Re: gEDA-user: Open Source mechanical CAD on the horizon

2010-03-12 Thread Torsten Wagner

maybe somehow late but please give openscad [1] a trial.
1. It converts dxf-drawings in 3D Models
2. It uses a language (C style) instead of a GUI to describe 3D models

Thus, it  might be much closer to the way of gEDA.
I'm just on the way to try out how good this works out for 3D printers.

Furthermore there is the Mini-T project from Makerbeam [2]. An
aluminium profile construction kit. Similar to item or isel but much
It will be somehow the a mixture between fisher-technic toy and T-profiles.

Hope this is useful


2010/2/25 Kai-Martin Knaak
 I just got aware of the open source mechanical CAD project freecad. It
 hit the debian repository a month ago. Although it is still lacking
 important features, much of the basic infrastructure is already up and

 Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
 Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211
 Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover 
 GPG key:

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Need help repairing a damaged FPGA board (GR-PCI-XC2V)

2010-03-01 Thread Torsten Wagner

Just a bit OT but:
since you refered to students, you might like to check wether the 
following evaluation kit is suitable for your needs:

Xilinx® Spartan®-3A Evaluation Kit

Features beside the typical FPGA stuff:
somehow open (datasheets, etc. given)
an existing forum for user discussions
an usb interface for programming (sending the bit file is not done via 
ISE webpack but with a own software tool)

ISE Webpack free edition on CD
embedded PSoC chip with CapSens-Button and the necessary programmer 
(miniprog) for the PSoC.

Rather much free I/Os compared to other eval-kits
power-over-usb (makes it more difficulte for fry it ;) )
and finally the price

the drawbacks as I found them
I/O-banks are fixed already to 3.3V logic.
less I/Os then a real-developer kit
ISE Webpack is not open source ;)

However, it cost only 49 dollars. Thus instead of buying (or fix) ONE 
expensive regular development kit you could propably buy a set of those 
and hand one to each student. Makes it a bit more redundant.

Hope that helps a bit


On 03/02/2010 07:00 AM, Timothy Normand Miller wrote:

A relatively new professor here at OSU had one of these FPGA boards:

Unfortunately, some students recently fried part of the power
regulation circuit.  We don't have the expertise to repair it
ourselves, and we don't have the budget to buy something new.  This
board was being shared by multiple students, one of whom was using it
for his masters thesis work.  So its loss is rather painful and

I was wondering if anyone could advise us on repairing this.  Perhaps
there is someone whom we could ask to repair it for us?  Trying to get
the original manufacturer to repair it would probably cost more than
it's worth.  The damage was done to at least the C12 and D9 components
(lower left in the picture).

Any suggestions and help would be most appreciated!

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Latex

2010-02-10 Thread Torsten Wagner

 that I don't like though, is image support.  Unless I am missing something,
 images are not actually part of the source doc, but are sucked in and then
 processed onto the output.  Distributing the pdf, for example, doesn't
 matter since the pictures are included.  But for multi-authors, any images
 have to be included with the article source files.

Actually it is like always once disadvantage is considered as the
advantage for someone else.
In my opinion it make no sense to embedded binary blobs (images) in
the source code. Furthermore, if you just have to change the figure,
all you have to do is to replace the original figure by a new one
(with the same name) and recompile the LaTeX file. You even don't need
to open the editor or the source file. This is a real advantage !!!

BTW: If you are interested to create figures in the LaTeX way (e.g.
schematics representation, block diagrams, etc.) Please try PGF /
Tikz. It is a LaTeX package which allows you to program pictures in
the same way like you program your text layout. The code is embedded
in the LaTeX file and it shares e.g. the text properties with the
LaTeX document. This gives a very uniform and nice look. The manual of
PGF is the best I read so fare about a scripting language and real
fun. In addition it explains why and how most of the publications just
do it plain wrong when it comes to figures.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Search for good SMD and IC prober

2010-02-10 Thread Torsten Wagner
Thanks to everyone for the suggestion and ideas.

I really liked the idea with the #30 cable. I never used it because I
thought it should be more temporary solution. However, I really got
tired of the fact then whenever I move the set-up a  few centimetres
(this are about an inch ;) ) I hear all this clip clip clip and have
to restart to rewire my debugging set-up since all the probes fall

And using thin wire wrap cables allows me to make tiny solid
connections and even keep them over days if necessary (as everyone
know, sometimes a lets quickly check this lines before lunch end up
with a week of debugging) without bulky clamps which for the reason of
Murphy law always cover the next contact point :)

Thanks again


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: OT: Search for good SMD and IC prober

2010-02-05 Thread Torsten Wagner
Dear geda users,

I know it is off topic but I guess it is somehow related to PCB and
many of you face the same problem or found already a solution.
I am looking for a good set of micro probes to address single pins of
ICs or other SMD components on a PCB. I saw some kit which looks very
promising but a bit pricey [1] however, I'm still unsure about which
kind of systems exist and what might be considered as good and what is
actually not worse the money. Actually, I am looking for something to
contact single legs of SMD-packed ICs for debugging and testing
purpose. I tried a very cheap clamps [2], however, they are not really
good for my purpose and the clamps are weak and inaccurate. Most
probably o.k. for the price but I am looking for something more
reliable and precise.

I would welcome any suggestions or ideas. Please consider that I have
to order them maybe from a vendor with an international delivery
service or even better a Japanese branch or reseller.




geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Parts Manager Working Document

2010-01-18 Thread Torsten Wagner

Recently, I talked with some people about EDA tools and they main arguments 
against gEDA were:

1) no MS-windows support
2) missing components

It's very nice to see that this two topics are heavily discussed here.

As for the Parts Manager I read the proposal and I like to share some 
thoughts. First I like the idea very much to have a central unit which scopes 
with all kind of different inputs for gschem and pcb.

I'm not sure how much a database would run against one fundamental of gEDA, 
which is the nice nativley use of pure text files. If there is a database, 
there would be a dependcy to install mysql or something similar, right ? 

The second thing is about the GUI. I guess it is a good idea to have one. 
However, please thing about that all data should be accessable from command 
line resp. from scripts as well. This is one of the very nice outstanding 
features of gEDA and it would be a pitty if I need to start a GUI to create 
changes to the database over and over again instead of running a 5 liner 
script to do that for me.
Maybe there could be even some ncurse ... 
I think like the analogy  apt-get --- aptitude --- synaptics

Furthermore, as I said the main issue for people to switch from e.g. eagle to 
gEDA as far as I figured out is the amount of parts. I tried to explain them 
that gEDA strictly seperates symbols and footprints and achive a much higher 
flexibility with it. However, most people stick with the idea that they like to 
enter the exact part-name to the list and then it should be there.

If there is a part manager, please think about a very very easy way to sync 
parts with official and unoffical public repositories. Maybe based on git or 
something like this. 
Everyone who uses gEDA might build already some exoctic footprints. There are 
just not published due to lack of time and resources. A simple upload wizard 
and a sync option would allow everyone to upload there own footprints and 
symbols very easily, fixing problems and bugs and finally have access to a 
steadily growing database.

Just my two cents..


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Change footprints on finished PCB

2009-11-27 Thread Torsten Wagner

I just had to change some footprints for a nearly finished pcb (some
parts was tricky to order from resellers in small quantities).
I used gattrib which allowed me to change the footprints very easily.
After running gsch2pcb, I noticed that all old footprints was removed
from the pcb and I had to load the new footprints into the pcb.
However, the came as a single big bloob and it took me a lot of time
to rearrange them to the nearly old positions.

I am just wondering whether there is a method to replace old
footprints without loosing the previous position. E.g., if you change
a SMD part from 0402 to 0603 it is often the case, that there is
enough space on the PCB and the bigger pads only need slightly
modifications of the routing. Thus, it would be nice if the footprints
just get replaced but position and orientation should be kept.

Thanks for helping


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Change footprints on finished PCB

2009-11-27 Thread Torsten Wagner
Hi Gareth,
Hi Stefan,

thanks for pointing this out. I will try to use it next time for small
changes. However, I would have to make sure that I change the
schematic in addition.

Furthermore, I guess a simple gsch2pcb with different footprints in
pcb and geschem would overwrite the local changes in pcb, or ?

This remember me that I would like ask something else.

I often work in the pcb-file itself by using a text editor. As fare as
I understood I can change everthing expect the refdes-names and the
netlist, without breaking the relation between gschem and pcb by using
gsch2pcb is that right ? Just frighten that I change something and in
an weak moment a fast gschem2pcb would destroy all the work.

Thanks a lot


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Number of Layers

2009-11-27 Thread Torsten Wagner
Hi Tony,

check the Wiki of Geda

Gentlemen - is there any forward prospect of increasing the number
 of working layers (I am talking metal, as opposed to solder mask, paste,
 silk, etc...) ? The current eight layers is great - don't get me wrong,
 but I am looking at some work with very dense FPGAs that would make a
 few more (12?) more convenient.
IIRC check Files-Preferences in pcb

Greetings Torsten

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Books about PCB design

2009-11-25 Thread Torsten Wagner
Hi all,

after the request for books about analogue electronic design, I
thought it might be nice to see whehter there is any book about PCB
design. In particular I would be interested in the magic and voodoo

- pcb materials, electromechanical consideration, etc.
- crosstalk, stray capacitance, track capacitance and impedance,
thermal conductance, PCB power plane decoupling, power-track routing
for hight speed devices, etc.
- shielding, guarding, virtual grounds, isolation, etc.
- mixed signal design
- embedded capacitor, pcb coils, pcb antennas, etc.

I know there is plenty on the net in form of PDFs. However, maybe
someone knows a good book or booklet which explains all this in



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Analog books

2009-11-24 Thread Torsten Wagner

not exact analogue design but an important aspect of todays mixed
signal electronic... and maybe a little bit of insider tipp

Keithley Instruments publish a booklet of how to measure very small
signals (fA,pA,pV,nV) and of very low and very high resistances (uOhm,
You can not buy the booklets only send a request for a free copy. The
booklets try to show how measurements can be achieve with there
devices which is fair enough for a free guide. Nevertheless, they give
nice general background on many kinds of error sources and tips and
tricks how to avoid them. Including general design and some PCB design
recommendations. The booklets are not acadaemic... just a nice
overview of different techniques to tackle different problems.

Hope that helps


2009/11/24 Karl Hammar
 Can anyone recommend some good books on analog circuit design for
 audio, precision/low noise op.amp., emc, active filters and similar ?


 Karl Hammar                    Aspö Data     
 Lilla Aspö 148                                                 Networks
 S-742 94 Östhammar          +46  173 140 57                   Computers
 Sweden                     +46  70 511 97 84                 Consulting

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: How to remove a element name from the silk layer

2009-11-23 Thread Torsten Wagner

I guess the subject says it already. I have a tiny PCB-board (SMT) and some of 
the element names are to large. 
I like to remove only a few of them (the once which does not need a mark e.g. 
because they are unique on the board.

I didn't figure out how to do this in pcb. I tried to emacs into the file and 
remove the name string.However, the name is also associated with the netlist.
If I remove CONN1, the netlist will be broken.

Further I tried a quick and dirty method by change the layer from silk to 
component and hide the names somewhere in the gnd-plane. But it seems there is 
no way to change the layer of element names

Any help welcome


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to remove a element name from the silk layer

2009-11-23 Thread Torsten Wagner

that was by fare the fastest answer ever on a mailing list. 
I tried h whitch I fetched from the key-binding help... I did not work
Until I notice that I have to select the footprint aka the element and not the 
Shame on me
Thanks a lot

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [PCB] Selection of objects

2009-11-23 Thread Torsten Wagner
 Reasonable ideas (I really like the first one);
 but you evidently forgot to attach your patches.

Oh really, lets see I just need to find out about the PCB-development 
Need to get familiar with the programming language of choice
Create the desired functions
Patch a recent git...
Submit the patches


Sound easy right... :)

Maybe I will post something... maybe... someday... 

Best regards


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB: Can't move without silk layer switched on

2009-11-18 Thread Torsten Wagner
Dear all,

I just learn about PCB and try to move footprints in pcb and have the problem 
that the silk layer with the component refdes names seems to be unmovable. 
Since I use small SMD parts, the text (e.g. R1, C1, etc.) nearly covers 
completely the pads.
Furthermore, I noticed that I can not move the foorprint if I deactivate the 

Would be glad if someone can help me out



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Can't move without silk layer switched on

2009-11-18 Thread Torsten Wagner

   Hi Stefan,

   2009/11/18 Stefan Salewski [1]

 There is something in PCB Menu like Only Names or Lock Names.
 is related to refdes text.

   Thanks for making things more clear... Actually, after my post I found
   the options you mentioned. Just was wondering about the silk layer

 If silk layer is deactivated you can not move the elements, this is
 intended. You can move only things if all of it is visible.

   O.k. this makes somehow sense.

 For questions like these google may help, when you restrict the
 to this mailing list with search terms like
 site:[2] move refdes
 PCB manual or geda wiki may help too.

   Yep, and I try heavily to use them before posting. However, the point
   is to find the right search phrase.
   move and refdes might hit but I looked for silk layer move which did
   not hit 
   I guess this is always the problem with google and Co. They will be
   never as smart as the gEDA users in the mail list, who are able to
   abstract my description to the real problem as e.g., you did above. :)
   Thanks again



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Feature Request Status-Terminal instead of dialogue and info boxes

2009-11-17 Thread Torsten Wagner

   Dear Community,
   I just start to find out about gEDA. Maybe my request is completely
   stupid. Maybe it was discussed hundred times already. Maybe a newbie
   is not in position to request a change of a program as old as pcb ;)
   .  I tried to parse the webpage and the mail list for infos but didn't
   find something related.
   As wrote in an earlier post,  I use a tiling window manager. This
   concept has problems with fixed size dialogue boxes, however, I could
   twist and turn some knobs to get a solution for that.
   Nevertheless I start to explore gschem and pcb and first of all I like
   it a lot. Esp. the text based files are great. I can emacs into them
   and just use a few keyboard macros to add and delete nearly everything
   I like to change without having to fiddle around with GUIs. Back in
   pcb and gschem I noticed that very often pop-up info boxes and
   dialogue boxes arouse. Many of them only contain a few lines of text
   info. E.g., at start-up, after autorouting, after rat-net
   optimisation, etc.
   I think in that case dialouge boxes might be the wrong way to inform
   an professional user (I simply assume that geda-users are professional
   computer users). They distract a lot and might become annoying over
   E.g., move around some footprints in pcb and keep pressing O to see
   how the rats nets comes up. After reading the upcoming pop-up which
   informs  X rat lines remaining are placed and press Close for the
   30th time it is simply annoying.
   Other programs use a fixed status bar or even more mature a status
   This little window resist at the bottom of the main window and prints
   all kind of messages from gschem ore resp. pcb the user might like to
   read. Since it keeps a history of the messages a user can simply
   scroll up and down to see what happens.
   Normally 3-5 lines of text are enough to show an experienced user what
   is going on with the program. He can execute function over function
   ignoring the upcoming text in the terminal without getting distracted
   by message boxes and only if something went wrong he can check the
   terminal output. Furthermore, some highlighting (e.g. errors appear
   red) and some search facility make it easy to spot whether there is
   any error.
   This terminal could be extend for input as well, allowing easy
   scripting which I miss in pcb at the moment. (E.g. I like to type
   functions like m 12000 14000 to move the marked object to the
   coordinates 12000,14000).
   Other open source projects who utilise such a termial window use
   embedded python, lua or some other scripting language which gives very
   powerful scripting features.
   Furthermore, this creates a central place for all kind of messages
   makes it easy for a community driven project to help by state :If you
   are going to post about a problem, please add the terminal history to
   your post.
   I would be happy to hear what you think about such a feature.
   Best regards,
   PS. I just noticed that the pop-up window will be reused to print
   messages if not closed. However, I would still prefer to have it fixed
   integrated in the main window.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Newbie-Problems no footprints in pcb after gsch2pcb

2009-11-16 Thread Torsten Wagner

I tried to get into gEDA and thought I will create a little test-project.
I followed the tutorial
Since I have to use a lot of SMD-LEDs in the near future I thought I just try 
to create a very simple schematic on my own and try to follow the way of the 
However, after I finished up the drawing in gschem, I used gsch2pcb to generate 
the PCB file. 
If I open up this file it remains empty. 
Starting conversion accoridng to the tutorial by:

 gsch2pcb 8_light_sources.rc

whereas 8_light_sources.rc is my project file only contain schematic and board 
output name.

Output of gsch2pcb is:

gsch2pcb backend configuration:

   Variables which may be changed in gafrc:
   gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-path:   /usr/local/share/pcb/m4  /usr/local/etc/pcb  
$HOME/.pcb  .
   gsch2pcb:m4-command-line:   /usr/bin/m4 -d  -I/usr/local/share/pcb/m4 -
I/usr/local/etc/pcb -I$HOME/.pcb -I. /usr/local/share/pcb/m4/common.m4 -  

   Variables which may be changed in the project file:

Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints
WARNING: V+ has no footprint attribute so won't be in the layout.

Done processing.  Work performed:
0 file elements and 8 m4 elements added to 8_light_sources.pcb.
1 components had no footprint attribute and are omitted.

Next step:
1.  Run pcb on your file 8_light_sources.pcb.
You will find all your footprints in a bundle ready for you to place
or disperse with Select - Disperse all elements in PCB.

2.  From within PCB, select File - Load netlist file and select to load the netlist.

3.  From within PCB, enter


to propagate the pin names of all footprints to the layout.

The missing footprint is ok for now. I did not assign one to a component to 
see what happens.
The PCB-file is also written and peeping inside I saw many stuff which seems 
like it should be o.k. ;)

Starting PCB by

 pcb 8_light_sources.pcb

Opens up PCB and direclty fires up library selection dialog.
However, I just find a plain empty sheet. No footprints.

I use the PCB version 20091103
and gEDA just compiled from git.

Would be nice if someone is able to help me out



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA, awesome wm and dual monitor

2009-11-16 Thread Torsten Wagner
Hi all,

I recently start up trying to use gEDA and Friends.
As window-manager I use awesome ( which as far as 
I can see share many ideas with the gEDA project in terms of GUI usage.
Thus, I wondering whether there are more awesome users here.

Awesome is a tiling minimalistic window manager without window boarders, 
maximising window size for applications.
Naturally, floating fixed size dialog boxes are poison for this principle since 
they might create a lot of funny annoying things in a tiling maximising window 
manager. Awesome tries to figure out how to deal with it and use a special 
floating mode if it notice about a dialog box.

I noticed that gschem and pcb open up a dialog box at start which are not 
recognised by awesome as floating boxes and wonder if there is any way to 
either suppress this or to fix the size within awesome.
I can look throw awesome page and wiki to find a solution for this but thought 
maybe someone here have a nice working config already.

Furthermore, I use a dual monitor set-up (something maybe not as unlikely for 
EDA systems). However, for some reasons, the dialog boxes e.g. for the library 
selection window always open up at the wrong display.
I know this strange behaviour from other programs as well. On the awesome mail 
list people refer to the fact the programs themselves mess around with the 
window settings. I guess, if this is true it might be interesting for some of 
the devs to check at which point gschem and pcb might conflict with the window 
managers since this might create all kind of problems not only in awesome but 
also for other window managers.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: powermeter results!

2009-11-15 Thread Torsten Wagner
Also if a bit OT

 DJ Delorie wrote:
  No surprise, computers and related electronics accounted for a third
  of my electric bill.  I'm working on that, but that's the cost of
  doing business.
 Are the always on computers close together?  As they deserve it, you could 
replace ordinary computers with ones that
 run on a DC bus, allowing them to be fanless mostly, and make/buy an 
power supply for the DC bus voltage.
 Then you could integrate the DC bus power supply into your HVAC control 
system so it exchanges heat with outside
 or ground temp in summer and adds to building heat in winter.

Another point to save, if your computers are running 24/7 and mainly provide 
server functions and you are not frighten to run Linux, which I guess is the 
case for a gEDA reader,  

a) just buy a bigger machine and use virtualisation technologies like XEN, 
Virtualbox, VMWare, etc.

b) get some of this little ARM based boards or Atom based boards to replace 
your hungry desktop processors by something more greeny (e.g. check for the 
beagle board on the web which consumes only 1.5 W). This yet tiny but powerful 
systems can normally serve well all home and small office network and 
stuff and requires less power in full operation mode then many desktop 
computers in suspend mode.
c) Computers which does not need to run 24/7 but always on because of the 
discomfort to shut them down and power them up will benefit greatly from wake-
on-lan and wake-up-timers (mostly found in bios settings).



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: powermeter results!

2009-11-15 Thread Torsten Wagner
  and you are not frighten to run Linux,
 Heh.  No, I'm not :-)

That's nice to hear :)
  a) just buy a bigger machine and use virtualisation technologies like XEN, 
  Virtualbox, VMWare, etc.
 For security reasons, I'd rather not combine my public-facing server
 with my internal file server.  For performance reasons, the chess
 server has its own fast dual-cpu box.

Actually unlike you are a paranoid security geek, mature solutions like XEN do 
not differ from what is used at prof. domain and root server providers. 
Unlikely that someone is able to hack through your xen-webserver to access 
your xen-fileserver.

 I have WOL configured for my work machine, but the other 24/7 machines
 really need to be on 24/7.

Depending on the task you might like to play around with sending hdds to 
suspend and other power management stuff...
I applied once some of the stuff known for laptops to one of my home servers 
and it save a bit power.
Going crazy you can replace the often R/W-access folders of your system with 
mount point to a RAM-disk and save even more power... however with tricks like 
that you might risk data loose.



 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: powermeter results!

2009-11-15 Thread Torsten Wagner
 d) Replace an obsolete server with a cast-off-for-mechanical-reasons
 laptop.  I'm thinking of cracked cases or screens.  You get quiet,
 low power, small footprint, and a built-in UPS.  And its price ranges
 from small (*cough* ebay *cough*) to free.  (You're welcome, Steve)

I did this a few times. It could work out nice. However, defect laptops with 
low or nearly no value are already somehow old.
Even if performance is not the primary target, that would include that the 
hardware is already somehow exhaust and at the end of lifetime. Personally, I 
noticed that this is more true for laptops then for desktop PCs. I assume the 
constant heat conditions inside a laptop are going to kill it over time and 
the fan system is not designed for 24/7 operations. I think if you like to 
operate an older laptop 24/7 you have to improve cooling.
I used two cracked laptops as a low budget server and both died rather fast.
As for the UPS, the Li-Ion batteries died first ;), they are not considered for 
long shelf live. That's the reason you still find NiCd or lead acid batteries 
in UPS systems.

That means not it isn't a good idea to use a laptop, it could be a nice cheap 
all-in-one-solution, just some precaution have to be taken into advance... 
1. don't take models (often no-name brands) which are known to become very 
2. improve cooling somehow (e.g. remove all unneeded stuff and remove the 
internal keyboard, add a low rotating big fan (low noise) to it...



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA and pcb status and minigration from Eagle

2009-11-12 Thread Torsten Wagner
I don't want to clutter the list with invidual Thank you answers. Thus this 
post is a big thanks for all the answers and the really nice unbiased 
The amount of answers, the friendly writing style and the compentency makes me 
sure the gEDA community is nice and active.

I played around with gschem and pcb yesterday and so fare I have to say: GREAT
It is exactly what I was looking for. Something which let me have control of 
whats going on.

If there is somewhere a user counter then

user_counter =+ 1 ;)

Thanks again.


P.S. One question remain: Why I didn't switch some years ago already ?!
I guess it was the somehow alienating GUIs which keep me away. However, this 
seems to be better no on both sides. I lost interest in fancy GUIs and 
gschem and PCB makes some effort to create a little bit more beauty GUIs.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA and pcb status and minigration from Eagle

2009-11-12 Thread Torsten Wagner
  the blogosphere and
  Internet is rather quite about this packages.
 Is the blogospere more chatty on kicad?

Hmm... difficulte question. I was looking for some Tutorials and some blog 
where people write about there expierence with gschem and pcb. 
Maybe one point is the name of pcb it is similar like LaTeX... google it 
and you will be overhelmed with wrong results.
As for kicad I did not look in detail but it seems to be more on discussion 
along hobbists then gschem and pcb. I guess do to its out-of-the-box nature

Best regards,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA and pcb status and minigration from Eagle

2009-11-12 Thread Torsten Wagner

 If you're new to gEDA, make sure you have at least the 1.6.0 version.
 Anything older is just so much uglier. 1.6.0 is actually the latest
 release - there are one or two bug fixes (one notable) in git HEAD if
 you wanted to build from source
Thanks for pointing this out. Actually I tried to build from git but received 
an error messages

Making all in scheme
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/torsten/gaf/gnetlist/scheme'
sed \
-e 's;@m4@;/usr/bin/m4;g' \
-e 's;@pcbm4dir@;/opt/gEDA/share/pcb/m4;g' \
-e 's;@pcbconfdir@;/opt/gEDA/etc/pcb;g' \
./  gnet-gsch2pcb.scm
if test . !=  ; then \
echo copying scheme files ; \
cp -f ./*.scm  ; \
else \
echo source directory = build directory ; \
copying scheme files
cp: target `./gnet-vipec.scm' is not a directory
make[3]: *** [all-local] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/torsten/gaf/gnetlist/scheme'

Thus, I switched back to the tar-ball.
Would be nice to know how to fix it since I like to track project progresses 
with git



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA and pcb status and minigration from Eagle

2009-11-11 Thread Torsten Wagner
Dear gEDA community,

this is my first mail to the list, thus do not flame me if I ask silly 
For the last days I was looking for a open source program for PCB design.
I came across KiCad and the gEDA package not mentioned some of the smaller 
proggis around the web.

Here and there I played around with both already, but never make some serious 
work. Back at my windows OS times I teached myself Eagle and whenever I had to 
do some real work, I switched to the free eagle version for Linux.
Nevertheless, over the last months I changed my work habits from a MS windows 
like style with fancy pretty 3d windows (e.g., KDE) to a minimalistic design 
and the command-line (e.g., awesome wm). Thus, I killed more and more 
proprietary programs and replaced bloated GUI-programs by KISS(keep it 
simple stupid)-versions. Now, it is time to look again into EDA.

Initially, I believe that according to my work habits, gEDA and pcb might be 
more suitable to me then KiCad. However, I can not see the ongoing usage and 
development of this projects in the near future. I saw actual releases for 
both packages but do not know whether there is really an active development in 
progress. Package management systems of different distributions ship rather old 
versions and the blogosphere and Internet is rather quite about this packages.

Furthermore, can I do all the stuff I was used to do in eagle with gEDA and pcb 
Are there any shortcuts or limitations ?
How mature and stable are the suite yet ? 
Can it be really considered for serious work ?

As for me I have no problem to get my hand dirty and crawl around in config-
files and text-files. I even will love to see that maybe one or another task 
be done by simply writing some text-files in emacs (or vi to avoid a war).
For Eagle, I liked the little command line at the bottom of the window, which 
allowed me to type in comments rather then clicking and searching around in 
GUI-settings. If there is something like this in gschem or pcb I would be 
happy to use it.

I know to ask all this questions here is a bit silly, since you all are 
somehow biased (otherwise you would not read this list ;) ). 
So, please try to give me a very objective idea about the status of the 
project. :)

Just don't want to ride a dead horse and notice later that the projects freeze 
and I spend all the fun to learn it without further be able to use it.

I highly appreciate any comments and suggestions.



geda-user mailing list