Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-17 Thread sebb
On 16 June 2011 17:29, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 On 06/15/2011 08:47 PM, sebb wrote:

 On 12 June 2011 04:43, Richard  wrote:

 Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating, version
 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2 non-binding

 PPMC release vote thread:

 Source files:

 Maven staging repo:

 SVN source tag (r1127762):

 PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):

 [ ] +1
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -1

 There must be a disclaimer saying that the project is undergoing
 This is normally in a DISCLAIMER file, which should be in SVN, source
 and binary archives.


 The website should also carry a prominent disclaimer, nromally at the
 start of the index page.

 Will have someone work on that.

 The NOTICE file must only contain required notices, and only for items
 that are actually included in the release, not run-time dependencies
 that are downloaded by Maven.

 E.g. is JUnit included in the release? If not, remove the reference.

 Do not add any extraneous text to the Notice file - e.g explanations
 and headings - it should be as short as possible (but no shorter).


 The project name should be shown as Apache Droids in the Notice file(s).

 Fixed as well.

 I think the above all need to be fixed before release.

 The source archive contents agree with SVN (apart from extra files
 generated by Maven).
 Sigs and hashes are OK; key is in public PGP repo.
 Contents of jar files look good; there are NL files in the META-INF dir.

 The source and javadoc jar manifests could include the Specification

 I don't know that I completely understand this. I'm not too familiar with
 the manifest files, and adding specification into a search returns back the
 specs on the file format.

I meant the Specification entries which are already in the binary jar
manifests, for example:

Specification-Title: Apache Droids Core
Specification-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Specification-Version: 0.1-incubating

These would also be useful in the source and javadoc jar manifests.

[The Implementation entries really only apply to binary jars.]

 It would be useful to include the Java source and target versions in
 the binary jar manifests.

 Will do.

 The SVN properties don't appear to have been set on many of the source
 files, which suggests that some committers have not set up their SVN
 defaults correctly.
 (I'll raise a JIRA for correcting the properties)

 Applied / fixed. Thanks.

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[CANCELED] Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-16 Thread Richard Frovarp

On 06/11/2011 10:43 PM, Richard Frovarp wrote:

Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating,
version 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2
non-binding +1 votes.

PPMC release vote thread:

Source files:

Maven staging repo:

SVN source tag (r1127762):

PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1


This vote has been canceled due to identification of blocking issues. 
They will be fixed and a new build will be made shortly. Thanks to those 
that helped.

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-16 Thread Richard Frovarp

On 06/15/2011 04:39 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 09:35:05PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:

There should be archived VOTE threads on the droids-private list, which were
cc'd to private@incubator.a.o.  Hopefully they were for PPMC membership.  If
not, there will be some cleanup work to do.

The votes were handled on the droids-dev list (like they should) and
were committer votes. So Bertil and I aren't on the PPMC.

OK... In my opinion, the intent of the community to make this release is
perfectly clear.  None of the people who are officially on the PPMC objected
to it, nor did anyone raise any concerns about the validity of votes from
Committers who aren't on the PPMC.

In general, votes can come from anyone, so votes from people that aren't 
on the PMC shouldn't be discouraged. In a previous vote, Ross did tell 
me if I needed more binding votes, to come here.

However, it looks as though Droids isn't *bundling* either JUnit or
javax.servlet, in either in source or binary form -- you're expecting Maven to
resolve and install the dependency.  Therefore, I don't believe it's required
to include the license texts which apply to those components.

I'm not even sure whether you even need attributions in NOTICE.txt for
components you aren't bundling.  As best I can tell, the Droids distro archive
does not contain either source or binary materials belonging to or derived
from either JUnit or javax.servlet IP.

In summary, unless someone corrects my interpretation, LICENSE.txt is fine and
NOTICE.txt has some info which is arguably superfluous, but the presence of
that extra info does not block the release.  I consider the matter
provisionally resolved.

Sebb seems to agree with your interpretation. I have fixed the files to 
remove any notices to anything, except for the standard ASF notice. 
License only include AL2. I was unclear on this, as you can't have 
runtime required dependencies on category X items. A project can't 
require Hibernate (LGPL) and claim that it is okay because Apache Maven 
is bringing in the dependency. It was not clear to me how category-B 
should be handled. Consensus is to say nothing if it isn't being 
bundled, so everything has been removed.

OK.  In my rush, I hadn't noticed that the Maven-generated NOTICE file was just
a stub rather than a substantially different version of NOTICE.txt.  It's still
inaccurate because it's incomplete, though:

 Copyright 2007-2011 The Apache Software Foundation

 This product includes software developed at
 The Apache Software Foundation (

I've renamed NOTICE.txt to NOTICE and have updated all the references in 
the poms to Apache Droids, instead of just Droids. This should insure 
that future packages have the correct information.

Yep.  I double checked and RAT only flags that silly DEPENDENCIES file.
License headers look good!

Excellent. Thanks.

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-16 Thread Richard Frovarp

On 06/15/2011 08:47 PM, sebb wrote:

On 12 June 2011 04:43, Richard  wrote:

Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating, version
0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2 non-binding +1

PPMC release vote thread:

Source files:

Maven staging repo:

SVN source tag (r1127762):

PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1

There must be a disclaimer saying that the project is undergoing Incubation.
This is normally in a DISCLAIMER file, which should be in SVN, source
and binary archives.


The website should also carry a prominent disclaimer, nromally at the
start of the index page.

Will have someone work on that.

The NOTICE file must only contain required notices, and only for items
that are actually included in the release, not run-time dependencies
that are downloaded by Maven.

E.g. is JUnit included in the release? If not, remove the reference.

Do not add any extraneous text to the Notice file - e.g explanations
and headings - it should be as short as possible (but no shorter).


The project name should be shown as Apache Droids in the Notice file(s).

Fixed as well.

I think the above all need to be fixed before release.

The source archive contents agree with SVN (apart from extra files
generated by Maven).
Sigs and hashes are OK; key is in public PGP repo.
Contents of jar files look good; there are NL files in the META-INF dir.

The source and javadoc jar manifests could include the Specification entries.

I don't know that I completely understand this. I'm not too familiar 
with the manifest files, and adding specification into a search returns 
back the specs on the file format.

It would be useful to include the Java source and target versions in
the binary jar manifests.

Will do.

The SVN properties don't appear to have been set on many of the source
files, which suggests that some committers have not set up their SVN
defaults correctly.
(I'll raise a JIRA for correcting the properties)

Applied / fixed. Thanks.

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-15 Thread Richard Frovarp

On 6/14/2011 8:14 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:


There should be archived VOTE threads on the droids-private list, which were
cc'd to private@incubator.a.o.  Hopefully they were for PPMC membership.  If
not, there will be some cleanup work to do.

The votes were handled on the droids-dev list (like they should) and 
were committer votes. So Bertil and I aren't on the PPMC.

Excellent.  Was your work documented anywhere?  Ideally, there would be a JIRA
issue I can read over explaining why each dependency with a non-category-A
license is OK.

No, there is no JIRA ticket. There are no category-X defined 
dependencies. The notice file includes notices for all the category B 
defined dependencies: JUnit and javax.servlet. Those are fairly common 
in Apache projects and the requirements were met. See below.

Attached is the dependency hierarchy. All of the Apache projects are 
full projects, so they are all good. That leaves:

NekoHTML - AL2
mockito - MIT
Google Guava - AL2
Spring - AL2
JUnit - CPL v1 - Category B, binary only, appropriately labeled in the 
NOTICE.txt file
javax.servlet - Included in the Jetty notice, which states it is CDDLv1 
and copyright Sun Microsystems and ASF. Notice text copied from Solr

Jetty 6 - AL2, but requires notice (in place)
CGLib - AL2

Further help and guidance of course is always welcome.

You are gracious.  I'll defer to others on guidance; I see my role as more
that of a QC engineer.

And to start off my QC, I'll note that there are some oddities in the top
level directory of the archive.  Here's the file list:


The LICENSE and LICENSE.txt files are essentially duplicates of each other,
having only whitespace differences.  However, the NOTICE and NOTICE.txt files
are quite distinct (diff below my sig).  I think this is a blocker.

That's Maven. LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt are the two in svn. We may need 
to rename them to be without the .txt so Maven doesn't do its own thing 
there. While without txt is preferred, it is allowable to use the .txt 
file names.

I'm not sure what the DEPENDENCIES file is supposed to tell us, but it contains
minimal information.  Presumably it's some Maven thing I just don't grok.

That was Maven generated and I don't understand it either. I used the 
defined method of releasing via Apache Maven, including using the latest 
parent pom.

Lastly, I think it's worth commenting on the contents of README.TXT, which
starts off like so:

 A p a c h eD r o i d s

by Thorsten Scherlerthorsten at

That credit is obviously inaccurate and seems quite unusual for an Apache
project.  I know that other projects have gone out of their way to delete all
@author tags.  Perhaps Droids might consider doing likewise.

Yes, that file needs to be cleaned up. I do see there are two source 
files with @author in them. I've fixed them in trunk. I don't think 
either of these two things are a blocker.

I also intend to run a RAT report, and to pore over LICENSE and NOTICE more
thoroughly, but I'm out of time for today and wanted to get you this feedback
sooner rather than later.

Thanks for the feedback. I poured over the LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt 
files quite carefully. The RAT report was ran until it came back clean 
twice. Those should be good.
 +- org.apache.droids:droids-norobots:jar:0.1:compile
 +- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:compile
 +- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.0.1:compile
 |  +- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0.1:compile
 |  \- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.3:compile
 +- net.sourceforge.nekohtml:nekohtml:jar:1.9.14:compile
 |  \- xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.9.1:compile
 +- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.6.1:compile
 +- junit:junit:jar:4.5:test
 +- org.mockito:mockito-all:jar:1.8.5:test
 \- org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:jar:1.6.1:test

 +- org.apache.droids:droids-core:jar:0.1:compile
 |  +- org.apache.droids:droids-norobots:jar:0.1:compile
 |  +- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.0.1:compile
 |  |  +- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0.1:compile
 |  |  \- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.3:compile
 |  +- net.sourceforge.nekohtml:nekohtml:jar:1.9.14:compile
 |  |  \- xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.9.1:compile
 |  +-
 |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.6.1:compile
 +- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:compile
 +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-spring-configurator:jar:2.0.0:compile
 |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-configuration-api:jar:1.0.2:compile
 |  +- 

Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-15 Thread Thorsten Scherler
On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 18:14 -0700, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:39:20PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:
  Looks like this is the inaugural ASF release for Droids, right?
  Thank you for looking at this. Yes, it will be.
  Yes, the page needs to be updated. Ross has provided us with a link to  
  the page on how to update that information. I personally haven't had  
  time to do it. I think I'm on the PPMC, but for the Incubator, I'm not  
  quite sure the distinction between a PPMC member and a committer.
 The roles are just as distinct as they are between a Committer and a PMC
 member for a top-level project, and there are separate voting procedures.
 Some projects add both roles at once:
 For projects which wish to have all committers also be PPMC members, the
 Voting in a new PPMC member guide below should then be followed, noting
 that if desired it is possible to run a joint committership and PPMC vote,
 providing that the guidance for both is followed.
 There should be archived VOTE threads on the droids-private list, which were
 cc'd to private@incubator.a.o.  Hopefully they were for PPMC membership.  If
 not, there will be some cleanup work to do.
  ... Thorsten is not on the IPMC right now, though as an ASF Member he can
  simply request to join.  Once that happens, you'll have 1 IPMC vote.
  But he is. Several months ago the board acked his request, but it would  
  appear that the IPCM membership roster hasn't been updated.
 OK, great!  That's resolved.
  Ross participated in a previous vote that didn't pass as we found things  
  we need to clean up. It would seem he didn't have the time to  
  participate this time.
 OK, that's reassuring. :)
 (Looks like OOo is already starting to impact our volunteer resources.)
 FYI, at this point I still plan to gate my vote on a +1 vote from a Droids
 Mentor.  IMO, it would be less than ideal to have an inaugural release
 approved by one interested party (Thorsten) augmented by freelancers, even if
 one or more Mentors has expressed some measure of support in the past.

Actually I stepped up as mentor when Grant resigned. 


I need to search in my send mail folder but I actually wrote an request
to the private incubator list to add me as mentor.

 Lastly, I think it's worth commenting on the contents of README.TXT, which
 starts off like so:
 A p a c h eD r o i d s 
by Thorsten Scherler thorsten at
 That credit is obviously inaccurate and seems quite unusual for an Apache
 project.  I know that other projects have gone out of their way to delete all
 @author tags.  Perhaps Droids might consider doing likewise.

If you read this file to the end you will find:
Please report feedback to the labs mailing list.

Meaning this file have not changed since it was first created in Apache
Labs. That is the only reason for this unusual credit. It started as
personal research project and we have not reviewed this file ever since.
Thanks for pointing this out, I will fix it right away.

Thorsten Scherler
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
consulting, training and solutions

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-15 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:19:41AM +0200, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
  (Looks like OOo is already starting to impact our volunteer resources.)
  FYI, at this point I still plan to gate my vote on a +1 vote from a Droids
  Mentor.  IMO, it would be less than ideal to have an inaugural release
  approved by one interested party (Thorsten) augmented by freelancers, even 
  one or more Mentors has expressed some measure of support in the past.
 Actually I stepped up as mentor when Grant resigned. 

My primary concern is IP clearance for an inaugural ASF release.  As a
freelancer, I can perform a superficial examination of the existing artifacts,
but I was not there while the IP that makes them up was being imported or

However, if the IPMC has seen fit to appoint you as a Mentor, I will defer to
the collective judgment and assume that sufficient care has been exercised.


 I need to search in my send mail folder but I actually wrote an request
 to the private incubator list to add me as mentor.
Googling these message id's only turns up this post; since I'm not an ASF
Member, I don't have access to the ap-mail archives on;
sending mail to the private-get.1-2000@incubator.a.o failed; searching
droids-dev and general@incubator.a.o via MarkMail did not turn up any
indication of where the Mentorship appointment took place.

Can somebody please help out with confirmation that Thorsten's request to
become a Mentor for Droids went through?

  Lastly, I think it's worth commenting on the contents of README.TXT, which
  starts off like so:
  A p a c h eD r o i d s 
 by Thorsten Scherler thorsten at
  That credit is obviously inaccurate and seems quite unusual for an Apache
  project.  I know that other projects have gone out of their way to delete 
  @author tags.  Perhaps Droids might consider doing likewise.
 If you read this file to the end you will find:
 Please report feedback to the labs mailing list.
 Meaning this file have not changed since it was first created in Apache
 Labs. That is the only reason for this unusual credit. It started as
 personal research project and we have not reviewed this file ever since.
 Thanks for pointing this out, I will fix it right away.

Fab, that's great.  :)

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-15 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 09:35:05PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 There should be archived VOTE threads on the droids-private list, which were
 cc'd to private@incubator.a.o.  Hopefully they were for PPMC membership.  If
 not, there will be some cleanup work to do.

 The votes were handled on the droids-dev list (like they should) and  
 were committer votes. So Bertil and I aren't on the PPMC.

OK... In my opinion, the intent of the community to make this release is
perfectly clear.  None of the people who are officially on the PPMC objected
to it, nor did anyone raise any concerns about the validity of votes from
Committers who aren't on the PPMC.

Furthermore, the three +1 votes come from the three top podling committers by
commit volume:

The community is small and some people are MIA, but it seems like those who are
active are exhibiting exactly what the Incubator wants to see: responsible
self-governance by stakeholders.  The fact that two votes come from people who
were elected as Committers but not PPMC members is a technical oversight.

The Incubation Policy page sets out clear rules for how a release happens, and
I don't see a way to overlook or overrule the SHALL and SHALL NOT portions
of the text without a formal IPMC vote:


Podlings in Incubation SHALL NOT perform any releases of software without
the explicit approval of the Incubator PMC. Such approval SHALL be given
only after the Incubator PMC has followed the process detailed in these
guidelines, and SHALL NOT occur until all source has been legally
transferred to the ASF. 

Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release, the
Podling SHALL hold a vote on the Podling's public -dev list. At least
three +1 votes are required (see the Apache Voting Process page). If the
majority of all votes is positive, then the Podling SHALL send a summary
of that vote to the Incubator's general list and formally request the
Incubator PMC approve such a release. Three +1 Incubator PMC votes are
required. Below is an example showing how an incubating project managed
this process: 

The by-the-book remedy is for the existing Droids PPMC members to vote in the
people who are obviously driving this project forward, and for a new release
vote to be taken.  I'm pained by the delays that will introduce, and if
there's anything I can do to expedite the process I'd like to help, but as a
newcomer to the IPMC I don't see it as being my place to suggest alternative

 No, there is no JIRA ticket.

OK, no problem -- this thread will suffice.

 There are no category-X defined dependencies.


 The notice file includes notices for all the category B  
 defined dependencies: JUnit and javax.servlet. Those are fairly common  
 in Apache projects and the requirements were met. See below.

 Attached is the dependency hierarchy. All of the Apache projects are  
 full projects, so they are all good. That leaves:

 NekoHTML - AL2
 mockito - MIT
 Google Guava - AL2
 Spring - AL2
 JUnit - CPL v1 - Category B, binary only, appropriately labeled in the  
 NOTICE.txt file
 javax.servlet - Included in the Jetty notice, which states it is CDDLv1  
 and copyright Sun Microsystems and ASF. Notice text copied from Solr
 Jetty 6 - AL2, but requires notice (in place)
 CGLib - AL2

OK, excellent -- no fundamental problems, so it's just a matter of dotting our
i's and crossing our t's.

I see that the Droids LICENSE.txt only contains the ALv2, yet Droids has
dependencies on non-ALv2 libraries.

However, it looks as though Droids isn't *bundling* either JUnit or
javax.servlet, in either in source or binary form -- you're expecting Maven to
resolve and install the dependency.  Therefore, I don't believe it's required
to include the license texts which apply to those components.

I'm not even sure whether you even need attributions in NOTICE.txt for
components you aren't bundling.  As best I can tell, the Droids distro archive
does not contain either source or binary materials belonging to or derived
from either JUnit or javax.servlet IP.

In summary, unless someone corrects my interpretation, LICENSE.txt is fine and
NOTICE.txt has some info which is arguably superfluous, but the presence of
that extra info does not block the release.  I consider the matter
provisionally resolved.

(If Droids ever *starts* bundling JUnit or javax.servlet, I'm pretty sure
you'll need *both* the notice and the license texts.)

 That's Maven. LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt are the two in svn. We may need  
 to rename them to be without the .txt so Maven doesn't do its own thing  
 there. While without txt is preferred, it is allowable to use the .txt  
 file names.


Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-15 Thread sebb
On 12 June 2011 04:43, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating, version
 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2 non-binding +1

 PPMC release vote thread:

 Source files:

 Maven staging repo:

 SVN source tag (r1127762):

 PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):

 [ ] +1
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -1

There must be a disclaimer saying that the project is undergoing Incubation.
This is normally in a DISCLAIMER file, which should be in SVN, source
and binary archives.

The website should also carry a prominent disclaimer, nromally at the
start of the index page.

The NOTICE file must only contain required notices, and only for items
that are actually included in the release, not run-time dependencies
that are downloaded by Maven.

E.g. is JUnit included in the release? If not, remove the reference.

Do not add any extraneous text to the Notice file - e.g explanations
and headings - it should be as short as possible (but no shorter).

The project name should be shown as Apache Droids in the Notice file(s).

I think the above all need to be fixed before release.

The source archive contents agree with SVN (apart from extra files
generated by Maven).
Sigs and hashes are OK; key is in public PGP repo.
Contents of jar files look good; there are NL files in the META-INF dir.

The source and javadoc jar manifests could include the Specification entries.
It would be useful to include the Java source and target versions in
the binary jar manifests.

The SVN properties don't appear to have been set on many of the source
files, which suggests that some committers have not set up their SVN
defaults correctly.
(I'll raise a JIRA for correcting the properties)


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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-14 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 10:43:21PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating,  
 version 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2  
 non-binding +1 votes.

 PPMC release vote thread:


Looks like this is the inaugural ASF release for Droids, right?

First, congratulations on getting this far!  It can take a long time and a lot
of effort to get to the point where a podling's contributors feel comfortable
proposing an ASF release.  

That said, I have some questions about the PPMC vote thread.  Droids has the
following roster, according to the status page:

Mentors  Ross Gardler
 Paul Fremantle
 Grant Ingersoll

Committers   Thorsten Scherler
 Ryan McKinley
 Grant Ingersoll
 Oleg Kalnichevski

This is the tally for the PPMC vote:

+1  Torsten Scherler
+1  Richard Frovarp
+1  Bertil Chapuis

The Droids status page has apparently not been kept up to date, since there
are numerous authors listed at...

... and both Richard Frovarp and Bertil Chapuis seem to have commit rights.
Can you please confirm that the three +1 votes all belong to people who are
official members of the Droids PPMC?

Then there's the IMPC vote, which looks like it comes from Thorsten Scherler.
According to this...

... Thorsten is not on the IPMC right now, though as an ASF Member he can
simply request to join.  Once that happens, you'll have 1 IPMC vote.

However, none of the Droids Mentors appear to have participated in the vote.
I know one of them is camping and one took a new job recently, but still, it's

In principle, I'd like to freelance and contribute some oversight towards your
release by performing a surface review and voting.  I can check license
headers, sigs and sums, etc, and help with an audit of LICENSE and NOTICE,
especially if we can work together to produce an authoritative list of the
project's dependencies.  Unfortunately, my Java expertise is almost all
theoretical, so code review will be limited to fumbling around until I figure
out how to run the test suite and verify that it passes.

However, I won't personally feel comfortable contributing a +1 without at
least one of your Mentors signing off, particularly for a first release which
endorses the IP clearance process.

I've only been on the IPMC a few weeks.  Can any of our more experienced hands
offer recommendations about the best way to proceed?

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-14 Thread Richard Frovarp

On 06/14/2011 12:31 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 10:43:21PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:

Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating,
version 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2
non-binding +1 votes.

PPMC release vote thread:


Looks like this is the inaugural ASF release for Droids, right?

Thank you for looking at this. Yes, it will be.

First, congratulations on getting this far!  It can take a long time and a lot
of effort to get to the point where a podling's contributors feel comfortable
proposing an ASF release.

That said, I have some questions about the PPMC vote thread.  Droids has the
following roster, according to the status page:

 Mentors  Ross Gardler
  Paul Fremantle
  Grant Ingersoll

 Committers   Thorsten Scherler
  Ryan McKinley
  Grant Ingersoll
  Oleg Kalnichevski

This is the tally for the PPMC vote:

 +1  Torsten Scherler
 +1  Richard Frovarp
 +1  Bertil Chapuis

The Droids status page has apparently not been kept up to date, since there
are numerous authors listed at...

... and both Richard Frovarp and Bertil Chapuis seem to have commit rights.
Can you please confirm that the three +1 votes all belong to people who are
official members of the Droids PPMC?

Yes, the page needs to be updated. Ross has provided us with a link to 
the page on how to update that information. I personally haven't had 
time to do it. I think I'm on the PPMC, but for the Incubator, I'm not 
quite sure the distinction between a PPMC member and a committer.

Then there's the IMPC vote, which looks like it comes from Thorsten Scherler.
According to this...

... Thorsten is not on the IPMC right now, though as an ASF Member he can
simply request to join.  Once that happens, you'll have 1 IPMC vote.

But he is. Several months ago the board acked his request, but it would 
appear that the IPCM membership roster hasn't been updated.

However, none of the Droids Mentors appear to have participated in the vote.
I know one of them is camping and one took a new job recently, but still, it's

Ross participated in a previous vote that didn't pass as we found things 
we need to clean up. It would seem he didn't have the time to 
participate this time.

In principle, I'd like to freelance and contribute some oversight towards your
release by performing a surface review and voting.  I can check license
headers, sigs and sums, etc, and help with an audit of LICENSE and NOTICE,
especially if we can work together to produce an authoritative list of the
project's dependencies.  Unfortunately, my Java expertise is almost all
theoretical, so code review will be limited to fumbling around until I figure
out how to run the test suite and verify that it passes.

I can put together a list. Maven should give it to me easily and I can 
post. I've gone through it quite carefully and everything I can see 
indicates that we are good. I've been doing some of this as PMC Chair 
for Apache Lenya, so I do have some experience with it. Further help and 
guidance of course is always welcome.

However, I won't personally feel comfortable contributing a +1 without at
least one of your Mentors signing off, particularly for a first release which
endorses the IP clearance process.

Fair enough.

I've only been on the IPMC a few weeks.  Can any of our more experienced hands
offer recommendations about the best way to proceed?

Thanks once again.

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-14 Thread sebb
On 14 June 2011 19:39, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 On 06/14/2011 12:31 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 10:43:21PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:

 Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating,
 version 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2
 non-binding +1 votes.

 PPMC release vote thread:


 Looks like this is the inaugural ASF release for Droids, right?

 Thank you for looking at this. Yes, it will be.

 First, congratulations on getting this far!  It can take a long time and a
 of effort to get to the point where a podling's contributors feel
 proposing an ASF release.

 That said, I have some questions about the PPMC vote thread.  Droids has
 following roster, according to the status page:

     Mentors      Ross Gardler
                  Paul Fremantle
                  Grant Ingersoll

     Committers   Thorsten Scherler
                  Ryan McKinley
                  Grant Ingersoll
                  Oleg Kalnichevski

 This is the tally for the PPMC vote:

     +1  Torsten Scherler
     +1  Richard Frovarp
     +1  Bertil Chapuis

 The Droids status page has apparently not been kept up to date, since
 are numerous authors listed at...

 ... and both Richard Frovarp and Bertil Chapuis seem to have commit
 Can you please confirm that the three +1 votes all belong to people who
 official members of the Droids PPMC?

 Yes, the page needs to be updated. Ross has provided us with a link to the
 page on how to update that information. I personally haven't had time to do
 it. I think I'm on the PPMC, but for the Incubator, I'm not quite sure the
 distinction between a PPMC member and a committer.

 Then there's the IMPC vote, which looks like it comes from Thorsten
 According to this...

 ... Thorsten is not on the IPMC right now, though as an ASF Member he can
 simply request to join.  Once that happens, you'll have 1 IPMC vote.

 But he is. Several months ago the board acked his request, but it would
 appear that the IPCM membership roster hasn't been updated.


The request was sent to the board on Dec 4th 2010, and it was acked by
Bertrand Delecretaz the same day.

Committee-info.txt and the LDAP group need to be updated.

 However, none of the Droids Mentors appear to have participated in the
 I know one of them is camping and one took a new job recently, but still,

 Ross participated in a previous vote that didn't pass as we found things we
 need to clean up. It would seem he didn't have the time to participate this

 In principle, I'd like to freelance and contribute some oversight towards
 release by performing a surface review and voting.  I can check license
 headers, sigs and sums, etc, and help with an audit of LICENSE and NOTICE,
 especially if we can work together to produce an authoritative list of the
 project's dependencies.  Unfortunately, my Java expertise is almost all
 theoretical, so code review will be limited to fumbling around until I
 out how to run the test suite and verify that it passes.

 I can put together a list. Maven should give it to me easily and I can post.
 I've gone through it quite carefully and everything I can see indicates that
 we are good. I've been doing some of this as PMC Chair for Apache Lenya, so
 I do have some experience with it. Further help and guidance of course is
 always welcome.

 However, I won't personally feel comfortable contributing a +1 without at
 least one of your Mentors signing off, particularly for a first release
 endorses the IP clearance process.

 Fair enough.

 I've only been on the IPMC a few weeks.  Can any of our more experienced
 offer recommendations about the best way to proceed?

 Thanks once again.

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Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-14 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:39:20PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 Looks like this is the inaugural ASF release for Droids, right?

 Thank you for looking at this. Yes, it will be.


 Yes, the page needs to be updated. Ross has provided us with a link to  
 the page on how to update that information. I personally haven't had  
 time to do it. I think I'm on the PPMC, but for the Incubator, I'm not  
 quite sure the distinction between a PPMC member and a committer.

The roles are just as distinct as they are between a Committer and a PMC
member for a top-level project, and there are separate voting procedures.
Some projects add both roles at once:

For projects which wish to have all committers also be PPMC members, the
Voting in a new PPMC member guide below should then be followed, noting
that if desired it is possible to run a joint committership and PPMC vote,
providing that the guidance for both is followed.

There should be archived VOTE threads on the droids-private list, which were
cc'd to private@incubator.a.o.  Hopefully they were for PPMC membership.  If
not, there will be some cleanup work to do.

 ... Thorsten is not on the IPMC right now, though as an ASF Member he can
 simply request to join.  Once that happens, you'll have 1 IPMC vote.

 But he is. Several months ago the board acked his request, but it would  
 appear that the IPCM membership roster hasn't been updated.

OK, great!  That's resolved.

 Ross participated in a previous vote that didn't pass as we found things  
 we need to clean up. It would seem he didn't have the time to  
 participate this time.

OK, that's reassuring. :)

(Looks like OOo is already starting to impact our volunteer resources.)

FYI, at this point I still plan to gate my vote on a +1 vote from a Droids
Mentor.  IMO, it would be less than ideal to have an inaugural release
approved by one interested party (Thorsten) augmented by freelancers, even if
one or more Mentors has expressed some measure of support in the past.

 In principle, I'd like to freelance and contribute some oversight towards 
 release by performing a surface review and voting.  I can check license
 headers, sigs and sums, etc, and help with an audit of LICENSE and NOTICE,
 especially if we can work together to produce an authoritative list of the
 project's dependencies.  Unfortunately, my Java expertise is almost all
 theoretical, so code review will be limited to fumbling around until I figure
 out how to run the test suite and verify that it passes.

 I can put together a list. Maven should give it to me easily and I can  

That would be most helpful.

I intend to rely on this list as authoritative, as assessing a Java code base
for dependencies is outside my area of expertise.

 I've gone through it quite carefully and everything I can see indicates that
 we are good.  I've been doing some of this as PMC Chair for Apache Lenya, so
 I do have some experience with it.

Excellent.  Was your work documented anywhere?  Ideally, there would be a JIRA
issue I can read over explaining why each dependency with a non-category-A
license is OK.

 Further help and guidance of course is always welcome.

You are gracious.  I'll defer to others on guidance; I see my role as more
that of a QC engineer.

And to start off my QC, I'll note that there are some oddities in the top
level directory of the archive.  Here's the file list:


The LICENSE and LICENSE.txt files are essentially duplicates of each other,
having only whitespace differences.  However, the NOTICE and NOTICE.txt files
are quite distinct (diff below my sig).  I think this is a blocker.

I'm not sure what the DEPENDENCIES file is supposed to tell us, but it contains
minimal information.  Presumably it's some Maven thing I just don't grok.

Lastly, I think it's worth commenting on the contents of README.TXT, which
starts off like so:

A p a c h eD r o i d s 

   by Thorsten Scherler thorsten at

That credit is obviously inaccurate and seems quite unusual for an Apache
project.  I know that other projects have gone out of their way to delete all
@author tags.  Perhaps Droids might consider doing likewise.

I also intend to run a RAT report, and to pore over LICENSE and NOTICE more
thoroughly, but I'm out of time for today and wanted to get you this feedback
sooner rather than later.


Marvin Humphrey

marvin@smokey:~/Desktop/droids/droids-0.1-incubating $ diff -u NOTICE 
--- NOTICE  2011-05-25 

Re: [VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-13 Thread Thorsten Scherler
+1 (binding)


On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 22:43 -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:
 Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating, 
 version 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2 
 non-binding +1 votes.
 PPMC release vote thread:
 Source files:
 Maven staging repo:
 SVN source tag (r1127762):
 PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):
 [ ] +1
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -1
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Thorsten Scherler
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
consulting, training and solutions

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[VOTE] Release Droids 0.1-incubating RC2

2011-06-12 Thread Richard Frovarp
Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating, 
version 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2 
non-binding +1 votes.

PPMC release vote thread:

Source files:

Maven staging repo:

SVN source tag (r1127762):

PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1


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