Re: gEDA-user: windows and opengl

2011-09-18 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

 provides accelerated drivers for windows.
 Wouldn't openGL just work in such an environment?

GLEW is typically used:

You can find an example of its usage in the Toped project:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: help with pcb dsn plugin

2011-09-18 Thread Bob Paddock
 Can the style conventions be found anywhere in a halfway comprehensive
 written form?

Better would be to write a AStyle configuration file, that matches the
standard style of the code, that could then be applied to
the code so all of it is completely self-consistent.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: windows testers wanted

2011-09-15 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:13 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 We're trying to track down the zoom bug.  If you have access to a
 windows machine, please try this PCB snapshot:

 The key thing we're trying to find out is if the zoom bug is
 XP-specific and/or hardware-specific.  Please try zooming and report

 * Version of Windows (xp, vista, 7; 32 vs 64 bit) and mouse type

XP SP2 x32.  Microsoft mouse with scrool wheel, and IBM TrackPoint
keyboard with pad/point.

Using tut1.pcb from the installed snap shot.

 * Whether Z/z keys work


 and if you have to first click in the work
  area to get them to work


 * Whether your mouse scroll wheel zooms (if you have a real scroll wheel)


 * If zoom/pan bars on your trackpad work (and if it's synaptics - we
  know that's broken)

I can pan.  Can't seem to do any zooming from the pad.

 * If zooming doesn't work, can you still zoom in via the menu
  (remember to click on the pcb after choosing this) and pan with the

Did not notice any issues.

Will try Win7 and XP SP3 when I get home.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: windows testers wanted

2011-09-15 Thread Bob Paddock
 Did not notice any issues.

 Will try Win7 and XP SP3 when I get home.

XP SP3 x32 under VirtualBox, and Win7 SP1 x64 on Toshiba Laptop, worked fine.

All of my boxes are using the native English language settings.

I have seen odd keyboard things happen with non-English keyboards.
Any possibilities there?  Usually it is not with the letters, but some
of the lessor used keys.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: windows testers wanted

2011-09-15 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:

 Installer is 20110915-dj but I don't understand the differences in results.

Under your control-panel what is Regions/Languages set for?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: cygwin geda tools

2011-09-13 Thread Bob Paddock
 I want to recommend gEDA to colleagues and online contacts, but
 unless I can point them to a one-click Windows download, gEDA won't
 be considered -- it'll surely be KiCad or (grimace) EAGLE.

 You didn't notice my posting last week about my nightly
 geda-for-windows builds?  Or that a big part of the upcoming pcb
 release is a windows installer?


Unless something has change that I'm unaware of, the Windows build of
PCB  does not print at all (you have to export PostScript to the
Windows GhostScript) nor does it handle the library paths correctly.
So I'd not jump up and down just yet comparing this current package to
KiCAD or EAGLE to work on Windows.

I'll get you the 1.7.x build when I get home to add to the 1.6.x. releases.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: cygwin geda tools

2011-09-13 Thread Bob Paddock
 nor does it handle the library paths correctly.

 Seems to work OK for me.

I just downloaded the 20110913 snap shot.  Fired up PCB.

First thing I got was:

Windows cannot open this file:

Hardly the glowing introduction to a good Windows port.

'Cancel' that then go to

File - Preferences - Library - Add a library path
then Restart program for changes to take effect.

Sorry, but I don't consider either of those to be working.

Yes, the library is added after the restart, but no normal Windows
user is going to consider that to be a proper method to use a program.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: cygwin geda tools

2011-09-13 Thread Bob Paddock
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 7:55 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 First thing I got was:

 I meant, if you open the library window,

Aren't those two different issues?

 File - Preferences - Library - Add a library path
 then Restart program for changes to take effect.

 This is how it works in Linux too, though.

Where in non-Windows systems, perhaps, that is an expected work
flow, tho I do not recall any other program doing that.
In Windows there is nothing good that can be said about such behavior,
it is simply wrong.

Before a Windows Port takes up a prominent spot on any gEDA
Home Page these are the issue I know that need to be fixed:

1: No complaints about missing .sh at start up.  Only worse First
Impression we could have there would be a segment fault.

2: No restarts, for any reason.

3: Printing needs work (I've looked at this a couple of times, and
each time I do it motivates me to work on the wxWidgets based HID).

4: No issues with spaces in directories or file names (I know some of
these have been fixed, not sure all of them have?).

5: In a longer term project a proper Windows 'Help' system for the program(s).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Used LPKF ProtoMat S62 PCB Router for sale

2011-09-11 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 7:12 PM, DROA wrote:

 hi! im truly interest in this article... do you still have it? thanks for all
 the info. My secondary e-mail is:

I don't know, I'll find out.  It was not mine, it was someone I was
doing work for at the time.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Electromagnetic bike

2011-09-09 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Rob Butts wrote:
   I was just looking at that (the eddy current brake). Yes, what is
   needed to build a bike with a braking action is a magnetic force
   similar to pushing two magnets of the same pole towards each other. A
   bike where the resistance is not friction but a magnetic field

Are you after Regenerative Breaking?
The kinetic energy is put back into the battery or better yet capacitor bank.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread Bob Paddock
 we should find textbooks to study on GUI design

From page 540 of the wxBook, that is downloadable online for free.
Actual URL's might need updated:

Further Reading

 Apple Human Interface Guidelines:

 Key differences between Mac OS X and Windows UIs: http://developer.

 Microsoft Official Guidelines for UI Developers:
library/default.asp?url=/library/en us/dnwue/html/welcome.asp

 GNOME Human Interface Guidelines:

 GUI Bloopers: Don’ts and Do’s for Software Developers and Web
Designers, by Jeff Johnson (Academic Press). ISBN 1-55860-582-7

 User Interface Design for Programmers, by Joel Spolsky (Apress). ISBN

 Software for Use: A Practical Guide to the Models and Methods of Usage-
Centered Design, by Larry L. Constantine and Lucy A.D. Lockwood (ACM
Press). ISBN 0-201-92478-1

Support your local library...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: test repo

2011-09-05 Thread Bob Paddock
 Thanks for setting up such a service, a well kept secret until now

Its been discussed before.

 let's keep this one quite as not to waken the wild hoards of windoze users

 Should windoze users file bug reports in LP for these nightly windows
 snapshots too ?

Bugs are bugs, they need reported.

This anti-Windows attitude is not helpful to the project, and I'm not
trying to pick on you specifically Bert. sorry if it seems that way.

In my personal view there seems to be a fear that a bunch of people
from Windows will show up asking annoying questions.
Yet I see the same questions over-and-over from new users on
non-Windows systems, and no one gets annoyed with them.

There are two groups of people involved in using EDA tools.  Hobbyist
trying to learn and have fun, and professionals that just want to get
work done.

Those in the professional category often have no choice but to use
Windows due to IT departments or uninformed management policies.
I know of at least one person that was here for a while, who is
extremely knowledgeable in Analog Design, that left because of lack of
Windows support.
He is now quit vocal about it in other groups driving potential users,
and more importantly contributors, away.

In the hobbyist group we have to be aware of the Baby-Duck-Syndrome.
When a Baby-Duck is born, it imprints the first moving thing it sees
to be its Mother.
In software the first tool a person is exposed to is the one they may
stick with for a life time.  Do we want to be a tool that a first time
user can be productive with in a few minutes, or at least hours?
No, that does not mean things get broken for current users that like
Makefiles.  First time users and long time users can be supported by
the same tool, and constant wining about something maybe getting it
broken by a change to improve usability is no more productive for the
project than wining about Windows, and has driven off contributors.
If it gets broken, it gets fixed.

Outside of our group here gEDA/PCB/Et.Al. are seen as toys and hard to
use.  Maybe we should all asks ourselves why? [Which does not mean
that my message here needs any kind of reply telling use why, we all
know if some issue or other that needs addressed, starting an other
wining sessions is not my goal with this message.]

The attitude of 'Things would be so much better if the customers would
all just go away' and stop complaining about real usability problems
is sure to cause a long slow painful death of any project.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: plugins (was: How can you help...)

2011-09-05 Thread Bob Paddock
 Documenting them however is a big deal.

Is there even a comprehensive list of plugins that are done at a single place?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Fwd: Re: [OH Updates] How can you help solve the proprietary tool problem?

2011-09-02 Thread Bob Paddock
 Just for the record, I'm not sure what our moderation policy is. Are any
 of your posts being rejected by moderation? (If so - just what kind of
 emails are you sending? ;)).

One of the things that changed when the list went moderated, is that I
no longer see my own posts, so I really never know if the reached the
list.  Before moderation I'd see my own posts.  I assume this applies
to everyone, or at least everyone using gmail maybe?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Layers and Buried/Blind Vias in gEDA

2011-08-22 Thread Bob Paddock
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 6:54 AM, Andrew Poelstra wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 01:30:57AM -0400, Gus Fantanas wrote:

 While following the discussion about layers, I wondered if the
 capability to handle buried/blind vias could be implemented in gEDA.

 This would require core layer-handling changes.

The patch to add Blind/Buried vias has been suffering from Bit Rot on
Source Forge for years.
It was last rebased about a year ago:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: tragesym error - help please!

2011-08-13 Thread Bob Paddock
 The cells in the csv-file has a comma s seperator.
 tragesym expects a tab as seperator.

 You should use save as txt and not save as csv.

If the Tab is the separator, should that not be save as tsv?
Tab-Separated-Value.  Excel exports files as tsv.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Tag-Connect TC2030-MCP(NL) footprint, expert review

2011-08-12 Thread Bob Paddock
 On another note, have any of you used spring-pin connectors for
 programming/debug connectors to save space and BOM cost?  I have been
 thinking about how I would design my own spring-pin programming

We use Mill-Max 821/823 series to do AVR ISP program at work.
I can get you the exact number when I get back to the office on Monday.

Our jig kind of looks like a mini-sewing machine.  Lever press the six
pin connector into the holes on the board.

The levers are a standard hold down clamps from McMaster Carr:

We also build Bed-Of-Nail spring-probe test fixtures out of blocks of
hard wax, and mill the holes for individual spring probes
to hit test points on the boards.  Same Hold-Down-Clamps are used here as well.

Every switch point, power supply connector, etc. has a test point pad
that hits a probe, for our board testers.

Something I've wanted to do Real Soon Now is make a universal board
tester out of a Actel Fusion FPGA (Have embedded ARM cores, A/D, D/A,
I/O etc),
were I load a program for the board and hook up one of the above
bed-of-nails for the target under test, rather than building testers
for each product.
A mini-version of the old Wayne Kerr board testers I use to work on.
Same fixture would be used to program the target as it is tested.
Typically a test a bootloader and a self-test program is loaded into
the micro during board testing.  A real application will get loaded,
via bootloader, on the production floor before final shipment.

Something from my blog:

You are supposed to isolated the AVR ISP pins with 1k resistors, as
the Atmel documentation shows.
  This is true. However that takes four resistors per board, on a
board that already did not have enough space. Also at 50,000 units per
year, with an design lifetime of five years, that is 1,000,000
resistors. After a while these resistors start to add  up to real
money, for what is a single event at manufacturing time. Design for
Manufacturing always should be given consideration.

I'll show people your T-C parts next week, might save us some room too, thanks.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power relay question

2011-07-29 Thread Bob Paddock
 Even if I ran a 4000 right on the 12v, I wouldn't count on that 12v to
 be very clean if it has motors running off it.  Electrically braking a
 motor with an H-bridge can spike the power rails.

 And a pic + regulator (sot-26 + sot-323)...

Fast transients will go through the typical regulator as if it was not
there at all.  Some have better rejection ratios than others.

A Depletion FET can be put before a regulator, driving the regulator's
Vin, in a noisy environment, or where the regulator itself does not go
as high as Vin.  Drive its gate with the output of the regulator, it
then becomes a variable resistor to absorb the transient, be sure to
account for power dissipation, to keep the transient  out of the
regulator in the first place.  SuperTex has an application note
covering this, which Ixys copied sections of; Depletion-Mode Power
MOSFETs and Applications by Abdus Sattar of Ixys.  Ixys makes higher
power Depletion FETs than SuperTex.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Anybody ever had a board assembled (pick and place)?

2011-07-27 Thread Bob Paddock
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 1:28 PM, yamazakir2 wrote:
 I have had many boards manufactured but never had one also assembled.
 What are the costs to do this? Are there any (cheap) manufactures that
 also do pick and place? Do they buy the components for you or do you
 have to send them reels, meaning you have to buy 1000's of components
 at a time?

I've addressed those very questions in my hardware blog over the years:

Is there a rule of thumb for estimating the cost of getting circuit
boards assembled?:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: possible collaborators on PCB, gschem [Kicad (or another FOSS tool)]

2011-07-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 [1] Notice I don't represent the whole of CERN in this, just a corridor
 of hackers with an attitude.

Make a PCB HID that is a plug-in to ROOT, problem solved. :-)

I've actually thought  doing of that a couple of times.

Javier, would that actual be of any value?
[Your FOSS tools message made the PCB mailing list in short order.]

For those that have never heard of ROOT:

ROOT's well documented, Open Source (their own license) and part of
the CERN data collection infrastructure.
C++ code where everything descends from a common object TObj etc...

Graphics and Graphical User Interface
Graphical containers: canvas and pad, graphical objects, axis,
legends, postscript interface, 3D viewers

Writing a Graphical User Interface

If you're not into PCB they also cover various simulators, and how to
save Petabytes of data with error recovery.
You might only be able to find that elusive Higg's Particle once, how
do you deal with a full disk array when it happens kind of thing; via
robust file structures.  Worth everyone looking at the project
regardless of your interests, you'll find something of interest to

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Conformal coatings, PCA water-proofing

2011-06-12 Thread Bob Paddock
 It is quite surprising that coating a PCA in silicone would not provide
 a water proof seal.  But based on what I have recently read, you are
 right that conformal coatings are permeable to water.

It is a mater of how long it takes.

 What about potting the circuit rather than applying a conformal coating?
 Could that provide a true water proof hermetic seal?  For instance,
 suppose I wanted to immerse a temperature measurement circuit in a
 container of water for extended periods.  Could it be potted in
 silicone or some other commonly available substance to protect it from

Nothing beats a welded box with gasketed connectors.
I've seen water wik up cables fifty feet in the air, got a shower from
one when I disconnected the connector.
I've seen potting wik as well.  Water always wins, it is just a
question of how long it takes.
The other thing to watch for is pressure differentials from inside to
outside the box.  Changes in pressure cause flexing that act like a
to suck water in.  I've seen membrane switches turned into balloons,
when being transported from a mile below ground to a mile above
Gortex can help with that problem.  Like all things in this line of
work it is all trade offs.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: High voltage caps in small places

2011-06-11 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 Ethan Swint wrote:

 I wonder what materials are available for soldermask and
 if they have higher moisture resistance?

 Maybe conformal coating fits your needs.

A very common misconception is that Conformal Coating is a Hermetic
Seal. It is used a lot in the Coal Mines, and the Electronic Industry
in general, to keep the caustic dust etc. off circuit boards.

As Conformal Coating is not a hermetic seal, what real happens is the
impurities in the water are kept away from the circuit, but the water
itself reaches the traces. Since the water is now fairly devoid of
contaminates the water acts more like a dielectric insulator. You
never notice it in a low impedance digital circuit, but unless
debugging is an obsession don't let it get near a RF tuning circuit or
a high impedance sensor.  For example Analog Devices for their
(obsolete?) electrostatic grade OpAmps say to expose to air rather
than coat.

Conformal Coating has lots of applications, however the application
and environment that the product is going to be used in has to be
understood when the system is being designed.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: guile under minipack?

2011-06-04 Thread Bob Paddock
 Anyone have an nsis script with which to package it all up?

There are only ones for PCB and GerbV, in the win32 directories, that
Dan put together.
When I tried the PCB one the other day it was missing the license
files, that I have tracked down now.

 As others have noted, gschem fails at startup

Is the one that I built failing on your system too?  It works fine
here as far as I can tell, just loaded a schematic.

1.6.2 gives me this:

wine bin/gschem.exe
You are running gEDA/gaf version [],
but you have a version [20091004] gschemrc file:
Please be sure that you have the latest rc file.

(gschem.exe:8): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist:
construct property type for object `Log' can't be set after

1.6.0 does not complain about the gschem file.

In the 1.6.2 log there is this:
gEDA/gschem version
gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Read system config file [c:\program files\geda\share\geda\system-gafrc]
Did not find optional user config file [c:\users\bob\.geda\gafrc]
Did not find optional local config file [z:\home\bob\geda\minipack\result\gafrc]
Read system config file [c:\program files\geda\share\geda\system-gschemrc]
Did not find optional user config file [c:\users\bob\.geda\gschemrc]
Did not find optional local config file
Read init scm file [C:\Program Files\gEDA\share\gEDA\scheme/gschem.scm]
New file [Z:\home\bob\gEDA\minipack\result\untitled_1.sch]
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item '_Edit/Cu_t'
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item '_Edit/_Copy'
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item '_Edit/_Delete'
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item '_Edit/Copy Mode'
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item '_Edit/Multiple
Copy Mode'
[and a whole lot more of those.  I'll have to try 1.6.0 to see if it
said that too.]

The log window starts out as this tiny unusable box on top of the main
window, and it must be moved and expanded.
My native gschem starts the log out in full screen mode and I have to
close or shrink it.

When I close gschem 1.6.2 I get this, but not with 1.6.0:

(LZ:\\home\\bob\\gEDA\\minipack\\result, 0xcf9598, 260), stub!
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (LZ:\\home\\bob\\gEDA, 0xcd3e90, 260), stub!
fixme:volume:GetVolumePathNameW (LZ:\\home\\bob\\gEDA\\Projects,
0xd174d0, 260), stub!
(LZ:\\home\\bob\\gEDA\\Projects\\NeonLR812, 0xcad0e0, 260), stub!
fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__wsopen : pmode 0x01b6 ignored
fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__wsopen : pmode 0x01b6 ignored
fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__wsopen : pmode 0x01b6 ignored
fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__wsopen : pmode 0x01b6 ignored
fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__wsopen : pmode 0x01b6 ignored
 ~/gEDA/minipack/result $

GerbV 2.5.0 closes with similar problems but 2.4.0 does not.

Sometime today all of my build should be on my website, some security
issues make posting things there take far longer than I'd like right
now, so others that are interested can try it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: guile under minipack?

2011-06-04 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 2:06 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:


I know your working on other issues, but figured it was better to keep
the current minipack stuff in the same thread.

Hmm.  I was going to post the to many colors error I was getting
with HEAD of PCB as of May/30/2011, but now the error is not there.
This might be an other case of minipack having a circular dependency.
I've noted that sometimes the minipack commands must be run twice.
The first run errors out, but the second run works fine.

Cesar, how can I 'make install' different versions of the same package?
I assume I need a 'patch' to that would append the
version information to the .exe, in the same way that it shows up in
the directory names?

For anyone that wants to play with arbitrary sources in minipack, here
is how from Cesar via private email a while ago:

The mpk shell recipe command will open a subshell prepared for
manually cross-compile arbitrary sources.

./mpk shell pcb
cd some-build-location-for-pcb
git clone git://
cd pcb
echo $mpk_opt | xargs ./configure
make install
wine result/bin/pcb.exe

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: guile under minipack?

2011-06-01 Thread Bob Paddock
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:01 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 Hmmm... what autoconf did your autoreconf use?

 # Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.66 for guile 1.8.7.

build/guile-1.8.7-2/guile-1.8.7/configure:# Generated by GNU Autoconf
2.65 for guile 1.8.7.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: guile under minipack?

2011-05-30 Thread Bob Paddock
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:01 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 Has anyone successfully built guile 1.8.7 with the latest minipack?

I just did a fresh checkout of minipack and am not even getting that
far right now:

  Build succeeded.

Unpacking gtk+...
patching file gdk/win32/gdkevents-win32.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 1876 (offset -367 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 2412 (offset -443 lines).
Configuring gtk+...
configure: error: *** Sorry, cups-config present but cups/cups.h missing.

  Build failed.

Anyone have any suggestions?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: guile under minipack?

2011-05-30 Thread Bob Paddock
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:01 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 Has anyone successfully built guile 1.8.7 with the latest minipack?

  Build succeeded.

That part worked fine with the minipack I just pulled.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Solving the light/heavy symbol problem

2011-05-21 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 My proposal to tackle many of the library related issues is the notion
 of packages. These would be data structures that can contain all information
 relevant to an entity us humans like to build electronics from. Specifically,
 they may contain
  * symbols
  * footprints
  * simulation models
  * data sheets

Not clear to me if your proposal means the data sheets are included in
the distributed package?
If so, that most likely runs afoul of the company's copyrights and
would require permission from said copyright owner, for *each* data
I've had to contact legal departments to use information in data
sheets in some of my work, and they've always been happy to grant such
 but you still have to go through the time consuming steps.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Bob Paddock
  Why not start with the existing
 tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?


 (and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
 there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
 replaced... ;)

Might interfere with someones script running someplace?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: One more viewer for gEDA data.

2011-05-14 Thread Bob Paddock
2011/5/14 Павел Таранов
   Thank you all, for the warm words :)

     I was not aware that HTML5 (canvas) already supports editing of
     graphics     -- can you point me to a description and a minimal example, 

   No, just now SVG was not the root technology of this project 'cos weak
   support of it on mobile browsers.

Opera supports some sub set of SVG, and has a few good articles about
these designs:

SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-10 Thread Bob Paddock
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 2:18 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 If somebody requires GTK sources - let download them directly from I used GTK etc. libs unmodified.

 Unfortunately, the GPL does not allow this.  If we're shipping GTK
 dlls, we must offer the GTK sources ourselves.

Why are individuals who are trying to help the project being held to a
higher standard that the projects own download page? 's download link does not contain GTK sources,
sources of compilers or sources for the Windows operating system.

Doesn't PCB's source code actually predate the GPL?  When and who put
it under GPL?

All of this legal crap just takes the fun and desire out of working on
the project.

 Do you have a list of
 the various source tarballs that went into the pcb installer's files,
 so that Kai and I can download them?

Using the 'minipack' build system takes care of downloading the
sources so they would be available to upload to be GPL compliant.
It is also a lot less painful that what Vacla just described.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-10 Thread Bob Paddock
 How did you succeed to compile
 geda for windows?

I've used 'minipack'.  It builds those too, not just PCB.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-10 Thread Bob Paddock 's download link does not contain GTK sources,
 sources of compilers or sources for the Windows operating system.

 Please read the GPL so you understand what needs to be included, and
 what doesn't.  The sources need NOT include anything that's a normal
 part of the OS, development kit, or included runtime, UNLESS YOU

I've read it many times, due  to its ambiguity, case in point:

 The issues is not the PCB license.  The issue is the GTK license (and
 other libraries we use).  If we distribute the GTK dll, we must
 distribute the GTK sources.

Is GTK not part of the development kit?

  If we forced people to install MinGW to get the GTK
 dlls, we would not need to distribute the GTK sources.

I don't follow, GTK dll's are not part of MinGW.

 I think everyone agrees that's the way to go.  I just didn't have much
 luck with minipack last time I tried.

Give it a try again, as I think Ceasar fixed several issues, that I
reported to him when I had trouble getting it going.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-02 Thread Bob Paddock
 Maybe these files will be helpful to somebody

Thank you.

 Please tell me if these links do not work. I will try to upload files again.

While the links did work, when the download was completed I found a
new tab had appeared in Chrome, the browser I was using.
The in-your-face pictures in that tab are completely unsuitable for a
business or family (or any in my personal view) environment.
I'm sure it is nothing you were aware of, just the nature of these
kind of these file sharing sites.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Origami Flex Circuits Take Shape at All Flex

2011-04-21 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 2:01 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 I'm going to go out on a limb and state that I refuse to support
 non-flat layers :-)

Supported or not these things are worth taking a look at just for the
strangeness if noting else:

 Origami Flex Circuits Take Shape at All Flex

Origami Flex Circuits, a patented (pending) products system by All
Flex, provides customers and prospects with a visual reminder of how
flex circuits can be creatively formed within three dimensional space
to solve a packaging and interconnect challenge.

The company, on a periodic basis, designs and fabricates unique,
stand-along products constructed using traditional flexible circuit
materials. All Flex displays these Origami Flex Circuits as various
tradeshows and promotional events as well as providing them to
prospect/customers as a collectible item.

Click on the images to see the flat state of each product prior to
folding.  so it is still 'flat' for support in PCB? :-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-04-13 Thread Bob Paddock
 is mostly on my end (getting a build environment set up seems more
 problematic than I expected).

Using the minipack build environment has been working for building the
Windows version.

 If anyone wants to help make the process more robust, feel free :-)

If the steps for creating the release are written down, Wiki would be
fine, I'll take care of making a regular build of the Windows version.

In discussing this with Dan a couple of years ago it was issues like
tracking down the licenses to be shown by the installer etc. that were
more problematic than the actual building of the code to do a release.
 I started once and gave up when I could not find the zlib license,
then I understood what Dan meant.  I'll do the steps needed, but need
to have the staircase documented first.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: default pcb stackup change?

2011-04-10 Thread Bob Paddock
 3. Rename outer layers to top/bottom, which seems to be what other
   packages (specifically, eagle and kicad) use.  Component/solder
   isn't as obvious with SMT.

Sometimes the outer layers are called Primary and Secondary.
Consider a board of memory chips.  Some memories come in mirror image
One side looks exactly like the other side when you populate both
sides with such mirrored chips.
Gets even more interesting when the 'Top Side' gets put in an
enclosure upside down and production doesn't realize the connector
can't be mirrored too. :-(
I concede that Top/Bottom is more common, not necessarily accurate.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: OT?: Altium (Protel) Relocates From Sydney Australia to Shanghai China

2011-04-09 Thread Bob Paddock
I know several people here use Altium and/or Protel, such as when the
Day Job forces us to do so, anyway though you might find of interest that
Altium has announced they are moving the company to Shanghai China.

Former Altium employ David L. Jones of EEBlog
confirms this:

They [Altium] are moving, lock stock and barrel, to China, and as a result, a
whole bunch of people were made redundant or laid off...I don't know
the exact numbers, but it's a lot,...The idea is to move all their RD
to China, and pretty much start again. -- David L. Jones of
 as quoted here .

Press Release:

News :

The press release says: Altium plans to expand its RD team over time
by drawing on the talent pool in China.

I spent some time with someone who had been doing some consulting for
a company in China that developed Cellphones.  His description of the
development process in China was, ammm, unkind.  His description went
something like this: The Chinese developers had no access to
Internet.  They had no idea what good code should look like [Sadly,
from seeing code on Internet, it seems like a lot of people that do
have Internet don't get know either].  After a new developer gained
some experience they were promoted to management, and a new
inexperienced developer was brought in to replace him [No evidence to
support there are any female developers involved here.  Are females
smart enough to stay out of this field or they are never born with the
'Knack' (Dilbert[TM] reference)?].  Any developer that wanted to keep
doing development, because they enjoyed it, was seen as lazy by the
culture from not getting promoted to management.

The developers always wanted to know the fastest way to do something
and had no interest in learning the best way to do something.

In the end the company did ship Cellphones that some how did work.  Is
that all that maters?  I hope not...
Is this one company representative of all development in China?  I hope not...

Hopefully  this will drive a lot more interest to gEDA and PCB.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB Netlist syntax

2011-04-05 Thread Bob Paddock
 I created the netlist using gschem2pcb and then edited it using a text

Did the text editor change the end of line format?  I've seen that
error when editing the netlist with Windows Text Editors,
or text editors that adapt.  If you use EMACS on Windows make sure it
is a unix format file and not a DOS style file.

 If, instead, I use -power I get:
 WARNING! Pin number ending with 'R' encountered in netlist file
 Probably a bad netlist file format
 Can't find  pin POWER called for in netlist.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Configuring PCB for out of source builds?

2011-04-03 Thread Bob Paddock
In the current build system for PCB is there a way to run ./configure
that will handle out-of-source builds?
I'm missing it if it is in there.

I want to be able to build Windows, GTK and Lesstif versions of PCB
out of the same source tree, without 'make clean' cycles all of the

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: US Distributor for Balloon Board

2011-03-28 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Patrick Doyle wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 I'm looking for a US distributor for a Balloon Board
 ( or it's equivalent

There is the Begal Board decedent Crane Board:

Might not have the FPGA stuff you'd want.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions

2011-02-25 Thread Bob Paddock
 (I've never seen a mobius flexboard design, but I bet someone has done

 Well, sure they did:

 But apart from being the cool guy with mobius strip, it's IMHO not

Resistors formed in the shape of a Mobius have no inductance, which is
frequently a desirable thing to have:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: any place that fabs custom project boxes?

2011-02-18 Thread Bob Paddock
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:24 PM, yamazakir2 wrote:
 Let me re-iteraite what i am looking for.

 I'm looking for mid quantity production run, maybe 50-100. Also
 looking for a plastic enclosure with nothing fancy, just a box with
 cutouts for I/O ports.

You could pick up a shlock-box from any place and go with Front Panel
Express to make it look good:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Vintage uP

2011-02-11 Thread Bob Paddock
 most in ESD foam.

Check the leads.
Long term storage, years, in some ESD foam will actually eat away the leads.
Been-there-done-that. :-(

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: transition of pcb internal units to metric (SI, mm)

2011-02-07 Thread Bob Paddock
 Speaking of this, with floating point values...

Floating Point gets you dynamic range, not precision
Integers and Fixed Point get you precision, not dynamic range.
There is also BCD representations in the precision category.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: New Column: From the CAD Library

2011-02-04 Thread Bob Paddock
New Column: From the CAD Library

When creating a CAD library, there are dozens of things to consider
that are often overlooked or not even considered that will directly
affect the quality of part placement, via fanout, trace routing, post
processing, fabrication, and assembly processes. This article, Part 1
of a series, introduces aspects that should be considered when
creating CAD library parts.

Has tips worth considering.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Time tracking

2011-02-02 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Darryl Gibson wrote:

 I'm curious what folks are using for time tracking and/or billing?

Something that I just came across and am going to give a try:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alternate Platforms

2011-01-30 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

 Perhaps I'm being short-sighted, but I don't see a great potential for
 serious EDA work on phone sized devices. Even if they get the
 screen-resolution high enough, the size is very small for design work,
 and the input problematic.

Actual design work probably not all that useful do to small size.
The place where it wold great is in being a trouble shooting tool in the field.

You're in the field and need to see the layout to find where that
trace once was after it vaporized from a component failure,
 so you can put a jumper in its place...

You're in the field and need to replace a capacitor, you need to see
the value on the schematic...

All the while you are someplace like here, where the window of
opportunity is small to non-existent:

I too was waiting for Meego, last week Nokia said they where going to
Android, no one is sure what is going to happen to Meego. :-(


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alternate Platforms

2011-01-30 Thread Bob Paddock
 Still - most places I went to do a repair, I'd want to take a laptop or
 at least a tablet. Getting out that remote without a computer seems like
 as well thought out as going to do said repair and forgetting to pack
 your soldering iron.

Some places like Coal Mines (Been there, to many times),
and Military Installations (Horror stories from colleague doing that now)
etc. have very restrictive policies on what you can bring with you.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Windows gEDA port

2011-01-26 Thread Bob Paddock
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 1:21 AM, Terrance Hutchinson wrote:
   What about MinGW-w64 support? It also has the MinGW-w32 compiler as
   I find that the MinGW-w64/w32 is a much better cross-compiler.

Are you familiar with the TDM project?

It bundles w64 and w32 so that you can build both 32 bit and 64 bit with
 -m32 and -m64 to control whether 32-bit or 64-bit binaries are generated.

TDM claims, but I've not tried yet, that building under MSYS will
work, which should be faster than Cygwin.

TDM usually leads MinGW in versions, tho right now MinGW is 4.5.2 and
TDM is 4.5.1.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Windows gEDA port

2011-01-25 Thread Bob Paddock
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 5:33 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 You can cross-compile from Fedora to MinGW using only yum-installed
 packages.  Big win for me :-)

 I've build a mingw PCB just by ./configure --host=mingw... and it
 runs under Wine.  Er, I might have had some *.c patches in place at
 the time, though.

There is also  minipack for doing cross compiling of everything gEDA/gerbv/PCB :

Use the version from git, I don't know that the download as been
updated, or if the new versions patch has been applied yet there.
If you go that way let me know and I'll send you what I have.

There also some related patch in the tracker for PCB at lanuchpad; DJ
I did the updates that you requested to them.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Windows gEDA port

2011-01-25 Thread Bob Paddock
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 7:24 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 The only problem I recall from minipack is that it wanted to download
 the pcb tarball, despite having the pcb sources right there,

Use the minipack shell command, tips from Cesar that I've been using:

./mpk shell pcb
cd some-build-location-for-pcb
git clone git://
cd pcb
echo $mpk_opt | xargs ./configure
make install
wine result/bin/pcb.exe

There is no need to rebuild everything this time, just exit and reenter
the mpk shell and run:

make clean
echo $mpk_opt | xargs ./configure
make install

./mpk shell pcb
cd ~/wxPCB/minipack/pcbtest/pcb
make clean
echo $mpk_opt | xargs ./configure --disable-doc --disable-png [can't
get png to build yet]
make install

 and it
 used an older version of the mingw cross-compiler than fedora ships

Can't speak to that, as I've not run into that under Gentoo, which is 4.4.3.
MinGW proper was version 4.5.1 last week.  TDM is usually a head of
that by a version or two.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Windows gEDA port

2011-01-25 Thread Bob Paddock
 Can't speak to that, as I've not run into that under Gentoo,

 Fedora's mingw is i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.  What does gentoo call it?

Same thing.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Windows gEDA port

2011-01-25 Thread Bob Paddock
 Better - if someone *else* does the windows release binaries, I'll be
 happier :-)

Is it documented what needs done to make a release, step-by-step?

In discussing this with Dan in the past he often had troubles with
things like tracking down license files for the installer as one
example etc.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB House Philway Products burns to ground

2011-01-21 Thread Bob Paddock
Heads up if anyone here uses the board house Philway:

At approximately 10:30PM on Wednesday night, Jan/19/2011 Philway Products Inc. of Ashland, Ohio
burned to the ground,0,904988.photogallery
Fortunately no one was hurt.

Philway was the oldest continually operating board house in the
US. It was also my preferred PCB vendor, sharp people and good
quality for the rugged environments I deal with.

Purportedly the owner said on a TV interview that he was not sure
if he was going to rebuild or not.  Will be a great loss if that
is the case.  Also makes me wonder even if they did want to
rebuild, would the EPA allow it?
Ammonia, Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Formaldehyde and other
chemicals are used to make PCBs.

Philway was big in the military and Hi.Rel. Aerospace, there
could be a significant ripple effect from this event.  I've never
been a fan of Just In Time inventory for just this reason.
Luckily from my perspective no work of mine was in process.

Someone wondered what will happen about tooling?  Do we have to
pay for it again should they rebuild?  Obviously we will if they
don't rebuild.  Time will tell, the lives of those involved
deserve more consideration and help right now, some links from
the news: Firefighters
Battle Philway Products Fire In Ashland 1/19/11 Philway Products Fire 1/20/11 Philway
Products Fire - morning Officials probe
cause of factory fire: Firefighters keep blaze from stored chemicals
Philway Products workers in limbo after fire destroys factory
Ashland factory, Philway Products, destroyed in Wednesday fire
Ashland factory fire: No evidence of criminal intent,0,904988.photogallery
PICTURES: Ashland Plant Fire


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Where to PCB patchs get submitted now?

2011-01-16 Thread Bob Paddock
I wanted to submit a patch to PCB.

Launchpad tells me to use the Source Forge tracker, which can't be
found on Source Forge anymore:
Error - The Tracker has been disabled for this group

Seems we have a case of circular instructions between the two sites right now. - - -

pcb bug reporting guidelines:

Please submit bugs, feature requests and patches to the project's
SourceForge issue tracking system.


[After a lot of stumbling around as there is no clear way to submit a
patch at SF any more:]

- Error - The Tracker has been disabled for this group

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where to PCB patchs get submitted now?

2011-01-16 Thread Bob Paddock

 Which does not report as you quoted below. It is possible someone has
 fixed before I looked though.

Looks like it.  You had to submit a summary and hit 'next' to get that
message.  The message is now different:

pcb bug reporting guidelines:

You can assist us in handling bugs promptly by:

1) Checking that a similar bug report hasn't already been filed.

2) Explaining what you were doing when you observed the bug.

3) Clearly detailing how the behaviour that you experienced differed
from what you expected.

4) Including step-by-step instructions for reproducing the problem,
and, if possible, a minimal test case.

We recommend using 'git format-patch' to create patch files for
submission. Patches can generally be merged more quickly if you:

1) Avoid unnecessary whitespace changes.

2) Ensure all related documentation is updated.

3) Include a detailed commit message in your patch.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where to PCB patchs get submitted now?

2011-01-16 Thread Bob Paddock
 Ok, I found the quote - it was in our tips for filing bugs. (gEDA and

 Doh. I thought I had sifted through all the instances of  sourceforge in
 the geda-wiki.

It was on Launchpad actually.

Is there a page on the wiki about how to use git specific to gEDA/PCB,
Like how to format patches etc.?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Rant about Make Inv Text Vis

2011-01-15 Thread Bob Paddock
 Lets kill it with fire.

 One use-case would be to quickly inspect all of these attributes. It makes a
 difference wether you see attributes in a seperate sheet vs. you see them
 right next to each symbol.

I don't know if it applies to the feature you are discussing or not,
but I have a use case where I need to turn off global visibility of
values for items.
In any normal schematic, destined for a PCB layout, there is normally
a designator and a value, like R1 : 1k.

A Government agency that I have the misfortune of submitting
schematics to for approval of my devices rejects any schematics that
shows the value.
They say it makes to much work for them to compare the schematic and
BOM to make sure the values match.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FYI [Fwd: [Balloon] Balloon 4]

2011-01-15 Thread Bob Paddock
 a) They have Altium
 b) They have bits in Altium already (footprints etc..) - momentum.
 c) They need an auto-router which can handle really complex stuff.

Hun?  Three of us at work have spent weeks trying to get Altium's
autorouter to do much at all, and do it correctly when it does, and
finally gave up.
As far I can tell the native Altium router is just there to irritate
you enough to force your boss into spending the money for their high
end optional router.

The autorouter in PCB 'just works'.

 d) Blind / buried vias may be needed.

Which is why I still endure Altium.  I know there is a build of PCB
'out there' that does have the patch applied for this.

 No-one could in good conscience suggest PCB is going to be able to
 compete up with that sort of design.

I must be unconscious, as I use both regularly.  PCB has its faults,
mostly in the user interface, where Altium the faults are everyplace.
For example there are multiple places to set up the printer.  Some of
the places work, some of the places interact with the other places,
some places do nothing, and in the end you may or may not get what you
wanted on the printer.  My favorite is move a schematic from one place
to an other, or even open the same schematic with the same version of
Altium after reinstalling it due to a hard disk failure, and all of
the schematic symbols now have 'dots' in them that you can't get rid
of without redoing the schematic for every symbol.

 git HEAD rendering speed alone
 would make it prohibitive.

You don't turn on the Altium's autorouter's 'show trials' unless your
goal is to goof off.

 Not necessarily.. but whatever happens, it may well be beneficial to the
 community as a whole.

I've never had much luck with Altium's own Import/Export working in
trying to go between that and PADS.
Seems like they really don't want it to work.  You also have to know
what version of Altium is being talked about because the
proprietary file formats have changed over the years, in ways that are
not backwards compatible with older versions.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA flow for chip design?

2011-01-15 Thread Bob Paddock
 Any suggestions?

There is also Toped:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Christmas wishlist

2010-12-31 Thread Bob Paddock
 This is a DRC issue. The rules should allow any net to connect
 to no-net copper. No need to restructure the way pcb handles

If different nets connect to the same no-net copper there is a short
between nets.

Consider a large item like you might solder a RFI shield to, that
covers the perimeter of a large board.
It would be easy to not notice different nets connected at different
times, at opposite ends of the board.

So I'd constrain your idea to a single net.  Even then it would be
better to have a warning that could be turned off per net.
Maybe that connection was not intentional?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 I would be interested how many people can run the demo script (peted.rb)
 from the top of the  above page. Are the needed rcairo bindings shipped
 with distributions like Ubuntu? If not, then it may be easier for people
 to install the whole gEDA package than to get such a short ruby script
 running. :-(

Under Gentoo I get this, and rcairo is installed:

ruby peted.rb
peted.rb:206:in `paint': undefined method `create_cairo_context' for
#Gdk::Window:0x7fda529d2f90 ptr=0xcd7840
 from peted.rb:122:in `darea_configure_callback'
 from peted.rb:69:in `initialize'
 from peted.rb:231:in `call'
 from peted.rb:231:in `show_all'
 from peted.rb:231:in `initialize'
 from peted.rb:268:in `new'
 from peted.rb:268

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
 On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 11:30 -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:
  I would be interested how many people can run the demo script (peted.rb)
  from the top of the  above page. Are the needed rcairo bindings shipped
  with distributions like Ubuntu? If not, then it may be easier for people
  to install the whole gEDA package than to get such a short ruby script
  running. :-(

 Under Gentoo I get this, and rcairo is installed:

 ruby peted.rb
 peted.rb:206:in `paint': undefined method `create_cairo_context' for
 #Gdk::Window:0x7fda529d2f90 ptr=0xcd7840
        from peted.rb:122:in `darea_configure_callback'
        from peted.rb:69:in `initialize'
        from peted.rb:231:in `call'
        from peted.rb:231:in `show_all'
        from peted.rb:231:in `initialize'
        from peted.rb:268:in `new'

 Please try to execute


Results in:
This sample requires Pango 1.0.0 or later and cairo support.

Which is odd considering that the installed version is:  1.28.1

I'll take a look the bug reports.

BTW, have you tried to cross compile gEDA with minipack?
The Gentoo cross compiler can't seem to find the minipack package *.pkg files.
Wondered if you had any insights.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 Or try


 Should fail too, with the same message as my script.
 All related to the missing rb_cairo.h -- some Gentoo people seem to
 think that it is obsolete, but it seems to be needed on some boxes.

16: GTK+ 2.8.0 or later and cairo support are required. (RuntimeError)

   Installed versions: 12/14/10)(X opengl tiff -debug -doc -gnome
-gstreamer -odbc -pch -sdl)
 2.9.1(2.9)(22:45:15 12/11/10)(X opengl tiff -debug -doc -gnome
-gstreamer -pch -sdl)
 Description: GTK+ version of wxWidgets, a cross-platform
C++ GUI toolkit.

Available wxWidgets profiles:
  [1]   gtk2-unicode-2.9
  [2]   gtk2-unicode-release-2.8 *

 Installed versions:  1.8.10!t(19:16:33 12/11/10)(X opengl svg
-aqua -cleartype -debug -directfb -doc -glitz -lcdfilter -xcb)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 I did not recall what I'd installed, and it looks like no specific
 profile is set, which might be the problem in itself:


 For me no-multilib is marked with the star

Yes, the selected profile is indicated with star.

 and I do not really like to change it.

Me either, however I know that have no profile selected breaks things
in strange ways.
System is now rebuilding about 200 items.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 Flexibility and specific applicability are not mutually exclusive, and for 
 the very reasons you are citing here.

 True, but what makes this possible? It's *avoiding* specificity in the 

I find that statement odd.  If the foundation is not well specified
then it is not a foundation at all, it is jello.

I'm curious about how exacting the specifications are for your space projects?

Here is an interesting document on specifying software from NASA:‎

The focus of this document is on analysis, development, and assurance
of safety-critical software, including firmware (e.g. software
residing in non-volatile memory, such as ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, or flash
memory) and programmable logic. This document also discusses issues
with contractor-developed software. It provides guidance on how to
address creation and assurance of safety-critical software within the
overall software development, management, risk management, and
assurance activities.

While gEDA and friends might not be considered 'safety-critical' by
many, there is no reason good software disciplines should not be used,
including good detailed specifications at all levels.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-24 Thread Bob Paddock
 Not even login with a fake name necessary.

Sounds like a new Spam portal.  That we don't need.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-24 Thread Bob Paddock documents this, I believe is the correct link.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-24 Thread Bob Paddock
On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 11:27 AM, kai-martin knaak wrote:
 Bob Paddock wrote:

 Not even login with a fake name necessary.

 Sounds like a new Spam portal.  That we don't need.
 Spam prevention by human watchdogs is part of the package.

How will a human from the Book project know what is and what is not
spam in an esoteric area like gEDA/PCB?
It would not be hard for someone, with no background, to mistake a
link to as spam link.

If the humans are us, we still don't need more spam.

 Yes, this works. Did you ever notice any spam on wikipedia?
 I never did and I use wikipedia a lot. No commercials, either.

Have you noticed the recent begging for funds on WikiPedia?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-14 Thread Bob Paddock
 Did you try to build/test all the demos that come with wxWindows - did you
 try to build another app, that uses it? - please report. My personal 
 when I went for a widget tool kit was, that it's very complicated and broken.

I've been using wxWidgets for over ten years now.  You'll even find my name in
the wxBook
so I'm well familiar with its warts.

All of the commercial apps I've had to develop at work have been based on wx.

Can't argue with it being complicated.  Start with the above book, and
get the 'minimal' sample to build/run then go from there.
Can't argue that it could be improved in many places, but what can't
stand improvement?

What part did you find that was broken, and what version where you using?

 My best advice is, to avoid wxWindows altogether and use FLTK instead.

Is it cross platform for Windows, Unix like, and MACs?
I've used some applications based on FLTK but never developed any.

 #define FOREVER 1e20

Code full of 'magic numbers' with no comments don't give me the warm fuzzies.
It should also have parenthesise around the number, if this is truly C
and not something special to FLTK.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-14 Thread Bob Paddock
 Parentheses around a constant are nonsense - there is nothing a plain number
 could evaluate to in the preprocessor than itself (unless you #define 1e20 
 (foo * i++)),
 so it has the highest precedence by itself. (couldn't you even #define 
 (1e20) foo*i++  ?;-)

Not knowing how the #define could be used in all cases it is better to
put parentheses around such usages to have the compiler generate an
error, rather than silently give the wrong value in corner cases where
operators like multiplication and division are passed as parameters to
an other macro.  Look up #665.
MISRA2004 19.4 and 19.10 apply in some circumstances as well.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-13 Thread Bob Paddock
 If you switch to gEDA, will you want a native windows build?  Help with that
 from anyone who is up on windows is on the wanted list.

I've been poking at 'the perfect windows version' for some time, will
give up on that for now.
I think I just make basic canvas and figure how to to get the basic
HID stuff going.

Is there any step by step guide to get a new HID up and running
(besides trolling the list here for the last few years with grep)?
One thing I don't recall be doing before is that I want to use
wxWindows, so it would have its
own main() loop.  Whats the best way to deal with that?

        And getting installer up and running is probably another story.

Dan put together a NSIS based installer based on some of my work, it
has been part of the PCB distribution for years.
Only thing it really lacks is an icon.  Not sure it has been updated
to the latest version if NSIS but that should not be hard.
See the win32 subdirectory.

Unless I missed the change, direct printing under windows does not
work, and the library manager is broken under Windows due to the way
paths are handled.
Exporting to PostScript works now when using GhostView under Windows
to print that way.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-13 Thread Bob Paddock
 It won't be perfect until its compilable by VStudio IDE and debuggable
 inside it as such.
 As long as GCC is involved in any equation of building software for
 Windows, no developer (who is actually paid to develop Windows
 software) is going to even touch it.

I look forward to trying your LLVM port, when will be be ready?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-05 Thread Bob Paddock
 I don't think a few 'maintenance nightmares' or matching '{' problems
 are good reasons for giving up and just doing nothing instead. You
 don't have to like the macros and so on to fix bugs, and IMO just
 nutting up and dealing with the matching '{' issues

Not using the real braces make style highlighting in emacs not work
well, so bugs like dangling 'else' go unnoticed.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-03 Thread Bob Paddock
 Pleasant Experience means you get the board done sooner, which is a Good 

 Generally, no. People love to kill time when the experience is pleasant. 
 That's why low-productivity fritterware sells so well. But real 
 productivity requires thought and study, something many people try hard to 

Sorry, I can't buy the its got to be a pain to use it argument in
any manner at all.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-02 Thread Bob Paddock
Rick, I got line breaks.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:

 Just thought I'd write some of this down and put it out there. I've
 spent some time recently thinking way into the future about the GUI /
 usability for an advanced PCB editing program.

Peter, while all of this sounds great, could we fix the collective
problems that we have now first?
To many of us PCB is used to ship products, preferably today.
The Creeping Feature Creacher is a powerful task master.

What we really need is good documentation for the Meta Data that
contains what a pcb really is.
Once MD is documented and abstracted then it should become easy to add
any kind of new GUI, Router, Scripting,
or just scrap the whole thing and start over.

 PCB design is a real hybrid of art, precision engineering and black

It is only magic for those without documentation, or initiation.

 Scrap straight line rats in favour of using the topological auto-router?

Do different rat lines help ship products?  Not that I see. To me that
is the criteria for any feature.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-02 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Peter TB Brett wrote:
 On Thursday 02 December 2010 21:13:47 Bob Paddock wrote:

 Peter, while all of this sounds great, could we fix the collective
 problems that we have now first?

 Like what, specifically?

The 446 bugs in the tracker are a good start.

 Does Peter C's OpenGL renderer help ship products?  Not that I see, but it
 make PCB a hell of a lot of a more pleasant experience to use.

Pleasant Experience means you get the board done sooner, which is a Good Thing.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: mirrored footprint

2010-11-26 Thread Bob Paddock
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 I just hit a legitimate use case for mirrored footprints:

Memory chips frequently come in mirrored/not-mirrored versions,
needing mirrored foot prints to make high density memory cards.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Gilbert Cell

2010-11-10 Thread Bob Paddock
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 8:40 PM, gene glick wrote:
 Has anyone worked with Gilbert Cells?  I'm having a lot of trouble with
 one from ON Semi, MC1496, formerly Motorola's part, I think.

As Gilbert works for Analog Devices, I'd poke around there for ideas:

The most interesting use I've see for a Gilbert like device is for
mathematical analog division, think it was using a couple of AD630's.
Not finding that one right now, but this one might be more of direct
help to your problem:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA interview with DJ at DevCon

2010-10-31 Thread Bob Paddock
 Perhaps, but its been on my To Do list for a long time to do a
 wxWidgets port of PCB.

 Why are so few people interested in FLTK?

My reason is that I had to chose a tool kit that I could use for my
day job making commercial software.
I don't like FLTK's license in that context.  While a Windows port of
PCB in FLTK would not have such issues,
I choose to spend my time elsewhere besides learning an other tool kit.

Lets not get into yet an other license discussion on the list here,
not the right list.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA interview with DJ at DevCon

2010-10-28 Thread Bob Paddock
 KiCad is KiCad of course. Sadly, 3D view crashes when launched here,
 some kind of X11 / GLX / GL problem. I was trying to debug it and fix it
 for them (in the spirit of cooperation), but it looks like it might be
 some nasty WxWidgets internal bug - and I'm not familiar with Wx at all.

I've got a lot of experience with wxWidgets, I even have my name in
the wxBook by Julian Smart the wxWidgets (known as wxWindows when he
started the project, until Micro$oft threatened to sue him).

The standard reply to bug reports bug reports is Recreate the problem
in the Minimal Sample and send us a patch and a back trace.
I went through this cycle yesterday so you can see an example here:

The Minimal Sample is the smallest possible meaning for wx program you
can create, a kind of 'Hello World' for wx.

The two most common problems in wx are people trying to manipulate the
GUI from other threads.  This can not be done,
you most post events to the GUI thread.  This is not wx specific
actually, just a general lack of understanding of how the underling
system of Windows is not thread safe in many cases.

The other common problem that causes a lot of crashes, mostly on exit,
is to delete a dialog or a frame rather than 'destroy' it.  If there
are pending events meant for the dialog/frame that has been deleted,
wx crashes, rather than assigning them to oblivion.  I've never
understood that part of the base design myself.

Most other crashes are the type you see far to often, like buffer
overflows, using deleted memory; the standard security risk stuff that
doesn't get enough attention in the drive to ship code fast.

Also note the comments under DJ's Video, how they most all complain
about the lack of Windows version, even quoting the gEDA site saying
Windows was not the focuses of the project.  The focus of the project
is getting work done to make shippable products, or education usage.
The Tools to make Tools philosophy should have died a long time ago.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: KiCad's polygon library

2010-10-28 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:
 Speaking of KiCad (and its source), I noticed they've found a GPL
 polygon boolean operations library which I'd not come across before.

Have you looked at the new one in Boost 1.4.4?

 It looks like it has a neat solution to the snap-rounding / topology
 changing problem, which treats points which nearly touch as being
 coincident. Seems neat.

Is this the same as the ' Welding Vertices' problem?  Collapsing near
points into a single polygon?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA interview with DJ at DevCon

2010-10-28 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 13:58 -0400, Bob Paddock wrote:
  KiCad is KiCad of course. Sadly, 3D view crashes when launched here,
  some kind of X11 / GLX / GL problem. I was trying to debug it and fix it
  for them (in the spirit of cooperation), but it looks like it might be
  some nasty WxWidgets internal bug - and I'm not familiar with Wx at all.

 The standard reply to bug reports bug reports is Recreate the problem
 in the Minimal Sample and send us a patch and a back trace.
 I went through this cycle yesterday so you can see an example here:

 Thanks.. its actually kind of a neat idea, although potentially quite
 frustrating. Presumably they will accept triage / insight from a bug
 even if it isn't demonstrated in a minimal sample though?

A patch to the Minimal Sample generally gets an immediate response,
and frequently an immediate fix.
Anything else gets one of the following:
A) Demonstrate the problem in the Minimal Sample.
B) Yes, looks like you found a bug, please debug it, and tell us how
to fix it with a patch.
C) Yes, you found a problem, but I'm [not me] to busy to fix it right
now, please create a bug report on the Patch Tracker.
D) Do this: [something] and it will fix your problem.

 #7  0x00316a2b in wxGLCanvas::SwapBuffers() () from 
 #8  0x082a5f3e in Pcb3D_GLCanvas::Redraw(bool) ()
 #9  0x0829f8e4 in Pcb3D_GLCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent) ()
 #10 0x00890c2f in wxAppConsole::HandleEvent(wxEvtHandler*, void 
 (wxEvtHandler::*)(wxEvent), wxEvent) const () from 

I don't understand whythis is AppConsole from wxBase.  I'd expect AppGUI.
Also you want to be using 2.8.11.  2.9.x is not ready for usage yet.

 However.. I fear that active discussion and debugging of KiCad bugs is a
 little OT for the geda-user list. I'd love to know what the problem was
 though, so I could play with the KiCad 3D viewer and get a feel for what
 is good / bad about it, and help inspire my own 3D efforts.

Perhaps, but its been on my To Do list for a long time to do a
wxWidgets port of PCB.

Take a look at this project for some example GL code in wxWidgets:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA interview with DJ at DevCon

2010-10-28 Thread Bob Paddock
 Does this count...

Proably not.

This would be the best place:

Bugs found in trunk get a lot more attention.

 And it dies a horrible death with the same error.

(wxFrame *) NULL doesn't really make any sense, but it should not
cause a problem.
Nothing else at the wiki jumped out at me.  I'll try to make some time
on the weekend to try and build the sample.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA interview with DJ at DevCon

2010-10-28 Thread Bob Paddock
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 1:03 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 It was a slight shame the video started with an advert clip showing
 Altium's 3D view in action.

 Dave works for Altium :-)

That explains something that I did not understand at Devcon.

Dave kept trying to bring up a picture of Nick Martin, the founder of
Altium, to show me, but because of poor connectivity there he could
never get it.
He kept telling me that I looked like Nick.  Click on his link here to
see picture:

I thought Nick's picture looked like my dad actually, but my wife
agrees with Dave.
DJ, what do you think, as we spent a lot of time together there?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-09 Thread Bob Paddock
 Then Armin can have his long long, I can have my
 doubles, some can have their int64_t, and most can have their simple

Sounds like a support nightmare in the making.


With a compiler that properly implements 'fast' it gets what you want.
32bits on 32 bit machine, 64bits on a 64bit machine, 128bits on a
128bit machine etc.

In the Windows world today there is usually the choice of downloading
a 32bit or a 64bit program implementation.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-09 Thread Bob Paddock
 Once you get past the 52 digits in an IEEE-754 double

How would such numbers be represented in a file?
One of gEDA/PCB's strengths is they are easy to script.
Scripting (u)ints seems a lot easier.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb crooked traces

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Paddock
 Personally, I can't imagine a PCB larger than 2 meters much less 4 meters.
  Or is the possibility of uses other than PCB design being considered here?

Someone once asked about doing a road bill-board sized sign.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Concerns in Cleaning Under Low Profile Components at SMTAI 2010

2010-09-29 Thread Bob Paddock
Anyone here going to this event?:

See Kyzen’s Rich Brooks Discuss Concerns in Cleaning Under Low
Profile Components at SMTAI 2010

SMTA International, scheduled to take place October 25-28, 2010 at the
Walt Disney World.

Would like to know what Mr. Brooks has to say.

The complete cleaning and removal of flux/soil residues under low
profile components is becoming more critical, especially as the
conductor spacings are decreasing and the power is increasing. If the
residues are not completely removed, then the reliability of the
circuit can be greatly affected. It is the combination of these
technologies that make the cleaning process extremely difficult.
Therefore, the cleaning process must be carefully examined and
optimized to obtain maximum performance for removing the flux

During the cleaning process, the cleaning chemistry must wet,
dissolve, penetrate the flux dam and flow under the component to
adequately remove all flux residues. This paper will review the
cleaning problems brought about with the implementation of the latest
technologies and explain how the cleaning process can be optimized to
guarantee the reliability of the assemblies.

Cleaning under QFN, and like, packages is still an industry wide
problem, especially when you are running off batteries and need low
leakage currents.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-09-27 Thread Bob Paddock
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Rick Collins wrote:
 They [Assembly houses]
 seem to be willing to work with whatever they are sent and will only give
 feedback when something causes real trouble for them.

You have to ask, unfortunately.  When you send a new project in to a
house, ask to talk to the people on the line, about what would make
the design better.  Don't let the sales department give the no
problem  answer based on the customer is always right idea.  Talk
to the people doing the work.

If you are making only a few boards the unspoken problems don't really
mater that much, but if you are making any kind of quantity of boards
it could mater a lot in the bottom line pricing you'd get from the
assembly house.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: foreign graphics overlay

2010-09-26 Thread Bob Paddock
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Armin Faltl wrote:
 Dreaming about mechanical cad features in pcb and how one best works
 to mechanical constrains on a pcb, knowing the latest and greates pcb
 use OpenGL and transparency anyway, is an IC Layout Editor that puts the
transparency to good use, as an example.
Alas there are no screen shots in the project to show how it would apply to PCB.

 how about providing a plugin-mechanism,
 that allows to render DXF, SVG,..., bitmaps of common types and such
 on a non-functional translucent foreign layer?

Add to the Wish List for 4.00 a standard plug-in mechanism.
For example DynObj :


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: foreign graphics overlay

2010-09-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 There are screen shots two in Chitlesh's page on

Thank you.

 What does the tope GUI differently to Peter Cliftons semi forked
 version of pcb?

I've not run Peter's version so can't really comment.  I'm all to
slowly poking at a version of PCB written in wxWidgets, and the tope
project is a good place for example OpenGL code as used in wxWidgets.

 What is the benefit of plug-ins for this kind of infrastructure?
 IMHO, support of different image formats should be part of the
 main distribution.

Someone, some place, in the future will want to support something that
none of us have ever heard of today.
If there is a easy, well documented, Plug-In system, then they can
implement what they need without having to figure out the internals of

Also Plug-Ins make it harder for various sections of code to interact,
by design, to give a better separation of concerns.
The Humble Dialog Box paper might explain it a bit better than I'm doing.

As that paper deals some with testing, I thought I'd mention that
James Grenning is giving a three day presentation on Test Driven
Development in Cleveland the week after Thanksgiving for anyone in the
area (is there anyone in the Pittsburgh/Cleveland area beside me?).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: foreign graphics overlay

2010-09-26 Thread Bob Paddock
 Not being part of the distribution

A well documented plug in should become part of the distribution.
Undocumented code of any kind, should not.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

2010-09-19 Thread Bob Paddock
 The GPL is easy to comply with, but it's not always obvious how that's

Just so I'm clear myself here, if I cross compile using Cygwin or MinW32
as far as GPL2 section 3 is concerned: However, as a special
exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that
is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the
major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system
on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable.  is concerned I do not have to archive Cygwin/MinW32
for three years?

I would have to archive the source for the cygwin.dll if that ended up
in the distributable binary?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

2010-09-19 Thread Bob Paddock
 When the FSF checks for violations ( 
 ), they check the pages where software is distributed, and they also check 
 the surrounding web pages (to make sure that the source isn't distributed 
 elsewhere on the site, and there's no written offer).   Why would they say 
 this if a written offer online were insufficient?

If you go the written offer route there are several ways that can make
you go broke.
A million people make the request.  Same person makes the request every day etc.

Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code is a 34 volume set, always a fun read...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: next PCB release - 1.99za vs 4.0

2010-09-12 Thread Bob Paddock
   On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 12:24 AM, DJ Delorie [ wrote:

  The top/bottom magic are needed to map footprints on

   Don't over look buried components.  Becoming more common.
   I think it would be better to just have layers, that you assign a
   function to, rather than have layers have magic properties.
   While allowing things like two Top Layers may sound silly, it is
   really not at the editing level.  Different sections of the 'Top Layer'
   could be edited at different times, such as copypaste from older
   projects.  Like layers in AutoCad or GIMP.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: next PCB release - 1.99za vs 4.0

2010-09-12 Thread Bob Paddock
   On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 12:55 AM, DJ Delorie [ wrote:

 I suspect that in the main GUI you'd get a simplified set of
 like add layers or remove layers to switch from, say, 2-layer
  to 4-layer PCBs, etc.

   In Protel there is such a dialog.  Being able to move the Z-axsis of
   the layer is also needed in rare cases.
   The complete dialog shows the whole board stack-up.  Copper thickness,
   pre-preg thickness (insulating glop between the conductive layers).
   Colors, impedance's etc. are assigned at this point as well.  Also if
   this layer is considered a 'plane'.

  As for the color scheme, I suspect it will be plaid.

   With stripes.
   At work where we have a couple of different Protel Seats we can take
   the same board file, that contains the properties such as color, from
   one machine to an other.  What looks good color wise on one machine, is
   completely unusable on an other machine due to differences in monitors,
   video cards etc.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: next PCB release - 1.99za vs 4.0

2010-09-12 Thread Bob Paddock
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Jonathon Schrader wrote:

  That is, a footprint (such as the battery mount mentioned previously) with a 
 requirement not to place any parts  between the tabs, but traces are fine?

It would be good to be able to say place no component thicker than X
in this area.  Consider case clearances. Why didn't you tell me you
drive a #6 bolt through the case to hold the board in place? It is not
on any of the prints! :-(

In the battery case here, traces on the top layer would not be
allowed.  Sliding the battery in and out could wear away the solder
mask (which is not intended to by this type of isolator), exposing
battery terminal to bare copper.
Your point is still valid tho.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: next PCB release - 1.99za vs 4.0

2010-09-12 Thread Bob Paddock
 Maybe you could add an attribute to an element defining the height.

 Something like: Attribute (element_height=, 5 mm)

That would be required to do 3D also.  There would also need to be a
clearance space above the actual part thickness as well.
Think about boards that are flexing/vibrating.

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