Re: Issues with XMLBeans proposal

2003-07-08 Thread Greg Stein
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:12:17PM -0400, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
 On 7/3/03 7:24 PM, Greg Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  3. Jakarta - IMHO this the best place for it.
  The division of XML vs Jakarta predates me for certain, but I think the main
  issues surrounding that are rusty.
  The problem is Jakarta itself. Centering a PMC around a *language* rather
  than functionality is the inherent problem. These questions will continue to
  arise over and over.
 What's done is done.  As a Jakarta committer I always feel like the guy
 wearing a I'm here I'm queer deal with it shirt at a Republican National

Heh :-)

Oh, what was done [Jakarta] was done *very well*. Don't get me wrong on
that. I'm simply trying to point out that a language-oriented PMC is going
to continue to cause decision-making problems like this. Am I suggesting
unwinding Jakarta *because* it is language-oriented? Not at all.

I *would* like to see more TLPs spin out of Jakarta, though. The Board
doesn't have near enough insight into the major Jakarta projects: Tomcat,
Struts, Turbine, Velocity, Gump, etc.

  When Grisha Trubetskoy wanted to contribute mod_python to the ASF, a good
  number of people called for creating a 'python' TLP. The Board decided to
  stop perpetrating the per-language concept. Instead, mod_python was added to
  the Apache HTTP Server Project (it *is* a module for Apache httpd, after
  all). mod_php, mod_perl, and mod_tcl fall under the same argument, of
  course, but they get a Grandfather Pass :-)
 I'm getting de ja vu...  You don't like this community.  I get it...  I'll
 file this on the appropriate file system for such information.  So Jakarta
 is the grandfather of them all... Etc etc

Feh. I didn't say that, and you know it :-)

The community is just fine and has done great stuff. I think the language
focus of the Jakarta, Perl, PHP, and TCL TLPs is the wrong axis for slicing
up where to put codebases. I also think Jakarta is too big and needs to
spin out some TLPs.

But don't like this community ?!?! Hah.

 I agree.  The question for them:  Are you a good witch or a bad witch? ;-)

Euh... :-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... ASF Chairman ...

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Read brian's article on salon...

2003-07-08 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr . 

Geir Magnusson Jr   203-956-2604(w)
Adeptra, Inc.   203-434-2093(m)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   203-247-1713(m)
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Re: [vote] XMLBeans to enter XML incubation [was: Re: Vote forXMLBeans proposal in the XML Project (was RE: Vote for XMLBeans proposal)]

2003-07-08 Thread Tom Copeland
  Please cast your vote on the acceptance of the XMLBeans project for 
  incubation in the XML.Apache project:
[  ]  I agree with and support this proposal (+1)


Tom Copeland

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Re: [vote] XMLBeans to enter XML incubation [was: Re: Vote for XMLBeansproposal in the XML Project (was RE: Vote for XMLBeans proposal)]

2003-07-08 Thread Aleksander Slominski
Steven Noels wrote:

Dear committers,

as outlined in the charter (section 6.2), and in 
collaboration with the Incubator 

Subject to:

- relicensing of the XMLBeans codebase using the ASL 1.1 license 
- copyright transfer from BEA to the ASF as described in [1]
- each initial XMLBeans committer sending in a Contributor's License 
- furthermore, I would strongly suggest the XMLBeans code should only 
be moved into Apache CVS once the outstanding LGPL  BEA-licensed code 
dependency issues have been resolved.

Please cast your vote on the acceptance of the XMLBeans project for 
incubation in the XML.Apache project:

--- vote ballot --


[ ] I agree with and support this proposal (+1) 



([EMAIL PROTECTED], PMC memeber of Web Services)

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. Mario Andretti

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Re: [vote] XMLBeans to enter XML incubation [was: Re: Vote for XMLBeansproposal in the XML Project (was RE: Vote for XMLBeans proposal)]

2003-07-08 Thread Ted Leung

I am planning to meet Cliff Schimdt in person at OSCon later this week.  
I will also be happy to be the official shepherd during incubation.


Berin Lautenbach wrote:

+1.  Subject to committer issues previously discussed being worked 
through in the incubator.

Would it be worth each of the PMC reps putting this into the -dev 
lists?   Am not sure if all committers are subscribed to general@ and 
it might make the logistics a bit easier?

Am happy to help out on the logistics side, and I think Ted has also 
indicated he is happy to be the official shepherd.


--- vote ballot --


  [ x ]  I agree with and support this proposal (+1)
  [  ]  Indifference (-1  x  +1)
  [  ]  I object and suggest a way to address my reservations (-1)

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Re: [i18n] Internationalization subproject sponsor?

2003-07-08 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata

1: Do you know the existence of
Is this outside of ASF?  Doesn't this project have a concrete goal?

2: I did not mention any kind of people sit around tables and make
speeches... it might be better to go to party@ or wherever...

3: Sure I mentioned soft link (symbolic link might be preferable), but
it is not related to soft project. It's like uh ... jakarta-site
module and jakarta-site2 module... what Andy taught me just a month ago.

4: IMHO: If the original proposal from Robert are missing in some
points, it might be a good *task* for the committers/members
to adjust/mold it to suit it to the whole benefits of the ASF.
Internationalization (in various meanings) brings the prosperity to
the ASF more and more, I am sure.

These kind of *gathering all the knowledge/translations from all over
the world* bring immediate results to the logging packages/ portals etc.,
needless to say.


-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


On Tue, 08 Jul 2003 10:35:12 -0400
(Subject: Re: [i18n] Internationalization subproject sponsor?)
Andrew C. Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Okay. if you had any troubles with this, please let me know.
 I'd be against any project without concrete goals.  soft projects
 are best outside of apache in some kind of organization who has
 meetings where people sit around tables and make speeches...  The goal
 should reflect some kind of strong concrete goal.

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

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Re: Apache != HTTPD (was Issues with XMLBeans proposal)

2003-07-08 Thread Stephen Haberman
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 06:50:34PM +0200, Santiago Gala wrote:
 The reverse of this is that I don't often see Jakarta, Tomcat,
 Ant, Velocity, Xerces or Xalan referenced as Apache XXX. So, it
 looks like the people cannot stick two words together and still be
 a brand.

 Side Note: It reminds me of the GNU/Linux stuff (or even GNU
 Emacs). It simply doesn't stick.

Much agreed, and ideally we could rebrand the HTTPD project as just
that, 'HTTPD'. No Apache prefix, as you're right, none of the other
projects use the Apache prefix (maybe because it's already taken by

I thought of proposing this rename to just HTTPD, but could see it
getting even more backlash than the 'Apache' - 'Apache HTTPD'
rename. If we went straight 'Apache' - 'HTTPD', then there'd be a
hard conversion for, say, system admins scrolling through install
screens (or the FreeBSD ports collection) looking for 'Apache
1.x/2.x' and not seeing anything.

Think of all the confusion renaming something like 'apachectl' to
'httpdctl' or just 'httpd' would cause. In theory, I'm all for it,
and the purist side of me really likes it, but I was trying to be a
bit more pragmattic.

With the 'Apache HTTPD' rename, I think it'd easier politically to
get the change through in places like Redhat, FreeBSD ports
collection, etc.

 I copy community (on political principles). If you want to raise
 awareness of such an Apache wide fact, don't do it in a java
 only place like Jakarta.

Makes sense; I had forgotten this 'general' was at
'' instead of just ''.

Actually, I think I'd like to get support for this before taking it
to community. If people here at Jakarta don't want to go ahead with
pursuing a rebranding effort, then I wouldn't bother raising it on

Also, thinking about the strict 'Apache' - 'HTTPD' rename, just
'HTTPD' sounds rather clunky (to me, perhaps being naive). If the
HTTPD community doesn't like being called just httpd, what if we did
an even more drastic rename? A la the Mozilla Phoenix - Mozilla
Firebird rename. It might actually work better, because if it's a
bigger deal then just 'Apache' - 'Apache HTTPD', we could get lots
of publicity on slashdot and other tech sites to inform end users of
the change and hopefully avert some of the backlash on 'apache' no
longer being in ports/installers/paths/etc.

- Stephen

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Re: Apache != HTTPD (was Issues with XMLBeans proposal)

2003-07-08 Thread Erik Price

Stephen Haberman wrote:

Much agreed, and ideally we could rebrand the HTTPD project as just
that, 'HTTPD'. No Apache prefix, as you're right, none of the other
projects use the Apache prefix (maybe because it's already taken by

Wasn't that the name of the original NCSA web server?


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Re: [i18n] Internationalization subproject sponsor?

2003-07-08 Thread Stephen Colebourne
Once you start getting into a list like this you must consider the IBM ICU
project, which tackles these kind of issues. (note, I haven't used ICU).

- Original Message -
From: J.Pietschmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jakarta General List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [i18n] Internationalization subproject sponsor?

 Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
  many hardships which people in multi-byte area *must* undergo.

 (URL broken across line)
 gives an impression. Besides the more obvious:
  * Unicode Support
  * Collation
  * Number Formatting
  * Currency
  * Date and Time
  * BIDI and general writing mode support
  * Input Method Engines
 They even have
  * Measurement Scales
  * Paper Sizes
  * Color: Red
 + U.S. Meaning: Danger
 + Asian Countries: Happiness  Good Luck
 Who'd think about that?

 Happy lobbying!


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[Newslettter] Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9 -- May-June 2003

2003-07-08 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata
Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9

 Date: May-June 2003 

 It's been another good year at the JavaWorld Tools Awards [1] for
 Xerces2 Java Parser 2.4 from the Apache XML Project won the Best
Java-XML Tool award and Apache Ant 1.5 developed by the Apache Ant
Project won the Most Useful Java Community-Developed Technology. Good

 W3C has issued SOAP 1.2 as a recommendation. This means that the SOAP
1.2 specification is now (effectively) a web standard. Apache software
related to SOAP can be found in the Web Services and XML projects. The
press release is now available online [3].

 This newsletter is the second wiki-built newsletter. See the
for more details. Also, I sent the announcements to all the developers'
list in jakarta. It was a bit annoying I suppose, however, this
newsletter contains a lot of news from various projects, including
Jakarta Related Projects.


 Apache Ant, Avalon, James, Maven, Incubator, DB (OJB/TORQUE) are not
subprojects under Apache Jakarta any longer, however, we really
appreciate to hear the news from the Jakarta Related Projects.
I strongly hope/believe this newsletter would be able to become one
of the *liaison* for the various projects in ASF.

 I want to thank those who contributed and hope that you enjoy the read.
If you would like to comment further on any of the highlighted
discussions then please do so on the appropriate list [4],
if you want to comment on the newsletter itself then please point your
comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with [NEWSLETTER] prefixed

 [1] -
 [2] -
 [3] -
 [4] -

 Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata
 Special Thanks: Robert Burrel Donkin


Jakarta General 
Jakarta Commons General 
Jakarta Commons EL 
Jakarta Commons FileUpload 
Jakarta Commons DBCP 
Jakarta Commons HttpClient 
Jakarta Commons Lang 
Jakarta Commons Math 
Jakarta Jetspeed 
Jakarta JMeter 
Jakarta Log4j 
Jakarta Lucene 
Jakarta Poi 
Jakarta Struts 
Jakarta Tapestry 
Jakarta Tomcat 
Jakarta Turbine 
Jakarta Velocity 
Apache Ant Project 
Apache Avalon Fortress 
Apache DB OJB 
Apache Httpd WebServer Project 
Apache James Project 
New Committers 
Products avaliable as of the end of June, 2003 


Jakarta General
 Ideas, suggestions, and comments on the overall Jakarta project 

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

 Discussions on general mailing list have been fairly light-weight these
2 months. The Main page of the Jakarta Site has been updated in order to
arrange the Jakarta-Related projects properly. Now, Jakarta website
has renewed to become one of the most powerful Java-Portal sites. The
JavaOne Conference was held in June, and there seemed many atendees from
jakarta participants. 

 As Sun Microsystems set up the site, there was alot of
talk surrounding this issue. 

 Jakarta Tapestry, which had been longed to become a Top Project in
Jakarta, finally joined in the Jakarta Umbrella in May. The first
proposal was made at General Mailing List in October last year by Howard
M. Lewis Ship, so it took about a half year. We look forward to the
Tapestry Team playing a more active part in Jakarta. 


Jakarta Commons General  
 creating and maintaining reusable Java components 

Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin, Tetsuya Kitahata

 An OnJava Article [1] covering the components in Jakarta Commons [2]
has been published. If you've ever wondered about what's all these
components do, this is a good place to start. Due to the diverse nature
of the commons group, this section has been split up to make it easier
to pick out the topics of interest. These months' stories come from the

 [1] - 
 [2] - 

Jakarta Commons EL  
Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin

 The Commons Team is pleased to announce the 1.0 release of commons-EL.
EL is the JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter from Apache 

 For more information see the EL component home page [1]. 

[1] - 
Jakarta Commons FileUpload  
Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin

 The Commons Team is pleased to announce the long-awaited release of
commons-fileupload 1.0. Good work Martin!