[Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ipfix-mediators-problem-statement-09

2010-05-07 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviewer
for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document..:  draft-ietf-ipfix-mediators-problem-statement-09
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  May 7, 2010
IESG Telechat date:  May 6, 2010

Summary:  This draft is ready for publication as a Informational RFC.

This document identifies scalability problems with modern flow-based
measurement, which are due to increasing traffic volume as well as
increasing measurement requirements complexity.  The document motivates
IPFIX mediation as a solution, and it gives a set of examples where this
solution applies.  The document also analyzes the disadvantages of IPFIX
mediation, which constitute the cost for better scalability.

I believe the document is ready for publication.  The document is easy
to read, concise, and well-structured.

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ospf-af-alt-09

2009-12-02 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call
comments you may receive.

Document..:  draft-ietf-ospf-af-alt-09
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  December 2, 2009
IESG Telechat date:  December 3, 2009

Summary:  This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits
  that should be fixed before publication.

The document describes small modifications to the OSPFv3 protocol that
enable the use of OSPFv3 for multiple address families simultaneously.
The document is well-written and concise, and is ready for publication.
However, one nit that should be fixed is the following editorial one:

The document uses the acronym AF both to denote the term address
family, as well as to refer to the OSPF extensions being specified in
the document (e.g., in the definition of the AF bit in section 2.2).
This is confusing, in particular because AF is explicitly defined only
to mean the former, not the latter.  I suggest using a different name,
e.g., AF support, to denote the OSPF extensions being specified, and
adding a definition for this to the introduction of the document.

In section 3, Backwards Compatibility, it may furthermore be worth
mentioning that all modifications to OSPFv3, as specified in this
document, exclusively affect the use of OSPFv3 for new address families.
Since this is a prerequisite for backwards compatibility, it will
further support the backwards compatibility claim of this section.

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-sipcore-presence-scaling-requirements-02

2009-10-23 Thread Christian Vogt

On Sep 23, 2009, Avshalom Houri wrote:

 - It would be worth mentioning in the introduction of the document  
the expected result of this document should be.  Obviously, we  

expecting (or hoping for) an improvement in the scalability of
SIP/SIMPLE, but this should be made explicit.  Also, do we have
estimates of how much SIP/SIMPLE will improve?

These are defined by the requirements themselves specifically in 3.3.

Right.  But it would be useful if this was explained even earlier in the
document.  How about changing the first paragraph of the introduction as

   The document lists requirements for optimizations of the SIP/SIMPLE
   protocol.  See [I-D.ietf-simple-simple] for the list of RFCs and
   drafts that are considered as part of the SIP/SIMPLE protocol.   

   optimizations should reduce the load on the network and the presence
   servers in interdomain presence subscriptions.  The need for the
   requirements is based on a separate scaling analysis document

   This document identifies requirements for optimizations of the
   SIP/SIMPLE protocol, which aim at increasing the scalability of
   the SIP/SIMPLE protocol, and at reducing the load on the network and
   the presence servers in interdomain presence subscriptions.  The  

   for such requirements is based on the scaling analysis in
   [I-D.ietf-simple-interdomain-scaling-analysis].  See
   [I-D.ietf-simple-simple] for a list of RFCs and Internet drafts that
   are part of the SIP/SIMPLE protocol.

This might already be sufficient.

 - The document only talks about optimizations to which the defined
requirement should apply.  How about other types of protocol
enhancements, such as functional extensions?  Wouldn't the  

requirements apply to those just as well?

No. Functional requirements are not in the scope of this document.


- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-sipcore-presence-scaling-requirements-02

2009-09-22 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document..:  draft-ietf-sipcore-presence-scaling-requirements-02
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  September 22, 2009
IESG Telechat date:  September 24, 2009

Summary:  This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits
   that should be fixed before publication.

This document describes requirements for SIP/SIMPLE optimizations,
primarily to address scalability issues that have been observed for
SIP/SIMPLE deployments.

The document is well-written and concise, and it is basically ready for
publication.  Two comments, though, which the authors may want to

- It would be worth mentioning in the introduction of the document what
   the expected result of this document should be.  Obviously, we are
   expecting (or hoping for) an improvement in the scalability of
   SIP/SIMPLE, but this should be made explicit.  Also, do we have
   estimates of how much SIP/SIMPLE will improve?

- The document only talks about optimizations to which the defined
   requirement should apply.  How about other types of protocol
   enhancements, such as functional extensions?  Wouldn't the defined
   requirements apply to those just as well?

Good luck with the publication!

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-requirements

2009-07-16 Thread Christian Vogt

Adrian -

Your proposed RFC Editor notes are excellent.  I consider this Gen-ART
review addressed.  Thanks.

- Christian

On Jul 16, 2009, Adrian Farrel wrote:


I propose the following RFC Editor note...

Section 1

 Although both static and dynamic configuration of MPLS-TP transport
 paths (including Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) and
 protection capabilities) is required by this document, it MUST be
 possible for operators to be able to completely operate (including
 OAM and protection capabilities) an MPLS-TP network in the absence of
 any control plane.
 MPLS-TP transport paths may be established using static or dynamic
 configuration. It should be noted that the MPLS-TP network and its
 transport paths can always be operated fully (including OAM and
 protection capabilities) in the absence of any control plane.

- - - -

Section 2
 This document specifies the requirements of an MPLS Transport Profile
 (MPLS-TP).  The requirements are for the behavior of the protocol
 mechanisms and procedures that constitute building blocks out of
 which the MPLS transport profile is constructed.  That is, the
 requirements indicate what features are to be available in the MPLS
 toolkit for use by MPLS-TP.  The requirements in this document do not
 describe what functions an MPLS-TP implementation supports.  The
 purpose of this document is to identify the toolkit and any new
 protocol work that is required.
 The MPLS-TP requirements set out in this section are for the behavior
 of the protocol mechanisms and procedures that constitute building
 blocks out of which the MPLS transport profile is constructed.
 That is, the requirements indicate what features are to be available
 in the MPLS toolkit for use by MPLS-TP.

- - - -

Please let me know if this is acceptable.


Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-softwire-security-requirements-07

2009-04-01 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document..:  draft-ietf-softwire-security-requirements-07
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  2009-04-01 (no, not a joke)
IESG Telechat date:  2009-04-02

Summary:  This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits
  that should be fixed before publication.

The document analyzes potential security issues and resulting security
requirements for scenarios where softwire methods are used for IPv4/IPv6
co-existence.  I think this type of analysis is important given the
expected widespread existence of these scenarios.  Below are a few
recommended modifications that should be applied to the document prior
to publication:

- The document is partly about the security for data packets, and it
  concludes by requiring authentication, integrity, and reply
  protection for data packets.  Why should this be a requirement given
  that the purpose of softwires is simply to provide interworking
  between IPv4 and IPv6?  Certainly, there will be /some/ scenarios
  where one would want data packet protection, but generally such
  protection would be independent of the use of IPv4/IPv6 co-existence
  methods. Consequently, I would suggest to reduce the security
  requirements for data packets, perhaps from MUST to MAY/SHOULD.

- The document talks about hosts being mobile or nomadic in several
  places.  This might lead a reader into falsely concluding that the
  described scenarios or vulnerabilities do not apply to stationary
  hosts.  I would therefore suggest to either remove the attributes
  mobile and nomadic, or to make clear that mobility and
  nomadicness is only used in the document for exemplification.

- On page 9, the document refers to related security analyses, which
  relate to softwires as well, such as those for PANA, NSIS, and
  routing protocols.  You could add to this list the security analysis
  for Mobile IP [RFC 4225], which considers similar issues. The
  similarity becomes obvious if you replace the softwire initiator
  with the mobile host and the softwire concentrator with the home

- On page 10, the document claims that address spoofing causes a DoS
  attack.  I would soften this statement a bit.  It is true that
  address spoofing can be used as a tool in a DoS attack, yet address
  spoofing does not consistute a DoS attack by itself.

- To prevent address spoofing, the document recommends the use of
  authentication.  This should be elaborated on.  Authentication alone
  does not prevent the authenticated entity from spoofing its address.
  What is needed in addition is a binding between the legitimate
  address and the authenticated identity.

Hope this helps.  Wish everyone involved a smooth publication process!

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ippm-delay-var-as-01

2009-01-07 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document..:  draft-ietf-ippm-delay-var-as-01
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  Jan. 7, 2009
IESG Telechat date:  Jan. 8, 2009

Summary:  This draft is ready for publication as Informational RFC.

This document compares two widely used metrics for measuring packet
delay variations, and it provides guidance with respect to when to use
which of the metrics.

I found the document clearly ready for publication.  It is very
informative and easy to read.  The comparison and guidelines provided by
the document are relevant given the resemblance of the observed metrics
and the variety of use cases to which the metrics potentially apply.
Furthermore, the document includes an excellent motivation and survey of
related work; this renders it useful for readers of different levels of
expertise in the field of performance measuring.  Also, the document is
perfectly embedded into existing work through a large number of
well-placed references.

Two nits, which should be fixed prior to publication, are the following:

- Section 1.1, 3rd paragraph:  Lost and delayed packets are separated
  by a waiting time threshold. -- Since the waiting time threshold
  does not only apply to those packets that are lost or delayed, this
  sentence should be rephrased to:  Packets for which one-way loss or
  delay is measured are

- Section 3.2, 4th-to-last paragraph:  The error in the alignment
  process can be accounted for by a factor, A. -- A is an offset
  (addend) here, not a factor.

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-capability-negotiation-09

2008-10-24 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call
comments you may receive.

Document..:  draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-capability-negotiation-09
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  October 24, 2008

Summary:  This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits
  that should be fixed before publication.

The document on SDP Capability Negotiation is very well written and
should be published soon.  I have one suggestion regarding the
differentiation between actual and potential configurations, which is
used in the document as part of the negotiation model:

One of the main purposes for differentiating between actual and
potential configurations is to express preferences of the offerer:
Potential configuration are of higher preference for the offerer than
actual configurations.  This property does not become sufficiently clear
in the introduction and model description at the beginning of the
document.  On the contrary, a reader may assume the opposite preference
order, namely, that actual configuration are preferred because the
offerer would have to re-configure in order to use any of the potential
configurations.  Suggest to clarify the correct prioritization early on
in the document.

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-sanchez-webdav-current-principal-01

2008-09-24 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document..:  draft-sanchez-webdav-current-principal-01
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  September 24, 2008
IESG Telechat date:  September 25, 2008

Summary:  This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits
 that should be fixed before publication.

This document explains the need for a new WebDAV property containing
the principal of an online resource, and it specifies such a property.

The document is in good shape overall, and I think it can be published
very soon.  However, I have one technical comment, which may either
require some rethinking and rewriting, or some additional explanation
in the document.  I have also identified a few editorial nits, which
are easy to fix.


Section 3, 2nd paragraph of description field:

 This paragraph specifies the return value for the principal resource
 in case there are multiple possible values.  The return value is in
 this a case to be freely chosen by the server.  Why not return all
 possible values?

 The disadvantage of returning only a single principal resource value
 is that it may lead to consistency problems.  The paragraph attempts
 to prevent this by urging servers to /try/ to be consistent.  But
 since consistency cannot be guaranteed, consistency problems may
 still come up.  Always returning all possible values would fix this.

 The authors should consider changing the protocol behavior to always
 returning all available principal resource values.  If there are
 reasons to restrict the number of values returned to a single one,
 then these reasons should be explained in section 3 of the document.


Section 1, 1st paragraph:

 The acronym ACL appears here for the first time and should
 therefore be spelled out.

Section 1, 1st paragraph:

 principal resource which -- principal resource, which

Section 1, 2nd paragraph:

 recommended way to do identify -- recommended way to identify

Section 3, purpose field:

 current authenticated -- currently authenticated

Section 3, value field:

 The value is currently specified to always be a DAV:href element.
 But according to the description that follows, it could also be a
 DAV:unauthenticated element.  This inconsistency should be fixed.

Section 4:

 issues beyond those defined in HTTP -- issues beyond those
 identified for HTTP

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-pwe3-cep-mib-12

2008-08-06 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document..:  draft-ietf-pwe3-cep-mib-12
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  August 6, 2007

Summary:  This draft is ready for publication as a Proposed Standard

I have no objections against publishing this document, yet would
suggest considering the following three comments:

- Introductory sections 1 through 4:  References to related documents
  are currently scattered across these sections.  It would in my
  opinion make sense to group all these references in a single
  section, perhaps section 1.  This would make it easier for the
  reader to go back and look them up as it becomes necessary while
  reading the document.

- Security Considerations section:  The vulnerabilities discussed in
  this section do not directly fit into the scope of a Security
  Considerations sections, because they already exist and are not
  introduced by the document at hand:  (i) consequences of
  misconfiguration; (ii) security considerations for MIBs in
  general, such as SET operations in insecure environments, or GET
  operations on confidential data; (iii) security issues in SNMP
  versions older than version 3.  Notwithstanding this, all of these
  vulnerabilities are certainly important for network administrators
  to be aware of.  I therefore suggest adding a paragraph at the
  beginning of the Security Considerations section that explains
  that the document itself does not introduce new vulnerabilities,
  but that the following vulnerabilities of related mechanisms
  should be considered.

- Some nits:

  Abstract:  Packet Switch Network - Packet Switched Network

  Introduction:  Acronym PSN is defined twice.

  Introduction:  Acronym VT is not defined.

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-mcast-reqts-05

2008-08-04 Thread Christian Vogt

Hi Yuji,

thanks for addressing my comments on your document.  I like the  
changes you are suggesting.  These settle the questions/concerns I had.

Regarding your clarifications on fate sharing:  Do you think you could  
add these thoughts to the document, perhaps as an introductory  
paragraph to the fate sharing section?

- Christian

On Jul 22, 2008, Yuji KAMITE wrote:

Hi Christian,

I'm planning changes based on your Gen-ART Reviews (attached email).
See my response in [YK] part written below and please tell me if it  
is OK.

Regarding your 3rd comment   (about section 5.10),  please
see  my clarification about it (see below).  And then I'd like to
hear your thoughts more.

Best regards,

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-mcast-reqts-05

2008-08-04 Thread Christian Vogt

Yuji -

To address your comment, I propose to add a new  parragraph below in
this section (after 4st paragraph). I think your question was if this
requirement has benefit or not, so I'm trying to clarify that.

   This policy will benefit customers.   Some customers would like to
detect failure soon at CE side and restore full   connectivity by
switching over to their backup line,   rather than to keep poor half
connectivity (i.e., either unicast or multicast being in fail).   Even
if either unicast or multicast is kept alive, it is just
disadvantageous   to the customer's application protocols which need
both traffic.   Fate-sharing policy contributes to preventing such a
complicated situation.

Yes, this is great.  If you add this text to the document, it will be
more clear to the reader why you enforce fate sharing.


- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-isis-te-bis-00

2008-07-25 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document..:  draft-ietf-isis-te-bis-00
Reviewer..:  Christian Vogt
Review date...:  2008/07/25

Summary:  This draft is ready for publication as a Proposed Standard

The document is clearly ready for publication.  Just two nits:

In section 3, you write:

   Further, there is no defined mechanism for extending the sub-TLV
   space for a particular neighbor.  Thus, wasting sub-TLV space is

This seems to be a general issue that may be good to move to a more
dominant position.  It refers to the sub-TLV concept in general, but
here it is mentioned only in the specific context of the Extended IS
Reachability TLV.  Consider moving this to a place that talks
generally about the sub-TLV concept, e.g., to section 2.

In section 4, you write:

   This data structure can be replicated within the TLV,
   without exceeding the maximum length of the TLV.

Suggest rewording to ...as long as the maximum length of the TLV is
not exceeded.

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Christian's Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-sipping-consent-format-06.txt

2008-06-04 Thread Christian Vogt

the modifications you are proposing definitely address the
comments I had.  Thanks!

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-update-18

2008-05-02 Thread Christian Vogt

thanks for clarifying this in the OSPFv3 document.  The changes you
applied make it clear what the purpose and scope of the document is.
This addresses my comments from the Gen-ART review.

- Christian

On Apr 15, 2008, at 21:59, Acee Lindem wrote:

 Hi Christian,
 Actually, I misstated the intent of the document below. OSPFv3  
 requires IPv6 and is specifically designed to over it. It can be  
 extended to advertise reachability information for other address  
 families (e.g., IPv4) as well and there is more than one draft  
 stating how this should be done. However, this is not fully  
 specified in this document. I've attempted to clarify this by  
 including the version numbers in the first reference in the abstract  
 and introduction.



Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-update-18

2008-04-14 Thread Christian Vogt
Hi Acee,

thanks for addressing these comments.  Your explanation regarding  
virtual links is convincing, so the corresponding text should be left  
as is in the document.

Take care,
- Christian

On Apr 14, 2008, at 19:38, Acee Lindem wrote:
 Hi Christian,
 Thanks taking the time to review this large document. See inline.

 On Apr 10, 2008, at 6:05 AM, Christian Vogt wrote:

 I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
 reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call
 comments you may receive.

 Document:  draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-update-18.txt
 Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
 Review Date:  April 10, 2008

 Summary:  This draft is ready for publication as a Proposed
   Standard RFC.


 This document specifies OSPF for IPv6 networks.  It is very well
 written, clear overall, structured, and easily understandable.  I
 suggest this document to move forward in the publication process.
 Few comments that should be addressed on this way:

 (1)  The document, in particular abstract and introduction, is
  ambiguous on whether (a) it describes extensions/modifications
  to OSPF for IPv6 support, which would result in an OSPF version
  for both IPv4 and IPv6, or whether (b) it is a separate OSPF
  version specifically for IPv6.  The first sentence of the
  abstract implies (a).  But later the abstract implies (b),
  because it says that authentication mechanisms have been  
  by IPv6-specific ones, leaving no authentications means for  
  Then again, the increment of the OSPF version number  
 specified in
  section 2.7 indicates that (a) is the case.  Please clarify the
  purpose and content of the document early in the abstract and

 As you surmised, it is (a). I'll make sure this is clear.

 (2)  The document is very consistent WRT to introducing all acronyms
  (by spelling them out) when they appear first.  Do this for  
  also.  See 2nd paragraph of abstract.

 I added a bunch of these. I'll make sure I get this one and I'll  
 check for other acronyms that require expansion.

 (3)  In section 2.5, a special source address selection rule is
  defined for virtual links.  Is this rule needed specifically for
  OSPF, or is it specific to virtual links?  If the latter was the
  case, would it make sense to define this rule more generally  
 in an
  IPv6 document?

 I'd have to say this rule is specific to OSPFv3 virtual links. I  
 think the meaning of virtual link varies depending on the context  
 so I wouldn't try and define behavior beyond OSPFv3. For example,  
 in one context a virtual link might imply a tunnel while it the  
 OSPFv3 sense it is a multi-hop adjacency implying any OSPF path  
 through the transit area can be used for backbone routing.


 Good luck with the publication,
 - Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-sipping-consent-format-06

2008-03-10 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call
comments you may receive.

Document:  draft-ietf-sipping-consent-format-06
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  March 10, 2008
IETF LC End Date:  March 6, 2008
IESG Telechat date:  --

Summary:  This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits 
that should be fixed before publication.


(1) It would be nice if section 3.1 would briefly explain what a
 condition is -- like sections 3.2 and 3.2.1 explain what an action
 or translation handling is, respectively.  That would make it easier
 for the reader to put the rest of the section into context.

(2) It seems that section 3.2.1. (Translation Handling) should get
 the number 3.3.  The introduction of section 3 talks about three
 parts in a permission document -- conditions, actions, and
 transformations.  There is section 3.1 for conditions, section 3.2
 for actions, but a section 3.3 for transformations is missing.  I
 think current section 3.2.1 is actually meant to be section 3.3.

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-manet-jitter-04

2007-12-23 Thread Christian Vogt

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Document:  draft-ietf-manet-jitter-04
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  12/23, 2007
IETF LC End Date:  11/29, 2007

Summary:  Ready for publication


This document is well written, understandable, and has a convincing
problem statement.  I hence believe that it was the right decision to
put it into the RFC Editor queue.  Below are a few comments that the
authors may want to address, to the extent possible, during AUTH48:

(1)  Section 3, Applicability Statement:

   These mechanisms are intended for application where the underlying
   medium access control and lower layers do not provide effective
   mechanisms to avoid such collisions.

It would be useful to state what could happen if jittering was
(accidentally) performed at lower and upper layers simultaneously.  Such
double jittering would clearly result in different jitter intervals, and
an additional sentence should state this IMO.  But it seems unlikely
that double jittering could ever break a protocol, and this should be
state, too.

(2)  Section 5.3., Message Forwarding, first considers jitter on a
message basis and then specifies what should happen if multiple messages
are sent in a single packet.  I believe that jittering is relevant only
at the packet level.  The section would hence be more straightforward if
it discussed jittering on the packet level from the very beginning.

(3)  Introduction of section 4, Protocol Overview and Functioning:

   Using such
   protocols simultaneous transmissions from two (or more) adjacent
   nodes may cause delays, packet losses and other problems.

Better add a comma after protocols, for the sentence is otherwise
very hard to parse.

Hope this helps, and happy holidays!

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-simple-prescaps-ext-08

2007-10-26 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team 
(Gen-ART) reviewer for this draft (for background on 
Gen-ART, please see


Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call
comments you may receive.

Document:  draft-ietf-simple-prescaps-ext-08.txt
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  October 26, 2007

Summary:  Ready.

Comments:  This document is ready for publication from my 
perspective.  Just two nits, which the authors may want to 

Section 3.2.8. (message element):

The message element indicates that the service supports
 message as a streaming media type as defined in [12].

s/supports message/supports messaging/

Section 3.2.10. (automata element):

The automata element indicates whether the service 
represents an automata [...]

s/an automata/an automaton/

Hope this helps, regards,

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: [Mip6] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-mip6-cn-ipsec-05

2007-09-17 Thread Christian Vogt


I think we disagree on this issue.  IMO the I-D is missing a clear 
statement that a binding between the home address and IPsec SA is 
required.  If you don't want to add this statement, let's agree to disagree.

- Christian

Francis Dupont wrote:

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   unless you bind the IPsec security association to the home address, an 
   attacker could send a Binding Update message with a spoofed home address 
   using its own IPsec SA.  The correspondent node's IPsec instance would 
   accept that message and hand it on to the Mobile IPv6 instance.  The 
   Mobile IPv6 instance would rely on the message being authenticated and 
   update the binding cache entry for the spoofed home address.
= I agree but I can't see an issue with this: if I remove the word

home and all allusions to mobility your statement still applies so
as I've already explained the home address is not special and this kind of
spoofing is not specific to mobility.

   You can eliminate this issue with one or two additional, clarifying 
   sentences in your draft.
= IMHO it is not reasonable to forbid dynamic addressing in IPsec so

it is not reasonable to forbid dynamic or pseudo-anonymous home addresses
(pseudo-anonymous: which has no particular property attached to it).
 And please note the initial IPsec establishment has to be done before
IPsec can protect the mobility signaling so without asking anything
to IPsec for this IPsec is already at least as good as a return
routability check.
 To finish I've also already stated I am not against a SHOULD for a
protection in the case of statically assigned home addresses:
 - it is easy to do in this case
 - it improves the security
 - as this protection is required in the MN-HA context and in this case
   the simplest way is to encode it in the certificate it should be got
   for free.
To summary if a spoofed home address is accepted it is because the IPsec
configuration was setup to accept it. The only thing we have to do
is to enforce it was not by accident.


Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: [Mip6] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-mip6-cn-ipsec-05

2007-09-13 Thread Christian Vogt


unless you bind the IPsec security association to the home address, an 
attacker could send a Binding Update message with a spoofed home address 
using its own IPsec SA.  The correspondent node's IPsec instance would 
accept that message and hand it on to the Mobile IPv6 instance.  The 
Mobile IPv6 instance would rely on the message being authenticated and 
update the binding cache entry for the spoofed home address.

You can eliminate this issue with one or two additional, clarifying 
sentences in your draft.

- Christian

Francis Dupont wrote:

 In your previous mail you wrote:

an attacker can not do significantly more damage with a fake home address
than with just a fake address.
   With IPsec alone, an attacker wouldn't be reachable if it used a fake IP

   address.  This is different when you add Mobile IPv6 because the attacker
   may then be reachable at the care-of address even if the home address is
= as this is the point we disagree about, just explain how this can happen!



Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: [Mip6] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-mip6-cn-ipsec-05

2007-09-12 Thread Christian Vogt

the purpose of Mobile IPv6 is to redirect packets for a home address to a
care-of address.  To authorize such redirection, one needs to ensure that the
node requesting it is the home address owner.  This is why it is necessary to
have a strong binding between an IPsec SA and the home address.

 an attacker can not do significantly more damage with a fake home address
 than with just a fake address.

With IPsec alone, an attacker wouldn't be reachable if it used a fake IP
address.  This is different when you add Mobile IPv6 because the attacker may
then be reachable at the care-of address even if the home address is fake.

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-mip6-cn-ipsec-05

2007-09-10 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document:  draft-ietf-mip6-cn-ipsec-05
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  September 10, 2007
IETF LC End Date:  September 9, 2007
IESG Telechat date:  --

Summary:  Ready with nits.


An important requirement for IPsec-based protection of Mobile IPv6 route
optimization is that the IPsec security associations are bound to the mobile
node's home address.  A malicious mobile node could otherwise misuse its own
security association for impersonating the home address of a different mobile
node.  The draft ensures this requirement in section 3 by saying that...

  -  the Traffic Selectors MUST match exclusively the Home Address of
 the Mobile Node and an address of the Correspondent Node (the
 address used for communication between peers).

Yet the importance of this requirement, as well as its reason and effect, is
unlikely to become clear to the non-expert reader.  I would recommend adding a
section in the Security Considerations sections elaborating on this.

Three nits in addition:

- Abstract:

 This document defines how IPsec can be used
between the Mobile Node and Correspondent Nodes for Home Address
Option validation (aka. triangular routing) and protection of
mobility signaling for Route Optimization.

The phrase aka. triangular routing is out of context here.  Just drop it.

- Section 1:  This document defines an alternative mechanism -- ...an
alternative mechanism for Mobile IPv6 route optimization

- Section 3: anti-replay services MUST be selected -- ...MUST be enabled

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: [Ecrit] WG: Review of draft-ietf-ecrit-security-threats-04.txt

2007-08-31 Thread Christian Vogt

 I hope that the new draft version addresses your comments.

It does, addressing my main comment right in the introduction.

Thanks for the revision,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: [Ecrit] WG: Review of draft-ietf-ecrit-security-threats-04.txt

2007-08-21 Thread Christian Vogt
Henning and Hannes, one brief comment:

 Maybe this should be clarified either in this document, or in the
 Requirements document -- in particular because the Requirements document
 currently only talks about verifying the caller's location, rather than
 verifying whether there actually exists an emergency case at that

 The future emergency services infrastructure might be able to handle
 more media types and accept additional data. However, it is quite likely
 that the PSAP operator will not be able to use these things for a long
 time since the capabilities are just not supported by end systems and in
 some cases it might actually be difficult to expect the emergency caller
 to take pictures (given the level of stress they are likely to
 experience during an emergency situation).

Right, and this is in line with what I was saying:  Verification of the
truthfulness of (the extent of) a reported incident cannot be solved by the
ECRIT protocol.  I was suggesting to clarify this in the requirements section.

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-06

2007-08-21 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before
posting a new version of the draft.

Document:  draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-06
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  August 21, 2007
IESG Telechat date:  August 23, 2007


This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits that should be fixed
before publication.


The document describes the collation algorithm for the Unicode casemap in
section 1.  This section ends with an applicability statement for the algorithm.
 It says that, while the algorithm is well-suited for technical languages, it
does not work correctly in certain cases when applied to natural language.

My suggestion is to move the applicability statement to a more prominent place,
perhaps into a new section preceding current section 1.

Moreover, I had previously reviewed version 04 of the document, and those
comments have been addressed appropriately in the meantime.  This earlier review
is available here:


Finally, 3rd paragraph of section 1:  s/using using/using/

Kind regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-17

2007-08-20 Thread Christian Vogt

two small comments.

 (1)  Section 2.6, 1st paragraph:

  However, it is possible that packet
   losses will cause a higher priority check to take longer to complete.
   In that case, allowing ICE to run a little longer might produce
   better results.

   Just to avoid confusion:  I would say a packet loss rather than
   packet losses.  A reader might otherwise wonder why running a
   little longer might produce better results if it would mean that
   a high-packet-loss path gets eventually chosen.
 OK. Of course there could be more than one packet loss, and it might
 still be a better choice...

Sure.  I was thinking that the text in the draft sounds a bit like /persistent/
packet loss.  That was my impression.  Maybe you just reformulate it to this:

   [...]  However, it is possible that a higher-
priority check takes longer to complete due to packet loss.  [...]

 Section 18.5.2, STUN Amplification Attack, explains that ICE candidate
 probes could be used for amplified flooding:

It is impossible to eliminate the amplification, but the volume can
be reduced through a variety of heuristics.  [...]

 A reader might at first glance wonder why the amplification could not be
 avoided by requiring the initiator to send a separate request per
 response.  E.g., this is done in Mobile IPv6 route optimization where a
 mobile host sends out two initialization messages that each prompt the
 peer to send a single response message.
 The problem is, that receipt of a response would assume connectivity.
 The whole problem ICE is trying to resolve is that I don't know if I
 have connectivity. It could be, the reason I got no response, is that
 this candidate isn't reachable from here. So you cannot pace the checks
 based on responses.

What I was thinking of was not that the initiator should wait for request n+1
until it has received response n.  Rather, the initiator could be required to
send N separate requests if it has N candidates, i.e., one request per
candidate.  That would preclude amplification if and only if we have (at most)
one response per candidate.

But in the case of ICE, we typically have more than one response per candidate
given that there is one response per local/remote-candidate pair.  So sending a
separate request for each candidate does not mitigate the amplification threat.

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-17

2007-08-16 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document:  draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-17.txt
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  August 16, 2007
IETF LC End Date:  August 13, 2007


This document is of very good quality.  It also has a very plausible
problem statement and an excellent summary of the ICE operation.  I
support this document going forward in the publication process.


A few comments still, but they are easy to fix:

(1)  Section 2.6, 1st paragraph:

 However, it is possible that packet
  losses will cause a higher priority check to take longer to complete.
  In that case, allowing ICE to run a little longer might produce
  better results.

  Just to avoid confusion:  I would say a packet loss rather than
  packet losses.  A reader might otherwise wonder why running a
  little longer might produce better results if it would mean that
  a high-packet-loss path gets eventually chosen.

(2)  Regarding the Security Considerations section:

Section 18.5.2, STUN Amplification Attack, explains that ICE candidate
probes could be used for amplified flooding:

   It is impossible to eliminate the amplification, but the volume can
   be reduced through a variety of heuristics.  [...]

A reader might at first glance wonder why the amplification could not be
avoided by requiring the initiator to send a separate request per
response.  E.g., this is done in Mobile IPv6 route optimization where a
mobile host sends out two initialization messages that each prompt the
peer to send a single response message.

It might hence be valuable to note in section 18.5.2 that a balancing
of the number of request and response messages is not possible in the
case of ICE because the initiator does not know the number of responses
at the time it sends the request.  In ICE, the number of responses
depends on both the initiator's and the responder's set of IP addresses.

(3)  Finally some editorial notes:

Section 2.1, 1st paragraph:

  In all cases, such
  a network interface appears to the agent as a local interface from
  which ports (and thus a candidate) can be allocated.

  s/ports (and thus a candidate)/a port (and thus a candidate)/
  ...or plural in both cases.

Section 2.1, 2nd paragraph on page 11:

  I assume local interface Y should be local IP address Y because
  only the IP address is relevant for connectivity, not the interface.
  And an interface may have multiple IP addresses, of course.

Kind regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-Art Review of draft-ietf-sip-gruu-14

2007-08-10 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before
posting a new version of the draft.

Document:  draft-ietf-sip-gruu-14
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  August 10, 2007
IESG Telechat date:  August 9, 2007


This draft is ready for publication as a Proposed Standard RFC.  Just 2
really small editorial nits.


Section 1, 5th paragraph:  s/the the/the/

The initialism UA is used for user agent in the beginning of the
document, but at the end of the document, user agent is spelled out.
I personally prefer the spelled-out variant and would recommend to use
that consistently throughout the document.

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-Art Review of draft-ietf-bmwg-igp-dataplane-conv-app-13

2007-08-10 Thread Christian Vogt

 I appreciate your comment and question.  Measurement of each component
 requires white-box knowledge of the DUT.  The BMWG by charter focuses on
 black-box measurements, which is the externally-observable sum of the

Yeah, I was assuming that.  Maybe you just add a sentence in section 3
clarifying that A black-box convergence test measures the sum of these
convergence time components; there is no need to obtain a separate
measurement for each of the components.  Do you think this makes sense?

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Review of draft-ietf-ecrit-security-threats-04.txt

2007-07-12 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document: draft-ietf-ecrit-security-threats-04.txt
Reviewer: Christian Vogt
Review Date:  July 12, 2007
IETF LC End Date: --
IESG Telechat date: (if known)


This document identifies and describes threats that affect emergency
call mechanisms.  As the Requirements document, this document is already
in good shape.  However, as explained below, there is one attack
objective that I think is very important, and that should be attended to
a bit closer.


The following attack objective described in the document is important
enough to be attended to a bit closer IMO:

   o  to divert emergency responders to non-emergency sites. This memo
  has not identified any attacks within its intended scope that
  achieve this objective, so it will not be mentioned further.

Diverting emergency responders to non-emergency sites is actually not an
objective that an attacker might have, but rather a technique of
reaching the objective described in the first bullet (to deny system
services to all users in a given area).  So the draft actually does
address this objective.

Still, I think the /possibility/ for an attacker to divert emergency
responders to non-emergency sites -- as a means of reaching the DoS
objective -- is important enough to get a bit further elaborated on, in
particular with respect to its relationship to the mechanism to be
developed by the Ecrit WG.  I think that some clarification would be
useful along these lines:

Preventing diversion of emergency calls would likely require some
evidence about the existence of a reported emergency case, such as a
photograph, a video clip, or N previous calls reporting the same
emergency case.  The decision of which proof would be acceptable, and
whether requiring such proof is something desirable in the first place,
is likely something that cannot be decided in the Ecrit WG.  Preventing
diversion of emergency calls is hence something that is likely not to be
in scope of the Ecrit WG.

Maybe this should be clarified either in this document, or in the
Requirements document -- in particular because the Requirements document
currently only talks about verifying the caller's location, rather than
verifying whether there actually exists an emergency case at that location.

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-ipfix-biflow-04.txt

2007-06-26 Thread Christian Vogt
Great, this looks good.

- Christian

Brian Trammell wrote:
 We have addressed your comments in the present working copy, slated to
 be submitted as -05 after coordination with the document shepherd.
 Please see inline for specific comments...

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-04.txt

2007-06-07 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document: draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-04.txt
Reviewer: Christian Vogt
Review Date:  07 June 2007
IESG Telechat date: 07 June 2007


This document describes an extension to existing work on collation, and
it should go ahead for publication.  One improvement suggestion below,


I found that it would probably be helpful for a reader unfamiliar with
the details of collation if the introduction of the document was
extended to begin with

- a description of what we are actually trying to accomplish, i.e., text
string comparisons/collations,

- which standards we already have in this realm, referring to
i;ascii-casemap, and

- why this falls short of today's need, and why we are introducing
i;unicode-casemap now.

Kind regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-ipfix-biflow-04.txt

2007-06-07 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document:  draft-ietf-ipfix-biflow-04.txt
Reviewer:  Christian Vogt
Review Date:  07 June 2007
IESG Telechat date:  --


Ready with comments.


The document is in a good shape overall.  One thing I liked in
particular is the Rationale and History section, which describes
possible design alternatives and the reasons for not choosing those.

For a reader not so familiar with traffic measuring, it would be good if
the key technical terms were defined in the introduction, where they are
used the first time.  E.g., one can quickly assume what the metering
and collection processes do, and why these ought to be separate
processes.  But it would be great if the document itself would clarify
this, possibly including citations to existing documents.

Another thing that I think could be improved is that the figures on
pages 9 and on are neither referenced nor described in the text.  The
text would be nicer to read if it would directly refer to the figures
and explain matters based on the figures.

Also, the abbreviations used in the figures should be explained.  It is
currently left to the reader to guess that MP is a metering process,
and that an Nx is a node whoose traffic is being measured.

Otherwise, go ahead with the publication.

Kind regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-04.txt

2007-06-07 Thread Christian Vogt
Christian Vogt wrote:
 Document: draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-04.txt
 Reviewer: Christian Vogt
 Review Date:  07 June 2007
 IESG Telechat date: 07 June 2007

There is actually no IESG telechat scheduled AFAIK.  This was my
copy-and-paste mistake; it should be:

  Document: draft-crispin-collation-unicasemap-04.txt
  Reviewer: Christian Vogt
  Review Date:  07 June 2007
  IESG Telechat date: --

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Review of raft-mrose-apex-historic-01.txt

2007-06-04 Thread Christian Vogt

the new version is fine with me.  I think this document should go
forward now.

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Review of draft-ietf-tcpm-syn-flood-04

2007-05-23 Thread Christian Vogt

I read your draft on TCP SYN Flooding Attacks and Common Mitigations as
part of my work as a Gen-ART reviewer.  Below some feedback.

(For background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document: draft-ietf-tcpm-syn-flood-04.txt
Reviewer: Christian Vogt
Review Date:  May 23, 2007
IESG Telechat date: --


The draft is certainly ready for publication.  I found it very
well-structured and easy to read.  The introduction gives the
unexperienced reader an excellent overview on the topic.  I also think
that the draft is a valuable contribution, finally providing a concise and
well-citeable summary on SYN flooding prevention mechanisms.


(1)  Section 3.3 (Reducing SYN-RECEIVED Timer):  Maybe you could state
here /why/ this technique might prevent legitimate connections from
becoming established.  The reason obviously is that the RTT to a
legitimate peer might be longer than a shortened connection establishment
timeout, but this should be written down explicitly.  Also, it might be
good to add that RTTs can be quite long in some wireless access
technologies, e.g., due to long buffering delays.

(2)  Section 3.4 (Recycling the Oldest Half-Open TCB):  Again, this
technique could again prevent legitimate connection establishments
especially when the RTT is long.

(3)  Section 3.6 (SYN Cookies), 3rd paragraph:  Referring to the example
that SYN cookies might not interoperate with MSS encodings in initial
sequence numbers:  I am not an expert in this area, but I could imagine
that the problem is due to the TCP responder not being able to store the 2
MSS bits in the sequence number from the SYN, nor being able to
reconstruct these bits in the sequence number from the ACK following the
SYN-ACK.  Reconstruction of the MSS bits from the ACK are not feasible
because the SYN might have options, which, at the time the ACK is
received, have been forgotten by the TCP responder.  If this is what
causes the problem, then it might be good to spend one or two more
sentences explaining it.

Editorial nits:

(1)  Section 1, 1st paragraph:  s/denial of service
method/denial-of-service method/

(2)  Section 3.6, 2nd paragraph:  s/implementation

(3)  Section 3.6, 6th paragraph:  s/never is/is never/

That's it.  Excellent work, go ahead and publish!

- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-inch-iodef-12.txt

2007-05-11 Thread Christian Vogt
Hello Roman:

 I found that it might be useful to allow a telephone number to be
 accompanied by a time range during which it should be used.  E.g., it
 might be ok to call an office number between 8 am and 5 pm, but a
 cell-phone number should be used outside this time range.  Possibly, the
 free-form meaning attribute in the Telephone class could be used for
 this purpose.  If so, it might be useful to state this explicitly in the
 The use case you are describing is exactly why [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] attributes were originally added.
 As multiple parties are thinking it, but it is not document, perhaps it
 should be.  I propose adding the following additional text to
 description of these attributes:
 ... A free-form description of the element content (e.g., hours of
 coverage for a given number).

Yes, that's a good suggestion IMO.

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-inch-iodef-12.txt

2007-05-09 Thread Christian Vogt
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document: draft-ietf-inch-iodef-12.txt
Reviewer: Christian Vogt
Review Date: 9 May 2007
IESG Telechat date: 10 May 2007


This draft is in a good condition.  Especially the introduction provides
a reasonable understanding of the purpose and background of the standard
for an unexperienced reader.  Few comments below, though.


I found that it might be useful to allow a telephone number to be
accompanied by a time range during which it should be used.  E.g., it
might be ok to call an office number between 8 am and 5 pm, but a
cell-phone number should be used outside this time range.  Possibly, the
free-form meaning attribute in the Telephone class could be used for
this purpose.  If so, it might be useful to state this explicitly in the

In addition, some editorial nits:

- Section 2.4, page 8:
  s/encoding of the document are/encoding of the document is/

  [I'm not 100% sure if data goes with singular or plural in
  the English language, since I'm not a native speaker.  But from
  the information I found, it should be singular in this context.]

- Section 2.13, page 10:
  s/A telephone number/A telephone or fax number/

- Section 3.7.1, page 22:
  s/Regional Latin-American/Latin-American/

- Section 7.1, page 62:
  s/A example/An example/

Best regards,
- Christian

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART Last Call Review of draft-ietf-mipshop-cga-cba-02.txt

2007-01-31 Thread Christian Vogt
Eric -

 For some reason, in your response, my bulletization of the
 list of the new status codes somehow got re-paragraphed -
 hopefully my version below does not suffer the same fate.

Oh, no, this was probably one of my Thunderbird extensions for nicer
quotations.  It's now deinstalled.

Anyway, your suggested bulletization is fine in your emails and I got
your point.

 Typographical resets should be absolutely disallowed in 
 E-Mail.  :-)
 To the casual reader, it may otherwise be unclear exactly
 what change I was suggesting...


Will incorporate your suggestions into the draft ASAP.  Thanks!

- Christian

Christian Vogt, Institute of Telematics, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: review of draft-ietf-netlmm-threats-04.txt

2006-11-16 Thread Christian Vogt

Hi Francis,

thanks for your review!

  - a variety of ... which make mouting - makes? mounting
   ^ ^
(if someone finds the answer for the grammar point in the web,
 can (s)he give a pointer? I've based my comment on French,
 perhaps English is different. BTW a large number of is plural
 without question).

FWIW:  I had to look this up on the Web myself and it seems that the 
English grammar is in this case exactly the opposite as the German: 
While Germans would use the German version of a variety of attack 
barriers /makes/..., Americans seem to use a plural verb in this 
context: a variety of attack barriers make  I found this 
information at:


Native speakers, please correct me if this is incorrect.

Kind regards,
- Christian

Christian Vogt, Institute of Telematics, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)

Francis Dupont wrote:

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document: draft-ietf-netlmm-threats-04.txt
Reviewer: Francis Dupont
Review Date: 15 November 2006
IESG Telechat date: 16 November 2006

Summary: Ready

Comments: I have some grammar questions which should be handled by
the RFC Editor in 3.1 page 8:
 - can to trick - can trick
 - a variety of ... which make mouting - makes? mounting
  ^ ^
   (if someone finds the answer for the grammar point in the web,
can (s)he give a pointer? I've based my comment on French,
perhaps English is different. BTW a large number of is plural
without question).
 - both on-link and off-link - either on-link or off-link?



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