[Gimp-user] gimp colors

2013-05-07 Thread gerard82
>Thanks Rolf,
>I'm not sure whether you overlooked that I'd already done that, or
>what you're
>suggesting is somehow different from what I did.

How was your printer configured in cups?
(cups stands for common unix printing system).
I use Linux too (Gentoo) and for printing cups + gutenprint.
I'm sure Suse has gutenprint-gimp in it's repository.
You'll have to configure it yourself.
If you haven't done this or don't know how to do it just holler.

gerard82 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP print

2013-04-05 Thread gerard82
>Oh there are definitely SOME disconnects between GIMP and printing ...
>I know that when I try to print things from my GIMP my problem is not
>with the output print quality but that GIMP can't get its on-page
>positioning correct at all.
>But that's a different topic. :)
>-- Stratadrake
>Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.
> =
I use Linux and to print I've installed CUPS + Gutenprint.
When I want to print something in Gimp I go to "File > Print with gutenprint.
Excellent results,complete control over color contrast etc.

gerard82 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.10 Compiling src issues

2013-03-17 Thread gerard82
>Getting Babl and Gegl installed from src was easy but I'm stuck which
>seems to be a common issue so here's my issue.
>checking for BABL... no
>configure: error: Package requirements (babl >= 0.1.11) were not met:
>Requested 'babl >= 0.1.11' but version of babl is 0.1.10
>I removed babl the second I started compiling from source, but if you
>go to the babl's git page you will see 0.1.10 is the latest commit,
>and there is no 0.1.11 so how do I fix this common error?
>It's been awhile since I've used linux, I stopped caring from
>compiling from source but this is one of the few applications I'd ever
>compile from source.
>I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 by the way, same issue with Gentoo and Arch
>here's my gimp install process.
>git clone git://git.gnome.org/babl
>cd babl
>./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/gimp-git
>make -j3
>sudo checkinstall --backup=no --deldoc=yes --fstrans=no --deldesc=yes
>--delspec=yes --pkgversion=0.1.10-git
>git clone git://git.gnome.org/gegl
>cd gegl
>./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/gimp-git
>ck. results, add -dev's as desired, see hints below, then run (if any
>added -dev's
>./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-git
>make -j3
>sudo checkinstall --backup=no --deldoc=yes --fstrans=no --deldesc=yes
>--delspec=yes --pkgversion=0.2.0-git
>git clone git://git.gnome.org/gimp
>cd gimp
>./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/gimp-git
>make -j9
>sudo checkinstall --backup=no --deldoc=yes --fstrans=no --deldesc=yes
>--delspec=yes --pkgversion=2.10 --pkgname=gimp-git
>Help please^^;

No way this will succeed.
I checked but there's simply no babl-0.1.11 available.
After you've compiled something in Linux it will install a *.pc file in
In the case of babl it would be babl.pc.
It's a text file and contains ao the version number in this case "version:
Without the right babl version forget about compiling gimp-2.10.
I'd be interested myself to do this but no babl with version 0.1.11 no go.

gerard82 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?

2012-07-14 Thread gerard82
>Hello erroneus,

>On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 00:02:29 +0200
>erroneus  wrote:

>> I've been looking all over but there are just no CentOS (or RHEL for that 
>> matter) packages for the latest version of GiMP.  Compiling from source 
>> doesn't even seem to be a good option either as it looks as if it will break 
>> the whole OS the way things are set up.

>Why would it? Just compile using "./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8.x" (for
>example) and install under a separate prefix. No need to install directly
>under /usr .

>Hope it helps.


>   Shlomi Fish

>> This is no way to build an application!  Applications and OSes should never 
>> be tied so closely together.  
>> I like GiMP 2.8 for Windows a lot and would prefer to run it under CentOS as 
>> that is my main desktop OS.  I have given up on Fedora because of the unholy 
>> abomination GNOME has become.
>> What is a CentOS user to do?  We want a stable and consistent OS and user 
>> experience without having to reload/update everything after less than a 
>> year, and if I want to run a current version of Libre Office, there is no 
>> trouble.  I can do that.  If I want a current version of Firefox, I can do 
>> that.  But GiMP?  Nope!  
>> Why would developers choose to shut us out like this?
I checked Distrowatch for Centos:Ridiculous,Their Gimp is at 2.6.9 while the 
in the 2,6 series is 2,6.12.
I've been using Gentoo since december 2003 after trying a lot of distro's.
Go to their website and check out the Handbook.
It has a steep learning curve but the reward is commensurate.
You'll be able to install and compile anything you may want.

>Shlomi Fish   http://www.shlomifish.org/
>My Favourite FOSS - http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/favourite/

>  VB.NET is all of the fun of enforced privacy OO with all of the power
>of BASIC.   — Freenode’s #perl

>Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - http://shlom.in/reply .

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Trace an image?

2012-03-25 Thread gerard82
>> I'm trying to trace around an image to create a line drawing.  The
>> object I'm tracing has a lot of curves in it so using the Pencil Tool.
>> Also, I've used the Paths Tool and then clicked "stroke path".  That's
>> all fine and well but it's taking FOREVER to trace the picture.
>> Since the image has a lot of curves is there a tool or gadget in Gimp
>> that can provide a smooth curve, say, around a circle?

>Use the "Intelligent scissors" if the image is suitable, then the
>quick mask to adjust the selection, then stroke.

>There is a foreground select tool which may do a similar job.

>Also there are filters which may assist, for example, the "Photocopy"
>filter may render a simpler image to trace.

> --

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
You might also try Filters > Edge Detect and the pick the one that's best 
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP and Tablets ...endless story, I expect.

2012-02-25 Thread gerard82
>Am 24.02.2012 15:45, schrieb gerard82:
>Another observation. When I use the tablet mouse, switching the tools
>with the keyboard works. The same when I use the stylus while it's not
>in "drawing mode". As soon I press the lower stylus button to switch on
>"drawing mode", the tool switch by keyboard is off and the left button
>on the trackball is disabled. To switch tools or use the menus, I have
>to put the stylus away, put the tablet mouse onto the tablet, click its
>middle button, then I get the keyboard shortcuts and the left button of
>the trackball back.

>Actually, it would all be useable if there was a less tedious method to
>get the stylus out of "drawing mode" so I get back the keyboard tool
>control and left button of my trackball back.


>Kind regards

I don't think I know how to solve your problem.
Did some googling and found this:
I have a similar file for my wacom tablet in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.
Both /usr/share/X11 and /etc/X11 are ok to put this in.
/etc/X11 is read after /usr/share/X11 during boot.
Wacom being the market leader probably makes support in Linux better.
Good luck.

>   Jan

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP and Tablets ...endless story, I expect.

2012-02-24 Thread gerard82
>Am 23.02.2012 13:53, schrieb gerard82:
>> Do you have "xf86-input-wacom" installed?
>> And is your kernel configured for wacom?
>> W/o these NO graphic tablet will work,CLI or otherwise.
>As said, I have an Aiptek 6000-U tablet, not Wacom. I have the aiptek
>kernel module installed, loaded and I get the kernel input events from
>it - See the evtest log in my first post.

>There is no "...-input-wacom" package for SuSE11.3, but I think X11 is
>ok, too, because I get the message in Xorg.0.log that an Aiptek tablet
>was found and the tablet is working - absolute mode with pressure

>My problem starts with GIMP. I have to press, the lift the button on the
>stylus to start drawing (with sensitity!), but then there is no way to
>end drawing using the stylus. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, and Gimp
>globally locks up the left click on my trackball, until I click with the
>special tablet mouse on Gimp's menus. Switching tools with the keyboard
>while in "Stylus Mode" doesn't work either.

>Kind regards

>   Jan
I use Gentoo Linux.
You're right about wacom.
In the Gentoo repository there is "xf86-input-aiptek" available.
The wacomtablet program explicitly supports your tablet.
Before I installed wacomtablet I used bash scripts to change things on my wacom 
CLI will only work when xf86-input-whatever is installed.
You can then issue "xsetaiptek list devices" I think.

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP and Tablets ...endless story, I expect.

2012-02-23 Thread gerard82
>Am 16.02.2012 17:39, schrieb gerard82:
>> If you use KDE as a desktop you might wanna try kde-misc/wacomtablet.
>> Despite it's name it supports quite a few graphic tablets and some
>> Aiptek models among them.
>I looked at the program but it has odd dependencies to build it on
>openSuSE11.3. Anyway, it just seems to be a GUI.

>I'm fine with the command line. Is there a was to setup this correctly
>for GIMP with a CLI tool?

>Kind regards

>   Jan
Do you have "xf86-input-wacom" installed?
And is your kernel configured for wacom?
W/o these NO graphic tablet will work,CLI or otherwise.

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP and Tablets ...endless story, I expect.

2012-02-16 Thread gerard82

>I have an Aiptek6000U tablet, for which I finally got the kernel driver
>working. "evtest" reports what seems to be correct.

>Event: time 1329324589.249332, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.265320, type 3 (Absolute), code 0 (X), value 155
>Event: time 1329324589.265326, type 3 (Absolute), code 1 (Y), value 19
>Event: time 1329324589.265328, type 3 (Absolute), code 24 (Pressure),
>value 511
>Event: time 1329324589.265332, type 1 (Key), code 331 (Stylus), value 1
>Event: time 1329324589.265334, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.313317, type 3 (Absolute), code 0 (X), value 154
>Event: time 1329324589.313325, type 3 (Absolute), code 1 (Y), value 22
>Event: time 1329324589.313328, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.321342, type 3 (Absolute), code 1 (Y), value 23
>Event: time 1329324589.321352, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.345308, type 3 (Absolute), code 1 (Y), value 24
>Event: time 1329324589.345317, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.465290, type 3 (Absolute), code 24 (Pressure),
>value 240
>Event: time 1329324589.465300, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.473289, type 3 (Absolute), code 24 (Pressure),
>value 233
>Event: time 1329324589.473297, -- Report Sync 
>Event: time 1329324589.481287, type 3 (Absolute), code 24 (Pressure),
>value 222
>Event: time 1329324589.481296, type 1 (Key), code 331 (Stylus), value 0
>Event: time 1329324589.481299, type 3 (Absolute), code 40 (Misc), value 33
>Event: time 1329324589.481301, -- Report Sync 

>X11 is configured as follows:

>Section "InputClass"
>  Identifier "pen"
>  MatchProduct "Aiptek|AIPTEK|aiptek"
>  MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
>  Driver "aiptek"
>  Option "USB" "on"
>  Option "Type" "stylus"
>  Option "Mode" "absolute"
>  Option "zMin" "0"
>  Option "zMax" "511"

>However, I had a hard time to get GIMP to do what I want. I configured
>the tablet through Edit->Preferences->Input Devices->Configure Extended
>Input devices->Device: Aiptek, Mode: Screen, Axes: X-1, Y-2, Pressure-3.
>Xtilt-none, Ytilt-none. Moving the Stylus cursor and pressure works. Now
>to the big BUT:

>To have the stylus drawing I have to press the lower button on it. This
>works *sometimes*. And there is no way to stop drawing again. Plus,
>switching tools is not possible, GIMP doesn't react to the keyboard
>while the stylus is in use.

>What I'm doing wrong? How is it supposed to work?

>Kind regards

>   Jan

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
If you use KDE as a desktop you might wanna try kde-misc/wacomtablet.
Despite it's name it supports quite a few graphic tablets and some Aiptek 
models among them.
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp-2.7 Help/Manual?

2012-02-07 Thread gerard82
>On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:59 PM, gerard82 wrote:

>> In 2.6 you can click "Use color from gradient".
>> This has gone from 2.7.x!

>Moved, not gone.

>Create a new paint dynamics definition, map Color to Fade, in brush
>settings choose a gradient. Then try it on canvas :)

>Alexandre Prokoudine

Thanks Alexandre.
When I open the dynamics editor I can go to color but everyhing is grayed out.
Same for brush settings.
I looked in Edit>Preferences but couldn't find anything that should be set to 
enable/disable setting these.
What am I doing wrong or what might be missing?
I compiled babl,gegl and gimp from git.gnome.org and it all went w/o a hitch.
I am using Gentoo Linux.

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp-2.7 Help/Manual?

2012-02-06 Thread gerard82
>Define your own paint dynamics, with a box checked in the Color row
>and the Pressure column.

>2012/2/6 gerard82 :
Your talking about 2.6.

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp-2.7 Help/Manual?

2012-02-06 Thread gerard82
>   http://docs.gimp.org/2.7/en/index.html

>On 2/5/2012 11:40 AM, gerard82 wrote:
>> I compiled Gimp-2.7.x from git sources.
>> There are things in brush Tool Options not very clear to me.
>> Is there any Help/Manual available for this version?
>> If so where can I find it?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Gerard.
In 2.6 you can click "Use color from gradient".
This has gone from 2.7.x!
The only way you can paint with gradient is by choosing Random Color from the 
Dynamics dropdown menu.
But the result is bad!!!
No smooth stroke no pressure.
Another way in which the brush uses gradient colors is "Confetti".
Again no pressure sensitivity and unpredictable result.
In this doc it is still there (scroll down to fig 7.25)
http://docs.gimp.org/2.7/en/gimp-concep ... ients.html

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp-2.7 Help/Manual?

2012-02-05 Thread gerard82
I compiled Gimp-2.7.x from git sources.
There are things in brush Tool Options not very clear to me.
Is there any Help/Manual available for this version?
If so where can I find it?
Thanks in advance.

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list

[Gimp-user] Need help repairing image

2011-12-26 Thread gerard82
>The GNU Image Manipulation Program will only be able to repair its
>image by changing its name.
@ Daniel,
You may be right about plastics but there's something far more important to 
degradation of analog slides or negatives.
The colors are "made" during the development and consist of UNSTABLE chemical 
compounds.Depending on how it's stored and the atmosphere these chemicals might 
change color.
Furthermore the layers which contain the info are gelatin.
This slide doesn't show it but this gelatin layer is often eaten by bacteria.
In the past there were a few manufacturers which used organic colors,if I'm not 
mistaken Perutz was one of them.Their slides/negatives were stable.

Now for repair I think you could use "Select by color",cut and then use the 
"Heal tool" to replace the cut part by surrounding colors.
Another way would be to use the "Free select" tool to cut the green parts by 
hand and then use the "Heal tool".
If you use the Free select tool don't cut everything at once,do it in small 
I would use Free select.
Good luck.

gerard82 (via gimpusers.com)
gimp-user-list mailing list