[Gimp-user] GIMP and a SMARTBoard?

2009-03-06 Thread Jürgen Hubert
My department just got itself a SMARTBoard:


I'm curious - has anyone here tried out a SMARTBoard with GIMP before? Would 
GIMP recognize the different pens or the eraser?

- Jürgen Hubert

Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com/
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Lines in the direction of a gradient

2008-03-12 Thread Jürgen Hubert
Here's something tricky:

Imagine if you have a gradient between two colors (such as black and 
white) - a smooth, gradual change between the colors. This gradient might 
take any form, but the main thing is that the change between the colors is 
smooth, instead of aprupt.

Now, it is fairly easy to greate height lines along lines with an equal 
intermediate color between the two extremes thanks to the Posterize 
function. However, I am wondering if there's any way - a script or something 
else - that makes it possible to generate lines that curve from one extreme 
to the other?

This image of a visualization of a magnetic field might help understand what 
I am looking after:


Imagine, for example, the North pole of the magnet representing black, the 
South pole representing white, and the regions between and around them 
representing a gradual change from one color to another. This script would 
take this basic color gradient and then change it into something like this 

Does any script like this exist?

- Jürgen Hubert

Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com
Science Jokes Wiki: http://science-jokes.wikidot.com/ 

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] What have you done with Custom Brushes?

2008-01-06 Thread Jürgen Hubert
Here's something I am curious: What have you done with custom brushes?

I don't mean the technical details on how to create them - I know most of the 
details (and can probably figure out the parts I don't know). Rather, I am 
wondering what you have used custom brushes _for_. In what kind of situations 
have you felt that the standard brushes of GIMP were insufficient? What kinds 
of effects have you created when painting with custom brushes? And how often do 
you use such brushes?

- Jürgen Hubert

The Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com/
Gallery: http://jhubert.deviantart.com/
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Digital Watercolor effect in GIMP?

2007-11-10 Thread Jürgen Hubert
When reading about Corel Painter, I've frequently come across a so-called 
Digital Watercolor effect, which apparently simulates how wet paint 
behaves when you apply color to a canvas - the virtual pigments are 
gradually diffused across the surface of the paper and then absorbed into it 
over time.

This sounded pretty fascinating, and I was wondering if anyone has attempted 
to create the same effect with GIMP. Or would it require too radical a 
rewrite of the code? After all, currently GIMP assumes that it doesn't 
matter _when_ you make a certain stroke with the virtual pen; it doesn't 
matter if you do a certain stroke two seconds or two minutes after the 
previous one - the result will be the same. But to implement such an effect, 
some kind of time-sensitive mechanism would have to be included - or at 
least, that's my impression from reading about it...

- Jürgen Hubert

The Art Tutorials Wiki - catering to everything an artists needs to know!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Digital Watercolor effect in GIMP?

2007-11-10 Thread Jürgen Hubert

- Original Message - 
To: Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Digital Watercolor effect in GIMP?


 On 10/11/2007, Jürgen Hubert wrote:
 When reading about Corel Painter, I've frequently come across a so-called
 Digital Watercolor effect, which apparently simulates how wet paint
 behaves when you apply color to a canvas - the virtual pigments are
 gradually diffused across the surface of the paper and then absorbed into 
 over time.

 This sounded pretty fascinating, and I was wondering if anyone has 
 to create the same effect with GIMP.

 You may want to take a look at Wetdream by Raph Levien:

 As far as I know, it's still not in GIMP, but the author explains
 quickly some of the integration problems, because of the difference in
 the way pixels are stored.

Hmmm. That page is dated to September 4th 2001, which isn't encouraging. No
one else has attempted to do anything like this since?

- Jürgen Hubert

The Art Tutorials Wiki - catering to everything an artists needs to know!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Blur and Transparency

2007-08-16 Thread Jürgen Hubert
Well, the issue is moot now - I've installed the latest version of both GIMP 
and GTK, and blurring works just fine, now. And as an additional bonus, the 
problem I had with my Intuos was solved as well...

I guess I should update more often.   ;)

- Jürgen Hubert

Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com
Free Portraits: http://juergen.the-huberts.net/1hp/main.php 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Blur and Transparency

2007-08-14 Thread Jürgen Hubert

- Original Message -
From: Scott Bicknell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gimp-user@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu
Cc: Jürgen Hubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Blur and Transparency

  What you will see are some gray boundary areas around your
  white object, depending on what parameters you used for the
  blur effect.

 That's not what I see. I started with a white background layer,
 added a transparent layer, created a circular selection, filled
 it with white, deselected the area, and used Gaussian blurring
 with a radius of 20. It behaved as it should, spreading out the
 pixels and gradually blending them to the transparent areas of
 the layer without affecting the color. The only way it becomes
 visible is if I toggle the visibility of the background layer.

Strange. But admittedly I don't have the latest version of GIMP installed on
this computer. I'll check again tomorrow, once I'm no longer dependant on a
dial-up internet connection...

- Jürgen Hubert

Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Blur and Transparency

2007-08-13 Thread Jürgen Hubert
A minor annoyance I had to deal with is when I am attempting to use blur
effects on layers with transparent areas - instead of assuming that the
transparent areas have no color worth blurring at all, GIMP seems to assume
that they are black for the purpose of the blurring algorithm - which can
cause some rather ugly side effects.

To see what I am talking about, start with a new image with a white
background. Create a new, transparent layer, and place a pure white object
on it (such as a white circle). Now apply any blur function to it.

What you will see are some gray boundary areas around your white object,
depending on what parameters you used for the blur effect.

Now in _my_ opinion, what ideally _should_ happen is that you see nothing at
all in this case - the white of the object should be a bit more spread out
with a greater graduation of the object's transparency in the boundary
areas, but there shouldn't be any discolorations.

Is there some way to achieve this with GIMP?

- Jürgen Hubert

Art Tutorial Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP and tilt sensitivity

2007-07-19 Thread Jürgen Hubert
I've just received my new (okay, used and purchased via Ebay...) Intuos 
graphics tablet, and am toying around with its new features.

Especially interesting is its tilt sensitivity. However, the only tool tilt 
sensitivity seems to have an effect on is the Ink tool. Is this accurate or 
am I missing something?

Furthermore, I've noticed that you apparently can't use the Undo function 
for the Ink tool. Is there a specific reason for this?

- Jürgen Hubert

Art Tutorials Wiki

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP and tilt sensitivity

2007-07-19 Thread Jürgen Hubert

- Original Message - 
From: Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jürgen Hubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP and tilt sensitivity


 On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 19:40 +0200, Jürgen Hubert wrote:

 Especially interesting is its tilt sensitivity. However, the only tool 
 sensitivity seems to have an effect on is the Ink tool. Is this accurate 
 am I missing something?

 That is mostly accurate. In theory one could also create a brush pipe
 that reacts to tilt but I am not sure if this really works. As far as I
 know no one has tried this yet and it would be very tedious, to say the

Pity. I think a brush that changes shape and direction as you tilt the pen 
would be very neat...

 Furthermore, I've noticed that you apparently can't use the Undo 
 for the Ink tool. Is there a specific reason for this?

 If Undo doesn't work, that would be a bug. But it seems to work fine for

I tested it again, and it seems that this only happens when I use the Ink 
tool with the Intuos (1) tablet (whether I use the pen tool or the Intuos 
mouse) - when I use my regular mouse instead, I can use the Undo function.

Are there any other owners of the Intuos tablet here who have experienced 
something similar?

- Jürgen Hubert

Free Portraits Gallery

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP and tilt sensitivity

2007-07-19 Thread Jürgen Hubert

- Original Message - 
From: Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jürgen Hubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP and tilt sensitivity


 On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 22:08 +0200, Jürgen Hubert wrote:

 I tested it again, and it seems that this only happens when I use the Ink
 tool with the Intuos (1) tablet (whether I use the pen tool or the Intuos
 mouse) - when I use my regular mouse instead, I can use the Undo

 That is very strange as it shouldn't make any difference. Have you had a
 look at the Undo dialog?

When I click on Undo in the Undo dialog, the dialog moves up to the
previous instance - but the Ink drawing doesn't actually vanish.

I've tested this some more, and it seems that this effect isn't actually
limited to the Ink tool - the other drawing tools have the same effect. But
I've uncovered another hint:

When I use the fuzzy stroke or hard edged pixels to paint swift strokes,
then I end up with a single brush image some time after the main stroke has


That last dot _can_ be reversed with Undo, but the main stroke can't.

I was wondering if this effect was only limited to GIMP, so I called up
Microsoft Paint (the first time I've ever done that...) - and it worked just
fine there.

I suspect this bug is also the reason why I can't use the color gradient
tool - it shows the starting point and the end point as well as a line
between the two, but the gradient isn't actually painted.

Does this help?

- Jürgen Hubert

Free Portraits Gallery

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Making GIMP more newbie-friendly (Was: Gimp - not-gimpshop)

2007-07-09 Thread Jürgen Hubert

Datum: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 21:43:40 +0800
Von: Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
An: gimp-user@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu
Betreff: Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - not-gimpshop

 On Monday 09 July 2007, Raphaël Quinet wrote:

  Now I hope that we can get back to discussing GIMP on
  this list... 
 Ah, yes.
 One overlay I'd like to see appear is *not* a PS clone, it's
 an overlay that makes GIMP instantly useful to newbies, so
 runs things in modes and fashions they expect.

So what would those be?

I mean, I've used various graphics programs before, but GIMP was the only such 
program which I've used since I actually started with digital painting. And for 
the most part, it was all fairly logical and consistent - the only thing I had 
problems with in the beginning was how to draw circles and rectangles (but I am 
better now).

Personally, I think the interface of GIMP works perfectly well. What's lacking 
is appropriate _documentation_ for what you can actually do with it - 
tutorials, to be specific.

And here GIMP is sadly far behind Photoshop and other commercial applications. 
It's one thing to tell a newbie: This is the text tool, and here is how it is 
used. That's important, technical stuff he needs to know, but when making 
decisions about what software to use such dry descriptions won't make him 
_enthusiastic_. Now, on the other hand, if he finds a tutorial that says:

Today we will show you how to make Giant Flaming Letters of Doom(TM) with 

- _then_ he will feel enthusiastic.

Last summer I started collecting all those hundreds of links to art tutorials 
which would eventually become the Art Tutorials Wiki links list. Since I was 
using GIMP at the time - and I still am - I tried to get GIMP tutorials first 
and foremost, but found few of them. On the other hand, there were plenty of 
first-grade tutorials for Photoshop, Painter, and other commercial programs out 
there. Many of them would make you go out and buy these programs - if you 
didn't know that you could create the same effects with GIMP with little effort.

So if we want to make GIMP more newbie-friendly, I think we should let the 
developers continue to develop the program by adding new functions instead of 
spending too much time emulating other programs. The rest of us who aren't as 
well versed in coding can try to create tutorials that will make others 
enthusiastic about GIMP.

I already have started to do that - I've started on a tutorial which attempts 
to explain how to draw fantasy maps with GIMP and Inkscape:


And I've gotten some enthusiastic feedback from various people interested in 
doing so. But that's just one possible topic - so pick your own and work on it!

- Jürgen Hubert

The Art Tutorials Wiki
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] A Call for Tutorials

2007-07-06 Thread Jürgen Hubert
Hello, everyone.

I have been using GIMP extensively ever since I bought a graphics tablet early 
last year, and although I'm not nearly as proficient with it as I'd like to be, 
I think I am improving nicely nonetheless.

However, there is always more to learn about both GIMP and digital painting in 
general. For this reason, I spent a lot of time searching for good online 
tutorials on all sorts of aspects of digital painting relevant to me. And 
eventually, my link list grew so massive that I was looking for ways to 
organize it better.

So eventually, I decided to put them all into a wiki format, and I finally 
found a provider of free wikis who helped me do that. You can see the result 


Many of the techniques mentioned in the link lists were initially written for 
other software than GIMP, but they are usable for GIMP nonetheless. Others 
cover aspects of painting that go beyond the medium of digital art, such as 
drawing the anatomy of humans - but they might still be of interest to people 

But the link lists still have serious shortcomings - for example, they have 
next to nothing on photomanipulation, which is something I don't have much 
interest in at the moment, but which is very important to other people. Here 
I'd like to ask those of you who are interested in this topic to add any 
relevant links you know of - I am sure others will appreciate your help.

Finally, this wiki also has enough space to host original tutorials on its own 
right. I've already started moving a tutorial on creating fantasy maps with 
GIMP and Inkscape to the wiki, and hope to port the rest over this weekend. It 
is my hope that others will add their own tutorials as well.

Furthermore, I also want the Wiki to feature essays and explanations of various 
tools that can be used by artists - and GIMP certainly qualifies as such a 
tool. I've only created a short, bare-bones page for GIMP:


But it would be my hope that eventually people who have never heard of GIMP 
before could read a detailed explanation of what GIMP is, what it does and what 
its advantages are, as well as links to GIMP-specific tutorials and explanation 
of its tools.

So if you could help with any of these endeavors it would be a huge help. But 
first and foremost I'd like to put the word out that this Wiki exists - and 
what, time and effort willing, it might become.

- Jürgen Hubert

The Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com/gimp
Free Portraits: http://juergen.the-huberts.net/1hp/
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Cartography Workshop

2007-04-04 Thread Jürgen Hubert
I am currently running a workshop on how to do fantasy cartography using 
Inkscape - and GIMP. Anyone with an interest in creating fantasy maps is 
welcome to look at it - and tell me what I am doing wrong.   ;)

The thread can be found here:


- Jürgen Hubert

Urbis - A World of Cities
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Giant Art Tutorials Link List

2006-08-01 Thread Jürgen Hubert
In the last few weeks, I've collected a huge number of online art tutorial 
links. And now I've finally found a wiki where I could dump all those links - a 
gaming wiki, of all things.

The tutorials are mostly biased to the tools I am using - a Wacom tablet and 
GIMP - but also cover other subjects, and I think there will be something of 
interest to most people interested in digital art. So if you want to see all 
those tutorials, go to this page and view the appropriate sub-pages:


And if you know of any new tutorials - especially ones covering topics not 
found on the lists - please, by all means, add them to it.

- Jürgen Hubert
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Motivator Script?

2006-07-06 Thread Jürgen Hubert
I recently came across this neat toy:


You can see quite a few examples of what you can do with this here:


I was wondering: Is there some sort of script that allows you to do the same 
with GIMP?

- Jürgen Hubert
Gimp-user mailing list