Re: [gentoo-user] newbie install - emerge: command not found

2005-08-24 Thread Assaf Urieli
Neil Bothwick wrote:

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 17:52:22 +0200, Assaf Urieli wrote:

BTW, /usr/bin doesn't even exist - all /usr contains is lost+found

Do you have a separate partition for /usr? If so, is it mounted?

What you describe is a classic symptom of installing /usr on its own
partition and forgetting to add it to /etc/fstab.

Oy vey, that was it! I knew I must be doing something stupid.
Feeling adventurous, I decided to create a 4th partition and mount /usr
onto it in my /etc/fstab, but on the other hand I didn't mount it while
installing gentoo (I thought somehow the fstab would be enough)...
So everything got installed on the root partition.
I corrected the problem by changing my /etc/fstab to mount /dev/hda4
somewhere else, and now when I reboot my /usr/bin directory contains
everything that was installed on it.

So, just a couple of questions to get things organised in my brain:
If I wanted to mount the /usr partition while installing, would this
have been the right command? Would I have to make the directory first?
# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda4 /mnt/gentoo/usr

In fact, I'm not even quite sure that I understand the whole concept of
When I type:
# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /mnt/gentoo
Does the /mnt/gentoo directory already exist somewhere? If it didn't, I
imagine this statement would throw an error. But where can it exist if
it isn't yet associated with any partition (i.e. /dev/hda3)?
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot
Where am I making this directory? I would assume this statement creates
the directory on /dev/hda3. But then, in the next statement, I'm
associating it with /dev/hda4!
# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot

Another question:
Now that I've got an unused /dev/hda4 partition, what should I mount on
it? I can't mount /usr onto it cause /usr already exists on the root
partition  is full of stuff. Can I just invent any old name for
mounting (like say, /home), and then use it for storing data?

Sorry for the naive questions, but I'm trying to get my head around some
of these concepts...

Best regards,


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Re: [gentoo-user] newbie install - emerge: command not found

2005-08-23 Thread Assaf Urieli

Nagatoro wrote:

 Assaf Urieli wrote:

 But when I try to run the emerge command, I get:
 emerge: command not found (no surprise, it's not in /bin).

 [2000] $ whereis emerge
 emerge: /usr/bin/emerge /usr/X11R6/bin/emerge /usr/bin/X11/emerge
 /usr/man/man1/emerge.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/emerge.1.gz

 At least here it should be in /usr/bin, might it be a $PATH problem?

There is no whereis or find command either.
I'm logging in as root, so I should have access to everything (couldn't
adduser anyway).
BTW, /usr/bin doesn't even exist - all /usr contains is lost+found

Best regards,
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] newbie install - emerge: command not found

2005-08-23 Thread Assaf Urieli
Ben Munat wrote:

 Assaf Urieli wrote:

 Holly Bostick wrote:

 So, when I restart, everything looks allright. Grub asks me to choose
 Gentoo Linux 2.6.12-r6, which I do. I can then login fine.
 But when I try to run the emerge command, I get:
 emerge: command not found (no surprise, it's not in /bin).

 Are you trying to run emerge as a user? It can only be run as root
 ('command not found' often indicates that, assuming that the
 is installed, which in this case we know it is. The command cannot be
 found in the user's $PATH-- because and so that the user cannot use
 but in root's $PATH).

 Nope, I tried to create a user, but the adduser command couldn't be
 found either. Neither can the find and whereis commands.

 Apologies if this is completely obvious, but you did say newbie... :-)

 After you select Gentoo Linux 2.6.12-r6 do you see a lengthy boot
 process or do you get a command line instantly?

 It occured to me that you could somehow be getting to the grub command
 line, which has about a dozen commands... definitely no emerge,
 adduser, etc.

Please don't apologise and do point out anything you think could be
useful! I am a complete newbie to the whole Linux world - been trying to
get this install working afterhours for over a week now.

To answer your question, there is a lengthy boot process after selecting
the OS. It seems to be doing what it's supposed to (apart from a couple
of warnings).
What's more, other things I emerged while working chrooted from the
install CD are available  working (e.g. dhcpcd).

Is there anything (config file, directory listing, ???) I could post
here to help the troubleshooting?

- Assaf


-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] problem with video parameters on Grub

2005-08-12 Thread Assaf Urieli
Hi all,

I'm trying to install Gentoo 2005.1, using the genkernel script, on a
Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop with an ATI|Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x graphics
My kernel is kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.12-gentoo-r6

When I reboot, Grub kicks in and I can select my Linux Gentoo operating
system no problem.
It then gives me a working console, allows me to login  run commands,
but the screen itself has gone haywire:
about 1 out of every 5 characters is garbled and flickering, and the
same screen appears about 4 times on my monitor (with four little
penguins, two cut in half).
This is with the grub.conf settings below:
default 0
timeout 30

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.11-r11
root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.12-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/ram0
init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/hda3 udev
video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
initrd /initramfs-genkernel-x86-2.6.12-gentoo-r6

I've tried changing the video parameters to:
video=vesafb:mtrr,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
vga=0x318 video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap
and even nothing at all for video

In each of these four cases, the result is even worse: a screen with
thick flickering lines slowly climbing up from the bottom towards the
top of the monitor.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Assaf Urieli
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] newbie installing with genkernel, but no initrd

2005-08-11 Thread Assaf Urieli
Hi all,

I'm a complete newbie to Linux (and Gentoo) - just trying to install it
on my old laptop (not so old - 1999 or so), in a first attempt to free
myself from Windows.
It's a Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop, running on a Pentium 3.
I'm installing the 2005.1 build, and following the handbook step-by-step.

I decided to use the genkernel script to configure  compile the kernel
- section 7.d. Alternative: Using genkernel) cause I got a bit
overwhelmed with the options when I tried the manual configuration.

In the documentation it says, after you run the genkernel script:
Write down the names of the kernel and initrd as you will need it when
writing the bootloader configuration file. The initrd will be started
immediately after booting to perform hardware autodetection (just like
on the Installation CD) before your real system starts up.

However, after I ran the genkernel script, and I do a:
# ls /boot/kernel* /boot/initrd*
I get:
ls: /boot/initrd*: No such file or directory

There is, however, a file called

So my question is: why don't I have initrd after running genkernel?
Will I need it to complete the installation (as the documentation seems
to indicate)?
If so, what can I do to get it? (remember you're talking to a complete
Linux newbie here, so fairly step-by-step instructions would be good!)

Thanks in advance,
Assaf Urieli

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