Re: gEDA-user: TO-92 Best Practices

2010-03-02 Thread Martin Maney
On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:38:00AM +0100, Gabriel Paubert wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 02:01:51AM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
  For matching, can you just press them onto a pcb carrier?  Something
  that plugs into a breadboard, and gives you three big copper pads to
  contact?  Assuming holding them down with your finger or even just
  letting gravity do the work, it might be sufficient.

 From my experience, gravity is insufficient. The contact quality 
 is too poor if you don't have anything to press the device against
 the pads.
 I was testing at ~1GHz, but it should not affect that much,
 except that you need some plastic stick insted of a finger
 (too much disturbance, probably stray capacitance). 

And at the DC extreme, the heat of the finger will make any attempt to
match offset a joke (other parameters maybe not so much).  So, no,
usually fingers need to stay away from the DUT.

There's one way to find out if a man is honest: ask him;
if he says yes, you know he's crooked.  -- Twain

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: opamp slew rate limiting

2009-11-10 Thread Martin Maney
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 06:08:41AM -0500, gene glick wrote:
 SR definition is SR = 2 * pi * f * Vpk

Nope.  That's the maximum *signal* rate of change for a sinewave.  I
think you know that, but since there seems to be a lot of vague
misunderstanding about slew rate in this thread...

 So I need SR  6.28 * 5000 cycles/sec * 15 Volts, or 471,000 
 Volts/Second.  If my math is right, that works out to 0.471 V/uS. Lots 
 of margin there too, the part can do 20.

That's about how it looks to me, too.  15V peak would be about 6db
overdrive (IIRC that the opamp is on +- 7.5 volt supplies).

 I agree about the linear/saturation description, but couldn't find any 
 hard literature on the subject.

If that refers to the comment I think it does, then it's half wrong. 
SR is the symptom of NONlinear operation: it's the output rate of
change observed when the input stage is saturated by an input signal
that changes so quickly that it outruns the feedback.  The saturated
stage is usually then charging or discharging an internal capacitance
with a more or less constant current, hence the relatively straight and
predictable (but *not* always symmetrical) output slopes.

Clipping is normally due to output stage saturation, and yes, there can
be a significant recovery time due to (once again) earlier stages
having gone into saturation trying to push the output to the
unreachable level that would satisfy the feedback loop.  There can be
some recovery after slew limiting as well, though that's rarely as
severe and is often insignificant.

 great point.  Maybe I should increase the gain to force the saturation 
 earlier into the cycle.  I was trying just the opposite.

Nah.  You should use a good comparator with controlled hysteresis.  An
opamp, any opamp, makes at best a mediocre comparator.  If phase jitter
is important, as I believe you said it was, then you should be
targeting a point very near the zero crossing for that critical
transition, as that is where the sinusoidal signal has its maximum rate
of change, and hence whatever noise is in the system will cause the
least jitter.

I didn't write a whole, free operating system, either.  I wrote some pieces
and invited other people to join me by writing other pieces.  So I set an
example.  I said, I'm going in this direction.  Join me and we'll get
there. And enough people joined in that we got there.  -- R M Stallman

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Using the power instead of fighting it

2009-09-29 Thread Martin Maney
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:11:25AM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On Sep 27, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Martin Maney wrote:
 I suppose it depends on whether gEDA is only for those who use it for
 hours every day and thus find the cost of learning to and configuring
 things to work just the way they want them an obvious net win, or if
 it's desired for it to be useful to a larger audience.

 I think you have it exactly backwards. When you work on a project every 
 day it isn't hard to remember the project structure and the operations 
 you need to manipulate it. But the part-timer can't remember that stuff: 
 it's extremely important to automate it.

No, we agree, you just express it very oddly. wink  How is a newcomer
supposed to automate all this *before* they've learned all of the often
obscure tricks (and over the years, a fair number of times the docs 
tutorials have said the exact wrong thing according to the enlightened
advice provided on this list; or, to beat a dead horse, the right stock
script defaults to a PCB layer stack that no one thinks is sensible,
yet it's still suggested to use it).  First you have to develop a clue
about how it *should* work...  and in many cases, Mr.  Noob either
doesn't get that far before looking for something that lets him get his
work done (been there, did that...  but for some reason I came back for
another go at it a year or two later), or learns enough to bull
through.  Maybe he comes back and has a less difficult time of it the
second time, and eventually sees things clearly enough to put at least
a few of the most-used bits into a makefile - which is, as best I
recall, about where I was when I got the gerbers off to the shop and
had no excuse to spend more time tinkering.  I have so far completed
only a very few rather small boards using gEDA.

That's the cost of learning I'm talking about, and I totally agree that
casual users need better automation than gEDA has to offer - but for
some reason you're violently opposed to such if it gets slick enough to
be called integration.  :-/  As it is, the people who *can* automate
the process are exactly _not_ the ones who need the automation just to
get things to work at all.

I think you also overlook the value of a GUI integration layer in
making it easier to recall things.  The CLI tools may be sharp, but
they offer minimal affordances, do nothing to make discovery easy, etc. 
And I say that as someone who more often finds himself arguing for
having that cryptic but powerful CLI interface where it's lacking.  :-)

 That's when the scripts are essential. They embody the project structure 
 in a way that's easy to use. It's very handy to be able to go back to a 
 project you haven't touched for a couple of years, make a small change, 
 type make, and have all of the data products rebuilt.

True, and been there many times, though so far just a weak version of
it - after a month or two's interruption - with gEDA.

 I *love* heavy symbols.

Must have confused someone else's comment with yours.  Sorry!

 We already have a database structure if you look more than skin deep. A 
 .sym file is a fine container for relations, so a directory containing 
 .sym files is a relational database. Do we really need more?

No, we need *less*.  .sym files - we're talking about heavy symbols
here, right?  - tie too much together in too fixed a state.  At best
that directory is like a RDB with a nasty schema - everything crammed
into one hugely denormalized table, with all the problems you'd expect
from that.

And that's arguably the real reason to be dubious about heavy symbols -
they're the implementation of a lousy data design.

(I'm going to have to think about this... it's either new or comes from
a source I have no memory of, and at least right at the moment I'm very
fond of the conceit.)

 I hope gEDA can do better, so that I can curse it less next time I
 reach that stage!

 Learn make.

Know make; know it well.  Doesn't help until you've sussed out just
what sequence of steps, what CLI options, etc., to use.  Seven years
should be enough for that, sure.  :-)

... so where's the set of standard make rules for gEDA files?  They
don't ship with (gnu)make, at least.

 While intended for software development, it's effective ...

Make is fine, but the software development tool that I've found most
insanely useful while developing hardware with gEDA is, hands down,
version control.  I prefer git, but mercurial isn't bad.

If there is a lesson to be learnt from Adobe's eBook
fiasco, it is that litigation is no substitute for
well-designed software.  -- The Economist

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Blind and buried vias?

2009-09-27 Thread Martin Maney
I was going to comment on one point, but once you start writing...

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 06:16:42AM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 More useful and friendly to *what kind* of user? The kind that would  
 prefer spending an hour mousing around to solve a problem once, or 15  
 minutes writing a script to solve it for all time?

I suppose it depends on whether gEDA is only for those who use it for
hours every day and thus find the cost of learning to and configuring
things to work just the way they want them an obvious net win, or if
it's desired for it to be useful to a larger audience.  I'd be an
example of that - although I have rather enjoyed the work I did about a
year ago using gEDA, the fact is that I haven't had occasion to touch
it since those boards got sent off.  Sure, I have other projects in
mind, but they've been stuck on the back burner, and seem likely to
stay there for some time yet.  Too many todos, too little time.

 People want prefabricated heavy symbols in a library, not considering  
 how massive the problem is. Too many variables. What we need is an  
 easier way to customize symbols for a particular project. And perhaps  
 better BOM post-processing support, so the user can say I want to  
 use footprint xxx and vendor part number yyy for all 100nF X5R  
 capacitors in this project. gattrib is a nice tool for quick touch  
 up, but not productive when you have hundreds of footprints to change.

+1 about gattrib's shortcomings when there's more than a few items to
tweak.  I would like to add that some of that seems to be a really
weird UI - things behave oddly compared to other GUI tools, IMO.  OTOH,
if there were a rich library of those heavy symbols you dislike,
there'd be a lot less need for tweaking things (at least IME).  But I
have to agree that creating a huge library like that shouldn't be part
of gEDA's mission, especially when manufacturer's so often make this
stuff available...  but in formats gEDA can't use.  Yeah, it's hard.

The database-driven idea sounds wonderful, but my impression is that
it's a hella bike shed - lots of talk about it but little if anything
of general interest gets done...  or maybe everyone's waiting for one
of the personal hacks to be just the color and glossiness they wish
for.  And it still sounds like a lot of setup work for casual or
occasional use.

 The biggest hole in the gEDA documentation concerns the scripting  
 that gschem/gnetlist can do using Scheme. There's no real API  
 documentation here, so few are aware of the latent power here, and  
 even fewer know how to harness it.

+1e6 - not that Scheme is my favorite scripting language, but if there
were a documented API it would be a viable option.

 And many who find shortcomings in gEDA don't want a toolkit.

I have very mixed feelings about that, though the above has mostly come
down on one side.  And I'm not sure I'd call it a toolkit - some of the
pieces just don't work together very well.  The mess of issues that
arise between gschem and PCB are perhaps the most discussed, but all
the parts I've had occasion to use feel more like a random collection
of tools than a proper toolset - one size Phillips screwdriver, a
couple of flat blades but none really small or really large, a hacksaw
blade but you have to make your own frame for it...  The individual
parts are good quality, but...

 But I'm extremely grateful that gEDA *isn't* a massive time-wasting
 integrated point and click thing designed for sales

So am I, but I don't think that's the only kind of better-integrated
thing that *could* be made, even if the commercial EDA toolmakers don't
have a clue about it.  :-)

 I hope it stays that way.

I hope gEDA can do better, so that I can curse it less next time I
reach that stage!

[the combination of iPod and iTunes is like]
buying a 21st-century device
to live in the seventies.  -- Wes Phillips

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Blind and buried vias?

2009-09-27 Thread Martin Maney
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 01:45:46PM -0500, Bill Gatliff wrote:
 Martin Maney wrote:
 +1e6 - not that Scheme is my favorite scripting language, but if there
 were a documented API it would be a viable option.

 OT, but Gimp also uses Scheme.

Another app I've never yet attacked from the loadable script direction,
although in the case of the Gimp I've heard that other languages can
be used, Python in particular.  :-)

And IIRC GnuCash is full of Scheme (or is it another of the free lisps
they used?), and frankly that's an app which I use only because the
alternatives have been so bad (by now, there's a lot of momentum and
all that data that would need to be migrated adding inertia).  Slow and
not very flexible, though perhaps the latter is because I don't think I
should need to learn to write an extension to do trivial things.  Or
maybe my notion that one short line of SQL is a fair analog for
trivial is a bit off.  :-)

One lesson I've learned from my years as Linux's hood ornament is that
there's something worse: some folks can't be content to just take things
too seriously on their own.  They're not happy unless they can convince
others to go along with their obsession.  -- Linus

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: copper fill

2009-08-26 Thread Martin Maney
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 09:19:06PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  Maybe it's just now becoming an FAQ, but it's been confusing people
  all along. Maybe it's not a very good default.
 It's not the default.  It hasn't been the default for a long time.
 IIRC it comes from gsch2pcb, which has a built-in starter board,
 which has the wrong defaults.

...which is, or was up until not so long ago, the way most if not all
the tutorial examples taught us to use the tools.  I totally agree with
both it's not a very good default and it's not PCB's default, but
if you want to be able to say that it's unqualifiedly not the default
then other parts of gEDA need to be let in on that plan.

Just sayin' - I haven't had occasion to use gschem/PCB since around
this time last year.  Too many projects, too little time.  :-(

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away,
for expedients, and by parts.  -- Edmund Burke

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Can we fix the HTML stripping on this list?

2009-06-09 Thread Martin Maney
On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 11:12:40AM +0200, Gabriel Paubert wrote:
 What does HTML stand for anyway (and all these makeup languages) ?

My wife claims that her immediate thought on seeing HTML is hate

Here's my message to the record industry and its allies:
I'm not a thief.  I'm a customer.  When you treat me like a
thief, I won't be your customer.  -- Dan Gillmor

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: (no subject)

2008-11-22 Thread Martin Maney
 * Spice netlister for gnetlist
 R5 1 +9V 1M
 V1 n0 0 AC
 R4 0 4 100K
 R3 0 3 470
 Q1 1 3 2 2N5245
 R2 2 +9V 1K
 R1 0 1 1M
 C3 2 4 4.7uf
 C2 3 0 .052uf
 C1 n0 1 4.7uf

I don't see a DC source connected to the +9V node.

Unlike some other template languages, you can not arbitrarily put Python
code into a [Django] template. The language is intentionally limited so as
to encourage you to properly separate your presentation logic from your
business logic.  -- Jeff Croft

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: footprint

2008-11-03 Thread Martin Maney
On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 07:42:56PM +, Peter Clifton wrote:
 Either teach gsch2pcb to spot these and complain (short term), or in the

Absolutely.  It should always have done that.  :-/

 Bonus points for some heuristic which can spot if the PCB file obviously
 just contains one element, and adds a single-click fix this problem
 button to the resulting dialog box.

Or maybe provide a less obscure and error-prone way to create the
footprints in the first place, since no one seems to be able to do any
real work without creating at least a few of the things?

Myself, I've always found it 'way less trouble to create footprints by
editing the file as text.  I've done more symbols that way than
t'other, too, but that was partly because I started with footprints and
didn't realize that gschem has more usable support for doing that in
the GUI.  Still, if I were creating a simple variation on an existing
symbol (most any heavy symbol), I think I'd still find the text editor
more productive.

One lesson I've learned from my years as Linux's hood ornament is that
there's something worse: some folks can't be content to just take things
too seriously on their own.  They're not happy unless they can convince
others to go along with their obsession.  -- Linus

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb, howto partition power planes?

2008-10-31 Thread Martin Maney
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 02:49:37PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 What about high precision ADCs?  I'm working on a design using ADE7753
 power monitor chips (16-bit ADCs) , and their own app note (AN564)
 shows a ferrite isolating analog ground, and a 10R resistor isolating

The reason [limited term of copyright is] important is this:
Publishers are in the business of expanding capital.
The writers who supply them are in the business of
expanding civilization itself.  -- John Bloom

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Howto get a layout print with part numbers/values?

2008-08-30 Thread Martin Maney

Is there an easy way to get a layout print similar to PCB's but
showing the part number/value (what PCB calls the value, and doesn't
seem to use except in the BOM outputs)?  I'm thinking that something
made from the .xy file, printing those values rotated and placed would
be close enough.  The latter is probably what I'd throw together if I
needed this badly, but at this point I'm inclined to think it would
cost me time rather than save it.

(whereas asking here costs very little time, and I have too many other
chores to do while waiting to see someone knows of an easier way to do
this for that time to count at all, at all grin)


The avoidance of idiocy should be the primary and constant concern
of every intelligent person.  -- Nero Wolfe

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Howto get a layout print with part numbers/values?

2008-08-30 Thread Martin Maney
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 03:14:01PM +, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 To display the values rather than refdes at each component, choose from 
 the menu (I assume, you use the GTK-GUI):
   View - Displayed_Element_Name - Value
 This setting affects the Postscript output too. If I want to populate a 
 board, I do two postscript outputs. One with refdes and another one with 
 values activated. BTW, I'd love to see a way to avoid this tedious double 

Thanks, that worked pretty well.  Easier than working from the drawing
with component names and cross referencing it as I place 'em, anyway!

The best hack it myself thought I'd had was to take the .xy file,
which contains all the component names and value strings as well as
placements and rotation, and generate output - postscript, I guess -
with the values placed accordingly.  It would be a bit schematic,
especially where the mark isn't body centered, which is most of the
components here (leaded).  I was also dubious about how much time I'd
save overall doing it that way.  :-/

One discharges fancy homunculi from one's scheme
by organizing armies of idiots to do the work.  -- Dennett

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: panel2pcb bug

2008-08-30 Thread Martin Maney
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:44:49PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Try this patch to
 -   next if /\b(Via|Pin|Pad|ElementLine|Line|Arc|ElementArc)/;
 +   next if /\b(Via|Pin|Pad|ElementLine|Line|Arc|ElementArc|Text)/;
 The first board is used as a template for the panel, which is probably
 where the extra text came from.

That did the job for the original panelization job - just realized I
haven't tried it with my minimal test case.  I'm sure that one's okay,
too.  :-)


I've just realised that one of the things I really hate hate hate
about Windows is that it doesn't have any personality. It's corporate
and it hates me but it wouldn't ever do anything but smile falsely
and refuse to talk to me.  -- Jo Walton

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: panel2pcb bug

2008-08-28 Thread Martin Maney

Unfortunately, this bit me on a board with a top-side ground plane, and
I didn't catch it until I got the boards back (1) ... perhaps because
much of the erroneous copper was lost in that plane.

What I've found - just did a simple test case that shows it - is that
if one has a copper legend (text in the component side copper layer) of
the first board given to pcb2panel, and that board needs to be rotated
(counterclockwise tried) while editing tmp.pcb, then the copper legend
from that board will appear twice in the output of panel2pcb: once
where it should be, and again where it was in the original layout
produced by pcb2panel (if that had had actual board elements in it
rather than just the board outlines).

Interestingly, my test case took two copies of the same board, which
contained only a text legend in upper left part of the board.  Both
were rotated and repositioned in the same order left to right (after
resizing the virtual board; it was resized back to the result's size
before saving tmp.pcb).  panel2pcb produced a board with a spurious
copy of the first board's text as described.  The second board's
original text position was within the result's outline, but there's no
copy of it in the result.

Archive with files at

(1) Advanced Circuits bare bones prototypes with one day turn, no
silk or soldermask.  I was in a bit of a hurry by the time I'd finished
all the little projects that were being composited.  Boards look very
nice - the tinned surfaces (I believe they said these are all leadfree
now) look really neat, more white than shiny silvery.  Three 5 x 10
boards (one to break, one to play with, one to make as clean as
possible for demo) were about $130 with 2nd day shipping.  Could have
gotten 4 with masks and silks for just a bit more ($33 special), but by
the time this was ready to send off I didn't want to have to explain
another week's delay.  :-/

We found that we were making mistakes due to the complexity.  Then we
wrote scripts to write the configs for us, and using these scripts, we
made mistakes in a faster, more automated manner.  Something needed to
be done.  -- Jeff Allen, A Gentle Introduction to Cricket

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to layout footprints overhanging edge of board?

2008-08-22 Thread Martin Maney
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 06:12:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The wiki shows how you can make your outline by opening your *.pcb file
 with a text editor (like gedit or emacs) ... which is a quick way to get
 accurate results if you're comfortable working that way.

It's good to have an escape hatch to get around the program's
limitations... as long as it's not necessary in the vast majority of

GUIs are just what some developer thinks you'll be needing  -- PJ

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: printing from PCB

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Maney
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 01:38:44AM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Use the export-postscript option.

D'oh!  I really was up too late.  Thanks!

vi is a microcosm of the Unix world.  Don't expect
to learn all of it at once; perhaps you shouldn't expect
to learn all of it at all.  -- Jon Lasser (Think Unix)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprints over the edge

2008-08-10 Thread Martin Maney
On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 01:21:51PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What if you have an outline layer that you hang the parts over the

From what I saw yesterday during a major what if revision, PCB
doesn't care a hoot if parts are inside the outline or not, as long as
they're within the configured PCB size (it was picky about drawing the
outline if the line would run over a pin, though; dunno about dropping
a pin on top of it, but they could be dragged across it just fine).  As
I also inadvertently discovered, however, pcb2panel pays no attention
whatsoever to the outline, so if you're panelizing you need to set the
real size anyway...

 You can make two footprints for your over-the edge parts ... say one
 without the the silk information that you're using for alignment.  After
 doing the layout, switch to the footprint without the silk (?).

That would work, but doesn't seem to me to be an improvement - at least
not given that I already have the connectors I need for now in mark
over the edge form.  :-)  I should give it a try next time I need to
create a horizontal PC mount connector and find out.

 As for hanging parts over the outline layer ... it'll come down to your
 board maker.  I don't think PCB will shear off the stuff over the line (I
 suppose someone could make it so(?)).  Either they won't notice because
 they automatically trim anything outside of the outline, or  they'll
 suspend your job until you tell them it's okay.
 I've sent boards to advanced circuits before and they didn't even notice
 there were parts of connectors (in silk) hanging over the edge.

Which suggests a variation - just one footprint with a mounting plane
indication in silk (and perhaps indicating the required clearances for
mounting as well), the rest of the outline designed to stay within the
likely board area.  Though that still only works for the two free
sides if panelizing...

I'm not proud.  We really haven't done everything we could to
protect our customers ... Our products just aren't engineered
for security.  -- Brian Valentine, Microsoft Senior VP
  in charge of the Windows development team

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: printing from PCB

2008-08-10 Thread Martin Maney

This may just be me being up later than I should be working on this,
but I can't find a clue just now: can PCB be asked to print just the
one or two pages I want rather than the set of 12, most of which just
become needless waste paper as soon as they come out of the printer?

How about getting it to print to a file - it might be cumbersome, but
then I could somehow get just the pages that are useful.  I briefly had
high hopes for the separate files checkbox, but it didn't seem to
have any effect at all.  :-(

/me goes to bed, which /me ought to have done an hour ago...

The avoidance of idiocy should be the primary and constant concern
of every intelligent person.  -- Nero Wolfe

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Footprints over the edge

2008-08-07 Thread Martin Maney
On Wed, Aug 06, 2008 at 02:04:14PM -0500, Martin Maney wrote:
 will mount to.  After pondering this for a while, I have come to the
 not really savory conclusion that a small kluge is as good a solution
 as possible: I placed the footprint's mark on the center line of the
 connector's axis, in the plane of that external panel.  So in normal
 use these would all be placed somewhat off the edge of the PC board,
 which doesn't seem quite right, but does seem less awful than having no
 indication of the mounting plane present at all (really didn't care for
 having a silk line out there, although the vendor I expect to be using
 says they simply delete such extraneous silkscreen marks).

As it turns out, there are issues with having anything off the edge of
the board.  As I was reminded when trying to juggle some changes found
only after I'd reduced the board dimensions to the actual size (1), you
aren't allowed to push silk over the edge.  In a simpler test
situation, PCB didn't seem to be bothered by having the mark hanging
off the board, but when I had tried to make changes to the real board
after sizing it, I got all sorts of weird behavior.  Some things
couldn't be moved.  At least once it locked up (well, nothing could be
moved; exiting was an option).  At one point after making the changes -
this was before I'd seen any of the odd behaviors - it would segfault
trying to load the finished board.

So there are drawbacks to abusing the mark to indicate the position of
a mounting plane that in the nature of such things needs to be
(slightly) past the edge of the PC board... at least with PCB version

(1) speaking of setting the board size, is there a way to do that other
than editing the file by hand?  I'm sure I used to know the answer to
this, but I can't find anything about it now (which is why I suspect
it's still done by hand).

Self-pity is like sitting there and peeing your pants:
at first, it's warm and comfy, but pretty soon it gets cold
and then it starts to stink.  - anonymous, as is traditional

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Footprints and their symbols, conventions for

2008-08-06 Thread Martin Maney

A couple of questions that have come up as I've been making some
symbols and footprints for various parts for a project that I need to
send off real soon now:

Looking at Bill Wilson's guide to defining transistors (1), despite an
initial feeling of unease, I find I'm pretty much convinced this is a
good plan.  So how come I don't see evidence that it's ever been
implemented (or where did I not look to find it)?

A couple of parts I needed to draw both symbols and footprints for are
PC-mounting connectors for external connections - so they need to be
mounted at an edge of the board, with attention to aligning their
individual mounting planes with the intended location of the panel they
will mount to.  After pondering this for a while, I have come to the
not really savory conclusion that a small kluge is as good a solution
as possible: I placed the footprint's mark on the center line of the
connector's axis, in the plane of that external panel.  So in normal
use these would all be placed somewhat off the edge of the PC board,
which doesn't seem quite right, but does seem less awful than having no
indication of the mounting plane present at all (really didn't care for
having a silk line out there, although the vendor I expect to be using
says they simply delete such extraneous silkscreen marks).

There was one more... oh, right.  Not immediately relevant, but
pondering the location of the mark for the horizontal connectors led me
to think about the footprints for vertical mounting versions.  In this
case it seems to me that the mark should be placed at the center (for a
round bodied connector) or other mechanical reference point.  As with
the horizontal sort described earlier, the mounting requirements are
what really determines the placement, and PCB has to accomodate the
resulting pad positions, be they on the grid or off.

At least that's how my thinking is working today.  :-)


During much of that epoch [the thirties and early forties],
I gained my livelihood writing for the silver screen,
an occupation which, like herding swine, makes the vocabulary pungent
but contributes little to one's prose style.  -- S J Perelman

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: geda 1.4.0 in Hardy - is xgsch2pcb supposed to work now?

2008-08-01 Thread Martin Maney

Having as my main - and not pleasant -  memory of using the geda/PCB
tools half a year ago be the incredibly annoying repetitive typing of
commands (both at the normal CLI, where the really common ones could be
scripted, as well as inside PCB, where... well, I never did, anyway), I
thought I'd take the fresh new install for a spin and give try
xgsch2pcb.  It worked fine for the project I'd finished half a year
ago, so I thought I'd give it a small piece of the upcoming one to try. 
Had to create a symbol, yeah, boring and annoying, but old hat -
schematic entry went well enough, shook the rust off the muscle

Then xgsch2pcb just tanked.  Couldn't find any of my footprints.  I
couldn't find anything that said anything useful about how to tell it
where to find the footprints.  No provision for it at all, at all, int
he x-- interface.  Tried variations on the elemnts-dir lines shown in
one tutorial (buried under mounds of finger exercises - I do wish there
was documentation for this stuff, not just rambling, ill-organized
narratives.  no, sorry, I can't write it - if i could, I might be doing
it, and i certainly wouldn't need to ask this question.  oh, wait, you
aren't the project who always responds to complaints about the docs by
saying so send a patch.  never mind...) ...

So if I pu them in the project then running gsch2pcb by hand works just
fine - finds the footprints as expected.  But if I load that project
file into xgsch2pcb, it just goes blank - all the controls grey, can't
do anything (it does show the right name in the PCB file slot, IIRC).

So what's the secret?  Or is this just something that needs another
year of simmering, as I think someone put it about a year ago?


And in the end, reality always tends to hit theory hard
in the face when you least expect it.  - Linus

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [gattrib] OS X cut/paste

2007-12-14 Thread Martin Maney
On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 09:36:35PM -0700, John Doty wrote:
 On Dec 13, 2007, at 9:19 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:
 Is there something wacky about OS X's implementation of X11
  w.r.t. copy/paste, or have I stumbled into a gattrib bug? When in
  gattrib, I can select and copy (or at least appear to copy) data
  from a cell, but the paste menu entry never activates.
 I've never seen menu paste activate in OSX X11. Paste current  
 selection, X11-style, using option-click or middle click. However:

Using the version packaged in Ubuntu Gutsy (200706-something), I had
rather the opposite experience: the usual X11 mouse select/paste has
never worked for me, but the (right-click context menu) paste does. 
Well, except when it doesn't, but I'm not sure if the pins tab is
supposed to be of any use - the only thing I tired to fixup that way
ran into can't paste (probably only tried to use context menu?) as
well as you can type new text in but it will be reverted (when focus
leaves that cell, IIRC), so I went back to hacking in a text editor.

I've also found that gattrib (only) is quite dysfunctional when working
remotely through an ssh tunnel.  gschem and pcb both work fine, albeit
very, very slowly for some things (or all things when the tubes are
feeling clogged), but in gattrib I never get anything but a hollow
cross mouse pointer and can't do anything to the data cells (scrolling,
menus, etc. work okay).  The X server in this case is on a Feisty
install, client on the same Gutsy machine.

 This works from gattrib to other apps, but it doesn't work when  
 gattrib is the destination of the paste.

I think this directionality matches my experience.  I'm sure the can't
paste from elsewhere into gattrib part is ringing a bell.

An education that does not teach clear, coherent writing
cannot provide our world with thoughtful adults; it gives us instead,
at the best, clever children of all ages.  -- Richard Mitchell

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Pads do not clear polygons

2007-12-10 Thread Martin Maney
On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 02:24:29PM +, Peter Clifton wrote:
 PCB and gsch2pcb both provide default layer groupings. It depends on
 which you started your layout with, which you'll get.

Yes.  The backwards masking item was created in PCB, with a dotfile
that had gotten scrambled somewhere along the way.  Likely I hadn't
noticed before because aside from simple little tests I'd been working
with layouts initialized by gsch2pcb that brought in their own sane
layer stack.  That mixup was definitely *not* PCB's default, as it was
sane when I ran it from a test account that didn't have a messed-up
(or any) local config in ~/.pcb

 I really hope neither of these is setting the component and solder
 stackup wrong!

Nope.  Their defaults are different (and gsch2pcb should be easier to
change than editing the source (IIRC the FAQ item I just skimmed
over)), but they are both sane by default.

 Layers option on left,
 Groups tab on the right pane.

Yeah, that was it.  :-)  And I had even found it once before...

During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of
Christianity been on trial.  What have been its fruits?  More or less
in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and
servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.
  --  James Madison

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Pads do not clear polygons

2007-12-09 Thread Martin Maney
On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 10:12:45AM -0800, Harry Eaton wrote:
 Actually this is simply that you have the layer named
 component on the solder side and the layer named
 solder on the component side. That's a really bad
 to set up the layer groups.

Yes, that seems logical.  As best I recall *I* didn't do any setup of
the layers - that was how PCB had them by default.  So of course I
never thought to check that.

That's interesting - it's in ~/.pcb/preferences, and it does seem to
be different than what it sets up de novo, but I have no memory of
intentionally changing groups, either through the GUI or by editing
preferences (well, until I edited it just now to put it back to sane).
Speaking of the layers/groups GUI, I stumbled across that once upon a
time, but now I can't find it.  Hints?


[the combination of iPod and iTunes is like]
buying a 21st-century device
to live in the seventies.  -- Wes Phillips

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Heavy Symbols and such

2007-12-05 Thread Martin Maney
On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 08:07:45AM +0100, Bert Timmerman wrote:
 I think we should not create heavy symbols on build time but during run
 time (when the part is needed).


What's the difference between a light symbol and a heavy one?  It's
just that the heavy symbol has more attributes that specify it for a
particular component in various ways, no?  And so it's really just
about what you begin with when you add a new symbol to the schematic,
unless you expect that a heavy were resistant to being edited (those
heavy attributes nailed down as it were) or... other things?

 Levente Kovacs has set up a database concept which could be expanded on
 (the bookmarked link I have does not seem to work anymore).
 In this way we could have both: generic light symbols and single
 purpose heavy symbols.

My thinking so far - and it's certainly not complete! - has been that
with a bit of care light and heavy symbols should play nicely together. 
It may not be this simple when all's done - the discussion about FPGAs
suggests there may be inherent complications I'm not thinking of yet. 
It's certainly not so simple to the extent that the schematic editor
needs to do stuff (beyond editing and maybe displaying) with the

 See also:

Might be copies of the files at - try
poking in the Public files section.  I'm not sure what's going on
there - clicking on things seems to cause unexpected changes, and some
intriguing filenames vanished and I couldn't get them back again...

You arguably have quite a few inalienable rights,
but being taken seriously isn't one of them.
Neither is being respected.  -- Rick Moen

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Heavy Symbols and such

2007-12-05 Thread Martin Maney
On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 09:56:41AM -0800, Steve Meier wrote:
 I also agree that flat files really arn't a good way to capture a lot of
 relevent information. I shudder thinking about a library of 10 million
 resistors one for each manufacturor each package, each value etc.

This reminds a little of something I stole for the sig-quote database
(which is just a bunch of flat files, as it happens, but nowhere near a
million of them grin):

  This is like making a car shorter by cutting off a few inches
  from each end with a Sawzall.  Of course there's little benefit,
  because that's a dumb way to do it.

There would be ten million resistor symbols only if you ignore the
natural regularities of that universe of components.  This does require
a little more logic, to apply the reduced volume of tabular data

And, yeah, those things are a little ad-hoc.  And some things will be
so much their own weird thing that they do need a totally unique
description per part.  blinkSo it goes./blink

And in the end, reality always tends to hit theory hard
in the face when you least expect it.  - Linus

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [pcb] first board docs

2007-12-05 Thread Martin Maney
On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 10:22:46AM -0800, Ben Jackson wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 11:35:03AM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
  Comments?  Ideas?
 Don't shy away from new symbol and footprint creation.  That's a very
 necessary part of building any but the simplest boards.


The tutorials I saw all looked so simple that it was quite a shock when
I tried a real board (c. two dozen simple parts) and found that the
transistors all didn't work because of the EBC vs 321 mismatch.  And
finding the right names for the m4 footprints was another surprise -
don't recall where I came across a probably incomplete list that was
adequate for that layout.

Hmmm.  One thing I had fun with was the odd and unanticipated
behavior of a drawing frame - I wanted to switch to portrait, I think
it was, and while it's easy to stick a frame and title block in, until
you stumble across locking it down it tends to get selected and moved
around accidentally a lot.  :-/  It's not that it's very obscure, just
that when everything is new, there's a lot of stuff you don't yet

 I'd actually like to see a video that goes through the entire process
 so you can't cheat and skip steps...

The not skipping steps is important, but I don't care for an actual
video.  It's too easy to miss details that pass by - they're there,
they just aren't as obvious as if they had to be mentioned in words. 
But both would be no bad thing.  :-)

There is nothing perhaps so generally consoling to a man as a
well-established grievance; a feeling of having been injured,
on which his mind can brood from hour to hour, allowing him
to plead his own cause in his own court, within his own heart,
and always to plead it successfully.  -- Anthony Trollope

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Symbols and footprints and stuff, oh my

2007-12-04 Thread Martin Maney

So I've been fairly happy with these tools (currently using the
packaged stuff from Ubuntu's Gutsy release), but there are a couple
little things I've run into, aside from the peculiar behavior that
arises when one tries to make an oval pin and use it in a ground

So I did a smallish circuit full of discrete transistors and Rs and Cs,
and found usable footprints for all of them, but the pins from the
transistor symbols - npn-2 and pnp-2 - didn't match the numeric pin
names on the footprints.  gsch2pcb spit out a script that I would have
thought was intended to deal with that sort of thing, but no, it's all
just identities like this:

ChangePinName(Q9, E, E)
ChangePinName(Q9, C, C)
ChangePinName(Q9, B, B)

I thought I did everything as described in the schematic-to-pcb
writeup, but if this makes you think I forgot a step don't hesitate to
mention it, of course.

Then there's the footprints, which are good enough to use but not
ideal (eg, the m4 TO92 calls out pin 1 backwards from what seems to be
the usual practice for that package, at least for the inline-pins
variant; then too, I don't really want that square pad, useful as it
was for identifying the numbering the footprint used).  While chasing
links all over creation, I came across Bill Wilson's discussion of
transistor pinouts:

At first I didn't care for it, having used other tools with a more
heavyweight symbol approach, but I've decided he's on to something. 
I'll talk about a half-formed thought about a possibly better
compromise between lightweight and heavyweight symbols, but for the
moment I'm just wondering if (1) Bill's approach is generally approved
of, and (2) if anyone's already run up footprints (I guess the existing
symbols will suffice, aside from that letters vs numbers thing) for
this approach.


...and of course you must be careful not to overwrite the bounds of
memory blocks, free a memory block twice, forget to free a memory block,
use a memory block after it's been freed, use memory that you haven't
explicitly allocated, etc.  We C++ programmers have developed tricks
to help us deal with this sort of thing, in much the same way that people
who suffer severe childhood trauma develop psychological mechanisms to
insulate themselves from those experiences.  -- Joseph A. Knapka

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Symbols and footprints and stuff, oh my

2007-12-04 Thread Martin Maney
On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 06:49:10PM -0500, Dan McMahill wrote:
 This is a known problem in the current flow.  I think the right answer here 

As you'll see, I don't disagree, basically, about the long-term answer. 
Are there any shorter-term solutions planned, or is that the realm of a
little sed script or some such that each of us arranges as we prefer?

 is to use a script to generate a library of heavy symbols for things like 
 transistors.  Search for a post by me that has something like symbol 
 generator in the body.

My thinking, as far as it's gotten, goes something like this:

1) it would be really nice to be able to maintain close compatibility
with the lightweight symbol approach.  One thing I don't like about
really heavy symbols (at least in the form I've encountered them in
other software) is that they're a pain to change (this is likely more
of an issue for schematic - simulation).  In principle there could be
a convenient change [transistor] type, but it always seems to bite me
with a half-assed let the user delete it and put a new one in by
hand, with messye details like part numbering and such left to fall
where they may.

So my thoughts are along the lines of what would be the least that
would allow the glue tools (schematic - netlist, - minimal pcb, etc.)
to do the work?  For transistors, the convention seems to be to use,
eg., value=2N3904.  Now, suppose there were a package=TO92 attribute,
and a simple table of value+package - footprint+pin_mapping...  with
the option to override the footprint at least with an explicit one for
backwards compatability (or a package not in the table)...  Something
similar (perahps the same table?) would take care of simulation, though
for most parts I'm familiar with the package wouldn't change much
except the thermal resistance.  But I don't play around in the GHz
range, so I dunno if it should be one table or two.

Anywhow, this doesn't *require* any changes to gscheme (or PCB or
*spice), though there's certainly room to make it more conveninent to
select parts there.  But if I were going to try for a proof of concept
- which I really haven't time for right now, gotta *use* the programs
to get some boards prototyped in the next couple weeks - it could be
done by hand and wouldn't be much different than current usage that

 On some other symbols, you might see things like the pin called 1 being 
 renamed to IN or OUT.  That file is purely for cosmetic purposes, i.e. 
 if you skip it, your final artwork will not change.

Ahhh.  It did do something with + and - for polarized caps, didn't notice
if it was actually necessary.

 Then there's the footprints, which are good enough to use but not
 ideal (eg, the m4 TO92 calls out pin 1 backwards from what seems to be
 the usual practice for that package, at least for the inline-pins

 Does it match the JEDEC drawing?

I thought I'd come across a scan-in-pdf of the TO92 docs, but I can't
find it now; perhaps that's at the lab.  I do have the closely-related
TO226, and JEDEC doesn't show pin numbers on that.  It refers to pin
two w.r.t. the triangular pinout (leadformed from inline or molded
that way), but of course that's the same either way.  :-(

 I hacked together a proof of concept thing for transistors and it works 
 well.  I posted it to the list a while back.  I'd send again, but I'm in 
 the middle of trying to find a computer to read that hard drive :(

Bah, more stuff I need to look for.  :-)

Happy Holidays!  Cry Charge it! and let slip the dogs of more.

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