Re: [gentoo-user] dbus running but who started it?

2009-04-14 Thread Joshua D Doll

Michael P. Soulier wrote:


I'm looking at my system and I'm surprised to find dbus running, since I put
-dbus -hal in my /etc/make.conf.

msoul...@anton:~$ ps -ef | grep dbus | grep -v grep
msoulier  9221 1  0 Apr12 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork
--print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session
msoulier  9222 1  0 Apr12 tty1 00:00:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch
--sh-syntax --exit-with-session

msoul...@anton:~$ rc-config list | grep dbus

I didn't configure it to start, so something started it. I'm running XFCE4 so
I suspect it started it, since it's running as me and not root.

So lets see who needs it.

msoul...@anton:~$ equery belongs /usr/bin/dbus-daemon
[ Searching for file(s) /usr/bin/dbus-daemon in *... ]
sys-apps/dbus-1.2.3-r1 (/usr/bin/dbus-daemon)
msoul...@anton:~$ emerge --pretend --verbose --depclean sys-apps/dbus

Calculating dependencies... done!
   sys-apps/dbus-1.2.3-r1 pulled in by:


No packages selected for removal by depclean

Packages installed:   631
Packages in world:155
Packages in system:   51
Required packages:631
Number to remove: 0
msoul...@anton:~$ emerge --pretend --verbose --depclean sys-apps/dbus-glib

No packages selected for removal by depclean

That's odd. Nothing needs it? Then who started it?

It's daemonized so I don't see a parent process beyond init.


Since it appears you have equery installed you can do:

equery depends sys-apps/dbus-glib

That should list all the packages requiring dbus.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] linux boot logo in 2.6.29-gentoo sources

2009-03-26 Thread Joshua D Doll

Thanasis wrote:

Has anyone seen the boot logo in 2.6.29-gentoo sources?

Why did they substitute the penguin with this ugly disguised mouse?


Here's my link on the subject:

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] start X at startup without a login manager

2009-03-20 Thread Joshua D Doll
Florian Philipp wrote:
> fei huang schrieb:
>> I don't have any "xdm", "gdm" stuff but would like to start my windows
>> manager directly at startup, cause I'm the only one that use it.
>  You know that this is a possible security thread? Anyone who has access
> to your computer can simply press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and enter the console
> session you used to start x-server.
> Locking your X-session won't help against that.
You can disable vt switching with:

Option "DontVTSwitch" "boolean"  in the server section of the xorg.conf

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] python-2.5.2-r7 build problems

2009-02-11 Thread Joshua D Doll

Mark Knecht wrote:

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Joshua D Doll  wrote:

Mark Knecht wrote:

  I had two machine that for some reason wouldn't build the 2.5 slot
for python. I've waited weeks for the possibility that something would
get cleaned up in portage or on a server somewhere but as of yet it
hasn't happened. For kicks today I cleaned out distfiles and did an
emerge -e @system but it failed the same way. I'm wondering what to
try next?

  Is it allowable to remove ebuilds by hand? Will an eix-sync get new
versions if ebuilds are missing and I change the servers that the
machine is pointing to?

  Looking for ideas about how to move forward.



What's the error message?

--Joshua Doll

Not much unfortunately:

make: *** [libinstall] Error 1
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m ERROR: dev-lang/python-2.5.2-r7 failed.
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m Call stack:
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m, line   49:  Called src_install
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m environment, line 3469:  Called die
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m The specific snippet of code:
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m   make DESTDIR="${D}" altinstall maninstall || die;
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m  The die message:
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m   (no error message)
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m If you need support, post the topmost build error,
and the call stack if relevant.
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m A complete build log is located at
 ^[[31;01m*^[[0m The ebuild environment file is located at


I might be mistaken, but I don't think that is make error message. You 
might want to check further up in the build.log for more information.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] python-2.5.2-r7 build problems

2009-02-11 Thread Joshua D Doll

Mark Knecht wrote:

   I had two machine that for some reason wouldn't build the 2.5 slot
for python. I've waited weeks for the possibility that something would
get cleaned up in portage or on a server somewhere but as of yet it
hasn't happened. For kicks today I cleaned out distfiles and did an
emerge -e @system but it failed the same way. I'm wondering what to
try next?

   Is it allowable to remove ebuilds by hand? Will an eix-sync get new
versions if ebuilds are missing and I change the servers that the
machine is pointing to?

   Looking for ideas about how to move forward.



What's the error message?

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] The Linux Ecosystem (with funny references to Gentoo vs Canonical)

2009-02-10 Thread Joshua D Doll

Roy Wright wrote:

Mick wrote:

On Tuesday 10 February 2009, Joshua D Doll wrote:

Saphirus Sage wrote:

Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

I found it quite interesting that even Gentoo beat Canonical in the
amount of patches contributed upstream...
Good find, I actually didn't know about E-Trade using Gentoo 
servers. I

don't think it should be too surprising that Gentoo would contribute
more patches than Conical, as until today, I'd only actually heard of
one of them.

This video brought up an interesting question by my friend (an ubuntu
user). How would one go about getting Canonical or the ubuntu community
to change their practice of not contributing fixes back upstream?
Without having to change distributions.

Gentoo involves you more with what goes bad under the bonnet and the 
average Gentoo user is more interested in the workings of their OS to 
attempt troubleshooting it and filing bugs.  Your average Ubuntu user 
is less likely to get their hands dirty, unless they are a dev.  So, 
essentially we are talking about different user profiles here.  To 
answer your friend's hypothetical question - he would either have to 
change your average Ubuntu's user technical aptitude, or change the 
user.  Either attempt may mean the end of Ubuntu as we know it.

The ubuntus are targeted at disgruntled windows users while gentoo is 
targeted at unix users.  The former are used to complaining and 
getting no response while the later know it's their responsibility to 
help make it better...

Have fun,

I think you may be right with your assessment there Roy. The only 
solution I could up with was to change distributions he didn't like that 
suggestion, not sure why, because changing distros is like changing 
underwear. Maybe he has some strange fascination with Ubunutu's pretty 
color scheme?

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] The Linux Ecosystem (with funny references to Gentoo vs Canonical)

2009-02-09 Thread Joshua D Doll

Saphirus Sage wrote:

Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

I found it quite interesting that even Gentoo beat Canonical in the
amount of patches contributed upstream...

Good find, I actually didn't know about E-Trade using Gentoo servers. I
don't think it should be too surprising that Gentoo would contribute
more patches than Conical, as until today, I'd only actually heard of
one of them.

This video brought up an interesting question by my friend (an ubuntu 
user). How would one go about getting Canonical or the ubuntu community 
to change their practice of not contributing fixes back upstream? 
Without having to change distributions.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's advantage: 'optimized for your system' -- huh?

2009-02-05 Thread Joshua D Doll

Saphirus Sage wrote:

Joshua D Doll wrote:

Dale wrote:

Joshua D Doll wrote:

Mark Knecht wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Paul Hartman
 wrote: I completely agree. I
like the control also.

I only took a *very* small exception to Joshua's statement that a 'new
user' could read, follow it and understand what it's telling him/her
to do and then do it and come out with a working machine. I think it's
true if the new user builds exactly the 3 partition example shown in
the docs and does *only* the very basic install on a machine that
doesn't have Windows, etc. However I think that the docs (not the
software!) could be improved to handle things like dual-boot, either
another distro or windows, etc. which personally I think 'new users'
come up against. Issues about stuff like where to put the MBR, why and
why not to do that sort of thing, requires (or is vastly enhanced) if
that new user has some knowledge about hard drives, booting, etc.

- Mark


I 100% agree that the docs can and should cover more. Maybe a
flowchart would be useful?

--Joshua Doll

I wish the man pages had more examples.  Give me a real world example
and I can wrap my poor brain around what it should look like when I do


:-)  :-)


Man pages are notoriously bad. The gentoo handbook and other official
docs are great OTOH.

--Joshua Doll

Man pages notoriously bad?! Now that's a stance I can hardly understand,
they've always been a godsend in my experience! Just practice using a
command a few times, look through the options and learn it in the period
of ten minutes, and a man page has done its purpose. If this stance is
due to your own inadequate ability to read technical documents, then do
not apply the lacking to anything but your own capacity for comprehension.

Just cause you haven't run across an uninformative/incomplete man page 
doesn't mean others haven't. Also man pages lacking valuable information 
is the reason why GNU has switched to the majority of their packages to 
using info! You shouldn't flame someone because your experiences are 
different from their's.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's advantage: 'optimized for your system' -- huh?

2009-02-05 Thread Joshua D Doll

Dale wrote:

Joshua D Doll wrote:

Mark Knecht wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Paul Hartman
I completely agree. I like the control also.

I only took a *very* small exception to Joshua's statement that a 'new
user' could read, follow it and understand what it's telling him/her
to do and then do it and come out with a working machine. I think it's
true if the new user builds exactly the 3 partition example shown in
the docs and does *only* the very basic install on a machine that
doesn't have Windows, etc. However I think that the docs (not the
software!) could be improved to handle things like dual-boot, either
another distro or windows, etc. which personally I think 'new users'
come up against. Issues about stuff like where to put the MBR, why and
why not to do that sort of thing, requires (or is vastly enhanced) if
that new user has some knowledge about hard drives, booting, etc.

- Mark


I 100% agree that the docs can and should cover more. Maybe a
flowchart would be useful?

--Joshua Doll

I wish the man pages had more examples.  Give me a real world example
and I can wrap my poor brain around what it should look like when I do


:-)  :-)

Man pages are notoriously bad. The gentoo handbook and other official 
docs are great OTOH.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's advantage: 'optimized for your system' -- huh?

2009-02-05 Thread Joshua D Doll

Paul Hartman wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Joshua D Doll  wrote:

Paul Hartman wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Mark Knecht  wrote:


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Joshua D Doll 

I think the Handbook and other Official gentoo docs are well and
written. I
feel they are so well written and informative that a new user could read
follow what the doc is trying to convey.

--Joshua Doll


I agree. Everything except the grub part. It's well written but it
requires more knowledge about the actual hardware than the rest of it,
especially if you do it wrong and have to recover.

I helped my brother install Ubuntu and the lack of control over grub
was frustrating. It just did what it wanted to do without asking
(which was install grub onto the wrong drive with the wrong drive
numbers, because the BIOS boot order did not match Ubuntu's detected
drive order). If that drive had been part of a RAID or had some
important metadata in the boot sector, it could have been a disaster.

No distro is perfect. Gentoo is perfect for me, though :)


I think you mean to say no boot loader is perfect. ;-)

--Joshua Doll

The ubuntu installer did not tell me which drive it was installing the
boot loader onto, nor did it give me a choice -- it chose the one it
thought was appropriate (and it was wrong).

If you google for ubuntu grub sata ide you can see it happens to
nearly everyone who has a mixture of IDE and SATA drives where they
boot from IDE but linux gives sda to sata and sdc to IDE or whatever.

Actually the kernel has assigned most hdd, etc. some form of sd* for 
awhile now. The only thing that is labeled different, that I've seen in 
awhile is my dvd burner. Anyways  getting to my statement I was being 
facetious. I can't think of a single piece of software that is perfect, 
except for maybe "hello, world!", but that's not very useful.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's advantage: 'optimized for your system' -- huh?

2009-02-05 Thread Joshua D Doll

Mark Knecht wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Paul Hartman

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Mark Knecht  wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Joshua D Doll  wrote:


I think the Handbook and other Official gentoo docs are well and written. I
feel they are so well written and informative that a new user could read and
follow what the doc is trying to convey.

--Joshua Doll

I agree. Everything except the grub part. It's well written but it
requires more knowledge about the actual hardware than the rest of it,
especially if you do it wrong and have to recover.

I helped my brother install Ubuntu and the lack of control over grub
was frustrating. It just did what it wanted to do without asking
(which was install grub onto the wrong drive with the wrong drive
numbers, because the BIOS boot order did not match Ubuntu's detected
drive order). If that drive had been part of a RAID or had some
important metadata in the boot sector, it could have been a disaster.

No distro is perfect. Gentoo is perfect for me, though :)

I completely agree. I like the control also.

I only took a *very* small exception to Joshua's statement that a 'new
user' could read, follow it and understand what it's telling him/her
to do and then do it and come out with a working machine. I think it's
true if the new user builds exactly the 3 partition example shown in
the docs and does *only* the very basic install on a machine that
doesn't have Windows, etc. However I think that the docs (not the
software!) could be improved to handle things like dual-boot, either
another distro or windows, etc. which personally I think 'new users'
come up against. Issues about stuff like where to put the MBR, why and
why not to do that sort of thing, requires (or is vastly enhanced) if
that new user has some knowledge about hard drives, booting, etc.

- Mark

I 100% agree that the docs can and should cover more. Maybe a flowchart 
would be useful?

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's advantage: 'optimized for your system' -- huh?

2009-02-05 Thread Joshua D Doll

Paul Hartman wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Mark Knecht  wrote:

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Joshua D Doll  wrote:

I think the Handbook and other Official gentoo docs are well and written. I
feel they are so well written and informative that a new user could read and
follow what the doc is trying to convey.

--Joshua Doll

I agree. Everything except the grub part. It's well written but it
requires more knowledge about the actual hardware than the rest of it,
especially if you do it wrong and have to recover.

I helped my brother install Ubuntu and the lack of control over grub
was frustrating. It just did what it wanted to do without asking
(which was install grub onto the wrong drive with the wrong drive
numbers, because the BIOS boot order did not match Ubuntu's detected
drive order). If that drive had been part of a RAID or had some
important metadata in the boot sector, it could have been a disaster.

No distro is perfect. Gentoo is perfect for me, though :)


I think you mean to say no boot loader is perfect. ;-)

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's advantage: 'optimized for your system' -- huh?

2009-02-05 Thread Joshua D Doll

Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

On Donnerstag 05 Februar 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

gentoo's installer is EASY if you just read the docs.

I'd rather be installing and waiting for the installer to tell me what
to do rather than go read docs somewhere else :P

and when the nice installer fucks up, you are screwed.

You're screwed anyway if you can't use the CLI installer correctly. 
Reading the docs is fine, but they're written for geeks, not normal 
people.  Normal people don't have a clue what the docs are talking 
about :)

I think the Handbook and other Official gentoo docs are well and 
written. I feel they are so well written and informative that a new user 
could read and follow what the doc is trying to convey.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] Internet radio?

2009-01-27 Thread Joshua D Doll

Mark Knecht wrote:

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Mark Knecht  wrote:

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Kenneth Prugh  wrote:

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 16:03:41 -0800
Mark Knecht  wrote:


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Paul Hartman

What keywords are required to get Amarok 2 to build? I'm not clear
what ~* means.

So from the man page it says that ~* means:

"This  version is "masked by missing keyword", stable on no
architecture, but unstable
  on an alien architecture."

Is there a way for me to build this for an amd64 machine? I tried
portage.keywords with:

media-sound/amarok ~amd64 *~

Do I need something in portage.unmask?

Masked by missing keyword requires:

media-sound/amarok **

in package.keywords if I remember correctly


Thanks. That does seem to wake things up.

Not sure now if I want to do this. It's forcing me to unmask lots of
KDE-4 packages and also to rebuild mysql with an 'embedded' flag. I
seem to remember something about that causing problems for mythtv. Not


I give up. I'm at 17 packages I have to unmask and I don't know how to
get portage to give me the list of all packages that have to be
unmasked. This jsut goes on and on, one package at a time.

I think it's not reasonable for me to build this at this time.

Thanks for your help,

media-sound/amarok ~amd64 **

=kde-base/plasma-workspace-4.1 ~amd64
=kde-base/kdepimlibs-3.1 ~amd64
=kde-base/kdelibs-4.1 ~amd64
=dev-util/cmake-2.6.2 ~amd64
=app-misc/strigi-0.5.7 ~amd64

dev-libs/soprano ~amd64

=kde-base/kdebase-data-4.1 ~amd64
=kde-base/qimageblitz-0.0.4 ~amd64
=media-sound/phonon-4.2.0 ~amd64
=kde-base/automoc-0.9.87 ~amd64

app-office/akonadi-server ~amd64

=kde-base/libkworkspace-4.1.4 ~amd64
=kde-base/soliduiserver-4.1.4 ~amd64
=kde-base/libtaskmanager-4.1.4 ~amd64
=kde-base/libplasma-4.1.4 ~amd64
=kde-base/kde-menu-icons-4.1.4 ~amd64

ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64" emerge -p xorg-x11|awk '/ebuild/{print $4 
}'|sed 's/-[0-9].*/ ~amd64/' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

Replace xorg-x11 with your package and ~amd64 with the keyword for the 
package you are trying to unmask.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] rebuilding dependent packages

2009-01-15 Thread Joshua D Doll

Michael P. Soulier wrote:


I recently did an emerge --update --deep world, which resulted in a rebuild of
the ffmpeg library. 

The libavcodec library went from version 51 to 52, which broke transcode. The
--deep argument did not find the dependency there and rebuild transcode. 

On my FreeBSD server, portupgrade has the -r and -R arguments to force
rebuilds of dependent and reverse-dependent packages. Is there a way to have
emerge do the same?

I'm thinking you might want to check out revdep-rebuild from the 
gentoolkit package.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] vmware-server + gentoo-sources-2.6.26, anyone?

2008-09-17 Thread Joshua D Doll

James wrote:


I upgrade gentoo-sources to 2.6.26 a few days ago and just noticed
that vmware-server doesn't play nice with the new kernel.

I've seen bug ID 227303, but haven't been successful in patching
vmware-server as some of the comments in the bug indicate.

Anyone been able to get vmware-server to work with the new kernel?



You might want to have a gander at this bug report.

Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] idea on updates

2008-08-28 Thread Joshua D Doll

Neil Bothwick wrote:

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 21:22:00 + (UTC), James wrote:


Why, could the dev add an option that parses out all of those
pesky admin things into either a singular log file? Or better
yet, a gui popup that lists just those instructions for each
package. Then a lazy admin could go through them, take whatever
action necessary, and then just kill the pop-up.

Do you mean like the elog system that can write this information to a
separate log file, email it to you, pass it to a command or any
combination of these? There are also elog viewers in portage, although I
have no experience of these, I use my mailer to read these messages.

I concur elog is great. I have it e-mail me a single file after I've run 
updates or installed anything. It's stupid simple to setup too.

--Joshua Doll

Re: [gentoo-user] confusing blocker in gnome update

2008-08-11 Thread Joshua D Doll

Allan Gottlieb wrote:

I was away for two weeks and am not trying to do an --update world.

Gnome 2.22 has gone stable so there are a number of pkgs to emerge and
a few blockers.  (full output is below)

I can't understand the first blocker msg

[blocks B ]
 Description: Playlist parsing library
 License: LGPL-2

* media-video/totem
 Available versions:  2.18.3 2.20.3 ~2.20.4 ~2.22.1 ~2.22.2 2.22.2-r1 {a52 
bluetooth debug dvd ffmpeg flac galago gnome hal lirc mad mpeg nautilus 
nsplugin nvtv ogg python seamonkey theora tracker vorbis xulrunner xv}
 Installed versions:  Version: 2.20.3
  Date:22:23:17 07/21/08
  USE: bluetooth dvd gnome hal mad mpeg ogg python 
vorbis xv -a52 -debug -ffmpeg -flac -galago -lirc -nsplugin -nvtv -seamonkey 
-theora -xulrunner
 Best versions/slot:  2.22.2-r1
 Recommendation:  Upgrade
 Description: Media player for GNOME
 License: GPL-2 LGPL-2

Found 2 matches.
allan gottlieb # 

I tried just merging totem (w and w/o deep) and again received the

Any help would be appreciated.

PS Here is the full output of the --update world

allan gottlieb # emerge --ask --verbose --deep --tree --newuse --update world
These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating world dependencies... done!
[ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-2.22.2 [2.20.3] USE="cdr cups dvdr esd ldap -accessibility -mono" 0 kB 
[nomerge  ]  media-sound/sound-juicer-2.22.0 [2.20.1-r1] USE="-debug -test (-flac%) (-ogg%*)" 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-cdparanoia-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 1,940 kB 
[nomerge  ] media-sound/sound-juicer-2.22.0 [2.20.1-r1] USE="-debug -test (-flac%) (-ogg%*)" 
[nomerge  ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta-0.10-r2 [0.10] USE="X alsa dvd%* esd mad%* mpeg%* ogg%* vorbis%* xv -a52% -dvb% -ffmpeg% -flac% -mythtv% -oss -theora%" 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpeg2dec-0.10.8 [0.10.6] 865 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-ogg-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-0.10.8 [0.10.6] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-esd-0.10.8 [0.10.6] 1,873 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-a52dec-0.10.8 [0.10.6] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-alsa-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-xvideo-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-dvdread-0.10.8 [0.10.6] 0 kB 
[nomerge  ] gnome-base/gnome-2.22.2 [2.20.3] USE="cdr cups dvdr esd ldap -accessibility -mono" 
[nomerge  ]  media-video/totem-2.22.2-r1 [2.20.3] USE="bluetooth gnome python -debug -galago -lirc -nautilus% -nsplugin -nvtv -seamonkey -tracker% -xulrunner (-a52%) (-dvd%*) (-ffmpeg%) (-flac%) (-hal%*) (-mad%*) (-mpeg%*) (-ogg%*) (-theora%) (-vorbis%*) (-xv%*)" 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-pango-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-gnomevfs-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-x-0.10.20 [0.10.14] 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf-0.10.8-r1 [0.10.6] 0 kB 
[ebuild  N]  gnome-extra/swfdec-gnome-2.22.2  USE="-debug" 164 kB 
[ebuild  N]   media-libs/swfdec-0.6.6-r1  USE="alsa gstreamer gtk -doc -ffmpeg -oss -pulseaudio" 8,568 kB 
[ebuild U ]  media-libs/gst-plugins-good-0.10.8-r1 [0.10.6] USE="-debug" 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]   media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10.20 [0.10.14] USE="nls%* -debug (-X%*) (-alsa%*) (-esd%*) (-oss%) (-xv%*)" 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]media-libs/gstreamer-0.10.20 [0.10.14] USE="nls%* -debug% -test%" 2,201 kB 
[nomerge  ] gnome-base/gnome-2.22.2 [2.20.3] USE="cdr cups dvdr esd ldap -accessibility -mono" 
[nomerge  ]  dev-python/gnome-python-desktop-2.22.0 [2.20.0] USE="X eds%* -debug -doc" 
[nomerge  ]   media-video/totem-2.22.2-r1 [2.20.3] USE="bluetooth gnome python -debug -galago -lirc -nautilus% -nsplugin -nvtv -seamonkey -tracker% -xulrunner (-a52%) (-dvd%*) (-ffmpeg%) (-flac%) (-hal%*) (-mad%*) (-mpeg%*) (-ogg%*) (-theora%) (-vorbis%*) (-xv%*)" 
[nomerge  ]media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta-0.10-r2 [0.10] USE="X alsa dvd%* esd mad%* mpeg%* ogg%* vorbis%* xv -a52% -dvb% -ffmpeg% -flac% -mythtv% -oss -theora%" 
[ebuild U ] media-libs/gst-plugins-ugly-0.10.8 [0.10.6] USE="-debug" 0 kB 
[ebuild U ]  gnome-base/gnome-session-2.22.3 [2.20.3] USE="branding ipv6 tcpd -debug (-esd%*)" 756 kB 
[ebuild  N]   gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-  USE="alsa esd gstreamer -debug" 1,113 kB 
[ebuild U ]  gnome-base/gnome-control-center- [2.20.3] USE="eds esd hal -debug (-alsa%*)" 2,061 kB 
[ebuild U ]   gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2 [2.20.3] USE="eds -debug -doc -network

Re: [gentoo-user] 2.6.26, rtc problem

2008-07-18 Thread Joshua D Doll

Andrew Gaydenko wrote:

=== On Friday 18 July 2008, Joshua D Doll wrote: ===

Andrew Gaydenko wrote:

=== On Friday 18 July 2008, Alan McKinnon wrote: ===


On Friday 18 July 2008, Andrew Gaydenko wrote:


After upgrading to 2.6.26 I have got a problem with starting hwclock
service - it doesn't find /dev/rtc. I have tried to add rtc_cmos
to /conf.d/modules, but the module loads after the service starting.

So, questions are:

1. How to force the module loading be before the service starting?

I believe /etc/modules.d/* may do it. AFAIK it runs very early in the
init sequence

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

If understand well, those files (in /etc/modules.d/) contain
configuration options for modules rather a list of modules to load.

The was /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 file wich at some update
point magically disappered. I think Gentoo developers suppose some
replacement for this file.


I still have that file on one of my systems. My other system is running
openrc which does not have that file but it does have

--Joshua Doll

'hwclock' contains this fragment:

ebegin "Setting system clock using the hardware clock [${utc}]"
if [ -e /proc/modules -a ! -e /dev/rtc ]; then
modprobe -q rtc || modprobe -q genrtc

But there are no such modules at all :-) I have installed openrc since 
april, but have got time-related problem only now.

I was just letting you know where the file moved to for auto-loading 
modules. I'm not sure why hwclock isn't loading the module. You could 
try changing the modprobe -q to modprobe -v. To make the output verbose.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] 2.6.26, rtc problem

2008-07-18 Thread Joshua D Doll

Andrew Gaydenko wrote:

=== On Friday 18 July 2008, Alan McKinnon wrote: ===

On Friday 18 July 2008, Andrew Gaydenko wrote:


After upgrading to 2.6.26 I have got a problem with starting hwclock
service - it doesn't find /dev/rtc. I have tried to add rtc_cmos
to /conf.d/modules, but the module loads after the service starting.

So, questions are:

1. How to force the module loading be before the service starting?

I believe /etc/modules.d/* may do it. AFAIK it runs very early in the
init sequence

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

If understand well, those files (in /etc/modules.d/) contain configuration 
options for modules rather a list of modules to load.

The was /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 file wich at some update point 
magically disappered. I think Gentoo developers suppose some replacement 
for this file.

I still have that file on one of my systems. My other system is running 
openrc which does not have that file but it does have /etc/conf.d/modules.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] {OT} Screensaver to slideshow photos?

2008-07-16 Thread Joshua D Doll

Grant wrote:

Does anyone know of a screensaver app in portage (xscreensaver?) that
will slideshow through photos?  How about using the internet as a
source for the photos?

- Grant
There's webcollage in xscreensaver that will grab photos off the net and 
make a collage out of them. Gnome-screensaver has one that will do local 
files, but good luck configuring that POS.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Good Library Management software

2008-07-14 Thread Joshua D Doll

Eric Martin wrote:
Before I recreated the wheel, does anybody know of any good library 
management software (preferably in portage)?  My wife and I are having 
a hard time keeping track of what books we have, and what books we are 
lending out to people so I figured this would be a good way to keep 
track.  Since it's for personal use it doesn't have to be anything 
big.  Preferably backended by MySQL as I already have a server running 
for MythTV and Amarok.

I did a few eix searches for portage and came up empty handed, and has a ton of stuff but I was wondering what other 
people use.


Have you looked at alexandria?

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild wants to downgrade packages!

2008-07-10 Thread Joshua D Doll

John covici wrote:

Hi.  I just emerged the firefox 3.0 which required a new version also
of xulrunner.  Now if I run revdep-rebuild, it wants to downgrade both
of these packages.

A number of packages seem to depend on .  How can I resolve this conflict?

Thanks in advance for any ideas on this.

I believe you want to run revdep-rebuild with the -X  option flag. Also 
make sure you're using the xulrunner use flag instead of the firefox use 

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] grub emerge make boot screen and others unreadable

2008-07-09 Thread Joshua D Doll

Neil Bothwick wrote:

On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 13:20:43 -0700, Joshua D Doll wrote:


Grub hangs if that's the case.

I've had exactly the same thing happen to me when I've had the path 
wrong for the splashimage. You get a highly unreadable screen, but it 
still "works".

Did the wrong path point to something? When I got it wrong, grub refused
to load the menu.lst file at all. Mind you, that was a couple of years
ago. Maybe handles things differently now, I haven't dared find out!


It pointed to nothing. I actually had the wrong drive and/or partition 
in the line. I say it worked but really the screen was so jacked it was 

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] grub emerge make boot screen and others unreadable

2008-07-09 Thread Joshua D Doll

Neil Bothwick wrote:

On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 12:25:30 -0700, Joshua D Doll wrote:


splashimage has nothing to with the kernel. The kernel isn't even
loaded at this point. It's very likely that the splashimage line is
pointing to a nonexistent file.

Grub hangs if that's the case.

I've had exactly the same thing happen to me when I've had the path 
wrong for the splashimage. You get a highly unreadable screen, but it 
still "works".

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] grub emerge make boot screen and others unreadable

2008-07-09 Thread Joshua D Doll

Andrew Tchernoivanov wrote:

Try add to grub.conf this line


This controls resolution and color depth of your framebuffer screen. 
You can read more about this at 

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Allan Gottlieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

The latest stable emerge of grub decided to add


to my grub.conf

Since I do not have support for this in my kernel the screen was
unreadable.  Should I file this as a bug?

mailing list

splashimage has nothing to with the kernel. The kernel isn't even loaded 
at this point. It's very likely that the splashimage line is pointing to 
a nonexistent file.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Anyone else's Gentoo unruly lately?

2008-06-27 Thread Joshua D Doll

b.n. wrote:

Grant ha scritto:

Lately it seems like a new problem pops up every day and every time I
try to do something new it doesn't work.  Anybody else experiencing
that lately?

- Grant

Yes. Looks like my Gentoo box is rotting these days, but most probably 
it's me not having time at all to iron out even the smallest things.

I have however a couple of *persistent* quirks I don't know how to 
fix. One is Kopete refusing at all to delete MSN contacts. The other 
is Flash+CompizFusion interacting badly. But I can live with that.

I think I remembered seeing something on the compizfusion ml about 
issues with flash.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Anyone else's Gentoo unruly lately?

2008-06-27 Thread Joshua D Doll

Grant wrote:

Lately it seems like a new problem pops up every day and every time I
try to do something new it doesn't work.  Anybody else experiencing
that lately?

- Grant

Rock solid.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Ati or Nvida

2008-06-17 Thread Joshua D Doll

Hal Martin wrote:

James wrote:

Platoali> writes:


I want to know, what is the current status of ATI drivers in Linux?
Does the problems have been solved? Can they compete with Nvidia?

Just a suggestion, wait about a month before you buy, if you can. Both 
ATi and nVidia are poised to release new generations of cards, both 
which outperform their predecessors at a lower price point.
All religious questions, imho. Nvidia might have the latest edge in 
pure performance, but, the movement to open up sources is definitely

an opportunity for a game changing situation, imho.
nVidia user here, I haven't had any problems with their drivers. Sure, 
there's the occasional version with a memory leak, etc... and when 
that happens I just downgrade to the last stable version and wait for 
a better one to come out.


And I want to know which one is better supported in Linux kernel
regardless of how much open/free  the drivers is. I'm currently
thinking between Nvidia Quadro fx 1700 and Ati firegl 5600. Does
anyone have any comment about them?

Again, I haven't had any difficulties with the nVidia drivers. I'm 
running a GeForce 7900GTX, which uses the same linux driver as the 
Quadro does.

kernel newbies has some information for you to start your research:
Section 3 DRIVERS:
Section 3.1 Graphics: 

You might also use this page for comparison purposes: 

Personally, I like ATI, but it more because I believe that
AMD will come closer to doing what's best for opensource
rather than Nvidia or Intel. It would be great if I'm wrong

Doesn't Intel contribute drivers and code to very many F/OSS projects 
including the kernel and Xorg?

--Joshua Doll

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Looking for SATA controller recommendation

2008-05-08 Thread Joshua D Doll

Roy Wright wrote:


I'm looking to add three more drives to my system for a software RAID5
media volume.  I've used all my motherboard SATA ports so need a SATA
controller.  I don't want a hardware RAID controller (been there, burned
when controller died).  4 SATA2 ports is the minimum required.  I have
both PCIe and PCI slots available.  I do not need high performance as
the RAID will just contain media files for access in my home.  I would
prefer a controller supported by normal kernel drivers.  My preference
is to keep costs down (3 x 1 TB drives are costly enough :).

Any recommendations?

FYI, system is gentoo ~x86, Intel Q9300, Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6.

Have tried 3ware? I find them to be reasonably  priced and they do True 
Hardware RAID, and have very good mainline Linux Kernel support.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] installing vmware?

2008-04-03 Thread Joshua D Doll

luis jure wrote:

hello list,

i bought i laptop with windows xp pre-installed. i shrunk the windows
partition to install my gentoo linux, which is what i normally use. but
the machine is still dual boot.

several years ago (8-9) i tried a 30-days demo version of vmware and it
was quite efficient running windows in a virtual machine under linux.

now i found that there are many ebuilds to install vmware, and i'm a
bit confused:

first, there are many different ebuilds, what do i need to run the
windows xp i have installed in a different partition?

second, vmware is not free in the sense that you have to buy it, what
does the ebuild install? a free version? a demo?

i found a few pages on the net explaining how to install vmware on
gentoo, but i'm not clear about those issues. thanks for any hint.



1. I know workstation will do it, maybe server.

2. The ebuild installs the full version, you get with workstation a 
evaluation key which you enter the first time you run it. Or if you 
actually purchase a key you can do that. Either way it's the same files. 
There is a fetch restriction on the ebuild which requires you to 
download the tarball from VMware and place it in your distdir. I would 
also like to point out that server is free to use. VMware gives it away 
in hopes that you will like it and want to purchase one of their other 

I have had very few issues with VMware on my system it was easy to 
setup, and has rarely given me issues. The only issues I have had were 
brought on by my need to share the VM with multiple users on my desktop, 
and that was just a matter of getting the permissions right. I've also 
heard good things about Virtualbox, but haven't played with it myself. 
Since all of VMware's production are usually free to use for at least 30 
days I'd suggest playing with as many of them as you can, that is if you 
really want to go the VMware route. I've found their products to be 
pretty solid and reliable.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] iTunes with Gentoo?

2008-03-21 Thread Joshua D Doll

Florian Philipp wrote:

On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 10:11 -0700, Joshua D Doll wrote:

Michael Schmarck wrote:


Sorry for being somewhat Off Topic, but could you guys please tell
me if it's possible to use iTunes with wine-0.9.57 under a ~x86
system? Is it possible to change the store location to something
other than US (as that's required to buy songs, as far as I know)?



iTunes works pretty well, running on a VM of windows. I run windows XP 
with VMWare Workstation and have iTunes installed to sync my iPod, 
because no OSS solutions handle m4a very well :-(.

--Joshua Doll

But you have no way to burn an audio-cd from it and thus get rid of drm,

I've burned a copy of CDs from within the VM, but not using iTunes. I 
personally don't have very many DRM'd music, like I said I just use it 
to transfer m4a (apple lossless which is not DRM'd) files to my iPod.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] iTunes with Gentoo?

2008-03-18 Thread Joshua D Doll

Michael Schmarck wrote:


Sorry for being somewhat Off Topic, but could you guys please tell
me if it's possible to use iTunes with wine-0.9.57 under a ~x86
system? Is it possible to change the store location to something
other than US (as that's required to buy songs, as far as I know)?



iTunes works pretty well, running on a VM of windows. I run windows XP 
with VMWare Workstation and have iTunes installed to sync my iPod, 
because no OSS solutions handle m4a very well :-(.

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] 2008.0 beta release

2008-03-13 Thread Joshua D Doll

James wrote:

Anyone know where (or who do I ask) to
test a beta release of the 2008.0 installation stages?



According to this document they are still working on the specs for the beta:

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] layman -L does not show ecatmur, but I can layman -a ecatmur.

2008-02-13 Thread Joshua D Doll

Mark David Dumlao wrote:
I'm currently dual-booting a machine that I'd like to shift completely 
to gentoo, but I left an ubuntu installaiton in the other disk (where 
I hope to transfer my gentoo).  However, my brother has been 
downloading some torrents for weeks on end, and their sessions have 
been left alive in the gnome-btdownload interface.  It gets annoying 
when he boots up to ubuntu sometimes because I often remotely login to 
my machine and all.

So I thought to install gnome-btdownload.  Unfortunately I couldnt 
find it in portage a few weeks ago, and I just forgot about it.  Today 
I logged in remotely to my machine, remembered my old problem, and 
decided to hunt for an ebuild.  I noticed that it's in the ecatmur 
tree, so I thought just to add it on layman and get it done with.

TOTALLY WEIRD.  I do a layman -L on my machine and strangely enough, 
ecatmur isn't listed.  I think I've used it beore on layman though, so 
I look up the overlays listing on the gentoo overlays list, here:

Sure enough, ecatmur is present.  So I just blindly go layman -a 
ecatmur and he gets added.

I don't understand why layman wouldn't report ecatmur in his listing 
but accepts ecatmur there anyway when I add?  Is this a bug?

trixie / # layman --version
trixie / # emerge --version
(default-linux/amd64/2007.0/desktop, gcc-4.1.2, glibc-2.6.1-r0, 
2.6.22-ck1 x86_64)


I remember somewhere that there was something you had to edit to make 
the overlays appear in the listing, (the stock layman would only show 
a few entries I think).  Maybe this is an extension of that idea but I 
couldn't find what to edit in the documentation.  Any ideas?

Try layman -Lk  

 -k, --nocheck   Do not check overlay definitions and do not issue a
   warning if description or contact information are

--Joshua Doll
-- mailing list