Webboard: 3.1.12 and MacOSX

2001-05-05 Thread Dominique Chiron

Author: Dominique Chiron
Recipe for installing MnoGoSearch on OSX
(this is a first draft on this, please be indulgent whit us)

ingredients :
a Mac supporting OSX ;-) (an iMac is cool also)
Tenon iTools pkg (www.tenon.com) including Apache, wuftpd, sendmail, mysql,php4 etc
gcc for compilation
shell tcsh for some commands
MnoGoSearch installation for OSX. (with iTools 6.02 Tenon Apache)

MnoGoSearch Version : 3.1.12 - Platform : OSX 10.0.0

In first install theses pkg on a fresh machine with OSX

- Install iTools 6.02 (www.tenon.com) + MySQL package 3.23 (the Tenon pkg)

- Untar.

- install iTools and configure your DNS, VHost, and a cgi-bin with appropriate rights 
0755 in wuftpd (ftpaccess) for cgi's.

- Compile MnoGoSearch with gcc and MnoGo instructions (you've got normally one warning)

- install MnoGo

- Modify 'configure' file of MySQL :

search for 'mysql.h' 
add the lines below
elif test -f /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql.h; then

- Then open tcsh (this is for a french install :-) :

 cd ~/openup/../mnogo 
 ./configure --with-mysql 
 ./make install 
 cd /usr/local/mysql/bin 
 ./mysqladmin -p (choose passw for mysql root) 
 ./mysqladmin create mngosearch 
 ./mysql mngosearch < ./create/mysql/create.txt 
 ./mysql mngosearch < ./create/stopwords/stop.fr.txt 

- Finally

- Duplicate  '-dist' files of /usr/local/mngosearch and delete -dist extension.
- Configure now theses files at your convenience.
- Copy bin/search.cgi into you virtualHost (apache) cgi-bin folder
- put 0755 rights on it
- Launch sbin/indexer
- wait... (depend on the number of url's you crawl)
- when finished go with browser at http://yourhost/cgi-bin/search.cgi and testing a lot


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Re: Webboard: 3.1.12 and MacOSX

2001-05-05 Thread Dominique Chiron

>This is fantastic news - it is not surprising since MacOSX is basically
>FreeBSD. Could you post a short description of the tools necessary,
>since OSX is so new, few are familiar with software packages available
>and where to get them?
>I am buying a new iBook next week and want to install OSX straight away.
>many thanks,

Hi Thomas, you can found below our "recipe" for MnoGo installation on 
our out of the box iMac (350 Mhz)

You can test our install at http://mno.imotep.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi


Recipe for installing MnoGoSearch on OSX (this is a first draft on 
this, please be indulgent whit us)

ingredients :
a Mac supporting OSX ;-) (an iMac is cool also)
Tenon iTools pkg (www.tenon.com) including Apache, wuftpd, sendmail, 
mysql,  php4 etc
gcc for compilation
shell tcsh for some commands

MnoGoSearch installation for OSX. (with iTools 6.02 Tenon Apache)

MnoGoSearch Version : 3.1.12 - Platform : OSX 10.0.0

In first install theses pkg on a fresh machine with OSX

- Install iTools 6.02 (www.tenon.com) + MySQL package 3.23 (the Tenon pkg)

- Untar.

- install iTools and configure your DNS, VHost, and a cgi-bin with 
appropriate rights 0755 in wuftpd (ftpaccess) for cgi's.

- Compile MnoGoSearch with gcc and MnoGo instructions (you've got 
normally one warning)

- install MnoGo

- Modify 'configure' file of MySQL :

search for 'mysql.h'
add the lines below
elif test -f /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql.h; then

- Then open tcsh (this is for a french install :-) :

  cd ~/openup/../mnogo
  ./configure --with-mysql
  ./make install
  cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
  ./mysqladmin -p (choose passw for mysql root)
  ./mysqladmin create mngosearch
  ./mysql mngosearch < ./create/mysql/create.txt
  ./mysql mngosearch < ./create/stopwords/stop.fr.txt

- Finally

- Duplicate  '-dist' files of /usr/local/mngosearch and delete -dist extension.
- Configure now theses files at your convenience.
- Copy bin/search.cgi into you virtualHost (apache) cgi-bin folder
- put 0755 rights on it
- Launch sbin/indexer
- wait... (depend on the number of url's you crawl)
- when finished go with browser at http://yourhost/cgi-bin/search.cgi 
and testing a lot

(*) Note about iTools Family Product :

Using Apple's bundled Apache as a point-of-departure, Tenon's iTools 
extends this
underlying server platform with a point-and-click interface and a 
rich set of new
features. Included with iTools, in addition to extensions and 
enhancements to the
Mac OS X Apache web server, are a powerful WEBmail server, a state-of-the-art
domain name server, a multihoming FTP server, a robust SSL encryption engine
to support eCommerce, a powerful caching engine with state-of-the-art proxy
support, and a Sherlock-savvy search engine. All of the tools are 
supported using a
secure point-and-click browser-based administration tool.


Dominique Chiron - iMotep
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Webboard: 3.1.12 and MacOSX

2001-05-05 Thread Dominique Chiron

Author: Dominique Chiron
Yes we have a GDB (GNU gdb 5.0-20001113) installed on OSX, but we are no familiar with 
debbuging *nix applications :-<


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Re: Webboard: 3.1.12 and MacOSX

2001-05-04 Thread Thomas Yengst

This is fantastic news - it is not surprising since MacOSX is basically
FreeBSD. Could you post a short description of the tools necessary,
since OSX is so new, few are familiar with software packages available
and where to get them?

I am buying a new iBook next week and want to install OSX straight away.

many thanks,


My PGP public key is at
Lookup anyone's PGP key at http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/

Thomas R. YengstPhoton Research Associates, Inc.
(858) 455-9741  5720 Oberlin Drive
(858) 455-0658 fax  San Diego, CA 92121-1723

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Webboard: 3.1.12 and MacOSX

2001-05-03 Thread Alexander Barkov

Author: Alexander Barkov
Are there any debugging tools like gdb under MacOSX? 

> Hi all,
> We report to all are interesting with this, that mnogo install correctly on the new 
>MacOSX platform. Compile with only one warning.
> (OSX 10.0.0 - Tenon iTools 6.01 (Apache) - MySql 3.23.27)
> The only problems is that it made a "segmentation fault" at the end of 
>indexing. Therfore the database seems to be correct, and searching run fine with 
> You can see it (in french) at http://mno.imotep.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi
> (this is a special Porsche crawl ;-)


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Webboard: 3.1.12 and MacOSX

2001-04-27 Thread Dominique Chiron

Author: Dominique Chiron
Hi all,
We report to all are interesting with this, that mnogo install correctly on the new 
MacOSX platform. Compile with only one warning.
(OSX 10.0.0 - Tenon iTools 6.01 (Apache) - MySql 3.23.27)

The only problems is that it made a "segmentation fault" at the end of indexing. 
Therfore the database seems to be correct, and searching run fine with search.cgi.

You can see it (in french) at http://mno.imotep.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi
(this is a special Porsche crawl ;-)


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