Re: [VOTE] Accept Curator into the Incubator

2013-03-08 Thread Eric Charles
[x] +1 (non binding)


On 05/03/2013 18:21, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:
 Discussion has settled down so I am calling a VOTE for acceptance of Curator 
 into the Apache Incubator.

 The vote will close at on Friday, March 8, 2013.

 [ ] +1 Accept Curator into the Apache incubator
 [ ] +0 Don't care.
 [ ] -1 Don't accept Curator into the incubator because...

 Full proposal is pasted below and the corresponding wiki is

 Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to 
 express their thoughts.


 Jordan Zimmerman

 === PROPOSAL ===

 Curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework


 Curator is a set of Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much 
 easier. While ZooKeeper comes bundled with a Java client, using the client is 
 non-trivial and error prone.


 Curator is a set of Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much 
 easier. While ZooKeeper comes bundled with a Java client, using the client is 
 non-trivial and error prone. It consists of three components that build on 
 each other. Curator Client is a replacement for the bundled ZooKeeper class 
 that takes care of some low-level housekeeping and provides some useful 
 utilities. Curator Framework is a high-level API that greatly simplifies 
 using ZooKeeper. It adds many features that build on ZooKeeper and handles 
 the complexity of managing connections to the ZooKeeper cluster and retrying 
 operations. Curator Recipes consists of implementations of some of the common 
 ZooKeeper recipes. Additionally, Curator Test is included which includes 
 utilities to help with unit testing ZooKeeper-based applications.


 Curator was initially developed by Netflix to make writing ZooKeeper-based 
 applications easier and more reliable. Curator was open-sourced by Netflix on 
 GitHub as an Apache 2.0 licensed project in July 2011. During this time 
 Curator has been formally released many times and has gained widespread 


 New users of ZooKeeper are surprised to learn that a significant amount of 
 connection management must be done manually. For example, when the ZooKeeper 
 client connects to the ensemble it must negotiate a new session, etc. This 
 takes some time. If you use a ZooKeeper client API before the connection 
 process has completed, ZooKeeper will throw an exception. These types of 
 exceptions are referred to as recoverable errors. Curator automatically 
 handles connection management, greatly simplifying client code. Instead of 
 directly using the ZooKeeper APIs you use Curator APIs that internally check 
 for connection completion and wrap each ZooKeeper API in a retry loop. 
 Curator uses a retry mechanism to handle recoverable errors and automatically 
 retry operations. The method of retry is customizable. Curator comes bundled 
 with several implementations (ExponentialBackoffRetry, etc.) or custom 
 implementations can be written.

 The ZooKeeper documentation describes many possible uses for ZooKeeper 
 calling each a recipe. While the distribution comes bundled with a few 
 implementations of these recipes, most ZooKeeper users will need to manually 
 implement one or more of the recipes. Implementing a ZooKeeper recipe is not 
 trivial. Besides the connection handling issues, there are numerous edge 
 cases that are not well documented that must be considered. For example, many 
 recipes require that an ephemeral-sequential node be created. New users of 
 ZooKeeper will not know that there is an edge case in ephemeral-sequential 
 node creation that requires you to put a special marker in the node?s name 
 so that you can search for the created node if an I/O failure occurs. This is 
 but one of many edge cases that are not well documented but are handled by 

 Current Status


 Curator was initially developed by Jordan Zimmerman in 2011 at Netflix. 
 Developers external to Netflix provided feedback, suggested features and 
 fixes and implemented extensions of Curator. Netflix's engineering team has 
 since maintained the project and has been dedicated towards its improvement. 
 Contributors to Curator include developers from multiple organizations around 
 the world. Curator will be a meritocracy as it enters the Incubator and 


 Curator is currently used by a number of organizations all over the world. 
 Curator has an active and growing user and developer community with active 
 participation in the mailing 
 list and at its GitHub home:

 Since open sourcing the project, there have been fifteen individuals from 
 various organizations who have contributed code.

 Core Developers

 The core developers for Curator are:

   ? Jordan Zimmerman
   ? Jay Zarfoss
 Jordan has contributed towards Apache ZooKeeper and both Jordan 

Re: [PROPOSAL] Curator for the Apache Incubator

2013-02-26 Thread Eric Charles

Inputs from a current Curator user:

I followed one year ago the public thread Patrick mentionned and was 
surprised to see the lack of interest for an higher level Zk client.

If this discussion happened now, maybe the interest would be different, 
but still, I think Curator should be hosted in its own community for the 
following reasons:

1.- I would love to have a client that support multiple server types. I 
use for example Curator to take distributed locks on Zk servers, but 
other servers (Hazelcast...) also implement this functionality. Simply 
by configuration, I would love Curator to give me access to those 
servers without chaning my code. Ok, This is not in the proposal scope, 
but having a separate community opens to door to those type of 
contributions. Obviously, if Curator is part of Zookeeper, this will be 
more difficult.

2.- Zookeeper is getting more and more functionalities (Bookeeper, 
Hedwig...) but not all of these functionalities may find an client part 
in Curator. This is why (see my first point), Curator should not be 
stricly a full Zk client, but a client providing access in some way to 
some distributed server functions.

3.- Client dev (internal machinery such injection, configuration...) is 
quite different from server dev. Some client architecture decisions 
should not be depende on server dev habits and server developers tend to 
negligate clients. I feel everyday the pain of real 
hadoop/hbase/casssandra/... client (I mean without the server jars). 
This is evolving, but not having a separate project for client does not 
help. HTTP client have never been developer in server projects.

I agree that hosting in the same community can create some convergence 
and ease the communication (API, bug solving...), but I still feel 
Curator deserves a dedicated community, especially for the first reason 
I have listed (client towards multiple servers).

Thx, Eric

On 26/02/2013 06:10, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Greg Stein wrote:
 My concern is that we're looking at two new committers, rather than
 a Curator community. Following normal Incubator work, Curator would
 build a community for itself. But then we'd have a community
 *distinct* from that of Zookeeper. And it really looks like this
 should be part of Zookeeper itself -- a more capable and easier-to-use

 So I question the incubation of this. Why do we want to build a
 new/separate project? Why isn't this just part of Zookeeper right from
 the start?

 I would suggest that this work is placed on a branch within Zookeeper.
 That Jordan and Jay become committers on that branch (not necessarily
 Zookeeper trunk). Over time, the branch can be folded into trunk,
 along with all the various tests, doc, and other artifacts that I see
 in the GitHub repository. And hopefully that Jordan and Jay become
 regular committers (and PMC members!) of the Zookeeper project itself.

 The current Zookeeper client can remain for backwards compat, and the
 Curator work can become the next-gen client.

 Honestly, in my opnion, incubating this project seems like it would
 create a distinct community, and really doesn't seem like it would
 serve the Zookeeper community.

 All that said, I am not familiar with the Zookeeper or Curator
 communities. But from this read, I don't think Incubation is the right
 approach. I would rather push for a more direct incorporation of
 Curator directly into Zookeeper. (use the short-form IP clearance) ...
 so, unless somebody can help me understand the communities and
 situation better, I'm -1 (binding) on this incubation. I'd rather see
 combined, rather than distinct, communities from the start.

 The Curator library is built upon the current ZooKeeper client
 libraries. They are an extension that implements higher level use
 cases (what we call recipes in ZK) whereas the ZK libraries
 implement lower level primitives. An analogy might be Apache Crunch
 (recently graduated to TLP) and MapReduce. Also, not everyone agrees
 with Jordan's assessment that Curator is 'better than (or a
 replacement for) the existing client libraries.

 The ZK community discussed incorporating the Curator code about a year
 ago. At that time there wasn't interest to adopt these libraries into
 ZK itself. My belief is that if Curator were to go through incubation
 the ZK community would be more likely to adopt it. Similar to how
 HCatalog spun off to work on the metastore and recently merged back
 into Hive. If there's significant overlap in the Curator podling
 community and the ZK community that will be a strong indication that
 they should be merged (my belief). If not it would have the
 opportunity to go TLP.

 Here's my report (ZooKeeper) to the board in Dec 2011 and the response
 I received. This is one of the reasons I advised Jordan to go the
 incubator approach. There's also the discussion thread on ZooKeeper
 dev if you want more insight.

 A discussion is currently 

Re: [VOTE] Accept Onami proposal in the Incubator

2012-11-12 Thread Eric Charles
 in Apache Maven as Dependency Injection
controller, hopefully the Maven community will be interested on
extracting reusable some parts and contributing back to Onami project.
Apache BeanUtils and and Apache Wink provide respectively a Google
Guice integration module.
Moreover, the Apache DeltaSpike community is developing a set of CDI
extensions, which could find some synergies in our community.
The Apache Logging Services project might have an special interest in
the sli4j component, which allows Logger injections.

== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
Even if the 99soft community recognizes the power and the
attractiveness  of the ASF brand, we are absolutely aware of our
already established role in the wide Guice community. Furthermore, we
are convinced that we can enthusiastically bring inside the ASF new
and fresh energies in order to improve our visions, insights and
knowledge about the other  projects and, most important, to have the
possibility of enlarge our small community with talented and
passionate developers.

= Documentation =

  1. G-Guava[5]
  2. Guartz[6]
  3. GSPI[7]
  4. JUnice[8]
  5. Lifegycle[9]
  6. Rocoto[10]
  7. sli4j[11]
  8. Gache[12]
  9. Autobind[13]

= Initial Source =
The intial source comprises code developed on GitHub[14] licensed
under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 (contributed under
Grant from Simone Tripodi for Onami).

= Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
Source code will be moved from GitHub[14] space inside the SVN space
of the podling.

= External Dependencies =
99soft Guice extension depends to the following external dependencies:

  * Google Guice - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * Google Guava - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * javax.inject - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * javax.cache - released under the JPA license
  * AOP Alliance - released under the Public Domain
  * Quartz Scheduler - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * Commons Logging - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * Log4j - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * SLF4J - released under the MIT License

== Test Dependencies ==

  * JUnit - released under the Common Public License Version 1.0
  * Easymock - released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  * Mockito - released under the MIT License

= Cryptography =
The project does not handle cryptography in any way.

= Required Resources =
  * Mailing lists
   * onami-private (with moderated subscriptions)
   * onami-dev
   * onami-user
   * onami-commits
  * Subversion directory
  * Website
   * Confluence (MAYHEM)
  * Issue Tracking

= Initial Committers =
Names of initial committers - in alphabetical order - with current ASF status:

  * Christian Grobmeier grobmeier at apache dot org (Member)
  * Cody Ray cray at brighttag dot com (ICLA submitted)
  * Ghislain Picpoc Touratier ghislain dot touratier at gmail dot
com (ICLA submitted)
  * Daniel Manzke daniel dot manzke at googlemail dot com (ICLA submitted)
  * Davide Palmisano dpalmisano at apache dot org (Committer)
  * Ioannis Canellos iocanel at apache dot org (Committer)
  * Jordi Gerona jordi at donky dot org (ICLA submitted)
  * Marco Speranza marcosperanza at apache dot org (Committer)
  * Marzia Forli marzia dot forli at (ICLA to be submitted)
  * Mohammad Nour El-Din mnour at apache dot org (Member)
  * Nino Martinez Wael nino dot martinez dot wael at gmail dot com
(ICLA submitted)
  * Pawel Poltorak pawel dot poltorak at (ICLA to be submitted)
  * Simone Tripodi simonetripodi at apache dot org (Member)
  * Stuart Mc``Culloch mcculls at apache dot org (Committer)
  * Thilo-Alexander Ginkel thilo at ginkel dot com (ICLA submitted)

= Sponsors =
== Champion ==
  * Simone Tripodi simonetripodi at apache dot org

== Nominated Mentors ==
  * Christian Grobmeier grobmeier at apache dot org
  * Mohammad Nour El-Din mnour at apache dot org
  * Olivier Lamy olamy at apache dot org

== Sponsoring Entity ==
  * Incubator PMC

= Other interested people (in alphabetical order) =
  * Eric Charles eric at apache dot org

[ 1]
[ 2]
[ 3]
[ 4]
[ 5]
[ 6]
[ 7]
[ 8]
[ 9]

Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-07 Thread Eric Charles

On 06/11/2012 12:58, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Eric!

I tend to think that 'Less is more', that 'git is now a defacto
standard', and that releasing all Mayhem components at the same time,
with the same version number (even if there is no change for some of
them) is easier for the user.

it would be nice if they'd share a common core or if components were
somehow related each other, but we don't intend to fork Google Guice
and unfortunately each existing component is totally unrelated to the
other :(

Yes, the 11 components are unrelated, but I just find the release 
process such a pain that I fear to go to independent lifecycle.

I can imagine many projects where all the modules/components are 
released even if some of them are not modified (they are just released 
as such).

The common thing between all those components is that they ease guice 
usage. They are different artifacts so one has the choice to only import 
the artifacts he needs.

Thx, Eric

I asked Infra some suggestions, let see if they have more ideas!

Have a nice day, all the best!

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-07 Thread Eric Charles
Fair point Roman, the potential community/communities of developers is 
one of the parameter.

Having a quick look at the different components dependencies, I don't 
see any links between them although I would have expected some of them 
to use sli4j for their own logging, JUnice for their unit tests...

I we want to keep frontier between these components (as well on a 
community as on a code dependency), then one big git repo doesn't make 
sense. I am more interested in a unique platform based approach 
(although keeping the modularity).

Thx, Eric

On 07/11/2012 16:31, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Eric Charles wrote:

Yes, the 11 components are unrelated, but I just find the release process
such a pain that I fear to go to independent lifecycle.

I think the real question is whether you'd expect different sub-communities
of developers tending to them, or whether you'd expect a singe community
where folks work on all/most of them.

In my experience, the mechanical policies of releases/SCM should follow
from how the community is expected to operate, not the other way around.

Just my 2c.


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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-05 Thread Eric Charles
On 04/11/2012 09:14, Simone Tripodi wrote:
 Salut Olivier!

 AFAIK not possible (git is poor for supporting such sparse checkout mode).
 So we (infra folks) will have to maintain one git repo per component
 and create a new git repo for each new component (IMHO a pain ..).
 In some case git is probably nice but not here !

 indeed, for what I can see, not all apache-commons components are
 supported in git - adding an extra step, every time a new component
 has to be created, would be not a benefit for the project.

 We have very similar situation in maven projects (with some components
 which have their own lifecycle) and we decided to not move those parts
 to git.

 nice to see that another ASF community chan share a past similar experience!

 But hey what is most important build a community around cool
 code/projects or being able to use the last � la mode scm tool ?

 as I wrote in a previous message, I personally just need a SCM that
 allows me continue developing software in a comfortable way :)
 Mohammad, Eric, maybe SVN fits better for Mayhem?

A git repo has to be seen like a monolithic piece of code with its full 
history. If Mayhem components are aiming to have completely different 
lifecycle with their own release independent, then many git repos would 
be needed.

I tend to think that 'Less is more', that 'git is now a defacto 
standard', and that releasing all Mayhem components at the same time, 
with the same version number (even if there is no change for some of 
them) is easier for the user.

But I am perfectly fine with SVN, except that we would create a 
structure more difficult to migrate to git later on.

Thx, Eric

 Thanks for the feedbacks!

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-02 Thread Eric Charles

On 01/11/2012 20:23, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Eric Charles wrote:

My userid for the incubator wiki is EricCharles. Can you please add me to
the ContributorsGroup?


Thx Marvin

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-02 Thread Eric Charles

On 02/11/2012 13:32, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:

Hi Simone...

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Simone Tripodi simonetrip...@apache.orgwrote:

Hi Mohammed!

IMO it would be easier to move into a Git repository, which I will help


setting it up. IMO, it will also be helpful for ASF Git support to have
more projects using Git which will help us understand different needs and
use cases of different project to provide better Git support by time, by
better I mean that now it is really good IMO but for sure we can make it
better :)

agreed! can you update the reference in the proposal, please? TIA!!!

Sounds good. If the final state must be git, let's got directly to git.

Sure thing will do it today when I have sometime

The thing is we still need to have SVN for content related operations


website and so cause it needs to be published using SVN pub-sub. I will
collect more details about that

thanks a lot! Can we propose the site be published on Git, like we
already did on GitHub in the `gh-pages` branch? WDYT?

IIRC thats not possible as rge pub-sub works with SVN, to be honest I am
not aware about the details thats the only fact I know about

If I am wrong would someone please correct me :) ?

It all depends if we want to use the Apache CMS or not.
The Apache CMS is supported under by SVN-PubSub.

Once again, if the final state is Apache CMS, let's go directly for it 
and let's not care where the content files are stored and published, 
that's the Apache CMS job after all (svn pubsub today, something else 
maybe tomorrow).

If we want to rely on site generated by maven or any other command line 
tools, yes, it would be good to see if publication via git is supported, 
but as far as I know, it is not. We can always raise a request to 
support it but that should not block the podling.

I am much more used via a Maven CLI site building and have looked to 
Apache CMS but didn't use it until now.

All the best,

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-01 Thread Eric Charles
I was waiting this since a long time, especially since guiceyfruit is 
not officially update to guice3.

It's great time to do this, as more well-known 3rd parties provide their 
own extensions [1]. With such a good code base coming from 99soft 
foundation, we will be good on track.

Big +1 and thx again,



On 31/10/2012 22:16, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

I like that proposal (you have guessed it as I signed up to mentor).
Guice is something cool as I found out recently. And I really like the
logging component in there (surprise)

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Donald Whytock wrote:

Just giving a post-hurricane nudge.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi all guys,

I prepared a new proposal[1] for the incubator, concerning the
creation of a new community focused on all aspects of Google Guice
extensions, starting from a rather than small codebase that I and
other friends - already ASF committers/members - would like to donate
to the ASF.

We still need at least one mentor, is there any volunteer available on
joining to provide help on bringing that new community up?

Many thanks in advance, all the best!!!


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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-01 Thread Eric Charles
I tried to add myself to the 'Other interested people' on the wiki, but 
I have not the right to edit the page.

Can you please add me?

Unfortunately, I have not enough free slots atm to commit anything, but 
if you miss one mentor to reach the quorum, you can add me. I will be 
able to follow the project and help if needed. Is a mentor also allowed 
to commit?

Thx, Eric

On 01/11/2012 08:17, Eric Charles wrote:

I was waiting this since a long time, especially since guiceyfruit is
not officially update to guice3.

It's great time to do this, as more well-known 3rd parties provide their
own extensions [1]. With such a good code base coming from 99soft
foundation, we will be good on track.

Big +1 and thx again,



On 31/10/2012 22:16, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

I like that proposal (you have guessed it as I signed up to mentor).
Guice is something cool as I found out recently. And I really like the
logging component in there (surprise)

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Donald Whytock

Just giving a post-hurricane nudge.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi all guys,

I prepared a new proposal[1] for the incubator, concerning the
creation of a new community focused on all aspects of Google Guice
extensions, starting from a rather than small codebase that I and
other friends - already ASF committers/members - would like to donate
to the ASF.

We still need at least one mentor, is there any volunteer available on
joining to provide help on bringing that new community up?

Many thanks in advance, all the best!!!


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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-01 Thread Eric Charles

Hi Marvin,

Definitively need to take more time to read the doc.

My userid for the incubator wiki is EricCharles. Can you please add me 
to the ContributorsGroup?

Thx, Eric

On 01/11/2012 14:15, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:20 AM, Eric Charles wrote:

I tried to add myself to the 'Other interested people' on the wiki, but I
have not the right to edit the page.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:

But I can't edit the wiki page at the moment would u please add me

What are the user ids that you use for the Incubator wiki?  (Not your apache
ids, and specifically the Incubator wiki, since the id can differ across
different ASF wikis.)

I or someone else will add you to the ContributorsGroup as per this note:

 This is the Apache Wiki for the Apache Incubator and is maintained by the
 community. To edit pages, first sign up for a user account. Then send your
 username to general@incubator so that we can grant you write access by
 adding your account to the ContributorsGroup. Once your account is set up,
 just login and start making changes. Notifications of all changes you make
 will be sent to the cvs@incubator mailing list.

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-01 Thread Eric Charles

I am +1 for git.

On 01/11/2012 12:04, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Mohammad,

what about having SVN+Git mirror? I personally just need a SCM, don't
have a strong preference, so recommendations are more than welcome!
What do you suggest?

Many thanks in advance, all the best!

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:


   I noticed that the code is hosted on github but u r asking for an svn rep
while we can have a git repo, or u don't want to continue using git ?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3
Apologies for any typos
On Nov 1, 2012 11:59 AM, Mohammad Nour El-Din

Hi Simone

I like the idea pretty much and I would like to be a mentor of this

project. But I can't edit the wiki page at the moment would u please add me

Thanks for bringing the project to ASF

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3
Apologies for any typos

On Nov 1, 2012 10:30 AM, Eric Charles wrote:

I was waiting this since a long time, especially since guiceyfruit is

not officially update to guice3.

It's great time to do this, as more well-known 3rd parties provide

their own extensions [1]. With such a good code base coming from 99soft
foundation, we will be good on track.

Big +1 and thx again,



On 31/10/2012 22:16, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

I like that proposal (you have guessed it as I signed up to mentor).
Guice is something cool as I found out recently. And I really like the
logging component in there (surprise)

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Donald Whytock


Just giving a post-hurricane nudge.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi all guys,

I prepared a new proposal[1] for the incubator, concerning the
creation of a new community focused on all aspects of Google Guice
extensions, starting from a rather than small codebase that I and
other friends - already ASF committers/members - would like to donate
to the ASF.

We still need at least one mentor, is there any volunteer available


joining to provide help on bringing that new community up?

Many thanks in advance, all the best!!!


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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Mayhem proposal

2012-11-01 Thread Eric Charles

Hi Simo,

oh, I forgot that mentors need to be part of IPMC.
Mohammad has stepped in, so I suppose you have the quorum.
Ping me if you miss one day some mentor, I would then apply to the IPMC.

Thx, Eric

On 01/11/2012 12:09, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Eric!

sure I added you, I wonder why you guys don't have enough karma to
edit that page :(

Mentors are allowed to commit, please just let me know what you would
prefer! Having you aboard, even if not really active, would still be
fine; to be a mentor IIUC you have to be part of the IPMC.

have a nice day, all the best!

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Eric Charles wrote:

I tried to add myself to the 'Other interested people' on the wiki, but I
have not the right to edit the page.

Can you please add me?

Unfortunately, I have not enough free slots atm to commit anything, but if
you miss one mentor to reach the quorum, you can add me. I will be able to
follow the project and help if needed. Is a mentor also allowed to commit?

Thx, Eric

On 01/11/2012 08:17, Eric Charles wrote:

I was waiting this since a long time, especially since guiceyfruit is
not officially update to guice3.

It's great time to do this, as more well-known 3rd parties provide their
own extensions [1]. With such a good code base coming from 99soft
foundation, we will be good on track.

Big +1 and thx again,



On 31/10/2012 22:16, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

I like that proposal (you have guessed it as I signed up to mentor).
Guice is something cool as I found out recently. And I really like the
logging component in there (surprise)

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Donald Whytock

Just giving a post-hurricane nudge.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi all guys,

I prepared a new proposal[1] for the incubator, concerning the
creation of a new community focused on all aspects of Google Guice
extensions, starting from a rather than small codebase that I and
other friends - already ASF committers/members - would like to donate
to the ASF.

We still need at least one mentor, is there any volunteer available on
joining to provide help on bringing that new community up?

Many thanks in advance, all the best!!!


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Re: [VOTE] Accept Blur into the Apache Incubator

2012-07-25 Thread Eric Charles

[X] +1, bring Blur into Incubator


On 07/20/2012 06:42 PM, Aaron McCurry wrote:

I would like to call a vote for accepting Blur for incubation in the
Apache Incubator. The full proposal is available below.

Please cast your vote:

[ ] +1, bring Blur into Incubator
[ ] +0, I don't care either way,
[ ] -1, do not bring Blur into Incubator, because...

This vote will be open for 72 hours and only votes from the Incubator
PMC are binding.

Thank you for your consideration!


= Blur Proposal =

== Abstract ==
Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment. Blur leverages several existing
Apache projects, including Apache Lucene, Apache Hadoop, Apache
!ZooKeeper and Apache Thrift.  Both bulk and near real time (NRT)
updates are possible with Blur.  Bulk updates are accomplished using
Hadoop Map/Reduce and NRT are performed through direct Thrift calls.

== Proposal ==
Blur is an open source search platform capable of querying massive
amounts of data at incredible speeds. Rather than using the flat,
document-like data model used by most search solutions, Blur allows
you to build rich data models and search them in a semi-relational
manner similar to joins while querying a relational database. Using
Blur, you can get precise search results against terabytes of data at
Google-like speeds.  Blur leverages multiple open source projects
including Hadoop, Lucene, Thrift and !ZooKeeper to create an
environment where structured data can be transformed into an index
that runs on a Hadoop cluster.  Blur uses the power of Map/Reduce for
bulk indexing into Blur.  Server failures are handled automatically by
using !ZooKeeper for cluster state and HDFS for index storage.

== Background ==
Blur was created by Aaron !McCurry in 2010. Blur was developed to
solve the challenges in dealing with searching huge quantities of data
that the traditional RDBMS solutions could not cope with while still
providing JOIN-like capabilities to query the data.  Several other
open source projects have implemented aspects of this design including
elasticsearch, Katta and Apache Solr.

== Rationale ==
There is a need for a distributed search capability within the Hadoop
ecosystem. Currently, there are no other search solutions that
natively leverage HDFS and the failover features of Hadoop in the same
manner as the Blur project. The communities we expect to be most
interested in such a project are government, health care, and other
industries where scalability is a concern. We have made much progress
in developing this project over the past 2 years and believe both the
project and the interested communities would benefit from this work
being openly available and having open development.  In future
versions of Blur the API will more closely follow the API’s provided
in Lucene so that systems that already use Lucene can more easily
scale with Blur. Blur can be viewed as a query execution engine that
Lucene based solutions can utilize when scale becomes an issue.

== Initial Goals ==
The initial goals of the project are:
  * To migrate the Blur codebase, issue tracking and wiki from and integrate the project with the ASF infrastructure.
  * Add new committers to the project and grow the community in The Apache 

== Current Status ==

=== Meritocracy ===
Blur was initially developed by Aaron !McCurry in June 2010.  Since
then Blur has continued to evolve with the support of a small
development team at Near Infinity.  As a part of the Apache Software
Foundation, the Apache Blur team intends to strongly encourage the
community to help with and contribute to the project.  Apache Blur
will actively seek potential committers and help them become familiar
with the codebase.

=== Community ===
A small community has developed around Blur and several project teams
are currently using Blur for their big data search capability. The
source code is currently available on GitHub and there is a dedicated
website ( that provides an overview of the project. Blur has
been shared with several members of the Apache community and has been
presented at the Bay Area HUG (see

=== Core Developers ===
The current developers are employed by Near Infinity Corporation, but
we anticipate interest developing among other companies.

=== Alignment ===
Blur is built on top of a number of Apache projects; Hadoop, Lucene,
!ZooKeeper, and Thrift. It builds with Maven.  During the course of
Blur development, a couple of patches have been committed back to the
Lucene project, including LUCENE-2205 and LUCENE-2215.  Due to the
strong relationship with the before mentioned Apache projects, the
incubator is a good match for Blur.

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned Products ===
There is only a small risk of being orphaned. The customers that
currently use Blur are committed to improving the codebase of the

Re: [VOTE] RC3 for Hama 0.3-incubating.

2011-07-18 Thread Eric Charles

[x] +1 Release the packages as Apache Hama 0.3-incubating

On 19/07/11 02:10, Edward J. Yoon wrote:

Hi all,

Please vote on the RC3 for Apache Hama 0.3-Incubating. We've already
received 2 binding IPMC +1 votes.

Vote thread:

Artifact and signatures:

SVN Tag:

PGP release keys:

[ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache Hama 0.3-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release the packages because...


Eric Charles

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Re: [VOTE] Accept Bigtop for incubation

2011-06-19 Thread Eric Charles

+1 (non-binding)

On 17/06/11 19:15, Tom White wrote:

As there are no active discussions on the proposal thread, I would
like to initiate a vote to accept Bigtop as an Apache Incubator

The proposal is available at

I've also put a copy of the proposal at the end of this email.

The discussion thread is available at

Please cast your votes:

[  ] +1 Accept Bigtop for incubation
[  ] +0 Indifferent to Bigtop incubation
[  ] -1 Reject Bigtop for incubation

This vote will close 72 hours from now.


= Bigtop - Apache Hadoop Ecosystem Packaging and Test =

== Abstract ==

Bigtop - a project for the development of packaging and tests of the
Hadoop ecosystem.

== Proposal ==

The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around the
packaging and interoperability testing of Hadoop-related projects.
This includes testing at various levels (packaging, platform, runtime,
upgrade, etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system
as a whole, rather than individual projects.

Build, packaging and integration test code that depends upon official
releases of the Apache Hadoop-related projects (HDFS, MapReduce,
HBase, Hive, Pig, ZooKeeper, etc...) will be developed and released by
this project. As bugs and other issues are found we expect these to be
fixed upstream.

== Background ==

The initial packaging and test code for Bigtop was developed by
Cloudera to package projects from the Apache Hadoop ecosystem and
provide a consistent, inter-operable framework.

== Rationale ==

Hadoop defines itself as:

The Apache Hadoop project develops open-source software for reliable,
scalable, distributed computing. Hadoop includes these subprojects:

* Hadoop Common: The common utilities that support the other Hadoop subprojects.
* HDFS: A distributed file system that provides high throughput access
to application data.
* MapReduce: A software framework for distributed processing of large
data sets on compute clusters.

There are also several other Hadoop-related projects at Apache.  Some
TLP examples include HBase, Hive, Mahout, ZooKeeper, and Pig.  There
are also several new projects in the Incubator such as HCatalog, Hama
and Sqoop.

 From a packaging and deployment perspective, the current
loosely-coupled nature of the project has limitations:
  1. Insufficient building against trunk versions of dependent projects
(in the style of Apache Gump).
  1. Insufficient testing against the trunk versions of dependent projects.
  1. No consistent packaging for the Linux servers which provide the
main Hadoop datacenter platform.
  1. No functional testing against multi-machine clusters as part of
the regular automated build process. This is due to a lack of a
physical or virtual Hadoop cluster for testing, and not enough test
suites designed to run against a live cluster with known datasets.

The intent of this project is to build a community where the projects
are brought together, packaged, and tested for interoperability.

Projects such as Apache Whirr (incubating), which deploy and use a
collection of Hadoop-related projects, would benefit from the
interoperability testing done by Bigtop, rather than picking and
testing project combinations themselves.

== Initial Goals ==

Much of the code for Bigtop has been released by Cloudera under the
Apache 2.0 license for over two years.

Some current goals include:
  * create a set of packages for the Hadoop ecosystem, over a wide
range of platforms
  * interoperability test these projects
  * document project sets that are known to work well together

Bigtop’s release artifact would consist of a single tarball of
packaging and test code that, when built, would produce source and
binary Linux packages for the upstream projects.

= Current Status =

== Meritocracy ==

Bigtop was originally developed and released as an open source
packaging infrastructure, CDH, by Cloudera.

== Community ==

The community is primarily the original developers at Cloudera,
however a number of contributions to the packaging specifications have
been accepted from outside contributors. Growing a diverse community
is the main reason to bring Bigtop to the Apache Incubator.

== Core Developers ==

The core developers for Bigtop project are:
  * Andrew Bayer has extensive expertise with build tools, specifically
Jenkins continuous integration and Maven.
  * Peter Linnell has contributed to the RPM packaging.
  * Bruno Mahé has overseen much of the development of the RPM and
Debian packaging system.
  * Roman Shaposhnik and Konstantin Boudnik designed and implemented
the system testing framework.

Many of the committers to the Bigtop project have contributed towards
Hadoop or related Apache projects (Alejandro Abdelnur, Konstantin
Boudnik, Eli Collins, Alan Gates, Patrick 

Re: [VOTE] Accept for incubation

2011-06-11 Thread Eric Charles

[x] +1 Accept for incubation

On 10/06/11 18:02, Sam Ruby wrote:

*** Please change your Subject: line for any [DISCUSSION] of this [VOTE]

As the discussions on the OpenOfficeProposal threads seem to be winding
down, I would like to initiate the vote to accept as an
Apache Incubator project.

At the end of this mail, I've put a copy of the current proposal. Here
is a link to the document in the wiki:

As the proposal discussion threads are numerous, I encourage people to
scan and review the archives for this month:

Please cast your votes:

[ ] +1 Accept for incubation
[ ] +0 Indifferent to incubation
[ ] -1 Reject for incubation

This vote will close 72 hours from now.

- Sam Ruby

= - An open productivity environment =
== Abstract ==
! is comprised of six personal productivity applications:
a word processor (and its web-authoring component), spreadsheet,
presentation graphics, drawing, equation editor, and database.
! is released on Windows, Solaris, Linux and Macintosh
operation systems, with more
[[|communities]] joining, including a
mature [[|FreeBSD port]].
! is localized, supporting over 110 languages worldwide.

== Proposal ==
Apache ! will continue the mission pursued by the
! project while under the sponsorship of Sun and Oracle,

To create, as a community, the leading international office suite that
will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality
and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format.

In addition to to building the ! product, as an end-user
facing product with many existing individual and corporate users, this
project will also be active in supporting end-users via tutorials, user
forums, document template repositories, etc. The project will also work
to further enable ! to be used as a programmable module in
document automation scenarios.

== Background ==
! was launched as an open source project by Sun
Microsystems in June 2000. ! was originally developed
under the name of StarOffice by Star Division, a German company, which
was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 1999. Sun released this as open
source in 2000. ! is the leading alternative to MS-Office
available. Its most recent major version, the 3.x series saw over
million downloads]] in its first year. The
recent estimates]] suggest a market share on the order of 8-15%.

The !OpenOffice source is written in C++ and delivers language-neutral
and scriptable functionality. This source technology introduces the
next-stage architecture, allowing use of the suite elements as separate
applications or as embedded components in other applications. Numerous
other features are also present including XML-based file formats based
on the vendor-neutral !OpenDocument Format (ODF) standard from OASIS and
other resources.

== Rationale ==
! core development would continue at Apache following the
contribution by Oracle, in accordance with Apache bylaws and its usual
open development processes. Both Oracle and ASF agree that the
! development community, previously fragmented, would
re-unite under ASF to ensure a stable and long term future for ASF would enable corporate, non-profit, and volunteer
stakeholders to contribute code in a collaborative fashion.

Supporting tooling projects will accompany the !
contribution, providing APIs for extending and customizing !

Both ! and the related tooling projects support the OASIS
Open Document Format, and will attract an ecosystem of developers, ISVs
and Systems Integrators. ODF ensures the users of ! and
related solutions will own their document data, and be free to choose
the application or solution that best meets their requirements.

The ! implementation will serve as a reference
implementation of the Open Document Format standard.

= Current Status =
== Meritocracy ==
We understand the intention and value of meritocracy at Apache. We are
particularly gratified to learn, during the discussion on this proposal,
that there is a strong role for non-coders to participate in this
meritocracy and as they demonstrate their sustained commitment and
merit, to take on additional community responsibilities.

The initial developers are very familiar with open source development,
both at Apache and 

Re: [VOTE] Release Hama 0.2-incubating RC4

2011-04-30 Thread Eric Charles


On 29/04/2011 13:48, Edward J. Yoon wrote:


I just uploaded the RC4 for Hama 0.2.0. This RC fixes license problem by 
removing useless dependencies.

Artifact and signatures:

SVN Tag:

Please vote on this release.

Changes for this release:


Sent from my iPad

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Re: [VOTE] Release Hama version 0.2-incubating (second)

2011-04-08 Thread Eric Charles

[x] +1 Release the packages as Apache Hama 0.2-incubating


- Eric

 Hi IPMCers and Incubator community,

 The previous mentioned problems (e.g., license, notice, disclaimer, and
 website logo/text) are all fixed and I just created RC3. There'are only
 changes of text, no changes at the code level.

 Hama Website:

 The release artifact, sums, GPG key and signature:

 Subversion tag for release:

 Please vote again on this thread!

 [ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache Hama 0.2-incubating [ ] -1 Do not
 release the packages because...

 Thanks in advance!!

 -- Best Regards, Edward J. Yoon

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