Re: [gentoo-user] E-Builds for DVD Software

2005-04-02 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

 I've used 'lxdvdrip' to make backup copies of various DVD's.  lxdvdrip
 However, I have noticed some irregularities with it. 

Have you tried the way I described (for this DVD with problems)? What
are the rip times for the method you use compared to running DVDshrink
with wine (if you have tried)?

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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] E-Builds for DVD Software

2005-03-31 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
 Hi, can you make backup copies of copy protected DVDs with dvdrip?
 Of course, including menu and resizing to a single layer DVD, as some 
 windows programs can do?

Although I don't know the answer to that, however I did get DVDshrink to
work well with wine
( The ripping to ISO
takes a while though (about 1:1 for the film with my 800MHz), however
it's almost all automatic... and results are great, and all  extras
(menus/audio tracks etc) are avaliable. Easy to use too. Protection can
be removed too.

The resulting ISO is burned with growisofs to DVD.


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Re: [gentoo-user] clock too fast

2005-03-29 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

Are there any warnings in the kernel messages about your clock? A
possible solution would be running a ntpd server (not using the
client, but the server). It *should* adjust your clock in stages to
maintain the correct time ~ unnoticiably ;-) I read about this solution
somewhere on the internet. Apparently it calculates the adjustments
needed (based on difference in time of your hardware and the real time),
and every few minutes adds/removes the needed seconds to your time. This
also saves you from adjusting time smoothly (like in your case 30
minutes) without having errors from running services who use/need time.


Antonio Coralles wrote:
 I've a strange problem:  The clock of my computer ticks to fast -  i get
 an error of about 30 minutes per day ...
 This problem just occured recently - a few days ago everthing was ok,
 possibly before 'emerge -up --deep world' ...
 Maybe someone can give me a hint.
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)


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[gentoo-user] Reiserfs 3.6 vs 4

2005-03-24 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

Hi to all.

Very recently I have dug into reiserfs 4 (using linux-2.6.11) on a test
machine I have at work. The whole goal was to see the benifits of
version 4 as compared to 3.6 (speed and reliability) which I have heard
all about the last few months.

Now I don't pretend to be an expert on reiserfs (even though I have used
it very successfully for probably something going on 2 years now),
however I was not impressed by it at all to tell the truth.

On the namesys site they have a whole page dedicated to benchmarks,
which of course I have read, but from the results I have gotten I cannot
think of any sane reason why someone would want to use reiserfs4 over 3.6.

The write speeds of version 4 are moderate (single stream) .. and very
good when looking at more than one stream at once, but read/delete
speeds utterly and truly suck (from what I have found [link below for my
review]). This brings me back to here to ask those of you who are using
it to share their views and experiences.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, maybe not. The first thing that I
noticed after creating the reiserfs4 partition was it's size 188KB.
Is this right? Reiserfs 3.6 has an initial size of 33MB's. I know what
this is (journal), but is it correct that reiserfs4's is initially so
small, or is something really mucked up here (explaining the very bad

I posted my findings on my website if you are interested to compare to.
The machine I used is however a low-end machine (500MHz) with an IDE
drive, as it was the only machine I could risk for the tests (in case
the machine blew up, immigrated, or just vanished ;-))

So, what are your experiences / views?

Oh yes, the link to my review =

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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Reiserfs 3.6 vs 4

2005-03-24 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 18:57:45 +0100 Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | So, what are your experiences / views?
 reiser4 is unsupported to the extent that if you use it, you shouldn't
 submit *any* bugs that occur on that box via our bugzilla.

This isn't a bug report, it's an evaluation of software, and a question
 being whether my evaluation of performance is correct or incorrect
based on other user's experiences. I describe how I patched 2 vanilla
kernel's  to get reiserfs4 working, so why would I report this to
Gentoo's bugzilla? This has little to do with Gentoo at all, except for
the fact that I use it and that this is the gentoo-user list.

All I am trying to do is to determine what the benifits are, if I gain
any benifit from using it (or waiting to use it). The only way I can get
a general picture of it in use is to ask, right?

 If you use it, you *will* find bugs, and you will likely experience
 data loss.

I am quite sure there are bugs somewhere in it, which is why (again) I
am asking if my results correspond to others results (speed). I did this
test to compare speeds, not stability, although it should be fairly
stable according to it's programmers who released version 4.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Touchpad

2005-03-08 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

A good friend of mine has pretty much the same laptop as you have, and
also had this issue last weekend (upgrading to 2.6.11). He discovered
that he needed ohci support built in. It seems your mouse (even though
it's a touchpad) required ohci usb support.

If this doesn't solve it then I have no more ideas ;-)


Marko Kocic wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm not sure if this is off-topic, but I couldn't get my touchpad
 working ater installing xorg. I did everything like in xorg howto.
 Could anybody post some howto-tutorial how to achieve this? Do I need
 to recompile kernel, and if so, which modules I should include?
 I'm using kernel gentoo-2.6.9 on my Fujitsu Siemens Amilo laptop.
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Re: [gentoo-user] new wireless IP address on my LAN

2005-03-05 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

Yes Chris, as well as MAC address filtering (not bulletproof, but
helps). Also you should not advertise your SSID (turn it off).

But please excuse my ignorance, if you run a public access point to
which no control is done, do you really expect people not to log in when
they discover it? It's like people running public ftp servers where
anyone can upload / download... not the smartest thing in the world to
do. Basically they are using your network, and are IN your network (bye
bye firewall rules and certain things specific to internal interaction
aswell). If you run an smtp server too in your network, you had better
pray he's not a spammer (unlikely, but still the risk is there).

Nice computer by the way ... Oh, I just let myself into your house ~ the
front door was unlocked and open, with a big sign above the door telling
me that ;-)


Chris Cox wrote:
 Last night I just happen to connect to and 
 something odd that I haven't seen before.  There was a 2nd Wireless IP 
 address on my local LAN.  But I only have 1 wireless card connected on a 
 Windows 2k machine.  This one had a different Hostname on it so I'm thinking 
 someone in the area was using my bandwidth/ broadband connection.  So my next 
 question is how should I prevent this in the furture?  Should turning on WEP 
 on my router fix this?
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Re: [gentoo-user] new wireless IP address on my LAN

2005-03-05 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

A. Khattri wrote:
 Yes and no. While it will block most people, MAC addresses can be spoofed

Any idea how they could get your MAC address, or the only one the AP
accepts? I don't think they would use brute force, but still don't know
if it's possible to get too.
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Re: [gentoo-user] linux-2.6.11 is out

2005-03-02 Thread Ralph Slooten
Good observation .. it's not even on the front page on or on
slashdot yet ;-)

I am using the 2.6.11-rc5 version on my laptop which I cannot complain
about. I haven't gotten around to testing all the extra hardware yet (I
only installed it 2 days ago), so I guess I cannot accurately say it's
all good ... I read a post though (by Linus) that mentioned several
improvements for laptops (acpi etc).


Bastian Balthazar Bux wrote:
 Rumors are that this will be the more stable version of the last 2.6
 What do you think about ?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] firefox 1.0.1 reload page problem

2005-03-02 Thread Ralph Slooten
 Unfortunately, with the way /. is written, while perfectly valid html,

Umm, *cough* *cough* ;-) ... not nearly close to being remotely true
here  Slashdot is so bad that they have even blocked the W3C
validator as users were complaining about it. Try it... save the index
file (main page) of /. and upload it to the validator:

File:   Slashdot.htm
Encoding:   utf-8
Doctype:HTML 3.2
Errors: 115

115 errors on one page is definitely not perfectly valid html :P

Actually the reason I bring this up is not to drill your opinion into
the ground (nothing personal), but it goes back to when I often used
dillo to surf with. Dillo, like many other browsers had big issues
rendering slashdot. We did a lot of searching around then and found it
to have terrible code. There were several compaints sent to slashdot to
at least try fix their code. It seemed then only to get worse.
Eventually we gave up, and they seem to have blocked validation services
from showing just how bad their code actually is.

All I'm trying to point out here is that you cannot base *any* browser
on slashdot's code... that is unless you are testing for crashes ;-0


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] firefox 1.0.1 reload page problem

2005-03-02 Thread Ralph Slooten
Willie Wong wrote:
snipped to avoid length, not content
Sorry to make such a big rant on the pedantics of code validity, and
of course, nothing personal, but I really want to make a point
distinguishing VALID code and PROPER code. Remember: just because it
compiles doesn't mean it does what you want it to. 
Nicely put ;-) I stand corrected. It was just a quick glance I took at 
it while at work. I just saw the post, remembered /.'s history (missing 
closed /td  /table tags to name 2 major skrewups) and answered. My 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Soft power off lost

2005-02-18 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1

Yes, I believe Compaq Presario's (seeing as it's HP now) benefit from
the Toshiba extras module (your basic Fn function keys ~ like screen
brightness)... however this should not have much to do with the shutting
down part.

If I had to take another guess, I would guess that the 2.6.10-morph
version is slighly broken (ACPI). You can simply try a test Download
a fresh copy (vanilla) of 2.6.10, apply Alan Cox's patch (to fix acpi
which was horribly broken for my laptop anyway) from here:

Apply the patch, copy your current .config file to your new source, and
try that one. This is the exact same setup as I run at home, which shuts
down fine on my HP ze4268 laptop. If shutting down then works, you
know what the cause is ;-)

Sorry, that's about the best I can do here ... it's all a bit of
guess-work from my side though.

Hope this helps,

Ducky Z. wrote:
 My laptop is Compaq Presario 2500. I was upgrading the kernel from
 2.6.8-nitro to 2.6.10-morph. I will also try to add toshiba extra.
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Re: [gentoo-user] Soft power off lost

2005-02-17 Thread Ralph Slooten
No ACPI support in your new kernel?
Ducky Z. wrote:
I've upgraded my kernel to 2.6.10-morph21 and my notebook now stops at
Power Down when halting. It used to turn itself off automatically
with my previous kernel. Any help is highly appreciated.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] desktop publishing

2005-02-17 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1
I personally vouch for (draw part). I used to do desktop
publishing several years ago with CorelDraw ... and find it to have most
of the basic features C.D. used to have.
I now use it aswell for the reason that most of what I do now is for my
father, who uses Windows (with, making the documents
timothy johnson wrote:
| what opensource software to we have to recommend to do some small
| desktop publishing, ie family newletterm and such.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: [gentoo-user] Soft power off lost

2005-02-17 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1
What laptop and kernel version? If it's a HP or Compaq then also add the
toshiba extras as it adds some functions. Not sure if it's the cause
here though  depending on what model your laptop is.
Ducky Z. wrote:
| I have my ACPI support in the kernel. It looks like this:
| # Power management options (ACPI, APM)
| # ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support
| # CONFIG_ACPI_ASUS is not set
| # CONFIG_ACPI_TOSHIBA is not set
| # CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
| # CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ is not set
| # CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_ACPI is not set
| I have also enabled swsup2 with my kenel. Would that be a problem?
| Thanks,
| D
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Re: [gentoo-user] Soft power off lost

2005-02-17 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hash: SHA1
| I have also enabled swsup2 with my kenel. Would that be a problem?
No, I don't believe so as this should have nothing to do with it. It
doesn't work reliably here on my laptop so I have it off, but still
again, this should have nothing to do with powering down.
You mentioned you upgraded your kernel .. from what version to what version?
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Courier Imap problem

2005-02-06 Thread Ralph Slooten
I experienced this yesterday too  but found the solution. I did get 
an error though during emerge as it said that authdaemond was already 
provided. What I needed to do was the following to get it working:

* remove /etc/init.d/authdaemond (it's linked to nothing anyway, and 
does not work after the upgrade)

* re-merge courier-authlib (it will create /etc/init.d/courier-authlib)
Then was the second issue I experienced... courier-authlib will be 
default use mysql to try authenticate you  with a text editor edit:
/etc/courier/authlib/authdaemonrc (line 33) removing authmysql from the 
line, naming it something like:

authmodulelist=authpam authuserdb authshadow authcustom
make sure all courier-imap is shut down properly (I had several stale
/var/lib/init.d/started/courier-* files... delete them and confirm they 
aren't runing in `ps aux`).

* finally restart courier-imap / courier-authlib via /etc/init.d/
Basically what has happened here is that courier-imap has been split up 
into several smaller packages, and this obviously didn't go to well with 

Hope this helps everyone ;-)
David Corbin wrote:
I had a working IMap installation.  I did an upgrade that included several 
courier updates.  Now I'm having connection problems.  When I telnet to it, 
I get this:

Connected to imap.
Escape character is '^]'.
* BYE imaplogin expected exactly two arguments.
Connection closed by foreign host.
I never even have the chance to send it a command.
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Re: [gentoo-user] Repairing damaged partition

2005-02-03 Thread Ralph Slooten
As for a solution ... I have no idea. As for prevention (in the future) 
.. try reiserfs.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xfce4 Boot?

2005-01-29 Thread Ralph Slooten
I switched to xfce4 2 days ago, and had the same issue .. easy enough to 
fix though 
create a file: /etc/X11/Sessions/xfce4

in it write:
Make the script executable: `chmod 755 /etc/X11/Sessions/xfce4`
Restart X
Done. Now you have it in your KDM menus in the login screen ...
Tony Boom wrote:
Hello gentoo-user,
  Just emerged xfce4, was expecting to find it in the login menu but it's
  not, how does one boot into xfce insread of KDE please?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Xfce related websites

2005-01-29 Thread Ralph Slooten
`emerge xfce4`
Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
How does one install these in xfce under gentoo?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Xfce related websites

2005-01-29 Thread Ralph Slooten
Ralph Slooten wrote:
`emerge xfce4`
Sorry, missread ;-)  morning blues I guess. Please ignore.
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] iptables: block full ip-range

2005-01-25 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hello fellow gentoo users,
I run my own dedicated internet server from home with of course gentoo. 
What I have noticed, as probably many of you have, is that users from 
certain ISP's do daily attempts to relay mail, log into ssh etc etc ... 
Ok, so I'm pretty well secured as they don't even come close, but I'm 
still not happy.

Most of these attempts come from kornet, as with most of my spam. What I 
would like to do is drop their whole entire ip-range with iptables... 
but how? I know how with a simple subnet, but some (they have several) 
of their ranges are given as: -

Is there any way to add this range in iptables easily, without having to 
do each from 218.144* 218.145* etc etc 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables: block full ip-range

2005-01-25 Thread Ralph Slooten
Wow, thanks Chris for the link  I just asked my boss to explain it 
to me (without showing him your answer) and he manually worked it out to 
be exactly the same. The issue I have is binary etc ... it's still greek 
to me (I will try learn it soon though).

Ok, now for the real n00b question :-) In which section did you work it 
out on that page (possibly a screenshot sent to my email if explaining 
is hard)?

Thanks for the help,
Chris Boot wrote:
I found a nice IP address calculator at

Using that, we get
Ralph Slooten wrote:
Hello fellow gentoo users,
I run my own dedicated internet server from home with of course 
gentoo. What I have noticed, as probably many of you have, is that 
users from certain ISP's do daily attempts to relay mail, log into ssh 
etc etc ... Ok, so I'm pretty well secured as they don't even come 
close, but I'm still not happy.

Most of these attempts come from kornet, as with most of my spam. What 
I would like to do is drop their whole entire ip-range with 
iptables... but how? I know how with a simple subnet, but some (they 
have several) of their ranges are given as: -

Is there any way to add this range in iptables easily, without having 
to do each from 218.144* 218.145* etc etc 


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables: block full ip-range

2005-01-25 Thread Ralph Slooten
Thanks Chris ... it's not all 100% clear now, but slowly understanding 
more. When I eventually get it I'll create a php script to do it for 
me *g*.

Thanks again for your time.
I did find this though: (using the 
netaddr option).

Maybe it'll interest others too.
Chris Boot wrote:
I used the IP Address Converter section.
I got the binary for the first IP (, which is:
11011010 1001  
Then for the second (, which is
11011010 1001  
Notice how the first 12 bits stay the same, and the last 12 change? 12 
is the magic number in this case. :-)

There should be an easier tool for this, but it does the trick.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Spam Attempt?

2005-01-19 Thread Ralph Slooten
Yes, attempts by spammers to use you as a relay. You say 200 machines 
all over the world in one hour? That does seem a LOT, seeing as I get 
probably about 10 a day.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is probably your best shot for the entry below 
(based on IP), however if there are in actual fact 200 per hour from 
*all* over the world this approach won't be very useful.

Is your mailserver secure? Does it actually allow connections (smtp) 
from outside? If these spammers find a way in, there will be *many* 
abuse@ emails to your ISP ... so be aware. I suggest also checking logs 
to see what has actually been sent, by who and to who  just to make 
sure they didn't already find a way.

Let me guess though .. the most of the other attempts are coming from 
the USA, Korea and China, possibly also Brazil? If this is the case then 
we know it is spammers

Michael Thompson wrote:
For the past hour I have just watched over 200 dialup machines from all 
over the world attemp to connect to my Mailserver

They were all rejected like the following
Jan 19 09:05:07 polaris postfix/smtpd[24494]: warning: Illegal address 
syntax from[] in 
MAIL command: @

This lasted for about a hour. All I can think of is that I was picked on 
by some script/virus/Trojan looking to spam.

Any Views?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] CD/DVD burning

2005-01-17 Thread Ralph Slooten
It depends also on what kernel you are using. Seeing as you don't 
mention, it makes it a little hard ;-)

Are you using IDE-SCSI emulation in your kernel?
What do:
cdrecord -scanbus
cdrecord -dev=ATAPI -scanbus
William Meertens wrote:
Hi all,
What's the logical explanation for this :
I have three drives 1 IDE and 2 SCSI divided in :
1 IDE writer
1 SCSI writer
1 SCSI reader
k3b detects only one :
writer : /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd
no scsi detected
Eclipt Roaster and Gnome Toaster only detect scsi :
Eroaster : 0,0,0 and 0,6,0
Gtoaster : /dev/sr0 (0,0,0) and /dev/sr1 (0,6,0)
no ide detected
GCDmaster detects a lot :
for scsi :
0,0,0 -- no disk
0,6,0 -- no disk
for ide :
ATAPI: 0,1,0 -- no disk
ATAPI: 1,0,0 -- ready
ATAPI: 1,6,0 -- ready
All the latest builds with the same USE variables. When using emerge -pv all 
dependencies turn up +red except the -debug is blue, witch is normal because 
it's not in my USE variable. What else is there to control this. The programs 
itself do not find anything that I input manually in the settings.
Thanks in advance and for your attention,
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] 3D desktop / workplace switcher

2005-01-12 Thread Ralph Slooten ?
IIRC it's in portage  possibly masked.
Ric de France wrote:
Hi Gentoo users,
I usually use the Gnome desktop and the way I change workspaces /
desktops / workplaces is by clicking on the different squares on the
Gnome bar. I recently saw someone demoing something in his version of
Linux that did a 3D switch of the workspace.
He did some key presses, and then desktop reduced a little, revealing
another 3 desktops (like flat pieces of paper). He then did another
key press and the current desktop rotated with one of the others, and
then new one grew out to fit the screen proportions.
Before I thought of asking what he did, the demo finished, and I never
caught his contact details to ask what it was that did that.
Just wondering if anyone knows what that may be (may be not specific
to Gnome). And if that application is available in Portage,

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] INBOX variable is wrong

2005-01-07 Thread Ralph Slooten
I use courier-imap and squirrelmail, and it works fine here.
The location of the inbox does not need to be specified.
In my config/config.php:
$default_folder_prefix  = '';
$trash_folder   = 'INBOX.Trash';
$sent_folder= 'INBOX.Sent';
$draft_folder   = 'INBOX.Drafts';
In ./configure I haven't even set the Server software (it's still on 

Compare to your version, delete your user's configs (if they aren't 
important) in data/ that start with your username.

Also, it's possibly a typo, but ~billbalt/.maildir ? You have a folder 
in your $HOME called ~billbalt? Or is billbalt your username? Then 
you should refer to it as ~/.maildir (for future reference).

Maybe this helps?
Bill Roberts wrote:
I have been running an email system with postfix, procmail, mutt, etc.
for some time. It has worked well.
Some time ago, I setup courier-imap and cyrus-sasl to prepare for
using squirrelmail.  I tested imap with mutt, and after some stumbling
around, it worked, though I haven't had any occasion to use imap since.
I'm now trying to run squirrelmail, and I'm into a dead end. Hope
someone can help.
My logs tell me I am able to log in, but when squirrelmail tries to
access INBOX, it fails, apparently because it INBOX is pointing to my
my home directory (~billbalt) rather than to my maildir
(~billbalt/.maildir). The logs on the server show the following type
of errors:
Jan  6 14:11:39 antec imapd-ssl: Error reading ACLs for INBOX.elinks:
No such file or directory 

I think it will probably work if I can change INBOX to point to
~billbalt/.maildir, but I haven't found anywhere I can do that.
I've spent hours going through the forums and the web. Any help is
much appreciated. . . I'm leaving for Equador tomorrow, and I'd like
to be able to keep up with my email.
Bill Roberts

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Hotkeys / Omnibook on HP Pavilion with 2.6.3

2004-02-26 Thread Ralph Slooten
Ahhh, so what you are saying is that even though the omnibook module
(from the omke project) compiles and installs, it doesn't work (other
than the deletion thingy when reinstalling modules *ggg*)? Your one does
work I'm guessing?

Call me whatever, but I'm not a programer. I just like to know exactly
what such things do. Is it the omnibook module that provides the
key-codes, and hotkeys that provides the functions associated with them?
Is this assessment correct?

I'm currently rebuilding the patched kernel now (needed to change a few
minor things too + added the new Omnibook module)... If your patch
supplies a working module, does this mean it's a kernel fault, or an
omnibook (omke project) fault?

On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 07:25:40 -0700
Scott Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This package is a kernel module. Original method to actually use it is
 to download it from sourceforge, run its make script which in doing so
 it calls the make from /usr/src/linux to build just this module and
 put it in /lib/modules/version/kernel/drivers/char/omnibook.ko then
 modprobe it and use it. Now I decide I want to change a usb driver or
 something unrelated in the kernel. So I make modules_install. Doing
 that clears out the lib/modules/... directory. So now I have to
 remember to go back into the omnibook tree and make  make install
 it. Every time I rebuild the kernel. And if I forget to do that and
 reboot, I can't see my battery level or use the volume buttons...
 There is a script that comes with the omnibook module that would
 effectively integrate it like this for 2.4 kernels, though it would
 not do so for 2.6, and the 2.6-style Kconfig files were not included.
 I did submit these new/changed files upstream but have seen no
 response to it. Even if it did have a script to cleanly add it to 2.6,
 that would still be extra effort each time I grab a new rev of kernel.
 Having it here as a patch, all I need to do is add one line to any
 current kernel ebuild to get it to add this functionality to my kernel
 every time, and I don't have to worry about forgetting to rebuild an
 outside kernel module every time I change something in the kernel.
 And if this makes someone else's life easier too, then so much the


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Hotkeys / Omnibook on HP Pavilion with 2.6.3

2004-02-26 Thread Ralph Slooten
Whoops, should have tried it first before posting. There seems to be no
difference here, as the keys sill aren't recognised (at least the
module is getting installed though, lol).

Mailer, Browser, and the volume work as before, however the 3 other keys
just produce the same kind of output I wrote earlier. Incidentally the 3
other buttons I have are known as: Shell, Idea and Help under hotkeys.
Pressing all 3 produces this output (along with maybe a possible cause
[XFree86 bug]):

atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x7a on
atkbd.c: This is an XFree86 bug. It shouldn't access hardware directly.
atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x7a on
atkbd.c: This is an XFree86 bug. It shouldn't access hardware directly. 
atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf3 on
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e073 keycode' to make it known. 
atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xf3 on
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e073 keycode' to make it known.
atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf0 on
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e070 keycode' to make it known. atkbd.c:
Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xf0 on isa0060/serio0). 
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e070 keycode' to make it known. 
atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf1 on
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e071 keycode' to make it known. 
atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xf1 on
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e071 keycode' to make it known.

(Hope you can read the formatting ;-) )

Any ideas as it seems you Scott know what you are doing ;-) ?


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Hotkeys / Omnibook on HP Pavilion with 2.6.3

2004-02-26 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hiya all,

Maybe a bit off-topic, as it's laptop-related, but I'll try anyway. I
have a HP Pavilion ze4268 laptop since last year, and have been running
Gentoo on it since about the beginning. After a lot of searching around
I finally managed to get most features working with the 2.4.x series
kernels, however recently I upgraded to 2.6.3 and have lost some of the
multi-media hotkeys. I have 5 buttons at the top, 2 which still work,
the other 3 which don't anymore. They used to .. but anyway, I have
traced through dmesg the problem, and that's simply being the fact that
the keycode isn't understood, however it's description is Greek to me;-)

The below dmesg output is for a button that should have 243 as it's
keycode. Could anyone tell me how I'm actually supposed to set these

atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf3 on
isa0060/serio0). atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e073 keycode' to make it
atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xf3 on
isa0060/serio0). atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e073 keycode' to make it

I always used a combination of the omnibook kernel module, and hotkeys
with my own self_modified .def file, which worked for about 6 months
perfect.. until now, and I cannot work out the problem or how to set
them ;-)

Any help would be appreciated...


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:09:58 +
Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 only caught 92% of spam, with 1.16% false positives. 

So far I've been running it  (bmf) for a week (yes wow, lol, but hear
me out ;-) ), and it's gotten 100% of the approx 70+ spams I've
received. Initially 2 good mails got through, but it's simply a matter
of reprocessing those 2 incorrect mails through bmf again, stating they
are incorrectly detected as spam, and you're set. It will take special
precautions next time a similar one comes through. Incidentally both
those e-mails were in Dutch, and the databases I had initially fed it
were all in English mostly from mailing lists, so I'm not surprised ;-)

For my good mail I fed it with most of my my friends / family /
personal mails, and from all the mailing lists I belong to from this 2
weeks +-(can be downloaded from their monthly archives if need be).
Ironically I didn't merge 1 single Dutch mail which caused an incorrect
calculation, marking the mail as spam.
I fed it with approx 500 spams I have received in the past couple of
years from mycollection, and downloaded the latest 4 days archives of
spam from

I would definitely recommend this filter. I needed one that works easy,
and spamassasin wasn't getting those spams with 1 link and 500 random
words which counts at the moment of most of my spam, and bmf gets it
every time!

For each mail caught as spam, the database automatically updates itself
with any new contents of that mail, making it learn as it's catching
mails. If it makes a mistake (ie: you process it back through the filter
once stating it's NOT spam) bmf corrects itself and stores the info
that's required for it to pay spacial attention and kind of mail, and
think 2/3/4 times before marking it as spam. It's a brilliant system I

Anyways, just sharing my experience so far. Hope it was worth something


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 23:12:39 +
Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's not *actually* 100%, then is it..? It's about (77/79*100)% = 
 97.4%. [1]

Sorry, that was indeed bad wording. What I meant was those e-mails were
not spam (thus good), and got marked as spam, filtered away.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Fetching mail

2004-02-10 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 17:29:00 -0800
Alan Ianson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 04:02:48PM -0500, Ric Messier wrote:
  Looks like Pine will grab my mail from the pop3 server without any
  other software like fetchmail or exim? I should have looked into
  that a long time ago.. thanks.

Yes, but this wasn't the actual intended way, and does have
disadvantages AFAIK.

  Yep. Didn't used to be that way. In fact, it even allows you to pull
  mail with a different username from the one you are logged in with
  on the current server. Details are at:
 Excellent, a couple things I can't figure out.. I can fetch mail from
 the server with my pop username but how do I send mail with my
 username? I have the domain set fine but it always uses my login name@
 instead of my email username.

In your .pinerc configure / add something like this:

# Add these customized headers (and possible default values) when
composing customized-hdrs=From: Alan Ianson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope this is still right, as I haven't used pine in ages now. This was
taken from my old config file which I still have in ~/

 I've looked through the faq about filtering msgs from a list into a
 different folder but don't see any examples and can't figure out what
 they mean. Can you give me an example?

Procmail and fetchmail is what I think most users use. By setting up a
~/.fetchmailrc and running the fetchmail daemon it'll download you mail,
sending it via procmail which will then do the filtering for you. There
are many man pages / sites to help on this.

Good luck!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] how to make gentoo boot faster? (kernel 2.6.1)

2004-02-10 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 16:13:53 -0800

 Why not use the hibernate feature of 2.6, then you wont need to reboot
 and between sleeps it uses no battery...

You got it working? I tried it (default from kernel), and it majorly
hung my laptop to serious proportions ;-) I used to use the patch from
the swsup project, but they hadn't gotten a patch for 2.6.2 the last
time I checked. Then it used to work, but not with the default 2.6.2

I was just wondering if you had it working by default?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Bugs in the new portage?? (I guess I have to reinstall my system) :(

2004-02-07 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Sat, 07 Feb 2004 13:50:31 -0800
Susie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ))  File /usr/lib/portage/pym/, line 3531, in
 match_from_listraise KeyError, Specific key requires an operator
 (%s) (try adding an '=') % (mydep) KeyError: Specific key requires an
 operator (dev-libs/elfutils-0.84) (try adding an '=') bash-2.05b$ 

Simply re-doing `emerge sync` solved it for me ;-)

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Alsa ; System beep

2004-02-05 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hiya all,

I have 2 general questions regarding my Gentoo install on my laptop.

I have had Gentoo up and running for about 10 months now and it works
great. Last night I decided to upgrade from 2.4.22 (self-build) to
2.6.2 (also self-build, thus not from the Gentoo emerge system). 
Anyway, it's working all generally fine, except for 1 problem, and 1

1) Problem: I have no terminal bell (system beep) which on the one hand
is annoying, yet sometimes handy (ifplugd and my network as an example).
Is this a kernel option that you know of, or ...? Any ideas here?

2) Question: Since a while back I see that OSS in the kernel is
depreciated, and ALSA is recommended, but for the life of me I cannot
see what the advantage is of ALSA. AFAIK everything I use uses the OSS
system (OSS-emulation in ALSA), so why not just use OSS instead of
having to emulate it all?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Alsa ; System beep

2004-02-05 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hello again,

On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 12:50:48 +
Daniel Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From that page:
 - Users wanting support for the PC speaker need to enable
or you won't get a single beep.

Ahha, thank you ! Took me about 30 minutes to locate that option, hidden
away under misc, but I got it eventually. Initially I searched the
.config file, but it had no mention of it, until I found it via
menuconfig .. then an entry got added to the config. 

  2) Question: Since a while back I see that OSS in the kernel is
  depreciated, and ALSA is recommended, but for the life of me I
  cannot see what the advantage is of ALSA. AFAIK everything I use
  uses the OSS system (OSS-emulation in ALSA), so why not just use OSS
  instead of having to emulate it all?
 For a start, alsa is being actively developed, OSS is not.
 For many cards (including mine), ALSA works better - volumes go
 louder, it sounds better, surround sound is more customisable, etc.
 Other advantages include that ALSA supports SMP (OSS does not), ALSA
 has a good plugin system (allows for things like dmix),
 I have not looked for myself, but I believe ALSA also incorporates a
 good API for applications that support it - e.g. xmms with the
 alsa-xmms plugin. For applications that do not support the API, you
 can just rely on the OSS emulation.

Thank you for your informative answer. Helps me a lot .. thank you.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Alsa ; System beep

2004-02-05 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Thu, 5 Feb 2004 14:54:09 +0100
Hemmann, Volker Armin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you ever want to hear two or more sounds at the same moment?
 With oss you need some perversion like ESD or arts.
 With arts you just define the dmix plugin as default. Voila.
 I started alsaplayer once for 6 times. It sounded strange, but all six
 streams were ok.

Yes, a known issue on both my machines ;-) I just recompiled, adding in
Alsa and dropping OSS.. now to do a few tests.

Thank you.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Alsa ; System beep

2004-02-05 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 18:46:29 +0100
Arne Vogel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Err... you could've just added CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR=y to the .config file,
 I guess? :-}

Umm, could have, yet the next time I wouldn't know either where to find it =)


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Your GPG signatures...

2004-01-30 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 18:11:01 +0100
lukas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi folks,
 Someone told me, that he can't verify my key.
 You can read this mail and my answer below.
 Does anybody know if it is ok, that my key on
 differs from my localy stored public key?

Hi there Lucas,

Checks out here fine ;-)
[application/pgp-signature (Good signature)]


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