>> ... but it broke the "minimum distance" path optimization,
> This was fixed the day you mentioned it. Perhaps a day later :-)

Probably you didn't notice that it is still boken, as I wrote again.
The point is that the above optimization has to be applied as the last
operation on every set of drills (meaning a set of same size); and
above all, if someone doesn't need the splitting by size there should
be a switch to enable/disable it.

2011/4/29 Markus Hitter <m...@jump-ing.de>:
> Am 28.04.2011 um 11:14 schrieb Alberto Maccioni:
>> There was a patch that did something like that, ...
> You probably mean this set of patches:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/pcb/+bug/699497
>> ... but it broke the "minimum distance" path optimization,
> This was fixed the day you mentioned it. Perhaps a day later :-)
> Am 26.04.2011 um 21:26 schrieb Mikey Sklar:
>> - Is there a way to break up the drill file so that I can switch bits? I'm
>> getting by with using one bit for all vias, but it is not ideal.
> With the above patchset, drills are sorted by diameter and marked with
> comments, so it isn't too difficult to hand-edit the G-Code file. You can
> get G81 drill cycles with "advanced g-code" or a replacement using G0/G1 by
> default.
>> - I'm struggling with cut lines. Specifically, cutting out the mounting
>> holes and the circuit board edges.
> The patchset also introduces milling the outline layer, if only a rectangle
> one for now. Holes can be drill-milled, so the most common cases go
> automatically.
> For more complex cases, make one layer for each type of milling, then export
> with only that layer visible. Layers in the solder/bottom group are mirrord,
> others not. Repeat for each milling case. Not exactly ideal, but a more
> general approach quickly becomes pretty complex.
> Oh, and I hope the patchset still applies, it was last adjusted on march
> 7th.
> Markus
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter
> http://www.jump-ing.de/
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