On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:58:17AM -0700, Greg Stein wrote:
> > I'd do it when they'll donate Python itself ;-) Does wishful
> > thinking work?
> Believe me, I suggested that years ago. The Python Software
> Foundation was started instead (Dick Hardt and I crafted the PSF
> bylaws based on the ASF's bylaws). The main backers of a PSF
> effort thought that the ASF was still too confusingly tied to the
> Apache HTTP Server (despite my protests). I think if we asked
> again, today, that the answer would be that Apache stands for much
> more. But the PSF has got its own momentum now, so there wouldn't
> be much benefit for them to fold up and merge the Python assets
> into the ASF.

I can understand that they think the general perception is that
Apache == HTTPD. Perhaps measures are already in place to help
educate people on the distinction, e.g. you think if Apache asked
Python to merge with it again today, they would accept, but perhaps
active marketting measures need to be taken to enhance/protect the
Apache brand?

Perhaps I'm getting too commercial or what not, but I've seen just
'Apache' in many places where they meant 'Apache HTTPD' so I can
certainly understand the Python community's hestitation.

E.g. the FreeBSD ports collection, the 'Powered by Apache 2.0' logo
on my FreeBSD port-installed HTTPD server (is there a 2.0 version of
the foundation?). Other things that come to mind are distro
installers like RedHat, or even cygwin, let me install 'apache-xxx'.

Even the Apache HTTPD FAQ, which I just checked to see how it
handles the definitions, the first question, is:

Q: "What is Apache?"
A: "The Apache httpd server"

The entire thing refers to "Apache" as synonymous for the HTTPD
server project.

And I'm sure this happens elsewhere on the net, as well. E.g.
anytime a news site mentions it. Even slashdot had the other day
'Software Code Quality of Apache Analyzed', which was where some
commercial code quality compared compared the HTTPD 2.0 code to some
commercial web server.

(The front page of the httpd.apache.org site also refers to itself
as 'Apache HTTP Server', which is a little misleading, as there is
another HTTP server, Tomcat, and you don't see it masquerading as
the 'Apache HTTP Server' which it can claim, history of the HTTPD
project asside, just as legitimately. Perhaps this opens up a can of
political worms, but I think strictly branding HTTPD as HTTPD and
not 'Apache' or even 'Apache HTTP Server' is a good idea.)

What if some one/a group of people were to form a watchdog group
that would bring to the attention of people who get this wrong, e.g.
news articles, older articles around the Apache/HTTPD site, the
FreeBSD ports collection, the distro makers, etc., that they should
infact use 'Apache HTTPD' instead of just 'Apache'.

It might be good preparation for the next X project that comes along
but still things the general public/developer things Apache == HTTPD
(because they do, IMHO, even if it's better than before) and so we
lose the opportunity.

In the spirit of 'submit a patch,' I'd volunteer to at least be a
part of this watchdog group; I'm a little leery of the political
side of what it would take to get it formed and the respect for
people to listen to it. But if people think its a good idea and
higher ups in ASF like it, I'm willing to tag along and help out.

- Stephen

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