Re: gEDA-user: solder/component -- top/bottom ?

2011-09-18 Thread John Griessen

On 09/18/2011 07:56 PM, Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:

DJ's clarification aside, I would vote for top/bottom, with each of those 
symbolically being placed in the list.  That is, for an 8-layer default: Top, Layer 2, 
Layer 3, ..., Layer 7, Bottom



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: coding style

2011-09-18 Thread John Griessen

On 09/18/2011 10:04 PM, Andrew Poelstra wrote:

Well, C itself doesn't seem to be used too much outside of  10 year
old code. Nowadays the language du jour seems to be Python, and C is
only used for library-type projects that want many language bindings.

IMHO everything should be Lisp.;)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: solder/component -- top/bottom ?

2011-09-18 Thread John Griessen

On 09/18/2011 08:16 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
 You're +1'ing something we already have,


On 09/18/2011 08:16 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

So... go get the release and test it

OK.  There's another unfinished/overdue project on my to do list...
I will attempt to swap sleep/insomnia for executing parts of that project 
during the nights
upcoming this fall...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: solder/component -- top/bottom ?

2011-09-18 Thread John Griessen

On 09/18/2011 09:01 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

This patch replaces component and solder in the leftmost item of the
status line of the GTK HID with top and bottom.

Thanks for work to improve the GUI Kai-Martin.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: cygwin geda tools

2011-09-13 Thread John Doty

On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Dan Roganti wrote:

 I noticed that the Mac is
   also supported, but it's practically a given since it's basically uinx

The difference between Windows and Mac here is that Charles Lepple has 
routinely packaged new releases for Fink on MacOSX, while the various Windows 
installers have been one-shot deals. Nobody has stepped forward to do this as a 
routine job for each new release of gEDA on Windows.

 We shouldn't disparage the user as we do with other platforms -
   although we do try to bring them over in many cases.

I don't think there's any tendency to disparage Windows users here. There is a 
tendency to be annoyed with demands that the gEDA project create Windows 
binaries. The gEDA project basically creates source code. For other systems, 
there are communities of package maintainers (real heroes!) who do the work of 
ferreting out incompatibilities and creating the binaries. That kind of 
community effort has not taken hold in the Windows world. 

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: cygwin geda tools

2011-09-13 Thread John Doty

On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:53 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 Nobody has stepped forward to do this as a routine job for each new
 release of gEDA on Windows.
 Yes, I have.  Peter and I have been working on the details, but I've
 been doing automated builds of geda for windows for a while now.  I
 just haven't advertised them much because we're still testing and
 debugging them.  And PCB has had windows releases in the past with
 some regularity anyway, the big problem is that the release relied on
 a now-obsolete cygwin feature, so we have to cross-build them

OK, so you and Peter intend to take on the additional burden of routinely 
packaging for Windows? Above and beyond the call of duty for a developer, I 

 I don't think there's any tendency to disparage Windows users here.
 The geda web site explicitly says that windows users are not
 supported.  And there's plenty of history on the mailing list saying
 that the regulars would rather not have windows users involved.

I think you misread the mailing list. We regulars would rather not torque the 
project around to be Windows-centric. But I have no objection to bringing 
Windows users on board: Peter can tell you that I've privately thanked him for 
his (lower key) efforts here in the past. Some of my customers use Windows: 
it's handy for them to be able to display and edit the schematics themselves.

 We've done a poor job of making potential windows users welcome and it
 will take quite a bit of work to reverse that.

We've done exactly as much to make Windows users welcome as we've done for Mac 
users. The difference is that the Mac community (in the persons of Charles 
Lepple and whoever packages for MacPorts) has stepped up here while the Windows 
community has not.

 There is a tendency to be annoyed with demands that the gEDA project
 create Windows binaries.
 There is a tendency to be annoyed with demands for *anything*, but we
 do recognize the need for windows support and we *are* working on it.

I don't see that as a developer responsibility, but I'm all for it, especially 
if you guys can sustain it. The problem with past Windows binaries is that 
they've been one-shot deals.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: cygwin geda tools

2011-09-13 Thread John Doty

On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Colin D Bennett wrote:

 How much Unix tools does gEDA really need
 to run?  Just the Scheme interpreter?

Optional tools need a variety of support, e.g. Perl for refdes_renum, Python 
for tragesym. To participate in, you need CVS, and some of the 
scripts there use AWK. Some design flows use Make. gEDA can export netlist data 
to many tools, but of course you'd need the tool in question to actually use 
this capability.

gEDA is *not* a self-contained system. Hurray for that!

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: plugins (was: How can you help...)

2011-09-12 Thread John Hudak
   My suggestion is to first create an outline.  The first n sections
   should be in tutorial form, using a small example, and focusing on the
   main steps, beginning with installation of the tool(s), problem
   statement (going from schematic to board layout to what needs to
   shipped to a board house).  This section should contain a number of
   subsections (1-2 pages in length for each subsection) that is a
   susccinct description of the the task. Related, but not main stream
   topics can be forward referenced to another section later in the
   document.  For example, making a design from the built in libaraies
   would be in the first major section, with a forward pointer to a
   detailed section about how to make your own objects in libaries, and
   yet another subsection could deal with library management (concepts and
   approaches, perhaps with one example illustrated - for example,
   managing libraries on a personal workstation).
   So, the doc would have two sections:
   Section 1 - Main tutorial
   Each subsection in the tutorial would be listed in the outline, so one
   could read through the outline and see the steps involved in producing
   a board.
   Section 2 - Expanded topics referenced in the tutorial
   Each subsection in this section would address a specific topic
   referenced in Section 1.  Each subsection should be self contained, ie.
   how to create a symbols, how to manage symbol libraries, etc.
   Lots of screen shots should be in both sections as appropriate
   I would be happy to review the outline and the development, and provide

   On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak
   [1] wrote:

   Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:
Somehow missed this thread and replied on the other one... Count me
in for documentation. Please let me know what I can do.

 I still have to decide, where to start. An overview? A getting
 A HOWTO? A table of contents to be filled?

Some of the documentation I have written previously is here:
gEDA-Tutorials.pdf on

 Kai-Martin Knaak Email: [3]
 Moderation of geda-user seems to be lifted somewhat, lately. I am
 still unhappy with it. Why? Because it is completely nontransparent.

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: reasons for wikibook (was: plugins)

2011-09-12 Thread John Doty

On Sep 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 developers.  They're your greatest source of information on how the
   tools work.

At the reference manual level, perhaps (although when I documented the gnetlist 
scheme primitives I didn't get much developer help). But at the level of 
toolkit use, I don't think so. The developers appear to to be focused on a 
small subset of gEDA's broad application space.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: plugins (was: How can you help...)

2011-09-12 Thread John Doty

On Sep 12, 2011, at 8:05 AM, John Hudak wrote:

   So, the doc would have two sections:

There's nothing whatever preventing you from creating gEDA documentation and 
publishing it on your own site (or even us black sheep are 
accepted there). That's what Stuart Brorson did when he created his great 
tutorial, even though he was an insider.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Speaker SPICE modeling with gschem and ng-spice/gnucap

2011-09-12 Thread John Doty

On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:

 I have been playing with one guitar amplifier project for a while and so far 
 the amplifier design has been more or less copy and paste and simulate and 
 guess from graphs. However I bumped in net this blog post
 Is it possible to do same thing? Input wav to simulator and get speaker's 
 output and hear it? I know it's not perfect but it could be very helpful. Has 
 someone done this before and provide some hints, examples or links?

Shouldn't be too hard. ngspice seems to have no limit to the length of a PWL 
spec. Put the audio in some simple form (like raw binary samples), write a tiny 
program to convert to PWL. Generate output with .PRINT, write another tiny 
program to convert to binary samples.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-11 Thread John Griessen

On 09/10/2011 11:33 PM, Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:

  i find that the documentation for creating
hierarchical designs (schematics encapsulated inside a gschem symbol)
is rather scattered so I'm going to start off with that first. If
anyone has already written this please let me know!

I have some notes here:

the pcb-hier-cells Generator is a script changed a little form John Luciani's

I'll help you with that write up and editing also.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-11 Thread John Doty

On Sep 10, 2011, at 10:33 PM, Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:

 But having lots of searchable (over the internet) docs is much better.
 For example, I imagine a beginner will run a [google] search for gEDA
 beginners guide or gSchem Tutorial

There are many gEDA flows. Any particular tutorial is going to be wrong for 
most of them. gEDA is a flexible toolkit: that's its strength. Therefore, the 
fundamental need is *not* tutorials, but concise reference documentation.

In my opinion, we only have one decent tutorial: Stuart Brorson's fine 
explication of his SPICE flow ( It's 
good, in part, because it's explicitly about a specific flow.

 whereas an advanced user will be
 searching for say PCB complete reference or the keywords pertaining
 to a particular issue.

That only helps if you know the concepts and the keywords. How are you going to 
look up attribute promotion if you don't already know what it is? That's why 
voluminous documentation is a disaster: you can waste hours fishing for an 
unfamiliar concept.

One of the things that attracted me to gEDA nine years ago was its concise 
documentation (at that time). I hate time-wasting complexity. The original 
concise documentation is still there, but it's lost in the fog.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-10 Thread John Hudak
   Very good point!  and if I may add: ALL contained  in ONE place,
   sufficiently reviewed to make it 100% correct with the current version
   of the tool(s) it is intended to be use with (and stated in the
   document itself).

   From my experience, ONE person is accepted as the book boss and is
   responsible for organizing/coordinating the development/revisions of
   ALL user documentation.

   I also believe the book boss should have a user perspective, rather
   than a developer perspective for the user documentation.

   If developer documentation is to be (re)organized as well, the same
   oversight model should be used, and I think a developer should have
   coordination duties.

   Just my 0.02 (your favorite currency here...USD, pounds, Euros, etc...)


   On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Stefan Salewski [1]

   On Sat, 2011-09-10 at 10:19 +0530, Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 22:20, Dan Roganti [2]
 I wouldn't say wipeout, from looking at the current state of
   documentation, there's been a huge amount of work done there. I
   suggest just making some additions and editing some parts to
   bring some
   attention to all of the important features.
+1. There's lots of good documentation, but there are things missing
and lots of details need to be added. I think it would be a very good
idea to have some collection of documents (or at least link to
I'm willing to help with the documentation since I do use gEDA
regularly (and i'm not much help with the programming).

 What we really should consider:
 A lot of documentation can be bad.
 Consider the toys from the big company with the damaged fruit: A
 for the success of the toys is that documentations seems to be not
 A lot of documentation can make people think that it is very
 For gEDA/PCB we have collected a lot of documentation over the years
 some is obsolete/outdated/redundant now or covers details, which
 people are not interested in -- at least not when starting with
 Send to geda-user: Sat Sep 10 13:34:27 CEST 2011

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: EZBOARD -- use gEDA without knowing it

2011-09-10 Thread John Griessen

On 09/10/2011 10:35 AM, Jared Casper wrote:

A reason
  for the success of the toys is that documentations seems to be not

I agree with the idea, but the thing is, the Apple software that
doesn't need documentation doesn't do a whole lot.

Yes, and the hobby CAD users want it to be that easy and they get it with
limitations from places like PCBExpress.  I would not hurt to have an EZBOARD 
where most features are hidden and you can make a mixed through hole and 
surface mount
arduino compatible shield board with a small range of standard
components as EZBOARD as falling off a truck.
If all the docs for that had the different EZBOARD mode name, there would be no 
fear of
the other features by the low aiming users.

It would not hurt either if that name was picked out carefully and registered 
of depending on its inherent unpronouncability, (gEDA, gschem), to keep
others from claiming the name.


ezboard might even be available...

EzBoard has now switched all its boards to Yuku.

On September 8, 2011 Yuku was acquired by CrowdGather, Inc.[5] The acquisition 
included all legacy ezboard domains. [6]
[edit] ezboard history

ezboard is a web application, created in 1996[7] by Vanchau Nguyen. One of the earliest user-customisable online message board 
providers, it quickly grew.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Wire-only Symbols - Netlist problems

2011-09-10 Thread John Doty

On Sep 10, 2011, at 8:19 AM, Abhijit Kshirsagar wrote:

 The problem is solved with the latest gnetlist (1.7.1). Thanks so much!
 I will be documenting the library of bond graph elements (symbols and
 definitions). Just wanted to know if anyone uses bond graphs for

No, but I might now that you've made this possible with gEDA. How about 
publishing this on

This is a fine example of what makes gEDA a superior toolkit: it's a powerful 
foundation for innovative approaches to design automation, rather than merely 
being an electronic substitute for a drafting board.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-10 Thread John Griessen

On 09/10/2011 06:20 PM, Jared Casper wrote:

gEDA is as far away from Fritzing as Word is from NotePad.


But they both have many of the same low level primitive commands and actions.
I think you could base two apps on the same code and many of the users would 
never know,
since some are so little into craft and so into speed, they would never
read about the crafty details.


PS Fritzing is not all bad...  I think it aims to be the arduino-compatible 
development tool for

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Electromagnetic bike

2011-09-09 Thread John Doty

On Sep 9, 2011, at 5:29 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

 If you're after significant resistance, I would go for a copper disk,
 about 5mm or thicker, with strong magnets - either an electromagnet on
 an iron core - placed quite close (within a few millimetres) of the
 spinning disk, OR - some neodymium hard-disk magnets (for example).
 You could use an aluminim disk (much cheaper, and easier to obtain I'd
 imagine) - but I would up the thickness.

The torque will fall off at low speed, when the magnetic diffusion depth 
exceeds the thickness of the disk. The diffusion depth is given by:


where dm is the magnetic diffusion coefficient, about 130 cm^2/s for Cu, 230 
cm^2/s for Al. The time parameter, t, is essentially the time a point on the 
disk remains in the vicinity of the magnet.

This is, of course, just dimensional analysis: a detailed model of the field 
configuration is needed if you need to be more quantitative.

The same physics leads to the concept of skin depth.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-09 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 04:14 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

My solution: A titleblock symbol that is really just that. A box, which
contains the title, date, version and author, to be printed on the bottom
of a page. Because these are global attributes, they can be edited wholesale
with the attribute editing dialog. But the symbol includes no frame.

I draw the frame after the fact to fit the schematic. The ability to expand
on demand is handy, if the circuit needs some more components.

I like that idea.  I'd like that to be the default for new people also.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-09 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 04:32 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:

Notice there are plenty of single-key bindings there already, for
example, the group at the bottom.

Hope that helps,

Yes, thanks.  Maybe I'll create a tutorial based on a keybinding layout
that works smoothly with PCB and see if it is popular.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: accel keys

2011-09-09 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 06:58 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

There are a few more that could potentially be matched:


* start drawing a net [n]   start drawing a track [F2]

* edit some text [ex]   edit some text [n]

  load layout (no accel)

* new [fn]  new layout [ctrl-n]

* quit [alt-q]  quit [ctrl-q]

With a few exceptions I'd prefer the PCB accels.

I like this.  This is a really good start on some UI improvements.
I'll try to find time to help.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-09 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 07:01 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

The number of people using it one way or the other would be voted for
  with tutorials written and promoted.

... and create quite some confusion during the process. Does not look
like a good idea to me.

OK, then how about we write it up in your wiki book and
get it officially linked to and


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: accel keys

2011-09-09 Thread John Doty

On Sep 9, 2011, at 6:01 PM, John Griessen wrote:

 On 09/08/2011 06:58 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 There are a few more that could potentially be matched:
 * start drawing a net [n]   start drawing a track [F2]
 * edit some text [ex]   edit some text [n]
  load layout (no accel)
 * new [fn]  new layout [ctrl-n]
 * quit [alt-q]  quit [ctrl-q]
 With a few exceptions I'd prefer the PCB accels.
 I like this.  This is a really good start on some UI improvements.
 I'll try to find time to help.

I think it's better to stick with Roman letters, rather than the Fn. On some 
keyboards (Macs, netbooks, ...) the Fn keys require an unusual shift key to be 
pressed. That would be particularly inconvenient for functions like start 
drawing a net, that initiate graphical operations. n is very nice in that 
case: I find myself wishing other graphics programs were so easy.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 03:24 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
The good part of kicad was, that producing

a PCB is easily possible even if you know nothing about the tool. But getting
to more advanced features was hard to impossible within the time i tried it.

Now comes the catch: When i was a teenager, i did an electronics project
in high school. Not having access to the internet and not knowing anything
about OSS (i dont think gEDA existed back then), i got a copy of Orcad for
DOS (it was ancient even back then). But, within a day i was able to enter
my first test schematics and produce something that looked like a PCB


Now the question is, why isn't there any OSS EDA tool out there that
combines the availability of complex features with ease of use like
Orcad did 20 years ago?

If there were one, i'd be happy to throw money at it, to help it being

Attila Kinali

PS: for my OH project, i decided to stick with comercial tools.

If anyone has some time for planning user interface changes, I have a few
low level ideas of what is stopping development toward complex
features with ease of use.

1.  The double keystrokes in gschem need to become single
strokes to match with every other UI anywhwere, so de facto standard key 
can be adopted for cut, paste, etc.

2.  The scales of symbols and borders in existing libraries needs to be workable
for A size or letter size paper out of the box.  And the beginner mode should
have a create new drawing button that encapsulates this.

3.  A tool manager could be the place for some of this new function.  A tool 
manager that
integrates the separate tools and serves to reinforce a pcb development work 
flow as a
memory aid and speed tool for infrequent users.

4. PCB needs an alternate mode to start in where sequences of common tasks are
started by a single button, rather than, 1. get in the right tool mode, 2. 
click mouse.
For beginners, it needs to include:

create traces all with the mouse,
place parts all with the mouse,
move parts with mouse and a modifier key,
drag traces.

Use of cut and paste buffers needs to be invisible by default and otional with 
a workaround that
does not require knowing they exist.

After these low level stoppers, we should find textbooks to study on GUI 
design, compare those
to Orcad twenty years ago, and copy what is not patented.

John Griessen

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 10:03 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:

Yes, i know that the workflow is tool dependent, but there are many
tools out there that follow a more or less similar workflow and i think
gEDA should match that as well.

If there is a good reason to deviate from that common workflow, it should
be marked s

One way to do an integrated GUI is to do it flow specific, but with settings
you can change the flow.  When you change the flow, the GUI looks different and
has reminders for the chosen flow and nothing else.  And a banner at top says,
gschem-to-pcb, or gschem-to-PADS, or 
icarus-verilog-gnucap-simulation-gschem-pcb or,
GNSPICE-simulation-gschem-gnetlist-to-chip-layout ...

These GUIs could have names to launch the tool manager with the settings set,
and some users would use the first one and never open a manual.  And John Doty
might never write the last one, since he doesn't like a GUI for EDA work.

icarus-verilog-gnucap-simulation-gschem-pcb is going to need some low level 
work first,
but you get the idea...

Now if I just had a budget.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread John Hudak
   ditto...although I only used it for one digital board.

   On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Dan Roganti [1]

   On 09/08/2011 03:24 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
   The good part of kicad was, that producing
   a PCB is easily possible even if you know nothing about the tool.
   But getting
   to more advanced features was hard to impossible within the time i
   tried it.
   Now comes the catch: When i was a teenager, i did an electronics
   in high school. Not having access to the internet and not knowing
   about OSS (i dont think gEDA existed back then), i got a copy of
   Orcad for
   DOS (it was ancient even back then). But, within a day i was able
   my first test schematics and produce something that looked like a

   yes, OrCad was a very powerful eda tool and to a certain extent
   intuitive. I used this for many years back then.

   Now the question is, why isn't there any OSS EDA tool out there
   combines the availability of complex features with ease of use like
   Orcad did 20 years ago?

   I truly believe that you have to take the strict viewpoint of the
   hardware designers who will be the majority of users -- and not
   back as a programmer --- when it comes to laying out a reasonable
   Interface for an EDA Tool. The OrCad tool was a prime example of

   If there were one, i'd be happy to throw money at it, to help it
  Attila Kinali

   I also agree. I would be willing to do the same. I noticed
 somewhere on
   the geda website that some arrangement has been made already with to help toward this cause. I only see a mention of
   PCB tool - and no mention of gSchem or others. I wonder if someone
   clarify this here.
   I think this is one more reason to compile a concise list of
   contained in this tool suite as an overview to help new or
   users to see the importance of this project.
 geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 11:05 AM, Mark Rages wrote:

The double keystrokes in gschem are excellent UI.  Not as quick to
grasp at first, but very very good in practice.

I think gschem has a pretty good interface.  I only wish PCB used the
same shortcuts instead of the random keys it has now.

Moving gschem to single strokes would allow better matching of it with PCB,
and all the rest, without stopping any
good keyboard-via-non-dominant-hand plus mouse-via-dominant-hand
computer driving.

[jg]I know -- I've done chip layout for pay -- about 28 months worth.

On 09/08/2011 11:32 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Any schematic will fit on any
 size page, gschem always scales to fit.

[jg]I know there is no scale in gschem -- but there is a mismatch of size 
apparent to
a new user because the default page border is out of whack with the symbols.

On 09/08/2011 11:32 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:
   I see no
 need for a third GUI when there are no other buttons needed.

[jg]The function is merely suggested as a learning and reminder
device for new and infrequently returning users.

On 09/08/2011 11:32 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Use of cut and paste buffers needs to be invisible by default and
   otional with a workaround that does not require knowing they exist.
 I almost never use cut and paste in PCB, and when I do (usually for
 moving the whole board around), I use the standard Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C,
 Ctrl-V keystrokes.

[jg]Great!  This one's already done.  It's been a couple months
 since I've done a layout.  I forgot.

On 09/08/2011 11:44 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:
 commission a multi-million dollar study of thousands of projects to
 see what the best size is.  Or just pick a new one;-)

[jg]It's mostly about getting some of these beginner things into the defaults.

On 09/08/2011 11:50 AM, Dan Roganti wrote:
 I certainly don't have a problem with the current state of software
 development with gEDA. I just think it's all in the matter of how you
 promote it. Since I returned to this, I go straight to the docs,
 tutorials and examples on your website and such.
 There's are still some things in the docs which could use some
 elaboration for new users, beside returning users like myself -

[jg]I think DJs docs are fabulous too.

John Griessen

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 11:28 AM, wrote:

I find the two-letter commands to be very fast to use.
They're one of the main reasons why I prefer gschem to the expensive
proprietary program I used at my last job.  But maybe that's just
because I'm a vi user.;)

I think the double strokes could be kept as a settings option, but that
would make writing docs hard with two ways to do things.  We will always have
that problem to a degree, because key bindings are user configurable.
How do you teach it when you've changed all the keys to suit yourself?

Changing all the keys is common for the speed-layer-outers among us,
but I'd still like to see more commonality with mainstream for gschem.

Single stroke key commands leaves you with maybe 40 unshifted commands you can 
Seems like enough to me.

I bet that after implementing a user configurability like PCB has, and someone, 
creating a set of commands that single stroke maps to the same action sequences
as the double stroke commands, and writing some tutorials, (me), the numbers of 
future users
and tutorials would go to the single stroke and double would be a few people.
The number of people using it one way or the other would be voted for with 
tutorials written
and promoted.

gschem is not as key binding configurable as PCB as far as I can tell.  Adding 
that would be a fine goal.

We should be able to program a gschem single key binding action sequence 
without a recompile that:  selects an object and
enables drag on mouse click, continues after mouse up in same mode where next 
mouse click selects and drags to move.
To get out of that mode you would go to the menus or click a button.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why some skip KiCAD and gEDA

2011-09-08 Thread John Griessen

On 09/08/2011 01:01 PM, Karl Hammar wrote:

Don't ever assume that a non native engligh speaker will understand
thoose words or view them as anything else than some random characters
lumped together.

Another reason gschem would benefit from no-recompile-required key binding 
with action sequences.  Besides keys, they can go to menu picks or buttons with
user language usage hints.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Electromagnetic bike

2011-09-08 Thread John Doty

On Sep 8, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Rob Butts wrote:

  Does anyone know the theory behind the design of an electromagnetic
   bicycle. I thought it was bringing in magnetic fields close to a
   spinning metal disc but I'm not sure so I'm asking here.

Do you mean an eddy current brake?

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: CERN goes for KiCAD

2011-09-07 Thread John Hudak
   You might want to consider import/export capability for the most widely
   used commercial product (not sure what that is at the moment).
   You may want to consider the following as well:
   1) An updated tutorial that is accurate (IIRC, last edit is 2007, a bit
   long in the tooth, not to mention full of errors)
   2. Description and verification of a BoM method that works
   3. Fix tragsym, and better document how to use it
   4. Make sure the tools that your tools require/use do infact
   interoperate - For example, I recently tried to use Calc (open office
   equivalent of Excel) and could not find a way to save as text file (tab
   delimited) option that is required by tragsym
   5. Might want to provide a comprehensive and accurate
   description/document for schematic symbol creation and strongly suggest
   using that approach.  I tried three approaches and the only one that
   had the shortest learning curve and works was a utube tutorial I found
   (it was the best I found and not even referenced anywhere in the
   gscheme website). I understand the 'freedom' to chose one of N ways to
   do development, or even write your own and hang it out there, but it
   really needs to work.
   So, someone followed up one of my posts (I admit it was a bit of a
   rant) that nothing would make me happywell, actually tools that
   work according to their usage documentation, and tools that seamlessly
   interoperate would make me happy. My experience with what I tried
   clearly does not do this. Once I finally got to generating a PCB I lost
   my desire to keep forging ahead.  The  whole deal with m4 libraries
   versus the others kept nagging at medid I make the 'right' choice?
   Is this going to somehow screw me in the end?
   Anyway, I switched to using KiCAD and it was like going from driving a
   FIAT stick to driving a 911 stick...
   Why am I saying all this?  If someone at CERN who was not to familiar
   with gEDA picked it up to try and evaluate it, and did the same with
   KiCAD, and experienced the same problems I did, they would not be
   impressed, despite the dogma that is perpetuated about not being forced
   into one design paradigmThe other reason is if someone doesn't
   provide feedback the developers are going to thing everything is just
   I am trying to provide useful feedback based on my experience.
   I still 'watch' what is happening here, eventhough I have begun using
   other tools, mainly because I think the concept is stronger and that it
   would get better in time.

   On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Peter Clifton [1]

   On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 20:37 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
Which part?  The part where CERN found an open source app they liked,
or the part where they're going to contribute to OSS?

 Sounds like a few spare cycles working on KiCad file-format import
 export for our tools might be a wise move if we want them to
 after they have tried KiCAD.
 Peter Clifton
 Electrical Engineering Division,
 Engineering Department,
 University of Cambridge,
 9, JJ Thomson Avenue,
 CB3 0FA
 Tel: [2]+44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
 Tel: [3]+44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)
 geda-user mailing list


   2. tel:%2B44%20%280%297729%20980173
   3. tel:%2B44%20%280%291223%20748328

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: CERN goes for KiCAD

2011-09-07 Thread John Hudak
   Um, with all due respectI don't consider myself 'simple
   minded'I am a professional EE, been working in this industry for a
   28+ years, and have a few technical advanced degrees.I have both worked
   in and managed groups of EEs doing state of the art EE  research and
   design. So, while I am not a hard core EDA user, I have used commercial
   tools from time to time, ranging from schematic capture to all out
   intricate board spins. I looked at opensource EDA tools perhaps 10- yrs
   ago, and decided Eagle was a better option. I decided to look first impression about geda: I liked the philosophy (loosely
   integrated, extensible, multioptioned tool approach).  I looked
   further...a lot of the last revised dates on documents and some tool
   drops were YEARS - giving the distinct impression of a dead/dormant
   effort.  I polled a few NG that cater to practicing EEs...gEDA feedback
   was non-existant.
   Since I needed to get up to speed fairly quickly, I decided to RTFM and
   try it.  While I fully acknowledge the difficulty of producing good
   documentation, without conveying the mechanics to potential users, you
   will loose them, guaranteed. (as an aside, that comment smacks of high
   power, overly clever sw developers who relish that fact they can
   program anything but can't keep focused on the real requirements).  The
   more I read, the more I figured I had to 'write my own' scripts to do
   things (after all, if things don't work what else is there to do?). Um,
   I did not expect that I'd have to do that much additional work to get
   what I needed. As my attempts to do simple things resulted in trying
   yet another tool/approach, the frustrations built, productivity went to
   Another impression, look at the websites of the two tools.  One is
   definitely more polished than the other. That casts a big impression on
   potential users. If I have to hunt through 6 different websites  and
   then burrow down 4-5 levels to find out the 'better' tutorial or find
   out how to do a BoM,  that is one sure way to put off potential new
   Hmmm, free speech and free beer...I know there is no 'free lunch'...I
   have contributed to some open source efforts in the past, by way of
   small  how to's, specialized scripts to do things, etc.  I even started
   to 'clean up' the 2006 tutorial as I went along, figuring I'd 'give
   back'As I progressed, It became clear that it would be a much
   bigger job than what I had time for.
   and finally: Smart people
   seems to have not really big problems with current gEDA state.
   If you believe that, you are seriously deluding yourselves. I came
   across posts from two university instructors who gave up using the
   tools (I would not consider them 'simple minded').  In a nutshell, user
   frustration got the best of them.
   I gave one of my summer students the job of trying to use
   gschem+pcbhe plain gave up b/c of inefficient use of his time.  So,
   while this is a small sample, it may be wise to consider these issues
   as the project moves forward.
   OK, well sorry about the critical posts - it is not personal.  If I
   violated protocol, I apologize.
   Some insightful ppl made some very good observations about the CERN
   situation...perhaps those observations may lead to changes for the

   On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Stefan Salewski [1]

 Hello John,
 I am really happy (and a bit of surprised) that critical postings
 still allowed for this list.

   On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 22:07 -0400, John Hudak wrote:
You might want to consider import/export capability for the most
   used commercial product (not sure what that is at the moment).

 Import/Export is fine for all free/open available formats.
 many important formats are not free, so we would have to do reverse
 engineering or use confidential leaked documentation. Some of us
 to do that, including me. An example is the specctre format.

   You may want to consider the following as well:
   1) An updated tutorial that is accurate

 Yes, to make simple minded people happy we need all that. Smart
 seems to have not really big problems with current gEDA state. The
 problem with simple minded people (like me :-) ) is, that they are
 consumers (stupid and greedy), with no intention and skills to
 contribute. And they do not understand or care about the difference
 between free speech and free beer.
 Many of your points are easily  to fix even for people with no
 programming skills, ie. writing new, really fine documentation. But
 is hard, boring work, so I do understand  that the developers prefer
 coding. DJ has done it very well with his
 -- unfortunately some beginners miss

Re: gEDA-user: CERN goes for KiCAD

2011-09-07 Thread John Griessen

On 09/07/2011 09:48 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

I had wondered if part of the reasoning might be that KiCad feels a lot
more local to them. (KiCad being a French originated project - CERN
being on the French / Swiss border.)

That is one thing.  Also they stated their wants as integrated printed circuit 
board layout
and valued not having anything else except maybe simulation hooks. I bet gEDA 
seems too complicated.

The main thing was probably they asked me to be their gEDA rep. because I was a list member of and I said too busy, I'll ask the core developers.  I don't remember anyone

getting excited or involved, so they figured not enough cooperation/interest.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: devices with different slots? How?

2011-09-06 Thread John Doty

On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Josef Wolf wrote:

 I am trying to create devices with different slots. For example, I'd like to
 have a 7400 consist of four NAND slots and one POWER slot (pins 7+14).

You can find that one in the Digital section at

 Similarly, I'd like to split (for example) a 68332 into its modules (POWER,
 CLOCK, TPU, QSPI, whatever).
 In the past, we have used such modularization with other CAE tools with great
 success, since it helps to keep the schematics simple and understandable.

Yep. Do it all the time with gEDA.

 Instead of having one huge block with several hundred pins for the
 microcontroller, you'd have a separate symbol for each module with a
 relatively moderate pin count for every module.

In some cases, I represent the device with a component that's just a box (no 
pins!), draw a bus to it as graphical indication of what's going on, and then 
use the script at to define the 
connection details in a table, since a tangle of lines is not very 
illuminating. I put a pretty version of the table into the documentation with

 From the description on
 I can't figure how to use different symbols for different slots.

Slots are for when the modules are identical, and you want gEDA to assign the 
pins for you based on the slot number. That's not what you want here.

  What am I

Symbols with the same refdes represent parts of the same physical component. So 
all you need to do is make the refdes attribute the same on all of your modules.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: CERN goes for KiCAD

2011-09-06 Thread John Griessen

On 09/06/2011 05:20 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

We had a meeting at CERN on Friday and decided we would start
contributing to the Kicad project in view of taking it to a level of
quality and features suitable for our PCB design activities.

They had said that at the start, really.  No surprise.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Fwd: Re: [OH Updates] How can you help solve the proprietary tool problem?

2011-09-05 Thread John Doty

On Sep 2, 2011, at 9:36 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 Besides, I always thought geda/pcb's competition was Eagle, not the
 real high-end EDA tools.  There are a *lot* of features we don't have,
 that are hard to come by, that the high end tools have.

I came to gEDA from Viewlogic, which I used to design electronics for four 
space missions. I wasted a huge pile of taxpayer's money on it. I vastly prefer 
gEDA. Viewlogic was crummy, dirty, buggy software *loaded* with confusing 
features that never seemed to do quite what was needed.

gEDA is, by contrast, much cleaner and simpler: it doesn't waste my time the 
way Viewlogic did.

I don't think gEDA really has any competition: it's really for those of us 
who'd rather spend a few minutes solving a problem with a few lines of AWK 
instead of spending all day searching for a suitable feature in thousands of 
pages of documentation. gEDA's unique in that respect. Another unique 
capability is the way it plays nicely with foreign tools, at multiple levels. 

Hurray for gEDA!

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Strange user interface behavior with gschem-

2011-09-05 Thread John Doty

On Sep 4, 2011, at 2:22 PM, Josef Wolf wrote:

 I have a strange usability behavior with gschem (the version
 that comes with ubuntu-11.04). I have attached a small schematic to
 illustrate the problem.
 In the attached schmatic, when I try to draw a net from U6-pin27 to the
 gate of Q6, a little circle appears on the nearest pin, indicating where
 the connection would be autocompleted to. But even if the circle appears
 at the gate of Q6, at the moment I click to make the connection, it jumps
 to the gate of Q4, effectively shortening pin1 with pin28 of U6.
 I have not seen such behavior before. In fact, I have not seen such an
 autocompletion-circle before. Is this some new functionality? Is there a
 way to deactivate it? Or at least configure it to behave in a sane way?

To deactivate it, you can put the line:

(magnetic-net-mode disabled)

in your project's gschemrc or in ~/.gEDA/gschemrc.

Posted to all contributors to this thread due to immoderate behavior by the 

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Fwd: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general)

2011-09-05 Thread John Doty

On Sep 4, 2011, at 7:28 AM, John Griessen wrote:

 On 09/04/2011 08:10 AM, John Griessen wrote:
 I could use some help with this write up!
 I'll write something up and ask for reviews soon.
  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general)
 Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 18:58:40 -0400
 From: phillip torrone
 To: updates
 can you write up what's needed for gEDA in a couple paragraphs? i'll post it 
 up on MAKE. be specific and what folks who want to
 help need to do and how to contact/join the gEDA community.
 what is geda
 Schematic editor and netlister capable of working with many open and 
 proprietary physical layout tools.

Including both printed circuit and VLSI layout tools. Also simulation tools. 
New netlist exporters often take only a few hours of work.

Generation of printed schematics, netists, and bills of materials can be 
automated by Unix-style scripting and Makefiles. These can thus be combined 
with other tools that create simulation results, programs, documentation, and 
other data products, making it easy to automate generation of deliverables for 
a complete project, not just its electrical part.

The website is a great community resource for the exchange of 
symbols, footprints, specialized processing scripts, etc.

  Handles making hierarchic
 schematics so elements can be repeated by schematic page instances placed 

This also facilitates reuse of parts of old schematics in new designs.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA request for volunteers

2011-09-05 Thread John Griessen

 Original Message  Subject: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of 
open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general) Date: Sat, 3 Sep
2011 18:58:40 -0400 From: phillip torrone To: updates


can you write up what's needed for gEDA in a couple paragraphs? i'll post it up 
on MAKE. be specific and what folks who want to
help need to do and how to contact/join the gEDA community.

1. what is geda
gEDA is a schematic editor and netlister capable of working with many open and 
proprietary physical layout tools
including VLSI layout, simulation.
Handles making hierarchic schematics so elements can be repeated by schematic 
page instances placed once.
The netlists it makes are a flattened hierarchy
where the netlist of a subcell has its parts repeated with different names.  New netlist exporters often take only a few hours of 
work. A circuit board layout tool called PCB allows user interface customization just as high end tools for chips do, where

a fast, experienced user enters keyboard shortcuts with left hand while mouse 
aiming with the right hand.  Newbies can use all
mouse commands.  Command menus and keyboard shortcuts can be customized by 
editing local project directory config files
to handle project specific or left handed or personal style wants.  Footprint 
libraries can be local to a project directory or
from a central library.  To be sure your project is a good reference for easy 
local libraries can supercede central ones and the project directory can be set 
up so that compressing it and giving it to someone
else results in a local project specific environment just as the first was when 
added into another users installation.

Generation of printed schematics, netists, and bills of materials can be automated by Unix-style scripting and Makefiles. These 
can thus be combined with other tools that create simulation results, programs, documentation making it easy to  generate 
deliverables for a complete project, not just its electrical part.

2. why it matters
Because it is an effective tool, and truly open

3. what is needed and why
More volunteers to help document gschem and PCB, and code things like a 
symbol/footprint cross-tool editor and translator so
the whole OSHW(open source hardware) movement picks up pace.

4. how to join in
See, ask on geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: plugins (was: How can you help...)

2011-09-05 Thread John Griessen

On 09/05/2011 09:33 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Also, they tend to bit-rot and break
when the main source moves on.

That's why they are separate.   There is not enough
coding/testing man-or-woman-power to pull all conceivable plugins along
with core changes.  Seems obvious.  The ones that are truly wanted
will get updated.  And you can develop, customize and use them without a 
recompile cycle.

I can see a core set of plugins shipping with the source, but not all.
I don't see it as a big deal though, since if a feature is really core
it will be in the core, so not shipping plugins is natural.  They're not core.

Documenting them however is a big deal.  We mostly need documentation
for enlisting more users.  After that, we need a good beginner user interface
that doesn't kill any GUI or command-line functions that are currently 
customizable .

I think it would help a lot if the scheme or c code underlying functions showed
in the log window in a way that can be cut and pasted to execute it again, or
create a script that can be run with a button.

IOW, for PCB, I'd like to see all the actions commands to get the same effect
as the GUI mouse and keyboard commands listed in a command log window as they 
so they could be cut and pasted to redo.

Having exact command logs would help proficient users document actions easily 
and write them up
as tutorials, videos, style references.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA request for volunteers

2011-09-05 Thread John Griessen

On 09/05/2011 11:55 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

See for information on mailing lists

changed that.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: plugins

2011-09-05 Thread John Griessen

On 09/05/2011 12:29 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

I think it would help a lot if the scheme or c code underlying
  functions showed in the log window in a way that can be cut and
  pasted to execute it again, or create a script that can be run with
  a button.

pcb --verbose does that, but there's still some OOB stuff that doesn't
pass through the action layer, like cursor position.

Do you mean the resulting commands from pcb --verbose would do all the
action command steps, but not show cursor positions that caused them?
That would be great.  If so, I need to try it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: plugins

2011-09-05 Thread John Griessen

On 09/05/2011 01:21 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

Cursor movements have their own channel, so just re-running
all the actions you see won't duplicate what actually happened.  For

Action: PointCursor()
Action: Mode(Notify)
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: Mode(Release)

Nothing here tells you where the PointCursor() point is, or that
Mode(Notify) actually started a drag, or where it dragged to.

Oh, so pcb --verbose still needs more before it would replay to recreate
some changes to a .pcb file.  Dang. I can't dig into that right now.

If/when you get that you get scriptability equal to Cadence chip layout.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Fwd: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general)

2011-09-04 Thread John Griessen

I could use some help with this write up!

I'll write something up and ask for reviews soon.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 18:58:40 -0400
From: phillip torrone
To: updates


can you write up what's needed for gEDA in a couple paragraphs? i'll post it up on MAKE. be specific and what folks who want to 
help need to do and how to contact/join the gEDA community.

what is egeda
why it matters
what is needed and why
how to join in

feel free to send it to the list here and i'll grab it from here assuming no 
one has an additions to it.


On Sep 3, 2011, at 6:54 PM, John Griessen wrote:

On 09/03/2011 03:50 PM, Pierce Nichols wrote:

Taking those over to KiCAD or geda by
hand would be a big time hit... time that I could be using to do any
number of other things.

Developing translators between these truly open formats is important, and needs
promotion and enlisting of many volunteers.  The time available from the core 
volunteers is small.  They don't volunteer to be of service to the universe,
but rather to get things done that they want.  So, enlisting more volunteers is
the most important thing to do.

On 09/03/2011 04:42 PM, Andrew Back wrote:
 It is intractable by volunteers, yes.  The corp versions are
   incomplete though, so theirs are not fully usable either.
 This sounds to me like something a proprietary UNIX vendor might have
 said to Stallman or Torvalds many years ago.

I speak as an active gEDA volunteer of testing, documenting and little bit of 
You don't seem to realize what a tiny amount of effort has created FOSS tools.
It's a limited resource.  Promoting to get more volunteers is what is needed,
and they need to be cooperative sorts, not my way or the highway types.

Are you a coder? Are you offering time for the gEDA pcb project or gschem and 

John Griessen
updates mailing list

updates mailing list

Ecosensory  1218 W 39th St.  Austin TX 78756

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Fwd: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general)

2011-09-04 Thread John Griessen

On 09/04/2011 08:10 AM, John Griessen wrote:

I could use some help with this write up!

I'll write something up and ask for reviews soon.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [OH Updates] Degrees of open-ness in EDA (and CAD in general)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 18:58:40 -0400
From: phillip torrone
To: updates


can you write up what's needed for gEDA in a couple paragraphs? i'll post it up 
on MAKE. be specific and what folks who want to
help need to do and how to contact/join the gEDA community.

what is geda

Schematic editor and netlister capable of working with many open and 
proprietary physical layout tools.  Handles making hierarchic
schematics so elements can be repeated by schematic page instances placed once. 
 The netlists it makes are a flattened hierarchy
where the netlist of a subcell has its parts repeated with different names.  Gnetlist can output to chip design or printed circuit 
work flows.  A circuit board layout tool called PCB allows user interface customization just as high end tools for chips do, where 
a fast, experienced user enters keyboard shortcuts with left hand while mouse aiming with the right hand.  Newbies can use all 
mouse commands.  Command menus and keyboard shortcuts can be customized by editing local project directory config files

to handle project specific or left handed or personal style wants.  Footprint 
libraries can be local to a project directory or
from a central library.  To be sure your project is a good reference for easy 
local libraries can supercede central ones and the project directory can be set up so that compressing it and giving it to someone 
else results in a local project specific environment just as the first was when added into another users installation.

why it matters

Because it is an effective tool, and truly open

what is needed and why

More volunteers to help document gschem and PCB, and code things like a 
symbol/footprint cross-tool editor and translator so
the whole OSHW(open source hardware) movement picks up pace.

how to join in

See, ask on geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Fwd: Re: [OH Updates] How can you help solve the proprietary tool problem?

2011-09-02 Thread John Griessen

Does the category low end bother you?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [OH Updates] How can you help solve the proprietary tool problem?
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 09:12:20 +1000
From: Dave Jones

I'm planning a review of the low end PCB tools (Eagle, gEDA, KiCAD)
from a new user perspective (I've used Altium for 20+ years, and
worked there for 4 years, so have barely touched Eagle, and not the
others at all).
I expect those to be very long videos, and still only briefly cover the basics.
I can't imagine Make having room for a decent magazine review?
My PCB Design Tutorial in Silicon Chip was spread over 3 parts.
I think any article in Make would likely just be a short OpEd like piece?

David L. Jones
The Electronics Engineering Video Blo
updates mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to find which specific part of a PCB is shorted?

2011-08-31 Thread John Griessen

On 08/31/2011 04:57 PM, Thomas Oldbury wrote:

The 3.3V bus is used all over the board. How can I locate specifically
which part is shorted?

Divide and conquer...delete some trace segments or reroute 2 pieces where one 
long one is
and see what changes...

It must be something I placed recently, but I do

not have an undo buffer as I closed the program down before I noticed

I've used the highlighting to find problems.  You know there is a wrong 
connection to
3.3V bus, so highlight that trace and see what all is connected to it.  The 
of the non-power traces that are highlighted and the power bus is where the 
problem is.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: down?

2011-08-30 Thread John Doty

On Aug 29, 2011, at 8:56 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

 Seems like I can't ping to since last night. Is the server 
 located in an area affected by the Irene storm?

Yes. New Hampshire.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: good explanations of open source licenses and copyright applied to open hardware

2011-08-30 Thread John Griessen

Just read these and very clarifying.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: down?

2011-08-30 Thread John Griessen

On 08/30/2011 04:14 PM, Russell Dill wrote:

I imagine I'm not the only one running a git mirror of If you rely on in any way, It'd be
wise to do the same.

Oh, it's getting handled by DJ doing a secondary DNS server setup

Then the web server mirror I host will be found in an outage.
At present it serves half the requests when the main server is active.
You just never see that
as you use


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: down?

2011-08-29 Thread John Griessen

On 08/29/2011 06:23 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

It's back, but there's supposed to be a backup server on the west coast...

There is, but there's no backup DNS server, so I'm not sure you can ping
it when the main server goes down.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem vs. PCB diode pin numbering

2011-08-27 Thread John Doty

On Aug 27, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Dan McMahill wrote:

 This problem goes beyond diodes and transistors.  For example, the old
 10H series of ECL parts came both in DIP packages as well as PLCC
 packages.  Some of the parts though, would be in a 16 pin DIP or a 20
 pin PLCC and so the pin numbers didn't agree between the two packages.

Yep. I recently got bit by this with the LT1078 opamp (different pinouts in 
DIP8 and SO8).

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: slotting question

2011-08-26 Thread John Doty

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:28 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:

 On 08/23/2011 11:20 PM, John Doty wrote:
  This seems like a pretty serious issue; can anyone shed a little light on 
 Absolutely mysterious. I've never seen behavior like this and I cannot 
 reproduce it using your procedure.
  Very odd.  See the click-by-click procedure in my other response.  If you're 
 so inclined, please give that a try and let me know what you see.

I wind up with a schematic containing two inverter symbols.

Perhaps you should post your test.sch.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-26 Thread John Doty

On Aug 25, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Dietmar Schmunkamp wrote:

 - From my point of view the major thing is to have one design source (even
 with a multitude of attributes e.g. net_group = g1, net_length(g1) = xxx
 mm, tolerance(g1) = 1 mm, ...etc) and drive simulation and board layout
 from this single source. That also requires feedback of electrical
 properties of the board wires back into the design source (and by this
 into the simulation model).

I think the back-annotation approach is complex, messy, and has lots of 

For my ASIC design work, the layout contractor generates the final simulation 
netlists using the layout software (Calibre). I then compare simulations of 
that netlist with simulations of the (enormously simpler) netlist derived 
directly from the gEDA schematics. An actual schematic derived from the layout 
would be incomprehensible: all hierarchy is flattened and parasitic components 
vastly outnumber the intended ones.

I think the same considerations apply to boards: it would be good for the 
layout tools to be capable of generating simulation netlists. It doesn't make 
sense to me to to run the layout data back through schematic capture tools to 
get to simulation.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-25 Thread John Hudak
   ummm, I think citing and expounding on the philosophical differences of
   one approach (integrated) versus another (multiple tool kits) is a nice
   amorphous description and somewhat akin to mental masturbation.  The
   philosophy of gEDA has already been established.  What is more
   important is that the tool suite *flawlessly* supports a small subset
   of generally accepted design-fabrication paradigms, eg workflow from
   schematic to completed  populated board, and a subset of potential
   offshoot efforts such as circuit simulation, head modeling,symbol
   creation and package creation and management, etc.
   My premise is that if you put 100 design engineers in a room who have
   done circuit design to board fab and ask them to produce a scenario of
   their work flow, at least 40% of them would have a common scenario.
   So the important questions to ask and answer are:
   Do you know what the top 2 (or 3) scenarios are?
   Do you know what the top 2 (or 3) parallel offshoot activities are?
   How well can those scenarios by fulfilled by the tool chain
   How well can those scenarios by fulfilled by the tool chain approach,
   in reality (e.g do the tools work flawlessly and do they scale?)
   If someone buys into a certain philosophy and the tool implementation
   causes them pain, they will search for less painless approaches and
   adapting ones development scenario is much easier than trying to
   understand and patching someone bogus code.
   Another point is don't stick ones head in the sand and start slinging
   code so that the additions 'do something'Consider 'the other
   religion' and the possibility that one might want to import a schematic
   developed in kicad, Altrum, orcad or whatever because PCB is the
   sexiest thing on earth. One also needs to consider outflow of a design
   from gEDA to whatever.
   Make a road map, have a plan, follow the plan and have at it.

   On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 1:03 PM, John Doty [1] wrote:

   On Aug 24, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Jared Casper wrote:
I chuckled at what this community would think of the comment, in
response to There are users who prefer separate dedicated
applications to an integrated design environment., BTW. How many of
these users have ever designed a PCB with more than 4 layers and,
300 components? From my own experience, above the certain level of
complexity the intuitiveness and efficiency of the GUI become a

 I think that's exactly backwards. The intuitiveness and efficiency
 of the GUI make for comfort, but not productivity. In a big design,
 the key is to break it down into modules, and then use the
 automation to put the modules together. This is especially true when
 you recognize that a big design encompasses not just EDA, but
 documentation, software, and possibly other things. The toolkit
 approach allows you to combine these things in a maximally automated
 I've seen the difference starkly in software. I personally don't
 care what tools a programmer uses as long as they get the job done:
 this should be a matter of individual preference. Except, it is my
 experience that programmers who prefer toolkits are much more
 productive than programmers who prefer IDE. They plan better, they
 factor better, and they exploit the power of the computer better.
 One serious problem is that IDE encourages very inefficient
 debugging practices: it's much better to trap bugs with assertions,
 logs, and analysis than to fish for bugs interactively.
 Yes, it takes more thought and planning to use a toolkit. For simple
 jobs, a nice intuitive GUI is fine (I'm typing this to the Mac
 Mail app). But planning is more important for big jobs, and a
 toolkit rewards planning better. Spending time to adapt your
 processes to the job is a big time saver for big jobs.
 A flexible, extensible, toolkit is especially superior for jobs that
 have characteristics that fall outside the limits of the application
 designers' imaginations. Try exporting KiCad designs to a computer
 algebra system for symbolic analysis (but the Mathematica back end
 for gnetlist only took me an afternoon to write).
 The important thing to recognize is that there is room for, and a
 need for, both toolkits and integrated tools. AWK and spreadsheets
 are both effective at processing tabular data in their own ways, but
 a merged tool with the characteristics of both would be
 incomprehensible. I think the same is true in EDA.
 It is my opinion that gEDA's developers and users should embrace its
 strengths as a powerful, flexible toolkit. Keep the tools separate.
 Keep the interfaces clean and simple. Maximize the rewards that
 those who can do a little scripting can earn. Let KiCad cover the
 integrated app space

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-25 Thread John Doty

On Aug 24, 2011, at 2:46 PM, John Hudak wrote:

Rudeness snipped.

   philosophy of gEDA has already been established.

Kind of. But part of the misconception you have is that gEDA (as currently 
defined) has a coherent philosophy. gEDA once referred only to gschem, 
gnetlist, and associated tools. pcb is an older program, which I believe only 
came under the gEDA tent after gschem replaced xcircuit as the tool of choice 
for schematic capture by pcb users.

I think this is very confusing to new users: pcb and the 
gschem/gnetlist/gattrib/... kit play well together, but they are not 
integrated. They represent different design philosophies, and cannot be 
integrated without damage. A Jeep pulling a trailer is more flexible 
transportation than an integrated RV.

I think that a great deal of confusion and strife would be avoided if the core 
developers would separate the pcb and gEDA projects.

  What is more
   important is that the tool suite *flawlessly* supports a small subset
   of generally accepted design-fabrication paradigms, eg workflow from
   schematic to completed  populated board, and a subset of potential
   offshoot efforts such as circuit simulation, head modeling,symbol
   creation and package creation and management, etc.
   My premise is that if you put 100 design engineers in a room who have
   done circuit design to board fab and ask them to produce a scenario of
   their work flow, at least 40% of them would have a common scenario.

Based on the wildly different notions people on this forum have for what the 
common scenarios are, I doubt it. The failure of efforts by vocal advocates of 
the common scenarios point of view to create a coherent symbol library for 
the most common scenarios is evidence, too. But I would also assert that gEDA 
is, by its nature, the toolkit of choice for all those uncommon scenarios. You 
would probably be somewhat happier with KiCad (although I doubt you'd be happy 
with anything).

   If someone buys into a certain philosophy and the tool implementation
   causes them pain, they will search for less painless approaches and
   adapting ones development scenario is much easier than trying to
   understand and patching someone bogus code.

I think it used to be easier to learn gEDA when we *didn't* have all the 
tutorial stuff, just concise reference documentation. It's easier to learn to 
fish than to have to beg for every meal. One problem with the tutorials is that 
there are lots of paths you can use, and each tutorial applies to a subset.

   Another point is don't stick ones head in the sand and start slinging
   code so that the additions 'do something'Consider 'the other
   religion' and the possibility that one might want to import a schematic
   developed in kicad, Altrum, orcad or whatever because PCB is the
   sexiest thing on earth.

Yep, that would be nice. The problem is that import is hard without support 
from the upstream tool. The secret of the (multiple) ways to get a design from 
gschem to pcb is gnetlist, which is operating behind the scenes even if you're 
not using it explicitly.

 One also needs to consider outflow of a design
   from gEDA to whatever.

This is gEDA's greatest strength. Type gnetlist -g help and/or man gnetlist.

   Make a road map, have a plan, follow the plan and have at it.

That's the top-down approach. It has the advantage that it gets you to a 
well-defined destination efficiently. But if you want to go anywhere else in 
the future, it's trouble. Bottom-up design is more appropriate if you want 
unlimited horizons.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: slotting question

2011-08-24 Thread John Doty

On Aug 23, 2011, at 8:45 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:

 On 08/22/2011 07:45 AM, Kovacs Levente wrote:
I open up a new schematic, place two instances of 7404-1, edit the
 attributes of the second one, promote the slot attribute, edit the
 newly-accessible one, change it to 2, save it, save the sheet, exit
 gschem, restart, and load the sheet.
 I am guessing that you edit the symbol too. You don't have to.  You just have
 to save the sheet, not the symbol.
  Oh nono, I didn't do that...I was tired when I typed that.  Where I said 
 save it, save the sheet I just meant save the sheet.  I do not edit the 
 symbols alone, other than double-clicking on them and promoting/modifying the 
 slot attribute.
 You should promote the slot attribute for both instances.
  Even though slot #1 defaults to 1?
  In any event, I've tried all combinations, and I still get the same 
 behavior.  This is with v1.6.2.20110115.  This is repeatable here, using 
 symbol 7404-1 from the default installed library.
  This seems like a pretty serious issue; can anyone shed a little light on it?

Absolutely mysterious. I've never seen behavior like this and I cannot 
reproduce it using your procedure.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-24 Thread John Hudak
   dont ya love moderated lists?  lol
   on a more serious note, yes, a path from altium would be huge, but in
   all honesty, having tools that work and inter-operate would be much
   better.  After playing with KiCAD for a bit, they have a very nice
   integrated tool suite that all works...and it has import (and export?)
   for packages like Eagle, and it runs on different OSs, quite nicely.
   No offense, but from all the stuff I've read from the gEDA base,
   various blog postings, and freelance how-tos, a common topic that
   always seems to come up is that with these tools and a knowledge of
   scripting languages, one can do just about anything.  Well, pardon my
   bluntness, but, I've forgotten more scripting languages than I know,
   and I don't necessarily want to learn another one to make gEDA tools
   work for me. You are severely limiting your adoption base if you make
   this as a pre-requisite for user satisfaction.  As developers, you may
   be enamored with your coding cleverness and undocumented design
   decisions, but from a user perspective, you lost them from download
   and then make.  and then use these magic scripts whos only hint of
   functionality is in the name
   From what the folks at CERN seem to be asking, I think gEDA is, in many
   respects a long way from providing it.  If one is going to make the
   upgrade effort worth it, one has to know their strengths and
   I could be wrong in my point of view, as I haven't pushed a board out
   to completeness,  however the challenges I've encountered along the way
   have been quite surprising.

   On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak
   [1] wrote:

   Peter Clifton wrote:
Even conversion of old legacy Altium designs could be done given

 Is this a serious restriction?
 Would it be possible for a user of a current altium license to
 to this old legacy format?

to known sample files and developer time (e.g. money). I was working
a funded project to reverse engineer those file-format at while back,
and the only reason it has stalled so far is a lack of my time. The
formats aren't so bad to understand once you've had some luck
out the binary compression scheme.

 A transition path from altium to geda would be huge!
 How far did you advance on this road?
 PS: Why did none of my todays posts hit the list, yet? (While others
 to have no problem to get through within minutes)

   Kai-Martin Knaak
   Email: [2]

   increasingly unhappy with moderation of geda-user

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-24 Thread John Doty

On Aug 24, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Jared Casper wrote:

 I chuckled at what this community would think of the comment, in
 response to There are users who prefer separate dedicated
 applications to an integrated design environment., BTW. How many of
 these users have ever designed a PCB with more than 4 layers and, say,
 300 components? From my own experience, above the certain level of PCB
 complexity the intuitiveness and efficiency of the GUI become a

I think that's exactly backwards. The intuitiveness and efficiency of the GUI 
make for comfort, but not productivity. In a big design, the key is to break it 
down into modules, and then use the automation to put the modules together. 
This is especially true when you recognize that a big design encompasses not 
just EDA, but documentation, software, and possibly other things. The toolkit 
approach allows you to combine these things in a maximally automated flow.

I've seen the difference starkly in software. I personally don't care what 
tools a programmer uses as long as they get the job done: this should be a 
matter of individual preference. Except, it is my experience that programmers 
who prefer toolkits are much more productive than programmers who prefer IDE. 
They plan better, they factor better, and they exploit the power of the 
computer better. One serious problem is that IDE encourages very inefficient 
debugging practices: it's much better to trap bugs with assertions, logs, and 
analysis than to fish for bugs interactively.

Yes, it takes more thought and planning to use a toolkit. For simple jobs, a 
nice intuitive GUI is fine (I'm typing this to the Mac Mail app). But 
planning is more important for big jobs, and a toolkit rewards planning better. 
Spending time to adapt your processes to the job is a big time saver for big 

A flexible, extensible, toolkit is especially superior for jobs that have 
characteristics that fall outside the limits of the application designers' 
imaginations. Try exporting KiCad designs to a computer algebra system for 
symbolic analysis (but the Mathematica back end for gnetlist only took me an 
afternoon to write).

The important thing to recognize is that there is room for, and a need for, 
both toolkits and integrated tools. AWK and spreadsheets are both effective at 
processing tabular data in their own ways, but a merged tool with the 
characteristics of both would be incomprehensible. I think the same is true in 

It is my opinion that gEDA's developers and users should embrace its strengths 
as a powerful, flexible toolkit. Keep the tools separate. Keep the interfaces 
clean and simple. Maximize the rewards that those who can do a little scripting 
can earn. Let KiCad cover the integrated app space.

It would be useful to be able to import KiCad schematics, so that when users 
are ready for the more powerful toolkit we could offer them an upgrade path.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-24 Thread John Griessen

On 08/22/2011 11:29 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

The commercial package he wants to keep up with seems to be altium designer.

Oh,  I guess that's why I referred his request to others.  I like the
radical flexibility of gEDA tools without getting evangelical about it,
and KiCAD is closer to Altium already, so gEDA-PCB is unlikely to get CERN's

On 08/23/2011 11:47 PM, John Hudak wrote:
 No offense, but from all the stuff I've read from the gEDA base,
 various blog postings, and freelance how-tos, a common topic that
 always seems to come up is that with these tools and a knowledge of
 scripting languages, one can do just about anything.  Well, pardon my
 bluntness, but, I've forgotten more scripting languages than I know,
 and I don't necessarily want to learn another one to make gEDA tools
 work for me.

This is an old concept discussed many times on this list. gEDA is not near
to a windows app and is not likely to get there soon.  Unless Peter C. gets
hired as a top gun Altium conversion translation consultant...

On 08/24/2011 04:17 AM, Stephen Ecob wrote:
 could benefit the gEDA community to adopt Altium refugees - they're
 used to spending $4K per year

Maybe Peter C. will be a hired gun after all...

On 08/24/2011 09:33 AM, Jared Casper wrote:
  From my own experience, above the certain level of PCB
 complexity the intuitiveness and efficiency of the GUI become a

I'd have to disagree.  Chips are complex.  Chips and dense boards depend on
some automation and a lot of complexity handling by humans.  The algorithms
kicked off by simple GUI check boxes are more important than GUI flamboyance.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-23 Thread John Doty

On Aug 19, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Joshua wrote:

 It's useful for touch up of a few attributes, but not for the broad changes 
 you want. The spreadsheet approach really doesn't scale well anyway. If you 
 have 300 bypass capacitors in a project, it's much more efficient to have a 
 heavy project-specific bypass capacitor symbol with all of the necessary 
 attributes inside it. Then, to change your bypass capacitor selection, you 
 need only edit that one symbol rather than 300 instances
 Not true with gattrib_csv.  All 300 instances are grouped together on one 
 line if all their properties are the same.  One edit and an import and then 
 all 300 have been updated.  gattrib_csv scales very nicely to large projects.

What if the components are in 38 separate schematic files, as in one recent 
project of mine? The project-specific component approach makes managing this 
pretty easy. You can even switch project component libraries to change 
components from prototype to production without changing schematics.

All properties the same is not a reliable indicator that the components have 
similar roles. Sometimes I have strong pressures to keep the parts list short, 
so I'll choose general-purpose components and use them in multiple roles. Other 
times, I'm optimizing more. With project evolution and design reuse, these 
scenarios can become very entangled.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Foss-pcb Proposed plan from CERN

2011-08-21 Thread John Griessen

I'm swamped.

CERN might come up with tip money for developers.
Anyone have the time to be in a committee?

John Griessen

 Original Message 
Subject: [Fwd: Proposed plan]
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 01:24:46 +0200
From: Javier Serrano
To: John Griessen

Hi John,

Would you like to join this discussion?



 Forwarded Message 
From: Javier Serrano
Subject: Proposed plan
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 01:00:14 +0200

Dear all,

As most of you know, the purpose of this mailing list is to propose a
roadmap to bring FOSS PCB design tools to a level of quality and
features comparable with other non-open options.

I think it would make sense to split this effort in three phases:

1. Make a list of features for the ultimate PCB design tool.
2. Discuss current FOSS projects and (hopefully) pick one which can
evolve into what we define in phase 1.
3. Generate work package descriptions to have the project selected in
phase 2 cover all items of phase 1.

I would keep track of the results of discussion in

If all this takes place in the coming month or so, then the work package
list can be published and advertised in a number of fora (the OH
workshop in October, FSCONS...) so that potential contributors can pick
one WP and start working.

If you have any suggestions or remarks concerning this plan, let's
discuss them here. Otherwise, I propose we move straight away into phase
1. I am looking forward to many interesting discussions with all of you.



Ecosensory  1218 W 39th St.  Austin TX 78756

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Has anyone in this group seriously used KiCAD?

2011-08-21 Thread John Hudak
   On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Colin D Bennett [1]

   On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 11:55:31 -0400
   John Hudak [2] wrote:
Pros/cons?  and please, no philosphy about integrated vs independent
tools...I am interested in aspects such as what things work? what
doesn't? user experiences such as strengths and weakness (again
actual/functional and not philosophy)

 I've not seriously used it, but I was just today frustrated when I
 tried to download and open the Maple Mini KiCad project ([1]) and my
 KiCad version (from Ubuntu 11.04 repositories) says the layout and
 schematic files are unrecognized types.
 More specifically, trying to open the .brd file says Unknown file
 type and trying to open the schematic says file.sch is NOT an
 EESchema file!  See screenshot at [2].
 A version incompatibility?  Maybe, but you would hope KiCad would at
 least tell the user that the file is the wrong version, rather than
 cryptic errors.  User error?  Maybe, but how hard can it be to open
 board file or schematic file?
 Oh another note, I like how gEDA puts its symbols and footprints in
 separate files -- it is great for version control and for
 browsing/searching with standard file management tools or directly
 on a
 GitHub repository view, etc.
 [1] Maple Mini schematics and layout
 [2] Screen shots of attempting to open Maple Mini schematic with

 geda-user mailing list

   Oh another note, I like how gEDA puts its symbols and footprints in
   separate files -- it is great for version control and for
   browsing/searching with standard file management tools or directly on a
   GitHub repository view, etc.
   So does KiCAD, separate files for symbols and footprints.




geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-19 Thread John Doty
   On Aug 18, 2011, at 4:05 PM, John Hudak wrote:

 So, this causes me to ask the question: Why hasen't gattrib been

  removed from:[3]  as well as

  other instances?

   Perhaps because some of us use it.

  While the concept is good, the implementation is worthless, and

  apparently has been 'around' with the same sort of problems since


   It's useful for touch up of a few attributes, but not for the broad
   changes you want.  The spreadsheet approach really doesn't scale well
   anyway. If you have 300 bypass capacitors in a project, it's much more
   efficient to have a heavy project-specific bypass capacitor symbol
   with all of the necessary attributes inside it. Then, to change your
   bypass capacitor selection, you need only edit that one symbol rather
   than 300 instances.
   Unfortunately, gattrib is an orphan: its developer is no longer active
   on the gEDA project. So, although it remains useful within its limits,
   nobody is fixing its bugs. Do you wish to volunteer?

 As a person who is trying to give the gEDA approach a try,

  frustrations mount daily in trying to make progress.

   There is no gEDA approach. There are many gEDA approaches. gEDA is a
   toolkit, not an integrated tool. If you expect it to lead you down some
   specific usage pathway you will be disappointed. Part of the game is
   adapting it to the flow your job needs. Its power is that you *can*
   adapt it to *your* needs: you aren't stuck with an approach
   that doesn't fit those needs.

  This brings up another issue that I am curious aboutthe one of

  component symbol libraries.

  My expectation (hope, guess?) was with an effort that is open

  users would contribute their symbols to the library,

   User-contributed symbols are available at

 and the symbol

  library would be huge.  I didn't find that reality.  I assumed this

  because users would 'giveback' to the community.  Clearly some have

  done this. I plan on doing this (if I continue down this path).  So

  hasen't the component mfgs been inclined to develop and contribute

  symbols?  Why hasen't the users contributed more?

   I think it's partly because symbols are often specialized to a
   particular project or approach.

  Perhaps there are

  not too many users.  Perhaps it is a case of: The tools have been

  but the users are not comming.Anyway, just curious

   Well, if you go to my area at, you'll find symbols for
   VLSI design and symbolic circuit analysis. Those won't work for pcb.
   But they're useful for their intended purposes.
   John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-19 Thread John Hudak
   On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 5:40 PM, John Doty [1] wrote:

 On Aug 18, 2011, at 4:05 PM, John Hudak wrote:
   So, this causes me to ask the question: Why hasen't gattrib been

  removed from:[3][2]  as
 well as
  other instances?
   Perhaps because some of us use it.

While the concept is good, the implementation is worthless, and
apparently has been 'around' with the same sort of problems since

   It's useful for touch up of a few attributes, but not for the
   changes you want.  The spreadsheet approach really doesn't scale
   anyway. If you have 300 bypass capacitors in a project, it's much
   efficient to have a heavy project-specific bypass capacitor
   with all of the necessary attributes inside it. Then, to change
   bypass capacitor selection, you need only edit that one symbol
   than 300 instances.
   Unfortunately, gattrib is an orphan: its developer is no longer
   on the gEDA project. So, although it remains useful within its
   nobody is fixing its bugs. Do you wish to volunteer?

   As a person who is trying to give the gEDA approach a try,
frustrations mount daily in trying to make progress.

   There is no gEDA approach. There are many gEDA approaches. gEDA is
   toolkit, not an integrated tool. If you expect it to lead you down
   specific usage pathway you will be disappointed. Part of the game
   adapting it to the flow your job needs. Its power is that you
   adapt it to *your* needs: you aren't stuck with an approach
   that doesn't fit those needs.

This brings up another issue that I am curious aboutthe one of
component symbol libraries.
My expectation (hope, guess?) was with an effort that is open
users would contribute their symbols to the library,

   User-contributed symbols are available at [3]

   and the symbol
library would be huge.  I didn't find that reality.  I assumed
because users would 'giveback' to the community.  Clearly some
done this. I plan on doing this (if I continue down this path).
hasen't the component mfgs been inclined to develop and contribute
symbols?  Why hasen't the users contributed more?

   I think it's partly because symbols are often specialized to a
   particular project or approach.

Perhaps there are
not too many users.  Perhaps it is a case of: The tools have been
but the users are not comming.Anyway, just curious

   Well, if you go to my area at [4], you'll find
 symbols for
   VLSI design and symbolic circuit analysis. Those won't work for
   But they're useful for their intended purposes.
   John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

   geda-user mailing list

   There is no gEDA approach. There are many gEDA approaches. gEDA is a
 toolkit, not an integrated tool. If you expect it to lead you down
 specific usage pathway you will be disappointed. Part of the game is
 adapting it to the flow your job needs. Its power is that you *can*
 adapt it to *your* needs: you aren't stuck with an approach
 that doesn't fit those needs.
   With all due respect, I have read/heard this philosophy a number of
   times. I don't expect and never have expected to be lead anywhere.  If
   one reads the [9] website, there is a
   clear impression that these tools can work together in some fashion.
   That fashion is dictated by what ever the users end goal is. This
   strongly implies a lot of 'flexibility', which means that the tools
   have been tested for interopeability.  There is, however, a very clear
   statement about one tool using another tools output, performing some
   function, and perhaps generating output that can be used by the
   upstream tool or downstream tool.  If this funtionality does not work,
   and even go so far as to corrupt either the input file or the resultant
   output file, then, quite simply, the tool is worthless.  (Which makes
   me wonder why anyone would use a flakey tool to do anything to
   something they have spent so much time developing at the risk of having
   it broken/destroyed).
   As far a spreadsheet approach scaling well, I also beg to differ. A
   simple global substitute on a unique string will fix the probem. Even a
   global search with selective substitution will be more efficient

gEDA-user: Has anyone in this group seriously used KiCAD?

2011-08-19 Thread John Hudak
   Pros/cons?  and please, no philosphy about integrated vs independent
   tools...I am interested in aspects such as what things work? what
   doesn't? user experiences such as strengths and weakness (again
   actual/functional and not philosophy)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-18 Thread John Hudak
   On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Joshua [1]

 I agree with Delorie.  I also was only making slow progress with
 gattrib.  I found the copy and paist functionality limited and
 strange. I also was confronted with the add column bug.  If I
 remember correctly it corrupted my files when it shifted the
 properties from one heading to the next.  That is why I started
 exporting to a oocalc.  Then I was able to get a lot more work done
 as oocalc is a refined product.  I hadn't found the sch2csv or
 csv2sch scripts at that time and thus made my own version called
 gattrib_csv.  Not only have I been able to edit the properties
 en-mass, but I have also been able to import data generated by other
 users provided as xls files.  I now use the one and the same tool to
 generate the bill of materials for the project as I do to edit the
 compiled by
 gcj  --main=gattrib_csv -o gattrib_csv

   Yes, the functionality of those (DJ Delorie) scripts (from what little
   I have been able to find that describes what they do), seem to fit the
   attribute edit and BoM generation requirements very nicely.  I hope I
   can say the same after I try them out.
   So, this causes me to ask the question: Why hasen't gattrib been
   removed from:[3]  as well as any
   other instances?
   While the concept is good, the implementation is worthless, and
   apparently has been 'around' with the same sort of problems since
   2006.  As a person who is trying to give the gEDA approach a try,
   frustrations mount daily in trying to make progress.
   This brings up another issue that I am curious aboutthe one of
   component symbol libraries.
   My expectation (hope, guess?) was with an effort that is open source,
   users would contribute their symbols to the library, and the symbol
   library would be huge.  I didn't find that reality.  I assumed this
   because users would 'giveback' to the community.  Clearly some have
   done this. I plan on doing this (if I continue down this path).  So why
   hasen't the component mfgs been inclined to develop and contribute
   symbols?  Why hasen't the users contributed more?  Perhaps there are
   not too many users.  Perhaps it is a case of: The tools have been built
   but the users are not comming.Anyway, just curious



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-17 Thread John Hudak
   Perhaps I have not progress through the development cycle far enough,
   but, it there a way generate a bill of materials (BoM) from gschem
   and/or PCB?  In my readings I have not come across reference to BoMs.
   I am thinking that one could be made by specifying the BoM headings of
   interest (which would be the desired attributes from gschem) in a BoM
   template file, have a program comb through the components in gschem and
   create a csv file suitable for Excel to use.
   Along these lines, are there program provisions in gschem and/or pcb
   that allows one to create user define attributes for a component? (e.g.
   component supplier, pointer to relevant documentation such as an app
   note, or even a note attribute).
   Again, thank you for your feedback

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-17 Thread John Hudak
   oops, I forgot that in my original post:
   gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation
   This is gattrib -- gEDA's attribute editor
   Gattrib version:

   On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Andy Fierman
   [1] wrote:

 What version of gattrib are you using?
 I opened a bug report on SourceForge about what seems to be the same
 problem back in 2009:
 Bugs item #2793743, was opened at 2009-05-19 11:18
 The version of gattrib I was using then was from the
 Debian lenny repos.
 I don't know if that bug report can still be accessed since the
 SourceForge Tracker had been disabled:
 Sorry, knowledge buffer now empty.

   On 17 August 2011 15:40, John Hudak [4] wrote:
  Very cool, thank you!  So, I tried itand it produced output
  was not expected, and I would go so far as to say that it is wrong.
  Attached is a jpg file of how the original attribute-component
  looks like.
  Then I do an Add attribute column and I get the result shown in
  modified attribute pic...
  Ummm, I expected to see a  blank column with my designated heading
  appended to the right of the existing column.  What I got was my
  column PREPENDED before the last column, and populated with the
  contents of the original last column.  So what did I do wrong?!?
  On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Andy Fierman

  [1][5] wrote:
Hi John,
Sounds like you've not yet found this:


I know, netlist isn't necessarily the first search term that
to mind when looking for info on how to generate a BoM ...
See also:


  On 17 August 2011 13:24, John Hudak [5][9]
 Perhaps I have not progress through the development cycle far
 but, it there a way generate a bill of materials (BoM) from
 and/or PCB?  In my readings I have not come across reference to
 I am thinking that one could be made by specifying the BoM
 interest (which would be the desired attributes from gschem) in
 template file, have a program comb through the components in
 create a csv file suitable for Excel to use.
 Along these lines, are there program provisions in gschem
 that allows one to create user define attributes for a
 component supplier, pointer to relevant documentation such as
 note, or even a note attribute).
 Again, thank you for your feedback
 geda-user mailing list

  geda-user mailing list
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2. [15]
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4. [17]
5. mailto:[18]
6. mailto:[19]
7. [20]
8. mailto:[21]
9. [22]

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   geda-user mailing list


  12. mailto:geda-user

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-17 Thread John Hudak
   oh, and I should probably add this:
Ubuntu 10.10, Maverick Meerkat - released in October 2010
   Running under Virtual Box: 4.0.4 r70112

   On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:25 AM, John Hudak [1]

 oops, I forgot that in my original post:
 gEDA : GPL Electronic Design Automation
 This is gattrib -- gEDA's attribute editor
 Gattrib version:

   On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Andy Fierman
   [2] wrote:

 What version of gattrib are you using?
 I opened a bug report on SourceForge about what seems to be the same
 problem back in 2009:
 Bugs item #2793743, was opened at 2009-05-19 11:18
 The version of gattrib I was using then was from the
 Debian lenny repos.
 I don't know if that bug report can still be accessed since the
 SourceForge Tracker had been disabled:
 Sorry, knowledge buffer now empty.

   On 17 August 2011 15:40, John Hudak [5] wrote:
  Very cool, thank you!  So, I tried itand it produced output
  was not expected, and I would go so far as to say that it is wrong.
  Attached is a jpg file of how the original attribute-component
  looks like.
  Then I do an Add attribute column and I get the result shown in
  modified attribute pic...
  Ummm, I expected to see a  blank column with my designated heading
  appended to the right of the existing column.  What I got was my
  column PREPENDED before the last column, and populated with the
  contents of the original last column.  So what did I do wrong?!?
  On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Andy Fierman

  [1][6] wrote:
Hi John,
Sounds like you've not yet found this:


I know, netlist isn't necessarily the first search term that
to mind when looking for info on how to generate a BoM ...
See also:


  On 17 August 2011 13:24, John Hudak [5][10]
 Perhaps I have not progress through the development cycle far
 but, it there a way generate a bill of materials (BoM) from
 and/or PCB?  In my readings I have not come across reference to
 I am thinking that one could be made by specifying the BoM
 interest (which would be the desired attributes from gschem) in
 template file, have a program comb through the components in
 create a csv file suitable for Excel to use.
 Along these lines, are there program provisions in gschem
 that allows one to create user define attributes for a
 component supplier, pointer to relevant documentation such as
 note, or even a note attribute).
 Again, thank you for your feedback
 geda-user mailing list

  geda-user mailing list
1. mailto:[15]
2. [16]
3. [17]
4. [18]
5. mailto:[19]
6. mailto:[20]
7. [21]
8. mailto:[22]
9. [23]

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   geda-user mailing list


   7. http

Re: gEDA-user: Layer button backgrounds

2011-08-17 Thread John Hudak
   However you change the buttons, please ensure that it is VERY obvious
   what selection is made/mode it is currently in.  I've seen far to many
   sw products where pushing a button to engage some action or select a
   mode failed to notify the user (either noticeable visual change, audio
   sound, or both) as to the state of the system.  there were some cases
   when the change was so slight that it was almost impossible to see the

   On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Colin D Bennett [1]

 On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 20:48:48 +0200
 Felix Ruoff [2] wrote:
  I personally like the new style you created. Its very nice! I
  the reason for adding this small rectangles is, that its easier to
  see, if the button is pressed.
 Good point.  I do like the full color fill you show, Andrew.
 I think we need a better way of indicating which layers are visible.
 Perhaps a little X or checkbox icon on the button?  I already
 the current buttons' indication of which layers are visible (change
 fill color and text color with inset or outset border). Maybe
 better can be done.
  Am 18.08.2011 04:00, schrieb Andrew Poelstra:
   Hey all,
   I am working on moving the Gtk layer-selector into its
   own widget (see bug 699482, for example), and cleaning
   up the code.
   A question I have for the group is: why are the backgrounds
   of the layer buttons in little rectangles? Is there
   opposition to making the background fill the whole buttons,
   like so?:
   It would simplify the code a bit and IMHO looks more modern.
   There is a bit of an optical illusion making the new buttons
   seem bigger, but I checked in gimp and there is no change in
 geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Creating bill of materials?

2011-08-17 Thread John Hudak
   On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 6:50 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak
   [1] wrote:

   Andy Fierman wrote:
I don't know if that bug report can still be accessed since the
SourceForge Tracker had been disabled:

 All bugs have been imported to launchpad. This particular report got
 number #698608 :
 Unfortunately, nothing has been done about it. It was still listed
 as new
 some minutes ago. The faulty behavior shows in my install, too. So I
 the  status to confirmed.
 gattrib seems to be a bit neglected by developers. It feels more
 like a
 proof of concept than like a powerful tool. In my humble opinion, it
 would be better export/import to a spread sheet application like
 or gnumeric. This would avoind reinventing lots of wheels. If
 special is needed within the spread sheet, oocalc comes with full
 fledged scripting ability...
 PS: Would you guys mind not to top-post? Consider this:
 A: You're wrong
 Q: I'v never found that to be true
 A: Because it makes following messages more difficult
 Q: Why is top-posting evil?
 Kai-Martin Knaak
 Email: [4]
 not happy with moderation of geda-user

   I think the concept of import/exporting into a spreadsheet program is
   an approach worthy of consideration as well.  I had Excel in mind when
   I made my initial observations about the program. Since the gattribute
   capability seems to have been untouched for a long time, this further
   supports that what ever is done to fix it, should rely on tools that
   have good and sustained development efforts sustaining it.




geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: personal component library frustration-HELP/suggestions please?

2011-08-16 Thread John Hudak
   Thank you Stephen.
   When you say 'others rely on them'..Why do they rely on them?  I get
   the feeling that there is some feature or property that some ppl find
   important enough to use them (over the other libraries).
   My first attempt at creating symbols is with DJboxsym.  It was
   successful but the second two bullet points at the website made for
   more questions without answers that could possibly throw up roadblocks
   further down the road:
   1. symbols are in my compromise' format..u HOW compromised?
   What is compromised?
   2. No DRC support (use my sym2/csv2sym programs for that).  What the
   heck is DRC (not spelled out anywhere - first rule in writing a
   document that I learned in grade school was ALWAYS spell out an acronym
   the first time it is used), and now I need another special program that
   does what??? And how does it alter the route to attaining my goal??
   As an enduser, I personally don't care if it is written in perl,
   python, pascal, smalltalk, lisp, algol68 or Cray Fortran.  As a
   developer, it may be important.
   As a result, thinking that there is something 'non-native' in this
   approach, I looked for others.
   BTW, the link does not work - Wireshark informs me that the route is
   established but does not respond..time out error.

   On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Stephen Ecob
   [1] wrote:

 Hi John,

   On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:24 AM, John Hudak [2]
  I always add the options skip-m4 and use-files because I don't
  want any of the M4 generated footprints, ever. But this may be due
  to personal prejudice.
  This brings up another issue I am havingAs a neophyte to this
  set (but not to EDA tools in general), what is the deal with m4
  files?   I've read through a lot of stuff in this area, dating from
  2003 through now, and I still don't know if m4 files are good/bad?
  be used/avoided?

 I'd guess the majority of the community don't use it, but there are
 certainly some who rely on it.

  I am attempting to put a EDA workbench together in a reasonably
  integrated way.  Part of this is to create a (local) big symbol
  so that it can be used and managed.  What I don't want to do is
  component and footprint libraries that are old, brittle, or cause
  gschem or PCB to die.
  From my perspective, all of the inconsistent information is very
  confusing.  Quite simply, where is the 'best' symbol and footprint
  library and the best way to create compatible symbols and

 Sorry, there is no agreed 'best' way.  Various members of the
 community use the tools in widely varying ways.  The tools are
 flexible enough to work well for for applications ranging from AC
 power wiring looms to ASIC layout.

  (After going through 3 different methods of generating symbols, it
  seems that creating one graphically within gschem is the one least
  laden with holes...true?)

 I sometimes use that method, but my current work is with FPGAs and I
 find the best way for making the symbols I need is DJboxsym:
 This tool is very convenient for my FPGA work, but when I'm working
 with BJTs, FETs, diodes and triacs I use the graphical route.
 Stephen Ecob
 Silicon On Inspiration
 Sydney Australia

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: personal component library frustration-HELP/suggestions please?

2011-08-15 Thread John Hudak
   I've created two directories in my home directory to store symbol files
   that I create, and another directory to store footprints I create:
   How do I modify gschem to look in my home directory for symbols AS WELL
   AS THE DEFAULT symbol directory? e.g I want my symbol directory in my
   user directory to appear in the Select Component component selection
   If you have a suggestion on how to organise this in a better way,
   please let me know, and also tell me how to implement it.
   gschem v
   Thanks much

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: personal component library frustration-HELP/suggestions please?

2011-08-15 Thread John Hudak
   I always add the options skip-m4 and use-files because I don't
   want any of the M4 generated footprints, ever. But this may be due
   to personal prejudice.
   This brings up another issue I am havingAs a neophyte to this tool
   set (but not to EDA tools in general), what is the deal with m4
   files?   I've read through a lot of stuff in this area, dating from
   2003 through now, and I still don't know if m4 files are good/bad? to
   be used/avoided?
   I am attempting to put a EDA workbench together in a reasonably
   integrated way.  Part of this is to create a (local) big symbol library
   so that it can be used and managed.  What I don't want to do is grab
   component and footprint libraries that are old, brittle, or cause
   gschem or PCB to die.
   From my perspective, all of the inconsistent information is very
   confusing.  Quite simply, where is the 'best' symbol and footprint
   library and the best way to create compatible symbols and footprints?
   (After going through 3 different methods of generating symbols, it
   seems that creating one graphically within gschem is the one least
   laden with holes...true?)
   Thanks to all who replied to my previous questions.

   On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak
   [1] wrote:

   John Hudak wrote:
I've created two directories in my home directory to store symbol
   files that
I create, and another directory to store footprints I create:
How do I modify gschem to look in my home directory for symbols AS
THE DEFAULT symbol directory?

 This is easier than not using the default lib at all. For gschem and
 put the following lines in your user gafrc:
 /--- $HOME/.gEDA/gafrc 
 ;(reset-component-library)   ; don't use system symbols
 ;(reset-source-library) ; don't use system location for
 ; Allow to source symbols from the current working directory
 (define current-working-directory .)
 (component-library current-working-directory symbols in project
 (source-library  current-working-directory)
 ; Allow to source symbols from the local copy of geda-symbols
 (define symbols FULL-PATH-TO-YOUR-SYMBOL-DIR)
 (component-library symbols)
 ; In case you have symbols in subdirs you can build additional paths
 ; the fly. This example is for symbols/analog/diode
 (component-library (build-path symbols analog diode))
 ; This statement makes gschem automatically enter subdirs:
 (component-library-search symbols)
 To make gsch2pcb find your footprints, add the following to your
 /-- YOUR-PROJECT.g2p ---
 schematics YOUR-PROJECT.sch
 output-name YOUR-PROJECT
 I always add the options skip-m4 and use-files because I don't
 want any of the M4 generated footprints, ever. But this may be due
 to personal prejudice.
 To get your footprints in the PCB chooser edit the  library line in
 $HOME.pcb/preferences while there is no instnce of PCB running:
 library-newlib = FULL-PATH-TO-THE-DIR-ETC:./footprints:.
 Note, that unlike with gschem/gnetlist, you have to provide the Dir
 the dir that actually contains the footprints.

If you have a suggestion on how to organise this in a better way,
   please let
me know, and also tell me how to implement it.

 IMHO, your set-up is perfectly fine :-)
 Hope, this helps.
 Kai-Martin Knaak
 Email: [2]
 not happy with moderation of geda-user

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: personal component library frustration-HELP/suggestions please?

2011-08-15 Thread John Hudak
   So, let me paraphrase what I think you said:
   I create (or use) one m4 template (either symbol or footprint), that is
   'generic' and when I want to instantiate that template in gschem I can
   add/specify additional properties, i.e. #pins, signal direction, etc.
   Sort of like the schematic contains a reference to the generic
   component, and the gschem contains the additional properties associated
   with the component and when gschem 'combines them' it produces the
   desired graphic on the screen.  T/F??
   If that is the case, I can see how (as one person stated) if I try to
   invoke gschem to see a schematic in which the base objects are
   referenced (and not contained in the file), and it cant find the
   referenced library, the whole thing falls apart.(unless once the
   schematic is generated, it does contain all the drawing information but
   in a form that cannot be edited, unless the reference to the generic
   component can be made).
   I still don't get for a neophite to this tool, should I use
   them or not?  I guess I could make that decision if I knew the pros and
   cons of the approach.  Is this layed out somewhere in a single
   Thanks again for your guidance  patience.

   On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 6:50 PM, DJ Delorie [1] wrote:

This brings up another issue I am havingAs a neophyte to this
   tool set
(but not to EDA tools in general), what is the deal with m4 files?

 They're dynamically generated (M4 is a parser).  So, you create one
 template for a, say, DIP part, and then you can ask for any DIPN
 footprint and it generates one with the right number of pins.  In
 theory.  In practice, we list all the pin counts we use, but it does
 mean that all the DIPN footprints are one pattern, all the SOJN
 are one, all TQFPN are one, etc.

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: tragesym error - help please!

2011-08-13 Thread John Hudak
   Hi Werner:
   Thank you for pointing out the error, however, I am using Open Office
   and from what I can see, there is no way to save as text.
   In open office, if I say File-Save As, the options are: Text CSV, with
   options to change the Character set (Unicode UTF8 is the default),
   Field Delimiter, options are , ; : tab space, and Text Delimiter,
   options are: '
   I tried Field delimiters of: tab and space, with text delimiter options
   of  and ' (all combinations), and none of them worked.
   I looked at M$ Excel (2007) and it indeed has the save as text file
   (tab delimited) option (I did not try this approach.
   (I found this somewhat strange in that using open sources tools to
   construct the symbols would not have the proper format (e.g. open
   office spreadsheet) but M$ Excel does.  )
   I did copy the open office spreadsheet file into  gedit, saved it, and
   it worked. Thank you!

   On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Werner Hoch [1]

 Hi John,

   On Samstag, 13. August 2011, John Hudak wrote:
The file is attached.  Thank you for taking the time to look at it.

 The cells in the csv-file has a comma s seperator.
 tragesym expects a tab as seperator.
 You should use save as txt and not save as csv.
 It's the step5 in the tutorial:


  BTW, there is an error in the tragesym error statement...It
  should be 'attribute' and not 'attribut'...hey, i should be
  lucky I even get this

 It's just a typo or missing translation (attribute in english is
 Attribut in german).

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB opengl?

2011-08-13 Thread John Griessen

On 08/13/2011 06:10 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Who are the people, who are in the position to do so?
What effort is needed?

Not me.  I'm hoping to do some work on gnetlist scheme programming
to get verilogAMS netlists to connect well with gnucap, but have to
spend time doing housing construction work instead to counter
the downward trend of the USA to be like Argentina was debt-wise.

So, I can't spend  any time scheme programming, even though I've done
Cadence Skill lang. (LISP) programming to do EDA automation before.

Tip money would speed that up.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: tragesym error - help please!

2011-08-12 Thread John Hudak
   So I follow the tutorial on creating a gschem symbol
   ([1], get the .ods
   template from
   [2], fill it
   in with my data, save it as .csv
   and execute: tragesym foo.csv foo.sch
   and I keep getting:
   error: version attribut missing
   So, I repeat the process, and I only enter in 8 pins, and the data
   fields shown in the tutorial.
   I get the same
   The version number is clearly in the field in the .ods and .csv files,
   soany help is appreciated.
   BTW, there is an error in the tragesym error statement...It should be
   'attribute' and not 'attribut'...hey, i should be lucky I even get this



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Tag-Connect TC2030-MCP(NL) footprint, expert review

2011-08-12 Thread John Doty

On Aug 12, 2011, at 12:04 PM, Colin D Bennett wrote:

 Question:  Is there any standard special attribute that can be set on
 the schematic symbol so that the part (e.g., J1) does not appear on a
 BOM or parts list produced by gnetlist?  In this case, the footprint is
 not designed to accept any installed part.  In other, common cases,
 parts such as tuning capacitors, inductors, optional connectors or
 pull-up resistors, etc. might be marked on a schematic as “no-load” or
 “DNP” (do not place).  How do you handle this in gEDA?

There is no standard. I often have a spec= attribute in my flows, and I can put 
DNP there, and remove parts tagged with it from the BOM with a tiny script, 
e.g. '$4!=DNP{print}' in AWK.

It wouldn't be crazy to define a standard attribute for this purpose. It would 
require easy changes to the BOM and partslist back ends. How would you like it 
to work?

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Automatically start wire placement when you press the hotkey?

2011-08-12 Thread John Doty

On Aug 12, 2011, at 12:56 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 I didn't like magnetic net mode at first, because it kept guessing
 wrong.  Since then I discovered that I was guessing wrong more than it
 was, so I kept it on.  I think it just needs more tweaking to do the
 right thing more often.

But what the right thing is depends on personal style and institutional 

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Automatically start wire placement when you press the hotkey?

2011-08-12 Thread John Doty

On Aug 12, 2011, at 3:40 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 In this case, the right thing is to do what most people expect it to

You have no idea what that is, and you can't have any idea without spending a 
lot of time actually watching a lot of people use the software. What people 
report is miserably unreliable as to what the *right thing* really is.

I learned how to do optical telescope/instrument control software by watching 
astronomers work. But the system some students and I cobbled together in Forth 
back in the early 80's was pretty crude. So, we got a very bright MIT student 
to rewrite it in C as a thesis project. I told him We'll pay you to take a 
trip to Kitt Peak. Go and assist an observer for a few nights, see how it 
really works. Then you'll know what to write.

But he had that coder's arrogance, wouldn't do it. Instead, he went around and 
interviewed observers and coded up what they *said* was the right thing. The 
result was gorgeous: lovely display, well organized menus, fast, efficient as a 
demo. But it proved unusable: too often, the right thing in the code wasn't 
*quite* what was really needed in a specific situation at the telescope. The 
crude, ugly Forth system proved more resilient: it let the observer compose 
what was really needed on the spot, so the observers continued to use it (to my 
dismay, because I didn't want to keep supporting it).

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Version compatibility between gschem and PCB

2011-08-11 Thread John Hudak
   I came across an board layout file that requires a newer version of PCB
   than I have installed.  My version of PCB is 20091103.  If I upgrade to
   the most recent version of PCB, will it be able to interoperate with
   Also, a clarification of terminology for me is needed.  The PCB website
   ([1] lists a number of 'snapshots'..are
   these beta releases or are they the most recent releases for
   Another related question.  I am running gschem and PCB under Ubuntu
   10.10, Maverick Meerkat.  Are there any issues in upgrading PCB for
   this version of Ubuntu?
   I guess a related question is where can I find the most recent package
   release of gEDA for this version of Ubuntu.
   Thank you for your help.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Automatically start wire placement when you press the hotkey?

2011-08-11 Thread John Doty

On Aug 11, 2011, at 5:48 AM, Krzysztof Kościuszkiewicz wrote:

 Author: Peter Clifton

This allows magnetic net mode to be used for the start-point of a net
as well as its end-point, whilst still being able to initiate net drawing
with the n key.

No, please, no. Magnetic net mode is a misfeature as far as I'm concerned: I 
always disable it. It's extremely prone to changing its mind in the 
milliseconds between the time I decide to click the mouse and the time I 
actually click it. And it never routes a net in a sensible way, so I mostly 
find myself holding down control when using it, so I can add midpoints in the 
right places.

The gschem UI is very efficient with its single key switch modes *and* start 
an action single-key accelerators. Please keep these intact.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Automatically start wire placement when you press the hotkey?

2011-08-11 Thread John Hudak

   2011/8/11 yamazakir2 [1]

 I agree, magnetic mode is an instant disable for me everytime I
 install gschem
 On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 7:38 AM, John Doty [2] wrote:
  On Aug 11, 2011, at 5:48 AM, Krzysztof Kościuszkiewicz wrote:
  Author: Peter Clifton [3]
 This allows magnetic net mode to be used for the start-point
 of a net
 as well as its end-point, whilst still being able to initiate
 net drawing
 with the n key.
  No, please, no. Magnetic net mode is a misfeature as far as I'm
 concerned: I always disable it. It's extremely prone to changing its
 mind in the milliseconds between the time I decide to click the
 mouse and the time I actually click it. And it never routes a net in
 a sensible way, so I mostly find myself holding down control when
 using it, so I can add midpoints in the right places.
  The gschem UI is very efficient with its single key switch modes
 *and* start an action single-key accelerators. Please keep these
  John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
  geda-user mailing list
 geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Version compatibility between gschem and PCB

2011-08-11 Thread John Doty

On Aug 11, 2011, at 8:40 AM, John Hudak wrote:

 If I upgrade to
   the most recent version of PCB, will it be able to interoperate with

pcb is only one of the many layout programs gEDA can export to, along with 
simulators and other targets. That interface is thus very stable: changes would 
be difficult to coordinate.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB nanometer git tree

2011-08-10 Thread John Griessen

On 08/10/2011 06:04 PM, Andrew Poelstra wrote:

Please test this and let me know what needs to be done. Thanks!

Thanks Andrew.  busy til Wednesday, then will try it out.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Wireless comms options

2011-08-08 Thread John Griessen

On 08/08/11 06:21, Chris Smith wrote:

I'm guessing that composite will be easier to work with?

Depends on the video sender products you find.  If there's one for analog,
that's problem solved.  Do you have plenty of power at both ends?

Google shows that there are plenty of video sender products out there,
most of which seem to operate at 1.7-1.9GHz or 2.4GHz.

Analog or data?  With the compression you said was available, data might
use less power and be cheaper modules...  You haven't said much about the 
Does H.264 completely define it?  Are there modes of operation all called H.264?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Constraint-based PCB footprint design

2011-08-08 Thread John Griessen

On 08/07/11 21:47, Rob Spanton wrote:

The tool is by no means complete...  it's the result of just a few hours
work right now.

Thanks for sharing that, looks like python style of 

Code chunks of that seem more reusable than anything in a footprint file.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Linux Desktop für gEDA

2011-08-07 Thread John Doty

On Aug 5, 2011, at 1:27 PM, yamazakir2 wrote:

 To this day I still am not sure why anyone would willing use a mac. I
 have been consistent in this stance for the past 20+ years when I was
 forced to use a mac in elementary school for the first time.

20 years ago was the time of systems 6 and 7, the Mac's low point. The basic 
problem was that the original Mac system was not really an operating 
system. It was essentially a library of utility functions for standalone 
programs. While that was sensible for a graphical computer with 128k RAM, 64k 
ROM, and a floppy, it didn't scale well.

The common resource management that is the essence of an operating system was 
gradually added on as features. This did not work well, causing conflict and 
instability that increased with successive system versions up to 7. By MacOS8, 
Apple had at least figured out the nature of the mess they were in, and were 
able to take some steps toward fixing it, but they didn't have a truly solid 
foundation until MacOSX.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Linux Desktop für gEDA

2011-08-06 Thread John Griessen

On 08/05/11 14:35, yamazakir2 wrote:

Do you guys use your linux box for general desktop usage or only EDA?

Both.  Email is via Mozilla thunderbird, which seems to handle cross platform
things well.   I still don't have a player for .wmv video working though.

Using Firefox with the latest flash plugin gives you youtube and vimeo movie
formats, and sound is working more ways with less hangups
and with less configuring than several years ago.

Open office is working well enough to communicate with a few windows users
without too much loss.

If you needed to communicate quickly with a team of windows users, it might pay 
use a vmware windows install on linux to access documents quickly without 
them any so they can be used for updates.

I was liking a few KDE apps, like kword, but KDE got so invasive and took up so 
disk space, I stopped using it.  My linux install, with lots of engineering 
project data
takes up close to 17GB, and I have stacks of cheap 20GB 80pin SCSI drives I 
back up to,
so I don't want to let it expand any further for a couple of years...  then 
maybe backups on
servers will be the thing to do.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Wedana milestone reached

2011-08-06 Thread John Griessen

On 08/06/11 08:54, Павел Таранов wrote:

3. Trac plugin introduced. See demo
4. We have own domain now: launched. Also available.

Looks good.  I could not figure how to use the origin input to
get a symbol view off the lower left corner...

?When I entered a pos number, the symbol view is off screen.  neg number had no 

Position (inc):  0:0


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Wedana milestone reached

2011-08-06 Thread John Griessen

On 08/06/11 14:24, Павел Таранов wrote:

When I entered a pos number, the symbol view is off screen.  neg number had
  no effect...

  Position (inc):  0:0

Seems it is not obvious, but after you change value in position, press
Draw button.

The result when I do that is the symbol moves to the left for Position (inc):  
and is off screen for 5:2 or 4:3


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Linux Desktop für gEDA

2011-08-05 Thread John Griessen

On 08/04/11 13:08, Markus wrote:

What desktop are you using for gEDA?

Xfce on debian unstable

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Linux Desktop für gEDA

2011-08-05 Thread John Doty

On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Josh Jordan wrote:

 manager issues.
Does anyone use geda on osx?

Sure. Works fine. Of late, it's been my main platform for gEDA, since I've been 
on the road a lot, and the MacBook has a bigger screen than the Linux netbook.

  I have given osx a good try and found it
lacks basic features such as expanding a window to take up half the
screen, you have to buy an app for that!

Basic feature? Nah. Given the general capability to resize a window to any 
useful size, there is no need to have a feature here. Good software design 
avoids such trivial special-case features. They just add to the fog.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Linux Desktop für gEDA

2011-08-05 Thread John Doty

On Aug 5, 2011, at 12:35 PM, yamazakir2 wrote:

 Do you guys use your linux box for general desktop usage or only EDA?

For general desktop use, I tend to gravitate to the MacBook, but I'm not 
limited to it. If I need a lot of windows in view, the Linux box with two 
monitors is the machine of choice if I'm in the office.

The totalitarian regularity of Mac applications is convenient for general 
desktop use, but not necessary. As Apple's hostility to users (as opposed to 
passive consumers) appears to be on the rise, it is likely that I will be 
phasing out the Mac in the future.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problem With SOT23-5? Invisible Guardband Around Landpattern; Arcs in Silkscreen

2011-07-31 Thread John Luciani
The problem in the SOT23-5 may be the dash in the filename.
Try changing to a name like SOT23_5.

(* jcl *)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power relay question

2011-07-28 Thread John Doty

On Jul 28, 2011, at 4:04 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 This is the type of problem that just screams PIC10 !!  :-)

Or 4000-series CMOS logic. Nice thing about 4000 series in this application is 
that it can operate on unregulated 12V.

 The lower cost of the simpler relay would easily pay for the logic
 chips, and you could add in some safety features and debouncing for
 Then dump the relay and use a power MOSFET :-)


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power relay question

2011-07-28 Thread John Doty

On Jul 28, 2011, at 7:03 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 Or 4000-series CMOS logic. Nice thing about 4000 series in this
 application is that it can operate on unregulated 12V.
 I thought of that, but a linear regulator just for the pic would be
 cheap, and you get debounce, multi-input state machines, and a
 watchdog for no extra cost...

Simple state machines and debounce are easy with MSI, too, and you don't need a 
software development setup. Arguably easier to debug a simple MSI circuit than 
a program.

 Even if I ran a 4000 right on the 12v, I wouldn't count on that 12v to
 be very clean if it has motors running off it.  Electrically braking a
 motor with an H-bridge can spike the power rails.

4000 series is extremely resistant to noise on the power rails. I've run it off 
raw stepper motor power, no problem. I think that's really its remaining niche: 
slow logic running on noisy raw power.

 And a pic + regulator (sot-26 + sot-323) is probably going to be
 smaller than the equivalent 4000-series chips anyway.

If you use a 12V H-bridge you need level translation, too. That's sometimes 
annoyingly expensive in one way or another.

 But of course, there are zillions of ways of doing it, it's up to the
 designer to pick what's best for their needs.


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: possible collaborators on PCB, gschem [Kicad (or another FOSS tool)]

2011-07-26 Thread John Griessen

He says, We do quite
complex PCB design, and for us it's important to have high-performance
quality tools. One option is to try to get some community effort behind
Kicad (or another FOSS tool) and bring it on par with some of the
non-open tools

Also said, Does the router feature push  shove? This is a big must for us. I
would also need an expert's assessment on whether pcb would be a good,
modular, clean base to improve on. What I hear informally is that it

So there you have our image problem even though pcb has a plugin API.

Larry Doolittle is going to be there in person.  What can we tell them
to get them interested in gEDA more than KiCAD?  They are interested in
and collaborating with Icarus verilog's Steve W. probably for
FPGAs and may not care about chips.


-- Forwarded message --
From: *Javier Serrano*
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 10:04 AM
Subject: [OH Updates] Looking for a Kicad expert

Hi all,

I am looking for a Kicad expert who would like to come to Grenoble
(France) in October to present Kicad and discuss about future trends in
FOSS EDA during the ICALEPCS Open Hardware Workshop

Let me give some bits of context:

- The ICALEPCS OH workshop is mainly attended by people who also attend
the ICALEPCS conference, i.e. people interested in the development of
control and data acquisition hardware and software for big Physics labs.
I started organizing the workshop before knowing about the summit, but I
still think it makes sense because many of the attendees could not have
attended the summit anyway. I think that community is very complementary
to this one, and by having some CERN people attend the summit we hope we
can stay coherent.

- The next big thing for us in OH is the tools. We are actively
collaborating with Steve Williams  co. in bringing VHDL and
SystemVerilog support to Icarus Verilog, and we think Icarus can reach a
degree of quality and performance in mixed-language simulation where we
should be able to use it exclusively [1]. Then we will be able to use
Verilog cores from our US friends :) and they will be able to use our
VHDL cores without the need of a non-open simulator.

- I am not an expert on PCB design tools, but people tell me FOSS tools
are still some way behind their non-open counterparts. We do quite
complex PCB design, and for us it's important to have high-performance
quality tools. One option is to try to get some community effort behind
Kicad (or another FOSS tool) and bring it on par with some of the
non-open tools, but I do not know a) how hard that would be and b) what
the Kicad people would think of that. So I am looking for a
speaker/debater who would like to participate in the OH workshop in
October and bridge that gap. If you or someone you know would like to do
it, please contact me privately.



[1] Notice I don't represent the whole of CERN in this, just a corridor
of hackers with an attitude.

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