Re: next steps

2011-06-13 Thread Simon Brouwer

Op 13-6-2011 22:14, Daniel Shahaf schreef:

Sam Ruby wrote on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 15:48:37 -0400:

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Greg Stein  wrote:

On Jun 13, 2011 11:31 AM, "Joe Schaefer"  wrote:

The private list should only be subscribed to by folks who have already
submitted an ICLA and account request id to Sam.

To clarify: some people already have IDs, such as myself. If you're on Sam's
list as such, go ahead and subscribe.

Also note that any IPMC Member and any ASF Member is allowed to be on that
list. There are usually quite a few non-project lurkers.

Note: if you are an ASF member, and wish to subscribe to this list
using an ID other than your id,

Do you mean the email addres used to subscribe?

please make sure that that
id is listed in members.txt.

Where is members.txt?

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: [DISCUSSION] (was: RE: [VOTE] Accept for incubation)

2011-06-11 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi Gavin,

Op 11-6-2011 10:59, Gavin McDonald schreef:

-Original Message-
From: Volker Merschmann []
Sent: Saturday, 11 June 2011 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Accept for incubation


I am wearing my OOo-hat here, and this is my vote:

[  ] +1 Accept for incubation [  ] +0 Indifferent to incubation [X ] -1 Reject for incubation

I have contributed to for several years and I doubt that


project will find the needed resources at Apache.

Hi Volker,

Please tell us what sort of 'resources' are you talking about, examples
please, are
these infrastructure resources? If so, as an infra person here at the ASF I
like some insight into what people think we don’t have or  cannot handle.

I'm not answering for Volker, but personally I see a big problem in the 
fact that the installation packages of as we know it 
today contain numerous "external" (mostly LGPL) libraries and binaries 
that are not ASL licensed and not covered under the Oracle grant.
As I understand, it is strict ASF policy not to distribute binaries 
containing non-ASL source, and it will be far from trivial to replace 
those dependencies. Therefore I expect that, even if can 
be built and distributed under these restrictions, it will be severely 
crippled for a long time to come. I foresee that many (prospective) will lose interest and that we won't be able to 
regain the momentum.


Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi all,

My name is Simon Brouwer. For my profession, I develop electronics and 
firmware for auto-ID equipment such as hand-held data collection 
terminals. In my free time I have been active in since 
2001 and have been project lead of the Dutch native-lang subproject 
since its beginning in 2002.
My contributions include making Dutch spell checking available in OOo, 
authoring most of web content, coordinating the Dutch 
OOo community, writing the "t9n tools" that greatly helped with the 
translation of the online help to Dutch (and some other languages too), 
and providing a number of Dutch builds for Windows until Hamburg took over.
Following up on the Dutch spell checking, I later co-founded the 
OpenTaal project, which provides free Dutch linguistics resources that 
are used in and many other open source projects.
I have some programming experience in C/C++ and Java and have built from source under Windows and Linux.
Although I have been very busy at work and will be for the foreseeable 
future, I hope to find some time to contribute to the continued success 

Best regards,
Simon Brouwer

Op 7-6-2011 19:12, schreef:

By my count we have now have over 60 individuals listed on as proposed
committers for the Apache OpenOffice project.   I think this is a
respectable start, though obviously the project will need to have a strong
commitment to recruiting additional developers and growing the project

On the list are many names on the list familiar to me, some from the community,  some ODF experts, some involved in training and
certification, some in globalization,  some from downstream projects,
commercial and open source, Symphony, RedOffice, EducOOo, even some TDF/LO

There are also a lot of names that I do not recognize.  This is good as
well.  I may have need of some new friends soon ;-)

I think it would be good if the proposed committers who have not yet done
so, could post a quick note to the list, to introduce yourself and your
interest in this project.   Think of this as an opportunity to introduce
yourself to your future collaborators on Apache OpenOffice.



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Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

2011-06-10 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi Malte,

great to have you on board :)

Best regards

Op 10-6-2011 18:16, Malte Timmermann schreef:


my name is Malte Timmermann, and I work on the code base of since 1991 - almost from the beginning.

It started with StarDivision, later acquired by Sun, later acquired by 
Oracle. While still being an Oracle employee, my engagement here will 
be on an individual base.

Among the many things that I have implemented for OOo are the first 
version of the multi-platform Help System and compiler (and designing 
the XML version later), the Basic IDE, different widgets and remote 
support for VCL, the UNO AWT Toolkit and Uno Controls with MVC 
separation for using them in multi-view documents, and parts of the 
XML digital signatures.

My biggest contribution probably was the EditEngine, which is used for 
text IO in Calc, Impress and the Drawing objects.
When starting this, I was told to create some "lightweight" editor for 
Impress - and it ended up with a huge beast capable of many text 
processing features, including all the stuff you need for vertical and 
right-to-left writing, rotated text and text flow in a polygon.

Later I became responsible for the project to make 
accessible, which was really challenging because of OOo's own GUI 
toolkit and because of all existing Accessibility APIs not being 
complete enough for exposing complex document content.

So I spent a lot of time in designing the Uno Accessibility API (which 
later was used by IBM as the starting point for IAccessible2), and 
with having many discussions with people from JAA, ATK and with 
different AT projects and vendors.

I still work in the area of Accessibility, be it for the application, or for ODF. I am a member of the OASIS ODF 
TC and it's Accessibility SC.

When in 2006 the first security issues with OOo have been reported, I 
got the job to take care for StarOffice and OOo security and the 
handling of security issues. I have initiated the OOo Security Team, 
where people could report vulnerabilities to, and where people from 
different Linux distros are members so that we could together work on 
fixing the issues and coordinating release dates.

Unfortunately, even working as a technical architect for 
StarOffice/OOo since 2003, I was only able to influence newly 
developed stuff, but not to make bigger changes to the existing code 
base - mainly because of resource and time restrictions.

There are many things that should be changed. One of the things I have 
in mind would make it much easier for other projects or products to 
make use of the different OOo editors inside other applications or GUI 
technologies. Since this should be very interesting for commercial 
products like Lotus Symphony or RedOffice, maybe we can find time and 
resources for this now (once we have solved the more important issues 
to get Apache OOo running at all). But it will be a quite big task...

It's now time for the next decade of OOo. After a decade of closed 
source StarOffice, and a decade of copyleft, it's now 
time for many decades of Apache OpenOffice(.org), where many 
individuals and companies can cooperate together, all having the same 
rights to make use of the code in other open source projects as well 
as in closed source products.

And you can bet - after working on this thing almost half of my life 
now, I want to see Apache OpenOffice(.org) becoming a big success!


PS: I just managed to catch up all the emails on this list, and summed 
it up in my blog at

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Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: A little OOo history

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Brouwer

Op 7-6-2011 22:37, William A. Rowe Jr. schreef:

On 6/7/2011 3:17 PM, Simon Brouwer wrote:

The installation packages contain code from a considerable 
number of
"external" libraries (i.e. third party ones that are developed in their own 
projects, not
copyright Oracle and have mostly LGPL license). So this would not be allowed 
for releases
by the podling?

Binaries under category A or B license would be permitted, compiled from
releases under their original project.  We like to avoid forks (and don't
fork category B licenses such as MPL).  Category X licensed components
cannot be shipped by the ASF, which includes LGPL.

I entirely expect that LO today could not be shipped by the ASF.  There
is, as we have hinted, room to take LO further than OOo can be allowed,
given our licensing guidelines.  There is also the concept of optional
dependencies, where the ASF software is capable of interfacing to some
category x component, but the ASF does not complete that connection, and
allows the packager/distributor to elect to do so.  Support in httpd
for mysql, oracle db, freetds, postgresql, gdbm and berkely db all fall
into this category (and the package supports sqlite and sdbm to name
two examples of this optional functionality implemented in AL compatible
Then I expect that, even if a working OOo product could be shipped by 
the ASF in the near future under these conditions, it will be a big step 
back from the OOo/LO available today because many functions will be 

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: A little OOo history

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Brouwer

Op 7-6-2011 18:31, William A. Rowe Jr. schreef:

On 6/7/2011 11:11 AM, Niall Pemberton wrote:

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 4:52 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.  wrote:

Just to clarify, only source code is "released" by the ASF.  Yes, there may

I don't believe this is true - we have to release the source, but
anything we distribute is considered released and needs to be
checked/approved - and the release FAQ seems to agree with that

Really?  Where do you get that?

"The Apache Software Foundation produces open source software. All releases are 
in the
form of the source materials needed to make changes to the software being 
released. In
some cases, binary/bytecode packages are also produced as a convenience to 
users that
might not have the appropriate tools to build a compiled version of the source. 
In all
such cases, the binary/bytecode package must have the same version number as 
the source
release and may only add binary/bytecode files that are the result of compiling 
version of the source code release."
The installation packages contain code from a 
considerable number of "external" libraries (i.e. third party ones that 
are developed in their own projects, not copyright Oracle and have 
mostly LGPL license). So this would not be allowed for releases by the 

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: Code covered by the Oracle grant

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Brouwer
Hi Thorsten,

Thorsten Behrens schreef:
> Simon Brouwer wrote:
>> The real question is whether anything essential is missing that Oracle
>> can't supply and that is very difficult to replace.
> If you re-read Christian's mail, the answer to both is "yes".

Both? That was only one question, and Christian's mail doesn't answer it
with "yes".

Although essential things are missing, it's not apparent that those are
things Oracle doesn't have the copyright to. If you think otherwise, give
examples please.

Vriendelijke groet,

Simon Brouwer
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Re: Code covered by the Oracle grant

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Brouwer

Ralph Goers schreef:
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Christian Lippka  wrote:
>>> While the technical analyze here seems (should not use that word)
>>> correct my
>>> understanding is that missing bits could still be provided if
>>> requested. But
>>> this must be answered by people who are making the negotiations.
>> I'll share my understanding.
>> My first input was that any incubator proposal that was not
>> accompanied by a substantial software grant would not get serious
>> consideration.  After a serious of miscommunications on both (ASF and
>> Oracle's) sides I got on the phone directly with the Oracle VP driving
>> this, and said that all we needed at this time was a substantial list
>> to start from.  If we needed more, we could discuss that later.
>> This was approximately noon EDT on 31 May.  After discussions with
>> lawyers and collection of a list of files, the Software Grant was sent
>> via email at 8:50PM PDT the same day.  Others with no association to
>> either IBM or Oracle can verify this basic timeline.
>> My best guess is that while the list may be incomplete, it contains
>> only files that Oracle could determine with absolutely certainty under
>> incredible time pressure that they have the necessary rights to
>> include a standard ASF software grant.
>> While Oracle has absolutely no obligation to produce anything more,
>> and people are welcome to factor that into their decisions once this
>> comes up to a vote, nothing I have seen has indicated that anybody at
>> Oracle is operating in anything other than good faith.
>> It is my expectation that if we make reasonable requests and that if
>> those requests are within Oracle's power to fulfill those requests,
>> that we will obtain subsequent software grants.
> Sam, for me this is the only area where I question whether I will vote for
> the proposal.  From what I read in Christian Lohmaier's summary Oracle has
> supplied about 50% of the OOo source code.

To put this into perspective, if I remember correctly Christian's summary
dealt with file lists and did not take file size into account. So that 50%
in file count may represent a far bigger percentage of source code.

The real question is whether anything essential is missing that Oracle
can't supply and that is very difficult to replace.

Vriendelijke groet,

Simon Brouwer
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Re: Question to TDF and its community

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Brouwer

Christian Grobmeier schreef:
>> We didn't balk when Geronimo was proposed, despite complaints from
>> JBoss.
>> We didn't balk when Felix (nee Oscar) was proposed.  We didn't balk in
>> other
>> cases.  We have never picked winners, we have incubated projects and
>> let the
>> community pick the winners.  I don't see a reason to change our
>> philosophy
>> now.
> Geronimo is not the same case as OOo.
> With Geronimo people came and wanted to create it, because they were
> not happy. The company complained.
> With OOo the company was nasty and people went away and were happy.
> The company wants the project at the ASF, and some people complain
> now. After all I never really heard the words "I want it at the ASF"
> from somebody with OOo adress

My opinion, as an independent community member, is that was, for most of its life, in excellent hands with
Sun/Oracle all things considered. Given that Oracle has decided to pull
away, I think handing it to an open source minded, vendor-neutral, mature,
capable organization such as the ASF will provide it the best
opportunities for continued success.

Vriendelijke groet,

Simon Brouwer
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Re: OpenOffice: were are we now?

2011-06-06 Thread Simon Brouwer

Christian Lippka schreef:
> Am 06.06.2011 00:28, schrieb Simon Brouwer:
>> Op 5-6-2011 19:19, Christian Lippka schreef:
>>> Hi Ralph,
>>> Am 05.06.2011 18:46, schrieb Ralph Goers:
>>>> On Jun 5, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
>>>>>> I posted a similar  statement yesterday. Personally, I think the
>>>>>> traffic
>>>>>> on this list has settled  down a lot in the last 24 hours and is now
>>>>>> focusing in on topics more relevant  to this list. But maybe that
>>>>>> is just
>>>>>> because it was Saturday :-)
>>>>> Most of the sniping^H^H^H^Hdiscussion has moved over to the
>>>>> libreoffice
>>>>> lists at this point.
>>>>>> What I  am still waiting to hear on are:
>>>>>> 1. The amount of code in the project that  the grant didn't give
>>>>>> to us
>>>>>> under the Apache License.
>>>>> Not a blocker for starting incubation.  IOW we don't ask for this
>>>>> level of
>>>>> detail from other podlings.
>>>> It might be a blocker for my vote.  You are, of course, free to vote
>>>> differently.  This is a much larger project than usually enters the
>>>> incubator.  I'm worried that if the project has too much of this
>>>> kind of work to deal with it will kill the community.
>>> If I understand you correctly, your question is if the supplied set
>>> of source files is missing something to
>>> make this a working project.
>>> As stated earlier, the list of source files provided look like a 1:1
>>> copy from the mercurial
>>> repository available at
>> I was looking at that, but I have the impression that the source code
>> for a number of "external" projects is not present in the mercurial
>> checkout and still has to be retrieved as part of the building
>> process. There are makefiles, patches etc., but no source code worth
>> mentioning, in subdirectories stlport, openssl, hunspell, libxslt...
>> It might be all of these:
> Yes and no. Usually external project would be build in modules like
> stlport, openssl etc.  The archives with the sources would be in the
> above url. But what is missing
> are the patches to those external source archives.

OK, so these patches should be added to the software grant, hardly a
problem I should think.

But a practical matter is whether ASF can provide a similar repository of
"external project" archives, which much simplifies the build process, or
is the policy not to distribute any source under non-ASL licenses strictly

Vriendelijke groet,

Simon Brouwer
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Re: OpenOffice: were are we now?

2011-06-05 Thread Simon Brouwer

Op 5-6-2011 19:19, Christian Lippka schreef:

Hi Ralph,

Am 05.06.2011 18:46, schrieb Ralph Goers:

On Jun 5, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
I posted a similar  statement yesterday. Personally, I think the 

on this list has settled  down a lot in the last 24 hours and is now
focusing in on topics more relevant  to this list. But maybe that 
is just

because it was Saturday :-)

Most of the sniping^H^H^H^Hdiscussion has moved over to the libreoffice
lists at this point.

What I  am still waiting to hear on are:
1. The amount of code in the project that  the grant didn't give to us
under the Apache License.
Not a blocker for starting incubation.  IOW we don't ask for this 
level of

detail from other podlings.
It might be a blocker for my vote.  You are, of course, free to vote 
differently.  This is a much larger project than usually enters the 
incubator.  I'm worried that if the project has too much of this kind 
of work to deal with it will kill the community.
If I understand you correctly, your question is if the supplied set of 
source files is missing something to

make this a working project.

As stated earlier, the list of source files provided look like a 1:1 
copy from the mercurial
repository available at 

I was looking at that, but I have the impression that the source code 
for a number of "external" projects is not present in the mercurial 
checkout and still has to be retrieved as part of the building process. 
There are makefiles, patches etc., but no source code worth mentioning, 
in subdirectories stlport, openssl, hunspell, libxslt...

It might be all of these:

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: [ Re: OpenOffice and the ASF]

2011-06-05 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi Shane,

Op 5-6-2011 6:11, Shane Curcuru schreef:
Question: is anyone here aware of any registrations of 
"" or the logo or other related marks in other countries 
besides the US?

The name "Open Office" has been registered in the Benelux by the Dutch 
company Open Office Automatisering since before was 
announced, see

Because of this and similar cases we need taking care to not omit the 
".org" when indicating the project or the product

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: OpenOffice and the ASF

2011-06-02 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi Jim,

Op 2-6-2011 16:42, Jim Jagielski schreef:

On Jun 2, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Simon Brouwer wrote:

I had already been so bold as to adding myself to the list, expressing my 
support to the proposal. I was wondering though. In the project, 
many community members contribute in other ways than committing code, for 
example by writing or translating documentation, being active in the marketing 
project, taking part in QA. Some concern has been expressed that, if the 
meritocratic system in Apache is based on code contribution only, those 
community members are not able to fully become part of the 
Apache project or the Apache community.

Any one who suggest such a thing simply does not know nor understand
the ASF, plain and simple.
I think that is exactly the problem for many in the 
community. We didn't know of anything going on between 
and the ASF until Oracle's press release. So we have hardly had the 
opportunity to get acquainted ;)

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: OpenOffice and the ASF

2011-06-02 Thread Simon Brouwer

Op 2-6-2011 15:30, Greg Stein schreef:

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 09:21, Simon Brouwer  wrote:

Op 2-6-2011 15:04, Greg Stein schreef:

If you would like to contribute here (possibly instead of, or in
addition, to your work at TDF), then yes! Please add yourself into the
proposal on the wiki.

I had already been so bold as to adding myself to the list, expressing my
support to the proposal. I was wondering though. In the
project, many community members contribute in other ways than committing
code, for example by writing or translating documentation, being active in
the marketing project, taking part in QA. Some concern has been expressed
that, if the meritocratic system in Apache is based on code contribution
only, those community members are not able to fully become part of the Apache project or the Apache community.

Not a worry.

Noirin Plunkett (aka Noirin Shirley) is one of the Directors of
Apache, the current Executive Vice President, and held the VP
Conferences Committee position for several years. She has not
submitted a single line of code that I can recall. Noirin started out
at the ASF doing documentation for the HTTP Server project.

We also have ASF Members such as Sally Khudairi (Press and Marketing)
and Larry Rosen (Legal) who have not committed any code.

I would suggest adding a "Non-code Contributors" table into the
proposal and putting your name in there. We don't have precedent for
it, so may as well start with something. We can always wiggle it
around later, as needed.
Actually I did contribute a few lines of code many years ago, although 
most of my contribution is on other things.

What would be the advantage to have separate tables for code and 
non-code contributors?

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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OpenOffice /

2011-06-02 Thread Simon Brouwer

Hi Robert, all,

I'd like to mention that is to be consistently written as 
such, not omitting the .org, because there are various companies around 
the world that have preceding rights to the name "Open Office" or similar.

Best regards,

Op 2-6-2011 15:27, schreef:

"OpenOffice Certified Professional"


"Foo Certification for OpenOffice".

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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Re: OpenOffice and the ASF

2011-06-02 Thread Simon Brouwer

Op 2-6-2011 15:04, Greg Stein schreef:

On Jun 2, 2011 4:32 AM, "Alexandro Colorado"  wrote:

There is currently a bit rearagement movement toward figuring things out in
TDF OOo previously to the OOo annoucement, which happened last month on the
marketing list in OOo.

Thanks for the link.


Just to add clarity by inviting them, you mean that we should join the
mailing list for discussing the proposal here. Or should we continue our
converstions on each location.

Discussion about the Incbator proposal should be done here, please.
The audience of that proposal and, ultimately, those who will vote on
it are subscribed to this list.

Should we add ourselfs as commiters?

If you would like to contribute here (possibly instead of, or in
addition, to your work at TDF), then yes! Please add yourself into the
proposal on the wiki.
I had already been so bold as to adding myself to the list, expressing 
my support to the proposal. I was wondering though. In the project, many community members contribute in other ways 
than committing code, for example by writing or translating 
documentation, being active in the marketing project, taking part in QA. 
Some concern has been expressed that, if the meritocratic system in 
Apache is based on code contribution only, those community members are 
not able to fully become part of the Apache project or 
the Apache community.


Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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