Re: [Jakarta Wiki] Update of OneCommunityProposals by StephenColebourne

2006-03-13 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 23:32 +0100, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
 I'd like to note my opposition.  I don't have the same vision as you do 
 and do not wish to be distracted by 100 irrelavant emails a day about 
 Commons ABCD.
 I'm glad Henri posted that reorganization things were being discussed. 
   I would have preferred that he posted a more detailed message as I 
 think others would likely be opposed to such forms of social 
 engineering.  Things evolve the way the evolve for a reason.  That POI 
 has relatively little to do with Commons-DB is not really a good reason 
 to force us to listen to noise/interference.  In radio, you tend to try 
 and pick bands that aren't real close together so that you don't overlap 
 and trample on each other's bandwidth.  I had to do this with my 
 wireless network because my neighbor's stuff kept interferring.  No I 
 don't think it would be great if we both shared channel 6 and I don't 
 feel like vetting some non-technical irrelevant change by someone who 
 wanted to get their API used by more projects (nevermind that it 
 performs half as well as the JDK implementation and sucks down 100 other 
 dependencies).   And I bet [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be 
 REALLY popular that ALL questions about POI would go to 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with CC to every email address I've ever had and 
 appologies for not posting on the list but half the time you can't 
 unsubscribe and I really don't want 1 emails a day about stuff I'm 
 not using.

you've just an excellent argument for moving poi to top level :) 

like it or not, it's the jakarta pmc which has the binding votes.
henri's proposal only formalises and organises the actual current state
of affairs. if you don't trust my judgement enough to allow me a veto on
poi commits then you need to talk to the other poi committers about
graduating poi to top level status. 

 If projects share obvious common technical ties then it makes sense, 
 otherwise lets let darwin decide rather than radical social engineering.
 The PMC should ASK the individual projects if they would like to share a 
 common list and set of committers rather than a top down decision 
 proposed on a list that most committers don't subscribe to (which might 
 indicate...duh...that they don't want to be on a list mostly not about 
 their project).  This proposal and any that resemble it are non-starters 
 for me.
 A lot of this sounds like Commons trying to remake Jakarta in its image. 
   As an alternative why can't commons be top level?  The namespace is 
 now free (


commons, taglibs, http components and whatnot going to

that'd only leaves POI in jakarta: does that really make more sense than
apache poi?

- robert

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Re: [Jakarta Wiki] Update of OneCommunityProposals by StephenColebourne

2006-03-13 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 23:48 +0100, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
  that'd only leaves POI in jakarta
 did you have a point there?  :-)

thanks for highlighting my bad grammar (it's past my bed time)

the point was the bit you snipped :)

preserving jakarta as a special umbrella for poi seems more than a
little odd to me. 

- robert

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Re: OT: Gmail Labels enhancement: show recent message count in a label

2006-03-13 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 00:09 -0500, Sandy McArthur wrote:
 I wrote a GreaseMonkey user script to help me manage the mail on the
 Jakarata mailing lists and thought I'd share because I noticed a good
 number of people here email from Gmail. If this is completely
 inappropriate to post here let me know and I won't do it again.

this is just what this list used to be for in the good-old bad-old days.
we need more off topics posts :)

- robert

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Re: Other Jakarta Components

2006-03-13 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 22:20 +0100, Thomas Dudziak wrote:

 As a side note, perhaps this is an opportunity to evaluate if there
 are better homes for some of the components ? E.g.
 betwixt/digester/jxpath could benefit from going to XML commons, 

xml tends to be about nuts and bolts. not really suitable. webservices
is a possibility.

jxpath is a bean utility and has quite a lot in commons with beanutils.

betwixt is a data mapping tool and IMHO has a lot more in common with
the db community than with xml. a move to db would probably be healthy
for betwixt.

 dbcp and dbutils from going to DB etc. ?

this is a community issue: dbcp is very closely related to pool. 

- robert

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Re: Other Jakarta Components

2006-03-13 Thread robert burrell donkin
On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 23:07 +0100, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
 On 3/7/06, Henri Yandell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  DbUtils and DBCP to sounds like a win to me; DBCP would
  point back to Jakarta for a dependency on [pool], but that helps to foster
  intra-project involvement.
  Betwixt, Digester and JXPath strike me as a bit more to swallow and XML
  might not want to taking such bites. You want to go ahead and ask them?
 Well, yes, JXPath might be a bit much, but Digester and Betwixt IMO
 would fit nicely.

definitely not xml. webservices would be a possibility. not particularly
keen, though. 

IMHO moving would mean no more releases (too few full time developers to
gain a quorum outside jakarta). realistically it means shutting down
these components so it would be throwing code over the wall. would be
kinder to shoot them.

in terms of community, db would be a better home for betwixt: it's has
much more in commons with bean-based OR mappers than with schema

- robert

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RE: Other Jakarta Components

2006-03-13 Thread Noel J. Bergman
In terms of finding homes, I wonder if we should have a root directory under
which we have inactive codebases.  One problem would be that no PMC would be
responsible.  Or we could create a sort of reverse incubator: a curatorship,
where no active development takes place, but where oversight exists.  If a
community wakes up around the codebase again, the curators can help put the
codebase back into a community.

This would be an ASF-wide thing.

--- Noel

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adding a link from to Jakarta Commons?

2006-03-13 Thread Sandy McArthur
I know Jakarta Commons isn't a TLP but considering the space is vacant how about addins a blurb about the
Jakarta Commons.

It's the convention that you use your domain as your package. The
Jakarta Commons code is in the package org.apache.commons, not
org.apache.jakarta.commons. Also a number of times I've seen s stack
trace and simply reveresed the package name parts and pasted it into a
browser in an attempt to find out more about the code.

I'm thinking a blurb at the bottom to the effect of:

If you came here looking for Java code in the org.apache.commons
packages then go see the a
href=;Apache Jakarta Commons/a

Sandy McArthur

He who dares not offend cannot be honest.
- Thomas Paine

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