Re: Just noticed the download title includes [legal]

2019-07-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Wed Jul 17 22:22:58 BST 2019, Budge wrote: 

Just noticed this after pid when getting Men of Rock...  
No idea what it means or why it is there.

Hi - you don't specify a PID in your report, 
but selecting for example the latest 3rd episode 
with --pid=b00wvjnq (BTW this is a repeat from 
2010, hence a PID starting with "b00"...), I can 
simply tell you that "legal" is just the label/name 
of the episode VERSION that GiP managed to fetch; 
other episode versions "supposedly" available are 

Original version
Sign language
Dubbed Audio Described
Dubbed Audio Described + Legal

all easily findable in

Via GiP itself: 

perl --type=tv --pid=b00wvjnq -i | FindStr versions => 


Since the default --file-prefix includes the  
substitution parameter, it's no wonder the .mp4's name 
contains "legal" !

So, nothing ominous/sinister really :-)

Best regards

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New distro.

2019-06-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Jun 24 16:19:00 BST 2019, MacFH - C E Macfarlane wrote:

with someone on XP being unable
to run newer versions of  GiP.

I haven't myself tried to run the latest Windows installer on either XP or 
my guess is it would run to completion, successfully installing the 

under those OSes...

See Wiki notes:

Latest installer bundles a 32-bit binary of FFmpeg 4.1.1, compiled by 
That executable won't run in either XP or Vista and has to be replaced with 
a compatible compile...

FFmpeg vanilla code has dropped XP support in branch 4.x.x,
but remains Vista compatible; the reason 4.1.1 won't launch under Vista is
mainly because third party library libx265 (video encoder)
has been configured with NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) support,
a feature absent under Vista+XP:

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003
and Windows XP: Processor groups are not supported.

Finding a recent XP and/or Vista compatible FFmpeg binary is not easy;
XP die-hards do offer some builds, one has to know where to look for them; 

Vista (but not XP) compatible, automated, daily builds:

However, in the context of GiP one doesn't need the
most up-to-date code, because, as already told by others,
the ffmpeg binary inside GiP doesn't access the web but
is normally solely used for (off-line) remuxing purposes;
that part of the code is mature enough in the last XP (v3.0)
and Vista (v3.0.1) compatible binaries available in the VideoHelp archive:


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New distro.

2019-06-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Mon Jun 24 11:25:50 BST 2019, MacFH - C E Macfarlane wrote: 

I'm surprised it worked for you, 
because AFAICR I'd understood 
that the version of Strawberry Perl used 
was supposed not to support XP.

... The latest GiP installer (v3.20.0) bundles a self-contained (portable) 
mini-package of Strawberry Perl, back from mid-April 2018:

As you might see, the Release Notes do NOT specify 
a minimum winOS version as "system requirements"; I was able 
to launch perl successfully under Vista SP2 x86, but, 
sadly, am nowhere near an XP box to test; my gut feeling is 
it should properly launch there, too (I'd expect one to have kept 
the XP sytem as updated as possible - MSVC++ redistributables 
installed, etc.).

The GiP installer has been compiled in the InnoSetup format, 
one can decompile it - for testing purposes - without actually 
running it via the latest version of Inno Setup Unpacker:

Best regards

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Poodcast that isn't a podcast

2019-01-16 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Wed Jan 16 18:56:20 GMT 2019, George Eycott wrote: 

and being audio it will be quicker to let it get on with it 
and delete them afterwards than it will be 
to work out a way around it

From 3.18's Long Help file: 

--mark-downloaded : 
Mark programmes in search results 
or specified with --pid/--url as downloaded 
by inserting records in download history.

So something like:  

perl --pid=p04x5pd7 --pid-recursive --mark-downloaded

will insert "history" entries (but not actually fetch audio 
files) for all 80 available episodes; takes 15sec, max!

Then, properly fetch the latest episode(s) you're after 
via --pid = --force; finally, setup a pid-recursive 
WebPVR recording for series pid=p04x5pd7 and 
you're good to go...

Hopefully this will save others bandwidth, time, disk space etc...

Best regards

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC-wants-shows-available-iPlayer-12-months-bid-compete-rivals

2019-01-10 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu Jan 10 08:38:45 GMT 2019, David Lake wrote:

they use the same CDN providers as all the others -
Akamai, Limelight and Level 3.

I don't think Level3 is anymore in the picture;
as I recall, it was exclusively used for one of the FlashHD
tvmodes and L3-hosted streams were the first to be axed
when stream management was delegated to "Video Factory";
an Akamai-hosted FlashHD stream remained available
for quite a while afterwards, until someone at the beeb
belatedly pulled the plug on it, as well as on the Akamai-hosted
"legacy" HlsHD streams (effectively killing all sources for
the 720p25 TV mode :-( ).

And apart from commercial Akamai+Limelight CDNs,
BBC manages its own BIDI CDN, for clients within the UK:

A quite interesting source of BBC iPlayer related
tech info (aimed mostly at coders) is

From there, certainly worth reading:

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC-wants-shows-available-iPlayer-12-months-bid-compete-rivals

2019-01-08 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Jan 8 16:28:02 GMT 2019, James Scholes wrote: 

It's perhaps worth noting that, in the case of BBC Store, 
downloads were encrypted but the actual streams 
that you could watch on-demand were not.

Hi James, thanks for clarifying on that! 
Now that you've mentioned it, I do recollect faintly 
that the BBC Store "mediaselector API" URI was 
specially protected, dependent on a logged-in user/buyer 
cookie or something of the sort, I just couldn't remember 
whether the actual stream itself was DRM'd or not 
- so I gambled (and lost!) that it was...

I also wrote a (unreleased) Kodi add-on

I realise this is OT, but did you come up 
with something similar for the 4K UHD VOD 
streams for the "Dynasties" series?

(This is best continued off-list if you did...) 

So maybe that provides some hope 
that the iPlayer will remain DRM-free. 

... Fingers crossed!

Best regards

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC-wants-shows-available-iPlayer-12-months-bid-compete-rivals

2019-01-08 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Tue Jan 8 08:52:54 GMT 2019, CJB wrote:

From that:

to compete with Netflix and Amazon Prime

... I am surprised it was not brought up in this discussion,
but these BBC "competitors" exclusively use (unbreakable)
DRM protected streams/downloads EVERYWHERE!

Channel 4 was the first commercial TV station to
switch to DRM protected streams ("Flash Access",
now renamed "Adobe Primetime"), to be soon followed
by Channel 5 (probably using MPEG-DASH with WV).

In the spring of last year, ITV switched to Widevine DRM
for their Live TV streams and to MPEG-DASH/ClearKey for
VOD (mobile streams still on HLSe "softer" DRM).

Towards the end of last year, another on-line UK TV
portal, UKTVPlay, switched to enhanced DRM schemes
(MPEG-DASH/WV, Fairlplay) and I am informed Ireland's
iPlayer equivalent,

has also switched to (uncrackable) DRM streams...

BBC had already imposed DRM on their (now closed)
BBC Store bought streams, and continue to do so in
their iPlayer Downloads (for PC) and BBC Sounds

If the current industry trend is anything to go by,
I fear content providers/rights holders would ask for extended
protection to be implemented to their offerings, if they were
to OK the extended availability period...
Obviously I am not knowledgeable with regards
to rights negotiations, but is it only a matter for Ofcom
to agree upon the one-year-on-line availability proposal?
If affirmative, wouldn't the beeb have to renegotiate online
rights with content providers, for an increased price-tag
(eventually translated to an increased TV licence fee)?

Eventual DRM implementation on BBC online streams
is, for me, the only issue that might be get_iplayer related
(i.e. it would kill it :-( ).
Of course, if the proposal goes through without
such bad surprises, then GiP would've to be patched
to cater to the 365 days of available TV+radio programmes

Massive storage required for this

AFA GiP is concerned, only an  increase would be observed
in the sizes of the cache files and some (slight) increase in the
time required to refresh them, especially when rebuilding
the one-year cache from scratch :-)


get_iplayer mailing list

[Announcement]GiP 3.18 released!

2018-12-28 Thread Vangelis forthnet
... by maintainer @dinkypumpkin/@notnac 


Release Notes:


Source code:

Happy New Year to all members here :-)

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Fake get_iplayer mail

2018-11-12 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Mon Nov 12 15:26:36 GMT 2018, artisticforge Niemand wrote: 

I have seen about 12 dozen in the last month.

Hi Terry :-) ; 

144 spam e-mails in the course of a month 
is an auful lot, TBH ... :-(
I surmise this is with your gmail account ? 

My e-mail account is not free webmail, 
but provided by my ISP, as part of their service; 
they do filter spam adequately before 
it even reaches my inbox... 

I am pleased I don't get spam from this 
list, given that my e-mail address (as much 
as any other member's) is human readable 
in both iterations of the list archives... 

Best wishes  

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Fake get_iplayer mail

2018-11-12 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Mon Nov 12 14:55:31 GMT 2018, Dave Widgery wrote: 

The strange this is that I am not getting these 
on my current registered get_iplayer email address

... Likewise here; except for the odd spam mail 
that somehow manages to get through the list's 
filters (last one was in Sept,

NOTHING malicious there, just spam), 

I have not got anything suspicious recently 
pretending to have come from this list :-)

but on a different address that I stopped 
using with get_iplayer a few years ago.

It's possible THAT ONE got hacked/harvested 
by a spam bot; I fear e-mails and related software 
is not a field I am expert in, this list contains many 
other members highly learned in this sector who, 
no doubt, are able to offer you assistance towards  
addressing the issue with that compromised 
e-mail account... 

Kind regards

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Downloading Subtitles

2018-10-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 00:24:29 BST, Ray Penn wrote:

I always used to make use of the
Does that still work?

On Mon, Oct 8 00:41:00 BST 2018, J K.Eason wrote:

but there's no mention of --subsonly
on the page I linked to. I assume
it's been superseded by

According to

--subsonly should still be valid!

(As should be

--subs-only )

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Downloading Subtitles

2018-10-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Oct 8 00:18:40 BST 2018, Peter S Kirk wrote:

Until recently, subtitles were downloaded first
thus get_i pvr could be stopped once done.

Now they are downloaded after video. Why?

... Because the powers that be (i.e. the one and only
person still maintaining the code of GiP) decreed so:

The logic behind that change appears to be

# Get subtitles if they exist and are required and media download 

i.e. the author ASSUMES you wouldn't want the subs
(only) if the actual media download failed...

The status quo ante was:

# Get subtitles if they exist and are required
# best to do this before streaming file so that the subtitles can be 
enjoyed while recording progresses

In any case, even back when the subs were fetched
before media download completion, they still had
the "" suffix and that was only removed
when the video itself was fully dumped to file...

And it wasn't a "recent"change, 't was more than a year ago...
(... I couldn't help noticing the comment
to the aforelinked commit:

which, of course, remains unanswered to this day...)

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: dvf mode only downloads audio without video

2018-08-23 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu Aug 23 09:16:31 BST 2018, Live Musicfs wrote:

but the dvf mode never work for me
because it only download audio without video.

Hello there :-)

"dvf " tvmodes use sequential downloading
of separate audio+video raw streams
(in iso-dash container) and then the standalone
downloaded streams are muxed locally into a
proper MP4 container, via FFmpeg.

To aid troubleshooting, you should first supply
some info about your OS, version of GiP, whether
you use the GUI or CLI and, preferably,
exact command used...

As terry suggested, creating and sharing
a verbose log (preferably in a "pastebin"
type hoster, or as a .txt attachment to your
e-mail) will, hopefully, shed some more light
onto your predicament...

Using a custom Windows installation
on Vista SP2 32-bit, issuing

perl --type=tv --pid=p06g9pmw --tvmode=dvflow2

as a test download, I get:

get_iplayer 3.17.0-MSWin32, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details 
use --warranty.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 

 conditions; use --conditions for details.

European Championships - 2018 Extra, Diving: Men's Synchronised 10m Platform 

al, BBC iPlayer, p06g9pmw
INFO: 1 total programmes

WARNING: A UK TV licence is required to access BBC iPlayer TV content 
INFO: Downloading tv: 'European Championships: 2018 Extra - Diving: Men's 

onised 10m Platform final (p06g9pmw) [original]'
 3.7% of ~28.66 MB @   0.8 Mb/s ETA: 00:04:35 (dvflow2/ak) [audio]

If I let the audio stream (28.66 MB) download
finish to completion, GiP proceeds to downloading
the video stream (130.44 MB):

INFO: Downloaded: 28.56 MB (00:39:48) @ 1.15 Mb/s (dvflow2/ak) [audio]
 1.8% of ~130.44 MB @   1.5 Mb/s ETA: 00:11:23 (dvflow2/ak) [video]

I CTRL+C'ed the video download afterwards,
having no desire for a full programme fetch...

Have you waited for the audio stream download to complete first?
What happens in your case after that?
Is there an "--audio-only" switch inside
your preferences (from memory, I can't
recall whether that switch also applies
to dvf tvmodes, or only to hvf ones...)?

but for some programme, iplayer
only provides dvf mode, for example:

... Actually, this is not true,
at least for the PID referenced;
while mediaset=pc
only yields DASH streams

and, indeed, mediaset=iptv-all
doesn't yield ANY streams at all:

mediaset=apple-ipad-hls DOES yield
HLS (of the hvf type) streams:

Due to changes implemented in GiP 3.13+,
these streams are NOT DETECTED by default,
unless the "--stream-http" flag is used:
perl --type=tv --pid=p06g9pmw -i | FindStr modes =>

modes:  original: 

perl --type=tv --pid=p06g9pmw -i | FindStr modes =>

modes:   original: 

perl --type=tv --pid=p06g9pmw --stream-http -i | FindStr 
modes =>

modes:   original: 


Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Radio Scotland, Highlands and Islands schedule variation discontinued...

2018-08-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

@Alan & @george, thanks for the feedback :-)

It may well look as though, from Aug 1st 2018, the
BBC Radio Highlands and Islands variation HAS BEEN
if you're on latest GiP (3.16) and want to prevent it
from trying to scrape a non-existent schedule page
(for BBC Radio Scotland, H & I variation),
you can comment out (#) line 7303 of the vanilla 3.16 script
I am certain a future release of GiP
will take care of this in a proper fashion...

This has now appeared in the "Known Issues" section of the wiki:

2018-08-06 (v3.16): From 2018-08-01, there is no longer a broadcast
schedule published for BBC Radio Scotland Highland and Islands.
This leads to error messages during cache updates:
ERROR: Failed to download BBC Radio Scotland schedule page (3/3):

ERROR: Response: 404 Not Found
The error messages can be ignored.
The affected schedule page URLs will be removed
in the next release of get_iplayer.


get_iplayer mailing list

BBC Radio Scotland, Highlands and Islands schedule variation discontinued...

2018-08-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet

Hello all :-)

Being physically located many thousands of kilometers away
from Scotland, I am in no position to check this myself,
but an internet search has shown that
(regional) BBC Radio Scotland
comes in five schedule variations:

BBC Radio Orkney
BBC Radio Shetland
BBC Radio Highlands and Islands
BBC Radio Scotland FM
BBC Radio Scotland MW

When GiP refreshes the radio cache and Regional Stations
have not been excluded [--refresh-exclude-groups-radio=regional],
all 5 schedule variations for BBC Radio Scotland are being web-scraped.

It may well look as though, from Aug 1st 2018, the
BBC Radio Highlands and Islands variation HAS BEEN

For populating the caches, I am currently on a heavily modded
older version of GiP (3.01+personal patches); when I refreshed
the radio cache manually, I noticed the following:

WARNING: Failed to download schedule page:

That URL redirects in a browser to

which, when visited, informs that:

Highlands and Islands Schedule
Broadcast schedule ended on Tuesday 31 July 2018

The redirection to PID-based schedule page URLs
was implemented already in GiP 3.14:

Recent versions of GiP have become very silent in their
output, perhaps you don't get any warning with 3.16 when
you manually refresh the radio cache and no schedule is
returned for BBC Radio Highlands and Islands currently.


get_iplayer --type=radio --fields=channel "BBC Radio Scotland"

I get "354 Matching Programmes", but it's hard to tell how many
of them are unique to the H & I variation; if you're on latest GiP
(3.16) and want to prevent it from trying to scrape a non-existent
schedule page (for BBC Radio Scotland, H & I variation),
you can comment out (#) line 7303 of the vanilla 3.16 script:

'p00fzl8f' => 'BBC Radio Scotland', # 

I am certain a future release of GiP will
take care of this in a proper fashion...

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Proms puzzles

2018-07-25 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Jul 24 15:13:06 BST 2018, Jim Lesurf  wrote: 

and they show a little 'clock' item and a text showing something
like '2d' which I take to mean 'available for another two days'.

... Wrong! "2d" designates the rough time (in calendar days) 
that has passed since the audio | video clip ("excerpt" in your 
terminology) was first made available (uploaded) on that 
page (i.e. iPlayerRadio) 

E.g. Prom 5, on Tue 17 Jul 2018 => [5d]

Now, the correct pid is the final string, so --pid=p06f928w

Navigate to this URL 

and you'll find the audio clip was uploaded on 20 July 2018 
(ca. 5 days ago). You can always --info a pid to query its expiry date: 

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p06f928w -i | FindStr expires => 

expires:in 80y 159 days 0 hours (2099-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)

Another example: 

Prom 9, on Sat 21 Jul 2018 => [4d] 

This audio excerpt was first broadcast on 21/07/2018, 19:30 BST, 
if you --info the pid and search for "firstbcastrel" you'll find 

firstbcastrel:  4 days 5 hours ago

The integer approximation of this time interval is 4days, 
hence "4d" next to the clock sign; as you can see yourself, 
this clip expires in 25 days, not in 4...

*But* if I try their PIDs I find GIP fails to fetch them. 
Instead it tells me that the HAF modes aren't available. 
Yet this didn't happen for the first few proms. 
Questions here are why, and am I doing something wrong?

Are you sure you are passing the correct PID string to GiP?
Please post, in detail, non-working clips, and I'm sure other 
competent list members (if not me again) can test and 
advise further...

Cool greetings (to ease the UK heat, that is...)

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tagging from History

2018-07-15 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun Jul 15 15:52:31 BST 2018, RS wrote:

He says the file needs to be in the original location,
and gives a workaround if it is not.
He also says the --tag-podcast-radio is needed.

Hi Alastair, Richard et company :-)
Yes, I am still alive (however numerous real life and
additional health issues are currently plaguing me...)

The reasons behind my vanishing act from the list
will remain, for the moment at least, undisclosed;
let me assure you they are not related in any sense
with anyone among the list members, especially with
those more "permanent" ones that I, dare say, became
closer with over the course of the years frequenting
this list; it sort of shakes me emotionally when I still
see my name mentioned here in a positive manner,
although I do realise I wasn't always pleasant to all,
how could I have been?

Extended apologies to my, undoubtedly, best friend here
amomg you all, Alan, for failing to match his friendship
and failing to respond to his off-list queries about my
whereabouts/well-being... A, probably long, apologetic
personal mail is scheduled sometime later, when I commit
myself to it... Alan: THANKS!

Besides Alan, I had /have a soft spot for Alastair (Budge),
because he was /is always so polite, kind and thankful; I
just broke my silence here because of him, to finish off
what started in the referenced 2015 reply of mine...

I won't offer a detailed analysis here (that I was infamous for),
but, as you may be aware, huge changes were brought upon
get_iplayer since 2015 (and not all of them for the better...),
when my linked solution was relevant.

Using a fairly recent version of GiP, you can tag an untagged
(at the time of download) (tv|radio) BBC file if you are in
possession of only one piece of data: the PID string.

The file doesn't have to reside in the original downloads folder,
the programme it pertains to doesn't have to be present
inside your (tv|radio).cache, doesn't have to be present
in your history file (should be there by default,
though), so the history needs not be searched.

relevant options:
Only update the programme metadata tag and not download the programme. Use 
with --history or --tag-only-filename.

Add metadata tags to specified file (ignored unless used with --tag-only)

 : Full path to the current location of untagged file
(doesn't have to be original location; just indicate to GiP the (current)
location of the file to be tagged)

Tag only downloaded radio programmes as iTunes podcasts
(needed when you want to import the radio programme to iTunes;
I find it doesn't hurt to have this switch on by default, hence I
recommended it...).

Add track list of music played in programme (if available) to lyrics field.

Add programme credits (if available) to lyrics field.
(useful mostly for TV, but radio progs may have credits, too).

For audio downloads, I prefer square thumbnails, so of use also:

Download square version of thumbnail image.

Say I downloaded --pid=w3cswrxf with the --no-tag flag;
downloaded file is untagged; I then archived the file to a new location

"D:\Vangelis\Chart Show\535 - TOC,06-07-18"

with a modified file name:


If I want to tag (or re-tag) the file at its new location, I'll use

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=w3cswrxf --tag-only --tag-podcast-radio --tag-only-filename="D:\Vangelis\Chart 
Show\535 - 
--tag-tracklist --tag-credits --thumbnail-square --thumbnail-size 384

Recent versions of GiP have become really stingy
with their verbosity, use --verbose to see more details...

PS: The TOTPs World Service show, when initially uploaded on a Saturday 
only has a minimal set of metadata available; it takes several days for 
someone to
manually update the metadata to its full set, hence I find I have to retag 
the file
at a second stage... One additional detail: when AP retags a file, it adds a 
thumbnail if the file was originally tagged without the --no-artwork flag; 
all other
metadata fields are overwritten with new values; as said in the past, your 
best choice

to inspect the metadata is MediaInfo (other apps may be used...).

Best regards 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: parser error

2017-11-03 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri Nov 3 12:19:35 GMT 2017, RS wrote:

but is seems more likely that the BBC
would respond to something causing an error
in the iPlayer. The BBC does correct errors.

Hi Richard :-)

by opening
one can read:

Created on 2/11/2017 at 12:23:23

so this was just fixed at noon yesterday
(most recent Suspicion repeat aired on
22/10/2017@13:30; so it took them eleven days
to identify and remedy the problem)...
I have no doubt an iPlayer user did alert them; however,
this is not mentioned as a "Recently Fixed Fault" at:

What is more interesting is that neither the file you refer to
nor the captions file it links to (URI snipped) are XML files.

... Well, I'm a complete dunce with regards to XML structure,
but when I see an .xml extension in the URI, I "assume" it points
to an ".xml" file... FWIW, the "belisage" article you referenced says

the existing XML standard for timed text, TTML

This then got me to

When viewed in Firefox, as you said

The captions file begins

so xml:lang does imply it's an XML subset...
Of course, Ralph came to the rescue for both
of us, as fetching the file on disk and viewing
it with an editor (BTW, I use PSPad), I do see
first lines being"; 

and it's those bits that Fx omits ;-(

where - is a dash character I can't copy.
Other  tags are preceded
by a similar dash character.

This "dash" character you are referring to
is not actually present inside the XML files,
but it's added by Fx; by clicking it, you can
collapse/expand content between matching tags;
clicking turns it into a plus sign and the XML
element's content gets hidden:

   Ericsson 2017

turns into


As you can infer, default behaviour
is the expanded state...

Kindest regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: parser error

2017-11-02 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri Oct 27 22:16:03 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

If the BBC haven't already been informed
that a particular URL serves broken XML
then that's the first thing to change,
including pointing out the NUL bytes that are causing the problem.
I'm sure they'd like to work out what went wrong,
and stop it happening again.

It looks as though the problem has been fixed upstream!
After navigating to (geo-filtered):

all three "connection href"s for service="captions"
load and render perfectly now in Firefox,
without generating an XML Parsing Error...
Someone from the BBC staff does browse
this list or was it perhaps an in-house find?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Proxy trouble with latest version

2017-10-27 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Oct 26 09:51:53 BST 2017, Charles Johnson wrote: 

Proxy trouble with latest version

Hi Charles, there's some ambivalence there, 
are you implying things worked in the same 
setup but with a previous GiP version? 
What was that then, before updating to latest (3.06)? 

In the 3.05 -> 3.06 changelog nothing obvious 
(proxy related) stands out; going back to older 
versions, the most recent proxy-related commit is

which took place in the transition 3.01 -> 3.02 ...

On Thu Oct 26 12:24:21 BST 2017, Charles Johnson wrote

The result is that the message now awaits moderator 
approval owing to its size

This is a misleading message; if the size of the mail body 
or size of attachments exceeds a pre-configured max value, 
that message is printed to poster, but in reality the original 
infringing post will never make it to the list 
(speaking from experience here...). 
For a voluminous text output, better use a 
third party service to upload, then just use the 
generated link inside a list post to share.

On Thu Oct 26 12:31:49 BST 2017, Charles Johnson wrote: 

I'm using an SSH tunnel too

and originally wrote:

get_iplayer --proxy=

Port 1080 already was a hint for me, 
but it was helpful to indicate the use 
of an SSH tunnel. 

An SSH tunnel, properly configured, 
creates a SOCKS4/5 proxy, by default 
listening on port 1080. I can see you're 
not using Windows, most sadly I have very 
little knowledge about other OSes, but 
I still think you'll find parts of the following 
exchange helpful:

I am hand-picking some relevant bits: 

As far as Socks proxy support in GiP is concerned..., 
don't get me started! NOWHERE in GiP's --longhelp, 
Man Page, wiki, documentation etc.

exists even a mere mention of "Socks" :-(
Only the --proxy option is briefly covered... 
As you know very well, the talk of Proxy 
(be it HTTP or SOCKS) or VPN is strictly off-limits
on the mailing list, SquarePenguin's Support Forum 
and the GitHub issue tracker

Furthermore, GiP lacks global support for SOCKS4 (that I am aware);
--proxy (-p) is reserved only for HTTP(S) proxies - this isn't the case
with, say, get-flash-videos, where an incantation like:
--proxy socks://proxyhost:proxyport
redirects both HTTP(S) & RTMP traffic through the SOCKS4 proxy...

Through the SSH tunnel you can enable a SOCKS4/5 proxy
connection to the remote server

Only those apps on your machine that need to be proxied to
the UK (browsers, downloaders etc.) and are compatible with 
SOCKS would have to be configured individually to use the proxy

You can use proxy chaining to proxy apps that do not
support SOCKS (like GiP).
On Windows, I used Privoxy (Mac OS X version available),
a local HTTP proxy with default port=8118, and edited its main
configuration file by adding the line:
forward-socks5 / .
This actually forwards the HTTP traffic Privoxy receives
to the SOCKS proxy, itself forwarding it to the SSH server

So, you can use GiP
get_iplayer -p http://localhost:8118

I am sure more knowledgeable list members with 
non-Windows OSes may offer additional advice... 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: parser error

2017-10-27 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu Oct 26 00:51:15 BST 2017, RS wrote:

I have received an email from someone who told me
the Suspicion subtitles download fine on his XP installation with v3.01.
When I use v3.01 I still get the problem.
He also mentioned that there was something in the v3.01
release notes about changes to subtitle handling.
I used --subsfmt=default and the subtitles downloaded without problem.
I can't do that in v3.05 because --subsfmt has been removed.

Hi Richard
This is consistent with what I previously posted:

of note is the fact that every GiP version
from 3.00 onwards does fail to convert
this corrupted subtitles file, but, lo-and-behold,
v2.99 does so successfully:

2.99 was the last to use (by default) the old XML parsing code;
in 3.00 the new "coloured subtitles" feature was implemented,
introducing new XML parsing code:

The subtitles conversion in get_iplayer
has been re-implemented using XML::LibXML

Fall-back to the old code was still kept in both 3.00/3.01
via the --subsfmt=default option.

However, that option is deprecated
and will be removed in a future release

That was done in 3.02+

Removed deprecated options: --subsfmt

Noticed this in the 3.00 Release Notes:

so if you find programmes whose subtitles
can't be processed with the new implementation,
report them in the forums.

I suspect it's now too late, since the "new" implementation
has been the only one since 3.02+, but I suspect it wouldn't hurt
to let the maintainer know about this current occurrence...

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: parser error

2017-10-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Tue Oct 24 20:35:11 BST 2017, RS wrote:

The resultant .mp4 file can be played in VLC,
but MediaInfo shows no metadata.

Hello Richard :-)
If you ended up, for whatever reason,
with an untagged file, you can always (re-)tag
post download with the --tag-only switch:

get_iplayer --type=video --pid=b00gmlrx --tag-only --tag-podcast-tv 

(I assume you renamed the "Suspicion.partial.mp4" to just "Suspicion.mp4")

The programme is the editorial version of
the 1941 Hitchcock film Suspicion, b00gmlrx

pid=b00gmlrx => vpid=b09c79wx (needed later...)

Does anyone have any idea what causes a parser error?

Answered by Colin; some further analysis below...

On Tue Oct 24 21:41:54 BST 2017, RS wrote:

I'm glad I asked because I hadn't realised
that was where subtitles came from.
I had assumed there was a ready-made .srt
file to download.

On-line media portals (like iPlayer) rarely use the .srt
(subrip text) format, because it's usually incompatible
with their embedded player (Flash based/HTML5 one);
I'm certainly not an expert on this subject, but Flash
based players usually require an XML caption file
(referred to also as DFXP), while HTML5 ones
may use the WebVTT (.vtt) format.

DFXP is s a timed-text format that was developed by W3C
(stands for "Distribution Format Exchange Profile"); it is
currently referred to as TTML, read more at:

GiP will use mediaselector URLs (which contain the vpid string)
to retrieve the URIs pointing to the iPlayer ttml files;
PC/iptv-all/apple-ipad-hls mediasets are tried. The URI
you included in your original post will be found, e.g., in
in the 
I see from --info there are three subtitle modes.

I used GiP 3.05 and the following command:

perl --type=tv --pid=b00gmlrx -i --streaminfo > 
Streams.txt 2>&1

and yes, there are 3 captions modes identified,
but, alas, I can sure tell there's a bug in the
detection scheme somewhere; no sign of the
legacy format, plus there's duplication, as


stream: subtitles1
priority:   20
size:   118212
streamer:   http

type:   (captions) http stream (CDN: mf_limelight_uk_plain/20)

stream: subtitles2
priority:   10
size:   118212
streamer:   http

type:   (captions) http stream (CDN: mf_akamai_uk_plain/10)

stream: subtitles3
priority:   20
size:   118212
streamer:   http

type:   (captions) http stream (CDN: mf_limelight_uk_plain/20)

but all three point to the same file!

Now, if you load the legacy URL
in a Firefox tab, the browser will print:

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: (The URI)
Line Number 7, Column 18:


Right-click -> View Page Source
and you'll be able to view the file contents
and actually visualise the corruption:

With the aid of Fx's Page Source and
a Text Editor, I managed to reconstitute
a proper TTML file, then used SubtitleEdit
to convert to (monochrome) .srt.
If you're in need of it, contact me off-list...

If I try --subtitles-only --tvmode=subtitles2
it tells me No media streams found.

I don't think subtitle mode user selection is supported;
legacy GiP code assumed only one captions mode,
so this could be a new requested feature; I see no
reason for it though; all modes point to the same file,
negligible speed differences between CDNs for such
small files of just a few KBs...

get_iplayer ought when unable to download subtitles
successfully to continue to call AtomicParsley to add metadata.

While in this case it's not the actual downloading that failed,
but rather the conversion to .srt (e.g. you can fetch the raw
corrupt ttml with --subsraw), I too agree with that.

After another series of tests made, of note is the fact
that every GiP version from 3.00 onwards does fail to

Re: BBC Radio 3 podcast quality

2017-10-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Oct 24 08:32:41 BST 2017, Simon Morgan wrote: 

but I would be interested to know if podcasts 
can be downloaded at a higher quality.
I think that there has been an answer 
to a similar query in the past 
but I can't locate it. 

Fellow list members (Clive, d.lake & RS) 
have already covered this beautifully, but FTR 
there has been a relevant discussion about 
BBC Podcast bitrates last August:

Happy listening!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Radio Programme Not in Cache

2017-10-22 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Sun Oct 22 14:17:54 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

As for whether it's been explained before, 
the last time I remember was when 
Phil Lewis was still involved. 

... And for those monitoring the Support Forums, 
there is a related issue/thread posted as recently as 
Oct 16th; plus there's me mentioning this subject
somewhere inside

which was last month...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer 3.05 released

2017-10-18 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Wed Oct 18 23:05:03 BST 2017, Budge wrote:

there is now a much more prominent advisory
on deleting older downloads.

Hello Alastair; this is the result of

get_iplayer no longer prompts you to delete downloaded files
more than 30 days old. It displays a warning message instead.
The warning is also now displayed with --pid and --url
and with PVR searches (CLI and Web PVR Manager).
As before, the warning can be suppressed with
get_iplayer --prefs-add --no-purge

What has prompted this additional reminder?

Your guess is as good as mine; you'd have to register
with the Support Forums and ask the developer there
for a definitive answer...

I can no longer see the download progrees
expressed in Bytes, bits or minutes and seconds.
Can I get it back?  --verbose perhaps?

Again, the result of
(which was dubbed a "revamp"... ). From the 3.03 RN:

The default logging output has been reduced.
Some unnecessary output has been removed,
and some is now only visible with --verbose

Thankfully, I am not afraid of using my text editor
to revert locally some of the changes I am not
entirely OK with; for all you know, "unnecessary"
might be indispensable to another person...
(But I shouldn't be publicly critisising the decisions
made by the coder, I am already blocked on GitHub
for being vocal in the past...)

my grateful thanks to all who make this possible.

... That would boil down to actually three persons:
1. @dinkypumpkin, the main maintainer/developer
and owner of the GitHub repositories
2. @squarepenguin, owner of the Support Forum website
3. Jon Hedgerows, responsible for various GiP PPAs.

Though not linked immediately with development,
I would also thank the maintainer of this list
(David Woodhouse) and praise all volunteers
helping in this list and forums...

Besr regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Collections

2017-10-10 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Oct 9 19:25:21 BST 2017, I wrote:

On Mon Oct 9 08:21:19 BST 2017, Mike Casswell wrote:

at BBC Collections locations such as

This method has worked in the past for
apparently similar collections -
but note the use of 'group' in the url
which I do not recall from previous examples.

 Hi Mike... I don't think "group PIDs" were ever
supported in GiP, only "brand" and "series" ones...
so it might have been a brand/series page that has
worked for you in the past...

... Well, it turns out that you were right and,
still, I am right, too!
Just came across the following "group" listing:

Unlike your previous example (group being
an assortment of different programmes), this
"group PID" does work with --pid-recursive
because it's actually a series PID (you can tell
because all members of the group are
individual episodes of the same series):

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=b096k7q7 --pid-recursive -i =>

INFO: Series or Brand PID detected
INFO: BBC Four - The Vietnam War - Available now
INFO: Page 1 of 1
INFO: Series 1, Things Fall Apart (January 1968-June 1968) (b097ts0d)
INFO: Series 1, This Is What We Do (July 1967-December 1967) (b097ts0b)
INFO: Series 1, Doubt (January 1966-June 1967) (b096v3f2)
INFO: Series 1, Hell Come to Earth (January 1964-December 1965) 

INFO: Series 1, Riding the Tiger (1961-1963) (b096k948)
INFO: Series 1, Deja Vu (1858-1961) (b096k8wz)

I hope this makes it clearer now...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: ffmpeg issue?

2017-10-10 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Oct 10 09:52:02 BST 2017, Hugh Reynolds wrote: 

Many thanks. 

You're welcome!

No obvious way of finding the version. 

In the CLI: 

get_iplayer -V

If using the GUI exclusively, scroll all the way down 
and you should see a footer with the GiP version, e.g. 

get_iplayer Web PVR Manager 3.01-windows.0

I inspected the file, it was 3.03. 

Just as I thought... 

Yet again, during installation, perl.exe was locked
and the installation of v3.04 had failed. 
Once that was unlocked, by using IObit Unlocker, 
Perl.exe is locked again after installing v3.04. 
Why does perl.exe get locked?

When neither the CLI nor GUI of GiP are running, 
you shouldn't see any perl.exe processes running in 
TM and perl.exe shouldn't be locked! It appears 
your issue is particular to your setup... 

I know this sounds like a really dumb question, but 
are you sure you have properly exited the Web PVR 
command prompt window prior to starting the update? 

Before installation, close all running instances of get_iplayer, 
including any Web PVR Manager server window that is open.

For troubleshooting, IObit unlocker gives info about 
all processes locking file perl.exe, you should start from 

My gut feeling is you have an overzealous AV suite 
that locks file perl.exe, but hard to tell - if so, try to 
whitelist it inside your AV's exceptions list... 

All I'm doing is running the installation .exe. 

Have you tried with your AV temporarily turned off? 
(No real risk there, the installation file is clean; could 
also scan it prior to running it; after you're comfortable 
with it, turn briefly the AV off and start installation...). 

My aging memory doesn't help, but thanks to my local 
e-mail archive I was able to spot this previous list exchange:

where I simply speculated about pretty much the same things, 
being prophetic at the same time: 

Using Unlocker is just a workaround; 
if you do not discover the root cause 
of your issue and rectify it, then there's 
a chance you'll revisit the issue in the next 
GiP update (?)

Only you can debug your own system, sorry :-( 
(But anyone else can chime in with some other 
ideas to aid you in that...). 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: ffmpeg issue?

2017-10-09 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Oct 9 13:28:18 BST 2017, Hugh Reynolds wrote:

Is there a simple way to resolve this?

... Actually yes! But:

1. First indicate the version of GiP used;
nothing in your post identifies that, my bet
is you're still on previous version 3.03,
so the rest of my answer is based on that
assumption; if it's not true, then please

2. Both I and Alan recently posted in this list
about the advent of bug-fix version GiP 3.04:
List members are invited to read linked
release notes even when not initially planning
an immediate update...

Fixed a serious bug introduced in v3.03 that could cause
MP4 conversions to be skipped when using the PVR function.
If you are using v3.03, you are strongly urged
to upgrade to v3.04 immediately.

For the record, the bug was identified after the
following Forum thread:
Code commit that fixed it:

So, if you're on GiP 3.03, the "simple way to resolve"
your issue is to upgrade to 3.04 (!).

I have commented about it in the past, but the current
workflow in GiP development (issues tracker removed,
"contribute" branch only updated publicly after a major
stable release) might (and has several times) make the released
version more prone to undetected bugs, which rear their
ugly heads until after the "master" branch script is let loose...
So that's why you should also look at
some time after a tag release...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Collections

2017-10-09 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Oct 9 08:21:19 BST 2017, Mike Casswell wrote:

at BBC Collections locations such as

This method has worked in the past for apparently similar collections -
but note the use of 'group' in the url
which I do not recall from previous examples.

Hi Mike... I don't think "group PIDs" were ever
supported in GiP, only "brand" and "series" ones...
so it might have been a brand/series page that has
worked for you in the past...
Since we can't test things now :-( , it's mostly my
word against your memory, hahah...; but I found a Forum
entry from March 2015 that supports my claim:

You can't download from the PID for a group, like the one you posted.

On Mon Oct 9 11:54:56 BST 2017, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

there was a change a while back that made this method obsolete
(you'd have to go through the release notes of previous versions
to determine when the change took place)

That change was the removal of the various XML feeds
by the beeb at the end of April (2017). GiP 3.00 was the
first version that tried to alleviate it as much as possible
but do note the following limitation:

Using the individual PIDs is the only way AFAIK

Currently yes; but I'm sure there's a number of
dextrous list members who could conjure up a
(simple?) script that would parse (web scrape)
"group" pages to harvest the individual PIDs;
just examining page source of
I'm seeing href="*" URIs with "#group=p056n6px"
appended to them... That's the ones containing the PIDs.

Wouldn't hurt to request such a feature in
the Forum, either (but, TBH, very unlikely to be
even considered by the dev...; will also be,
like all web scraping, very fragile, even to the
slightest beeb change...).

Best regards all,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Radio 1 Vintage

2017-10-05 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sat Sep 30 19:14:04 BST 2017, I wrote:

... Yes; you'd have to (temporarily) patch your local
copy of the GiP perl script so as to include the
"Radio 1 Vintage" schedule feed found at:
# channel ids be found on
sub channels_schedule {
return {
 'national' => {
   'radio1/programmes/schedules/england' => 'BBC Radio 1',
+  'radio1vintage/programmes/schedules' => 'Radio 1 Vintage',
   '1xtra/programmes/schedules'  => 'BBC Radio 1Xtra',
Save the patch and force a radio.cache refrech.

This is done by

get_iplayer --type=radio -f --force

get_iplayer --type=radio "Radio 1 Vintage" =>

== A needed follow-up, thanks to a person contacting me direct ==

If you went ahead and patched your script last week,
successive radio.cache refreshes will have got you a total of
56 "Radio 1 Vintage" entries.

However, if you decide(d) to patch the script anytime
during this week (starting Monday Oct 2nd),
forcing a radio.cache refresh will only populate it with
Monday's "Radio 1 Vintage" programmes; likewise,
if you delay patching until after the end of this week
(after Sunday Oct 8th), then you'll get 0 "R1V" entries
inside the radio.cache; this is because a default refresh
will only append to existing cache the new content of current week
in the schedule feed.

If you've patched your GiP script after 01/10/2017,
you'll have to rebuild the radio.cache as far as
"Radio 1 Vintage" is concerned, by issuing in a
GiP command prompt:

get_iplayer --type=radio -f --refresh-include="Radio 1 
Vintage" --refresh-limit-radio=30 --force

This will make sure you get all 56 R1V entries inside the cache!

Best regards,

PS/OT: Here in Greece, the first day of the week
is Sunday, in Greek it's Κυριακή, translated in
English as the Day of our Lord (Jesus); Monday is
called Δευτέρα, litterally meaning "Second".
While dealing with this follow-up, I realised that
in the UK Monday is considered the first day of the week;
I did find the following small article
quite interesting as to what is the standard
in various other countries :-) 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer 3.04 released

2017-10-04 Thread Vangelis forthnet
(Just a quick note to say that since 3.03.0 release, bundled ffmpeg.exe 
32bit has been upgraded from v3.2.4 to v3.3.0).

... Just a small correction there, 
FFmpeg.exe was in fact updated to v3.3.3.

Apologies for the initial error on my part.


get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer 3.04 released

2017-10-04 Thread Vangelis forthnet

This is a bug-fix release:


Windows 7+ users:

(Just a quick note to say that since 3.03.0 release, bundled ffmpeg.exe 
32bit has been upgraded from v3.2.4 to 3.3.0).

by the maintainer (but you might find the following post 
of value...) 

Non-Windows users know best how to upgrade 
(either manually if in a hurry or wait for the appropriate 
PPAs to be updated by their maintainers). 

For more info/help, visit the GitHub/Support Forum 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Radio 1 Vintage

2017-09-30 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sat Sep 30 14:32:01 BST 2017, Don Grunbaum wrote:

The BBC are broadcasting programmes on a "pop-up" station called Radio 1 

Hi Don :-)
This is part of the celebrations for the 50-year anniversary of BBC Radio 1
(but I'm sure you already knew that!); more at

They do not appear to be picked up in the radio cache.

This is expected; only regular BBC Radio 1 schedule feed is
parsed by GiP:

but out of curiosity, is there a way to "force" GiP
to pick up the programmes?

... Yes; you'd have to (temporarily) patch your local
copy of the GiP perl script so as to include the
"Radio 1 Vintage" schedule feed found at:


On my script (heavily pathed v3.01 on Windows):


# channel ids be found on
sub channels_schedule {
return {
 'national' => {
  'radio1/programmes/schedules/england' => 'BBC Radio 1',
+  'radio1vintage/programmes/schedules' => 'Radio 1 Vintage',
  '1xtra/programmes/schedules'  => 'BBC Radio 1Xtra',


(unfortunately, my mailer may mangle the patch
formatting, still you get the drift...).

Save the patch and force a radio.cache refrech.
After that, on my system I get:

get_iplayer --type=radio "Radio 1 Vintage" =>

21885:  Radio 1 Vintage - Radio 1 Vintage, starts 30 September at 6am, Radio 
1 V

intage, p059k4m3
21886:  Radio 1 Vintage - 50 Year Countdown, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfx4
21887:  Radio 1 Vintage - Nick Grimshaw and Tony Blackburn, Radio 1 Vintage, 

21888:  Radio 1 Vintage - Kenny Everett, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfxn
21889:  Radio 1 Vintage - David Jensen, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfxy
21890:  Radio 1 Vintage - Colin & Edith, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfy6
21891:  Radio 1 Vintage - Adrian Juste, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfyh
21892:  Radio 1 Vintage - Classic Albums with Roger Scott, Radio 1 Vintage, 

21893:  Radio 1 Vintage - Fearne & Reggie, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfz0
21894:  Radio 1 Vintage - Nicky Campbell, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfz8
21895:  Radio 1 Vintage - The Radio 1 Roadshow, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfzk
21896:  Radio 1 Vintage - Tony Blackburn, Radio 1 Vintage, p059n6gl

As you can see, all shows have the same 
& , for anything more specific you'd
have to refine your search, e.g.

get_iplayer --type=radio --fields=episode "Jensen" =>

21889:  Radio 1 Vintage - David Jensen, Radio 1 Vintage, p059kfxy

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes

Thanks for you help.


Best regards from (finally)
autumn-y Greece!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Missing PIDs

2017-09-18 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Sep 18 18:10:11 BST 2017, Shareef Jalloq wrote:

so it's very possible I've done something stupid.
I would have searched using 'get_iplayer --type=radio Annie'.
This fails to show any entries.

Hi Shareef :-)
I have just refreshed the radio.cache

get_iplayer --type=radio -f --force

and issuing

get_iplayer --type=radio "Annie Mac"

I get 20 matches:

11070:  Annie Mac - Benji B co-hosts with Annie Mac, , b091vggc
11071:  Annie Mac - PVRIS perform live, , b091vghz
11072:  Annie Mac - Toddla T co-hosts with Annie Mac, , b091vgkl
11073:  Annie Mac - Jorja Smith delivers her new single, , b091vgm3
11074:  Annie Mac - Dan sits in for Annie with Reading highlights, , 

11075:  Annie Mac - Power Down Playlist, , b09202bt
11076:  Annie Mac - Queens of the Stone Age play live, , b09202df
11077:  Annie Mac - Hottest Records Wrap Up, , b09202g2
11078:  Annie Mac - MistaJam sits in for Annie, , b092k8pc
11079:  Annie Mac - Maya Jane Coles Mini Mix and Tiga in Ibiza, , b092kjt3
11080:  Annie Mac - Nick Mulvey live gig, , b092kqfl
11081:  Annie Mac - New music from Beck, , b092kqh8
11082:  Annie Mac - Live from Bestival, , b092kqjw
11083:  Annie Mac - Snakehips Mini Mix, , b092kql0
11084:  Annie Mac - Arcane Roots Hottest Record, , b093pp6g
11085:  Annie Mac - Nothing But Thieves play live, , b093pp82
11086:  Annie Mac - Mercury Prize Pre-Party Playlist, , b093pp9p
11087:  Annie Mac - New music from Lorde, NAO and Isaac Gracie, , b093ppc6
11088:  Annie Mac - 15/09/2017, , b093ppdd
11089:  Annie Mac - Four Tet curates the Power Down Playlist, , b094dmrv

This is with latest 3.02 script; be advised that after the demise of
the BBC .xml feeds last spring, to populate the caches GiP has to
resort to the schedule feeds; this means that only programmes
broadcast and contained inside the linear beeb services can be
indexed (and this excludes many other PIDs available in iPlayer
service itself); the above is true for both TV+Radio...

% get_iplayer "Annie Mac Live"


... This is expected for the following reasons:
1. You haven't specified programme type;
by default, only the tv.cache will be searched;
there's nothing currently in TV for "Annie Mac Live",
hence your search will return empty...
2. "Annie Mac Live" (or rather "Annie Mac Live Mix"),
pid=p05fdry0, isn't a standalone radio programme
contained in the BBC Radio 1 schedule feeds, thus
won't be found inside radio.cache.
Annie Mac Live Mix (part of Radio 1 Mixes, ),
can be best described as "audio" clip; AFAIK,
"Annie Mac Live Mix" is just an excerpt from
the last hour of Annie's Friday radio show,
provided for convenience as a standalone PID;
for previous Fri Sep 15th, full show is under

Do note that the actual programme runs for 3hr
in the player, while the info just underneath it
erroneously reports a 2hr duration...
As you may see, I had no problem finding
last Friday's episode in my cache (index=11088).

To sum things up, you won't be able to find
Annie Mac Live Mix in the radio cache, use
and hopefully
--type=radio --pid=p036ggzv --pid-recursive
will work...
If you are still unable to find proper (broadcast)
shows inside your radio cache, please post back
and we'll take it from there...

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A few ffmpeg queries

2017-09-09 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri Sep 8 13:43:53 BST 2017, RS wrote:

I realise you did not write the code but are only defending it

Hi Richard; I wasn't "defending" the code,
I merely provided some additional info that
would explain your "for some reason" previous

get_iplayer for some reason uses a different format
for ffmpeg options depending on the value of
! $opt->{ffmpegobsolete}

As far as I am aware -loglevel is not a new ffmpeg option.

Agreed; but it wasn't there from the start and its arguments
have changed over time; just browse:

Also, I have an old patched version
of GiP 2.97 lying around (used for
flash modes), its help contains the entry:

Indicates you are using an obsolete version of ffmpeg (<0.7)
that does not support the -loglevel or -stats options,
so --quiet, --verbose and --debug
will not be applied to ffmpeg.

To conclude ffmpegobsolete, that
setting also dictates the syntax used for
applying the bitstream audio filter during remux:

v2.5 or above is needed for HLS
and v3.0 or above is needed for DASH.

HLS should be interpreted to actually mean
Video Factory HLS modes ("hvf", not the
"legacy" "hls" ones)

(Does that leave any modes
obsolete versions will work with?)

"hls" will work OK, yielding tagged MP4 files;
dvf/hvf will produce (untagged) .TS files
(playable though by most SW/HW players
with support for h.264/aaclc codecs).

I gather also daf (audio) modes would fail to
yield proper .m4a files; unsure about haf
modes, too...

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A few ffmpeg queries

2017-09-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri Sep 8 00:07:08 BST 2017, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

Lifelong learning! Great fun!

Yes... I don't know whether your mailer/browser
supports Ancient Greek characters, but

γηράσκω δ' αἰεὶ πολλά διδασκόμενος =>

and a similar variant

γηράσκω ἀεί διδασκόμενος =>

So, let the learning never cease!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A few ffmpeg queries

2017-09-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Sep 7 22:19:48 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

As far as I am aware 
all the variants Vangelis suggested work.

Yes they do, with fairly recent FFmpeg versions  
that are also backward compatible...  

However, the GiP perl script must cater for a variety 
of OSes and in the case of Linux distros some (still) 
come by default with older FFmpeg packages; 
the more recent 

-c:v copy -c:a copy 

syntax/iteration isn't recognised by those older FFmpeg versions, 
so issuing "--ffmpeg-obsolete" in your terminal ("ffmpegobsolete 1" 
inside options) will revert to the legacy syntax; from help: 


Indicates you are using an obsolete version of ffmpeg (<1.0) 
that may not support certain options. 
Without this option, MP4 conversion may fail 
with obsolete versions of ffmpeg.

As hinted, "--ffmpeg-obsolete" also takes care of some 
other ffmpeg switches (e.g. verbosity level), browse the 
actual code and ye shall find... 

Many greetings, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT: A few ffmpeg queries

2017-09-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet

ffmpeg -i progname.ts -c:av copy progname.mp4

Very early in the morning here, so I'll be laconic for now :-)
Assuming you've not mistyped it, 

-c:av copy 

is not valid and probably the reason your command 
is initiating video+audio transcoding... Try 

ffmpeg -i progname.ts -c copy progname.mp4 

and see how that fares... 

-c copy = 
-vcodec copy -acodec copy 
-c:v copy -c:a copy
-codec: copy
-codec copy

According to
the MP4 container should be able to support both (video) 
and (audio) 
raw streams, playing back such a file in a HW/SW player 
is another matter, though (most expect h264+aac). 
The question is, why must you use the MP4 container in your NAS? 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tidying up Radio Downloads

2017-08-29 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Tue Aug 29 18:27:24 BST 2017, RS wrote:

but Windows (as of 5 years ago)
only supports up to id3v2.3


But then again, there's a third party Windows Explorer
shell extension that adds id3v2.4 support to Windows:

(Have this installed for more than a year here,
very pleased with it !)

Some discussion about it:

An interesting read wrt id3v*:


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tidying up Radio Downloads

2017-08-28 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Aug 24 13:12:07 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

It seems this tells me how to add metadata using ffmpeg.

What I still haven't worked out is 
whether there is an equivalent of 
-codec copy for metadata.

... bit late, but maybe:  

-map_metadata outfile[,metadata]:infile[,metadata] 

=> "set metadata information of outfile from infile" 

(switch found inside "Per-file main options" section of  
ffmpeg -h full


Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: recording quality and vpn

2017-08-27 Thread Vangelis forthnet
 On Sun Aug 27 14:18:36 BST 2017, cc wrote: 

can the use of a vpn limit the number of  
recording qualities available?
I managed to get1280.x720  def  on 25 aug
it is now proving impossible for the 
various downloads I have tried. 

... Probably the same issue (unless cc=Gautier) :

i.e. hlshd not appearing inside available tvmodes 
for an overseas user (and inferred use of a VPN...). 
FWIW, many UK inhabitants and licence fee payers 
do use a VPN service for privacy and other reasons; 
this is also not allowed by the BBC:

If you are using a VPN and are in the UK, 
try disabling to see if that helps. 
If we detect you might be using a VPN, 
you'll be unable to play programmes. 
This is because we're unable to detect 
the end point of your private network; 
we need to be confident you're in the UK. 

For the past two years, after news broke 
that several millions of Chinese netizens 
were (ab)using iPlayer, the BBC is under 
a constant battle against commercial VPN/ 
VPS/Proxy/SSL Tunnel services - remember, 
it's quite easy to spot a VPN server 
(since in the UK the commercial ones are 
usually to be found in known Data Centres 
with known IP pools), especially since a lot 
of iPlayer traffic appears to be requested 
by a single IP address. If you're using a VPN 
service or like, expect it to be blocked 
at any time; it's unwise to post about it 
here in the list, am afraid no help could 
be (/is allowed to be) offered to you... 
And it's certainly most unwise to post 
about it in the Forums, where 
1. it's against their rules 
2. they do IP checks of registered members 
(if not in the UK). 
Take your issue directly with your VPN provider... 

FWIW, when the BBC blacklist VPN IPs, 
they usually start with their mediaselector API 
URLs, so you do get blocked at the door, 
resulting in no streams at all offered to you... 
Selectively blocking only hlshd but allowing 
other streams to appear sounds a bit iffy;  
that means that the Akamai CDN server 
(serving the hlshd stream) itself blocks the VPN IP, 
but why would the BBC do that, if other streams 
could still be accessed? 
Most probably it's an issue with the VPN itself 
and its configuration, so as Gautier surmised 

So clearly there must be something wrong on my end. 

On Sun Aug 27 16:43:21 BST 2017, d.lake wrote: 

Don't use a VPN - use an HTTP proxy. 
That way you'll get full download speed 
from a local CDN at the full range of bit-rates.

Hi, you appear to be in the UK, so I suspect 
your recommendation to use an HTTP(S) proxy 
is for those in the UK with privacy concerns... 
In the very remote chance your advice is for non-UK 
users, then in that case there's not a big difference 
between a UK VPN and a UK proxy speedwise; 
all TV streams are blocked currently at CDN server level, 
so they have to be redirected fully through the VPN/HTTP server... 
The above info is disclosed for pure "academic" reasons... 
I suppose I (and other members) should stop 
this discussion here, so as to not upset 
even further the high powers that be...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems with --info

2017-08-26 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri Aug 25 17:30:44 BST 2017, I wrote: 

the on-line "develop" GitHub repository 

... And that repo has just been renamed to 
"contribute"... Very nice (???!!!???) ... 
Plus, the wiki is in the process of being 
heavily re-edited/rearranged (thus breaking 
previously bookmarked wiki topics... :-(  ).


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: TV Audio Bitrates

2017-08-25 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri Aug 25 16:28:50 BST 2017, I wrote: 

OP did confuse bitrate with sample rate... 

Oops, I meant the author of the e-mail 
I replied to (Nick Payne), not the OP of 
this thread (tellyaddict); apologies... 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems with --info

2017-08-25 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Aug 24 18:38:59 BST 2017, Alan Milewczyk wrote: 

I've just checked with the PID you quote Vangelis and concur. 
Where the PID isn't in the cache (as is the case here), 
v3.02 fails to find anything!

Many thanks Alan for checking/verrifying !

(OT: Yes, sun still shining over here, but as it's 
usually the case, one longs for what one 
doesn't have... After this one being the hottest 
summer in more than a decade, with 3 major 
heatwaves striking thus far (last one was Lucifer, 
started end-July and lasted till mid August - temps 
as high as 39C during the day, not below 31 during night) 
I can say without the faintest hesitation that 
I'm fed up with the sun shining, could well do with 
some Manchester weather for a relief... And do keep 
in mind that over here real winter starts towards 
the end of October... :-) ) 

On Thu Aug 24 18:35:17 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote: 

Thanks Vangelis.
It's appeared in the Known Issues section of the wiki 
so Dinky is now aware of it.

You are welcome. 
I genuinely don't mean to sound unpleasant, 
but this current situation of bugs being 
discovered after a major public release 
is a direct consequence of the way that 
the on-line "develop" GitHub repository 
is being currently updated (i.e. only after 
a major "master" release takes place, and 
I recall this is something that you and I discussed 
in a previous exchange on this list..). 

When the online "develop" branch was being 
(publicly) gradually committed to towards 
the next major release, advanced users/testers 
had the chance to test "unstable" snapshots 
of the code, which increased the likelihood of 
discovering and reporting (e.g. in the issues tracker, 
now no longer with us...) bugs/breakages 
in those snapshots; the dev could then hopefully 
iron out those bugs before a major release...

Currently, fixing any (major) bug would necessitate 
a new master release, but if the dev feels OK 
with such a workflow, I fear I have no business 
at all discussing this... 

Best regards all, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: TV Audio Bitrates

2017-08-25 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri Aug 25 08:16:58 BST 2017, Nick Payne wrote: 

With 3.02 of GiP, all HVF modes now use 320 kbps audio.

Not so

... Yes, OP did confuse bitrate with sample rate... 
But still the "Not so" part of his post stands true 
for various pids outside the main BBC TV channels... 

Just try (with 3.02)

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=p059b38x --tvmode=hvfsd 

(pid expires in 2 days) and you'll discover it fetches 
as a 128kbps hvf* mode... One other oddity for this 
pid is it's not available as legacy hls* (/flash*) tvmodes, 
only dvf*/hvf*.

I guess a better choice of wording would be: 

"GiP 3.02 tries to download every hvf* tvmode 
with a 320kbps audio stream, whenever that one 
is available on the CDN server" 

Notice I didn't say "when it's available by the BBC", 
because the BBC do not officialy and publicly make 
such a stream available via their iPlayer interface. 

It was a code hack first implemented by youtube-dl devs 
(Python) and then ported to GiP (perl) and fine-tuned 
afterwards that allows for 320kbps audio streams 
inside hvf* tv files... 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems with --info

2017-08-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu Aug 24 14:23:59 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote:

Is anyone else finding that --info no longer works in 3.02?
Running "get_iplayer --pid b08z0lfw --info" now only does this:

I am still at GiP 3.01, but I did fetch 3.02 just now to try this myself...
I can confirm I can dupe this with a radio pid NOT IN THE CACHE:

perl --type=radio --pid=b08xz0md -i =>
get_iplayer 3.02-windows.0, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details 
use --warranty.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 

 conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO: radio episode PID detected (b08xz0md)
INFO: Trying to download PID: b08xz0md using type: radio
INFO: PID not found in cache: b08xz0md
INFO: 0 matching programmes

GiP 3.01 works as expected:

perl --type=radio --pid=b08xz0md -i =>
get_iplayer 3.01-windows.0, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details 
use --warranty.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 

 conditions; use --conditions for details.

 NOTE: A UK TV licence is required to legally access BBC iPlayer TV content

INFO: Episode PID detected
INFO: Trying pid: b08xz0md using type: radio
INFO: Trying to download PID using type radio
INFO: pid not found in radio cache
INFO: File name prefix = 


brand:  Sounds of the 80s
categories: Entertainment
category:   Entertainment
channel:BBC Radio 2

And audio/video clips will never populate
the respective caches, this looks like a
serious regression, possibly introduced by

But before blaming the developer,
I must say I am running an unsupported
custom Windows installation on an unsupported
Windows OS, so first thing to do is
for other members to check whether -i
works with GiP 3.02 on non-indexed PIDs;
if affirmative, then @tellyaddict should
report this in the Forums, to be hopefully


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tidying up Radio Downloads

2017-08-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Aug 24 16:17:34 BST 2017, I wrote: 

because the online sources stay there for good 

Sadly not true for the .json flavours :-{ 
I forgot that the beeb intends to remove them 
on May 2018; but the metadata for a specific pid 
will continue to be there, albeit in a different format... 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tidying up Radio Downloads

2017-08-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu Aug 24 13:12:07 BST 2017, RS wrote:

whether I am at risk of losing tags or metadata.

There is such a risk, but whenever FFmpeg has tagged files as input,
it does its best to preserve (most) of the metadata present in the input
file and carry it over to the output file, taking, of course, into account
what metadata the output container has support for...

The reason for my concern is that
there seems to be a lot of code in get_iplayer to process metadata,
although I can't pretend to understand what it all does.

Yes, there's a lot of code, but in a nutshell
what it does is parse online BBC sources
(currently e.g. )
to harvest what metadata is needed,
then use it to construct AtomicParsley commands
to tag the downloaded->remuxed .M4A files.
Using --verbose or --debug into your GiP commands
will let you inspect in detail what's being actually done :-)

What I still haven't worked out is
whether there is an equivalent of
-codec copy for metadata.

If my details above wrt ffmpeg still leave you in doubt,
then please have a read of

This is a manual labour, metadata present in
the input file is first extracted and backed-up,
to be inserted to the output file at a second stage...
But again, since it's GiP audio files we're discussing
(or maybe not?), you can tag the edited .m4a file with
GiP via:

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid= --tag-only --tag-podcast-radio 

"" in this case is THE COMPLETE PATH
to your edited audio file (whereas in normal GiP use
""="\.EXT", ""
being your "iPlayer Recordings" directory...

The tagging command works even after a radio
programme has expired from iPlayer Radio,
because the online sources stay there for good
(tied to the unique pid string!).

All the best,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Top of the Lake China Girl episode 5 download problems

2017-08-23 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Wed Aug 23 22:49:12 BST 2017, Dave Widgery wrote: 

Each time it just comes back to the command prompt with no errors, 

Hi Dave 

Unfortunately, I can't assess much of your posted log, 
as after line 

INFO: Trying pid: p057mnc6 using type: tv

everything's mangled by Avast...
You could increase verbosity and perhaps try 

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=p057mnc6 -i -v > GiP_log.txt 2>&1 

and then try to see what's happening (?)

But it's just better to upgrade anyway... 
1. Back up your XP compatible ffmpeg.exe
2. Upgrade your GiP from 3.00 to 3.02; 
it's highly possible a bug in 3.00 is the cause 
of your issue... 
3. Once the installer has finished (hopefully 
without issues), rename/delete the ffmpeg.exe 
(v3.2.4) put in place by the installer and 
then restore in that same folder your 
previous ffmpeg.exe (v3.0 ?). 

Then try again the fetch with GiP 3.02... 

Hope this fixes it... 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New radio PIDs, more than 8 characters - "solved"

2017-08-23 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Wed Aug 23 16:44:30 BST 2017, Hugh Reynolds wrote: 

Reboot didn't help
Uninstall and Reboot didn't help
iobit-unlocker helped.

Clean install is now working. 

Many, many thanks. 

You're welcome! I'm glad you're back up and running :-) 
For the sake of completeness/closure, 
were you even able to determine (via Unlocker) 
the process(es) locking those .exe files 
even after a system reboot? 
Doesn't make much sense to me... 
Perhaps an overzealous antimalware suite?

Using Unlocker is just a workaround; 
if you do not discover the root cause 
of your issue and rectify it, then there's 
a chance you'll revisit the issue in the next 
GiP update (?) - are you able now to, e.g., 
send ffmpeg.exe (temporarily) to the 
Recycle Bin? Just my 2p, I am not 
jinxing your future GiP upgrades! 

Best wishes, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: TV Audio Bitrates

2017-08-23 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Aug 24 00:49:20 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote: 

Have you thought about multiplexing the 320kbit/s audio 
with 1280x720 25fps video from HLShd?

Sounds interesting. How would I do that?

... Somewhat older Support Forum post:

Involves downloading --tvmode=hlshd and a hvf* mode with 320kbps audio, 
which now, with GiP 3.02, could be any; to save on bandwidth, 
choose the smallest available hvf mode for your pid... 

To make it more transparent to you, 
"25fps.mp4" in the post means "720p25fps96k.mp4" and 
"50fps-audio.mp4" can just mean now, e.g., "320k.mp4" 
(does not have to be 50fps anymore... ). 
"out.mp4" would then be "720p25fps320k.mp4" 

There are other means to just download the 320kbps 
audio stream (without an accompanying video stream) 
and then multiplex it with hlshd, but this involves 
tools other than GiP and is left 
for the more adventurous... 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tidying up Radio Downloads

2017-08-22 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Tue Aug 22 22:47:09 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

this is to avoid attempting to copy any "video" album sleeve, etc?

Hi Ralph :-)

FFmpeg treats the MP4 embedded thumbnail (artwork) present
in both .mp4/.m4a GiP files as a VIDEO STREAM in the input file.

During manipulation of such files, it'll attempt to copy that thumbnail
into a video stream muxed to the end MPEG-4 container. If you assign
an ".mp4" file extension to the output file, which is indeed allowed for
an audio-only MP4 file, then you'll end up with an unwanted video stream!

However, if you assign the ".m4a" file extension, then ffmpeg is smart
enough to not allow a video stream inside an audio-only Apple file and
thus the conversion fails altogether (if only -c copy or -c:a copy was 

Explicitly including the -vn flag will allow for an audio-only mp4 file
to be produced, the same goes for an "ipod brand" .m4a file.

If you plan to edit a GiP .m4a file with ffmpeg, then it is advised
you fetch it with the --no-artwork switch (no thumbnail is
embedded) or even --no-tag (no metadata written).
You can always (re-)tag the edited file afterwards...

always using -map 0:0 or similar to pluck just the audio in those cases.

... Afraid I only use the -map switch in cases with multiple 
video/audio/subs streams
in input file; I mostly deal with simple AV files with just 1 video + 1 
audio stream;
when I want to manipulate only one or the other, I find it easier to just 

-vn -c:a copy (disregard video) or
-an -c:v copy (disregard audio)

But then again, I don't consider myself really FFmpeg savvy!

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tidying up Radio Downloads

2017-08-22 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Aug 22 16:27:05 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote: 

But it works by decompressing the .m4a, 
letting you edit it, and then lossy re-encoding 
if you want a .m4a back.

... If m4a metadata is important to OP 
(or anyone else editing GiP m4a files), 
the use of Audacity and any other similar 
audio (waveform) editor usually results 
in the loss of the MP4 tag in the process. 
One needs to re-tag the edited file with GiP 
(see --tag-only & --tag-only-filename options)

The advantage of using FFmpeg is that all m4a 
metadata except for m4a thumbnail (a 4-year-old 
bug that still won't be fixed, see: ) 
will be transferred over to the edited file...
Be sure to include -vn in the command if 
the output file extension is ".m4a"

Another similar project is

but do not ask me how to compile it for Linux :-)

On Windows, if one wants very precise m4a editing, 
then I would, once more, suggest the closed source 
but freeware mp3DirectCut; it doesn't (in contrast to 
m4acut) support the MP4 container of .m4a files, 
but if you provide it with an FFmpeg path it auto-demuxes 
to an .aac adts file, which it does support!
After the very precise and lossless editing, 
one must remux back to .m4a file via ffmpeg/mp4box etc. 
and retag with GiP (as posted above), if, that is, 
original file was a GiP audio fetch... 

Best regards all, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New radio PIDs, more than 8 characters - "solved"

2017-08-22 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue Aug 22 15:52:56 BST 2017, Hugh Reynolds wrote: 

The installer failed in trying to delete perl.exe, atomicparsley.exe and
ffmpeg.exe and left me with the PVR manager reporting "Access is denied."
Those three files seem to be undeletable. 
I am a supervisor but even that doesn't seem to give me permission 
to delete those files.

Any ideas what I could do now?

Hi Hugh
First thing is you seem to have "hijacked" a previous thread, 
because the title of the thread you posted in 
(New radio PIDs, more than 8 characters - "solved") 
has nothing to do with your current predicament... 
You'd better start a new thread titled, e.g., 
"Windows installation/upgrade problems".

That thing aside, from looking at

I can't spot any major changes to the Win installer...

You should begin by supplying some info on 
1. The WinOS version/architecture you're using

2. The GiP version previously used (prior to updating)

First thing I'd suggest is REBOOT your machine.
After loggin back in, inspect in Task manager whether 
any GiP related processes are running (perl.exe, 
atomicparsley.exe, ffmpeg.exe) and kill them if they do... 

Try to first uninstall GiP from Control Panel (you may 
want to back up your GiP user profile found at 
%USERPROFILE%\.get_iplayer) followed by a reboot, 
then proceed with a clean re-install of GiP.

Your problem looks as if it's permissions related, 
or involving locked processes/files. I would recommend 
the Unlocker utility
which has saved the day for me on numerous 
occassions, but use it only if you really know 
what you're doing...

Hopefully a reboot will clear your issue; GiP 3.02 
was only released a few days ago, if it's some bug 
in the installer then I'd expect more reports to come forth... 
At first glance it only looks as something at your end, 
but little do I know...
If all fails, then maybe report your issue over 
at the support forum, where, hopefully, it'll be 
addressed by the maintainer himself


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: World Service podcast bit rates

2017-08-15 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Tue Aug 15 12:40:54 BST 2017, RS wrote:

were limited to dafmed, hafmed and hlsaacmed
and a bit rate of 96kbit/s.

As a general rule, BBC World Service Radio does not impose
any form of geo-filtering; in fact, for all "broadcast versions" of
its content (not podcast vPIDs), i.e. the ones available as A-O-D
streams on iPlayer Radio, they're employing the same set of streams
worldwide (as opposed to a UK and an overseas set...).

In the not so distant past, the chosen bitrate for WS Radio
(both for live and OD) was set at HE-AACv1@64kbps/44.1kHz
(and until the end of 2015 there existed live streams in the
form of WMA9@32kbps & ShoutcastMP3@48kbps).

Then at some point WSR got the "Audio Factory" treament,
to be more on a par with the rest of the BBC Radio stations,
and thus two stream quality variants were created:
HE-AACv1@96kbps/48kHz (*med modes in GiP) and
HE-AACv1@48kbps /48kHz (*low modes in GiP); these
are equally available to UK/non-UK audiences, i.e.
if in the UK you can't get > 96kbps...

Since 95% of BBC WS Radio content is "talk-radio",
I find 96kbps to be more than adequate for the task...
Considering it's a "World" service, meaning they have
to cater for a global audience, 96kbps is a fine compromise
between quality and bandwidth costs...
And even HE-AACv1@48kbps sounds acceptable for
those parts of the world with very expensive/slow Internet access...

They also mostly had podcasts, and in the UK
I was offered a choice of 128kbit/s and 64kbit/s
I don't know either whether the 128kbit/s podcast
option is offered outside the UK.

As you said, much of the BBC WS Radio content
is turning up as MP3 Podcasts:
Programmes with copyrighted music (or other)
content are excluded from the podcast treatment,
in the rare occasions they do make it to podcast,
music tracks are truncated to just 10sec excerpts...

Prior to "Audio Factory", only podcasts encoded
as 64kbpsCBR/44.1kHz/mono had been available.
More and more programmes do show up now with
an additional 128kbpsCBR/44.1kHz/stereo option,
which IS NOT location specific...
(I am only joking here, but several of your recent
posts seem to be inquisitive of overseas BBC Radio
bitrates, are you planning a retirement to Majorca, Richard?)

it seems a lot more attractive than 96kbit/s HE-AAC
with the SBR extension
if HE-AAC with SBR

... HE-AAC always comes with SBR,

is played on a player that does not support SBR
half the bandwidth is lost.
I have been wondering how best to deal with that.

Yet another topic that you're recently concerned with...
It does appear as though you're the owner of
a hardware device that is incapable of fully rendering

FWIW, in 2017, 99% of software players on all
modern OSes can play back fully HE-AACv1.
Even browsers like Firefox 52.3.0ESR does on
this old Vista laptop...

HE-AACv1 (previously known as aacp/aac+)
is even natively supported on most cheap mobile phones,
where you need good sound quality at reduced
bandwidth (because BW is expensive there...).

If your device does not support HE-AACv1,
have you contacted its vendor by any chance?

Converting to MP3 seems a possibility,
It seems ffmpeg does not support SBR

Not true; FFmpeg DOES SUPPORT native
decoding of HE-AACv1, as does ffplay,
which can be used to play back HE-AACv1 encodes...
It is only ENCODING to HE-AACv1
that the native AAC encoder of FFmpeg
can't perform (you'll have to build it with
the non-free FDK-AAC encoder instead...)
I often transcode HE-AACv1 m4a encodes
to mp3 files with ffmpeg, here's an example:

Batch file used:
FOR %%N in (*.m4a) DO ffmpeg -v 32 -stats -i "%%N" -vn -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 
128k -ar 44100 -ac 2 -joint_stereo 1 -af "volume=2.15" "%%~nN.mp3"

Console excerpt:

ffmpeg version 3.3.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers
 built with gcc 6.3.0 (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project)
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 00a9bfc0] stream 0, timescale not set
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'test-heaac.m4a':
 Duration: 00:17:30.94, start: 0.00, bitrate: 63 kb/s
   Stream #0:0(und): Audio: aac (HE-AAC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, 

fltp, 62 kb/s (default)
Stream mapping:
 Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (aac (native) -> mp3 (libmp3lame))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
Output #0, mp3, to 'test-heaac.mp3':
size=   16424kB time=00:17:30.95 bitrate= 128.0kbits/s speed=9.42x
video:0kB audio:16422kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB 

overhead: 0.012851%

I can assure you the MP3 transcode has full audio
bandwidth preserved!

the latest episode of Science in Action, p05bdb8p.

=> "Risk of Lethal Heat Waves"

... The story of my life this summer! :-)
But, returning on topic,

get_iplayer --type=radio --pi

Re: New radio PIDs, more than 8 characters - "solved"

2017-08-15 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Aug 14 13:19:14 BST 2017, M Clark wrote:

changing all 7 occurrences (sigh...) of
solves the w3*, w1* problem for Me.

Hi Martin; that new code still assumes that both Red Bee & PIPs
PIDs will have "0" as the second character in the string.
I am not saying this is something that will have to be dealt with soon,
but I've watched Red Bee PIDs move from "b08*" to "b09*"
and, recently, from "b0909***" to "b0910***", e.g. "b0910w0x".

If this is a pattern, then I expect strings like "b0999***" to appear in 
the future;

and the next logical (?) step would be strings beginning with "b1**"
(in which case the amended code will break..).
Pure speculation on my part, though...

I haven't done the maths myself (number of permutations of 7 alphanumeric 

this is supposed to be a huge integer; but, as PIDs are unique
(can't be recycled), linked to a specific audio-visual offering from the 

that huge number is bound to be exhausted sometime...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New radio PIDs, more than 8 characters

2017-08-13 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Sun Aug 13 18:28:42 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

The Al Gore one is now p05c2b9j
The changes may be temporary.

... Yes and no... If you browse to:

you'll see there exist two distinct entries for 
"Former US Vice President Al Gore on Climate Change":
(which looks more like the proper episode page) and

I haven't listened to them fully to compare them, 
both are listed as being 52min59sec in duration...
The next ("Trump... ") episode of the series is still 
only available as a "w" PID. And on

latest episode is still available as an 8-digit "w" PID :-(

The crux of the matter is that these "w"-PID progs 
are not recordable with the current iteration of GiP, 
not even when the progs are indexed inside the 
radio.cache and one uses " --get" to fetch! 
Haven't seen the figures for UK audiences, but 
I'll let you know WSR is very popular overseas! 

On Sun Aug 13 20:54:11 BST 2017, C E Macfarlane wrote: 

> [bpw][a-z0-9]{14}
Firstly it would have to be ... {8,14}, 
otherwise shorter ones would not be picked up.

Rather "{7,14}", since the minimum character length 
of a PID is 8...

But there is a potential problem with [a-z0-9] 
because it would pick out many normal English words, 
for example, ironically, 'programmes' and 'programming'.

Again, forgive me for being obtuse, still learning things, 
but isn't that scenario assuming one actually inputs 


into a GiP command? (and in that case, even if the string 
is validated as a PID, the playlist.json URL will not 
return any vpid for that PID, hence no download...).

Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New radio PIDs

2017-08-13 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun Aug 13 10:05:39 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote:


Cheers Ralph, your coding skills are always welcome in this list! :-)
I was about to say that the above assumes that ordinary PIDs 
will continue to begin with "(b|p)0" and that "new" WSR ones 
will always begin with "w3", when M Clark posted:  

which, of course, brought new data to light...

FWIW, I revisited the definitive article on PIDs (WARNING: Long read!):

The only character in a PID that is "meaningful" 
is the first one which denotes the authority of the PID 
(the people responsible for creating it). 
For PIDs starting b the generating authority is Red Bee, 
for PIDs starting p it's PIPs, 
for w it's the old World Service scheduling system.

Because World Service programme information doesn't travel 
through Red Bee they self-provision programme data into PIPS 
which lead to their early PIDs looking slightly different 
to most, being 11 characters, not 8:
I'm not sure when the changeover happened 
but these days World Service PIDs are generated as p PIDs 
with a PIPs authority and are 8 characters long.

So in the distant past (June 2008) there used to be 11-digit 
PIDs beginning with "w" for WSR programmes; 
what brought about the new PIDs system with either 8 
or 15-digit "w" PIDs remains unclear (?) ... 
Maybe "Jim web" could, once more, poke his BBC Radio contacts? 

On Sun Aug 13 19:51:22 BST 2017, James Scholes wrote:


Hi James, so nice you dropped by with such 
an interesting find!
Did a bit of googling myself, "[0-9b-df-hj-np-tv-z]{8,15}" 
comes up inside deprecated projects:
both part of MICRO...
has it in this line: = "[0-9b-df-hj-np-tv-z]{8,15}"

Of relevance:

BBC Programmes Identifiers 0.4 spec 
defines a PID as following:

Characters: digits 0-9 and lower case letters, less vowels.
Length: Minimum 8 digits. No defined maximum 
- they will grow as necessary.
For historical reasons there are some 15 character pids 
existing for World Service content.

... Historical reasons?


get_iplayer mailing list

New radio PIDs

2017-08-12 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun, Aug 13th 2017, Support Forum member "cje768" wrote:

As things stand, GiP expects every valid 8-character alphanumeric PID 

to begin with either "b0" or "p0".

New radio PIDs like "w3csv1y9" or "w3csvnyc", beginning with "w3",
are discarded as invalid, hence GiP does not retrieve any streamdata
for those... :-(

I am not a regex/perl specialist (quite the opposite, major dunce!),
but in my local copy of get_iplayer 3.01-windows.0 I replaced
every instance of




and was thus able to fetch --pid=w3csv1y9;
still unsure as to whether other aspects of GiP
are broken by the above patch...
A stopgap solution, I guess...
(You can't teach an old dog new tricks,
or so the saying goes... Am afraid too old
to pick up learning perl from scratch :-( )

Happy Sunday, all!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Playing BBC R3 FLAC files recorded by nightly VLC

2017-08-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet

People, people...

When I first mentioned VLC-3.0.0-git (Nightly) as a means of
recording the R3 flac MPEG-DASH stream, it was never my
intention to contribute to the creation of a protracted OT thread;
my references to VLC were terse on purpose and assumed some
user familiarity; even if that wasn't the case, VLC has
online documentation
and user mailing list:
Any more niche queries can be usually
answered by searching specialised fora
like videohelp, doom9, hydrogenaudio etc.

@Richard (and possibly others):
Yes, you need to preconfigure your VLC recordings
directory prior to starting a stream recording (any stream);
never mind setting a recording filename, VLC can work its
way creating meaningful unique filenames with timestamps
(e.g. vlc-record-2017-08-06-22h38m21s-Radio 3 lossless-.ogg).

VLC Nightly issues:

Just a WORD OF CAUTION for those having an installed
VLC 2.2.x copy on Windows: the default/user settings of VLC are
stored in %APPDATA%\vlc ; you'd better make a backup of that
dir prior to executing VLC 3.0.0-git; 2.2.x vs 3.0.0 settings are
not fully interchangeable; 3.0.0-git version, even when run from an
unzipped package (like Richard did) will still write on %APPDATA%\
and overwrite 2.2.x's settings.
As I'm on a 32bit OS, I have always used the win32.7z packages
of nightly and never had any issues opening the "Media ->
Open Network Stream" popup and pasting a URL there...

ogg recording playback issues:

As Jim has said, the whole technique of streaming FLAC
encoded audio data via MPEG-DASH (FLAC encapsulation
inside the MP4 container and creation of a segmented mp4 stream)
is still quite experimental; as such, recording of that stream by VLC
is even more so...
Playback of the recorded .ogg file is supported by VLC 3 itself,
BUT NOT by previous VLC versions.
A few other software players also do, like latest PotPlayer
(released and beta versions) and the released (1.7.13) and
beta ( versions of MPC-HC (which uses the FFmpeg
based LAV Filters); MPC-BE will start to play the file, but will
crash towards the end of the recording.

.ogg recording extracting issues:

I had already mentioned these towards the end of previous post:
Please understand that the RAW flac stream inside the OGG
container is the product of concatenation of successive DASH segments,
so not really a proper flac stream; the whole situation is similar to iso6 

files created by dash stream dumping; these are not standard mp4 files,
and in the case of GiP ffmpeg is needed to remux them properly
into a standard MP4 variant palatable to most (soft|hard)ware MP4 players.
Perhaps in the not so far future, ffmpeg will be patched to
losslessly extract this dash-flac ES from a container, for the
moment though it's necessary to losslessly recode to flac
to make this possible (and reduce FFmpeg verbosity to -v 8
to remove all the DTS warnings...).
BTW, my command

ffmpeg -v 8 -stats -i "vlc-record-2017-08-03-01h36m18s-Radio 3
lossless-.ogg" -vn -c:a flac "Radio 3 lossless.flac"

is in essence identical to RS's

ffmpeg -i=.ogg -f=flac -sample_fmt=s16 .flac

as "-f flac -sample_fmt=s16" forces ffmpeg to use the flac encoder

For the nth time, the BBC DO NOT PROVIDE R3 AOD
as lossless flac encodes, certainly not in their browser embedded
DASH player (Flash is unsuitable for the task); hence no FLAC
is retrievable via GiP! It is pure speculation (at best, very premature... )
to discuss now what will happen in the future...

Audacity has come up in the past in this list (I think't was CJB
who suggested it for audio recordings on-the-fly).
Audacity and many other so-called audio recorders
(I occasionally use mp3DirectCut) are acting as man-in-the-middle
and making use of the so-called "analog loop(hole)"
as detailed by Richard in
VLC-3.0.0 (and patched FFmpeg) will produce
digital clones of the flac stream.

@Paul Thornett
You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion,
but I can't find personally any justification for your overall
aversion to VLC; I think it's a hugely versatile Audio-Video
open-source application, that has saved the day for me
on countless occasions...
And please, can you refrain from discussing BBC
geo-blocking circumvention methods in this list?
The list maintainer has explicitly stated in the past
that such topics are not tolerated here...
(And as you've discovered yourself, the beeb are
on a constant battle blacklisting many of these methods...).
FWIW, the test R3 live flac stream is not geo-filtered,
can be accessed DIRECT...
Enjoy it while you (and I) can, because if it ever makes it
into a standard R3 

Re: Possible To Get BBC R3 In FLAC using GiP?

2017-08-03 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Aug 3 12:38:53 BST 2017, C E Macfarlane wrote: 

already has a recent version of VLC installed, 
I wonder if that might be able to download
the FLAC stream? 

Latest released version of VLC is 2.2.6; 
unfortunately, the 2.2.x branch is uncapable 
of playing back/recording the live MPEG-DASH 
R3 flac stream (plus, it's plagued by a still unresolved 
bug that causes extensive CPU usage on Windows OSes 
during playback/recording of AppleHLS streams...).
As outlined in my previous post, you'd have to 
definitely go for the nightly VLC-3.0.0-git branch, 
and from there select a fairly recent build (mid-July and 

wtf are you wasting holiday time on the likes of me?! 
Enjoy it while you can!

... I can assure you you have not been treated in any 
special way just because it was "the likes of" you! 
As for holiday time, already had a week's escape 
in July to a friend's house in a village by the sea, no 
more holiday time is scheduled for me... 
We've been hit (northern Greece) several times already 
by severe heatwaves (the likes of which we had more 
than 10 years to sustain), all this heat (coupled with 
high humidity) has a toll on you; 30 C at night breaks 
your sleeping patterns, one can't always rely upon A/C, 
it's too bad for one's health, the environment and wallet!

I very rarely discuss politics in this list, but thanks to 
an 8 year long recession (which is unlikely to end soon) 
and the wills of our international creditors, "holiday" 
has become a taboo word for native middle-class Greeks; 
the majority are on permanent "holiday", due to lengthy unemployment, 
inside their homes, unable to cope with their bills 
and debts; losing their houses to banks and the state 
is what they fight against, am afraid no money is available 
for summer holidays to the islands and to other "hot" 
locations chosen by tourists :-( 

Best wishes, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Strange CodePage Error in GiP2.99 On XP

2017-08-03 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Wed Aug 2 21:44:06 BST 2017, C E Macfarlane wrote:

--type tv --tvmode hafhd,hlshd

... Unless it's a typo, hafhd is a non-existent tvmode...
Did you mean hvfhd (720p@50FPS) ?

--pid b007c0ys ... -g

--pid always triggers a fetch (unless --info etc. are used),
so --get (-g) is redundant in this case :-)

Cannot find encoding "cp850" at
line 323

That line reads:

binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding($opt->{encodingconsoleout})");

From GiP-2.99's longhelp:

--encoding-console-out   Character encoding used to encode search 
results and other output.  Encoding name must be known to Perl Encode 
module.  Default (only if auto-detect fails): Linux/Unix/OSX = UTF-8, 
Windows = cp850

Now, I'm not a perl expert but the above indicate
that your installed Encode perl module should
autodetect your "encodingconsoleout"; if autodetection
fails or encoding is unknown to the module,
then it should default to "cp850".

It appears that senario is now true in your setup;
but "cp850" is still not found (?), hence the error shown...

FWIW, on my setup (WinVistaSP2 x86, en-US locale),
when I generate a debug log with GiP 2.99 I get:

encodingconsolein = cp737
encodingconsoleout = cp737
encodinglocale = cp1253
encodinglocalefs = cp1253

This is with Strawberry Perl

Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Try using
"--encoding-console-out cp1252" option

Of course Ralph is a code wizard, so
he could possibly enlighten us further,
but according to --longhelp, "cp1252"
is the value used as a default fallback
when autodetection fails in the cases of
--encoding-locale & --encoding-locale-fs

C E Macfarlane wrote:

Also, the new FFMPEG fails on XP with:

Please refer to my May post here:

for possible workarounds :-)

Kindest regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Possible To Get BBC R3 In FLAC using GiP?

2017-08-02 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Wed Aug 2 18:43:49 BST 2017, C E Macfarlane wrote:

if it is possible to obtain the Proms iPlayer streams in FLAC,

Hello Charles, I do hope all's well with you!

The BBC do not provide AOD in flac, hence
it's impossible to acquire such files via GiP
(which currently only supports on-demand streams).
Recent Support Forum thread:

are only live broadcasts available as FLAC?

Precisely :-) Do note that this feature is only a
BBC Labs test; so it might not return after
Proms season is over.
There has been a relevant (albeit off-topic)
list thread back in April
when the experiment first went live, but TBH
the choice of thread title isn't very
indicative of the thread's subject (so as
to spot it easily inside the list archives)... ;-(

The live flac stream is using MPEG-DASH
(unencrypted) type of delivery, the exact
mpd (media presentation description) URI is:

(the -ww- part of the hostname, which belongs to
a Limelight CDN, indicates the stream is not geo-blocked,
so audiophiles from all over the world can test it,
provided their OS+Firefox version support it).

Back during the GiP 2.95-dev era (Jan 2016), the GiP coder
briefly experimented with supporting live radio dash streams:
but this feature never made it to a released version:

Probably someone else with the required perl (or other)
expertise can conjure up a perl script to dump that live
DASH (but FLAC encoded) stream to file.

OT info (STOP HERE if bothered by OT content):

FWIW, a special patch for FFmpeg that only applies
to a special (previous) snapshot of FFmpeg
(commit git-20f7872) has been posted here:
but this initial DASH stream recording feature
hasn't made it to the official repo yet...

I have been successful in compiling a win32 FFmpeg build
that is able to capture this flac LIVE stream, unfortunately
it's a non-free build, as it uses libressl (openssl fork) as
the crypto lib; notice the stream uses HTTPS...

The RAW flac stream that is dumped to disk is not
a proper flac file, rather a "fragmented" flac file, the
product of dash streaming; so simply issuing

ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -re -i 
-t 00:30:00 -vn -c:a copy BBCR3LL.flac

will produce a non-seekable file with many
software players; better mux the stream to
the OGG container:

ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -re -i 
-t 00:30:00 -vn -c:a copy BBCR3LL.oga

or experimental mux to the MP4 container:

ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -re -i 
-t 00:30:00 -vn -c:a copy -strict -2 BBCR3LL_tmp.mp4
ffmpeg -v 32 -stats -i BBCR3LL_temp.mp4 -vn -c:a copy -strict -2 -movflags 
faststart BBCR3LL.mp4 && del BBCR3LL_tmp.mp4

for seekable files (needs recent versions of players);
or losslessly recode on-the-fly to flac:

ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -re -i 
-t 00:30:00 -vn -c:a flac BBCR3LL-rc.flac

BTW, if you plan to edit the recorded flac stream
further with FFmpeg, you'll bump on this bug:
You'll have to
E.g. to cut out a segment from an hour's worth
of live stream, I used:

ffmpeg -v 8 -stats -i original.flac -vn -f wav - | ffmpeg -v 
8 -stats -i - -ss 00:42:19 -to 00:58:11 -vn -af aformat=s16:48000 cut.flac

If you can't compile for yourself that
special, DASH enabled, build of FFmpeg,
then your best bet is to try a recent nightly
build of VLC 3.0.0-git (win builds link):

Often times, those nightly builds are unstable
(might even cause BSODs), but nothing evil
has happened to my system by running the latest
compiles (e.g. I'm on VLC 3.0.0-git-20170731-0258).
You'll have to tweak the GUI to make that red
Record button appear (not there by default), then
search on how to record a live stream with VLC;
use the mpd URI posted previously...
VLC 3.0.0-git muxes the segmented FLAC
stream inside the OGG container by default,
resulting in an .ogg file.

MediaInfo log:

Format   : Ogg
Format/Info  : Free Lossless Audio Codec
File size: 7.47 MiB
Duration : 1 min 21 s
Overall bit rate mode 

Re: Podcast sample rate

2017-07-17 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Mon Jul 17 17:32:03 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

At 48kbit/s Mediainfo shows the 
sampling rate as 48.0kHz / 24.0kHz.

... If you are referring to the original *low radiomodes 
as fetched by GiP, then, and someone correct me, please, 
if I'm wrong, I believe 48.0kHz SR applies to hardware/software 
media players which are capable of reproducing the SBR 
portion of the HE-AACv1 encode; for SBR incompatible 
players, only the LC portion is played back at half the SR, 
i.e. 24.0kHz (resulting in most higher frequencies of the 
spectum being muted...). 
If I have misunderstood and you're referring to 
something else, please disregard and accept my apologies :-)


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Version "shortened"

2017-07-17 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Mon Jul 17 12:32:31 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

in the LW schedule I referred to 
Dead Ringers started at 1845 
but it only ran until 1900.  In other words 
it was very much shortened from 
27min 54s to just under 15 min. 
The version now available is the full length 
but it is still being called version shortened. 

Hi Richard :-) 
You are correct; last night when I visited 
before posting my answer to Alastair's query, 
the first broadcast entry was:  

Fri 14 Jul 2017 18:45 BBC Radio 4 LW 

that's why I mentioned it in my post; today I see that 

Fri 14 Jul 2017 18:30 BBC Radio 4 FM 

has been (belatedly) added as first broadcast date!
As you said, browsing
one can clearly see the time of broadcast 
(and expected duration) of the LW version; 
clicking the DR entry in that schedule takes you to
where its duration is advertised as 15 minutes (on the page). 
But currently the embedded player streams 
the full episode (and GiP does fetch likewise...).

What is still odd is that if one browses
one can see that DR (as you said) was broadcast 
for ca. 30min starting 18:30 BST, but the link there 
again takes you to the same episode page

where it is (again) advertised as being only 15min long!

Me thinks this is a c*ckup on the beeb's end! 
They should've created two different pids 
(or even two different vpids), one for the abridged 
(on LW) and another one for the full (on FM) version. 

But I think I (possibly even you) have entered OT territory; 
those comments should've been communicated 
to the BBC; GiP can only grab what's put online 
by the BBC; if they messed things up, it's not a GiP's fault...

Another curiosity is that estimated mode sizes in --info 
show much larger sizes for DAF modes 
than the corresponding HAF and HLSAAC modes.

I think the keyword here is "estimated"; I did 

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b08xcwz4 -i | findstr modesizes

and, e.g. 

hafhigh*=36MiB, dafmed*=19MiB, hafstd*=15MiB, hafmed*=11MiB

But both dafmed & hafmed will yield a 19.3 MiB m4a file 
(HE-AACv1@96kbps) - so dafmed estimate is the most accurate; 
hafstd will, instead, produce a 25.8 MiB m4a file 
(AAC LC@128kbps), a big diff from the initial estimate of 
just 15MiB. 

I don't think something could be done codewise 
to improve the size estimations beforehand (i.e. without actually 
starting a downlod); GiP already tries to make best use 
of whatever size info is advertised in the relevant mediaselector 
pages, when/if that is present; especially for HLS (haf, hlsaac, 
hvf) modes, size has to be calculated based on average stream 
bitrate and sometimes expected and actual bitrate do differ 
(especially in video files). 

Another reason we're seeing here larger relative diffs 
is because of the small size of the audio file to begin with; 
if it were a big video file of, say, 600+ MiB, then a few 
MiBs offset wouldn't strike that bad...

Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Version "shortened"

2017-07-16 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun Jul 16 23:55:54 BST 2017, Budge wrote:

Just tried to get latest version of Dead Ringers

Hello - I am unfamiliar with that BBC offering,
but a bit of searching suggests you must be talking
about the following R4 show:

According to

"latest" version is: Series 18, Episode 14/07/2017,
with an iPlayerRadio page as follows:

That episode was first broadcast, well, last Friday
14/07/2017 at 18:45 BST on R4LW.

and more than half the programme appears to be
a cricket commentary with Dead Ringers coming in
towards the end of the 30 mins for the last 5-6 mins.
The download is shown not original but "shortened."

If you are indeed talking about --pid=b08xcwz4,
then this is something I can't replicate...
On the iPlayer page itself, the programme does
seem to be streamed in its entirety.

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b08xcwz4 --radiomode=dafmed2

does fetch an audio file with default filename
so indeed a "shortened" version, but the audio content
is identical to what's on line (I wouldn't expect differently...).

Furthermore, last Friday's episode has been also
made available as a "podcast" version (as part of
Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4), either as
an online stream at
(downloadable with GiP with --type=radio --pid=p058rmcz)
or as a direct MP3 download via

All the above avenues do provide a full episode.

There's an off-chance you downloaded via
a PVR search very soon after the scheduled
end of broadcast of that episode; for whatever
reason, that specific episode was delayed
(the show preceding it was overrun) and the version
of DR uploaded initially (automatically) for AOD
(in fact as an edit of the live radio stream) was in
the state you described. At a later stage, the iPlayerRadio
team did replace that initial incomplete version
with the proper full show... More info at:

If you're actually meaning a different pid, then please specify...


get_iplayer mailing list

Bug with "hlsaacmed" radiomode

2017-07-09 Thread Vangelis forthnet

Hello one and all :-)

As you might already know, The BBC World Service Radio
does not impose geo-filtering in its radiomodes, in fact the very
same audio streams are used for both UK and overseas consumption...

Hence, no matter where in the globe you are,
using GiP 3.01 and issuing:

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p057fw7p -i | FindStr modes

(on Windows) will get you:
modes:  original: 

modesizes:  original: 


The *med* radiomodes (ca 36 MiB) are HE-AACv1@96kbps encodes,
while the *low* ones (half that size) are HE-AACv1@48kbps encodes.

Now, running

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p057fw7p

you'll get:

flow4,haflow1,haflow2,hlsaaclow1 modes will be tried for version original
INFO: Trying dafmed1 mode to record radio: Top of the Pops - 07/07/2017 GMT
(large snip)
INFO: Recorded: 36.73 MiB (00:53:00) [497] in 00:04:36 at 1.06 Mibit/s

(the more observant among you
may have already spotted the bug...)

dafmed1 is fine, however a bit slow with
regards to my location; hafmed is equivalent
(or even slower) to dafmed, but the really
quick mode for me is hlsaac*.

HOWEVER, when I issued

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p057fw7p --modes=hlsaac

I got:
INFO: hlsaaclow1 modes will be tried for version original
INFO: Trying hlsaaclow1 mode to record radio: Top of the Pops - 07/07/2017 


i.e. the lower quality (48kbps) started fetching,
not the medium (in this case highest) at 96kbps :-(
The same thing happens when I set "hlsaacbest"
(instead of simply "hls" or "hlsaac").
OF COURSE, explicitly asking for
--radiomode=hlsaacmed works, but this is
just a workaround for existing bug...

I had a quick browse of the code, first I added
"hlsaacmed" to the quality shortcuts by modifying lines

$mlist = main::expand_list($mlist, 'hlsaacvgood', 'hlsaacstd,hlsaacgood');
-$mlist = main::expand_list($mlist, 'hlsaacgood', 'hlsaacworse');
+$mlist = main::expand_list($mlist, 'hlsaacgood', 'hlsaacmed,hlsaacworse');


$mlist = main::expand_list($mlist, 'radiovgood', 
-$mlist = main::expand_list($mlist, 'radiogood', 
+$mlist = main::expand_list($mlist, 'radiogood', 

and then added "hlsaacmed" to the default
radiomodes by changing:

-radiomode => [ 1, "radiomode|amode=s", 'Recording', '--radiomode 
,,...', "Radio recording modes (overrides --modes): 
Shortcuts: worst,worse,good,vgood,better,best,daf,haf,hlsaac 
+radiomode => [ 1, "radiomode|amode=s", 'Recording', '--radiomode 
,,...', "Radio recording modes (overrides --modes): 
Shortcuts: worst,worse,good,vgood,better,best,daf,haf,hlsaac 

Other parts of the code may need patching, too,
but now my local copy of 3.01 behaves as expected:

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p057fw7p --modes=hlsaacbest
24945:  Top of the Pops - 07/07/2017 GMT, BBC World Service, p057fw7p

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of original version
INFO: hlsaacmed1,hlsaaclow1 modes will be tried for version original
INFO: Trying hlsaacmed1 mode to record radio: Top of the Pops - 07/07/2017 

INFO: File name prefix = Top_of_the_Pops_-_2017-07-07_GMT_p057fw7p_original
(large snip)
INFO: Recorded: 39.22 MiB (00:52:59) [318] in 00:00:41 at 7.65 Mibit/s

(NB that hlsaacmed1 downloads 7x faster than dafmed1)


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A bug in get_iplayer-3.01?

2017-07-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Jul 6 23:33:49 BST 2017, michael norman wrote: 

So can I go to sleep in the knowledge that 
the sky might not fall in before I wake up ?

... But, seriously, no list activity is in general a good thing; 
no major breakage has occured in the app, no one had any 
serious problem that needed to be attended to here in the list  
or (possibly currently) it's simply the case of summer holidays/vacations  
for many members... :-) 

If you didn't take it (though I'm sure most did), 
I was merely hinting to the eventual breakage of things 
when that "I'll do it later" option in both iPlayer TV+Radio 
soon vanishes into thin air... 

And speaking from past list experience, 
when such a "storm" does hit, the list itself 
is inundated by the flood waters...

Take the best of care, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A bug in get_iplayer-3.01?

2017-07-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu Jul 6 22:58:08 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote: 

and there hasn't been anything 
on the mailing list since then.

... and I call this "calm before the storm" ... :-)


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A bug in get_iplayer-3.01?

2017-06-17 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sat Jun 17 16:32:51 BST 2017, RS wrote:

Not only do they use it, but there is a demand for multi-level 

Hello Richard, thank you for bringing the "--subdir-format"
issue to everyone's attention :-). I, for one, was oblivious
to it, since not a --subdir (hence --subdir-format) user...

Your change is fine for users who just use
--subdir without --subdir-format,
but it would prevent use of --subdir-format
to create multi-level subdirectories.

... Not on Windows, if backslashes are used,

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=b08r69t1 --subdir --subdir-format="\" 
-i | FindStr dir =>

dir:D:\Vangelis\iPlayer Recordings\Vets_24_7\Series_4

but indeed true for Linux/Unix/OSX
when forward slashes are used ;-(

if ($opt->{subdirformat} != '') {
my $subdir = $prog->substitute($opt->{subdirformat}, 1)
else {
$subdir = $prog->substitute ('', 0)

Later the same day, RS wrote:

Anyway I have now found why --subdirformat is not working.
!= is a numeric comparison operator.
I should have used the string comparison operator ne.
The revised version becomes replace line 4043 with

my $subdir;
if ($opt->{subdirformat} ne "")

... As the "--subdir-format" option always accepts a value,
(unlike the plain "--subdir" switch), hence it would be illogical
for someone to just issue "--subdir-format" in the command
(or have in options), I would have used myself simply

if ($opt->{subdirformat})

for the "if" part...

And, again, later in the day, RS wrote:

my $subdir;
if ($opt->{subdirformat} ne "") {
$subdir = $prog->substitute( $opt->{subdirformat}, 1);
else {
$subdir = $prog->substitute ('', 0);

Trying to stay as close to the original code as possible,
I would write what you're trying to accomplish as:

my $subdir = $prog->substitute( $opt->{subdirformat}, 1 ) || 
$prog->substitute( '', 0 );

HOWEVER, both your code and mine again fall short
of dealing with the original issue that started
this thread: the existence of a forward slash inside
, hence also inside  and .
If one of the three <*name*> substitution parameters
is used inside --subdir-format value (which is highly
probable) then, because $opt->{subdirformat} undergoes
sanitize_mode == 1, that "/" will be left intact and
continue to cause the original issue...

On Windows, with your code:

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=b08r69t1 --subdir --subdir-format="\" 
-i | FindStr dir


dir:D:\Vangelis\iPlayer Recordings\Vets_24\7\Series_4

The proper solution to this issue would be
to write code that replaces that "/" with "_"
in the <*name*> parameters when --subdir is used,
standalone or with --subdir-format...

(Nigel Taylor, where are you? :-) )

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A bug in get_iplayer-3.01?

2017-06-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Jun 5 23:55:58 BST 2017, RS wrote:

I was trying to work out how the procedures
substitute and sanitize_path were intended to interact.
They both seem to be doing the same job
in different ways which are hard to follow.

RS previously wrote:

substitute needs to be called before create_dir,
so that the sub-directory name is sanitised
by removal of the / before the sub-directory is created.


In another part of the code there is a variable sanitize_mode
which can have values between 0 and 4
to denote different treatment for
sanitising file and directory names

This is:

# sanitize_mode == 0 then sanitize final string and also sanitize '/' in 
field values
# sanitize_mode == 1 then sanitize final string but don't sanitize '/' (and 
'\' on Windows) in field values

# sanitize_mode == 2 then just substitute only
# sanitize_mode == 3 then substitute then use encode entities for fields 
# sanitize_mode == 4 then substitute then escape characters in fields only 
for use in double-quoted shell text.

As Ralph (thanks!) has pointed out earlier in the thread:

I think the call where it's passed as 1 is
elsif ( $opt->{subdir} ) {
 my $subdir = $prog->substitute( $opt->{subdirformat} || '', 
1 );

So, the substitution parameter  is
undergoing sanitize_mode == 1, hence "/" isn't replaced.
Instead of applying the patch I posted previously,
I changed

-my $subdir = $prog->substitute( $opt->{subdirformat} || '', 1 );
+my $subdir = $prog->substitute( $opt->{subdirformat} || '', 0 );

which seems to also have the desired effect:

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=b08r69t1 --subdir -i | FindStr dir =>

dir:D:\Vangelis\iPlayer Recordings\Vets_24_7_Series_4

This has only been tested on Windows, I don't use --subdir
myself TBH, so unsure whether this breaks other stuff...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A bug in get_iplayer-3.01?

2017-06-05 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Mon Jun 5 14:51:45 BST 2017, RS wrote:

I take it the answer is that substitute needs to be called
before create_dir, so that the sub-directory name
is sanitised by removal of the /
before the sub-directory is created.

Hello Richard and many thanks for your analysis :-)
I am otherwise occupied lately, apologies I can't
contribute to the list to the extent I'd wish for...

Remember, I DO NOT KNOW perl, but patching the code like:

# Create a subdir for programme sorting option
elsif ( $opt->{subdir} ) {
 my $subdir = $prog->substitute( $opt->{subdirformat} || '', 1 );
+# Replace forwardslashes in $subdir with _
+$subdir =~ s/\//_/g;
 $prog->{dir} = File::Spec->catdir($prog->{dir}, $subdir);

has allowed for:

get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=b08r69t1 --subdir -i | FindStr dir =>

dir:D:\Vangelis\iPlayer Recordings\Vets_24_7_Series_4


get_iplayer --type=tv --pid=b08r69t1 --subdir -i | FindStr filename =>

filename:   D:\Vangelis\iPlayer 


Obviously, someone with proper perl-fu can write
less crude code to deal with this bug; tested on
Windows only; am confident the maintainer
will address this in next release...

Best regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: News Quiz Extra pvr Download Failed

2017-05-24 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Wed May 24 19:17:13 BST 2017, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 24/05/2017 18:29, Des Watson wrote:

without  the underscores...

Well spotted!

LOL, they don't call him "Watson" for nothing, ehh?

Regards (and keep your spirit high, those heinous terrorists won't prevail, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: An Art Lovers' Guide 1 Amsterdam

2017-05-19 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri May 19 16:06:18 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

HLShd1 and HLShd2 seemed to have the same errors

Good afternoon, Richard

This is hardly any surprise, since hlshd1 and hlshd2 
are in essence the same exact stream from the same CDN 
(Akamai), only difference is the protocol used 
(1= secure HTTP, "https", 2= plain HTTP, "http")


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: News Quiz Extra pvr Download Failed

2017-05-18 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu May 18 23:27:02 BST 2017, Budge wrote:

Let's see how it works.

You should be fine, but let us know if otherwise...

If you have any comments they are welcome.

Actually I do, but my comment below lacks real substance
(i.e. you can live with how things are already):

refreshinclude = Radio 3,Radio 4

will only populate radio.cache with R3/R4/R4X offerings
(that switch has --type=radio as a prerequisite, but you are
fine as you have set: --type = tv,radio)

refreshexcludegroups = local

is a more generic option that excludes both TV & Radio "Local" groups;
however, "Local" Radio groups (as well as every other station but R3/R4/R4X)
have already been excluded by

refreshinclude = Radio 3,Radio 4

My pedantic comment was just to make you realise
how exactly those options work; I would have used

refreshexcludegroupstv = local

myself, but, as stated already, you're good as it is...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: News Quiz Extra pvr Download Failed

2017-05-18 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu May 18 17:27:43 BST 2017, I wrote: 

via the --refresh-exclude-tv

A correction to my oversight, the proper switch is:  


Apologies :-(


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: News Quiz Extra pvr Download Failed

2017-05-18 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Thu May 18 15:29:02 BST 2017, Budge wrote:

get_iplayer --prefs-add --refresh-include="Radio 4","Radio 3"

Is that the right syntax

No; all you need to know is detailed here:

Do remember that all regex in a command must be in double quotes,

On the command line, always quote search strings containing regular 

So what you should've conjured up is

get_iplayer --prefs-add --refresh-include="Radio 3,Radio 4"

are tv channels included by default
or should I add tv explicitly?

They are; you can always exclude individual TV stations
or TV groups via the --refresh-exclude-tv and
--refresh-exclude-groups-tv options; consult
the documentation I referenced... 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: News Quiz Extra pvr Download Failed

2017-05-17 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Wed May 17 23:30:42 BST 2017, Budge wrote:

pvrsearch = News_Quiz_Extra
   radiomode = better
   search0 = News_Quiz_Extra
   type = radio.

Is there actually a fullstop (.) after radio?
Was this PVR search created manually via an editor?
I don't use the PVR often (ad-hoc downloader),
but AFAIR GiP does not include by default "="
when storing PVR searches...

Did my pvr download fail because I have
type=radio rather than type=podcast?

I think you are mixing two different
connotations of "podcast" here;
Podcast as programme type (hence
--type=podcast) and podcast as an
audio version of a radio show
(hence --versions=podcast).

Support for --type=podcast has been removed
from GiP in v2.98 (it was already broken in 2.97,
due to BBC changes made to the podcast feeds).

However, support for the podcast version of a
radio show (when that exists) is ongoing in 3.01.

As Richard said, your show is to be found on

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b08qgx61 -i | grep versions

only finds the "original" version, the one RS fetched.
On the show's page there's a link to
and from there to
which is the pid you used.
In this case,

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p0530vlq -i | grep versions

only finds "versions:   podcast" and that's the VERSION
you manually recorded; FWIW, that got you an M4A file
(AAC LC encode) with the same content as the MP3 file
available at the link RS suggested:


get_iplayer mailing list

Legacy Low-Res tvmodes removed

2017-05-13 Thread Vangelis forthnet

"--info"-ing yesterday's --pid=b08qlg9p

perl --type=tv --pid=b08qlg9p -i | findstr hls 

one can see that only 


are now offered from the group of the legacy 
(non Video Factory, aka hvf*) AppleHLS tvmodes. 
Actually, both "1" variants are identical to their "2" 
counterparts and served from Akamai CDN, 
they only differ in the protocol used 
(1=HTTPS, 2= HTTP). 
So that leaves us with only 2 quality variants 
from the legacy AppleHLS streams: 

hlshd => 1280x720p @25FPS
hlsvhigh => 832x468p @25FPS

If you're still (or can use) previous versions 
of GiP that come with RTMP stream support, 
you'll find the same to be true for the (legacy) flash tvmodes. 
To re-enable detection of flash modes 
you'll have to apply the patch I posted in 
the second part of

In GiP 2.99 (last version with flash support), 

perl --type=tv --pid=b08qlg9p -i 

will reveal that now only 


modes are offered. 

flashhd  => 1280x720p @25FPS
flashvhigh => 832x468p @25FPS
(1= Akamai CDN, 2= Limelight CDN).

If it's anything to go by (obviously I haven't 
tested many PIDs), this displays a trend...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Cache no-refresh and regexes

2017-05-12 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri May 12 22:22:13 BST 2017, Mark Carroll wrote: 

I wonder what's the cleanest way to
tell get_iplayer not to refresh the cache.

... Use the -e (--expiry) option with a huge value, e.g. the number 
of seconds included in a week or more, and set it in your user options; 
you do plan on manually updating at some point, don't you? 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC has added password controls to iPlayer

2017-05-12 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri May 12 08:56:09 BST 2017, Chris Marriott wrote: 

No mention of it on the iPlayer Radio site at all.

Hi Chris :-) 

Trying to play AOD on the iPlayer Radio site 
from an overseas IP does not, yet, generate 
a "Sign in" prompt - AIUI, this will also change 
in the near future...

However, as you click the "Listen Now" button 
behind a UK IP, you should get:

Don't you?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: daf* radiomodes broken by the BBC!

2017-05-11 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri May 12 01:02:11 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote:

(daf* radiomodes broken by the BBC!)

The feeds are still there in the mediaselector.
Any ideas what needs to be changed to fix it?

Well, I couldn't really sleep until I debugged this
for myself, so there you go:

In my GiP 2.97 copy, I restored daf* radiomodes by
changing line (possibly mangled by mailer)

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/transferformat/dash?cb='.( sprintf 
"%05.0f", 9*rand(0) ), 3, undef, undef, 1, 1 );

to (also possibly mangled by mailer):

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/transferformat/dash', 3, undef, undef, 1, 
1 );

Downloaded a dashmed radiomode successfully;
I haven't tried this patch on GiP 3.01; since it also
supports DASH video streams (dvf tvmodes),
it may/may not break them; try and tell us...

Flash modes seem to be vanishing as well in 2.99
and still just about available in 2.96.
Again what's changed and what needs to be changed?

Are you referring to flashaac radiomodes?
In a similar fashion, I was able to restore flashaac
radiomodes in GiP 2.97 (without, AFAICT, affecting flash
tvmodes) by changing line (possibly mangled by mailer)

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/proto/rtmp?cb='.( sprintf "%05.0f", 
9*rand(0) ), 3, undef, undef, 1, 1 );

to (also possibly mangled by mailer):

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/proto/rtmp', 3, undef, undef, 1, 1 );

However, the Akamai CDN (flashaac*2 mode) is
misbehaving for me currently; don't know what to
make of this...

To conclude, if I was in the end able to find
a crude solution to this issue after a 70min
experimentation, having 0 coding skills, then
it is highly probable you or anybody else could...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: daf* radiomodes broken by the BBC!

2017-05-11 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri May 12 01:02:11 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote:

Flash modes seem to be vanishing as well in 2.99
and still just about available in 2.96.

Having been away all day from home,
I only recently became aware
of the breakage I posted about :-(

But I was equally pd to discover that
not only the quick daf modes were gone,
flashaac modes in my GiP 2.97 copy
weren't picked up either... ;-{
Flashaac modes were very quick for me,
alas I tried GiP 2.96 but still no joy:

perl --type=radio --pid=b08njqcb -i | FindStr modes =>

modes:  default: 


Haf* modes are VERY slow compared to either daf*/flash*,
while whereas the hlsaac* ones are much quicker, they may
be corrupted for many programmes :-(

I guess it's a safe bet to say we're in no luck getting
the flash modes back, as the maintainer has already
removed them in GiP 3.00+ and does not support
that deprecated code...

I'm finding it very frustrating at the moment
since Dinky has stopped publishing fixes
in the development version on Github
until the final version is actually released.

... Gone are those days; I can echo your feelings
completely... And he's not willing to divulge any
details in the forums either, so lose-lose situation
any way you look at it...

but what has actually changed?
Again what's changed

Well, as you say both MPEG-DASH and RTMP
streams are both present inside the mediaselector API
URL for mediaset=pc, e.g. in the case of my mentioned
radio pid=b08njqcb => vpid=b08njqby =>

I am not the most appropriate person to answer
your "what" questions, especially since it's very
late at night here... Obviously something has been changed
in the XML blocks there or in the href URLs
themselves and thus GiP can no longer parse
this data successfully because it's not in a form
expected by GiP; sadly, as I'm sure you know,
I'm not a coder or regex expert, so
can't provide solutions for you/us...

If it comes to that, DASH manifest files can be
downloaded with youtube-dl, while for RTMP
streams one can always construct manual rtmpdump
commands (TBH though, haven't done that in a
big while...).

I'm sorry to say this again, but what this "low-traffic" list
needs is for some serious perl coders to come forth and
share their knowledge in a more "liberal" fashion - yes,
the sole maintainer is highly commendable for his
unwanning efforts over the years, but there's a but...

Goodnight (and Lord Knows what else'll broken
tomorrow ;-( ). 

get_iplayer mailing list

daf* radiomodes broken by the BBC!

2017-05-11 Thread Vangelis forthnet

This has been documented in Known Issue #2
over at the github wiki:

Do as advised...

Awaiting eventual major breakages imminently ;-( 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Further Radio Modes Experience

2017-05-11 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Thu May 11 12:25:58 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

A month or two ago someone else had a problem with a Linn player.  
His problem was that it would not play long M4A/AAC files.

IIRC, that someone else was again @Budge, same person: 

On Tue May 9 09:49:15 BST 2017, Budge wrote: 

even though I am using their older firmware 
which solved my "long file" problem.

Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

FFmpeg-3.3-win32-static binary for XP/Vista+ users

2017-05-10 Thread Vangelis forthnet

As you may already know (or have found out the hard way),
the maintainer has ceased supporting Windows XP & Vista OSes
since GiP v3.00+; this is declared (in bold) in Forum rule #2:

and also included (in bold, too) in the "Windows Installation" wiki entry:

Of course, both these OSes have been left orphan
by their vendor, Microsoft; XP SP3 was EOL'd April 2014
and Vista SP2 only a month ago, so noone can really
blame the maintainer for the decision taken...
It may also be (apart from lining himself up behind MS)
that he lacks those systems for testing purposes...

As things stand, the latest supported Windows installer, available at ,
does not impose a minOS version check
(I'm not putting ideas to the dev :-), so it can be
installed on both XP and Vista.

The mini Strawbery Perl distribution provided by the installer
has also undergone some changes: an upgrade from Perl
to, plus some deprecated perl modules were removed
while new needed ones were added...
You can inspect recent changes to the win installer at:

AFAICT, the perl code itself in latest versions of
the scripts along with the provided miniPerl package
continue to be fully compatible with XP/Vista.

The one change that broke things for these OSes
was the move from the Zeranoe compile ffmpeg-3.0-win32
to the Zeranoe compile ffmpeg-3.2.4-win32:

-!define FFMPEGDIR "${UTILSDIR}\ffmpeg-3.0-win32-static"
+!define FFMPEGDIR "${UTILSDIR}\ffmpeg-3.2.4-win32-static"

The FFmpeg code itself has not stopped being
XP/Vista compatible, but the inclusion by Zeranoe
of some external libs that are either themselves by default
not compatible or have become incompatible at some
stage of their development is what broke recent
Zeranoe builds on XP/Vista.
E.g., --enable-libmfx breaks builds on XP, while
--enable-libx265 without the -DWINXP_SUPPORT=ON
flag breaks builds on both XP/Vista (and it's the reason
behind errors like: ).

FFmpeg on GiP is used, as you may already know,
for remuxing (repackaging) downloaded fragmented
(dash) .mp4(/.m4a) and .ts files to the standard
MP4 container. Min version requirement for hvf modes
is 2.5, while for dvf modes is 3.0.
So, v3.0 included with previous installer
"get_iplayer-2.99.0.exe" is fine for the job
- this is to be removed from the repo
on May 30th, so grab it while you can...
You can extract the above NSIS installer with a utility
like 7-zip (without actually running it);
"ffmpeg.exe" inside "utils" folder is v3.0.

That version 3.0 originally came from the Zeranoe repo at:

HOWEVER, in another perfect demonstration of
Sod's Law, the repo was recently purged from any
content older than 07-Nov-2016, hence all currently
offered compiles won't run on XP/Vista.
Fortunately, VideoHelp site has an archived link of 3.0 at:

(ffmpeg-3.0-win32-static.7z) that should become handy
when the above installer is withdrawn...

The general idea to restore XP/Vista compatibility in GiP 3.00+
is to replace provided 3.2.4 binary with the 3.0 one (or newer,
see below...). On XP/Vista 32bit, default GiP installation dir is

%PROGRAMFILES%\get_iplayer (or C:\Program Files\get_iplayer);

head over to utils dir, rename existing ffmpeg.exe (e.g to
ffmpeg.BAK) and place within your v3.0 copy of ffmpeg.exe
(I won't be held responsible if you mess up your system...).
Alternatively, if you feel unconfortable accessing
your "Program Files" dir, you can use the --ffmpeg
GiP option (and set it permanently in options) to
point the script to the path of your v3.0 ffmpeg.exe binary.

Although something more up-to-date is not strictly needed
by GiP, I have recently compiled a FFmpeg-3.3-win32-static
binary that is XP/Vista compatible and includes most
popular external libs (audio/video codecs, filters etc.).
It is a GPLv3 redistributable binary and I decided to share
it here with fellow GiP Windows users...
Together with source and licences, it's been uploaded to

(Press gray DOWNLOAD button - you need 7-zip
or similar to decompress...).
This binary runs fine on XP+ Windows OSes. For
your other uses, run provided "ff-prompt.bat" and
type your ffmpeg commands there; for GiP inclusion,
binary (ffmpeg.exe) resides inside "bin" folder.

You should not need to use this binary on Win7+
(it does run fine there), but if you do you won't be
eligible for support in the Forums, since the maintainer
only supports the specific v3.2.4 binary supplied by
the Windows installer.

I hope someone finds the (lengthy) above of value...


Re: Further Radio Modes Experience

2017-05-09 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Tue May 9 09:49:15 BST 2017, Budge wrote: 

but my Linn player will not play the file.  
A sense of deja vu here as I had similar problems 
back in January. 
Format profile   : LC
Bit rate : 320 kb/s
Format profile   : HE-AAC / LC
Bit rate : 96.0 kb/s
so it looks like a repeat of the Linn problem

Hi Alastair! Is it warming up in Scotland?
A very pleasant 27C currently here :-)

Your "Linn" issue has been indeed discussed 
previously here in the list, often times by me... 
Your "problematic" firmware has no support for 
the High Efficiency (HE-AAC) encoding profile.
Radiomodes with a bitrate <= 96 kbps use that, 
while the ones >=128 use the Linn compatible 
standard Low Complexity (LC) profile; actually, 
HE-AAC is LC too, better described as 
HE-AAC LC, as indicated by the MI log.

You can consult the recently re-linked in the list 
modes tables to accommodate your radiomode settings:

Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't download with GiP 3.00

2017-05-08 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Mon May 8 17:44:09 BST 2017, Alan Milewczyk wrote: 

Must admit, I was amused by the reference to a video profile as 
"outgoing" - wonder what the introverted profiles are like? ;-)

LOL - Cheers, Alan! Best laugh of the day for me!

I dug out the v2.99 file and tried that 
but got an ffmpeg error - I couldn't be bothered decoding 
what the error meant

... Are you sure it wasn't an rtmpdump error?
In GiP 3.00+, RTMP stream support (ergo flash modes) 
was removed, hence the same happened to the 
utility (RTMPdump) used to fetch those streams... 
Either way, you could've always posted that error here 
and hopefully a sympathetic soul (!) could have given it 
a look...

Take the best of care, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Programme in Series has `firstbcast' But no `available'.

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun May 7 22:07:00 BST 2017, J K.Eason wrote:

If you use Textpad (for Windows), you can compare two files
that you're viewing via Tools > Compare files... (F9).
That brings up a third window with the differences between
the two files. Very handy!

Thanks! I'm using PSPad (freeware):

It has a similar, handy, functionality that allows for
comparing an opened file to another one on disk;
the two are then showed side-by-side in another tab,
with the diffs clearly standing out with different colours,
a la GitHub "split-diff" style:


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't download with GiP 3.00

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun May 7 22:13:42 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote:

Can Apple devices cope with HVF streams
as they are HLS-based?

Don't own one, but they should; the mediaselector API URLs
for mediaset=apple-ipad-hls do include Video Factory streams:

pid=b04w0fyz => vpid=b04w0fqv

and look for service="stream-uk-mobile_streaming_concrete_combined_sd"
(CDNs: Akamai, Limelight, Bidi)

Is there a 720p 25fps HDS stream created by USP?


Have a nice week..

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't download with GiP 3.00

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Sun May 7 23:16:20 BST 2017, RS wrote: 

That mode does not appear in the list in the blog. 

Well spotted! It is meant for ipad, tablets and other mobile devices...

And that same blog describes the "1280x720 at 25fps" video profile 
as "outgoing", so that pretty much answers the question posed by 
@tellyaddict as to why "there isn't a 720p 25fps hvf option"...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: V3.00

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun May 7 21:59:36 BST 2017, Lucy Walker wrote:

There seems to be something odd going on -
the channel in question (Radio Somerset) seems
to have updated some programmes in cache,
but the show that I'm after, isn't in the PVR cache
despite downloading happily through the CLI

Hello again :-)
That particular pid you're after is already inside
my radio.cache, as demonstrated by:
C:\Program Files\get_iplayer>get_iplayer --type=radio pid:p050hczf
get_iplayer 3.01-windows.0, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details 
use --warranty.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 

 conditions; use --conditions for details.

 NOTE: A UK TV licence is required to legally access BBC iPlayer TV content

18351:  Geoff Barker's Rock 'n' Roll Party - Sonny Curtis, BBC Somerset, 


INFO: 1 Matching Programmes

Are you sure you did perform a radio.cache rebuild, too?
Won't hurt to retry:

get_iplayer --type=radio -f --refresh-limit-radio=30 --force --index-maxconn=10

optionally followed by

get_iplayer --type=radio -f --refresh-future --force

Other than that, I fear I'm out of more ideas...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: V3.00

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun May 7 16:39:44 BST 2017, Lucy Walker wrote:

I've noticed that certain stations (R2 and Local Radio)
no longer seem to be generating cache updates

Hi Lucy :-)
GiP 3.01 has recently been released, so first start
by updating to that:

Then have a read of

BBC Radio 2 is being happily indexed here,
but remember radio cache refresh must be
performed manually once a week (unless you
do what is described in

As for Local Radio, I'm not quite sure yet, but
it shouldn't be excluded from radio.cache;
I know Local TV is because of
but in that same commit

# $opt->{refreshexcludegroupsradio} = "local";

is commented-out.
Please check your options file in case
you have excluded R2 and/or Local Radio
from radio.cache refreshes...

(running get_iplayer --type=radio "Pick of the Pops"
finds here latest episode broadcast yesterday:
23896:  Pick of the Pops - 1971 and 1983, BBC Radio 2, b08lg5f6
23897:  Pick of the Pops - 1961 & 1974, BBC Radio 2, b08lzmsc
23898:  Pick of the Pops - 1967 & 1980, BBC Radio 2, b08n0x9y
23899:  Pick of the Pops - 1970 & 1986, BBC Radio 2, b08nj365
23900:  Pick of the Pops - 1960 & 1984, BBC Radio 2, b08p4m6j

INFO: 5 Matching Programmes)


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't download with GiP 3.00

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun May 7 12:56:29 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote:

I really don't know why there isn't
a 720p 25fps hvf option though.

Elsewhere, tellyaddict wrote:

HVF modes are processed by the BBC

Actually, all DVF/HVF/DAF/HAF modes
(plus AdobeHDS streams for TV/Radio that
GiP does not support) are delegated to
"Unified Streaming Platform", a BBC partner:

USP do not produce any 720p25fps encodes,
I guess because the BBC do not ask them to...
When the RTMP streams are first terminated
(already announced), to be, no doubt, followed
by the "legacy" AppleHLS streams (HLS modes),
there'll be no way of getting 720p25fps...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Programme in Series has `firstbcast' But no `available'.

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Sun May 7 11:32:54 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote: 

I hope it didn't come across that I was complaining. 

Not in the slightest :-)

(I fear we're now getting OT but since you asked: )

Are you aware of the patch(1) program?

I am aware of both patch & diff programs,  
however these are not natively available on 
Windows (maybe Win10 bash shell?); forks do exist:

When it comes to few custom changes made, 
I usually manually/visually compare B to A 
with a text editor and note down the patched code. 

Then I load A2 and try to manually apply patches 
there, too; line numbers may have changed, but 
"search" facility will be able to point to the code 
segment I need re-patch.

For many custom changes made, I do use 
diff & patch utilities that come with my 
MSYS2/MinGW32 compiler already installed 
in an external HDD; this is a Unix emulation 
environment but on Windows, I occasionally 
use it to compile open-source apps like FFmpeg...

Best regards, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer v3.01 released

2017-05-07 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sun May 7 14:35:24 BST 2017, Jim web wrote:

always deals with this question in terms of
and speed of fetching?

GiP has never taken (and never will) speed of fetching
into account - it's something out of its control...
Somewhat related is the recent addition #13 to the
Support Forums Rules:

Please also read

Download speeds is a subject that, if memory
serves right, has been discussed quite extensively
here in this list previously...
It depends on quite a lot of random factors (including the
distance between you and the closest CDN node to
your actual physical location), so what you must do is
experiment with various (tv|radio)modes and between
the available CDN modes (1, 2, etc.) for the same mode,
and in the same time of day your downloads usually take place,
to hopefully establish a pattern for your setup.
Then stick to those which are most reliable/quick
for your setup...

I'll speak for Radio here (as 95% of my fetches are radio),
unlike what has been reported by many, flashaac radiomodes
(GiP 2.99 and earlier) were quite speedy for me, so my
speed of fetching list looks like:

hlsaac > flashaac >= daf  >> haf

The general consensus is that haf modes are quite slow...
And my experiments have shown that usually
Akamai > Limelight, but not a big difference...
You can use
get_iplayer -i --pid= --verbose
to see what is what...


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GiP v3.01 --cache-rebuild failed at line 18

2017-05-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Sat May 6 18:48:58 BST 2017, CJB wrote:

I raised the same issue after installing v 3.00 - I got no response.

Hello Chris - as you say, it's the same error as in

The Strawberry Perl mini-distribution (probably
the Mojo module that enables concurrent
indexing) that is installed by the GiP 3.00+ windows installer
needs to open a temporary file (mojo.tmp) inside
your %TEMP% directory, but fails for permissions
related reasons (???).
For whomever can understand it, line 18 of
"Mojo/Asset/" reads

my $file = Mojo::Asset::File->new;

Perhaps your %TEMP% dir is inaccessible by Perl;
Have you tried
1. Exit all running applications
2. Clear the content of  %TEMP%
(CCleaner or manual deletion)
3. Reboot machine

Also, re-reading
might help. There's no need to install as Admin.
Since noone else reported similar issues
either on this list or the Forums, am afraid
I have nothing concrete to go by and makes
me think it's an issue limited to your setup ;-(

I have now had to delete all old cache files,
and start from scratch.

Did that work? Concurrent or Sequential indexing? 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't download with GiP 3.00

2017-05-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Fri May 4 02:12:05 BST 2017, I wrote: 

FWIW, flashhd was the only way I could get
720p25 for either pid=p04w8y7v or p0510g83

...Most sadly, I have come across at least one PID 
(p050r6v9) for which both hlshd & flashhd are corrupted! 
flashhd (in GiP 2.97) will constantly only fetch 
a 10.4 MB partial.flv file before RTMPdump 
starts choking...
No 720p25 version for this can be downloaded,  
apparently ;-{ (I had to settle for 540p25).


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Programme in Series has `firstbcast' But no `available'.

2017-05-06 Thread Vangelis forthnet
On Sat May 6 12:59:02 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote: 

This has been very helpful, thanks.

... By the looks of it, you are a true Perl wizard, Ralph, 
so I dare say you'd have ultimately found the exit of the 
labyrinth without any of my help :-)

As I've stated numerous times in the past, sadly I can't code 
(in Perl or other language), so my MO when troubleshooting 
issues for myself (... and others) is to first consult online 
documentation (wiki etc.), then reread --longhelp (Windows 
here, so no manpages), generate and study --(verbose|debug) 
GiP logs and carry out various "experiments"... 
Sometimes I have to also make some "educated guesswork" 
(or rather uneducated, if it turns out to be wrong...) to justify 
some of my findings, but I feel I have never posted blatant 
untruths :-) !
I have never claimed to be infallible and have welcome 
anybody who have spotted something out of place in my 
posts to say so, for it to be fixed...
This list is being archived and I sense many persons do seek 
advice through the archive, so it'd be best errors are corrected...

It is only rarely that I dig deep inside the perl code, having 
Google (other SEs available) and online perl tutorials as help...
So it's my turn to thank you for the heads-up on 
current behaviour of "--refresh --refresh-future" 
which had eluded me...
Your perl knowledge is very needed here in the list, 
so do stay around...

BTW, GiP 3.01 has just been released, 
with changes to some topics discussed 
in this thread (this means more reading 
for me and porting customisations to 
the new script from 3.00.0 :-( ). 

All the best, 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Programme in Series has `firstbcast' But no `available'.

2017-05-05 Thread Vangelis forthnet

On Fri May 5 18:16:01 BST 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Maybe your tv.cache has gaps.

It seems to have.

I have done
./get_iplayer --quiet --refresh --refresh-future

"--refresh --refresh-future" won't help you in this case;
your tv.cache gap for pid=b08nyc9z is for a broadcast
date more than a week in the past; "--refresh --refresh-future"
will index tv content for current and next calendar weeks
and since pid=b08nyc9z won't be repeated in the future
(as already told in my previous message), it won't be added
to the cache; do as told to regenerate your past 15 (or more)
days worth of the tv.cache file...

If you remove it from the cache by deleting that line,
does --info then obtain the availabledate from what's now
out on the Internet to retrieve?

I still fail to grasp the importance it holds for you to have
that "available" entry in --info for that particular
episode of HUTH, but then again I'm getting older (and grumpier...).
If it's purely academic curiosity you want to satisfy, do read on...

When you -i a specific PID, most of the results are read
locally from the (tv|radio).cache file, that is if the PID is
already indexed in the cache. This is done for "economy"
reasons, so as not to redownload cached content.
Other -i results, (like the long description & modes) which
do not appear in the cache, are fetched from online metadata
feeds, currently

"available" is actually the 4th column of the tv.cache file,
so if a (TV) PID is already indexed, -i --pid= will
include the "available" entry, otherwise not.

The "available" field for an indexed PID was originally
populated by fetching the value of
first_broadcast_date for that PID (from the feeds).
If you compare
"available:" vs "firstbcast:" values for that PID,
you'll see they are identical
When a PID is not indexed, you'll only get the
"firstbcast:" -i result, not the "available:" one.

I have conducted, as requested, experiments
which you are free to try yourself.

pid=b08pm8cl was inside my tv.cache
(you can try with a different one already
in your cache);

get_iplayer --pid=b08pm8cl -i =>
INFO: pid found in cache
3194:   Homes Under the Hammer: Series 21 - Episode 9, BBC One, b08pm8cl
INFO: File name prefix = 


available:  2017-05-02T10:00:00+01:00
brand:  Homes Under the Hammer
firstbcast: 2017-05-02T10:00:00+01:00

tv.cache was manually edited to remove b08pm8cl entry;
get_iplayer --pid=b08pm8cl -i =>
INFO: Trying pid: b08pm8cl using type: tv
INFO: Trying to download PID using type tv
INFO: pid not found in tv cache
INFO: File name prefix = 


brand:  Homes Under the Hammer
firstbcast: 2017-05-02T10:00:00+01:00

To conclude, pid=b08nyc9z did not come up
with an "available:" enrty simply because it was
missing from your tv.cache. Reconstruct your
past cache and retry...
If it's only that pid you care about, here's
the relevant line from my own cache:
(may get mangled by mailer ;-( ) )

3193|tv|Homes Under the Hammer: Series 
8|21|8|default|3600|Featuring properties in Langton Green in Kent, 
Stoke-on-Trent and Northwood in Middlesex.|BBC 

(you should change index number...)

Have a good night,

get_iplayer mailing list

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