Re: [Gimp-user] Math graphics

2007-12-21 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:19:21 -0500, Brian Vanderburg II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Is there a plugin (or high speed script-fu) that would allow me to enter 
> a math expression and from it create the pixel data also given a 
> 'viewport range'.

Have a look at MathMap:

It can process existing images using arbitrarily complex mathematical
formulas.  It can also create new images from scratch, as you can see
on the examples page with the moire pattern or the Mandelbrot fractal.
It comes with a tutorial and an extensive reference manual.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] remember last location for "save as", "save a copy", "save", "open"

2007-10-04 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 18:20:33 +0200, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If an image already has a filename associated to it, then open the Save
> file-chooser in that folder. Otherwise use the folder of the most recent
> save operation. Would that make sense?

Definitely.  That should be the default behavior.

If needed, the current behavior (always use the last directory) can be
emulated with a temporary bookmark.  The opposite is not true: if you
are working on several images and want to save each of them in the
directory they came from, then the current file-chooser behavior gets
in the way.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] non-destructive editing

2007-10-04 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 02:55:35 -0700, gimp_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 October 2007 13:02:02 Simon Budig wrote:
> > Not "just noise", his points have some merit. But they are directed to
> > the wrong audience and the intended audience already knows about his
> > points. That ironically makes his mails pointless...
> >
> If you regard my contributions as noise then please do not waste you time 
> reading them unless you are trolling to start a flame war. If so you will not 
> be successful here because I will follow a policy I have followed over 30 
> years on mail lists -- keep on topic and, apart from making a polite qrequest 
> to keep on topic,  ignore trolling provocations designed to take threads off 
> topic by making personal comments.  

I assume that you have read the part of Simon's message that you have
quoted above.  He did not write that your contributions are noise.  He
wrote that they are addressed to the wrong audience.  Furthermore, the
developers (who may be a better audience for feature requests) are
already aware of the benefits of non-destructive editing, and the GEGL
library is a step in that direction.

Considering that most developers are already aware of the benefits
(and overhead) of non-destructive editing, I am wondering why you keep
on arguing about it.

You are posting this on the user list. Although this list can provide
good feedback about what some users like or do not like, this may not
be the best place to argue about how to implement a feature that has
already been discussed several times.  Well, unless you think that
some members of this list who are not already developers would be so
convinced by your arguments that they would decide to learn
programming, study the GIMP internals, and start redesigning the whole
GIMP core on their own.  But I consider this to be rather unlikely.

So please think twice before arguing about these issues.  I suggest
that you take a look at GEGL if you haven't looked at it already.
Then feel free to bring back this topic on this list or on the
developers list in about two years if you think that GIMP is not
making progress in the right direction.


P.S.: The suggestion to bring this back in two years is not a way to
  keep you away.  It is just a reflection on the speed at which
  GIMP is developed and probably the earliest date at which some
  of the suggested features could be reviewed.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Forensic analysis using gimp

2007-09-20 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:22:14 -0600, Alex Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is getting off the topic of the Gimp, but you've piqued my
> interest.  I just took a digital photo and modified it very slightly
> with the Gimp, and used exiftool to print out the exif data for the
> original and the modification, and diff'd the two exif outputs.  The
> only things I saw that might have made a difference were fields called
> "Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling" and "JFIF Version".  I don't know what these are,
> but neither one screamed Gimp!, at least to me.  Is there an exif field
> I am missing?  Is there another tool for looking at all this data?

Using exiftool will only give you a part of the EXIF information, and
EXIF is only a part of the metadata available in the JPEG file.  You
will get a lot more information about the layout of the various blocks
contained in the file by using exifprobe instead of exiftool.

Although exifprobe shows much more than the EXIF metadata, it does
not show you an additional bit of info that can be useful when trying
to identify forgeries: what software has created the JPEG quantization
tables used in that file.  In case you are not familiar with JPEG
compression, these tables define how the luminance and chrominance
components of the image are compressed.  Most cameras use their own
tables, Adobe uses their own tables in Photoshop and other products,
GIMP uses the IJG tables, etc.

That's why I suggested using the jpegqual test tool that I included in
the GIMP source tree (only in SVN for the moment).  That program
allows you to check the quantization tables used in a JPEG file and
guess what program or device could have created them.  This program is
very incomplete and not intended for general distribution (I wrote it
to validate some algorithms used in the jpeg save plug-in), but you
can already have some fun with it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Forensic analysis using gimp

2007-09-20 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 05:23:13 +0200 (CEST), "Alchemie foto\\grafiche" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Raphael Quinet wrote
> _" I do not
> want to say too much about that because I do not want to give too many
> ideas to the crooks, but let's say that the way some things are split
> or ordered in the JPEG file is usually different between digital
> cameras and image editing software."_
> Well i too don't want give ideas to crooks, but i want say that there is no 
> way to demonstrate that a imagine is faked,
> You can only demonstrate that is a fake if some mistake were done, if not, 
> simply there is no way,

Well, the point is that most people do make mistakes.

We can even play a little game if you want: give me the URL of some JPEG
image that claims to come directly from a digital camera.  I bet that I
can tell you immediately if it was modified by some other program.  And
with a bit of luck, I could even tell you which program has modified it
even if the EXIF metadata is not included in the file or has been
modified.  Note that the removal of the EXIF block is already a hint
that the image has been modified, since almost all digital cameras
include EXIF blocks in all their images.

If you have the latest GIMP from SVN (soon to be 2.4-rc3), you can also
try to run the small test program in plug-ins/jpeg/jpegqual and it may
tell you some things that you did not expect about some of your JPEG
files.  Note that this tool is still under development, but you can
already do some interesting things with it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Forensic analysis using gimp

2007-09-19 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 10:56:53 -0300, "Lucas Prado Melo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> How can I identify (using gimp) if a photograph has been faked?

There are different techniques that can be applied.  Some of the focus
on detecting if the image has been modified (detecting suspicious
patterns in the pixels after loading the image) and some others focus
on analyzing the file, not the pixels.  You already got several
replies mentioning the first part (changes in the image), so let me
give you a few hints about the second part (changes in the file).

For example, if you have a JPEG image to analyze, then the first thing
you can do is to see if the image has been saved directly by a digital
camera or if it came from GIMP, Photoshop or any other image editing
software.  If the EXIF metadata tells you that the image was saved by
Photoshop, then you can already be sure that it did not come straight
out of the camera.  This does not necessarily mean that the contents
of the image have been modified, but at least you know that the image
may be different from what was taken by the camera.

And even if the JPEG file does not contain any EXIF block or if some
clever hacker has replaced the EXIF block by the original one from the
camera, then you can look at the JPEG quantization tables and check if
these match the tables that are used by some cameras, or if these are
the tables used by Photoshop or any other program.  This is a bit
harder to fake and most of those who create fake images and go through
the trouble of replacing the EXIF block ignore the fact that the
quantization tables in the JPEG file can betray them.  Note that I
recently added a feature in GIMP that allows you to preserve the
quantization tables from the original image, so that could in theory
be used to "improve" some forgeries.  However, there are other details
in the JPEG file layout can can reveal if the file came straight out
of the camera or if it was processed by some other software.  I do not
want to say too much about that because I do not want to give too many
ideas to the crooks, but let's say that the way some things are split
or ordered in the JPEG file is usually different between digital
cameras and image editing software.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to save a selection to file?

2007-09-13 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:38:56 +0200, "Lars Ruoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can i save a selection (just the shape, not the content) to a file, so
> that i can use it in another image?

You cannot really save the selection itself, but you can save and reuse
a channel.  To be more precise, XCF files allow you to save the selection,
but then it will be difficult to reuse that selection in another file.

The best solution is to convert your selection to a channel (using the
menu "Select->Save to Channel") and then save that channel to a file.
You can then reload that file later and copy the channel into any other
image.  You can use Channel to Selection in the Layers/Channel/Paths
window when you want to convert that channel back into a selection.  Or
you can just click on the pretty buttons...

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] A GIMP book

2007-08-24 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:48:01 -0400, Michael Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Greg wrote:
> > Speaking of books, I have Beginning Gimp, which was published in '06
> > but says it includes material on the "latest 2.4 release"
> >
> > Wha?
> Actually that book was written based on a development snapshot of  
> GIMP. I find it to be a very useful book IMHO. I'm not sure how  
> relevant it will continue to be though, based on the fact that the  
> author really seems to have jumped the gun in regards to the GIMP 2.4  
> release. [...]

Many users and developers were hoping for GIMP 2.4 to be released
around the end of summer last year.  Alas, that didn't happen
because it took a long time to fix some nasty bugs, then it was
decided to include some new features because the release was not
ready anyway, then more bugs popped in, then it also took a while
to fix them, then even more features were added, even more bugs
were discovered and fixed, and so on...

It is not surprising that the authors of some books were hoping
for 2.4 to be released earlier.  Maybe they were a bit too
optimistic, but I wouldn't blame them for that.

Now that we already have the first release candidate with lots of
nice features (and a few bugs that have already been fixed), we
are finally getting very close to the official release of GIMP 2.4.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] jpeg compression levels

2007-08-23 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 13:31:27 +0200, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to make a JPEG "saved at a high quality setting (i.e. Photoshop 
> level 10 or above)". Since I don't know what Photoshop is ;), could 
> someone please tell me what the equivalent would be using GIMP?

Here is a table that provides an approximate mapping between Photoshop
quality levels and GIMP (actually IJG JPEG library) quality levels:

Adobe Photoshop quality 12  <=  GIMP quality 98, subsampling 1x1
Adobe Photoshop quality 11  <=  GIMP quality 95, subsampling 1x1
Adobe Photoshop quality 10  <=  GIMP quality 93, subsampling 1x1
Adobe Photoshop quality 9   <=  GIMP quality 91, subsampling 1x1
Adobe Photoshop quality 8   <=  GIMP quality 90, subsampling 1x1
Adobe Photoshop quality 7   <=  GIMP quality 89, subsampling 1x1
Adobe Photoshop quality 6   <=  GIMP quality 90, subsampling 2x2
Adobe Photoshop quality 5   <=  GIMP quality 89, subsampling 2x2
Adobe Photoshop quality 4   <=  GIMP quality 88, subsampling 2x2
Adobe Photoshop quality 3   <=  GIMP quality 88, subsampling 2x2
Adobe Photoshop quality 2   <=  GIMP quality 87, subsampling 2x2
Adobe Photoshop quality 1   <=  GIMP quality 86, subsampling 2x2
Adobe Photoshop quality 0   <=  GIMP quality 85, subsampling 2x2

Some remarks:

- I designed this mapping in a way that is a rather pessimistic for
  GIMP.  It tries to be "at least as good", which means that in
  practice you could reduce the GIMP quality by a few points and still
  get about the same quality level.

- Photoshop includes several parameters in a single "quality" setting,
  while GIMP provides separate controls for the "quality level", the
  choice of subsampling and other parameters hidden in the Advanced
  options in the JPEG dialog.  It is likely that future GIMP versions
  (after 2.4) will also offer a simplified interface by default and
  hide the current quality slider inside the advanced options.

- Subsampling 1x1 and 2x2 are short ways to write "1x1,1x1,1x1" and
  "2x2,1x1,1x1" that you find in the GIMP JPEG dialog.

- If you still intend to do more work on the image, you should never
  just save it as JPEG.  Always keep a copy in XCF format (GIMP's
  native file format).

- Because of the change of subsampling, Photshop quality 7 uses a
  "GIMP quality level" that is lower than Photoshop quality 6.  This
  may seem strange, but apparently the Photoshop developers designed
  the quality levels to be related to the expected file size rather
  than the quality of the JPEG quantization.

- The default GIMP quality level is 85.  This matches the worst
  quality level for Photoshop (quality 0).  This is not really true
  because of the different subsampling (GIMP uses 2x1 by default,
  which is better than 2x2) and because the mapping that I described
  here is rather pessimistic for GIMP.  But level 85 is good enough
  in most cases and the default Photoshop quality levels are designed
  for high-quality storage, not for publishing on the web.

- Photoshop includes a totally different quality scale in its "Save
  for web" interface.  It goes from 0 to 100 (like in GIMP) with the
  following mapping (again, rather pessimistic for GIMP):
  Adobe Photoshop Save for web 100 <= GIMP quality 98, subsampling 1x1
  Adobe Photoshop Save for web 75  <= GIMP quality 92, subsampling 1x1
  Adobe Photoshop Save for web 50  <= GIMP quality 86, subsampling 1x1
  Adobe Photoshop Save for web 25  <= GIMP quality 72, subsampling 2x2
  Adobe Photoshop Save for web 0   <= GIMP quality 51, subsampling 2x2

- Setting the GIMP quality level to 95 or higher is a waste of disk
  space and/or bandwidth.

- Setting the GIMP quality level to anything below 50 is a bad idea.

- I just saw that the GIMP user manual has a very confusing
  description for the subsampling parameter and it is not even
  correct.  I will try to fix that soon.

This is probably way more information that you were expecting.  The
short answer is: set your GIMP quality level to 93 or higher (but in
fact, 90 should be OK).  And set the subsampling to 1x1,1x1,1x1.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - gimpshop - newbie

2007-07-12 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 22:27:49 -0500, Eric P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm all into usability as I use a high ratio of keyboard shortcuts vs. mouse 
> in GIMP.  Can you elaborate on some of the
> new usability enhancements?  I'm all ears.

Well, it's difficult to single out a specific feature.  I suggest that
you read the recent changes summarized in:
And maybe more importantly, that you look at the work done by Kamila
and Peter for improving the user interface:
Some of these improvements have already integrated in the current
version in SVN but others are still pending.  For example, have a
look at:

You will also find many little things that have been improved to guide
the user along the way, such as tooltips for all menu items (quick
description of what each filter does) or status bar messages that help
you to remember how to use each tool and what to do with Ctrl/Alt/Shift.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - gimpshop - newbie

2007-07-09 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 20:08:26 +0800, Leon Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then future queries can be answered like this:
> GimpShop is a different product to GIMP. Read about
> the differences and support issues here:
> I'd happily write up such a page but I know practically nothing
> about the background of GimpShop, so I've just put a brief
> stop-gap into the Wiki.

Thanks a lot for this good idea!

I have updated this wiki page and provided a link to a GIMPshop forum
that may be helpful for GIMPshop users.  If anybody finds more mailing
lists or forums dedicated to GIMPshop, feel free to add the relevant
links to that page.

I have also added a short description of some technical problems
related to the fork (code conflicts, breaking translations) and again,
this section can be expanded if anybody feels like writing more about

Now I hope that we can get back to discussing GIMP on this list...

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - gimpshop - newbie

2007-07-09 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 05:02:19 -0700, David Southwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That would mean more developers, features and a bigger
> and better community of users. IMHO gimpshop is a great idea. According to 
> some its developers have not behaved well -- my guess is there are two sides 
> to the story. The important thing is to look to what can be provided not what 
> can be stopped!!

Unfortunately, more users does not automatically mean more developers
and more features.  In some cases, this is even the opposite: some
projects have seen their number of developers decrease as the number of
users increased, because the community became worse (large number of
conflicting user requests, unrealistic expectations, developer burn-out,

You claim that there are "two sides to the story" regarding the
development of Gimpshop.  This may be the case, but I encourage you to
take a look at the archive of the gimp-developer mailing list and find
the early discussions about Gimpshop.  Then see the suggestions about
how to do it "right" and what happened since then (hint: Gimpshop is
still a fork using modifications to the source code instead of being
an add-on).

As I wrote in my previous message, the GIMP developers are not opposed
to some of the ideas included in Gimpshop, if only they were
implemented in a correct way.  The developers are open to suggestions
and are looking at alternative solutions whenever possible.  Just
check the recent usability enhancements in SVN if you are not
convinced about that.

> Currently all I am suggesting is that people with a history of scores to 
> settle need to keep quiet and if others want to talk about gimpshop then let 
> them do so. Noone is saying any single individual should feel obliged to 
> contribute to those discussion.

I don't think that I have a history of scores to settle with Gimpshop.
If fact, I do not even remember contributing to previous discussions
(I haven't checked, though).  But please be a bit more open yourself
and consider what others have written in the last days.  Discussions
about Gimpshop tend to create confusion on this list.  Even if we
ignore the technical and political aspects of how Gimpshop was
implemented, the simple fact that any discussion about Gimpshop on
this list tends to generate noise should be a sufficient reason to
avoid such discussions in the future.  This doesn't mean that Gimpshop
is a taboo that should not be mentioned here.  But instead of
discussing it here, it would be much better to point users to a more
specific mailing list.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - gimpshop - newbie

2007-07-09 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 12:06:22 +0200, Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Southwell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I suggest you treat gimpshop as an intermediate hack. Get the best out of 
> > it 
> > you can until someone is encouraged to dvevelop something more 
> > sophisticated. 
> That simply is impossible, since the "solutions" of Gimpshop are no
> solutions. I tried to explain that already, but you apparently do not
> understand the impact of changing strings in the sourcecode.
> The hacks of Gimpshop simply cannot be applied to the gimp, they are
> technically too bad. Sorry for the harsh words, but this is reality.

Just to clarify a bit...  The GIMP developers are not opposed to some
of the ideas included in Gimpshop, but are opposed to the way they are

Some users would like an interface that is similar to Photoshop in the
terms that it uses and the menus that it offers.  That's fine.  Some
users prefer an interface in which all windows (images, tools, etc.)
are attached to a main window.  That's also fine.  If these options
are implemented correctly, they will be included in a future version
of GIMP and will be supported.

But as several developers have already pointed out, Gimpshop did it
wrong both from a technical perspective and from a social perspective.
Instead of using the existing infrastructure for replacing/translating
strings and for customizing menus, Gimpshop modifies the source code
directly and makes it very difficult to share code with the standard
GIMP (every upgrade requires a code re-write).  And instead of
discussing the best solutions and the best way to proceed together
with the GIMP developers, the author of Gimpshop refused to consider
the technical advice and decided to maintain a fork instead of an

Gimpshop is different from GIMP because it is a fork of an older
version, it has some bugs that GIMP doesn't have, its menus are
different, etc.  It makes sense to have a separate mailing list for
discussing issues specific to that fork, in order to avoid confusing
GIMP users with advice that relates to a different program.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Points cloud images in GIMP

2007-02-02 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:27:50 +0100, Enrico Galletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> is there any tool in GIMP to convert a grey-scale image into a 
> black&white (1 bit bitmap) points cloud image, i.e. an image where the 
> grey scale is given by density of dark points ?

This can be done with a simple conversion to black and white with
dithering enabled:
- select Image->Mode->Indexed
- for the colormap, choose black and white (1-bit)
- for dithering, select Floyd-Steinberg dithering
- click "Convert" and you will get your black and white dots

If the resolution of your image is not sufficient to get nice clouds,
the you can scale up the image before converting it to black and white.
So you would go to Image->Scale Image and double or triple the width
and height before going to Image->Mode->Indexed.

You may also want to play with the overall brightness or contrast of
the image before converting it to black and white.  You can play with
Colors->Curves or Colors->Levels.

Another option is to use the Newsprint plug-in.  You can find it in
Filters->Distorts->Newsprint, although I doubt that this is exactly
what you are looking for.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] This must be possible

2007-01-23 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:37:37 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am trying to create some backgrounds for webpagesand they must
> have that "flattened" look. That's the only way I can describe
> it. They look like the contrast has been reduced and the page
> brightened overall. Considering all the tools available in GIMP, one
> of them must be the one , but I can't seem to find the proper one. I
> have tried reducing contrast and brightening but the look isn't what
> I want. If anybody understands what I want can they help ??

There are many ways to do that.  If you are not too familiar with
GIMP and the various color tools that it offers, the easiest way
is probably this:
- Open the image.
- Add a new layer on top of the background.
- Fill it with white (or light gray, or any light color).
- Reduce the opacity of the new layer to 50% or less.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] suggested behaviour change of layer masks

2006-12-13 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 18:43:47 +, David Marrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to apply the same layer mask to a number of stock photos. In this case
> the mask is text but it could be anything. I want to get the best image for 
> the
> mask and this means not only trying different photos but also aligning those
> photos for best composition.

Although this is not implemented yet in the current GIMP, what you are
trying to do for your composition could be done easily once "masking
groups" or "clipping groups" are implemented.  This feature, which
exists in some other popular image manipulation program, allows you to
group several layers and apply a single mask to the whole group.

There is an old GIMP enhancement proposal about this feature:

With this feature, you could have all your stock photos as layers in
the same masking group and toggle their visibility or reposition them
individually while the same mask is always used.  I only use GIMP
myself but I have seen some designers using that feature in other
programs with great efficiency.  It is very useful when you are
working on a composition and you want to change some masked layers
without changing the mask itself.  Or vice-versa, when you want to
change the mask without having to change several layers using that

It is too late to add that feature to GIMP 2.4 and it is probably not
appropriate for 2.6 (unless the scope of 2.6 changes significantly)
but it would be nice if someone could work on this for GIMP 3.0.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] there adjustment layer in the next gimp feature plan??

2006-12-07 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 7 Dec 2006 02:35:21 -0500, "Teddy Widhi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe some developer that also read my milis know, that  the adjustment
> layer will adding in the next gimp feature plan? i want to know the news
> about it. bcos i very-very hope the gimp add adjustment layer for change
> some color correction or etc.

Adjustment layers will not be in 2.4.  This will probably have to wait until
the GEGL-ification of GIMP is complete (i.e., GIMP 3.0).  For details, see:

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimpui.pc

2006-10-02 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 06:24:25 -0600, Alex Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, let me restate the question.  I can't find any sort of development 
> package for gimp for FC5 separate from the Gimp itself.  I've googled, 
> looked on the Gimp downloads page, the Gimp Unix page, and searched 
> RedHat, and Sourceforge.  I can't find it.  But neither can I find 
> anything with a name like libgimp-dev on my computer.

I don't use Fedora, but it wasn't hard for me to discover that there
is indeed a package called gimp-devel for FC5:

> But please don't lose sight of my original question - I just want to 
> have Gutenprint make the print plugin, which it is not presently doing.  
> From my examination of the configuration log, it appears that it wants 
> the gimpui.pc file, which seems like a reasonable thing to want, but I 
> don't know.  I didn't see anything in the Release notes, so it seems 
> like if it was there once, it ought to still be there.

The main purpose of the *.pc files is to include the right directories
and compiler options that are specific to your system in order to
ensure that the plug-ins can be built and installed correctly.  The
file gimpui-2.0.pc is automatically generated when GIMP is built and
there must be some package for your distribution that includes the
appropriate version of this file.  It is important to use the right
package for your distribution because each distribution is likely to
use slightly different directories or compiler options for building
and installing GIMP.  If you take some random *.pc file from another
distribution, you are likely to break things.  So please install the
correct package (gimp-devel-2.2.13) and it should work fine.

If gimpui-2.0.pc is not included in the gimp-devel package, then you
should report a bug in the Fedora bug tracker, because this is
problem in the distribution and not a GIMP bug.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimpui.pc

2006-10-02 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 05:32:07 -0600, Alex Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, is there a place I can get more information on this?  Google showed 
> up surprisingly little for libgimp2.0-dev, and most of it was either for 
> Debian or not in English (which I prefer).  Can I just download the 
> package from the Debian site and install it in FC5?  I've never done 
> that before.

Certainly not!  It is unlikely that a Debian package will install cleanly
in FC5.  And even if you manage to install it (e.g., using alien to convert
the package), it is very likely that your system will be unusable or at
least unmaintainable after that.

Some Linux distributors have decided to split the GIMP files in two or more
packages: one of them (usually just called "gimp") contains the files that
are needed for normal usage and another one (usually called "gimp-dev" or
"gimp-devel" or something similar) contains the files that are only needed
if you want to build and install plug-ins.  The latter usually includes the
header files, the *.pc files needed by pkgconfig, etc.  It should not be
too hard for you to find the right package for your distribution.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Please Change the Derogatory Name

2006-09-29 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 16:00:25 -0500, Eric P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, I think the name should change not because I find GIMP derogatory 
> but because I think a name that somewhat
> identified (even vaguely) what sphere the software is used it would be a 
> boon.> 
> Inkscape is an excellent name in my opinion.  It is somewhat ambiguous, but 
> you definitely know that software named
> Inkscape must have something to do with the artistic sphere.  That's all you 
> really need.

I agree.  Among the various arguments about changing GIMP's name, this
is probably the only one that makes a bit of sense.  This is not a
problem for those who know that "GIMP" actually stands for "GNU Image
Manipulation Program" but those who do not know GIMP yet will probably
not know the expansion of the acronym either.  Besides, the acronym is
rarely expanded in casual talks and most users see only "GIMP" in the
splash screen and in the window titles so they may not even know what
this stands for.

It may be interesting to associate the name of the application with
what it does.  If we look at GIMP and its derivatives, we have:
  GIMP- Meaningless unless it is expanded.
  FilmGimp- Not too bad, but not used anymore.
  CinePaint   - Good.  Unique and directly linked to the right area.
  GIMPshop- Awful. This only has a meaning for Photoshop users. If
the goal was to use a name that contains parts of
Photoshop's name, then picking PhotoGIMP would have been
better.  But plagiarism is not a good idea anyway.
  Seashore- Meaningless.
And if we look at other projects and products, we have (besides
several products called Paint or Painter):
  Krita   - Meaningless except if you speak Swedish
  KolourPaint - Good.
  Tux paint   - Good.
  Tile Studio - Not too bad but specialized.
  mtPaint - Not too bad.
  Dogwaffle   - Bad.
  Picasa  - Not too bad.
  PicMaster   - Not too bad.
  Pixel   - Good but the term is too common.
  Photoshop   - Not too bad.
  PaintShop Pro - Not too bad.
  Fireworks   - A bit confusing, but inspiring.
  PhotoImpact - Good.
  PhotoPaint  - Good.
For the vector drawing programs, names like InkScape, Skencil or
Sketch are rather good.

Several other applications in the same area seem to have more
interesting names.  Maybe GIMP could become more popular if it
switched to a name that is more directly associated with graphics.
Maybe not.  As Yosh mentioned, GIMP already has some mindshare and a
new name would not only have to be good, it would have to be good
enough to justify sacrificing the popularity of the current name.

So feel free to propose better names that are:
- related to the graphics, photo or image manipulation domains
- cool, inspiring
- unique so that we don't run into trademark problems
- short enough to fit in the applications menu or window titles
- suitable for most languages and cultures

If you find a name that meets all these criteria and would probably be
immediately adopted by a marketing team if GIMP were a commercial
product, then keep in mind that you would still have 90% chance to
have the name rejected because some developers simply do not want to
change the name.  With that in mind, I wish you good luck...

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp not respecting locale

2005-11-24 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 10:19:22 +0100, MIlos Prudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Curiously, gimp compiled from sources did not show this problem. Only gimp 
> RPM 
> included with my current distro, Mandriva 2006, shows this problem. Even 
> though locale messages are installed in 
> /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
> /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
> /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
> /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
> I guess you will now rebuke me for bringing a distro-specific issue to this 
> list...

I have never used Mandriva so it will be difficult for me to help.  However,
did you check what is invoked when you run "gimp"?  Some distributions replace
the GIMP binary by a shell script that does some checks and modifies the
environment.  I do not know if this is the case for Mandriva.

Other than that, you should probably seek help from Mandriva or from other
Mandriva users.  Or fetch the source RPM from Mandriva, extract it and review
the patches that get included when you rebuild.

Good luck,
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] retouching dark photos

2005-08-05 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 13:16:28 -0400, Roger D Vargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First of all, Im a total newbie in image management. I have made just 
> some simple things with Gimp. I have some pictures I took with low 
> lights, and I would like to know the correct method to improve it. Right 
> now Im using Brigth and contrast to increase bright.

There is no single method that works perfectly in all cases, but
you can try ->Layers->Colors->Levels or ...->Curves.

In the Levels dialog, try moving the left handle (the black one) to
the right.  Try moving the middle one as well.  The preview will
allow you to see what happens and should help you to find the best
values for correcting your pictures.  The "Auto" button can give
interesting results, but can also introduce color casts so maybe
you should experiment first with manual adjustments.

See also:

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Compiling refocus

2005-08-04 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 06:15:38 -1000, wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried to compile the refocus plugin but failed. Can anyone translate this 
> and tell me what I'm missing? I'm running GIMP 2.2.4. Here's the output 
> from ./configure:
> checking for gimptool... (cached) no
> checking for GIMP - version >= 1.2.0... no
> *** The gimptool script installed by GIMP could not be found
> *** If GIMP was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
> *** your path, or set the GIMPTOOL environment variable to the
> *** full path to gimptool.
> checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
> checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... no
> *** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
> configure:1836:21: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory

It is very likely that you have not installed the development
packages on your system (probably called gtk-devel, gimp-devel
or something similar).  These packages contain the header files
such as gtk.h that are necessary for compiling programs.

If you have these files because you have compiled and installed
these libraries from sources, then you may have to tell
pkg-config where to find them (using PKG_CONFIG_PATH).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] storke selection?

2003-12-28 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 13:35:03 -0800 (PST), Gezim Hoxha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm really frustrated with the storke tool in gimp
> 1.3.23, and I hope it's because of my ignorance.
> Almost all selections (except rectangular ones) turn
> out really ugly when is an example with
> a circle 

The circle is converted to line segments for stroking, and
unfortunately there are not enough of them (12 here) so the
results are ugly.  Ideally, it should be possible to configure
how close the segments fit the shape of the selection.  It
would also be nice to configure if the stroking is done inside,
outside or on both sides of the edges of the selection.

Anyway, there is a workaround that should allow you to get a
better circle until some new options are added for stroking
selections: just convert the selection to a path, then stroke
the path.  The results should look a bit better.  Note that
you will probably need to double the stroke width because
that parameter is not interpreted in the same way for selections
and for paths.  Also, you may have to adjust the radius of your
circle (another difference, probably related to stroking inside
or on both sides of the line segments).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: [Gimp-user] The Gimp Foundation

2003-10-13 Thread Raphaël Quinet
On 13 Oct 2003 11:55:27 +0200, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > As was discussed at Gimp Con 2003 (and before, frankly) I am in the
> > process of incorporating "The GIMP Foundation" as a non-profit
> > organization devoted to supporting the gimp.
> Thanks a lot for organizing this.
> > Here are some of the ideas I am currently mulling over regarding TGF:
> >
> This sounds a lot more like an attempt to bring WilberWorks back to
> life than what I was imaging from such a foundation. IMO it should be
> a lot less commercially oriented but maybe I am only getting a wrong
> impression from looking at this list. [...]

Sorry if this sounds like a "me too" but I would like to second this.

After watching your (Daniel) presentation at GimpCon2003 and the
discussion that followed, I thought that the main roles of the GIMP
Foundation would be:
- to be a non-profit organization that can collect donations without
  trying to sell anything by itself;
- to serve as a contact point for conferences and events interested in
  GIMP presentations.

Selling GIMP tee-shirts, manuals, CDs and other stuff may be
interesting, but I would prefer to have this done by a company that
would be a separate legal entity.  Otherwise, there could be some
conflicts between a commercial GIMP Foundation and the companies that
are already selling GIMP stuff (ftgimp, macgimp/wingimp, xdarwin and
probably several others).  I would like the GIMP Foundation to be seen
as "neutral" and clearly non-commercial, so that the companies who are
selling GIMP CDs could make a donation to the foundation without
feeling that they are giving money to a potential competitor.

Gimp-user mailing list