Re: gEDA-user: howto toporoute?

2011-09-13 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 22:53 +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

 Seems like the toporouter would need more than just GUI integration and user 
 accessible parameters to become a viable option. :-|

Sure -- in one of the last postings the author told us, that one year
fulltime work ($50k) is necessary to finish it. And for other people it
may be really hard to continue the project -- a complete rewrite may be
easier? Have you tried the old PCB autorouter? When I tried it years ago
it worked not really good, but in the meantime the author has made some
serious improvements, as he told us. And, someone has reported about
some success with an import/export script and the freerouting router.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-10 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-09-10 at 10:19 +0530, Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 22:20, Dan Roganti wrote:
  I wouldn't say wipeout, from looking at the current state of
documentation, there's been a huge amount of work done there. I would
suggest just making some additions and editing some parts to bring some
attention to all of the important features.
 +1. There's lots of good documentation, but there are things missing
 and lots of details need to be added. I think it would be a very good
 idea to have some collection of documents (or at least link to these).
 I'm willing to help with the documentation since I do use gEDA
 regularly (and i'm not much help with the programming).

What we really should consider:
A lot of documentation can be bad.

Consider the toys from the big company with the damaged fruit: A reason
for the success of the toys is that documentations seems to be not

A lot of documentation can make people think that it is very

For gEDA/PCB we have collected a lot of documentation over the years --
some is obsolete/outdated/redundant now or covers details, which most
people are not interested in -- at least not when starting with

Send to geda-user: Sat Sep 10 13:34:27 CEST 2011


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2011-09-08 at 09:22 -0500, John Griessen wrote:

 If anyone has some time for planning user interface changes, I have a few
 low level ideas

Yes, a few people including me voted for this for years. That was one of
the reasons for me starting my ruby gschem clone one year ago. Maybe the
wedana html5 clone will support a new  user interface?

But for gschem: Some people seems to really love the current behaviour.

For me, I never loved the many tool changes, and I was never able to
remember all the key combinations. er is edit rotate, ve is view
extend. For the later I am not really sure -- have not used gschem for a

But because some people love the current behaviour, our only chance may
be to add an additional alternative mode, which may be not really easy.
When we are allowed to make that dramatic changes at all?

Moving elements without have to select it first is really nice. And drag
select and zoom into window if started on a void area. And panning if we
move an element with middle mouse button. And of course starting nets
when hitting pin or net ends. All without having to change the tool.
That is fun for new users and part time users.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: CERN goes for KiCAD

2011-09-07 Thread Stefan Salewski
Hello John,

I am really happy (and a bit of surprised) that critical postings are
still allowed for this list.

On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 22:07 -0400, John Hudak wrote:
 You might want to consider import/export capability for the most widely
used commercial product (not sure what that is at the moment).

Import/Export is fine for all free/open available formats. Unfortunately
many important formats are not free, so we would have to do reverse
engineering or use confidential leaked documentation. Some of us refuse
to do that, including me. An example is the specctre format. 

You may want to consider the following as well:
1) An updated tutorial that is accurate

Yes, to make simple minded people happy we need all that. Smart people
seems to have not really big problems with current gEDA state. The
problem with simple minded people (like me :-) ) is, that they are
consumers (stupid and greedy), with no intention and skills to really
contribute. And they do not understand or care about the difference
between free speech and free beer.

Many of your points are easily  to fix even for people with no
programming skills, ie. writing new, really fine documentation. But it
is hard, boring work, so I do understand  that the developers prefer
coding. DJ has done it very well with his
-- unfortunately some beginners miss that tutorial. And it would be fine
to have a few more clean and consistent documents like this.

Do you think all that is really better for other tools?
I am not convinced.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb gtk: Toggle buttons for route styles?

2011-09-02 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 17:35 -0700, Russell Dill wrote:

 I'll just sit back and wish for auto-route style by net property.

Yes, I still think that old wish would be an improvement. One more step
from a painting program to real EDA. Having properties/attributes like
width, clearance, impedance, max-length for traces, pins and pads may be
an advantage for manual and auto-routing. I know from DJ that we already
have PCB support of attributes for imported netlist -- but it may be
very difficult to propagate it to each trace segment. And of course,
some people prefer plain painting, if I remember the toporouter
discussion correctly.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem: Modifier keys for moving?

2011-08-30 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-08-29 at 10:07 -0700, Colin D Bennett wrote:

 Are you running an old version of GTK?  My pcb tear-off menus are
 completely nonfunctional -- clicking menu items on the torn-off menu
 does not toggle the checkmark, for instance.

Works fine for gtk+-2.24.4 and pcb-20100929 shipped with Gentoo Linux
(AMD64). But tear-off menu may be deprecated for GTK3?

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gschem: Modifier keys for moving?

2011-08-25 Thread Stefan Salewski
If my memory is correct, there are plans (have seen a patch at geda-dev
long time ago?) to allow moving of objects without need of selecting
them first for gschem1.8, as suggested in my draft

Would it make sense to have modifier keys for moving? I would like
rubberband mode for plain move, and no rubberband when SHIFT is hold
down. I think currently we have to type or or use pulldown menu -- at
least there should be an icon for fast toggling.

And of course, there should be much more, i.e a combo-box for grid size
with default values 100, 50, 25, 10 and entry field for custom values.
(why these void area on the right of the 10 icons in gschem GUI?)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb HID GUI options: gtk, lesstif?

2011-08-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-08-24 at 13:53 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  eh, one of the reasons I really like having two monitors is so I can
 I have four monitors (monitors are cheap!).  layout on the main
 monitor, menus and dialogs on the left, pdfs on the right, schematic
 on the upper.

More or less related:

Gimp seems to prefer (default to) one large window now, as reported by
heise yesterday.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Shadows for selected symbols?

2011-08-21 Thread Stefan Salewski
As you may know some time ago I had the idea of using shadow effects for
highlighting of selected symbols in schematics. I put a picture on my

(Picture may be too large for the page, you may have to use something
like show picture in your browser to get a clear view.) 

I am using shadow, lighter color and thicker lines when elements are
selected or the mouse pointer hovers over it. The effect is additive,
strongest result when pointer hovers over an already selected element.
It looks fine when zoomed in, but unfortunately it is not very easy to
find all selected elements when the display is small. The largest
disadvantage is, that we are limited with useful colors.

What I like is the clamping of lower linewidth, and the ability to move
elements without the need of first selecting it.

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: tragesym error - help please!

2011-08-12 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-08-12 at 14:27 -0400, John Hudak wrote:
 So I follow the tutorial on creating a gschem symbol

I think I have seen similar reports a few times on this list, see

and maybe the other postings of that thread.

Unfortunately many people do not tell us when they finally solve the
problem, so I have no idea what really was going wrong.

I will send you a direct copy of this mail, due to moderation the list
is very slow.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Constraint-based PCB footprint design

2011-08-08 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 03:47 +0100, Rob Spanton wrote:
 Hey all,
 I've recently been playing around with designing footprints by
 describing a set of constraints that position features relative to each
 other.  This is rather than specifying the absolute co-ordinates of
 every feature.

Interesting, but I have to admit that I think my one in better suited
for regular shaped devices. (

Do we have a list of all available generators? Would be useful to find
the best one for a special type of footprint. Yours may be very good for
irregular shapes, with not too many pads.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Linux Desktop für gEDA

2011-08-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2011-08-04 at 15:33 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  just log out,
 Log out?  Log OUT?  What's that?  ;-)
 Uptime 60 days, logged in 60 days ago...

I can remember that you built something like a power meter some time
ago. What is the power consumption of your box, and how much arctic
polar ice have you melt in the last 60 days?

Just switch it off (if not absolutely necessary) -- Nancy Reagan would

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb GL can't render stretched arcs

2011-07-16 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-07-16 at 00:18 -0700, Andrew Poelstra wrote:

 There is a fairly informative discussion of this problem on SO:

Or you may look at

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb GL can't render stretched arcs

2011-07-16 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-07-16 at 19:16 +0200, Karl Hammar wrote:
 Stefan Salewski:
 It seems a little too general and it is a 35MB download [1].
 Their code seems to be in
 and at a quick glance it seems to be a lot of calculations.
 Do you have any experience about their library ?
 /Karl Hammar

I am using their solution for Distance point to  line segment, it is
fine. Many other sources, as the mathematica site, confuses it with the
simpler solution for an infinite line. But I was in need for distance to
finite line segment -- and I was not smart enough to find that simple
solution myself.

Of course math for ellipses is more difficult, but I think the page is really nice, I have bookmarked it. But I
have not looked at their ellipses code.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: CERN launches Open Hardware Licence 1.1

2011-07-08 Thread Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: web version of gschem/pcb

2011-06-20 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 10:42 -0700, Josh Jordan wrote:
 I think it would be a big advance to port the gschem/pcb formats to
 javascript and svg.  It would make geda accessible to every platform
 and really make it easy for new users to get started.  It would make
 development easier if you only support a set of standards instead of
 different build environments that overall run on a minority of the
 systems out there.  Javascript and SVG with local data can perform as
 well as any desktop application in 2d graphics.
 -Josh Jordan

Please note: Recently someone wrote a HTML5 viewer for gschem
schematics, and someone other reported about his effort to port gEDA
file format to svg. You may find that in the archives for this list.

Personally I would be happy if YOU can make a web based version -- if
you have the time, skills and motivation to do it. (Although I do not
see too much benefit for it, and I can not imagine that a web based PCB
editor can compete with Peter C.'s GL branch. And for me other task, as
continuing the orphaned toporouter or better integration of gnucap
simulation would be of more benefit.) 

As you may know, I am working with low priority on a tiny gschem clone
written from scratch in Ruby using Cairo and GTK. I have spent about 450
hours of work for that project now, and I am far away from an useful
tool still. (I can read gschem files, draw, zoom, pan and move elements
-- really very limited still.)

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: help request: gnetlist not reading scm files

2011-06-14 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 17:20 -0400, Ethan Swint wrote:
 For some reason, when I call gnetlist, e.g.
 gnetlist -g BOM2 asymmetric_3phs.sch -o bom.txt
 it encounters an error:
 Failed to read BOM2 scm file [/usr/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-BOM2.scm]
 In current input:
 1: 0* (BOM2
 unnamed port:1:1: In expression (BOM2
 unnamed port:1:1: Unbound variable: BOM2
 The files are present and have read permissions.  I'm using the bundled 
 version in Fedora 14, geda-gnetlist-1:1.6.2-1.fc14 (x86_64).  Anyone 
 else run into a similar problem?

Guess: try bom2 as advertised from
gnetlist -g help

If that does not help, then we have to wait for a reply from smart
people. I have no idea about the meaning of the error messages...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Python: Task list ...

2011-05-27 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 13:33 +0900, John Doty wrote:
 Hmm, Python seems popular,

Eagle, Windows, Basic, Java are popular too -- if popularity is your

Seriously -- I am not too happy that Python is praised, but Ruby is
mentioned only a few times here. Both languages are very similar. Python
is more popular in western countries, one reason is that it was
available earlier here, why Ruby started in Japan. Ruby is more popular
for web development, while Python is stronger in scientific world,
numpy, mathplotlib ...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Task list for: Solving the light/heavy symbol problem

2011-05-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 11:52 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  Maybe we should aim at core gnetlist API being available in libgeda?
  Or in libgnetlist?
 What would this API provide?  Would PCB need/want to use it?

Unfortunately I was not able to follow all the discussions on this list,
so maybe my question is already answered somewhere:

What is the intended workflow gschem - PCB in  future?
Currently we have gsch2pcb (gnetlist) and I read that recent PCB can
read gschem schematics direct -- I have no idea how PCB does this, is
PCB using gnetlist, or only parsing the schematics files? (So gnetlist
will become obsolete for gschem - PCB workflow?)

The reason why I am asking: I would like to transfer extended
information from schematics to initial PCB layout, i.e. position of
elements (initial position of footprints should be similar to symbol
position in schematics) and optional attributes for each net segment.

My intention was to define something like an extended netlist format,
which may contain footprint names and there position and nets with
attributes (width, impedance, length, ...) Maybe all that is obsolete
already -- sometimes development speed is so fast that I can not really


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 19:26 +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 Russell Shaw wrote:
  I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
  it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.
 I wouldn't mind to learn (a new language). But to learn a new language by 
 almost non-commented code is just too much of a barrier. 

The problem in not only missing documentation, but the fact that not all
geda guile code is really clean and beautiful, as stated by one of the
experts some time ago on this list. I don't know if that is true, but I
have seen that even experts had to work hard to make small improvements.
I think that learning lisp/scheme/guile is an interesting (academic)
task. But I think that gEDA is not a really good point to start
learning, because: 1. the C-guile interaction and 2. the risk of
breaking something.

And finally: It is hard to see the real benefit of mixing c and guile in
geda for simple people like me. For PCB C plugins seem to work fine.
Guile may be really fine for writing extensions/exporters, but very few
people really do it. And guile itself seems to be not a masterpiece of
software -- gentoo package maintainers have to struggle with version
conflicts, guile is not used much at all (OK, gimp has guile script

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 20:36 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:
 On 17/05/11 02:44, DJ Delorie wrote:
 A schematic/pcb editor is not huge unless it's done in an inelegant way.
 A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the symbol 
 footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent library browser.
 Then i would make a drawing mode so that whatever symbol i click on in the
 schematic, will appear under the mouse in the pcb. Likewise, clicking a pcb
 symbol hilights it in the schematic.
 I'd design everything from the ground up to decent reverse annotations so
 that pin and gate swapping in the pcb appears in the schematic. Hierarchical
 schematics is a must too.
 By serializing all the gui actions internally, undo/redo and scripting is easy
 to add.
 Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
 hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power
 Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

gEDA/PCB may be not the ultimate tools, but they work not bad, when you
have learned to use them. (I guess for KiCAD it is similar)

Most other commercial tools, like the popular eagle, or the more than
10k Euro professional tools, needs a long learning period. I was told
that companies consider a 3 month learning period with seminars for
employees when they switch their 10k professionals tools.

EDA design is different from custom office tools!
And an application interface is not bad, just because it is not like
latest Apple/Windows style.

I really would be happy if we can try YOUR EDA suite soon -- but I know
how fast these great projects can fail. Your sentence

A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the
symbol and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent
library browser.

makes me not really confident.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 12:02 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

 Core features in the PCB editor can be pretty complex. We have a lot of
 code for dealing with polygon geometry,

May we consider use of clipping libraries like

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:35 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

 I was expert at using high-end HP DCS/PCDS on unix boxes 20 years
 ago before it got discontinued, and a few other cad systems since then.
  A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the
  symbol and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent
  library browser.
  makes me not really confident.
 I've thought of all the implementation and usage problems for a *long* time.
 I've been coding on lower level problems for quite a while too.

Great -- the FOSS EDA world really needs some more smart and active

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:59 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

 Instead of blindly reinventing the wheel, i always look in detail
 at what currently exists.

Maybe KiCAD is a better starting point for you?
Written in C++ with wxWidgets, it is available for multiple OS including
windows. Here in Germany KiCad is more popular than gEDA/PCB, even for
Linux users. I do not really understand this, I have never find time and
motivation to really test KiCad myself. While gEDA/PCB has some serious
users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver

On the KiCAD developer mailing list there is much activity, but there
are only a few really smart and active developers, so development
progress is slow. Indeed, nearly all windows KiCAD users seems to be
only consumers, without any contributions. And there is Fritzing or Qucs
-- Qucs has schematics and simulation support, but PCB backend is
missing. Once I had the strange idea to implement a PCB or schematics
mode for inkscape. Really crazy.

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 00:41 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

 The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.
 C++ was a *really* bad idea. Qt i don't like because it was fundamentally
 architected just for the sake of hiding code from users using the MOC
 preprocessor that used to be closed source. Anyway, it's C++ too.

KiCAD uses wxWidgets, not (direct) QT. Qucs uses QT.

Many people seems to like QT. When I started learning GUI programming
for Linux some years ago, I decided for GTK, against QT. Because GTK is
more in the spirit of FOSS. But most people seems to vote for QT,
against GTK. Popularity of QT may drop, when there is less support from
Nokia in future.

C++: I have never managed to really learn it -- with a background in
Pascal/Modula/Oberon I was never really happy with C++. But for a PCB
layout tool C++ may be still the best choice. Ruby and Python are nice
for non time critical applications. Vala may be a nice option, as long
we are programming for GTK/Gnome. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 01:06 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

 I'm still studying geda, but if i did some real work on it, it
 would end up having an extra file format, extra guis, and a closer
 sch/pcb link.

Maybe a good starting point is defining a new extended file format. (For
current pcb footprint keepouts and copper arcs are missing...) If that
format is fine, someone may write importers and exporters for gschem,
PCB, maybe KiCAD. But even this is a big task -- some like the gschem
format with position dependent meaning, some like XML, YAML, SVG.

I think it is not a bad idea to have separate tools for schematic
capture and PCB layout work -- the tasks are really different, sometimes
done by different people. A closer coupling would be fine -- back
annotation and cross probing. That is easier in an integrated tool.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 12:44 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  I've always been interested in CAD programs and thought of making
  a schematic/pcb one from scratch.
 I've never truly understood why people would rewrite a (potentially)
 huge application set just because.  Why not start with the existing
 tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?  Like, start
 with pcb's HID modules but swap out the core?
 (and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
 there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
 replaced... ;)

I have no idea whom you cite, sorry.

Many people dream about designing and building an own house -- and most
computer science students dream about writing a compiler from scratch --
at the beginning of the education. Later they learn how difficult it is
(writing a good one for a complicated language) and do something easier.

Of course, only a very young child can do really something from scratch
-- older people always build on existing knowledge, even when they write
new code.

Reasons for writing from scratch:
- licenses
- other programming language
- other GUI toolkit
- other operating system
- other target audience (Fritzing has other target than gEDA/PCB/KICAD
- learning
- fun

CLANG -- gcc , wayland -- xfree86, inkscape -- xfig -- a few
promising rewrites from scratch.

I think for learning purposes writing something from scratch is always a
good decision. In most cases improving existing software is much more

In my opinion, writing a PCB layout tool from scratch is very much work
-- at least 5k hours for a very smart guy. (A group of people may need
much more than 5k hours total, because they have to agree on language
and Toolkit before starting and may waste much time with discussions.)  

For a simple schematics editor the task is much easier in these days, we
have support through nice OO languages like Ruby or Python, GUI Toolkits
like GTK or QT, and drawing support by libraries like cairo. So it was
my idea that writing a (basic) gschem clone can be done in 1k hours
resulting in about 15k lines of code. I started writing just for fun in
last summer, now after about 400 hours of work I think that my initial
estimation was not too bad, I think 25% is done. But I am still learning
GTK, Cairo and Ruby, so progress was slow. If I really should finish
that work, what is the benefit? 15k lines of code instead of 120k, only
Ruby code, instead of C mixed with guile, and a smarter user interface.
Not much, but maybe a better skeleton for other contributors? I don't

Today, I think that working on the PCB (Topo)-Router instead of a gschem
clone would have been a much more valuable task. But until one year ago
Anthony's progress was so awesome, that it was my feeling that I had not
much to offer in that direction. Now Anthony an his router has vanished
-- but still I think that that task is better suited for really smart
people, smarter than me. From time to time, when I have contact to a
smart one with interests in electronics and programming, I tell him
about that topic. Now that Anthony's homepage has disappeared, it is
even more difficult to catch smart guys.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: physics Re: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 20:52 +0200, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 John Doty writes:
  Because when the theory is all epicycles and no physics, there's no
  foundation upon which to stand.
 Epicycles are no less physics than Keplers Laws.

Epicycles really reminds me to gEDA.
Both were great at their time, both still work. But today we can imagine
more elegant tools.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: One more viewer for gEDA data.

2011-05-14 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 23:22 +0300, Павел Таранов wrote:
I'd like to introduse project Wedana ([1], which
is based on the gEDA file format.
This project is HTML5 renderer (and editor) for the gEDA file formats.

A very interesting project.

I was not aware that HTML5 (canvas) already supports editing of graphics
-- can you point me to a description and a minimal example, like

Is your project related to the suggested file format change to SVG
recently proposed by Andrew Seddon?

Do you intend to copy gschem editing behaviour?
In my Ruby gschem clone I have used a more smart mode: I can move
elements and net endpoints, select elements, zoom, pan -- and start new
nets when clicking on pin or net ends. So we can do most basic operation
in this smart mode, only for special operations we have to switch to
dedicated modes. I really like that, but it is a little bit more
complicated, I still have to spend some hours to get it really working.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to make a ground plane in PCB and attach all GND and VSS nets

2011-05-02 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 13:49 -0600, John Doty wrote:

 locate .sym | grep -i lm317

locate -i lm317 | grep .sym

should give the same result, with less consume of resources.
Indeed | grep .sym should be obsolete here.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to make a ground plane in PCB and attach all GND and VSS nets

2011-05-02 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 14:08 -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On May 2, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 13:49 -0600, John Doty wrote:
  locate .sym | grep -i lm317
  locate -i lm317 | grep .sym
  should give the same result, with less consume of resources.
  Indeed | grep .sym should be obsolete here.
 Close, but grep treats the . as a wildcard, so the results include a
 couple of things that aren't symbols.

Thanks -- I should never forget that most people on this list are really
smart :-)

(There may exist boxes without installed locate program, so it may be
necessary to install a package like mlocate or slocate.)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Wrong Pinout for LM337

2011-04-29 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 20:24 -0300, Daniel B. wrote:
 Hi geda-user@
 The LM337 symbol (lm337-1.sym) has a wrong pinout.

Seems that LM337 symbol shipped with geda has no associated footprint,
so we can not definitely say that pinout is wrong. It may be better to
say that pinnumbers do not match numbers in datasheet.

Kai-Martin provides a version with associated footprint at gedasymbols:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: RFC using SVG with semantic markup as an EDA format

2011-04-11 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2011-04-10 at 21:55 +0100, Andrew Seddon wrote:
 I am exploring the idea of using the Scalable Vector Graphics standard
 as an EDA format.
 Would be interested in your thoughts, there's a little more
 explanation on my blog.

What would be the benefit of SVG?

Arbitrary symbol sizes? We can scale our current symbols already, but a
schematic with very many different symbol sizes will look strange.
Indeed limited scaling may be fine, ie. scaling our 900 units long
resistor to 800 or 1000 units length -- but pins should always end on a
100 grid multiple. (no that is not really needed to connect nets, but
for ordered look.)  

Currently SVG export should be a trivial task due to cairo -- similar to
PS and PDF export.

Filled SVG paths are fine, we have it, still without editing support.

Do we need other fancy graphics? I do not think so. Schematics design is
not really art work.

If we really want full SVG, we may consider a Schematic Mode for
Inkscape. But Inkscape is really a large, complex tool.

If it is possible to embedd all the elelectronics stuff like
attributes, net connection, slots, ... in SVG file, then it may be OK.
But the effort -- it is similar to a complete rewrite of gschem. And a
rewrite -- again C and guile and GTK?

We may consider using inkscapes svg icon set for geda/pcb. Inkspape is
GPL, so it should be OK. You may look at files 


Very nice icon set, I intend using it for my plain ruby gschem clone.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: RFC using SVG with semantic markup as an EDA format

2011-04-11 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 23:18 +0800, Steven Michalske wrote:
 This is what I see as a benefit. If you go to a vendor's website you
 will find one or two EDA footprint and symbol files.  But nothing that
 was a bell ringer for commonality.  It would be nice to have a
 universal starting point.
 There is EDIF but I see EDIF as not being so useful, i think they
 tried to do too many things, and failed to get them all correct. As
 one file format to rule them all.
 I rather see svg symbol format, svg footprint format, and svg format.

For svg footprints we have two problems: We always have to convert it to
old gerber format before sending to manufacturer. (Or to another format
which manufacturers support, I think no one currently supports svg.) And
if we scale footprints, we should not to forget to scale our (real word)
components with the same factor. Of course, would be fine: If our case
is too small for our device, just scale the whole thing down. :-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: RFC using SVG with semantic markup as an EDA format

2011-04-11 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 07:50 -0400, Ethan Swint wrote:
 On 04/10/2011 04:55 PM, Andrew Seddon wrote:
  I am exploring the idea of using the Scalable Vector Graphics standard
  as an EDA format.
  Would be interested in your thoughts, there's a little more
  explanation on my blog.
 You might want to check out Fritzing (  It targets 
 non-EEs, but they have all of their graphics in SVG.

The have a paper

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Attribute Net (without pin assignment) - for Power and Port Symbols

2011-04-11 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 23:25 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

 I would advise a note of caution.

What some people do not like is the visible :1 in schematics -- can we
simple suppress that output for symbols with only one pin and digit 1
after the :
That would be a not too dangerous patch, because it concerns only
graphical output.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: inherited attributes

2011-04-08 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 16:29 -0400, Vincent wrote:

 Here are the 2 sym original and the modified respectively. 

You have modified much...

This is the output of gsymcheck for the second symbol, please check.

stefan@AMD64X2 ~/ttt $ gsymcheck -vv s2.sym 
Read garbage in [/home/stefan/ttt/s2.sym] :

Checking: /home/stefan/ttt/s2.sym
Warning: Found the same number in a pinnumber attribute and in a net
attribute [16]
ERROR: Invalid pintype=PWR attribute
ERROR: Invalid pintype=IN attribute
ERROR: Invalid pintype=IN attribute
ERROR: Invalid pintype=IN attribute
ERROR: Found duplicate pinseq=6 attribute in the symbol
ERROR: Found duplicate pinseq=6 attribute in the symbol
1 warnings found 
6 ERRORS found 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New mass attribute tool: gattrib_csv

2011-04-02 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-04-02 at 00:34 +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 Joshua wrote:
  I wrote a tool which exports and imports the properties from 
  a project to and to a csv file.   The format is simular to that of the 
  bom2 format as it groups lines together which have similar data.  This 
  way I could use oocalc to mass edit the attributes.
 This is great! 


 I always wondered, why geda tries to reinvent spread sheet wheels
 with gattrib. 

I think the gattrib effort is justified, when it can be integrated into
gschem. I know -- different tools for different task. But for me
creating a schematic is one task, we should have a graphical, and a
spreadsheet view. I will try to realize something like that for my ruby
gschem clone -- maybe in far future.

I was indeed thinking of an attribute -- Speadsheet conversion -- for
me the problem was, that schematics are not really flat, symbols have
attributes and pins, and pins have again attributes. I still have to
learn how that java program solves that problem.

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Two Power Supplies in gschem

2011-04-02 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-04-02 at 19:02 -0300, Daniel B. wrote:
 Hi geda-user@,
 I'm kinda new to gschem (in fact, first time learning a electronics
 cad software) and a little confused about the power pins issue. I read
 the geda-faq:gschem and found that it's a good practice to NOT hide
 the power pins.
 Is this related to the design of the symbol? Are there some (generic)
 attribute common to all symbols that makes the power pin visible?
 I'm trying to draw a circuit that uses 2 different power supplies, 12V
 and 5V. Are there any other good way to design this type of circuit?
 Any old topic in archive might be helpful too.
 Thank you in advance.

A difficult point for beginners -- we should have an entry in the FAQ
for this. Short answer:

Symbols can have invisible power pin, i.e some logic gates symbols have
entries like

net=GND:7 or net=+5V:14 or net=VCC:14

If you put multiple such symbols on your schematic these pins (pin 7 or
14) are connected for the netlist, and later on the PCB board.

Today often multiple voltages are used, so hidden power pins can
generate problems, use of something like VCC can be bad, because it may
stand for 3.3V and 5V and may generates unwanted shorts.

So it may be better to always use explicit visible power pins -- use
power pin like other ordinary pins, connect pins with nets. You may use
Power-symbols like GND to give names to these nets, or you may use the
netname attribute to give names to nets. Nets with the same name become
connected. There is no magic to switch between visible and invisible
pins, the author of the symbols decides how he wants it. Things become
even more complicated when we put the visible power pins to a separate
symbol instance. You may find examples for all kinds of symbols at

DJs and Wilsons tutorial may help

It is not easy for beginners, and my english is really bad today, sorry.
I hope someone other can explain it in better words.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multi-Select with SHIFT, CTRL...

2011-03-19 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-03-19 at 13:14 -0700, Steven Michalske wrote:

  Scroll wheel: rotate selection or element under mouse pointer
   If nothing is selected and mouse pointer is over unpopulated area
   or SHIFT modifier is used: Zoom in/out
 Track pad users may want scroll to be scrolling

So we should have an option to ignore the scroll wheel for rotate/zoom.
Of course for zooming we should have additional keyboard and button
support. And for zooming into a selection rectangle I currently consider
using the middle mouse button. For rotating elements again we will have
keyboard and button support -- but I think using the scroll wheel would
be really fun, i.e for rotating text.  

 If your toolkit allows for the apple trackpad gestures...  That could
 add a few options into the mix

PCB or gschem, one of them, has gesture support by a library -- once I
have asked on this list about it, but it seem that nobody uses that. I
have currently no idea about gestures, so I do not intend supporting it

 In net mode double left click ends the current net.

Yes -- not a true double click (in a small time interval) but simple
adding a net segment of length 0. As supported by gschem. ESC and maybe
another key will also end net segments.

  LMBD + LMBU over hot pin end: start new net segment
 You added net end, but starting at the middle of a net segment is
 valuable too.

Yes, but grabbing an element in the middle is used generally for moving
or selecting, so we may have a conflict. We may try to resolve it, or
have a Start new net button for that case.

I consider a only onces mode beside real modal operation: For example,
it may occur that we intend only a single mirror operation without
leaving the current mode (comming back after one mirror operation) or we
want a real mirror mode, where each click on an element will mirror that
one. My current idea: If an element is selected/highlighted then
mirror button or key will mirror that selected element. If noting is
selected, then we will enter a permanent mirror mode.

Additional, I will support highlight of elements, when the mouse pointer
is hovering over it. Current highlight method is making colors brighter,
move the element a few pixel to upper right, and draw a shadow,
generating the impression of lifting the elements. Problem: We can not
use white (pin) color, because there is no brighter shade of white, and
shadow works not good for dark backgrounds. Of course we can always use
fallback to a plain monochrome highlight color. Another method is
drawing highlighted elements with thicker lines -- I have not tested
that yet.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Tragesym template problem.

2011-03-19 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-03-19 at 15:57 -0700, Daniel Ross wrote:
 Hello, I am trying to fill out the Tragesym template for an
 ATmega128RFA1, but the script gives me an error when I pass it the CSV
 file (renamed to a .sch file):
   error: version attribut missing
 In the template, I had changed the example version number to 20110319
 1, following the format of the template version number. I verified
 that the CSV file contains a version line. Has anyone out there found
 a solution to this problem? I am following the tutorial at;, using the
 OpenOffice template. Thanks, Dan.

Hm -- have not used tragesym for more than a year.

Tragesym is fine, but I do not like the documentation.

Please note, input to tragesym is plain text. I really wonder why they
advertise use of spreadsheet, I have always used a plain text editor.
(OK, spreadsheet may be fine if you try to copy from pdf datasheet...)

Do not call tragesym input .sch, that is for schematics. I used .txt
extension, it is plain text. 

The version should be not current date, if I remember correctly, but
something related with gschem version. I think that version is copied to
symbols, if it is to high, gschem may refuse loading the symbol.

My final guess: There may be something wrong with your input file for
tragesym, maybe in front of version line. Watch in a plain text editor.
You may find working tragesym input files for testing at

Or fill in tragesym's template.txt with a text editor, leaving version
line unchanged.

Of course, some people prefer djboxsym, available at But tragesym is fine for me.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Multi-Select with SHIFT, CTRL...

2011-03-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
Is there a guide how multi-select should work for tools like PCB and
gschem? I have done a short google search and some test with PCB and
gschem, but I am not really sure that I fully grab it.

I think we should have these actions:

I think we are free to use SHIFT and CTRL modifiers for left mouse

Each for element under mouse pointer or in selection rectangle.

And yes, I continue working on my Ruby gschem clone, from time to time.
It is some labor, but I think it is worth the effort.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multi-Select with SHIFT, CTRL...

2011-03-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 17:26 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:
 Is there a guide how multi-select should work for tools like PCB and

OK, found the gnome guide -- have too read it:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multi-Select with SHIFT, CTRL...

2011-03-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 19:17 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  shift-leftclick on object
 Don't forget about select-region, select-touching,
 select-touching-line, etc.

I guess that is not too common in schematics?

Here is my current draft for my gschem clone:

Peted intended user interface behaviour -- first draft

LMBD: Left mouse button down (press) action
LMBU: Left mouse button up (release) action
MMBD: Middle mouse button down (press) action
MMBU: Middle mouse button up (release) action
RMBD: Right mouse button down (press) action

Our intention is to have a smart AUTO mode which will allow to do the
most common actions fast with minimal effort (beside traditional special modes 
Move, Net, Erase, Line, Arc, Text, ...) 

These action include: Select, move, copy, delete, rotate, start new net.

LMBD over element: Start moving element, LMBU will terminate action, element is 
LMBD + LMBU over element (no motion): select element, unselect all other
SHIFT + LMBD + LMBU over element: add element to selection
CTRL + LMBD + LMBU over element: toggle element, leave other unchanged
LMBD over unpopulated area: start selection rectangle
  No modilier: elements in rectangle will become selected, other unselected
  SHIFT modifier: add elements in rectangle to selection, other unchanged
  CTRL modifier: toggle state of elements in rectangle, other unchanged
MMBD: put a copy of selected element(s) to position of mouse pointer
  special case: MMBD over selected element: detete it
  if nothing is selected or SHIFT modifier is used: panning
RMBD: Context sensitive menu open

Scroll wheel: rotate selection or element under mouse pointer
  If nothing is selected and mouse pointer is over unpopulated area
  or SHIFT modifier is used: Zoom in/out

LMBD + LMBU over hot pin end: start new net segment

Missing: Zoom into rectangle

For element properties we will not use a popup window opened by double click, 
but a
separate area at the left or right of the main window. Properties of selected 
are displayed in this area and can be modified. This area can be used for 
various other
purposes, i.e. symbol library preview, color selections, ...It should be 
possible to fully
shrink this area. 

At the bottom of the main window we may have an area for log messages.

We should try to allow multiple instances of our GUI window, showing different 
or the same
content. For the last case, we can display an overview in one window, while we 
work on details
in a different window, maybe both windows can reside on different monitors. Of 
course it should
be possible to use only one window, and switch between different content.

Have I forgotten common important actions?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multi-Select with SHIFT, CTRL...

2011-03-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 19:47 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
   Don't forget about select-region, select-touching,
   select-touching-line, etc.
  I guess that is not too common in schematics?
 select-region is *very* common.

Of course I will support selection with a rectangular bounding box. Does
your select-region mean an arbitrary shaped area?

 select-touching-line would be really handy to select a group of angled
 lines, without selecting the non-angled lines they're connected to.
 Basically, you draw a line with the select tool, and anything that
 line touches is selected.

Sure, this is a MODE we can implement -- currently I consider the most
common actions, which should be accessible very easy, in best case only
with the mouse, or with mouse and a modifier key. My goal is to prevent
many mode switches.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multi-Select with SHIFT, CTRL...

2011-03-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-03-19 at 00:41 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:

 LMBD + LMBU over hot pin end: start new net segment

I mean:

LMBD + LMBU over hot pin end or existing net end: start new net segment

For starting a new net segment from void area we will have to activate
net mode.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Metric, Imperial, Rounding, DRC, and board houses

2011-02-21 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-02-21 at 15:23 -0700, Russell Dill wrote:
 I'm starting a new design and all my components are metric based,
 including a few 1mm pitch BGA components. I'd really like to do the
 layout in metric, but I'm worried about two factors. The first of
 which is that PCB does not yet have the option to store things
 internally in metric (at least from what I understand) so rounding may
 occur on that end. In addition, my board house rounds everything to
 2.4 format (0.1 mil). I can envision several scenarios where my design
 meets DRC in PCB, but fails when I send it to the board house.
 What is my best option?
 Just use imperial units and cope with weird grids?
 Use metric spacing, but recalculate DRC based on worst case rounding?
 Some other option?

Use metric grid/unit, I guess most of us use that.
Internal resolution is 0.01 mil, which is good. Of course nm would be
better. One problem for me was, that a few 0.01 mil garbage lines were
generated for the layout. Not a big problem. Some not really smart
people have tried to use a very very  fine grid, 0.01 mm or so. That is
like using no grid at all, I call that silly. Try to use a useful basic
grid like 0.25mm grid if most of your parts have 0.5mm pitch -- I think
that was what I did, I am not sure. Important: Enable snap to pads/pins,
so you can make good connections to imperial parts which are not on the
metric grid.
my board house rounds everything to
 2.4 format (0.1 mil).

Strange -- so pitch of metric parts may vary from pad to pad a bit. That
was a problem in very old days of PCB, when 1mil internal units was

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb cannot find components

2011-02-21 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-02-21 at 17:45 -0500, Vincent wrote:

 Can any body help? Thank you in advance.  Vinny 

In your working directory there may exist configuration files called
project, gafrc, gschemrc or similar. Ensure that these contain
valid information, i.e. paths to symbols, footprints are valid.

And try to remember what you have changed in your box. Installed a new
developer gEDA, compiled from source? Deleted or moved files?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: symbol net usage

2011-02-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2011-02-17 at 08:57 -0500, George M. Gallant, Jr. wrote:
 I have created a symbol for the TI ADS1298. It has multiple power pins,
 DVdd, DVss, ADvv,  AVss. For test purposes, I declared 1 of the pins as
 a net.
 Loadiing the schematic gives:
 Read garbage in [ads1298-1.sym] :
 Is there a tutorial available that describes the proper syntax for using
 the net feature?
 The intent here is to guarantee that the design check tools can verify
 the power connections. (3 reviewers missed a AVss routed to AVdd!!!)

Looks not wrong for me -- I would try capital letters only and maybe a
pin number with only 1 digit -- for testing.

there may be a similar newer copy available... 

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition 1.0

2011-02-14 Thread Stefan Salewski

mentioned today by german heise magazin

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB bug: only names, draw a line, undo: segfault

2011-01-30 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 14:48 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 PCB version 20100929
 Compiled on Nov  8 2010 at 05:46:11
 Debian sid.
 - Settings-Only Names
 - draw a line
 - hit 'u' for undo.
 - segfault.

Works fine for Gentoo AMD64, tested empty board and tut1.pcb.

PCB version 20100929 (GTK)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: speed of the gschem GUI

2011-01-22 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-01-22 at 06:21 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 While working on a fairly large schematic I noticed that panning 
 in gschem is way less snappy than the same circuit rendered as PDF 
 in evince or kpdf. There is no benchmarking available. The ratio 
 seems like 10. While my schematic pans in gschem with 3 to 5 FPS, 
 it is definitely beyond 30 FPS in the PDF renderers. 
 Since both applications deal with lines and characters, I'd naively 
 expect similar performance. Or did I miss something?
 Is there any hope to speed up the gschem GUI?

Yes, cairo drawing looks fine and is easy to use, but is not very fast.
That is why Peter C. used native OpenGL for PCB.

Of course there are various strategies for increasing the speed. One is
to draw all to a larger buffer and copy only the visible part to the
window on the screen, this may make panning/scrolling very fast, but has
overhead in used memory consumption, and zooming will be slower.

A good strategy is always to have a bounding box for each element, and
to draw only elements when their bounding box overlaps with the visible
part on screen. So not rely on cairo's clipping.

One may consider buffering strategies, i.e. buffer each symbol, buffer
part of the visible screen. For me that worked not very fine.

You may try to do profiling cairo's drawing, that is what is suggested
from cairo developers. I still have to learn how to do that.

Or you may consider employing cairo's GL backend.

You may look at the cairo list, i.e

Please let us know if you have first results.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Symbol question – suggestions?

2011-01-05 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-01-05 at 14:32 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

  A single 74_pwr.sym can not work for 14 and 16 pin parts, so I really
  recommend to do not use a 74_pwr.sym at all, but one for 14, and one for
  16 pins devices. I think I called my one at gedasymbols
 But the 74LV4066 is 14-pin with GND at 7 and Vcc at 14, just like an  
 ordinary 7400 and more.

The problem is: If you have a symbol called 74_pwr.sym people may use it
-- some may use it for 14 pin devices, some may use it for 16 pin
devices. You may be smart enough to use it correctly -- other may not
always. If there are chances for confusion, then we should use more
specific files names. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Symbol question – suggestions?

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 21:14 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

 comment=Use 74_pwr.sym for supply

I wrote it some months ago...

A single 74_pwr.sym can not work for 14 and 16 pin parts, so I really
recommend to do not use a 74_pwr.sym at all, but one for 14, and one for
16 pins devices. I think I called my one at gedasymbols

Does the 74-series version differ in layout from 4066? May be.

I am not sure I got the pin numbers right (or how to use pinseq vs  

It may be better to be sure.

For pin type you may simple use pas for passive, as in resistors.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reacquainting to geda and pcb

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 16:09 -0500, Rob Butts wrote:

  How can I see the
components and their footprints?

Menu Window- Library

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reacquainting to geda and pcb

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 16:19 -0500, Rob Butts wrote:
So if I use a 1206 smt component I should set the footprint value in
gschem to smt1206 or smt1206.ele?

Generally use the file name, .fp can be missing.

So 1206 or 1206.fp may be fine -- I use 1206.
Of course these files should be in your library.

You may consider doing DJ fine tutorial and maybe the wiki/wilson
tutorial too.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reacquainting to geda and pcb

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 16:32 -0500, Rob Butts wrote:
 So you should have a .fp text file in a library for each footprint used
in a design?

For the newlib footprint format each footprint is indeed an own file,
and generally newlib is recommended.

For oldlib/m4 footprints are generated at the fly by calling macros -- I
think it it mentioned in the wilson tutorial and maybe in the PCB
documentation. I have only used m4 when I started with PCB years ago,
now i am using only newlib, have forgotten all about m4, sorry.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Does Google do not like us any more?

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
From time to time I have problems finding my own geda postings again.

Just tried a google search for Boettcher huge mess

Gives no results for me -- should give

Is there a better way for searching?

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Wiki cleanup?

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
Some weeks ago I wrote

On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 16:32 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Documentation of gEDA, including PCB is a huge mess,

Indeed, I fully agree in my heart,

Do we really need this in the wiki:

I do not think that these are FAQs today.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Does Google do not like us any more?

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 23:10 +, Peter TB Brett wrote:
 On Tuesday 04 January 2011 22:55:39 Stefan Salewski wrote:
  From time to time I have problems finding my own geda postings again.
  Just tried a google search for Boettcher huge mess
  Gives no results for me -- should give
  Is there a better way for searching?
 Have you tried GMANE?

Seems to work better. I was not aware that GMANE works for gEDA lists.
Maybe we should place a note at about that. Some people may
use only google resticted to site (Without limiting
the search to lists or sites we do get too many results for terms like
PCB, footprint'... )

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Autorouter - distance to pins

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 22:03 -0400, Cam Farnell wrote:
 Is there a way to set the minimum distance that the autorouter leaves
 between tracks and pins? I've looked in the manual, tried setting DRC
 Minimum copper spacing, tried enabling Settings-Enforce DRC
 clearances but the autorouter still runs tracks closer to pins than I
 would like. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
 Cam Farnell

I guess you are referring to the default router, not the toporouter.

Select Route Styles at the left, increase clearance before starting
the router. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Does Google do not like us any more?

2011-01-04 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-01-05 at 03:27 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 Stefan Salewski wrote:
  I was not aware that GMANE works for gEDA lists.
  Maybe we should place a note at about that.

Thanks, GMANE works fine.

For me google still refuses, tried

Boettcher huge mess

I think I had similar problems with years ago, I was
thinking works better for google. But not really
good, finds only a few entries.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: series of gnetlist backend patches

2011-01-03 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 14:24 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:

 Please don't introduce additional road blocks to double purpose
 schematics for pcb and simulation.

I wonder if slotdef in a symbol is a good thing at all.
If I place an OpAmp in a schematic -- should I decide for dual or quad
really at this moment? Or better later in the PCB layout process.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-03 Thread Stefan Salewski
I guess all this was discussed on the list multiple times in the past,
so this is more a note to myself...

I think it may be useful to have two types of symbols, soft and hard.
Hard symbols have an footprint attribute and maybe additional hard
properties. Soft symbols are simple an OpAmp or a resistor -- only type,
no parameters defined. For schematic entry the use can select Add soft
symbol or add hard symbol (if he exactly knows what he wants). If a
schematic contains soft symbols, then there is an additional step
necessary before PCB layout can start: Selecting footprints and slots --
this step may be supported by databases. (The user may have the optional
choice to generate hard symbols from soft ones by specifying footprints
and other hard facts in an early input stage.)

Note, this is not what we currently have with our light/heavy symbols.
The point is, that we should make a strict decision, not make a soft
transition from light to heavy but adding some attributes.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-03 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 16:04 -0800, Edward Hennessy wrote:
 On Jan 3, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
  I guess all this was discussed on the list multiple times in the past,
  so this is more a note to myself...
  I think it may be useful to have two types of symbols, soft and hard.
  Hard symbols have an footprint attribute and maybe additional hard
  properties. Soft symbols are simple an OpAmp or a resistor -- only type,
  no parameters defined. For schematic entry the use can select Add soft
  symbol or add hard symbol (if he exactly knows what he wants). If a
  schematic contains soft symbols, then there is an additional step
  necessary before PCB layout can start: Selecting footprints and slots --
  this step may be supported by databases. (The user may have the optional
  choice to generate hard symbols from soft ones by specifying footprints
  and other hard facts in an early input stage.)
 Besides allowing attributes to contain a value representing unknown or
 be empty, I don't see why the application needs to know the difference
 between a hard and soft symbol.
 If the schematic editor allows empty attributes and allows the user
 to edit these attributes, wouldn't it be capable of the functionality
 requested above?

At least the slotdef attribute is an example where we currently have to
make a decision in an very early design stage. If I know that I may need
some OpAmps or logic gates for my design, I may want to do not care
about single, dual or quad packages when drawing the schematic. But
currently we have to pick one of these types -- later we may have to
replace it.

For many tasks heavy/hard symbols may be fine -- when we know in advance
what we need. 

But I really would like to have the ability to do a top down design:
OpAmp - VoltageFeedback - FetInput - Dual - SOT8

Similar like selection at Digikey -- and now I remember postings of DJ,
I really should read his

and try to understand it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: TI-TINA Spice and gEDA

2011-01-01 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-31 at 16:30 -0800, Oliver King-Smith wrote:
 I have been having problems with LTSpice simulating some components
from TI.

Why, what was not working? LTSpice with wine and Linux?

   I was thinking of looking at TINA-TI spice program.  Has
anyone tried going from gschem to TINA?

So gschem - LTSpice works fine? How did you do it?

I have tried TINA-TI once with Windows-XP -- not too bad for evaluating
properties missing in the datasheet. But you can not really trust the
spice models, one was very wrong. You may still find my problem
mentioned in, but they have fixed it now.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: No-Net Copper

2011-01-01 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-01-01 at 10:33 -0500, Rick Collins wrote:

 Why is no-net copper useful?

-- use copper like silk, i.e for text, marks...
-- some like to have copper below screws, for mechanical reasons
-- use copper where it does not hurt, i.e if milling your boards or to
save chemicals

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: European symbols?

2011-01-01 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-01-01 at 18:42 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:

 * what is the intended use of the attribute device=7400 ?

I think I have used and suggested once to put not plain text strings
like 7400 onto the symbol, but use an attribute, it may have been
device. device may be reserved for spice, so I may have used value
attribute, which should be a better choice.

But still I suggest using attributes for the visible text -- one
advantage is that we can modify it in the schematic, i.e. to 74HCT00.

OK, lets look at

Symbol only Attributes

device= is the device name of the symbol and is required by gnetlist.
device= should be placed somewhere in the symbol and made invisible.

Still I do not really understand that...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: No-Net Copper

2011-01-01 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2011-01-01 at 12:57 -0500, Rick Collins wrote:
 At 11:54 AM 1/1/2011, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2011-01-01 at 10:33 -0500, Rick Collins wrote:
   Why is no-net copper useful?
 -- use copper like silk, i.e for text, marks...
 -- some like to have copper below screws, for mechanical reasons
 -- use copper where it does not hurt, i.e if milling your boards or to
 save chemicals
 If you are milling a board, do you layout the material not 

Kai-Martin and I only answered your simple question:

Why is no-net copper useful?

Have you ever tried to use gEDA's PCB now?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: European symbols?

2010-12-31 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-31 at 14:10 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

|  |
|  |\
| |-–––
|  |
 I've seen those too, but they are not the same as those I learned at  
 school and have used all my life.
 Well, I guess that I need to make my own symbols then, and that it's no  
 point sharing them since I am the only one who use them.
 Thanks for all the input.

The basic ones are of course mentioned at wikipedia:

But the main advantage of that shape may be, that complicated devices

as used in some (german) VHDL/FPGA textbooks are available.

I have no idea where to get a list of all that complicated pictures.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: European symbols?

2010-12-30 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-31 at 01:06 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:
 Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
  I looked at the gEDA symbols site, but it was very hard to find
  anything useful in this matter, since there was no ”preview” thing
  involved as far as I can see.
 You may point your browser to
 This is a website dedicated to symbols, footprints and other geda 
 related stuff contributed by users. It presents previews of symbols and 
 footprints on mouse click.
  Is there a complete set of symbols like the default one, but with IEC
  symbols instead or do I need to make them all by myself? 
 I tend to draw my symbols the way they were taught in German university 
 courses. So they are likely IEC compliant, but no guarantee. 
  I can't be the only European user of this program, can I…?
 Surely, you are not! :-) 

I think he was asking about these rectangular boxes, as used in german
textbooks, Tietze/Schenk or Reichardt/Schwarz. Indeed I have not seen
these on your page or gedasymbols at all, so you may give the full

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 19:31 +0200, Stefan Salewski wrote:
 Some weeks ago I started working on a very basic schematics editor,
 compatible with current gschem file format. I am writing it in Ruby,
 using GTK/Cairo.

No, the project is not death...
I just managed to draw to a GTK drawing area, with
zooming/panning/scrolling support. So very friendly people may already
consider it a viewer for gschem schematics :-)
See bottom of this page:

I think one reason for start writing it was my desire to assign
attributes/classes to subnets, to transfer this information to PCB to
support manually- and auto-routing with already specified parameters for

I think, even if Anthonys Toporouter is in deep coma currently, such an
application makes still some sense. So I can not promise that I will NOT
continue this effort.

I would be interested how many people can run the demo script (peted.rb)
from the top of the  above page. Are the needed rcairo bindings shipped
with distributions like Ubuntu? If not, then it may be easier for people
to install the whole gEDA package than to get such a short ruby script
running. :-(

Best wishes for the new year,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 09:28 -0500, George M. Gallant, Jr. wrote:
 Ran without any user intervention on Fedora 13. Installed Ruby
 some time ago without knowing if I would ever use it.

 Depending on the window sizing, either the top/bottom horizontal
 line heights or the left/right vertical line widths do not display fully.
Yes, I think that is the intended behavour for this demo: I draw the
outer rectangle exactly on the bounding box of my world, so the half
thickness of the outer lines are clipped. When the aspect ratio of the
rectangles world is not the same as that of the GTK window, then the
GTK window is padded, so we can see full thickness either at left/right
or top/bottom. For real applications we will generally increase the
bounding box of our world a bit, at least so width that line thickness
is not clipped.

Intentionally I do allow only zoom in, not zoom out. So we can zoom to
1:1 full view fast with a few turns of the mouse wheel. I like this. If
we need additional space in our world, we can always increase the
bounding box. Some space we already have if the aspect ratio of
world/window differs. I may support full zooming out, but for this some
modifications of the behaviour of scrollbars/adjustments is necessary,
and then we will need a special action to get 1/1 full view again.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 11:30 -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:
  I would be interested how many people can run the demo script (peted.rb)
  from the top of the  above page. Are the needed rcairo bindings shipped
  with distributions like Ubuntu? If not, then it may be easier for people
  to install the whole gEDA package than to get such a short ruby script
  running. :-(
 Under Gentoo I get this, and rcairo is installed:
 ruby peted.rb
 peted.rb:206:in `paint': undefined method `create_cairo_context' for
 #Gdk::Window:0x7fda529d2f90 ptr=0xcd7840
from peted.rb:122:in `darea_configure_callback'
from peted.rb:69:in `initialize'
from peted.rb:231:in `call'
from peted.rb:231:in `show_all'
from peted.rb:231:in `initialize'
from peted.rb:268:in `new'
from peted.rb:268


I really need some support for my open Gentoo Bugzilla Bugs related to

Please try to execute


If that fails, please add some comment to above bug reports.

Then I can increase the pressure on Gentoo people fixing that.

If you will, you can fix this bug manually, as explained in the bug reports.


Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 17:47 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:

 Please try to execute
 If that fails, please add some comment to above bug reports.

Or try


Should fail too, with the same message as my script.
All related to the missing rb_cairo.h -- some Gentoo people seem to
think that it is obsolete, but it seems to be needed on some boxes.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 12:38 -0500, John Doty wrote:
 Stephan, this project is interesting. I'll try it on Ubuntu when I get
 back to Noqsi. I  think I'll pass on trying it on a Mac for now (all I
 have here in Cambridge).
 I am puzzled, however, by your motivation:

I wrote something about it in my initial post:

 On Dec 26, 2010, at 8:48 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
  I think one reason for start writing it was my desire to assign
  attributes/classes to subnets, to transfer this information to PCB
  support manually- and auto-routing with already specified parameters
 Semantics like this are the responsibility of gnetlist back ends, not
 gschem. Indeed, the limits of our ability to continue to extend gEDA
 seem primarily to derive from semantics inappropriately wired in to
 the gnetlist front end, and to a lesser extent in gschem. The
 kludginess of some back ends derives from the same problem.
 There is nothing in gschem that prevents attaching arbitrary
 attributes to net segments. Unfortunately, the gnetlist front end
 insists on digesting the data according to rigid (and sometimes
 wrong!) theories of its semantics before handing it to the back end.
 In most cases the digested data is just what the back end writer needs
 (that's why simple back ends are easy to write with just a tiny bit of
 Scheme knowledge), but if it's not things become difficult. In this
 case, there appears to be no way to access net segments or their
 attributes from a gnetlist back end.

I know all this from earlier discussions.
For me there were three ways:

1. Accept current state.

2. Learn some scheme/guile, dig into the gschem/gnetlist code, try to
improve it, hope that is accepted by Ales and others. 

3. Write from scratch

1. is what I did for some years. I think that gschem/gnetlist works ok,
with Peter C.'s cairo drawings it looks not bad. But we all see that
there is no more active development. Older developers with guile
knowledge retire, so simple fixes and extensions become nearly
impossible. New developers are rare, and they do not like to crawl all
that old mixed c/guile code.

2. is what I should have done -- maybe?

3. is the most fun.

Early after starting with gEDA, my feeling was that a complete rewrite
would be a good idea. The problems: Much work. The questions: Which
language, which GUI Toolkit. My current feeling is: Writing a basic
schematic editor, with PCB netlist export, can be done in 1k hours from
a smart person, so it is not impossible. I don't think that I am really
smart, and I am currently still learning GTK, so I have no good chances
to get something powerful as gschem in 1000 hours. But on the other
hand, now, after about 200 hours of work, I have already a very basic
viewer for schematics. In only 1000 lines of Ruby code. Printing, saving
the file again, moving symbols around, that all should be very easy.
Netlist generation for PCB: I guess it should be not too difficult and
fun. I have to admit that I have no clue about hierarchical design at
the moment, I have never done that with gschem. Adding all that dialogs,
storing/loading configuration, and all the other details will consume
much time, but is very easy.

Of course, Ales H. has done fine work in old days. When he started in
1998 -- most computers where driven by relays or vacuum tubes, with tape
storage and teletyper output ;-) -- mixing guile and C may have been a
good idea. Today we have GTK with Cairo  and nice OO languages like
Ruby. That makes writing schematics editors and netlist generation much
easier. And Ruby is really a friendly language, so that the project
should become more open. I guess the total code base will not be more
than 10k lines. Collaboration is of course limited by all the different
languages and GUI toolkits. Some may prefer Python/C
++/C#/D/Java/Vala/Lua and other, or QT/FLTK/wxWidgets. And maybe OpenGL.

All that is true for PCB also -- a complete rewrite would be not a fully
stupid idea. But I think there is not so much benefit of OO languages
and modern toolkits for PCB. Gerber generation, polygon handling, DRC,
Autorouter, all that is very difficult, it has not become easier in the
last 10 years. And for performance reasons interpreted languages are of
course no option anyway.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 18:57 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
 Stefan Salewski writes:
  I think one reason for start writing it was my desire to assign
  attributes/classes to subnets, to transfer this information to PCB to
  support manually- and auto-routing with already specified parameters for
 Why do you need a gschem replacement for that?  I'd think all you need
 is a new netlister.

I have to modify the netlister and gschem -- gschem tries to be smart
and makes one single net when multiple net segments are in a straight
line. We have discussed all that long time ago -- some people said that
all that is easy to do, and I really believe that it is possible. But
there are so many small, easy and useful fixes for gschem, but nobody
does it. Kai-Martin tried something, I think related to netlist, but
failed. Maybe not so easy at all?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 14:01 -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:

  Is your box also AMD64 no multilib profile?
 I did not recall what I'd installed, and it looks like no specific
 profile is set, which might be the problem in itself:


For me no-multilib is marked with the star, and I do not really like to
change it. As soon as you have added some comments to the Bugzilla
reports I will contact some smart gentoo developers, they should manage
to fix it. 

ste...@amd64x2 ~ $ eselect profile list
Available profile symlink targets:
  [1]   default/linux/amd64/10.0
  [2]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop
  [3]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/gnome
  [4]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/kde
  [5]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/developer
  [6]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib *
  [7]   default/linux/amd64/10.0/server
  [8]   hardened/linux/amd64
  [9]   hardened/linux/amd64/no-multilib
  [10]  selinux/2007.0/amd64
  [11]  selinux/2007.0/amd64/hardened
  [12]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64
  [13]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/desktop
  [14]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/developer
  [15]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/hardened
  [16]  selinux/v2refpolicy/amd64/server
ste...@amd64x2 ~ $ 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 14:33 -0500, John Doty wrote:
 On Dec 26, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
  I have to modify the netlister and gschem -- gschem tries to be smart
  and makes one single net when multiple net segments are in a straight
 Doesn't putting:
 (net-consolidate disabled)
 in gschemrc fix that for your purpose in gschem?
 I have no doubt that gnetlist needs work here.

Indeed, it works fine. I really wonder why we all missed that option
when we discussed that subnet topic last summer.

Still some extents for gschem may be useful, i.e fast attribute
assignment, and maybe different visible appearance (colors) of different
net segments. But it really works without modification, great.

The more difficult part may be still netlist generation without
discarding the net-attributes for segments. I do not know, but I can
remember that someone with guile/gnetlist experience told us in our
discussion last summer that it is possible to modify gnetlist, but that
it would take some time for him.

OK, shame on me for missing that option. But I do not think that this
really proves that a gschem rewrite is obsolete. There are so many
similar problems, wishful improvements. All big task currently, no one
really does it. Such an improvement should take at most some hours in

And this example unfortunately shows one weak point of gEDA: The initial
authors and experts have retired, functionality may be already there,
but most of us do not know or understand it.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb export eps bottom silk

2010-12-26 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2010-12-27 at 01:27 +0100, Michael Theurl wrote:
 Hello List,
 I try to export the TOP and BOTTOM eps files

pcb -x eps --layer-stack silk,solderside ..

The wiki  calls it solderside, not only solder.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating new symbols

2010-12-25 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2010-12-25 at 09:17 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:
 Stefan Salewski wrote:
  And that is a real problem. gschem should really be able to to this
  automatically when saving symbols.
 IMHO, it should not. Every translation breaks instances of the symbol 
 in existing schematics.
 A better solution would be the notion of an origin, similar to the 
 diamond in pcb footprints.  


Following the documentation we always have to do the translation to 0/0,
when we save a symbol. When we really have to do it always, it can and
should be done automatically.

Indeed, I can remember that I onece forgot that translation, got a
broken symbol with pins not aligned to 100 multiples of grid and start
symbol creation again from scratch, because I was not sure how to fix it
after storing to disk. But I have never really investigated this step. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-25 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2010-12-25 at 09:50 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:
 Stefan Salewski wrote:
  Not always a low entry barrier is a real benefit.
 Wikipedia beats each and every encyclopedic dictionary
 in existance. Nupedia, with the same aim but higher barrier 
 produced less than 100 article were started of which a mere 24 
 passed the review process in the three years the project lasted.

Yes, wikipedia is great, but it is very special. Basically each entry is
a own topic, so a single author can work on one entry, without a clue
off the rest. Most of the time this works, but still sometimes this
leads to redundancy. For writing a book having many authors often is a
problem, two or 3 authors can be already to much. Here in germany we use
the term many cooks destroy the foot, viele Köche verderben den Brei.
When wikipedia started years ago, most access to Internet was possible
from universities only, restricting many fools. Today a really large
part of new stuff in wikipedia is being deleted soon, for various
reasons. That may be necessary to ensure quality standards, but make
some authors unhappy. And finally, Wikipedia has very many proofreaders,
this ensures quality. For more special wikis things are worse, you can
find outdated, wrong and silly entries. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 12:43 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

 Now I'd like to save my ”new” symbol somewhere.

There is not really a reason to save it, because you have only moved the
text around and modified the alignment mark. OK, added a value
attribute. For the current schematic, you can simple make Copies of this
symbol, you only have to change the value if necessary.

Saving symbols or making your own collection is more useful for greater
changes, i.e heavy symbols with footprint attribute and ordering
number... For me, remembering where I have stored such a custom symbol
is not easy, so sometimes I simple copy symbols from existing

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 12:32 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:

 The description refer to the position of the alignment mark
 relative to the text itself. 

For gschem 1.6.1 there is still one strange thing, which I mentioned
years ago on this list, and still do not really understand:

If we rotate symbols 180 degree, text is made upright again by special
logic in gschem, so that it may look like the symbol is not rotated at
all. For this invisible rotation, text alignment mark works wrong,
left/right top/bottom is exchanged. This can confuse people.

That may be a problem of patches, we try to get a special behaviour for
a special case, do not see all consequences. May work for a special
case, but give strange results in other cases. So I can understand, that
sometimes developers refuse to accept patches.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter VERY slow?

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 12:10 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:
 Anthony Blake wrote:
  I'm not going to be working on PCB anymore.
 This is sad news, indeed. :-|

And it will not improve chances of the gEDA project to get accepted for
a Google Summer of Code again!

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 16:20 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:

 I have to agree with timecop on this issue: The problem that 
 needs to be solved, is not connected to the file format. It
 about finding authors. This is the big benefit of the wikibook
 concept. The entry barrier is as low as it can possibly get.
 Contribution is allowed to literally everyone. Click on the
 edit button and go ahead. Not even login with a fake name 
 necessary. Wikimedia provides an environment where this 
 approach works.

Not always a low entry barrier is a real benefit.

In the technical world, there are good reasons for the use of uncommon
screws, so that fools can not open dangerous devices.

In the Internet world: Nearly all people now have access to information,
this is great. But so many seems to think that they have to add silly
content everywhere -- newsgroups, Internet platforms, blogs, facebook,
all filled with silly stupid stuff, the same questions and comments
again and again, more than one typo in each line, written without any
grammar from people without real names. I really try to get not in close
contact with all that dirt, but sometimes you have a problem which
wikipedia can not explain, you have to do a google search and gets all
that dirt before useful content.

Often I have seen people new to a project, they were exited and started
a tutorial about that... Some weeks later they discovered how much work
it is, they stop working on it, but often the pages with headlines but
no contents remain for years in the net.

But my conclusion is not, that a fully open wiki is a bad idea for gEDA
-- I am not sure.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating new symbols

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 22:24 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 22:16 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
  But first it is important
 Some of your fine explanations may be already at

More is here:

And how we can use our own libraries may be explained here:

Really not too bad.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating new symbols

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 20:34 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
 At the following is  
 ”When all the edits are done, it's very important when editing symbols to  
 do a Edit→Symbol Translate to zero before saving.

And that is a real problem. gschem should really be able to to this
automatically when saving symbols.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Moving positioning diamond in PCB

2010-12-24 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 16:37 -0800, wrote:
 I was wondering if someone could tell me how to move the positioning
diamond in PCB or how to move the the foot print itself so it is
centered over the diamond.  Usually, I have to take several hours to
move everything in the *.fp file itself.

Kai-Martin gave you the link how you can make footprints from inside of

How do I edit/change an existing footprint?

Copy selection to buffer ([ctrl-c]). The position of the crosshair will
determine the origin of the resulting footprint.

And  I told you that you may use other tools for footprint creation.
I have no intention what your goal is, and for people without real name
I do not care too much.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 15:18 +0100, Armin Faltl wrote:

 I'll provide my symbols and footprints with this features:
 * symbols are smaller than the standard library


I think the only reason to shrink all symbols is because relation to
default text size? (Note, we can always enlarge title block.)

Of course we should ensure that the active pin end rest on 100 multiples
of grid. Graphics ending on odd grid points may be ok, but personally I
prefer integer values of 100, 50, 25, 10 only...

I think when I considered symbols shape last time, I was thinking about
enlarging OpAmp symbols, it was my feeling that they are small compared
to diodes... And for my taste text default size is to large in 1.6.x
printout, I patched that. Maybe in near future I will use my Ruby gschem
clone for printout... 

I hope to see your contributions soon...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 16:32 +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

 Documentation of gEDA, including PCB is a huge mess,

Indeed, I fully agree in my heart, but I have at least two good reasons
why I do not call it loud:

- It will discourage people to contribute
- I respect the people who wrote something
- I have done no contribution myself

And, there is at least some fine documentation, DJs beginner Tutorial!

Maybe one problem is, that most of the docs are owned by Ales, who has
retired long time ago.

Maybe a new platform with free access would be fine?

Personally I do not think that different people can contribute really
high quality documentation at all -- stupid people will contribute silly
stuff, verbosity and redundancy may occur, outdated stuff will persist.

But on the other hand, it is clear that a single person or small group
can not do the large effort to write high quality gEDA/PCB

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 22:38 +0100, Armin Faltl wrote:
 Stefan Salewski wrote:
  On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 15:18 +0100, Armin Faltl wrote:

  I'll provide my symbols and footprints with this features:
  * symbols are smaller than the standard library

 There are many request from various people for smaller symbols on this
 list. When used at normal scale the symbols of std. parts look clumsy to me
 too, so I didn't complain but made smaler  ones.
 I think, that shrinking by using wrong page frames for printing is a good
 trick but a bad solution.

It is not at trick!
The title block names are misleading, that is true and confuses users.
But there is no reason to prefer a special title-block like A4, all are
fine, some people as Kai-Martin use no real block at all, only a
arbitrary rectangle and fields for text.

Of course it is fine when people try to contribute, but some basic
understanding of concepts may be helpful.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 14:05 -0800, Colin D Bennett wrote:

 smaller won't achieve any improvement.  (Except in relation to default
 text size, perhaps.)

That is very similar to my thinking.
I have to admit that I have complained about too large text in 1.6.x
printout, but now I think its my own fault, I have populated the title
block to dense. (But still, I would like a function to scale all text.)

Symbols look all different, in various professional documents. So we may
discuss the relation in size between symbols, pin length, line
thickness, aspect ratio, placement of text. Shrinking all -- well,
sometimes I do waste my time too.

A point I was really thinking about was placement of text, various
shapes/rotations/sizes in one file, and invisible text.

It may make sense to have an easy ways to select different
shapes/sizes/rotations of the same symbol. We may do that by placing the
data in the same file, so we can easy select it, or link different
shapes together by filenames. A popup box may provide different shapes.

We may consider text boxes, which can have different content, i.e. a
primary box, which can show refdes in one view, or value in another
view, and secondary boxes, which can show footprint, spice-model...

And I am not really happy with handling of invisible text. We handle it
like visible text, but hide it. So we have to position it carefully,
just in case we may make it visible for changing. Maybe some text, like
version, license, datasheet, which is always invisible, should be a
special class, which is always accessed from editing window. Something
like gattrib build in into gschem.

Sorry, I have no solution currently.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 00:00 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
 Yet another newbie question then:
 I tried to enter a value of a resistor  

You can change the alignment mark of text, select the text, and select
Edit/Edit Text from menu. In the popup window there is an alignment

Not sure if that was your problem, sorry.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 00:31 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

 Value: → Enter ”390k”.
 Does it look nice? It certainly does not on my system.
 Am I doing this right at all?

May it be related to your OHM sign? I never use it, and I do not see it
often in professional sheets. It ok if you want it, may work if gschem
supports it and your box in configured fine, i.e. for utf-8.

Please try without that sign for testing, maybe you can provide a
picture of the problem.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 00:38 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 00:31 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
  Value: → Enter ”390k”.
  Does it look nice? It certainly does not on my system.
  Am I doing this right at all?

Ah, now I understand you problem:

You want to place the text inside the box of the (german) rectangular
resister box.

Well, you can move the text whereever you want. Grab it with the left
mouse key and move it. It may be useful to align center, and it may be
necessary to decrease font size.

Sorry, have not used

-- 123k -- 

layout ever.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: get-package-attribute sometimes returns ? - ID: 3114991

2010-12-23 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 14:05 -0800, Colin D Bennett wrote:

 I haven't nailed down what it is that bothers me, but I have recently
 made my own versions of capacitors, resistor, diodes, and LED symbols
 that are more _compact_ than the gschem stock library versions.

One point which confuse me still, is why line width of many symbols
shipped with gEDA is 0. Is that really a good solution? When zooming in,
green lines stays very thin, while pins become thicker. For printout
there seems to be a special line width patch?

I do understand that zero line width can be useful, i.e. to determine
the smallest possible width of an output device. And zero width will
remain still thin when zoomed in. But I do not understand why this is
really useful for symbol graphics.

For Cairo very this lines vanish, so additional consideration is needed
when drawing symbols... 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to make a foot print

2010-12-22 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 13:34 -0800, wrote:

I was wondering if someone could give me a good step by step on how to
make a foot print.

Many footprints are available, some shipped with PCB, some at, some at

You can draw footprints in PCB program, it it described somewhere.

You can use generators, some graphical, some command line based like
footgen or my

You can try to understand the footprint file format, reading

or my summary

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-22 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 00:18 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:

 If the refdes of a resistor in the layout reads 3R12 I know
 it is on page 3 of my schematics printout.

Some people may read  3R12 as 3.12 OHM, I have seen such notations
somewhere, i.e. 4R7 for 4.7 Ohm.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: overlapping via changes

2010-12-22 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 00:40 +0100, kai-martin knaak wrote:
 Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
  Thanks. I'll put this to the wiki.

Wiki writes:

I want to draw two vias very close to each other, but PCB won't let me!
Unfortunately, older versions of PCB not only prevent you from pacing
overlapping vias but dropp them on load. In december 2010 this overly
cautions behavior was fixed. If you really need overlapping vias, you
have to install a version of pcb younger than that.

The 2011 version of PCB still won't allow you to place vias so close
that their holes overlap. However, it won't complain if you mangaged to
work-around this restriction. E.g. place tiny vias and increase their
size afterwards.

One may write:
PCB versions before xxx prevent you from placing overlapping vias and
drop them on load.  Since December 2010 overlapping of annular ring is
allowed, but overlapping holes are still restricted. If you really want
overlapping wholes, you can place small vias close together and then
increase the diameter.

Kai Martin, you your English is much better than mine, but please try to
be not to verbose. And watch for typos, dropp and pacing. 

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