Re: DoCon and GHC

2012-12-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 07:57:45PM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 |  It looks like
 |  is not valid now. Is this due to the recently announced e-mail lists
 |  reorganization?
 It's working fine for me.  No reorganisation there.

Today it is accessible for me two.
And yesterday, I had access to  
but not to

All right, may be sevaral middle servers where out.


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: DoCon and GHC

2012-12-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 04:56:01PM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I hope you are well.
 I'm making a significant simplification to the type inference engine, 
 which will have a small knock-on effect in DoCon.
 I implemented a VERY DELICATE HACK to solve your problem before, but it 
 has become a significant problem to maintain the hack, so I'm taking it out.
 See, and the comments I 
 have added there, which tell you what change to make.  It's very minor!
 This will take effect from GHC 7.6 onwards.  Thanks

This is on Ticket #4361  (closed bug: fixed) 
about compiling  DoCon.

Its story is as follows.
* 7.4.0  failed to compile the module  Pol3_  in DoCon due to 
  1) a certain GHC manner of  constraint simplification  (as Simon wrote)
  2) a due to complex enough constraints used in DoCon, in particular,  
 instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
  LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
 set in Pol3_.hs
 (I do not know how to simplify this constraint without loosing 

* 7.4.1  does compile it, but, as Simon wrote, applies for this a very 
  specific and unstable compilation method.
* 7.6+  removes this latter method, and  Simon P. Jones concludes 

 Happily, it's extremely easy to fix your source code in either of 
 these two ways:

 * If you use -XMonoLocalBinds (which is in any case implied by -XGADTs 
   and -XTypeFamilies), then GHC won't generalise the definition of x 
in the example, and all will be well. 

 * Alterantively, give a type signature for x, thus (in this case)

   moduloBasisx p = let x :: ()
x = upLinSolvRing p
in ()

Now, I am trying  ghc-  built from source on Debian Linux. 

I. I try adding   -XMonoLocalBinds   for compiling  DoCon:

-- doco.cabal  ---
  -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-unused-binds
  -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports  -XMonoLocalBinds

`make build'  fails at the first module:

module Prelude_ 
instance (DShow a, DShow b) = DShow (a, b)
  dShows opts (x, y) =  showChar '(' . shows1 x . showString sep .
shows1 y . showChar ')'   -- line 628
opts'= addToShowOptions (- 1) $ opts {parInShow = Parens}
sep  = fieldSeparator opts
shows1 x = (case parInShow opts of Parens - id
   _  - unparensUpper ())
   . dShows opts' x

  aShows (a, b) =  showString (pair  . aShows a . showChar ' ' .
   aShows b . showChar ')'

The report is

runghc Setup.hs build
Building docon-2.12...
Preprocessing library docon-2.12...
[ 1 of 84] Compiling Prelude_ ( Prelude_.hs, dist/build/Prelude_.o )

Could not deduce (a ~ b)
from the context (DShow a, DShow b)
  bound by the instance declaration at Prelude_.hs:622:10-43
  `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the instance declaration at Prelude_.hs:622:10
  `b' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the instance declaration at Prelude_.hs:622:10
In the first argument of `shows1', namely `y'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `shows1 y'
In the second argument of `(.)', namely shows1 y . showChar ')'

The line 628 is marked in the code as  -- line 628.

I suspect that besides  -XMonoLocalBinds,
I need also to add some explicit type signatures,
for example,
  dShows opts (x, y) = showChar '(' . shows1 (x :: DShow a = a) . 

Because GHC, probably, finds some contradiction in applying  shows1  
to  x :: a  and to  y :: b. 

II. My another attempt will be  removing  -XMonoLocalBinds
(with this, it compiles many modules and stops at  Pol3.hs)
and inserting a type signature in an appropriate place
(this will also need to add  ScopedTypeVariables + `forall'
-- thanks to people for hints

If (II) works, then it will be, probably less restrictive than (I).

This is just the current report of my attempt to compile DoCon with GHC.


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: DoCon and GHC

2012-12-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 10:12:38AM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I would not use -XMonoLocalBinds for all modules -- that will force you to do 
 more work.
 Instead use it just for the offending Pol3_ module, via {-# LANGUAGE 
 MonoLocalBinds #-}
 Or, probably better, give a type signature inside moduloBasisx, as suggested 
 in the  The signature is 
 better because it also makes the program easier to understand!


 |  * Alterantively, give a type signature for x, thus (in this case)
 |moduloBasisx p = let x :: ()
 | x = upLinSolvRing p
 | in ()

Now, I am trying  ghc-  built from source on Debian Linux.

-- docon.cabal  -
  TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances FlexibleContexts
  FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses OverlappingInstances
  RecordWildCards NamedFieldPuns DoAndIfThenElse
   -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-unused-binds
   -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports  
   -XRankNTypes  -- new

`make build'  fails at  Pol3_.hs,  at compiling this instance

-- Pol3_.hs 

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}-- (1) **

instance forall a. (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) = -- (2) **
  LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
  -- gxBasis  in  P[y],  P = a[x1..xn]. 
  -- Map to  a[y,x1..xn]  apply  gxBasis there,  return to  P:   

  gxBasis []   = ([], [])
  gxBasis fs@(f:_) = (map back gs, mapmap back mt)
UPol _ p y dP= f
(o, n)   = (pPPO p, genLength $ pVars p)
(toLex, fromLex) = (reordPol $ lexPPO n, reordPol o)
p'   = (toLex p) `asTypeOf` p   -- (3) **

dP' :: forall a. (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =  -- (4) **
Domains1 (Pol a)
dP' = upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty
  -- p needs lexPPO reordering, then,
  -- its domain bundle needs change too  
s' = cToUPol y dP' p'
  -- sample for P'[y],  P' = a[x1..xn]  with lexComp  
toOverP'   = ct s' . map (\ (a, j) - (toLex a,   j)) . upolMons
fromOverP' = ct f  . map (\ (a, j) - (fromLex a, j)) . upolMons
  -- P[y] -- P'[y]
back = fromOverP' . headVarPol dP
(gs, mt) = gxBasis $ map (fromHeadVarPol . toOverP') fs

What is newly added: 
1)  -XRankNTypes  to  docon.cabal  -- in order to allow  `forall'  to
2) {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}   -- to support explicit 
   polymorphic type signatures in the instance implementation,
3) asTypeOf  for  p',
4) Explicit signature for   dP'.

The report is similar as the old one:

Could not deduce (a ~ a1)
from the context (CommutativeRing (UPol (Pol a)),
  MulMonoid (UPol (Pol a)),
  LinSolvRing (Pol a),
  CommutativeRing a)
  bound by the instance declaration at Pol3_.hs:(313,10)-(314,72)
or from (LinSolvRing (Pol a1), CommutativeRing a1)
  bound by the type signature for
 dP' :: (LinSolvRing (Pol a1), CommutativeRing a1) =
Domains1 (Pol a1)
  at Pol3_.hs:327:12-71
  `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the instance declaration at Pol3_.hs:313:17
  `a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
   the type signature for
 dP' :: (LinSolvRing (Pol a1), CommutativeRing a1) =
Domains1 (Pol a1)
   at Pol3_.hs:327:12
Expected type: Pol a1
  Actual type: Pol a
In the first argument of `upLinSolvRing', namely p'
In the expression: upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty
In an equation for dP': dP' = upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty

Could not deduce (EuclideanRing a) arising from a use of dP'
from the context (CommutativeRing (UPol (Pol a)),
  MulMonoid (UPol (Pol a)),
  LinSolvRing (Pol a),
  CommutativeRing a)
  bound by the instance declaration at Pol3_.hs:(313,10)-(314,72)
Possible fix:
  add (EuclideanRing a) to the context of the instance declaration
In the second argument of `cToUPol', namely dP'
In the expression: cToUPol y dP' p'
In an equation for s': s' = cToUPol y dP' p'

ghc-7.4.1 compiles everything without additions.


Re: DoCon and GHC

2012-12-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:26:30AM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I think you need to remove the 'forall a' on the type signature for dP'.  
 The 'a' you mean is the 'a' from the instance declaration, not a 
 completely fresh 'a'.

This looks reasonable.

 Moreover I don't think you need the 'forall' on the 'instance' declaration. 
 Just 'ScopedTypeVariables' should do it

All right, I try to follow both instructions:

-- docon.cabal  -
   TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances FlexibleContexts
   FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses OverlappingInstances
   RecordWildCards NamedFieldPuns DoAndIfThenElse
-fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-unused-binds
-fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports
-XRankNTypes  -- ** probably, it spoils nothing

-- Pol3_.hs 
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}-- (1) **
instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
   LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
   gxBasis []   = ([], [])
   gxBasis fs@(f:_) = (map back gs, mapmap back mt)
 UPol _ p y dP= f
 (o, n)   = (pPPO p, genLength $ pVars p)
 (toLex, fromLex) = (reordPol $ lexPPO n, reordPol o)
 p'   = (toLex p) `asTypeOf` p  -- (2) **

 dP' :: (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) = -- (3) **
Domains1 (Pol a)
 dP' = upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty
 s' = cToUPol y dP' p'
 toOverP'   = ct s' . map (\ (a, j) - (toLex a,   j)) . upolMons
 fromOverP' = ct f  . map (\ (a, j) - (fromLex a, j)) . upolMons
 back = fromOverP' . headVarPol dP
 (gs, mt) = gxBasis $ map (fromHeadVarPol . toOverP') fs

This does not help:

Could not deduce (a ~ a1)
from the context (CommutativeRing (UPol (Pol a)),
  MulMonoid (UPol (Pol a)),
  LinSolvRing (Pol a),
  CommutativeRing a)
  bound by the instance declaration at Pol3_.hs:(313,10)-(314,72)
or from (LinSolvRing (Pol a1), CommutativeRing a1)
  bound by the type signature for
 dP' :: (LinSolvRing (Pol a1), CommutativeRing a1) =
Domains1 (Pol a1)
  at Pol3_.hs:327:12-71
  `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the instance declaration at Pol3_.hs:313:10
  `a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
   the type signature for
 dP' :: (LinSolvRing (Pol a1), CommutativeRing a1) =
Domains1 (Pol a1)
   at Pol3_.hs:327:12
Expected type: Pol a1
  Actual type: Pol a
In the first argument of `upLinSolvRing', namely p'
In the expression: upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty
In an equation for dP': dP' = upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty

Could not deduce (EuclideanRing a) arising from a use of dP'
from the context (CommutativeRing (UPol (Pol a)),
  MulMonoid (UPol (Pol a)),
  LinSolvRing (Pol a),
  CommutativeRing a)
  bound by the instance declaration at Pol3_.hs:(313,10)-(314,72)
Possible fix:
 add (EuclideanRing a) to the context of the instance declaration
In the second argument of `cToUPol', namely dP'
In the expression: cToUPol y dP' p'
In an equation for s': s' = cToUPol y dP' p'



Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2012-12-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Copying to the `bugs' list:

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 12:12:09PM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 sigh. i suppose I have to reproduce it.  I have only docon2.12-pre, and I get

 make build
 runghc Setup.hs build
 Building docon-2.12...
 Preprocessing library docon-2.12...

 on the commandline: Warning:
 -no-user-package-conf is deprecated: Use -no-user-package-db instead

 Ambiguous module name `Prelude':
   it was found in multiple packages: base haskell98-
 make: *** [build] Error 1

 How to fix?

Please, try to compile this  d212-pre-asBug

-- as it is written there in  install.txt.

I do not know, may be, this   docon2.12-pre  is a smaller report,
if this is essential, and if you still need  docon2.12-pre,
then you could change things in it according to the corresponding
points in  d212-pre-asBug.

But I hoope   d212-pre-asBug  will do.
The responsible module is  Pol3_.hs.



 | -Original Message-
 | From: Serge D. Mechveliani []
 | Sent: 21 December 2012 11:48
 | To: Simon Peyton-Jones
 | Cc:
 | Subject: Re: DoCon and GHC
 | On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:26:30AM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 |  I think you need to remove the 'forall a' on the type signature for
 | dP'.
 |  The 'a' you mean is the 'a' from the instance declaration, not a
 |  completely fresh 'a'.
 | This looks reasonable.
 |  Moreover I don't think you need the 'forall' on the 'instance'
 | declaration.
 |  Just 'ScopedTypeVariables' should do it
 | [..]

 | -- Pol3_.hs 
 | ...
 | {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}-- (1)
 | **
 | instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
 | [..]

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: DoCon and GHC

2012-12-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 01:45:04PM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 OK, do this
 * {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MonoLocalBinds #-}
 * import Categs( Domains1 )
 * Add type sig for dP'
 dP' :: (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) = Domains1 (Pol a)
 Then it compiles.
 You are very close to the edge of what can be done!

It works. Thank you.

There remains only a single unlucky module:  T_cubeext.
The test  demotest/Main  works with exception of  T_cubeext,
but I need  T_cubeext.cubicExt  to work.

Please, continue the test with

  make install
  cd demotest
  ghc $doconCpOpt --make Main

(for  $doconCpOpt =  
  -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-binds -fwarn-unused-imports 
  -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -XRecordWildCards -XNamedFieldPuns 
  -XFlexibleContexts -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XUndecidableInstances 
  -XTypeSynonymInstances -XFlexibleInstances -XOverlappingInstances

It reports

Could not deduce (k ~ k1)
from the context (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k))
  bound by the type signature for
 cubicExt :: (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k)) =
 k - k - Domains1 k - (Domains1 (E k), [E k], k 
- E k)
  at T_cubeext.hs:(79,13)-(80,69)
or from (Field k1, FactorizationRing (UPol k1))
  bound by the type signature for
 unA :: (Field k1, FactorizationRing (UPol k1)) = UPol k1
  at T_cubeext.hs:101:9-56
  `k' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the type signature for
cubicExt :: (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k)) =
k - k - Domains1 k - (Domains1 (E k), [E k], k - E 
  at T_cubeext.hs:79:13
  `k1' is a rigid type variable bound by
   the type signature for
 unA :: (Field k1, FactorizationRing (UPol k1)) = UPol k1
   at T_cubeext.hs:101:9
Expected type: Domains1 k1
  Actual type: Domains1 k
In the second argument of `cToUPol', namely `dK'
In the expression: cToUPol d dK unK
In an equation for `unA': unA = cToUPol d dK unK

Overlapping instances for LinSolvRing (UPol k1)
  arising from a use of `upEucRing'
Matching instances:
  instance [overlap ok] EuclideanRing a = LinSolvRing (UPol a)
-- Defined in `docon-2.12:Pol2_'
  instance [overlap ok] (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))

I tried  {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MonoLocalBinds #-},
and setting type signatures in various parts in  cubicExt.
But this does not help.

There is another point. In 
 ``cubicExt :: (Field k, FactorizationRing (UPol k)) = ...''

the part   ``, FactorizationRing (UPol k)''  (1)

was always considered as parasitic.  ghc-7.4.1  needs (1) to work,
and at least  ghc-7.4.1  does compile the test.

I thought, may be, the future compilers will allow to omit this part.
At least it is desirable for  ghc-7.6.2  to do the test in any variant,
with (1) or without it. 



Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: DoCon and GHC

2012-12-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 04:56:01PM +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I hope you are well.
 I'm making a significant simplification to the type inference engine, 
 which will have a small knock-on effect in DoCon.
 I implemented a VERY DELICATE HACK to solve your problem before, but it 
 has become a significant problem to maintain the hack, so I'm taking it 
 See, and the comments I 
 have added there, which tell you what change to make.  It's very minor!
 This will take effect from GHC 7.6 onwards.  Thanks

It looks like  

is not valid now. Is this due to the recently announced e-mail lists 

How can I see these comments on  ticket 4361



Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4361: Typechecker regression

2012-06-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 04:55:59PM -, GHC wrote:
 #4361: Typechecker regression
   Reporter:  igloo   |  Owner:  simonpj   
   Type:  bug | Status:  closed
   Priority:  high|  Milestone:  7.0.1 
  Component:  Compiler (Type checker) |Version:  7.1   
 Resolution:  fixed   |   Keywords:
 Os:  Unknown/Multiple|   Architecture:  
Failure:  None/Unknown| Difficulty:  Unknown   
   Testcase:  typecheck/should_compile/T4361  |  Blockedby:
   Blocking:  |Related:
 Changes (by simonpj):
  * cc: mechvel@??? (added)
  With all the changes to type inference engine, it has become apparent that
  the hack I put in to solve Serge's problem is indeed a GROSSLY UNSAVOURY
   * It is extremely fragile.  It only solves the problem in a special case,
  so the very same problem will arise again in a somewhat more complicated
   * It takes quite a bit of code.
   * It has increasingly unpleasant knock-on effects.  Eg `IPRun` has
  started failing because a special case for implicit parameters has been
  removed. But the special case itself was only needed because of the
  The hack is described in `Note [Avoid unecessary constraint
  simplification]` above. I'm taking it out, which will make !DoCon fail to
  compile. The culprit is local let generalisation (see
  [ my blog
  post]).  Happily, it's extremely easy to fix your source code in either of
  these two ways:
   * If you use `-XMonoLocalBinds` (which is in any case implied by
  `-XGADTs` and `-XTypeFamilies`), then GHC won't generalise the definition
  of `x` in the example, and all will be well.
   * Alterantively, give a type signature for `x`, thus (in this case)
  moduloBasisx p = let x :: ()
   x = upLinSolvRing p
   in ()
   Doing so means that generalisation does not happen, and the constraints
  are solved outside-in, as is really desired.

All right.
Later, I shall try your two way outs for DoCon and report the result.


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5051: Typechecker behaviour change

2011-06-23 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
thank you.

Currently,  DoCon  works under  ghc-7.0.1.
And as I understand, the next release which is going to support DoCon
(with its heavy use of overlapping instances) will be  ghc-7.2.


Serge Mechveliani,

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:01:53AM -, GHC wrote:
 #5051: Typechecker behaviour change
   Reporter:  igloo |  Owner:  simonpj 
   Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
   Priority:  high  |  Milestone:  7.2.1   
  Component:  Compiler  |Version:  7.0.2   
 Resolution:  fixed |   Keywords:  


  GHC 7 indeed falls over on `DoCon` 2.12.  It turns out to be a rather
  subtle interaction of overlapping instances with the ill-fated silent
  superclass parameters I introduced to solve a problem in the
  typechecker's constraint solver.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

testing 7.02-candidate

2011-03-02 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I am testing the  7.02 candidate  of  ghc-
-- compiled from source, compiled by itself, on Debian Linux,

On my DoCon program, it reports the following.

1. It requires  `-fcontext-stack=_'  to increase a certain stack:

[67 of 83] Compiling Pfact__( Pfact__.hs, dist/build/Pfact__.o )
[68 of 83] Compiling RsePol_( RsePol_.hs, dist/build/RsePol_.o )

Context reduction stack overflow; size = 21
Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N
  $dSet :: Set (UPol (ResidueE Integer))
  $dAddSemigroup :: AddSemigroup (UPol (ResidueE Integer))
  $dAddMonoid :: AddMonoid (UPol (ResidueE Integer))
  $dCast :: Prelude_.Cast
  (ResidueE (UPol (Pfact__.RseUPolRse Integer)))
  (UPol (Pfact__.RseUPolRse Integer))
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `ct c1'
In the expression: ct c1 . toOverK . resRepr
In an equation for `toC': toC = ct c1 . toOverK . resRepr

So, I add  -fcontext-stack=30  to the  ghc-options  line in 

Which one is better at this point,  7.0.1  or ?

2. Then, DoCon is built, and the commands
   cd demotest
   ghc $doconCpOpt -O -rtsopts --make Main

need to `make' the DoCon test under the DoCon library. This reports

[ 1 of 17] Compiling T_detinterp  ( T_detinterp.hs, T_detinterp.o )
[ 2 of 17] Compiling T_sphGeo ( T_sphGeo.hs, T_sphGeo.o )
[ 3 of 17] Compiling T_cubeext( T_cubeext.hs, T_cubeext.o )

Overlapping instances for LinSolvRing (UPol k)
  arising from a use of `ct'
Matching instances:
  instance [overlap ok] EuclideanRing a = LinSolvRing (UPol a)
-- Defined in docon-2.12:Pol2_
  instance [overlap ok] (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
-- Defined in docon-2.12:Pol3_
(The choice depends on the instantiation of `k'
 To pick the first instance above, use -XIncoherentInstances
 when compiling the other instance declarations)
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `ct unE'
In the expression: ct unE . kToB
In an equation for `kToE': kToE = ct unE . kToB

This looks like a bug of the kind appeared in a couple of earlier GHC 
ghc-7.0.1  is free of both of these effects.

What is your opinion about this?

is the archive with the project to make and run under  ghc-7.0.1,
and  ghc-  (follow  install.txt).


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

making 7.01-pre

2010-10-30 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I am testing this fresh  ghc-
on  Debian Linux, i386-family.
Making it from source by  ghc-6.12.3  is all right.
Then, making it from source by itself reports 
(here I abbreviate the messages by inserting `...')

+ test -f mk/
+ cp -p mk/ mk/
inplace/bin/mkdirhier utils/ghc-cabal/dist/build/tmp//.
inplace/bin/mkdirhier bootstrapping/.
/home/mechvel/ghc/7.01pre/inst1/bin/ghc -H32m -O --make 
  utils/ghc-cabal/ghc-cabal.hs -o utils/ghc-cabal/dist/build/tmp/ghc-cabal 
rm -f compiler/stage1/ghc_boot_platform.h
Creating compiler/stage1/ghc_boot_platform.h...
/usr/bin/gcc  -fno-stack-protector  -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -Iincludes
 -Irts  -DGEN_HASKELL  -c includes/mkDerivedConstants.c -o 
utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Lexer.o: In function `s2yT_info':
(.text+0x1e1d): undefined reference to 
utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Parser.o: In function `s4pK_info':
(.text+0x5691): undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/tmp/genprimopcode] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Why cannot it make itself?


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

unused record fields

2010-10-15 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Simon P. Jones  wrote recently about that  ghc-6.12  takes in 
account the elliplis in  MkT {t1 = x, ..}  when reporting about 
unused bindings.

Now, here is the example: 

  module TT where
  data T = T {t1, t2 :: Int}

  f d = x  where
   T {t1 = x, ..} = d

ghc-6.12.2  warns about unused value of  t2.
And forf (T {t1 = x, ..}) = x,  
it does not warn about this.

Is this a bug?

I use
extensions: TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances FlexibleContexts 
FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses OverlappingInstances
RecordWildCards NamedFieldPuns
ghc-options: -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-unused-binds 
 -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports 
but the options can be simplified, of course.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

report on 7.01-pre

2010-09-30 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers, 

contains a bug report on  ghc-
tested on  Debian Linux, i386-family.

Its essence is as follows. At the fragment of

instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =  -- (1)
   LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
  gxBasis  []   = ([], [])
  gxBasis  fs@(f:_) =
  UPol _ p y dP= f
  (o, n)   = (pPPO p, genericLength $ pVars p)
  (toLex, fromLex) = (reordPol $ lexPPO n, reordPol o)
  p'   = toLex p
  dP'  = upLinSolvRing p' Map.empty
  s' = cToUPol y dP' p'

in the module  Pol3_.hs,  ghc-  reports that 
the line of  `s' ='  needs  (EuclideanRing a)  and that it cannot deduce 

ghc-6.12.2  compiles this in a correct way:
(EuclideanRing a)  is not necessary here, while the context (1) is more 
generic and sufficient.
For example, for  a = DirectSum Integer Integer, 
`a' has the instances (1) and has not the instance of Euclidean, and
the above code must work.
This is the idea of the author of the application; 
this idea is supported by ghc-6.12.2 and not supported by  

There are the two questions.
1) Whether this intention with instances is correct in the meaning of
   Haskell + ghcExt  
   (I hope, it is correct, at least, ghc-6.12.2 accepts it).
2) If it is correct, why   ghc-  requires (Euclidean a) ?

a) This application uses multiparametric classes and overlapping 
   instances (see docon.cabal for language and other options).
b) The example code can be reduced further, many times.
   But I may have time to reduce it maybe only in the middle of 
   December 2010.


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: profiling,-O in 6.12.1

2010-02-04 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
To my 

 It looks like  ghc-6.12.1  reports erroneous time profiling --
 when the Main module of the project is made under  -O.
 This is for  ghc-6.12.1  made from source for Debian Linux and
 The key combination
 ghc $dmCpOpt -prof --make Main
 shows  95% for  eLoop,
 and adding  -O  to this line shows  0%  for  eLoop,  independently on
 presence of  -auto-all  in this line
 (the whole library is made under  -O -prof).
 Yes, I recall that the effect may be of inlining.

Simon Marlow wrote  on Thu, Feb 04, 2010

 Inlining should not in general affect the shape of the profile.  I can't 
 say much else here without seeing the specific code.

Finally, by setting  -O0 -prof  I have found  who of top-levels takes 
most of time -- hopefully, the same functions will occur for -O.
I do not know, maybe, this is a known bug (Simon writes, there exists 
some report).
Anyway, it is important to debug profiling -- to making unnecessary any 
irregular tricks with  -inline-not.

Dear GHC team,
if I put my project to a public place, would you find out what is the 
effect there about  -O -prof ?

Although the whole program is large, but probably, the very example with 
`main' + Complete.complete + a single SCC,  is simple for you to detect
the effect source.


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

profiling,-O in 6.12.1

2010-02-03 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

It looks like  ghc-6.12.1  reports erroneous time profiling --
when the Main module of the project is made under  -O.

This is for  ghc-6.12.1  made from source for Debian Linux and 

Main.main  calls for  Complete.complete,  `complete' calls for  
eLoop  inside its source.
eLoop  must take almost all the time.
My whole user library is made under  -O -prof,  and 
Main  is compiled by
 ghc $dmCpOpt -prof --make Main
and run by   ./Main +RTS -M400m -pT -RTS
For this key, the profiling report looks natural and shows  
   eLoop -- 97%.

But forghc $dmCpOpt  -O  -prof --make Make,

it shows a different thing:  zero  for  eLoop  and  99%  for `main'.

How could this additional  -O  mislead the compiler?
Also, as I recall,  -O  is still by default -- ?

Could you explain, please?


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

testing 6.12.1-pre

2009-11-23 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I have tested  ghc-
1) installing its binary and making and running the DoCon and Dumatel 
2) making it from source by its binary,
   making and running on it the DoCon and Dumatel programs.

It looks all right.

I skipped  profiling.


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

bug in 6.12.1-pre

2009-10-12 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I tried   ghc-  
on Linux, Debian, i386-*
And it cannot compile my Dumatel project. It fails at the segment:

  module Bug where  compose :: [a - a] - a - a
compose =  foldr (.) id

class Compose a where  compose1 :: a - a - a

  ghc -c -O Bug.hs

  /tmp/ghc29984_0/ghc29984_0.s: Assembler messages:
 Error: symbol `Bug_compose1_closure' is already defined
 Error: symbol `Bug_compose1_info' is already defined

`-O' is essential here.


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

my last letter

2009-04-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I withdraw my last bug report.
It was about processing a long list on a 64 bit machine оn GHC-6.10.2.

First, I cannot reproduce (?) this bug report invitation from GHC on 
using  +RTS -M4000m 

Second, I have found that the process interruption only occurs when 
this test program runs out of RAM. And personally, I would rather use  
+RTS -M15000m -RTS  and not to consider at all the system effects
after the RAM overflow. 

Third, I apply now a more clear example, whith [Int] instead of 

import List (genericReplicate)
main = putStr (shows res \n)
   e = -- 22, 23 ... 
   list  = genericReplicate (2^e) 1  :: [Int]
   rList = reverse list
   res   = myMin $ zipWith (+) list rList

myMin [] = error \nmyMin []\n
myMin [x]= x
myMin (x: y: xs) = if  x  y  then  myMin (y: xs)  else  myMin (x: xs)

  ghc -O --make Test64
  ./Test64 +RTS -M800m   -RTS   -- for 1  Gb  32 bit machine
  ./Test64 +RTS -M12000m -RTS   -- for 16 Gb  64 bit machine

The last possible  e  for the small machine (800   Mb)  occurs  24,
  for the big   machine (12000 Mb)  occurs  27
-- which looks reasonable.
The timing also looks reasonable.


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

testing 6.10.2 on X_64

2009-04-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I am trying  ghc-6.10.2  оn a 64-bit matchine:

 [mech...@node-1 t]$ uname -a
 Linux node-1.localdomain 2.6.18-hpc-alt1.M41.1.mm1 #1 SMP 
 Mon Dec 8 14:58:04 MSK 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 16 Gb RAM machine,  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  E5472, 3 GHz.

First we have installed there  ghc-6.8.3  (from Linux distribution).

Then, I `made'  ghc-6.10.2  from source by  ghc-6.8.3: 

   ./configure --prefix=/home/mechvel/ghc/6.10.2/inst0
   make install

Everything looks all right.
Then, I try processing long lists:

  -- Test64.hs 
  main = putStr (shows res \n)
   e = 30
   list  = [1 .. (2^e)]  :: [Integer]
   rList = reverse list
   res   = myMin $ zipWith (\ n m - rem (n+m) 3) list rList

  myMin [] = error \nmyMin []\n
  myMin [x]= x
  myMin (x: y: xs) = if  x  y  then  myMin (y: xs)  else  myMin (x: xs)

For  e = 20,  it runs as

  [mech...@node-1 t]$ ./Test64

-- all right.

For  e = 30,  it runs as

  [mech...@node-1 t]$ ./Test64  

Who has killed it? Is this by the local administrator's restriction ? 
Another attempt:

  [mech...@node-1 t]$ ./Test64 +RTS -M4000m -RTS

  Test64: internal error: get_threaded_info
(GHC version 6.10.2 for x86_64_unknown_linux)
Please report this as a GHC bug:

Qestion aside
List.minimum  again, performs badly in  ghc-6.10.2,  so I used  myMin.
Is  List.minimum (and similar functions)  being compiled by default 
with -O0 ?


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

seg-fault in 6.10.1

2009-01-23 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I `make' my (large) project in   ghc-6.10.1, Linux Debian, i386-unknown,
run the executable, and obtain

  Segmentation fault.

Then, I noted that in a few places the compiler warned about skipping 
some class member implementations in some instances.
I added these implementations, and now it works correct.

Are you interested in the bug report on the above part of   
Segmentation fault ?

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2008-11-22 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani

ghc-6.10.1  says it provides a `sugar' syntax for records:
wild-card patterns, punning, and field disambiguation.

For example, I write fam {opAttrs = cp $ opAttrs fam}

to map the function  cp  to the field  opAttrs  in the record  fam.
The best expression for this could be
  mapField opAttrs cp fam,

with an intended library function  mapField   -- which does not agree
with Haskell types. 
But as GHC takes care to provide a language extension for records, 
maybe it could introduce   mapField  as the language construct and 
as a reserved word?
Also I do not know, maybe, something like  fam {opAttrs = cp opAttrs}
is possible now?

Thank you in advance for your explanation,

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2008-11-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
The  ghc-6.10.1  doc writes about  -fdisambiguate-record-fields,
the compiler does not recognize it,
also it does not recognize  -XDisambiguate-record-fields,
and it does recognize   -XDisambiguateRecordFields.

Also is not it better to uniformly use an upper case letter instead of 
dash everywhere in flags?


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

6.8.3 against DoCon

2008-06-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I wonder whether ghc-6.8.3 is better than 6.8.2.

Because  6.8.2  makes  DoCon-2.11  under  -M400m.
And  6.8.3  does not suffice  -M500m.
It breaks with the heap exhaustion at the module RsePol_. 

Moreover, repeated  make docon

again breaks with the heap exhaustion for -M500m. 
So this memory is spent to compile a single current module.

The last (difficult) module is  RsePol_.  
And `make' is slower than in 6.8.2, at least at this module.

I do not believe that a reasonable compiler may need more than
500 Mb for compiling this poor  RsePol_.

for the  candidate version  I reported to the e-mail lists the two 
problems. The second one was about this memory and time strangeness
in compiling  RsePol_.
Now, you issue an official release, without even considering the 
second problem.

I do not know, maybe this  RsePol_  is somehow too irregular (with 
overlapping instance, etc.), maybe, DoCon is guilty. 

But as  ghc-6.8.2  handles DoCon all right, why do not you 
investigate this difference in  6.8.3 ?

Actually, ghc-6.8.3 does not support DoCon. I wonder what to do.


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: 6.8.3 against DoCon

2008-06-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 02:38:40PM +0100, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 Hi Serge,
 On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 04:39:57PM +0400, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
  But as  ghc-6.8.2  handles DoCon all right, why do not you 
  investigate this difference in  6.8.3 ?
 We did investigate it - the details are in this trac ticket:
 but the conclusion was that overall it was best to leave things as they
 are. Unfortunately, this means that performance with GHC 6.8.3 is worse
 for DoCon; hopefully things will be better with 6.10.1!

Yes, I see. Thank you for paying attention to this problem.

I would like to add the following notes about comparison of ghc-6.8.2
and ghc-6.8.3.

1. As you already knew, abot 3 times slow down is visible in making 
   a certain part of DoCon-2.11  -- due to the module  RsePol_.

2. RsePol_.hs  is only about 400 lines, together with comments.
   ghc-6.8.2  suffices  -M80m  to compile  RsePol_.hs.
   ghc-6.8.3  needs more than  -M600m  for this.
7 times loss in space.

There are many computers which have not 600 Mb RAM.

So, DoCon remains with  ghc-6.8.2  -- untill GHC fixes the problem.

Hm ... a small module needs  600 Mb instead of 80 Mb to compile,
and the release is considered as a progress.
All right, this may occur correct -- if the developers know what 
namely must be fixed, and also know how to fix it. If so, then I could 

By the way, not only 6.8.3 looks strange:
even  80 Mb  looks like an un-naturally large minimum for compiling 
this small  RsePol_.hs.
In symbolic computation, in the DoCon test running, in my Dumatel 
prover test, most examples take less than 40 Mb to perform, while I 
write all this in Haskell and do not care much for the code 


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

test for 6.8.3-may27

2008-06-01 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
About the 6.8.3 candidate of May 27,

there remains the question:
why it builds DoCon-2.11 considerably slower than  ghc-6.8.2 
(3 times, as I recall)
and needs larger -M memory to build this DoCon


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

SCC ab cd

2008-05-29 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

ghc-6.8.2  compiles  {-# SCC ab cd #-}   as all right.

And the GHC  candidate of May 27, 2008  reports the error:

spaces are not allowed in SCC. 

Do you think that this latter has more sense?
Is not this a matter of the programmer to give string names to SCC 


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

bug in may27 candidate

2008-05-29 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
In addition to the bug report of DoCon-2.11:

making  docon  with -Onot is fast enough,
but running the test shows the same error as with -O. 

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

hs-boot types in 6.8.2

2008-01-07 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

This is about possibile bug in  ghc-6.8.2  related to types in  hs-boot.

I have a project with module import loop, in which the module  Split  
imports the source of  Reduce. 
Now, I changed the type of the function  Reduce.evaluate_c
and forgotten to change it in  Reduce.hs-boot.

When GHC `makes' this project (under Cabal), it first processes
Reduce[boot], and then gets to  Split.hs:

[16 of 45] Compiling Dumatel.Reduce[boot] 
( Dumatel/Reduce.hs-boot, dist/build/Dumatel/Reduce.o-boot )
[17 of 45] Compiling Split( Split.hs, dist/build/Split.o )

Couldn't match expected type `Term' against inferred type `[a]'
In the third argument of `evaluate_c', namely `[]'

-- and it only reports of several type mismatches in  Split.hs.
If the user guesses to fix the type in  Reduce.hs-boot,  the `make' 

In many situations, GHC reports first what namely is the type 
disagreement between *.hs and *.hs-boot.
But not in this situation.
And here the report is misleading: the user looks into Reduce.hs and 
Splis.hs, and wonders what is wrong with types.

Can this be fixed ?

If you ask me, I would provide the source on www.

Thank you in advance for your explanation.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: hs-boot types in 6.8.2

2008-01-07 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 04:37:16PM +, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 Hi Serge,
 On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 06:56:13PM +0300, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
  In many situations, GHC reports first what namely is the type 
  disagreement between *.hs and *.hs-boot.
 We can't look for differences between Reduce.hs-boot and Reduce.hs until
 we have typechecked Reduce.hs, and we can't do that until we have
 compiled Split.hs.

I see. Thank you.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: -O in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-19 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 01:25:27AM +0100, Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 11:02 +0400, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote: 
  On Oct 17, 2007, Don Stewart and Duncan Coutts wrote: 
By default cabal uses ghc -O to build projects, so you won't see any
difference if you comment it out of the cabal file. You will however
if you explicitly turn off optimisations:

ghc-options: -Onot
   cabal-setup configure --disable-optimization
   since the default is --enable-optimization which with ghc uses -O
  For GHC, it is necessary for the  .cabal  file to provide the field
  and the optimization keys are of this field.
  Hence, is not this confusing to allow the optimization keys anywhere 
  Also seeing `--enable-optimization' the user needs also to recall of what 
  kind of optimization is it.
 The ghc-options field allows you to pass anything flags you like to ghc.
 That does not mean that you should! :-)
 Cabal is supposed to be portable between Haskell implementations and to
 allow packages to also be portable. Some Haskell implementations provide
 a notion of optimisation and so Cabal supports that with the
 --enable-optimization flag.
 There's an additional advantage here, we can let the user decide if they
 want to build with or without optimization. With the ghc-options field,
 only the developer gets to decide.
 So, in summary it's much better not* to use lines like:
 ghc-options: -O
 and to let the user manage that with Cabal's --enable-optimization flag
 (which is on by default).
 If you have specific ghc optimisations that you really need to be
 applied, then it's ok to use the ghc-options: field. For example we use
 that in bytestring.
 The --enable-optimization flag also applies to other things, like
 compiling C code and in principle could apply to other tools like
 happy/alex, though at the moment it does not.

Currently, my DoCon application has the file  docon.cabal,
with the field

  ghc-options:  many options
+RTS -M400m -RTS
-- -prof
-- -auto-all

This file defines how to build the DoCon library.
And a DoCon user is invited to comment-out or un-comment, or change 
any of the last 4 lines in this field definition. By this, the user 
defines, for example, whether to compile the library with -O, with 
-O2, or with -Onot.
The meaning of these options is explained in the GHC documentation.

If it also aimed to build under, say, HBC tool, then, I would probably 
need to add the field

  hbc-options:  ...

and set there the keys according their meaning explained in the HBC 

This was my idea. I do not know ...


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

-O bug?

2007-10-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers, 

The point (1) below looks like a bug  (in all GHC versions!).

(1) -O for demo-test.

Take (the public)  docon-2.10  build it under -O,  install,
and build also under  -O  its test program by
cd demotest
ghc $doconCpOpt -O --make Main

Either the latter compilation will loop forever or it will take an 
unnaturally large resource.

Yes, the functions  T_.test, T_tt  are defined in rather a particular 
way (see them). I always build this test under -Onot, because 
compiling with optimization has not much sense for this part.
But slill.

(2) -O2

In my DoCon  programs, -O2 was always worse than -O:  
the code is about 1.3 times larger and 1.2 times slower.
There are some particular points in my programs. 
For example, almost everywhere I set Integer rather than Int, 
I do not recall others, now.

In never complained on (1) and (2) because did not recall of them
and because they do not bite me in practice, so far.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

6.8.1-candidate tested

2007-10-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I have tested  ghc-  on DoCon and on 
It looks all right

(except the bug-candidate for -O which is common to all GHC versions
and which I recently reported

On DoCon,  ghc-  
1) builds the project 2-3 times faster than  ghc-6.6.1,  
2) its produced  .a  code is  1.6  times larger,
3) the test runs  1.4  times faster,
4) the minimal space (2500 Kb) for the test running remains. 

This looks all right.


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:35:08PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I've just compiled docon-2.10 with the current 6.8 branch.  
 It compiles fine.  Log is below

Thank you.
I looked into the log that you have enclosed.

1. Instance import.

You see that GHC warns about a couple of modules imported but not used.
If I remove this import, it will report an error of not finding of a 
certain _instance_.
May be, this warning message must be improved? 

2. Running test.

Some 6.8* versions can do  make build  for  docon-2.10,  
but cannot `make' the test.
According to  install.txt,  the test has to do a bit more. 
This log is only for 
 make configure;  make build

And it is also needed to test this: 

   make install
   cd demotest
   ghc $doconCpOpt --make Main-- making and 
   ./Main +RTS -M60m -RTS -- running the DoCon test

(see  install.txt  about $doconOpts).
This test must report in the end of its log:  no errors detected. 

3. Making ghc by ghc (by 6.6.1 and then, by itself). This must work.
4. Space.

It is desirable to test the space eagerness in comparison to ghc-6.6.1.
For example, if this  ./Main  running does not succeed within  -M50m,  
then this is suspicious.  

5. -Onot

As I recall, the default `make' for  docon  is under -O, and it is also 
desirable to test  -Onot  and repeat making and running ./Main.
Because users often like to build things under -Onot. 

6. Profiling  is a usable tool.

It is desirable to re-make DoCon under  -O  -prof -auto-all
(at least)
and print the pro-file for  -pT  for  demotest/Main  running.
For example, if it breaks, at any stage, or shows some strange time
per-centage, then GHC is buggy.

Usually I do all this myself.

And I can do this now as well --
if I know precisely 
1) where to take the needed  6.8-candidate  in source
2) that  ghc-6.6.1  can build this  6.8-candidate  from source.

But if the GHC developers do themself the points (1) - (6) 
for docon-2.10, I shall be grateful to them for saving my effort.



 I'm in docon-2.10/docon/source
 bash-2.05b$ make configure
 runhaskell Setup.hs configure --ghc \

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

-O in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers, 

Has  -O  any meaning in  ghc-6.8.1-candidate ?

I build  docon  under  ghc-6.8.1-candidate  under -O and 
with skipping it (the line of  -O  commented out in  docon.cabal). 

And it installs the .a library of the same size, 
and the test running takes the same time.


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: -O in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
To my question about  -O  in  ghc-6.8.1-candidate 
Don Stewart wrote on Wed, Oct 17

 By default cabal uses ghc -O to build projects, so you won't see any
 difference if you comment it out of the cabal file. You will however
 if you explicitly turn off optimisations:

I see now, thank you.

 I'd recommend using -O2 these days, particularly for a library like
 docon where performance matters. 
 ghc-options: -O2

No,  -O2  is worse than  -O !

Build the public  docon  with  ghc-6.8.1-candidate   
under -O and under -O2.
Under -O2 
1) it is 10% larger and 10% longer to build,
2) demotest/Main  runs 10% slower.

And the following is close to a bug report:

cd demotest
ghc $doconCpOpt -O --make Main-- building docon test

compiles long and takes  900 Mb of RAM,
and after this I kill the process.

The same is for  ghc $doconCpOpt -O2 --make Main

I think, there is not any particular reason to compile the test under
-O, usually I apply -Onot here.
But still, this very long compilation and 900 Mb are suspicious.


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-15 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 05:39:51PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 Thank you so much for reporting your problems with DoCon 2.11. 
 I believe I have fixed them.
 Would you like to try again?  As of now, the fixes are in the HEAD, 
 so you'll have to pull from there. In a day or two Ian should have 
 merged them to the 6.8 branch.
 It'd be great to hear back from you to know whether things are now ok.  
 Please let us know -- meanwhile I'll file your messages about DoCon.

Thank you.
Now, I search for `HEAD', looking into,
and it shows
 HEAD branch (development snapshots):

 * Download snapshot distributions  

I click at (*), and it is,

and it keeps many ghc sources, but no 6.8* among them.
Need I to take  
   ghc-6.9.20071013-src.tar.bz2  of October 13 ? 

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-15 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 02:47:37PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 | But it'd be better still to check with the 6.8 branch, but I can see you 
 can't do that.  IAN, are we
 | dumping snapshots of the 6.8 branch for people to try?  Can you help Serge 
 (and perhaps others) have a
 | snapshot they can try.
 Actually, Serge, you can find STABLE (i.e. 6.8 branch) snapshots here:
 There's no Windows installer in the last few days, for reasons Simon is 
 looking into, but the source distributions should be fine.  I'd wait until 
 after tonight, to be sure Ian's merges have all gone in.

Do you mean that 
of  October 13  
will do?

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-15 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
ghc-  (October 13)  
is buggy,
it cannot build the DoCon test module, starts to `panic'.

Now, I shall try

On the other hand, whatever GHC version the developers would like to test,
they can easily take the public  docon-2.10  and follow  install.txt.
The only two small points for porting from  ghc-6.6.1  to  6.8*  are
* replacing  runhaskell  with   runghc  in  source/Makefile,
* adding   ``, containers''  to the line of  build-depends  in  


On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 04:47:09PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I'd go for 20070914
 | -Original Message-
 | From: Serge D. Mechveliani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Sent: 15 October 2007 15:41
 | To: Simon Peyton-Jones
 | Cc:
 | Subject: Re: bug in 6.8.1-candidate
 | On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 02:47:37PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 |  | But it'd be better still to check with the 6.8 branch, but I can see 
 you can't do that.  IAN, are
 | we
 |  | dumping snapshots of the 6.8 branch for people to try?  Can you help 
 Serge (and perhaps others)
 | have a
 |  | snapshot they can try.
 |  Actually, Serge, you can find STABLE (i.e. 6.8 branch) snapshots here:
 |  There's no Windows installer in the last few days, for reasons Simon is 
 looking into, but the source
 | distributions should be fine.  I'd wait until after tonight, to be sure 
 Ian's merges have all gone in.
 |  Simon
 | Do you mean that
 | of  October 13
 | will do?
 | ---
 | Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc for docon-2.10

2007-10-15 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Simon P. Jones wrote he would go for  ghc-

I tried to `make' it by  ghc-

  ./configure --prefix=..
  make  makeLog

It reports


 error: floating constant in preprocessor expression
ghc: 15634792 bytes, 4 GCs, 122880/122880 avg/max bytes residency (1 
samples)\, 16M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 0.00 MUT (0.03 elapsed), 0.01 
GC (0.01 \elapsed) :ghc
make[2]: *** [cbits/unicode.o] error1
make[1]: *** [boot] error 2
make: *** [stage1] error 1

Dear GHC developers, please try any appropriate  ghc-6.8* candidate
for making the public docon-2.10  and running its test module.
Porting to 6.8 is simple:  
1) runhaskell -- runghc  (in  Makefile)
2) build-depends:   +  , containers   (in  docon.cabal).


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-10-02 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

this is again on the `panic' bug in  ghc-6.8.1-candidate.
The archive

presents one more report on this bug. Unzip and see  install.txt.

The project is built, but the test program  Test.hs  cannot build,
ghc reports of `panic'.
Further, return to the project build: 
in the file  GBasFld.hs,  comment-out the type declaration for the 
function  b_criterion_ev,  and re-build the project. 
Now, it reports of `panic' when compiling  GBasFld.
Simply speaking, docon-2.11 works under ghc-6.6.1 and does not work


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-09-30 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I am preparing a bug report for the compiler of  ghc-

GBasFld_.hs:387:45: Warning: Defined but not used: `t'
ghc- panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version for i386-unknown-linux):
initC: srt_lbl

Please report this as a GHC bug:

This happens in the middle of the DoCon-2.11 `make'.
Can you wait with  ghc-6.8.1 ?

Another point:  
the module  Char_  exports several instances, 
and the module  DPrelude  has  `module Char_'  in its export list,
and   ghc-  reports that this latter decl 
exports nothing. 
Probably, it must report 
  exports nothing, besides maybe, some instances


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

bug in 6.8.1-candidate

2007-09-30 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

this is a bug report on  ghc-6.8.1-candidate.
The archive

contains a project for which `making' under  ghc-
produces a report of kind

... many modules compiled

GBasFld_.hs: ...

ghc- panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version for i386-unknown-linux):
initC: srt_lbl

Please report this as a GHC bug:

unzip it, please, and  see  install.txt.  
Then, see   GBasFld_.hs,  

it is small, and it looks like ghc cannot compile it.
In  ghc-6.6.1,  this project works all right.

The project can easily be reduced to the size of about a single 
GBasFld_.hs  module (see  install.txt).


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

runhaskell in 6.8

2007-09-29 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

this is on the future  ghc-6.8.1.
The  DoCon-2.10  distribution uses the command  runhaskell
in its Makefile.
This works in  ghc-6.6.1  but does not work in  ghc-
Because the latter provides only  runghc. 

Can you can put  runhaskell  next to  runghc ?
What to you have against  runhaskell ?


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

6.8 fails to make

2007-09-13 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
I tried to `make'
under Debian Linux, i386-unknown,  and it stopped with

../compiler/stage1/ghc-inplace -H16m -O  -istage2/utils  -istage2/basicTypes  
-\istage2/types  -istage2/hsSyn  -istage2/prelude  -istage2/rename  
-istage2/type\check  -istage2/deSugar  -istage2/coreSyn  -istage2/vectorise  
-istage2/special\ise  -istage2/simplCore  -istage2/stranal  -istage2/stgSyn  
-istage2/simplStg  \-istage2/codeGen  -istage2/main  -istage2/profiling  
-istage2/parser  -istage2/\cprAnalysis  -istage2/ndpFlatten  -istage2/iface  
-istage2/cmm  -istage2/native\Gen  -istage2/ghci -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing 
-fno-warn-orphans -Istage2 -p\ackage hpc -package bytestring -DGHCI -package 
template-haskell -DGHCI_TABLES_N\EXT_TO_CODE -package readline -DUSE_READLINE 
-cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-generics \-Rghc-timing -I. -Iparser -package unix 
-package Cabal -ignore-package lang -re\comp -Rghc-timing  -H16M '-#include 
cutils.h' -package-name  ghc-6.8.20070912\   -fgenerics-c 
main/InteractiveEval.hs -o stage2/main/InteractiveEval.o  -\ohi 

parse error on input `Exception.throwIO'
ghc: 20812448 bytes, 4 GCs, 128588/128588 avg/max bytes residency (1 
samples)\, 16M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 0.01 MUT (0.04 elapsed), 0.02 
GC (0.01 \elapsed) :ghc
make[2]: *** [stage2/main/InteractiveEval.o] Ошибка 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [stage2] Ошибка 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mechvel/ghc/6.8-test/ghc-6.8.20070912'
make: *** [bootstrap2] Ошибка 2


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

skipping module in .cabal

2007-06-23 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

Recently I submitted a bug report  #1452  for ghc-6.6.1  
of undefined references at the stage of linking executable, 
and also of ignoring un-existing module import.

Now I discovered the following strange effect
(see the report source modules) which, probably, explains much.

1. (minor note) The file  Match.hs-boot  is not needed.
All the effects preserve after its removal. 

2. The name  `Match'  must be in the list  `other-modules:'
   in the file  
   dm.cabal,which describes the package.

But it is not in  dm.cabal !  
Because I have forgotten to put it there. 
Further,  make build
still finds and compiles  Match.hs.  
The only point where  Match  is needed is  Reduce.hs:  it imports  
`Match'. But why GHC finds  Match.hs ? 
Probably, because it is in the current source directory.
make install
And further, the command   ghc $dmCpOpt --make Main

succeeds or not -- depending on whether `Match' is in  dm.cabal  or not!

First, I think that there is my oversight here.
But the  GHC + Cabal  system  behaves strange in this example. 
Must not it give a plain report of what is wrong with modules or  
package setting ?
Error:  `Match' is not in the package but is imported by  Reduce.hs.
Probably, this is the matter of Cabal.

Further, if GHC still finds Match.hs and builds the package, why this 
undefined reference appears while linking executable ?


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

un-existing import in boot-module

2007-06-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

ghc-6.6.1  does not report about unknown module import in boot-modules.

For example, let us haveFoo.hs  and  Foo.hs-boot,
and add to   Foo.hs-boot  the line
  import M

, where  M  is not a name of any existing module.
ghc  `makes' the project without any report of this `M'.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: #945: `waitForProcess'

2007-01-10 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 07:14:32PM -, GHC wrote:
 #945: `waitForProcess' report in `install' in ghc-6.6
  Reporter:  guest |  Owner:
  Type:  bug   | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  6.6.1
 Component:  Compiler  |Version:  6.6
  Severity:  normal| Resolution:
  Keywords:| Difficulty:  Unknown
  Testcase:|   Architecture:  Unknown
Os:  Linux |
 Changes (by igloo):

   * cc:  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Hi Serge,

  Do you have a testcase we can reproduce this with?


When reporting, I tried to write down some description by copying by 
mouse to the field 'comment' (as I recall) but, probably, misused the 
page interface. Probably, it visible only  
`waitForProcess' report in `install' in ghc-6.6.
I somehow got used to this, changed something in the command sequence 
(do not recall what namely).
So, this effect is visible very rarely now.
Let us wait for next occasion.


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

profiling in Cabal in 6.4.1-aug-1

2005-08-04 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I have `made'  ghc-  

by its binary, on Linux Debian, and tested on DoCon and Dumatel 
The first `make' crashed (I do not know, maybe, indeed, a hardware
fail). The second (by new) succeeded.

It looks all right -- except `making' with profiling.

Without profiling, it `makes' and installs.
For profiling,  dm.cabal  adds 
  -prof -auto-all -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o
to its options.
The commands
runhaskell Setup configure --ghc --prefix=$dmSource/inst 
runhaskell Setup build 

seem to work all right. Then,   runhaskell Setup install --user 

  Installing: /home/mechvel/dm/1.03/dm/source/inst/lib/dumatel-1.3  
  /home/mechvel/dm/1.03/dm/source/inst/bin dumatel-1.3...
  Error: Could not find module: Dumatel with any suffix: [hi]

And the directory  $dmSource/dist/build/  contains
  Dumatel.p_hi, Dumatel.p_o
among its files.

dm.cabal  is 

version: 1.3
build-depends:   data
  Dumatel Dumatel.Prelude Dumatel.Prelude5
  Dumatel.TermComp Dumatel.Reduce Dumatel.CritPair
  Dumatel.KBC Dumatel.Bool Dumatel.BTerm Dumatel.ReduceBT
  Dumatel.UKBB Dumatel.Prover
  Dumatel.DemoTest.T_ukb   Dumatel.DemoTest.T_logicSimp
  Dumatel.DemoTest.T_nat   Dumatel.DemoTest.T_list
  Prelude0 Prelude0_0 Prelude1 Prelude2 Prelude2_0 Prelude3
  Prelude3_0 Prelude3_1 Prelude4 Bool0 BTerm0 BTerm1 Prover0 Parse1
  Parse2 Parse3 Prover1 Prover2 Prover3
  -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances
  -fallow-overlapping-instances -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns
  -fwarn-unused-binds -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports
  -prof -auto-all -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o

Who is in error, please, GHC or myself?

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

making 6.4.1-aug-1 with itself

2005-08-03 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
I have installed  ghc-

to  Debian Linux.
(  uname -m  
   uname -r

and am trying to make it  (ghc-
from source by itself.
It reports


../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude 
-#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -ignore-package base -O 
-Rghc-timing -fgeneri\cs  -fgenerics -split-objs-c GHC/Dotnet.hs -o 
GHC/Dotnet.o  -ohi GHC/Dotnet.hi

( cd GHC/Dotnet_split; rm -f ld.script; touch ld.script; echo 
INPUT( *.o ) ld.script; /usr/bin/ld -r -x -o ../Dotnet.o ld.script; );
rm -f GHC/PArr.o; if [ ! -d GHC/PArr_split ]; then mkdir GHC/PArr_split; 
else \usr/bin/find GHC/PArr_split -name '*.o' -print | 
xargs rm -f __rm_food; fi;
../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude 
-#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -ignore-package base -O 
-Rghc-timing -fgeneri\cs  -fgenerics -split-objs-c 
GHC/PArr.hs -o GHC/PArr.o  -ohi GHC/PArr.hi
ghc- internal error: evacuate: strange closure type 2160
Please report this as a bug to,
make[2]: *** [GHC/PArr.o] Error 254
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [build] Error 1

If the GHC developers need the archive with  config.log and make.log,
let them give me the address to send it to.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: making 6.4.1-aug-1 with itself

2005-08-03 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 11:57:07AM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:
 On 03 August 2005 10:38, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
  ../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude
  -#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -ignore-package base -O
  -Rghc-timing -fgeneri\cs  -fgenerics -split-objs-c GHC/Dotnet.hs
  -o GHC/Dotnet.o  -ohi GHC/Dotnet.hi
  ( cd GHC/Dotnet_split; rm -f ld.script; touch ld.script; echo
  INPUT( *.o ) ld.script; /usr/bin/ld -r -x -o ../Dotnet.o
  ld.script; ); rm -f GHC/PArr.o; if [ ! -d GHC/PArr_split ]; then
  mkdir GHC/PArr_split; else \usr/bin/find GHC/PArr_split -name '*.o'
  -print | 
  xargs rm -f __rm_food; fi;
  ../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude
  -#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -ignore-package base -O
  -Rghc-timing -fgeneri\cs  -fgenerics -split-objs-c
  GHC/PArr.hs -o GHC/PArr.o  -ohi GHC/PArr.hi
  ghc- internal error: evacuate: strange closure type
  2160 Please report this as a bug to, or 
  make[2]: *** [GHC/PArr.o] Error 254
  make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory
  make: *** [build] Error 1
 Hmm, another occurrence of the elusive GC bug.  I can't repeat this one
 Can you check that it is repeatable for you:
   $ cd libraries/base
   $ rm GHC/PArr.o
   $ make GHC/PArr.o
 and let me know whether you get the same crash repeatedly.  

PArr.o  was not there.
I apply the above commands, and they report

rm -f GHC/PArr.o; if [ ! -d GHC/PArr_split ]; then mkdir GHC/PArr_split;
else /usr/bin/find GHC/PArr_split -name '*.o' -print |
xargs rm -f __rm_food; fi;
../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude
-#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -ignore-package base -O
-Rghc-timing -fgenerics  -fgenerics -split-objs-c GHC/PArr.hs -o
GHC/PArr.o  -ohi GHC/PArr.hi
ghc: 262247264 bytes, 48 GCs, 4479368/9051336 avg/max bytes residency
(4 samples), 20M in use, 0.04 INIT (0.03 elapsed), 4.30 MUT (19.20 elapsed),
1.36 GC (2.90 elapsed) :ghc
( cd GHC/PArr_split; rm -f ld.script; touch ld.script; echo INPUT( *.o )
ld.script; /usr/bin/ld -r -x -o ../PArr.o ld.script; );

and stops, with   PArr.o  ready.
It looks like we fail to repeat the crash.

 Could you also try this:
   $ rm GHC/PArr.o
   $ make GHC/PArr.o EXTRA_HC_OPTS=+RTS -C0 -RTS
 which might help to make it more repeatable (that disables the context
 switch timer).

It reports

rm -f GHC/PArr.o; if [ ! -d GHC/PArr_split ]; then mkdir GHC/PArr_split;
else /usr/bin/find GHC/PArr_split -name '*.o' -print | xargs rm -f __rm_food;
../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude
-#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -ignore-package base -O
-Rghc-timing -fgenerics  -fgenerics -split-objs
+RTS -C0 -RTS -c GHC/PArr.hs -o GHC/PArr.o  -ohi GHC/PArr.hi
ghc: 263003692 bytes, 57 GCs, 4518303/9088788 avg/max bytes residency
(4 samples), 20M in use, 0.04 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 4.12 MUT (12.96 elapsed),
1.52 GC (1.54 elapsed) :ghc
( cd GHC/PArr_split; rm -f ld.script; touch ld.script; echo INPUT( *.o )
 ld.script; /usr/bin/ld -r -x -o ../PArr.o ld.script; );

and stops, with   PArr.o  ready.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

making 6.4.1-pre-July-12 by itself

2005-07-12 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
There appears some package conflict problem in re-making  
ghc-6.4.1-pre  with itself 
(under  Debian Linux).

On  July 12, 9.00 GMT,  I downloaded   ghc-6.4.1-pre of CVS

and `made' it with  ghc-6.4.1-pre-June-14.
It looks working all right.

Then I downloaded  ghc of 5 hours later:
ghc-6.4.1-pre  of CVS of  July 12, 14.00 GMT.

I reset the path to the  July-12 install place,
and for more safety, move the installation directory  of  June-14
to other place.

 which ghc

 which ghc-pkg

-- this is  ghc-July12-9.00,  as needed.

Now, `making'  ghc-July12-14.00 with ghc-July12-9.00 

/home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/pre6.4.1/inst/bin/ghc -H16m -O -I. -Iinclude 
-Rghc-timing  -I../../../libraries -fglasgow-exts -no-recomp 
   -c System/Directory/Internals.hs -o System/Directory/Internals.o 
 -ohi System/Directory/Internals.hi

conflict: module `System.Directory.Internals'
belongs to the current program/library and also to package base-1.0
ghc: 18868296 bytes, 5 GCs, 79280/79280 avg/max bytes residency 
(1 samples), 16M in use, 0.02 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 
0.16 MUT (0.21 elapsed), 0.08 GC (0.10 elapsed) :ghc
make[4]: *** [System/Directory/Internals.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** [boot] Error 2
make[2]: *** [boot] Error 1
make[1]: *** [boot] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
`/home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/pre-6.4.1-July-12/fptools/ghc'make: *** 
[build] Error 1

What we have to do with this, please?

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

make fail for 6.4.1-pre-July-11

2005-07-11 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
It still cannot make.
I have downloaded ghc-6.4.1-pre  of CVS July 11 2005

(this is the date of the act of downloading)

and am trying to make it with   ghc-6.4.1-pre  of June 15
under Debian Linux.
It reports

/home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/instJune14/bin/ghc -H16m -O  -istage1/utils 
 -istage1/basicTypes  -istage1/types  -istage1/hsSyn  -istage1/prelude  
-istage1/rename  -istage1/typecheck  -istage1/deSugar  -istage1/coreSyn 
 -istage1/specialise  -istage1/simplCore  -istage1/stranal  
-istage1/stgSyn  -istage1/simplStg  -istage1/c\odeGen  -istage1/main  
-istage1/profiling  -istage1/parser  -istage1/cprAnalysis  -istage1/compMan
-istage1/ndpFlatten  -istage1/iface  -istage1/cmm  -istage1/nativeGen 
 -istage1/ghci -Istage1 -DGHCI -package template-haskell -package  ...
  Couldn't match `IOEnv (Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv) (a, FreeVars)' against 
  `t - \t1'
  Expected type: IOEnv (Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv) (a, FreeVars)
  Inferred type: t - t1
  Expected type: a1 - b
  Inferred type: RnM (a, FreeVars)
Probable cause: 
`rnPatsAndThen' is applied to too many arguments in the call
(rnPatsAndThen ctxt True pats)
ghc: 76871052 bytes, 21 GCs, 4067284/8625320 avg/max bytes residency 
(4 sampl\es), 19M in use, 0.02 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 0.97 MUT 
(1.10 elapsed), 0.90 GC (0.\90 elapsed) :ghc
make[2]: *** [stage1/rename/RnExpr.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/pre6.4.1/fptools/ghc'
make: *** [build] Error 1

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

make fail for 6.4.1-pre

2005-07-10 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
I have sent a report to this  bug list  about failing 
to make ghc-6.4.1-pre.
But it included the  300 Kb log archive, and I have forgotten that the 
list may not like large letters.
I am sorry.
So, I cancelled this posting and resent the report to Simon Marlow

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

reading in ghci-6-4-branch

2005-06-22 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Who knows, please, how to work with the program of

  main = interact (\ s - shows (read s :: Bool) \n)

in the interpreter  ghci  ?

This is on   ghc-cvs-6-4-branch-June-15-2005
under Debian Linux, i386-uknown.  

When compiled, it works:ghc --make ReadBug
True   press Enter
   press Control-d

And it does not work under ghci:  

 ghci ReadBug.hs
 ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.4.1, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base-1.0 ... linking ... done.
Compiling Main ( ReadBug.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
(0.08 secs, 3210432 bytes)
*Main main
^D*** Exception: no parse

Is this a GHC bug?


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

source subdirectory in package

2005-06-13 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I am testing Cabal in ghc-6.4. 
Consider a project of the modulesU1.hs, subdir/V1.hs
put to the source root of$(HOME)/user1/
Provide some simplest source for U1, V1,
and the package description

-- u1.cabal - 
version: 0.0
build-depends:   data
exposed-modules: U1 V1
ghc-options: -isubdir

  runhaskell Setup.hs configure --ghc --prefix=$HOME/t/user1/inst
  runhaskell Setup.hs build 

  Preprocessing library u1-0.0...
  can't find source for V1 in [.]

Why this is so?

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

irrelevant package

2005-06-13 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I am testing  packages  in  ghc-6.4.
I set 

which declares dependence on `data': build-depends: data
The attempt to build  docon  by

  cd $doconSource
  runhaskell Setup.hs configure --ghc --prefix=$doconSource/inst
  runhaskell Setup.hs build


  configuring ...
  compiling ...
Module `DPrelude' is a member of package dumatel-
To compile this module, please use -ignore-package dumatel-

These does exist a package  dumatel-,  and both the above 
packages have  DPrelude  among the module names. 
But why does Cabal look into irrelevant package? The dependence is 
set: only `data'.  

ghc-pkg -l  shows

rts-1.0, base-1.0, haskell98-1.0, template-haskell-1.0, unix-1.0,
Cabal-1.0, parsec-1.0, haskell-src-1.0, network-1.0,
QuickCheck-1.0, HUnit-1.1, mtl-1.0, fgl-5.2, X11-1.1, HGL-3.1,
stm-1.0, readline-1.0, (lang-1.0), (concurrent-1.0), (posix-1.0),
(util-1.0), (data-1.0), (text-1.0), (net-1.0), (hssource-1.0)

The package specification is

version: 2.9
copyright:   Serge Mechveliani (2005)
author:  Serge Mechveliani
maintainer:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
synopsis:computer algebra program written in Haskell
tested-with: GHC
build-depends:   data
DExport DPrelude Categs SetGroup RingModule DPair Z Fraction
VecMatr LinAlg Pol GBasis Residue Permut Partition AlgSymmF
  Iparse_ OpTab_
  Categs_ DPair_ Matr0_ Ring0_ Semigr_ Vec1_ Char_ Fract_ Matr1_
  Ring1_ Set_ Vec_ Common_ List_ Prelude_ Ring_ Vec0_
  Det_ Stairc_ Todiag_
  IdealSyz_ ResEuc0_ ResEuc_ ResRing__ RsePol0_ QuotGr_ ResEuc1_
  ResPol_ ResRing_ RsePol_ EPol0_
 Pgcd_ Pol_ RPol0_ EPol1_ FreeMonoid Pol1_ PolNF_ RPol_ EPol_
  GBasEuc_ Pol2_ Polrel_ FAA0_ GBasFld_ Pol3_ PP_ UPol0_ FAANF_
  GBas_ Pol__ RdLatP_ UPol_
  Pfact0_ Pfact1_ Pfact2_ Pfact3_ Pfact__ Pfact_
  HookBand_ Partit_ SymmFn0_ SymmFn1_ SymmFn_ Sympol_
  -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances
  -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-unused-binds
  -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

possible real bug in 6.2.2

2004-10-19 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

My investigation of why a certain list field in a record
does not print lazily has lead to something like a bug report
for ghc-6.2.2.

The program example of kind  

let f  = ...
mbPair = ...
f $ case mbPair of Just _ - error Lemma found\n 
   _  - ProofResult {field = abc}

never reaches the `Just' branch,
and replacing the `case' construct with  (ProofResult ...)
changes the whole result greatly.
The effect is due to a complex code for  mbPair, 
its intensive work with memory, etc.;
and the `case' replacement avoids the mbPair computation.

(can all this happen without a bug?)

I am trying to reduce the example. The program is too complex.
I need greatly a reliable  ghc-6.2.2.xx  tool.  

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: possible real bug in 6.2.2

2004-10-19 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Yes, please, withdraw my last `bug' report on ghc-6.2.2.

The next day after I sent a `bug report' I also discovered that the
program behavior looks natural.
Because most of the functions in the presented module call each 
other in a complex recursive way.

But there remains another one: a DoCon `making' bug.
If it occurs, for example, due to a bug in the garbage collection,
then any computation is damaged. 
Serge Mechveliani

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 05:12:54PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I tried your example, and can reproduce what you see.  But it doesn't
 seem surprising to me.
 The way in which you could get this behaviour is this:
 - the call to
   indirectly calls 
   and evaluates the proofResTheoryExt part of its result
   which makes the program print debugTail thExt
 But if you don't evaluate mbPair, then the first call to proveRLiteral
 returns immediately, and its caller evalutes the proofResTrace part of
 the result.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

GHC page

2004-10-16 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I needed to download  ghc-6.2.2.
My (old) brouser takes   but is not able 
to get the picture of
, just gets aborted.
Several months ago this page became readable, and now again changed.

Please, how to reach GHC in a regular way (www or anonymous ftp) ?

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: GHC page

2004-10-16 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Thank you.
I helps.
I was trying  /distrib, /distr  instead of  /dist. 

On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 05:06:59PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

  My (old) brouser takes   but is not able 
  to get the picture of
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

memory error in 6.2.2

2004-10-16 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I have got this when compile  DoCon-2.08  with 
  ghc-6.2.2 -Onot -M40m 

(on RedHat Linux, i386-unknown, ghc-6.2.2 built from source) :


No old interface available

Source file changed or recompilation check turned off
FYI: cannot read old interface file:
openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Compiling RsePol0_  
 ( residue/RsePol0_.hs,
 /home/mechvel/docon/2.08/docon/source/export/RsePol0_.o )

Warning: Module `Pol2_' is imported, but nothing from it is used
 (except perhaps instances visible in `Pol2_')

No old interface available

ghc-6.2.2: internal error: scavenge_mark_stack: 
unimplemented/strange closure type 30 @ 0x40cd2d04
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
make: *** [obj] Error 254

Then, I restart `make', and it builds. 

The test is all right.

Also `making' with  -M30m  avoids this error, 
as well as making with -O -M60m.

Probably, there is a bug in the memory management.

In the next letter, I am sending  to  
Simon Marlow and Simon P. Jones,
so that you could try to reproduce the effect.

Follow  install.txt  and apply   make space=-M40m docon

(-Onot). But on other system, it may require different -M option
to run into such error.  

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2004-10-14 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

the function  let  ns = [1 .. 10^6] :: [Int]
   p  = partition even ns
  take 2 $ fst p

computes too long in ghc-6.2.2-September-26
and needs several megabyte of stack.
What might be the reason?

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: `partition'

2004-10-14 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Indeed, could it?

For 6.2.2 is have not been released so far ...

On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 12:02:20PM +0200, Josef Svenningsson wrote:
 A little browsing in the CVS reveals that partition is fixed in GHC's
 libraries but that it was done after the 6.2 branch. So the 6.2 branch is
 still using the old erroneous definition.
 Could this fix be merged into the 6.2 branch, please?
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:glasgow-haskell-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Johannes Waldmann
  Sent: den 14 oktober 2004 10:30
  To: Serge D. Mechveliani
  Subject: Re: `partition'
   the function  let  ns = [1 .. 10^6] :: [Int]
  p  = partition even ns
 take 2 $ fst p
   computes too long in ghc-6.2.2-September-26
   and needs several megabyte of stack.
  this has been noticed a few times, for example[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07508.html
  -- Johannes Waldmann,  Tel/Fax: (0341) 3076 6479 / 6480 --
  -- -
  Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

making ghc of september 26

2004-09-29 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I continue to test ghc-6.2.2-pre of September 26.
At the first attempt, `make' failed after certain  ghc ... -M
command in an ununderstandable manner.
The second command of `make' has succeeded.
Meanwhile and for any occasion, can you make sure that this 
version, for example, makes itself successfully under your 
RedHat Linux system?

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Reply on 6-2-2-branch

2004-07-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on 19 Jul 2004 
about  release plans:

 We are currently planning two new releases around the end of August:
 one from the STABLE branch and one from the HEAD.

 STABLE: 6.2.2
 This will be the final release from the 6.2 branch, containing bugfixes
 only relative to 6.2.1.
 Please if you have any outstanding bugs in 6.2.1, drop us a note. 

On  July 20
I have downloaded by  cvs co -r ghc-6-2-branch ghc hslibs libraries
the version of 
and tested it.
It this for future  ghc-6.2.2 ?

I have seen only one minor bug.
Here follow the reports and questions.

1. A bug of a negative number of bytes.

  ghci ...
   :set +s
   test log
  (58.68 secs, -989876700 bytes)

Probably this is due to using Int instead of Integer.
And as I recall, it was said fixed (!?)  

2. It identifies itself as  ghc-6.2.1.
How to distingush it from the official ghc-6.2.1, by what messages?
Could the CVS versions aiming at some  ghc-XXX,  respond, 
for example, with 
... GHC, pre-release XXX-pre of July 20, 2004 

when calledghc --version  

3. `make' produces several warnings about the data fields not 
Warning: Fields of `TopEnv' not initialised: top_nc
 In the record construction: TopEnv
 {top_mode = mode,
  top_dflags = dflags,
  top_hpt = hpt,
  top_eps = ref,
  top_us = us,
  top_errs = top_errs top}
 In the definition of `top'':
 top' = TopEnv

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

packages, :m command

2004-05-25 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

I have tested (on somewhat 90%) the  cvs ghc-6-2-branch  of May 24.
It looks almost correct for DoCon.
Still I pretend to report the two bugs, so far.

1: (wrote earlier) is on negative number of bytes shown by 
   `:set +s'.
2: follows below, it also contains questions about organizing a 

Thank you in advance for the help,

Serge Mechveliani

Having  docon-2.08-pre,  build it under  -O  as  install.txt  

And I write in DoCon Manual how to organize a package for the user
example program which links DoCon library and package.

After installing DoCon, set the variables

  setenv doconc.../docon/source/docon.conf
  setenv pcdocon   -package-conf ${doconc}
  setenv pcpdocon  ${pcdocon} -package docon

Design  Makefile  for creating a user package  foo  
by compiling the modules

and putting the interfaces and libraries to the directory  u/lib/

Let the module  Root  import some entities from  DoCon  and from the 
module  M.

  module Root where-- in file  u/Root.hs

  import DExport   -- imports all entities of DoCon and many of GHC
  import M (m) -- of the user project

  f = (m,m)

  intRoot :: Z - Maybe Z
  intRootn =  let  (ps,exps) = unzip $ factor n
  if  any (not . even) exps  then  Nothing
let  halfs = map (`quot` 2) exps
Just $ product $ zipWith power ps halfs

  module M where  m = True-- file  u/subdir/M.hs

-- The  Makefile  in the directory  u/  should be  --

ghcBinDir = /home/mechvel/ghcCVS/inst/bin
# EDIT these four!  
# $(doconc)  is the path to the DoCon configuration file,
# $(s)   is the user source directory,
# $(e)   a directory the user library and interface to install to.
doconc = /home/mechvel/docon/2.08/docon/source/docon.conf
s  = /home/mechvel/t/u
e  = $(s)/lib

ghc= $(ghcBinDir)/ghc
ghcpkg = $(ghcBinDir)/ghc-pkg

pcdocon  = -package-conf $(doconc)
pcpdocon = $(pcdocon) -package docon

RANLIB   = ar -s
language = -fglasgow-exts  -fallow-overlapping-instances \

warnings = -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-unused-binds \
-fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports 
idirs= subdir
HCFlags  =  $(language) $(warnings)\
-i$(idirs) -odir $(e) -hidir $(e)  -ddump-hi-diffs \
+RTS $(space) -RTS  $(extraHCOpts) 

space   = -M55m
extraHCOpts =
# -Oghcpkg=... 

pack =Package {name= \foo\,  \
   import_dirs = [\$(e)\],\
   source_dirs = [],  \
   library_dirs= [\$(e)\],\
   hs_libraries= [\HSfoo\], \
   extra_libraries = [], \
   include_dirs= [], \
   c_includes  = [], \
   package_deps= [], \-- ?
   extra_ghc_opts  = [$(extraPackOpts)], \
   extra_cc_opts   = [], \
   extra_ld_opts   = [] } 

extraPackOpts = $(pwarnings), $(planguage)

# `backslash' copy of $(HCFlags)  
planguage = \-fglasgow-exts\, \
\-fallow-overlapping-instances\, \
pwarnings = \-fno-warn-overlapping-patterns\, \
\-fwarn-unused-binds\,\-fwarn-unused-matches\, \

if [ ! -d $(e) ]; then mkdir $(e); fi
$(ghc) $(HCFlags) $(pcpdocon) --make Root  -package-name foo

rm -f  $(e)/libHSfoo.a $(e)/HSfoo.o
ar -qc $(e)/libHSfoo.a $(wildcard $(e)/*.o)
$(RANLIB)  $(e)/libHSfoo.a
echo $(pack) | $(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/foo.conf -u -g
$(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/foo.conf -l
# o. files can be extracted from the library by  ar -x 

$(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/foo.conf -r foo
rm -f  $(s)/foo.conf.old
rm -rf $(e)

*  should it be set   package_deps = [\docon\]
   (it does not work)

* how to avoid above the ugly  backslash copy of $(HCFlags) ?  

* are the goals  obj, foo  done correct ?

Making  foo:  cd  .../u
  make foo
Similarly as for DoCon package, arrange the variables

  setenv fooc/home/mechvel/t/u/foo.conf
  setenv pcfoo   -package-conf ${fooc}
  setenv pcpfoo  ${pcfoo} -package foo

To run  intRoot  from the separate 

problems with 6-2-branch

2004-05-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

It occurs problematic for me to build correct  cvs ghc-6-2-brach. 
Now, I have built cvs  ghc-6-2-branch  first in 
then, after  cd fptools
 make clean

rebuild  ghc-6-2-branch  by   /home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/6-2-branch/inst/bin 
installed it to   /home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/6-2-branch/inst2/bin 
erased all  ghc  except  /home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/6-2-branch/inst2/bin 
tested:   which ghc
  which ghci
`made' DoCon by the Makefile containing 
ghc = /home/mechvel/ghc/cvs/6-2-branch/inst2/bin/ghc

`made' the test  T_  by  ghc $pcpdocon --make T_ 

run the test by  ghci $pcpdocon T_ 
and got
   [True,ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge:
  unimplemented/strange closure type 64 @ 0x404033f0
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Now there is no doubt that in this latter test  ghc and ghci are
of the same place.
And it looks like you cannot reproduce the effect.

Maybe, this is system specific?
Have you tried this on  Debian linux  or  RedHat linux?

Maybe, you can provide me with correct  ghc-6-2-branch-binary ?

One is for  Debian Linux .. 2.4.25 #2 Mon Apr 26 .. 2004 i686 unknown,
(once  ghc-6.2.1-binary  was installled there).

Another -- for  RedHat linux 9,

Another question:
how to build  ghc-6-2-branch  from source  
without using pre-installed GHC 
(as to Alex and Happy, OK, I think, let them be pre-installed)
and to install it into my user chosen directory
I tried `make' from various places, and it says
you have not run ./configure.
And ./configure searches for  ghc  installed, for Happy.

I am sorry, can you tell me precisely what to do?

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

making 6-2-branch

2004-05-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Addition to my 2 previous letters:

When `making'  6-2-branch  it stayed long on  PrimOp.lhs,
and I interrupted it.
And just restarted make allfrom  .../myfptools

Maybe, due to this failure it had `made' with some trace of old 

Serge Mechveliani

 `Making' DoCon-2.08-pre (like in previous report enclosed) 
 under  -O,
 making the test by  cd $(s)/demotest
ghc $pcpdocon --make T_ 

 and running the test byghci $pcpdocon T_ +RTS any space -RTS
   T_ :set +s
   T_ test log
 [ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge:  ...

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Segmentation fault in ghc-6-2-branch-in-place

2004-05-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I have built the   cvs update -r 6-2-branch   in my home dir.

It was compiled by  ghc-6.2.1 official and istalled in 

It worked in some examples, but as I wrote you, some errors appear.
Now I am trying to rebuild  6-2-branch  from the same source by 
cd myfptools
./configure --prefix=/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/inst2
make all

And it reports


make[1]: Entering directory `/disk2/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/myfptools/glafp-utils'

===fptools== Recursively making `boot' in mkdependC mkdirhier runstdtest 
docbook lndir ...
PWD = /disk2/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/myfptools/glafp-utils
/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/inst/bin/ghc -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend  -osuf o  
  -H16m -O  HaskTags.hs

-- the ghc-2-branch envoked, right?
/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/inst/bin/ghc -H16m -O -cpp-c 
  Config.hs -o Config.o  -ohi Config.hi
/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/inst/bin/ghc -o stage1/ghc-6.2.1 -H16m -O 
   -istage1/utils ...
   -H16M '-#include hschooks.h'-no-link-chk
   stage1/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.o  stage1/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.o
==fptools== make all -wr;
 in /disk2/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/myfptools/ghc/rts
../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -optc-O -optc-Wall -optc-W -optc-Wstrict-prototypes 
-optc-Wmissing-prototypes -optc-Wmissing-declarations -optc-Winline 
-optc-Waggregate-return -optc-Wbad-function-cast -optc-I../includes -optc-I. 
-optc-Iparallel -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS -optc-fomit-frame-pointer -H16m -O -O2 -static
-c Adjustor.c -o Adjustor.o

-- the new  ghc-inplace  invoked, right?

make[2]: *** [Adjustor.o] Segmentation fault
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/disk2/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/myfptools/ghc'
make: *** [build] Error 1

Please, advise,
Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

internal error in 6-2-branch

2004-05-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Simon P. Jones writes

 There is a known bug in the one-space compacting garbage collector for
 GHC 6.2.1.  It is fixed in the 6.2 branch.
 This bug is shown up by your space=XXX choice.  If you omit =
 you won't use the one-space collector, and the bug will probably vanish.
 I am not sure why you use it.

Generally,  (Time*Space) cost for a given task  is an important 
quality estimation for the system  instrument + application.

Naturally, the user needs to find out how this parameter evolves from 
version to version. If some task is known to be done within a small 
memory and when it takes large memory in some particular system, then 
this is a serious matter about the system to be investigated. 

Also I use  -M  in order 
(1) to prevent filling all the memory and going to the disk space
(2) to prevent taking much of memory from other users
((1),(2) may occur, for example, when ghc has a buggy GC),
(3) to test GHC and Application, because deliberately running task in 
small memory, and with different -M, often reveals a bug.

Setting different (and small) -M is good for debugging.

 I believe that the bug is already fixed.  To test the 6.2-branch
 compiler (which is what you are trying to do), you need to build the
 stage-2 compiler, else you'll be running a 6.2-branch compiler linked to
 a 6.2.1 run-time system, which has the bug.

 If you sat in fptools/ and typed 'make' you should have successfully
 built a stage2 compiler; it lives in ghc/compiler/stage2/ghc-inplace.
 If you use this compiler to compile docon you should be all right.  Or,
 if not, we'd like to know.

Something is wrong here.
We have the pre-installed official 
  /usr/bin/ghc  6.2.1  -- compiler and ghci.

Then, using  /usr/bin/ghc,  I have built the  6.2-branch  in my home:
   cd .../ghcCVS/myfptools
   ./configure  --prefix=.../ghcCVS/inst
   make all
   make install

   cd myfptools
   ls ghc/compiler/stage2/
absCSyn ... ghci ... ghc-6.2.1 ... ghc-inplace 

   cd ghcCVS/inst
   ls bin
ghc ghc-pkg ghci ... ghc-6.2.1 ... ghc-pkg-6.2.1 ghci-6.2.1 

-- this is the newly installed  ghc-6-2-branch,
this is different from what is in  /usr/bin/ghc
(despite that they write 6.2.1 in the headings),  right? 

I set  $path  too:

 which ghc 
 which ghci

DoCon Makefile  uses $(ghc)  with
 ghc = /home/mechvel/ghcCVS/inst/bin/ghc

And it compiles differently to  /usr/bin/ghc-6.2.1 official,
I see this because it
* does not seg-fault, takes much smaller memory to build DoCon,
* does not break at compliling Pol3_.hs (in both variants),

ghci  is also different, because it finds the needed instances 
  .. :m DExport
  .. factor (10 :: Integer)

and 6.2.1 official does not find them.
And still 
ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge_mark_stack:
unimplemented/strange closure type 30 @ 0x41692598

occurs in various situations: in compiling and under ghci,
under -Onot and under -O, and it vanishes in ghci after   :set +s  

May it occur that with all the above   ghc -c ...
   ghci ...
use the old run-time support?

Maybe, the `make' should be done twice to erase all trace of old 
6.2.1 ?

I'll ask sysadmin to hide the official 6.2.1 of /usr/bin/
and I'll rebuild ghc-6-2-branch by compiling it by itself, 
and then see. Would it self-make?

Another question: 
as you have docon-2.08-pre, you can reproduce the test with DoCon
under  ghc-6-2-branch,  as I wrote.
For example, `make' DoCon with -O,  `make' T_  with -Onot,
load it and run 
 ghci $doconpcp T_ +RTS -M..any -RTS
 test log

And it is supposed to report internal error 
Have you tried this?

Serge Mechveliani

| Dear GHC developers,
| I have `made' GHC of   cvs update -r ghc-6-2-branch(about May 14)
| by  ghc-6.2.1   on  RedHat Linux (about version 8) libc-2.2, i686.
| Now, you have the docon-2.08-pre
| test, with  Pol3_.hs  containing
|   instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =3D
|   LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))
|   ...
| And  make space=3D-M20m docon
| (-Onot)
| yields
| /home/mechvel/docon/2.08/docon/source/export/Pfact3_.hi:
|  openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
|Compiling Pfact3_
|  ( pol/factor/Pfact3_.hs,
|/home/mechvel/docon/2.08/docon/source/export/Pfact3_.o )
|No old interface available
|ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge_mark_stack:
|unimplemented/strange closure type 30 @ 0x41692598
| Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
| or
| Repeating this command, 

compiling PrimOp.lhs

2004-05-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

`Making' GHC of   cvs update -r ghc-6-2-branch

with  ghc-6.2.1 

on  RedHat Linux (about version 8) libc-2.2, i686

seems to meet a problem:

  ... myfptools ...
   cd myfptools 
   ./configure --prefix=...
   make boot
   ... run it from ghc or ...
  -- OK, probably  make boot  not needed,   right?

   make all 

  make[1]: Entering directory 
   ===fptools== Recursively making `boot' in mkdependC mkdirhier
   runstdtest docbook lndir ...
   PWD = /disk2/home/mechvel/ghcCVS/myfptools/glafp-utils
  e1/main  -istage1/profiling  -istage1/parser  -istage1/cprAnalysis 
...   -c basicTypes/NewDemand.lhs -o stage1/basicTypes/NewDemand.o  
  -ohi stage1/basicTypes/NewDemand.hi
  ghc: 159979968 bytes, 32 GCs, 3950581/8666736 avg/max bytes 
  residency (4 samples), 20M in use, 0.01 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 
  1.09 MUT (3.03 elapsed), 0.50 GC (0.55 elapsed) :ghc

  /usr/bin/ghc -H16m -O  -istage1/utils  -istage1/basicTypes 
... fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. -IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser 
 -recomp -Rghc-timing  -H16M '-#include hschooks.h' 
 -no-recomp -H80m 
 -c prelude/PrimOp.lhs
 -o stage1/prelude/PrimOp.o  -ohi stage1/prelude/PrimOp.hi

Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped
 In the definition of `tagOf_PrimOp': tagOf_PrimOp op = ...

Now, it stayed at this point for about 50 minutes, no messages appear,
ghc-6.2.1, cc1  keep on being re-envoked in turn.
I have just interrupted it.
This module does not look large, and is given  -H80m  ...

What is the matter, please?

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: compiling PrimOp.lhs

2004-05-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 04:07:56PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
  Dear GHC developers,
  `Making' GHC of   cvs update -r ghc-6-2-branch
  with  ghc-6.2.1 
  on  RedHat Linux (about version 8) libc-2.2, i686
  seems to meet a problem:
 make all 
make[1]: Entering directory 
/usr/bin/ghc -H16m -O  -istage1/utils  -istage1/basicTypes 
  ... fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. -IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser 
   -recomp -Rghc-timing  -H16M '-#include hschooks.h' 
   -no-recomp -H80m 
   -c prelude/PrimOp.lhs
   -o stage1/prelude/PrimOp.o  -ohi stage1/prelude/PrimOp.hi
  Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped
   In the definition of `tagOf_PrimOp': tagOf_PrimOp op = ...
  Now, it stayed at this point for about 50 minutes, no messages appear,
  ghc-6.2.1, cc1  keep on being re-envoked in turn.
  I have just interrupted it.
  This module does not look large, and is given  -H80m  ...
  What is the matter, please?
 Do you have a very slow machine? Very low memory?
 It takes maybe 15-20 minutes to compiler PrimOp.lhs on a 
 150 MHz SPARCstation-20.
 Probably not the machine, though.

Powerful  intel-686  machine, much memory:

cpu family  : 6
model   : 6
model name  : AMD Athlon(TM) MP 2000+
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 1666.742
cache size  : 256 KB

115 processes: 112 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:   7.2% user  92.2% system0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle
CPU1 states:  99.1% user   0.4% system0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle

Mem:   904512k av,  650588k used,  253924k free,   0k shrd,   60192k buff
   234516k active, 108332k inactive
Swap: 2048276k av,5936k used, 2042340k free219276k cached

20751 niiks 16   0  2360 2360  1724 R99.9  0.2  5640m   0 vim
25220 mechvel9   0 29616  28M  7368 S84.8  3.2   0:04   1 ghc-6.2.1
25224 mechvel   14   0 10420  10M  2496 R14.5  1.1   0:00   1 cc1
24125 mechvel   11   0  1148 1148   800 R 0.3  0.1   0:00   1 top

Maybe,  ghc-6.2.1  has a memory leak ...

Another reason may be that my GHC competes with other users programs,
and they have higher priority (I do not know).

Now, I restartedcd myfptools
make all
It advanced up to
  ../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace  -H16m -O  ...
and continues. 
Probably, this means that the compiler (and its PrimOp) has compiled,
and now the `make' is dealing with the library?

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

cvs ghc-6.2.. internal error

2004-05-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
And it also appears at the run-time.

`Making'  docon-2.08-pre   (like in previous report enclosed) 
under  -O,
making the test by cd $(s)/demotest
   ghc $pcpdocon --make T_ 

and running the test byghci $pcpdocon T_ +RTS any space -RTS
   T_ :set +s
   T_ test log
  fromOverX: X[y,z] - K[x,y,z] is the canonical isomorphism.
  --- RESULT:
  [ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge:
   unimplemented/strange closure type 64 @ 0x403c20a4
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Also the message   fromOverX: X[y,z] - K[x,y,z] ...

shows that at this point it works certain particular instance declared
in  Pol3_.hs.
Simon P. Jones wrote about this something like 
you may so far use old ghc-6xx.

* under  -Onot  the test runs successfully,
* it is desirable a DoCon-reliable official ghc-new (for -O too).

Please, advise,

Serge Mechveliani

-- previous report  

Dear GHC developers,

I have `made' GHC of   cvs update -r ghc-6-2-branch(about May 14)

by  ghc-6.2.1   on  RedHat Linux (about version 8) libc-2.2, i686.

Now, you have the docon-2.08-pre  
test, with  Pol3_.hs  containing

  instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
  LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))

And  make space=-M20m docon   
 openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
   Compiling Pfact3_ 
 ( pol/factor/Pfact3_.hs,
   /home/mechvel/docon/2.08/docon/source/export/Pfact3_.o )

   No old interface available

   ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge_mark_stack: 
   unimplemented/strange closure type 30 @ 0x41692598
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Repeating this command, or `making' it from the start under  -M30m 
avoids this report.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

internal error: scavenge:

2004-05-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
It also appears when a particular instance in  Pol3_
is replaced with what ghc required earlier.

  test log
 ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge:
 unimplemented/strange closure type 64 @ 0x40603330

It also appears under  -Onot

 :set +sremoves it.

Serge Mechveliani


Dear GHC developers,

I have `made' GHC of   cvs update -r ghc-6-2-branch(about May 14)

by  ghc-6.2.1   on  RedHat Linux (about version 8) libc-2.2, i686.

Now, you have the docon-2.08-pre  
test, with  Pol3_.hs  containing

  instance (LinSolvRing (Pol a), CommutativeRing a) =
  LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a))

And  make space=-M20m docon   
 openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
   Compiling Pfact3_ 
 ( pol/factor/Pfact3_.hs,
   /home/mechvel/docon/2.08/docon/source/export/Pfact3_.o )

   No old interface available

   ghc-6.2.1: internal error: scavenge_mark_stack: 
   unimplemented/strange closure type 30 @ 0x41692598
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Repeating this command, or `making' it from the start under  -M30m 
avoids this report.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

internal error

2004-05-17 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Addition to my previous two reports:

* this internal error  also happens in the test  ghci  
  when docon is compiled under  -Onot  too.

* But I tried:set +s  
  before test log
  , and with this, the test completed successfully. 

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: space leak in compiler?

2004-05-10 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
To my 

On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 12:06:32PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:

  I have tested  ghc-6.2.1
  But it seems to have a space leak in the compiler.
  make space=-M30m docon
  (involving  ghc --make ... +RTS -M30m -RTS)
  leads tosegmentation fault
  after compling several modules.
  Repeating this command several times allows to build the program.

 I'm looking into the segmentation fault.  But may I make some
 observations/suggestions first:
   - a space leak is when a program is using more space than it
 needs to.  You haven't given any evidence that GHC has a space
 leak, only that it uses more space as it compiles modules.  This
 isn't unreasonable.

The DoCon application has many modules.
In early versions `make' did the project with -Onot in less that  32Mb
, and without restart.
And  ghc-6.2.1  needs more the 90Mb for this.
Therefore I suspect a space leak due to GC work between compiling 
modules. Only suspect. 

 Also, it isn't unreasonable for GHC to run out of space during
 --make, but then make more progress when restarted.  It could
 be due to caches built up during compilation, for example.
 That's not to say that GHC doesn't have space leaks, just that
 you haven't given us any evidence that it does. (actually I've
 spent quite a bit of time squashing space leaks in GHC, and I know
 that 6.2 does have some small leaks left, but nothing major).
   - If you need to compile on small memory machines, I suggest you
 avoid --make, and use ordinary Makefiles or hmake instead.  Both
 of these will restart the compiler for each module, and hence
 avoid the behaviour you're seeing.  You might even get a speedup,
 because the compiler won't be forced to use the compacting GC
 all the time.

No, `make' it is all right in any case.
Simpler commands are preferable.
It is was all right in earlier GHC, why should it become worse in 
fresh ones? 
It forces the user to repeat the `make' command.
If so, then, evidently, the GHC driver can do such a repetition 
automatically, until it finishes making.

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

space leak in compiler?

2004-05-07 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

I have tested  ghc-6.2.1  
   (installed from (maybe) RPM on RedHat Linux (maybe) 8)
on my DoCon-2.08 application. It works, mainly.
But it seems to have a space leak in the compiler.

make space=-M30m docon
(involving  ghc --make ... +RTS -M30m -RTS)

leads tosegmentation fault  
after compling several modules.
Repeating this command several times allows to build the program.

I need to release an official  docon-2.08  within a couple of days.
And am going write in  Installation guide 

   Commandmake space=... docon

If it reports  segmentation fault,  repeat the command, 
until it compliles everything
(this is, probably, due to a bug in GHC, not vital for the work
 with DoCon and which will be fixed in future GHC versions).
With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

repeated import warning

2003-11-18 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC developers,

What about compiler's warning of repeated import of items?
For the large import lists this may be useful,
and  ghc-6.01  seems to lack this:

  module T where
  import Maybe (isJust, isJust)
  f = isJust

  ghc -c T.hs  

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

package treating

2003-10-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
I wrote recently about `strange' package management in 

I thank Swenn Pan, who explained the effect to me:
about  List  from  haskell98 package  and  data  depending on
I missed the point because I am a bit stupid and also because the 
package treating changes rapidy from version to version.

I presumed that, as the   ghci  
command loads all usable libraries, then

ghci -package-conf myPackage.conf -package myPackage

will load   all that `ghci' loads  +
what is specified in  myPackage.conf.

But, probably, this is not (should not be?) so: the option

 -package-conf myPackage.conf 

fully replaces the configuration, and the package search is done 
only according to what is specified in  
, right? 
The program needs to link module  List.
List  is of  haskell98  package (right?), 
and  myPackage  does not mention any package dependency which could 
lead  haskell98.  
Therefore the linker does not find in the loaded libraries some
needed item for List. 
Then,  ghci  reports of `panic'.
Maybe, it should report instead
  library item Foo not found, List items are of haskell98 package,
   do you have it on package dependecies?
, something like this.

Also there remains a question about concrete usage of  ghc-pkg -g
. Please, explain this


Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: user package blocks standard ones

2003-10-21 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 01:56:38PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:

  I suspect that  ghc-pkg -g
  may help to replace the messy line
  ld -r -x --whole-archive $(e)/libHSdocon.a -o $(e)/HSdocon.o
  in the above Makefile, but cannot guess how to use here this  
  ghc-pkg -g.

 Yes, that's exactly what ghc-pkg -g does.  It's usage is
 straightforward.  Could you elaborate on what you find unclear?  Did you
 try just adding -g to the ghc-pkg command line?

I tried earlier -- without success. And now it works.
Probably, I confused something.
I am sorry.

My bug reports mostly turn false.
But there remains the interpreter crash, let us see.  


Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

user package blocks standard ones

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Please, what is the matter with the packages in  ghc-6.0.1  ?

   installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla),
   i-386 unknown

It does not find the library items, say  List.sort,
when it `makes' under the  user package  in the user project  
importing standard library.
This package is called  docon,  and it is for a contrived project 
of a single small module.
Similarly,  ghci -package-conf docon.conf
  Loading package docon ... linking ...
  /home/mechvel/test/export/HSdocon.o: unknown symbol `__stginit_List_'
  ghc-6.0.1: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.0.1):
can't load package `docon'
  Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Either it loads the packages of GHC itself, or, if it deals with 
the user package, the packages of GHC are somehow blocked out.

When the user project does not  import List  and the such, then
ghc --make -package-conf docon.conf   
but ghci   -package-conf docon.conf

still does not (probably, it still needs to load some ghc packages).
The user package is 
 Package {name= docon,
  import_dirs = [$e], 
  source_dirs = [], 
  library_dirs= [$e], 
  hs_libraries= [HSdocon],
  extra_libraries = [],
  include_dirs= [],
  c_includes  = [],
  package_deps= [],
  extra_ghc_opts  = [],
  extra_cc_opts   = [],
  extra_ld_opts   = [] 
, $e is the the path to user package .hi, .o, and library directory.

I struggled with it for two days.
Then, occasionally, tried to set   package_deps = [data]

, even though my contrived user package does not use data.
And it started to work, to load everything needed!

Then I try package_deps = [base]

And here   ghci -package-conf docon.conf
reports again the `panic'. 

Here follows the precise data.

The file  Head.hs  in the `root' directory  $(s)  contains

module Head where  import List (sort)
   f = sort [1,2]  :: [Int] 
The file  Makefile  in the same directory is for creating the 
package and `making' the project. So that the command 
  make docon
does the following in succession.

* creates a directory  $(e) = $(s)/export
* makes a project by
  $(ghc) $(HCFlags) --make Head  -package-name docon

* creates the libraries   $(e)/libHSdocon.a  $(e)/HSdocon.o
  with  ar  and  ld
* creates a package  docon  referring to these libraries:
  echo $(pack) | ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -u
where  $(pack)  is a string for the package which Makefile sets 

The command   make clear   is for un-doing of all this.

Here is the precise  Makefile:

ghc = /usr/bin/ghc
#   edit these two  ***
s   = /home/mechvel/test

e   = $(s)/export
RANLIB  = ar -s
HCFlags = -odir $(e) -hidir $(e)

pack = Package {name= \docon\, \
import_dirs = [\$(e)\],\
source_dirs = [],  \
library_dirs= [\$(e)\],\
hs_libraries= [\HSdocon\], \
extra_libraries = [], \
include_dirs= [], \
c_includes  = [], \
package_deps= [], \
extra_ghc_opts  = [], \
extra_cc_opts   = [], \
extra_ld_opts   = [] }

if [ ! -d $(e) ]; then mkdir $(e); fi
$(ghc) $(HCFlags) --make Head  -package-name docon

docon: obj
rm -f  $(e)/libHSdocon.a $(e)/HSdocon.o
ar -qc $(e)/libHSdocon.a $(wildcard $(e)/*.o)
$(RANLIB)  $(e)/libHSdocon.a
ld -r -x --whole-archive $(e)/libHSdocon.a -o $(e)/HSdocon.o
ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -l
echo $(pack) | ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -u
ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -l

ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -r docon
rm -f  $(s)/docon.conf.old
rm -rf $(e)
rm -f $(s)/log


To exclude the List library,   comment out the line  `import ..'
and replace the line  `f = ...'  with  `f = True'.

Question on  ghc-pkg -g

User guide for packages does not explain this precisely.
I suspect that   
 ghc-pkg -g
may help to replace the messy line
ld -r -x --whole-archive $(e)/libHSdocon.a -o $(e)/HSdocon.o

in the above Makefile, but cannot guess how to use here this  
ghc-pkg -g.
Is it clear from the guide paragraph 

interactive: internal error: scavenge:

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

  installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
  i-386 unknown

runs into the following bug after `making' of my large project and
when running the test
  T_.test log  
from Interpreter:
  finds gs' = Groebner basis gs,
  tests the reduction of  fs by gs, gs' by gs, gs by gs',
  tests the transformation matrix fs - gs
  --- RESULT:
  [True,interactive: internal error: scavenge:
  unimplemented/strange closure type 64 @ 0x4056c418
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

The same test compiled to  Main.main  and --make-ed to  a.out
runs correct.

The project is large, and the bug looks hard to locate.
The archive of the source to install is about   900 Kb.

I could send it to the GHC team on the subject of debugging GHC, 
if you tell me any appropriate personal address.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

interactive: internal error: scavenge

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
addition to the previous bug report on 

   interactive: internal error: scavenge

when the project is made under -O, this bug is not revealed
(but it may, for example, appear under different memory options,
who knows).

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

interactive: internal error, ghc-6.0.1

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
I suspect that may previous bug report on interactive interpreter 
should be replaced with the following one, which is simple to 
This is on

  installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla),
  i-386 unknown.

Probably, you can reduce the example several times more.

  ghci Main +RTS -M1m -RTS

  .. : Main
  .. main
  (interactive: internal error: thread_stack: 
  weird activation record found on stack: 1564
  Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..

Probably, the interpreter manages memory in a wrong way.
Can you reproduce the effect?


Serge Mechveliani

main = let xs = [1..9000]   -- change this number
-- and see the message from ghc
   (x's, s1) = sortE compare xs
   putStr $ shows s1 \n

type CompValue= Ordering
type Comparison a = a - a - CompValue

mergeE :: Comparison a - [a] - [a] - ([a],Char)
  -- Extended merge:
  -- the transposition sign '+' | '-' is also accumulated.

mergeE cp xs ys = m xs ys $ evenL xs
  m [] ys _  = (ys,'+')
  m xs [] _  = (xs,'+')
  m (x:xs) (y:ys) ev = case  cp x y  of

GT - (y:zs, mulSign s ev)  where  (zs,s) = m (x:xs) ys ev
_  - (x:zs, s) where  (zs,s) = m xs (y:ys) (invSign ev)

ortE :: Comparison a - [a] - ([a],Char)
-- Extended sort:
-- the permutation sign '+' | '-'  also accumulates.
sortE _  []  = ([] , '+')
sortE _  [x] = ([x], '+')
sortE cp xs  = let  (ys ,zs) = halve xs
(ys',s1) = sortE cp ys
(zs',s2) = sortE cp zs
(us ,s3) = mergeE cp ys' zs'
   in   (us, mulSign s3 $ mulSign s1 s2)

halve :: [a] - ([a],[a])
halvexs  = h [] xs xs  where
   h ls (x:rs) (_:_:ys) = h (x:ls) rs ys
   h ls rs _= (reverse ls, rs)

mulSign :: Char - Char - Char
mulSignx   y=  if  x==y  then '+'  else '-'

invSign :: Char - Char
invSign'+'  =  '-'
invSign'-'  =  '+'

evenL :: [a] - Char
evenL [] = '+'
evenL (_:xs) = invSign $ evenL xs

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2003-03-28 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear  ghc-5.02.2,

  ghc -c -fwarn-unused-matches
  Warning: Defined but not used: x

when compiling the function

  f :: Eq a = [(a, a)] - (a, a) - [(a, a)]
  fps  (x, y) =  [(z, y) | (z, x) - ps]

Is it a bug?

Answer, please, to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list