. And I
 hate adding user-visible features, stuff should just work. Hence the
 tendency to switch flags on the safe, works everywhere side by default.
This is not something that can be substituted by hand editing, it has
to do with the equipment you have: how many people do you think will
use a tool changer? Right now 0 out of 2 users, but I bet only a very
small percentage will ever do it, so the most common drill operation
will be done with only one drill.
So I'd say that drill sorting definitely has to be optional.
What you define safe features is just the set of features supported
by a not yet mature particular machine (RepRap) which accounts for an
extremely small percentage of hobby machines; G-code has been working
with variables and multiple commands for tens of years, and probably
your machine will be upgraded shortly.
Also, hand editing is very common in the CNC world, due to the fact
that you often adjust your codes on the field, based on what you
equipment can do at the moment.

Best regards,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export

2010-10-25 Thread Alberto Maccioni
The G-code comes from the PNG exporter, so it doesn't care about the
layer material.

2010/10/24 Markus Hitter

 Am 24.10.2010 um 05:36 schrieb kai-martin knaak:

 3) Add a layer outline and draw the borders of the board with a
 closed trail of lines. The width of the tracks does not matter.

 4) draw lines outside the outline :-)

 Thanks for the explanation, Kai. Looks like there is more work coming in, as
 the G-code exporter treats the outline layer just like another copper layer,
 i.e. it mills the tracks there on both sides and doesn't care to offset
 coordinates to make them 0, 0 at one of the edges of the outline.


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export

2010-10-22 Thread Alberto Maccioni
Can you please describe the changes and the problems you experienced?

2010/10/22 Markus Hitter
 Hello all,

 much to my enjoyment I've seen very recent versions of pcb come along with
 an G-code exporter. It isn't perfect yet, but apparently quite usable

 To improve compatibility with more simplistic machine controllers, I've
 hacked the code a bit. The result is a patchset, which I've uploaded to the
 RepRap Wiki for the current lack of a better location:

 Where would be the best place to offer these files for inclusion into the
 official repository? While I tried to code quite carefully, there are likely
 questions, remarks or requests for review. Is this discussed somewhere?


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cygwin still supported?

2010-03-26 Thread Alberto Maccioni
You should have an X environment working and GTK 2.x.
See if you can open nedit, it uses X.

2010/3/26 David MacQuigg
 Alberto Maccioni wrote:

 I forgot to mention that you have to install an x-server (of course,
 otherwise how would it display anything?); I have libX11 and some
 other subpackages.

 I see in the current Cygwin distribution 5 packages with names starting
 libX11.  I've installed libX11_6, the core library runtime, and a few
 other packages it brought in.  Results are the same.  Any others I should

 What .bin name are you talking about? The attachment is called setup.bin

 The setup.ini link at the bottom of your last message is actually a file
 with a cryptic name.  Here is the HTML
 copied from your message:
   a href=bintih8V8jzr7.bin ttsetup.ini/tt/a

 -- Dave

 2010/3/25 David MacQuigg

 Alberto wrote:

 I currently use gEDA with Cygwin, it works perfectly. I even created a
 package and submitted it to Cygwin-apps to be included in the main list
 so far it hasn't been accepted. You can dowload it manually at:

 Got it.  Downloaded geda-gaf-1.6.1-1.tar.bz2 and setup.hint to
 Also put the setup.ini file at ../cygwin/geda/  Note: this file has a
 cryptic name ending in .bin, which I tried to rename as setup.ini.  This
 failed, so I left the filename as is.

 Create a directory of choice, copy the attached setup.ini in that, and
 geda-gaf-1.6.1-1.tar.bz2 and setup.hint in a subdirectory named
 Now execute cygwin setup and choose to install packets from the local
 directory where you put setup.ini. You should find gEDA as the only item
 the list of packages and install it.

 The install finished without errors, and I see the geda hierarchy at
 /home/User/geda as expected.  However, we still seem to have missing
 packages!  Looks like maybe gtk** is missing.

 $ gschem
 gschem:1036: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
 $ startx
 bash: startx: command not found

 There was no indication of missing dependencies from setup.exe.

 I'll try VirtualBox this weekend.

 -- Dave

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cygwin still supported?

2010-03-25 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I currently use gEDA with Cygwin, it works perfectly.
I even created a package and submitted it to Cygwin-apps to be
included in the main list but so far it hasn't been accepted.
You can dowload it manually at:

Create a directory of choice, copy the attached setup.ini in that, and
put geda-gaf-1.6.1-1.tar.bz2 and setup.hint in a subdirectory named
Now execute cygwin setup and choose to install packets from the local
directory where you put setup.ini.
You should find gEDA as the only item in the list of packages and install it.


Description: Binary data

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cygwin still supported?

2010-03-25 Thread Alberto Maccioni
What do you mean with once you have your package version 1.6.1?
It compiles as in a linux system.


2010/3/25 John Griessen
 Alberto Maccioni wrote:

 I currently use gEDA with Cygwin, it works perfectly.

 Thanks for telling us about this Alberto.
 What is it like to compile a new version for cygwin
 once you have your package version 1.6.1?

 Ecosensory   Austin TX

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cygwin still supported?

2010-03-25 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I forgot to mention that you have to install an x-server (of course,
otherwise how would it display anything?); I have libX11 and some
other subpackages.
What .bin name are you talking about? The attachment is called setup.bin


2010/3/25 David MacQuigg
 Alberto wrote:

 I currently use gEDA with Cygwin, it works perfectly. I even created a
 package and submitted it to Cygwin-apps to be included in the main list but
 so far it hasn't been accepted. You can dowload it manually at:

 Got it.  Downloaded geda-gaf-1.6.1-1.tar.bz2 and setup.hint to
 Also put the setup.ini file at ../cygwin/geda/  Note: this file has a long
 cryptic name ending in .bin, which I tried to rename as setup.ini.  This
 failed, so I left the filename as is.

 Create a directory of choice, copy the attached setup.ini in that, and put
 geda-gaf-1.6.1-1.tar.bz2 and setup.hint in a subdirectory named geda-gaf.
 Now execute cygwin setup and choose to install packets from the local
 directory where you put setup.ini. You should find gEDA as the only item in
 the list of packages and install it.

 The install finished without errors, and I see the geda hierarchy at
 /home/User/geda as expected.  However, we still seem to have missing Cygwin
 packages!  Looks like maybe gtk** is missing.

 $ gschem
 gschem:1036: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
 $ startx
 bash: startx: command not found

 There was no indication of missing dependencies from setup.exe.

 I'll try VirtualBox this weekend.

 -- Dave

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gEDA-user: GIT via HTTP

2010-03-15 Thread Alberto Maccioni
is there any way to use git via http? doesn't
seem to have any .git file accessible.


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Re: gEDA-user: GIT via HTTP

2010-03-15 Thread Alberto Maccioni
It works! Thank you very much.
Maybe it's worth mentioning in page:
and also in the official pages of each tool.

For all the people behind a company proxy:
add the htt_proxy environment variable before using git


2010/3/15 Peter TB Brett
 On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 08:59:41 +0100, Alberto Maccioni wrote:
 is there any way to use git via http? doesn't
 seem to have any .git file accessible. doesn't publish an HTTP repository.

 However, you can access the mirror using HTTP:



 Peter Brett
 Remote Sensing Research Group
 Surrey Space Centre

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Re: gEDA-user: rant: pcb print from command line

2010-03-10 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I submitted a patch for PCB about a month ago and it has been reviewed
these days; is this too much delay?
Probably not, but now I read that including tests would have made the
reviewing job easier and possibly shorter.
But I didn't even know of the existence of such tests: the point is
that to the non-developers nothing is obvious; I had already posted
the code on the mailing list, but it took me several months to
discover the submit patch procedure.
If only there was a quick tutorial on how to do these kind of
operations I think the number of developers (or at least reviewers)
would grow substantially.
Do you lose time because people don't post links? Well, write it down
so people will know how to correctly report a bug.
Also some very basic document about the internal structure of PCB is
needed; think about what it takes for a novice to locate the code that
he needs to change; without advice he will probably desist, and that
is a potential developer lost.
No wonder there are only a handful of active developers.
I know that writing documentation is not fun and takes time, but for a
project of this complexity it is critical to attract more people, and
I think in the long run it has even a better return than coding.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: rant: pcb print from command line

2010-03-10 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I called it a procedure, but it's the fact that there is a submit
patch function; it's so obvious to any developer that it's not written
And I didn't notice it until very recently.

2010/3/10 Jared Casper
 On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Alberto Maccioni wrote:
 the code on the mailing list, but it took me several months to
 discover the submit patch procedure.

 What procedure did you find?


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Re: gEDA-user: rant: pcb print from command line

2010-03-10 Thread Alberto Maccioni

which is also linked from:

2010/3/10 Ethan Swint
 Yes - but what is the function!?! (A,B,C; 1,2,3 please.)

 On 03/10/2010 03:07 PM, Alberto Maccioni wrote:

 I called it a procedure, but it's the fact that there is a submit
 patch function; it's so obvious to any developer that it's not written
 And I didn't notice it until very recently.

 2010/3/10 Jared

 On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Alberto Maccioni  wrote:

 the code on the mailing list, but it took me several months to
 discover the submit patch procedure.

 What procedure did you find?


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Re: gEDA-user: right-mouse-click rotate

2010-02-27 Thread Alberto Maccioni
It's in the manual, I know, but to be precise it doesn't say that the
gtk version looks at gpcb-menu instead of pcb-menu.
I think the best way to solve this would be to create a gtk section in
the same pcb-menu file.

2010/2/26 Dan McMahill
 Alberto Maccioni wrote:

 There are 2 files in the src directory: pcb-menu.res and
 gpcb-menu.res; I think one is for gtk, the other for lesstif.
 But does this mean that you have to recompile to make changes to the
 key bindings?

 no.  See the manual.

 Perhaps the key-binding has come from somewhere else?,

 Hmm, there are a few gpcb-menu.res files scattered on my hard disk. How
 does pcb decide which to pull in?

 see the manual.

 just to point out that they are customisable in gpcb-menu.res

 Is there some official info anywhere on the syntax?

 yes.  see the manual :)

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Re: gEDA-user: Changing key bindings in PCB

2010-02-20 Thread Alberto Maccioni
If you're using gtk the file to change is gpcb-menu.res
A little confusing and not documented, but it works.
Probably the best thing to do would be to have separate sections in
the same pcb-menu.res.

2010/2/21 Larry Battraw
 I see in a message here:
 that it's supposedly possible to change the key bindings for gschem
 and pcb from the menus themselves by hovering over the menu option and
 pressing the keys that you want to associate with the action.  I've
 changed the appropriate flag in gconf-editor
 (desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels) and it still doesn't work.
  Is there some other way to change the key bindings and add new ones
 that's not documented somewhere?  I tried editing the ~/.pcb-menu.res
 as well with no changes either.


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Re: gEDA-user: right-mouse-click rotate

2010-02-18 Thread Alberto Maccioni
It seems that mouse actions are ignored in gtk mode.
Also, trying some actions from command line, I found that the
documentation is missing some of them in the gtk actions section; for
example Export() and NetlistShow().
Is anyone working on implementing in gtk all of the lesstif action and

2010/2/18 DJ Delorie

 There are 2 files in the src directory: pcb-menu.res and
 gpcb-menu.res; I think one is for gtk, the other for lesstif.  But
 does this mean that you have to recompile to make changes to the key

 No, just put your modified copy in ~/.pcb/

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Re: gEDA-user: right-mouse-click rotate

2010-02-17 Thread Alberto Maccioni
There are 2 files in the src directory: pcb-menu.res and
gpcb-menu.res; I think one is for gtk, the other for lesstif.
But does this mean that you have to recompile to make changes to the
key bindings?


2010/2/18 Kai-Martin Knaak
 On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 17:52:50 +, Peter Clifton wrote:

 Perhaps the key-binding has come from somewhere else?,

 Hmm, there are a few gpcb-menu.res files scattered on my hard disk. How
 does pcb decide which to pull in?

 or you have a really really old checkout of my branch?

 Well, it is the version with the big black 3d knob on the left. Does this
 count as really, really old?

 Personally, I prefer middle click pan, right click rotate (I think), I'm
 not even sure I know what the stroke mode does. (Or perhaps the other
 way around).

 In gschem, when not placing components - middle click drag pans, but
 when placing components.. middle click rotates by 90.

 I don't really want to start a debate about what the best keybindings

 My two cents to this debate: The default bindings should include an
 immediate access to rotate when moving components or symbols around. The
 current default with pcb requires to change to the rotation mode. This is
 a bit awkward.

 just to point out that they are customisable in gpcb-menu.res

 Is there some official info anywhere on the syntax?

 Kai-Martin Knaak
 Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

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Re: gEDA-user: PCB to G-CODE export GUI

2009-11-16 Thread Alberto Maccioni
The default resolution of 600 dpi is pretty good for pads too.
Actually potrace just generates the best fit polygon, the offset is
done as in ps and png with the bloat parameter.
Unfortunately polygons are not bloated but they should not be part of
the electrical connection anyways; and if they end up being a little
smaller it doesn't matter.


2009/11/16 Peter Clifton
 Doing it as a bitmap is basically how the OpenGL HID solves a similar
 problem - ie.. not drawing overlapping translucent geometry.

 For export, I guess that means you need a pretty high-resolution image
 to trace - otherwise you loose output precision.

 It wouldn't be that hard to get the contours using PCB's polygon
 routines, but that doesn't solve the need to offset your GCODE path
 inside our outside the outlines.

 Off the top of my head.. I don't know how to do that. I guess potrace
 takes care of it for you - in that it can only trace so close to your
 outline given the particular pen size of your router.

 Best wishes,

 Peter C.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB to G-CODE export GUI

2009-11-15 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I wrote a new exporter GUI to convert PCB drawings to G-CODE in order
to mill pcbs directly; is anyone interested in testing it?

Best regards,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB adding exporter GUI

2009-10-29 Thread Alberto Maccioni
Sorry, I can't find any; I started with version 20081128.

Best regards,

2009/10/29 Peter Clifton
 On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 08:32 +0100, Alberto Maccioni wrote:
 Now I'm starting to understand: automake generates, then
 configure generates Makefile.
 No, I didn't run automake, but if I do I get the following:
 $ automake
 aclocal.m4:14: error: this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
 You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
 you should regenerate the build system entirely.

 Don't use automake directly. run the ./ script in the
 top-level. That should in theory update the build-system to match the
 installed versions of autotools on your machine.

 Best wishes,

 Peter Clifton

 geda-user mailing list

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Re: gEDA-user: PCB adding exporter GUI

2009-10-29 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I started again on a different system (previously I was working in
cygwin, now ubuntu):

I copied the png directory as gcode
I renamed the files in there as gcode.*
I substituted png with gcode in the sources
I duplicated the sections in src/ as Peter said
I run (downloaded from somewhere)
this step didn't go well, as I read: `:='-style assignments are not portable
./ 3: intltoolize: not found
If I try with automake i get again: `:='-style assignments are not portable

Anyways, src/ is generated with references to the new gcode
exporter, so I try configure but it ends with errors:
./configure: line 11936: syntax error near unexpected token `0.35.0'
./configure: line 11936: `IT_PROG_INTLTOOL(0.35.0)'

Makefile is not regenerated so I can't compile (I had tried before all
the modifications and it did work).

Is this the right procedure?

2009/10/29 DJ Delorie

 The list of hids to pull in ends up in hid/common/hidlist.h after you
 run configure/make.

 For each HID_DEF(foo) you need a hid_foo_init() in some hid.

 Your hid should also show up in pcb_LDADD in the Makefile, via HIDLIBS
 in configure (which builds it from HIDLIST).

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gEDA-user: PCB adding exporter GUI

2009-10-28 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I'm trying to write a modified version of png exporter gui, but I
continue to get compilation errors; it seems that Make doesn't have a
rule to build the new code (which is in a separate directory with a
different name).
I modified the .Po file in the .deps subdirectory but probably there's
something to do to the configure script as well.
Does anyone know how to do it?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB adding exporter GUI

2009-10-28 Thread Alberto Maccioni
I modified the but Make still complained, so I tried with and this time it went through compilation; now the linker
(I suppose) can't find hid_png_init reference in hidinit.o. This is
strange, as I didn't modify hidinit.c.
Maybe I should reconfigure with some magic parameter, but which one?
I'm making an exporter to gcode, so that I can mill my pcbs without
chemicals; I think it should be kept separate from the main png

Thank you for your help,

2009/10/28 Peter Clifton
 On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 09:02 +0100, Alberto Maccioni wrote:
 I'm trying to write a modified version of png exporter gui, but I
 continue to get compilation errors; it seems that Make doesn't have a
 rule to build the new code (which is in a separate directory with a
 different name).
 I modified the .Po file in the .deps subdirectory but probably there's
 something to do to the configure script as well.
 Does anyone know how to do it?

 Leave the .Po files alone.. they are auto-generated.. If you open up the in src/, you will find the list of files to build:

 For different exporters (which can be conditionally built), there are
 separate sections, e.g.:

 libpng_a_CPPFLAGS = -I./hid/png
        dolists.h \
        hid/hidint.h \
        hid/png/png.c \
 libpng_a_SOURCES = ${LIBPNG_SRCS} hid/png/png_lists.h

 hid/png/png_lists.h : ${LIBPNG_SRCS} Makefile
        true  $@
        (for f in ${LIBPNG_SRCS} ; do cat $(srcdir)/$$f ; done) | grep 
 ^REGISTER  $...@.tmp
        mv $...@.tmp $@

 You'll probably want a copy of that block, but changing the name to your new 

 Other blocks you might need to add to:

        libgtk.a liblesstif.a libbatch.a \
        liblpr.a libgerber.a libbom.a libpng.a libps.a libnelma.a libgts.a

        core_lists.h \
        gpcb-menu.h \
        hid/gtk/gtk_lists.h \
        hid/lesstif/lesstif_lists.h \
        hid/batch/batch_lists.h \
        hid/png/png_lists.h \
        hid/nelma/nelma_lists.h \
        hid/ps/ps_lists.h \
        parse_y.h \
        pcb-menu.h \
        res_parse.h \

        default_font \
        $(srcdir)/hid/batch/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/bom/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/gerber/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/gtk/ \
        $(srcdir)/hid/gtk/ \
        $(srcdir)/hid/gtk/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/gtk/pcb.rc \
        $(srcdir)/hid/lesstif/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/lpr/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/png/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/nelma/hid.conf \
        $(srcdir)/hid/ps/hid.conf \
        gpcb-menu.res \
        pcb-menu.res \ \

 DISTCLEANFILES= gpcb-menu.h pcb-menu.h \
        hid/batch/batch_lists.h \
        hid/common/hidlist.h \
        hid/gtk/gtk_lists.h \
        hid/lesstif/lesstif_lists.h \
        hid/png/png_lists.h \
        hid/nelma/nelma_lists.h \
        hid/ps/ps_lists.h \
        gts/gts_lists.h \
        core_lists.h \

 You will probably be able to get your code to compile even if you
 haven't got _all_ of the above setup correctly. (They relate to creating
 dist tarballs, and cleaning things up so make distcheck will pass).

 Then.. open in the top level directory. You'll find
 configure tests for the PNG exporter. You might not need to modify
 anything in, as it actually searches for HIDs to build:

 for hid in `cd $srcdir/src/hid; echo *`; do
    if test -f $F
    echo checking $F
        . $F
        case $type in
          gui ) hid_guis=$hid_guis $hid ;;
          printer ) hid_printers=$hid_printers $hid ;;
          export ) hid_exporters=$hid_exporters $hid ;;
          always ) hid_always=$hid_always $hid ;;

 I hope that points you in the right direction. Good luck.

 I should have asked at the beginning of this email.. what is it that
 your new PNG exporter does differently to the existing .png exporter?

 Would it be possible to just add features to the existing exporter?

 Best wishes,

 Peter Clifton

 geda-user mailing list

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Re: gEDA-user: CNC Milling

2009-06-22 Thread Alberto Maccioni
Try this one:

I had to modify some functions to make it work, and it doesn't support
poly fills, but I think it's not an issue if you mill a pcb.

2009/6/20 Bill Gatliff
 Dave N6NZ wrote:
 Some of us local roboteers have been considering this unit but no one
 has plunked down the money yet:

 Heh, their office is like five minutes from mine!  I've been meaning to
 swing by, haven't had time.

 Of course, there's little point in mentioning the above.  :)  But I
 thought I would anyway, in case my proximity to them would be of use to

 I don't dare invest in such a device because of the vast quantities of
 productive time it would almost certainly suck out of me.  :)


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gEDA-user: building gEDA for cygwin

2009-05-20 Thread Alberto Maccioni
Has anyone been able to compile gEDA v1.4.3 with cygwin?
I can only build 1.4.2, but not 1.4.1
What about v1.5.x? It needs GTK 2.8 but unfortynately cygwin only has 2.6

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20080202

2008-02-08 Thread Alberto Maccioni
Actually it does have some bugs:
at startup it tries to execute (and obviously
windows complains)
it cannot determine the home directory
all of the GUI elements (buttons, strings etc.) are somewhat big
compared to other applications.
printing doesn't work (of course)

But it's very impressive, and I think it should be publicized more on
the project homepage: most of the potential users get scared if they
cannot find a windows version.

2008/2/2, Levente [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 21:48:26 -0500
 Dan McMahill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've placed a new pcb snapshot up on sourceforge.  In addition to the
  usual source release, there is an installer for windows.  Be warned that
  the windows build has received very little testing.

 The windows build works for me. Many thank you for this. I can now teach my
 father and my girlfriend how to draw box contours. Pizza for the developers!



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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf stable version 1.4.0-20080127 released!

2008-01-30 Thread Alberto Maccioni
This is for sure a very stupid question, but how do I change language in gschem?


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gEDA-user: Cygwin releases

2008-01-10 Thread Alberto Maccioni
Hi, I mostly use gEDA and PCB under cygwin, but packaged versions are
still from 2006.
I was successful in compiling the latest builds, but probably it would
be a good idea to update the cygwin release directly; does anyone know
the procedure?
If nobody is available I volunteer to do it myself.


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