Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-27 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 26.08.2011 15:50, schrieb John Doty:
 On Aug 25, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Dietmar Schmunkamp wrote:
 - From my point of view the major thing is to have one design source (even
 with a multitude of attributes e.g. net_group = g1, net_length(g1) = xxx
 mm, tolerance(g1) = 1 mm, ...etc) and drive simulation and board layout
 from this single source. That also requires feedback of electrical
 properties of the board wires back into the design source (and by this
 into the simulation model).
 I think the back-annotation approach is complex, messy, and has lots of 
 For my ASIC design work, the layout contractor generates the final simulation 
 netlists using the layout software (Calibre). I then compare simulations of 
 that netlist with simulations of the (enormously simpler) netlist derived 
 directly from the gEDA schematics. An actual schematic derived from the 
 layout would be incomprehensible: all hierarchy is flattened and parasitic 
 components vastly outnumber the intended ones.
 I think the same considerations apply to boards: it would be good for the 
 layout tools to be capable of generating simulation netlists. It doesn't make 
 sense to me to to run the layout data back through schematic capture tools to 
 get to simulation.
 John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
 geda-user mailing list


I think we share a common goal and want to achieve that by different
means: You want to put the generation of the simulation input deck to
the layout tool while I prefer having it closer to the beginning of the
design, in the schematics. I think there are pros and cons for both
options, I'm in favour for having much as information as possible in the
design entry because there it eases reuse if applied correctly.

Let me give an example: In the 'original' schematic a net between 2 or
more points is a solid connection. on the pcb it gets a (tapped) lossy
transmission line (of course depending on the operating frequency). With
repect to reuse I prefer having that information attached to net
attributes and generate a simulation (gnucap) input deck as well as
establish constraints to the board layout tool.

PS: In my day job I'm working on ASICs, too, but the logic input is
purely vhdl. To verify that a pre-PD netlist matches a post-PD netlist
we use boolean eqivalence check (works also for vhdl to synthesized
netlist comparison). Timing is verifed by statical timing analysis (no
simulation). That's possible because the wire length is far from
transmission line effects (length vs. max freq) Cross coupling between
nets is taken into account, too.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-25 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 24.08.2011 22:46, schrieb John Hudak:
ummm, I think citing and expounding on the philosophical differences of
one approach (integrated) versus another (multiple tool kits) is a nice
amorphous description and somewhat akin to mental masturbation.  
I somehow agree, but the flexibility to insert other (maybe hand-written
own) tools into the entire design flow is essential.

The philosophy of gEDA has already been established.  What is more
important is that the tool suite *flawlessly* supports a small subset
of generally accepted design-fabrication paradigms, eg workflow from
schematic to completed  populated board, and a subset of potential
offshoot efforts such as circuit simulation, head modeling,symbol
creation and package creation and management, etc.
I disagree with this point: You treat circuit simulation as an offshoot,
that's pretty dangerous: If board costs are in the range of 100$ you're
right, but if the board cosst increases to 10k$ it's very dangerous to
give simulation a low priority.

My premise is that if you put 100 design engineers in a room who have
done circuit design to board fab and ask them to produce a scenario of
their work flow, at least 40% of them would have a common scenario.
That's the wrong audience for your question:
Ask architects what it takes to put their ideas into a shippable product
instead of asking the frogs about drying the swamp :-) . You
overestimate one part of the entire design flow.

- From my point of view the major thing is to have one design source (even
with a multitude of attributes e.g. net_group = g1, net_length(g1) = xxx
mm, tolerance(g1) = 1 mm, ...etc) and drive simulation and board layout
from this single source. That also requires feedback of electrical
properties of the board wires back into the design source (and by this
into the simulation model).

I admit, as a hobbyist I'm happy with the current gschem-pcb flow as of
today but for upcoming RF designs I'd like to have an easy generation of
netlists including electrical parameters

... deleted the rest ...
- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alternate Platforms

2011-01-30 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 30.01.2011 15:42, schrieb Peter Clifton:
 On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 09:37 -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

 Perhaps I'm being short-sighted, but I don't see a great potential for
 serious EDA work on phone sized devices. Even if they get the
 screen-resolution high enough, the size is very small for design work,
 and the input problematic.

 Actual design work probably not all that useful do to small size.
 The place where it wold great is in being a trouble shooting tool in the 
 (As I said ;)).
 Still - most places I went to do a repair, I'd want to take a laptop or
 at least a tablet. Getting out that remote without a computer seems like
 as well thought out as going to do said repair and forgetting to pack
 your soldering iron.
 geda-user mailing list

As I said in my original post the screen is a bit tiny, for me that
implied that no one is going to do serious work on a phone size device,
but that's going to be different for tablets. On the phone it's nice to
show some schematics / layouts to friends (if you don't have your laptop
with you :-) ) and using a stylus to draw lines in pcb works well. So
lets wait for affordable tablets with sufficient size, at least the
processor architecture is no concern.

There were rumors in a german newsticker that Intel is going to announce
a tablet with MeeGo in June with availability 3Q.
- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alternate Platforms

2011-01-27 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 27.01.2011 06:13, schrieb Dave McGuire:
 On 1/26/11 11:59 PM, rickman wrote:
 BTW, is Android multitasking or is it single tasking like the iPad OS?
   Android is layered atop Linux.
   The iPad OS (also the iPhone OS, called iOS) is multitasking as of
 release 4.0.  Incidentally, it too is a UNIX-based platform...only its
 user interface (pre-4.0 anyway) prevented user-visible multitasking.

I don't know about Android, but I have a Nokia N900 running Maemo and
there you can install a debian and get binaries for the armel
architecture via the package manager. So at least the processor
architecture is supported. I have gschem ( and pcb
(20091103) installed, the screen is a bit tiny, but thinking of Tablets
runnig Meego that seems to a a viable option.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Collaborative Development of Boards

2011-01-21 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 21.01.2011 01:33, schrieb John Griessen:
 On 01/19/2011 06:23 PM, Markus Hitter wrote:
 One possible drawback for both ideas: you can't route tracks through
 the foreign area/sub-layout, even if there's enough room after
 assembling the zones.
 In chip layout, where you do have layout sub-cells definable by the tools,
 all you do for for the route through tracks is put them in the sub-cell
 as a floating unconnected trace that you do LVS on only at a higher level
 of completeness -- when it's with the surroundings.  Floating tracks
 might trigger a DRC, but I think they are perfectly valid and
 I'd rewrite the DRC.  I can't remember if DRC2 or anything else
 complains about floating tracks...


it's interesting that you give an example for collaboration that's in
chip design. Chip design is closer to my (professional) home turf than
board design (just a hobbyist :-) ), but I always saw the limitation
about what I can do in my basement (and limited myself somehow). The
chip design floe I know reserves the lower level metal layers to
sub-cells and the higher level metal layers to global wiring in
reserved to  connect the sub-cells (with some simplification).


on a board level collaboration I see basically two different approaches:
1. time slicing
2. area slicing

1. time slicing
One person owns the board for a given period of time, the workflow is:
checkout -- work on the board -- chaeckin and the next person takes
over. This is the approach to use if the contributors are in different
time zones and it really requires godd communication. I think this is
supported by geda out of the box as it boils down to a communication

2. area slicing
This is far more challenging than the work flow described above  The
design needs to be partioned into sub-cells, process them independently,
and do the connections between thte sub-cells on reserved layers. There
are some requirements that the gaf design flow can't fulfill (yet).

Net: the question is how you define collaboration that defines your
infrastructure sequential or concurrent updates to the desing library.
- From my experience the time slicing approach is easier to handl and
better supported by tools (cvs, svn...)

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-07 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 07.01.2011 20:21, schrieb Kai-Martin Knaak:
 Colin D Bennett wrote:
 The orthogonality
 of these three pieces (schematic, footprint mapping, and PCB layout) is
 pleasing to me, but I have to admit that you would rarely find a need
 to create different PCBs from the exact same schematic.  
 ack. Up to now, I _never_ had this situation in real projects. Some aspect
 of the schematic beyond footprints and packages always needs to be changed.
 On the other hand: Almost all projects need debugging and/or service. For
 this task, footprints printed on the schematic help to locate the part in 
 the layout.
 Still, by
 separating the footprint mapping entirely from schematic capture, you
 can stay focused on one task at a time.
 If this is your preferred way to work, you can already do it, even with
 heavy symbols: Just ignore the footprint attribute while placing symbols.
 Use gattrib, a text editor or a script to replace dummy values of the 
 footprints in a separate step.
 The mere fact that the footprint information is contained in the schematic
 does not imply, you have to set it during schematic capture.


maybe a little off topic and sorry to say, but I fear the discussion
about soft/hard/light/heavy symbols is going to over-optimize a certain
step in the design flow, the overall objective should be a working
product. And to achieve that we need to put some feedback into the
design loop. Start a design with gschem -- simulate it -- get it thru
pcb -- extract physical paramaters from the layout -- OPTIMIZE* --
feedback to gschem -- restart the loop.

I'm aware that this can't be done by one person (unless there you have
infinte time), but each process step should propagate all
knowledge/implications to the next step (wire impedance, shielding ...).

I haven't pushed gaf/pcb to these limits yet, but ... my message is: Use
any kind of inforamtion regardless where it has been gathered to be
better next time.

BTW: In my day job (chip design, and I am in a close loop with all pro's
and con's :-) ) I  had an example of just changing physical footprints:

We had a ceramic module ($$$ and a huge manufacuring turn around time)
with 4 silicon chips on it that was attached to a pcb. The footprint of
each of hte 4 chips was fixed and the board layout was fixed, too. But
to debug the 4 chips there were 2 flavours of the ceramic carrier: One
ver y costly for the engineering hardware being capable of probing all
chip interconnects and another costreuced  (smaller) without exploiting
all chip to chip interconnects.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 19.12.2010 17:59, schrieb Rick Collins:
 At 11:20 AM 12/19/2010, you wrote:
 Rick Collins wrote:
  If I understand correctly how subsheets
  work, I can see where you might want to display to the user a given
  subsheet only once rather than separately each time the sheet is

 Not sure, if I understand what you are aiming at.
 One of my current projects involves a subcircuit that needs
 to be repeated 69 times. With subsheets I don't need to have
 69 times the same schematic in the documentation. If I have
 to change some aspect of the subcircuit, I don't have to
 apply the change 69 times. So for this particular project
 the way geda treats subsheets is a real work saver. :-)
 But it is a problem with documentation.  You have one page in your
 schematic and each part has a ref des.  In your example, on the board
 each part in the subsheet has 69 instances, all with unique ref des.  If
 your ref des is hierarchical (subsheet/refdes), then the ref des tells
 you what instance of the sheet to consider.  But if the tools generate
 new ref des that are not hierarchical, then you need to at least be able
 to view each subsheet separately, with each instance having its own ref
 des.  This does not mean you have to edit 69 pages when you make a
 change.  If the tool actually understands subsheets as hierarchy to be
 instanced, then it should allow you to edit the original subsheet once,
 but allow you to view it N times, each with the component ref des that
 will be used in layout.  It may make it hard to figure out which
 subsheet instance to view in the schematic.  With the hierarchical ref
 des it tells you which instance.  With component renumbering you have to
 search to find the right sheet... the same as non-hierarchical schematics.
  Does it make sense to let the schematic package reassign
  ref des in multiple instances of a subsheet?

 IMHO, this is the job of gnetlist. On schematic level multiple
 instances should be exactly the same. That's why they are
 instances rather than copies.
 There is more than one way to view instantiation.  You don't have to
 see it as the exact same, single sheet.  If you do, there is no way to
 have your documentation in step with the actual board produced...  The
 way you are viewing subsheets, they are macros and the schematic is a
 programming language.  A schematic is intended to be documentation and
 each page has to show the ref des that appears on the final product.  If
 you push this off to gnetlist, you no longer have a one to one
 correspondence between the schematic and the board.  It just requires a
 smart schematic package that  knows how to assign ref des.
 The only fly in the ointment is back annotation.  It is common for
 layouts to dictate ref des based on location to allow finding parts
 easily.  I guess there is no reason that back annotation should be hard,
 but in a hierarchical schematic it may require special attention.
 geda-user mailing list

let me add an order of complexity here:

Assume you have a bandpass consitsting of 2 OPAMPS, 4 resistors and 2
caps that you want to use (instantiate) multiple times on your board.
There are multiple instances of that bandpass having different values
for the R's and the C's. In addition to this, you want to use quad
opamps and share these between 2 instantiations of your bandpass. To me
it looks that you need to pass parameters to any instantiation of that
bandpass (=subcircuit, hierarchical circuit) including a slotting
parameter (share circuit with instantion n-1)).

So from my point of view if you create a hierarchy symbol you need to be
able to 'attach' component values and slotting to it for each instance.
(There may be hierarchy symbols not requiring that at all and symbols
that have 'fixe value' components and variable components in a mix).

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Restrict facility?

2010-11-10 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 10.11.2010 19:06, schrieb Colin D Bennett:
 On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 00:09:50 -0500
 DJ Delorie wrote:

   a) There is no such facility.

 This one.  We've been talking about a redesign to pcb's internals that
 would allow support for this, but at the moment, we don't have it.
 Could you emulate it in the current version of pcb by drawing a
 rectangle/polygon on the area you wish to become the keep-out region?
 Would the autorouter then avoid it?
 geda-user mailing list

The trick with the rectangle works, I used it on my board to separate
the control section (TTL) of a solid state relais from the 220 V
section. The autorouter kept the digital signals on one side and the 220
V signals on the other side.
- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-04 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 04.09.2010 18:18, schrieb DJ Delorie:
 How do you know PCB won't ever run on cell phones, or over a slow
 network link, or on an embedded device or network PC or overtaxed
 virtual machine?
 iPcb . . .
 geda-user mailing list

I showd a geda schematic and the pcb board layout on my Nokia N900
(debian based) to my colleagues at work and they were impressed. I'm not
saying that it's useful to do EDA work on a smartphone, in my case it
was more or less a fun project raising the question Can you do that
with your iPhone?. Nevertheless I was really impressed how easy it was
to install the geda + pcb suite to my smartphone.

The other valid question would be Can you do this with your $$$ eda
application :-) .

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-04 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 04.09.2010 01:44, schrieb Andrew Poelstra:
 Hey all,
 I am working on the structuring PCB files in terms of functional blocks,
 and generalizing/extending the DRC rule format. (Things have slowed down
 as summer is ending but I am still working on this.)
 Mostly I am doing GUI work, since that is more-or-less stateless; I can
 spend 20 minutes reading docs or GTK code and not worry about making it
 work with PCB.
 But for the underlying logic:
 Naturally, I want to avoid any breaking changes to the PCB format, both
 to increase the chances of my code being accepted, as well as the obvious
 compatibility reasons.
 So I have a few thoughts:
 1. Initially my plan was to tag every object in the PCB with a functional
block. This would make attaching multiple tags easy, though it might
bloat the file, and would be slow to initially parse and search.
 2. Another idea would be to create functional blocks as recursive PCBs.
This has been mentioned a few times on the list, and creates all sorts
of exciting possibilities - from importing recursive schematics to
reusing layout parts to clearer source control of PCBs.
However, this also brings the ability to edit PCB components individually,
which means that some parts could have different layers than others, for
example. And then you have to deal with layer mappings and stuff and it's
a huge complicated mess, both for the user and in the code.
 What do you guys think I should do? What would require the fewest changes
 to the PCB format, if any?
 Generalized DRC rules at least could be tacked on anywhere and would be
 quietly ignored by old versions of pcb, right?
 geda-user mailing list


here are my thoughts about DRC:

There are (at least) 2 contributors to what should be checked by DRC:

1. The obvious one: The capabilities of the manufaturer, e.g. min trace
width = 4 mil, min distance = 4 mil, min drill .
2. The usage pattern: Traces where you expect high current (Vdd, GND,
...) can't use the minimum trace width, while traces that carry high
voltages (and need to meet UL, VDE specs) can't have the minimum distance.

A conclusion of the above is that the DRC rules are on a net base
(potentially on a layer base, if you forece nets with a similiar DRC
requirement to the same layer (sharing the copper with otherlayers).
I see 4 roout styles in the defualt PCB, they could be used to work
around a net specific definition.
- From my point of view, there should be a way of defining net attributes
from geda (see thread wishful UI).

If you want to exetend the DRC capabilites things like handling of
differenatial pairs, comparing netlenghs of busses comes to my mind.

Going slightly off-topic, one goal would be to extract all physical
parameters of a board (RLC for each net segment) and feed that back into
a simulation (spice, gnucap, ...).

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp

PS: I won't have internet access for ht next 2 days, I'll comment
responses on Tuesday.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: discussion on what busses *mean*

2010-08-15 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 15.08.2010 22:25, schrieb DJ Delorie:
 D[15:0],A[1:16] with a branch called A[1:16]
 I was thinking the above renames the wires but perhaps that's a bad
 idea.  Yeah, I guess it would have to create a bundle of 32 wires.
 No reason you couldn't attach some random attribute to the bus that's
 just to give it a mnemonic name :-)


in general I don't like having 2 names for the same net, Maybe I'm
biased with my experience of vhdl synthesis, normally the name that you
don't expect survives synthesis and the other one gets lost (and that
even may vary between two releases of the same tool). So having only one
name has advantages.

 geda-user mailing list

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: discussion on what busses *mean*

2010-08-15 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 16.08.2010 00:07, schrieb DJ Delorie:
 in general I don't like having 2 names for the same net, Maybe I'm
 biased with my experience of vhdl synthesis, normally the name that you
 don't expect survives synthesis and the other one gets lost (and that
 even may vary between two releases of the same tool). So having only one
 name has advantages.
 It's not the same NET.  Each NET has a name.  A *BUS* is a group of
 nets, you can refer to the names of the nets inside it or give the bus
 its own name.
 For example:
 Nets A0 to A15, D0 to D7, RD, WR, and EN are grouped into a bus.
 You can refer to the nets within the bus when you pull them out for
 a connection:
   A[0:15],D[0:7],RD,WR,EN  - all the nets
   A[0:1],RD,EN  - some of the nets
   A15,D[0:7],WR,EN  - some of the nets
 but we could also give the *grouping* a name, like CONTROL_BUS.
 So, for example, you could give a bus a netname to enumerate the
 nets contained therein (just like we do for single-signal nets), as
 well as a busname to name the grouping.


I agree, and I don't have a problem with it as long that name is used
consistently thruout the entire design, so your CONTROL_BUS on the
first sheet is the same from there on to the last sheet. As soon as you
only want to use a subset you have use the individual net names (at
least in my opinion).

 geda-user mailing list

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-13 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 13.08.2010 23:23, schrieb Stefan Salewski:
 On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 10:59 -0600, John Doty wrote:
  Remember, pcb isn't the only layout path we support.

 Yes. But I think the addition of net classes will not really break
 something. Of course it will increase the code size, which is not really
 nice. And it may decrease the working speed of PCB program.
 I have written a short summary of this idea:
 geda-user mailing list


I looked at your suggestions about netclasses and I like them. What I
would like to add (and this adds complexity, too), is the notion of
differential pair (two wires should be same length, but the actual
length basically is a don't care) or busses and control signals
(industry standard SDRAM's etc where you have delay constraints of an
entire bus vs. a single control signal).
Furthermore I have a little objection towards  No chance for unskilled
people or autorouters, I agree with unskilled people, but at least a
subset of the requirements can be translated to autorouter attributes,
e.g. impedance easily translates to geometry for a defined layer stack
(including base material, copper width ... ) while other attributes you
suggest (short) would only be applicable to an autoplacer (or skilled
I know that the target to add net classes AND to support them with
auto[route|place|...] is very challenging, but nevertheless I think that
it's worth a try/start a discusssion.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: wishful UI

2010-08-13 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 14.08.2010 01:13, schrieb Stefan Salewski:

 Indeed currently I am still looking for a good reason against that
 proposal. My best candidates: It is not too useful for small projects,
 and it is some work to implement.

I don't think that this is a good argument against it as long as you
don't force small projects to use it. I would see it as an extension to
the current gschem - pcb flow. If you don't specify anything, you get
the default net attributes as defined in PCB.

 I have to admit that I do not know much about differential pairs now,
 but it is very important...

If you go high frequency it's getting important. Related to that are
termination requirements of a given net, carefully select whether the
termination needs to be close to the driver or close to the receiver.
Typically this is a problem a tool can't handle.
 I guess it would be no great deal for smart (but very busy) people like
 Peter C. and DJ, to implement the basic concept. For people not familiar
 with the internals of gschem and PCB like me it may take very long...
I second that, and I read the response from DJ: You don't know how hard
it can be to teach a hardware guy software concepts :-) .

 Best regards
 Stefan Salewski
 geda-user mailing list

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: soldermask via caps

2010-05-22 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 22.05.2010 18:26, schrieb Bob Paddock:

 Like all things in this field the answer is usually it depends...


I second that.
My first attempt was to implement the circuit I designed without
'professional help' (== provide a receipe for homebrew circuits), and I
But discussing my problems with people providing professional help I
learned a lot:

Do not use solder paste in conjunction with hand soldering for 'standard
footprints' (= 0603, SOT23 ). Putiing some solder on one pad and
then do a kind of reflow with  the iron, soldering all pins (remove
excess solder withsolder wick) gives better results (at least for
prototypes /   low volume products). The question of exposed pads
remained open (I wasn't aware of DJ's hot plate stuff at that time).

Nevertheless I (hope to) get professionally  solderd boards next week,

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: soldermask via caps

2010-05-21 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 21.05.2010 16:52, schrieb Stefan Salewski:
 On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 12:55 +0100, andrew whyte wrote:

   There is a known problem in layouts with vias inside pads, where
 solder wicks down into vias and causes the joint to be poorly
 soldered.  I found this link  about how to avoid this problem:
 I have absolutely no experience with this problem...
 I know that open vias in small pads can give problems -- solder can flow
 by capillary forces from the pad into the via.
 I have never heard about this problem for large pads. For that case the
 amount of solder on the pad should be large compared to the volume of
 the vias, so there is no problem if some solder flows in the via hole.
 And you have a large area for electrical and thermal contact, so
 soldering should be not too critical. Capillary forces should move the
 fluid from width to narrow areas, so I do not really believe that all
 solder will propagate from the contact area of your device into large
 Just a guess of someone with no experience but physical background.
 My next task, coming soon, is to solder a few of such thermal pads with
 a soldering iron: My plan: have some open 0.3 mm vias in the thermal
 pad, fill them with 0.2mm copper wire to improve thermal conductivity.
 Put some soldering past on the pad and via, mechanical fixate the device
 and heat the vias from backside with a really hot iron. Ok, that may
 fail, but gives me at least some experience...
 Best regards
 Stefan Salewski
 geda-user mailing list

I tried this approach on my last board (the exposed pad of the IC I
choose is the only GND connection) and I failed miserably. My intention
was to reflow the paste from the bottom side via a via in the pad from
the bottom side of the board. It turned out that I used too much paste
and got shorts between the pins and the exposed pad. I finally asked for
professional help and will get a 2nd board back some time next week.
The people I tlaked to ensured me that without reflow your yield will be
close to 0 to solder an exposed pad from the reverse side.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: soldermask via caps

2010-05-21 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 21.05.2010 23:46, schrieb Stefan Salewski:

 geda-user mailing list

I fear we go off-topic here, nevertheless I think it's an interesting
topic how to solder ICs with an exposed pad with homebrew equipment.
Basically there is a contradiction to create a footprint with an exposed
pad for reflow soldering and manual soldering. Manual soldering requires
a via hole of a decent size that sucks all the solder when doing reflow

 Soldering a few outer pad of the device to fix it is not really
 good, because so I can not check if the center thermal pad is really

This was my very first try before using too much soldr paste --- I had
soldered some outer pins and tried to solder the exposed pad from the
reverse side (the IC on the bottom side, and IC fell off the board, so
my next try was to use too much paste.

And as a hobbyist for me every board is a prototype :-) .

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: soldermask via caps

2010-05-21 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 22.05.2010 01:28, schrieb DJ Delorie:
 For soldering QFNs at home, I think the easiest way (i.e. the least
 amount of stuff to buy) is to pre-solder all the pads (center and
 outside) on the pcb, so you know you have just the right amount of
 solder on all of them.  Then put some flux on them and the part, put
 the part on the solder, and reflow it with a $20 hotplate from Target.
 No paste, no funny vias, no special soldering irons.
 geda-user mailing list
thanks a lot.

That sounds interesting, does this work for a 12-Lead Plastic MSOP,
Exposed Die Pad which has conventional pins (the exposed die may be up
to 10 mil above the board) as well?
One option for me may be to change to a DFN package where all pins are
under the IC in one plane. I choose the MSOP to only have 1 problem
(exposed pad only), not 13 (for all of the pins, including the exposed
pad), but now I think it was the wrong decision. It's easier to deal
with 13 similiar problems compared to 1 big problem.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: thermals on layer groups

2010-03-28 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 28.03.2010 15:49, schrieb Harry Eaton:
  With my setting of having the polygons on an extra layer I'm not
  able to place thermals. When trying this, the command is simply
The thermal tool places thermals to the active layer. You need to have
the layer that the polygon is actually on as the active layer in order
to place a thermal.The thermal is a feature of the polygon, not of the
pin/via. If the command is being ignored, it is because the polygon is
not on the actual layer (not just group) that is active for drawing.
 geda-user mailing list

thanks, that was it.

In the meantime I moved the polygons to the solder / component layer
based on Peters comment, moving them to an extra layer would be very
useful if you could remove that layer from the visible layers regardless
of the layer groups.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: thermals on layer groups

2010-03-28 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 28.03.2010 21:28, schrieb Dietmar Schmunkamp:
 Am 28.03.2010 15:49, schrieb Harry Eaton:
  With my setting of having the polygons on an extra layer I'm not
  able to place thermals. When trying this, the command is simply
The thermal tool places thermals to the active layer. You need to have
the layer that the polygon is actually on as the active layer in order
to place a thermal.The thermal is a feature of the polygon, not of the
pin/via. If the command is being ignored, it is because the polygon is
not on the actual layer (not just group) that is active for drawing.
 geda-user mailing list
 thanks, that was it.
 In the meantime I moved the polygons to the solder / component layer
 based on Peters comment, moving them to an extra layer would be very
 useful if you could remove that layer from the visible layers regardless
 of the layer groups.

... in the last sentence pls. replace if you could remove with if one
could remove, that was kind of a translation error on my side.

geda-user mailing list

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb DRC

2010-03-28 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 28.03.2010 13:13, schrieb Peter Clifton:

thanks again, I'm ha

 The solid polygon will connect to everything it

I tried it and it cuased much more problems than it solved. So I leave
it as is.

 I believe there are some fab's who run a DRC check with a web interface
 as you upload the design files. I doubt this will be available until
 you've committed to fabrication though.

I'll release my board and let the list know if I get any feedback or
whether the manufacturing process went smooth.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb DRC

2010-03-28 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 28.03.2010 13:17, schrieb timecop:
 if you're at the point where you need to rely on web-based DRC
 for gerbers (thus you don't trust the tools you use) its time to move

It's not the tools I do not trust, but the current process is that the
manufacturer publishes the basic design rules on his webpage, I have to
translate it to DRC rules for pcb (that's the error-prone part :-) ) and
run DRC.

Ideally there is an open source tool that checks gerber files (the file
format I'm communicating with the manufacturer) and the manufacturer
publishes a set of parametere that this tool can read. So I can improve
the DRC rules for pcb without having the manufacturer in the loop.

Btw, in my day job, I'm doing chip designs, and when we release chips to
manufacturing (within the same company), manufacturing checks every mask
again, though the release process does this on an input file to mask

To make my point clear: I'm very happy with the geda tools-suite
(compared to some crippled (extremely stripped down) versions of $$$
programs doing the same job). I continue using the geda suite and hope I
can do my share to improve it.

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb DRC

2010-03-27 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 27.03.2010 20:33, schrieb kai-martin knaak:
 Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 We should found a geda chapter of Germany!  :-)
 There is Stefan near Hamburg, you in Kiel and me in Hannover. Who else?  

Dietmar near Stuttgart (unfortunately a little bit too south to meet in
person :-( ).
- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb DRC

2010-03-27 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Am 27.03.2010 12:21, schrieb Peter Clifton:
 On Sat, 2010-03-27 at 01:34 +0100, Dietmar Schmunkamp wrote:
 I think I have a similiar problem of false error indications

 The attached board shows 1 DRC  error:
 Pad with insufficient clearance inside polygon. The pad and the
 polygon are in different layers withein the same layer group, so they
 will show up on the same 'physical layer' (same plane of the board),
 where I do not see an insufficient clearance. Related to that, I'm not
 able to put a thermal to any pad (pad is on component layer, polygon is
 on power layer, both are in the same layer group).
 What is a good suggestion to create power / gnd polygons on a double
 sided board? Use the power/GND layers and assign them to a layer group
 or create power/GND polygons on the component / solder layers?
 Personally, I don't use layer groups, as I don't really see the point.
 It usually means yet more colours on an already complex design, it is
 harder to visualise what copper is on what layer..
 And you can't even turn the sub-layers within a layer group on/off, so
 it isn't even useful to hide polygons temporarily.
 It is possible there is a bug in the DRC relating to layer groups.. if
 you can identify something with a minimal test case (showing how it
 fails with multi-layers in a layer group, but passes DRC on a single
 layer), please file it on Sourceforge so it doesn't get forgotten.


thanks for your answer.

I think I got to the root cause of my problem:

The pad has a width of ~16 mil and I used the autorouter to connect it.
I set the trace width to 8mil with 8 mil gap. So I got a trace to the
pad with 8 mil width on the north side of the pad (not in the center
of the pad). As this particular pad is the power pad I wanted to connect
it with a wider trace (for cases where the trace is centered, I simply
widened the trace), so I tried to (ab)use a polygon for that. While I'm
able to connect a net to a polygon (using the join command), this is not
possible for connecting a pad to a polygon. I have a circumvention for
this: create the polygon with the correct gaps and use a parallel wire
to connect the pad to the polygon.

To make a long story short:
I stumbled over a feature of the DRC.
I have a circumvention for that.
Fixing my particular problem of detecting a false positive would hide
possible real errors (my problem was a DRC error to a plane the pad was
already connected to, but in general the DRC check is valid for any

I'll change my board to have all shapes (nets and polygons) on the same
layer. With my setting of having the polygons on an extra layer I'm not
able to place thermals. When trying this, the command is simply ignored.

I remember previos versions of the DRC to highlight one net in the
found colour and the offending net in the selected colour. I'm missing
that for the latest version.

I'm going to send out the board to manufacturing monday or tuesday, I'll
post here if the manufacturer ( has problems with the
generated gerbers. The manufacturer seems to be Eagle-centric, but
accepts RS274-X as well.

I like the DRC within PCB very much, but as a final check I'd like to
have a DRC check on gerber data (that's all the manufacturer gets), so
does anybody know whether there is a tool that's provides such a check?
I loaded the gerber files into gerbv and did a manual check, but an
automated check would be better, There must be some (possibly $$$)
programs to do that, or how do the manufacturers provide feedback to
theier customers?

- -- 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Make net lines invisible

2009-09-05 Thread Dietmar Schmunkamp
Hash: SHA1

Link schrieb:
 On 05/09/09 13:16, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 11:30:09 +0200, Link wrote:

 At the moment all I can think of is
 duplicating the pins, mirroring them horizontally and overlaying them
 onto the existing pins so that drawing a net to pin 1 connects to pins 1
 _and_ 2, but that seems rather hacky to me.
 Hiding a net is even more hacky.

 Are there any better ways?
 I'd modify the footprint, so that two pads are associated with one pin of
 the symbol. Just attach the same pin number to the two pads. So the
 symbol contains 11 pins that connect to 22 pads of the footprint. This
 approach keeps the notion that the schematic handles nets while the
 layout deals with the shapes of components.

 I guess that works. Thanks. :)
 geda-user mailing list

here is a symbol and a footprint I used for a similar problem, It's for
a rework area with 6 1206 slots and a pin connected to each pad of the
1206 pads. The symbol has to slotdefs so that I can use 2 of them in the
schematic and place them so that they look like the footprint. Each pin
in the symbol is represented by 2 pads and a pin with the same netnumber
in the footprint (the clearance in the footprint needs to be fixed).

- --

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Dietmar Schmunkamp
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


Description: application/sym-geda
# Footprint for 6 * 1206 parts (each pad consists of a pin, the SMD pad and a 
pa as connection between both
# Author: Dietmar Schmunkamp

Element[0x Rework Area  rework_6x1206 0 0 -3150 -3150 0 100 ]
# section #1 the pads
Pad[-21500 -11900 -21500 -12100 6800 800 6800 1 1 square]
Pad[-21500100 -21500   -100 6800 800 6800 2 2 square]
Pad[-21500  12100 -21500  11900 6800 800 6800 3 3 square]
Pad[ -9500 -11900  -9500 -12100 6800 800 6800 4 4 square]
Pad[ -9500100  -9500   -100 6800 800 6800 5 5 square]
Pad[ -9500  12100  -9500  11900 6800 800 6800 6 6 square]
Pad[  9500 -11900   9500 -12100 6800 800 6800 7 7 square]
Pad[  9500100   9500   -100 6800 800 6800 8 8 square]
Pad[  9500  12100   9500  11900 6800 800 6800 9 9 square]
Pad[ 21500 -11900  21500 -12100 6800 800 6800 10 10 square]
Pad[ 21500100  21500   -100 6800 800 6800 11 11 square]
Pad[ 21500  12100  21500  11900 6800 800 6800 12 12 square]
# section #2 the pins
Pin[-27500 -12000   4800 800 6800 2800 1 1 0x02004001]
Pin[-27500  0   4800 800 6800 2800 2 2 0x02004001]
Pin[-27500  12000   4800 800 6800 2800 3 3 0x02004001]
Pin[ -3500 -12000   4800 800 6800 2800 4 4 0x02004001]
Pin[ -3500  0   4800 800 6800 2800 5 5 0x02004001]
Pin[ -3500  12000   4800 800 6800 2800 6 6 0x02004001]
Pin[  3500 -12000   4800 800 6800 2800 7 7 0x02004001]
Pin[  3500  0   4800 800 6800 2800 8 8 0x02004001]
Pin[  3500  12000   4800 800 6800 2800 9 9 0x02004001]
Pin[ 27500 -12000   4800 800 6800 2800 10 10 0x02004001]
Pin[ 27500  0   4800 800 6800 2800 11 11 0x02004001]
Pin[ 27500  12000   4800 800 6800 2800 12 12 0x02004001]
# section #3 connect previous pin and pad by another pad
Pad[-25100 -12000  -24900 -12000 1000 800 1500 1 1 sqare]
Pad[-25100  0  -24900  0 1000 800 1500 2 2 sqare]
Pad[-25100  12000  -24900  12000 1000 800 1500 3 3 sqare]
Pad[ -5900 -12000   -6100 -12000 1000 800 1500 4 4 sqare]
Pad[ -5900  0   -6100  0 1000 800 1500 5 5 sqare]
Pad[ -5900  12000   -6100  12000 1000 800 1500 6 6 sqare]
Pad[  5900 -120006100 -12000 1000 800 1500 7 7 sqare]
Pad[  5900  06100  0 1000 800 1500 8 8 sqare]
Pad[  5900  120006100  12000 1000 800 1500 9 9 sqare]
Pad[ 25100 -12000   24900 -12000 1000 800 1500 10 10 sqare]
Pad[ 25100  0   24900  0 1000 800 1500 11 11 sqare]
Pad[ 25100  12000   24900  12000 1000 800 1500 12 12 sqare]
# draw an outline
ElementLine[-31000 -16500  31000 -16500 1000]
ElementLine[ 31000 -16500  31000  16500 1000]
ElementLine[ 31000  16500 -31000  16500 1000]
ElementLine[-31000  16500 -31000 -16500 1000]

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