Re: gEDA-user: Apply to join the geda-bugs team to triage bugs...

2011-01-08 Thread Armin Faltl

sorry, I see the prios differently:

Peter Clifton wrote:

Crasher / data loss - High (or perhaps even Critical if it is likely to be 
depends on type of data loss: high if recent changes disappear, critical 
if the design

vanishes (I know, the later is near impossible with move/write on saves)
It also depends if the data loss is immediately evident - if not it's worse.
Board output fault 

this is a catastrophic failure in a production environment

or incorrect netlist likely to cause design breakage
to my understanding an incorrect net will cause a design break with 
100.0% likelihood

- critical error

UI wart / cosmetics - Low

what is a wart ? freezes, hickups of state engine: medium
button should be more to the left = cosmetic: low

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Christmas wishlist

2010-12-31 Thread Armin Faltl

Stephan Boettcher wrote:

kai-martin knaak writes:

Bob Paddock wrote:

This is a DRC issue. The rules should allow any net to connect
to no-net copper. No need to restructure the way pcb handles

If different nets connect to the same no-net copper there is a short
between nets.

Of course, connectivity needs to be recalculated (automatically)
after a net has been connected to a no-net. As a consequence, the
no-net copper will have been converted to what ever net it was 
connected to.

Maybe it is important to recognise, that DRC and LVS are completely
orthogonal in PCB, and I think that is a good property, that should be

DRC (DesignRule Check) does not consider the netlist.
This is obviousely wrong, if you layout a copper trace between two 

pads/pins in one go vs. routing to a wrong pin.

 It checks the
connectivity of all copper, and verifies the rules for connected and
not-connected copper.
The problem is, that all copper patches not connected to a know net are 
to be on different nets - that is a completely arbitrar design choice 
and in no way

supperior to treating them as on the one unknown net.

LVS (Layout vs Schematic) checks that the copper connections between
pins matches the netlist, without checking for DRC rules.
How do you do that, without testing individual line/arc elements for 
overlap -

which is a DRC matter ?

Distinguishing between net and no-net copper will break this separation.
This should not be done lightly.
As far as I can judge, there is no such separation - there's just 

that don't support net-attributes for lines etc.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-24 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:
Thank you for describing the available documents so compact.
What is missing in this picture? 
IMHO, it is a manual on how to use the tools in concert. The 
best approximation so far is the tutorial by Bill Wilson. But

as it is a beginners tutorial, it does not attempt to cover
more advanced tips and tricks. I envision this as the topic 
a wikibook: A user manual to the complete suite of tools.

I know that a wiki book may have some advantages in the collaboration
of making. But why not a real book, that is written in LaTeX?
Sending patches for TeX-files or chapters is a very simple process and
a pdf-book can be downloaded as a whole and read offline, printed.
That's what we try to do now for Varkon Programmers Handbook.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-23 Thread Armin Faltl

Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 15:18 +0100, Armin Faltl wrote:


I'll provide my symbols and footprints with this features:

* symbols are smaller than the standard library


There are many request from various people for smaller symbols on this
list. When used at normal scale the symbols of std. parts look clumsy to me
too, so I didn't complain but made smaler  ones.
I think, that shrinking by using wrong page frames for printing is a good
trick but a bad solution.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-23 Thread Armin Faltl

Colin D Bennett wrote:

I haven't nailed down what it is that bothers me, but I have recently
made my own versions of capacitors, resistor, diodes, and LED symbols
that are more _compact_ than the gschem stock library versions.  By
more compact I don't mean just scaled down, but less wasted space in
extra protrusions, etc.  They are also a bit smaller in relation to
connector and IC pin spacing so that they are easier to place in a real
layout with connectors and ICs.
exactly, I also prefer 200 spacing on larger parts to 300 and clumsy 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Duplicate messages and mailing list To: address

2010-12-21 Thread Armin Faltl

Colin D Bennett wrote:

I'm getting all the replies to Kai-Martin Knaak's messages twice.  It
looks like it has something to do with K-M's messages having a To: field
of while everyone else's has, causing the replies to have an extra Cc:
address of  Is everyone else getting the duplicates?


I also get duplicate mails from DJ Delorie and others recently.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: overlapping via changes

2010-12-21 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

2. Vias which violate this rule in a *.pcb file are preserved at load

Thus, PCB will make a modest attempt at preventing users from making
vias that might be difficult to manufacture, but if the user finds a
way around the restriction, PCB will let them get away with it.
Simply moving an existing via is an adequate way around it.

Thanks. I'll put this to the wiki.
Back then when I used protel we actually had cases where overlapping
were holes deliberate. The hole had to be non-round and clad with metal. 
So regular milling wouldn't do.

Can you give a reason? - I can only imagine a mechanical one.
When you put it on the Wiki, pleas also explain, that doing this is 
electrical and thermal
nonsens, because the circumference of a hole is proportional to the 
diameter and
2 holes confined in a given length along the direction connecting the 
centers have
maximum surface, if they are either identically 1 big hole or 2 holes 
that exactly
touch each other. For the partial overlap, the normalized circumference 
u is given by:

U/L = u = 2r * (pi - acos(1/2r - 1))

where r = R/L, L is the diameter of the overlapping holes and R is the 
drill-bit radius.
This function is valid between r = 0.25 where the holes just touch and r 
= 0.5 where
the holes melt to one big circular with R = L/2. It has a minimum at ca. 

Hopefully I didn't foul the math, check it ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: overlapping via changes

2010-12-21 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:
There is no evidence for users falsely believing that overlapping 
metal clad holes are good for thermal or electrical conductivity. 
So there is no reason to preach to them.
By heuristic and gut feeling I thought that the presented result would 
be true.

But I was unsure enough to actually do the math behind it. If you think it's
preaching, leave it out. I just thought that others may have the same 
but not the math education. If you present this as a trick without 

you suggest it's good for something - what for?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
If the symbol for the subcircuit has refdes X15, and it contains a 
component with refdes C42, the refdes in the flattened netlist created

by gnetlist is X15/C42. Local nets within the subcircuits similarly get
pathnames for their netnames.

I don't like the slash, because it makes the component names extra long. 
So I put these lines in a local gnetlistrc:

 (hierarchy-uref-separator )
 (hierarchy-netname-separator )

In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a single digit. 
That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be readable in in silk with 
a three layered hierarchy.
How about emitting only the basename of a refdes on silk - if you got 
several instances
of a circuit on a board, the component values should be identical 
anyway. With sloting
of subcircuits this may be wrong, but then it would make sense to 
collaps the pathname
of a subcircuit into one instance, that you can place to a group of 
components. In order
to get this right, rat lines from the path to the base-refdeses could be 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 200 bugs, warts and feature requests

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

PS: This is what the last couple of lines look like:
• pcb wart: rats don't print in the eps HID


• gschem room for improvement: If an autosave backup is found, the dialog
 should offer to show the diff of the two files.

sounds quite difficult to implement - diff as ghost symbols ?

• gschem usability improvement: If a symbol contains slots, insert should
 optionally add all slots at once with slot numbers automatically


• gschem usability: The add text dialog should automatically apply the
 current text when the mouse leaves the dialog.
:-(   if you don't need to click for placement, 99% of times the text 
will be elsewhere
it's a funny idea, that you have to move the dialog for placement of the 

• gschem usability: The add text dialog should contain widgets to set
 text attributes like size, color, orientation, 


• gschem usability: Accel to increment/decrement  text size on [s]/[shift-s]
 similar to pcb


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 200 bugs, warts and feature requests

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

• gschem usability: The add text dialog should automatically
apply the current text when the mouse leaves the dialog.
:-(   if you don't need to click for placement, 99% of times the text 
will be elsewhere

I didn't mean to get rid of the apply-click. Just the click on the ok 
button. If the mouse leaves the dialog area, this should be treated as 
ok, I am done. Let me apply the current text
Sure, the OK button is superfluous. The close button isn't - this raises 
the idea, that
this dialog could have a semi-modal behaviour: if keyboard focus is 
left in (or rerouted

to) the dialog, you can edit the text while placing with the mouse.
Rerouting input from the main drawing window to a dialog requires
context based swappable handlers, which is a good idea anyways (imo).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

Armin Faltl wrote:

In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a 
single digit. That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be

readable in in silk with a three layered hierarchy.

How about emitting only the basename of a refdes on silk

Then, I'd have no way to locate which schematic subsheet a 
particular R1 on the layout would correspond to.

forgot to post another idea: in the course of general GUI rework, rightclick
on a component could bring up info on it, including the complete refdes,
the footprint source, XYRS values, attached nets, some of that even
editable, e.g. for precision placement of parts.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-14 Thread Armin Faltl

Bob Paddock wrote:

If you switch to gEDA, will you want a native windows build?  Help with that
from anyone who is up on windows is on the wanted list.

I've been poking at 'the perfect windows version' for some time, will
give up on that for now.
I think I just make basic canvas and figure how to to get the basic
HID stuff going.

Is there any step by step guide to get a new HID up and running
(besides trolling the list here for the last few years with grep)?
One thing I don't recall be doing before is that I want to use
wxWindows, so it would have its
own main() loop.  Whats the best way to deal with that?
Did you try to build/test all the demos that come with wxWindows - did 
you try to
build another app, that uses it? - please report. My personal impression 
when I

went for a widget tool kit was, that it's very complicated and broken.

My best advice is, to avoid wxWindows altogether and use FLTK instead.
It may be C++ but the nasty stuff is left out - it's more better C, so
I find it very easy and convenient.

With FLTK this problem looks like

 // define all GUI stuff here

 exitCode = Fl::run();

 // release and clean stuff

 return exitCode;

If you want to replace Fl::run() with an augmented event loop:

copy this from Fl.cxx
#define FOREVER 1e20

 As long as any windows are displayed this calls Fl::wait()
 repeatedly.  When all the windows are closed it returns zero
 (supposedly it would return non-zero on any errors, but FLTK calls
 exit directly for these).  A normal program will end main()
 with return Fl::run();.
int Fl::run() {
 while (Fl_X::first) wait(FOREVER);
 return 0;

and modify to your liking. It's not necessary btw. to do that for new 

idle processing or adding your own check-callbacks.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-14 Thread Armin Faltl

Bob Paddock wrote:

so I'm well familiar with its warts.

All of the commercial apps I've had to develop at work have been based on wx.
Then you are in a special situation and I won't argue with you about 

Can't argue with it being complicated.  Start with the above book, and
get the 'minimal' sample to build/run then go from there.
Can't argue that it could be improved in many places, but what can't
stand improvement?

What part did you find that was broken, and what version where you using?
As this was 2006, probably a very old version. If I remember correct, 
the minimal sample
(using OpenGL?) either didn't compile or segfaulted or just didn't do 

on Windows or Linux (I have no Mac).

Is it cross platform for Windows, Unix like, and MACs?
I've used some applications based on FLTK but never developed any.

Yes - I wouldn't recommend it otherwise.

#define FOREVER 1e20

Code full of 'magic numbers' with no comments don't give me the warm fuzzies.
It should also have parenthesise around the number, if this is truly C
and not something special to FLTK.
Parentheses around a constant are nonsense - there is nothing a plain 
number could evaluate
to in the preprocessor than itself (unless you #define 1e20 (foo * 
i++)), so it has the highest

precedence by itself. (couldn't you even #define (1e20) foo*i++  ?;-)

I personally found, that the comment just below the definition is 
totally satisfactory.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-14 Thread Armin Faltl

Bob Paddock wrote:

Parentheses around a constant are nonsense - there is nothing a plain number
could evaluate to in the preprocessor than itself (unless you #define 1e20 (foo * 
so it has the highest precedence by itself. (couldn't you even #define (1e20) 
foo*i++  ?;-)

Not knowing how the #define could be used in all cases it is better to
put parentheses around such usages to have the compiler generate an
error, rather than silently give the wrong value in corner cases where
operators like multiplication and division are passed as parameters to
an other macro.  Look up #665.
MISRA2004 19.4 and 19.10 apply in some circumstances as well.
This reference says the same, as I would have answered without reading 
it now:
It is sensible, to put parentheses around parameters in a macro 
definition like

#define MY_MULT(a, b) do {(a) * (b)} while (0)

because someone could call it like MY_MULT(x+y, u+v), that would evaluate
to x + y*u +v otherwise. But a constant definition like

#define FOREVER 1e20

doesn't have any macro parameters. Therefore defining it like

#define FOREVER (1e20)

is pointless. The parentheses just get ignored by the compiler, so they
don't hurt either. They just show that the programmer doesn't know
in this case, why he is doing what. Not to be confused with

#define FOO_BIT 0x0001
#define BAR_BIT (FOO_BIT  1)
#define BUZ_BIT (BAR_BIT  1)

where a computation is involved, that could get broken by context.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Text in PCB elements

2010-12-13 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

There is a difference: The rendering happens on footprint creation time.
It is irreversible, meaning, the text cannot be edited after the fact.
I think I got you now: you want to place one footprint per character or 
generate a footprint,
that displays your text - before I thought you want to have a way, that 

can somehow be referenced in another footprint.

Still I believe, that extension of the footprint format to contain text 
is the way to go.
Text can be rendered in pcb, so the routines must be there. Truetype 
fonts etc.
discussed lately are a completely different issue ofcourse - but I can 
live with fonts as is.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Text in PCB elements

2010-12-12 Thread Armin Faltl

John Coppens wrote:

I'm somewhat confused about the workings of PCB in this aspect - I
suspect this has something to do with the complexity of rotation etc.
Polygons are (usualy) defined by their corner points. Rotations of 
points are

most often done by multiplying with a rotation matrix - so there is nothing
special about general polygons and rotation compared to rectangles or 

(90° rotations of points can be done by coordinate flipping, but again 
nothing special)

Just my 2 cents

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Text in PCB elements

2010-12-10 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

John Coppens wrote:


Suggestions? Or maybe an estimate on how difficult it'd be for an
average programmer to add?

If the text in footprints should behave like any other text, I'd 
say pretty hard. You'd have to adapt many places where footprints

get rendered.
If the font is the 'monoline' type generally used in pcb, the redition 
can be

taken from there and is sort of a 10-liner in OpenGL anyway.

 I addition, the footprint file format would have to
be expanded accordingly. And the format change would have to be
accepted by the devs.

The GUI might look up 
letters as footprints in the library and arrange them to yield

human readable text.
This sounds like recursive call of footprints to me - what is the 
advantage to

proper text rendering by the routines that do it for silk refdes? It has the
same implications to footprint file format as any other rendering method.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: comments on gcode generation

2010-12-09 Thread Armin Faltl

Markus Hitter wrote:

Am 01.12.2010 um 21:47 schrieb Bert Timmerman:

* no voronoi mode: all the other tools (see below) support a mode
  where they fill the unused area of the board with the closest net.
  this cuts the machining time down to less than 50%.

Yes, this would be a very welcome addition. Is there a pure C
library with this stuff available somewhere? Java or C++
isn't an option for inclusion with gEDA.

There happens to live a git repo here:


Thanks for the link, Bert. I fear this is a bit too complex for me to 
justify putting it in the next few days.

You might have a look at triangle.c from Jonathan Richard Shewchuk.
I used it to compute triangulations in astro-images and it's not complex
at all - but very fast ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-06 Thread Armin Faltl

Anthony Blake wrote:

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Armin Faltl wrote:

Anthony Blake wrote:

Yes, if you were having difficulty with the END_LOOP macro, I can
understand why you didn't venture any deeper into the code.


I had no difficulty finding or understanding the macro, but I have a huge
to work on code, where others deliberately introduce stuff, that is a
nightmare. There is a reason, the compiler disallows unmacht '{'  in one

Relax, the macros aren't part of an elaborate plan to *deliberately*
obfuscate the code. That file is over 15 years old.

Yes, theses macros make the code look like FORTRAN

I don't think a few 'maintenance nightmares' or matching '{' problems
are good reasons for giving up and just doing nothing instead. You
don't have to like the macros and so on to fix bugs, and IMO just
nutting up and dealing with the matching '{' issues etc is worth it to
nail a bug that may have been bothering you.
Before I can nail a bug, I have to understand the code. If I have to 
look at 2 files
to understand something as simple as '}}' this gets disgusting. I don't 
have the time

to learn all the peculiarities of the code to be sure of what I'm doing.

Replacing these macros can be seen as a point-fix - nothing is changed 
in the logic.

That's why I would have volunteered to do that (and similiar things),
but everyone working on a branch has to apply the delta - and they don't 
like to.

Its better than doing
nothing or writing large parts of PCB from scratch.

No, I believe, that if I have no thorough understanding of what I'm really
doing, I better leave the code alone or write a part between clean 

from scratch. That's because to me this app is not a toy.

When I first saw the 'productivity' of a recent contributor I was 
standing in awe.

I thought - incredible, he must have an IQ of 300+ or something. Since his
handling of drilling tool path optimization and the remark on math and 
it's clear to me, how he achieves this staggering speed. By the oh - I 
don't understand

it, let's ignore or rip it out-attitude.

Markus, did you realize by now, that drill file optimization is actually
the NP-hard 'traveling salesman problem'? Tons of literature and
algorithms exist for it ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-05 Thread Armin Faltl

Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Thu, 2010-12-02 at 16:13 -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:


Peter, while all of this sounds great, could we fix the collective
problems that we have now first?
To many of us PCB is used to ship products, preferably today.

Fixing problems is not always fun, especially if one is not really
suffering from these problems oneself.

So if we can not fix it ourself, we may consider paying other people to
do that, in particular if we ship boards and earn money with it.

There are blackboards for freelance engineers, to make a defined feature in
opensource software. This seems a good model of payment to me. The problem
to me in our case is atm:
- the writer of a certain feature is not required to understand enough 
of the app,

 to avoid new bugs in other parts
- the writer is not required to run extensive regression tests after the 

 and provide tests for his feature as well
- there is noone fully coordinating the work of contributors and 

 the internal interfaces

Since we do not have the documentation Bob requests, it's practically 
to meet above standards and without above quality measure in place I'm 

to pay any money.

Btw., fixing bugs in a well designed, well documented, cleanly written 
is a lot more fun than in insert_decription_of_choice and orders of 
magnitude faster.
That's why I suggested to personally throw out BS like '#define END_LOOP 
}}' and
all it entails. Since this was not welcomed, I decided to not try and 
dive into

the code any further.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-05 Thread Armin Faltl

Anthony Blake wrote:

Yes, if you were having difficulty with the END_LOOP macro, I can
understand why you didn't venture any deeper into the code.
I had no difficulty finding or understanding the macro, but I have a 
huge problem
to work on code, where others deliberately introduce stuff, that is a 
nightmare. There is a reason, the compiler disallows unmacht '{'  in one 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-04 Thread Armin Faltl

Bob Paddock wrote:

Rick, I got line breaks.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:


Just thought I'd write some of this down and put it out there. I've
spent some time recently thinking way into the future about the GUI /
usability for an advanced PCB editing program.

Peter, while all of this sounds great, could we fix the collective
problems that we have now first?
To many of us PCB is used to ship products, preferably today.
The Creeping Feature Creacher is a powerful task master.


What we really need is good documentation for the Meta Data that
contains what a pcb really is.
Once MD is documented and abstracted then it should become easy to add
any kind of new GUI, Router, Scripting,
or just scrap the whole thing and start over.


PCB design is a real hybrid of art, precision engineering and black

It is only magic for those without documentation, or initiation.


Scrap straight line rats in favour of using the topological auto-router?

Appology in advance - Peter, so far I thought you are bright

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL resistor p0rn

2010-11-23 Thread Armin Faltl


I compiled the latest version of FreeCAD and OpenCASCADE on my machine
(with NVidia 8600 195.36.15, Debian 5.0.6). The compile worked reasonable
and FreeCAD starts, but when I try to model something, e.g. cut a sphere
out of a cube or chamfer and fillet the cube the screen-output is rubbish.
Otherwise your general path appears reasonable to me.

As it's only free as in beer, I don't fully suggest it, but gCAD3D seems
to produce stable results - How about forging the script in a way
to have the 3D-CAD program select the model it likes and really emit
only XYRS, the footprint and ev. provide a table that correlates
the footprint with a (choice of) 3D-model(s)?

BTW. gCAD3D can read/write IGES, STEP and it's own documented ascii-format.

Matthew Wilkins wrote:
If it was me, I think I'd make a script for some 3D modelling package like 
FreeCAD to generate a 3D model using PCB's XY place file output.

The process would be:

1.  make FreeCAD 3D models for each of the components
2.  generate an XY place file, board outline file and drill file in PCB
3.  run a python script in FreeCAD that generates a model of the board based on 
the outline gerber file.

Make holes using data from the drill file.
4.  Run  a script that makes an assembly by placing components based on the XY 
place file.

At this point you should have a 3D model of the board, right in a 3D CAD program 
that can be used to model enclosures and other parts.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: If you also think the PCB lower-case letter 's' is ugly, here's a replacement

2010-11-23 Thread Armin Faltl
As fonts are required from all CAD systems, here a posting from Varkon 
list ;-)


 I created free ISO 3098 compatible ttf font for use in free CAD 
programs. The project page is, you can 
check it out and eventually included in your CAD project.

 hikikomori82 at gmail dot com

This font is required for drawings by certain institutions.

Ineiev wrote:

On 11/22/10, Mark Rages wrote:

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Colin D Bennett wrote:

How hard would it be to make use of the freetype library to handle all
vector-based fonts?  I imagine the font outlines could be converted to
line elements fairly easily... ?


pcb's fonts are special:  they are a single line wide.  When you need
the smallest letters that a given silk process can print legibly, you
want those single-line fonts.

For larger fonts, freetype would be great, and save us the
machinations of creating the text in inkscape or something and
importing it with pstoedit.

Discuss also using QCAD fonts, please.


geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: STEP Format? [WAS: Re: PCB+GL+3D Packages??]

2010-11-20 Thread Armin Faltl

Peter Clifton wrote:

I'm coming round to the idea that 3D is more than just eye candy if we
do it nicely. It helps visualise component placement and layout issues
far more readily than just looking at flat layers can do. Your brain may
spot issues it wouldn't otherwise.
One of the things I thought of, is stretching the board in z-direction 
(make it thicker).
I believe that can help see, whether blind and burried vias are really 
ending at the

intended layers, if they are rendered as (transparent) pipes.

To help save computing time, the layers in 3D can be just flat (in a 
mode) - no point

in seeing the sidewalls of traces for many uses, e.g. the above one.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL resistor p0rn

2010-11-20 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

I am playing
with writing a VRML importer - which should be able to read files
exported by Wings32 (like KiCad), but I can't for the life of me
figure out how to drive Wings32 to create a new model!

I'd strongly prefer to do 3D models with a full fledged 3D CAD
application. Preferably with the CAD app I use for the rest of my 
construction work. That's the benefit if pcb would communicate 
the full information of the layout to a free 3D CAD app. This app
would shoulder the tedious import/export to the complex formats 
of the real 3D CAD world -- IGES, STEP, DWG, ... 
Did I mention, that mesh formats are a one way road, when it

comes to construction?

(Please tell me, that I don't need to make that point over and over 
again ;-)
I knew that ;-) - no need to convice me. Still if pcb is to display 3D 
models with OpenGL,
a tessellation of the scene is required. Personally, I'd prefer 
something like the winged-edge
data structure of BRL-CAD (not it's UI) to handle intersections of 
BREPs. Many years
ago I started to define something like that myself, but never got enough 
motivation to

to complete it - still, I can help you (and my own demo ;-) with that.

You might have a look at .

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: a different approach to 3D modeling

2010-11-20 Thread Armin Faltl

Patrick Doyle wrote:

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:01 PM, kai-martin knaak wrote:

Looks like there is no open 3D exchange format that fits the
need of pcb:

a) render a beautiful image of a populated board

b) integrate pcb in a 3D work-flow to fit the board into some
tight space.

The existing formats are either limited to surfaces rather than objects
(STL, VRML). This prevents efficient processing of the 3D geometry.
Or they lack attributes for eye candy (IGES). Or they are overly
complex and geared to completely different use cases (STEP)

Not knowing anything of which I speak (write?), would COLLADA
fit the bill? 


I believe COLLADA is a format mainly concerned about DCC (digital 
content creation).

It's probably very good at meshes, textures and some freeform surfaces,
but I didn't see anything about geometric primitives like spheres, cylinders
dimensions and layers. Don't confuse rigid body with solid geometry.
Maybe my view is to pessimistic, but one needs to read the spec to prove.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: STEP Format? [WAS: Re: PCB+GL+3D Packages??]

2010-11-20 Thread Armin Faltl

Peter Clifton wrote:

That is basically how PCB+GL renders the board. Z isn't very expanded,
but you can make out the detail. Some work would be needed if you wanted
to reliably look through a section of board in a particular place
though.. possibly some adjustment of layer transparency would be in

The cheapest trick to remove disturbing stuff in front of what you want 
to see

is moving the camera facing bounding plane of the view frustum towards the
model - at least in OpenGL. Maybe not what makes you happy though..

And there is a risk, that many users need a very clear explanation of 
this feature.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: a different approach to 3D modeling

2010-11-20 Thread Armin Faltl

Armin Faltl wrote:


I believe COLLADA is a format mainly concerned about DCC (digital 
content creation).

It's probably very good at meshes, textures and some freeform surfaces,
but I didn't see anything about geometric primitives like spheres, 

dimensions and layers. Don't confuse rigid body with solid geometry.
Maybe my view is to pessimistic, but one needs to read the spec to prove.

So I downloaded and skimmed through collada-spec 1.5;
In chapter 9 the geometry primitives are described and they include 
cubes, spheres

and such. But I never saw any layers or dimensions mentioned.
The intro of the spec mentions CAD though - probably as a transfer format
DCC - CAD, not sure about CAD - CAD.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: STEP Format? [WAS: Re: PCB+GL+3D Packages??]

2010-11-17 Thread Armin Faltl

Peter Clifton wrote:

On Mon, 2010-11-15 at 10:09 -0600, John Griessen wrote:

On 11/14/2010 08:37 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:

3. What format would people like to make models in?

STEP, so I can load it in HeeksCAD and use HeeksCNC to carve enclosures.

Step looks obscenely complicated, and I'm not really sure what subset we
can support.
If we need only a hand full of primitives to describe our parts, IGES is 
much easier and does the job. It's understood by practically all systems 

understand STEP, and some, that don't understand STEP.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL+3D Packages??

2010-11-15 Thread Armin Faltl

Peter Clifton wrote:

An actual rendering from PCB+GL with some code I've been playing with...

very nice

2. Will anyone bother to make 3D models for packages?

if it's easy enough I'll probably do it for the footprints I create

3. What format would people like to make models in?

I'm considering to adopt the format of OpenSCAD for my own CAD-Demo.
In principle it looks nice to me, but I need to check details.
Then I would use my own demo, to make the 3D-models.

I'm thinking VRML (perhaps as output by Wings32) might be a good choice,
as I believe this is what KiCad uses.

Same, need to check details, e.g. if dimensions and layers are supported.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: ANNOUNCE: New gEDA Scheme extension API

2010-11-06 Thread Armin Faltl

Stephan Boettcher wrote:

John Griessen writes:


copying scheme files
cp: target `./gnetlist.scm' is not a directory

Seems like a simple usage problem of the cp program...  maybe it goes away the 
second time through?

This looks as if a variable that defines the target directory is
undefined or empty.


If this were the case, cp would complain about missing 2nd argument.
The message really looks like cp sees 3 or more non-option arguments,
suggesting the target must be a directory. Either the variable defining
the source is wrong (contains 2 or more entities) or it could be a
quoting problem combined with whitespace in a filename.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Ben mode feature request

2010-10-31 Thread Armin Faltl

Hm, does this mean you can implement a library, but you mustn't
use material from the standard to document it?

DJ Delorie wrote:

STEP is an ISO standard, which likely means you have to buy the
standard itself, but you can implement it freely:

geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-10-22 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Andrew Poelstra wrote:


The problem I have with JSON (and to some extent, Lisp) is that it is
not self-documenting. You can't open a JSON document and immediately
see what everything is and what it does; it just looks like gibberish
and brackets.

Whatever format is going to be chosen, it should be friendly to human users. 
In the days of TB hard disks, GB RAM and GHz processor clocks there is no 
need to compromise readability to save some bits. 

Because of progress in hardware, I can lift terrabytes easily. To all, 
that think

is friendly to humans, I wish they have to wade through this  up to 
their nose for ages.

Who needs whitespace? I mean, if the parser can do without it, why waste
some thought on pretty printing. MS don't pay their OSS compatibiltiy 
guys for that.

I've been programming HTML for years - it's ok, but not my favourite choice.
+1 to JSON or YAML ;-) and a very concise choice of names. We don't have 

complicated structures, so 3 brackets are managable.

Would this have been comprehensible as:
   Because of progress in hardware,...
? At least it's machine-convertible to XML. Does XML have a notion of 
orderd lists?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-10-22 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

Perhaps we store the internal data in a structure that can be
exported/imported in *any* structured format, and let those who really
want format XYZ to add the import/export logic for it?

+=3, just repeat my self twice ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: coordinate systems [was: pcb crooked traces]

2010-10-17 Thread Armin Faltl

Phillip Jones wrote:

I disagree. There are situations I can think of in which manually
entering coordinates would be simpler than using a GUI method.

I definitely think we sould flip the coordinate grid, but what
would that do to exiting files?

Version the file format. Introduce a new PCB_FILE_VERSION. If this is
defined in the file then call the appropriate read function, if it is
not defined then use the old function.

The file format of pcb-boards is versioned, the footprints aren't.
Both use the Y+ is down cs now, but clearly that's the only
solution for both ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: coordinate systems [was: pcb crooked traces]

2010-10-13 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:12:41PM +0200, Armin Faltl wrote:

Btw. while being a different topic, how about getting rid of the lefthanded
coordinate system, when all numeric computations have to be checked
anyway? This should make the cs consistent with trigonometric functions.

What does lefthanded coordinate system mean?

It means, that positive coordinate axes can be generated as follows:
looking from Z+ to the center X+ moves into Y+ by a clockwise
rotation (for lefthand). Z+ is your extended thumb, then form your 
fingers to a hook;

the finger tips point into the direction of rotation around the thumb.
With cyclic permutation look along:
   Z+: X - Y
   X+: Y - Z
   Y+: Z - X
A lefthanded coordnate system is the mirror image of a righthanded one,
the later being the norm for mathematical formulations, esp. vector
notation of rotation.
E.g. in polar coordinates P = P(r, phi) the angle phi has to be measured
counterclockwise from the X-axis to make the transformation to
cartesian coordinates look like:
   P = P(x, y) = P(r*cos(phi), r*sin(phi))
with X+ pointing right an Y+ pointing up (and Z+ pointing out of screen).

This is a convention. One can argue, to define the the sense of rotation 

and have Y+ look downward, but this is against the mathematical standard
and pcb is the only CAD program I know of, that does like this.
It's incompatible with any CAM file format, plotter language, OpenGL etc.
Many raster devices and -image formats are lefthanded, probably the
reason, why pcb is.

Sorry for (partly) repeating myself.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-12 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

Well, the C standard says that long must be ``at least'' 32 bits,
maybe more. To the best of my knowledge, gcc uses a 32-bit long
even on 64-bit systems, to maintain compatibility with old code.
This was true last I checked, a year or two ago.

Tested 5 minutes ago:
[ a...@ajf5 ~]
 uname -a
Linux ajf5 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

[ a...@ajf5 ~]
 cat long.c
#include limits.h
#include stdio.h

int main()
   int i;
   long int l;
   long long int L;

   i = INT_MAX;
   printf(i = %d\n, i);
   l = LONG_MAX;
   printf(l = %ld\n, l);
   printf(L = %lld\n, L);
[ a...@ajf5 ~]
i = 2147483647
l = 9223372036854775807
L = 9223372036854775807
[ a...@ajf5 ~]

long long is ``at least'' 64 bits, which is why gcc does its emulation.

And yes, it might be better to use long long even on 32-bit machines,
if the performance hit is not too great. But we'll have to do testing
to see.


geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-12 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 15:25 -0700, Andrew Poelstra wrote:

I think we want to allow negative locations. It would be nice to set parts
outside of the pcb boundary, for example when initially placing everything.

We limit ourselves to half so that *distances* can fit in a signed
same-size value.  The range of computable distances on a board will
always be twice the range of coordinates.  More if you do 2-D distance,
but we can use floating point there (we'd be doing a sqrt() anyway)
When using signed integers for coordinates and offsets (vectors), by 
restricting to the
positive quadrant, allowing a 2x2m board will still yield a 32-bit 
overflow, if you try
to place a large footprint at the right edge of the board. So I think 
forbidding negative
board coordinates doesn't guard against anything. If one wants to 
enforce range-savety,

the boards and footprints better be +-1m maximum.

Personally I favour 32-bit integers on 32-bit machines, because I think 
that 64-bit
emulation must be at least 3x slower than native ops. Enable 64-bit 
coords on 32-bit machines
with a configure flag. On 64-bit machines of course 64-bit, since 32 is 
probably slower.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-12 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

When using signed integers for coordinates and offsets (vectors), by
restricting to the
positive quadrant, allowing a 2x2m board will still yield a 32-bit
overflow, if you try
to place a large footprint at the right edge of the board. So I
think forbidding negative
board coordinates doesn't guard against anything. If one wants to
enforce range-savety,
the boards and footprints better be +-1m maximum

But if we limited everything to 2m, using unsigned integers, we'd
be okay with 32 bits. I'm not sure what you're saying here.
1m to the edge of the board, 1m from the center of the footprint 
(positioned at the edge
of the board) outwards. If you don't adhere to that, the outer pins of 
the footprint

will turn up at the opposite side of the board (because of overflow).

Having said that, I still want negative coordinates. So do we need
to limit things to 1m? Yuck.
It's still possible to design a 2x2m board when the coordinate center is 
in the middle
of the board. It is also possible, to do some offset on IO and show only 
numbers to the user. And one can limit footprint sizes more and add that 
to board dimesions.
If you use unsigned ints for coordinates and signed for offsets, you 
have to make sure,
no negative number results from subtracting, meaning you might shift the 
valid range
of center-coordinate  for footprints to 1/4*UINT_MAX to 3/4*UINT_MAX 
Then again, this is clumsy, so stick to signed int and [1/2*INT_MIN .. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-12 Thread Armin Faltl

Steven Michalske wrote:

Internally the origin of the grid should go to the middle of the
board, but have the board translate the coords to physical of the
upper left, or even lower left.  Make some folks happy about their y
decreasing or somthing or another.
Occasionally someone is changing the size of the board while 
While it's possible, to move the contents on resize, just leaving the 
center where it is - preferably where the designer wanted it to be, e.g. 
at a

certain fiducial - makes more sense to me.

Btw. while being a different topic, how about getting rid of the lefthanded
coordinate system, when all numeric computations have to be checked
anyway? This should make the cs consistent with trigonometric functions.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-10 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:
While accumulation of error is an issue with floating point, the 
connector or any predefined

shape is a particularely bad example:
At least I wouln't convert the spacing and then sum up the erratic 
value but convert
all the original values, which gives exactly 1 conversion error per 
position, irrespective
of the number of pins/position. And that's exactly how the read 
routines operate.
To do it the wrong way, they would need to be fortune tellers, 
because there is

no 'array' element in new-lib files.

Then please come up with some of your own.  I am sure there is no 
shortage of examples just because I haven't thought of them.
I believe such an example will be hard to find in a well programmed CAD 
The reason is, that significant accumulation of discretization errors 
happens when
nummerous small values get added to a large value or with small 
differences of

large numbers.
Typical examples for these problems are:

*) solving large badly conditioned linear equation systems
*) numerical treatment of initial value problems of ordinary 
differential equations

*) statistical computations

Even for those apps there are algorithms that account for the problem -
skilled developers are aware of it and avoid it.
The general procedure in a CAD system is, to place primitives in a virtual
space with as few operations as possible and derive some data (screen view,
gerbers, drill coordinates,...) from this model as straight forward as 

again involving only a hand full of operations per primitive. Since the
primitives are independent of each other, there is no accumulation of error.

One example of the tiny difference of large numbers is, to fill an area
with parallel traces, using the same trace width as center distance.
Depending on the display scale you might see chinks. As far as I know,
this is known bad practice. I'm not a developer of pcb, so if there
really are issues with this, others speak up please.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-10 Thread Armin Faltl

Replying personally, because this is getting nowhere:

Rick Collins wrote:
I don't think you are trying very hard.  If the value input by the 
user in metric is rounded off to a value that is not exact, there is a 
loss of precision that can not be recovered no matter how well 
programmed the application is.  I gave an example of when this would 
be significant and you seem to think that the programmer can make 
special cases to work around this.  I'll lay it out again working in 
the abstract to show the possibilities.  If you don't like the 
abstract, just adjust for a 0.8 mm pin spacing and you will see a real 
example that is close to the limit.

The user has a connector with metric spaced pins.  When the metric 
value is input, the value is rounded off to the nearest 0.01 mil 
giving an error of 0.005 mil.  At this point there is no way to 
recover that error, it is recorded in the system that way and the 
precision is lost.  This value is used to calculate the position of 
all the pins in the connector resulting in an accumulated error of 
0.005 * N.

Wrong: the input data of a footprint is listed pin by pin.
If a generator tool, that can handle metric and say uses double numbers,
is used to create the footprint it will:
a) compute the true positions of all pins to double accuracy
b) then convert this value to some fractional mil-number, pin by pin
c) round that position to 1/100th mil to make pcb happy, pin by pin

The footprint file format as I said lists all the pin/pads and gets read 
by pcb - pcb doesn't have the slightest idea, what spacing the pins are 
- they could

be at random positions.
Double is probably more than sufficient to get 100 increments of 0.8mm right
to 1/100-mil, but if it weren't, use a Sparc with Quad-precision floats 
to generate
the footprint. Say the true increment in 1/100th mil were 
Then a good generator will produce the following differences in the 
footprint file:

549, 549, 548, 549, 549, 548, 549,549, 548,...

If pcb itself is used as a generator by e.g. using a 0.1mm pitch grid 
and manually
painting the pins, it's up to the implementation, to round values of a 
foreign grid

to the correct internal number - I can't answer this for pcb.
In principle it is possible, to precompute a sequence for every metric 
pitch offered,
that will convert the N'th construction grid position to the correct 
1/100th mil.

What pcb really does in this respect you must ask the developers. All I 
want to say
is, that a 100-pin footprint not necessarily has anything to do with 
adding up
a single-pitch roundoff error 100x and that pcb by it's structure does 
not have
the notion of arrays and multipliers in a geometrical sense. It treats 
all pin

positions as where they are according to footprint one by one.

If you found this useful, you may post it ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-10 Thread Armin Faltl


Armin Faltl wrote:

Replying personally, because this is getting nowhere:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-09 Thread Armin Faltl

Hi timecop,

your first message I just deleted which is a rare exception on this
list. Since DJ did, I'll waste some seconds and joules on you:

a) 2010 - 16 = 1994
b) - Jan 1993, 1 file max 2TB
c) the first versions of NTFS had limits completly different than now

Please stay under your rock.

timecop wrote:

Please keep your off-topic bullshit *off* this list.

I was pointing out that NTFS, created ~16 years ago, had support for
64bit filesizes etc way before lunix even knew what a file  4GB is.
*AND* that I can use *ANY* windows app and have it properly work with
large filesizes WITHOUT having to recompile it or otherwise waste my

Having to rebuild something with ./configure
--enable-shit-that-should-be-on-by-default is freaking ridiculous.

P.s. who the fuck is john lennon?

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 11:14 AM, John Griessen wrote:

On 10/08/2010 07:32 PM, timecop wrote:

Ah, this is where opensource way of thinking fails it.
John Lennon
Advanced search
About 47,600,000 results (0.15 seconds),18168,25567,26614,26644,26997,27006,27015sugexp=ldymlsxhr=tq=timecopcp=6pf=psclient=psyaq=faqi=g5aql=oq=timecogs_rfai=pbx=1fp=54a191137d571141A
About 2,540,000 results (0.24 seconds)

and timecop seems to be Time warner cable for the first 60 pages of google
and includes

Is that you, timecop?

If it was it would probably be 1 hit worth out of 47,600,000.

Probably not, you won't come out from under your rock.
Not for anything that matters.


geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Database on symbols, footprints and other (was Re: gattrib)

2010-10-09 Thread Armin Faltl

Edward Hennessy wrote:

On Apr 29, 2010, at 2:14 AM, Armin Faltl wrote:

To express the many-to-many relation between parts and symbols it uses
a table called device. This is fed by the infamous device attribute
in the symbol libraries. There's nothing wrong in the theory of DB-design
with it, but the indiscriminate use of this attribute in the symbol-libs
waters the use of this design down to uselessness.

I'm investigating another mechanism to create a part 'class' with some
existing data in the part library. Using the device attribute for this
causes problems. I am pondering the first portion of the symbol filename.
So, 'resistor-1.sym' is part of the 'resistor' class. Any other

Thank you for still working on this hard topic at all.

Do I understand you correct: you want to limit the range of symbols, 
that are possible

to connect to a given part, based on a part classification?

I don't recall all the details of the DB layout, but i fear, the only 
solution is to manually

enter meaningful device values in the symbol libraries.
I'm not aware, that the device attribute is used for anything in the 
current workflow,

thus the quality of the entries.
If one sets out to map devices to a part classification, I'd suggest 
':'-notation like
diode:schottky or transistor:power:igbt. Therefore it is 
questionable, to
completely preset this value in the symbol library at all - maybe just 
the 1st element.

This would require a strict rule: something that does not have the same 
mustn't have the same top category: MOSFET != transistor or the top 
would need to be 'transistor:mosfet' and 'transistor:bipolar' - I'm 
getting confused...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-09 Thread Armin Faltl

timecop wrote:
   Is this seriously turning into a pissing match 

you name it, you get it: it's no longer about technical arguments, it's
about the amount of shit one can produce: you won!!!

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-09 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

I think we should also test sin and cos -- and since for integers,
there will be casts involved on either side, I suspect there will
be a performance hit.

Also sqrt and pow. (In Lisp, isqrt beats sqrt, but I just tested
in C (gcc -O3 -lm), and sqrt wins by a factor of 10!) Perhaps I
simply have a crappy isqrt implementation, but this seems like an
argument in favor of floating-point.

How common are these ops in pcb? How common would they be if we had
a decent DRC?
sin, cos, sqrt and other heavy functions are most likely avoided, even 
for design
rule checks and don't (frequently) occur for placement operations, since 
rotation matrices are used, that are set up once and then used for all 

of the relevant object (e.g. an oblique footprint).
For DRC distances on would compare the square of distance to the square of
the limit, giving the same truth value.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: GNUduino - Arduino made with gEDA

2010-10-09 Thread Armin Faltl

Kevin Vermeer wrote:

 2. Necessary Software
 If the hardware requires software, embedded or otherwise, to operate
 properly and fulfill its essential functions, then the documentation
 requirement must also include at least one of the following: The
 necessary software, released under an OSI-approved open source
 license, or other sufficient documentation such that it could
 reasonably be considered straightforward to write open source
 software that allows the device to operate properly and fulfill its
 essential functions.
This is about the software that runs on the hardware, not about how the 
HW was created.
IMO, a high resolution raster image of the layers and pdf of the 
schematic would qualify

as open HW without problems.

   Kudos to Jeffrey for adhering to true open-source design!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-08 Thread Armin Faltl

Gabriel Paubert wrote:
Really, the inch is by definition 2540µm, not the other 
way around since over 50 years ago.

As far as I know, 1 = 25400um, but I see your point ;-)

The only practical consideration I see is, that the internal unit of PCB
allows handling with integer-arithmetic (makes comparisons a lot
faster and safer than floating point).
Assuming 32-bit signed numbers with 1/100mil this gives:
   254nm resolution and +-545.46m coordinate range
32-bit signed and 1nm gives:
   1nm resolution ;-) and +-2.147m coordinate range

I don't know, if pcb really uses fix-point arithmetics, but even if
not a reasonable internal unit has some importance. AFAIK with
floating point, the average internal number should be around 1.

HTH, Armin

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-08 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

As for board limitations, I think that if you are designing boards
bigger than 2m (and cannot make a small board then scale the gerbers
after-the-fact), chances are you've got a 64-bit system.

Of course, then we need to worry about file-format compatibility
between 32- and 64- bit systems...

The files are ASCII text, so the numbers are not in binary anyway.
The only potential problem would arise, if you try to read a 64-bit
generated file with a board bigger than 2m into the 32-bit-app.

Suppose we stored a scaling factor in the .pcb files, of x10, x100,
x254, etc? Then we could use nanometer precision by default and go
bigger if we need a bigger board.

Sounds good for me as a transition path. As stated by others, no factor
or just old version number in the file means x254, then nothing and new 

could mean 1x, any other value means what it says.
The scale factor and a version number of interpretation would be very
practial in new-lib footprint definitions as well: Just say unit = 

and write everything in micrometers, saving the numerous ums.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-04 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:
At most you might want to verify that the data in the XYRS file 
matches the Gerber files for a small number of representative parts. 
Why do you think you need to verify the results by reverse engineering 
the code??? That is the stuff I am talking about over thinking the 
problem. All you need to do is look at the output.
Looking at the output is a precondition to verifying anything. You tell 
me, that I shouldn't

look at the input.
But it's one of the iron rules of computation: garbage in - garbage out
Having to verify the output on each and every design is rediculous. It's 
like a

marksman determining his hold-off on every target by trial. This is not very
common nowadays because the bear wins.

E.g., where is the centroid of a 3-leged part? Is it:
a) the center of the bounding box of the pads
b) the center of the bounding box of the pad centers
c) the center of gravity of the pad centers (each weight 1)
d) the center of gravity of the pad areas
e) (0, 0) in the footprint definition file (or a designated vector 


When you find out what PCB does, a through e, what will that tell you? 
It will tell me, whether what PCB does, conforms to the standard or has 
a chance

to conform to the standard with correct libraries.
If you don't know what the standard is, how will you know if your 
design is correct?
If there is a standard and I don't know it, it's my fault - and of 
course I will never know

until the assembly house told me, that I screwed up.

Maybe for the series you do, the cost is negligible. At my present state 
of business
€250 for the setup compared to €950 for assembling 30 boards is a 
cost factor. If I can get rid of this or reduce it to €50 because the 
assemblers knows

they can trust my data, this is a huge competitive advantage.
Maybe the savings generated by this discussion here never hit my wallet.
But I'm not writing for me alone, as I use others work for free.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-04 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:

I'm guessing here, but pick and place machine have to orientate the
part very fast, so it is important that they pick the component from
a principal axis of inertia. It is not always easy to determine where
the axis lies when the component is asymmetric, which is frequent with
power components.

For another example, look a DPAK or D2PAK components (SOT404, SOT428, 

I'm not even sure that they option a) would work, but it might be
a good default, provided you can override it.

Pick and place machine operators don't want you to tell them how to 
pick a part.  All they want from you is to tell them where on the 
board to put it.  That is why the XYRS file uses the centroid and not 
the center of mass.
I know that and was on the verge of replying the same. All I want is to 
make sure
that I'll provide a correct description of the geometry. And now it's 
time for more

reading and less writing. Thanks again for sending me the standard.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem sym files

2010-10-04 Thread Armin Faltl

Karl Hammar wrote:

+1 for nc since ICs have pins that are labeled that way.  Would the DRC just
ignore it, or would the DRC complain if it was connected to anything?


Since nc is just a piece of copper attached to the (plastic/ceramic) 
package, why should drc complain?

A nc pin would be like pas, but gives no error if unconnected.

The documentation of the Renesas TinyH8 states:
... Do not connect anything to the nc-pins. They might be used as test 
pins under

certain conditions or used for damping purposes, which you don't know.

I would also like to see a pwr_src pin type which would be the output of the
voltage regulator (or source).  That way the DRC would warn you if you
shorted two power sources together or if you forgot to hook one of your
power input pins to the power plane (and only connected it to a capacitor



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multiple monitors

2010-10-04 Thread Armin Faltl

John Griessen wrote:
That's a nice idea.  I'd also like a feature where besides just 
panning, you could define
views that stay around.  They'd show as zones on the whole design 
view, and selecting them
would open the pcb work view window on that area of interest.  A way 
to do a UI for that
might be to pan when you click outside one of the defined views, zoom 
to a
defined view when you click inside it, and mov ethe defined view when 
you click and

drag on it.
My mechanical cad demo has a similiar feature: 5 buttons that will store 

- middle click on one of them stores your current view
- left click makes the stored view active
You have to remember what was where, but a thumbnail of the whole board 
with a red frame
in it can be realized. I implemented this, because mechanical 
constructions sometimes have
2 small areas of interest with long parallel lines connecting them - but 
I find it generally handy.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-03 Thread Armin Faltl

Steven Michalske wrote:

As you guys continue to debate this...  Look at how pcb makes the xyrs data 
files. You'll findout that it generates it from the pcb file not the library.  
It takes the center of the part from the pins and pads.  Then it puts pin 1 
somewhere consistent.  See the source for details.

Thank you - finding out this information is what I meant with
I'll have to read, how the footprint coordinates
and placement in the board influence the actual values.

It would be interesting, whether a mark statement in the footprint is 

as well and how the rotation is computed - can you hint me to the relevant
source files please?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-03 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:

At 05:34 PM 10/1/2010, you wrote:

Rick Collins wrote:

If for whatever reason the designer used 2 different footprints for
the same part occuring
several times on a board, if the footprints are position/rotation

 I have no idea why anyone would do that.

Real world example:
PhD student Foo designs some super noiseless detector circuit. The
measurements turn out a success. Researcher Bar, a long time friend who
works on some unrelated project, asks Foo for help to get him started on
noiseless detector. PhD Foo gladly provides the schematic and layout. 
his project Bar needs to add some minor features to the hardware. Of 

she uses a different local library than Foo ...

 Sure the designer can totally screw up a design.

I wouldn't call this totally screwed.

If you work on a design and use a different, incompatible library from 
the original without checking for consistency, yes, the designer 
totally screwed up.
Again, yes and no: in our present state of standardization probably. But 
at least
the designer didn't screw up alone: the guy who did much more is the 
library builder.
That one is the person, responsible for conformance to standards in the 
first place.

And that's our subject in the thread: new footprint guidelines - what 
is considered
trusted fact in construction involving cooperation must be based on 

- and they evolve. There was a time, metric screws or Whitworth screws etc.
didn't exist. Every supplier defined screw gages as he pleased and a 

who didn't check, that the nuts fitted on the bolts, screwed it up.

I really have no idea how things work in the gEDA/PCB world.  With 
FreePCB the library has a default orientation for parts and there is a 
centroid vector to allow the pin 1 orientation to be set compatibly 
with the Gerber files.  If you use someone else's design you need to 
verify that their library parts were done correctly or you need to use 
the same footprints which are a part of the layout and so are 
available.  There is no reason to screw up something as simple as this.
How the Gerber file looks depends on the footprint definition. Once one 
knows *exactly*

a) how the transformations work
b) that all libraries/generators(/custom made footprints) conform to a 
sensible standard
checking is as superfluous as with screw diameters and pitches and 
before that point

I don't believe it's simple enough.

Oh, I almost forgot, NEVER ask a PhD anything to design PCBs.  What 
the heck are you thinking???

As I may go the route to PhD if I find the time and a worthwhile subject,
I'm glad we are talking about this now, before I have started ;-)

Btw. to achieve standard conformance, the gschem symbols of polar 
devices have to be
checked/reworked as well. The best solution probably is, to explicitly 

conformat libs and keep them under their own section on

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-03 Thread Armin Faltl

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

I think registration marks help a lot. Attached you find my favourite
mark, that regrettably can't be converted into a footprint, because it 
contains polygons.

I converted it to a footprint anyway ;-)

Nice work, thanks

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-03 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:

I really don't know what you are talking about.  The footprint will 
show up on your layout in some orientation.  That is the orientation 
it will have on the board in the Gerber files.  How will the 
transformations affect that?  What you see is what you get.

This (planar, linear rigid body) transformation is just one word for 
translation plus rotation.

Sorry, if this was PhD talk - I'm too used to it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-03 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:

At 08:24 AM 10/3/2010, you wrote:

Rick Collins wrote:
I really have no idea how things work in the gEDA/PCB world.  With 
FreePCB the library has a default orientation for parts and there is 
a centroid vector to allow the pin 1 orientation to be set 
compatibly with the Gerber files.  If you use someone else's design 
you need to verify that their library parts were done correctly or 
you need to use the same footprints which are a part of the layout 
and so are available.  There is no reason to screw up something as 
simple as this.
How the Gerber file looks depends on the footprint definition. Once 
one knows *exactly*

a) how the transformations work
b) that all libraries/generators(/custom made footprints) conform to 
a sensible standard
checking is as superfluous as with screw diameters and pitches and 
before that point

I don't believe it's simple enough.

I really don't know what you are talking about.  The footprint will 
show up on your layout in some orientation.  That is the orientation 
it will have on the board in the Gerber files.  How will the 
transformations affect that?  What you see is what you get.
Yes, what I see is what I get. And to see it, I have to read the source 
code of the CAD
system, unless it's stated somewhere more accessible - like in a 
standard ;-)

E.g., where is the centroid of a 3-leged part? Is it:
a) the center of the bounding box of the pads
b) the center of the bounding box of the pad centers
c) the center of gravity of the pad centers (each weight 1)
d) the center of gravity of the pad areas
e) (0, 0) in the footprint definition file (or a designated vector inthere)

That's what I need to know, before I can trust libraries and an XYRS files.
Tbh, I'm not particularely happy, that this seems to be handled by some
black magic withing 'pcb' instead of the library definitions.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb minor release, C++ and Gtk cleanup

2010-10-01 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

Time to plug-in a graphics card? Almost any nvidia model would do.

I have a pair of Nvidia 9800 GT cards in my box, and yet the plain X
Lesstif HID still blows everything else away.  The cards alone are
only part of the pipeline.

Do you have an explanation for this?

I thought that X is pure 2D and thus only primitive operations have to 
be computed
for each span of a shape. On the other hand, a full GL-engine will do 
the 2D/3D transformations
and span computations in hardware, so all the CPU has to supply is 

vertices. What may slow down the GL version is transparency.

One big factor may be the R-tree acceleration built into the X 
This will be difficult to emulate, if one wants to use display lists in 
GL. Otoh

a sensible GL implementation will do frustum culling - so why?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-01 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:

Where I want to get us, is being a consistent customer, for whom they
no longer need to think about step b).

From what I can tell, they don't bother with the two steps.  The 
machine picks the part from the feeder and before placing it, the 
operator verifies it is oriented correctly.  Done once for a given 
feeder and a given side of your board, the rest of the parts from that 
feeder should be good.
If for whatever reason the designer used 2 different footprints for the 
same part occuring
several times on a board, if the footprints are position/rotation 
This is 100% reliable and not really a lot of time on their part.  
Even if they do the steps you are talking about, they will do the step 
I have outlined.  They aren't engineers and they don't think like 
engineers.  They don't want to figure out what things don't work, they 
just want to make them work.  Their way is much easier in the long run 
I am sure.
The guy talking to me has 'MSc.' before his name ;-) No idea how much 
he's involved with the

actual operation of the machines.
Even austrian farmers try to figure out and avoid reasons for problems - 
no cowboy mentality?

See above / please check yourself.

I don't have PCB, so I can't check.
in that case you have to believe me or others, that with the internal 
coordinate system

of 'pcb' X+ is to the right and Y+ is down.

The assembly house I'm talking to, offers to provide standard parts. 
I imagine,
they use a combination of machine vision and having resolved step a) 

above once and forever with their part suppliers.

When you say parts, do you  mean footprint data for the CAD packages?
No, I mean this assembly house holds some standard parts in store (0603, 
0805 resitors, caps,...
of common values) and will sell them to you if you like - can save you 
and them

some hassle.
The bottom line is, ask your assembler what they want.  Don't assume 

I will.


About the .xy-file I'll have to read, how the footprint coordinates
and placement in the board influence the actual values. I think it
will be a bit tricky to check the footprints, since pcb doesn't show
the true coordinates but computes an offset on the fly to make all
screen coordinates positive - this is a bad idea for working on 

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'm not sure why it is bad. 

To check, whether all the footprints I use conform to IPC-7351(B), esp.
if the centroid is at (0, 0) of footprint it would be easiest, to just 
load them
into the design program. But pcb is cheating on you: the 

describes say a 2-pad part with pad-centers at (-2.0mm, 0mm), (2.0mm, 0mm)
and centroid at (0mm, 0mm). When loading the footprint definition 
(that's the .fp-file)

on it's own, pcb will do some guesswork to squeeze everything in it's
positive coordinate quadrant and compute an offset (failing occasionally 

leaving parts of text and lines in nirvana).
Then it will tell you that above pad-centers are at (0.7mm, 1.5mm), 
(4.7mm, 1.5mm)
and center mark at (2.7mm, 1.5mm). The same applies if the definition 
had been
(2000, -100), (2004, -100) and (2002, -100) - there's no way to tell the 

in the definition by looking at the GUI.

And what I'm trying to figure out atm, to verify the data to be sent to the
assembly house is, how the footprint definition, the guess work and the
actual placement get munched into the XYRS file.
I use 0,0 as the lower left corner of the board and my fab drawing 
gives coordinates of the fiducial marks on the board along with major 
drill holes (like mounting points).  So all coordinates on the board 
are positive.  Why would you want it different?  I don't know what a 
.fp file is.
I don't want it different for the board (which would require reversing 
Y-orientation in pcb),

but for a loaded footprint definition.

BTW, all part coordinates should be wrt the centroid of the part, not 
pin 1.  Some CAD packages used to use pin 1, but it is standard 
practice to use the package centroid now.
Centroid always appeared natural to me - it's the best position for 
physical rotation axis as well .

What sort of checking of the footprints do you want to do?  You should 
use a Gerber viewer to verify the Gerber files.  Nothing inside the 
CAD system matters if the Gerber files aren't right.  What would be 
great is a viewer that understands the part shapes and positions the 
parts according to the XYRS file on top of the Gerber file images so 
you can verify alignment and orientation.

Since the assembly house won't have/use my footprint definitions and I 
don't want
to make a drawing of each and every part, if a standard clearly states, 
how it looks,
I have to check, whether the CAD-internal definitions conform to the 
If no standard existed at all and I really have to make drawings with 
whatever tool,
I still have to confirm the CAD-internal definition is identical to the 

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-09-30 Thread Armin Faltl

Steven Michalske wrote:

Would registration marks help with this?   Three points forming approximately a 
90 degree corner. Would give the ability to detect +x,+y
I know our smt lines heavily depend on these marks.

I think registration marks help a lot. Attached you find my favourite mark,
that regrettably can't be converted into a footprint, because it contains
polygons. It's very good for machine vision, gives sub-pixel accuracy.

Since they allow to measure board manufacturing distortions, I'd eventually
place 3-4 marks along each side. Using different marks to indicate axes.

Description: application/pcb-layout

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-09-29 Thread Armin Faltl


Rick Collins wrote:

At 04:53 PM 9/28/2010, you wrote:
For all those, that follow the discussion from here or vaguely 
remember some other rotations:

Rick Collins wrote:
I had to go through all this some time ago and recently I wanted to 
iron out all the difficulties so that the assembly house could use 
my XYRS file (location and rotation data) directly without alteration.

That ended up being a fool's errand, but I did learn a few things.
IPC has a standard for this which everyone seems to use.  For two 
pin symmetrical parts, pin one is to the left.  For IC type parts, 
pin one is in the upper left quadrant for parts with pin one in a 
corner or for parts where pin one is in the center of a side pin one 
is on the upper most side.  This is the zero degree rotation point 
for the part.  All rotations are counter-clockwise from this position.
on 2010-08-15 Rick wrote in thread 'Specification of Rotations for 
Auto Assembly':
I just found something that changes what I thought I knew.  I have a 
PDF of an IPC magazine from 2005 where they are touting a leap 
forward in land pattern generation.  An illustration showing pin 1 
in the upper left for SOT components is what I used as my reference.  
That and the post in the FreePCB forum of a normally very reliable 
source.  But I found a copy of IPC-7351 and it clearly says that for 
SOT and most other IC parts, the original rotation is with pin 1 in 
the LOWER left.  That is what FreePCB does in the library editor by 

This isn't Ricks fault: reading the 2005 IPC-7351 I can confirm this, 
while the 2009 IPC-7351B says,

that pin 1 is in the upper left corner ;-)
Shall I comment on this ? I'll just use upper left...

I'm not sure what you are saying.  Did you have a point you wanted to 
The point I wanted to make is, that there's nothing wrong with our 
memories but
that the 2009 version of IPC-7351 contradicts the 2005 version (probably 
2003 as I see now),
maybe in order to conform to EIAJ/ANSI 481C. So this conformance should 
be veryfied.

I went through a very lengthy search for a rational basis for picking 
a standard.  Virtually no one seemed to actually know the source of 
the standard they used or what anyone else was using.  It seems like 
the board fab and assembly business is full of cowboys who just want 
to make the current project work rather than to figure out a system 
that would help everyone.  In the end I found that the incorrect 
IPC-7351 that I found was an initial short form version from 2003, 
limited to naming conventions and a brief listing of pin 1 
orientations, not a full spec.  I had also found some other materials 
that had wrong information attributed to IPC-7351, but not official 
(dated in 2003).  The officially released standard came out after, in 
February 2005, with the pin 1 orientation of all ICs either in the top 
left or the top.  Without knowing the whys, I can see that IPC-7351 
seems to be what is more supported than anything else.  IPC claims 
that IPC-7351 matches EIAJ/ANSI 481C.  I have not found an official 
copy of IPC-7351 that shows any other orientation than what was 
stated.  If you have an official copy of the released IPC-7351 spec 
that says pin 1 of ICs is anywhere other than top or top left, I would 
like to see it.

Regretably I do not have any official version (bought in paper directly 
from the relevant standads body)
but only pdf-files from the internet, that show the different names 
IPC-7351 and IPC-7351B and
the respective release dates of 2005 and 2009. Neither do I have an 
EIAJ/ANSI 481C paper.

The latest reference I found now is:
The old version I may have been looking at is 2003, not 2005:

about EIAJ/ANSI I found only:

All pdf's I have do not specify any coordinate axe direction, so one is 
free to choose
and it's not relevant for rotation as long as the CAD-system has a fixed 
top side for the design.
Real boards of course tumble around in space with 6 degrees of freedom 
as do parts
so here the crazy busines with coordinate systems goes on, since the fab 
may have

no intrinsic way to tell where top was in the design.

(I'm used to question coordiante systems, since mechanical (3d) cad will 

your model on the screen any way you like.)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: improved footprint for MSOP10

2010-09-28 Thread Armin Faltl

Currently this may be too much of an honor - I have about no time
to maintain that space. Furthermore I'm satisfied with my name
as author, if a footprint makes it into the general library.

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Armin Faltl wrote:


since the library version footprint MSOP10.fp seems to be
very unprecise, I made my own, which is included below.

How about an Armin_Faltl section in ?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-09-28 Thread Armin Faltl
For all those, that follow the discussion from here or vaguely remember 
some other rotations:

Rick Collins wrote:
I had to go through all this some time ago and recently I wanted to 
iron out all the difficulties so that the assembly house could use my 
XYRS file (location and rotation data) directly without alteration.  
That ended up being a fool's errand, but I did learn a few things.  
IPC has a standard for this which everyone seems to use.  For two 
pin symmetrical parts, pin one is to the left.  For IC type parts, pin 
one is in the upper left quadrant for parts with pin one in a corner 
or for parts where pin one is in the center of a side pin one is on 
the upper most side.  This is the zero degree rotation point for the 
part.  All rotations are counter-clockwise from this position.
on 2010-08-15 Rick wrote in thread 'Specification of Rotations for Auto 
I just found something that changes what I thought I knew.  I have a 
PDF of an IPC magazine from 2005 where they are touting a leap forward 
in land pattern generation.  An illustration showing pin 1 in the upper 
left for SOT components is what I used as my reference.  That and the 
post in the FreePCB forum of a normally very reliable source.  But I 
found a copy of IPC-7351 and it clearly says that for SOT and most other 
IC parts, the original rotation is with pin 1 in the LOWER left.  That 
is what FreePCB does in the library editor by default. 

This isn't Ricks fault: reading the 2005 IPC-7351 I can confirm this, 
while the 2009 IPC-7351B says,

that pin 1 is in the upper left corner ;-)
Shall I comment on this ? I'll just use upper left...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist -g drc2 and pintype

2010-09-27 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

Karl Hammar wrote:


 Running gnetlist -g drc2 on a schematic I get:

 input/output -- pwr

input and output are meant to refer to signals. The DRC assumes that 
signals should never be connected to power lines. With analog circuits 
there is no strict dividing line between signal and power. So DRC 
should be taken with a large grain of salt on these circuits.
From what I know, it's a bad idea to leave logic inputs floating, so on 
TTL/CMOS gates,

one will tie them to GND if not used. GND is a power line, isn't it?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-09-27 Thread Armin Faltl

Just 10 minutes ago I had my 1st talk with my first assembly house.
Guess what! I'm asked to provide rotation data.
In the other mail I'm currently editing, I'm trying to provide 
definitions on

where X- and Y-axis is on a part, including where X+ is on mechanically
doubly symmetrical polar parts etc.

As of now, I'll probably have to check/provide every angle by hand,
but for future footprints, the definitions have to be absolutely clear.
If there are contradictory standards, we will have to opt for one.

As Rick said, they are able to adapt to any coordinate system, but at
least the designer must know, what he means himself ;-)

Regards, Armin

Rick Collins wrote:
I am curious about the reasoning for picking values of design rules.  
I have not found the assembly houses to be very useful for this sort 
of info.  They seem to be willing to work with whatever they are sent 
and will only give feedback when something causes real trouble for them.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: foreign graphics overlay

2010-09-26 Thread Armin Faltl

Bob Paddock wrote:

What is the benefit of plug-ins for this kind of infrastructure?
IMHO, support of different image formats should be part of the
main distribution.

Someone, some place, in the future will want to support something that
none of us have ever heard of today.
If there is a easy, well documented, Plug-In system, then they can
implement what they need without having to figure out the internals of

Also Plug-Ins make it harder for various sections of code to interact,
by design, to give a better separation of concerns.

Yes, that's the idea behind it.
I said plugin, but the more trivial version is just a method hook:
a template-ish function [renderForeign()], that gets called if a flag is 
set, saying

there is some foreign graphics to display.
All the function gets handed is a display transformation, a general 

that maps the pcb-space to foreign-graphics space and a filename(list).

Whether renderForeign() contains just some format specific rendering calls
or really uses dynamic linking to call something unknown to pcb is up to
the implementer.

The actually implementation can be a bit more complicated to allow for
preprocessing and setup, but the idea is just this.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: improved footprint for MSOP10

2010-09-24 Thread Armin Faltl


since the library version footprint MSOP10.fp seems to be
very unprecise, I made my own, which is included below.
The major difference is in the spacing of pads.

Regards, Armin

Description: application/pcb-footprint

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: improved footprint for MSOP10

2010-09-24 Thread Armin Faltl

Stefan Salewski wrote:

Please try to give more detailed error reports -- if that one is really
wrong, we should remove it.
The spacing of pads in the library footprint, checked visually and in 
the editor is very uneven.
The centers of the pads are off the theoretical 0.5mm pitch by 0.1mm or 
so, which I find
completely unacceptable. The footprint itself is from the 1-mil-time, 
not in 1/100-mil.
Considering that the pad width is 0.3mm, the library version should 
really be replaced.

Once agreement on my (modified) version is reached, I'll add the license.

To yours:

Do you really think that it is a good idea to have the text overlapping
the pads by default position?
At least *I* like it more than somewhere outside - I normally move the 
refdes anyway to
enable tight packing of parts. If you want, you can put it at the top 
left corner.
Well, iirc, this may be a bug with pcb, that wont handle a text position 
well in um-mode...

The silk is close to the pads on the left and right side, at least
distance is not symmetric on all four sides.
I took great care to make the part symmetric, so it is. If you mean left 
and right margins

are not equal to top and bottom, true.
The reason is, that I kept the dimensions of the libary silk screen and 
made the pads

longer for better hand soldering.
Make the silk wider, if you like.

Please note, it is a good idea to specify source of layout data and
license for distribution. PCB footprints can have attributes for that.

The source is probably a datasheet from Linear Technology.
I realized that I left out a license after sending out...

Hexadecimal flags may be OK, but textual ones seems to be preferred in
these days.

Is is really useful to have these thin soldermask areas between pads, or
should we prefer a gang solder mask?
With my manufacturer it is useful. I got the impression, that a gang 
solder mask will ruin your day.
I do route on the inside of such a chip and wide solder mask gaps can 
lead to unnoticed

shorts on the inside of legs.

 This is a question, I am not sure,
but I think there is no real advantage for these stripes, but
manufactures can have problems with it -- ok I think they remove it

Piu-Printex doesn't remove the mask - if need be, they fab even smaller.
But then again, they appear to be at the top end in Europe.
'multipcb' didn't complain either.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-09-24 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:


All QFN parts should have some visual aids to centering :-) On my last
board, I added four diagonal lines on the silk layer to align each
corner (like a big X), that worked out well.

During modifying library footprints, I found comments about placement lines,
requesting additional non-fabrication layers like placement and outline.
As there is currently no distinction on which layer an ElementLine[] would
be, I suggest two mechanisms to achieve this:

a) make the layername a text attribute in the flags. If no layer is 
named, silk is assumed.
   If there is no flag or layer of that name, again silk or 
autoinstantiate the layer.

b) have an optional layer attribute behind the flags

Option b) is more flexible I think. In that way, it would be quite nice 
to have some pure
drawing layers besides a layer for part outlines to make center lines, 
rulers, dimensions
and the like as in mechanical 2D cad. Actually I stumbled over this with 
placement of
potentiometers, that have to be behind a hole drilled in the cover, LEDs 

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: foreign graphics overlay

2010-09-24 Thread Armin Faltl

Dreaming about mechanical cad features in pcb and how one best works
to mechanical constrains on a pcb, knowing the latest and greates pcb
use OpenGL and transparency anyway, how about providing a plugin-mechanism,
that allows to render DXF, SVG,..., bitmaps of common types and such
on a non-functional translucent foreign layer?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Message

2010-09-22 Thread Armin Faltl

Hi Östen,

to create a symbol you might start with an empty *.sym file
instead of with an empty sheet, that by default will contain
a frame.

Like all entities, the reference to the frame in the .sym file
has a flags section, containing the flag unselectable which is
set in the case of the fram. By setting the flags to 0x00
or  on the frame it gets selectable and can be deleted.
Selection I think also works, if you select everything with
a mouse-rectangle and then unselect the parts you want to
keep before deletion.

Regards, Armin

Östen Einarsson wrote:

Message to gEDA-forum

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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

2010-09-19 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

If you can figure out a secure legally binding DATED way to make that
offer online, and not get screwed by someone who edited the file to
change the date ten years down the line, and have it all hold up in
court, go for it
appart from the problems of millions of people taking the offer, would a 
file with

an officialy registered signature (by Digital Signature Act) be appropriate?

How does FSF themselves handle this? And why include a clause in a license,
that no one can legally fulfil maybe?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do write an autorouter?

2010-09-13 Thread Armin Faltl

Writing an autorouter is a very demanding task. I'd estimate it in the
range of 10.000's of lines of code since a good working router will contain
many heuristics to try and achieve optimal results in many situations.
Lots of cases that are mathematically difficult to understand have to be
handled. The datastructures and algorithms have to handle geometry and 

and performe transformations on bundles of traces. Have a look at the
mathematics describing knots, nonlinear optimisation,...

Maybe to negative, but you have been warned - if someone knows tricks to get
past this, correct me ;-)

Oliver King-Smith wrote:

   So I want to auto route a design for my ASIC, and magic is being a
   little flakey (It seems it connects some nets together that don't
   belong and fail to connect nets that do belong).  I was wondering if
   anyone has any references on how auto routers get written.
   I know some stuff about my design.  For example I want the router to
   avoid certain regions (rectangles that represent cells).  I know the
   net list, and the connection points on the edge of cells.
   If this is 1000's of lines of code, well that is not practical in my
   time frame.  But if folks have designed these things and the principle
   is straight forward, I should at least consider writing one.  So what
   is the principle behind the routers and how hard have they been to
   implemented in the past?


geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: the uber-scope (was: wishful UI)

2010-08-20 Thread Armin Faltl

Stefan Salewski wrote:

Indeed I was hoping for some support during the last two years, but
there was not much interest, some people with very limited skills in
electronics area contacted me, hoping for a very cheap device. But of
course I can not build large quantities, so costs can not be smaller
than similar commercial tools from china, so people are disappointed. I
do understand that.
I'm well aware (by now ;-) that building something from scratch is not 
the cheapo route

in many cases.

No, currently I do not need help, I have done schematics and layout very
carefully, learned VHDL, started design of a GTK GUI.
I'd help you if you used FLTK instead (and C++), actually I already got 
something called
'flscope' - it would need to be dual license though - well I can 
actually give you some code

without mentioning it's from me or whatever - or BSD.
That application uses 2 threads: one for the GUI and device control, the 
other to read
and store the data stream. Connection to a particular device is designed 

My personal interest in a homemade one would be something like a 
mainframe scope:
slot cards of potentially different type that communicate with the 
controller and memory
board via a highspeed bus, basically supplying a steady stream of time 
coded samples.
The master board sends a clock signal to all signal converters and info 
like settings

and start/stop.
For very fast signals, one could of course include local memory on a 
slot and transfer

data in bursts.
This should all be no problem with a bus like PXI (PCI eXtension for 
but I wouldn't use copper - I'd like to have a fiber bus for electrical 
insulation and
floating channels, so the power supply alone determines rated voltage 
(5kV - 20kV ?)

Should I really manage to burn a slot, 500-1000€ evaporate and not 1.
(an analog fiber connection from an active probe to the digitizer slot 
would be

cool as well)

 And I wrote my own
USB firmware some years ago. Currently I am doing some final checking of
schematics and layout, with minimal modifications. I indent to order
parts and two PCB prototype boards in harvest and intend soldering the
first prototype before end of this year. If that prototype works, than
there may be again room for support, for example for optimizing the VHDL
code, board firmware and communication with the PC, and finally
optimizing the user interface.
VHDL - thats specs for a silicon compiler, right? - so you are using 
ASICs in


I will tell on my homepage and on this list when there is the first
working prototype -- hopefully before the end of this year.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

Sure, and the big EDA code based on LISP/Guile also uses syntax for
names so a wire with such a name attrib seems to be all that's
necessary to define a bus.  Putting the syntax netname[0:7] into
form netname[0], netname[1],   for the backends is fine.  Seems
to me the common code would still need to be aware of bus nets.

I published my paper mostly to get a discussion going on what busses
*mean* though, not the implementation details.  For example, what does
it mean when three busses with different names are connected?

 D[15:0] ==** D[15:0]
   \\ A[1:16]

The problems I see with this are:
* 2 names for the same bus are probably confusing for a user
* if busses of different name are allowed to connect, they should have 
the same wire layout
* if they really shall look like above, the number of wires must be 
equal and the obvious

 mapping mechanism must be in place

If all this is not for you, would it be possible to make a 
bus-mapper/connector symbol?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

And I want to understand the implications of pins that reflect
multiple signals, too - mapping names and numbers, etc.


I can only envision 2 cases for a multipurpose pin:
a) the generic interface shall be preserved - don't care what the pin 
means, just pass a wire
b) the pin is actually used for something hardwired in the board - it's 
no longer multipurpose

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

John Griessen wrote:

1) Assign unique refdes value to all netlistable
   logical symbols in the schematic. If the
   logical symbol is one of several in a
   PHYSICAL_package, then assgined refdes
   to each logical symbol such as Uxx_yy;
   where yy is the value to identify
   a particular LOGICAL_SYMBOL among several
   within a PCB_PACKAGE; and xx value is the
   ID to differentiate among all PCB_PACKAGE
   for your design. Uxx is what you want to
   see in your PCB netlist. 

maybe I misunderstand something here, but if you want to say
'_' in Uxx_yy is actually a separator you should come up with a positive 

of what a standard refdes can be made of.

The sloopy way chars get assigned special meanings with all sorts of 

in geda really annoys me - and imho bites everyone in the long run.
The above example would make another step to:

you may not use ':' in blah, unless foo is set to 5, and '-' can bit 
you in some circumstances.
I can assure you that '_' is valid in refdes, unless it's used for a 
bus in which case...
Depending on the phase of the moon, '/' in an identifier can mean 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb: experience with import-schematics

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

kai-martin knaak wrote:

Look at make_footprint_hash() in src/buffer.c

Maybe we need to read the menus in reverse order?

I'd say, the last path should receive highest priority. This is how the PATH 
environment variable of the shell is parsed. 

you mean the first directory has highest priority, same in linker paths

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

John Griessen wrote:

In your work flow, English words convey duties to hired layout persons.
In my example, I only hire the autorouter.

Sounds very useful.  Especially for open hardware projects and hobbyists,
and bottom line oriented business folk.

Sounds like you suggest the autorouter as suplement to propper understanding
of layout - I've been struggling and reading for weeks now with this 
One of the primers I found states: ... The autorouter is a tool to speed 
up the

work of specialists and should be avoided by beginners. It is no replacement
for understanding the implications of your layout...
My very little experience with autorouters also makes me believe, that
an autorouter has even less understanding of EMI issues than I have ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Specification of Rotations for Auto Assembly

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Rick Collins wrote:
This seems like a pretty sharp group.  One of the problems I 
consistently have is generating an XYRS file for auto assembly of my 
boards.  The X and Y require a specified origin and orientation of the 
board, which is done in the fab drawing.  The side is pretty clear as 
well.  But I always have trouble with the rotations.  There are two 
sides and even if you pick a convention for the angle of origin and 
the direction of rotation, you still have to decide if the bottom side 
is viewed from the top or the bottom.

When I have asked assembly houses about what they assume as 
convention, I never get an answer.  They just tell me that they need 
the X and Y data along with the side.  They basically figure out or at 
least verify the rotation data for themselves.

Is that what you find?  It just seems very odd that there is no 
accepted and widely used convention for rotations.  I found info from 
IPC that says pin 1 in upper left corner is 0 degrees for ICs.  But 
I've seen nothing that addresses how to spec the bottom side 
components.  A FreePCB companion program. FpcPlace assumes all 
rotations are CCW and viewed from the top.  But the footprint 
generator makes the footprint with pin 1 in the lower left which 
screws everything up, or so the FpcPlace developer says.  It looks to 
me like the FpcPlace program is not correct.

One of the things I dislike about pcb is the coordinate system: it's 
lefthanded, or z+ is going into the

screen instead of pointing out.
The right hand rule says: if you spread your first 3 fingers (starting 
with thumb) orthogonal to each
other, thumb = X, point = Y, middle = Z ( or if you hook your fingers to 
indicate a rotation that
will move X into Y, spreaded thumb poins to Z+). This is the basis for 
all math definition on vector
operations in 2D and 3D, it defines the mathematically positive sense of 
rotation (CCW from above).
All mechanical CAD systems and robotics controls adhere to this. So to 
define a rotation
consistent with production, the first thing one must do is set up a 
proper 3D coordinate system.

As a SCARA robot can only access one side of the board at a time, it's 
now a matter of convention,
whether your designer procomputed rotation fixes the base coordinate 
system to the board

(that gets flipped, so Z+ points up or down) or to the robot base.
If I were to come up with a convention, I'd fix it to the board, since 
the actual placement
of the board in the robot system (position and rotation) is unknow to 
the designer anyways.

Next convention would be X is longer side, Y is short for rectangles.
To define the complete position, one has to carry out 2 rotations (I 
know they can be combined
to one oblique) for the backside: flip the board, then somehow rotate 
the chip.

As the rotations can be combined, they can't be independent:
you could flip the board around it's X-axis (makes most sense to 
designer) or it's Y-axis
or around robot-X (what they fabs probably do) or around any other axis 
in the XY-plane,

yielding completely different angles for the chip rotation.

That's what the fabs actually tell you: if you believe the XY-plane to 
be in the center of the laminate,

indicate which side is Z+.

HTH, Armin

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DRC rule structure

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Actually, I don't think that's true:

Suppose I have a trace whose clearance is set to 2.5mm - if I lay any component
too close while the real-time DRC is running, how can it know that it's breaking
a rule without re-checking the clearance for every object on the PCB?
By checking exactly the object you are currently trying to place against 
the traces in vicinity,

that can be found by bounding-box intersection.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: discussion on what busses *mean*

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

DJ Delorie wrote:

I can't think of a good reason to do this, but I suppose you could
connect to a bus pin (aka pin with multiple signals) and name the
*bus* while leaving the individual *nets* unnamed, and carry that bus
name on to a second schematic page, still without naming the nets, and
connect it to another bus pin with the same number of signals, and
hope it all works out :-)
If a bus-pin (or bus-port?)  is required to have an internal 
representation of the
pin connections and the two bus-things ;-) are required to have 
identical layout

it should work - it's like a cable with colored wires.

If the bus definition exists independently of the ports (ie. the list of 
wire colors

aka signals, irrespective of any plug type), one has the freedom to pick any
subset of the signals and define a port for it on a part.

I hope this wasn't to trivial to mention.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 12:58 -0700, Andrew Poelstra wrote:


I agree, but on a high level a net /is/ a relation between two pads/pins.
(Well, a net can have many pads/pins. A subnet would be restricted to two,
by definition.)

No. A subnet, in my mind, is not restricted to two nodes (pin/pad).
The +5V net with netname five_volt_positive can contain a high
current subnet including DC-DC converter, big capacitor, fuse, high
current devices.

Just to make this clear.
Just to make it known, a subnet is a point to point connection within a 
net was the
one and only DEFINITION of what a sub net is I found and understood. All 
other ways
I can conceive are generalizations of that, ie. a subnet is a list of 2 
or more pins within
a net. For lists of 3 or more pins attributes like length or impedance 
don't make any sense,

so  this appears to me a bit like sound and smoke.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DRC rule structure

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

There are two problems with this:

1. I would have to create bounding boxes for every object on the screen,
   because you never know if some weird part 10 inches away has a 10-inch
   clearance requirement.
If pcb-objects don't have bounding boxes as of now, there's something 
severly wrong


2. Small parts, like vias, are able to be completely contained within the
   bounding box - so checking for intersections won't help me
A bounding box test as I should have named it consists of several 
checks, one of which
can be intersection. Since traces have finite width in reality one will 
perform 2 coordinate
sorting tests (x and y), then find the closest point on the center line 
of a trace segment
for all 4 corners to see if a corner gets touched and then intersections 
of the box lines

with the centers.
The fully included small part will be found by the fact that it's 
extents (another bbox) are
fully included in both coordinate sorting tests, so no further treatment 
of the bboxes

is required but the rigorous geometry intersection is required.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DRC rule structure

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 06:12 -0700, Andrew Poelstra wrote:


1. I would have to create bounding boxes for every object on the screen,
   because you never know if some weird part 10 inches away has a 10-inch
   clearance requirement.

Guess: Make bounding boxes which includes the clearance for each, so all
not overlapping boxes fulfill desired clearance?

for this subtest, exactly

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb keyboard shortcuts (and usability in general)

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

This problem prompted me to suggest redoing the layer selector
entirely to clean up the code, which in turn spawned the
workspace/functional block discussion.
Since you want to do away with the radio buttons left of the layers for 
I suppose you want use left-click for activate (like Kai-Martin every 
10th attempt

I inadvertently do this anyway). A means to switch visibility must be found:
once a right-click popup is assigned to the layer buttons, this would just
be one of the properties, until then, how about using right-click or 

Thinking of a way to display the extent of vias (for burried vias) a bar 
of the layers showing a bronze color strip connecting the start and end 

makes sense to me. It's similiar to a scrollbar but in reality could consist
of simple boxes with changing background color.

The active layer could be shown with the corresponding button depressed.
Cycling through visibility states can change the button background color:
   normal ... visible, full saturation
   darkish grey + bright text . greyed out
   very dark + bright text .. invisible

Getting caught by a fixed start and end layer for vias while routing on 
a different

layer not in that range, it's probably practical to have a setting
'via starts at current layer' - using it may be a tradeoff between 

cost and ease of routing.
( what happens if I want via_1 from layer 2-4 and via_2 from layer 3-5?
ok, via_1 probably starts as blind while glueing  layer 2,3,4 , 1st 

then glueing layer 5 makes via_1 burried, 2nd metalization connects
layer 5 with layer 3,4 on via_2 -  with multiple drilling, sounds 
expensive ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb keyboard shortcuts (and usability in general)

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

I wanted to copy the GIMP: show icons for visibility/locking as part of
the list item, that can be toggled independently of visibility. Right-
clicking should pop up a full context menu for creating/editing/deleting
layers, geometric transforms, duplicating, etc.

As for buried vias, I don't think they should be related to the layer
selector at all.
I don't like the layer menu of GIMP - it's detached, so I always have to 
fetch it from below
5 other things before I can use it. If you don't detach it, it's still 
very wide. I just don't

like it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

John Griessen wrote:

Rick Collins wrote:
Why not start with what you
are trying to do in the layout, consider what the layout tool needs 
to make that happen, then trace that back to what is needed in the 
schematic to support the layout? 

There are lots of different users of these programs, and they have 
different goals.
You're not going to show up and get your way in a FOSS development 

unless your suggestion is obvious and brilliant at the same time.  IOW
slim and none.

JG, in my opinion Rick has a point, that without 100% clear definitions from
and for all of those talking here using subnet, the whole discussion 
has a high

chance of getting nowhere and some of the usecases brought in for support
of the idea seem to come from Wolkenkuckusheim [1] for him.
He's never been insulting and I value the practical view of his writing.

As he's less writing, he's probably more routing than me - a reproach I'm
making to myself - I just write here, to keep the future tool useful to me
and found it hard to follow all the discussion.

[1] the term is german and some of the ideas look like from there for me 
e.g. I make my traces as broad as I see fit or have space in the area, 
so all

the cool design auto blahblah means nothing to me, but a minimum clearance
based on voltage is a good feature.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DRC rule structure

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

I like this. Since many features on a PCB are traces, which are long
and thin, I wonder if we could achieve an even-greater speedup by
using bounding ellipses rather than circles. With rounded-up sine
tables I think we can do the check nearly as fast as we could with
simple circles (will have to check my calc book), and we'd eliminate
a -lot- more components in the initial scan.
Bounding spheres and -circles are quite common. As DJ indicated pcb 
already has
r-trees implemented ( Sorting 
bounding boxes
by their edges and storing the result in 4 or 6 (3D) B+trees is another 

In that case you don't even have to look at most of the objects (O(log n)).
An other option is quad trees (oct trees in 3D) that devide the space 
into non-overlapping

segments and allow an object to be part of several nodes.
Finding the smallest bounding box that is *not* axis-aligned is a hard 
in general (trivial for a set of 2 circles) with lots of approaches and 
Finding the smallest ellipse, say with minimum area I think isn't 
trivial, even for 2 circles.

Checking the intersection of circles is fast only, because it can be reduced
to the distance of their centers.
The best way I can immediately write to check ellipses will involve solving
a quadratic equation - requires taking a square root. I'm not quite sure
atm but for circles the distance can be squared and the root avoided.
For just testing whether the solutions are complex, no actual root taking
with quadratic equations is required either. Problem remains to find out
when an ellipse is fully inside the other...

Spheres have no natural easy way to compute the bounding sphere of 
from the spheres of components, therefore they are sometimes used with 
one of the

trees above.

This is not to discourage you, just meant as hints.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Subnets

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Stephan Boettcher wrote:

Stefan Salewski writes:


On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 10:09 +0200, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

John Griessen writes:

If there is work put into partitioning a layout, can't we please have
hierarchical layout instead?


I have still problems to understand the goals and benefits of
partitioning hierarchical layout on PCB board level. Can you give an
example, when possible with a picture?

I usually have hierarchical schematics with multiple instances of the
same subcircuits referenced from the main page.  The deepest until now
were three layers of hierarchy.

All the cutting, sed-ing and pasting of the subcircuits to multiple
instances, with replication of later changes on all copies is pretty

Hierarchical sub-cells (like with ASIC layouts) would allow to make and
maintain such circuits much easier.

What I am asking for here is, when you now talk about layout
zones/partitions/whatever it's called in the end, please consider the
application of the concept for this kind of hierarchy.  Maybe the new
concepts can be easily applied for that as well, with a little vision
into that direction.

Maybe it is trivial to allow multiple copies of a layout zone on a
board, with a common netname/refdes prefix substituted on the copies.
When you edit the layout of any copy, all instances follow the change.

Using blocks in mechanical CAD has some issues with this. In principle
there are 2 ways to use a block:
   a) copy and paste
   b) reference
Naturally the edit one modify all can only work with referencing.
Sometimes in a single construction this is not desired, so when duplicating
one has the choice between reference and copy. With mechanical constructions
this goes as far as changing the appearance of a referenced block, when
when an external block is changed independently. This can be useful, if the
interface of the block is well understood.
With pcb-layouts I strongly advise against this procedure: if a block gets
inserted in a layout, a local copy has to be made (that is positioned 
and references to this comprise the physical instances. Any attempt to 

a block with backpropagation to external data that is used in other boards
will almost certainly break those layouts.
When modifying a reference/instance of the (local) block one must get asked
if opening the block is meant to change all instances or copy on write shall
be used.

About refdes-usage in this scenario: I find it hard to see an application of
a block without using a corresponding sub-schematic.

I would btw. like to be able to see only the basename of a refdes on 
the silk layer

if it is made like schematic_name/schematic_local_identifier.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Specification of Rotations for Auto Assembly

2010-08-16 Thread Armin Faltl

Bert Timmerman wrote:
The right hand rule says: if you spread your first 3 fingers 
(starting with thumb) orthogonal to each other, thumb = X, 
point = Y, middle = Z ( or if you hook your fingers to 
indicate a rotation that will move X into Y, spreaded thumb 
poins to Z+). This is the basis for all math definition on 
vector operations in 2D and 3D, it defines the mathematically 
positive sense of rotation (CCW from above).
All mechanical CAD systems and robotics controls adhere to 
I gave this explanation, why I don't like the CS. It's clear to me that 
it while simple in principle would make files not backwards compatible 
and is

error prone.
So to define a rotation consistent with production, the 
first thing one must do is set up a proper 3D coordinate system.

As long as the internal coordinate system of pcb is consistent within the
code base, and the proper coordinate system is used for the exporter for
each purpose, then why change and have the risk of implementing (new)

When it works, don't fix it.
Defining a proper 3D coorinate system is sufficient for export filters 
in conjunction with rotation.

It wasn't necessarily meant to change the internal CS of pcb.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-14 Thread Armin Faltl

Paul Tan wrote:

Hi All,

We can all agree that the current gEDA(Gschem/Gnetlist) need to 
accomodate more
than just the netname attribute attached to a net. In fact, I would 
like to

see that gEDA can process ANY attributes attached to a net in similar
fashion as it process ANY attributes attached to a symbol currently. 
And that Gnetlist
front end will present similar functions to the backend Scheme 
procedures, so
that different backends (Verilog, VHDL, Spice, GnuCap, SystemC, PCB, 
etc) Scheme

procedures can decipher net attributes particular to that backend.

Note that I stress the ANY word above, because one of the most 
powerful features
of gEDA is its architectural capabilities of supporting ANY 
attributes as ANY backend
dictates. How the symbol and net attributes are handled should be up 
to the particular

backend's Scheme procedure.

I am familiar with the gEDA codes (both the C and Scheme).  I can see
that it is not too difficult to add the ANY net attributes feature., 
since it fits

similar pattern as processing of symbol's ANY attributes.  It is on my
list of TO DO for gEDA, but we just don't have the time to do it 
yet. I am

hoping someone will beat me to it.

Best Regards,
Paul Tan

agree 100%

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Free software and the GPL

2010-08-14 Thread Armin Faltl

Peter TB Brett wrote:

Um, sorry?  Are you trying to argue that people who develop libraries and
release them under the GPL are trying to have their cake and eat it?  I
don't see it -- I think you need to explain further.

I don't recall anyone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use GPL
libraries.  If you don't intend to comply with the license, don't use the
code.  You have the choice.  Are you trying to persuade me that *I*
shouldn't release *my* code under the GPL?  If so, your arguments are
really not having the desired effect.  Care to try again?
No. I just reserve the right to licese a library that I write with LGPL 
or BSD

and use it in support of software I choose not the licese freely at all.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Commercial CAD, land pattern generators report

2010-08-14 Thread Armin Faltl

al davis wrote:

On Saturday 14 August 2010, Armin Faltl wrote:

I think I have the following options then:

a) fix the bug myself and reinvent your convenience function
which is  questionable
b) re-release my library under LGPL and ask you to resubmit
the patch  with same license
c) open source or shred my application

d) contact the author of the patch and ask if it is ok for you 
to use in your proprietary version.

you mean give me a written and signed permission, i.e. a different license,
and that for everyone that may contribute something in the future?

Licenses is all about lawyers and suing - never ever

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-14 Thread Armin Faltl

Well, as you suggest below, Groups are essentially a way of tagging
different parts, so they would be completely independent of the physical
layers - and the connectivity checker.


** Confusingly, PCB already has layer groups, which consist of
multiple layers. A layer group is what ends up physically as a plane
of copper in your produced board. Your terminology reverses the meaning,
with a layer group consisting of logically grouped parts spanning
multiple physical layers.

I presume you intend to get rid of PCB's existing layer group
functionality (good riddance IMO), however it would be less confusing to
pick a new name. Perhaps logical group.

Yes, absolutely! But I cannot think of a good name :) logical group
is too long and ambiguous. Right now I am using Group, but that's
even less useful.
First I thought functional group would be good, but what you describe 
- a construct
of functional interdependence spread on several layers in mechanical CAD 
is in many

cases called a block or module.
The concepts of layers + layer groups (hierarchical layers in mech-CAD) 
is orthogonal

to blocks. E.g. you can turn visibility on and off for each independently.
For the sake of visual collision detection in the case of EDA 3 levels 
of visibilty

as suggested may be in order: coloured/saturated, greyed out and invisible.
Esp. useful I envision the possibility to grey out blocks one does not 
work on

while they stay visible.
Being able to reuse a block independently of the layout it was created 
it, like in

mechanical CAD would be very welcome here as well (did I miss something?)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-14 Thread Armin Faltl

John Doty wrote:

On Aug 8, 2010, at 4:51 PM, kai-martin knaak wrote:

No it is not. Even simple things like footprint  names have a pretty rigid 
syntax to adhere to. The workflow breaks in cryptic ways if they are not 

This is a pure pcb limitation, not a gEDA limitation in general.

Isn't a chain as strong as it's weakest link ?

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